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City of Tamarac Resolution R-82-133
Introduced by C/M Disraelly Temp.# 2284 Rev. 57- 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 '� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 12. 33 34 35 36 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-82-133 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR OWNER'S REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARATORY WORK FOR RESURFACING OF ROADWAYS - BID # 82-14 WHEREAS, The City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on April 14, 1982, and, WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on April 20 and April 27, 1982, and WHEREAS, bids were opened on May 3, 1982, and WHEREAS, Inland Sealcoating, Inc. is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION I: That the bid of Inland Sealcoating, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $13,375.00, is hereby approved, with the final amount of payment to be based on unit prices and field measure- ment of work performed. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 12th day of May, 1982. ATTEST: ASST. CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness of this RESOLUTION. CITY TT RiJEY MA R RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR+ -- DISTRICT k — E DISTRICT 2: —2 DISTRICT 3: DISTRICT 4: EXY(S s iW1 ,kc 00PA CITY OF TAMARAC O/*ixed price bid fl Request for Proposal DID NO: _ Pei " /:�' (AS blanks must be filled in) (This is not an ordeo GATE: S- -3 - v PAGE NO.:_1_,______ ITEM(S) REQUIRED: OWNER'S REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARATORY WORK FOR RESURFACING �._ OF ROADWAYS USING ACTIVITY: Buyer: PhM M) 722-59W -- BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE - : 00 P M =AMVIk_= MAY I _ 7 q A 9 ai"%'-t SlarWard Tom or tfastsm SUndard DsyfW Smvtrtps TNw as applicable. The M ftW *fw Shall the as %cordad on the Date/rime Recording Clock ti tfta City Clartc'a Office. K will be the sole nZspona,Wiy of go bidder to anslxe that his proposal rleaclwe the Office of the City Clark, CO of Uhmac on or before olosinp lour and date Shown above. _ ..I TftAWW pattitent� then aiol ow �iwwal Conditions, ftrvucWM ID&ddwg gpocW Cortdliiona, BpacMcaitorts. Addendums• and any Oars of this Poposat and by ratarence are made a 0� shared. AIN11-COLLUSM STATEMENT: The below signed bidder.hu not dMAW to, diseumed or owivered his bid wnh other bidders and has not colluded with any other bidder or parties to a bid whatever. (NOTE: No Premiums, rebates or pratulties Palydtted ettfwr with. Prior to. or after any dahvery of materials. Any such violation wOl result in the nncNtation ardor mturn of matariats (" applcable) and the removal from Bid List(s). IDTNE'1JRCMASING OFFICER OF TiliE CflY OFTAMAMC. we R the below signed twraby epee toflatrishthe ioNowlnp srtielelsi or aervice(s) aIf the priw(s) and terms stated subject to an instructions, eonddiom, apecifications, and all attachmants hereto. We n) have read all attachments icluding the specifications and fully urberstend what is required (By aubmilt ft this signedproposal, we 0) officiafly accept a contract ii approved by City and such acceptance covers all the terms, conditions, and SPOCK cations of this proposal; and we M hereby agree that we will snake wraWbb for atrdlt to appropriate City Auditors any applicable busirteas or tiuneyi recta do to a reaWlI slg order or contract.) AN prices to be tttioted F.O.B.. Buyers Datination Tamarac. Florida iDetM"" at the applicable City address indicated on1he Purchase Order.) IFA1LURE TO QUOTE: H you do not quote, please lateral quotation sheet, state mason tfwrew and rapuast that you► mettle be retained on our wing Jt. oftwrwise. your name may be removed from our bid raatlirtg list. Bids are fam for acceptance within W days after opertinp dat yes 7ERMs: 4�✓ G o tl%� 1_ a —._Days or of blonth (To apply on date of delivery and aceptanoe of material.) �,.e,.