HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-90-096Temp. Reso. #5745 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R- 90- ?& A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ACCEPTING A TAM- ARAC UTILITIES WEST WATER AND SEWER UTILITY EASEMENT OFFERED BY RICHARD C. JONES, AS TRUSTEE, FOR LAND TRUST NO. SECTION 7 FOR THE WEST POINT PROJECT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the Tamarac Utilities West Water and Sewer Utility easement offered by Richard C. Jones, as trustee, for Land Trust No. Section 7 for the West Point Project is HEREBY APPROVED AND ACCEPTED, a copy of said easement being attached hereto as "Exhibit 1". SECTION 2: That the appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to execute said easement on behalf of the City. SECTION 3: That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record said easement in the public records of Broward County, Florida. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall become effective upon rau adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this $ day of 1990. ATTEST: CAROL A. VANS CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RES TION as to rm. ALAN F. OF INTERIM CITY A TORNEY 33 34 35 NORMAN ABRAMOWITZ MAYOR RECORD OE COON- M M.AYOR, 4ocur ' DISTRICT 1: C/M 604 R DISTRICT 2: CjM SC 0v M't DISTRICT 3: VIM +per a r'-TRICT 4:C4M 66NDeR'. 1 1 1-1 SENT BY:RUDIN BARNE77 #2FLL 3-12-80 ; 2:48PM Ruden Barnett FLL-* 3127508373;# 3 TAMAMC UTILUM. WEST AND §XWZR UTILM ZAAMM FOR = easea�oras Has -Of na MT on this.,$? _ day of .t.�'. M'oe- ,..,..� 19 s :. , Mi-lk-rd C. Jones. anTrustion ee of Lead swat No • having an address of MAtee360psdison Chicago, Illinois GNOO (hereinafter "Grantor") , expressly grants nonwcluaive aaAe634nent to the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, having an s4dress at 7525 N-No 68th Avenue, Tamarac, l Florid&, 33321, (hereinafter "Grantee"), subject to the following provisions and in consideration of the sum of Tea Dollars (10.00) and other good and valuable considerations paid by grantee to Granter, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by both parties. Grantor is the fee simple owner of that parcel of real property, ai legal description of which is attached hereto as Exhibit ^A•, and incorporated by reference herein, (hereinafter the servient estate"), Grantor hereby grants, bargains and sells to Grantee, its non-esol ve successors cad assigns, a perpetual: easement under, over and upon a portion of the servianr estate, a legal description of which is attached hereto as Nahibit "i' and incorporated by reference herein, (hereinafter 'the easement area•) , Grantee may use the easement area for the laying, installing, maintaining. operating and altering of water lines and appurtenant facilities, sewer lines and appurtenant facilities as well as for surface water storm dacainage, and for other comparable public utility purposes. 050880 Tors wave -1- 0 u SENT BY RUD:N BARNETT 82FLL ; 9-12-90 2:49PM ; Rudan Bernet FLLy 9127509379;0 4 Grantee's right to Utiliss the easement area shall b<'iclusivs. • tv-th*-txbte nt�-wig}-�srb-�-ea�sn�vr•�i�rntr;-nerrmain a-aasr-haa+--free-rrl-.posal+�-se---h�rses�et-tea -ai-I�iw4Csan#ree�-•sewleas-dish•-sraa.�an-tom. F i crfdr-Power- a -highb,Cott hts r-8a3�--Old rsncfii�ra+� btye--gV-fit ►s3e4-iris-�a�e�A# ��—:;�,;:.t-�¢1aa-. Grantor may, for its own purpotos, utilise the easement area &Ad shall retain * right of free ingress.and egress under, over and upon the sasement areas provided that, in no event, shall any a9 the rights herein reserved to Grantor impede the eassuent herein granted or the exercise of the rights of use thereunder. Grantor grams to Grantee, a perpetual non-exclusive easement upon the servient estate Whereby Grantee shall have reasonable access necessary to fully exercise Granteals•rights within the easeaent area. The provisions of the easement shall be binding an the parties hereto and their respective successove and assigns as a covenant running with and binding upon the servient estate. This easament shall not be released ox amended without consent of the Grantee as evidenced by a document signed with the same formalities as this document. Grantee shall record this document in the Public Records of Hroward County, Florida. 