HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-14 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/KJ Page 1. CITY OF TAURRAC CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1990 CALL To MER! Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to Order on Wednesday, November 14, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Mayor Abramowitz called for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silent Meditation for Broward Sheriff's Deputy Patrick Behan and for the men and women overseas. PARSENT_ Mayor Norman Abramowitz Vice Mayor Bruce Hoffman Councilman Dr. H. Larry Bender Councilman Henry Rohr Councilman Henry Schumann ALSO PRZARNT - John P . Kelly, City Manager Alan Ruf, City Attorney . Carol A. Evans, City Clerk Karen Jackson, Secretary 14. NOTION TO AZEROVE City Manager's decision to continue salary and insurance for reservists called to active duty. AYNQPhj1S QX CTTQN: APPROVED Mayor Abramowitz read a letter from Pastor Harold J. Stephanz of the Faith United Church of Christ. (See Attachment 1) He said he read this into the record because the situation in the Middle East is starting to strike very close to home. He said at one time,. there were two Boy Scout Troops in Tamarac and at present there is one and Mr. Garcia was instrumental in keeping the Boy Scout Troop together. City Manager Kelly said Alfonso Arteche of Public Works, was called to active duty. He said the City is permitted by State Statute to authorize and extend salary payment to any reservists or other active personnel. He said it is his intention to extend to the Arteche family the continued insurance benefits until he returns from active duty. City Manager Kelly said an assessment was done throughout the City and there is one other reservist in the City that'has any possibility of active duty. He said he feels this is a good gesture of support that will not be detramental to the City and is a positive step to show support. V/M Hoffman suggested Council pass a Resolution supporting City Manager Kelly's action regarding this. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to SUPPORT BY RESOLUTION City Manager Kelly's * intention to continue the insurance and salary payment to * reservists called to active duty in the Gulf Crisis, SECONDED * by C/M Bender. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE ITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 1/14/90/KJ age 2 ZRESNNTATION by Mayor Abramowitz of a Certificate of to Mrs. Goldie Jacobs, wife of the late Jerome Jacobs, Services. Mayor Abramowitz expressed Council's appreciation and to Mrs. Jacobs. Mrs. Jacobs thanked everyone and she said Mr. Jacobs' big was working with the blind. She said at the funeral sery gave notice to the Rabbi to have all donations sent to th Home of the Blind. She said Mr. Jacobs passed away 7 wee and she is still receiving letters of thanks from the Bro of the Blind stating that people are still contributing t blind. V/M Kof-fman MOVED to REMOVED for discussion Item h. andli. the Consent Agenda, SECONDED by C/M Rohr. TE: ALL VOTED AYE tion ces joy she Items listed under Consent Agenda, Item 2 are viewed to b ine and the recommendation will be enacted by ONE MOTION in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then the item(s) w1lL be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered se a a ely. a . MOTION TO ADO,PI T2 n _ Reno, #„5924 releasing a c s performance bond in the amount of $5,858.00 posted t guarantee restoration of the model sales area at T LANDINGS ON CYPRESS GREENS (861501). RESOLUTION #R-90-250-PASS b. MOTION TO APPROVE, the minutes of the City Council Meeting of 10/30/90. C. KWjQK TO APPEM renewal of a model sales permit ai waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for issu r of certificates of occupancy for WOODMONT TRACT 7 (MALDEN POND) for a six-month period from 12/11/90 t 6/11/91. d. MOTION = APPEM renewal of a model sales permit waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for iss of certificates of occupancy for TAMARAC GARDENS Building 12, Unit 107, for a six --month period from 12/13/90 to 6/13/91. PROVED al [J 1 1 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/KJ Page 3 1 1 e. renewal of a model sales permit, waiver of the 30Q-foot distance requirement for issuance of certificates of occupancy, and waiver of ten (10) temporary parking spaces for DEVON, Building E, Units 115 and 116, for a six-month period from 12/13/90 to 6/13/91. M.7,737Dr f. NOTION TO APPROVE a in Building 5, Units 11/14/90 to 5/14/91. R4 4ZA4 Me model sales permit for MESTNOOD PINES 523 and 525, for a six month period from g. 1. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp_ Reae_ #5926 releasing Performance Letter of Credit #NY-0489-30005392 in the amount of $1,700.00 posted for the sewage collection system and performance Letter of Credit #NY-0489-30005393 in the amount of $37,667.00 posted for the water distribution system for the DEVON PHASE II project subject to receipt of one-year warranty bonds in the amount of $5,240.00 for the sewer system and $12,195.00 for the water system. 