HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-86-314Introduced by `? Temp. Reso.#4281 Revised 9/16/86 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-86-,5/f 1 A RESOLUTION APPLICABLE TO TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST 2 AS FOLLOWS: A) INCREASE THE FOLLOWING RATES: FOR WATER AND SEWER AVAILABILITY AND CONSUMPTION; FOR WATER AND 3 SEWER CIAC CHARGE (BASED ON E.N.R. 20 CITY AUGUST 1986 CONSTRUCTION COST INDEX OF 4330) AND DUAL CHECK VALVE 41 INSTALLATION FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE; B) PROVIDE FOR THE FOLLOWING RATES: METER DEPOSITS FOR RENTERS, S CONSTRUCTION METER INSTALLATION FEE AND DEPOSIT, DELINQUENT PAYMENT CHARGE, BACKFLOW TEST FEE, RETURN CHECK CHARGE, AND DEBT SERVICE CHARGE; C) CHANGE STANDARD WORKING HOURS; D) PROVIDE LANGUAGE TO CHANGE 7 DISTRIBUTION OF SEWER REVENUES AND ADD LANGUAGE FOR DISTRIBUTION OF WATER REVENUES; (E) REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS 86-153 AND 85-72 AND 85-347 AND 85-352; AND F) PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 9 20 WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held pursuant to Tamarac 11 City Code, Sec.' 27--35; and 12 WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the input from City staff, and members of the public; 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 14 OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: 15 SECTION 1: That the rate schedule set forth below shall be applicable to all customers of the water and sewer utility served by l6 the City of Tamarac for customers west of State Road 7. 17 I. RATES AND CHARGES - WATER 16 A. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - WATER 19 Service Availability Charge (no consumption) All Meter Sizes $ 4.65/mo 20 Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons 1.04 21 B. MULTIPLE FAMILY RE5IDENTIAL - WATER Service Availability Charge Per Unit (no consumption) 22 All Meter Sizes $ 3.00/mo Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons 1.04 23 C. HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION RECREATIONAL 24 FACILITIES - WATER Service Availability Charge (no consumption) 25 5/8" Meter $ 4.65/mo 1" Meter 8.60/mo 26 1-1/2" Meter 15.10/mo 2" Meter 15.10/mo 27 Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons 1.04 29 D. COMMERCIAL - WATER Service Availability Charge (no consumption) 29 5/8" Meter $ 6.75/mo 1" Meter 24.90/mo. 30 .1--1/2" Meter 72.85/mo 2" Meter 72.85/mo t 31 Meter larger than 2" Existing service is based on the average monthly consumption for the previous calendar 22 year. New service is based on estimate by the Utility Director. 33 Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons $1.04 34 E. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - IRRIGATION WATER Service Availability Charge (no consumption) All Meter Sizes $ 10.70/mo Consumption Charge per. 1,000 gallons 1.04 --1- Temp. # ( 9� S/ l F. HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION RECREATIONAL FAMILY - IRRIGATION WATER Service Availability Charge (no consumption) 2 1" Meter $25.20/mo 1-1/2" Meter 54.90/mo 2 2" Meter 54.90/mo Consumption charged per 1,000 gallons 1.04 S G. COMMERCIAL - IRRIGATION WATER 4. Service Availability Charge (no consumption) 5/8" Meter $ 18.15/mo g 1" Meter 51.60/mo 1-1/2 Meter 90.70/mo 6 2" Meter 90.70/mo Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons 1.04 7 H. FIRE LINE CHARGES 6 4" $ 300.00/yr 6" 700.00/yr 9 8" 1,200.00/yr Over 8" By Agreement 20 -I. CONTRIB Tr(CONNECTION CHARGES) 21 Contribution Charges - Water $ 616.00/ERC C.I.A.C. charges are based on the number of Equivalent 12 Residential Connections (ERC's), the meter size and the use category. An ERC is the average daily flow for 13 a detached single family residence. Meter size shall comply with the requirements of the South Florida Buildin 14 Code. User category shall be as follows: 1S 1. Water Service 16 a) Detached single family residence b) Multi -family with single meter 17 c) Home owner association recreational Ll facility 2$ d) Commercial 29 2. Irrigation Service 20 e) Commercial f) Home owner's association 21 g) Single Family 22 Based on 1985 calendar year's consumption (unless noted). The number of ERC's are as follows: 23 i etru SizP User Category Ng. of ERC's 24 5/8" (a) 1.00 25 5/8" thru 2" (b) .65/unit 26 5/8" (c) 1.00 27 its (c) 1.85 1-1/2" and 2" (c) 3.25 28 5/8" (d) 1.45 29 1" (d) 5.35 1-1/2" and 2" (d) 15.45 30 Over 2 (d) Calculated by Utilities j 31 5/8" (e) 3.90 32 1" (e) 11.10 1-1/2" and 2" (e) 19.50 33 24 ill(f) 5.60 1--1/2" and 2" (f) 11.80 1" (g) 2.30 - 2 - Temp. # [ '� g 1 ] K 1 5 6 7 e 9 30 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 s 31 32 33 34 J . OTHER _USES _- 'WATER Any customer for which no schedule directly applies, shal use COMMERCIAL RATE PER UNIT. K. Delinquent charge of 1.5% shall be added on unpaid bal L. Return check charge minimum $10.00 or 5% of face amount. II. RATES AND CHARGES -- S WER A. SINGLE FAMILY RE IDENTrAL -- E Service Availability