HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-09-13 - City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes5811 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE 0 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321 TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900 September 12, 1983 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARINGS FISCAL YEAR 1983/84 Please be advised public hearings will be held by the City Council on Tuesday, September 13, 1983, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 5811 N.W. 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida, on the following items: 1. Proposed Mil,lage Rate - Temp. Reso. #2859 - Discussion and possible action to adopt an aggregate proposed millage rate for FY 1983/84 at $2.98 per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) assessed valuation. 2. Tentative General Fund Budget - Temp. Ord. #1063 - Discussion and possible action to establish the Tentative General Fund Budget not to exceed $9,787,142.00 for FY 1983/84• First Reading. 3. Final Public Hearing - Announcement of the Time and Place for the Final Public Hearing on the Ad valorem Millage Rate and General Fund Budget for FY 1983/84. The City Council may consider such other business as may come before it. The public is invited to attend. Carol A. Evans Assistant City Clerk Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes It a person decides to appeal any decision made by the city Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA CITY COUNCIL BUDGET HEARINGS - F/Y 1983/84 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1983 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Falck called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck Vice Mayor Helen Massaro C/M Philip Kravitz C/M Jack Stelzer ABSENT AND EXCUSED: C/M David E. Krantz ALSO PRESENT: Laura Z. Stuurmans, City Manager Jon Henning, City Attorney Carol A. Evans, Assistant City Clerk Roslyn Brauner, Secretary Mayor Falck read the Notice of the Budget Public Hearings into the record. 1. SYNOPSIS OF Proposed Millage Rate - Temp. Reso. #2859 - Discussion and possible action to adopt an aggregate proposed millage rate for F/Y 1983/84 at $2.98 per thousand dollars ($1,000.00) assessed evaluation. ACTION: APPROVED As Amended RESOLUTION NO.,R-83-a6,c> �PASSE City Attorney Jon Henning read the Resolution by title and C/M Stelzer read -a statement into the record concerning the budget for F/Y 1983/84 (See Attachment #1). City Manager Laura Stuurmans stated that on July 26, 1983, Council passed a preliminary budget for F/Y 1983/84 in the total amount of $9,787,142.00. Since that date some changes were made and Mrs. Stuurmans read the original and the revised figures of the items appear ing on the Summary (see Attachment #2),which now reflect a total budget the amount of $9,353,279.00. This total is supported by an income from the properties of the City at the rate of $2.564 per thousand dollars. V/M Massaro said that before a further discussion of the budget takes place, she would like to mention a situation, which will affect the budget. She stated that some of the residents of Tamarac have children who attend the Taravella School. These children have been taken off the buses and must walk to school, which is a bad situation as there is a berm along Southgate Boulevard,and the temporary walk which was put in for other purposes, is very close to the canal. Some of the children walk to school while it is still dark and over the past few days it was announced on the news that one child disappeared and two children were abducted in that area. V/M Massaro said this was not placed on the School Board's list of needs but as it is a priority item, Mayor Falck brought it to the attention of the School Board, at which time they did place it on their list of needs. The City of Tamarac is attempting to obtain assistance from the County for this project, as a sidewalk is needed from University Drive to the Taravella School on 88th Avenue. V/M Massaro said she feels the monies for this project could be taken from the Parks and Recreation Fund, as this land is owned by the City and is for park purposes only and the City intends to place recreational facilities in that area. -1- 9/13/83 /rb C/M Stelzer said if the monies for the sidewalk are taken from the Parks and Recreation Fund, there would be no need to budget for it. V/M Massaro said she was of the opinion that the monies for this project would have to be taken from the General Fund. City Manager Stuurmans explained that if this were a project that Public Works was asked to take on with its own resources, it would be appropriate for the monies to be taken from the General Fund. However, if the monies were taken from the Parks and Recreation Fund, as sug- gested by V/M Massaro, it would be an expenditure against that fund and could come up for second reading of the Parks and Recreation fund budget. The City Manager said that there is also a third possible source for these funds. The City has a Sidewalk Fund, but it might not apply to this location. However, she said,this expenditure would not greatly affect either the General Fund or the Parks