HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07-05 - City Commission Special Meeting Minutes`1 CITY Or TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL METING TRURSDAY, JULY 5, 1990 GhL,L.SQ.ORDER: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to order on Thursday, July 5, 1990 at 9:30 A.M. in the Conference Room fl. Mayor Norman Abramowitz Vice Mayor Bruce Hoffman Councilman Dr. Larry Bender Councilman Henry Schumann Councilman Henry Rohr ALSO ?RESENT_ John P. Kelly, City Manager Mike Couzzo, Assistant City Manager, Director of Public Works/Parks and Recreation Dina McDermott, Assistant City Manager Bob Foy, Director of Utilities/ Engineering Pauline Walaszek, Secretary 1. DISCUSSION _ AND POSSIBLE ACTION regarding sidewalks. City Manager Kelly said the location of the sidewalks had to be decided before a final plan was presented to the residents to vote on. He said the City Code provided that it was the duty of the Chief Building Official and City Engineer to take a survey and report to the City Council of all places and sites within the City where sidewalks are necessary or advisable by reason of any unsafe, unsanitary or dangerous _ conditions affecting the public health, safety or general welfare of the citizens. He said they should also indicate where sidewalks are to be constructed, reconstructed or repaired. He said the Code indicated that there had to be a determination if the sidewalks were needed and that the City obtained all required easements. He said after all these things were accomplished, the City Manager, City Engineer, Public Works Director and City Planner were to meet and authorize the construction of the sidewalks. City Manager Kelly said the Resolution should set forth whether the cost of the construction of the sidewalks would be from a private donation, special assessment or from a sidewalk account previously established as a budget item. City Manager Kelly said the map presented to the City Council indicated in green where the sidewalks presently were in the City. He said the red areas on the map indicated where the proposed sidewalks should go. Page 1 7/5/90-pw City Manager Kelly said he was not expecting the City C to direct staff at this meeting. He said the City Coun was given the maps to review and decide where the sidew were needed. He said there were areas that needed side however, the developers or owners of the property were responsible for installing them. City Manager Kelly said the red areas on the map indica the areas where sidewalks did not exist and Mayor Abram said the red areas indicated that the sidewalks were to installed by the City. City Manager Kelly said the red line was only an indica of where the sidewalks were not installed at this time. Mayor Abramowitz asked if there was a law passed requir developers to install sidewalks on their property. Bob Foy, Director of Utilities/Engineering, said there Court Order and settlement that did not require the developers to install sidewalks in Land Sections 40 5 a He said the City entered into a Stipulation with some o developers such as, Lennar Homes, Inc. Mr. Foy said Lennar the City to install Woodmont entered in install sidewalks in where the developers in. He said the map what areas were the Homes, Inc., agreed by Stipulation 71 sidewalks in certain areas. He sail an Agreement with the City as well o certain areas. He said there were a were not required to put the sidew 1 before the City Council did not in i obligation of the developers. Mayor Abramowitz said he did not want the City to insta Ll sidewalks where they were needed in undeveloped areas w e the installation of the sidewalks were the developer's responsibility. V/M Hoffman asked why the City had to wait for the development of an area before sidewalks were installed. asked if the City could require the owner of undevelope property to install sidewalks where they were needed. C/M Schumann said this could not be done without the p having site plans and C/M Rohr said he did not know if City could legally force property owners to construct their property if they did not want to. Mayor Abramowitz said he would like the City Manager to discuss this matter with the City Attorney to see if th had the capability of doing this. V/M Hoffman said in the north the property owners were required to install sidewalks regardless of whether the property was developed or not. He said if the property owners did not install the sidewalks, the municipalitie installed them and charged the property owners on their bills. He said it may be different in this State. Mayor Abramowitz said he felt this procedure was fair a d suggested the City Attorney be asked about the legality of this procedure. C/M Rohr said he would like the map presented to the Ci y Council to indicate where there were areas that were no developed and which areas would have sidewalks installe the developer. He said the City Council should be info what areas were their responsibility. Page 2 7/5/90-pw V/M Hoffman said the City Council was informing the residents that, for the safety of the various communities, sidewalks were needed. He said the City would be submitting an item on the ballot asking the voters to allow the City to borrow the money to install the needed sidewalks. V/M Hoffman said regardless of whether the costs for the sidewalks was paid from the general tax revenue or the loan was repaid by the individual developers, it should not be a bearing as to whether a sidewalk should or should not be installed. Mayor Abramowitz said the philosophy of the expenditure was very important to the residents and developers. He suggested that Dina McDermott, Assistant City Manager, make sure the City Attorney was asked if the City could install sidewalks in undeveloped areas and charge the property owners or developers for the cost when the property was developed. C/M Bender said there may be problems in having the property owners or developers install