HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-86-1795 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Introduced by �'-w Temp # 4059 Rev. 3/25/86 Rev. 4/18/86 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-86--/V A RESOLUTION ISSUING A DEVELOPMENT ORDER NO. 191 FOR THE KINGS POINT/CLAIRMONT PROJECT,--AND.PRQYIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, pursuant to the instructions of the City Council of the City of Tamarac, Florida, a public meeting has been advertised in accordance with applicable law of the date, time and place of the meeting regarding the review of the application for a development order by the applicant for development approval; and WHEREAS, the City Council has examined and investigated the application, staff and Planning Commission recommend- ations, and the attached Development Review Status Sheet dated March 21, 1986, and revised on 4/18/86; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the development order and accompanying documents at a public meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the application is in compliance with all elements of its Compre- hensive Plan, or will be in compliance prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any unit on the development that is the subject of the application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: E TI N 1: That the development described on the attached development review status sheet dated March 21, 1986 and revised on April 18, 1986, is granted a development order to proceed subject to the following conditions: A. Construction is to be in complete compliance with the plans and specifications submitted by the developer to the City of Tamarac as described in Section II of the Development Review Status Sheet and approved engineering drawings. ME L I I 3 4 S 6 7 6 9 20 11 12 13 24 is 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Temp. Reso. #4059 Rev. 3/25/86 Rev. 4/18/86 B. Commencement of construction shall be no longer than one year from the date of this approval. If the development does not commence construction within one year, this approval is null and void unless an extension has been granted in accordance with applicable regulations. C. The development order is assignable,, but an assignment does not discharge any assignee rom strict compliance with the order unless the City Council consents to modify any of the original requirements. D. Additional conditions established in order to issue the development order are set forth as follows: SECTION 2: Should any section or provision of this development order be declared by a court of competent juris- diction to be invalid, the City Council shall determine if the other portions of the order remain valid or whether the approval shall be null and void. SECTIQN 3: This development order as conditioned shall become effective immediately upon naARanA_ PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 1986. ;7 ATTEST: CITY CLEAK COUNCIL VOTE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have MAYOR;,1041W aptpr da the form and correct- " cor ne of t is UTION. DIST. 1: C/W MASSARO DIST. 2: C/M STELZER ___ 6F C rTm a nlzmpv ITI ATt,0R1&Y7" DIST. 3: C/M. GOTTESMAN 12954030986/p DIST. 4: V/M STEIN orm AVENUE 91AV ARAC. IF L 0 il 6 A Slij 1w 0 R I H W E S7 it -(EttVADNE ()DS) idl bwww 5�, 1-11 rtPrif%V1jt%j REVIEW SIAIUS SHEEIT, 45 - mmmmm V 33371 -3 �/�) W.7E_3L21/86 C)rig. JDev. C—rcer ,19-Lrelvited Dev. 0rder fm� CLAIRMONT FINAL PLAT AND 'SITE PLAN pUster File tio; North side NW 71 Pl and e..t of NW 106 Ave. LOCI Developer LENNAR HOMES, INC- LENNAR HOMES, INC. Dwner . R-3U - AcreS . 