HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-88-240Temp. Reso. #5150 1 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA 2 RESOLUTION NO. R--88- O 3 A RESOLUTION ISSUING REVISED DEVELOPMENT 4 ORDER NO. 007-4 FOR COLONY COVE PROJECT FOR A REVISED SITE PLAN PURSUANT TO THE 5 PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 7-2 THROUGH 7-11 OF THE TAMARAC CODE; AND PROVIDING AN 6 EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the instructions of the City Council of Tamarac, Florida, a public meeting has been 9 8 advertised in accordance with applicable law of the date, 10 time and place of the meeting regarding the review of the 11 application for a revised development order by the applicant 12 for development approval; and 13 WHEREAS, the City Council has examined and investigated 14 the application, staff and Planning Commission recommenda- 15 tions, and the attached Development Review Status Sheet dated 16 August 15, 1988; and 17 WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the revised develop- 18 ment order and accompanying documents at a public meeting; Ji and 2"` WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the 21 application is in compliance with all elements of the Compre- 22 hensive Plan, or will be in compliance prior to the issuance 23 of a Certificate of Occupancy for the development that is the 24 subject of the application. 25 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 26 TAMARAC, FLORIDA: 27 SECTION 1: That the application for approval of a 28 revised site plan for Colony Cove, prepared by Darby and Way, 29 Incorporated, revised on June 23, 1988, reflecting reduction 30 to total of 39 units and to eliminate northern access to Colony West Country Club, is HEREBY APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 33 A. Construction is to be in complete compliance with 34 the plans and specifications submitted by the developer to 35 the City of Tamarac as described in Section II of the Development Review Status Sheet and approved engineering drawings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 P4_a Px1A 23 24 25 26 P*A 28 29 30 33 34 35 Temp. Reso. #5150 B. Commencement of construction shall be no longer than one year from the date of this approval. If the development does not commence construction within one year, this approval is null and void unless an extension has been granted in accordance with applicable regulations. C. The revised development order is assignable, but an assignment does not discharge any assignee from strict compliance with the order unless the City Council consents to modify any of the original requirements. D. Additional conditions established in order to issue the revised development order are set forth as follows: 1. The revision or abolition and re - execution of the recorded.Irrevocable Option Agreement SECTION 2: That the following documents are hereby accepted and approved as a part of this revised development order: Irrevocable Option Agreement SECTION 3: Should any section or provision of this revised development order be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the City Council shall determine if the other portions of the order remain valid or whether the approval shall be null and void. SECTION 4: This revised development order as conditioned shall become effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of 1988. ATTEST: GL:0� NORMAN ABRAMOWITZ MAYOR CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK I"HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to fo RICHARD DOODY CITY ATTORNEY RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR ABRAMOWITZ DISTRICT 1: C/M ROHR DISTRICT 2: V/M STELZER DISTRICT 3: C/M HOFFMAN DISTRICT 4: C/M BENDER Oa 0 13 6� L� J* I I I I . /?- ,Pfr—C; ? O. , - -, 5811 NORTHWEST BBTH AVENUE . TAMARAC. FLORIDA 33321 - TELEPHONE 190S1 722•SSbp DEVELOPM NT REVIEW STATUS SHEET f % MEM3 P DATE W 15/88 Orig. Dev. rder 007-�evised Dev. Order Project COLONY COVE Revised Site Plan Master File #27-81 To eliminate northern access to Colony Vest Country Club 17_87 Location UA 19 re total-mits to 39 East side of NW 88 Ave - south of CO of ny Wesount;ry u developer Owner • r Zoning R-3U Acres 4.89 Recommended 66te for Council Action i4 Future Land Use Desi.gnationLow-Med pensi y Res. Proposed Use _. 