permanent sidewalks before the property was developed because, if the road or property had to be developed by Code, etc., the sidewalks would have to be demolished and reconstructed. He said some type of temporary sidewalk like macadam should be installed which would cost less. He said this should be considered regardless of who would be paying for the installation of the sidewalk. Mayor Abramowitz said he did not know if the temporary sidewalks would be good for appearance. He said the sidewalks should have been done in the City 15 years ago and bandaging was not appropriate because it was not a cure. C/M Bender said having the temporary sidewalks provided the residents with a surface to walk on, He said undeveloped property would need easements, road cuts, etc., when the property was developed. He said since these things were not known, the temporary sidewalks could be implemented. He suggested this be considered for the future. V/M Hoffman said it would be more expensive to have to install the sidewalks twice and, when the property was developed, the macadam sidewalks would have to be demolished to install the permanent sidewalks. Mayor Abramowitz said a legal opinion was needed for any type of restriction on the property owners or developers regarding the sidewalks installation. He said a macadam sidewalk was a permanent structure. C/M Bender said he agreed that a legal opinion was needed; however, he felt that it would be more feasible to install the macadam on undeveloped land as opposed to spending the money for regular sidewalks. Mayor Abramowitz said the history of the City was to do something tomorrow as opposed to today. He said he felt there were certain areas in the City that needed sidewalks to protect the residents. He said if the voters did not approve the proposed ballot concerning the sidewalk program, he would work very hard to get the City Council and staff's approval to provide a sidewalk program for certain areas of the City. Mayor Abramowitz said there were residents in the City that did not want sidewalks installed in their area and the residents should understand that the proposed sidewalk program would be paid by the residents now and in the future. He said he did not think it was fair for the existing residents to pay for a program that would be enjoyed by future residents at no cost. Page 3 7/5/90-pw Mayor Abramowitz said if the residents would listen to the! proposed program they would see that this was the fairest hnd most feasible way to implement the program. City Manager Kelly said 70th Avenue was narrow and the easements for the installation of the sidewalks may be difficult to get. V/M Hoffman asked if the City had easement rights of 10 ori15 feet from the paved roads on all streets within the City. Mayor Abramowitz said the sidewalks were already installed�aon the Lennar Homes, Inc., side of the road. V/M Hoffman said if the sidewalks were in on one side, he would not be concerned about installed on the other side aid Mayor Abramowitz agreed. City Manager Kelly asked if this was the feeling for any street in the City. He said the middle of the map displayed McNab Road and there were sidewalks proposed for both s1deis of the road. V/M Hoffman said the City would have to review the need for sidewalks on both sides of a road and Mayor Abramowitz said he felt there vas a need for sidewalks because of the many complaints he received from the residents who liked to wai. , Mayor Abramowitz said most of the complaints were that -.here was no sidewalks available; therefore, he did not think there was a need for sidewalks on both sides of the road for all the roads in the City, i V/M Hoffman said he agreed with Mayor Abramowitz and Mayor! Abramowitz said the reason the City was considering the neFed for the sidewalks was for safety, not beautification. Mayor Abramowitz said Spring Lakes II informed him several times that there were no sidewalks in the area and no plade to walk except for Southgate Boulevard. He said the residents informed him that they were concerned about wal irtg in this area because the sun was in the driver's eyes that, were going east which was dangerous for the walkers. He said this was why he was considering the installation of sidewalks in that area. t City Manager Kelly said having the roads with sidewalks on one side would significantly reduce the costs for installation and maintenance. C/M Rohr said he would like to know who was responsible for installing sidewalks in the areas such as the Visual Graphi6s area. He said there may be areas that the property owners or businesses would be responsible for installing sidewalks iln front of their property. He said the City Council and staff should be informed of the areas which they were not responsible for. C/M Rohr suggested that the City Council see if the Court Orders given by Judge Weissing in the 197019 could be reconsidered and Mayor Abramowitz said this could be done.' Mayor Abramowitz asked if he was correct in assuming that the primary purpose of the sidewalk proposal was for the safety of the residents. The City Council agreed that this was the purpose for the sidewalk program. i Mayor Abramowitz said he did not feel that there should beM sidewalks on both sides of the road such as McNab Road. [l Page 4 7/5/90-pw C/M Schumann said one side of certain roads should only have sidewalks. He said this would save a lot of money for everyone involved. C/M Rohr said he felt that McNab Road was difficult to cross; therefore, he felt that there should be sidewalks on both sides. He said there would be a lot of conflict if sidewalks were placed on one side of a road and not another. He said the residents would become very offended by this; thereforer the City would be asked why one area was receiving safety and the other was not. C/M Rohr said Commercial Boulevard was another road which needed sidewalks on both sides and V/M Hoffman said Commercial Boulevard had sidewalks