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City of Tamarac Resolution R-2022-038 Declaration of Restrictive Covenant for Colony West
Temp. Reso. #13754 April 13, 2022 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2022 - 03;�S A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, APPROVING A DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT ("DRC") FOR COLONY WEST GOLF COURSE HOTEL AND CHAMPIONSHIP COURSE, LOCATED AT 6850 NW 88TH AVENUE, TAMARAC, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY STAFF TO EXECUTE SAID DRC; AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD THE DRC WITH BROWARD COUNTY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Florida Statutes provide that municipalities shall have the governmental, corporate, and proprietary powers to enable them to conduct municipal government, perform municipal functions, and render municipal service, and exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, Article IV, Section 4.07 of the City Charter of the City of Tamarac empowers the City to adopt, amend, or repeal such ordinances and resolutions as may be required for the proper governing of the City; and WHEREAS, with the intent of preserving open space and keeping a viable business open, while safeguarding property values and quality of life, on September 28, 2011, via Resolution Number R-2011-114, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac authorized the purchase of Colony West Golf Course; and 132689508.1 Temp. Reso. #13754 April 13, 2022 Page 2 of 4 WHEREAS, approved improvements on the property included the demolition of the existing clubhouse and cart barn, and the construction of a new clubhouse, cart barn, and hotel; and WHEREAS, the proximity of the improved property to the golf course resulted in the encounter of elevated levels of arsenic on a portion of the property due to the legal application of arsenic containing herbicides and the Broward County Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department ("EPD") required a full Site Assessment Report ("SAR"), and Soil Management Remedial Action Plan ("RAP"), in accordance with Chapter 62-780 Florida Administrative Code; and WHEREAS, the required studies, reports, and plans were submitted to and approved by EPD, and the reports set forth the nature and extent of the contamination, and confirm the groundwater contamination does not extend beyond the property boundary and is not migrating ; and WHEREAS, EPD agreed and approved that no further action is required for the property, on the condition that contaminant levels do not rise past the approved level and/or no future discharge occurs at the property; and WHEREAS, in order to reduce or eliminate the threat of migration of the contaminant and reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure, the City of Tamarac proposes and EPD supports the Declaration of Restrictive Covenant, hereto attached as "Exhibit 1 ", which imposes certain land use restrictions and institutional controls, to reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure to users or occupants of the 132689508.1 Temp. Reso. #13754 April 13, 2022 Page 3 of 4 property and the environmental contaminants and to reduce or eliminate the threat of migration of the contaminants; and WHEREAS, the Acting Director of Public Services recommends the City Commission of the City of Tamarac approve the execution and recordation of the Declaration of Restrictive Covenant for Colony West, hereto attached as "Exhibit 1 "; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, deems it to be in the best interest of the business owners, residents, and visitors of the City of Tamarac to approve the Declaration of Restrictive Covenant to Colony West, authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute said Declaration of Restrictive Covenant, and directing the City Clerk to Record the Declaration of Restrictive Covenant with Broward County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing whereas clauses are ratified and confirmed as being true and correct, are the legislative and administrative findings of the City Commission and made a specific part of this Resolution; all exhibits attached hereto are incorporated herein and made a specific part thereof. SECTION 2: The City Commission of the City of Tamarac approves the Declaration of Restrictive Covenant, attached as "Exhibit 1" and the appropriate City Officials are authorized to execute said Declaration of Restrictive Covenant. SECTION 3: The City Clerk is authorized and directed to record the Declaration of Restrictive Covenant in the Public Records of Broward County. 132689508.1 Temp. Reso. #13754 April 13, 2022 Page 4 of 4 SECTION 4: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: If any clause, section, other part, or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 6: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 13t" day of April 2022. ATTEST: JE NIFE, JOq- [80N, CMC CITY CLERK - //"_ J_a MIC ELLE J. GO Z MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR GOMEZ 11_j DIST 1: COMM. BOLTON Lies DIST 2: V/M GELIN DIST 3: COMM. VILLALOBOS DIST 4: COMM. PLACKO APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY FOR THE USE AND RELIANOE OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC ONLY. JO CI- 132689508.1 -tE Z1N, JR. ORNEY Instr# 118128343 , Page 1 of 112, Recorded 05/06/2022 at 11:45 AM Broward County Commission TR 13754 EXHIBIT 1 This instrument prepared by: John E. Doherty, P.E., Acting Public Services Director City of Tamarac 10101 State Street Tamarac, FL 33321 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANT (hereinafter "Declaration") is made by City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, (hereinafter "Grantor") and Broward County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida by and through its Environmental Permitting Division (hereinafter "EPD"). RECITALS A. Grantor is the fee simple owner of that certain real property situated in the County of Broward, State of Florida, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter the "Property"). B. The Broward County Environmental Assessment and Remediation ("EAR") License Number for the Property is 1287. The facility name at the time of this Declaration is Colony West Hotel & Championship Course ("GCPA" ), 6850 NW 881h Ave, Tamarac, FL 33321 (previously known as 6800 NW 88th Avenue). This Declaration addresses the discharge that was reported to Broward County on June 22, 2017. C. The legal application of arsenic containing herbicides resulted in documented soil and groundwater arsenic. On April 30, 2019, the Division approved the SAR/RAP Page 1 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 2 of 112 Combined Report for the GCPA. The final Natural Attenuation Monitoring Report dated April 3, 2020, indicated that only Arsenic contaminant remained in the groundwater. The legal application of arsenic containing herbicides is documented in the following reports that are incorporated by reference: 1. interim Source Removal Report dated April 5, 2018, submitted by Enviro Design Associates, Inc. ("EDA"). 2. Site Assessment Report/Remedial Action Plan Combined Report dated September 6, 2018, submitted by EDA. 3. Site Assessment Addendum and NAM Combined Report — March 11, 2019, submitted by EDA. 4. Annual Report Natural Attenuation Monitoring. Annual Report Year 1, Quarter 4 recommending no further action with institutional controls April 3, 2020, submitted by EDA. D. The reports noted in Recital C set forth the nature and extent of the contamination that is located on the Property. These reports confirm that contaminated soil and groundwater as defined by Chapter 62-780, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), exists on the Property. Also, these reports document that the groundwater contamination does not extend beyond the Property boundary that the extent of the groundwater contamination does not exceed 1 /4 acre, and the groundwater contamination is not migrating. E. it is Grantor's and EPD's intent that the restrictions in this Declaration reduce or eliminate the risk of exposure of users or occupants of the Property and the environment to the contaminants and to reduce or eliminate the threat of migration of the contaminants. F. EPD has agreed to issue a No Further Action with Controls Approval for the Property (hereinafter "NFAC Approval") upon recordation of this Declaration. EPD can unilaterally revoke the NFAC Approval if the conditions of this Declaration or of the NFAC Approval are not met. Additionally, if the contaminants of concern increase above the levels approved in the NFAC Approval, or if a subsequent discharge occurs at the Property, EPD may require site rehabilitation to reduce concentrations of contamination to the levels allowed by the applicable Broward County Code of Ordinances and applicable F.A.C. rules. The NFAC Approval relating to EAR License No. 1287, can be found by contacting EPD office located at 1 North University Drive, Plantation, Florida 33324. G. Grantor deems it desirable and in the best interest of all present and future owners of the Property that an NFAC Approval be obtained and that the Property be held subject to certain land use restrictions and institutional controls, all of which are more particularly hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, to induce EPD to issue the NFAC Approval and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by each of the undersigned parties, Grantor agrees as follows: Page • 2 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 3 of 112 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by: reference. 