HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-28 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL RFGULAR MEPTING WMDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1990 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to Order on Wednesday,�fe-gruary, 28, 1990 at 9 00 A M in the Council Chambers MEDITATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEMayor Abramowitz called for the Pledge of~Allegin ace~followed~by4a_ Moment of Silent MRditation dedicated to a speedy recovery for Faye Bender, Vice Mayor Bender's wife PRESENT Mayor Norman Abramowitz Vice Mayor Dr H Larry Bender Councilman Bruce Hoffman Councilman Henry Rohr Councilman Jack Stelzer ALSO PRESENT ------ John P Kelly, City Manager Alan F Ruf, , Interim City Attornt y Carol A Evans, City Clark Pauline WalaszPk, Special SPrvices Secretary Mayor Abranowltz congratulated Herb Hayes, RPsidant, for being alected as tht� Prt sidPnt of th- Tamarac Presidents council INTRODUCTION 2 PRESENTATION by City Manager Kelly of a ten-year st-r,7ice award_to-z,ITLIAN MARCUS, City Clerk's Office, and a five-year services award to DANIEL MARIANO, public Works Department SYNOPSIS OF ACTION T PRESEgTATIONS ware made Daniel Mariano was not present City Manager Kelly presented Lillian Marcus, City Clerk's Office, with a ten-year service award and he said Daniel Mariano, Public Works, was not present to accept his award HP thanked these employees for their many years of service for the City 1 PRESENTATION by Mayor Abramowitz of a proclamation designatiing-February 28, 1990 through March 28, 1990 as Broward 10-13 Club Month' SYNOPSIS OF ACTION PRk SENTATION-was given Mayor Abramowitz read the proclamation into the record and presented it to William Bett, Representative of the Broward 10-13 Club Mr Batt thanked the City Council for the proclamation and presented the ^ouncil members and staff with caps from the Broward 10-1 3 Club 3 a PRESENTATION by Mayor Abramowitz of Certificates of Appreciation to the members of the Redistricting Committer - Page 1 2/28/90-pw b MOTION TO DISCHARGE the Redistricting Committee in accordance with Section 6 03 of the Charter SYNOPSIS OF ACTION a IPRRSFNTATfON was made b DISCHARGED the Redistricting Committee a Mayor Abramowitz read the Cprtificate of Appreciation into the record and he thanked Diane Glasser, Anne Ranta, Mollie Goldstein, Abe Garr, Irving Schneider, Charles Siskin, Ben Sonkin, Ben Rossman and Morton Winter for serving on the Redistricting Committee * b V/M Bender MOVED to DISCHARGE the Redistricting Committee * in accordance with Section 6 03 of the Charter, SECONDED by * C/M Rohr VOTE- ALL VOTED AYE CONSENT AGENDA - ITEM 4 a through m- Building Department 4 a MOTION TO ADOPT Tempf Reso #5710 releasing a cash bond in th(- amount of $500 SO_posted -by Lakes of Carriage I111s, Inc , to guarantee removal of a temporary parking latllr5 connection with a model sales office+ SYNOPSIS OF ACTION RESOLUTION NO R-90�-53 - PASSED APPROVED City Clerk b MOTION TO APPROVE the minutes of the City Council Regular meetin9_7(f 1/24/90 SYNOPSIS OF ACTION APPROVDD f T i c MOTION TO APPROVE _ renewal of a modP1 sales pprrtit for TAMARAC GARDENS #4 in Building 6, Units 104 and 105, and a waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for issuance of certificates of occupancy for a six --month period from 4/12/90 to 10/12/90 SYNOPSIS OF ACTION APPROVED' Community Development d MOTION TO APPROVE refund of an occupational license 6ea in the amount of $150 00 to Frederic S Jacobs d/b/a Captain Midnight until Broward County issues a Certificmte of Competency for the performance of this work by this applicant i SYNOPSIS OF ACTION -� APPROVED_____ - e MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5718 approving a carnival sponsored by St _Mafac9y-tat9ofic Church to be held March 15-18, 1990, at 6200 John Horan Terrace SYNOPSIS OF ACTION RESOLUTION NO R-90-54 - F,SSED APPROVED -� 1 Page 2 2/28/90-pw 1 fngineering/Utilities f MOTION TO ADOPT Temp_ Reso #5693 authorizing the appro- priate City otticiafs to execute an agreement with Southland Controls, Incorporated, for the sole source purchase of a grit removal assembly for the large lime slakpr in the amount of $6,432 08 SYNOPSIS OF ACTION APPROVED-_ --µ RESOLUTION NO R-90-55 - PASSED g 1 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5711 releasing a performance bondin _the amount of $62,887 50 .posted for Public improvements at the STATE FARM SERVICE CENTER project subject to receipt of a one-year warranty bond in the amount of $15,721 75 2 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5712 accepting a bill of sale for the water distribution and sewage collection system improvements at the STATE FARM SERVICE CENTER project 3 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5713 accepting a Tamarac Util: ies West Water and Sewer Utility Easement for the STATE FARM SERVICE CENTER project SYNOPSIS OF ACTION RESOLUTION NO R-90-56 - PASSED APPROVffD_1,-2 an 3 RESOLUTION NO R-90-57 - PASSED RESOLUTION NO R-90-58 -- PASSED h 1 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5714 releasing per- formanceYLetter 6t-Crpli't-FNY--0489-30004377 in the amount of $43,936 25 posted for the water distribution system at the DEVON PHASE I project subject to receipt of a one-year warranty bond in the amount of $16,593 00 2 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5715 releasing per- formance-LXtter -OT-Credit-#NY-p489-30004376 in the amount of $29,132 50 posted for the sewage collection system at DEVON PHASE I project subject to reopipt of a one-year warranty bond in the amount of $12,894 00 3 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5716 accepting a bilf-of-salerfor_the-water_distribut ion and sewage collection system improvements at the DEVON PHASE I project SYNOPSIS OF ACTION RESOLUTION NO R-90-59 - PASSED APPROVED�1, 2 and 3 RESOLUTION NO R-90-58 - PASSED RESOLUTION NO R-90-59 - PASSED i MOTION_ TO APPROVE_ a Water and Sewer Developers n Agreemet _for tEe NORTHWOOD II (SPRINGLAKE VILLAS) PHASE 2 project SYNOPSIS OF ACTION RESOLUTION NO R-90- - PASSED APPROVED~ 1 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5708 accepting a bill of~sale-for-th`e-water-distribution and sewage collection system improvements at the FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF FLORIDA (formerly ATLANTIC BANK) 2 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp w Reso #5709_ accepting a a Tamarc Utilities West~v�ater and Sew-r Utility Easement offered by FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF FLORIDA (formerly ATLANTIC BANK) Page 3 2/28/90-pw SYNOPSIS OF ACTION RESOLUTION NO R-90--62 - PASSED APPROVED- _ RESOLUTION NO R-90-63 - PASSED k MOTION TO APPROVE the attendance of Eugene Herron at � tie Pittsburg-i�Conference Exposition in New York City on March 5-9, 1990, concerning gas chromatograph testing SYNOPSIS OF ACTION A P PROVE Dr"T�'�� Finance Department 1 MOTIO_N TO APPROVE the attendance of Kenneth Burroughso Finance�'Director, at the 48th Annual Conference of Florida Government Finance Officers Association in Orlando, Florida, on April 1-4, 1990 SYNOPSIS OF ACTION APPROVED General Administrative m MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5707 supporting the Complete Count Comm-ttee's efforts in encouraging all residents in Broward County to participate in the 1990 United States Census SYNOPSIS_ OF ACTION RESOLUTION NO R-90- -- PASSED APPROVED- * V/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE Consent Agenda, Item 4 a throagh * m , SECONDED by C/M Hoffman VOTE ALL VOTED AYE I CONSIDERATIONS Engineering/Utilities II I 5 a MOTION TO ACCEPT Final Release of Lien as submitted by Tokenev Delopment, Inc , for TUW Proaect 88-54A, 61st Street Raw Water Line b MOTION TO APPROVE Final payment in the amount of $91956 00 Eo--f ken Development, Inc , for work perforwd on TUW Project 88-54A, 61st Street Raw Water Line SYNOPSIS OF ACTION APPROVED a and b * a C/M Rohr MOVED to APPROVE this Item, SECONDED by V/M Bend�er Bob Foy, Director of Utilities/Engineering, said the City required the contractors to provide a Final RPleasc of Lien prior to the City making the final payment and accepting the work He said Token Development, Inc presented the Release of Lien and he recommended approval VOTE ALL VOTED AYE * b V/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE this Item, SECONDED by C/M * Hoffman Mr Foy said the City withheld 10% from the progress payments for work on pro3ects and Token Development, i Fag e 4 2/28/90-pw Inc , completed the project satisfactorily He recommended approval of the final payment VOTE_ ALL VOTED AYE 6 MOTION TO APPROVE a contract with Southeastern Municipal Suppi'y Company (-SEMSCO), for the purchase of materials, at the unit prices quoted in Bid 89-56, in the amount of $33,110 06 for TUW Project 90--5, Nob Hill Road 12-inch Force Main SYNOPSIS OF ACTION - APPROVED - * V/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE this Item, SECONDED by * C/M Hoffman Bob Foy, Director of Utilities/Engineering, said this request was for material to install a force main on Nob Hill Road for the proposed Public Works/Utilities Complex in Land Section 7 He said this project was part of the force main that the Westpoint project would need and he recommended approval. He said the project was being funded with CIAC funds C/M Hoffman asked when this project would hook into the existing system and Mr Foy said the project would hook into the existing system at the half section line on the west side of Nob Hill Road C/M Hoffman asked if this project would require the street to be destroyed and rebuilt and Mr Foy replied, no VOTE ALL VOTED AYE RESOLUTIONS City Clerk 7 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5679 providing for the Rlimination-d a�'Data Entry Ooprator position and providing for the creation of a Clerk Typist position and a Secretary position within the City Clerk's Department SYNOPSIS OF ACTION RESOLUTION NO R-90-65 - PASSED P APROVEDww___._ Interim City Attorney Ruf read Temp Reso #5679 by title * V/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE Temp Reso #5679, SECONDED by * C/M Hoffman Peter Mack, Personnel Director, said in order to more efficiently and cost effectively perform the operations of the City Clerk's Office, the City Clerk was recommending the downgrading of the Data Entry