on both sides. C/M Rohr said a street which was a boulevard should have sidewalks on both sides. He said the traffic lights did not give the elderly residents enough time to cross and sidewalks were needed in several areas of this type. C/M Bender said he would like to see sidewalks on both sides of major streets such as University Drive and McNab Road. He said the areas that did not have a lot of traffic would only need sidewalks on one side. V/M Hoffman said he felt that a developer or property owner should be required to install sidewalks on their property when it was being developed. He said the areas in which the City was installing sidewalks should be reviewed to see if both sides of the road needed sidewalks. He said the installation of the sidewalks by the City should occur in the areas that were a safety hazard for the residents. Mayor Abramowitz said there were three Councilmembers that felt the primary purpose of implementing a sidewalk program was for the safety of the residents and the major roads should have sidewalks on both sides. Mayor Abramowitz said C/M Bender and C/M Rohr disagreed with certain areas only having one sidewalk and C/M Bender said the major roads in the City should have sidewalks on both sides. C/M Bender said the roads such as, University Drive, Nob Hill Road, Pine Island Road and Southgate Boulevard should have sidewalks and Dina McDermott said all of these roads had a dividing median. Mayor Abramowitz said the City Council informed staff of their concerns and he asked Bob Foy, Director of Utilities/Engineering, if the map presented to the City Council could be drafted to inform the City Council of the areas needing sidewalks, areas that developers would provide sidewalks and where two sidewalks may be needed. He said he may change his mind after he received further information addressing the concerns of the City Council. Mayor Abramowitz said the amount of money being proposed for the sidewalk program was small compared to other things proposed in the past. He said he felt that the residents should be given a safe environment. Bob Foy, Director of Utilities/Engineering, said he felt the map submitted to the City Council was the beginning of the proposed sidewalk program and Mayor Abramowitz said there were not objections to the map; however, the City Council would like the exact locations that were the City's responsibility and the areas that needed sidewalks on one or two sides. Page 5 7/5/90-pw Mayor Abramowitz said when the proposed sidewalk progra w presented to the residents to vote on, the exact amount needed for the program should be indicated. He said once amount was known, he would like to inform the residents of how much it would cost per month to implement the program. V/M Hoffman said the map before the City Council indica ed double red lines on McNab Road in the Land Section 7 ar a. He said this type of area would not have residents on t e south side of McNab Road and he asked why there was a n ed have a sidewalk in that area. He said there may be oth r areas that needed sidewalks on both sides and the locat on and cost should be considered when indicating the areas on the map. Mayor Abramowitz said in order for staff to inform the it Council of what the cost would be for the program, the it Council had to inform them of what should be implements . V/M Hoffman said he was indicating that the situation s ou determine the cure. He said if the City wanted sidewal s both sides of a street, they should determine if the colts could be used in another area that needed sidewalks. He s, the industrial areas were not residential; therefore, t er, would not be many residents walking in that area. He said the program had to be reviewed to determine where the sidewalks should be installed. Mayor Abramowitz asked if sidewalks were mandated for Section 7 and Mr. Foy said the developer would be res; for installing sidewalks in that area. Mayor Abramowitz said without direction by the City C staff could not propose a program or a cost for the p Mr. Foy said he could submit information to the City which would be close to the consensus; however, he a create an answer to the City Council without careful and consensus by the City Council. Mayor Abramowitz asked Mr. Foy to submit information to City Council to cover all of the concerns discussed at meeting. City Manager Kelly suggested the City Council inform staff the areas they felt were major thoroughfares. Mayor Abramowitz said this could be done and those should be proposed to have sidewalks on both sides. V/M Hoffman suggested that the map indicate the areas t t the developer or property owners were required to insta 1 sidewalks. C/M Bender suggested that dashes be indicated for the a described by V/M Hoffman as opposed to a different colo Mr. Foy said it was easier to implement a different col because a CAD machine was used to draft the map. Mayor Abramowitz said the map should indicate the areas needed sidewalks but did not have them because the prop was not developed and, if the City could install the sidewalks and charge the property owner or developer or require that sidewalks be placed on the property. F7� Page 6 7/5/90-pw C/M Rohr asked what the little red dashes were in the area of Concord Village and Mr. Foy said the red dashes in the beginning of Glen Eagles indicated the areas that were not developed. C/M Rohr asked why the map indicated that there were sidewalks there with a break in them and Mr. Foy said the bank on the corner was required by the City to install sidewalks. Mr. Foy said the Lutheran Church across from that development was required to install sidewalks. He said there was an area in between that was not developed; however, the plat was approved several years ago but nothing was implemented. V/M Hoffman said the City Council asked that they be informed if the City could legally require the developer or property downers of undeveloped lands to install or pay