HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-86-146Introduced by: Temp. Reso. #4055 1 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-86- /Z A RESOLUTION ISSUING DEVELOPMENT ORDER NO. 193 FOR A REVISED SITE PLAN FOR JEHOVAHS WITNESS KINGDOM HALL; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC TIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to the instructions of the City Council of Tamarac, Florida, a public meeting has been advertised in accor- dance with applicable law of the date, time and place of the meet- ing regarding the review of the application for a development order by the applicant for development approval; and WHEREAS, the City Council has examined and investigated the application and staff recommendations; and the attached Development Review Status Sheet dated 3 20 86; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the development order and accompanying documents at a public meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the application is in compliance with all elements of the Comprehensive Plan, or will be in compliance prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the development that is the subject of the applica- tion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAM- ARAC, FLORIDA: - SECTION 1: That the application for approval of a revised site plan for Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall, revised 27 86 to reflect installation of a fence and storage shed, is APPROVED subject to the following conditions: A. Construction is to be in complete compliance with the lans and specifications submitted by the developer to the City of amarac as described in Section 11 of the Development Review Status heet. B. Commencement of construction shall be no longer than one ear from the date of this approval. If the development does not ommence construction within one year, this approval is null and oid unless an extension has been granted in accordance with appli- ble regulations. 1 Q� I I I 2 3 4 C The develop assignment does not discharge with the order unless the Ci 6 7 the original requirements. D. Additional conditions 9 development order are set fort 10 11 1 - There are to be n storage building. 12 13 14 is 16 SECTION 2: Should any 17 opmen o der be declared by a 18 invalid, the City Council shal the order remain valid or wh 19 void. 20 11 SECTION 3: This developm 22 effective immediately upon its PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED t 23 24 25 26 NTTEST: 27 2 8 29 kC2,244:1ZERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have 30 ipproved the.form and correct- iess of this RE TION. 31 32 CIT'l AT%ORNEY 33 34 Temp. Reso. #4055 ment order is assignable, but an any assignee from strict compliance ty Council consents to modify any of established in order to issue the h as follows: o flammables stored within this section or provision of this devel- court of competent jurisdiction to be 1 determine if the other portions of ether the approval shall be null and ent order as conditioned shall become passage. bis,2.3day of 1986. � �W/J' �/ /�/WJ�W MA'f'Oft RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOFt HART -4�� DIST. 1: C/W MASSARO DIST.' 2k C/M STELZER - od, DIST. 3: C/M GOTTESMAN DIST. 4: V/M STEIN 2 0��' *I /1, - J1,6P - / Y (00 6811 1WC)RI"WEST $2TW AVENUE TAWARAC. FLORMA 33321 TELfPMDNE 722,6900 a DEVELOP11M fo�)EW SIATUS SHEET Or 19 - De —v.