2. MOTION TO ADOPT TaMR A042- #LU7 accepting a bill of sale for the water distribution and sewage collection system improvements for the DEVON PHASE I AND PHASE II projects. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: APPROVED g.1. & g.2. RESOLUTION #R-90-251-PASSED RESOLUTION #R-90-252-PASSED h. NOTION To,,,,,,AEXB= the transfer of $27, 338.00 from various accounts within the City Attorney's budget to various accounts within the Parks and Recreation budget for the transfer of the City Attorney's legal secretary to the Recreation Department as the Administrative Assistant to the Recreation Supervisor. Removed for discussion, then APPROVED i • accepting a bid by the City of OAkland Park in the amount of $45,000.00 to purchase a Motorola Communications Console and related equipment, from the City of Tamarac which was declared surplus equipment on 10/24/90. SYNOPSIS Off' , Ar,JJQ� RESOLUTION #R-90-253-PASSED Removed for discussion and then APPROVED. J. MOT12N 19 UPROVE budgeted overnight seminar/meetings for the various City departments for Fiscal Year 1990/91. SYNOPSIS. OX ACID:. APPROVED ITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 1/14/90/KJ age 4 V/M Hoffman MOVED to ADOPT Item 2 with the exception ofh. and i. to be held for further discussion, SECONDED by C/tm er. 049 ALL VOTED AYE h. KQX= TQ ARREM the transfer of $27,338.00 from a i us accounts within the City Attorney's budget to variou accounts within the Parks and Recreation budget for h transfer of the City Attorney's legal secretary to tie Recreation Department as the Administrative Assistan the Recreation Supervisor. for discussion, then APPROVED C/M Rohr MOVED to APPROVE Item h., SECONDED by C/M Sch City Manager Kelly said as a follow-up to the Referendum n ch the Charter was changed allowing the City Attorney to go 0 part-time position, it had been indicated that there coul ome cost savings affected by that move. He said City Attorne Rif has determined by assessing his needs in -his department, that he would be able to function without the services of a full-time s cre ary. He said with Trudy McGlothlin having worked with the City for 10 years or more, she is entitled to be moved to another pos ti which is open in the Recreation Department. He said her osi ion and salary is being transferred to the Recreation Departm nt Ind should net a total savings of about $27,000.00 in the Cit Attorney's budget for this year. He said there will be o he adjustments in the future and he recommends approval. Tg: ALL VOTED AYE i . MQTTQH TO ADOPT X= _ Reso _ #5913 accepting a bil by the City of Oakland Park in the amount of $45,000.00 to purcliase a Motorola Communications Console, and related equip erjt from the City of Tamarac which was declared surplus i ent on 10/24/90. RESOLUTION #R-90-253-PASS d for discussion and then APPROVED. C/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reno. #5933, V/M Hoffman. Catty Manager Kelly said at the time that the City went with BSO, the City had already purchased a console with the in en n to have a private dispatching system. He said the City was ible to not follow through in adding four dispatchers for this particular project. He said it did create the concern of purchasing a piece of equipment that would not be used. te d this console has no viable use in the City at present or n foreseeable future. City Manager Kelly said the cities of Sunrise and Oakland Pa 1. both expressed their interest in this equipment. He said t original cost to the City was approximately $60,000.00. e d the City has had this equipment secured and protected with p tic and part of the equipment has been operating to be sure o n defects. He said Oakland Park has reviewed all of the ecViipwalit and are deleting all of the separate tables, tailored chairs, he comparitor and cabinetry from the agreement. He said the tMILL price negotiated is $45,000.00. He said there is no other u3e for this project and he recommended approval. V/M Hoffman asked what a comparitor is. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/KJ Page 5 City Manager Kelly said the comparitor is a piece of equipment that helps to tie into the three satellite antennas throughout the City and is needed as backup for the entire system. He said Oakland Park will pay for installation of the console. Mayor Abramowitz commended City Manager Kelly for a job well done with this. C/M Schumann said the Fire Department is centrally dispatched out of Broward County. He said when the BSO goes to the 800 megahurst frequency, which will net with the entire County, they will have to purchase the equipment, not the City. Mayor Abramowitz said C/M Schumann is well educated in the electronics field and he recommended City Manager Kelly take advantage of his knowledge regarding this. City Manager Kelly said the Fire Chief has met with C/M Schumann for his input into the Emergency Preparedness Plan for the City which will be very helpful. