HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-82-2631 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Introduced by Temp. #2454 O CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-Z A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR REPLACEMENT OF ROOFS AT TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST WATER PLANT - BID #82-25 WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on July 28, 1982; and WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County, on August 3 and August 10, 1982; and WHEREAS, bids were opened on August 30, 1982; and WHEREAS, Embick Brothers Roofing is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION l: That the bid of Embick Brothers Roofing, in the amount of $8,900.00, to replace the Utility West water plant roof, plus a unit price of $1.75 per square foot for removal of the deteriorated roof deck and replacement of plywood, and a price of $300.00 per linear foot to reinforce the existing rafters with treated 2X4's, is hereby approved. SECTION 2: That the proper City officials are authorized to execute the documents needed as a result of the awarding of this bid. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this6,_�ZQ_ day of _ 1982. MA R ATTEST: As istant City Clerk I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the foam and correct- ness of this Resolution. 30 ! - City to i 33 34 35 36 MAYORd DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE h CITY OF TAMARAC ? sv D Fixed rice bid 1 D Request for Proposal DATE: R 2- 2 5 (This Is W an Orde DID NO: PAGE NO.: (All blanks must be filled in) TTEM(S) REOUIRED: REPLACEMENT OF ROOFS AT TUW WATER PLANT USING ACTM -*_ - Buyer. ._ Pamm (WS) 722•S900 BIDS MUST BE WBMfl'TED ON OR BEFORE 2 ' 00 P.M. A.M.! AUGUST 30 198 505*1I Tint tx Eat+e+am 8 W derd D&OVIl Se*0 Times! appGmelh i . TM t ftlat tfmi 06160 a >feoorded on the Date ff"me Aecor&V Cioc+► in the City Clerk S Ofte. It will be the sok tesporwfbilrty of the bdcwtb orm" OWNS propow reaafwa the OffIce of VW City llerk Cfly of Tat+rrrac on or before eiosin0 thou► Wild dale shown algae. IlePOP prtiner,lnidolwettertlfont►of Oof �thi:itra0assland �ors,h+elruetionsba on alCanditioti.•Adderbun,a.er+dany gow {pi„Lt,IS1pN iTAIEMErf'r: The bebw slQned bfticfer frs Ploi dMAQed to, distaiated Or t >b lilt "d Vtkh oMher bidders "has not aoUuded with any other bidder or parties to a bid whatever. (WTE. No prettliums, rebates o► 9mt6ft" Pat Odd rth opal f� 8,0 "rl fitiel"ry of nateriafs. Any such violation W" fesoft in the ar�o mum and/or ratunl of mas fib As applicable) TOTME et1RCKASING Of FILER OF TGIE CITtf OFTAMAItAC: We m,tthe be►owe$rwdf+asby a>gee tofunhfaRhttw fotioMrittp sficktsl er eervkets) iN Me priCe(t) and terms stated aubiect to all instructions, all anschn,er+te hereto. We (11 Rave read all alteCMMnts k ciudin0 the specifications and fully understand whet is required (By twbmittin0 fAis sighed proposal, we p) otl+ciatlyatxeQt s t.on Cl N approve d sawsUWi for audit to approprW�Cih vers all" lerms, conditions. and Audlore any NPlsCAN4 business ortlinanoW records OarWnnt tb a IFINSUhergbM" �r Or laerltrac! )t we will e AS prices to be quoted T.02., BvMs Oesfinttion Ta+tharec. tFbrida Delivered all* applicable Cly address lndicaled txhttw Puret>rase Order.) FAILURE TO OLCM: N you do not gvote, please TRILM quotation sheet, state r"Wn ffwreon and r*WW that your tome be retattwd on our eaailm0 fist. otherwise, your rwtthe may be removed from ortr bid rttaiiin0 list. Bids are ram for acceptance ttvf!ltin W days after bid aMmIlt0 data. �►es _.__>� --fir 1ERMS: uz) % __..