HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-22 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA CITY HALL - CONFERENCE ROOM 105 MONDAY JUNE 22, 2009 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the workshop meeting of the City Commission to order on Monday, June 22, 2009, at 9:30 a.m., in Room 105, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321. PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Patricia Atkins -Grad, Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner Diane Glasser, and Commissioner Harry Dressler. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren and City Clerk Marion Swenson. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance. 1. Item No. 6(d) on the Consent Agenda. GUARDRAIL REPAIR AND INSTALLATION: (TR11635) Authorizing the appropriate City Officials to approve the purchase and installation of guardrail from Southeast Attenuators, Inc., at a cost not to exceed $50,000.00, utilizing the City of Miami Gardens Bid Number 08-09-001; approving funding from the appropriate Capital Improvement Account; authorizing budget amendments for proper accounting purposes. Public Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned the completion date and Commissioner Bushnell asked how many guard rails are being done. Public Works Director Strain said it will take about four weeks from the date of approval and we are looking at 200' of guard rail. 2. Item No. 6(c) on the Consent Agenda. EXTENSION OF DIESEL AGREEMENT: (TR11632) Authorizing the extension of the agreement for purchase of diesel fuel from BV Oil Company, Inc. and Macmillan Oil Company utilizing Coral Springs co-op contract # 06-A-098; authorizing purchase of diesel fuel in the quantities needed based on the Oil Price Information Service price index cost at the time of delivery; authorizing budget amendments for proper accounting purposes. Public Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz gave a presentation. Commissioner Dressler spoke about the Cap in Trade legislation and possibilities of regional storage of fuel. There was discussion regarding the current vendor. 3. Item No. 6(e) on the Consent Agenda. FIRE STATIONS 41 & 78 RENOVATION PROJECT: (TR11636) Authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute an agreement with Charland Rurey Construction, Inc., for the construction of renovation improvements to Fire Stations 41 & 78 in accordance with Bid No. 09-05B for an amount not to exceed $770,872.00 from the appropriate accounts; authorizing budget amendments as needed for proper accounting purposes. Public Works Director Strain, Interim Fire Chief Moral and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation. There was discussion regarding the future location for a new fire station and funding for same, as well as the two-year period during which the City cannot build on prospective site located at Rock Island Road and Commercial Boulevard. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco discussed her concern regarding large trucks parking on the vacant lot and City Manager Miller said he spoke with BSO and they are going to issue warnings before ticketing the truckers. There was discussion regarding posting of signs and towing illegally parked vehicles, and Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she would like to see something happen immediately in this regard. Commissioner Dressler said fair warning should be given prior to towing, and Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad said she is happy we are doing the work on the fire stations. 4. Item No. 7 on the Regular Agenda. JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT: (TR11642) Authorizing the appropriate City Officials to file an application through the Broward Sheriffs Office accepting FY2009 grant funding in the amount of $20,410 from the U.S. Department of Justice through the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program with no match required by the City to help offset costs of law enforcement services. Assistant City Manager Phillips and Lt. Wood, Executive Officer, BSO appeared. Assistant City Manager Phillips gave a presentation and spoke of the 5% BSO has requested for administering the grant. Lt. Wood, Executive Officer, BSO spoke of bicycle certification for the officers. In response to Commissioner Glasser, Lt. Wood, Executive Officer, BSO said the bicycle officers cannot serve as resource officers. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco moved out of the regular order of business on the agenda to discuss the Investment Policy Deputy City Manager/Interim Financial Services Director Cernech, Controller Cajuste, and Jeff Larson, Financial Advisor appeared. Deputy City Manager/Interim Financial Services Director Cernech said he would discuss the City's Investment Policy and the debt service reduction goals. Deputy City Manager/Interim Financial Services Director Cernech said while the City's Investment Policy is a good policy, the one being presented to the Mayor and City Commission this morning is a GFOA model investment policy, which is more modern and addresses some things the current policy does not address. The new policy has flexibility and increased transparency of our investments. Mr. Lawson said Tamarac has a history of safeguarding funds, but it is time to look at our current policy and review it. The goals and objectives of the new policy are not just safety, liquidity and yield, but it also includes transparency. Controller Cajuste added transparency and types of instruments in which we invest are major changes to the policy. Additionally, the glossary was removed from the old policy and the new policy contains definitions of the different securities. Deputy City Manager/Interim Financial Services Director Cernech said the goal of the revised policy is to allow us to say to you the money is invested appropriately and wisely and is there should we need it. Commissioner Glasser asked who overlooks our investments, and expressed concern with regard to long-term investments and cash flow. Controller Cajuste said one change in the policy is that