HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-01-24 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesE CITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY JANUARY 24, 2007 Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the regular meeting of the City Commission to order at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 24, 2007 in Chambers, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL. PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Commissioner Patte Atkins -Grad, and Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof ABSENT: Vice Mayor Edward C. Portner and Commissioner Harry Dressler ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance and welcomed Broward County Commissioner Stacy Ritter, Lori Plotnick representing Representative Ari Porth, and Ralph Baer representing Senator Jeremy Ring. INTRODUCTION PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco moved out of the regular order of business on the agenda to take up Items 1(b), 1(d), 1(c), and 1(a). b. Presentation of a check, in the amount of $15,402.90, to the United Way of Broward County by the Mayor, City Commission and Employees of the City of Tamarac, representing the City of Tamarac's 2006 Employee Campaign total. Richard Sutherland, Campaign Manager and Tony Hopper, Vice President of Donor Relations accepted. Director of Parks and Recreation Warner congratulated City employees on reaching our goal of $15,000, and recognized Nancy Wilson and Charlene Nevadomski who were instrumental in putting together the special events for the campaign. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said there is teamwork in the community and City Hall, and this check speaks volumes for us working as a team. d. Presentation by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco of Employee Service Awards: 5-Year Awards: Lascelles Anderson, Equipment Operator II, Utilities; James Bledsoe, Firefighter, Fire Rescue; Jonathan Frasher, Firefighter, Fire Rescue 10-Year Award: Patrick Kendrick, Battalion Chief, Fire Rescue 15-Year Award: Michael Hoehenberger, Equipment Operator I, Public Works 20-Year Award: Gary Jordan, Technical Support Rep II, Information Technology 25-Year Award: Gregory Kerrick, Water Plant Lead Operator, Utilities January 24, 2007 Page 1 of 6 RFPORTS C. Presentation by Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco of a proclamation recognizing Brett Soloway as "2006 City of Tamarac Firefighter of the Year'. (Requested by Fire Chief Jim Budzinski) Firefighter Soloway accepted. Fire Chief Budzinski praised Firefighter Soloway for his positive influence and commitment to training. Firefighter Soloway said he could not have accomplished all he has on his own and thanked those who have helped him through the years. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said this is a wonderful morning, celebrating staffs accomplishments and tenure with the City, and speaks volumes to us working as a team. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco thanked Firefighter Soloway and the employees on behalf of the City Commission and residents, and added the men and women of the Tamarac Fire Department are the best in the state. a. Broward County Commissioner Stacy Ritter attested to the good work of Tamarac employees, and said the first Tamarac Commissioner to call her after she was elected to the County Commission was Commissioner Sultanof, who had a concern regarding a left turn signal at 77th and Nob Hill. Broward County Commissioner Ritter said the traffic engineering division is studying the matter and should have an answer for her by the end of February. Broward County Commissioner Ritter urged the Mayor and City Commission to support the Ft. Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport expansion project, and to keep an eye on the Courthouse project. Broward County Commissioner Ritter urged the Mayor and City Commission to pass a resolution in opposition to the Bills in Tallahassee that address revenue caps which limit the ability of local governments to spend money. Broward County Commissioner Ritter discussed the Elder Summit that will take place on Wednesday at the Signature Grand in Davie, and said if anyone is interested in attending they may contact her office for tickets. Broward County Commissioner Ritter said even though she no longer resides in Tamarac, this city will always have a special place in her heart; and she is proud to represent Broward County. Commissioner Sultanof said he would like someone to go to 77th and Nob Hill to actually see the traffic there. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said Tallahassee's loss is our gain. Commissioner Atkins -Grad referenced Broward County Commissioner Ritter's appearance on television and added Broward County Commissioner Ritter is part of Team Tamarac. Broward County Commissioner Ritter informed everyone of her office address, 10077 NW 29 Street, Coral Springs, and said she has an open door policy. 2. City Commission: Commissioner Atkins -Grad said the City continues to move forward with the opening of the new state of the art fitness center, as well as the opening of many restaurants and banks. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said she attended the last concert, and continues to attend school advisory board meetings and Homeowner Association meetings. Commissioner Atkins -Grad invited everyone to the next meeting of 'Friends For Life', a charitable organization, which will be held in Woodlands Section 1 Clubhouse on Monday, February 5th beginning at 7:30 p.m. Commissioner Sultanof read a letter into the record that he wrote to the Tamarac Presidents' Council in response to remarks made during a recent Presidents' Council meeting. (A copy of said letter is attached hereto and incorporated herein as part of these minutes.) Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said this Board has dedicated itself to raising the consciousness level of the City with regard to safety and cultural issues. As such, we have collaborated with January 24, 2007 Page 2 of 6 ArtServe, and Tuesday evening, from 5:00 p.m. — 7:00 p.m. at City Hall we will have our first exhibition. This puts Tamarac on the map as the cultural center west of Ft. Lauderdale. On February 1st the City of Tamarac invites everyone to a special reception for Christian Nicholas at the Tamarac Community Center beginning at 6:00 p.m., in honor of Black History Month. On February 9th we will hold our first classical concert at the Tamarac Community Center, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $5.00. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco announced a number of upcoming events in the City of Tamarac and surrounding areas: on March 10th we will have the Heart Walk, which begins at 9:00 a.m. and will take place at Nova Southeastern University. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she and the Commissioners are sponsoring a team. In May, Millennium Middle School will hold the Relay for Life and Tamarac is the lead City. This is a 24 hour event, focusing on cancer. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she met with the Transplant Foundation and they will participate in our annual Health Fair at the Tamarac Community Center, and in the fall they will offer a special presentation to residents regarding transplantation and organ donation. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco presented Commissioner Atkins -Grad with two certificates of completion from the Leadership Training Institute; 'Building Bridges - Leading Beyond Political Polarization', and 'Life Coaching Skills for Effective Leadership'. 3. City Attorney: City Attorney Goren spoke of the senior Homestead Exemption Constitutional Amendment, and said it has not yet been implemented. In session this spring, the legislature will review it along with other Bills, many of which will have great impact on municipalities. City Attorney Goren said he and our representatives are monitoring the Bills. 4. City Manager: City Manager Miller reported the City received a grant in the amount of $307,000 for landscaping on Nob Hill Road from Southgate Boulevard to Westwood Drive. City Manager Miller thanked Commissioner Sultanof for his efforts at the MPO on behalf of the City of Tamarac in obtaining this grant. City Manager Miller congratulated Financial Services Director Chapman and the finance staff for acquiring an additional 5% from FEMA for hurricane expenditures as a result of Hurricane Wilma. This amounts to an additional $500,000 which will be placed in the Capital Improvement Fund. Parks and Recreation reports over 250 people attended our last concert and another concert is scheduled for February 2nd at the Sports Complex, beginning at 7:00 pm. City Manager Miller thanked the Mayor and City Commission for their attendance at the art exhibit held by local artist Cyril Lantana in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Odiel Feyers 7421 NW 70th Avenue, Tamarac, asked for rubber speed humps on 70th Avenue. City Manager Miller suggested Mr. Feyers speak with Public Works Director Strain after this morning's meeting, as the City has a policy on speed humps. CONSENT AGENDA 6. Commissioner Sultanof seconded Commissioner Atkins -Grad by moved approval of all items on the consent agenda. On roll call Commissioner Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. a. APPROVE the minutes of the January 10, 2007 Regular City Commission meeting. APPROVED January 24, 2007 Page 3 of 6 b. APPROVE the minutes of the January 12, 2007 Special City Commission meeting. APPROVED C. AGREEMENT WITH IAFF LOCAL 3080 — OCTOBER 1 2006-SEPTEMBER 30 2009: (TR11120) Approving the Agreement with the International Association of Firefighters, Local 3080; authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an Agreement with the International Association of Firefighters, Local 3080 for the period from October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2009; authorizing the preparation of amendments to Chapter 16 of the City Code for consideration by the Pension Board; providing for the transfer of funds. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-02 d. ACCEPTING FUNDING FROM TAMARAC ATHLETIC FEDERATION INC.: (TR11118) Accepting funding in the amount of $3,217.72 from Tamarac Athletic Federation, Inc., to be used by the City of Tamarac for conducting background checks of sport league volunteers upon the dissolution of the Tamarac Athletic Federation Board; authorizing amendment of the Parks and Recreation Department budget to reflect the funding accepted from Tamarac Athletic Federation, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-03 e. AWARDING RFP NO. 07-04R TO AMBIT MARKETING FOR CONSULTANT BRANDING SERVICES: (TR11121) Awarding RFP No. 07-04R to and authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement with Ambit Marketing for the provision of Consultant Branding Services for a six month period at a cost not to exceed $47,000. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-04 f. ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION 401(A) MONEY PURCHASE RETIREMENT PLANS: (TR11122) Terminating ICMA Retirement Corporation 401(A) Money Purchase Retirement Plans 109525, 109597 and 109905 to allow those participants who elected to participate in a defined benefit plan the option to cash out or roll over all or a portion of their remaining balances in the plan; amending ICMA Retirement Corporation 401(A) Money Purchase Retirement Plan 109972 to provide both 5% and 10% contribution levels for Executive, Managerial/Professional and Non -Represented Administrative employees employed by the City in a full time capacity, hired prior to October 1, 2005 who did not elect to participate in the defined benefit plan. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-05 END OF CONSENT AGENDA REGULAR AGENDA ORDINANCE — FIRST READING 7. AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC CODE OF ORDINANCES "FINANCE AND TAXATION"; CREATING SECTION 6-41 "FUND BALANCE POLICY": (T02129) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading amending Chapter 6 of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances, entitled "Finance and Taxation", by amending Article II, entitled "Fees and Funds"; specifically creating Section 6-41, to be entitled "Fund Balance Policy"; providing the City Manager with the authority to adjust funding in order to balance the budget with or without the approval of the City Commission; providing for codification. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Ordinance 2129 on first reading by title. Commissioner Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved approval. City Attorney Goren said this is a housekeeping issue that reflects the custom and practice of the Mayor and City Commission. January 24, 2007 Page 4 of 6 9. REVISED DEVELOPMENT ORDER AND MAJOR REVISED SITE PLAN — TAMARAC SPORTS PARK COMPLEX: (TR11125) Motion to approve Resolution issuing Revised Development Order No. 248.3 and granting Major Revised Site Plan approval to allow the incorporation of a vacant parcel of land to the north east of the property into the Tamarac Sports Park Complex and associated improvements, located on a portion of Section 6, Township 49 South, Range 41 East, Broward County, Florida and together with a portion of Florida Fruit Lands Company Subdivision No. 2 of Section 5, Township 49 South, Range 41 East, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 102 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida (Case No. 1-SP-07). City Attorney Goren read Temporary Resolution 11125 by title. Commissioner Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved approval. City Attorney Goren explained the quasi-judicial procedures and Community Development Director Bramley, representing the City, waived her quasi-judicial rights. Community Development Director Bramley gave a presentation. Commissioner Sultanof spoke of concerns of the residents of the Yardley community with regard to foliage along the water and Deputy City Manager Cernech said a meeting is scheduled after this morning's meeting to discuss their concerns, and a plan to address this matter will be brought back to the Mayor and City Commission. Commissioner Sultanof said the residents of Yardley are also concerned about the fact that the sidewalk ends abruptly and Deputy City Manager Cernech said that portion of the sidewalk will be completed as part of this project. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned shade over the tot lot, benches and ground cover. Director of Parks and Recreation Warner said all playgrounds in Tamarac are shaded and there will be benches and a picnic shelter near the tot lot. Additionally, there will be a safety surface on which the children can play. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Commissioner Atkins -Grad voted "yes", Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes", and Commissioner Sultanof "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-07 END OF QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the meeting at 10:25 a.m. Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Mayor January 24, 2007 Page 6 of 6 1 On roll call Commissioner Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco "yes". Motion carried. ADOPTED ON FIRST READING JANUARY 24, 2007 7.a. SUPPORTING THE FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES' KEY PRIORITY ISSUES: (TR11123) Endorsing the Florida League of Cities' Key Priority Issues and urging members of the Florida Legislature to support those issues during the 2007 Legislative Session; directing the City Clerk to provide a copy of this Resolution to the Governor, Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, President of the Florida Senate, the Broward County Legislative Delegation, and other interested parties. Commissioner Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved to table Temporary Resolution 11123. On roll call Mayor Flansbaum- Talabisco voted "yes", Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes", and Commissioner Sultanof "yes". Motion carried. TABLED AT THE JANUARY 24, 2007 REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS 9:00 A.M. OR THEREAFTER ORDINANCES — SECOND READINGS There were no ordinances scheduled for second reading for this meeting. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARINGS 8. REVISED DEVELOPMENT ORDER AND NEW DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN — TAMARAC PUBLIC SERVICES COMPLEX PROJECT: (TR11124) Motion to approve Resolution issuing Revised Development Order No. 235.4 and granting New Development Site Plan approval for the Tamarac Public Services Complex to allow the construction of a 28,160 square foot, public services/utilities building consisting of new offices and warehouse spaces, for the Tamarac Public Services Complex Project, located on the west side of Nob Hill Road, north of State Street, specifically a Portion of Tract "A" of the "Westpoint Section 7 Plat', according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 162, Page 23 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida; (Case No. 16-SP-06); providing for conditions of approval. City Attorney Goren read Temporary Resolution 11124 by title. Commissioner Sultanof seconded by Commissioner Atkins -Grad moved approval. City Attorney Goren explained the quasi- judicial procedures and Community Development Director Bramley, representing the City, waived her quasi-judicial rights. Community Development Director Bramley gave a presentation. Commissioner Sultanof questioned whether access off State Street would affect the acreage not currently being used for the development, and spoke of Plum Bay residents' concerns regarding landscaping. Community Development Director Bramley said there is sufficient access to the property, and landscape requirements will be followed; 116 trees are slated to be planted, rather than the 109 required and there will be a lush buffer. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco agreed that residents of Plum Bay are concerned about new development coming in and affecting the visuals and asked if both the Church and the City are required to put in landscaping. Community Development Director Bramley said they are. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco opened the public hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the public hearing. On roll call Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco voted "yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes", and Commissioner Atkins -Grad "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. R2007-06 January 24, 2007 Page 5 of 6 City of Tamarac "Committed to Excellence... Always" CITY COMMISSION Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Mayor Edward C. Portner, Vice Mayor Patricia Atkins -Grad Harry Dressier January 5, 2007 Marc L. Sultanof Ms. Judy Margolis, President Tamarac Presidents Council, Inc. 4704 Queen Palm Lane Tamarac, Florida 33319 Dear Ms. Margolis: I received a copy of the meeting summary report you sent to me. Upon reviewing the information, I felt compelled to address several items listed in the report because the information you have received and are now disseminating is not factual and the record must be corrected. I believe it is important for an organization like the President's Council to have factual information when you are discussing issues which affect you. For the record: Florida's Department of Community Affairs (DCA) did not reject either land use plan amendment submitted by the City of Tamarac for the Sabal Palm and Monterey Golf Courses. DCA reviewed both plans and raised one objection regarding the number of trips the new development would have on Florida's Turnpike. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) used a much higher number for the possible development than what the actual numbers really are and so, when this was pointed out to them, they understood and will be withdrawing that objection. Also, this business about a water shortage from current construction is not factual; it is someone's opinion, not fact. Tamarac currently has a consumptive use per unit which allows us to pump water from the Biscayne Aquifer. At this time, even taking into account current construction and the homes proposed for Sabal Palm and Monterey, Tamarac has plenty of water for the foreseeable future. The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) has already told us they will be reducing the amount of water all cities who are water purveyors _ can Pull in the vears to come._ Tamarac's City —ComrTfissionhas alread_y_taken____ _____ steps to ensure that we will be ready in the future to meet the water needs of the Community. We will do this through the construction of a new water plant which will tap into the Floridian Aquifer, which is more plentiful than the Biscayne Aquifer. The construction of this new water plant will be paid for by developers who build in our City. When a developer builds in Tamarac, they have to pay C.I.A.C. fees. C.I.A.C. stands for: "Contribution In Aid of Construction", and it is 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue ® Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 ® (954) 597 3460 E Fax (954) 597 3470 ®vww.famarac.org Equal Opportunity Employer Ms. Judy Margolis January 5, 2007 Page Two through these fees we make sure that developers pay for the increased water needs their construction generates. Construction of a new water plant will not be necessary or begin for several years. In the second paragraph of your report, it states taxes went up "seriously" this year in Tamarac. Again, this is not factual. The fact is the Mayor and Commission unanimously voted to lower taxes by a quarter mill (.25) from 6.24 mills to 5.99 mills. Again, your information is not factual and an organization like the President's Council deserves facts, not someone's misguided opinions. Also in the second paragraph, misleading information about Tamarac's retirement benefits is provided. To set the record