and Recreation Fund budget. She stated that Council will discuss another school sidewalk situation at tomorrow's regular Council meeting and the Taravella School situation can be discussed at that time also. She commented that the Parks and Recreation Fund budget is not as restrictive as the General Fund budget and authorization can be given tomorrow for this project. V/M Massaro concurred with the City Manager's suggestion. Mrs. Stuurmans introduced the various staff members to the public. Mayor Falck opened the public hearing and asked if anyone of the public wished to speak on the subjects covered today. Mrs. Melanie Reynolds stated that it has come to her attention that some of the municipalities were experiencing problems with their burglar alarm Ordinance and burglar alarm committee and she is wondering whether the City of Tamarac is in jeopardy due to the manner in which burglar alarms are handled. City Attorney Jon Henning said that the City has a burglar alarm Ordinance and a burglar alarm committee which is similar to those of other cities and he feels the City is not in jeopardy but if Mrs. Reynolds has a specific question, he will attempt to respond. Mrs. Reynolds said she would do so at a later time. Mrs. Reynolds asked whether the City has obtained a grant for aquatic weed control. City Manager Stuurmans replied that this grant is reflected in the revenues of the City and that $12,000.00 will be received from the State of Florida D.N.R. representing their contri- bution toward the City's canal effort. Mrs. Reynolds said the figure in the budget for lot clearing is. shown as zero. She stated that she is of the opinion that a substantial amount of lot clearing is needed in Tamarac and mentioned that the road to the Post Office needs to be cut as the cars are hidden by the heavy growth there. Mrs. Reynolds mentioned the budgeted item of Fines and Forfeitures (County) and questioned whether forfeitures will be received from automobiles that are being seized by the City. Mr. Henning replied that there is a Fine and Forfeiture Fund, from which the City receives revenue from the court system as a result of crimes and traffic tickets that are collected by the County. He said there is a separate fund, the Vehicle Forfeiture Fund,which is self-contained and self-perpetuating under which the City acquires vehicles that were used in crimes, that can be sold by the City and the revenue used by the Police Department. Mr. Henning explained that the Vehicle Forfeiture Fund is much smaller than the Fine and Forfeiture Fund. -2- 9/13/83 /rb Mrs. Reynolds said that the Charter Board has a task for next year since the Charter cannot be patched forever and a new Charter might be needed. She said she is disappointed that the budget does not provide for professional services for this purpose, although it is her understanding the City Manager said funds can be obtained from the Contingency Fund.for those services. Mrs. Reynolds commented that some time ago there was a court case in which after a budget was approved, an Ordinance was passed to obtain additional funds but the court refused to allow the use of those funds since they were not originally budgeted for. She said she is concerned this might happen with regard to the Charter Board if professional services are required and the funds not available from the Contingency Fund. Mrs. Reynolds stated that originally the Charter Board requested $15,000.00 for professional services, but the amount was then reduced to $10,000.00. Mr. Ray Munitz said he wholeheartedly agrees with the statements made by C/M Stelzer. He stated that during the last four or five years the concentrated area in the budget was the appropriated fund balance. None of the line items were questioned by the residents, as commented by C/M Stelzer, as they have full con- fidence in the Administration and the.Council toward bringing these items to the lowest figure. Mr. Munitz said that every business likes to make money but when they do, there is always a question of whether more could have been made; and while it is good to see the millage has been re- duced to 2.564, the question is whether something can be done to reduce it still further. He said the thought occurred to him to ask what the guesstimate is as to what the appropriated fund balance will be after the use of the $1,500,000.00 from the appropriated fund balance and then adding back the $50,300.00 received in the current fiscal year rather than the projected revenue in the following year. Mr. Steve Wood, Director of Finance, stated the amount would be $350,000.00. Mx. Munitz said he would not recommend a lower figure than that, to ensure the financial safety of the City. He stated that what he originally had in mind was to try to increase the $1,500,000.00 figure, thereby reducing the millage, but with the fund balance of $350,000.00 he would not suggest it. He commented that the residents of Tamarac are proud of the efforts made by the Administration and the Council in connection with the budget. C/M Stelzer questioned whether the $50,300.00 is the income for this year or next year, and City Manager Stuurmans said it is part of the fund balance for this