9 units DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR: Final Site PIan' ,... _ I. STAFF APPROVAL DATES: City Planner Final Plat . Revised Site Plan Final Site P1an,,."Final Plat,,..Revised Site Plan City Engineer Chief Building Official Fire Chief Comments I1. PLANNING CWHISSION RECO;r4ENDATIONS:. APPROVAL or APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS/Date 8/3/88 DE!IIAL/Date Final Site Plan dated Rev. Final Plat dated Rev Revised Site Plan dated , Rev 6/23/88 (date stamped 7/14/88) Planning Commission finding of compliance with Certified Plan: III. FINAL ENGINEERING DRAWINGS: ift APPROVAL/Date APPROVAL AS REDLIVEO/Date DENIAL/Date Cements cont'd -� 1-ff,Z � 4o Page 2 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW STATUS SHEET IV. LANDSCAPE PLAN:' Staff Action. APPROVAL ,_ APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS,^,,,,,, DE►lIAL Date V. RbWARD COUNTY DEVELOPMEWT REVIEW C 14ITTEE REPORT: (If-APPHESEIa �... Comments I VI. DEVELOPERS AGREEMENTS/FEES Whereapplicable): SUMMARY -- A. Water and Se2gt_Qgvgl,o2jr Aare',Ment City Engineer Approval/Date City Attorney Approval/pate, B. Other Develo ent A reemen (Covenants, Stipulations, etc.) Revised irrevocable option y C. Drainage RetI,nttion Fee Amount i 5% Required/Acres Provided Deficiency/Acres X $35,000/Acre D. Drainage Improvement Fee Amount S ProjectAcreage X,s130/Acre E. Water X Sewer Contra Charges Fee Amount S Number of ERCs X 41000 F. ERC Review Fee, if more than 110 ERCs Fee Amount S G. Local Parks/Recreation Fee Amount s Acres Required . Provided S/Acre X . Deficiency/Acres H. Engineering Fees Fee Amount $ I. Bonds .....`....._,�.._„_ �. Bond Amount $ Date: Approved by City Engineer_...,._,.,^ City Attorney J. On Site Beautification ` (Fees to be paid at time of building permit issuance) C: i page S Mega d w Di -mop ,mi Rrvitw sn-rus SwtrT ?- ` VELopmrNT REvIEu RE ul�E!!Eh'TS:' A. Pots -It Peter Service Certification of City Engineer or Consulting City Engineer of Availability of,Service: AVAILABLE w.,..3.,.,.. WILL It UkILAg1E � MDT AVAILABLE Elate taRments I. Wisteweter Trwir-ent and Disposal Servite Certifitation of City Engineer or Consulting City Engineer of Availability of Service: AVAILABLE VILL It AVAILABLE MDT AVAILABLE Date Comments w C. Solid Waste Disposal Service Dettmination of Availability of service: AYAIULSLE WILL It AVAILABLE. NOT AVAILABLE _....�� � D+te Coamentt . D; Drainage Adequacy Certification of City Engineer or Consulting City Engineer of Adequacy of =Dra Wage: , ADEQUATE.,,;. WILL It ADEQUATE ��. NDT =1 ADF . R Q Date Cam, ants E. It0 onsl Transportation fetwork Compliance with Minium Standards: CPMPL1ES WILL COM"PLY.,.... DOES NOT COMPLY Date Com. ents F. Local Streets and Roads Compliance wiit,"linimum Standards: CCHPLIESWILL COr1PLY. . ., . DOES NOT COMP Date Car", ants i. fire protection Service compliance with Minim;m Standards: CONP111S ��^ WILL COMPLY DOES NOT COt?LY . . Date Commenfs N. Police Protection Service Compliance wit inimm Standards: iO' ats WILL COMPLY DOES NOT COMPLY Elate Camrnentt ' i-_ I. 0:41 /ar.'$ Oirks an "'it creation Facilities) Lana :1tation Requi edJAcres Provided 49h 1n Lieu of Land t,,.,.: dross Ages Mae. = S-.IAC • :—•-.�.. J.st 1k, orvliantt with the $tandardt of the Iroward County School Ioard: Si 1iDD1 1TES NiEDED fDR UFKN701 SCHOOL, NDT N MIDDLE SCHOOL NOT NEEDED NISH SCHOOL NOT NEEDED Leiter' ftom School' Noard Dated ,"_ •�..�•�. : Page d / W Lff -e ;'P L10 . . ■ M. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW STATUS SHEET VIII. PROCESSING TIES (PAID): Site Plan Review: _ Revised Site Plan: : 400.00 Plat Review: _ Schematic Eng.; _ Other: _ STAFF COM INTS: • Proposed development is/tom in general tonfonaance with Tanarac's Lend Use Plan Mment and recommends: 27-81 Adoption of Development007-4 17-87 Order / !!«stew File / For: COLONY COVE Revised Site Plan to eliminate northern access to Colony West Country Club and to reduce total units to 39. -- Project Subject to the requirements included in the Report and the following conditions: .; Staff recommends approval of the revised site plan., subject to the revision or abolition and re -execution of the recorded irrevocable option agreement. 11