HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-97-0351 Temp. Reso. #7644 Page 1 Revision #1 - 2/5/97 Revision #2 - 2/11/97 Revision #3 - 2/20/97 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-97 35 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF SECURITY GUARD SERVICES FROM THE WACKENHUT CORPORATION; GRANTING THE PURCHASING & CONTRACTS MANAGER THE AUTHORITY TO WAIVE PURCHASING PROCEDURES PURSUANT TO CITY OF TAMARAC CODE, §6-155, AND PURCHASE FROM CONTRACTS WITH OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES; AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $88,660; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Broward Sheriffs Office and the Public Works Department conducted a Security Survey of all City buildings and facilities; and WHEREAS, one of the findings of the study recommended the use of security personnel at certain City facilities in order to enhance the safety of employees and visitors while on City property; and WHEREAS, City of Tamarac Code, §6-155, grants the Purchasing & Contracts Manager the authority to waive purchasing procedures and purchase from contracts with other governmental agencies; and WHEREAS, the WACKENHUT Corporation was awarded an open-end contract by the Broward County Board of Commissioners for the provision of security services at County Government facilities; and Temp. Reso. #7644 Page 2 Revision #1 - 2/5/97 Revision #2 - 2/11/97 Revision #3 - 2/20/97 WHEREAS, the Wackenhut Corporation has agreed to extend and honor all terms and conditions contained in the County agreement to the City including naming the City as a certificate holder on a $5 million general liability insurance policy and issuing a hold harmless agreement indemnifying the City against liabilities caused by the actions of Wackenhut employees, a copy of said document is attached as Exhibit "1 "; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Operations Manager and the Purchasing and Contracts Manager have reviewed the County purchasing process and contract for service and have determined that the best interests of the City would be served by utilizing the Broward County agreement for the provision of security services; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to utilize the Wackenhut Corporation for the provision of municipal security services utilizing a Broward County Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption hereof. Temp. Reso. #7644 Page 3 Revision #1 - 2/5/97 Revision #2 - 2/11/97 Revision #3 - 2/20197 SECTION : That the appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to purchase security guard services from the Wackenhut Corporation in order to enhance the safety of employees and visitors while on City property. SECTION 3: Pursuant to City of Tamarac Code, § 6-155, the Purchasing and Contracts Manager is hereby granted the authority to waive purchasing procedures and further authorizes the procurement of security services from the Wackenhut Corporation utilizing Broward County Bid D-03-95-03-24, (a copy of said agreement being hereto attached as Exhibit "2"), the October 25, 1996 Hold Harmless Agreement, and the February 6, 1997 letter from Wackenhut (attached hereto as Exhibit I"). SECTION 4: Approved expenditures are authorized within the General Fund in an amount not to exceed $88,660 from the account entitled "Other Contractual Services". SECTION 5: A budget transfer in the amount of $88,660 within the General Fund from account entitled "Police Protection Services" to an account entitled "Other Contractual Services" is hereby approved for correct accounting purposes. SECTION 6: All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. 1 1 Temp. Reso. #7644 Page 4 Revision #1 - 2/5/97 Revision #2 - 2/11/97 Revision #3 - 2/20/97 SECTION 7: If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. SECTION 8: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 2C ATTEST: CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I approved this - RESOLUTION as to form. L_.- MITCHELL S. CITY ATTO MAG-(Commission Mtg. 2/12/97) day of Ff-MU-4,1' Y, 1997. LA RY MISHKIN VICE MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE MAYC DIST DIST DIST DIST MR-E T Die pD-03- 5-03.3 /�� DE =BERVICSB TEMP. -RESO, NO*, . .� TO+ DRONARDFCOUNTY COUNTY, FLORIDACOMMISSIONERS All blanks have been filled in, BID omm to attached to the completed •Invitation For aid" and returned herewith. In accordance with all t64110. conditions, specifications and requirements, the bidder offers the followings GROUP 1 (ITSKS 1 -rXRU 4) ESTIMATED VNI IT ANNUAL17 CO OUXTYDCODE FFRIT FRIDagGE (1981100y050001 1. 20,000 hrs. (Per AttachmmentC"A-1")ne (I) 4 10� 215 ,+000.00 pecuri0050002Guard 4 12. 50 / �, 12, 500.00 • 2. 1,000 hrr. #98210Guard Clare Two (II) (Par At a9curitysG000 -15 . 50 � 3. 500 hrr. �p;r=;tGuard aahmentC1Ar1",brae (III) _. /hr 7 500.00 4. 1 Security Cart/Vehicle i200.00 M *a. i • 00 PER YR. EACH GROUF 1' TOTAL (rT=9 1 TEAU 4) * .37 0.00 Delivery will be made within(1 LQn calendar days of the receipt of Purobase Order — in accordance with 10.3 of •gpecial Instructions to Sidder• indicate if an *:caption to insurance requirements is being requested. Be specific and state reasons EN TIMES THE WACKENHUT CORPORATION'S MINIMUM LIABILITY IN E THE DOLLAR AMOUNT REQUIRED IN THE IZB. WE RE VEST THAT BROWARD C= C IDER A P1UTtTALLY AGREED UPON ."HOLD HARMLESS" AGREEMENT INSTEAD OF Tr1E "ADDITIONAL INSURED" REQUIREMENT. BROWARD COUNTY WOULD BE THE CMIFICATE RECYCLED CONT�+rT R=TI r 1. IS SEE MATERIAL IN TB3 ABOVE: VIRM X OR 1[EG'xrSED fG'ESQC TEE .IPPLSCASLE BLANX) . IF ABCYCI=, RErr-PEXCXNTAAE PRODUCT DESCXIPTIanv: SECURITY OFFICER SERVICES 9. x YOUR ROOUCT CK PAjMW AND/OR BEZPPXD nr =2 RIAL CONTAMIN9 XECYCLED CONTENT? EPEarrr N/A 3. IF YOUR PRODUCT RECrCLADLS AFTEX Zr HAS XEACHED ST'E MTZMWED END CBE? YR$ so EPEcrrr NSA TEE ABOVE IB NOT APPLICADLE Ir TBEXE IB ONLY A PEXSONAL 9E2VIC3 INVOLVED HITS NO PRODUCT I]NVOZOMMT. "THE UNDERSIGNED BIDDER WILL EXTEND THE SANE PRICE, TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO OTHER GOVERNMENTS LOCATED IN BROWARD COUNTY DURING THE PERIOD COVERED DY THIS CONTRACT, IF REQUIREDs" X YES NO VENDOR FAX # 305-771--5408 Acknowledgement is hereby made of the following Addenda or Amendments (identified by number) received since issuance of this bids NONE NOTICE TO BIDDER81 e c c a Federal Employer's Identification Number make on the face a the Invitation For Bid/Bidder Acknowledgement loan (IFD) (BLUE) and make appropriate corrections on the IFB. If the County does not have the correct FBIH, PAY"ENTS LJIIVNOT BE XADE TP Y04X FIRM. 0 NAMa OF BIDDER THE WACKENBUT CORPORATION MOTS TO pROBPECTIVE BIDDER TION FOR DID. IBIDDSR AGDf011LEDOE�l1' (BLCEI Fowl BI(DYa Br AN AUTEOXIZED XEPXESXNTATIVX OF YOUR FIRN OR YOUR AID HILL HOT BE CONSIJERW XESPMEX". Be•P943 Page L6 of 41 419 "I' `L EXHIBIT TEMP. RESO. bs:, 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMIT BID TO: BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA Broward County Purchasing Division 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room 212 INVITATION FOR B I D Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-1801 Bidder Acknowledgment — GENERAL CONDITIONS — THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE STANDARD FOR ALL CONTRACTS FOR COMMODITIEWSERVICES ISSUED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAY DELETE, SUPERSEDE OR MODIFY ANY OF THESE STANDARD INSTRUCTIONS FOR A PARTICULAR CONTRACT BY INDICATING SUCH CHANGE IN THE SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS OR IN THE BID SHEETS. BY ACCEPTANCE OF A PURCHASE ORDER ISSUED BY THE COUNTY, BIDDER AGREES THAT THE PROVISIONS INCLUDED WITHIN THIS INVITATION FOR BID SHALL PREVAIL OVER ANY CONFLICTING PROVISION WITHIN ANY STANDARD FORM CONTRACT OF THE BIDDER REGARDLESS OF ANY LANGUAGE IN BIDDER'S CONTRACT TO THE CONTRARY. SEALED BIDS: This form must be executed and submitted with all bid sheets In a sealed envelope. (DO NOT INCLUDE MORE THAN ONE BID PER ENVELOPE). The face of the envelope shall contain the above address, the date and the time of bid opening, and bid number. Bids not submitted on attached bid form may be rejected. All bids are subjected to the conditions specified herein. Those which do not comply with these conditions are subject to rejection. 1. EXECUTION OF BID: Bid must contain an original signature of an individual authorized to bind the bidder. Bid must be typed or printed in ink. All corrections made by bidder to his bid must also be Initialled. The bidder's name should also appear an each page of the bid sheet If required. Bids will not be accepted from firms in arrears to the Board of County Commissioners upon debt or contract nor from a defaulter upon obligations to the Board of County Commissioners. Bidder certifies by signing the bid that no principals or corporate officers of his firm were principals or corporate officers In any other firm which may have been suspended or debarred from doing business with Broward County within the last three years, unless so noted in the bid documents. 2. NO BID: If not submitting a bid, respond by returning this Bidder Acknowledgement form, marking it "NO BID", no later than the stated bid opening date and hour, and explain the reason in the space provided. Failure to respond without justification may be cause for removal of the bidder's name from the bid mailing list. NOTE: To quality as a respondent. bidder must submit a "NO BID." 3. BID WITHDRAWAL: No bidder may withdraw his bid before the expiration of ninety (90) calendar days from the date of bid opening unless vendor so notes in the bid. 4. BID OPENING: Shall be public, on date, location and time specified on the bid form. It is the bidder's responsibility to assure that his bid is delivered at the proper time and place of bid opening. Bids, which for any reason are not so delivered, will not be considered. Bid files and any bids after they are opened may be examined during normal working hours by appointment. Bid tabulations are available for inspection upon request. 5. ADDENDA TO BID: Broward County reserves the right to amend this Bid prior to the Bid opening date indicated. fOnly written addenda will be binding. If, upon review, material errors in specifications are found, contact the Purchasing Division immediately, prior to Bid opening date, to allow for review and subsequent clarification on the part of Broward County. (Continued on Page 2) 1 �� • BIDS WILL BE OPENED 2 p.m. 1 and may not be withdrawn within 90 calendar dQre AQ �uah�ia�fe and time. BID TITLE SECURITY SERVICES BID NO. PURCHASING AGENT NAME 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER DELIVERY DATE CASH DISCOUNT TERMS BID GUARANTY IS ATTACHED, BID BOND INCLUDED WHEN REQUIRED, IN THE AMOUNT OF s 2% OF BID REASON FOR NO BID FEDERAL EMPLOYER I.D. or SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 590857245 1. DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER 1 90857245 BIDDER NAME CORP. -1si-ACKELIHUT BIDDER MAILING ADDRESS/CITY/STATE/ZIP 2001 N.W. S2 STREET FT. L.AUDERDALE: F'L 33309 AREA CODE TELEPHONE NO. I CONTACT PERSON l71 500�' DREW I..EVINE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (original In Ink) DREW LEVINE VICE PRESIDENT, S. FLORIDA DIST. TYPED NAME OF SIGNER TITLE 1 ceriffy that this bid b mede without prior undermandMg, agrserneft or Omnscfion whh errs oorparatim, firm or person submilfing a bid for the same demdsaMm, and Y In all respects fair and without doiltlalan or hood. 1 agree to abide by all wriedlorn of eft bid end cw* that I am su#hOdzad to sign this bid for the blddar. Further by slgrhabrre of this Iomt, pope 1 through a are acknoMedged end sooapred as wed as arry spacial WwWWAon dMe1(s) It eppdaabla. Form 0103-29 (Rev. 1/93) Page 1 of 4 Pages 4= TEMP. RESO. No. ' PRICES. TERMS � PAYMENTS: Firm prices shall be bid Management Division, 115 South Andrews Avenue, 9 include all handling, set up, shipping and inside delivery Room 210, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-1803. The r.. charges to the destination shown herein unless otherwise MSDS must include the following information. - indicated. (a) The chemical name and the common name of the toxic) r (a) The Bidder: in submitting this bid certifies that the substance. prices quoted herein are not higher than the prices (b) The hazards or other risks in the use of the toxic _ at which the same commodity(iss) or service(s) is sold substance, including: in approximately similar quantities under similar terms ' and conditions to any purchaser whomsoever. 1. The potential for fire, explosion, corrosivity, and (b) F.O.B. Delivery Point ---- All prices bid must be F.O.B. reactivity; delivery point, unloaded inside and assembled unless 2. The known acute and chronic health effects of otherwise indicated. risks from exposure, Including the medical (c) Tie Bids: The award on to bids will be decided by conditions which are generally recognized as the Director of the Purchasing Division in accordance being aggravated by exposure to the toxic substance; and with the provisions of the Procurement Code. (d) TAXES: Broward County is exempt from Federal 3. The primary routes of entry and symptoms of Excise and Florida Sales taxes on direct purchase of overexposure. tangible property. Exemption numbers appear on (c) The proper precautions, handling practices, necessary purchase,order. personal protective equipment, and other safety (a) DISCOUNTS: Bidders may offer a cash discount for precautions in the use of or exposure to the toxic substances, including appropriate emergency treat. prompt payment. However, such discounts will not be ment in case of overexposure. considered in determining the lowest net cost for bid evaluation purposes. Bidders should reflect any dis- (d) The emergency procedure for spills, fire, disposal, and counts to be considered in the bid evaluation in the first aid. unit prices bid. (e) A description in lay terms of the known specific potential (f) MISTAKES: Bidders are cautioned to examine all health risks posed by .the toxic substance intended to specifications, drawings, delivery instructions, unit alert any person reading this information. prices, extensions and all other special conditions per- taining to the bid. Failure of the bidder to examine all (f) The year and month, if available, that the information pertinent documents shall not entitle him to any relief was compiled and the name, address, and emergency from the conditions imposed in the contract. In case telephone number of the manufacturer responsible for of mistakes in extension, the unit price shall govern. preparing the information. Multiplication or addition errors are deemed clerical g, OPEN-END CONTRACT: No guarantee is expressed or errors and shall be corrected by the County. implied as to the total quantity of commodities/services to (g) ORDERING: The Board of County Commissioners be purchased under any open end contract. Estimated quan- reserves the right to purchase commodities/services tities will be used for bid comparison purposes only. The specified herein through contracts established by other Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to: issue purchase orders as and when required, or, issue a blanket governmental agencies or through separate procure- ment actions due to unique or special needs. If an purchase order for individual agencies and release partial urgent delivery is required, within a shorter period than quantities or, issue instructions for use of Direct Purchase the delivery time specified in the contract and if the Orders by various County agencies, or, any combination seller is unable to comply therewith, the Board of County of the preceding. No delivery shall become due or be acceptable without a written order by the County, unless Commissioners reserves the right to obtain: such delivery from others without penalty or prejudice to the otherwise provided in the contract. Such order will contain County or to the seller. the quantity, time of delivery and other pertinent data. However, on items urgently required, the seller may be given 7. CONDITIONS AND PACKAGING: Unless otherwise stated telephone notice, to be confirmed by an order in writing. in the special instructions to bidders or the bid sheets, or specifically ordered from an accepted price list, deliveries 10. CONTRACT PERIOD (OPEN-END CONTRACT The must consist only of new and unused goods and shall be d initial contract period shall start with the expiration date of the previous contract or date of award, whichever is latest, the current standards production model available at the time and shall terminate one year from that date. The of the bid. The goods must be suitably packaged for ship- contractor will complete delivery and the County will receive ment by common carrier. Each container or multiple units delivery any orders mailed the contractor prior to the or items otherwise packaged shall bear a label, imprint, date of expiration. The Purchasing Director may renew this stencil or other legible markings stating name of manufac- contract for a second period subject to vendor acceptance, surer or supplier, purchase order number and any other satisfactory performance and determination that renewal will markings required by specifications, or other acceptable be in the best interest of the County. Notification of Intent means of identifying vendor and purchase order number. to Renew will be mailed sixty (60) calendar days in advance 8. SAFETY STANDARDS: Unless otherwise stipulated in the of expiration date of this contract. All prices, terms and bid, all manufactured items and fabricated assemblies shall conditions shall remain firm for the initial period of the comply with applicable requirements of Occupational Safety contract and for any renewal period unless subject to price and Health Act and any standards thereunder. In com- adjustment specified as a "special condition" hereto, pliance with Chapter 442, Florida Statutes, any toxic substance listed In Section 38F-41.03 of the Florida In the event services are scheduled to end because Administrative Code delivered from a contract resulting of the expiration of this contract, the Contractor shall from this bid must be accompanied by a Material Safety continue the service upon the request of the Purchasing Data Sheet (MSDS). A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Director. The extension period shall not extend for more should also be submitted to the Broward County Risk than ninety (90) days beyond the expiration date of the Page 2 of 4 Pages` existing contract The Contractor shall be compensated for the service at the rate in effect when this extension clause is Invoked by the County. FIXED CONTRACT QUANTITIES: Purchase order(s) for full quantities will be issued to successful bidder(s) attar notification of award and receipt of all required documents. Fixed contract quantities up to twenty (20) percent of the originally specified quantities may be ordered prior to the expiration of one (1) year after the date of award, provided the Contractor agrees to furnish such quantifies at the same prides, terms and conditions. 