Operator's position to a Clerk Typist position and the institution of a Secretarial position He said this would be an additional $1,500 00 and staff recommended approval Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City Manager and City Attorn-y approved of this Item and Mr Mack replied, yes C/M Hoffman asked if the employees would be Union employees and Mr Mack replied, yes C/M Hoffman asked Page 5 2/28/90-pw i if this was discussed with the Union and Mr Mack replied, yes VOTE Engineering/Utilities ALL VOTED AYE 8 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp^ Reso #5717 awarding Bid 90-1 in the amount of $202,091 4p to Utilities Services, Inc , for TUW Project 87-19, Rehabilitation of Sewage Pump StatiDns 11, 11A and 14B SYNOPSIS OF ACTION- RESOLUTION NO R-90-66 - PASSED AP�ROVED� ' Interim City Attorney Ruf read Temp Reso- #5717 by title * V/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE Tema Reso #5717, SECONDED by * C/M Hoffman VOTE Bob Foy, Director of Utilities/Engineering, said all of the staff and Code requirements have been met concerning the bidding process He said the Utilities Services, Inc , was the low bidder at $202,091 40 and this project was to rehabilitate 3 existing wastewater pump stations He said pump station 411 was located in the Mainlands on NW 50 Avenue, #11-A was located at Mainlands 7 on NW 49 Avenue and #11B was located at Mainlands 5 on NW 46 Street He said the existing pump stations were old and needed to be repaired Mr Foy said this project was voted on and approved by the voters by RefPrendum4 He said the funding was com ng from the TUW Revenues and there would be another pump station being rehabilitated by the Utilities/Engineering Department to save funds Mayor Abramowitz said the City Council was very proud of the Utilities/Engineering Deparbient and he would approve any project needed to keep the water safe and efficient for the residents ALL VOTED AYE 9 a MOTION TO ADOPT TempReso 45719 approving an Agreement for Alternative Dra'inage fo'r the-EXETER plat b MOTION TO ADOPT TemR Reso #5720 authorizing the appro- priate -City officials to execute a quit --claim deed granting to Lennar Homes, Inc , certain canal rights -of -way for the EXETER plat c MOTION TO ADOPT Teme- Reso #5721 authorizing the appro- priate C1 yofticials Eo_execuEe-a Termination of Easements vacating certain canal maintenance easements for the EXETER plat SYNOPSIS OF ACTION RESOLUTION NO R--90-67 - P�SSED APPROVED a~, �b� and c RESOLUTION NO R-90-68 - PASSED RESOLUTION NO R-90-69 - PASSED Interim City Attorney Ruf read Temp_ Resa_ #5719 by title i a C/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Temp Reso #5719, SECONDED by * V/M Bender - I 1 Page 6 2/28/90-pw Bob Foy, Director of Utilities/Engineering, said there were two existing canals in the Kings Point project known as the Exeter Plat He said Lennar Homes, Inc , requested that the City Quit -Claim Deed the canal property back to them and vacate two of the easements Mr Foy said the purpose of this request was because the location of the existing canals was interfering with the project He said in exchange, other canals would be provided in another location in the same project He said a bond was posted to cover the construction of new canals and drainage and the developer agreed not to do anything to disrupt the existing system because there was drainage into the canals at this time He said the canals would remain in place until the new canals were created He recommended approval of this request Mayor Abramowitz asked what the benefit would be to the City and Mr Foy said the City would have a better community Mayor Abramowitz said he would hold the Utilities/Engineering Department responsible to make sure that there would be no interruption of services in the area C/M Hoffman asked if there would be a physical change in appearance He said there were people who purchased property based on the fact that the property would be located on canals He asked if the position of the canal would change thereby, depriving the existing residents Mr Foy said he did not feel that this change would affect the residents because the canals were on the south side of an existing street and the existing community was on the north side and did not face the canal He said he did not feel that this change would affect the property value of the existing homes in the area C/M Hoffman asked if the property was investigated and Mr Foy replied, yes, and there were no existing homes on the canal C/M Rohr asked if the Utilities/Engineering Department would be checking to see if the changes were appropriate and Mr Foy said the project needed engineering approval before the project was done He said he would assure the City Council that the new canals would meet the City Codes and be appropriate for the City C/M Hoffman asked if it would harm the project if the City Council Tabled this Item to further investigate the area and Mr Foy said Le nnar Homes, Inc , had a representative present that could answer this question Mayor Abramowitz said he was that Lennar Homes, Inc , was projpot and Mr Foy agreed changes did not hurt anyone existing services he would wanted to