2. GranW hereby imposes on the Property the following restrictions and requirements: a. Gmundwater Use: There shall be no use of- the groundwater under the Property, There ill be no drilling for water conducted on the Property, nor shall any wells be installed on the Property other than mortitoringor other wells pre -approved in writing by EPD in addition to any authorizations, required by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Resources Management and by the South Florida Water Management District. b. 9Mftft-X For any dewatering activities an the Property, a plan approved iiy EPD must be in place to address and ensure the appropriate handling, treatment, and disposal of any extracted groundwater that may be COrItOrninated. EPD will rely on this Declaration, Section 27-353(i), Broward County Code of Ordinances, and prior EPD review of any dewatering plan as: the institutional controls to ensure that no exposure to contaminated groundwater resulting in risk to human health., public safety or the environment will occur due to dewatering activities on the contaminated site. Section 27-3530). Broward County Code of Ordinances, requires approval when conducting dewatering in the area of a contaminated site, and Section 27-355(e), Broward County Code of Ordinances, requires notice to EPD when dewatering operations are to be conducted at or within one -quarter -mile radius of a contaminated site. EPD can only approve a dewatering plan that ensures the appropriate handling, treatment and disposal of any extracted groundwater that may be contaminated to avoid adversely impacting or increasing the potential for, exposure to contaminants resulting in risk to human health, public safety or the envkonment. Unless it is demonstrated that the cleanup oriteria under subsection 62-780,8800), F,,A,C,, have been achieved, EPD, may institute proceedings to revoke. this Declaration and the NFAC Approval and require the resumption of site rehabilitation activities if any dewatering activities are commenced without EPD, as applicable, prior approval. Other remedies available at. law may also result in the revocation of the NFAC Approval. c. Attached as Exhibit "B" is a Survey identifying the size and location of existing stormwater swales, stormwater detention or retention facilities, and ditches on the Property. Such existing stormwater features shall not be altered, modified or expanded, and there shall be no construction of new stormwater swales., stormwater detention or retention facilities or ditches on the Property without prior written approval from EPO. A revised exhibit must be recorded when any: stormwater feature is altered, Page 3 (Yf 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 4 of 112 modified, expanded, or constructed. EPD will rely on this Declaration and prior EPD review of any plan to construct new or modify existing stormwater features to ensure that there is no exposure to contaminated groundwater entering into new or expanded stormwater features resulting in risk to human health, public safety or the environment due to the contaminated site. Construction of stormwater swales, stormwater detention or retention features, or ditches on the Property could destabilize the groundwater plume or increase potential for exposure to contaminants resulting in risk to human health, public safety, or the environment. For this reason, if Grantor seeks to construct stormwater features on the Property, Grantor should first consult with and receive approval from EPD. Unless it is demonstrated that the cleanup criteria under subsection 62-780.680(1), F.A.C., have been achieved, EPD may institute proceedings to revoke this Declaration and the NFAC Approval, and require the resumption of site rehabilitation activities if any such stormwater features are constructed or commenced without EPD prior approval. Other remedies available at law may also result in the revocation of the NFAC Approval. d. Land Use Restrictions. The Property is restricted to golf course use, consistent with NAICS (as hereinafter defined) Code 713910, Golf Courses and Country Clubs. A site -specific Alternative Soil Cleanup Target Level for arsenic has been calculated. Therefore, the following uses of the Property are prohibited: agricultural use of the land including forestry, fishing and mining; hotels or lodging; recreational uses including amusement parks, parks, camps, museums, zoos, or gardens; residential uses, and educational uses such as elementary or secondary schools, or day care services. These prohibited uses are specifically defined by using the North American Industry Classification System, United States, 2017 ("NAICS"), Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget. The prohibited uses by code are: Sector 11 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting; Subsector 212 Mining (except Oil and Gas); Code 512132 Drive -In Motion Picture Theaters; Code 519120 Libraries and Archives; Code 531110 Lessors of Residential Buildings and Dwellings; Subsector 6111 Elementary and Secondary Schools; Subsector 623 Nursing and Residential Care Facilities; Subsector 624 Social Assistance; Subsector 711 Performing Arts, Spectator Sports and Related Industries; Subsector 712 Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions; Subsector 713 Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries; Subsector 721 Accommodation (hotels, motels, RV parks, etc.); Subsector 813 Religious, Grantmaking, Civic. Professional, and Similar Organizations; and Subsector 814 Private Households. 3. In the remaining paragraphs, all references to "Grantor," "Broward County," and "EPD" shall also mean and refer to their respective successors and Page 4 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 5 of 112 assigns 4. For the purpose of monitoring the restrictions contained herein, Broward County and EPD are hereby granted a right of entry upon and access to the Property at reasonable times and with reasonable notice to Grantor. Reasonable times shall be between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time. Reasonable notice shall be a minimum of three (3) calendar days' notice. Access to the Property is granted via an immediately adjacent public right-of- way located at 6850 NW 88m Avenue (Pine Island Road). 5. It is the intention of Grantor that this Declaration shall touch and concern the Property, run with the land and with the title to the Property, and shall apply to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Grantor, Broward County and to EPD, and to any and all parties hereafter having any right, title or interest in the Property or any part thereof. Broward County or EPD may enforce the terms and conditions of this Declaration by injunctive relief and other appropriate available legal remedies. Any forbearance on behalf of Broward County or EPD to exercise its right in the event of the failure of Grantor to comply with the provisions of this Declaration shall not be deemed or construed to be a waiver of Broward County's or EPD's rights hereunder. This Declaration shall continue in perpetuity, unless otherwise modified in writing by Grantor and Broward County by and through its EPD as provided in paragraph 7 hereof. These restrictions may also be enforced in a court of competent jurisdiction by any other person, firm, corporation, or governmental agency that is substantially benefited by these restrictions. If Grantor does not or will not be able to comply with any or all of the provisions of this Declaration, Grantor shall notify EPD three (3) calendar days. Additionally, Grantor shall notify EPD thirty (30) days prior to any conveyance or sale, granting or transferring the Property or portion thereof, to any heirs, successors, assigns or grantees, including, without limitation, the conveyance of any security interestin said Property. 6. In order to ensure the perpetual nature of this Declaration, Grantor shall record this Declaration, and Grantor shall reference these restrictions in any subsequent lease or deed of conveyance, including the recording book and page of record of this Declaration. Furthermore, prior to the entry into a landlord -tenant relationship with respect to the Property, Grantor agrees to notify in writing all proposed tenants of the Property of the existence and contents of this Declaration of Restrictive Covenant. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3 above, it is the intention of the parties that if Grantor has conveyed the Property, the Grantor's successors and assigns shall be required to perform such notification. 7. This Declaration is binding until a release of covenant is executed by EPD (or designee) and is recorded in the Public Records of Broward County. To receive prior approval from EPD to remove any requirement herein, cleanup target levels Page 5 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 6 of 112 established pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.A.C. rules and Broward County Code of Ordinances must be achieved. This Declaration may be modified in writing only. Any subsequent amendments must be executed by both Grantor and EPD and be recorded by Grantor in the Public Record of Broward County as an amendment hereto. 