10.7 Reco-rended Dite for Council Action 3/26/86 Zoning - 156 2 & 3 floor adult Med. Density Res. Proposed Vse Fliture Lend Vst Designbtion,�- condos DrV1L0P,JZ1%"T DRI)ER F": Final site 'Plan x 11. SIATT &M.DVAL VMS: City Planner City Mineer Colief J�)Ilding Official Fire O.;Aitf finance Wrector final Plat —X-. Revised Site plan Final site Plan �. F inil Plat . .... Revised site Flar, PLLT,0?1� Co-�-IISSID!4 - APPRDIWAL -- c)r APPRUAL VTTH C0,1DI-TIMISIDAte 3/5/86 DVIAI afte final Site plan dated 2/12/86 Rev g/lg/-86 final Plat dated Rev __mmxmmmmmm� Revised site Plan dated Rev -Wmmmxmmo� Planning cmnission findin; of cmpliance with Certified Plan: See Page 4 oi this report lk us DRA-MS: ,* 11, 1. - 9. 1. Comm ents, cont, d rejot a DrVtL0:'11rh1 RrVIEW S7470S S4MY 11 LANDS LAN: N/A jTgff Act APPADVAL APPROVAL WITH CM111WIS. IDNIAL Date 1vt1fication APPADVAL APPADVAL WITM CONNIMS ---IDE jm:m rouvoiy ingloPrn'i . (if applicable) - caments A. Pty EnOnter Approval/Date City AttorneyApproval/Date 8. 2ther Devel:7-m-n-ttrece-11 (CovEwts, stipwlationse etc.) Public Safety Ingress/Egress Easement Declaration Agreement irratinrahip nntion Agreement Dili, - 3/6/ 6 prllq�,I:e vetr-14-er- I . Fee kicunt S Prepaid 6% Re;4iredlkres L-2 1provideo Deficiency/kres I 335AM/kre D. Rrlir�—Ite lr,:rc)v= Fee Anount It -- 117-0a� Project ftrea;r - 0--9 1 313D/kre t. Witer A Sevier rvl� Cfuries roe i%nourit t 11,11"00 wit,ber of Mews 102'. 1 4 1 $1,640.UU (SEE CITY EiGINEER-LETTER 3/18/ 6) F. TRC weviek.: reel I�Vrzre t4,1 10 Ins Fee A."wunt 3 750.00 MMMw--MMMw� 4� G. Local Forks/Rer/lation 7L' cunt S - 14J20-00 A 4 $ uu ( $95.00 2er unit x 156 units = $14,11110M cres ReVire Provided Deficiency/Acres PHASE ONE $19,456:19 Tptal rirj� Fees r IN. fnviwrin ves Fee Mount 3 7 . -,9Q-BL2xAp&j d $16.935.35 Balance I 3. 95v�!s 11ond Amount S 241376 '7r, 00� Date: �prDvtd by City Engineer.--,. City Attorney _mmm� 126.40 unit 0. IDn Si e Ilea ulilitbtiolh (F#4 LD be paid &t tip* of building perrAt issuance K. Fuiure Traffice Needs Fees L. Fhture Traffic Signalization Fees $13,186.68 $46,609.20 con% Id 3 0 M rt 0 # Irm swirl 0 .. R!Vtj0r;1rx1 prVIEW ltrgvltr!�NTS: A* P.tal.le L'ster Service ar or Conswl ; ting City Eqineir of Certificaticr, Of City Eni"t Availability of I Service: X:T AVAILULI AVAILUIt WILL $I AUILABIF Date Trestmtrit and Disposal Service Certification Of City 1n;intir or Consulting City jiginrer of Ay&il&bility of Service: wDl AVAILULT AVAILAELT WILL SE AVAILXSLI Date cc -mints - C. solid waste Disp:sal Service y of Service: Determination I f AvAilabilit INDI AVAILAILE AVAIULBLf . WILL SE AVAILABLfmommmm� Date Com. ants T. -F7ar,�­eA1eqj8ty a r� C t IC %ion of City Inginter or Consulting City EnOnter of Adeqjacy of ainap: WILL SE ADIQUATI 101 ADE04UTI ADMATE Date Cam. ants le;ional Transportation Njumrk Compliance Vi jojnjjrj-n Standards: DDES NDI CD4PLY - COKPLI ES WILL CIXIPIY..�— Date Coments 0-0� F. Local Street& InO Road$ Compliance �tqth jjinjm�m, standards: WILL CUIPLY IDOES W:l CO!rrLy Date Cvrents 9. fire Protection Service Ccr.;liance Vi 1,,ininm Standards: WILL taliply DOES NDI 0"PLY Date Caments Police Protection Service CmPliance i h lolinftA Standards: DOES NOT COKPLY COMPLIES WILL COMPLY Date Urrents L10:11 Parks (Parks And Recreation facilities) Lgtc j*:7&—&j1on Reqgired/Ams Provided Cash In Lieu of Lend Gross k res OU z. I $� JAC $25.00 ger unit x 156 units -- 114,820,00 cr.p1jance with the Standards of the Iroward County SchV01 5:brd: I A! SCHOOL SIUS NIEDED FDR ILIKKIANY SCHOOL � -K- I �. a a a 0 KIDDLt SC14DOL wDl wirm HISM SCHDOL Letter f?cfh Sch*bl 106rd 08"d PA;e 4 1DrVtLV'MEW1 ItEVIEW SIAIVS SqUI will. PAxissixi'A' FM (PAID): site Plan Review: 828-05 Revised site 1plat Review: 750.00 75Q.00 Other; STAFF cowzh"Ts: ni isliameWt in general conforr.inte with Tanaric's Land Prop-mt dev;ltme 0 Use plan tienent and remr'ehel: nt Order # 191 Okster file f 3-86 Ado;%ion of Drv#107W ox� - for: CLAIRMONT FINAL PLAT AND FIN8L SITF PLAN th� requiramertS included in the Report and the ftlhwir,; Staff rec6nwwnds"Coucil approval of the final plat and site plan , subject to all conditions of the March 18, 1986 letter'from R6bert Foy, Deputy City Engineer. 0 0