Charge (no consumption) All Meter Sizes $ -5.70/mo Disposal Charge per 1,000 gallons for 15,000 gallons or less $ 1.61 Over 15,000 gallons - No additional charge B. HQMEQWNER &SSOCTATION RECREATIONAL FACILITIES - SEWER Service Availability Charge (no consumption) 5/8" Meter $ 5.70/mo 1"' Meter 10.55/mo 1-1/2" Meter 18.45/mo 21 " Meter 18.45/mo Disposal Charge per 1,000 (no maximum billing) 1.61 C. MiTLTIPLE FAMILY RESIDEINTIAL - SEWER Service Availability Charge PER Unit (no consumption) All Meter Sizes $ 3.70/mo Disposal Charge per 1,000 gallons for quanitity of 15,000 x number of units or less 1.61 Disposal over quantity of 15,000 gallons x number of units - No additional charge D. COMMERCIAL - SEWER Service Availability Charge (no consumption) 5/81" Meter $ 8.25/mo 1"" Meter 30.50/mo 1-1/2" Meter 88.10/mo 22 " Meter 88.10/mo. Meter larger than 2" - Existing service is based on the average monthly consumption for the previous calendar year. New service is based on estimate by the Utility Director. Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons 1.61 E. INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER SERVICE RATE To be determined on an individual basis according to volume and characteristics of wastewater. (Refer to SEWER USE ORDINANCE.) F. CONTRIBUTION C (CONNECTION CHARGES Contribution Charges - Wastewater $1,082.00/ERC C.I.A.C. charges are based on the number of Equivalent Residential Connections (ERC's), the meter size and the use category. An E.R.C. is the average daily flow for a detached single family residence. Meter size shall comply -with the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. User category shall be as follows; 1. Sewer Service (a) Detached single family residence (b) Multi -family with single meter (c) Home owner association recreational facility (d) Commercial - 3 - Temp. # [ ] Based on 1985 calendar year consumption (unless noted), the number of ERC's are as follows: it 1 21 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 31 22 13 24 15 l6 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 M ze 5/ 8 11 5/8" thru 2" 5/8" 1" 1-1/2" and 2" User Cate No. of ERC's 1.00 .65/unit 1.00 1.85 3.25 5/8" (d) 1.45 1" (d) 5.35 1-1/2" and 2" (d) 15.45 Over 2" (d) Calculated by Utilities G. OTHER USES - SEWER Any customer for which no schedule directly applies shall use COMMERCIAL RATE PER UNIT. H. Delinquent charge of 1.5% shall be added on unpaid balance. I. Return check charge minimum $10.00 or 5% of face amount. J. In addition to all other charges, each category of sewer user will pay a debt service charge. Such charge will be calculated based on the user's category, and corresponding ERC rating times $4.15 each month. K. In general, the Water and Sewer Use Charge system shall be operated such that sewer rates charges at all times shall be sufficient to ensure that total annual sewer revenues will equal or exceed the sum of: 1. Annual Operations and Maintenance (0 & M)`'Expenses of the sewage system, and 2. Annual expenditures for replacement or repair (R & R) of equipment, accessories, or appurtenances necessary to maintain design capacity and performance during the design life of all treatment works. However, rates shall be designed to recover only such R & R expenditures as are considered normal. In particular the rates shall not be designed to recover the following types of non -recurring R & R expenses. a. Sewage R & R that is incurred as part of the expansion of the capacity of a treatment plant or pumping station; or b. Sewage R & R that is incurred as part of an upgrade of sewage facilities that is necessary to meet more stringent effluent limitations required by regulatory agency; or C. Sewage R & R that is necessitated as a result of man-made or natural disasters: Funding of the sewer R & R expenditures listed in (a) through (c) shall be from funds available to the Utility System as determined by Council on a case by case basis. These R & R expenditures may be funded from the Sewer Revenue Generation System/Capital Improvement Accounts. - 4 - i 1 21 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 31' 32 33 34 Temp. # 3. A prorata share of general administrative expenses and a pro- rata share of the debt service expenses. In summary, expenses listed in Sections (1) and (2) shall be recovered from the variable consumption portion of the regularly scheduled billing, those expenses referred to in Section (3) shall be recovered from the minimum service availability charges and debt service charges. Each year, the user charges will be reviewed to insure that rates are sufficient to recover all 0 & M and normal R & R expenses. If not, rates shall be adjusted accordingly. III. METER INSTALLATION D OTHER CHA GE A. METER INSTALLATION-CHARGEaZDEPOSITS 1. Residential or Homeowners Association Recreational Facilities METER SIZE_ CHAR E DEPOSIT 5/8" $115.00 $ 55.00 1" 225.00 145.00 400.00 290.00 2" 525.00 460.00 Over 2" BY AGREEMENT 2. Commercial and Multi -Family 5/8" &3/4" 115.00 65.00 1" 