for the installation of sidewalks. Mayor Abramowitz asked if staff was aware of the City Council's concerns and City Manager Kelly replied, yes; however, the City Council should inform staff what areas they considered as major thoroughfares in the City. Mayor Abramowitz said sidewalks on both sides of the major thoroughfares would require more money; therefore, the City Council should consider this matter before agreeing to those areas. He asked the City Council to keep in mind when indicating the major thoroughfares that the sidewalks were not being proposed for beautification; however, the safety of. the residents was a major concern. C/M Schumann asked what the present traffic flow was on Nob Hill Road and Mayor Abramowitz said he had this information in his office. Mayor Abramowitz said he would submit this information to the City Council. City Manager Kelly said the vehicle traffic and walking traffic on Nob Hill Road was becoming very congested. He said there were several people walking in that area in the morning. C/M Rohr said it was discussed whether streets like McNab Road needed sidewalks on both sides. He said most of McNab Road had sidewalks; therefore, he felt that there should be sidewalks on both sides of McNab Road. At 10:04 A.M., Ken Burroughs, Finance Director, and Mary Blasi, Deputy Finance Director, ENTERED the meeting. V/M Hoffman said he felt the major thoroughfares were University Drive, McNab Road, Pine Island Road and Nob Hill Road. Mayor Abramowitz said Southgate Boulevard was a major thoroughfare and he was receiving a lot of complaints regarding that area. V/M Hoffman said the residents were only located on one side of Southgate Boulevard. He said he was informing staff of the major thoroughfares that should be considered to have sidewalks on both sides. He said only one side of Southgate Boulevard needed a sidewalk. Mayor Abramowitz agreed with this and said this matter should be a priority area for sidewalks. He said Pine Island Road, University Drive, McNab Road and Southgate Boulevard. He asked if the northern portion of Commercial Boulevard should be considered. Page 7 7/5/90-pw Mr. Foy said the Developer for the properties in that area, would be responsible for sidewalks in that area with the exception of the Woodlands area. He said most people in the Woodlands walked in their community as opposed to another area. Mayor Abramowitz said on the north side of Woodmont there were sidewalks. V/M Hoffman said there were sidewalks in the Woodmont area except by the Visual Graphics property and Lyons Road Industrial Park. He said if there were a few blocks on the north side of the Woodmont area, they should be installed. He said between Rock Island Road and 64th Avenue there wero sidewalks on one side; however, in that area, the Woodlando Community did not have sidewalks. Mayor Abramowitz said he did not think the residents in that area wanted sidewalks and V/M Hoffman said the residents m$y not want it; however, they did not need more sidewalks. V/M Hoffman said Rock Island Road east had sidewalks until State Road 7 (441) and then there were sidewalks on both sides to the end of the City. C/M Bender asked if sidewalks should be installed by Veterans Park located on Southgate Boulevard. Mayor Abramowitz said the areas needing sidewalks could bel Justified but he did not feel that a sidewalk was needed on the north side of Southgate Boulevard. He said there was on interior path to walk on at Veterans Park and the path wend along the entire strip of the park. He said this was where the retention was being implemented and City Manager Kelly agreed. Mayor Abramowitz asked staff to submit more information regarding their concerns on the sidewalk program for the City. 2. nTgpUSSTQj_ PM�POSRT;)LZ AgTTeN regarding Accelatex �- public utilities Proposal. SYNQPS T^mpF ACTXON: DISCUSSZD. Bob Foy, Director of Utilities/Engineering, said he would like the City Council to be informed of the need to rehabilitate and expand the Tamarac Utilities West (TUW) plant. He said the estimated cost was $2,150,000.00 and he asked the City Council to consider this expenditure being placed on the September 4, 1990 ballot. Mr. Foy said in 1985, G.M. Montgomery, Engineers, conducted a study of the TUW water plant and the study concluded that the City would have to spend approximately 4.7 million dollar$ to rehabilitate and expand the plant. Mr. Foy said in 1986, the voters approved the expenditurelor 4.7 million dollars. He said Phase I of the rehabilitation was completed in April, 1989, at a cost of 2.2 million dollars. He said bids for Phase II were received in Octooer, 1989; however, the bid prices exceeded the available fundo; therefore, the implementation of Phase II was not done. Mr. Foy said the plant could not maintain the water softeners because sufficient backup capacity was not available. Page 8 7/5/90-pw Mr. Foy said additional water softening capacity was needed for buildout and the existing lime and polymer facilities must be upgraded. He said the existing facility consisted of one 8 million gallon accelator and one 4 million gallon accelator. He said the present average daily consumption was 5 million gallons per day and the maximum daily consumption was 8-1/2 million gallons per day. Mr. Foy said the 8 million therefore, it could not be 4 million gallon accelator capacity was needed to meet gallon accelator had to be used; sent for maintenance. He said the was not being used and a back up the present demand for water. Mr. Foy said if the 8 million gallon accelator needed repair, which has occurred twice this year, the 4 million gallon accelator was used which required a reduction in the water pressure. He said if there was a peak demand period some people on the upper floors of a community may be without water. He said it was very necessary to have a backup for the existing accelator. Mr. Foy said if an 8 million gallon softener was installed, there would