mak- sure that the appropr lately informed by the City Planner trying to build an improved Mayor Abramowitz said if the and did not interrupt the not object however, he changes were done C/M Hoffman said he did not receive the information that Mayor Abramowitz rpcpived and he would like top satisfy himself on this Item bpforp he voted on it Page 7 2/28/90-pw Mayor Abramowitz suggested that the City Council hear thy# City Planner's explanation on this project He asked if Lp nnar domes, Inc , would be improving their project by making these changes Kelly Carpenter -Craft, Director of Community Developments said last year, the City Council approved the same changes for the Fairfax project She said Lennar Homes, Inc , came up with a better design for its community of Fairfax and wanted to allow more water lots for its units She said this was not damaging to the engineering design for drainage and the City Council approved it Mrs Carpenter -Craft said she understood that Lennar Homes, Inc , was doing the same thing for the Exeter Project, however, a site plan was not in progress at th14 time She said this was a boundary plat which was approved and the easements were not included with a site plan, however, she understood Lennar Homes, Inc , was doing the same thing that they did on the Fairfax Project C/M Hoffman said he was concerned with the change affecting residents who purchased property because of the canal view He said he did not want any residents deprived of their rights Mrs Carpenter -Craft said the change would affect drainage on the Exeter Plat only and no one lived there at the moment C/M Stelzer ask- d if the canals were existing and Mrs Carpenter -Craft replied, yes, and they would be filled She said other canals would be provided within the projpc t C/M Stelzer ask-d if the developer needed approval fr—., the South Florida Water Management District and Mr Foy said the developer needed a per -nit from the City and County before the project would proceed Mayor Abramowitz said the concerns should not be for Kings Point Hp said anything beneficial for the City, he would approve regardless of who owned it Joseph Schreiber, Resident, had concerns about which canals would be changed and Mayor Abramowitz said the Agenda was available as well as information concerning the Item on the Friday before the City Council meeting He suggested that Mr Schreiber contact the appropriate Departmpnts regarding his concerns before the City Council meeting Mr Foy said the west two canals would be eliminated and two canals would be created elsewhere within the proje^t VOTE ALL VOTED AYE Interim City Attorney Ruf read Temp Reso #5720 by title b V/M Bender MOVaD to APPROVE Temp Reso #5720, SECONDED by * C/M Hof frnan ~ Mr Foy said this request was for a Quit -Claim Deed to provide the developer the Title of the land until the npw canals were built Page 8 2/28/90-pw 1 Mayor Abramowitz asked if the developer would be replacing what they closed in and Mr Foy replied, yeh Mayor Abramowitz said this change would not affect the residents or the City and Mr Foy agreed C/M Hoffman asked if the City could deny the developer the right to build on the property if the City was not satisfied with the canals the create and Mr Foy said the plans would not be approved until the City was satisfied VOTE ALL VOTED AYE Interim City Attorney Ruf read Temp Reso #5721 by title * c V/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE Temp_ Reso #5721, SECONDED by * C/M Hoffman VOTE ALL VOTED AYE Personnel Department 10 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5705 approving revisions fln-the folfowing~sections of-tlie City Personnel Manual (tabled on 2/14/90) Section 11 Section 31 Section 37 Section 50 Section 52 SYNOPSIS OF ACTION TABLED fora Workshop meeting Hiring Pension Plan Personal Leave Discipline of Employees Grievance Interim City Attorney Ruf read Temp Reso_ #5705 by title C/M Hoffman said he spent time studying the Personnel Manual, which was very complicated and he suggested that a Workshop meeting be held on this Item before being approved * C/M Hoffman MOVED to TABLE Temp Reso #5705, SECONDED by * C/M Rohr VOTE ALL VOTED AYE General Administrative 16 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Ord #1478 on first reading to revise Section-19-3 -of -ffie Cole to require that all single- family residences and residential units not using contained refuse service segregate newspapers from all other solid w-A-te materials and to prohibit the theft of any newspaper material designated as recyclable by the City SYNOPSIS OF ACTION APPROZD on First reading as amended TAPE 2 Interim City Attorney Ruf read Temp Ord T #1478 by title Mayor Abramowitz asked if the language has been changed in the Ordinance and Interim City Attorney Ruf said in order to make it clear, the City was impacting those Page 9 2/23/90-pw residential units with curbside collection, therefore, he suggested changes be made in the Title of the Ordinance Interim City Attorney Ruf said the phrase would read, "to require that all single-family residences and residential units using curbside refuse service " Mayor Abramowitz said this change was being made because the