HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-86-075Introduced by Temp. # 4022 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION R-86-.Z- A RESOLUTION REJECTING THE GRANT FOR THE TAMARAC LAKES GRAVITY SEWER PROJECT; AUTHORIZING THE REFUND OF ANY GRANT FUNDS RECEIVED BY THE CITY FOR THIS PROJECT; REPEALING RESOLUTION R-85-89; AND PRO- yMING WHEREAS, the City Council had approved the design of the Tamarac Lakes Gravity Sewer Project (#84-5) to eliminate 73 septic tanks in the Tamarac Utilities East service area; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public no longer desires the project to be implemented; and WHEREAS, many septic tanks exist in the vicinity of the proposed gravity sewer (outside the Tamarac Utility East service area) and there are apparently no plans for the elimination of those septic tanks minimizing the environ- mental benefit of Tamarac's project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: �ECTIQN l: The City Manager, as the authorized grant representative of the City is hereby authorized and directed to notify the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) that the grant for the Tamarac Lakes Gravity Sewer (Project 84-5) is hereby rejected by the City. 5EgT_14N___Z: The appropriate City officials are hereby authorized and directed to refund $3,276.00 to DER from City Account 419301536310 entitled Professional Services Tamarac Utilities East which is the amount of grant funds already received by the City on this project. SECTIQN J: The City Council extends its appreciation to DER officials and staff for their processing and awarding of this grant which is being rejected so that the funds can be better put to use by another grant applicant. VU -1- 0. r 1, 2 3 4 5 i B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i6. ..7 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 29 29' 30 91 J, 33 34 SECTION A: The following resolution is hereby repealed: Resoluton R-85-89 S_K91191 _5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. �y PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this I-)-dayof ! !-- . 1986. ATTEST: �. CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the fo �m and correct- ness of this R SOLUTION / CITY 'ATTORNEY 52329286/p 0 RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR: KRAVITZ DIET 4: C/M , TEIN 1)1 ST 2: j,,IN7 MtJNi Z T 1: V/M MASSARC) ,4�7 -2-- VU ■