HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-13 - City Commission Regular Meeting AgendaREPORT !Pr POUNCIjL-APTIO1gS1Px,r gPASTON8 CITY or TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1990 CALL TO ORD$$: 7:00 P.X, 4WA FPMJ ,, O? TTW $LLgPATIONS - NOTTOR4 vTQ 7�LBLE - The Chair at this time will announce those items which have been given a specific time to be heard, and will entertain motions from Council members to table those items which require research. Council may agendize by majority consent matters of an urgent nature which have come to Council's attention after publication. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Items listed under Consent Agenda, Item 1, are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Building, Dgb?,artMgnt a. *4TXC?R-.Tg MQRr 7Z*m1?. 4#"...tAffA3 releasing a cash bond in the amount of $750.00 posted for loose brick pavers at the end of the drive at 6110 White Oak Lane, Permit 87-3299 (900514). FINAL ACTION: APPROVED. RESOLUTION R-90-142 - PASSED b MQTJQn TO ADOPT Tapp_ Rego_ #5804 a cash bond in the amount of $1,500.00 posted against construction defects at 6010 Paradise Place, PARADISE ESTATES, Permit 2468-86 (870204). F1IJAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-90-143 - PASSED APPROVED. City Clerk C. NQTJQX -TO--APPROVE the minutes of the following City Council meetings: 1. 5/09/90 - Regular Meeting 2. 5/17/90 - Special Meeting FINAL AQTTQN APPROVED c.1. and c.2. Page 1 6/13/90-pw d. *OTX9N TO 4RR4M renewal of a permit for the use of a model sales facility at another location (Kings Point Professional Plaza) for ASHMONT for a six-month period from 7/27/90 to 1/27/91. If TNAL„ ACTION : APPROVED. e. *gTXQN TO APPP4WE renewal of a model sales permit and waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for issuance of certificates of occupancy for THE LANDINGS ON CYPRESS GREENS for a six-month period from 7/27/90 to 1/27/91. ,F,TNAT, ACTION: APPROVED. f . *gX;EPN TO APP4MM the attendance of Nancy Ramoni and Pauline Walaszek at the MacAcademy Apple camptter workshop seminar in Daytona Beach, Florida, on November 5-9, 1990. F7INA]4, aC', ZON : APPROVED. g. MOT3�Ql% Mp ADOPT '�p�� $l�Ao� S5911 renewing an agreement with Bestway Archival Services for three (3) years for storage of the City's vital records at the same charges in effect for the past four (4) years in lieu of going to bid. r3NA)� ACTION: RESOLUTION R-90-144 - PASSED APPROVED. City Manager h. *QVON TO APRAM the attendance of Barbara Janofsky at the 27th Annual Conference of Florida Women in Government in Cocoa Beach, Florida, on June 19-23, 1990. FIN,&L ACTION: APPROVED. Community Dpylopment i. M0TXQP TO AP94= a model sales permit and waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for issuance of certificates of occupancy for TAMARAC GARDENS in Building 12, Unit 107, for a six-month period from 6/13/90 to 12/13/90. FINAL ACTION; APPROVED. Page 2 6/13/90-pw 1 L' j . MOTION TO- APPRMT a model sales permit, waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for issuance of certificates of occupancy, and waiver of ten (10) temporary parking spaces for DEVON, Building E, Units 115 and 116, for a six-month period from 6/13/90 to 12/13/90. �'JNAL ACTION: APPROVED. k. KQTLQH Tp ALPpROVE a model sales permit and waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for issuance of certificates of occupancy for LAKE COLONY (BROOKWOOD GARDENS) , Units 94 and 95, for a six-- month period from 6/13/90 to 12/13/90. FINAL_ AGTjQKi APPROVED. Engineerring/Utilities 1. NOTION TO APPROVX the First Amendment to the Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement for POINT PLAZA (Pebb Enterprises) located at Nob Hill Road and Westwood Drive. APPROVED. the First Amendment to the Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement for COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD CENTER located at the northeast corner of Commercial Boulevard and NW 31 Avenue. Unn ,ACTION., APPROVED. n . 