year. Mr. Sydney Stein said he would like to address the meeting today in the same manner in which he addressed the meeting on Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. He said he suggested at that time, some of the funds be used for the teenagers of Tamarac. He said in connection with V/M Massaro's report on the children at the Taravella School, it is his suggestion that the funds for busing these children be taken from the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds since it is the intent of the Federal government that these funds be used for services that are not normally provided by the City. -3- 9/13/83 Mrs. Alice Norian said she has noticed that the only publication which advertised the budget public hearings was the Miami Herald. She said she feels this newspaper is not widely read in the City of Tamarac. She mentioned that she received many telephone calls over the past twenty-four hours and all the residents were amazed that the hearings were advertised only in the Broward section of the Miami Herald on the days it is not a throwaway. City Manager Stuurmans explained that under Florida Statutes, this is the one public hearing for which the Broward County Property Appraiser's Office sends out.a specific notice to the residents giving the amount of taxes planned to be assessed as well as the time, date and location of each respective public hearing for the purpose of discussion of the budget. She said she is concerned that some of the residents were not aware that they received this notice in the middle of August. Mayor Falck said that this matter was reviewed previously and it had been decided that the Miami Herald had equal circulation to the Fort Lauderdale News and Sun Sentinal. Mr. Moni Avidon said a statement was made by Mrs. Melanie Reynolds that the Charter Board needs $15,000.00. He stated that when he spoke to the City Manager and the Council he indicated that he was asked to request $15,000.00 but the Charter Board did not vote on it. Mr. Avidon said he feels the most important consideration of the Charter Board is to observe the Charter and the Charter calls for using the professional services of the City. He said Mr. Henning is the City Attorney and therefore he could not in all conscience ask for funds for additional professional services unless a decision is made to amend the Charter to that effect. Mr. Avidon thanked the City Manager for her assistance. Ms. Joanne Bardelang said she noticed that the budget has been increased for Legislative, City Attorney, City Manager, City Clerk and Finance; and she would prefer to see additional monies spent for the Fire and.Police Departments instead of those departments. Mayor Falck asked whether anyone of the public wished to speak. There was no response and the public hearing was closed. V/M Massaro MOVED the approval of Temp. Reso. #2859, as amended, to reflect the adoption of an aggregate proposed millage rate for FY 1983/84 at $2.564 per thousand dollars assessed valuation. SECONDED by C/M Stelzer. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 2. Tentative General Fund Budget - Temp. Ord. #1063 - Discussion and possible action to establish the Tentative General Fund Budget not to exceed $9,353,279.00 for FY 1983/84. First Reading. YNOPSIS OF ACTION: APPROVED City Attorney Jon Henning read the Ordinance by title and Mayor Falck asked whether anyone of the public wished to speak on the subject of the budget. There was no response and the public hearing was closed. V/M Massaro MOVED to adopt Temp. Ord. #1063, establishing a budget in the amount of $9,353,279.00 for FY 1983/84 on First Reading. SECOND by C/M Kravitz. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE -4- 9/14 / 83 /rb 3. Final Public Hearing - Announcement of the Time and Place for the Final Public Hearinq on the Ad Valorem Millage Rate and General Fund Budget for FY 1983/84. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Final Public Hearing to be held Monday, September 26,1983 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers. City Manager Laura S,tuurmans stated that the Final Public Hearing on this item will be held Monday, September 26, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers. Mayor Falck adjourned the meeting at 8:00 P.M. \t'- �� LIS, MA R ATTEST: SSISTANT CITY CLERK This public document was promulgated at a cost of $47.84 or $1.32 per copy to inform the general public and public officers and employees about recent opinions and considerations by the City Council of the City of Tamarac. CITY OF TAT A A1C APPROVED AT MEETING OF D 3 ' S- 9/13/83 &k4,A-e 6e". /rb EFty Clerk ATTACHMENT #1 All the years we have attended Budget Workshops and hearings, Ray Munitz and I have always agreed that we would never question any of the line items in the Budget. We always agreed that the Department Head and the City Manager were most qualified to budget line items, and I still believe this to be true. More so now that I am on this side of the fence. Who in the audience, or for that matter, on the Council, can determine the number of Police Officers that are required, or how many Fireman are necessary, or the Staff in the Dept. of Public Works, the