be flexibility to remove any of the units individually. He said the funds would be from the Sewer Bond Residual Account in the amount of $645,000.00. He said there may be more funds in this account and he would review the documents he received this morning regarding this account. Mr. Foy said 1.4 million dollars or 65% of the funds would come from the CIAC Impact Fees Account and Mayor Abramowitz said the backup indicated a different funding program. V/M Hoffman said the backup indicated that $900,000.00 would be taken from the TUW Revenue Account and Mayor Abramowitz said the backup indicated that $600400.00 would come from the CIAC Account. Mr. Foy said the backup the City Council was referring to was drafted three weeks ago. He said the funds being indicated this morning were correct for today. He said depending on the Land Section 7 project, there may be an additional $150,000.00 available from the Bond Residual Account. City Manager Kelly suggested Mr. Foy inform the City Council of the amounts provided this morning and Mr. Foy said there may be approximately $700,000.00 in the Bond,Residual Account. He said there may be approximately $2,150,000.00 in the CIAC Account which was the balance; therefore, nothing would come out of the TUW Revenue Account. Mayor Abramowitz asked what project would be delayed if the CIAC funds were used and Mr. Foy said the wellfield expansion of raw water wells 14 and 15 would be delayed. Mr. Foy said these wells could be delayed because recently the expansion of the existing raw water wells exceeded the expectations; therefore, wells 14 and 15 could be safely delayed. V/M Hoffman asked if there would be money taken from the TUW Revenue Account and Mr. Foy replied, yes, providing the funding today were accurate for the future. V/M Hoffman suggested that the City Council and staff find out what the figure were before a decision was made. C/M Rohr said Mr. Foy indicated that there was a referendum approving the expenditure for the program and only a portion of the amount was used. He asked whet occurred with the remaining funds that should have been available for this project. Page 9 7/5/90-pw Mr. Foy said when the project was approved the funding did) not have to be available. He said the referendum occurred'in 1986 and he thought the funding was available when the Referendum was approved. C/M Rohr asked if 4 million dollars was approved as a bond indenture and Mr. Foy said the approval was not for bonds. He said the approval by the voters authorized the City to spend the money for the project; however, he did not know if the funding was available during that time. C/M Rohr asked how the funds for this project would be available and Mr. Foy said the funding for the project would come from the Bond Residual Account and the CIAC Account. Mayor Abramowitz said he would like information regarding how much money was borrowed for the project when it was approved in 1986. i WX A Mayor Abramowitz said he knew Mr. Foy reviewed the information thoroughly before it was brought to the City Council. He said Mr. Foy felt that this was a priority an{d he had to look into the future before submitting a recommendation to the City Council. Mayor Abramowitz said the City Council had to make several major decisions on priorities. He said he did not know when the City Council denied a project for the Utilities/Engineering Department; however, if this project) was not a priority, it should not be taken to the voters for permission to borrow the funds. Mr. Foy said the voters would not be asked to approve the funds being borrowed; however, the voters had to authorize the available funds to be expended. V/M Hoffman said there has been a referendum already approving the project and Mr. Foy said the referendum hsd a three year limit. He said he informed the City Council a4out this matter during the budget review last year; however, the City Council felt that if the project was not needed, a limitation for the referendum was not important. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the project had to be placed on, referendum for approval to spend the available funds and Mr. Foy said anything over 2-1/2% of the current budget had to go to referendum for action by the voters. V/M Hoffman asked what the current budget amount was and City Manager Kelly said the cost of this project was beyond the amount that could be spent without going to referendum. 1 City Manager Kelly said on April 5, 1990, the Department Of Health and Rehabilitative Services conducted their water treatment plant inspection reports and it was indicated that the units have moderate corrosion and preventative maintenance was needed to avoid further deterioration. He said the plant needed a new coat of paint and certain sections of the catwalk had excessive corrosion and shculo be replaced. He said the final report indicated that it was strongly recommended that preventive maintenance work be taken now to get the plant back into top condition and sa4d blasting and painting should be performed on the softening unit as well as on other corroded equipment. He said a Notice of Violation would be considered for non-compliance; however, the preventive maintenance could not be conducted) because the plant could not be shut down without the appropriate equipment being available. 