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE CONSIDERATIONS 3. MOTION TO APPROVE the transfer of $5,901.00 from Contingency Account 001-872-588-975 to various police services accounts to fund one (1) additional school crossing guard for the remainder of the fiscal year at McNab Road and Lagos de Campos Boulevard per recommendation by the Broward County School Board and Tamarac Elementary School. APPROVED * V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Item 3, SECONDED by C/M Bender. City Manager Kelly said this is a follow-up to the direction given by Council at a previous workshop meeting to find the monies sufficient to provide for at least a 60 or 90 day trial basis for funding of this position to make a determination of necessity. He said the preliminary input from the Code Enforcement Department has been assisting in providing a police service or crossing guard service to that area. He said it does appear to be in need. He said there are 44 children at that location and this will be examined with a report. He said the uniform monies equal $150.00, the taxes and temporary wages equal $5,751.00, totalling $5,901.00 for the year. He said it will be approximately $1,000.00 for the 60 day time frame. He said it appears necessary and he recommended provision of this money at present. Mayor Abramowitz asked that a report be brought back to Council in 60 days for a decision. He said if it is a safety factor, it will be needed and the money does not matter. V/M Hoffman asked if $5,901.00 is for a 1-year salary and City Manager Kelly said it is for 11 months. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/xJ Page 6 RESOLUTIOIK8 Xn,V*nei r,ing/Ut *1.�ktA,ftp 5. NQTIPM XQ ADOPT, Tom_ ;RA;p,Q,_#M 92fl awarding Bid #90-29 in the amount of $16,551.70 to Hydro Pumps, Inc., for the purchase of raw sewage pumps and all appurtenances for Pump Stations 28 and 29 (for TUW Project 88-22). SYNOPSIS OF -ACTION APPROVED RESOLUTION #R-90-254-PASSED City Attorney Ruf read Tamp. Reno. #5928 by title. * C/M Rohr MOVED to APPROVE Tamp. Reso. #5928, SECONDED by * V/M Hoffman. Bob Foy, Director of Utilities and Engineering, said Staff is requesting approval to purchase pumps and other mechanical equipment to rehabilitate Waste Water Lift Stations 28 and 29 with TUW horses. He said authorization to purchase electrical control panels is to be presented to Council at a later date. He said these lift stations are 17 years old and the mechanical and electrical components have reached the age of life. He said Lift Station 28 is located at Bonaire on the east side of 80th Avenue and 75th Street. He said Lift Station 29 is located on the east side of Pine Island Road, adjacent to the Woodmont Golf Course and is at 77th Street. He said City Hall flows into Lift Station 29. He said all of Staff and Code Bid requirements have been satisfied and he recommended approval. He said funds for this project were budgeted in TUW's regular account and the funds are available Mr. Foy said this is waste sewage water and, if this is not done, the sewage will flow into the streets. He said the pump stations must operate every day of the year. He said the City needs to anticipate the needs of flowage. V/M Hoffman asked what the total cost would be for this project. Mr. Foy said there will be electrical equipment that will be asked for at a later date which will be an additional $24,000.00. He said $25,000.00 has been budgeted for each lift station. He said 5 meters are scheduled to be taken care of in this fiscal year. He said when the City recontracts for these, it will cost approximately $70,000.00 each. He said at present, they will be for $25,000.00 each. C/M Rohr asked if the CIAC funds can be used. Mr. Foy said this is the equipment that the existing customers use and must come from the revenue funds. C/M Bender said it was TUW Project 88--22, which was not read. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 6. MOTION TQ "OPT TemW_ 4App,_ #5929 awarding Bid #90-30 in the amount of $242,762.25 to Davis Meter and Supply for the purchase of pipe, fittings, valves, fire hydrants and all related appurtenances for eight Tamarac Utilities West projects. $XHP-PSTS OF ACXZJ)N 'CABLED City Attorney Ruf read Tamp. Reno. #5929 by title. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reno. #5929, SECONDED by * C/M Rohr. 1 1 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/KJ Page 7 Mr. Foy said this is for a number of piping projects bidded which consist of 4 water projects, 3 waste water projects and the fire hydrant project. He said this was done to try to get the bidders in at a lower price for a volume bid. He said for the water distribution projects, the pipes are either undersized or they are not adequate to provide flow for consumption and for fire fighting purposes. He said those projects are located at Grants Plaza, 48th Street in the Mainlands and 44th Street for the Woodlands. He said those pipes are substandard for three stations and, in addition, the existing system pumps into another pump which is wearing out the equipment. He said the proposal is to pump this engine directly into the main force system. He said that is for Pump Stations 2A, 2A1 and 18A. Mr. Foy said there is an additional water main at Nob Hill Road where they are going to extend from Southgate