condominiums used containers and he did not want the purpose of the Ordinance misunderstood Hp said condominiums would be included in the recycling program, however, the language amendment made it clear that for the moment, the scavenging law applied to curbside pickup He said when the condominiums were included in the recycling program, this law would also apply to them C/M Rohr said he would like indicate that the recycling aluminum and bottles in the this in the Ordinance would another Ordinance the Ordinance amended to program would include future He said including eliminate the need for C/M Hoffman said he agreed with C/M Rohr however, he felt that the City Council should pass this Ordinance as it was presented He said the Ordinance could be refined in the future C/M Rohr said tn- verbiage could state that all r•ur bside pickups were protp(-ted from scavenging City Manager Kelly said he was concerned with the existing program, which providLJ for newsoappr pickup only HP said he did not object to the residents gaining profit from aluminum cans at this time C/M Rohr said the recycling program would be including aluminum cans in the future and Mayor Abramowitz said this may occur in approximately 2 months C/M Rohr suggested that the Ordinance be prepared before it was needed City Manager Kelly said the Code already provided against scavenging of newspapers He said it was important to let the public know that there were people collecting the newspapers before the vehicles collected it C/M Hoffman asked what the penalties wera for scavenging' and Interim City Attorney Ruf said Page 4, Section 3(C) of the Ordinance indicated "Violations of Ordinance Penalties for the failure to comply with the newsoapPr recycling program or for the unauthorized collection of recycling materials shall be a fine of not less than $100 00 nor more than $500 00 or, imorisonne nt for a tarn not exceeding 90 days or, by both such fine and imvL, isorunent Each day shall constitute a separate offense ' Interim City Attorney Ruf said Page 3 would contain a change Pxactly the same as the change in the title Ha said Section 3(A) , Newspaper Collection, sixth line, "not" would 5e struck, 7th line, "containerized" would bp struck and, after the word "using", 'curbside" would b? added Mayor Abramowitz said he felt that the language change eliminated all of the misunderstanding [l 1 Page 10 2/28/90-p4 * C/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Temp_ Ord #1478 on first reading * as amended, SECONDED by V/M Bender VOTE ALL VOTED AYE OPEN PUBLIC FORUM 21 OPEN PUBLIC FORUM Harold Newman, Rpsidpnt, said his comments should not be construed as an "I gotcha" question or considered a condemnation toward the Broward Sheriff's Office HP said that the Tam -A -Gram article concerning the six month evaluation report on the Broward Sheriff's Office should have been more graphic Mr Newman asked if the comparison from this year and last year was available concerning the crimes in the City He asked if there has been a change in the gang concern in the City City Manager Kelly said he would provide this information to Mr Newman if he came to the City Manager's Offic-e Melanie Reynolds, Resident, said when the City Manager became employed by the City, she submitted a book called Peters Pyramid and the Code of Ethics by the International City Managers Association to him Shp said the City Manager intprfpred with the City Chart-pr and Charter Board and the agreement with Carla Colpman indicated that the final report would be submitted on or before January 2, 1990, unless otherwise mutually agrp-d upon by both parties Mrs Rpynolds said Mayor Abramowitz, City Manager Kelly and the previous City Attorney, Richard Doody, signed the agreement therefore, it seempd that the City Manager approved the delay on his own She said she wrote to Tallahassee concerning this matter because she felt, as a Candidate for the Charter Board, it was her right to see the report before the elections and the resident had the right to know what was in the report in case it would change their choice of candidates She felt that the recent action concerning this matter was not appropriate for the residents Mrs Rpynolds said 'interim City Attorney Ruf responded to hpr concprns about the Public Works Administration Building proposed for Land Section 7, by stating h3 was comfortable with the construction She said Arthur Birke n, previous City Attorney, informed her that if an Attorney stated that )- was comfortable, the residents should by concerned t ecause the, re would be problems She said the bond issue fc.r $12,600,000 00 indicated that the purchase of land would be financed for 58% of the buildings, however, nothing was mentioned about putting the land into condition at a cost of aooroximately $657,000 00 She said this It�-m should be placed on the ballot for the people to vote of C/M Stplzor said he understood that the Chairman of the Charter Board would not listen to what was being presented by the professional concerning the Charter Amendments and Mayor Abramowitz said hp did not hear this Pagp 11 2/28/90-p,a C/M Stelzer said if this was true, the am- ndmpnts should be presented after the Elections