1 LI Page 10 7/5/90-pw Mayor Abramowitz said the water had to be protected; however, the City recently assisted the City of Lauderhill during their emergency. He said he was sure that the other Cities would assist Tamarac if there was an emergency; therefore, he did not feel that it was necessary at this time to implement the program. Mr. Foy said in April, 1989, the City's water plant was shut down because the reducer broke down. He said the plant was shut down for two days, an emergency bearing replacement was done and, after several days of operation, the plant had to be shut down again. He said the first two days water was borrowed from one of the surrounding Cities and there were no unusual demands during that time. He said the second shut down lasted approximately 1 week and the inter -connections with some of the surrounding Cities took place. He said the City also had an inter -connection program with Broward County and the Cities of North Lauderdale and Lauderhill. Mr. Foy said during the one week period the City was not able to replace the water in the storage tanks at the pressure rate needed. He said if the outage was longer than one week, the water pressure would have had to be reduced and the supply of water may not have reached all of the residents. Mayor Abramowitz said the pressure had to be reduced for the water shortage and he did not notice the difference. He said he did not receive one complaint from the residents. V/M Hoffman said this project could not be placed on the September 4, 1990 ballot because, at this time, the exact funding was not available. He suggested that the correct information be submitted to the City Council and the project could be placed on the November, 1990 ballot. Mayor Abramowitz said he had to be convinced that the funding was available and that it was an emergency project. He said the information City Manager Kelly presented to the City Council regarding the need for preventive maintenance did not seem to require the amount being requested for the project. City Manager Kelly said the project did not amount to this; however, the project could not be done without having the backup equipment. Mayor Abramowitz said he would like the City.,Council to be informed of the exact funding available for the project before they were asked to vote on it. C/M Bender said the memorandum submitted by the Utilities/Engineering Department indicated 2.15 million dollars on Page 1; however, Page 2 indicated 2 and 5 million dollars needed to provide for total buildout. He said the County had a program to get more wells built and they were trying to get all of the Cities to pay for it. He suggested the County's intentions be reviewed before more money was invested in the City's system. He said the City may be able to buy water from the County at a cheaper amount than the City could provide water. He said this matter should be investigated before the City spent money to expand their program. Mayor Abramowitz said the Cities were paying for TUE residents and the water was from Broward County and C/M Bender said this matter should be investigated. V/M Hoffman said he discussed this matter with the City Manager and he suggested City Manager Kelly inform the City Council of the outcome. Page 11 7/5/90-pw City Manager Kelly said he discussed this matter with Mr. Vcy and Mr. Foy said Tamarac was an isolated community in Broward County's water system. Mr. Foy said the closest County water lines in Tamarac were located on Commercial Boulevard and State Road 7 (441). He said the inter -connection in the TQE area would not keep up with the City's needs. C/M Bender asked if the City was aware of what the County's plans were or if there was current information from the County available. Mr. Foy replied, no. C/M Bender suggested the City contact the County to see what they have planned for the future. V/M Hoffman said be knew what the County had planned. He said the County would be installing water wells in the west to supply the Cities in the east; however, the Cities would be paying for the wells. C/M Bender said he did not want any surprises and he heard' about the County planning for future growth. Mayor Abramowitz asked that the City Council receive information concerning the costs needed for the project, what Broward County, was doing and, if the City could save money by working with the County. He said they needed a prioritized list of what was actually needed and if all the monies were used from the CIAC Account how other projects would be paid for. Mayor Abramowitz said he felt the utility system was the beat in western Broward County; however, the system was only implemented two years ago. Mr. Foy said the system was implemented approximately 20 years ago; however, the Phase I project approved by the voters in 1986 was completed in April, 1989. Mayor Abramowitz said the City Council would like to have the facts on this project before they made a final decision and presented it to the voters for action. Mr. Foy said in 1985, J.M. Montgomery, Engineers, recogrlizbd the problem and recommended another accelator. He said he received a letter from Hazen and Sawyer, Engineers, which indicated that they agreed the addition of an accelator was needed. Mr. Foy said the Chief Plant Operator was attending this meeting and, in October, 1989, he was informed that the City would be without water when the City Council said this matter would be deferred. C/M Rohr said he understood the concerns of the City Council; however, he was concerned with the problems being presented to the City Council. He said he needed complete facts before he could make a decision that would benefit the City. He said the sooner the facts were submitted to the City, the sooner the City Council could review and come to a deciaio4 regarding the problems. He said he felt water was a very vital and necessary utility for everyone and he did not fell that a needed item for life should be postponed. He said staff had to submit more information regarding this item. Mr. Foy asked Ken Burroughs, Finance Director, if there were projects in the report submitted from the Finance Department that were encumbered and unencumbered residual balances. lie asked if Mr. Burroughs reviewed this and Mr. Burroughs replied, no. ..,V Page 12 7/5/90-pw 3. regarding public Service Administrative Complex project review. SYNQRSTS OF ACTIQS_ DISCUSS$D. City Manager Kelly said part of this Item would be on the upcoming City Council Agenda. He said the bids for the Public Service Administrative Complex project were opened last week and