HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-86-147Introduced by: vd' Temp. Reso#4089 1 2 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA 3 RESOLUTION NO. R-86-ZZ 4 5 A RESOLUTION ISSUING DEVELOPMENT ORDER NO. 196 FOR A REVISED SITE PLAN FOR WOODMONT 6 TRACT 68 (CYPRESS III) AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 7 8 WHEREAS, pursuant to the instructions of the City Council 9 of Tamarac, Florida, a public meeting has been advertised in 10 accordance with applicable law of the date, time and place of 11 the meeting regarding the review of the application for a 12 development order by the applicant for development approval; and 13 WHEREAS, the City Council has examined and investigated 14 the application, staff and Planning Commission recommendations; 15 and the attached Development Review Status Sheet date 3/28/86; 16 and 17 WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the development order 18 and accompanying documents at a public meeting; and 19 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the 20 application is in compliance with all elements of the 21 Comprehensive Plan, or will be in compliance prior to the 22 issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the development that 23 is the subject of the application. 24 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 25 TAMARAC, FLORIDA: 26 ySECTION 1: That the application for approval of a 27 revised site plan for Woodmont Tract 68 (Cypress III), prepared 28 by Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc., revised March 25, 1986, 29 to complete the remainder of the development and to modify the 30 footprint of buildings 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8, is approved subject to 31 the following conditions: 32 A. Construction is to be in complete compliance with the 33 plans and specifications submitted by the developer to the City 34 of Tamarac as described in Section II of the Development Review Status Sheet and approved engineering drawings. Temn. 4089 r_ � I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 B. Commencement of -construction shall be no longer than one year from the date of this approval. If the development does not commence construction within one year, this approval is null and void unless an extension has been granted in accordance with applicable regulations. C. The development order is assignable, but an assignment does not discharge any assignee from strict compliance 'with the order unless the City Council consents to modify any of the original requirements. D. Additional conditions established in order to issue the development order are set forth as follows: 1. Developer to provide the Fire Department with a letter from a civil engineer certifying that the emergency access road will support a 20 ton vehicle. S,E.CTION 2:_ Should any section or provision of this development order be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the City Council shall determine if the other portions of the order remain valid or whether the approval shall be null and void. .,UCTION 3: This development order as conditioned shall become effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED thisoZ?--lday of _L; 1986. :�L44 MAY R ATTEST: CITY CUE ?]K- I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness of this RESOLUTION. ".1 RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR:HART DIST. 1: C/W MASSARO &L� DIST. 2: C/M STELZER_ DIST. 3: C/M GOTTESMAN DIST. 4: V/M. STEIN 4J (.1 0— SSJJ WDRINWEST 88TH AVENUF 7AVARAC. IFLORICIA :2321 TELEP14DNE (30$) 722IL90D DEVELOPMEN1 REVIEW STA7US SHrtl mrij tv IR4 W.TE 3/28/86 196 Orip. Dev. Orcer CYPRESS III REVISED SITE PLAN TO COMPLETE THE Revised Dev. Order REMAINDER OF THE DEVELOPMENT -AND MODIFY FOOTPRINT � Project QE_&U1UING-S 3A.5,7—X"L-& p6ster File # 4-80 WEast side of NW 88 Ave -south of NW 75 St. Developer OUR OWN PLACE COMMUNITIES Mer . -MONTWOOD, INC. Zoning R-4A Acres 11.33 (Total) Recommended Date for Council Action _L/23/86 _.