Boulevard to the C-14 Canal. He said there will be a joint effort between Coral Springs Improvement District and Tamarac to construct and inter- connect across the C-14 Canal. He said this is necessary to supply emergency water supply for the western portion of the City. He said there is a large storage tank in Tract 27 and, if the City was down for any length of time, water would be needed to restore Tract 27. He said all of the water connects are located in the southeastern portion of the City. Mayor Abramowitz said Council allocated a lot of money to take care of the Rock Island Road project and this is being brought up again. He said he is not satisfied and needs more information to, back up spending this much money and requested Tabling this for a workshop meeting for discussion. * C/M Bender MOVED to TABLE Item 6, SECONDED by V/M Hoffman. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 9. on first reading concerning a request by Lawrence D. Kramer and Sam Cantor to rezone lands on Commercial Boulevard, between NW 92 Avenue and NW 94 Avenue, from B-2 (Community Business) and B-6 (Business District) to B-3 (General Business District). Petition #11--Z-90. (tabled on 10/24/90) SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Public Hearing was held. APPROVED on first reading. Second reading and public hearing will be held on Wednesday, November 28, 1990 at 10:00 A.M. City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Ord. #1514 by title. * C/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Ord. #1514, SECONDED by * V/M Hoffman. Kelly Carpenter, Director of Community Development, said this is an application by Kramer and Cantor, Petition #11-Z-90, which is a request for lands currently zoned B-2 (Community Business) and B-6 (Business District), to rezone to B-3 (General Business). She said all of the business districts, B-2, B-6 and B-3, are in conformance with the plan and the applicant would like to change from one to another. She said the site is located on the north side of Commercial Boulevard between 92nd Avenue and 94th Avenue. Ms. Carpenter said the site is composed of 2.0 acres and the surrounding land uses are as follows: north -commercial, B-2 and CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/KJ Page 8 B-6, south -commercial, B-3 in Sunrise, east -commercial, B-2 (Community Business) and west -commercial, B-3 (General Business) along the VGC Tract. She said the VGC Tract is a 4 acre site and is procluded from having a gas station. She said there is office area and the synagogue to the north. Ms. Carpenter said Staff has consistently taken the position not to see an expansion of B-3 uses along arterial streets. She said it is preferred to see them in a concentrated area, such as west of Nob Hill Road or a Sawgrass Expressway interchange. She said Staff will support B-3 uses to the west but cannot support them east of 94th Avenue. She said the Planning Commission recommended denial of this application. Ms. Carpenter said the applicant has indicated that he is proposing a combination showroom and warehouse project. She said the warehouse would be screened from the surrounding properties. She said the Planning Department has no objections to that use, as long as the primary use is not the warehouse use. She said the wholesale part of the warehouse use is only allowed in B-3. She said the applicant proposed by letter dated October 24, 1990, the following: agreement to restrict the building envelope on these Parcels as read in the Ordinance title and to restrict the property from the list of uses. Ms. Carpenter said should Council desire to approve this variable request to B-3, at the second reading, a Resolution will to brought back to Council which will reflect the B-2 envelope arrd the list of restricted uses in a set of deed restrictions. She said the list of restricted uses are as follows: gasoline station, airplane school, archery range, bait fish shop, blacksmith shop, indoor/outdoor amusement centers, taxidermist, towel and linen supply, automotive repair, free standing warehouse, any business producing or manufacturing toxic chemicals, truck rentals, trailer/truck rentals, plumbing repair, wholesale auto tires, boat sales and rentals, community garage, farmers markets, tire, bodies and accessories, vehicle and boat maintenance, pet hospital, auto storage, car wash, motorcylce sales, no living quarters in warehouse, skating rink, swimming pools, supplies and accessories, outdoor sidewalk sales, liqucr package stores, parking garage, parking lots for rent, launderette, marine supplies, miniature golf courses, gun club and guns retail, insect and rodent exterminating, laboratories and chemical research, engines, diesel or gasoline sales, exterminators, fish retail food market, food store retail, dry cleaning establishment for direct customer services, bottled gas, outside storage, bowling alleys, car rental agencies, boating supplies retail, caterers, bars not in a restaurant, complete products, curb or auto service restaurants, auto wash racks, bicycle stores, ambulance service, antique shops, athletic clubs, auto