8. If any provision of this Declaration is held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision shall not affect the validity of any other provisions of the Declaration. All such other provisions shall continue unimpaired in full force and effect. 9. Grantor covenants and represents that on the date of execution of this Declaration that Grantor is seized of the Property in fee simple and has good right to create, establish, and impose this restrictive covenant on the use of the Property. The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank. Page 6 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 7 of 112 City of Tamarac IN WETNESS WHEREOF, Gra r City of Tamarac, a Florida municipal corporation has executed this Instrument this day of RAW— , 2022. ATTEST: A..,�- J n erk V (CORp6AATF- SEAL) <<<<�1111f{If1tljR�flti971t1\ << ©F TAM,4�,, �"'A96• �••.�q -i EgTABLt3HEO o O Ste- "I"'CMOu,N,<< CITY gfTAWRAC, through its GAPMOMMMISSION By Wgh,elle J. Gomez)Mayor Approved as to form and legal sufficiency by City Attorney John R. Herin. Jr. Page 7 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 8 of 112 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Broward County, by and through its i _vironmental Permittin Division, has executed this instrument, this �_ day of 2022. Signed, sealed and delivered In the present of: 717 Witness: ✓__ Print Name: ArJre, , S�n�ons Date: os 1o5l o.2-2 Witne?Yli Print Nnn Date:" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD Broward County, by and through its Environmental Permitting Division Title: Date: o ;o!C Approved as to form by Andrew J. Meyers Broward County Attorney Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone: (954) 357-7600 Telecopier: (954) 357-7641 ALEXIS MARRERO NM� �� By: KORATICH Odw mnososoaaoae a+na Name: Alexis I. Marrero Koratich Title: Assistant County Attorney Date: May 2022 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before -me by means of k physical presence or M nl' notarization, this _day of 2022, b representative for the Environmental P mitting Division of Broward County, Florida. s V r Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced jILL Ryn. Signal u N E Notary Public State of Florida Commission a GG 359a29 Print me of Notal3{ C' My Comm. Expires ko- 23. 2023 Bonded through Nationa: Notary Assn. COmmISS{On NO. _ Commission Expires: Page 8 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 9 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL "G", WOODLAND LAKES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 71, PAGE 18 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS AND EXCEPT THEREFROM: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT A. COLONY WEST CLUBHOUSE PLAT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 103, PAGE 36, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE SOUTH 00"01'37" EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT A. A DISTANCE OF 137.41 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 88'35'23" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 106.74 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 01'24'44" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 276.87 FEET; THENCE NORTH 88'35'16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 99.78 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00'01'37" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 276.95 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT THEREFROM: A PARCEL KNOWN AS PARCEL 113 OF PROJECT 5117 MCNAB ROAD WIDENING FROM PINE ISLAND ROAD TO UNIVERSITY DRIVE AS DESCRIBED IN CORPORATE WARRANTY DEED RECORDED JULY 9, 1998 IN OFFICAL RECORD BOOK 28534 AT PAGE 705 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAID LANDS SITUATE LYING AND BEING IN THE CITY OF TAMARAC, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONTAINING 6,522,565 SQUARE FEET (149.74 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. NOTES: 1, THIS IS NOT A MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY, BUT IS A GRAPHIC DEPICTION OF THE DESCRIPTION SHOWN HEREON. 2. NO MONUMENTATION WAS SET DURING THE PREPARATION OF THIS INSTRUMENT. 3. THE UNDERSIGNED & DJS SURVEYORS, INC., MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR GUARANTEES AS TO THE INFORMATION REFLECTED HEREON PERTAINING TO EASEMENTS, RIGHTS -OF -WAY, SETBACK LINES, AGREEMENTS AND OTHER MATTERS, AND FURTHER, THIS INSTRUMENT IS NOT INTENDED TO REFLECT OR SET FORTH SUCH MATTERS. SUCH INFORMATION SHOULD BE OBTAINED AND CONFIRMED BY OTHERS THROUGH APPROPRIATE TITLE VERIFICATION. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS RECORD. 4, BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL "G" HAVING A BEARING OF S 89°01160" E. 5. THIS SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION CONSISTS OF TWO (2) SHEETS AND IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT ALL SHEETS. 6. THE SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID UNLESS IT BEARS THE SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF THE CERTIFYING SURVEYOR, THE SEAL APPEARING ON THIS DOCUMENT WAS AUTHORIZED BY DONALD J. SULLIVAN ON 03/11/2021. REVISIONS DATE BY I CHKD I F.B./PG. INC.NOTVALtDWM40i Ax0 JOBNM 21-228 D15 SURVEYORS, STAGED SEAL D PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS SUR 4 ISM t'�' F$/PG: 00/00 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 217 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY. RM PH. 561.883.0470, FX. 561.883.0480 DCNA D J. too 1 /52 CERTIFICATE Of AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 PROFESSI CKD. BY: D.J.S. FLORIDA REGJ www.djssumeyosa.com DATED nvi 1 SCALE: N/A Page 9 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 11 of 112 0 8fl 40 SCALE: 1' =80' "E X H I BIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE PARCEL "R" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) I PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P:.B. 71, PG. 18, B,C.R.) MA2tVLVWSZWrl9 EGEND. PG P w I CENTERLINE R/V RIGHT-W-VAT P. (L 1. P0114T Of REt' ,INNING & C. R. AWARD CM)NTY RECORDS ILR. t OFFICIAL RECORDS MM REVISIONS DATE BY I CHKD F.B.IPG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. JOB No: 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS F 0OW 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM 3/52 PH.561.883.0470, FX.561,883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 CKD. BY: D.J.S. www.d*urveyom.com j k SCALE,1"=80' it - Page 11 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 12 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE GAA 10155, Q 6K I�Qoa e� d 0 80 40 SCALE: 1 "=80' HORN UNE M !-�9� 41 / cn�rs P McNAB Rog( PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71. PG. 18, B.C.R.) AfATalLMSZMFrl7 REVISIONS DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH.561.883,0470, FX.561.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djssurveyors.com 1$ mol J LEGEND: P. R. PLAT XW PG, PAGE r� crigTERI.iw. Y q l"-C'-v*y P. O. E. Pow or mrGiwim I!. C. R. FROWARD COUNTY RECORDS O. k E. Wr ICIA. RECORDS IWK DATE BY I CHKD I F.B./PG. Jm No: 21-228 FB/PG: =00 SHEET No: DRAWN BY: RM �/�� CKO. BY- O.J.S. SCALE: V - 80' Page 12 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 13 of 112 0 80 40 SCALE: V=80' I'EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE NORTH( LINE OF SOMION McNAB R 12ftlW NORTH v OF PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) REVISIONS D1S SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH.561183.0470, FX.581.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHOR17ATION NO. LB 7870 www.dissurveyors.com i I LEGEND: P. D. PLAT DOW PG. PACE CENTERLINE R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY P. U. a POINT OF BEGINNING a c. R. BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS 0. R. a OFFICIAL RECOM BOOK DATE BY I CHKD 1 F.B.PG. roe ft 21-228 FBJPG: 00100 SHEET No: DRAWN BY: RM ��+•j� j�� CKD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 13 Of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 14 of 112 II EXHIBIT All SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE McNAB ROAD 0 80 40 SCALE: 1 °=80' Id, 9.C.R.) PARCEL 113 (LESS AND EXCEPT) (O.P-M 2&W4, PG. 705, B. NORM U* PAINn .' 8 S anilw' E PARCEL "G„ WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) REVISIONS QJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH. 561,883.0470, FX. 561.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www,djssutveyors.com I 1 27W S8S'01'50' E NOQO'E FA ' p N f� m n f *1 C)r1l m 10 '� n fus'�, �.. LEGEND: P. D. PLAT DOIX PG' PAGE (� CENTERLINE RFV RIGHT-OF-YAY P. 0. D. MINT OF DEGINNIN(ii e. C. R. DROVARD COUNTY RECORDS 0. ¢ I OFFICIAL RECORDS VM DATE BY I CHKD i F.B./PG. 21-228 FB/PG 00/00 SHEET No: DRAWN BY: RM ���� CKD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1"= 80' Page 14 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 15 of 112 EXHIBIT A�� SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE I a� GLENEAGLES (P.B. 82, PG. 14, B.C.R.) PARCEL B R.150.00' Aw°•'`� PARCEL I s 8r"Oof E R —10 PiWCEL "C or rT r, PLAT LW175 PARCEL G WOODLAND LAKES (P.8. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) M470ILMSMT 14 LEGEND: SD P. PLAT MJDtf PG., PAGE CENTEfq..fNf AY 40 P. EL a. PGIN �_vDDGFNNING SCALE 1 "=W B, C. R. MWARD COUNTY I ECDRDS 0, R. D. OFFICIAL RECDRDS MW REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F.B./PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. imw. _ 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FB/PG: 0060 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 _... _ SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY RM/�� PH. 561.883.0470, FX. 561.883.0480 CKD. BY: D.J.S. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NC, LB 7870 w►vw.dinurveyors.com SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 15 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 16 of 112 EXHIBIT A"� SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE 00 I I GLENEAGLES �m w c; 0 111 (P.B. 82, PG. 14, B,C.R.) '?�� am FPIAT UWT3 PARCEL A --p 'A E 707.35' T uwm E 1037.27' D-Or='24' PARCEL "G" KIM! WOODLAND LAKE�S PARCEL (P.B!.771. PC. 18, PARCEL OG B C ) �Q� '* f .C.R.) WOODLAND LAKES .jar* (P.B. 71, PG, 18, E3.C.R,) sl MA7MLOWME8T13 LEGEND: 0 so P. 9. PLAT HOOK PG PAGE q CENTERLINE R/w RICWT-OF-VAY 40 P. 0, U. POINT (If BEGINNING SCALE: I"=W & C. R. WMARD CUMTY RECORDS O. R 0. OFFICIAL REC13RDS SOEW REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F.BJPG.. DIS SURVEYORS, INC. i0sum 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FB/PG: 00/00 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM PH, 561.883.0470, FX 561.883.0480 CKO. BY: - D.J.S. 8/52 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www,djasurveyor3-com SCALE: 1"=80 Page 16 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 17 of 112 °EXHIBIT AI' SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP I30LF COURSE GLENEAGLES \\ \ (P.B. 82, PG. 14, B.C.R.) �A. \\\ `ppNypp. PLR-9 PARCEL A PARCEL \\� "`"� �a s WE R-8 \ 17r PARMG' °� PARCEL "C" WOODLAND LAKES (R8. 71, PG. 18, B.G.R.) AIATCWLV 'SMW'12 0 80 LEGEND: 7.2. PLAT WOK PG. PACE CENTERLINE 40 + RIr54tT-OF-WAY P. d B. POINT OF BEGINNING SCALE: i' -=80' e. c. m BBoWARD COUNTY AECdtDS a a. a OrrlciAL REcam jam REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F.B./PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC." 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FBtPG: 00100 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM/�� PH 561.883.0470, FX. 581.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 CKD. BY: O.J.S. www.dissurveyors.com SCALE: V - 80' Page 17 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 18 of 112 EXHIBIT A ir SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLIr COURSE Ib GLENEAGLES PARCEL (P-8- 82, PG. 14, B.C.R.) R-7 'IF E IC*7.2r PARCE-L APLAT Uwm PARCEL G -u > PARCEL "G" 'p, WOODLAND LAKES ��A X n - (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) ZV�m LEGEND: 0 80 P. S. PLAT BOOK PS PAGE I CENTERLINE R/w RIGNT-OF-WAY 40 P, a, POINT OF BEGINNING SCALE: 1 '=80' a C. 0. MOVARD COLW" RCcmql)S 0. P H. OFFICIAL RECORDS B= I -T REVISIONS DATE 1[ CHILD I F.B./PG DJS SURVEYORS, INC. JOB NO: 21 -ZL8 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FB/PG� 00100 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM PH. 561 Z810470, FX . 561.883.0480 CKD- BY � D.J,S. 10/52 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www,djssurveyors.com SCALE: 1"= 80' L Page 18 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 19 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION LEGEND: COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE 0 80 P. A PG. PLAT m PAW R/Y RIGHT-M-wAY L C. R. * R. R ➢ OWNW CGUNTY RECW K ICIAL REC21R➢S imc SCALE: 1•=13(l' �^ PARCEL I DO tv Ar m r— r '� (A D PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG, 18, B.C.R.) .� PLAT D `VIII 7: N 1 pOp A D x n I m � r D MA?IZ.INFs'Srl�7'28 REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD DJS SURVEYORS, INC. roe No 21-228 FB/PG: 00/00 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No DRAWN BY: RM BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH, 561.883.D470, FX. 561-883.0480 11 /52 CKD. BY: D.J.S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.d}ssurveyors.00m SCALE: 1" - 80' Page 19 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 20 of 112 "EXH IS IT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION Lf GEND. G©LONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE P. & PLAT I= PU. PAW IVY RIWT-OF-VAY 12 R. M WARA CDIAiTY RECID¢AS �'C CIAI QREC R� ,pC1Q� J.AIT[Li 7 1 PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) COLONY CLUB OF TAMARAC (P.B. 79, PG. 4, B.C.R.) Put REVISIONS d1S SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH. 661.883.0470, Fk 561.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djssurveyors.com DATE Joll Nx 0 so 40 C I BY j CHKD 1 F.B./PG. 21-228 FBJPG. o0J00 SHEET No: DRAWN BY: RM � �,�� CKD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE. 1" = 80' Page 20 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 21 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE �r-.0. 1 1 , ru. 10, t%.U.K.) I I LEGEND: P. R PLAT BOLA¢ PQ PAM CEWO& E RN RiGNT-�-VAY P. O. B. POI MT W KSINNI►G m x B. OFFICIAL. RECORDS BOOK PARCEL "C" WOODLAND LAKES (P,B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) �„ • tom. o. �' . , i:�:� - REVISIONS DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH, 561.883,0470, FX. 561.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO, LB 7870 www.djssurveyors.com 0 " 1 40 SCALE:1"=80' I DATE BY I CHKD I F.B./PG. JW Nm 21-228 FBIPG: 00100 SHEET No: DRAWN BY: RM CKD. BY D.J.S. 13/52 SCALE: 1" - 80' Page 21 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 22 of 112 11EXHIBIT AR SKETCH & DESCRIPTION LEGEND: COLONIC WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE �8.0 P. a RAT I= PG. PAGE m RIW-W-WAY 40 1 C. R DROVAR8 CMWTV 1 7 S 'w ta5::t>kY � I � 1 PARCEL " it '* tn- WOODLAND LAKES' (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) I� Iw �Tl REVISIONS DATE BY CWD F.S,1PG,, D1S SURVEYORS, INC. Jmift 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FBiPG/00 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 20€I --_ SHEET No: SOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM / PH.561.883.0470, FX:581,883,0480 CERTIFtCATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 CKD. BY: DA.S. 52 www djssurveyors-o m SCALE: V = 80' Page 22 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 23 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION LEGEND: COLONY D WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE so M P, IL PLAT 1K)DAC m PAGE R/v HW-W-WAY 40 a r- R BmAn mwy = ff K4TL1NBsZwHT'6 SCALE: 1"-W K=m r-�ICIAL S 96T1 o w 22B.W Pf AT umr s �a. SANDS POINT ;. CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS (P.B. 79, PG. 43, B.C.R.,) j� PARCEL "C" j WOODLAND LAKES PARCEL "A" (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) q j t I� IPARCEL R-2 i L: ��LavB�ras REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F.B.1PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. JOIN,: 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FBJPG D0140 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH 561.883.0470, FX.561.883.0480 DRAWN BY: RM 15/52 CKD. BY: D.J.S. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djssurveyors.com SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 23 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 24 of 112 IfEXHIBITA" SK157CH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE .AeGI?�CLt�VB?'S PARCEL G WOODLAND LAKES Sao (P.S. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) n7a8 P AR�E� " vw 75�� PARCEL "A" umas SANDS POINT CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS t (P.B. 79, PG. 43, B.C.R) LEGEND` PLAT BOOK M& PAGE CENTERLINE R/Y RIGHT -Or -WAY P. O. B. POINT Or BEGINNING B. C R. BMWARD COUNTY RECW= d R. R OFFICIAL RECORDS HOOK L D!S SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH 561.883.0470, FX.581.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO, LB 7870 www.djssunreyors rum I 0 80 40 I SCALE: 1 "=80' DATE BY I CHKD XS Nw 21-228 FBIPG: 00/00 SHEET No: DRAWN BY: RM � �/�� CKD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1" - 80' Page 24 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 25 of 112 ItEXHIBITA11 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE I PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) E h� u148'5WI3' M77'a d3' S 7"' g W PUT uarr5 PARCEL "A" I SANDS POINT CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS (P. 79, PG. 43, B.C.R,) MA7tWLI WSZM T22 �I q I 0 s0 40 SCALE, 1 "=W I LEGEND: P, a PLAT lout PG PAGE (I CENTERLINE I RPM RIGHT-M-WAY P. a R POINT OF KGINNING !. C. R. PROVAIM CIRe/TY RECORDS a R. & OFFICIAL RECORDS DOOK REVISIONS DATE BY ICHKD F.B./PG. D1S SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH 561.883,0470, FX. 561.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO, LB 7870 www.dissurveyors.com Allpu 21-228 FB/PG: 00100 SHEET No: / � ! DRAWN BY: RM CKD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1 ° - 80' Page 25 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 26 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION LEGEND: COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE P. I PLAT 3" Pr. PAGE R/w RIGHT-W-"Y x C. Ft IRMMD COUNTY REWNDS OFFICIAL RQ2&RLj"_ PARCEL "R" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) L_ PARCEL "G" WOnnl AM) LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, Lot AfAYrHLMSFAWT21 REVISIONS DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33496 PH. 56t883.0470, FX. 561.883,0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www dissurveyors cam B.C.R.) 0 w 4 SCALE: 1"=80' 7-rm-M S P, 14. 