HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-22 - City Commission Special Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2016 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Harry Dressler called the Special Commission Meeting of the City of Tamarac to order at 5:19 p.m. on Thursday, September 22, 2016 in City Commission Chambers, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321. ROLL CALL: Mayor Harry Dressler, Vice Mayor Diane Glasser, Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner Michelle J. Gomez, and Commissioner Debra Placko were in attendance. Also in attendance were City Manager Michael C. Cernech, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren and City Clerk Patricia A. Teufel. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Dressler led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Dressler welcomed everyone and said this is a Special Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac to hold Public Hearings to establish Millage Rates and adopt the City Budget for Fiscal Year 2017. I'm pleased you could join us this evening. These public hearings are literally the culmination of an entire year or more of work by this City Commission, the City Manager and the staff. For the benefit of the public tonight, the City Commission held several workshops during the year and a budget workshop on June 23, 2016 to provide direction to staff on this submittal. In addition, the first public hearing on the tentative millage rates and tentative budget was held on September 12, 2016. 1 would like to thank my colleagues on the dais for their participation at the workshops and for their suggestions as we deliberated on the staff recommendations. Mayor Dressler said this is the second and final public hearing to establish the Operating Millage Rate and Debt Service Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2017. City Manager Cernech made the following statement: "In accordance with the Truth in Millage requirements of Florida Statutes, the City is required to announce the percentage difference between the proposed millage rate and the rolled -back rate. As such, the following is read into the record: The tentative operating millage rate of 7.2899 mills for Fiscal Year 2017 is .5721 mills or 8.52% more than the rolled -back rate of 6.7178 mills. In addition, the tentative Debt Service Millage Rate is proposed to be .0739 mills which is .0213 mills or 22.37% less than last year's millage rate of .0952 mills." 1. T02346 - Millage Rates: An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida to establish and levy ad valorem taxes within the corporate limits of the City of Tamarac, Florida, for the tax year 2016; providing for the levy of ad valorem taxes in the amount of 7.2899 mills ($7.2899 per $1,000) based upon the assessed value on non-exempt real and personal property located within the city limits of the City of Tamarac; providing for the levy of ad valorem taxes in the amount of .0739 mills ($.0739 per $1,000) based upon the assessed value of the non-exempt real and personal property located within the city limits of the City of Tamarac, for funds for annual debt service for the City of Tamarac, Florida general Page 1 of 3 SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING September 22, 2016 obligation refunding bonds, series 1998; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read T02346 by title into the record. Mayor Dressler asked for a motion and a second to get T02346 on the table for discussion. Commissioner Placko seconded by Commissioner Gomez moved to get T02346 on the table for discussion. Financial Services Director Mason appeared and gave a presentation, a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Dressler opened the Public Hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. Commissioner Placko seconded by Commissioner Gomez moved approval of T02346 on second reading. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). PASSED ON FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 PASSED ON SECOND READING SEPTEMBER 22, 2016 ORDINANCE NO. 0-2016-13 Mayor Dressler said this is the second and final public hearing to establish the Fiscal Year 2017 Operating Budget, Capital Budget and Financial Policies. City Manager Cernech made the following statement: "The tentative operating and capital budget for Fiscal Year 2017 is $162,572,700 which is $7,217,938 more than the Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2016. The tentative general fund budget, which is the primary fund for providing governmental services such as, our contract with BSO, general and administrative services, public services, and parks and recreation, is $61,240,774 which is $3,928,160 more than the Amended Budget for Fiscal Year 2016. In addition, the financial policies are included as part of the adoption of the annual budget. These financial policies are an integral part of our long-term financial planning for the City. These policies set parameters for operating management, including establishing reserves for specific purposes, establishing accounts management and financial planning policies and establishing policies on economic resources." 2. T02347 - FY 2017 Budget: An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, adopting the Operating Budget, Revenues and Expenditures, the Capital Budget, and the Financial Policies for the Fiscal Year 2017; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read T02347 by title into the record. Financial Services Director Mason appeared and gave a presentation, a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Dressler opened the Public Hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. Commissioner Bushnell seconded by Vice Mayor Glasser moved approval of T02347 on second reading. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). PASSED ON FIRST READING SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 PASSED ON SECOND READING SEPTEMBER 22, 2016 ORDINANCE NO. 0-2016-14 Mayor Dressler thanked his colleagues and staff for all the hard work that went into items on today's agenda. Page 2 of 3 SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING September 22, 2016 u 1 There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Dressler adjourned the meeting at 5.37 p.m. �� ►:� ., MORE M0'§TVW2EkVA Patricia Teufel, 6 MC City Clerk Page 3 of 3 SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING September 22, 2016