HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-82-058T Introduced by — Temp.# 2190 1 2 4 5 S 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 24' 36 27 28 29 30 3;. 33 34 35 36 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION N0. R 7�~ A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR POLYGRAPH EQUIPITNT - BID ` 82- 9 WHEREAS, The City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on January 27 , 198 2, and, WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale ?dews a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on February 22 and March 1, , 1982 , and WHEREAS, bids were opened on March 4 198, and WHEREAS, Richard 0. Arther is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION I: That the bid of Richard 0. Arther in the amount of $3,133.00 ins) off"hereby approved. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this /day of� 198_ ATTEST: ASST. CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness of this RESOLUTION. 044aX 141�", A4 CITY ATTORNEY MAYDR R RECORD OF COUNCII VOTE MAYOR: _�,.�G�------ DISTRICT 1: DISTRICT 2: DISTRICT 3:-- DISTRICT 4: CIT y hs ri ��. ; ' Y OF TAMARAC g!/ Fixed price bid February 23, 19 8 1 O Request for Proposal DATE: BID NO: ?A - R (Me is not an txdetj PAGE NO.: - 1 - Wl blanks must be filled in) iTEM(5) REpU1RED: . USING ACTIVITY' � '.:. T C E D E T _ Buyer. L`Z `♦ -� T111R Rt M A'N c Phone (305) 722-5900 • �troS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE 2 : 00 P.M. �.�. March. 4, 1982 Esebm Strtdard Time or Easbm Mo lord Dayw Tilfte M �pNeabis• lire dlioiat finite >tiflaN be as Iaoorded on the Date/Tone tutor ding Ciicek info CMy Clerk's Office. It "W bs 019 sole tesportsIDffffy d the biddarto snlsve friar ftis propaat Iesld+ts un Office of the City Clerk, City of Tamarac on or bebre tic Ir g hotly and dab shooed above. any I" spat Advertiatlrrrrtt,tlMtatior*toBid, General Condmw s. WwVucffons to6idders, SPSCM C ndffioM �. AddenduAddendum.and tot w pertirnni dw+nrent form a part of this pr000sN and by lWOV oe an WdK% a paA hueof. AIfTt�OLLL1:10M STATIEMENT: Tfte below siprle0 bklde*flan not dirtApsd t0. disaraed or ConnDab Na bid with d1+er bidders and t+as not tlolh+ded with any other bidder or gentles to a bid whdever. Mom: fro premiums. rebates or pratulfiea OM�� Mthr wIM, pion to. or atte► any dNivery d mabrWc. Any suchvio�ation vllN gsult tithe ovtoNlatiortand/or tltllrn d anablisb (p appNoabiel and slle felllovaf from Bid List(s). 70MKVURCHASrAe OFTIMMYOFTAMARAC:IftM.thbelsr lowaip edfabyapeetofttrrtishtiMfoBovyMtpsrticbtslorsenricetsl wt the pic0s) and terms stated sut�iect to an instnrctiots, oondttiorrs, spocllicatMrts. and afl atbchments ftento. We 01 have read all attacranents irtekroirra uw? WC Q&:icrs 8s aly 4-derstsM W1W is rrquW (fly aubrrrtating IN$ ow" prop=*,, e� a pl dt�her9by egrae that we will make g'd �^►'= ! ceadraet if approved * to &Ai lsbti audit appropriate Cly atlAudfbn any OWNcable b11061n es fkwwW fa ords OvUr M to a IOGWW p Offtfr Of cw&actI AB ploy to be quoRed F.0JL. Balers Destintl %cn Tarnvw. Florida 4)*Arsd a l ft SPIN' - Cf<y address fr ftgW onto Purchase Order.) FAIUINE TO QUOTE: If you do not gNob, bdeaae sebum quotation shot, soft reason ftmm and nn*" that your name be shined on our -4A*ng list. ofhemm. your name may be mnond from am bid t1sWQ list. is are firth for aomptarm wRW 80 days after bid Opening date__ yes no .