- b'P .016400 (to ap0y an date d del+vary and aCeptance of material.) if awarded ALL ITEMS BID HEREIN O then apoiicasle). an additional DISCOLPff is offered in addition to any terms offered above. DELIVERY: , �' Werldst days after receipt of PurcUse Order (City resewes the fiWd to consider delivery time as a vtW consideration when making or recommending award). VARIANCES: State anyanationstosaec*<�unern. tr+++s s++dio� eendlt+o*+a intr+K spas v+�rrf+oa *re+r+an rafiafiost r0�tahett on t,If+t+ goes or tn,s prows&, rwm Wir%gmytmttattae"m NO VARIATIONS OREXCEoTIONSBYASIDDERWILLSECOmSIDEREDORWILLBEDUMEDTOB£APARTOl`THE ORSCCOMPArN�rYINGDOCWMENTSORVARIATION LMfRSKWILLBECONSDEREDASINCLiUDEDDwrCt�AS+�BMTTfDBD.AWTS AND LED IN NDTrrECIS COLUMN tryWILLL"Ol EROARATE UNDIN ANY MANNER WMATSOE)VERBYANY VARIATION OREXCEPTION 0RLtMrtATtONNOTSPEC491CA"YLISTEDWITM,NT►CBID D000MENTS ALLPRICES WILL BF CONSIDE RED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEmIONTHERFTO AND LISTS SUCH EXCEP70N WITHIN TM£ BID DOCUMENTS VO REFERENCED IN7WS COLUMN M no stateffaM a ClI+taewd In the apace. e o tw4by atto Ac feat tW bd Goft101 l am via fw1 Woos of ttva id bNiaten. I Purchase order Payment or future bids are to be mailed to ott»r then propaaef s address shown below. please COMPle10 vw WAII P,oCAatie Order to: than pay""t 10: Mal Bids floc 7 Telephone No.: % % / •-,;t < -7!d twlArea Code PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: NAME VWMed}: ) !� l� r— ( C. Ctxnpany. a.epat Rtpate►ed Ttda in n w Address' E 7 3 f a i v SIGNATURE* DATE: 9- — Snelosed I leh►enees Apptkable to Prooeeat: Imffation To Did - h Inds: of Generst Pmviabm Cwee-11`2 !i enerat illim baa -Fi ptetatn me ropy for your ttileei q Tetephtxw No : (�� 7 y y -76 --4 indicate vow:tr corporation Parlrtsrship: X SPECIFICATIONS AND DID SCHEDULE Invitation To Bid ITY OF TAMARAC III N.W. 88th Avenue enarac, Florida 33321 Bid No. Octe iiv�e No. of Ail prices to be quoted F.O.B. Tamarec,Fbrida, Delivered andnnioadedat applicable city destination as indicated below. The following special conditions (if ch9c1194 apply to this bid. BIDDERS REOUIREMENT FOR CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND:The City shall require from aI Bidders, a certified t:heck or bid K bond fn the amount of five (5) per cent of the bid, which shall be fortetled to the City in the event the Bidder, to whom the business is ,awarded. sMll fail or refuse 10 compty with the specifications of the bid. Chw*4 will be ratvrned prarrVilyto unsuccessful Bidders after award of bid. Failure to submit this bid bond with the bid could cause vejection of the bid. PERFORMANCE BONDS: The Cfy shall prior to the excution of the contrail, esquire the Bidder 10 tymish bonds coveting the iaf Wul performance of the contract andthe payment of a obligations arising thereunder in suchform and amount as the City may Vrrescribe andwlth such sureties secured ftwLt► the Bidder's usual Sources as maybe agreeable to the parties. If such bonds are stipulated,V* premiums shall be Paid by the Bidder. The Bidder shit! deliver to required bonds 20*4 Gb not hterftn the date of execution of the contract. OJANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE WATER PLANT ROOF LUMP SUM TO REPLACE TUW's WATER PLANT ROOF AS PER SPECIFICATION DATED 7/23182 2D0 s.f. REMOVE DETERIORATED WOOD DECK AND REPLACE WITH k" EXTERIOR GRADE. PLYWOOD. PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT $ 200 l.f. REINFORCE EXISTING RAFTERS WITH TREATED 2 X 4's. PRICE PER LINEAR FOOT $ TOTAL WATER PLANT ROOF A«erTe: 8;dders S" Dete�S Title Comas++y Nerne ! I C �c t�G� G 5 ► C( C l/ t Address C 73 e ym- BIDDERS NOTE: Bo% Sides of this fore► c 4WN 101PUBR Mr. Robert J. Foy Assistant City Engineer City of Tamarac 5811 N. W. 88th Avenue Tamarac, Fla. 33321 Subject: Dear Sir: September 2, 1982 TUW Water Plant Roof Replacement This is to confirm my conversation with you that the unit price to remove the deteriorated wood deck and replace with k" exterior grade plywood for an estimated 200 square feet will be $1.75 per square foot that equals $350 and the unit price to reinforce existing rafters with treated 2 x 4's for an estimated quantity of 100 lineal feet will be $3.00 per lineal foot for a total of $300.00. The above total amounts to $650 which when added to our bid of $8,900 will make the new total $9,550. I will be pleased to accept an order that will comply with your specifications based on the above amount. Very truly yours, Jeff Embick Embick Brothers Roofing 6731 Sunset Strip Sunrise, Fla. 33313 HP B& !I - iAMRNAC CITY ENGINEER