HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-82-209'I � Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3;r 12 13 14 15 16 Introduced by��rLj Aeed-a�tA Temp. # 2380 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R - 9a - 020 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL N.W. 64th,AVF. AND N.W. 57th ST.-BID #82-21 WHEREAS, The City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on June 23 , 198'2, and, WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale, News a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on July 9 and July 15 , 198 2, and WHEREAS, bids were opened on July 21 198 2, and WHEREAS,Designed Traffic Installation Co. is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: 17 I SECTION I: That the bid of Designed Traffic Installation Co. =8 in the amount of $11,811.00 , is hereby approved. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this o29--r-"day of_ , 198 2. loe �0 21 22 23 ATTEST: 24 Ir ASST. CITY CLERK 26' I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have 27 approved the form�nd correctness of this RESOLUTI�iff. 28 29 30 L 33 34 35 36 t MAYOR. DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE D DATE: July 20, 1982 EID N 1. 82-21 tThis is mot an ordet) PAGE NO.:= # j�►li blanks must be flried in) CITY OF TAMARAC FIXED PRICE BID FOR TmM(S) REOUIRED: INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS - ONE AT N. W. 64th AVE. AND N. W. 57tb ST. AND ONE AT COMMERCIAL BLVD. AND WOODL D ANSING ACTMW-* cutter, - •Hone (305) 72249W CITY OF TAMARAC Fixed price bid Request for Proposal cl»S MUST SE SUOMMM ON Oft SVORE 2 : 00 P.M. MM, DULY _21,1982 �astem etlr+dar>!'rin+e er Eastern ttar+dar0 o,yr.ph+ 6avinos Time es apptiestiM. TM aRlde3 talr+e tr+Iat� a ss wooRcMd or+ tale osierrane ty Tatnarat o a Orton dosin0 �f�x and dale Mtown aboMs►fY d!M b�ddartb eewas »tit t�s PoP�v�+�M Ob+ce d the CKy 'TM Ljpat Andean+rnl.In�AlatioMo•did.4e*�erat Car+dit�ona,lrsiryeliont b �id0ara,:0�rt Condbiorr. .Addr dun*. ar+d any g&W pen"rd doounr % form a W of V >xVC" and by m*onoa an wade a W Atned. &WrT COLLVSIOM ITATEMEW. The bebw sipped bidder hu rot diwlped to, dlselleeed or oon10a*SO hb lyid vft other bidders and has rot 4101wed W" ddghw of rtrany Croy biwer or Parties to atof Ws. Any such vvolaation ININ � iim t he ra»U�ation � tum of mi1�oftb %t WW.A�bW) sn0d1M m with. vW" n sIdd l t(a ,aWmf ftMCUSINGOTFICEROFTNECM0FTAVAMCtWe(p*obelow rticlots)ase"ieetsl at fhe Vk*s) and terms stated subiett too" and a►tattachrrwft hereto. We (1) haw read aI1 attattwOnts ftludinp the 90011WAti" and fury understand what is required (By subTrd"inp tNs SiVIodproposat, we V) CftrAffy aocapt a contract Maporored by the City and a=+' acceDlance coVera an the terms, conditions. and awffiutions of lttts proppW, and we m horeby MP" that we wet Incite avattabie for audit to aPpnoprista City Audtors any aWi sbla bw6koes or 00nefS1 wends POM"Ilt to a assu" Order Of stoeltra' I ) #1 pates 10 tIe dotted f.O.d., Buyers Destrn 6VnTaniust, ibrlda f PelMpW gift MWA bile C ft adOrass 1140111 Weft terse or dent VAILURE TO QUOTE: N you do not quote, pie ase Tatum quotation Shoat, tetate tneaaon thereon and request to you► rla m be wtsined on our alaihnp list, ottwrwiee• your rlamR may Oe Tamored Iron+ our Old anaitirlp list. aids are firm for acceptance w tigi W days after bid openlno data- Vs 1fR>rAS: 'A Drys or by of filorm (To =ply on dale of dellwY and • aceptanoe of material.) tr awarded ALL ITEMS BID HEREIN "M apDlicabie). an additional DISCOUNT OF x Is offered in addition to any terms trod above. WLIVERY: Calendar days after receipt of purCt ase Order M ter rteaerm ft fight to consider delivery time as a what Consideration wtten making W retommandino award). VARIANCES- Sar� mnlafted on~ moves of VA NOVARIATtONSOREXCERr1ONSBYADDDERwul/ECONSOEREDaORwi BEMMf 7091 APARTOFTtm RATE SIDSUBM111 UNLESS SUCKVARIAT►ONOREXCEPTION ISIISTEDWIT►+tiINTNEBtDDOCtIwiNTiAaIDREFERENCEDINTM'SCOWMN NOSEPAND OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMITTED BID. AND THE CRY WILL WM BE 110 IN ANYMANNERNMATSOEVERBYANYVARiAT10NOREXCEPTIONORLMAtTAT1pNNOTSPECIFICALLYUSTEDWRMINTMEBIDDOCUMENTS ALL'RICES WILL aE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WRMIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDERTAKES SPECIFIC EXCE'PTIONT!