1. MpTZ_pg TQ APQRT TApp _ $ee4 w #_"17 releasing a warranty Letter of Credit #2189 in the amount of $5,056.41 posted for paving and drainage at CLAIRMONT, PHASE I. 2. NOTION TO ADOPT TetgRL "qp, jtjj5P,5 releasing warranty Letter of Credit #20820 in the amount of $3,190.63 posted for sidewalks, curbs and gutters at CLAIRMONT, PHASE I. 3. MOTION TO ADQ" Tamp_ ate"_ 4�813 releasing warranty Letter of Credit #20821 in the amount of $23,639.00 posted for the water distribution system at CLAIRMONT, FIRST ADDITION, PHASE I. 4. IKQTIQR _TO AQp?.T T=p - Pt"pr f,5914 releasing warranty Letter of Credit #20822 in the amount of $8,427.50 posted for the sewage collection system at CLAIRMONT, rXRST ADDITION, PHASE I. 5. MOTXON TO ADOPT Twmp_ Reno_ #5915 releasing warranty Letter of Credit #NY--0489-30004690 in the amount of $1,125.00 posted for sidewalks and guardrail for BELrORT, PHASES III AND IV. This Item is continued on next page. Page 3 6/13/90-pw 6.n. continued 6. *PTXP9 %.0 APgRx--2a4P, Reno_ aS8,3-fi releasing warranty Letter of Credit #NY-0489-30004691 in the amount of $2,343.75 posted for sidewalks, curbs and guardrail for SELFORT, PHASE I. 7. KQTJQ1K_29 1MQPT Tip. #Rapp, .#AA1J releasi*q warranty Letter of Credit #NY-0489-30004694 in the amount of $4,244.68 posted for the water distribution and sewage collection systems at FAIRFAX II. FINS ACTION: APPROVED n.1.-- n.7. Fire Department RESOLUTION R-90-145 - PASSED RESOLUTION R-90-146 - PASSED RESOLUTION R-90-147 - PASSED RESOLUTION R-90-148 - PASSED RESOLUTION R-90-149 - PASSED RESOLUTION R-90-150 - PASSED RESOLUTION R-90-151 - PASSED o. MPTTP 7R )WMVX waiver of the bidding process pursuant to Section 6-147 of the Code and to AVR*M purchase of two Zeos computer systems for the Fire Department at a total cost of $4,590.00 plus $10.00 for freight charges. FINAL. )kQTJQX; APPROVED. CONSIDERATION Engineering lUtilitieR 2. a. MOTION TO �%RpAgVJC the transfer of $22,403.00 from Drainage Retention Area Account 310-650- 539-6DL to Southgate Boulevard Drainage Retention Account 310-650-539-6EC in order for TUW Project 89-37, Southgate Boulevard Stormwater Drainage Retention Area, to proceed to the bidding stage. b. *gT3!gN TO APPRPVE the transfer of $15, 000.00 from the General Contingency Account 001-872- 588-975 to Southgate Boulevard Drainage Retention Account 310-650-539-6EC in order for TUW Project 89-37, Southgate Boulevard Stormwater Drainage Retention Area, to proceed to the bidding stage. R;X?-4 ,ACTTON: APPROVED 2.a. and 2.b. 3. MOTION_XQ_VVXOVE the transfer of $7,500.00 from Contingency Account 001-872-588-975 to Canal Drainage Material Account 001-417-535-467 for drainage improvements at the VILLAGE OF WOODLAND LAKES. F IRA i ACTION: APPROVED. Page 4 6/13/90-pw 1 L] Ll 11 ftDpXal A nistratjye 4. HPTXON TQ,_,LUTBORIAX the purchase of a telephone system for the Public Service Administrative Complex from Rolm Company in the amount of $20,491.00. )'INAI� ACTION: REMOVED. 4E S OLgT T,ogA City_ ClgXk 5. M()TXON TO ADOPT TamR,,Reeg,�459Q( creating an Electronic Publications Specialist position with the City Clerk's Department. FINAL AQT ION : APPROVED. RESOLUTION R-90-152 - PASSED fiftAo fift j Admin iltrat ive 6. a. NpTI0V To IWORT, TeMR, Aeso- #�809 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement between the Joint Recycling Group Cities (Coconut Creek, Lauderhill, Margate, North Lauderdale and Tamarac) and Southern Sanitation to lease two (2) recyclable materials collection vehicles. b. MOTION TO 7LPTAORIZX the appropriate City officials to execute a Power of Attorney for the transfer of ownership of two (2) recycling vehicles. FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-90-153 - PASSED APPROVED 6.a. and 6.b. Personnel I?e]2Agtment 7. MOTIQX__,Tq ,*DOPT Tagyt _ , Reno, 4APi A approving a contract with Martin E. Segal Company