HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-07-11 - City Commission Regular Meeting AgendaT � �9A u n OR10P _ P.O. BOX 25010 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33320 FIRST CLASS MAIL CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY. JULY 11. 1984 CALL TO ORDER: 9:00 A.M. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF TIME ALLOCATIONS - MOTIONS TO TABLE - The Chair at this time will announce those items which have been given a specific time to be heard, and will entertain motions from Council members to table those items which require research. Council may agendize by majority consent matters of an urgent nature which have come to Council's attention after publication. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Board of Adjustment - Temp. Reso. #3208 - Discussion and pos- sible action to appoint two (2) regular and two (2) alternate members. 2. Law Advisory Committee - Tem . Reso. #3209 - Discussion and possible action to appoint five (5) members. 3. Welcoming Committee - Temp. Reso. #3210 - Discussion and pos- sible action to appoint two (2) members. 4. Recreation Board - Temp. Reso. #3207 - Discussion and pos- sible action to appoint a member. 5. Board of Social Services - Discussion and possible action on: a) Appointment of a member by Temp. Reso. #3211. b) Acceptance of resignation of Mac Meisler. c) Announcement of a vacancy on this board. If anyone is interested in serving on this board, please contact the City Clerk's office for an application. 6. Golf Feasibility Committee - Discussion and possible action to reconsider establishment of this committee by Resolution 84-180 (tabled from 6/27/84). CONSENT AGENDA 7. Items listed under Item #7, Consent Agenda, are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. a) Minutes of 5/9/84 - Regular Meeting - Approval recommend- ed by City Clerk. b) Alan F. Ruf - Consulting City Attorney - 7/5/84 - $1,686.00 - Approval recommended by City Attorney. c) Richard S. Rubin - Consultant City Planner - Services for June, 1984 - $2,850.00 - Approval recommended by City Manager. 7/11/84 - Pg. 16 Appointed William Danyluck & James Kane reg mbrs to 7 $/87; & Joseph Lubin & Eugene Barkin alt. mbrs to 7/8/85. 7/11/84 - Pg. 16 TABLED to next 11 $-P.25&26 Appointed Rase Popkin & Irving Schneider. 7 1 84 - Pg.25 TABLED next mt . 7/11/84 - Pg. 26 a) Appntd 'Thelma Mansdorf; b) Accepted; c) Announced vacncy. 7/11/84 - Pg. 27 No action taken. 7/11/84 - P.27&28 APPROVED a) thru c) and e) . Removed d) for discussion with Item 13 & then APPROVED for $85.44. (See Pages 3,4,&5). L PAGE TWO d) Mitchell Ceasar - Grants Consultant - Expenses - 6/25/84 - $363.94 - Approval recommended by City Manager. e) Authorization for the City Manager to go to bid for copier duplicator rental for the City Clerk's office. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION/FINANCIAL 8. Personnel Director - Discussion and possible action regard- ing recommendation of City Manager to conclude the probation ary period of Larry Perretti based upon completion of seven (7) months satisfactory service. 9. Relocation of Water and Sewer Lines - Discussion and possibl( action on invoices from Broward County on relocation of utility lines for the following projects: a) Commercial Boulevard, between the Florida Turnpike and NW 61 Avenue. b) Commercial Boulevard, between the Florida Turnpike and State Road 7. c) McNab Road, between University Drive and the East City limits. 10. Tract 27 Park - Discussion and possible action to approve the Master Site Plan. 11. Tamarac Park - Discussion and possible action to finalize location of Recreation Building. 12. Street Resurfacing Projects - Discussion and possible action on: a) NW 61 Street from NW 84 Terrace east to canal. b) Brookwood Boulevard (northbound lanes) from McNab Road to NW 64 Court. c) Boulevards - NW 53, 54 and 55 Streets and NW 23 and 27 Avenues tabled from 2/9/83 and 6/13/84). ) royall of p�a�or�ty list ( en zed bby CQn ent). e) A�roval o£ line Mt n trans�rs . ends zed Y Consent) . 13. Gran - Status report by Mitch 'Ceasar, Grants Consultant. Discussion and possible action. 14. Broward League of Cities Business - Discussion and possible action. LEGAL AFFAIRS 15. Vacation of Utility Easement - Temp. Ord. #1120 - Dis- cussion and possible action to vacate a portion of a utility easement on Lot 4, Block 17 of Woodlands Section 2, Phase 1. First Reading. 