000, '0 PARCEL )'At' SANDSS oj� PPOINT CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS (P.B. 79, PG. 43, B-C,R.) 43, DATE BY, I CWD I F.B,lf2,G xm No: 21-228 FB/PG- 00/00 SHEET No: DRAWN BY RM CXD. BY: DJS 18/52 SCALE: 1 ' = 80' Page 26 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 27 of 112 I1EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE 0 soLELNtY _ PLAT >Mw PQ PABE tCYTERLtNE Rnr RICAT-O--WA PARCEL "R >, SCALE: t"=${t a r- R ; �y"'R OODLAND LAKES QR.& OFFICIAL 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) PQ -Ci-W1�107. I 12' iM FASPAENT (rt.A.e lams ecRy (Oxs. 10413, m 3o0, e.C.A.) �sx1s 20' 1ot Srm L*C 1y 346.W R7esPc. a S 84'Ot'!f0` E POINT OF COMlaIENCiMEMT NE CORNER OF TRACT A00 - CLUSHOUSE PLAT X iK 39) cn cO.oa� IPA I I i S I IR I POINT OF i NING Q 3> ;;7 m' I TRACT A j s�105.74 OZ I6 uwm COLONY WEST I I 1. D C 1 1 CLUBHOUSE PLAT C7�1 I I (P.B. 103, PG. 36, C`R.) Li m r t I PVT UIms I LESS C v> I zn I EXCEPT c ' I fASr L!1!£ OF 1WiCr A ©r. Q r-" M m Lief Ir -.�_-.----. I 20(o.a'sl`ee aia' .a I PD Gi 10 38.W I I PARCEL "G" co(rn CID i WOOOLAN� (P.S. 7 0 18 8 C.R.) 1 S E I 99.78' N 88'35'16" w 9637" t.06 ��JJ MA7WL WSZ0 TJV REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F.S./PG, D1S SURVEYORS, INC. Joan 21-228 FB/PG�00/00 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No. BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH.561.883,0470, FX.561 883.048U DRAWN BY RM 19/52 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djssurveyors.com CKD. BY: DJ S. SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 27 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 28 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE re I TWEST " COLONY CLUBHOUSE PLAT (� (P.B. 103, PG. 36, B.C.R.) rn PUR ut`ms Q f- Z EJGT UW OF TRACT A —_ _-- — —— — — —-� I 4o rr, i O 1 0 I I 38 W 53.00' PARCEL "G" Z WOODLAND LAKES z �5— (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) (mil. .. _ 00 Cn 00 y � z PARCEL "L" I 0 D < WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) �+ OZ 0 40 80 Q M SCALE: 1"--W' I n LEGEND: PG. PAT ik�C 1 (z CEIMOLINE I R/W RIGNT-W-WAY P. 0. A. POINT IS RCGINNING D. C. R. MOW RS COUNTY RECORDS 0. It 8. OFFICIAL RECORDS 9OC I REVISIONS DATE BY I CHKD F.B./PG, DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33488 PH, 561.883,0470, FX. 561,883 0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. L8 7870 www.djssurveyors.com j°"t 21-228 FB/PG: 00/00 SHEET No: O/�� DRAWN BY: RM CKD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE; 1" = 80' Page 28 oI 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 29 of 112 rtEXHIBIT A11 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE LEGEND: P. & PEAT Mm m PACE R/V Rlaw-CF-YAY & C. R. WmAn CDLWTY RECORDS �/� �� Q R. I �'F7CtAL RECORDS BOOIc .gJ)EJr18 wood ANAL PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) M4 5VLfl —M%W7 3d LAND LAKES �p p (80' R/W) X —Fl-o uwrrs PARCEL "B" SANDS POINT CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS I (P.B. 79, PG. 43, B.C.R.) '•�� 0 80 i 40 SCALE: V=W I REVISIONS DATE BY I CHKD F.B./PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. mew 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FB/PG: 00/00 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 20C SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY. RM 21 /52 PH.561.883.0470, FX. 561.883.0400 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO, LB 7870 CID. BY: D.J.S. wwwAissurveyors.00m SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 29 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 30 of 112 NA PIS 1100 � cos pOr�r CONDOMMIUM APARTmtNTS 79, SCALE. 1%W 8Fi61: ps PAGE. _.CeRnN.INE RIG7it`�#1#E` p. yt MWt OF MIMING I. C R. rVAWv cauNTY RECORDS 11Kx 0'IKiCIAL RECORDS BUM Rage W f 1 T2' Instr# 118128343 , Page 31 of 112 ItEXH 181T A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE �llA7�fLtA��1'16 PARCEL "A" woo CANAL 4 I • R/w LAKES , P (80i 14 1 PARCEL "C" PUT LWMJ / SANDS POINT CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS (P.B. 79, PG. 43, B.C.R.) I o so 40 SCALE: 1"=W PLAT LEGEND: PC PATS` CENTERLINE R/V RIQIT-W-VAY P. O.I POINT IIF WGINNING l C. R BRpVAOM COUITY RECORM 0 P. l OFFICIAL RECOM TOOK REVISIONS 0 DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH.561193.0470, FX.561.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO LB 7870 www.dissurveyom.com PARCELI R-3 DATE BY I CHKD I F &MG. im+m 21-228 FB/PG. 00l00 SHEET No. - 23/59 DRAWN BY: RM CKD BY. D.J.S. SCALE: 1" = W Page 31 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 32 of 112 r�EXHIBIT A`f SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE p 80 LEGEND: PRt G PPAW PM RN RIWT-w-"y * G R. !AWARD COUNTY RECORDS 40 * R. a OiFICIAL F&TWEDS J= 1llAY�LAtB�7'1S SCALE: 1' =W �1 �1 PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES i (P.B. 71, PG. 18, 8.C.R.) �I I PUT �nen R +i I w rr. PARCEL''• g i ,,C,� REVISIONS DATE BY CWD F.B./PG, D1S SURVEYORS, INC. 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FB/PG: 00/00 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 __ SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM 4/52 PH %1.883.0470, FX. £$1.M10480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 CKD. BY: D J.S. www.djssurveyors:com SCALE: 1"= 80' Page 32 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 33 of 112 F- PARCEL 1. "EXHIBIT All SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE re� ft � Ar <z 4� I I COLONY CLUB OF TAMARAC (P.B. 79, PG. 4, B.C.R.) -Pctt owns 0 80 4o y SCALE: t'=80' j LEGEND: P. & PG. PLAT I" PAW I CENTERLINE RN RIGHT-W-VAY P. 0, D. POW or DEGINNtNG a C. R. ONNARD CtRlfITY RECORDS aR. D. OFFICIAL RECOM RM --- DJS SURVEYORS, INC, PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH.561.883.0470, FX.561,883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 WWW.dj3surveyors.com DATE m BY I CHKO F.BJPG. "No: 21-228 FBIPG: 00100 SHEET No: DRAWN BY: RM CKD. BY' D.J.S. 2515. SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 33 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 34 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMIPIONSH#P GOLF COURSE (� ,VA7tWLBV13ffMT 13 I I COLONY CLUB OF TAMARAC I (P.B. 79, PG. 4, B.C.R.) �j t� I 0 80 40 SCALE: 1 "=8U LEGEND* r oast pw It tMUMINE an RIWT-w-unr P.a B. PaIM2 OF KGINNIN6 B. C. R. BRNARD COUNTY RECORDS a. R. 8. OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK AM 7TWLwff.= rTI- REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F.B.fPG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. Xmft 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FBIPG: 00100 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33488 DRAWN BY: RM ^ PH. 561.883.0470, Fk 561.883.D480 L 6/5 2 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO LB 7870 CKD. BY: D.J.S. ��++ �+ www.djssunreyors.com SCALE: 1" = 80' Wage 34 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 35 of 112 4VCH I B tT A" SKETCH DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE FJMMg"S&W COLONY CLUB F IAMARAG (P,8. M M 4. 8,.C,R,.) wMqvili� FBIPG. OOM SHEET No: DRAWN BY RM ic 0 CKD. BY; D.J.S. 27lud SOALEI- I - Page: 36 of 1:17 Instr# 118128343 , Page 36 of 112 WOOMMO LAK' 71, M- 18, 40 $ME i*=W: 0 PO" 36 of 112. Instr# 118128343 , Page 37 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE 0 Ba Fl.ILEGEND: P. pa PLAT 10UC PA" R!Y RUNT-w-VAY a C. R a R. a 8Rn"m CONTY RFCORBS OFFICIAL RECORDS M SCALE: V=W y I p m PLAT LWM ----- I D OD m �m 1- z PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES I D P {P,B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.} rrl cn � c7 DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33496 PH.561,863,0470, FX.561.883.0480 1w CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO, LB 7870 wwwAissurveyors.com D m tTt t— R DATE BY I CHKD f F.B./PG. JW NO: 21-228 FB/PG_ 00/00 SHEET No: DRAWN BY. RM 29/5` CKD, BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1 " = 80' Page 37 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 38 of 112 ifEXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE MA FCk"727 _ E LEGEND: _ P. a PLAT U 80 PG, PAGE CENT (NE R/v MIGHT -Or -My P. II, A PAINT Or IM11 NHIG 4Q �b 1 Putt Umn h COLONY CLUB OF TAMARAC ,w (P.B. 79, PG. 4, B.C.R.) �1 5 sro m" MI I PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES � II (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B C.R.) I REVISIONS DATE BY CWD F.B./PG. D.IS SURVEYORS, INC. JwNm 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FBIPG: 00100 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RMO/�� PH. 561.883.0470, FX. 6611810480 CKD. BY: O.J.S. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djnumeyors com SCALE: 1" = W Page 38 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 39 of 112 'EXHIBIT A1' SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP C30LF COURSE LEGEND-0 o A. E PLAT BOOK Pfo PAGE CENTMIRE ON RIG#T-iV-4AY 40 .a a Pour OF 1MrMING SCALE: 1' =w I A C. R. vViAn COUKTY RECElR85 O. R. L FILIAL AECOO►S MW COLONY CLUB OF TAMARAC (RB. 79, PG. 4, B.C.R.) I I I {� PLAT UW15 I 796.Tb' S W04*W W F PARCEL "G" 1 WOODLAND LAKES 1 (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) D-RS'40'47' I1r250.49' �idA7i�L.111 � Sf�T 4I REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F.B.IPG, DJS SURVEYORS, INC. JWNm 21-228 PROFESSIONAL. SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FB/PG: OO= 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33496 DRAWN BY: RM /� PH. 561A83.0470, FX, 581.883.0480 CKD. BY: D.J.S. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO LB 7870 www.djssurveyors com SCALE: 1" a 80' it Page 39 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 40 of 112 "EXH I BIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE F- 80.w Q 5 7703 33* E LEGEND: 0 P. R PC PAGE PAS` q CENTERLINE lt/V RIW-OF-VAY P. a& POINT OF KGINNING IL t R. MWARD COUNTY RCCUM O. R, s. OFFICIAL RECOM am 80 40 SCALE: 1"=8a COLONY CLUB OF TAMARAC (P. B. 79, PG. 4, B. C. R.) MAT L%m Rft4to N WD4 7 A-14 I - PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.S. 71, PG. 18, B.C,R.) 5 1551*40' W MA7WLMShMFT43 REVISIONS DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH.561.883.0470, Fk%t883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djssurveyors.com W r" PARCEL R-3 ) .8. 79, PG. 4 DATE BY I CHKD i F:BJPG, JOB NO: 21-228 FBIPG: 00)00 SHEET No: 32/52 1 DRAWN BY: RM CKO. BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1'= 80' Page 40 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 41 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION 0 80 COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF C 40 SCALE,, 1 "-80' MA FUZ1' S�f2t [ PARCEL "C" ��° J 0 a IROKEST APARTMENTS OF TAMARAC I (P.B. 81, PG. 25, B.C.R.) IPARCEL I R-2 N 8Z33:08 E PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) 4w 'V RIGHT-OF-WAY C. R. 2RDW0 CMATY RECORV R. It. OFFICIAL REOMM MW noumn T -PARCEL "G$$ lltll WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) I 13 REVISIONS DATE BY I CHKD F.B./PG. D1S SURVEYORS, INC." PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH. 561.883.0470, FX. 561.883.0484 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 wwwAissurveyors:oom 21-228 FB/PG: 00100 — SHEET No: �'jj ` ��� _ DRAWN BY: RM CiCD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 41 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 42 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP 'GOLF COURSE 7�I�S+Z3 I—PARC EL "B" M P Q 734.26' � ( 225.00* �bp L �+ ROKEST APARTMENTS OF TAMARAC (P.& 81, PC. 2 • B C.R.) a° 0 80 y0 D 0 n } 40 1 0 a m SCALE: 1' =89 I l 00 m, ai Put UM LEGEND: • E P. � BMS ,06 PUT uans I �w . A CEWEMINE PARCEL. P. 0POINT OF BEGINNING ' « EGt Elm a. C. R. NOWAIM CMJKTY RECORBS R —1 M s.CsQ O R s OFFICIAL RECIRBS ➢OUC (P.m- Et, . MA7W,GIN.B'SMWr41 REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F.B./PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. JOB ft, 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS F&PG: 00100 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM PK 561.883.0470, Fk 561Z83.0480 CKD. BY: D.J.S. ..34/52 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djssurveyors.com SCALE: 1" = 80' it Page 42 Of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 43 of 112 s f1EXHIBIT All SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE M4TCVLMA=T1.? s PARCEL "E 73 PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) PARCIEL SANDS p (P 8 81, pGNT ADI TIO tV star,• �'�� �� PARCEL Pad ,ape' R-2/," THE WEDGES OF TAMARAC 0 80 (P.B. 81, PG. 23, B.C.R.) 40 I SCALE: 9 „=80' v RILNT-OF-VAY C, It MMARD COUNTY RECORD R v OFFICIAL RECOM BOOK PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) Z 1 REVISIONS DATE BY I CHKO F.B./PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. XGNw. 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FB/PG: 00100 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM 35/52 PH, 561.883,0470, FX. 561.863.0480 CKD. BY: D.J.S. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djssurveyors.com SCALE. 1" - 80' Page 43 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 44 of 112 "EXHIBIT A►`I SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP E30LF COURSE I JM7w" ll (A � E a v -u m am 0 J J Q m v� oaf mr t I I PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) LEGEND: P. a t+i.+17 iOUc f6 P�IGE wv CERTERLME +hart -or m Its &GK » Recom a L & crFiCIAL Rfficm'r1s' I= SANDS EL f g 11VT P ADDIT/ 810 G• �N $ 34 B . C. R 0 80 40 SCALE: 1 "=W CAB .39 lbt 19j GCS �$o P THE WEDGES OF TAMARAC (P.B. 81, PG. 23, B.C.R.) REVISIONS DATE I BY I CHKD 1 F.B./PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. J%"a 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FB/PG: 00100 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUrrE 200 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM/� PH. 561.883.0470, FX. 561.883,0480 CKD. BY- D.J.S. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO LB 7870 www-0surveyors.com SCALE: 1 ^ = W Page 44of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 45 of 112 -C7 Z z� rr! 00, 00 �D -ZD (Tl oz Qc m "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE LEGEND: P.I. ftAT Sm PG PAGE i CENTMINE R/v RIGHT -OF -MAY P. R A POINT DF BEGINNING B. C. R. MID~ COUNTY REEERDS o. R L WrIGIAL RECORDS I= 0 80 40 SCALE: 1 "=80' PARCEL " L" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) REVISIONS DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH. 561.883.0470, Fk 561 883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djssurveyors.com PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) DATE ( BY ' CHKD F.BJPG. Jae Ian 21-228 FB/PG: OO/00 SHEET No: % 1 3 f / 59 _ DRAWN BY: RM CKD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1 ° = 80` Page 45 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 46 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE y V � V m m x PARCEL "G" o WOODLAND LAKES zg (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) Co rn 4� a ID 53.0or �, z s -°�' gt�ro 167.00 CpNAP0 m 38.W LAGOS DE(80, R/w) I E z < — PARCEL "G" xm, w WOODLAND LAKES C) -- (P.B. 71, PG. 18, S.G.R.) >c S.E. CORNER OF ' ae aw z4 a 1545.16' N.E. 1/4 OF SECTION B-49-41 PARCEL "C" LEGEND: TAMARAC FAIRWAYS PG per " (P.B. 81, PG. 36, B.C.R.) o 801 li CENTER!.iNE R/Y RIOW-OF-WAY P. 0. B. POINT OF BEGINNING B• C. R. BROVARD COUNTY RECORDS 40 IL R. B. OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK SCALE: 1"=84' REVISIONS DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH 581.883.0470, FX.561,883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djssurveyors corn DATE BY CHKD F.B.IPG. Jm No: 21-228 FBMG: 00100 SHEET No: 38/54 DRAWN BY: RM CKD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 46 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 47 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE 36 'APARCEL LEGEND: $ A,PPGa AM is�c PARCEL "G " $ s Za CENTER!. I WE S 4 �ie''27- w 'b. R/Y RIGFrt-{F-W1Y P. IL & POINT OF BEGINNING I "" PARCEL A 0, R. 3. �BR I _ THE WEDGES OF TAMARAC (P.B. 81, PG. 23, B.C.R.) N PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) S 8> 39'24" E PARCEL „C" TAMARAC FAIRWAYS (P.B. 81, PG. 36, B.C.R.) REVISIONS a1S SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SOCA RATON, FL 33488 PH.561.883.0470, FX.561.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO, LB 7870 www. d}ssvrveyors. com ,PARCEL 0 80 40 SCALE: f DATE BY I CHKD F.B./PG. .W No: 21-228 FBIPG: 00/00 SHEET No: 39/549 DRAWN BY RM CKD. BY: D.J.S SCALE. ," = 80' Page 47 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 48 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE A"��SVWI LEGEND; P. I RAT am PARCEL "R" PG PAGE CEPTEALME ltnw-w-"y P. m 8. Pm#T at XOINKING I tot am"# COWTY RE=JM a W a OFFICIAL RCCOM SOOK THE WEDGES OF TAMARAC (P-13. 81, PG. 23, B.C.R.) PARCEL "A" PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PC. 18, B.C.R,) TAMARAC FAIRWAYS (P.B. 81, PG. 36, B.C.R.) -PVT uw" PARCEL "C" DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUtTE 200 BOLA RATON, FL 33498 PH. 561.883.0470. FX. W1,883.0480 CERTIFICATE OFALITHORIZATtON NO. LB7870 www.dissurveyors.com 2419%, �r RAT UMrM 0 so 40 SCALE: 1"=80' J011101c 21-228 FBIPG: WOO DR0kVVN BY: RM CKD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1"= 80' F.B.113G. SHEET No: -0/5,14' Page 48 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 49 of 112 `►EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE 0 80 �—m� 40 MA , -14 SCALE: V`--W' g _ T L m •i N 83`STW E 14 PARCEL "G" tQ WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) �tif«4 ,r ORAN4W & NW4r ATA)N EAS 46M t (o.RA. 37m. m sss, e.0 R.) u ea,ram- IV 1 PUT Um PUT uwm4�Z.S _ P. PARCEL "A" s it AT X= M. PAUTAMARAC FAIRWAYS 4 t R/V RIGMT-OF-YAY ac,Rcm , "Q'"DcrreccoR (P.B. 81, PG. 36, B.C.R.) a R, H. oFrICIAL wcmcs Bax MArtHLflWS %VBT-V REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F B.1PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. JOB NM- 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FB/PG: 0=0 SHEET No: 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM PH, 561.N3.0470, FX, 581.883.0480 ��2 CKD. BY: D. f.S. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7670 www.djmurveyors.com SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 49 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 50 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF' COURSE_ LEGEND. _ P. 3. PLAT I= PG, PAGE Rn R2p1T-Cf-VAY ■�` �y^Rt y�} R C. R. HROVAR I COIAVTY RECGR ll�li.l i.11th7 d R. ! AFT ICI4L RCCiRIIS S°IAC I i I I PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) REVISIONS DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33488 PK 561,883,0470, FX. 561.