to provide background analysis of the employee benefit plans. rINAL ACTION: APPROVED. RESOLUTION R--90-154 - PASSED Pub11C Jgorks/RerxgAr-Jgn Department 8. MOTYQ11 To, ADOp-T TOW„ , teaR_ _#5909 awarding Hid #90-11 in the amount of $6,975.00 to Vitale Fireworks Display Company, Inc., to provide a Fourth of July fireworks display. F INAL _A=JPN APPROVED. RESOLUTION R-90-155 - PASSED 9. IJQX ON,, ,TA ADPPT Tagp_Rapto„ #�A1p creating the position of Project Administrator within the Public Works Department. FINAAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-90-156 - PASSED APPROVED. Page 5 6/13/90-pw PUBLIC BEARINq - 7:30 P-M. Community DeveXoymi�Xjt 10. PUBLIC! _REARING - MOTAPIf TO ADOPT Tazyp _ Reao _ #3907 concerning a request by CHEVRON USA, INC., for limited parking waiver to allow seven (7) zero degree parking spaces for a proposed service station/car wash planned at the northeast corner of Pine Island Road (88 Avenue) and Commercial Boulevard, which is zoned B--2 (Planned Business). Petition #12-Z-90 FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-90-157 - PASSED Public Hearing was held. APPROVED. PUBLIC 4FJVAX i 9S - 7 : 30 P _ M . Cpmmunity /Pftvelopment 11. a. MOTION TO ACPVT Affidavits of Publication and Posting for T"D_ pgjk,_j;Lj72- Petition #41-Z-89 b . PUAIj=C BEARING -- NOTION TQ ,ADOPT Uqp— Ord, _ CL472 on second reading concerning a request by SAEAL PALMS, LTD., to rezone lands at the northeast corner of Commercial Boulevard and Rock Island Road from R-4A (Planned Apartments) to S-1 (Open Space/Recreational). Petition #41-Z-89 FINAL ACT-JON: ORDINANCE 0-90-22 - PASSED Public Hearing was held. a. ACCEPTED Affidavits. b. APPROVED on second and final reading. 12. PIIBLIC-,AEA XNrF - MOTION TO ADOPT, TjbiW., Ord_ #14pl, on second reading to amend Section 24-61 of the Code to provide that the membership of the Planning Commisslon' shall be five (5) members who shall serve two (2) year, staggered terms and one (1) alternate member who shall) serve for one (1) year. )FLNAL ACTION: ORDINANCE 0-90-23 - PASSED Public Hearing was held. APPROVED on second and final reading. mm Or PUBLIC BEARINGS Agjjdjn%-j -e,yartment 13. t TI F TO ADOPT MAIRR,b rd_ #2,49A on first reading to create a new Section 14-4 prohibiting the parking of motor vehicles on median strips within the City. FINAL ACTION: APPROVED on first reading. Second reading and Public Hearing will be held on June 27, 1990 at 10:00 A.M. Page 6 6/13/90-pw 1 OPEN 2rmm?c RDVLM 14. QVXN_,?Q$LIc Comm - Any member of the public who wishes to address the City Council at this time must, in advance of the item, give his/her name and address to the City Clerk. REPORTS 15. City Council. 16. City Kanager 17. City Attorney 1]jAI21;P Ax MAXYT 18. KQTXQN TO UPROVE the transfer of $8, 000.00 from Contingency Account 001-872-588-975 to the City Hall operations miscellaneous Land/Building Improvements Account 001-191-519-503 for renovation in the Building and Planning Departments. F.zNA ArT ION APPROVED. The City Council may consider and act upon such other business as may come before it. In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Council meeting. F_grqppLnt to )Chapter 296_p105_„�'1qr da„ �tutee, If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing. he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Carol A. Evans City Clerk R0A14Pntip4L AA0, ,CQPvgprcial zgn*ng DiatrIcta A-1 - Limited Agricultural B-1 - Neighborhood Business B-2 - Planned Community Business B-3 - General Business B-5 - Limited Business District B-6 - Business District I-1 - Institutional LI-1- Light Industrial R-1 - Single Family Residence R-lB & R-1C- One Family Dwelling Page 7 6/13/90-pw R-2 - Two Family Dwelling R-3 - Low Density R-3U -Row House R-4A - Planned Apartment R-5 - Motel/Hotel RD-7 - Two Family Dwelling RM-5 - Residential Multi -Family RM-10-- Planned Apartment S-1 - Open Space/Recreational T-1 -- Trailer Park