16. Objects in Swales - Temp. Ord. #1086 - Discussion and pos- sible action to amend Ordinance 83-37 and Chapter 23 of the Code regarding placement of certain objects within the Swale area. Second Reading. (Public Hearing held 1/25/84). 17. Administrative Variances - Temp. Ord. #1125 - Discussion and possible action to establish administrative variances and authorizing a variance under limited circumstances to be granted without a public hearing before the Board of Adjustment. First Reading. 18. Employee Pension Plan - Temp. Ord. #1126 - Discussion and possible action to amend the Pension Plan and codify the earlier ordinances that established this plan for all employees. First Reading. 7/11/84 - Pg.10 TABLED to next meeting. 7/11/84-Pg. 9 APPROVED staff recommendation for payment. 7/11/84-Pg.6 APPROVED as p..�l� . 7/11/84 - Pg. 5 APPROVED subj to Recr Cmte apprvl by next mta. 7/1l/84-Pg.7&8 REMOVED a) ,b) and c); ADDED d) and e); then APPROVED. 7/11/84 - Pg. 3 Re ortgiven. 71684-Pg. 1 Report given by Mayor Kravitz. 7/11/84 - Pg.27 TABLED. 7/16/84-Pg. 1 Reconsidered; then APPROVED on First Read- ing. 7/16/84-Pg. 2 TABLED to 7/25/84. 7/11/84 -Pg.28 TABLED for Jnt Mtg of Ping Ccm & Bd of Adj . _ 7/16/84-Pg. 3 APPROVED on First Reading. C/Atty to send memo to Council re Shanges . W PAG THREE 19. Rezonin of Recreational Land by Referendum - Temp. Ord. 7/11/84-Pg. l0 #1127 - Discussion and possible action to delete Section APPROVED on 12.07, "Recreational Land Use Referendums", from the City First Reading. Charter pursuant to Section 166.031(5) of Florida Statutes and Court Order. First Reading. 11 84 - Pg. 1 Consltg C/Atty 20. Land Section 7 - Discussion and possible action to authorize authd to formu- the appropriate City officials to negotiate the possible late plan for purchase of a parcel of land in Land Section 7 to be used next reg mtg. for utility purposes. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2:00 P.M. 21. 22. /11/84-Pg.18,19, & 20. PH held. Bruce Egan - Rezoning Petition #19-Z-84 - Temp. Ord. #1121 - Petitioner Discussion and possible action to rezone the lands at the withdrew appli- southeast corner of University Drive and NW 64 Street from cation. R-3 (Low Density Multiple Dwelling) to B-2 (Planned Business utilizing the 5% flexibility rule for commercial develop- ment in residential land use area not to exceed 10 acres. First Reading. a) Acceptance of Affidavit of Publication, Affidavit of Mailing and Affidavit of Posting. b) Consideration of application. Lennar Homes, Inc. - RezoningPetition #20-Z-84 - Temp. Ord. 17/11/84 - Pg.20 #1122 - Discussion and possible action to rezone the lands ACCEPTED a); to be used as the Recreation Parcel for the proposed sub- APPROVED b) on division to be known as Belfort and situated approximately First Reading. 350-feet east of Nob Hill Road and north of Westwood Drive P.H. held. from R--3U (Row Houses) to S-1 (Open Space/Recreational). First Reading. a) Acceptance of Affidavit of Publication, Affidavit of Mailing and Affidavit of Posting. b) Consideration of application. 23. Carl Trauger Enterprises, Inc. - Rezoning Petition #21-Z-84- Temp. Ord. #1123 - Discussion and possible action to rezone the lands at the southeast corner of NW 94 Avenue and NW 77 Street from R-3 (Low Density Multiple Dwelling) to R-5 (Motel/Hotel District) to allow development of the property as a retirement resort. First Reading. a) Acceptance of Affidavit of Publication, Affidavit of Mailing and Affidavit of Posting. b) Consideration of application. 1 24. Budget Amendment - Temp. Ord. #1124 - Discussion and pos- sible action to amend the General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 1983/84. First Reading. 25. City ^Council Expenses - Temp. Ord. #1113 (Ord. #84-30) - Discussion and possible action to establish a referendum proposing an amendment to Charter Section 4.04, "Compensa- tion and Expenses of Mayor and Council". Second Reading, as amended. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 26. Sands Point Condo IV, Inc. - Revised Site Plan - Temmp.Reso. #3204 - Discussion and possible action on a revised site plan for revisions to traffic flow (tabled from 6/27/84). 7/11/84 - Pg.21., 22 & 23. PH held. ACCEPTED a); DENIED b). V11084 - Pg. 24 P.H. held. APPROVED as amended & made add'l chances. 