parts retail, air conditioning equipment retail. Ms. Carpenter said all of the B-3 uses have been restricted except for the wholesale use, which is wanted by the applicant. V/M Hoffman asked if it would be easier to retain the B-2 uses and request a special exception to put in the item needed. Ms. Carpenter said the text of the Zoning Code would have to be amended to do that. She said the current B-3 is not necessary and should be folded into B-2 and this problem will cease. She said this is a proposal that will be brought to Council in the near future. She said this is the only way to accomplish what Mr. Cantor wants to do at present. C/M Rohr asked if Staff recommended this and Ms. Carpenter said no. She said Mr. Cantor's letter clearly came after the Planning Commission action and the Staff report was written. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/KJ Page 9 V/M Hoffman asked how Council can protect the City that all of these uses will not some day be put into this area. Ms. Carpenter said on the second reading, Council will have one item which will be the second reading on the Zoning Ordinance and the following item will be a Resolution approving the set of deed restrictions which would be recorded in the public records for this land. TAP! 2 Mayor Abramowitz said the original letter submitted by Mr. Cantor contained 7 items that he was willing to restrict. He said the closest habitat to this proposal is the Temple and he understood that the Petitioner took the the Temple Board members and showed them what he was proposing. He said Council was asked to look at it individually. He said he was amazed at the concept and the public will not be able to see anything except office space from either the Commercial Boulevard or the Temple side. He said the project does fit in with Tamarac's image and does add to the tax roll. David Krantz, resident of Section 23, said the Planning Commission visited similar sites in Sunrise and had no objection to construction. Mayor Abramowitz CLOSED the Public Hearing. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 4. regarding the sale of the old City Hall property. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION! City Manager Kelly to get information for City Council. City Manager Kelly said the City has been trying for three years to sell the old City Hall. He said there have been several offers but the offer being looked at presently, is the most tangible offer to date. He said the Petitioner proposes to convert, based on the inspection, a Children's Village complex. He said discussions have been held with Pembroke Pines, Davie and other cities who have had similar proposals in their city. He said Council has been provided with copies of these proposals. City Manager Kelly said the main concern to the residents is that it will be a Children's Village concept and will not be geared toward teens or adults. He said children will be accompanied by parents or grandparents and will be supervised by an adult over 18 years of age. He said the games and sporting facilities will be aimed towards the kindergarten and elementary school age children. City Manager Kelly said the entire second floor is intended to be converted to a catering party center. He said at least 50% of that space will be used for that purpose. He said it is similar to Fuddrucker's Restaurant for parties. He said it will not be a restaurant facility but a catering complex. City Manager Kelly said the Petitioner's proposal calls for no more than 20% space on the first floor for the electronic games or pinball machines. He said the machines will be limited and will not be attractive to teens. He said the concept, Children's Village, is similar to Chuck E Cheese and does not attract teens. City Manager Kelly said there will be no alcohol or beer served on the premises. He said a tentative offer has been made since the initial offer. He said the original $750,000.00 price was based on an assessment in July, 1986, which included the building. He said the new appraisal price was $531,000.00, which did not include the building. He said the real estate people said it CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/KJ Page 10 would be up to the Petitioner and should not be considered in the purchase price. City Manager Kelly said the initial offer from the Petitioner was $500,000.00 and the offer is currently $530,000.00. He said the Petitioner is looking at the terms of the counter offer of 5 years at 10-1/2% or 3 years at 9-1/2% and the proposal being offered at present is 7 years at 10-1/2%, 5 years at 10% and 3 years at 9%. City Manager Kelly said as -built drawings are not available, but can be worked out with the Petitioner. He said they will need to inspect the facility. He said they have made offers to work with the City to provide the necessary security. He said the attorneys will have to review and make their final decisions. Mayor Abramowitz asked how Council feels on the concept and selling it to this Petitioner. He said he was in the finance business and has ideas and suggested that City Manager Kelly amd the buyers