HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-12-14 - City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes (2)CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2016 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Harry Dressler called the Commission Meeting of the City of Tamarac to order at 7.13 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 in City Commission Chambers, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321. ROLL CALL: Mayor Harry Dressler, Vice Mayor Debra Placko, Commissioner Marlon Bolton, Commissioner Michelle J. Gomez, and Commissioner Julie Fishman were in attendance. Also in attendance were City Manager Michael C. Cernech, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren and City Clerk Patricia A. Teufel. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Gomez led the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: a. Presentation to the Mayor and Commission of the ICMA 2016 Certificate in Performance Management Plaque by ICMA President Lee Feldman. 2. CITY COMMISSION REPORTS: a. Commissioner Bolton: Thanked staff for putting together the orientation session for himself and Commissioner Fishman. Commissioner Bolton said he walks his community and was disheartened to hear about the car burglaries. He indicated that after he expressed his concerns about the car break-ins he spoke with Captain Glassman about being proactive so that residents will feel safe in District 1. Commissioner Bolton said he attended the Holiday Lighting event and thanked Parks & Recreation Director Warner and his staff for a job well done and noted that people are grateful for a well -executed event. Commissioner Bolton said he attended the Chamber of Commerce Holiday Party and thanked the Chamber for supporting local businesses. Commissioner Bolton talked about the importance of diversity and Tamarac should increase its efforts to honor people who contribute to the City. Commissioner Bolton said Coral Springs and Lauderhill hold events to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. and asked staff to explore ideas to honor Dr. King and Black History Month for 2018. Commissioner Bolton wished everyone a Happy Holiday, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanza. b. Commissioner Gomez: Commissioner Gomez advised that the Tamarac Community Center has art work dedicated to Black History Month. Commissioner Gomez welcomed Commissioner Bolton and Fishman to the dais. Commissioner Gomez attended the Veterans Day Ceremony; the Turkey Trot, the Leadership Tamarac Luncheon and visited Fire Station 78 to view the new artwork. Commissioner Gomez said she also attended the Broward County Planning Council Meeting regarding traffic issues in Broward County and they are asking to meet with the MPO either in January or February of 2017. Commissioner Gomez noted that she attended the National League of Cities meeting in Pittsburgh where she worked with the Transportation Infrastructure Services Advocacy Committee writing Page 1 of 10 COMMISSION MEETING December 14, 2016 Revised January 13, 2017 legislation for racial equality that will be in their policy amendments that they will be bringing before the legislature in Washington in March. Commissioner Gomez said she attended sessions regarding autonomous vehicles. She also attended a session regarding drones in which they had very good discussions about whether it would be good for businesses and whether or not it would be of assistance to Fire Rescue and law enforcement agencies. They also talked about dealing with hobbyists as there are a lot of concerns about the use of drones in certain areas such as parks where children are playing. Commissioner Gomez said this is a developing topic with legislation being looked into. Commissioner Gomez wished everyone a Happy Holiday. c. Commissioner Fishman: Commissioner Fishman said when she first arrived in Tamarac she made a decision to get involved in the Community and joined CERT as well as a few other programs. Commissioner Fishman said she ran for the District 3 Commission seat because it was the next logical step. Commissioner Fishman encouraged people to volunteer in their communities and noted that from October 2015 through September 2016 25,823 hours were donated to the City and once again encouraged people to get involved and make a difference. d. Vice Mayor Placko: Vice Mayor Placko welcomed Commissioner Bolton and Commissioner Fishman to the dais. Vice Mayor Placko thanked everyone for coming out to tonight's meeting and said she was glad to see people care about their community. Vice Mayor Placko wished everyone a Happy Holiday and Happy and Healthy New Year. e. Mayor Dressler: Mayor Dressler said he attended the Toys for Tots event at Applebee's; the Leadership Tamarac Program luncheon; the Holiday Lighting Ceremony and the National League of Cities conference in Pittsburgh. Mayor Dressler said he will be attending the U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in the near future. Mayor Dressler wished everyone a Happy Holiday, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and Happy Kwanza. 3. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: City Attorney Goren said earlier this week the Commission was sent a memo regarding Medical Marijuana Dispensaries (MMD's). City Attorney Goren said that City Manager Cernech has executed a Zoning in Progress but this is just a starting point to allow the City to regulate MMD's. City Attorney Goren went over salient points of the memorandum and said once the Department of Health adopts state-wide rules, we will be able to develop a process for MMD's in Tamarac.. 4. CITY MANAGER REPORT: City Manager Cernech welcomed Commissioners Bolton and Fishman to their first meeting and thanked them for their patience while staff worked to get them the information they need as Commissioners. City Manager Cernech confirmed that he did issue a Zoning in Progress relative to Medical Marijuana and staff will be back with a presentation in January. City Manager Cernech reported that Tamarac Fire Rescue and BSO were at Challenger Elementary School's Big Truck Day on December 7th and 200 children got to see some of our First Responders' "Tools of the Trade". Fire Rescue brought their new fire truck and BSO bought their SWAT truck. Page 2 of 10 COMMISSION MEETING December 14, 2016 Revised January 13, 2017 City Manager Cernech reminded people that the pool at the Aquatic Center is closed during the months of December, January and February and will reopen on March 1st. The facility will be open for regularly scheduled classes and the swim team. Upcoming Events: City Manager Cernech said the City in conjunction with the Tamarac Historical Society will recognize and celebrate Tamarac residents who have reached or passed their 100th Birthday with a Centenarian brunch on January 27th at the Community Center. Centenarians and one guest are free; additional guests and attendees are $20 each and reservations are required. The deadline is January 10th and for more information call 954-597-3629 or e-mail history(cD-tamarac.org. City Manager Cernech invited people to enjoy the Paws With Claus Holiday Paw-ty on Saturday, December 17th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Gary B Jones Park for People and Pups and the Jingle Brawl LaCrosse Tournament on December 17th and 18th starting at 8:00 AM at the Sports Complex which will take place on Multipurpose Fields 4-7 and Baseball fields 2 &3. City Manager Cernech wished everyone Happy Holidays. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mayor Dressler opened Public Participation and the following individuals spoke: Lisa Hayden 8505 Cherry Blossom Lane asked Commissioner Placko for information on the Holiday drive for Family Central; Jeanine Luster, 4967 NW 59TH St. talked about buying a home in Central Parc and the crime in that area; Sharon Baron 4709 Woodlands Blvd. talked about the damage to the sign located at Commercial and Woodland Blvds. and asked the City to accept a check and repair the sign; Princess Stanley, 7914 NW 73rd Terr. asked the City to assist with the beautification of Tamarac Elementary School 6. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Dressler asked City Manager Cernech if there were any changes/additions to the Consent Agenda and City Manager Cernech said Item 6 (c) - TR12886 — FY 2015-2016 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) - on the Consent Agenda is being removed and moved to Public Hearings as it is a Public Hearing item that was inadvertently placed on the Consent Agenda. Vice Mayor Placko seconded by Commissioner Gomez moved approval of removing item 6 (c) from the Consent Agenda and moving it to Public Hearings as item 9 (a). Motion passed unanimously (5-0). Vice Mayor Placko seconded by Commissioner Gomez moved approval of the Consent Agenda as amended. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). a. Approval of the November 9, 2016 Regular Commission Meeting Minutes - APPROVED b. Approval of the November 21, 2016 Special Commission Meeting Minutes - APPROVED d. TR12888 - Awarding ITB# 16-16-RB for Fire Station 15 Bay Door Replacement Bid: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida approving the award of Invitation To Bid (ITB) # 16-16-RB to Miner Florida LTD. for the purchase and replacement of Fire Station 15 four -fold bay doors in an amount not to exceed $188,746.67 which includes a not to exceed cost of $171,587.89 and a contingency of $17,158.78, and to authorize the appropriate City Officials to execute an agreement with Miner Florida LTD. providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Page 3 of 10 COMMISSION MEETING December 14, 2016 Revised January 13, 2017 RESOLUTION R-2016-137 e. TR12892 - Bid 17-01 B Aquatic Center Pumping System Improvements Project: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to award Bid No. 17-01 B and execute an Agreement with