Buildina Department, Engineering, Finance or anywheres in the City? No one but the Department Head, and anytime an increase in personnel is requested, it must be justified to the City Manager. Only the Department Heads know what is required in each line item for expenses, and any increase is questioned by the City Manager. As far as Income is concerned, who can guess how much we will receive in Building Fees, Engineering fees, or Permits. Even the interest to be received cannot be estimated unless you know how much money is available for investment. All. the Income items are submitted by the Finance Director, and reviewed by the City Manager. At best, the Budget is strictly a guess, but an educated guess. As far as I can determine, there is no fat in the Budget. All Capital items that are to be purchased, are being budgeted because of necessary replacement or need. About the only Capital items which may require some discussion are the two Ambulances for the Fire Department, which will be explained when we come to the Fire Department Budget. Also please bear in mind that the millage rate for Tamarac, is approximately the same, if not less than last year's, and the citizens of Tamarac are getting a bargain. Consider a home assessed at $65,000 on which you get an exemption of $ 25,000. The tax would be in the neighborhood of .$120.00 per year, or 1 10.00 per month. The 6� City paysper month for garbage collection for each homeowner, and for the r• balance Of per month look at all the Police and Fire protection we get, all � � r the services we get from all the City Hall staff, and the service you get from your elected officials. All this is quite a bargain, so please, if there any discussions you want to have, let's make them meaningful., and not picky. ,w/4N.t Y. J ATTACHMENT #2 (Page 1) AOODtNT 1982-83 BUDM7ED ACTUAL, ESTIMATED NAME ESTDATED THROlum 1983-84 REVENL>E`S REVENUES 7/83 REVENUES AD VALOREM INTEREST CN TAX DISTRIBUTION PRIOR YEAR - P£R54NAL PROMTi CDUNTY HELD TAX CERTIFICATE GOOD FAITH COUM DELINQUENT AD VALORW SALES AND USE TAXES FRANCHISE TAX - E E=C FRANCHISE TAX - TELEPHOtM FRANCHISE TAX - CA1V FRANCHISE TAX - SOLID WASTE NEWSPAPER C011ECT'ION BURGLAR ALARM PERMITS & FEES OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES BUILDING PERMITS AQUATIC WEED MCC L CIGARETTE TAX STATE REVENUE SHARING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION FIREFIGHTER, SUPP . CCMPE[NSATIOCN GAS REBATE CITY VEHICLE CDUTIY ROAD AND BR= TAX COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX CANDUAM . -FILING TM " ACTIVE' INSPECTION FEES AMBULANCE FEES POLICE SPECIAL DE AIL, FEES PARKING 10T - CTIY PARKS & REC. PROG. ACT. FEES SUMMER RECREATION INTERIM SERVICE FEES ENGINEERING FEES UU STRICIE D PLANNING FEES AND REVENUES UAT CLEARING PARKING VIOLATIONS FINES & FORFEITURES (COUNTY) POLICE G'aNERAL & MISC . SALE OF CONFISCATED ITEMS NBSCE.iANEOUS REVENUE RECYCLE OIL SALES COIIEGTION ON CITY DISP . TELEPHONE COMMISSIONS PADS FROM INS. CLAIMS Iris INCOME REV. FROM SALE OF SURPLUS EZPT APPROPRIATED FIND BALANCE RECEIPTS TRANSFERRED IN DATA PROCESSING/UTILITY EAST RECEIPTS TRANSFERRED IN VEHICLE MAINTEk0iACE, U17LITY LAST RECEIPTS TRANSFERRED LEI CAPITAL RESERVE 2,441,ODD.00 -a -a -a =a 715,647.00 950,000.00 37,000.00 25,00D.00 32,OD0.00 2,200.00 65,000.00 170,000.00 240,000.00 21,000.00 75,000.00 9D0,000.00 13,500.00 -0- -a 7,000.00 34,500.00 50,000.00 -o -a -0- 3,500.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 70,000.00 100,000.00 30,000.00 -0- 7,500.00 100,000.00 12,000.00 -0- 50,000.00 -0- -a 400,000.00 -0- 1,759,892.83 TRANS. IN ADW. SM. Ud•IL_ WEST" IN LIEU OF TAX UrIL . FAST RECEIPTS TRANS. IN DATA PROCESSING, UTILITY WEST IN LIEU OF TAX UTILITY WEST RECEIPTS TRANSFERRED IN PSC 2, 300.00 58,500.00 -D- 27,SM. 00 6,600.00 50,000.00 157,000.00 -0- 2,392,835.27 19, 630.1.2 5,622.68 -a 39,126.91 67,460.05 521,019.89 8280 896.40 -a -a 32.248.65 737.98 10:3,151.52 185,455.98 438,881.71 5,258.00 56,774.13 648,210.00 9,444.90 -a 421.55 4,972.10 34,244.35 54,557.80 -a 100.00 -a _0- 33,086.25 3,775.00 329.25 12,055.00 72,942.86 266,941.34 77,066.42 3,314.65 11,972.00 121,118.75 10,915.84 -a 21,019.56 52.50 7.25 215.86 2,197.83 284,286.00 700.00 -0- 1,916.60 48,750.00 -a 22,916.50 5,500.00 41,666.70 -0- -0- 2.441,000.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 675,000.00 1,100,000.00 37,000.00 25,000.00 35,000.00 1,000.00 100,000.00 190,000.00 500,000.00 12,000.00 75,000.00 863,000.00 13,500.00 -0- -0- 9.000.00 -0- 55,000.00 252,000.00 -0- 90,000.00 55,000.00 32,000.00 4,500.00 -22,000.00 10,000.00 90,000.00 250,000.00 75,000.00 _0- 12,000.00 140,000.00 12,000.00 -0- 50,000.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- 270,000.00 -0- 1,500,000.00 71,300.00 388,394.00 8U,000:00 7,260.00 -0- 153,000.00 -0- 00'6LZ £S£ 6 U:C69'SZ9'g 'I= -0- 00 QOS' T Imm xaol m= 00'000'091 00'OZ8'9£Z 3Aa 'IV,iId -- 00'000`00Z ZT'95E'881 A3N30Nma) oo' T ST ` L*1 Z ZS' 8Z$' 0£T NOMMOM I 00' 00 £' 6 0000*j' 6 QM MUMS TV730S 00' 000' SZL 00' 000' SZL smtA?IIS NOIMIN6'S 00.05'7 00' 0S9 WIM sui vixf ld3csNm 00'OOL 00'00L =12M ON2tiW M o0' ECT `S0S 7£' OE6' ZBE. 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