--;r:Iwcti;ei. Ln ontt of tT Ot= �V i L % its offered in addition to any terms 0W red a�oare., DELIVERY: calendar days after receipt of Partdtase Order fly reserves the right consider delivery time as a vital consideration when making or recommending award). VARIANCES: State b48 ft N?1* t- NO V MrcaliOne, teens andAW CpnditW*'n V" W8p* a Merenoe herein IN varianWe eontalned on cow pages of this Proposal Form o► in anybidetlathnwnt. NO VARIATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS BYA BIDDER WILL BE CONUNRED OR WILL BE DZEMEDTOSE APART OFTHE DID SUBMITTEDUNLESS SUCH VARIATION OR EXCEPTION IS LISTED WITHINTHE SIDDOCUMENTSAND REFERENCED IN TMISCOLUMN. NO SEPARATE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMnT0 BID, AND THE CITY WILL NOT BE BOUND IN ANYMANNERWHATSOEVERByANYVARIATIONOREXCEPTIONORLIMITATIONNOTSPECIFICALLYUSTEDWITHINTHEDIDDOCUMENTS ALLPRICES WILL BE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC PTION TI$RET EXCE0 AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS CONlMN. N rX> st*19"W d is ewdairled in this specs. a is Hereby "Oed Pleat leper Old eorrlp "with ttw fu11 aeope of this and MwAstion. ar rLaurlu a cuuer r Aymara Of Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposers address ftffin-a Q. shown below, please complete the Mall Purchase, Order io: Mail Payment to: Mail Side tip: ktopttone W . w/Area Code VR©POSAL SUBMITTED BY: ,. P Title• _ T f I% != Al ComparT. aegat Registered us, in Mw — 1 Al L d /V 1 S i^ 4 Z L .t r4 I -' ,h✓ ! f Address:— j 4'1 1 11-2 4 i_ S \" Telephone No.: Indicate VVhic h: Corporation: r� Ancbaed Reiere W6 APP*AbW to Prepa.al: invitation To Did - Ft 64" of General Provfsione pewee-tF2 Ganerat ftwbione - P3 Partnership: individual: - pletain one copy for your iWsl SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE �;d N Invitation To Bid o. TY OF TAMARAC Date S - 11 N.W. SMh Avenue moat, Florida 33321 Pope No. 2 of All prices to be quoted F.O.B. Tamarac, Florida, DeHveredandunioaded at applicable city destinationas indicated below. 71M following special conditions (if checked) apply tD this bid. BIDDERS REOUIREMENT FOR CER II F CHECK OR BID BOND:The City shellrequirehorn all Bidders. a certified check or bid bond in the amount of five (5) per cent of the bid, which shall be forfeited to the Cityinttae eventthe Bidder,towhom the business is awarded. Wall fail or refuse to compywfththe specifications of the bid. Ohecitswill be returned prornptlytounsuccessful Bidders after award of bid. Failure to submit Na bid bond with the bid could cause rejection of the bid. —t PERFORMANCE BONDS: The City shalt prior to the excution of the contract. require the Bidder to tumish bonds covering the J *Osful performance of the contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder in such form and amount as the City may Dresc, and with such sureties secured thrraphthe Bidders usual sources as maybe agreeable to the parties. If such bonds see stipulated, the premiums shall be paid by the Bidder. The Bidder shill deliverthe required bondstothe Cilynot later than the date of execution of the contract. WANTITY DESCRIPTION YNiT PRICE ' EXTEI$DED PRICE CITY'S REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARATORY WORK FO RESURFACING APPROXIMATELY 3500 L.F. OF ROAD— WAYS ON N. W. 70th AVENUE AND APPROXIMATELY 600 L.F. OF ROADWAY ON N. W. 51st CT. AND 51 AVENUE IN THE CITY OF TAMARAC. THE WORK CONSISTS OF ADJUSTING MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS AND CATCH BASIN FRAMES AND GRATES, REMOVING AND REPLACING PAVEMENT AROUND THESE STRUCTURES, LEVELING DEPRESSED ASPHALT AREAS, REMOVING GRASS FROM THE EXISTING•PAVEMENT EDGES, SWEEPING AND VACUUMING THE EDGES OF THE PAVEMENT TO BE RESURFACED, SAWCUTTING INTERSECTIONS AND DRIVEWAYS AND REMOVING 3 FT WIDTH OF PAVEMENT, AND REPLACING THE REMOVED SECTIONS WHERE NECESSARY. 5 Ea. 1. ADJUSTING.CATCH BASIN FRAMES AND GRATES AND .MAi TOLE .FRAYIES 7111L CC; —ERS. �S,oact F,. 2. REMOVING GRASS FROM ROADWAY EDGES AND VACUUM. 40 Tons 3. REMOVE AND REPLACE PAVEMENT AROUND STRUC- 3 3 n TURES AND DRIVEWAYS WHERE NECESSARY. 700 L.F. 4. SAWCUT PAVEMENT AND REMOVE 3 FT. WIDTH STRIPS FOR FEATHERING TO EXISTING PAVE— ,�6 a MENT 240 S.F. 5. REPLACE CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS. 40 S.F. 6. REPLACE CHATTAHOOCHEE DRIVEWAYS. S" "o 0 20 Tons 7. INSTALLATION OF ASPHALT LEVELING COURSES 18 2S ALL ASPHALT WORK MUST BE TACK —COATED TO TOTAL 3 " EXISTING PAVEMENT. 13 2. QUANTITIES ARE ESTIMATED. ACTUAL PAYMENTS SHALL BE BASED ON UNIT PRICES AND FIELD MEASUREMENTS OF WORK PERFORMED. M, - Alk �R Bidders Si aturrP, Date�-- Title BIDDERS NOTE: aletN Silo of" form require