HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-04-07 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting MinutesCALL TO ORDER BY: ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: CITY OF TATIARAC, FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: 4/7/83 - 9:00 A.M. LOCATION: West Conference Room Mayor Falck PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck V/M Helen Massaro C/M Philip B. Kravitz C/M David E. Krantz C/M Jack Stelzer City Manager, Laura Stuurmans City Attorney, Jon Henning Assistant City Clerk, Carol A. Evans The City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, Apri 1 13, 1983 The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. ASSISTANT CITY CLERK TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTION 4/7/83 for 4/13/83 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Presentation/Awards- 3 Proclamations Continuing y X Self -Insurance Fund for small equip. 10/1/80 tabled to 10/22/80 Mayor Falck 6/24/80 Temp.Ord.#811 - Public Improvement Bonds for off -site only-2nd Rdg. P.H. held 10/22/80 - 11/30 tabled until mtg. between C/En9r. & V/M Massaro Council 10/22/80 Drainage Improvements Continuing 2/81 X Woodview TR 38 - a) Water & Sewer Agmt. Amendment C/Mgr. 12/2/82 X b) Model Sales renewal C/Clerk 12/15/82 X 2/9 tabled for 2 months Temp.Ord. #938-Temp. model sales trailers - 3/24 tabled until Ord. reworked per Council comiments Comm. Dev. 1/20/82 Broward League of Cities Continuing 5/82 X Colony West Country Club: a) Sidewalk construction-4/28 tabled pending construction of guardrail within 30 days b) Executive Course-1/26 tabled for workshop meeting C/M Disraelly 5/12/82 c) Traffic Light Agmt.-9/22 tabled until decision made as to purchase of Exec. course V/M Massaro 7/26/82 d) Guardrail on McNab C/M Disraelly 1/20/83 Temp. #966 -, Construction trailers 4/28 tabled Comm. Dev. 4/82 Bike Path Agmt. - 6/23 tabled for finalization of plans C/Mgr. 1/82 NW 61 St. - SW corner: a) easement b) Agmt. re recorded covenants X-Consent-extend c) Reso. supporting variance tabling action to 3/10/82 discussion only 4/27 b) 3/23/83 tabled to 4/13/83 Cons-C/Atty. 3/3/82 Community Complex - 2/9/83 C/Mgr. authorized to seek architectural proposals C/M Kravitz 4/16/81 Pub. Works Facility - 2 ' /9 tabled Council & C/Mgr. to research Mayor Falck 1/21/83 Temp. #925 Platting - P.H. held 3/24 tabled Comm. Dev. 3/82 Woodmont TR 74/75 - S4 ' ��r ' Waiver 3/23 tabled to future mtg. pending Beautification 312183 mtg. between Rissman, Epple & C/Atty. Program Underwriters - Rev. Site Plan - 3/23 tabled Comm. Dev. 3/14/83 AlY.Milyl Financial Federal Perf. Bond Release-11/10 tabled because of beautification fees and for review by C/Atty- Intersection of 57 St. & 88 Ave. 5/10 tabled indefinitely for report from V/M Massaro INTRODUCED BY C/Engr. 4/20182 V/M Massaro 5/10/82 Tamarac Jewish Center: a) one year extension of provisions of Code Sec. 7-31 requiring screening of equipment on roof C/M Kravitz 9/l/82 2/23 tabled to future meeting Southgate Gardens, Inc.: a) revised site plan b) water easement c) sewer easement d) model sales renewal - 2/9 appd. subject to certain conditions being fulfilled by 4/27/83 Bid Authorization - a) installation of ground storage tank - 7/28 tabled Bid Auth. - treatment of canal ditch banks - 12122 tabled Woodmont Country Club - Golf Cart Tent - 2/9 tabled to future mtg. Cons.C/Atty. 7/7/82 C/Engr. 7/20/82 C/Mgr. 12/16/82 C/M Kravitz 1/7/83 Ticon, Inc. - Rezoning Pet. #21-Z-82, #22-Z-82, & #23-Z-82 - Ist rdg. & P.H. held 1/26 tabled for further review Comm. Dev. 1/83 Street Resurfacing Projects: a) NW El St. from 84 Terr. east to canal b) Brookwood Blvd. (northbound lanes) from McNab to 64 Ct. c) Boulevards - 53, 54 & 55 Streets & 23 and 27 Avenues C/Engr. 2/2/83 2/9 tabled until Lagos de Campo project finished School Fire Inspections - Temp. Reso. #2617 - 2/9 tabled for further review C/M Krantz 2/3/83 Lakes of Carriage Hills - Sign Waiver renewal - 3/9 tabled because of pending zoning matter. C/Clerk 3/2/83 Tract 72B - Lots 10 & 11 - 3/23 tabled to 4/13/83 for C/Atty. report regarding action to be taken re guaranteed revenue arrears. C/Council 3/9/83 Desig.of voting delegate and alternate to Bwd.League of Cities- Mayor Falck 3/11/83 3/23 tabled to 4/13 Temp. #1023 - Pension Ord. - 3/23 tabled to 4/13/83 C/Atty. 10/7/82 TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION Page 2 - 4/7/83 AGENDIZED FJ X X X In 0111 X-Consent- table future mtg. SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY Temp. Ord. 