HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-84-3551 2 3 4 5 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 3 i 20 21 22 23 Introduced by cnTT-N7(-TT,MAN MTTNTTR Temp. # 3370 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R�� 5� A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR FOUR (4) SETS OF 10-ROW ALUMINUM BLEACEIERS - BID #84-24 WHEREAS, The City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on April 11 , 1984, and, WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News a newspaper of g6neral circulation in Broward County on October 19 and October 26 198 4 , and WHEREAS, bids were opened on November 2 , 198 _, and. WHEREAS, Reliable Seating, Inc. is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION I: That the bid of Reliable Seating. Inc. in the amount of $6,812.00 includes transportation costs), is hereby approved. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this _day of , 198-4-. ATTEST: 24 `.SST. CITY CLERK a� HEREBY CERTIFY that I have 27 pproved the Aorm and correctness of this RESO ,TION. 29 3q 32 33 34 :i 35 j 36 0,4 MAYOR WORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MA)(PR: KRAVITZ AYE D?STRICT4: V/M STEIN AYE DIS I RICT3: C/M STELZER AYE LEI TRICT2: C/M MUNITZ AYE DISTRICTI: C/M. BERNSTEIN AYE i 3S oTY uir TAMARAC, vp O Fixed price bid h Ri Request for Proposal BID NO: 84-24 (This is not an order O11 blanks must be tilled in) DATE: 10-11-84 PAGE NO.: 1 DMWAC COPY 'YEM(S) REQUIRED: tour (4) Sets of 10-row Aluminum R3eachers city of Tamarac Parks & t�sf iESiNGACTIVITY• Recreat; nn DeAt. Buyer. Sharon w r%11 j Phone (305) 72249W BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE 2 : 00 P - M NOVEMRRR 9- _ 1 94 ss Standard Troia or Eaatsrrl sWidvd Oayspht ttavinpa Tina M appkeable. The aRieial we ahaM be as t*to r 18 on the Dateltnne +c Ig CioCk in the C+ty 0@*'a 01fice. K will be tM sole rhponslbNtAr of the blddsr m anslse that his p oo lm _ Othce CO the Crty erk City of TarrWW on of b" cbsing hour and data shown above. • Lepat Advartlearrrri, frMfation�taBid. Qertersf C.onditiorta. IrtstrUretiorts to Bidders, Special Conditions. speofteWo• Addendums. "any w porWwd dooum@M torn a part of this p►oposai and by teiverlc- are mW* a part hereof. fn.CDLLLNION STATEMENT: The bebw Mwd biddy has not divulged to, discussed W eomparad his b'd wfth other bdders and has not Aluded with any othar bidder or parties to a bid whatever. (NOTE: No orerrdums, rebates Or pretulties per►Mtted •tther wNh, prior to. or other any ►livery of materials. Any mach violation will mutt in the oanoeYation and/or return ofrelatarisis fps Bpi*) and the ramovat from Bid Listts) 3 TbE PURCHASMG OFFICER OF THE CfTY OFTAMARAC: We 0), the below afpned trreby agree 10 furnish the toliowinp sRiclets) or senncets� the prk(s)"terms stated subject to all instructions, conditions, apecifiutior+s, l a a par off laly accept a�Contrad actifapp oved •Icfuding the specifications and Tufty understand what is required (By submitting this Signedthat v the City and such acmPLnce Covers ait the terms, conditions. and spectI cations of this proposal; and 11eb a hereby ag ingorder a e will ma )e a*" for audit to appropriate CRY Auditors any OPPUC86 a business or Mancial recordnt s p*MM act it prices to be quoted F.O.B.. Buyers Destination Tamarac, Florida 0)e ivered at the appkabie City address indicated onthe Purchase Order.l MLLME TO OLXM: N you do not quote. please retum quotation sheet. state reason thereon and request Mat thou► name be retained on our oiling list. otherwise, yw name may be rerrwvad from our bid mailing kst. Bids are firm for acceptance within W days after bid opening date X= Ves _—_-no —other. 