12. PAYMENT: Payment will be made by the County after commodities/services have been received, accepted and properly invoiced as indicated in contract and/or order. Invoices must bear the purchase order number. 13. DELIVERY: Delivery time shall be computed In calendar days from the issuance date of purchase order. Although, actual requested date or number of calendar days for delivery may be specified, state number of calendar days required to make delivery and installation after issuance of purchase order or request for services in space provided. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, delivery shall be made between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays, and at other time by special arrangements. However goods required for daily consump- tion, or where the delivery is an emergency, a replacement, or is overdue, the convenience of the Division shall govern. if, in calculating the number of calendar days from the order date, the delivery date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, delivery shall be made not later than next succeeding business day. Delivery time may be considered in de- termining award. rMANUFACTURERS NAME AND APPROVED EOUIV- ALENTS: Manufacturer's names, trade names, brand names, information and/or catalog numbers listed in a specification are for information and establishment of quality level desired and are not intended to limit competition. The bidder may offer any brand which meets or exceeds- the specifications for any item(s). If bids are based on equivalent products, Indicate on the bid form the manufacturer's name and catalog number. Bidder shall submit with his bid complete descriptive literature and/or specifications. The bidder should also explain in detail the reason(s) why and submit proof that the proposed equivalent will meet the specifications and not be considered an exception thereto. Broward County Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to be the sole judge of what is equal and acceptable. Bids which do not comply with these requirements are subject to rejection. If Bidder fails to name a substitute it will be assumed that he is bidding on, and he will be required to furnish goods Identical to bid standard. 15. INTERPRETATIONS: Any questions concerning conditions and specifications shall be directed in writing to the Pur- chasing Division, No interpretation(s) shall be considered binding unless provided to all Bidders in writing by the Director of the Purchasing Division. 16. AWARDS: As the best interest of the Board of County Commissioners may require, the right is reserved to make award(s) by individual commodities/services, group of commoditiestservices, all or none or any combination there- of. When a group Is specified, all items within the group must be bid. A bidder desiring to bid "No Charge" on an item in a group must so indicate, otherwise the bid for the group will be construed as incomplete and may be rejected. However, if bidders do not bid all items within a group, the County reserves the right to award on an item by item basis. When a group bid is indicated for variable quantities and the bid for the group shows evidence of unbalanced bid prices, such bid may be rejected. The Purchasing Director, or the Board of County Commissioners,- whichever is appli- cable reserves the right to :waive . technicalitles and Irregularities and to reject any or all bids:,:;'<`: '4-, 17. WARRANTY: The bidder should specify any warranty appli- cable to the items bid, and complete the warranty form attached when applicable.. 18. SAMPLES: Samples of items, when required, must be furnished by bidder free of charge to the County. Each Individual sample must be labeled with bidder's name, manufacturer's brand name and be delivered by him within ten (10) calendar days of the bid opening unless the schedule Indicates a different time or unless submission is required before the bid opening. If samples are required subsequent to the bid opening, they should be delivered within ten (10) calendar days of the request. The County will not be responsible for returning samples. 19. NON-CONFORMANCE TO CONTRACT CONDITIONS: The County may withhold acceptance of, or reject any items which are found, upon examination, not to meet the spec- ification requirements. Upon written notification of rejection, items shall, be removed within five (5) calendar days by the Vendor at his expense and redelivered at his expense. Rejected goods left longer than thirty (30) days will be regarded as abandoned and the Board shall have the right to dispose of them as its own property. On foodstuffs and drugs, no written notice or rejection need be given. Upon verbal notice to do so, the Vendor shall immediately remove and replace such rejected merchandise- at his expense. Rejection for non-conformance, failure to provide services conforming to specifications, or failure to meet delivery schedules may result in contractor being found in default. 20. INSPECTION, ACCEPTANCE AND TITLE: Inspection and acceptance will be at destination. Title and risk of loss or damage to all items shall be the responsibility of the contractor until accepted by the County. 21. GOVERNMENTAL RESTRICTIONS: In the event any gov- ernmental restrictions may be Imposed which would necessitate alteration of the material quality, workmanship or performance of the items offered on this bid prior to their delivery, it shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder to notify the County at once, indicating in his letterthe specific regulation which required an alteration. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to accept any such alter- ation, including any price adjustments occasioned thereby, or to cancel the contract at no further expense to the County. 22. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: Applicable provisions of all Fed- eral, State, County and local laws, apd of all ordinance, rules and regulations including the Procurement of Broward County shall govern development, submittal and evaluation of bids received In response hereto and shall govern any and all claims and disputes which may arise between per- son(s) submitting a bid in response hereto and Broward County by and through its officers, employees and author- ized representative, or any other person natural or other- wise. Lack of knowledge by any bidder shall not constitute a recognizable defense against the legal effect thereof. 23. PATENTS AND ROYALTIES: The bidder, without excep- tion, shall indemnify and save harmless the County and Its employees from liability of any nature or kind, including cost and expenses for or on account of any copyrighted, patented or unpatented invention, process, or article manufactured or used in the performance of the contract, Including its use by the County. If the bidder uses any design, device, or materials covered by letters, patent or copyright, it Is mutually agreed and understood without exception that the bid prices shall include all royalties or cost arising from the use of such design, device, or materials in any way involved in the work. Page 3 of 4 Pages TEMP. RESO. N4..7C 24. ASSIGNMENT: Contractor shall not transfer or assign the performance required by this bid without the prior written consent of the Purchasing Director. Any Award issued pur- 30 scant to this bid invitation and the monies which may become due hereunder are not assignable except with the prior written approval of the Purchasing Director. 25. INDEMNIFICATION: The Contractor shall indemnify, save harmless, and defend Broward County, its officers, agents and employees from and against any claims, demands or causes of action of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of error, omission, negligent act, conduct or misconduct of Contractor, his agents, servants or employees in the provision of goods or the performance of services pursuant to this bid. 26. QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDER: Bids will be considered only from firms normally engaged in providing the types of commodities/services specified herein. The Purchasing Director or the Board of County Commissioners, reserves the right to inspect the facilities, equipment, personnel and organization or to take any other action necessary to determine ability to perform in accordance with specifica- tions, terms and conditions. The Purchasing Director or the Board of County Commissioners will determine whether the evidence of ability to perform is satisfactory and reserves the right to reject bids where evidence or evaluation is determined to indicate inability to perform. The Purchasing Director or the Board of County Com- missioners reserves the right to consider a bidder's history of citations and/or violations of Environmental regulations In determining responsibility. Bidder should submit with his proposal a complete history of all citations and/or violations notices and dispositions thereof. Failure of a Bidderto submit such information may be grounds for termination of any, contract awarded to successful Bidder. Bidder shall notify County Immediately of notice of any citations or violations which he may receive after the Bid or Proposal opening date and during the time of performance under any Contract awarded to him. 27. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: No Contractor shall discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex or National origin, or physical or mental handicap if qualified. Contractor shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during their employment without regard to their race, religion, color, sex or National origin, or physical or mental handicap. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. The Contractor further agrees that he/she will ensure that Subcontractors, if any, will be made aware of and will comply with this nondiscrimination clause. 28. CANCELLATION: If, in the opinion of the Board of County Commissioners, the Contractor fails to perform after reasonable notice, or the Contractor willfully or negligently does not comply with specifications, requirements, terms and conditions of the Contract, the County reserves the right to cancel the Contract by means of written notification. 28. NOTICE TO SELLER TO DELIVER: No delivery shall become due or be acceptable without a written order or shipping instruction by the County, unless otherwise provided in the Contract. Such order will contain the quantity, time of delivery and other pertinent data. However, on items urgently required, the Seller may be given telephone notice, to be confirmed by an order in writing. �a-- MODIFICATIONS: All changes to purchase orders s, hall be by issuance of a change order. Any modifications or changes to any contract entered into as a result of this bid must be by written amendment with the same formality and of equal dignity prior to the initiation of any such change. 31. INSURANCE: The Insurance Requirements contained in this Bid represent the minimal protection necessary for the County as determined by the Risk Management Division. Further modifications of the requirements may be made at the sole discretion of the Risk Management Division If cir- cumstances change or adequate protection of the County Is presented. No award will be recommended until a written determination is made by Risk Management Division that the County is adequately protected. The low bidder shall be required to provide proper insurance to the Purchasing. Division prior to award by the Purchasing Director or recommendation of award to the Board of County Commissioners, whichever is applicable. 32. RESOLVE PROTESTED SOLICITATIONS AND PRO- POSED AWARDS: According to the Broward County Procurement Code Part IX, "Pre -Litigation Protested Solic- itations and Proposed Awards," any prospective Bidder or Offeror who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or proposed award of a Contract may protest to the Director of Purchasing. The protest must be submitted in writing within seven (7) calendar days from the time such aggrieved person knows or should have known the facts giving rise thereto. The entire Chapter of the Broward County Pro- curement Code describing the aforementioned subject matter can be obtained from the Purchasing Division's Secretary by calling 357-6071. BROWARD COUNTY Broward County PURCHASING DIVISION 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Room 212 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301-1801 (305) 357-6065/66 Page 4 of 4 Pages P=EVI008 CONTRACT ft-00-90-23_-24 BID #1).03-95-03-24 r� u E PIEMCWING DMISION BOARD OF COUNTY COMMS8101MRS B*OK= COUNTY, F7+D=A SPZGR& ZZON9 TO BIDDERS 9X MT.-gy-MIC28 TEMP. RESD, Ho, 1. SCOPE: y End basis (per Paragraph 9, General Conditions) for Hide are hereby invited on an Oprn- Security Services for Various Divisions. The initial Contract period shall start on date of award, or June 3, 1995, whichever is later and shall terminate two (2) years from that date. Thr Purchasing Director may renew this Contract for three (3) one (1)-year periods in accordance with Paragraph 10 General Conditions. All prices, terms and conditions shall remain fixed for the initial period of the contract. Ia addition, all pricer, terms and conditions shall remain fixed for the renewal period of the contract. It is the County's interest to award this as a Group contract. All quantities specified on Bid Sheet (page 7) are sstimates only, and no assurance or guarantee is provided to the bidder that the actual quantities will be less, the same, or more than the estimated quantities. Quantities shown are estimates and should be used as guidelines only. A1fARD CRITERIA s If a specific basis of award is not setablishrd is the Invitation for Sid, the away shall be to the responsible bidder with the lowest responsive bid meeting the written specifications. BPECI.�r CONDITIONH ?OR B=D=G: ITEM 32, INVITATION FOR BID, NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PROVISIONS TAKE PRECEDENT OVER (BIDDER'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT). GEEERAL CONDITIONS, ITEM #32. In accordance with the 9roward County Procurementproposed CodeAwarsec. 