HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-82-057Introduced byCornncilwoman Massaro 1 2 3 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA 4 RESOLUTION N0. R-82-57 5 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR EXCAVATION AND STOCKPILING OF LIME SLUDGE BID #82-8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Tenp. # 2189 Revised 3/10./82 WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on February 16 and February 23, 1982, and WHEREAS, bids were opened on March 2, 1982, and WHEREAS, CPS Construction, Inc., is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, !' '1 SECTION 1: That the bid of CPS Construction, Inc., for excavation and stockpiling of lime sludge from a depth of three to eleven feet below normal water surface, for removal of an eight -foot depth of sludge, in the amount of $4,500.00, with a price for greater than eight -feet of excavation at $800.00 per foot, is hereby approved. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this loth day of March, 1982. 21 22 2 3 ATTEST: ASSISTANT CITY CLERK 2b I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have 27 approved the form and correctness of this RESOLUTION. 28 29 "1 ATTORNEY 30 �v :35 36 MAYORe DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT R RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE CITY OF TAMARAC O Fixed price bid O Request for Proposal (This is not an ordef) DID NO: ' (All blanks nwst be filled in) If DATE. 1 k -Y PAGE NO.: REOUIRED' Buyers annual requirement for Excavation & Stockpiling Phone (305) TZ2-5900 USING ACTIVITY: - -- Buyer: — BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE A.M•+1 f sm Standard Time or Eastam standard DayWO lime es IV IN' The oRNdaltime shaft po al a—' aboas sd on the Dathe City fw,x: w&V Clods in file CIV C2Wc s Ofdes. It win be the safe naponsbnity of the bidderlo MOM that tlis Prod naef as 1M Office of the City Clerk, City of Tamarac on or before dosing hour and daft shown above. The Loa( Adverbaymetlt. Irw tstion4o.Sid, General Conditions. Instructions to Bidders. Special CondRiona, spWlilostionis' Addendum, and any otherpwWwdmeant form a PW of this proposal and by reference are made a part hwed. ANTI COLLUSION STATtlB*EFM The below signed bidder has trot dMulped to, disc+uaed or o0rltparad bid wMh other bidders and has not colluded with any other bidder or parties to a bid whatever. (NOTE: No pemiums. I sbaMs or wattultias Permitted ~with, prior to, or after any deliveq of maftrisW Any such violation will result in the gnomon and/or return of m oriels in applicable) and the removal from Bid List(s). TOTME PURCHASING OFFICER OFTW CRYOFTAMARAC: We M. the below si----hetrebyag.lbf urnishthelol wmftwticWs)or services) at the price(s) and terms stated subject to all instructions. conditions. ep�cationt, vtd an atfaef tat. we ) ofli o. We p1 fave read all attachments including the specifications and fully understand what is required (By submittino tws sign edPr at. we �) o fr � a gntran that we approved swaijob SON to appnWriele City by the City and such acceptance coversAAuditors any applicable :BIa11C1a11e-0 P& pa order COntraCt )e An prices to be quoted F.O.B.. Buyers Destination Tamarac. Fbfids (DeNvwW at the appNeable City address irdiceled onthe Purchase Order.) FAILURE TO QUOTE: If you do not quote. Plc m tetum quotation sheet, stele F&OW >lMOM and request that your Hart* be relined on our >failin0 Hst, otherwise. your tame may be terttoved from our bid wel tg list. Bids are fam for acceptance within 60 days after bid opening d'*"-yes —no .fir. TERMS: % Days or by -- d Month (To apply on date d delivery and aceptanee of material.) —ff awarded ALL ITEMS BIO HEREIN (when applicable). an additional DISCOUNT OF. is offered in addition to any terms offered above. DELIVERY: calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order (City reserves the right to consider delivery time as a vital consideration when making or recommending award). VARIANCES: 8tatsany vrrristions to speeMieations, tsnrwand/a conditions+^ 11Ms space or .