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City of Tamarac Resolution R-82-210
Introduced by� Temp.# 2373 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA 3 4 5 �i 8� 9 10 3T 12 23 24 15 16 17 1$ Z0 21 22 23 RESOLUTION NO. R - 9o? moo?/o A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR ONE GENERAL PURPOSE TYPE TRACTOR FOR MOWING ETC. BID #82-19 WHEREAS, -The City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on June 23 , 198 4 and, WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News a newspaper of g4neral circulation in Broward County on July 9 and July 15 198 2 , and WHEREAS, bids were opened on July 20 198 2,:and WHEREAS, MASSEY-FERGUSON INC. is the lowest fully Iresponsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY JOF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION I: That the bid of MASSEY-FERGUSON INC. in the amount of $25,375.00 , is hereby approved. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED thisZ,?-Z"day of 198 2. MP.Yn�- ATTEST: 24 ASST. CITY CLERK 26 i 27 28 29 30 331 34 35 36 I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form gbd correctness of this RESOLUTIOk. RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYORr DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT 14: CITY OF TAMARAC CCFY 0 Fixed price bid O Request for Proposal BIDNO: 82-19 (This is not an order) (All blanks must be filled in) wEs©.�a��� DATE: PAGE NO.: • UTILITIES WEST JOHN TARIBO 726-2300 USING ACTIVITY: Buyer: Phone -IMIMMMW BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE L 00 P _M _ *)k * J�,,Y 20, 1982 Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Standard Daylight Savings Time as applicable.The official time shall be as recorded on the Date/'ime According Clock in the City Clerk's Office. K will be the sole responsibility of tin bidderto ensure that his proposal reaches the Office of the City Clerk City of Tamarac on or before closing how and date shown above. The Legal Advertieernent, tnvlatio�id, General Conditions, Instructions to Bidders, Special Conditions, Specillicatiors, Addendurns, and any other pertinent docurnent form a part of this proposal and by reference are made a part hereof. ^K%COLLUSION STATEMENT: The below signed bidder has not divulged to, discussed or compared his bid with other bidders and has not colluded with any other bidder or parties to a bid whatever. (NOTE: No premiums, rebates or gratuities permitted either with, prior to, or after any delivery o l materials. Any such violation will result in the cancellation and/or ratum of materials (as applicable) and the removal from Bid List(s). TOTHE PURCHASING OFFICER OF THE CITY OFTAMARAC: We (1), the below signed hereby agree tofurnishthe following articles) or services) Id the price(s) and terms stated subject to all instructions, conditions, specifications, and all attachments hereto. We (1) have read all attachments iinciuding the specifications and fully understand what is required (By submitting this signedproposal, we p) officially accept a contract If approved by the City and such acceptance covers all the terms, conditions, and specifications of this proposal, and we (1) hereby agree that we will make available for audit to appropriate City Auditors any applicable business or financiel Ieorda pertinent to a resulting order or contract.) All prices to be quoted F.O.B., Buyers Destination Tamarac, Florida (Delivered at the applicsble City address indicated onthe Purchase Order.) FAILURE TO OUOTE: II you do not quote, please return quotation sheet, state reason thereon and request that your name be retainerl can our mailing list, otherwise, your name may be removed from our bid mailing list. Bids are firm for acceptance within 60 days after bid opening date X yes -no other. TERMS: 100 % 30 Days or by of Month (To apply on date of delivery and aceptanoe of material.) tf awarded ALL ITEMS BID HEREIN (when applicable), an additional DISCOUNT OF -0- % 6 offered in addition to any terms offered above. DELIVERY: 30 calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order (City reserves the right to consider delivery time as a vital consideration when making or recommending award). VARIANCES: state any variations to awthcations, terms and/or conditions inthis space orreference harem all variances contained on other pages of this Proposal Form or in anybid attachment. NO VARIATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS BY A BIDDER WILL BE CONSIDERED OR WILL BE DEEMED TO BE A PART OF THE BID SUBMITTED UNLESS SUCH VARIATION OR EXCEPTION IS LISTED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN. NO SEPARATE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMITTED BID, AND THE CITY WILL NOT BE BOUND IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER BY ANY VARIATION OR EXCEPTION OR LIMITATION NOT SPECIFICALLY LISTED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS. ALL PRICES WILL BE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION THERETO AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN. M no statement is contained in this space, If is hereby Implied tat your bid ooOat with the 1160 &cope of this Bid Invitation. 67 H.P. Tractor Loader Capacity- 2500 Lb. E Purchase Order Payment or Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposees address shown below, please complete the lotiowing: SW Purchase Order to: Mall Payment to: Matt Bids to: i Telephone No.: (3 0 5) 5 9 2- 5 010 w/Area Code PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: TyALjE (inted): DENNIS B . DAVIS Title: General Manager Qwnpany.(L*gwRegistered UWinMW MASSEY-FERGUSON INC. Address: 5820 N.W. 84th Avenue Miami, Florida 33166 SIGNATURE: Telephone No.: (3 0 5) 5 9 2 - 5 010 DATE: July 12 ,19 8 2 Indicate Which: Corporation: Encbsed.References Applicable to Proposal: , Partnership: Irwitation To Bid - F1 Iif Individual: Index of General Provisions Clauses - F2 Other. General Provisions - F3 (Retain one copy for your Ales) SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE 8 2 -19 Invitation To Bid did No. Date July 12,1982 ITY OF TAMARAC III N.W. 68th Avenue No. 1 of unarac. Florida 33321 Ail prices to be quoted F.O.B. Tamarac, Fiorillo, Delivered and W*Wdedat applicable eft destinationasindicated below. The following special conditions (if checked) apply to this bid. j BIDDERS REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID SOND:The Cityshatl requirefrom all Bidders, a certified check or bid lL.��11 bond in the amount of five (5) per cord of the bid, which shall be forfeited totf►e Cityin the event the Bidder, to whom the business is awarded, shalifail or refuse to comply with the specifications of the bid. Checks will be returned promptly to Unsuccessful Bidders after award of bid. Failure to submit this -bid bond with the bid could cause rejection of the bid. —'! PERFORMANCE BONDS: The City shall prior to ,fie excution of the contract, require the Bidder to famish bonds covering the —J fawui perfonnanoe of the contract and the payment of all obligations arisingtfweunder in such*XM and amount as the City may prescribe and with such sureties secured through the Bidder's usual sources as maybe agreeable tothe parties. If such bonds are stipulated, the premiums shall be paid by the Bidder. The Bidder "I deliver the required bonds to tha City not later than the bate of exewtion of the contract. 'J jANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 2 GENERAL PURPOSE TYPE TRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE $25,3.75.00 $25,375.00 WITH THE ATTACHED SPECIFICATION COMPLETE WITH DETACHABLE FRONT-END LOADER UNIT WITH BUCKET AND PULL MOWER 51erww-rot TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST 7801 N. W. 61st Street Tamarac, Fla. 33321• Bidders Sip$W Datt 7-1 ?- R 2 Title el Company Name MASSEY_FERGUSON INC. Aft - Address 5820 N.W. 84th Avenue Miami, Florida 33166