21.118, relative to "Pre -Litigation Protested Solicitations and Prvpo s. Right to Protest. Any actual or prospective bidder or ward of offeror a contract is awhichvia in connection with the solicitation or propsThe protest ih is $100,000 or greater may protest to the Director of Purchasing. e sum -fitted in writing within sewn calendar days after such aggrieved person )news or should have known the facts giving rise thereto. b. Any actual or prospective bidder or offer who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or proposed award of a contract which is lose than $100 000 may protest to the Director Of Purchasing. The protest a a • submitted n writing within three working days from the time the recommendation for award is made by a Purchasing Agent to the Director Of Purchasing. The entire chapter of the Broward County Procurement Code Descrieicnsing the •cretarY aforementioned subject matter can be obtained from the Purchasing by calling (305) 357-6071. 2. BPECIFICATIOHB AHD m: ices to be provided are stated in Attachment The specifications. requirements and sery "A" attached herst0 and made a part hereof. FOATERR IncORMA Tom: bid terms, conditions or Bidders requiring additional information regarding any of the Administrative requirements should contact Jordan London, Purchasing Agent 1I at (305) 357-b079. Bidders requiring technical clarifications should contact Ed Brock at (305) 357-5469. So change(s) and no interpretation(s) shall be considered binding unless provided to all bidders in writing by the Director of the Purchasing Division. 3. BITE VS8 /OR FRB -BID OOMAMM2 Not applicable for this bid. IN 4. M11WERx AM ACC PTAM SE Delivery is FOB destination and must be made within one (1) calendar days after receipt of a verbal or written order. vendor who cannot most requirements will be considered non -responsive. Delivery is to be made to various sites in the County. In an emergency, requirement ty guard will be two (2) hours during a normal workday or four (4) hours for a securi at night, weekends, and on holidays. At Such time. if necessary, the Contract Administrator may waive certain requirements. sH-P945 Page 1 of 42 417 sraci7)T Iusrime:Tops TQBIDDE9 SID s2=22="_-91-_3g (Continued) LMITI $ERV" = 5.. per : - • Invoice shall be on a monthly basis with each invoice showing the total number of man hours by specific location provided each day. In addition to the requirement for a daily total, supporting information must be supplied which shows a daily breakdown of staff reporting times, assigned posts and remarks to indicate differences between the County required coverage and that which was supplied. The Contractor shall maintain, for such time as the agreement shall be in effect, all books and records customarily used in this type of operation in accordance with accepted accounting practices and standards. All records and books of accounts in any way connected with this agreement, shall be kept at all times within Broward County, Florida. The County shall be permitted to examine and audit, during ordinary business hours, such records and books of accounts pertaining to this operation as may be required. Such records will be maintained for a period of three (3) years from the date of billing. 6. ZMN AM a s The Contractor one,, pay all applicable sales, consumer, use and similar taxes required by law including benefits mandated by law such as Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Etc. The Contractor in responsible for reviewing the pertinent Federal and State Statutes involving the *also tax, etc. and complying with all requirements. All direct employees, of and any persons supplied by or through, the Contractor shall be provided by contractor with written notice that they are not entitled to any benefits provided by the County to its own employees, nor shall the County in any way be liable for providing or payment of such benefits, and that any benefits which may be provided shall be, and are, the responsibility of the Contractor exclusively. Unless otherwise and explicitly specified, the term -employee-, wherever used in this Invitation for Bid, shall mean those persons directly or indirectly employed by the Contractor and/or supplied by the Contractor for the purposes of the Contract. 7. SAL- A}y LABOR_ RZOULATIOMs The Board reserves the right to consider a Bidder's history of citations and/or violations of regulations in the industry within the past five (5) years in -determining a Bidder's responsibility, and further reserves the right to declare the low Bidder not responsible if violations warrant such determination. Bidder shall specify in Attachment "B" any violations reported or alleged, disposition, and appropriate back-up documentation. 8. o s A. Bids will be considered only from firms normally engaged in providing services the same an or similar to the services specified herein. Bidder must have adequate organization, facilities, equipment, and personnel to insure prompt, complete, and efficient service to the county. B. The County reserves the right before or after recornmendinq any award to inspect the facilities, equipment, personnel and organization or to take any other action necessary to determine ability to perform in accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions. C. The Board of County Commissioners will determine whether the evidence of ability to perform is satisfactory and will make awards only when such evidence is deemed satisfactory and reserves the right to reject where evidence submitted, or investigation and evaluation, indicates inability of the Bidder to perform. D. 2=1 There is no intent either by requirements or verbiage of this Invitation for Bid to eliminate or prevent any potential bidder from submitting a bid. Broward County welcomes all capable and responsible firms to submit their Bids. S. Bidder must provide in Attachment 'B' at least three (3) references of past (ending within previous five (5) years) or present contracts for satisfactory performance of Security Services in which the annual yearly billing is $75,000.00 or over. Bidder that cannot provide this reference of satisfactory performance of security services will not be considered for award. F. The Bidder will provide, in Attachment "C", the following informations 1) Availability and source(s) of labor force, type and extent of training including syllabus or outline of course(s) given to guardst 2) organizational and functional charts reflecting line of management responsibility; 3) Plans and procedures for administrative support of all functional e.g. - furnishing of supplies and equipment, and procedures for timely payment of personnel (personnel shall be paid at least bs-weekly (once every other week))? 4) Procedures to be used to ensure contract requirements are met (quality control program). The quality control program will include, but not be limited tot A. An inspection system covering all the services stated A Specifications and other sections of this bid. b. Specify areas to be inspected on either a scheduled or unscheduled basis and the individuals who will do the inspection. C. A method of identifying deficiencies in the quality of services performed. ss-r94B• 414 Page 2 of 42 • BID 0 -03-24 1' (Continued) TEMP. RESO. No, 9, PZRFoEWCZ ARAMM: The Contract Administrator for this contract shall be the Resource !longer, Facilitip Management Division. The Contract Administrator shall &Ames■ the contractor's performance of the contract periodically. In the event of a breach of this contract by the contractor or unsatisfactory performance as assessed by the above-PartY and if, ties thereof, the contractor has not after fifteen (15) days following written no remedied such breach or unsatisfactory performance, then Broward County shall upon written notice by certified mail, return receipt or personally delivered to the contractor, be authorized to terminate this contract, thereafter b reserving lawthe iing from ht to proceed against the contractor for any and all damagesPe Y said breach. 10. I : (SARPLE INSURANC3 CEASIFICATE ATMCBBa)(Attachment "L') Without limiting any of the other obligations or liabilities of CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR shall provide, pay for, and maintain in force until h Of its or for ek to ach Performed under this Contract has been completed and accepted by on as is otherwise specified hereinafter), the insurance coverages set forth in this Section. 10.1 Workers' Compensation Insurance to apply for all employees in compliance with the "Workers Compensation Law" of the State of Florida and all applicable Federal laws. In addition, the policy(s) must include: 10.1.1 Employers' Liability with minimum limits of One Hundr2d—TAQUAAEd Dollars ($100.000,00) each accident. 10.1.2 Notice of cancellation and/or Restriction -- The Polic @) must be irty endorsed to provide Broward County with Jh(IQ) Y Of cancellation and/or restriction. 10.1.3 coverage�mrustobe are included undertaken U.S. o Longshoremen a and waters, Harbor Workers Act and Jones Act. 10.2 Comprehensive General Liability with minimum limits of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5=000.00) per occurrence combined single limit for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. Coverage must be afforded on a form no more retrictive lity policy,m without restrictive the tendorsest ements, tion f as efiilleedrby the insurance ehensive General LServiices office and must include: 10.2.1 Premises and/or Operations. 10.2.2 Independent contractors. 10.2.3 Products and/or Completed operations. 10.2.4 Personal Injury coverage with Employee and contractual Exclusions removed with minimum limits of coverage equal to those/required for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage Liability. 10.2.5 COUNTY is to be included a* an 'Additional Insured" in the name of 'Broward County Board of Ccamissionsrs" with respect to liability arising out of operations performed for COUNTY in connection with general supervision of such operation. 10.2.6 Notice of Cancellation and/or Restriction -- The policy(@) must he endorsed to provide Broward County with JbJ= (30) days notice of cancellation and/or restriction. 10.3 Business Automobile Liability with minimum limit* Of 'three Hunred Thousand Dollars ($300, 00._00) per occurrence combined single limit for Bodily injury Liability and Property policy, without restrictive endorsements, as filed by the. Insurance Services Office and must include: 10.3.1 Owned Vehicles. 10.3.2 Hired and Non -owned Vehicle*. 10.3.3 Notice of Cancellation and/or Restriction -- The policy(s) Must be endorsed to provide Broward County with JbJ= (M) days cancellation and/or restrictions. • tes of Insurance 10.4 the insura`ceAshall provide to the coverage specified in 0.1, 10.2 TY iand a10.3 above. The Contractor should provide these Certificates within fifteen (I5) days after request by the Purchasing Agent. The required Certificates of Insurance shall not only name the types of policies provided, but also shall refer specifically to this Contract and section and the above paragraphs in accordance is as required by such paragraphs of this Contract. If the initial insurance expires prior to the completion of the work, renewal Certifieates of Insurance shall be furnished thirty (30) days prior to the date of their expiration. 3S-P94B Page 3 of 42 414 IUCIA& XNS17tu[ XONA TO BIDDER: DID *p-o9-92-p3-Za ,r (Continued) r - SbRTICES ..10 IRMA= REOVIR&Mss (Continued) 10.5 Certificates of insurance shall be provided as specified in sub -section 10.4 above unless any of these coverages are, for just cause, inapplicable, and upon specific request by the vendor are excepted by written determination of risk management and approved by the purchasing director. If an exception is requested, the bidder should indicate in the appropriate area on the bid sheet any such request including reason(s) thereto for exemption from insurance requirements as specified in this section of this invitation for bid/quotation request. 11. )AID OVARANT7: All bids shall be accompanied by either a Bid Guaranty bond executed by a surety company meeting the qualifications for surety companies, or by cash, money order, certified check, cashier's check, irrevocable letter of credit, (Attachment 'E") treasurer's check or bank draft of any national or state bank, in an amount equal to two percent (2.04) of the bid amount, payable to the Board of County Cammmissioners and conditioned upon executing the Contract and providing the Performance and Payment Guaranty within approximately fourteen (14) days after notification of intent t0 award Of Contract. A_.2gX19nal cbeck„gam _a c y check of a bidder ghall not be deemed a valid -bid cruaranty. Hid Guaranty of the successful bidder shall be forfeited to the Board of County Commissioners not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for the cost and expense incurred should said bidder fail to provide the required Performance and Payment Guaranty or fail to comply with any other requirements set forth herein. Bid Guaranties of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned after award of Contract. 12. PMPQ C "1A1"_ATM= GUARAW=: A. within fourteen (14) days after notification of award, the successful bidder shall furnish a Performance and Payment Bond attached hereto as Attachment •T., equal to bid price for one (1) year of the contract. b. The Contractor is required at all times to have a valid Performance and Payment Guaranty in force covering the work being performed. Bond must be in the amount equal to one (1) year of the bid amount of contract guaranteeing the County the satisfactory performance of the work covered in such Contract as well as full payment of all suppliers, materialmen, laborers or subcontractors employed in the prosecution of the work. C. The Contractor agrees to keep such Guarantse(s) or a replacement thereof, in force at all time during the period Of the contract. d. In lieu of the bond required by this section, contractor may furnish an alternate form of security which shall be in the form -of cash, money order, certified check, cashiers check or irrevocable letter of credit of the form and containing all provisions of the Irrevocable Letter of Credit attached hereto as Attachment "G Such alternate forms of security shall be for the Same purpose and shall be subject to the cams conditions as those applicable to the bond required by this Section. A determination of the value of such alternative forms is Of security shall be made by the County. 13. 9MXrI_CATIONS OF S)R: A Hid Bond and Performance and Payment Bond must be executed by a surety company of recognized standing, authorized to do business in the State of Florida as surety, having a resident agent in the State of Florida and having been in business with a record of successful continuous operation for at least five years. In addition to the above -minimum qualifications, the surety company must meet at least one Of the following additional qualifications: A) The surety company shall hold a current certificate of authority as acceptable surety on federal bonds in accordance with the United States Department of Treasury Circular 570, Current Revisions. If the amount of the Bond exceeds the underwriting limitation set forth in the circular, in order to qualify, the net retention Of the surety company shall not exceed the underwriting limitation in the circular, and the excess risks must be protected by coinsurance, reinsurance, or other methods in accordance with Treasury Circular 297, revised September 1, 1978 (31 DrA Section 223.10 Section 223.111). Further, the surety company shall provide the County with evidence satisfactory to the County, that such excess risk has been protected in an acceptable manner. 88-P948 414 Page 4 of 42 a tnntlts (continued) MLin-VLOAS SID TEMP.RM090. NO. -a, � 21- - 13. Ns s (Continued) bond from a company with a rating Of B+ or better B.1) The county will accept a surety surety company appears for bonds up to 52 million, provided, how .z1ytbytlntercom of the Office of the on the watch list that is Published qu Or Floridaject theasu sty company the on theufinan ial information available nty shall review and either cto the County. A surety company that is rejected by the County may be substituted by the bidder or proposer with a surety company acceptable to the County, only if the bid amount does not increase. 