1ERMS: Net % _ 3__ DR" or by ,___ of Month (To appy on date of delivery and acep%noa of notarial.) i ALL ITEMS BID HEREIN (when applicable), an additional MCWNT OF % in addition to any terms offered above. LIVERY; i 3- Weeks ARn«tendar days after receipt of Purchase Order (City reserves the rwd to consider delivery (time as a vital Consideration when making or recommending award). VARIANCES: state any verisUOns to tlpec+beawia. *me wwtw owumwe in thin Soso* a retsro herein all vartanoes oontalnee on wor ages a This Proppaal Farr+ W n any bid attacj v jW NO VARIATIONS opt EXCEPTIONS BY A BIDDER WILL BE CONSIDERED OR WILL aE DEEMED TO DE A PART OF THE WSU9MtTTEDUNLESS SUCHVARUTIONOREXCEPTION ISLISTED WITMTfEINDDOCtJMMSANDiEFMNCEDINTMISCOLUMN NOSEPARATE OR ACCONIPANYarG pOCUdENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDEREDAS INCLUDED WITHN A SUBMITTED BID, AND THE CITY WILL NOT BE BOUND IN AWMAN*FtWHATSOEVERBYANYVARMTIONOREXCEPT"ORLMARATIONNOTSPEOWCALLYLISTEDWMWNT1ESIDDOCU�IENTS ALLPR�CES WILL SE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WRHIN TFE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION TMERFTO MD LUSTS SUCH EXCEPTION wrT►aN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED mENTMS COLUMN. Ono statement s asnta�rnd Ingo apace. n s nre5y apwp that tW big oanplws with+ the WII *cope o1 ties paw hMtat�on. tI purduse Order Paymant or Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposers address shown below. Plate" complete the IDNowring: tiilsu Purchase order to: Mail Payment to: t p. No.: a/Area Code mSUBMITTED BY: Mall No to: NAME pri ftM: Jim Huggins .__ Ttlie: Pre s id n t- — Reliable Seating, Inc. Address: P.O. Box eva , AL 36340 x `'' 205- 684-6575 SIGNATURE: __ Telephone No.: — GATE: 10 - 2 6- 8 4 UY indicate Which: Corporation: X Y Enclosed Referenoas APWkabN ti ►rePesal: IlMtation To Bid - F1 &we: of General P►ovisiora Cistwee - F2 General Provisbna - F3 petal" one copy for VW Blue) BIDDERS NOTE: Both sides of this Form require slPnabrre. sas1 6 dividutl: Other. SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE did No. 84-24 Invitation To Bid Date 10-26-R4 TY OF TAMARAC 11 N.W. 861h Avenue ►pe No. 2 of 2 -marac, Florida 33321 Aft prices to be Quoted F.O.B. Tamarac, Florida, Delivered and unloaded at applicable city destination as indicated beiow. The following special conditions (if checked) apply to•this bid. BIDDERS REQUIREMENT FOR CERi1F1ED CHECK OR BID BOND: The City shelf require from ant Bidders, a certified Check or bid bond in the amount of five (5) per cent of the bid, which shalt be fcolo ted to the City in the event the Bidder, to whom the business is awarded, shalt fail or refuse to comply with the specifications of the bid. Checks will be returned promptly 0 unsuccessful Sidders after award of bid. Failure to submit this bid bond with the bid could cause rajection of the bid. PERFORMANCE BONDS: The City shall prior to the excution Co the contract, tequi►e fine Bidder to furnish bonds covering the faithful performance of the contract and the payment of let obligations arising thereunder in suchform and amours as the City may prescribe and with such sureties secured throuO the Bidder's usual sources as maybe agreeable to the parties. ff such bonds are stipulated, the premiums shall be paid by the 8i!lider. The Bidder shad deliver Ma required bondsto the City not later than the date of execution of the contract. QUANTITY I DESCRIPTION ' UNIT PRICE ', EXTENDED PRICE 04 each 10-row aluminum bleachers with a capacity Of Seating 100 each (non -elevated) mr1i ' um SPECIFI cATI CP:S : fiver To: Ground width of 18' 1 1/2" Length: 15' Seat and foot planks maintenance -free Width: Seat planks - 2x10 aluminum (finished size is 1 1/2' x 9 1/21) Seat and foot planks - extruced aluminum 6063-T6 alloy - anodized silver Aluminum understructure Top rail and side rails To be delivered to: Tract 37 9901 21I,7 77th Street Tamarac, F1 A- 4 - RA 10-15 Bleacher -Total Delivered Price B- Alt- 4 - DS 10-15 Bleacher- Total Delivered Price 1703.00 6812.00 7512.00 Siddiers Silpwture Date 10-26-84 Tkk Jim Huggins -President CornpanV Nerrme Reliable Seating, Inc. Address 902 G7 _ Cambell Ave . , P.O. Box 460 Qenewa AL 36340 BIDDERS NOTE: Both Sides of this form require ti/mONIM