HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-20 - City Commission Pre-Agenda Workshop Meeting MinutesCALL TO ORDER BY: ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL: ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: CITY OF TAP'lARAC , FLORIDA COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA WORKSHOP DATE/TIME: 1/20/83 - 9:30 A.M. LOCATION: West. Conference Rocco Mayor Falck PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck Vice Mayor Helen Massaro Councilman Irving M. Disraelly Councilman Philip B. Kravitz Councilman David E. Krantz Marilyn Bertholf, City Clerk Jon Henning, City Attorney Carol. A. EVans, Assistant City Clerk The. City Council met this date to review the list of pending business matters, which may require their attention at the next regular Council Meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, January 26, 1983. The attached is a list of items reviewed by Council during the Workshop meeting. The X-mark adjacent to certain items indicates the item was agreed to be ready for formal Council discussion and/or action at the Regular Meeting, referenced above. ASSISTANT CITY CLERK TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING SECTICN 1/20/83 for 1/26/83 Presentation/Awards Continuing Proclamation-Sistrunk 3 Ann.Festival Self -Insurance Fund for small equip. 10/1/80 tabled to 10/22/80 Mayor Falck 6/24/80 Temp. Ord. #811-Public i nprovement Bonds for off -site only - 2nd Mg. P.H. held 10/22/80 - 11/30 tabled until mtg. between C/Engr. & V/M Massaro Council 10/22/80 X X Drainage improvements Continuing 2/81 X Lime Bay Blvd. pavement resurfacing Woodview TR 38 - a) Water & Sewer Aunt. ant b) Model sales renewal C/Mgr. 12/2/82 X 1/6/83 tabled to 1/26/83 at request C/Clerk 12/15/82 of petitioner Temp. Ord. #938-Temp. model sales trailers - 3/24 tabled until Ord. reworked per Council cmrw--nts Comm. Dev. 1/20/82 Broward League of Cities Continuing 5/82 X Colony West Country Club: a) Sidewalk construction - 4/28 tabled pending construction of guardrail within 30 days b) equipment operation prior to 8 a.m. X 1/6/83 tabled to 1/26/83 c) Executive Course - 7/14 tabled to C/M Disraelly 5/12/82 X future meeting d) Traffic Light Aunt.-9/22 tabled V/M Massaro 7/28/82 until decision made as to purchase e) of Exec. course guardrail on McNab-entr.to util. Temp. 966 - Construction trailers - 4/28 tabled Comm. Dev. 4/82 Bike Path Agmt. - 6/23 tabled for finalization of plans C/MSr. 1/82 NW 61 St. - SW corner: a) easement b) Agmt. re recorded covenants c) Reso. supporting variance 3/10 discussion only Cons. C/Atty. 3/3/82 Civic Center & Police Facility - l/6/83 tabled for W/S Mtg. 1/21/83 C/M Kravitz 4/16/81 Temp. 925 - Platting - P.H. held 3/24 tabled Cw n. Dev. 3/82 Financial Federal Perf. Bond Release 11/10 tabled because of beautification fees and for review by C/Atty. C/Engr. 4/20/82 Intersection of 57th St. & 88 Ave. 5/10 tabled indefinitely for report from V/M Massaro V/M Massaro 5/10/82 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY Sunniland Bank -Landscape Bona release - 12/22 tabled because of unfinished work C/M Disraelly 6/3/82 Tamarac Jewish Center: a) One Year extenstion of provisions of Code Sec.'7-31 requiring screening of equipment on roof 11/10 tabled for legal opinion from C/Atty. C/M Kravitz 9/1/82 b) Refund of Drng. fee-1/6/83 tabled to 1/26/83 - C/Atty to have report C/Clerk 10/20/82 and rec=Me dations by 1/20/83 Southgate Gardens, Inc. a) Revised site plan b) water easement Cons. C/Atty. 7/7/82 c) sewer easement a) 7/14 tabled b) and c) tabled for C/Engr. review on 10/27 Bid Authorization - a) installation of ground storage tank - 7/28 tabled C/Engr. 7/20/82 Springlake II a) Revised site plan b) Water & Sewer Dev. Agent. C/Engr. 7/19/92 1/6/83 tabled until problems resolved Queen of the Sea, Inc. - Spec. Except. for beer & wine - 1/6/83 tabled to 1/26/83 for traffic light donation Bid Award - P.W. - curber - 12/22 tabled for further review Bid Auth.