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City of Tamarac Resolution R-84-351
Introduced by: V%?%%�7_.c� Temp. # 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 ' S t 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 �s 32 33 34 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-84- 3�"/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF A FEDERAL GRANT OF $160,833.00 FROM THE UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY FOR CONSTRUCTION TO IMPLEMENT THE CITY'S WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac has applied for a Federal Grant to implement an improvement to the Sanitary Sewer System; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Protection Agency has now approved that Grant Application. NOW, ZREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the City of Tamarac hereby accepts the offer of a Federal Grant C120753020 in the amount of $160,833.00 for improvement to the City's Sanitary Sewer System. SECTION 2: That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of �:�� 1984. ATTEST: I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the formpnd correct- ness-Plthis RESION. 40 RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR: KRAVITZ �= DISTRICT4: V/M STEIN DISTRICT3: C/M STELZER DISTRICT2: C/M MUNITZ a DISTRICTI: C/M BERNSTEINZ7 VU ..d:' 1. ASSISTANCE 10 NO. 2. LOG NUMBER r U4. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY C120753-02 ' EPA ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT/AMENDMENT 3. DATE Of AWARD L.MAILING DATE PART 1-ASSISTANCE NOTIFICATION INFORMATION OCT 05 1984 S. AGREEMENT TYPE S. PAYMENT METH00 -. ❑ Advance El RaMnbwaannont ❑ Lena of Cnaot CdOW81M Atrownent Grant Agroomment Bond 1eYnnent Allows" To: Financial Mana ement 7. TYPE OF ACTION Continuation A.I.t rwoA/naneonent a. RECIPIENT 0. PAYEE City of Tamarac 5811 N.W. 88th Avenue Same as No. 8 S Tamarac, Florida 33321 's r NO. 2'r to. RECIPIENT TY►E 59-1039552 11 Municipality �y -1. PROJECT MANAGER AND TELEPHONE NO. 12. CONSULTANT twwr Cotulrwetlon GweN Onlrl Elly Johnson, City Manager Williams, Hatfield & Stoner, Inc. 305/722-5900 2312 Wilton Drive Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33305 13. ISSUING OFFICE (Cllr/slale) is. EPA PROJECT/STATE OFFICER AND TELEPHONE NO. Water Management Division Richard 14. Smith, P.E., Chief Environmental Protection Agency Bureau of Wastewater Mat. & Grants Region IV Department of Environmental Reaulation 345 Courtland Street. NE 2600 Blair Stone Road c Atlanta. Georgia 30365 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 904/488-8163 y 15. EPA CONGRESSIONAL LIAISON & TEL. NO. 16. STATE AP►L 10 (Cloorimehewe! 17. FIELD OF SCIENC 1S. PROJECT STE►r* W7' CG Pat Gaskins 202-382-5184 75-0414 NA 1 Owly) 3 19. STATUTORY AUTHORITY 20. REGULATORY AUTHORITY 21. STEP 2 • 3 & STEP 3 (WWT Cooetr ctson Only) PL 92-500 as amended 40 CFR 35 a. Treatment Leval NA Title 11, Section 201 Subpart I b. Pfolett TYoe a. Treatment Proce/t N - - a. towage Design NA 22. PROJECT TITLE AND DESCRIPTION -. Sewer System Rehabilitation (see Attachment A for complete description). Tamarac 23. PROJECT LOCATION (Aver Innporled by Proirell Cewnty Salta Broward I FL 24. ASSISTANCE ►ROGRAMICirDA Pee rem No. A Title 25. PROJECT PERIOD 26. BUDGET PERIOD 66.418••6onst. Grants KWTF 8/31/85 - 8/31/85 27. COMMUNITY POPULATION (WWr CC 26. TOTAL BUDGET PER SOD COST 2B. TOTAL PROJECT PERIOD COST Only) 33.000 1 NA $292.424 FUNDS FORMER AWARD W EPA Arnowwt This Aco w NA It. EPA In -Row/ Amount NA 4- Unexpo"of Prior Yea Balance KA a3. Other PeaNal Pwwda 19 =4. Reco4ent Centrowtiow NA 'S. State Comrlbwtlaw KA S. Local Contrawti" NA 7. Omer Cent►obw1i" NA d. Allowable Project Con NA Flovem Elernnent PY ApproPriatiOn Doc. Control No. GLAW80 84 68X0103.G F40022 THIS ACTION Aacownt Nwwnba 4GLA042002 AMEN010TOTAL Object Clam Oblopliewi0"066. Arnown 41.11 160,833 U Fawn 570020A (Rw. 6821 Reoim" ere.,:r... rt..:........w Ce• 9-..... eenn r • it r. -A n ... -r ...:........-�... PART II -APPROVED BUDGET ASSISTANCE IDENTIFICATION NO. TABLE A - OBJECT CLASS CATEGORY (Non -construction) TOTAL APPROVED ALLOWABLE BUDGET PERIOD COST 1. PERSONNEL 2. FRINGE BENEFITS 3. TRAVEL 4. EQUIPMENT S. SUPPLIES 6. CONTRACTUAL 7. CONSTRUCTION 8. OTHER 9. TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES I 10. INDIRECT COSTS: RATE 7, BASE 11. TOTAL (Share: Recipient. %. Federal %) 12. TOTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT $ TABLE B - PROGRAM ELEMENT CLASSIFICATION (Non -construction) 1 1. 2. 1 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. TOTAL (Share: Recipient %. Federal 13. TOTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT - $ TABLE C - PROGRAM ELEMENT CLASSIFICATION (Construction) 1. ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE s 925 PRELIMINARY EXPENSE LAND STRUCTURES, RIGHT-OF-WAY 4. ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING BASIC FEES S. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING FEES 9,961 6. PROJECT INSPECTION FEES s 750 7. LAND DEVELOPMENT 8. RELOCATION EXPENSES 9. RELOCATION PAYMENTS TO INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESSES 10. DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL 11. CONSTRUCTION AND PROJECT IMPROVEMENT 218,955 12. EQUIPMENT 13. *14SC4 4641*600 - Design Allowance 17,073 14. TOTAL (Lines 1 thru 13) 277,664 15. ESTIMATED INCOME (11 applleablo) 16. NET PROJECT AMOUNT (Line 10 minus 13) 277,664 IT LESS: INELIGIBLE EXCLUSIONS 18. ADD: CONTINGENCIES 14,760 19 TOTAL (Share: Recipient, 5-76. Federei-55-76) 292,.424 20.;TOTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT $ 160,833 EPA Form 5700-20A (Rev. 8-79) PAGE 2 C.F 4 cl2n753-nq PART III —AWARD CONDITIONS a. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The recipient covenants and agrees that it will expeditiously initiate and timely complete the project work for which assistance has been awarded under this agreement, in accordance with all applicable provisions of 40 CFR Chapter I, Subpart B. The recipient warrants, represents, and agrees that it, and its contractors, subcontractors, employees and representatives, will comply with: (1) all applicable provisions of 40 !CFR Chapter I, Subchapter B, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO the provisions of Appendix A to 40 CFP. Part 30, and (2) any special conditions set forth in this assistance agreement or any assistance amendment pursuant to 40 CFR 30.425. b. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (For cooperative agreements include identification or summarization of EPA responsibilities that reflect or contribute to substantial involvement.) (1. No portion of this award may be used for lobbying or propaganda purposes as prohibited by 18 U.S.C. Section 1913 or Section 607(a) of Public Law 96-74. 2. The recipient shall submit a copy of all contracts (A & E and Construction) made under this grant, immediately after execution. The contract documents are required in order to process grant payments and change orders. 3. EPA reimbursement for engineering fees will be limited to 30% of the total eligible engineering fees until EPA approves the contract for engineering services. 4. In accordance with 40 CFR 33.290, the recipient agrees without State/EPA review of the procurement action to conduct and document an adequate cost analysis and negotiation for all change orders not to exceed $100,000 and retain such documentation in the project records. For change orders expected to exceed $100,000, the recipient agrees to submit all supporting documentation including the contractor's cost and pricing data, the recipient's cost analysis, documentation of negotiations and a copy of the proposed change order (contract amendment) to the State/EPA for review prior to change order execution. This condition does not relieve the recipient from obtaining State/EPA approval of all change orders. 5. The recipient agrees to submit to the award afficial a completed Form 6005- L within 15 days after the end of each Federal fiscal quarter during which the recipient or its contractors award any subagreements to a minority or women's business for building and building -related services and supplies. . Recipient shall Comply with 40 CFR 35.2218 regarding project performance equirements. (Guidance for this requirement is provided at the Project Management onference held 30-45 days after grant award.) 7. Eligible construction costs were determined to be $218,955 or 57.5% of total con- struction costs ($380,765). This factor, applied to relevant line items, yields the following: Administration expense - $ 5,087 X 57.5% = 2,925 Other architectural engineering fees - 17,323 X 57.5% = 9,961 Project inspection fees - 50,000 X 57.5% = 28,750 8. EPA funding participation is limited to the portions of the project as described in Attachment A to this grant agreement. (continued on following.page) CPA Fwn 5700-20A (Re.. 1-7 .:SPECIAL CONDITIONS(ContinuOd) "9'. The Design Allowance was calculated from 40 CFR 35, Appendix B, Table 2, as follows:' Building cost Design allowance % 200,000 7.8772 218,955 (eligible building costs) 7.7974 (interpolated %) 250,000 7.6668 Design allowance = $218,955 X 7.7974% = $17,073; Federal share = $9,390 10. Recipient may request payment of 50% of the federal share of the estimated design allowance immediately after grant award. Final payment of the federal share of the fallowance may be requested in the first payment after the recipient has awarded all prime subagreements for building the project. r I PART IV -_ I 140TE: The Agreement must be completed in duplicate and the Original returned to the Grants Administration + Division for Headquarters awards and to the appropriate Grants Administrations Office for State and local awards within 3 calendar weeks after receipt or within any extension of time as may be granted by EPA. Receipt