3•2) The surety company shall have at least the following minimum ratings: Policyholder's Financial Jim 1-GA129MM B+ Class I 500,001 to 11000,000 B+ Class II 11000,001 to 2,000,000 Class III 2,000,001 to 510001000 A Class IV 5,000,001 to 10,000,000 A class V 10,000,001 to 25,000,000 A class VI 25,000,001 to 50,000,000 A class VII SO,000,001 or more aid C) For projects which do not exceed $500,000.00 the County Chap accept hi h has Bond and Performance 1 e and aPital rfrom a aquired surety the Fo company Insurance twice the minimum sure Code at the time the invitation the bid i i issof ued, Florida Insuif the surety r&nmeeaCode, s ss otherwise in comp valid certificate of Authority and if the surety company holds a Department of the Treasury under Section 9304 issued by the United States Aepartm to 9308 of Title 31 of the United stater Code. D) The County will accept a surety bond from a company with a rating of B+ or better; provided, however. that if the surety company appears on the ,watch List' that is published quarterly by 'Focua'ot the Office of the Florida Insurance Commission has�d oCounty the financialshall view and informationher available or reject the suretyurest company that it rejected by the County may be to the county. Y substituted by the bidder or proposer with a surety company acceptable to the County only if the bid amount does not increase. 14, P i In accordance with Ordinance No. 9S-06 of the the Board Of County Commissioners om to ssi de for ward ard County, the right is reserved byhe Board o preference 1n an amount of one Percent (14) of the bid or bid. r�m�a.ilrl �7g�8 (Supersedes paragraph 25 of General Conditions) 15. r The CDai A.s cfr sr d n account O! any injuries or damages, received orisustai agents by any person or persons during or on account of any operations connected with this contract or by or in consequence of any negligence (excluding negligence of COUNTY), in se of any improper materials or equipment or by or on connection with the saner or by u account of any act or omission of the said Contractor oify andisavebharmleseothe ACOUNTY Servants or Employees. contractor agrees to rode bar against any claims or liability arising from or bared upon the violation of any federal, state, county or city laws, by-laws, ordinances or regulations by the Contractor. CONTRACTOR further agrees to�id add suitemna=a�andvaction/e of ss the name d all such claims and fees, and from any description that may be brought against COUNTY on account and all suits aind actions royalties, or costs for any invention or patent, and from any and all patents Or that may be brought against COUNil flirm h or corporation. patent rights claimed by any person, S option, any and all claims of The indemnification provided above shall obligate the CONTRACTOR to defend at his own expense or to provide for such defense, at the COUNTY' liability and all suits and actions of every name and description that may be broughis ht against the COUNTY which may result from the opera be =fonrm•d by and acthe tiviCONTRACTOR•this Contrctsubcontractor whether by anyonethetrations directly ruction re indirectly ectly employed by either. SS-P94S Page 5 of 42 414 ITi9TR IONS To D DER DID 82- - .p .2 (Continwd) - UcyRITY BERVTCEB - 1fi. LXC D DI SD'RE A : Pursuant to tho Public aid Disclosure Act, all permits and fees including but not limited to all licenses, occupational license, certificate of occupancy (CO), permits, impact fees nr inspection fees payable BY CONTRACTOR TO T= COUNTY DY VIRTUE OF T=8 NOWPROJECT, and disclosed in this request for bids and the amount or percentage method of all such licenses, permits and fees required by Broward County are listed below. EACH LICENSE, PERMIT OR FEE A CONTRACTOR WILL EAVE TO PAS TEE COUNTY DEFORE OR DURING CONSTRUCTICN OR TEE k METEOD OR UNIT METEOD OF ALL LICDN'BEB, PERMITS AND FREE 130== BY THE COUNTY AND PATABLB TO TEE COUNTS By VIRTUE OF TEI8 =STRUCTION AS PART OF TIE CONTRACT IS STATED aELON. Occupational license must be in affect as required by Florida Statute 203.065. [List all County licenses, permits and fees, and the amount or percentage method of the licenses permits and fees]. Licenses, permits and fees which may be required by The State of Florida, State Agencies or by other local governmental entities are not included in the above list. 17. D - FREE WORxpLACB MTIFICAT : Broward County Procurement Code Chapter 21.31.a. requires awards of competitive sealed bids and sealed bids (620,000.00 or more) be made only to firms certifying the establishment of a drug free workplace. The Drug Free workplace Certification (Attachment "J") must be furnished to this office prior to an award being made. Failure to provide this certification will render your office unqualified and ineligible for award. 18. PUDLI ENT 8: Bidders should submit signed and notarized "SWORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133(3)(a), FLORIDA STATUTES ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES" PORN PUR. 7068 (Rev. 6/92) (ATTACHMENT "I") with their Bid; however, in any case -must be complete and submit same prior to award. NOTE: If you have provided the completed form to the Braward County Board of County Commissioners and it was received on or after January 1, 1995, the completed form is not required for the balance of this calendar year. indicate below the Contract Number you previously responded to with a completed PUR Form 7068 and return with your Bid. Dated: 19. ?B&k DI A;O� BUgINE INMATM A ON PROGRAM The Board of County Co�issioners has enacted an ordinance establishing the Small Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Affirmative Action Program (SDEE) to include goals in all COUNTY construction procurement activity of f15O.000.00 or more and in other selected procurement activity. 0 19.1 If the amount bid is less than $150,000.00 and goals have not been set, SDBE Participation will not be a factor in the award, however, COUNTY encourages the successful Bidder to use small disadvantaged business enterprises and the Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs maintains a directory of S08E's which is available to Bidders. The successful Bidder shall include with their bid a Schedule of SDEE Participation SiFoviijig SOBS firms (if any) participating in the Project as prime contractor, subcontractor, or supplier (negative schedules are required if no SDBE are scheduled to participate), and one SDBE Identification Affidavit for each SDEE scheduled to participate in the contract, if the SDEE doss not already have an Affidavit on file with the office of Small/Minority Business Affairs, Room A680, Governmental center Annex, 113 South Andrews Avenue, Fart Lauderdale, Florida 33301. 19.2 If the amount bid is $150,000.00 or more, or if Goals have been not for this Contract, and Sidders must comply with the requirements set forth in the COUNTY ordinance and SDEE Section 00320 in order to be considered responsive. This. contract has the following SDBE GOALS= Minority Business Enterprises: African American 20% (Llaok-owned Enterprises) Total ODDS Goals: • 88-P94B 417 Page 6 of 42 sin 02=23-25-034 TEMP. RESO. No. 4Z � (continued) 00320. joint ventures are 1. SOBS prime and subcontract awards and minority-majoroit als f participation by crucial to the achievement of SOBS g=� : aseset forth �Ve, SDSS firms have been set for this Project tice 2, All Bidders, to be responsive, must submitli&n e with the go Ls sLred at fortthe h SOBS rothis with their bids in order to document comp project. The forms submitted shall only address the base bid exclusive n any alternate bid item(s), if any. SOBS participation to section alternate la .5 hereof - alternate if any, shall be addressed after bid opening pursuant 3• Bidders may submit revised Schedules of SOBS Participate after bid opening or prior ion upon approval of the Oilier of Small/Minority Business Affairs. Any change to award shall only involve Office of Small/Minority Bwthe ineesi7►fFairs lization of SOBS contractors certified by the 4• All Bidders submitting an SOBS Unavailability Certification must o able to demonstrate through proper documento meet the tation their reasonable efforts goal if they wish to remain eligible for award. Reasonable efforts as goals by the Office of Small/xinority Business Affairs to meet the SOBS Contrtractact may include, but are not limited• to: 4.1 Attendance at any scheduled prebid meeting concerning SOBS Participation. media. trade association 4.2 Timely advertisement in general circulation publications, and minority -focus media. 4.3 Timely notification of minoritybusinessor bids contractor groups and associa- tions of solicitation for specific 4.4 Proof of written solicitations to SOBS firms- to in 4.6 Efforts to select portions Of the work proposed to be performed by order to increase the likelihood of achieving the stated goal. 4.6 efforts to provide SOBS that need assistance in obtaining bonding or insurance required by the Bidder or COMM- 4.7 A report submitted by the Bidder to the Office a effortssmall/Hto ity Business fprior t explaining aparticipation.n. The report shall pithe Bidder' nclude the following:to obtain SOBS A detailed statement of the timely efforts made to negotiate 4.7.1 otherwise with SDBE including at a minimum the names' addresses, an telephone numbers of SOBS who were invited to bid or ho wise regarding a plan description of information for portions of the regarding the plans and specifications work to be performed; and a detailed statement of the reasons why additional agreements with SOBS, if needed to meet the stated goal, were not reached. 0 SS-P943 page 7 of 41 416 srsclbj, xs so sIOp aia /o-03-9S-03-74 (Ccptinued) BUSINESSt (Continued) 4.7.2 A detailed statement of the efforts made to select portion* of the work proposed to be performed by SDBE in order to increase the likelihood of achieving the stated goal. 4.7.3 As to each SOBS which bid on a Subcontract but which the Bidder considers to be unqualified, a detailed statement of the reasons for the Bidder's conclusion. 4.7.4 As to each SDBE invited to bid, but which the Bidder considers to be unavailable because of a lack of bid response or the submission of a bid which was not the low responsive bid, an Unavailability Certificate signed by the Bidder. 5. A better of Intent to perform as a Subcontractor executed by each SOBS Sub- contractor listed on the Schedule of SDBE Participation must be submitted to the Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs prior to award. The Letter of Intent form may be obtained at the Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs. The information contained within the Letter of Intent and the information contained within the SOBS Participation Schedule should be the same as to content. 6. Each SDBE listed on the Schedule of SOBS Participation must be certified as an SOBS in order to be eligible for award. Any SDBE which does not already have an SOBS Identification Affidavit certifying their SDBE status on file with the Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs should file an application for certification within ten (20) calendar days prior to bid opening in order to allow the Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs sufficient time to complete the certification process prior to award. In the event that the SDBE is not certified by the office of Small/Minority Business Affairs, the contractor must select a SOBS firm from the directory maintained by the Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs, or file with that office an SDBE Unavailability Certificate, within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of gotice of non -certification. 7. A Joint Venture Eligibility Application (if the Bidder is a Joint Venture with an SOBS participant) must be submitted to the Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs prior to the award. The Joint Venture Eligibility Application may be obtained at the Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs. B. These contract Documents may include additional terms and conditions required by federal or state grantor agencies. in the event of any discrepancy between the grantor agency's SDBE policies or programs and COUNTY's policies or programs the more stringent policy (for example, the program with higher goals) shall apply. 4. A responsive low bid of a Bidder, who is otherwise responsible, will not be rejected because either or both of the SOBS goals cannot be met, if the Bidder complies with the requirements met forth within Section 4 above. 10. The degree of SOBS participation shall be calculated as follows$ 10.1 A joint venture, consisting of minority and majority business enterprises functioning as a prime contractor, will be credited with minority par- ticipation on the basis of percentage of profit to accrue to the SDBE. (For example, if a minority -majority joint venture proposed to perform fifty percent (50%) of a project quoted at $500,000.00 and fifty percent (50%) of the profits are to accrue to the minority partner in the joint venture, minority participation will be credited as twenty-five percent (25t) of the work or $12$,000.00.) 10.2 SDBE prime contractors will be credited with minority participation for that portion of the Contract which they perform and that portion sub- contracted to minority firms. (For example, if an SDBE contractor proposed to perform fifty percent (50%) of a project quoted at $500,000.00 and subcontracts twenty-five percent (25%) to a majority firm and twenty- five percent (2S%) to a minority firm, minority participation will be - credited at seventy-five percent (75%) or 537S,000.00.) Bidder shall indicate percentages on the SOBS Schedule of Participation. 10.3 The Bidder may count toward its SDBE goals expenditures for materials and supplies obtained from SDBE suppliers and manufacturers, provided that the SOBS assume the actual and contractual responsibility for the provision of the materials and supplies. 10.4 The dollar amount of participation of a firm owned by minority women may be applied to either the female goal or the minority goals, but not to both. ss-P94B 414 Page a of 42 • • B=n I�pl4 (Cpatiau.�) TEMP.RESO. No. IVE o Da gWbAZIS (Continued) 10.S. Certain projects may include alternate bid item(6) for which a Bidder is reserves etolght to required to submit aIn1 uchdfor instanceshthhaat COUNTY hoosesUNTY exercisewthe after bid opening. SORE goals shall apply to the to award alternate bid item(s) . the s a fas right he SDBErd, alternate bid items) C N aall forms prequired by to Notice submit to COUNTY Failure to submit Bidder shall applicable to the alternate bid its' to be awarded. in the Bidder being deemed non -responsible the required forms shall result and the bid shall be rejected. 10.6. COUNTY shall review each proposed Change order that, by itself or with previous Change Order requests, increases the Contract price or Fifty Thousand aggregated itial Contract Price by ten percent (109) of the in is less, for opportunities to include or Dollars (SS0,000.00), whichever increase participation of SORE already involved in the Contract. The it makes good faith efforts to successful Bidder shall demonstrate that in Change order work and shall report such include SDBE participation efforts to the Office of Equal Opportunity' 11. ss ving and On -site reviews to monitor he successfulations w ill dbe,carried eout ibyathe econtract maintaining contractual SDHE oblig the Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs. Administrator in conjunction with 12. l contract with the SD8Z SuccessfulBidder The on he S heduletof SOREo a sparticipati n upon execution contractors e listed the Board of County Cos.nissioners of Broward County. 13. of the contract with The successful Bidder shall be required to submit ebsiimoonthhlforrepo rm which o the a Contract Administrator with his/her partial pay e Business Affairs regarding compliance obtained at the office of Small/Minority SABa obligations. In addition, the successful Bidder must inform COUNTY SORE ionr. If the successful with with when SORE Subcontractor is not able to perform- immeBidder the unavailable SORE with another certified SDHE, is unable to substitute r until the the actual substitution of a non-SDBE subcontractor may the g000d faith efforts of Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs has verified the unavailable SORE with another certified the successful Bidder to substitute 14. SORE. const_ it the lowest respon ive bid. to require a prime contractor to award a s - cont acthty an SORElif is not 15. in a solicitation will giveconstrued to indicate that a hirthat eBidderSthee sin shall tated involvementyabovr he goal Bidders who have met the SDBE goal or fully justified right of award over other that they had made all reasonable efforts to do so. r"y Buse by giAffairs of COUNTY maintains a directory of The Office Of 16. available for use SDBE which is ailab 17. Offer Its serviesbited from ttoiothertBidders an tent shall his with andSDBE whereby theact SORE Cannot Project. Bidder to use minority owned -and -operated banks. 