- treatment of canal ditch banks - 12/22 tabled Ccam. Dev. 12/22/82 C/Clerk 12/15/82 C/Mcgr. 12/16/82 Westwood 7 - Video Cable installation - 1/6/83 tabled because of possible default of franchise C/Engr. 12/22/82 Pan American Bank - Sign Waives - Beautification 1/6/33 3rd sign - 1/6/83 tabled to 1/26/83 Woodmont Country Club - Golf Cart C/M Kravitz 1/7/83 Tent - 1/6/83 tabled to mtg. within one month TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR MEETING SECTION Page 2 - 1/20/83 • l�a� it �r X M KI X !1 PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2:00 P.M. SECOND READING ORDINANCE Temp. 1015 - BARRIER AT N.W. 26 Terrace PETITIONS KI #21-Z-82 - Ticon, Inc. - Rezoning from R-IB to R-4A - Island located west of City Hall, x south of Paradise Estates, east of NW 94 Avenue and north of Tamarac Jewish Center and Brr_ward Neighbors (Parcel P -.southwest portion) #22-Z-82 - Ticon, Inc. - Rezoning from R-IB to RM-10 - Same location as above (Parcel P -X southeast portion) #23-Z-82 - Ticon, Inc. - Rezoning from R-IB to R-3 - Same location as above (Parcel P - x northeast portion) #41-Z-82 - F&R Builders, Inc. - Rezoning from R-3 and R-3U to S-1 - Ashmont Rec parcel x PUBLIC HEARING - 5:05 P.M. SECOND READING ORDINANCE Temp. 1013 - Amusement Center Amendment M4 WORKSHOP SECTION CITY COUNCIL 1/20/83 SUBJECT INTRODUCED BY AGENDIZED Temp. Ord. #962 - RPUD-District (denied by Plan. Comm.) Comm. Dev. 3/17/82 Woodmont Tract 60-Residents request that certain streets be changed from numbers to words C/Clerk 8/10/82 Pension Ordinance C/Attorney 10/7/82 Beautification Comm - Apptmt of one regular member x C/Clerk 1/20/83 Commercial Blvd. curb cuts - proposed moratorium C/M Disrae-ly 10/82 Naming of Tract 27 Park C/Manager 10/11/82 Mainlands Center - Amendment to W&S Agreement C/M Disraelly 12/16/82 x Acceptance of Auditors Report (2/9/83) C/M Kravitz 1/6/83 Bid Authorization-TUW Wastewater Treatment Plant Grating Replacement C/Engineer 1/19/83 Traffic Light at 72 St. & University Dr. - Proposal re design specs from Craven -Thompson x C/M Disraelly 1/18/83 Lakes North Rev. Site Plan C/M Disraelly 1/19/83 Model Sales Renewals: a) Concord Village (exp. 2/10/83) C/Clerk 1/19/83 x b) Westview at Colony West Parcel R x c) Westview at Colony West Parcel L x b & c exp. 1/27/83 Change Order No. 1 for Tennis Courts at Park reducing contract C/Engineer 1/17/83 x Richway - Two perf.bond releases (exp. 2/8/84) upon receipt of warranty bonds C/Engineer 1/19/83 x Lime Bay Blvd. Resurfacing C/Engineer 1/19/83 Sands Point Phase 6, Bldg. S. - Rev. site plan for new sidewalk & reloca- x tion of trash room doors D/M Disraelly 1/19/83 University Hospital: a) Rev. site plan for addition to bldg. and parking lot x b) Water & Sewer Dev. Agmt. Comm. Dev. 1/20/83 ? c) Water Retention Agmt. d) Drainage easement Tamarac Gardens Rev. site plan for revised entrance and revisions to rec Comm. Dev. 1/20/83 x? facilities Reso. est. adm. fee off -duty detail work (FOP Cont.) C/Mgr. 1/20/83 x Consent -sign F1a.Derby Festival C/Mgr. 1/20/83 x TUW water bill ? C/M Kravitz 1/20/83 x