Mayor Abramowitz announced that the Public Forum would 1 continue after the public Hearing (SEE PAGE 15) i At 9 57 A M, Mayor Abramowitz RECESSED the meeting and RECONVENED at 10 05 A M with ALL PRESENT - PUBLIC HEARING - 1000 A M ' Community�Development 11 PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Reso #5695 concerning-a--request"5y JEFFR].Y M_~ROSENBtRd for fimited parking waiver, in accordance with Section 24-584 of the Cede, to allow five (5) zero degree parking spaces for a proposed shopping plaza (POINT PLAZA) planned at the northeast corner of Nab Hill Road and Westwood Drive, which is zoned B-1 (Neighborhood Business) Petition #2-Z-90 (tabled on 2/j4/90) SYNOPSIS OF ACTION TABLE5_until_the March 14, 1990 City Council meeting at 7 30 p 14 Interim City Attorney Ruf read Tpmp Reso� 45695 by title Kelly Carpenter -Craft, Director of Community Developmpit, ask-d that this itpm by Tablpd until Lhts March 14, 1990 City Council mpeti.ng at 7 30 P M * CAM Hoffman MOV-D to TABLE Temp Reso #5695 to the March) * 14, 1990 City Council meeting at 7�30 P M ,-SECONDCD by �* V/ 4 Bender VOTE ALL VOTED AYE ORDINANCES Community Development 1 12rra MOTION TO ACCEPT Affidavits of Publication, Mailing andi Posting~far _Temp Ord, #1472 Petition #41-Z-89 b PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Ord #1472 on first~reading concerning_a -request -by-SABAL PALMS, LTD to rezone lands at the northeast corner of Commercial Boulevard and Rock Island Road from R-4A (Planned Aparlt- ments) to 3-1 (Neighborhood Business) utilizing the 5% flexibility rule for commercial development in a residential land use area not to exceed 10 arrps pFtltion #41-Z-99 (tabled on 1/10/90) i SYNOPSIS Of ACTION a -�ACCE PTED ~Af f 1 d av i t s b TABL-D at the re;u st of the anpllcant to the April 25, 1990 City ^(jun it meeting at 10 00 A M * a C/M Hoffman 14OV-D to ACCFFI Affi,-'avits of Publication, Mailing * and Posting for Tpmp Ord- #1472, SECONDED by C/M Rohr Pagp 12 2/23/90-p4 1 1 VOTE ALL VOTED AYE Interim City Attorney Ruf read Ternp Ord #1472 by title Kelly Carpenter -Craft, Director of Community Development, said the applicant asked that this Item be Tabled until the City Council meeting of April 25, 1990 at 10 00 A M * b C/M Rohr MOVED to TABLE Temp Ord #1472 until the April * 25, 1990 City Council meeting at_fOT_A M , SECONDED by * V/M Bender VOTE ALL VOTED AYE 13 a MOTION TO ACCEPT Affidavits of Publication and Posting for Temp OrcT_#1475 Petition #45-Z-89 b PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Ord #1475 on second-reacTing concerning -a request '5y MADISON REALTY MANAGERS, INC , to rezone lands in the south one-half of Land Section 7, north of Commercial Boulevard between Nob Hill Road and the Sawgrass Expressway, from S-1 (Open Space/Recreation), M-2 (Medium Industrial), B-2 (Planned Business) , R-3U (Rowhouses) and R-3 (Garden Aoartnents) to B-3 (General Business) to conform to the City Land Use Plan, Broward County Land Use Plan and the Master Plan of West - point DRI Petition #45-Z-89 SYNOPSIS OF ACTION ORDINANCE NO 0-90-4 - PASSED Pubf LC 'ri�ar i ng -was held a) ACCEPTED Af f idav i is b) APPROVED on second reading * a C/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVF Affidavits of Publication, Mailing * and Posting for Temp Ord #1475, SECONDED by * V/A Bende r VOTE ALL VOTED AYE Interim City Attorney Ruf read Tema_ Ord- #1475 by title * b C/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Temp Ord #1475 on second reading, * SECONDED by V/M Bender '- � Kelly Carpenter -Craft, Director of Community Development, said this request was to rezone lands west of Nob Hill Road and north of Commercial Boulevard She said the lands were currently zoned S-1 (Open Space/Recreation), M-2 (Medium Industrial) , B-2 (Planned Business) , R--3U (Rowhouses) and R-3 (Garden Apartments) to R-3 (General Business) Mrs Carpenter -Craft said the document in the City Council packets indicated the lands outlined in pink and the exhibit indicated the lands in hot pink She said the surrounding Land Uses and Zoning are the following North Industrial South Industrial (Sunrise) East Low Med Density/Reside itial Nest Industrial Mrs Carpenter -Craft said the Planning Commission; approved this request at their January 17, 1990 meting and staff was recommending approval in confornanae with pa3- 13 ,2/28/90-pw the County and City Land Use Plans and the approved Development Order for the Wpstpoxnt Development of Regional Impact (DRI) C/M Hoffman asked how much acreage was involved and Mrs Carpenter --Craft said the lands contained 42 95 acres Mayor Abramowitz Opened and Closed the Public Hearing with no response VOTE ALL VOTED AYF 14 a MOTION TO ACCEPT Affidavits of Publication, Mailing and Posting' or�TP Ordw #1476 Petition #46-Z-89 b PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp Ord #1476 on second reading concerning-a_request~by_MAnISON_REALTY-ffKNAGERSr INC , to rezone lands in the south one-half of Land Section 7, north of Commercial Boulevard between Nob Hill Road and the Sawgrass Expressway, from B-2 (Planned Business) , 'R-3 (Garden Apartments), R-4A (Planned Apartments), R-2 (Duplexes) and R-3U (Rowhouses) to LI-1 (Light Industrial) to conform to the City Land Use Plan, Broward County Farad Use Plan and the Master Plan of Westpoint DRI Petition #46-Z-89 SYNOPSIS OF ACTION ORDINANCE NO 0-90-5 - PASSED Publi4_Hearing�'was held a) ACCE'PTFD Af f idav i is b) APPROVED on second reading * a C/M Rohr MOVED to ACCr.P" Affidavits of Publication, Mailring * and Posting for Temp_ Ord #1476, SECONDED by * C/M Hof fman -'�_ VOTE ALL VOTED AYE Interim City Attorney Ruf real Tpmp Ord _ #1476 by title * b C/M Hoffman MOJL'D to APPROVr Tem2 Ord- #1476 on se -on] Lf a ling, * SECONDED by C/M Rohr J Kelly Carpenter -Craft, Director of Community D-velopmarit, said this request was to rezone lands in Land Section 7 to LI-1 (Light Industrial) She said the City Council packets indicated the site in blue and the exhibit indicated the lands in purple Shp said the lands were located in the south half of Land Section 7, north of Commercial Boulevard, between Nab Hill Road and the Sawgrass Expressway, which consisted of 118 27 acres She said the surrounding Land Usas and Zoning are 4orth Industrial South Industrial/Commp rcial East Low Med Density Residential Commercial Nest Industrial/Transportation Mrs Carpenter -Craft said the Planning Commission r(-commended approval of this request at thpir Janu,,ry -7, 1990 meeting and staff rp-ommpndPd approval in compliancy with the City an l County Land Usp Plans and the approv-d Development Order for the v7pstlx:)int Da,7elopm( nt of Regional Impact (DRI) Aayor Abramowitz Opyn-d the Public- Hearing 1_1 Page 14 2/28/90-pw I 1 VOTE Harry Jast, Resident, asked the City Council to consider the water impact the developments would have on th- City and he suggested that the City Council seriously consider approval of future developments until the water shortage was resolved Mayor Abramowitz Closed the Public Hearing with no further response ALL VOTED AYE 15 PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Teme Ord #1473 on second reac'ing—to vacate—por£ions of -tom r ghts-of-way on NW 76 Street and Nv1 87 Way, all of the 24-foot emergency access easement, and the 10-foot utility and drainage easements lying adjacent to the rights -of -way lines of NW 76 Street and NW 87 Way as shown on the WOODMONT TRACT 67 PLAT SYNOPSIS OF ACTION ORDINANCE NO 0-90-6 - PASSED Public Hear Ong -was held APPROVED on second reading Interim City Attorney Ruf read Temp Ord #1473 by title * C/A Rohr MOVED to APPROJr, Temp Ord #1473 on second reading, * SECONDED by C/M Hoffman __ ~~� VOTE Kelly Carp-nter-Craft, Director of Community Dpvelopment, said this request was for Tract 67, which was the vacant parcel across fron City Hall Shp said the owners wer( preparing to market the property and found that the plat contained streets that would not be usable to potential buyers She said the request was to vacate all of the rights -of -way and easements and a site plan would be brought before the City Council in the near future She said trip streets ware not affecting the regional traffic system and she recommended approval of the request She said acceptable letters warp r<<pived from all of tnn- utility comoanips Mayor Abramowitz Onanpd and Closed thf Public doaring with no response Mayor Abramowitz said that he thought this was C/M Stelzer's last meeting would be on March ALL VOTED AYE was informed that everyone last meeting however, his 14, 1990 OPEN PUBLIC FORUM 21 OPFN PUBLIC FORUM Joseph Schreiber, Resident, had concerns with the residents not being able to discuss the Consent Agenda Items Mayor Abramowitz said every City had a Consent Agenda and the purpose of this was to vote on routine items at one time Hp said the Agenda was printed on the Friday before the City Council meeting, which gave everyone the opportunity to contact the City Manager regarding any specific item Mr Schreiber said several of the Consent Items pprtained to the Rolease of Performance Bonds, Letters of Credit and the acceptance of Warranty Bonds Hp said he felt Page 15 2/2s/9o-pw that thew Items were being released because the wort- was approved and complPtAd City Manager Kelly agreed Mr Schreiber had concerns with adequate to cover the costs and the Engineering Department mad( - adequacy of a project REPORTS 22 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS the Warranty Bonds being City Manager Kelly said reromin?ndations as to the I C/M Stelzer said he was aware that this was not his last meeting and the residents had to be careful who they elected because there were people that would disrupt the City as opposed to assisting it C/M Stelzer said there was a matter where C/M Hoffman and the Chairman of the Charter Board, Zeke Feldman, brought charges against him because of the City paying for a mea� that was by compliments of the Broward League of Cities He said he provided the Charter Board with every Florida Statute that indicated his actions to be appropriate He said the Charter Board did not pay attention to his information and th-y sent a complaint to the Ethics Commission C/T4 Stelzer said the Ethics Commission ruled that his actions were appropriate, therefore, he was not guilty Tie said this was a malicious charge made and the newspaper always printed