there were 7 firms bidding on the project. He said he had information regarding the bids and they would be submitted to the City Council for review. He said the bids ranged from approximately 2.6 million dollars down to approximately 2.187 million dollars. He said all parties involved in the evaluation would be recommending that a bid be awarded to a specific company. City Manager Kelly said the information being provided to the City Council at this meeting would inform them of the series of actions that would be recommended by staff in the near future. City Manager Kelly said the base bid being recommended was approximately $2,126,000.00 and the amount of money for the old Public Works property was presently $1.,891,227.00. He said the interest on the money was being used to rent the property from the owner for the Public Works Department being located there and the City must continue to pay the rent until Mr. Berkowitz had unrestricted use of the property. He said the rental rate was prime plus 1% or approximately $18,000.00 per month. City Manager Kelly said the structure of the old Public Works facility was demolished and the gas tanks were removed last week. He said upon completion and certification of all the work and that the land was available for use, the City could send a 45 day evacuation notice to the owner of the property. He said the property owner may want to move the 45 day notice faster than it was originated in the leasing contract. City Manager Kelly said the balance necessary to make the bid award would be supplemented by the Utilities/Engineering Department. He said the Utilities/Engineering Department recently contributed $785,000.00 to the project and the balance necessary to complete the project was $342,000.00, which was available at this time. City Manager Kelly said to complete the project additional costs had to be considered such as the architects, construction supervision, software costs, etc. He said with the City Council's approval in establishing the project and identifying the costs, City Council's approval was required before any funds could be expended. City Manager Kelly said at the July 11, 1990 City Council meeting staff would be asking for the use of the monies available from the sale of the previous Public Works property to be applied to the Public Service Administrative Complex project, approval of the transfer of the funds in the Utilities/Engineering Department, authorization to provide funding, the establishment and an Account for the project and approving the bid award. C/M Bender asked if the boring tests were done since the gasoline tanks were removed and City Manager Kelly said this was being done at this time. Mayor Abramowitz said he wanted to know if the City would be reimbursed for the environmental study. He asked how much money was involved in the second portion of the contract for the sale of the property. Page 13 7/5/90-pw City Manager Kelly said approximately $850,000.00 and Mayor Abramowitz asked if the property owner had a period of time to make a decision regarding Phase II of the contract. City Manager Kelly said this was true; however, Phase II Of the sale should not be considered at this time. V/M Hoffman asked when the property owner had to make the decision regarding Phase II of the project and Mayor Abramowitz said the decision had to be made within a few years. Mayor Abramowitz said he would like information regarding` what the supervisory costs would be for the project and Mike Couzzo, Assistant City Manager/Director of Public Works and Parks and Recreation, asked if Mayor Abramowitz wanted to know the cost from the contract execution date. Mayor Abramowitz said he would like to know the cost beginning from this time. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the monies from the Public Works and Utilities/Engineering Departments, which were available, would cover the costs for the project. City Manager Kelly said these monies would cover the ccst� of the project but not the contract costs. V/M Hoffman asked what the project would be missing and M*. Couzzo said the building would be fully operative; howeve*, the old furniture, etc., would be transferred into this facility. i Mayor Abramowitz asked what acreage would be available after the facility was built and City Manager Kelly said there i would be approximately 7 acres after the road rights-of-w4y were determined. Mayor Abramowitz said he liked the Departments having the, money for the project. He said based on the information 1 available and the costs being presented to the City Council before expenditure, he approved the outcome of the contract, He said he would like information indicating that this wo 1T1 be the cheapest way of handling the matter by reviewing o har quotes. Mayor Abramowitz said he would like information from the telephone companies indicating what the costs would be as opposed to the costs being proposed by the Rolm system. Mr. Couzzo said he would be submitting information to thei City Council regarding the costs. He said this was a preliminary workshop to inform the City Council of what would be presented to them. He said all the information the City Council wanted would be in their backup for the July 11, *950 City Council meeting. Mayor Abramowitz said he felt that the staff and City Council would not be acting in the best interest of the City if they acted on things that did not contain complete and factual information. City Manager Kelly said the property owner was in Spain; however, he called before he left to find out if the City was ready to move off the property. He said the attorneys for the property owner would handle any correspondence and actions required to get the contract completed. Page 14 7/5/90-pw City Manager Kelly said the City received a fax from Continental Cable Company dated July 3, 1990. He said the company was advising that a lightening strike at their building disabled their main computers. He