�ed..Density Res. Proposed L'se 78 existing units Future Land Ust Designation 66 Proposed units DEvILOP11ru"T DRILER FDR: Final Site Plan 1. SIATF APPROVAL DATES: City Planter City Invineer Cbief E:j;ldinp Official Fire :4,itf Finance Director Ill. PL&Tilt-'� CO"!!ISS10!J APPROVAL or Final Plat Revised site 'Plan x Final Site Plan..rinal Plbt�.Itfvised Site Plan APPADVAL W31H COID21IM/Date 3/19/86 Final Site Plan dated Rev Final Plat dated Rev Revised Site Plan dated i /_R6 Ottv planning Com.ission finding ef ccrnpliance with Certified Plan: see Page 4 of this report III. FINAL MIKERIN; DRA,-'1f1:S: APPRDVAI/Date X'"ROVAL AS 10114rD.,'Date a .............. t-L 144)1 1, f I % Coments Cont'd -0 9� DrVELOPMEN1 REVIEW SUTUS SHEET /4 00 -A/ ely. =LA=NM0E rL.AS. -1taff Action APPROVAL APPROVAL WITH CMITIMS. DEIIIAL reawtification ro-IrAttee let t-rends t iom-Date: APPROVAL .. APPADVAL WITH CONDITINS ...DEUAL jpoi=p cou*ny Duriopmn"i Rrvirw rr�%r�nnr itrnrt: (If applicable) 0� -Coments A. Vater and City Engineer ApprovalfDate CA te . Allx� City Attorritjy*Approval/Date B. 21'Ner Develtmert Acree"cli (Covewtse Stipulations etc.) C. Dreiv)ate Peotv.tirn Fee Amount S 604- Required/Acres Provided .. Deficiency/k.res I $35,000/Acre D. Dreinne lr,:�rovePl�e-,t roe Amount X Project Acreap X 3230/Arre f. Water I Sewer Ctttrit4j= Charges Fee Mount S 34,584.00 & b� 42.9 .4imber of ER's X $164U.UO *Less Marmon credit for 66 units at $542. per unit $750.00 F. PC Review fee, if r*'Pe tha" 10 TRCS Fee knount 5 6. Local Pirks/Recreation roe Amount 3 Acres Required Provided VAcre I Deficiency/Acres 1j. tn9intering rees Fee Amou"t S 6� forlis N� Bond Amount S Date: Approved by fity"Inginter. City Attorney J. IDn Site leautilitation (Fees to be paid &% time of building permit issuance) K. Future Traffic Needs Fees $9,504.00 cont 'd 0 F#;e 3 1DrVtL0PKrK1 *rVIrw SIAIVS SuIrl — - gvrtopmm orvirw Pr2munr-w7s: A. Potalle i;jter Service Certification of City Engineer or Consulting City Engineer of Avsillbility of Service: AVAILABLE WILL RE AV10LABLE NOT AVAILABLE lute coments 1. wastewater Trestmtht and Disposal Service Ctrtification of City Engineer or Consulting City Enginrer of Availability of Service: AVAILABLE X WILL It AVAILABLE UM AVAILABLE Date coments 0 0 C. Solid Waste Disposal Service Dtttrmination of Availability of Service: AVAILABLE AL- WILL IE AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE Date ctments D. Drainage Alequacy Certification of City Engineer or Consulting City Engineer of Adeqwacy of Drainage: ADEQUATE WILLIE ADrQUAT1 � NOT ADEQAIJTL - I Date Cam, ents 1. Rqional Transportation Netvmrk Ccr.pliance with Minimim Standards: COMPLIES WILL t0v,,PIY.�� DOES NOT COMPLY Date Coments F. Local Streets and Roads Compliance with 1jinimm Standards: Compors 3e WILL C011PLY.—.�. DOES WZ7 CO,rrly Date Cam, ants 6. fire Protection Service Cm,plianc* with P-iniwm Standards; COMPLIES WILL COMPLY �� DOES W07 COT,'Ply Date Cwments N. Police Protection Service Unpliance with Minimm Standards: COMPLIES A, WILL COMPLY DOES NOT COMPLY lute Caments I. LV:al Park& (Park& amd Recreation facilities) ratc NiUtlon Required/Acres Provided lei Cash iri Lieu of Land . Gross Acres Paz. I I /AC a S ComPliance with the Standards of the Irovarid Coirmly School Board: SCHOOL SIIIS NEEDED FOR ILEMLENIARY SCHDOL -NDI WEEVID KIDDLI SCHOOL NOT WEEDrD NISH SCHDOL NOT WEE= Letter frcn School Bo:rd Dated a page 4 I)EVELOPMLN1 IkEVIEW SIATUS SHM W rVIJI. 1pRD:1ssIw5 FEES (PAID): site plan Review: .Revised site Plan: 400.QO 1plat Review: other: 0 9 SIATF C*VZh"TS: a prop:led development 1$1j4Wk1A,,Jn general CMf0yT,,nct with Tararac's Land use Plan flement and replorr"ends: Mop%ion of Develop"nt Order 196 ftster file # —4-8n for: rypgr5c; ITT pFVT,�pn qJTr P1 AN TU rQMP1 r,E TWr W4i6qWiOl� AND MODIFY FOOTPRINT OF PROPSOED RUILDINGS project Subject to th� requiments included in the Report and the ftlhwin; 04# 4Fk"t 0 dw 16WIl Approval of the revised site plar payment of water and sewer fees i - and developer providing Fire Dep� Civil Engineer certifying that t1 support a twenty ton vehicle. 0 11