of a written refusal or failure to return the properly executed document within the prescribed time, may result in the withdrawal of the offer by the Agency. , Any change to the Agreement by the recipient subsequent to the document being signed by the EPA Award Official which the Award Official determines to materially alter the Agreement shall void the Agreement. FER AND The United States of America, actine by and through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), hereby offers zssietance/amendment to the -City of Tamarac - Rgt;IPItNT ORG ANIZA ION dOr5151 % of all approved costs incurred up to and not exceeding S 160 "5 833 A 05F AMUWJT Ifor the support of approved budget period effort described in application (including all application modifications) Construction Grant ADDlication dated May 15, 1984 included he.einbyreference. ISSUING OFFICE (Grants Administration Office) tGANIZATION/ADDRESS U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IV, Water Management Division 345 Courtland Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30365 AWARD APPROVAL OFFICE ORGANIZATION/ADDRESS Regional Administrator Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV 345 Courtland Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Ii 1,Fa U O 4ATES OF AMERICA BY THE U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY i SIGN OF W F AL TYPED NAME AND TITLE DATE r _ Charles R. Jeter, Regional Administrator SEP 2 8 19--1 84 ''This Agreement is subject to applicable U.S. Environmental Protection Agency statutory provisions and assistance �.agulations. In accepting this award or amendment and any payments made pursuant thereso, (1) the undersigned represents that he is duly authorized to act on behalf of the recipient organization, and (2, the recipient agrees �(r) that the award is subject to the applicable provisions of 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter 8 and of the provisions �of this agreement (Parts I thru IV),•and (b) that acceptance of any payments constitutes an agreement by the payee that the amounts, if any found by EPA to have been overpaid will be refunded or credited in full to •EPA. I IENALF OF THE DESIGNATED RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION TYPED NAME AND TITLE DATE 'rti�v Johnson, City Manager 272Ni Lo 3-79) PAGE ! OF k 1 _ ATTACM4W A " Scope of work consists of conducting various methods of infiltration/inflow correction on the existing sanitary sewer systan for the City of Tamarac. The nethods with approximate quantities of eligible work are: cleaning and internal grouting of 11,380 linear feet of gravity sewers; slip -lining of 2.381 linear feet of gravity sewers; rehabilitation of 139 wanholes; and replacement of four manholes. The ineligible portion of work consists of roadwork and infiltration/inflow correction on existing service laterals. The methods with approximate quantities are: one new lateral connection; leak detection on 82 laterals; installation of 2,830 linear feet of 6-inch service laterals; 25 single service connections and 30 double service connections. (See table below.) The ineligible portion of adninistration and engineering services is determined at 42.5% of the total esttmted costs of $60,000 yielding estimated ineligible costs of E25,500. Ineligible Bid Items ESTiMAT© ITEM DESCRIPTION Ih OSI TS 66 Prepare, Mix b Install 9 Pressure Grouts on Lateral Sewers E 5,400.00 10 Selling, Delivering 6 Installing 1 6-inch P.V.C. Tee k%e Branch, Adaptor 6 Incidentals for Connection of Lateral Seer to Sanitary Sewer 220•00 11A Verification to Detemine if Leak is Downstream of Service Connection For 82 Laterals 7,380.00 11B Selling, Delivering b Installing 2,550 linear feet of 6-inch P.V.C.. Service Laterals 6 Related Materials 109,650.00 12 Selling, Delivering a Installing 280 linear feet of 6-inch P.V.C. Service Lateral Risers 3 Related Materials 7,000.00 13A Selling, Delivering b Installing All Fittings 3 Materials for 25 Single Service Connections 3,750•00 138 Selling, Delivering 6 Installing All Fittings 8 Materials for 30 Double Service Connections 7,rm. 00 14A Selling, Delivering b Installing All Materials for 150 linear feet of Special Foundation Trench; Type 2 and 2A- 2,100.00 14B Selling, Delivering S Installing All Materials for 30 linear feet of Special Foundation Trench; Type 3 900.00 14C Selling, Delivering E Installing All Materials for 30 linear feet of Special Foir4ation Trerr-h; Type 4 1,350.00 15 Selling, Delivering 3 installing 15 cubic yards of Concrete Ertiasarent 11S00.00 16A Selling,.Deliverirg b Installing 840 linear feet of Road Base 10,420.00 163 Selling, Delivering 5 Installing 1.200 square feet of Now Sod 11?00.00 16C Installing 680 linear felt of Surface Restoration for Laterals off of Existing Pavamnt (up to Lateral Connection) 2,040.00 17 Selling, Delivering b Installing 20 tons of Asphaltic Concrete (Tye S-1) I.W.LO TOTAL .............. $161,810.00