18. COUNTY encourages the successful 19. U t Applicable definitions and SORE qualifications shall be as provided by COUNTY bedavailable through the Office oftSmall/Miions, asnority Busnded iness Affaitime to rs e� and shall 49 - s8-P94B page 9 of 41 414 310 (continued) 00321. FORM SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY THE BIDDER AND RETURNED WITH HID AND NOTE: THIS T SCBEDULE(S) OF PARTICIPATION AND/OR UNAVAILABILITY. FAILURE TO RETURN THOSE FORMS WILL RESULT IN THE REJECTION OF YOUR BID. ALL CATEGORIES OF SDBE CONTRACTORS MUST BE ADDRESSED. Please check appropriate boxes: ASIAN- AFRICAN HISPANIC PACIFIC NATIVE OTHER WOMEN AMERICANS AMERICANS AMERICANS AMERICANS GROUPS' ALL SDBE GOALS I 1 I 1 RAVE BEER XCT [ 1 [ 1 I 1 [ 1 • Submit Schedule of Participation SO= GOALS RAVE BEEN PARTIALLY I 1 I 1 MET I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 Submit Schedule of Participation and • Submit Schedule of Unavailability NO SDBE OOALB 1 I ] RAVE BEEN NEW ( 1 I 1 [ 1 I 1 [ . Submit Schedule of Unavailability -OTHER GROUPS," if any, shall include those SDBE groups not specifically named above, but required to be addressed as noted on the Deviation page. Signatures Title: Date: • • SS-P942 Page 10 of 42 414 BID TEMP. RESO. No. j.! �' rI rI 00322. TZON (BID COlITUCr MO.) (11DDRE88 ) (L AK9 OF BIDDER) (TEL6pBONE NO.) The undersigned representative of the Bidder states that the Bidder has contacted the BDBset Ss listed below and that said SDBSS he"nare agreed perform the work fortion raga trdin9 sAiE Subcont actorst is true ande dollaraCorrect forth and that the following BB-p94B 414 Signatures Titles Dates page 11 of «i E DID *R-03-96-03-23 (Continued) 00325. SGMMW E or xDBE MMVAILABILITY ( ID CO •) (NAME OF BIDDER) ( DRESS) (TZLEPHOXE NO.) The undersigned representative of the Bidder states that the Bidder has contacted the SDBEs listed below and that said SDBE& are unavailable to perform or submitted a bid which was not the low acceptable bid set forth and that the following information regarding SDBE subcontractors is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge: 1. The following SDEE contractors were invited to bid subcontract work, but were not available to work. (Attach list if necessary.) 2. The following SDBE contractors were invited to bid subcontract work, but did not respond to the invitation. (Attach list if necessary.) Kul SDBE Groun 3. The following SDBE contractors submitted bids which were not the low acceptable bids. (Attach list if necessary.) Nma AULSrouv If you did not get any responses to your solicitation of SDBE contractors, please indicate your efforts, i.e., advertising, personal calls, mailing lists, etc. (may be verified). (Attach list if necessary.) Signature: • Title: Date: 3. The COUNTY must maintain records concerning SDBE participation in its contracts, the CONTRACTOR should, within ten days after receipt of Notice of Award, submit to the Project Coordinator a Schedule of SDBE Participation showing SDBE firms (if any) scheduled to participate in the Contract as prime Contractor, Subcontractor, or supplier (negative schedules are required if no $DOE's are scheduled to participate), and one SDBE Identification Affidavit for each SDBE Scheduled to participate in the contract, if the SDBE does not already have an Affidavit on file with the Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs, Roan A680 Governmental Center Annex, 115 South Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301, telephone t3051 357-7800. '4. The Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs of the COUNTY maintains a directory of SDBE which is available for use by CONTRACTORS. S. The COUNTY encourages the CONTRACTOR to use minority owned -and -operated banks. • 6. sxALL pIsNZM== pMsINxsx-EMWRISz (splIEV is defined as a small business that is at least 51 percent beneficially owned and is routinely managed by one or more disadvantaged individuals of the following classifications: as-P94B 414 Page 12 of 42 u (Continued) TEM � i M. No. R 36. (Coati::ued) having origins in any of the A. Black Americans, which includes persons black racial groups of Africa; erto Rican, S of Mexican, B. Hispanic Americans, which includes pa en Spanish culturr e or origin, pother Cuban, Central or South American or regardless of race; rsons whose origins from inc C. Asian -Pacific Americans, which Vietnam. Laos, Cambodia, the Japan, China, Taiwan, Eorea, States Trust Territories of the philippines, Samoa, Guam, the United pacific and the Northwest Marianas; who are Amerioan Indians. D. Native Americans, which includes persons Eskimos, Aleuts, or NativeHawaiians; includes Per whose origins are Z. Asian -Indian Americans, which from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh; disadvantaged Any individuals found to be Socially nd economically F. and by the Small Business Administration; Any women not included in (A) ugh ) �°es' G. stipulatas limitations on earnings to qualify og:The Browsrd County SDBE ordinance the Office of Small/Minority Business an SDBE. This information is available at Affairs. Telephone 357-7800. for 27• o 1— to ee or applicant pgpvi R shall not diacriminatr against any ec color, gender, national age, religion, Shall 27.1 employment because of race, pR0VIDER marital status, physical or mental disability- maritalare lOyreligi origin, n, color, aflixmativa action to insure applicants without regard th disability. treated during employment Sical oremental be tatus, p Y national origin, marital s gender, not Such actions Shall include, nut tranrfer,lrscruitment ore recruitment a other forms of employment, upgrading, advertising, layoff, termination, races of nt,Ytraining, including and conditions of employment, ation or other . compensation, terms apprenticeship, accessibility, reasonable accommodation the Americans with Disabilities Act. considerations arising from without regard to, Decisions regarding client eligibility shall be made color, gender, national origin, which 27.2 or consideration of race, age, religion, or mental disability or other factor a basis for service physical marital status, phY or appropriately used as be lawfully with Disabilities Act. cannot delivery, as specified under the Americans the Americans with 27.3 PROVIDER shall comply with Title I and Title II of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in theours eCc Disabilities Act regarding government Services- in employment and in state and local g Broward in whole or in part by of providing any service■ funded e al loyment 4 PROVIDER to furnishC UIM Action pwith a in o such documents tspMusstt be to the IDER agrty 27. ees and Aff County'■ Administrator for this Agreement forwarded through of the Office of Equal Opportunity. Director ordinance updating In 1993, the Board of County Commissioners enacted a Tire Affirmative Action Program Enterprisethe 27.5 r Canty Procurement activity at the Small Disadvantaged in ($DBBAAP), setting g Thousand ($150,000) Dollars or Fifty give Thousand ($75,000) Dollars following levels: One Hundred and in construction activity; seventy - architectural/engineering an above or above in total contract value for '000) Dollars or above in total Fifty relatedcontracactivity; value other activity • 0 page 13 of 41 SS-P94B 414 SPICX&j. IN MI '!O EIDDE$S DID #D-03-95-03-24 .... (Continued ) SECURITY SERIIICEB 27. (Continued) 27.6 The COUNTY and PROVIDER agree, that contractor and vendor awards to Small Disadvantaged Business Enterpriser and Minority -Majority ,joint Ventures are crucial to the achievement of County SDBE participation objectives. In an effort to assist C00NTY in achieving its objectives for SDBE, PROVIDER agrees to take affirmative action. 27.7 PROVIDER shall submit an SDBb affirmative action plan relating to its utilisation of SDBE firms, where possible, as contractors, subcontractors, vendors/suppliers, or as providers of professional services. This SDBE affirmative action plan must be approved by the COUNTY prior to contract award. 27.8 PROVIDER understands that it is the responsibility of county Administrator for this Agreement and the Office of Small/Minority Business Affairs to monitor compliance with the SDBEAAP. In that regard, PROVIDER agrees to furnish quarterly reports to bath parties on the progress of SDBE participation commencing with the and of the first quarter of this Agreement. For further information relative to Equal Opportunity/SDBEAAP please contact: Broward county Office of Equal Opportunity 113 South Andrews Ave. Room A680 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephones (305) 357-7800 � J ES-P94E 0 414 Page 14 of 42 Vzltz asn 011=03-9S-0214 (Continued) g TEMP. RES4. No. • 28. - _ this offer, the vendor certifies that this offer In made independently By signing collusion' Vendor shall disclose below, to the best of his or her and free from co knowledge, any Musa d County officer or employee, or any relative of any such n Section 112.3135 (1) (c), Fla. Stet. (1989), who officer or employee as defined i is an officer or director fl n has a material interest eAnylBrowardvCountysOfficer eor who is in a position to influence this procurement. specifications or requirements, employee who has any input into the writing solicitation of offers, decision to award, evaluation of offers, or any other activity pertinent to this procurement le presumed, for purposes hereof, to be in a position to influence this procurement• For purposes hereof, a person has a material interest if he or she directly or indirectly own■ more than 5 percent of the sstto assets or capital stock of personally gain if the ntractuis awarded siness ito�this or ivendor. f he or she otherwise debarment in accordanceo ithcthe provirelationship shall Failure of a vendor si nsof the aroward County procurement Code son for In the event the vendor does not indicate any nacres, the County shall interpret this to mean that the vendor has indicated that no such relationships exist. 88-P94B Page 15 of 42 414 a= #D-_O-24 zo—M TY-imy-T-C-22 TEMP. RESO. No., TOs EGARD1tOVCOC CONHID8AIONERS BROKAAnd blank hereriC)en filled i,n. DID 8Ha8T is attached to the coapleted •Iavitation.lor eid• specifications and requirements, the bidder offers In accordance with all trims, conditions, the followings GROUP 1 (ITZKg i TMM 4) ITEM 81► TSIMInT DD PRRCCD TOTAL CE ND. ANTITY ADY�O='i #902100050001 1. 1 one (I) 20,000 hrs. (prrritzaouhard CI #982100050002 2. 1,000 hrs. Securit Guard Class Two (II) (Per Attachment "A-1") #982100p0050000 3- 500 hrs. (Prrscurit Guar d CIA-i"jhrrr (III) i� 4. 1 Security Cart/Vehicle GROW 1 TOTAL (ITMW 1 TM 4) Delivery will be made within calendar days of the receipt of Purchase Order. with 10.5 of "special Instructions to Bidder' indicate if an exception to In accordance insurance rwith is being requested. Be specific and-etats reason: HC1,CI.EDV71ANT�902ANATMI (CSCX IN THE ADOVN: VIRGIN OR RHCITC� 1 • IMZ APPLICABLE BIaRL10C) . Xr RBCrCLgD. �3RCDNTAGD PRQDCLT DEBCRiPTIONe �. ZIFTV=T RODCCT PACJCMM ANV I R sgrPPSD IslpTB]�raz aarrr RBcr 95 EPICSFr 3, SB YOUR PRODUCT RBG7CSABLB Arm IT HA8 RRACBMV ITS ZNTMMZV B= CBE? =6 NC -�- BPJ=r ABOVE! Z S NOT LSCABLD It TXM I8 ONLZ A P3�RBON.IL BDRVICS XNMLV= WITH NO I IN 8B8An CONDIATOO OTHER nTHEURLEXXEND SAME PRYTHHIS CONTRACT, IF RE LOCAUNDERSIGNED BIDDER UI TSRIOA COVERED YES N VENDOR TAX 1 Acknowledgement is hereby made of the followinq Addenda or Amendments (identi#ied by number) received since issuance of this bids NOTICE TO BIDDERBs (VEIN) on the face of the s e Federal BmploYsr's Identification Number g tf BE r TO YOUR cnvehetion Poi! d/ County does not �Ye Form P d�PBa ro riate corrections FXXK. NAME OF BIDDER BOTH TO PROSPEC71M DIDDaR! GM1M" (DLDD) FORNI SICBVHD BY AN TION VOR BZD, (BIDDER D WILL ON CON'BSD� RBBPONBIVD. ,iDTHORIZHD RDPRSBBIV'1'ATiYE OP YOUR lIRlL OR YODR BID WTS L NOT g8-P948 Page 16 of 42 419 • • TEMP.'RES4. No. -- � I leting reports, making not.ificaticns- .fe able to pezform basic functions such as standing post, comp Th the regular classification of security officer. Th • n SRequirements are one or more law enforcement and/or military experience, three 131 Years OALThis —Uis he intermediateclassification of security offs i�or. is classification may b+ of the followings one Y of security experience and/or One iiea &a areas' sups used in sensitive and high S lremaits are: graduate of a ramt military police This is highest classification of security office. Requ In addition, have a minsmum Office - certified federal, state, county °riatelocal certificatr or�diplomatraining pro4 training or squivalent with approperienc of three (3) full years wxparisnce in certified law enforcement in a military or civilian ratting. This classification will work at courthouses. and other Specialized site locations requiring this type of background. Wheels: Motive Power: Capacity, Including Driver: SS-P94m 414 your (4) Electric Two (2) persons with back compartment page l$ oz Ma I. II. SS-P94m 414 mSD /p =Qom•-Q�-24 8EXCIrICITIONS SECURITY SMUCES A. The services required are designed to provide security services to any County . agency. The County and the Bidder recognize that all the requirements of the services contemplated herein cannot be determined with precision at the time of the award of this contract. However, it is anticipated that the services will include various types of facilities or buildings and may include the use of Security Detection Equipment as is found in airports or courthouses. It is understood that such matters as total number of guard hours required, scheduling, the advertising and announcing of available services, location of posts, will have to be determined and/or adjusted from time to time as the needs of the County dictate. It in the intent and purpose to conduct the services in such a manner as to provide the most efficient operation of the County. All advertising by Contractor for potential employees for this contract shall be as an Equal Opportunity (EEO) employer. B. Bidders must be able to comply with the hours of coverage requested, which may be up to twenty-four (24) hours per day. The County reserves the right to request any changes in the number of guards, number of guard hours of coverage and guard work locations that may be required by the Contract Administrator. C. Work schedules include shift -work during a twenty-four (24) hour period, and include weekends and public holidays at the standard bid rate of pay. Schedule requirements for guards will be determined by the County in accordance with operational needs. Unless otherwise specified, post coverage will be continuous for the required hours. Successful Bidder will be responsible to provide and cover their employees breaks, including lunches, rest periods, personal needs, ate. Accommodations of facilities for the above may not be provided by the County. The county reserves the right to add, delete"or make changes to any guard requirement, including hours of coverage, post location, numbers of posts, number of guards, Guard Class, etc. No guarantee as to the total of guard hours required are implied herein. RROIIIRMWITS OF THE COMTRAMR The Contractor% A. Shall have available qualified, competent, active, knowledge of contract specifications, and experienced management staff during the hours that service is being provided who shall have the overall responsibility for supervising security. Such management shall be authorized to represent and act for the Contractor; meet with the Contract Administrator to discuss personnel and work performance and will work accordingly as necessary to assure satisfactory performance of the contract. A list of names and schedule of this staff, including all applicable telephone numbers for emergency notifications, will be provided to the Contract Administrator upon the contract being awarded. B. Will insure that guards are prompt and that posts are covered at all times. •C. Will provide and post the guard work -shift schedule. Schedule will be provided to Contract Administrator one week in advance. D. Will provide all personnel with an approved I.D. card to be worn conspicuously by all personnel on duty. E. Will ensure that his employees will abide by all rules and regulations as set forth by the Contract Administrator. F. Shall be responsible for deportment, appearance, conduct and supervision. of all personnel concerned with the operation of the security service applicable to this contract. All such personnel under the responsibility of the Contractor will be required to deport themselves in a completely respectable manner, observe the doctrines of behavior as a public servant, be polite, courteous, cooperative and pleasant in the conduct of their duties. G. Shall make available to the Contract Administrator on an ongoing basis throughout the term of this contract a complete file on each employee to be assigned to work under this contract, said file containing copies of but not limited to the following documents: Any and all polygraph reports, medical examination, training test results and certification, proof of education, firearm licenses, state guard service licenses, and employment application. Page 18 of 42 �J BIDp3-26 TEMPr RESD. No. `7(��r. II.1=1 no (Continued) ! (continued) facility any employer whose 1 from service at any County sacontravention detrimental E1, Wi remove totheConduct is determined by the Contract Ad through to the best interest of the County of this contract. specifications make random and routine checks y its nt of duty. However, I staff oexpe f all on,dutylpe onnel for Proper performance iChecks provecinsufficienttand the additional cost osthroCounty,tifrthese ohrcka be logged with appropriate remarks. Such inadequate. All will of all rerts less than inspections be °A tratorswithind a copone week Ofpsuch Coo tract n shall be providedinspection. J. Kurt confiscate any County -issued identificationand re urn the sumo immediately,asigned this pouches, and any other County property to and by the County on termination of any employee to contract. IxI. 3 A. -JILM S firing considerable pub c 1. The type of work involved is independenof some t, requ nt and contact. Work requires the applicatic and prccrduresudWork is interpretation of established policiesliance with for Comp the ppeerformed within general guidelines and is reviewed drsird results. B. l, - Ability to read, write and speak fluent English. Ability to esllish aandd.mad i ttain effective working relationships with 2. the general p other YeGs- 3. Ability to maintain clerical records and prepare written reports as required. and efficiently without direct supervision. 