said regarding answers on billings, scheduling home visits or process pay preview movies, the company was taking complaints from the customers and the matter was expected to be corrected when the computers were repaired. --------------------------------------------------- Mayor Abramowitz asked the City Manager to send out a memorandum to the Parks and Recreation Department and the Tamarac Athletic Federation (TAF) regarding the Fourth of July Race and Celebration. He said everyone did a great job in planning and coordinating the Celebration. C/M Rohr said he asked Dina McDermott, Assistant City Manager, to contact an organization in the City of Pembroke Pines that converted plastic into a wood type of material. He said he read about this program and he thought the City may be able to have a program of this type. He said the company was paying $52.00 per ton. V/M Hoffman said he saw this program on television. He said the company was a composting operation and the five Cities signed a contract with the County. V/M Hoffman said the City had the opportunity to have a composting program but decided not to have this type of program. C/M Rohr said the company was independent and it was not composting, etc. He said the company was buying plastic from the City of Pembroke Pines and creating a wood type of product. He said Mrs. McDermott would be submitting a report to the City Council on this matter. C/M Rohr said he would like igloo type containers placed in specific areas of the City for the residents to drop off recyclable items. He said this may assist the City in getting more of a participation percentage because the residents of the condominiums could drop off recyclable material at those areas. C/M Rohr asked Mrs. McDermott if there were%any results concerning the negotiations with Waste Management, Inc., for a recycling program for the condominiums. Mrs. McDermott said the north Cities group has single-family curbside for newspaper and they were proposing that by January, 1991, the program was to be expanded to include aluminum and possibly plastic. She said glass would be included; however, they wanted to have the bottles separated by colors. She said there was a market for glass and there was third year grant money being applied for multi -family homes which were triplexes, duplexes and condominiums. She said the recycling programs for these homes was anticipated to begin by fall, 1991. Mrs. McDermott said she has been working on a grant application for the City separate and apart from the Group Cities for a pilot program for condominiums. She has suggested that the City of Coconut Creek program be reviewed but the materials changed such as not requiring aluminium at this time. She said newspapers were good to begin with because a lot of the Senior residents read newspapers supplying was a great deal of tonnage. She said there may be Page 15 7/5/90-pw a consideration to recycle plastic because plastic has 10 been recycled in any City and especially not in condoms i She said there was a good cost for tonnage in plastic aid Waste Management, Inc., was very interested in plastics. said a study could be done to see the difference betwee newspaper and plastic and newspaper and aluminium. Mrs. McDermott said she was concerned with how the equi m for the pilot programs could be purchased. She said th r were no trucks available at this time for single-family homes. She said the containers needed to be purchased s well, which was a cost of $65.00 for a 95 gallon contai e C/M Rohr asked why a large container such as this was nee and Mrs. McDermott said the plastic from the residents co be milk jugs and plastic soda jugs, which took up a lot o space. C/M Rohr asked Mrs. McDermott where she received the co t estimate and Mrs. McDermott said the costs she receive f various companies which were current market rates. C/M Rohr asked when the application for the grant would reviewed by the State and Mrs. McDermott said the City initiate a pilot program. She said the grant was being submitted soon because it was due July 13, 1990. She s the City would have to outlay the funds and commit to t program; however, the City would be reimbursed providin grant money was approved. V/M Hoffman asked how the City would be reimbursed if grant was not approved and Mrs. McDermott said there a program in place. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the cost was doubled to the g a t funds and Mrs. McDermott said the City would have to conmit 200%; however, if the residents were charged as the sin l - family homes were being charged along with administrati e costs, this would equal 200%. She said there would be monthly inserts placed in the Tam -A -Gram regarding what condominiums, etc., should do to assist the recycling programs and this was also considered as the 200%. Mrs. McDermott said there had to be decisions regarding having a pilot program, funding the program, etc., and Hoffman asked how much money had to be provided. Mrs. McDermott replied, $100,000.00; however, the recycling was $94,000.00 and the balance of the funds would cover containers. V/M Hoffman asked why. Waste Management, Inc., did not b y truck if they would be picking up and selling the mater ali. C/M Schumann agreed. C/M Rohr said the City was so tied in with the Group Ci i and the recycling program changes could not be made regardless of money being saved or not. Mayor Abramowitz asked who indicated this and C/M Rohr sail' he felt this was the way it was. C/M Rohr said Waste Management, Inc., presently had two trucks and two more were being purchased. Mrs. McDermott said there were only two trucks running at this time. C/M Rohr said the trucks were not being used by Waste Management, Inc., like they should be using them which was' every day of the week. He said there was no reason why Wa Management, Inc., needed to purchase an additional true t handle a recycling program for the condominiums. Page 16 7/5/90-pw