$RETO AND LISTS SUCM EXCEPTION WRMIN TIC DID DOCUMENTS AND REfTRENCED IN TOGS COUAM. r ro sUtenlerA is Zpraff" In VW apeee- a a Areby arla�•d tart you+ AO rrvrow+ .rah the hAr ecoos d this as e>wgation. tb purchase Order ftyment or Future bids are to be ff ailed to other than proposet's address shown below, please cwnPm a u� SW PurcMse Order to V * - Malt payment Io: Man ails tioc Te �epflone lir, :. - wlArea Code "OIPOSAL SUBMITTED IBY: IMIE(ftiMed):..,Eben J. RieQer-Tifle: Preslden Company. aeoslReatstred"16infuW_ Designed Traffic Installation Company iOtra.o• 2666 N. Dixie Highway, P.O. Box 10257, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334 SIGNATLRL- c,rr .o- ,•s ,,G,_TelephoneNW^ (305) 565-3137 ZA7; July 20, 1982 indicateWhick Corporation: XXX enclosed References Applfeade to Preaitatd. tton To Bid - tf1�� &Woo Wei of Gonerat Proviaione C mwo-t2 OMrc „,.,. SPECiFiCAT10PIS AND DID SCHEDULE k Hation To Did V aid No. 82-21 far: July 20, 1982 Ty Of TAMARAC �11 NtatW. h Avenue rage No. 2 of -- 3 irurac, fbrida 93321 Idt prices to be quoted F.O.S. Tama"C. fiorirfa. petiwre'd and uNoaded at "Putebb oitydestination as indicated Mow. " TM following special conditions (It Meekad) apply to this bid. BIDDERS REOUIREMENT FOR CERT*= MCK OR 10 SORMThe Clay shun requke Iran ah Sk ers�s whom the bued check ness is bond intM amount aR five (5) Pat cent of the bid.which ship be forfeited to the City Rrthe evwdths Sidder. W**rded, sfuit fait or muse to oompy oft the spwtiicationt of the bid. Chicks wpl be returned prangftto unsuccessfulSidders • der award of bid. failure to submit this bid bond wtth the bid cadd OVA@ M*cwn of the bid. 10 KRFORMANCE BONDS: Thu Cib **I prior to the excution Of the oor+tract, eequlre the Bidder to famish bands covering the jaiX tjitMj$ performance of the contract and the payment Of aN ablipations arising ftrrunder in Such fa mend amount as the C+ty may Prescribe and with such wm,*& secured th=gh the Bidder's usual saurceses maybe sQroeabW tithe Parties .11such bonds are stipulsted. fn premiums shall be paid bythe Bidder. TM BkW&f_OW1 detint.Sw required bonds tothe Cibnot later than the date of exewt►on of the csar+tract. QUANTITY I - DESCRIPTION lrwvTo: NISH ALL SUPERVISION, LABOR AND EQUIPMENT INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNALS LOCATED ATs 1. N.W. 64tb AVENUE & N.W. 5'1tb STREET 2. COMMERCIAL BLVD. AND WOODLANDS $LVD. . TOTAL AS SHOWN ON BROWARD COUNTY TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT DRAWINGS NOS. 562, FILE A294, 253 and 563 FILE A299, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH BROWARD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION CURRENT SPECIFI— CATIONS. MATERIALS WILL BE PROVIDED BY BROWARD NTY. CONTRACTOR SHALL TRANSPORT THESE ERIALS FROM BROWARD COUNTY WAREHOUSE 2300 W. COMMERCIAL BLVD. TO JOB SITES. TRACTOR SHALL REPLACE AT HIS EXPENSE ANY ERIALS THAT ARE LOST, STOLEN OR DAMAGED 'ER THEY LEAVE BROWARD COUNTY WAREHOUSE. ABULATION OF SIGNAL EQUIPMENT MATERIAL IS NCLOSED FOR REFERENCE ONLY. CONTRACTOR SEA ROVIDE A COMPLETE BILL OF MATERIALS THAT NDICATES ALL OF THE MATERIAL TO BE PROVIDED Y BROWARD COUNTY. AVEMENT MODIFICATIONS FOR N. W. 64tb VENUE AND N. W. 57tb STREET WILL BE PROVIDED Y OTHERS AND WILL BE COMPLETED ON OR BEFORE VGUST 11 1982 UNIT PUCE I EXTENDED PRICE r$�41 SUM PRICE ,811.00 . $ 10,980.00 f; $ 22,791.00 * I 1 c— 7/20182 Bidders Si stunt ue4�'Dsts Title President Company Name Designed Traffic Installation w 2666 N. Dixie -Highway, P.O. Box 10257 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334 UDDERS NOTE: RvA Sidn of this form ftWlrt sill"We'