962 - RPITD District (denied by Plan.Cm=.) Comm. Dev. 3/17/82 Woodmont Tract 60-Residents request that certain streets be changed from numbers to names C/Clerk 8/10/82 Commercial Blvd. curb cuts - proposed moratorium C/M Disraelly 10/82 Naming of Tract 27 Park American Video Fee Schedule Tamarac Lakes 1. & 2 - Amendment to R-82-257 by changing TEKS to "TEMS (formerly known as ) 11 Reso. amending appropriate city officials responsible for monitor- ing aquatic plant control funding program Colony West Country Club Perf.Bond - Call or extend bond (exp. 4/27/83) C/Manager 10/11/82 C/Attorney 2/3/83 C/Attorney 2/16/83 Finance Dept. 3/14/83 C/Engineer 3/14/83 Tamarac Fina: a) Final site plan b) Landscape plan for self-service station & convenience store (appd.by Plan.Comm. 3/16/83) Comm. Dev. 3/16/83 Tamarac Town Square - Release of $10,000 landscape bond C/Attorney 3/17/83 Board & Committee Appointments: a) Planning Comm. - 2 Regular & 3 Alternates - exp. 4/15/83 b) Consumer Affairs - 12 exp. 4/14/83 c) Beautification - 4 Regular & I Alternate - exp. 4/14/83 C/Clerk 3/16/83 Board & Committee Term Expirations: a) Social Services - 5 exp. 5/11/83 b) Code Advisory - 5 exp. 5/11/83 c) Recreation - 9 exp. 5/11/83 d) Park Commissioner - exp. 5/11/83 e) Welcoming Comm. 12 exp. 5/11/83 f) Beautification 1 Regular & 2 Alternates - ex,11. 5/11/83 g) PIC - 7 exp. 5/11/83 h) 1 City Photographer & 1 Asst. - exp. 5/11/83 i) Burglar Alarm - 5 exp. 5/11/83 Commercial Garbage Franchise Renewals (exp. 4/30/83): a) Ronkoma b) County Waste c) Industrial Wist- S-rvices d) BFT e) All Service f) Southern Sanitation C/Clerk 4/5/83 C/Clerk 4/5/83 WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 4/7/83 AGENDIZED X In X X X X X X X X PUBLIC HEARINGS - 5:05 P.M. TEMP. ORD. #997 - Amending setback requirements pertaining to swimming pool and X patio insta-lation regulations and requirements. SECOND READING. TEMP. ORD. #1006- Amending minimum landscaping requirements in commercially zoned 6istricts. SECOND READING. TEMP. ORD. #1020- Moratorium on developments designated as Industrial on Land Use Plan X in Land Section 7. FIRST READING. PUBLIC HEARING - 2:00 P.M. Petition #3-Z-83 - Nancy S. Ewart/Book Boutique II - Special Exception to allow book X store in a B-1 zoning district at Tamarac Plaza, Brookwood Blvd. & McNab Road. SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL PAGE 2 - 4/7/83 AGENDIZED Versailles Gardens - Model sales X renewal (exp. 41224i83) C/Clerk 4/5/83 Improvements at Tamarac Park (fence, sign & 2 picnic tables) Recreation Dir. 3/30/83 X Bid Authorizations: a) TUW - Australian Pine Cutting and Trimming C/Engineer 3/29/83 X b) TLAI - Two replacement pumps X for Pump Station 26 C/Engineer 3/22/83 Tamarac Elementary School Student Government Day C/Clerk 4/5/83 Vacation of Easement for Harriet & Gerald William - Woodlands Section 1, Phase 2, Lot 4, Block 50 C/Attorney 4/1/83 X Ashmont Condominium "C" - Release of cash bond posted for platting waiver C/Clerk 3/27/83 X Patio Homes at Fairmont - Extension of temporary platting waiver granted X to allow construction of models C/Manager 3/21/83 McNab Plaza North - Release of perf. bond for drainage on University Dr. C/Engineer 4/5/83 X Lakeside Plaza - Acceptance of utility easement C/Engineer 4/5/83 X Westwood Couujunity 4 - Rev. site plan for clubhouse parking lot lighting Comm. Dev. 4/6/83 X Sutter Construction Commercial Bldg - Rev. site plan to change smoke detectors to battary-operated instead of connected to proprietary company Comm. Dev. 4/6/83 X Heftler Homes - Reconsideration of request for release of 3 HOW bonds denied by Council on 3/23/83 C/Attorney 4/6/83 X Woodmont - 13 Vacations of easements C/Attorney 4/6/83 X Bonaire (Woodmont Tracts 74/75 - Revision to Site Plan #2 for loca- tion of building Comm. Dev. 4/6/83 X? 3 Lakes Plaza (Central Plaza) - Rev. site plan for bank drive-in teller X lanes (appd. by Plan.Comm. 4/6/83) Comm. Dev. 4/6/83 Tamarac Gardens - Rev. site plan (appd. by Plan. Comm. 4/6/83) Comm. Dev. 4/6/83 X? Tamarac Lakes South Site Plan - Ingress/Egress Driveway (denied by Plan.Conaii. 4/6/83) Com. Dev. 4/6183 X SUBJECT Bid Auth. - Maint. Contr. on radio equip. consent Appt. of Director of Bldg. & Comm. Dev. Depts. Shailer, Purdy & Jolly - bill for forfeitures Bid Auth. Drng. Equip. - 3 pumps & I compressor WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL PAGE 3 - - 4/7/83 INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED C/Mgr. 4/7/83 x C/Mgr- 4/7/83 x C/Atty. 4/7/83 x C/Engr. 4/7/83 x