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.dissurveyors.com 0 80 40 SCALE: 1' =W DATE ` BY I CHKD I F.B./PG. Boa No: 21-228 FB/PG: OOM _ SHEET No: DRAWN BY: RM �/�� CKD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 50 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 51 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE LEGEND: P. L PLAT LONG PG. PAGE ?? CENTMINE RA RIGHT-y-"y I P, Q A POINT OF BEGINNING L G R. MOO" COUNTY RECORDS wrlc N. RLcom 100% PUT umn "G" COLONY CLUB PARCEL OF TAMARAC� WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 79, PG. 4, B.C.R.) (P,B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) q I �,��. tY'��Q•Sb 0 80 40 SCALE: 9 =80' AL47MLMSEMET50 REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F.BA-G. D!S SURVEYORS, INC. xsNa 21-228 FB/PG: 00/00 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20263 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: DRAWN BY: RM/52 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 581.8 PH.83.0470, FX.561.883.0480 CKD. BY: D J S. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.d*urveyofs.com SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 51 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 52 of 112 'E,:XH I BIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE 0 so i MMER 40 SCALE: 1"=W PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, 6,C.R.) COLONY CLUB OF TAMARAC (P.B. 79, PG. 4, B.C.R.) LEGEND: , I P. I PLAT EM Pa. PAM % SINt R/w Ajwlt-wly 0. 0. a Milt IF Mitotic a r- it BrAwlm Cato" oceans MLI WFICIAL REMM N= tAT UM S 79'2e47' E 125.OW -71 PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, RC.R.) DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS Aft 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH, 581.8810470, FX 561.8610490 1w CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LS 7870 www.dissurveyors,com DATE BY I CHKD JOB Nm 21-228 FB/PG: 00100 SHEET No: DRAVM BY: RM CKD. BY: D.J.S. 44/5,a SCALE: I"- Sa I Page 52 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 53 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION L,�GENp: COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE 0 80 P. D. PAM MRK FRS. � PACE vw Rt®FF-w-my 0. L A >OrricIAL nccam mJmTy � A JV SCALE_ V=80' R-127&W D-t6't1'R!' A+��iM.94' PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) N R�tit.p0' 4 tr 125.pp D•lad PVT um" ..rr COLONY CLUB OF TAMARAC (P.B. 79, PG. 4, B.C.R.) s '044+r E F u t. R-H00.W PARCEL "G„ WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG, 18, B.C.R.) AfAMUZZOS MT49 REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F.B./PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. iww 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FB1PG 00/00 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No. BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM ���� PH.561.883.0470, FX.561.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO, LB 7870 CID. BY: D.J.S. www.djssurveyors.com it SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 53 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 54 of 112 "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH Sc DESCRIPTION LEGEND: COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COU SE 0 P. R PLAT XXX ps PAGE R.1w RICK-OF-VAY It C. P. BROVARD CMN" RECORDS Uk A OFFICIAL RECORDS DOW SCALE.- 1"---W AfATtWLMSAQW29 > m mm umrm r— co PARCEL G WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) M m > U) > t M (mm 45M. PG, 851, S.C.R.) I m > FLAT UMRS-----1 MA2tWLDWMMffT47 REVISMS DATE BY I CHKD F,B./PG, DJS SURVEYORS, MC, JOB NO: 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FB/PG: 00/00 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No. BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAWN BY: RM PH, 561.883,0470, FX. 561.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 CKD. BY: D.J.S.46/52 www,djssurveyors.com SCALE: 1"= 80' Page 54 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 55 of 112 ILEXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE ddl�YLI11tB�i�B'T 446 (Oz 1!4`9. PC l5/. s.c.R.) PLAT UfWS- PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) S 8 5014' E PARCEL "A" PAT L ITAMARAC UTILITIES PLAT No. ONE (P.B. 101, PG. 47, B.C.R.) LEGEND: P. A PUT 9= PG. PAGE R/Y RIGHT-M-WAY t C. R. DROVARD COUNTY RECORDS O. R. B. OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK FORT LAUDERDALE 2273•6r TRUCK FARMS (P.B. 4, PG. 31 B.C.R.) 0 80 40 SCALE: V=80' REVISIONS D1S SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20263 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33496 PH. 561.883.0470, FX.561.883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www,dissurveyors.com GLENEAGLES (P.B. 82. PG. 14, B.C.R.) _ PARCEL A �D I � n �m r- DATE I BY I CHKD I F.B./PG. Joe NIL 21-228 FB/PG: 00/00 SHEET No' DRAWN BY: RM Cif CKD. BY: D.J.S / V A SCALE' V = 80' Page 55 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 56 of 112 1 LEGEND: "EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE PARCEL "C" WOODLAND LAKES (P.6. 71, PC. 18, B.C.R.) S 68'54'24' E PARCEL "A" TAMARAC UTILITIES PLAT No. ONE umn (P.B, 101, PG. 47, B.C.R.) P. D. PLAT DOOR PG PAGE R/V RIGHT-W-WAY R. C. R. lWdARD CMINTY RECORDS Ol R, D. WFICIAI RECORDS BOOK 2273.67' UT umns f 0 80 40 SCALE: 1' =80' ' O.R.& GlU PG. ?a &C.R REVISIONS DATE BY I CHKD F B./PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUrM 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH. 561.883.0470, FX 581.883,0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www djssurveyors.com mw 21-228 FB/PG: 00/00 SHEET No: 48�52 DRAWN BY: RM CKD. $Y: D.J.S. SCALE: 1"= 80' Page 56 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 57 of 112 "EXH 16IT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R,) P{AT UwTS eywi rwrsr_r.... S E tea. s6M7,-PG. w0 . S.C.R.) LEGEND: P. A PLAT DDOK PG. PAGE R^ RIWT—W—VAY B. C. R BROVARD CMNTY RECORDS 0. R. 1 OFFICIAL RECORDS SWK PARCEL "A" TAMARAC UTILITIES PLAT No. ONE (P.B, 101, PG. 47, B.C.R.) 0 ao 40 SCALE: 1 "=80' REVISIONS DATE BY I CWD F.B./PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH 581,883 D470, FX. 561,883.0480 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djssurveym.com 'OBNa 21-228 FB/PG: 00/00 SHEET No: DRAWN BY RM/�� CKD. BY O.J.S. SCALE: 1" = 80' Page 57 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 58 of 112 If If EXHIBIT A SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHfP GOLF COURSE A"2WLRWSMW4J PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.B. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R) S WU'2,V E 2273.87' PARCEL "A" TAMARAC FAIRWAYS so (P.B. 81,. PG. 36, B.C.R.) 0 80 LEGEND: P, a' PLAT BMW PG PACE R/V RIGHT-CIF-VAY 40 9. C. R, WWWARD COUNTY RECORDS O. R. B. OFFICIAL RECORDS 9DOK SCALE: I "=80' REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F,B.RG, DIS SURVEYORS, INC. JOBS 21-228 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS FS/PG: 00/00 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: BOCA RATON, FL 33498 DRAM BY: RM PH. 561.883.0470, FX 561-883,0480 CKD. BY D.J.S. 50/52 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO. LB 7870 www.djssurveyors,com SCALE: 1 80' Page 56 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 59 of 112 °EXHIBIT A11 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE PARCEL "A" TAMARAC FAIRWAYS (P. B. 87, PG. 36, B.C.R. ) EGEND: PQ PAM BGdt R/V RIGHT-OF-VAY 1 C.R. Tt[NARL COWTT RECORDS a R H. OFFICIAL RECORn V= PARCEL "G" WOODLAND LAKES (P.8. 71, PG. 18, B.C.R.) umffs re � S W39'24' E 2273.87' 0 80 MEN"� 40 SCALE: 1"=80' REVISIONS DATE BY I CHKD F.B./n. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH. 561.883.0470, FX- 561.883.0460 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO, LB 7870 www,djssurveyors.com JOB NO: 21 228 FB/PG: 00/00 SHEET No: 1 /52 DRAWN BY: RM CKD. BY: D.J.S. SCALE: 1" = 89 it Page 59 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 60 of 112 °EXHIBIT A" SKETCH & DESCRIPTION COLONY WEST CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE a3.4W3r w W.00. I PARCEL "A" 00 TAMARAC FAIRWAYS (P.B. 81, PG, 36, B.C.R.) m V 0 80 LEGEND. P. I. P[i. PLAT BOOK PAGE R/V RIGHT -Or -WAY 46 8. C. R. O. R. B. MWARD COUNTY RECORDS OFFICIAL RECORDS DOCK +iriplLE:"=$0' REVISIONS DATE BY CHKD F.B.1PG. DJS SURVEYORS, INC. JollNo: 21-228 FB/PG: 00100 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS 20283 STATE ROAD 7, SUITE 200 SHEET No: — DRAWN BY RM BOCA RATON, FL 33498 PH. 561.883.0470, FX, 561.883.0480 ��� ` 5 CKD, BY. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION NO, LB 7870 www.dissurveyors.com J D J.S. L SCALE: 1" - 80' Page 60 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 61 of 112 N J it P �= d s ss z t�. LL Q W FItu 3 } s s, E w s U`n (� 7n ° Q w w t7 a c Ll,. } LU C1. LLJ a b jj U�'•• LLLLJ O 0 3 cn C 0 N w W O ta- Gr7 G W = lJ V F F C ku a a a F f Br 0 f > u toi v u a u E o � � a c � m o m x u z J Q a W d> o 0 Q W a a u cYi z o a 2 f W I $ O F �.vaass s ....ti-mv m V y Y 4 33� 3 w 3.3 `o u 3 3 3 3 3� a E �' +� .w+. � rRuN Y m r.