the bad things but never Tetra^ted their comments C/M Stelzer said the Charter Board was trying to bring ^harges against nin regarding the Cable services HP said the Charter 3oard should be aware that a man was inno-Prlt unti] proven guilty +- said he wanted Pveryoia to keep quiet until they could prove that he was guilty C/M Rohr said he would be covering the City of Oakland Park recycling program He said his intentions were tD find a system for rPcyc ling newspapers in condominiums and Kings Point would be the first area of concentration He said he would lik- tha 5 Cities in the program to consider a program for collecting aluminum cans and bottles and hold a Workshop to discuss this He said the' Cities would be receiving revenue when aluminum cans and bottles were collected, which would allow tha costs to be, reduced for the residents Mayor Abramowitz said C/14 Rohr rod- the refuse collec-tionl trucks in the City of Coconut Crec.k where the pilot program was for condominiums HP said the pilot program in the City of Coconut Creek has been a failure C/M Stelzer ask d why C/M Rohr wanted to start a recycling program for condominiums in the largest condominium area in the City, which was Kings Point C/M Rohr said Kings Point presently had two dumosters and it was the easiest condominium conmurilty to W)rK With ^/,I Hoffman said it was stated that he accused C/M StelzPjr of something He said this was not true, however, he was, sent a written question by the Charter Board asking whether or not np observed C/M Stelzer eating at a particular time HP said he saw C/M Stelzer Pating at Page 16 2/28/90-pw that time and hP statpd this to the Charter Board HP said C/M StPlzPr did Pat at the function that hp claimed he did not He said he did not know if C/M Stelzer was right or wrong, however, he answered a question that was ask( d of him by the Charter Board C/M Hoffman said the other matters between C/M Stelzer and the Charter Board did not involve him HP said he understood that C/M Stelzer charged the City for a dinner for his wife and was found guilty by Tallahassee HP said C/M Stelzer paid the City back for this meal whi(-h should have been done 1-1/2 years ago He said hp had no knowledge concerning the Cable services and C/M Stelzer TAPE 3 VIM Bender announced that Social Services was expanding and the re _would be free cancP r tests and flu shots available for the residF nts H- said thPrp wpr(- arrangamPnts being made to provide more transportation for the needy and the City would do everything possible to continue expanding the Social Services Mayor Abramowitz asked the residpnts to participate in_tf%e_recyclincj program because, if the City did not remove 30% out of the waste stream, there was a chance of losintj revenue snaring monies He said the City was primarily operating with rpvenup funds and the tipping fees werp expected to incrpasP within the next 2 years by approximately 80% Hp said he walk-d Parly in the morning and he was plpased to see that the residents were particinating Mayor Abramowitz said it was important for the residents to oarticipate in the United States Census because the residents would bP naying additional money for those residents that w(rp not counted HP said the City was not rp—wing trip appropriate funds from the State and h- did not want to see this happen this time He said the Assistant to the City Manager and the Census CommittPp wore very enthusiastic about getting the appropriate infornation for th- City 23 CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager K011y announced that there has been a reduction of approximately 3-1/2% in water usage He said the City had never us-d -nuch water and he felt that more water could be saved in the future City Manager Kelly said March 14, 1990 would be C/M Stelz-r's last Regular City Council meeting, however, he would be attending the Swearing -In Ceremony for the elected officials C/M Stelzer said tho 3-1/2% savings in water was from the utility water and he asked if it could be d,termined how much water was being saved in the canals Hp said most of the water being used came from the canals City i4anagpr Kelly said it may be difficult to monitor t}-e private motors however, the residents would bp asked to use v ri-scaoe plants and mulch to rpduce the need for waLo r Page 17 2/28/ 90-p4 City Manager Kelly said there were several residents that had outside air conditioning that were not protected ,nd shrubbery around the units would assist in reducing the electric bills C/M Rohr asked if Xeri-scape plants were being placed on' Commercial Boulevard and Mayor Abramowitz replied, yes 24 CITY ATTORNEY REPORT - No Report Mayor Abramowitz announced that the elections would be held on March 13, 1990 and he asked everyone to participate With no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this meeting at 10 35 A M I r N MAN MOWITZ , ~MAYOR l _ �AR-O-L A EVANS, CITY -CLERK _ { "This publir document was promulgated at a cost of $107 20 or $0 40 per copy to inform the general public, public officers and Pmployees of recent opinions and consrderitions of the City Council of the Cit) of Tamarac. ' CITY OF TA.MARAC APPROVED AT MEETING OF city Clerk Page 18