---fir. 0 - % _NAODays or by NA. _, of Mcx0t (To apply an date Of delivery and aceptanoe of material.) V swerded ALL ITEMS BID HEREIN (when applicable), an additional DISCOUNT OF - 0 % offered in addition to any terms offered above. DELIVERY: 10 calendar days after 4ceipt of Purchase Omer (City reserves the right to consider delivery time as a vital consideration when making or recommending award). NOTE: This aRRiies to poi "W-M.,h it VARIANCES: Stateanyvariat►or»tov*C* ationa,femmeand/orr-"'onsinv"atsaaOrrataranCehereinallyariancescoumdon~cages orthis re Form or in anybo anwhimom, NO VARIATONS OR EXCEPTIONS BY A BIDDER WILLBE CONSIDERED OR WILL BE DEEMED TO BE APART OF THE gtDSLsmMouNLESSSUCMVARWTIONOREXCEPTIONISLISTWMThNNTHESIDDOCIJNENTSAiDiIEFEEENCEDINTHISCOLUMN NOSEPARATE Off ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILLSE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMITTED BID, AND TIE CITY WILL NOT BE BOUND IN ANY MANNERWmATSGEVERBYANY VARIATIONOREXCEPTIONORLIMITATIONNOTSPECiDALLYLIST "T"INTFEBODOCUMEHTS ALLPRICES WILL BE CONSIDERED AS:1RM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION THERETO AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN TMS COLUMN. M no stalemnt is cW t ffwd n this aoaoe. Nis tweby I. it" d tAst pun bid Oonlplws wNn ele 11111 soo0a d this lNid eMbtiOn. Subject's chair, as called for in specifications, is grossly inferior to t chair recommended by Arther. (literature enclosgd) S Purchase Order Payment or Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposers address shown below. please complete the 10110 wing: &W Purdisse Order to: Richard 0. Arther 615 Mountain Road I melon, N.J. 07405 • (2011 838 — Map PsymeM to: Richard 0. Arther 615 Mountain Road ;Kinnelon, N.J. 07405 ,per No • 3539 w/Area Code PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: 1NAME (ftiledl: Richard 0. Arther Title: Owner any. ti eou Reols+ TINa Nn R Richard 0. Arther 615 Mountain Road, Kinnelon, N. J. 07405 Mall Bids to: _ Richard O. Arther 615 Mountain Road Kinnelon, N.J. 07405 SIGNATURE: i 4 &), _, =, iaieptKx a No.: (2 01) 8 3 8— 3539 DATE: February 23, 1982 Indicate Which: Corporation: btclosea Mier b Fsoposat• ��' emcee Applkable __ MMtation To Sid - F1 XX trade: of General fb Aalo w claw" -F2 Othr: 06""11f ►"YASIons - F3 petal one Copy for your on) SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE 1. Imritation To Bid Bid No. 82-V :1TY Of TAMARAG Opening Date FebruaA 16, 1982 811 N.W. 88th Avenue arnarac, Florida 33321 Pape No. 2 of 2 All prices to be quoted F.O.S. Ternarae, klorkla, Dellvered and u l eded atappEcsA 1 elty dostination as indicated below. The following special conditions (If checked) apply to ab bid U BIDDERS REQUIREMENT FOR CER? If1ED CHECK4R BD .The City alta8 require from aN Bidders, a certified check or bid U bond in the amount of five (5) per Dent of the bid, wltictt shaNbeforhitedtcthe Cityinthe event t1+e Bidder.towhom the business is awarded, shall fail or refuse to comply with the specifications of the bid, Chscks wNlbe ratan Promptiytots»uccessful Bidders after award of bid. Failure to submlt this bid bond with the bid could caws rejection of the bid. PERFORMANCE BONDS: The City shah prior to the excution of the contract, require the Bidder to famish bonds covering the faithful performance of the contract and the payment of all obligations arishtgthereunder in such form and amount as the City may prescribe and wtlh such sureties secured trough the Bidder's uawt sources as maybe agreeable loth& parties. If such bonds are stipulated, the premiums shall be paid by the Bidder. The Bidder OW deliver to required bondsto fits Citynot later than the date of execution of the contract. OUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE TOLYGRAPH EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ATTACHED SPECIFICATIONS. 1 Arther VI Polygraph $ 2,776.00 1 "Subject's Chair" recommended by Arther, , NOT the one in the "specs" $ 357.00 0 Arther does NOT recommend a desk with a 3. da "well". In fact, he strongly recommends 13 against it. t �C Aimlo: Barbara a. Chovan Police Department 5811 N. W. 88th Avenue Bidders SignatureDate 2/23/82 Title Owner Company Name Richard O. Arther rr Tamarac, Florida 33321 Address 615 Mountain Road Rinnelon, N. J. 07405