come to a decision and clarify if they are a firm buyer. He said at that time, Council will hold a workshop meeting immediately for discussion. He said Council has many concerns that need to be clarified. V/M Hoffman said his concern has always been not to establish a hang out for gangs. He said the Petitioner has made it clear to take steps to prevent that from happening. He said as long as it remains a children's facility, he has no objection to this project. He said he feels it will enhance the City. C/M Rohr said he would like to have incorporated in any centract, a security guard setup. He said he would like to see the electronic games the Petitioner proposes to put into the facility and the restrictions for the future so it can never become a facility that will attract the type of adolescents not wanted in the City. He asked why the Petitioner cannot go for an outside mortgage for the City to receive the money up front. Mayor Abramowitz said if the Petitioner could get an outside mortgage from a bank in the condition the building is in, they would not have to be in that business. He said when businesses go out of business, they could exist in bankruptcy court for years. He said he would never allow any sale based on the terms withorut that protection for the City. C/M Schumann said that City Manager Kelly referenced Chuck E Cheese and Mr. Barry Ross who is not identified in the letter. He said Mr. Ross asked that approval be given and stated that Chuck E Cheese should be permitted more than 14 coin operated amusement games since it is primarily a restaurant facility and not a game or arcade. He said this sounds inconsistent. He said the one in Hialeah closed because in Hialeah, games and amusements are not allowed. He said it reads in the letter that the income will be 75% from food and 25% from games. Mayor Abramowitz said there was a Chuck E Cheese on State Road 7 in Plantation. He said his grandchildren used to go there for their -birthday parties. He said the style today is to have birthday parties at skating rinks, bowling alleys or other places like this. He said there was a place on State Road 7 in Lauderdale Lakes which was an ice cream parlor with a few tables. Mayor Abramowitz said if this facility is built as proposed mnd built with the concept of a Children's Village, it would be a good place to take the children for the parents and grandparents. Ede said if there is a place to take the children for amusement without attracting the element of gangs, it would be an asset. He said at present, the Petitioner has agreed to all stipulations asked for by Council. He said they agreed to security and reasonable hours, the latest being 11:00 P.M. 1 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/KJ Page 11 Mayor Abramowitz said Council needs to know if the Petitioner is really interested and then establish the safeguards needed for the City which will allow the Petitioner to stay in business. He said this is a good concept and there is no place of this nature in the area at present. C/M Bender suggested giving the direction to City Manager Kelly to pursue and finalize the information and bring it back to Council. He said a workshop meeting was held and Council had reservations concerning deed restrictions and protection in the future. C/M Rohr said he would like to see a conceptual form draft of what this facility would look like. V/M Hoffman suggested directing City Manager Kelly to negotiate and bring this back to Council. Mayor Abramowitz said he would like some prospective plans for viewing. He said Council has directed City Manager Kelly to proceed with this and bring more information back to Council. 7. MOTION TO ADOPT ' "- Reao—#-434 awarding Bid #90-28 to BCW, Inc., d/b/a Tamarac Shell Car Wash for the purchase of gasoline and diesel fuels for the City's vehicle and heavy equipment fleet at each week's posted prices. SYNOPSTS or ACTION! TABLED. City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reno. #5934 by title. * C/M Rohr MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #5934, SECONDED by * C/M Bender. City Manager Kelly said at present, the City's fuel tanks are not available due to construction, bids were taken from the various gas stations in the City. He said Tamarac Shell Car wash has offered to continue their bids with the City. He said they have offered the best deal. He said the City must purchase gasoline and diesel in order to keep the fleet running. He said he is recommending approval. V/M Hoffman asked what is being done to avoid the payment of taxes. He said as a tax free municipality, the City should not pay taxes on anything purchased. City Manager Kelly said Mike Couzzo, Director of Public works, has advised him that he knows the City is exempt from taxes and a report of what taxes are to be paid on gasoline and why, is not available at present. V/M Hoffman said the taxes are in the cost of the gasoline in the proposal. He said that the taxes need to be removed from the cost of the gasoline. He said he does not feel the contract should be approved without covering the City. He said the tax on gasoline before long, will be at least half of the total purchase price. He said the State is going to increase the tax another five cents per gallon. He said the cost set is $1.20 per gallon of which $.50 is taxes. He said if the City were purchasing gasoline directly from the Shell Corporation, the City would not be paying taxes. He said since the City is purchasing the gasoline from an individual, there should be some type of certificate to avoid the payment of the tax on the gasoline. 'CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/KJ Page 12 * V/M Hoffman MOVED to TABLE Item 7, SECONDED by C/M Sch-amanm. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE C/M Rohr asked if the City can collect the taxes back from the State if any were paid, by showing receipts for the purchases and City Manager Kelly agreed. V/M Hoffman requested that City Manager Kelly check into the federal taxes also. Mayor Abramowitz said the City needs to pay as little taxes as possible. B. *QT7!ON Tp ADOPT Tem,R Reed_ #4,RJJ awarding Bid #90-31 to Hardrives Specialties Division in the amount of $68,200.D0 fox all labor and materials to construct four (4) tennis courts at TAMARAC SPORTS COMPLEX. RupPsIA QF ACT7pN: APPROVED RESOLUTION #R-90-255-PASSRO City Attorney Ruf read Temp Rego. #5935 by title. * C/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE Temp Rego. #5935, SECONDZD * by V/M Hoffman. City Manager Kelly said this is on the Agenda as a response to direction given by the Council to build at least 4 tennis courts and to find the additional monies for it. He said the money has been found, is provided for in the balance of thi: Resolution and he recommended approval. Mayor Abramowitz said the City has waited approximately 15 years for this project. C/M Rohr asked if this money came out of the Recreation Impact Fees and City Manager Kelly agreed. VOTE: OPEN RMLIq )rPR13M ALL VOTED AYE 10. OR -IN PtFAI,IC FCAUM - Any member of the public who wishes to address the City Council at this time must, in advance of the item, give his/her name and address to the City Clerk. Mary Seidel, resident of Kings Point, expressed his concerns regarding the tennis court completion and regarding a sidewalk access in Point Plaza for the handicapped. Mayor Abramowitz asked that this request be put in the form Df a letter and sent to Council. Mr. Seidel expressed his concern regarding the crackdown on repeat traffic violation offenders and Mayor Abramowitz said he is waiting for a report from the BSO. V/M Hoffman asked if the City could require people to put sidewalks in prior to building. City Attorney Ruf said an Ordinance could be passed requiring all owners of undeveloped land to put in sidewalks. Mayor Abramowitz said this should be researched legally. City Attorney Ruf said the sidewalks would be ruined when the project is constructed. Irving Katz of Lakes of Carriage Hills, requested permission from Council to meet with Steve Oxenhandler, Director of Developmental Services and City Manager Kelly to discuss possible administrative changes with the present concept of the Code Enforcement Board. I I 1 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/KJ Page 13 Mayor Abramowitz said to contact City Manager Kelly's office for an appointment. Irving Lopatey of Lakes of Carriage Hills, said in 1977, he was appointed to a Committee to investigate a Mark Twain concept similar to the proposed Children's Village. He said the Committee of 4 or 5 members visited a Mark Twain establishment in Miami which was set up for children's parties. He said the Committee spoke to some of the parents who complained that they had no control over how much money was spent in the electronic games. Mayor Abramowitz said he does not want the parents of those children in the City if they cannot control their own children from spending money. Mr. Lopatey said all of the Mark Twain establishments have gone out of business or have been forced out of the cities they were in. Mayor Abramowitz commended the Consumer Affairs Board for their good work. He said they were recently able to close down two firms that were taking advantage of the citizens of the City. He said these were scam complaints that were -pursued by the Consumer - Affairs Board with the County and State Department of Professional Regulation. 11. C/M Schumann -- No Report TAPZ 3 C/M Rohr said gasoline prices have been raised by at least 25% in the past few months. He said the City budgeted approximately $70,000.00 total for all of the necessary fuel for the fleet. He requested a survey by City Manager Kelly of the difference in comparison to what has been spent with previous expenditures. C/M Bender said the City of Sunrise uses Macadam sidewalks as a low cost temporary sidewalk which provides safety to the walking residents because a permanent sidewalk would be destroyed when the construction occurs. He suggested taking the Macadam sidewalks into consideration and review. C/M-Rohr suggested the mosquito control be considered by the City. Maybr:-A;bramowitz asked this information be held for more infoi*kjon regarding the mosquito control. V/Ni H4 an - No Report Mayor:Abramowitz said that Continental Cablevision is providing to the families of servicemen overseas, videotapes to send to Saudi Arabia at no charge. Mayor Abramowitz said City Manager Kelly occasionally comes forward with reorganization plans. He said the constant struggle in the City is the money. He said the City of Tamarac is #7 out of 28 with no Utility Tax. He said City Manager Kelly proposes reorganization that will save money, improve services and have the ability for consolidation of work. He said the City has had a lot of criticism from the public regarding change. He said the Administrative Staff tries to save money and maximize the service and gets constant criticism. He said the public does not understand the whole system. (Mayor Abramowitz said Council views and reviews any proposals before spending money. He said City Manager Kelly has proposed a master plan for reorganization in City Hall and Council agrees with this concept. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 11/14/90/KJ Page 14 Mayor Abramowitz invited any one from the public to give their input for improvement, not criticism. 12. r-ity. Atttormay City Attorney Ruf - No Report 13. P-ttY Na"ver City Manager Kelly said on November 15, 1990, the funeral will be held for Patrick Behan, the Broward Sheriff Deputy who was killed, which he will be attending with the Police Commander: City Manager Kelly said on June 12, 1990, the City began purchasing gasoline from the Shell Station and, since that time, the gasoline costs have been raised 16%. He said in January, 1991, the Federal Tax of an additional 5 cents will be imposed on what is now being used. He said the current budget is approximately $100,000.00. He said at the present rate of 4,:onsimmption, the City uses approximately 6,000 gallons of gasoline per month. He said based on the current increase to date, there will be a short fall of approximately $9,000.00 in the fiscal year, through September 30, 1991. He said with the cost savings that would be expected, the net result would be a deficit of approximately $4,300.00. He said the unknown is how much mcre increase there is going to be on gasoline prices over the 16%. V/M Hoffman said if the City could eliminate the payment Df taxes on gasoline, the City will have more than enough money. City Manager Kelly said on Tuesday, November 27, 1990 at 7:C0 P.M. the Grand Opening of the Multi -Purpose Center will be held. 3e said it is a beautiful facility and will be an asset to the City. City Manager Kelly introduced his wife, Kathy. With no further business, Mayor at 8:45 P.M. Abramowitz ADJOUPS= this meeting N RMAN ABRAMOWITZ, MAYOR CAROL A. EVANS, CITY CLERK = ,� "This public document was promulgated at a cost of $169.30 ot..$3.176 per copy to inform the general public, public officers and employees-ot recent opinions and considerations of the City Council of the City of Tamarac." CITY OF TAMARAC API' O'VED AT M�ETI 0 ���/ q�90 City Clerk 0 Ij 1 t# guited Church of (9hris# 6201 N.W. 57th Street Fort Lauderdale (Tamarac), Florida 33319 4ROLD J. STEPHANZ Minister November 9, 1990 t• The Honorable Norman Abramowitz, Mayor The City of Tamarac 7525 N. W. 88th Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 Dear Norman: Nov 13 MO CITY COUNCIL Study: (305) 429-4591 Church: (305) 721-1232 Thank you for your kindness in taking my phone call this morning, Friday, November 9th. In keeping with our conversation; x am writing to inform you that John Garcia, Assistant Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 285 will be leaving with his National Guard Unit within this next week for Saudi Arabia. As a church we join with the boys and leaders of Troop 285 wishing John Garcia Cod's protective care and his early return. John is a dynamic leader among our scouts and will be deeply inissgd. I know both he and his family, and the boys of Troop 285, will appreciate your recognition of him. Res ectfully yours, Harold J. Stephanz HJS :mg cc: John Garcia, Asst. Scoutmaster cc: Vic Smith, Scoutmaster I 0 ,.xtt#e� Curt" 6201 N.W. 57th Street Fort Lauderdale (Tamarac), Florida 33319 HAROLD .1. STEPHANZ C11 Minister November 9, 1990 The Honorable Norman Abramowitz, Mayor The City of Tamarac 7525 N. W. 88th Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 Dear Norman: iF✓!��� P A � j � NOV 13 1990 �Fv. CITY COUNCIL Study: (305) 4429- 4591 Church: (3051721-1232 Thank you for your kindness in taking my phone call this morning, Friday, November 9th. In keeping with our conversation, I am writing to inform you that John Garcia, Assistant Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 285 will be leaving with his National Guard Unit within this next week for Saudi Arabia. As a church we join with the boys and leaders of Troop 285 wishing John Garcia God's protective care and his early return. .John is a dynamic leader among our scouts and will be deeply missed. I know both he and his family, and the boys of Troop 285, will appreciate your recognition of him. ilea ectfully yours, Harold J. Stephanz HJS:mg cc: John Garcia, Asst. Scoutmaster cc: Vic Smith, Scoutmaster 1 1