straight, Tamarac's elected officials receive retirement benefits based on the number of full and partial terms served. Currently, the percentage is 20% per term with an 80% maximum benefit. A Commissioner who serves three terms receives a 60% retirement benefit; a Commissioner who serves three terms and is the elected Mayor will receive 80% after the first term as Mayor, but no more because 80% is the maximum. Because the community voted to change the City Charter to increase the length of elected terms from 3 years to 4 years, this benefit will have to be adjusted in the future to match up with the new length of terms, but 80% will continue to be the maximum. Finally, when this matter came before the City Commission for approval, Joe Schreiber and Karen Roberts both voted "AYE" for the elected officials' retirement benefits, it's a fact and it's in the approved meeting minutes. In paragraph three, annexation is discussed. Tamarac is pursuing the annexation of several eastside parcels of land. We are pursuing these annexations at the direction of Broward County. The Broward County Commission has requested that local municipalities annex geographically contiguous, unincorporated areas into our communities. As a responsible local government, we, along with most of our neighboring cities, are taking the necessary action to comply with the County Commission's directive. Also, Broward County will be making all necessary infrastructure improvements to the areas so the nonsense about 16 years to be cost effective is again not factual. As for Tamarac no longer being neighbor friendly, we always have been and always will be the city with a heart. Finally, as for Prestige Homes, they have met all obligations to the City of Tamarac via restrictive covenants filed with DCA. As for any and all agreements with Mainland's HOA's, it is my understanding Ms. Judy Margolis January 5, 2007 Page Three they have the support of every section affected except for Section 4. That's 6 out of 7, or 86%, and that's a strong majority where I come from. Thank you for allowing me to set the record straight. Yours for a Better Tamarac, Marc L. Sultanof City Commissioner C: Mayor and Commission Jeffrey L. Miller, City Manager Samuel S. Goren, City Attorney Tamarac Presidents Council, Inc. 7501 NORTH UNIVERSITY DRIVE PARKS AND RECREATION BUILDING �resid TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321 AGENDA FOR THE GENERAL MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER11• 11 1 ' Coffee Approval of the minutes of the General Meeting of Tuesday, November 21, 2006 Treasurer's Report - LEO PLATZ Introduction of GUEST SPEAKER TIM GREENE PUBLIC ADJUSTER AND INSURANCE LOSS CONSULTANT 7:45 - 8:00 Questions and Comments IF TIME PERMITS - EXCHANGE OF COMMUNITY QUESTIONS, PROBLEMS, CONCERNS Next Board Meeting - Tuesday, January 2, 2007 9 am Parks & Rec University Drive Judy Margolis Presidat Note that we are meeting in ROOM 2 of the Multi -Purpose Center which is just north of Parks & Rec. (Same parking lot) TAMARAC PRESIDENTS COUNCIL, INC. 7501 North University Drive (Tamarac Parks & Recreational Center) Tamarac, Florida 33321 Board Meetinqs are the First Tuesday of the Mon NOTE: THE DECEMBER GENERAL MEETING WILL BE THE THIRD THURSDAY DECEMBER 21 at 7:00 P.M. Note• The meeting will be held at the Multi Purpose Center, Room Two which is at the North Side of the Parking Lot where you usually park, but next to the school. You owe it to your Association to attend and find out what is happening in Tamarac and WHY!! The speaker for the December meeting will be Tim Greene,a Public Adjuster and Insurance Loss Consultant. He has settled claim] from Hurrican Andrew. The November General Meeting came to order at 7:15 P.M. The first order of business was the announcement that the State of Florida had rejected the change of land use regarding both Monterey Golf Course and Sabal Palm Golf Course with four objections. The first objection was the water shortage from the current home construction in Tamarac, Second, because the traffic on Commercial is now at 112% of capacity. Our speaker for the evening was Patty Lynn. She reported that city taxes already went up seriously this year. Commissioners Sultanoff, Portner, and Talabisco voted for a change in the City Charter to now read that anyone serving one term will be entitled to 20% of their salary as their pension, anyone serving two terms will be entitled to 60% of their salary as pension and anyone serving three terms will be entitled to 80% of their salary as pension. Mayor Joe Schreiber and Commissioner Karen Roberts voted against this but were outvoted. Both Joe Schreiber and Karen Roberts (neither now in office) are also entitled. The City of Tamarac is planning to annex the area round Executive Airport. She said that this annexation would take 16 years to be cost effective. Patty Lynn reported that TAmarac is no longer a neighbor -friendly area. Prestege Builders say they will no longer be in a position to keep the promises of money amounts to Section 1,2,3,5, & 6. Section 4 did not agree to -a money buyout for their clubhouse upon advice of their attorney especially since it was not in writing. Herb Hayes reported that the V.A. building now expects to be readyby Spring of 2007. Treasurer Leo Platz reported that our treasury has $2,032 in our checking account. Our nominating committee has completed their list and will be ready for the President's Council election in January. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thelma Zi roff, S 'r ary