225.00 165.00 1-1/2" 400.00 375.00 2" 525.00 460.00 Over 2" BY AGREEMENT 3. Renters 5/8"&3/4" 115.00 110.00 1" 225.00 290.00 1-1/2" 400.00 580.00 2" 525.00 460.00 Over 2" BY AGREEMENT 4. Construction 5/8" 112.00 65.00 Over 5/8" BY AGREEMENT B. CUI".TOME'R.SERVICE CHARGES During Normal After Normal Working Hours Working Hours Meter Turn -On $10.00 $20.00 Meter Turn -Off (not applicable for termination of service at consumer's request) 10.00 20.00 (Normal working hourfs are defined as 7:30*A.M. to 3:30 P.M., Monday thru Friday, excluding weekends and holidays) C. METER TESTING DEPOSIT Meter Size Charge 5/8" $ 20.00 1" & 1-1/2" 30.00 2tI 50.00 Over 2" Cost plus 5% D. DUAL CHECK LVE I TAL TION SINQLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Cost of dual check valve plus 15% for administrative cost. - 5 - 1 2 3 6 7 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 $ 31 32 33 34 Temp. # E. BACK FLOW TEST FEE $50.00 F. REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXTRA EXPENSES Costs for repairs to water and sewer lines on private property by City utility or public works as provided for in City of Tamarac Resolution No. 85-72 shall be charged to consumer as follows: Services'Proyided Hourly Jet Rodder - Includes Jet Rodder Operator Regular $68.00 and Video Operato Overtime 83.00 Video & Sealing - Includes Video Technician Regular $75.00 Overtime 90.00 When Jet Rodder and Video are used together Regular $125.00 Overtime 145.00 Backhoe - Machine . . . . . 25.00 Machine with Operator Regular 38.00 Machine with Operator . . . . . . Overtime 45.00 4" Trash Pump 8.00 Service Man/Truck One-man Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular $25.00 Overtime 33.00 Two -man Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular $38.00 Overtime 52.00 Three --man Craw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular $51.00 Overtime 72.00 Foreman/Truck Regular $28.00 Overtime 37.00 Regular working hours are defined as 7:30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and holidays. Overtime costs ax all hours other than regular working hours. IV. OTHER_SPECIFICATIONS AND DEFINITIONS A.A. Customers shall be billed by the City for services used c a bi-monthly basis. B. Customers outside of the corporate limits of the City receiving service shall, in addition to the rates set, pa a surcharge of 25% on water charges only. C. Service availability charges shall be prorated for cust- omers becoming a part of or leaving the system during a billing cycle. D. To qualify as a Homeowner Association Recreational Faci- lity, the following criteria shall apply: CONDOMINIUMS AND COOPERATIVES: 100% of the water and sewer is used exclusively for the co -owner's benefit. None of the water and sewer is used in any endeavor which sells or rents a commodity or provides a service for a fee. =1= Temp. #[ �� w ] C� 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 Each point of service is separately metered and billed. A responsible legal entity is established as the customer to whom the Utility can render its bills, and receive payment for said service. MEOWNE ' ASSOCIATIONS: 100% of the water and sewer is used exclusively for the member homeowners' benefit. None of the water and sewer is used in any endeavor which sells or rents a commodity or provides a service for a fee. Each point of service is separately metered and billed. A responsible legal entity is established as the customer to whom the Utility can render its bills, and receive payment for said service. Membership in the Homeowners' Association which controls and operates the common facilities is required as a condi- tion of property ownership in the subdivision; and such requirement arises from restrictions of record which are set out or incorporated by reference on each member home- owner's deed. Such restrictions require each member homeowner to pay his proportionate share of the costs of operating and main- taining the common facilities. This obligation to pay must be enforceable by placement of a lien on the member homeowner's property and by foreclosure for non-payment of such liens. The Homeowners' Associations are comprised of persons owning contiguous lots in a planned development, and the commonly owned facilities are located within the develop- ment. E. A customer account deposit shall not be required of other utilities if the City has an account for service from the customer. ENCTION 2: That Resolution R-86-153, R85-72, R85-347, and R85-- 352 is hereby repealed. ECTION 3: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. Ilk PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of , 1986. � v MAYOR ATTEST: t MAYOR: HART .. ciV CLERK D!ST. l : C I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have DIS1. _ - �x approved the form and correct-----�-=�-- ness of this RESOLUTION. DIST. 3: DIST. 4: C/M STEIN —� Y - 7 - TUWBILLINGCYCLE 7/23/86 Rev. 9/12/86 brs MAYOR: HART .�,, DIST. 1: C/W MASSARO DIST. 2: V/M STELZER AF-_: _ DIST. 3: C/M GOTTESMAN DIST, 4: C/M STEIN