-r.:, n gz' L Page 61 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 62 of 112 V3 �— LU —� L IY z O � oc � aLLJ � J Q Lu �$� s e z w 0 _ .. tiff ri Q A G L Page 62 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 63 of 112 Q' o� -- W MA �4 \ I jj ry a.cr \ a w LL \ Of w \ Q 0- w c) _ V) 0 0 I I o � a� Page 63 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 64 of 112 ry, m Q U I B� I I I I 1 I , MATCULINESHEET 4 I I I I I ` i I ' ^ 4 Of ' �I WM 106 o- Wig; C \ I I 3 � ` * o \ TCHLPW SAUT 4 --- MA LINE SHED 3 0 Page 64 of 112 Z 0 J 0 U i Instr# 118128343 , Page 65 of 112 m V �I I 1 s o� y r m y z I W U � 1 g� ( LL U. o __ a$ I 0- o r' cr w 3 ao �,, O w 2 Off, I } U) Ln O I � W 0O► o � E �� o Jim I y MATCHLT SHEETS Q �— MATGHLINE SHEET 4 Q LL Q � Page b5 Of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 66 of 112 0 1 u � V) m 3 1 w � [ C9 SHEET 7 4 L —�:F- A SHEET 6 cli i� 0 Cd fipLp.Q I 1 1 1 1 MATCHLINE SHEET 6 MATCHLINE SHEET 3 ` I I 1 Paqe 66 of 112 w U- Of Lij C,O 4` W ow U) W Z 0 J 0 Instr# 118128343 , Page 67 of 112 Page 67 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 68 of 112 Of n AaT j I o Ij C m c) m Q J a w � W D CL I Q i LL I m 00 ow Zn -�- _ z '* U �81 II W �fcd rage as or I n Instr# 118128343 , Page 69 of 112 Paae 69 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 70 of 112 Page IM Of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 71 of 112 C3 I I I EL I ~ a w w w F- O w vy = H N I j U) I w � � U TCHLINESLUWT Q TCHLWESHBET. 1 Q Page 71 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 72 of 112 o _ TeJYLINb'SHF.BT TmLP.W SHEET. 2 I II I 1 1 f l I� 171 �LLJ z0 �g l QQ� ` �Q �, a I MATCHLINE SHEET J2 MATCHLINE SHEET T W w D Q W W W N c-i i- rf W 0 W Cn _ Vi c W z 0 0 <fj U raye ft ui i IL Instr# 118128343 , Page 73 of 112 e��k 4 N cz I M, I MA2tWL VBSffiTBT 12 MA7L^.fma 13 I / n i U) W I, Ll- Ir LLI W rn �LLJ ,Q how C_ 0 5 OR2' W U IAL cy— w! MA MA FELINE S T \ Page 73 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 74 of 112 Page 74 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 75 of 112 o \ a o ' MA L M 14 I.11VE IS ` I co INC.i w 1 W Lf) V) O 0 I � � 1 ~ { ry P! d $ t MATCHLWESHEET IS n Z ,�MA71(-W ESHEET 16cr Uct 3 OQ J 1 g _ Z_ 05 Page 75 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 76 of 112 0 o 7 MATcyLINESHOTIS z ,,�MA7L^HLINES'F�16 1 3 0 _J I� g z CL _--- Ir� � I I � � � LINE 16 L-� Z I W N EL' � r) LO w Ir Q W LL Of W LLJ O w F- U) N H co w z O J O Instr# 118128343 , Page 77 of 112 o o CIA 9 WTMll I LAB' 16 17Lli I � , 1 LU i I 4 I W a O w X rLli- �� o6 I o OC U Z� � I a r— I I a�- J0� W ()�2 MATCHLAES 17 Q p - MATCHLINE S 7�18 I d-3^ Pane 77 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 78 of 112 W r 1 C1 q N Q ts1 MAT iCH.I MVB CL 3m a r "_J Cn t Q 1 � W U- x W °° �U.J oU.J U_ LO w z 0 .J 0 U M S 8 _ MA TCH SHEET 9 r Instr# 118128343 , Page 79 of 112 W Of D Q w U- It W 0) 0uj U.J fn = ui Z 0 0 PLAT Lmm---, Ed a PLAT N.W. 88th AVENUE L1NE OF PINE ISLAND ROAD SECTION 8-49-41 a� Fip5 ! Paoe 79 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 80 of 112 L Lij Uzi N Q0- a-0t'- I 0 3Cd AMMA MA Ilk �- I cn i W W 851,14' Q I � W W Ln I I w 10 1� ' moo`' ° I ---�-1-`- ------------- -- -------------- , N.W. 88th AVENUE T� PINE {LAND ROAD SECT I � I � Pape 80 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 81 of 112 L f I m I Z i TCFI W Q $a da � `�I �o w fV ai H a: W Lu LLJ I Z o J 0 U LLJ � I V � 13� I �Za rK. Qo- 4 F a- 3 r` $ / w m I �� �. 14I,4TL^H sHI ) -- \ MATC LINE SHEET Zl1 a s Page 81 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 82 of 112 c I a # y MA7CHLW c I MATCf�LI1YE °- 1 i � f � � � � t t � � W uj UL O w_ � c l ^/ i z Z m J U i z I I V r j I Cl- ( F- z TCHLRVE 22 a �--- cr— TCHLi1VE 721 .w tr LL a y � � -age s2 of 3 t 2 Instr# 118128343 , Page 83 of 112 UP ,YtwLIIO SHEET?4 'J �CHLrrr�sHEEr — � Q CLry CL U MATCHiWE f—MATCH!BIT 9 Q w w w N F- �w O Lu F- _ U) L4r) F- U) z 0 J 0 U Page 83 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 84 of 112 cy 1 N d 4 I -Hill MATCHLfl °p'4 g c' MATL^HLINESHEET24 -- —_ -.__ LU L I 1 U Z) cn C3 Y m w tL Q 0 - N apt I W 0 Lu N U) V) -I COI W 1-4 z U i TCHLIW SHEET 24 TCHLnvEsr�T � < Q} ti Paae 84 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 85 of 112 I N / f I \ I ! �i�H 26 MATiC'lY�I1VE' \ � W yl U- ,— W = Q Ln w o �\ W o w \ 1 co_ �\ <0 \ / W z S\ \ '` o t `� O Odl WI, MATCHLEVE oo ssc-a MATICH24LINESHEETs fo' a I a� Page 85 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 86 of 112 llp 1 t � L t 1 I MA 27 I � f16MCH 26 \� w m \ cn �. I w OD LU LL 1( rlLU 3. Q Q 4 1 f m 1 I �� N Li IL �w I ► c w Z J 7 MATCH26 Q�s MATCHlim Page 86 of 1 12 Instr# 118128343 , Page 87 of 112 Pape 87 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 88 of 112 !If ENEAGLES Q (P.�. PG. 14, B.C. ) C—D `�'ARCEL� L A m W uj of 4 w L- 0� w F- r-4 O W w C/) 2 U N ) w 'S z O O Instr# 118128343 , Page 89 of 112 ir U I F �i G N I i ( 82, 14, B. . I II { I PA P 3 w -- ----- S WOO'se• E uj I U- CC W N 1 0WW IC/)911 U) �N N N 1 "' � � o � w o I INC �� 1 o� U � 119 — —. MATCHIINBSHEETV Q ,f —� MAT575OVE SHEET 30 Page 89 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 90 of 112 st F— I MATMLM�- — -- .�jO U I\ w wM WQ I Q CL0h I / Od \\ H IN, 1-4 �I� I � I I I I � I � I w w w Q O M O w w V) w z 0 Pace 90 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 91 of 112 Page 91 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 92 of 112 Page 92 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 93 of 112 2 4 N MAT�N — J� 1 %i r -X� TCHLM SHEET 33 TCH. SHEET 34 \ I I UO w X W LL x W Q M M IY I— O w �w cn = U CA w :-i Z 0 0 Page 9:3 01 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 94 of 112 i ry W / \ z —� 7CHLINE SHEET 33 —Z1. W cr- TCHLINBSHEET34CL ` Q \ LU 0 LO w to "� U- t W Cr I O` L~ t Q W W s 0 1 \�X �\ ti \� a. \, I ry 4 U \ S T3 T 3S t7k' a Page 94 of 1 f 2 Instr# 118128343 , Page 95 of 112 I 33TMI Nx ui Q I � � W W Ln / d \ ( a w \ \\\ U _ U) \ w z ( 1 co o TCH SHF.E'7'35 I --I— XW 1ET 36 G C Page 95 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 96 of 112 N I I 00 T SIMUT3536 y I i a m 1 w z �; LU LL us --, f o W \ w I F-_ 1 (n uj ° I r-/% PARCEL I SANDS POINT A MT N I L P. B.C.R.) �--/--J IS 00'ot'37- E 600.0w o I I � MArCWLbVESfiWM6 MATCHLINE SHEET 37 C � � Q LL l?I�. �I Pace 96 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 97 of 112 AR EL I SANDS POINT ITIr N B.C.R.) o I I I ! t MA71CfILIN6SHF,&T36 .�._} Mf}T�'RLINBSfiEET37 I h � w h r't Er U cn w Q cr I __--- -- w .� S WOI'37' E / \ 0w W \ ( _ '�. \ �V) L'i z 0 �I ct<o - 0 aor —= —= — — — — __--- —_— e4 J UNE OF SECTION 8-49-41 4 Q� Pace 97 o4 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 98 of 112 a 0 ti I u EAST LINE OF N.W. 8 8t h AVENUE SECTION 8--49-41 PINE I S LA N D ROAD i 98 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 99 of 112 / � I I I U �IJ1VB �39 � I E„ Icn LLJ I ��m 1 1 C) { I , W U- W °' 1 a- do I g m ly �, I U w LLJ U z I m o ITi4N : I I B.C.R.) 64 lad I L) Q Page 99 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 100 of 112 n a IRTM / MATG'HLM SHOT 41 ET40 PAA CO ui w h a 4 ( U- 1 x uj 0 °w ccon cn ui 0- I o Q I I 1 100 W w 1 1 C CHLAE SHEET 40 s ` r A�'j' LINE SHEET 39 Paw 100 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 101 of 112 .-. U o � W CD a0 �t r J Wz6 Boa CLor- 0 3 m JVA X I 1 �I MATC. 1` h 111 1 I l 1 1 —1` 1 1 1 1 1 M� f, MATCHLPX SHEET 4l --4` MATCHLAE SHEET 4© 9 cn w x Z) w w Ir- oW w U)_ �V) U) w 2 z 0 0 ON — O € Page Page 101 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 102 of 112 I I / I TaILBW 43 TCHLRO HBET42 / 1 I LLi \� I I � �1 I 1, Ev �IC9 Y to J UgQ IL 0 3:ai Lt a y MA71CH RMO HEET42 I---- WTICHLfvE f 'T41 Paae 107 of 117 U) LLI x D Q LL W N 0 W UJ Cn = LLJ Z 0 Instr# 118128343 , Page 103 of 112 0 - �� 43 CO Its�—� s✓� ! i` LL W a ro �y h o W w cn = I - F UPI Iuj Z O 0 U I 1 �I I / 4T(C�HLINE T43 LM HEFT 42 Page 103 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 104 of 112 Page 104 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 105 of 112 I N a m ` 0 I � J � W Q- MA LINE ShFEET 46 Q- r A LMSMWT43 I �m S� I I ui I " D Q j.. LL LLJ Ln LLJ � a I� �Ln uj 82$ o o ► I � I 7L'HL L S 44 Page 105 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 106 of 112 2 ca cz LEO III _� L � ('FZ�. 82, PG. I14� PAR L �--� ARC L w W43 w � am mw I cr F- -- — -- o LL w c~ry _ u~i 1 } z O 171 I � W m I .J T- x a Q- ATA LI11 SJIEET 46 4 fl p t7 MATO ILBOSKEET4S I Q Page 106 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 107 of 112 m 4 o = .� J � I Q CL I I V I c I I o EAGLES o G. 14, B.C.R. PARCEL I c�: Ji r— C L A R— L '� NW 77 WAS W r._._._. w II I w w I I � wa x F 0 w Sin cn = ��.0 af-m j �/ w � MATCHLINESMII 4 _ I Q MA.TCHI I1VE SHEET 48\ I i Page 107 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 108 of 112 +� -1 C, ATMI Cill MATW�! MA79CHL� SFMET 4*\ I L� Wm i LL { n on i t C6 Q C�l�(t i W ` 00 rt O 0 LLLJ I O W i I U)_ �{ ; m V) LU "'— O I � a r MATCH SHEET 48 --+MATCH SHEET 49 Q g £ rage im at iiz Instr# 118128343 , Page 109 of 112 a_ V a � MATCH sum ,Sf�Eh'T 49 Ii W LU w ow I (. N 11 `` W i 1/ �t o U LLJm 2� , CL a- 0 3m ! �1 MATalLM 49 MATCHLINES 0 Page 109 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 110 of 112 Cq j a o � —+MAT CW sf1 8T 48 MAMW SiRMT49 FT I l II �I Ull� C'q I W W a �� ii ►� re Ln o w 4 �W cn = � LA w I N V � 1 � o I : L� wm a ry� 0-0 � I � W TCHLINE 49 Q �' MATCHLINE S T.SO Ce 1 ii ~ 1 F Pace 110 of 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 111 of 112 1 ! MA2tNL11Vis d4Y �rz.�v� a j W f L, cw " wm ` w u?_ U �� III ~ N 3135 U tr cO I I Q 1 l ii 0 3m O 1 v 1p. TCHLENE CHLINES f 4 t .', Page 111 & 112 Instr# 118128343 , Page 112 of 112, End of Document V Q 39 To ffLL.Ms f \ Ww- 52 Ui C W �� I� j I ° UJ Ui i o + { o Jill Tt �Z,2 � 5-1 Page 112 of 112