@We ms twin all varisnoes Contained on other pspes of this rmposelform or inanybidattacfanent. NO VARIATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS BY A BIDDER WILLSE CONSIDERED OR WILL BE DEEMEDTOBE APART OFTHE BID SUUCHBMITTEDLINLESSSVARIATIONOREXCEPTION ISLISTEDWITHINTHHEBIDDOCUMENTBANDREFERENCEDIJTHIS COLUMN NOSEPARATE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMITTED BID. AND THE CITY WILLNOT BE BOUND IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER BY ANY VARIATION OR EXCEPTION ORLIMITATION NOT SPECIFICALLYLISTED WITHINTHE BID DOCUMENTS ALL PRICES WILL BE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS DER A BIDTAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION THERETO AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND RUVENCED IN THIS DOLL MIS. I no smamrit is contained in this Bob". M is Eby UlpMd that your bid =Mbn with the full strops of on Bid Nwitstion. it Purchase Order Payment or Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposer's address shown below, pease Compteie uti following: Mail Purchase Order to: Mail Payment to: Mail Bids to: boy a 3 _ C PS `-ON57�sx-r�ov . N — 0�llL DRIusdS FL- It 2L5 Pa• 0,11 $s--Fr 3 - FLA 330 5' �pttone flp•;'1`��y� % w/Area Code * -3POSAL SUBMITTED BY. In Rani' 4),57g ' Telephone No.: Y Indicate Which: Corporation: Enclosed References Applicable to PrWCW: kwitation To Bid - F1 hide: of General Provisions Clatuass -F2 00wral Provisions - F3 PartnIers hip: ptetsin one copy for your tiles) s-•.� aIADERS "OTI :'Stith aides of this Form mukv eiettsbN- MW OF TAMARAC 5811 N.W. Bath Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321 did No. Date A-2- -NP No. f of All prices to be,quoted F.O.B. Tamarac, Florida, Delivered andWdoaded at applicable city destination as indicated below. TM following special conditions Of clhedced) apply to this bid. D BIDDERS REQUIREMENT FORCER 11F CHECK OR BID BOND: The City shall require from all Bidders, a certified check or bid bond In the amount of five (5) per cent tithe bid, which shad be forfeited tothe City In the eventthe Bidder. to whom the business is awarded. shah tail or refuse to comply with the specifications of the bid Checks will be returned promptly to unsuccessful Bidders after award of bid. Failure to submit this bid bond with the bid could cause rejection of the bid. D PERFORMANCE BONDS: The City shall prior to the excution of the contract, require to Bidder to furnish bonds covering the faithful performance Of the contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder In suchfam andamount as the City may prescribe and with such sureties secured through the Bidder's usual sources as maybe agreeable to the parties. ff such bonds are stipulated, the premiums shall be paid by the Bidder. The Bidder shall deliver the required bonds to the City not later than the date of execution of the contract. SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE Invitation To Bid OJANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE BUYERS ANNUAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE EXCAVATIO AND STOCKPILING OF LIME SLUDGE. THE CITY ESTIMATES THREE OPERATIONS PER YE WILL BE NECESSARY REQUIRING THE EXCAVATION OF SETTLED LIME SLUDGE FROM A DEPTH OF 3 TO 11 FEET BELOW NORMAL WATER SURFACE. BASE BI SHALL BE FOR THE REMOVAL OF AN 8 FOOT DEPTH OF SLUDGE AS INDICATED ABOVE AS A MINIMUM AMOUNT OF WORK PER OPERATION LUMP SUM AT 8 FT. OF SLUDGE REMOVAL PRICE PER EXCAVATION n PRICE PER FOOT FOR GREATER THAN 8FT. OF SLUDGE REMOVAL +� PRICE PER FOOT PAYMENT FOR EACH OPERATION WILL BE BASED ON BASE BID PLUS PRICE PER FOOT FOR ANY EXCAVA— TION WHICH REMOVES GREATER THAN 8 FEET OF SLUDGE. 0MT0- Ul- e'0P';-xbC'-r1Dx) Joc - eae&- FAA It* 1�Aozel-4)9 Bidders S' natu Date �— Title Pp, gT Company Name l PS D 0u6TR UCTI 0y 'yc. Address / , D. 8 0 � 7' ?-? CVfL19L- Pk ouk!5 FZ-A 3306,<