--IYr c e r Revised Site Plan for Addition of Stcrage Shed and----R-evised Dev. Order Fence at KINGDOM HALL OR"JEHOVAHS WITNESSES pUster File # 39-76 Project LocatiOw .9904 NW 77 St. Developer KINGDOM HALL OF JEH2VAHS WITNESSES Dwner KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAHS WITNESSES Zoning Acre$'- Retomntnded We for Council Action —3/26486 munity Facilit'ies Proposed Vse Church Future Land V&t DesignatiDn.2—M a DEVILOPM11a DRDER FD,R:- x Tirol Site Plan Final Plat �,. Revised site Plan 1. SIATF AMOVAL DATES: --final site plan . Final Plbt�Rqvlsed site Plat City'Planrer City Envinter Chief EuIlding Official fire 'W;Iitf . Finance Director APPRDVAL or APPRDVAL WITTH COND171ONS/Date 3/5/86 final Site Plan dated 14274gf). Rev final Plat dated Rev Revised Site Plan dated Rev Pla;ninq Cwrrission finding of compliance with Certified Plan: see page 4 of this report FlNAL JWGIMERINS DRA'.'lR:S: 6 APPRUAL/Date &WROVAL AS ItEDLIVD/Date Dr %' I t-L / Za 1, e Coments relot A r, rJV. LAN:SCAPE PLAN: A&M I t-*R ion APPROVAL � APPROVAL WI We DEVELOPMENT REVIEW STATUS SHE CONDITIMS. VENIAL lebutification CorrIttee APPRDVAL . APPADVAL WITI CONDITIMS DENIAL V. -MIMR CDU*I'Ty 'DIVElOPMNT RrVITW C"'ITTEI IttPDRI: (if applicable) - Cements, TL %.D IV V]. MrLD"'AS A"REMET4�1SMES (Where ar)plicable): _ 5 v Ma M L�p A. Water ar�d City Engineer Approval/Date City Attorney�kpproval/Date 8. Mer Develomert Aqrej!r,�e--ts (Coverants, Stipulations$ gtc.) C. Rrai"ape Pete,�t4tt Foe Amount S S' Required/Acres Provided Deficiency/Acres X 335,0M./Acre D. kainate 7:,Provenent Foe Amount S -Project Acreage X S330/Acre 1. Water 6 Sewer Ct"trib�:= Charges Fee Amount 5 Number of IRCS x SM0 F. FRC- Review Fee, If Iftolre tharl 10 TRCS Foe Amount 3 6. Local hrks/Recreation fee Amount S Acres Required.-. Provided S/Acre Deficioncy/Acres N. f"O"erring Fees roe Amovmt S 1. Bond Amount S Date: Approved by City" Engineer.---.. City Attorney J. on Site leautification (Ftes to be paid at time of building perrit issuance) Date 101 4P con% Id Page 3 r n., o D-tVrLopp,rhoT RrVjtW SIATUS S14M A. piptt- I e wtir Service w Certification Of City Engineer or Corisulting City Engineer of Availsbility of Service: V WILL It AVAILABLE *07 WILAILT AVAILABLE --NM fkta Cements bralte-dattr Treatment and DiSPOS&I Strvict Ctrtif itatiOn Of City Engineer or Consulting City triliftrOr Of AysilAbility of Service6. AVAILABLE WILL It AVAILABLE NDI AVATULILT jute Ccoments to Solid Waste Disposal Service DIttrmination of Availiability Of Service: IM AVAILABLE AVAILABLE ).C. WILL It AVAILABLf.� ate Cements D. Dri e Adevacy Certification Of City Engineer or Consulting City Engineer of Adequacy of,braingle: ADIQUATI WILL It AUQUATI .— XDT ADEQAVTL Date Com. ants j. jt;ional Transportation Network compliance 0�"inimjm Standards: COMPLIES 4 — WILL COKPly--� DOES ND7 COMPLY - Date coniments, F. Loisl Straits and Roads, Compliance W �� Hinima Standards: WILL tolply... COMY Date 6. fire Protection Service Compliance 7�� hinlwm Standards; COMFIP0 Is WILL MPLY DDES NDI COMY Date Cwrents N. Police Protettion service Compliance with miniflwm standards: COMPLIES WILL COMPLY DDES XDI COMPLY batt Carnments, LV:41 Parks (Parks and Recresti0ft FACIlitiCS) Lino Feination Reqjired/Atres, — Provided Cash in Lieu of Land....Gross Arres Plax. I JAC a S loard: nce with the Standards of the IrDward County St SCHOOL 5111S NEEDED FoR ItEKENTARY SCOIDDL 47 WIEUR 6 IMIDDLt SCHDOL —W0 —I Nr ED UID 0 NISH SCHDOL W.0-7 —N -1 R RID Lettt? from Sth*Dl 104rd bated I page A MW vrVtL0W-EW1-WtVftW SIATUS SHM 00W V111. FEES (PAID): Me plan Review: Revised site plan: 175-nn Plat Review: Other: STAFF WEh"15: 0 0 0 with Taffarat's Land Fros�sel devalment IslinwK in general conformAnt Use plan lIgment and retwriendg: or # 193 moner file # — 3L-U6— For: Adoption Of OCY210ftnt Ordt REVIS p sTTF P1 AN FQR AI)DTTTnN nF rTnPArzLcAEQ.=a-&&V66-!T-- 0 moo KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAHS WITN�SSES- pf'oSett SubSect to th� requirgments included in thl Report and 01 f011Dwin; tonditions; a I Z Staff recommends approval, Subject to the following: a 1. Setbacks for this storage building for lawn mowers comply with City Codes. 2. Color of building will' match existing building and be landscaped per City Planners request. 3. Fire Department advises applicant that if any inflamables are stored there is to be no more than 5 gallons at any time. 0