4. Ability work effectively 5. Ability to detect and report unsafe conditions. 6. To be polite, courteous and cooperative at all times. especially during times of Strome. C. 1, = under this contract must already A emplo�rees assigned to the County satisfactory experience in Security have a minimum of one (1) year enses or rmits in session all and federal fagenciescan applicable to this required by all local, state position. Employees must produce evidence that prior security work was the former employer(s)f such evidence rformed to the satisfaction of Cbeing retained in the employer r Personnel file. 2, State licenses shall include the State of Florida Statute titled, licensesshall and Patrol, Section 493.01 Et Seq. private All employees must be in possession of a valid Florida Drivers License maintain a record on each 3, (Operator). Contractor is required to employee's personnel file which shows driving license number and is required to ensure that licenses remain expiration date. Contractor current. must be 21 years of age or older. 4. All employers 5, Personal cleanliness is mandatory. r 6. must be able teoasuccessfullyapasve s Guards in all classifications must They high school diploma or a G.E.D. y examinationcal which a rigs receive tr�iing from the uccessfulivendarm a drug screeni q andvirhall III State Guard License "D f 7. s. Classations 1, 2 and s Florida 3s Florida State Gun License " b. classification All classifications must be able to read, write, speak, understand and lisp be sufficient g, .ust understood ioammunica. oralCommand time Cfn 9. perm to Guards must be reviewed and/or interviewed and receive approval by for the assignment. facility manager before acceptance • ss-P94E Page 19 of 42 414 BID #n-2a-ss-2L-s6 - ATTACMG= "A -I"_ (Continued) III. LOYEE SPECIIICATION: (Continued) D. s security personnel employed by the Contractor under this contract are required to meet certain minimum qualifications or standards regarding background, experience, health, and licensurs, as established in this section unless specifically and individually waived by the Contract Administrator. The final decision as to the suitability of security personnel for employment rents with the Contract Administrator. (1) Must be a citizen of the United States of America, or an alien who has been lawfully admitted for permanent residence as evidenced by Alien Registration Receipt Card Form 1-151, or who presents other evidence from the Immigration and Naturalization service that employment will not affect his immigration status. Acceptable evidence shall consist of a birth certificate or appropriate naturalization papers. (2) May not be employed under this contract if they currently or have in the past been involved in: (a) any felony or sex conviction. (b) military conduct resulting in dishonorable or undesirable discharge. (c) Any pattern of irresponsible behavior, including but not limited to unreasonable driving, or a problem employment record. (3) Must successfully complete a medical examination, to be conducted at Contractor's expense, prior to duty assignment or when required for reasonable cause by County. Results are required as followas (a) Freedom from any communicable disease. (b) Binocular vision, correctable to 20/20 (snellen). (c) Ability to distinguish basic an well as shades of color in both normal and peripheral vision. (d) Able to hear ordinary conversation at 20 feet, and whispered conversation at 10 feet without use of artificial hearing devices. A hearing aid is not permitted. (e) Pass a urinalysis test showing freedom from drug use, except prescribed medication. (f) Freedom from diseases or conditions which result in indistinct speech. (q) Kurt be Erse from any ph rical or emotional disorder or handicap that would inhibit or preclude meeting the performance standards required by this contract. (4) Keep active, and possess at all times while on duty those personnel, professional, and technical licenses or certificates (identified in Section III. C.). (5) Must pass National Criminal Background check. E. s s (1) Reports to work on time and ho da over on assigned duties until relieved as required. (2) Maintains good personal and uniform appearance= is courteous to the public and County personnel at all times. (3) Covers an assignment at a fixed post or patrol an area or facility for the purpose of detecting and preventing individuals or groups from committing acts which are injurious to others or to property. (4) Intervenes to terminate injurious acts and may attempt to detain individuals for further investigation or arrest where circumstances and conditions warrant. (5) Communicates effectively with the public and County personnel; directs visitors to personnel and services within the facility.. (6) visually screens and prepares written record of contents of packages/parcels being carried in and out of the facility to secure againat theft; ensures that transmittal forms accompanying materials being removed from the facility contain a necessary authorizing signature. aB-P94B 414 Page 20 of 42 yl M:1,1+1 �1 BID f2-03- L-_9. -_ TEMP. RE54. No.GENEENE • C� III. E. AS s P O (continued) (7) Makes patrols in accordance with routes and schedules established in the Post Orders. Where installed and in working order, the watchman reporting systems shall be used by uniformed personnel to record their presence at the designated stations. (8) Raises and lowers flags at designated times. required. (9) Verifies the security of safes and other areas where equipment or materials of value are stored. (10) hocks and unlocks gates and doors at designated times. (11) Turns up lighting at the beginning of each business day to permit ingress of employees, vendors and authorized personnel, reduces and/or turns off lighting as required. (12) Ensures that only authorized personnel are permitted access to closed or restricted facilities or areas by detaining unidentified or unauthorized individuals. (13) Responds to reports of ill or injured patrons, visitors, or employee, renders first aid, and notifies supervisor if further assistance is considered necessary or desirable. (14) Performs minor operations and/or recorda data in connection with the operation of facility utility systems when required by written instructions from the Building Manager. (15) Reports safety hazards, malfunctioning equipment, liquid spills, and other such matters to appropriate maintenance personnel. (16) Monitors and operates facility fire alarm and intrusion detection systems and other protection devices or facility equipment. (17) Responds to scene of locally activated fire, burglary or other alarms, or other emergency situations, evaluate situations encountered, and takes action as prescribed in Post orders and/or facility self- protection plans. (18) Investigates questionable acts or behavior observed or reported on County premises and questions witnesses and suspects to ascertain or verify facts. (19) operates a motor vehicle where required. (20) Maintains order and uses good judgment and discretion in handling unruly or trespassing public. (21) Maintains daily logs and writes daily reports, incident reports, and non -employee injury reports. (22) Provides escort services and assists other security personnel as (23) operates Lost and round in a manner that allows the public to claim lost items. (24) Directs traffic, controls parking, issues parking violation warnings as authorized by the Contract Administrator. (28) Maintains order within areas of assignment. (26) operates an entrance control post. Accepts registered mail and parcels or operates and enforces a system of personnel identification. Performs package inspection when directed by the Contract Administrator through Post orders. Checks identification cards and recorele names of ALL p=SONNEL wishing to enter a facility after normal working hours. (27) Safeguards and protects all existing structures, utilities, service, roads, trees, shrubbery, etc. against damage or interrupted service. Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage to the property occurring by reason of his negligence, on the property. SS-P943 Page 21 of 42 414 DID #R=21 Ste- 4 (contian.d) IV. =AnFXNQ A. 9ZNNRAL 1. The Contractor is required to provide training to all field personnel in order that the County may be assured said personnel are capable of aasuming the responsibilities for their assignments. The cost for such a training program is to be accommodated within the overall hourly billing rate of the Contractor, i.e, the time spent by staff in such a program, though required, is not billable. All Contractor security personnel must successfully complete .and pass the course prior to assumption of duty under this contract. This training course is to be developed thus in writing by the Contractor and expressly approved by the Contract Administrator, and is to include certain minimum requirements for subject matter and hours of instruction. 2. All employees assigned to this contract must already have completed orientation and basic training by the Contractor including at least eight (a) hours facility operations before the employee is allowed to perform any services for the County. Evidence of this must be provided to the County prior to assigning the employee. This training will be at the Contractor's expense. 3. Upon request, and during normal working hours, the contractor shall make available all personnel files of employees engaged in work for the County. 4. Applicable post orders will be maintained on -site and updated immediately when changes occur. Log books to record pertinent daily information should be kept at each post. In addition, an ample supply of blank forms should be kept and used to record events that require further action and information that needs to be brought to the attention of the County. S. Training also to include films, emergency service and procedures, and traffic control. D. EVALVATION OF TRAiNI1f0 The Contract Administrator will evaluate the quality and completeness of training provided all contractor personnel. Evaluations will include, but not be limited to, reviews of techniques and methods of instruction, quality of instructors, motivation, adequacy of classroom and supportive adjunct training materials, test content, and individual guards' retentiveness. C. IIISTRVCI"ORS All formal training is to be taught, and/or presented by persons who are appropriately certified in one or both of the following ways: By an accredited institution of learning or governmental educational certification body, or by documentation that the individual has sufficient experience with the subject matter to instruct students in an authoritative, practical, current manner. All site training shall be provided by a contract supervisor or an experienced guard meeting the approval of the Contract Administrator or his representative. D. gmsE Or ,INSTRU.CTIOIf A written copy of the proposed course of instruction shall be provided for review and approval by the Contractor to the Contract Administrator within five (5) working days after the award of the contract. A representative(@) of the Contract Administrator may visit training classes without notice, to monitor this course. E. CERTIFICATION Or TRAINnM All training, with the exception of follow-up orientation and subsequent training of replacement guards, shall be completed prior to assignment under this contract. A written certification of each employee's training, including supervisors, shall be submitted to the Contract Administrator prior to an employee's entrance to duty, except as specifically waived by the Contract Administrator. SS-P94D 414 Page 22 of 43 RID i (Continued) w TEMP. RESo. No. TRAINING (Continued) F. 1. VA■ t Bach contract Security guard i■ to receive a minimum of 16 hours tots of classroom instruction, excluding firearms qualification' in the subject areas listed. The contractor may exercise full discretion over instructhe format or course outline for addressed tinnJ subject training. As partas all of matter identified is adequately proposed course of instruction to be submitted to the Contract Administrator for review, the Contractor shall identify the total hours time amonggtopical to bepareas.. This also incrovided, as well an ludes replacem ntroxte s guards. of (a) t Co - History and role as public service provider - Contract personnel as representatives of County _ Types of facilities secured under contract - DDFM Security Hanagement - Role of County facility managers (b) use of - Telephone - Two-way radio - Routine and emergency procedures (c) prevention - Philosophy: protection through p - County rules and regulations imparting post - post orders and other contractual responsibilities General and specific orders - toot patrol methods, including watchman's clock tours - Vehicular patrol methods - Access control, including people and packages - Circulation and crowd control - Interviewing techniques - Safety inspection and awareness (d) Resort NriLins Written report methods and requirements Requirements for legibility and literacy (e) n.rie rust Aid (f) - Escort services - Loiterers - Vandalism r - Threats to personnel safety - burglary, robbery, or theft - Espionage - Sabotage - Drugs/Alcohol SS-P94$ Page 22 of 42 414 hT!)1C81�1T '�7.T (Continued) ^ UCDRITY SERVICES T7• ZRAIN (Continued) 1. TSA NIR¢ POR aEcQRITY pERBqwWEL (Continued) 1. (continued) (g) Nnimate Service■ - Emergency or disaster response procedures - Fire control systems and equipment - Fire Prevention - fire fighting methods and procedures - Responding to facility alarms - Law enforcement/private security relationship - Riot or crowd control - Reporting procedures for emergencies or other non -routine incidents (h) written Exaiingtion Classroom instruction Report writing Each guard shall be tested for reading comprehension and ability to write a clear and comprehensive report. The result of these tests must be certified to the Contract Administrator as part of each guard's file. 2. en As part o this training, the Contractor shall administer to each employee a two-part written test designed to confirm and evaluate the employee's lwel of understanding. (a) Retention of Information - This part of the test is to be of a non -essay nature and include a minimum of 100 questions designed to evaluate understanding of all areas of the course of instruction. To be eligible for duty under this contract, a security guard must achieve a score of 75% correct answer or higher. (b) Report writing - This portion of the toot is designed to assess the individual'■ ability to succinctly st— vize pertinent information related to an incident and to prepare the proper reports meeting contractual requirements for legibility and English fluency while the Contractor may exorcize some discretion in format, the test should at a minimum require the employee to select the appropriate report(s), select pertinent facts from a written narrative, oral presentation, or film depicting an event, and`to complete the report in an adequate manner. 3. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of eight (8) hours of on -site training for Security Guards for each shift to be worked in order to familiarize each guard with the post. Additional hours may be required at specific posts, and shall be detailed in the appropriate Post Orders. Said training shall be conducted by a contract shift supervisor or experienced guard/officer who in fully qualified at the post. The trainee is not to be in an active duty status and may not be placed on duty at that site until said training has been completed. This training is to be conducted at each different job site to which the guard/office- is assigned. The measure of success for the training shall not be the time invested (e.g. eight (8) hours) but rather the effectiveness with -' which the trained employee is able to perform post duties. The County shall be the sole assessor of that effectiveness. The Site Orientation Training will consist of the following: (a) General and specific orders for the facility. (b) Policy and specific procedures for responding to emergency alarms, bomb threats, incendiary devices in. -he facility. (c) Procedures for access control and operation of the security system within the facility. (d) Procedure■ for operation of the fire alarms, fire control system, and fire -fighting equipment. CJ S$-P94$ 414 Pa" 34 of 42 axD IU2-22-9s-22-14 - n �nue -..7 j g K TEMP. �RES0. No. IV. TRAINM (Continued) F. (Continued) 4. R er o .c raining o each employee is required to be conducted b contract supervisors in order to insure continued understanding of Ana familiarity with existing or new facility conditions. Refresher Training is to be conducted at minimum one do alit at the diic=eCiDnaot of an emplo ee'■ post assignment, the Contract Supervisor or at the request of the Contract Administrator or his designee. Such training shall be conducted at the expense of the Contractor and may include, should circumetances dictate (e.g. repeated oroalliportions of Basinot c Instructionate Triniorientation Training but also any V. MjjpoNS All A. uniforms shall be provided by vendor And/or employees. The Count will not provide any uniform or uniform element. Contractor must enscompure t aunty a roves personnel and supervisors are fully equippeedd g uniforms including uniform jackets witfloquired patches and guard name zags. Security Personnel shall wear uniform@ whose color and style have been approved in advance by the Contract AdministratorAll employees performing under this contract shall be required to wear the. same color and style of uniform, distinguished only by Contractor identification patches lees below). Uniforms do not nave to be new, but musT be in good condition and meet contract standards. Said uniforms will consist of the following items unless otherwise required under the terms of this contracts (1) Trousers, all -season weight, all the same color and Style- (2) shirt/blouse, short or long sleeve all the same color and style. (3) Belt - solid black (4) Neck tie - solid black unless waived for the specific location by Contract Administrator. (5) Tie bar (see (4) above) (6) Socks - solid black (T) Shoes - solid black (B) be wodrnron�both shoulder toofithecuniform jacketandnd Contractor No other identification of the Contractor or employee shall be worn or displayed on the uniform except hat. • company. (9) RBegulation uniformehats maywith be requirsd aC that matintsites and are to be rovided by the contractor. Baseball caps are not to be worn at major facilities. (10) owe tagshe ran t breast photo I.D. card issued by contractor to be worn (11) Foul weather clothing, including raincoats, boots and/or security Jacket, shall be required for those employees assigned to perform duties while exposed to cold and/or inclement weather conditions. All foul weather clothing must be identical in style and color for each guard, and marked with Contractor's identification, logo or name, or an insignia. (12) All employees must wear clean, pressed uniforms at all times while on duty at a County Pcet. Contract Administrator on dut s ~ho is out of rw ire the immediate replacement of any employ"Y uniform. B. LPOVIZOM OR s s in Except as spec. ice y note , orar alided for wile on thisInvitation following security guards shall be equipped items. 1• mod 09 s .s of belt, without shoulder strap (2) Whistle, with metal chain attachment (3) Flashlight; heavy-duty (2 or more D-cells) (4) Baton, approved police -style, belt -attached, but not usually worn. The use of a PR.24 requires current certification 4 the user. • (5) Two-way radio licensed for use by the Federal Communications Commission FcC), and meeting all requirements as specified in this Invitation For Bid. 0 SS-P948 page 25 of 42 414 Bxn o��r, -o�-ia V. V1 V21. 88-P94B 414 01.? - : J,1• . Yam}• • •l - sir AU1.1 JJ i MA -1•1: * 11. : C. V=19am Rp ecuriSnty rsonnr may be required b the County to operate licensed motor vehicles order to move between non -adjacent scheduled foot -patrol assignments Or to conduct vehicular patrols of an area. Likewise, they may be required to operate off-street motorized carts in order to conduct vehicular patrol of an area. Said vehicles will be provided through this contract by the Contractor and maintained by the County for -the duration of the contract. Vehicle type■, color, markings, lights and other features shall be approved by thi Contract Administrator. The Contractor may be required to provide a maximum of up to three (3) off-street motorized carts. D. via IF uni orm an equipments a e used only when security personnel are on official duty or while in transit between their place of residency and assigned duty station. Furthermore, at any and all times while i:: uniform, security personnel and supervisors are required to wear a complete uniform, and to ba fully equipped. Also, security personnel ahl not be permitted to provide themselves with any unauthorized equipment such as chemical agent, concealed weapons, personal radios, or other items not specifically approved by this contract or the Contract Administrator. 2. of Rafforms an e ontractor is respone a ar assuring that security personnel maintain a neat appearance in accordance with contract standards, up to and including responsibility for maintenance and replacement of uniforms, as necessary. Likewise, it is expected that all equipment p used by the Contractor, provided by either arty, shall be kept clean, well -maintained, and in safe operating condition at all times, free from defects or wear which may in any manner constitute a hazard to any person or persons on County property. s 'The county a MIXFurnish without cost to the Contractor, to be used only in connection with the performance of this contract, the following materials and equipments A. tXpo O oa�or rs are s e prepared, with reasonable and periodic update, for each individual post by facility managers with the advice and consent of the Contract Administrator. The Contract Administrator shall have the responsibility for distributing a single copy of the subject post orders to the Contractor, who shall in turn be responsible for ensuring appropriate distribution of the orders to all field security personnel. The Contractor shall not make any alterations to the post orders except an specifically approved in writing by the facility manager or the Contract Administrator. B. ��pox��aa �sred forms and other documentation used in reporting procedures at specific posts will be provided or approved by the County. C. Moc �g],pcke a c c oc s required under this contract for the completion of security tours will be supplied by the County. Contractor will be responsible for the repair or replacement of County supplied watchclocks caused by harsh treatment or misused of clocks as determined b the repair company. Dials, key and routine maintenance *hall be supplied by the County. ppoprte: L'=ract personnel are = to open watchclocks under any circumstances. D. atolac contractor assume full responsibility for all equipment issued by the County to Contractor solely for performance of the work contained herein. Contractor shall reimburse County, at current market rates, for all equipment that is lost damaged, stolen, or otherwise unavailable. Upon termination of contract, all equipment shall be returned to the County in good operating condition, lose reasonable wear and tear. A. Mo u rao or s a provide all working materials necessary for proper performance . of this contract including, but not limited to, items such as bound togqs, notebooks, pens, and pencils. These material ■ shall be su lied by Ehe Contractor at no expense to the County, unless otherwise spec�fied by this contract or the Contract Administrator. All material required to perform thin contract and not otherwise mentioned as being provided by the County shall be provided by the Contractor and/or employee at their expense. B. n or er o ensure a all on -duty security per: nnel are fully eqquuipped and most contractual standards for neatness o� appearance, the Contractor will be required to issue to each employee, and maintain throughout the term of this contract, uniforms and equipment in the following numbers: a Trousers four (4 b Shirts/houses, five (5) c one G sot of all other uniform components as specified in Section V.-A. Page 26 of 42 r� E • DID 02=0_95-03-Z4 ATTI►Cm��1T "A� • a iaued) TEMPAESO. No. ! VI1.ITEM (Continued) 390 ISSM (Continued) S. miffIMM MjIPOFM AND 2" a e d-way hand-held radios, licensed for use by the Federal viguards, and to Commission, contractt� securff cont."cations supervisors. shall provide upon request similar (b) In addition, the Contractor radios, with portable chargers, to Security Management to exceed two in personnel supervising this contract, not be dditional radios beon required, ofmthe,coatract should any additional a radios to the County theacontrao or agrees dollto pert de (c) Base station to have telephone service and be capable of and management personnel qq pdayi weepers 14ntactinurs per day, per Contractor personnel must be available at the Central Disp to take immediate (d) Station who have the ability and authority action on behalf of the County or Contractor, as required. rity This station shall have a cOmplot* drhours t ba worked. County POO officers assigned to (a) Svater ouautY Radio communications among s stem users (i.e. County and Contractor to e strong and clear at all timemes securityq personnel1 is expected ("five by five"), 6oth transmittingand receiving., system shall be totally responsible for providing and maintaining Y quality. 3. or Mani e - per e - t rPa i■ o I I e (b) Flashlight (c) Whistle 0 C. RX a - TH-ntract Administrator is responsible for ensuring that the Contractor adheres to contractual requirements with regard to uniforms and equipment issues. VII. Sschedule of shifts x location is appended•as Attachment "H". The schedule Rciliiies toaddition may also utilize thisacontractor casltheir needsDivisions way require). SS-P943 Page 27 of 42 414 BXD sR=22=LLg" A7R71Cgl�Ml -a- (per Page 1, Section SR) (1) CONPANr 1011E ADDRE88 NANE & TITLE OF COZITACI TELEPEONR Nv1osRR AVERAGE ANNUAL VOLD)Et $ (Nutt be over $75,000.00) REASON FOR DISCONTINUANCE (2) COMPANr NAM ADDRESS NAME i TITLE OF CONTACT TZLEPRONS NONSRR AVERAGE ANNUAL VOLVxzt $ (Nast be over $75,000.00) REASON FOR DISCONTINUANCE (3) CONFANr NABS ADDRESS NAME A TITLE OF CONTACT TELEPRONE NUMBER AVERAGE ANNUAL VOLUMNs $ (Must be over $75,000.00) REASON FOR DISCONTINUANCE I SS-P948 414 Page 28 of 42 • *I 01 • g TEMP. •RESO. No. (rear rage 2. section or) 1. Availability and source(4) of labor force - specify how and where recruited: _.._ Type and extent of training - include syllabus or outline of course given to Guards - attach and identify description and Syllabus/Outlins Separately. 2, Organizational and functional charts - attach ssparately, Properly identified and labelled. raw 3. Plans and Proceed nel - attache separately, pistrative roperlynidentified and ulabelled.res for timely payme 4. Quality control Program 2nspsction/Reporting System, per Attachment "A-2", Section II•I and (a) 2 Section 8F) - attach separately, Properly "Special Instructions", page identified and labelled: (b) Include in (4) (a) above. (c) Include in (4) (a) above. • 0 Ss-P945 Page 29 of 42 414 am skt2L=Lj-q3-sa ALLEGATIONE Ot VIOLATIONS-MMOS (Per ApOaial Iaetructiona - Page 2, creation 7) Typo a Nature of Violation Brought by (Name of OtMgEmition Agency or Individual) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fi. 7. B. 9. 10. tasie;P94n Page 30 of 42 411 sw f :92--U (per Special instruction*, Page 4, section 13, A) TEMP. -RESO. No. GU Date of Issue Issuing Bank's No. Lam: H4A29191=° Broward County through its Sroward County Board of Amount: ( in United States Funds) County Commissioners County Administrator Governmental Center 115 South Andrews Avenue F,xpiry: Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (Date)- Did/c ontract Number we hereby authorize you to draw on (Sank, Iaruer naswl at (branch address) by order of and for the account of (contractor, applicant, customer) up to an aggregate amount, in United States Funds, of available by your draft at sight, accompanied by: (1) A signed statement from the County Administrator of aroward County, or the Administrator's authorized representative, that the drawing is due to default in performance of certain obligations on the part of40 - ---- agreed upon (contractor, applicant, customer) Page 31 of 42 SS-P44s 414 sxn sR=22=iL-Q2-U , �i►ca*oZx� "�" (Continued) by and between Broward County and (contractor, applicant, customer) pursuant to the Bid/Contract No. for (name of project) Drafts must be drawn and negotiated not later than (expiration date) Drafts must bear the clauses "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. (number) of dated (sank name) This Letter of Credit shall be renewed for successive periods of one (1) year each unless we Provide the Broward County Administrator with written notice of our intent to terminate the credit herein extended, which notice must be provided at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the original term hereof or any renewed one (1) year term. Notification to Broward County that this Letter of Credit will expire prior to performance of the contractor's obligations will be deemed a default. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of our undertaking, and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, or amplified by reference to any documents, instrument, or agreement referred to herein or to which this Letter Of Credit is referred or this Letter of Credit relates, and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document, instrument, or agreement. We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers, and bona fide holders of all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit that such drafts will be duly honored upon presentation to the drawee. The execution of the contract and the submission of the required Performance and Payment Guaranty and Insurance certificate by the (Contractor, applicant, customer) obligations. rhall'be release of This Credit is subject to the "Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits," International Chamber of Commerce (1984 revision), Publication No. 400 and to the provisions of Florida law. If a conflict between the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits and Florida law should arise, Florida law shall prevail. If a conflict between the law of another state or county and Florida law should arise, Florida law shall prevail. ]authorized Signature Bs-P94B 414 Page 32 of 42 C� BID • 2. 3. 