0508ag -2- 0 WUN .mown • 0 j SENT BY:RUDIN BARNETT 02FLL 3-12-80 ; 2:50PM Ruden Barnett FLL-4 3127508373+# 5 This instruaent b ontaine the entire agreement between the parties relating to the rights granted and the obligations &amused pursuant to this instrument. Any oral representations at aladilications conce Ming this instrument, shall be of no force and effect, excepting a subsequent modification reduced to writing, signed by the party to be IN WITNEIG wHxRZ0rj Grantor has hereunto set his hand an& seal on the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and de iv sad iWtrosence off: (Gi1AdT01t) Ri C. J0 {" as • ee o Load No. 941raticm 7 ness (deal if Corporation) COUNTY OF 112MM COOK I HERHBY CERTIFY that on this day, before so, an Officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgelwent$, personally appeared e: to as known to bob e on described in and who execuT:sa T:ne ;ore- goinq instrument and acknowledged before me that executed tha save. sTinass my hand and official seal in the County and state last aforesaid this IJday of o y Public My Commission Expires: 0�0lS9 TVK voles OFFICIAL SEAL JUDITH D. FAWE4 NOTARY > UMjC STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION MW. OCT. 76.1"2 _3_ 4.4 .._ 0 SENT BY:RUDIN BARNE77 *2FLL + 8-12-00 t' 2:60PM + Ruden Barnett FLLa ATTEST: By Jo h P. Ke lyo TY MANAGER ATTEST: Cival A. Evans, ciTY CLIAK 21276068734 6 ACCEPTED BY CITY OF TAMARAC# By CITY STATE OF FLORM COUNTY OF BROVARD I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and LA the county aforesaid to take naWleda z�tR, Qersoa appes► d- to me known to e • '-ppV6Ph dGs0Z1b6d--in and Who execute a ore- geing instrument and aakncw1*d4ad before me that executed the game. WITNESS myand and soli Fort LauderdaieP, dowerd County, Florida, this day of Notary eu o My Commission Expires MDTARY PM S1FIE FGDRID0 NY COMRI5 om up SEPI 17,199 60000 SBRu GEIER4 I%S. UMD. TUs/WZS UT . ESMT - Revised 5/8/89 050889 -+r TUN WGUM" 0 0 0 SENT BY:RUDIN BARNETT 82FLL ; 3-12-80 ; 2:51PM ; Ruden Barnett FLL-o x�r E3r�s 3127508373;# 7 jam. . REPRODUCTi0N3 OR THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'l REAL. 2. BEARINQS SHOWN HEREON VR3E MERCIAT�R PRFLORIDAN COORDINATE OS TONE !K ITHS RESURVEY ZONE, GRID NORTH, TRANS AGE 44 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF AS RECORDED IN MISC. MAP b00K 3, P BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA). 3. THE "LAND DESCRIPTION HEREON WAS PREPARED 0Y THE SURVEYOR. 4. UNDERGROUND FOUNDATIONS NOT LOCATED. S. UNDERGROUND ENCROACHMENTS NOT LOCATED OR SHOWN. 7. �INTERIOR ��w RIOR IMPROVEMENTS ARE NOT SMa N LD swu - LANQ DESCRIPTION: .r ON — ON NO A PORTION OF TRACTS z6 AND T31, HEREOF, AS RECORDED A D PLATM 80DKPANY B1DPAGE,z102 OF 2", ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORN9R OFASONa27HE 7EAST0ERL'YH LINE O - THEE SOUTHEAST EAST; THENCE NORTH Oto24 48 WESTOF 1904.17 ONE -QUARTER ( 8E 1 /4 ) QP SAID SECTION 7AA DIWT THANC A5 MEASURED FEET TO Aa POINT ON A LINE 734.49 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLELSAID To, THE NORTHERLY LINEN OF THE 5OUTSA NE -HALF S LINE, AFDi TANCEE OF I 68.71 THENCE SOUTH 89. 19 54WEST ALONG LINZ FEET TO A POINT D. ON THE F BEGINNING: THENCEaCONTINUEYSOUT Q59c 019 64„ WEST ALSO BEING THE POINT OFON A LINE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OFTHESEASTERLY LINER CFO THE SOUTHEAST 1323.68 FEET WEST OF AND PARALLEL WITH ONE -QUARTER (SE 1/4) OF SAID SECTION 7'FgET"TO A POINT ON A LINE 7Y19-69aFEET SAID PARALLEL LINE, A DISTANCE OF 1b.00 SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY HE ? 54" EAS FALONG SAID PARALLEi. LINE, A OF SAID SECTION 7; THENCE NORTH 99 1s DISTANCE OF 1256.26 FEET TO A POINT0030 09N THE '�F 39" WEST ALONGYSAID HWESTERLY LINE OF NOB HILL ROAD; THENCE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE, A OISTANCB OF 15.04 FEET TO THE POINT OF 6EGINCD NTAINING SAID LANDS LYING IN THE CITY OF TAMARAAC, SROWARQ COUNTY, FLORIDA, 18,4p6 SQUARE FEET (0.4359 ACRE), MORE OR LESS. W�r1cAT_� WE HEREBY' CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED SKETCH TFOl6 DESCRIPTION OUR OF THE KNOWLEDGE REON ANG DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS TRUE AND CORREC BELIEF AS DELINEATED UNDER OUR DIRNCME T6 THE TION IN FMINIMUM �TECHNQCAL STANDARD CERTIFY THAT THIS SKETCH OF DESCRI F p SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OFEPRPlF18UANTA T04 gECTSURVEYORS ONV ��2� p?7� F1.ORIDE 21HH-St FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE COD , STATUTES. SUBJECT TO THE QUALIFICATIONS NOTED HEREON. KEITH AND SCHNARS. P.A. 112855A.CSM ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1. 1 JON P, WEBER, PLs ORIDA.REIQISTRATION NO.%,4323 11 • • I kE'TC#sD� SEMtolYGN , R OOA7/dn+ d f THE 'YovZ 4yEA5'l ) fi d, Y, rwR 40 it► Of j9 A • 0 DAtRi'1^�r/"�rs� iCALI1xLa-..' OJILD .K. VWNSI 1M emit, IY,.�.. unAvr+ Extended Page 7.1 lFlii�. -w*, 9f g FHKerc GRAWIN4 NO. /2 j' +_ �J �J 0 SENT BY:RUDIN BARNETT 82FLL 3-12-80 2:52PM Ruden Barnett FLL-* t` 3127508373:# 8 , W. T LIr Ic OF de Al 9rc. 7 �i%D%"• r�4 • ~ill l904 l7 "IsT/rYG relw .vmp MI. + OAD hAl d '•sue L _. r C"lb W- 7'34.89 70/9.8G le; a � 1!1 W o �' .�,� � tip. • �� io 0 0 0 1 tkE Cy Djr esc a1PrION DA79 "CEIR �� 6�9B�+I6ivr ,QAL.�Yi� 1,4�Np SlZe7rlON 7- .SJPrf% ,,a6.low, A. ,A po,0riaM of TG'E,. toWrHER9r. TWR 40 8, , Out 41 Ic • Extended Pogo 8.1 i mil NO...6+ OF =MISTi 11 0 0 0 11 0 0