7/11/84 - Pg.25 PASSED on Second Reading. P.H. held. 7/11/84-P.11&12 APPROVED as amended, with condition for add'l stop signs. niv sty Community Hospital - Revised Site Plan - Temp. 7/11/84 - Pg.13 R 27. eso. University Discussion and possible action on a revised APPROVED, subj site plan for revisions to the northwest corner of the to Staff recom- employee parking lot, utility building, patio area, walks mendations. and picnic table additions. ►. J PAGE F 28. University Electric/Foster Warehouse -- Discussion and pos- sible action on: a) Site Plan - Tem Reso. #3213 b) Landscape Plan c) Water and Sewer Developers Agreement d) Water Retention Agreement e) Hold Harmless Agreement (to be located on the 5300 block of NW 22 Avenue) 29. Woodlands Day School - Discussion and possible action on: a) Site Plan -- Temp. Reso. #3214 b) Landscape Plan c) Water and Sewer Developers Agreement d) Water Retention Agreement e) Canal Maintenance Easement - Temp. Reso. #3215 (to be located on the east side of NW 70 Avenue, just south of the residential/commercial building). 30. Family Mart - Revised Site Plan - Temp. Reso. #3217 - Dis- cussion and possible action on a revised site plan for a storage enclosure at the rear. 31. Pool Mart of Florida, Inc. - Discussion and possible action on: a) Site Plan - Temp. Reso. #3216 b) Landscape Plan c) Water Retention Agreement (to be located at the southwest corner of Commerical Boule- vard and NW 38 Terrace) 'OUR 7/1l/84-P.13&14 APPRWED a) through e). 7/11/84 - Pg.14 TABLED to 7/25 at Applicant's request. 7/11/84 - Pg. 14 APPROVED subject to conditions. 7/11/84 - P.15, 17 & 18. TABLED; reconsidered; & then APPROVED a) and c); APPROVED b) subject to Staff recommenda- tions & agreement by applicant. 32. Westview at Colony West - Parcel L - Site Plan - Temp. 7/11/84 - Pg. 15 Reso. #3073 - Discussion and possible action to extend TABLED for fees approval of the final site plan (tabled from 3/28/84). due. 11 84 - Pg.l& 7 33 . Woodmont Tract 72-C ( Pineapple Park) - Model Sales Facility- Added b) ; APPRVD a)Discussion and possible action to renew a model sales permit a) & b). b)Request for Sign Waiver - ._ Reso._ #321_.9 (Agendized by Consent) . - Pg. 3 34. Nor woo II - Model Sales Facility - Discussion and pos- sible action to renew a model sales permit and waiver of APPROVED for 6 the 300-foot distance requirement for certificates of months to occupancy. 1/14/85. 7719784 - Pg. 4 35. Patio Homes at Fairmont - Model Sales Facility - Discussion TABLED to and possible action to renew a model sales permit. 7/25/84. 36. Tamarac Gardens - Model Sales Bible action to renew a model i/.__L/uq - ry. y Facility - Discussion and pos- APPROVED for 6 sales permit. mos to 7/27/84. 37. Ashmont/Kings Point - Discussion and possible action on: a) Renewal of permit for the use of a model sales facility at another location. b) Release of a warranty bond posted for the water distri- bution system - Temp. Reso. #3218. 38. Drainage Improvements in the City - Discussion and possible action. 7/11/84--Pg. 8 APPROVED a) and b). 7/16/84 - Pg. 4 No complaints; C/Manager to check further re clean-up work after developers c rplete project, at no cost to Cit . PAGE .FIVE REPORTS 39. City Council 40. City Manager 41. City Attorney City Council may consider and act upon such other business as may come before it. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. CITY OF TAMARAC Carol A. Evans Assistant City Clerk 42. Settlement of INA -- Woodmont CounLa Club - Fire Lawsuit - Discussion and possible action (Agendized by Consent). Following are the residential and commercial zoning districts in the City: R-1 - Single Family Residence B-2 - Planned Community Business R-lB & B-3 - General Business R-IC - One -Family Dwelling B-5 - Limited Business District R-2 - Two -Family Dwelling B-6 - Business District RD-7 - Two -Family Dwelling S-1 - Open Space/Recreational R-3U - Row House I-1 - Institutional R-3 - Low Density Multiple Dwelling M-1 - Light Industrial RM-5 - Residential Multi -Family M-2 - Medium Industrial Dwelling A-1 - Limited Agricultural RM-10 - Planned Apartment A-5 - Agricultural/Excavation R-4A - Planned Apartment T-1 - Trailer Park District R-5 - Motel/Hotel B-1 - Neighborhood Business M /16/84 - Pg.4&5 epts by C/M telzer & Dunne; /M Stein; & Ayor Kravitz. 16 84 - Pg. 6 ;sport given. 16 84 - Pg. 6 ;sport given. 7/16/84 - Pg.7&8 Auth C/Atty to arrange settlmnt, & advise Council of status at 7/18 Pre-Aaenda Mta. \. J