4. • - - TEMP, ,RES4. No. (Per Special Instructions, Page 4, section 13, A -II) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRBSSNTS: That we as Surety, are bound to the aaard of County Commiseionera of Broward County, Florida, as Dollars Obligee, hereinafter called COUNTY, in the amount of for the payment whereof CONTRACTOR and s severally.themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and WFMRT S, CONTRACTOR has by written agreement entered into a Contract dated the day of 19�, with COUNTY for which Contract is by reference made A part hereof• and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. THE CONDITION Or THIS BOND is that .if he CONTRACTOR: Performs the Contract between the CONTRACTOR and the COUNTY nforcConsi ruction the bng made a of part of this Bond by reference, at the times and in the manner prescribed in the Contract; and Promptly makes payments to all claimants, as defined in Section 255.05 (1), Florida supplyingCONTRACTORteocmaterials, or supplies, used directly or indirectly by�nhPrseucon of the work provided for in the Contract; and pays COUNTY all losses, damages, expenses, costs and attorneys fees including appellate proceedings, that COUNTY sustains because of default by CONTRACTOR under the Contract, and Perorms the uarantee of all terials fu ished thef ftime specified in the contract, rk and heart this Bond is voiduContract otherwise it remains in full force. The Surety hereby waives notice of and agrees that any changes in or under the Contract Documents and compliance or noncompliance with any formalities connected with the contract or the changes does not affect Surety's obligation under this Bond. Whenever CONTRACTOR shall be, and declared by COUNTY to be, in default under the Contract, the COUNTY having performed COUNTY'S obligation thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly (1) Complete the CONTRACT in accordance with its terms and conditions; or (2) Obtain a bid or bids for completing the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, and upon determination by surety of the lowest responsible Bidder, or, if the COUNTY elects, upon determination by the COUNTY and surety jointly of the lowest responsible Bidder, arrange for a Contract between such Bidder and COUNTY, and make available as work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of defaults under the Contract or Contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the Cost Of completion less the balance of the damages contract price; but not exceeding, including other casts for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the first paragraph hereof. The term "balance of the contract price,• as used In this paragraph, shall mean the total amount payable by COUNTY to CONTRACTOR under the Contract and any amendments thereto, less the amount properly paid by COUNTY to CONTRACTOR. SS-P94B Page 33 of 42 414 BID #29.A=2 -q -s4 (Continued) No right action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the COUNTY named herein and those persons or corporations provided for by Section 255.05, Florida Statutes, or their heirs, exscutors, administrators or successors. Any action under this Bond must be instituted in accordance with the Notice and Time Limitations provisions prescribed in Section 255.05(2), Florida Statutes. Signed and sealed this day of r A. a., 19_• WITNESSES: (Name of Corporation) secretary BY: (Signature and Title) BYs (Type Name and Title signed above) (CORPORATE SEAL) IN THE PRESENCE OF: INSURANCE COMPANY- _ BYs Agent and Attorney -in -Fact Address: (Street) (City/State/Zip Code) Telephone No.: v SS-P943 Page 34 of 42 414 *I DID #b-03-95-03-�4 • 10 EMR RESO. No. PON (Per special Instructions, Page 4, section 13, A-Ii, II.d) Date of Issue Bqaef' s Broward county through its Broward County Board of County Commissioners County Administrator Governmental Center 115 South Andrew Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Issuing flank's No. M Amounts in United States Fund Expiry= (Date) Hid/Contract Number we hereby authorize you to draw on (Hank, Issuer name) At (branch address) by order of and for the account of (contractor, applicant, customer) up to an aggregate amount, in United States Funds# of available by your draft at sight, accompanied by: (1) A signed Statement from the County Administrator of Hroward County, or the Administrator's authorized representative, that the drawing is due to default in performance of certain obligations on the part of agreed upon (contractor, applicant, customer) sS-P945 Page 35 of 42 414 BID /pnD-3-91-03-24 A1TAC�SNT -a' (Continued) by and between Broward County and (contractor, applicant, customer) pursuant to the Bid/Contract No. for (name of project) and Section 2SS.OS, Florida Statutes. Drafts must be drawn and negotiated not later than (expiration date) Drafts must bear the clauses 'Drawn under Letter of Credit No. (number) of , dated (Bank name) This Letter of Credit shall be renewed for successive periods of one (1) year each unless we provide the Broward County Administrator with written notice of our intent to terminate the credit herein extended, which notice must be provided at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the original term hereof or any renewed (1) year term. Notification to Broward County that this Letter of Credit will expire prior to performance of the contractors obligations will be deemed a default. This Letter of Credit set■ forth in full the terms of our undertaking, and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, amended, or amplified by reference to any documents, instrument, or agreement referred to herein or to which this Letter of Credit is referred or this Letter of Credit relates, and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document, instrument, or agreement. We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of- all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit that such drafts will be duly honored upon presentation to the drawee. Obligations under this Letter of Credit shall be released one (1) year after the final completion of the Project by the (contractor, applicant, customer) and final acceptance by Broward County. This Credit is subject to the 'Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits,' International Chamber of Commerce (1984 revision), Publication No. 400 and to the provisions of Florida law. If a conflict between the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits and Florida law should arise, Florida law shall prevail. If a conflict between the law of another state or country and Florida law should arise, Florida law shall prevail. Authorized Signature • SS-P948 414 Page 36 of 42 rI • Zi1D iD-Q._9 -O _Z4 S0. No. -'� `�40, • • 7 * Y pco;urthOu:z:e onal 7t30 - 17:00 - 9.5 bra. Tuesday 700 - 18100 - 10.5 hrs. Wednesday 7t30 - 18900 10.3 hrs. Thursday 700 - 18800 10.3 bra. Friday 7t30 - 17:00 9.5 Mast Regional Monday 7t30 - MOO Courthouse 9.5 hrs. Tuesday 7:30 - 18:00 10.5 hrs. Wednesday 700 - 18:00 10.5 hrs. Thursday 700 - 18800 10.5 brs. ftidly 7t30 - 17t00 9.5 brs. OOt01 - 34t00 00201 - 34200 mdrise Monday OOtal - 34t00 3 x 8 hr. shifts shiftshr_ 3 x 8 hr. shifts Tuesday OOt01 - MOO 3 x 8 hr. shifts Wednesday 00t01 - 3400 3 x 8 hr. shifts Thursday 00tol - 34so0 3 x s hr. shifts Friday 00s01 - MOO 3 x 8 hr. shifts Page 37 of 43 85-P94s 414 un�19 p.nso. No. 71, The undersigned vendor hereby certifies that it will provide a drug -free workplace program by: (1) Publishing a statement notifying its employees use that thcontrolled e unlawful moms ace i distribution, dispensing, p0ssession. or use of a the actions thaC will be prohibited in the lo0YOes°for violations OfdsuchcProhibition; taken against amp Xemployees (2) Establishing a continuing drug -free awareness program to inform its about: (i) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace: (Li) The offeror's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplaces (ILL) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and amp oyes assistance programat and (iv) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; (3) Giving all employees engaged in performance of the contract a copy of the at required by subparagraph (1); (4) Notifying all employees, in writing, of the statement act, h by subparagraph (1), that as a condition of employment on a covered eoatract, the employes shall: (1) Abide by the terms of the statement. and conviction under a Notify the employer in writin4 of the employ+'■ criminal drug statute for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than 5 calendar days after such convictions (5) Notifying Broward county government in writing within 10 calendar days after receiving notice under subdivision (4) 111) above, from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. The notice shall include the position title of the employee; (6) Within 30 calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph employs* who conviction, taking one of the following +coons w in the workplace: it convicted of a drug abuse violation vecurrinq action against such employee, up Co and Taking appropriate personnel (il including termination; or Requiring such employee to articipate ■atisfact rrcement. or oved rily if or n a such (11) abuse assistance or rebabipitation program app purposes by a federal, state, or local health, law enfo other appropriate agency; and through (y) Malting a good faith effort to maintain a drug -free workplace program (1) through l61• implementation of subparagraphs (Vendor signature) (print Ven or Name) STATE OF COUNTY or day of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 199S. by (name o Perron who'e signature is bS3.ng notarized) (title) of (name o corporation/company), as known to me to be the person described herein, ar who produced (tom o i enti#ication) as identification, and who did/did not take an oath. NOTARY Pu=c: 4 (signature) (print Name) My commission expire$,- Ss-P94b 414 Page 38 of 44 0 • • asa r,,..e9 9s-o3-24 TEMP. 60. No. SWORN a2A'!� Mn= szcrIoN 297.133(3)(4)r on FtySI,Ic WMITY cRINSS THIS FOIM MUST mE SVJ AND SWORN TO IN THE rusp= or A Nd'MY PUBLIC OR OTHER orFICU& �ADTHORIZIM TO ADKXXISTHR oATHS. 1. This sworn statement is submitted to sprint nase of the publia entity) by [print istdividual's name and title) for ,Print name of entity submitting sworn statement whose business address is and (if applicable) its Federal 8mploysr Identification Number (raIN) is (If the entity has no rEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this sworn statements agraph 257.133(1)(g). 2. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Par means a violation of may State or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any °that state r services to be pr of the United rovided including, but not limited to, any bid or contract ub for good to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision of any other state or of the United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery' collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 3. I understand that "convicted" or "conviction" as defined in Paragralic2entit3(cr(ima. means a finding of quilt or • conviction state trial court of record with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any relating to charge brought nojury t by n�t •l, or entry information pof mafter plea of July guilty 1969,or polo result of a jury verdict, contenders. 4. I understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(9), )tea slatutea, meansi _ 1. A predecessor or successor of a person convi son who ipublic active is the management 2. An entity under the control of any natural per lic entity crime. The term of the entity and who has been convicted of • Ph partners, shareholders, "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, employees, y One agents ftshares constituting give in the a controlling nt ointerestilintanother ownership by persons when not for, fair market person, or a pooling of equipment or income among pe value under an arm'a length agreement, shall be a er� into a joint ty venture person hoa controls another person. A person who knowingly person sonthso has hall be consideredconvicted of a public entity crime in rlorida during the preceding as, 5. I understand that a "pscn°or entity organized ned in aund�r the•lawslois any state or of the means any natural Pe r to enter into a binding contract and which bids or United States with the legal paws applies to bid on contracts for the provision of goods or services let by a public cts or applies to transact business with a �rsc entity, or which otherwise transa entity. The term -person, includes those officers, directors, executives, p shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity. SS-P94a Page 39 of 42 414 SCHEDULE OF SASE PARTICIPATION TEMP. MO. No. TjM7t1F PRIME CONTRACTOR) (CONTRACT NO.) (yOCATION) TYPE OF TYPE OF WORK PRO JECTED MINORITY (ELECTRICAL WOMAN (W) PAVING. ETC.) a DCOMPL N FOR AGREED NAME OF SDHE OR OR CONTRACT WORK PRICE SUBCONTRACTOR ADDRESS OTHER (0) ITEMS TO BE PERFORMED The undersigned will enter into a formal agreement with upon small fitaContract by nand if contractos for required,rexecution ofi a Contract with ethe eBoard condiOfoCoounty Comiseionere, Browsed county. (Signature) (Date) Faye 4L v: •f SB-F94E 414 r� u r� u >.m - TEMP. Jt SO. No. Z�.- L,q— �J S A M P L E I,.w Iwo .00lrts OF AGI"sT OOMPAMILS AFFORO1NG Co"ItAGtS rIo L[TTCII Mrr c•A Lt- 8 is OF w.UK0 u .^.I+ C uaerw+ D E Set .m.« um :�rrwn� yes[ `�"'�' rw r°"°"mw w "'°tea ...w+n► a" s'""'r a a iI. owl d fIAI .art b/'I aLk" p.I[ accu I[IK[ r4LICv wuM.Ul riFrnr IIII.IIC[ ICK so"TwiL r s rIICrEWI• o..w Is I . „pelr[ raw .wp COILA�t ""[""° may, s ergo NgrawraFwa[ eosw+ra aiw' OnT NgW[MI• l POWNT Carnuc"M nr.auL w wAPW is 11>•^ IIrs I[.4■K�I ** AMTOMOEII E LIA5 LM s .ippiLIF wluErjlMf 1Krilw FowPOOKIR•0AMS" to: POW WI•oM...[ ❑.0.0FIIITo Somw 0"w".n f EXCSSS LIAYILs1Y My{ffrvam&$" s cprMrl[O 13 oTtl[r FM.FI IIMMt.LA prTV10" Far. MOItKERS•COMwENfAT10N s �� .gar.. EMFLprEW LIAOILITY pTNER OIScIMIpr a OrtMI L�IWM1M"ClL► yy EpOWARO �• FLORIDAFLORIOA !O **� CERTIPICAT! MI .L SNPjppeCOUNTY pD�OF COUNT���MMISf10NER5. INSURED: BROW g Cam* Isf uln�Wi ADDITIONAL of th! abOVA dttserltled pp11CI" INt Canc nelo+R the fxPlntloettrt fKsin! OldlrA nauce to the tlelow nam.d UORI Should iI+Y C wdlawdtNvef'Is F^AII days wntten IS "EROKER". Wnv IS --AGENT-- POLICY NUMBER MUST Be DISPLAYED IF PRODUCER SINOER ACCEPTAALE ONLY IF PROOUC E1, . p.N Itwro " ' FIHMgKp CO Board o1 Own[v 1 Btowwd COu"v 115 Swth AIIdnW. Avee— Ft Lauderdale. FL 3=1 p,rl�I[[o.[rII[urIIF�M �/3�/9.1 "! ATTN.. Pum usin o Division. Room 212 RE: Bid = �� ar DIRac . RIsK Mw"^GcmcrjT OIVISION page, 43 of 42 SS—P94s 414 "EXHIBIT L" ORIGINAL .'EMR RESO, NO.� HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The Wackenhut Corporation agrees to indemnify, save, and hold harmless, the Client, its officers, agents, representatives, and employees from and against all losses, damages, claims, liabilities and causes of action of every kind, character, and nature, based upon, or arising out of, damages or injuries caused by the negligence of employees of The Wackenhut Corporation. In the event of any claims made or suits filed against the Client, The Wackenhut Corporation shall be given prompt written notice thereof, and The Wackenhut Corporation shall have the right to defend or settle the same to the extent of its interest hereunder. It is not the intention of this Agreement, or of anything herein provided, to confer a third party beneficiary right of action upon any person whatsoever, and nothing herein before or hereinafter set forth, shall be construed so as to confer upon any person other than the Client, a right of action, either under this Agreement or in any manner whatsoever. THE WACKENHUT CORPORATION NO DATE William B. Schira, Area Manager CLIENT: CITY OF TAMARAC FLORIDA By: Mark A. As-"fpan ublic Works Operations Manage DATE J-9-? ORIGINAL RESO. No.,.�.,,,,� SECURITY SYSTEMS AND SERVICES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD February 6, 1997 THE WACKENHUT CORPORATION 4200 WACKENHUT DRIVE # 100 PALM BEACH GARDENS FL 33410.4243 VIA P.O. EXPRESS P.O. BOX 1 -9603 PALM BEACH GARDENS FL 3341 D9603 TELEPHONE: (561) 622-5656 Mr, Mark Greenspan FAX: 1561) 691.6660 Public Works Operation Manager 6011 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, FL. 33321 RE: D-03-95-03-24 - Broward County Security Services Contract Dear Mr. Greenspan: The Wackenhut Corporation hereby agrees to acknowledge The City of Tamarac's intention to purchase Security Officer Services Class III from the existing Broward County Security Services Contract, D03950324, at the contracted hourly cost of $15.50 per hour, per Officer. This service is currently on -going, and will continue at your discretion until further notice. All terms and conditions coincide with the terms and conditions of the existing Broward County Security Services contract an0jLQLetWx_pf Agreement dated October 25, 1996. Accepted F Corporate Counsel Assistant Secretary Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of February, 1997. JACQUELINE R. 6ANKARD Ota Ubllc .r ._ MY COMMISSION N CC 321080 sir cr EXPIRES: (=ber 4, 1997 Bonded thnr Notary FvbNc UndeiwriEera My Commission Expires: �� rf-r�jc�bsru;tlali.�rlr }vriii i;ric��L';ril•'`