we will hold no security longer than 60 months; we will have instruments with different durations and the average limit is 36 months. Deputy City Manager/Interim Financial Services Director 2 Cernech said there is a chain of overseers which includes the Controller, Finance Director, Investment Advisory Committee and City Manager. City Attorney Goren said checks and cross checks are covered in the document, and if the Commission takes action on Wednesday to adopt the policy, the checks and balances will then be employed through the City Manager. Deputy City Manager/Interim Financial Services Director Cernech said our portfolio is laddered to provide for security maturities on a monthly basis. Commissioner Dressler disclosed he sits on the board of one LGIP. Commissioner Bushnell questioned transparency as it pertains to Sunshine Law, and Mr. Lawson explained the similarities and differences. Commissioner Bushnell questioned whether a new Finance Director would make changes in the policy and Deputy City Manager/Interim Financial Services Director Cernech said he is comfortable a new Director would be happy with the policy as written. It is a living document and can be changed as times change. Commissioner Dressler complemented staff on their work. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned the status of a new Finance Director and City Manager Miller said we have made great progress over the last few weeks; we have five candidates who are now going through the interview process. It is his goal to get this finalized before the Commission hiatus. Deputy City Manager/Interim Financial Services Director Cernech asked for an expression of interest to add the resolution approving the new investment policy to Wednesday's meeting. All were in agreement. Deputy City Manager/Interim Financial Services Director Cernech spoke about debt and debt service and said we have looked at opportunities in the organization to reduce expenses. Deputy City Manager/Interim Financial Services Director Cernech spoke of the recent trip to New York which he made with Mr. Larson, Director of Utilities Gagnon, and Controller Cajuste. Mr. Lawson said Tamarac GO Bonds are currently rated AA We are looking at anything we can do to reduce debt and we will come back to the Mayor and City Commission in July with a discussion regarding refunding of 1999 tax bonds. 5. DISCUSSION REGARDING SUPPORT FOR SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco and City Attorney Goren appeared. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said a similar resolution has been passed by our sister cities; the resolution supports a revenue stream to cover the next 20 years of mass transit. City Attorney Goren agreed many cities in South Florida have adopted a resolution for funding of mass transit and asked for an expression of interest from the Mayor and City Commission to add the item to Wednesday's meeting. All were in agreement. 6. DISCUSSION- REGARDING THE SELECTION OF VOTING DELEGATE FOR THE FLORIDA LEAGUW 0P-CIITIES. ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Assistant City Manager Phillips gave a presentation}.., --Vic. Mayor Atkins -Grad seconded by Commissioner Dressler nominated Mayor Flansbaumi-TalaVis.co to -serve as the voting delegate. All were in agreement. Commissioner -DrOssler and Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad left the room at 11:25 a.m. and returned at 11:30 a.m. 3 7. PRESENTATION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE TAMARAC HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Public & Economic Affairs Officer Berns and Public Information Specialist Quinn appeared. Public Information Specialist Quinn gave a presentation. Commissioner Glasser said she organized the 25t" anniversary celebration and has many photos. Commissioner Bushnell said she organized the 40t" anniversary celebration for the Mainlands and has articles and pictures. Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad said she was given a lot of information and documents from a resident Leo Kaplan and she will see if she can get more. Commissioner Dressler asked if there is funding available and Assistant City Manager Phillips said there was years ago, but not now. She will keep looking. Commissioner Dressler asked whether there will be a program for people to become members of the society which would generate cash and Public Information Specialist Quinn said we are not at that point. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she supports the volunteer effort to put the committee together and with the right volunteers it could be easily managed. Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad said she would supply Public Information Specialist Quinn with homeowner associations in District 2. 8. SELECTION OF PIONEER OF THE YEAR FOR THE BROWARD COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION: Public & Economic Affairs Officer Berns and Public Information Specialist Quinn appeared. Public and Economic Affairs Officer Berns gave a presentation. Commissioner Bushnell nominated Hubert Klombers. Commissioner Glasser spoke of his many volunteer services to the City. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked for an expression of interest to make Mr. Klombers the Pioneer of the Year and all were in agreement. 9. DISCUSSION REGARDING AUTHORIZATION TO ACCEPT CHECK FROM FP&L IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,785 AND EXECUTE A RELEASE FOR REPAIR OF CONSTRUCTION DAMAGE TO THE RIGHT OF WAY ALONG NW 61ST STREET: City Attorney Goren and Public Works Director Strain appeared. City Attorney Goren gave a presentation. Commissioner Dressler said he received several calls from constituents asking whether the old poles would be removed and Public Works Director Strain said that will happen when all the utilities are removed from the old poles. City Attorney Goren asked for an expression of interest to allow the City Manager to sign off on the release and all were in agreement. There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the workshop meeting at 11:45 a.m. MariorrW-�nsom-CMC 4