R.J. Sullivan Corp., for the Aquatic Center Pumping System Improvements Project, for an amount not to exceed $367,500; a contingency amount of $22,500 will be added to the project account for a total project budget of $390,000; authorizing an expenditure of $367,500 plus contingency of $22,500, providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2016-138 f. TR12893 - 2016 JAG Grant: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida authorizing the appropriate city officials to accept the 2016 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Award in the amount of $14,641.00 and execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Tamarac and the Broward Sheriff's Office pending legal review; authorizing the Broward Sheriff's Office to continue to serve as the lead agency providing for the administration of the 2016 JAG Grant Award; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2016-139 g. TR12882 - Greenleaf Filter Media Replacement - Bid No. 16-2013: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, awarding Bid No. 16-20B to RF Environmental Services, Inc., and authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute the agreement between the City of Tamarac and RF Environmental Services, Inc. for an amount of $529,000 for the Greenleaf Filter Media Replacement Project located at the Tamarac Utilities Water Treatment Plant site; a contingency in the amount of $105,800 will be added to the project account for a total amount of $634,800; authorizing an expenditure from the appropriate accounts; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2016-140 h. TR12891 - Purchase of Pumps and Appurtenances from Hydra Service, Inc. for FY17 A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, designating Hydra Service, Inc., as a sole source provider for pumps and appurtenances utilized at fifty-four (54) city wastewater pump stations, and to authorize expenditures for the purchase of pumps and appurtenances from Hydra Service, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $120,000 for Fiscal Year 2017; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2016-141 i. TR12889 - Purchase of Cardiac Defibrillators and Monitors: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute an Agreement for the purchase of nine (9) ZOLL X-Series manual cardiac monitor/defibrillators with related accessories from ZOLL Medical Corporation, a vendor under the National Purchasing Partners Agreement, for an amount not to exceed a total of $230,911.02; authorizing the trade in of nine (9) Physio-Control outdated cardiac monitors and defibrillators; providing for conflicts; providing for severability, and providing for an effective date. Page 4 of 10 COMMISSION MEETING December 14, 2016 Revised January 13, 2017 RESOLUTION R-2016-142 7. REGULAR AGENDA: There were no Regular Agenda items scheduled for this meeting. Mayor Dressler moved out of the order of the agenda to take up items 9 (a) TR12886 and 10 (a) T02349. 9. PUBLIC HEARING(S): a. TR12886 - FY 2015-2016 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida approving the Consolidated: Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER FY2015-2016) which is attached hereto as Exhibit: "A" for the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)'s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs for HUD's Fiscal Year 2015-2016, providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read TR12886 by title into the record. Mayor Dressler opened the Public Hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the Public Hearing. Vice Mayor Placko seconded by Commissioner Gomez moved approval of TR12886. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). RESOLUTION R-2016-143 10. ORDINANCE(S) - SECOND READING: a. T02349 - Water Supply Plan Comp Plan GOP Amendments: An Ordinance of the City of Tamarac, Florida, amending, the Future Land Use Element, Infrastructure Element, Conservation Element, Intergovernmental Coordination Element, and Capital Improvements Element of the City of Tamarac's Comprehensive Plan consistent with the South Florida Water Management District Water Supply Facilities work plan for the City of Tamarac, authorizing transmittal of the 2016 Ten Year Water Supply Facilities work plan and Comprehensive Plan Amendments to the Department of Economic Opportunity and other agencies as required by Florida Statutes 163.3184(3) providing for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan; providing for conflict; providing for severability; and, providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read T02349 by title into the record. Mayor Dressler opened the Public Hearing and with no one wishing to speak, closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Gomez seconded by Commissioner Fishman moved approval of T02349 on second reading. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). PASSED ON FIRST READING ON SEPTEMBER 28, 2016 PASSED ON SECOND READING DECEMBER 14, 2016 ORDINANCE NO. 0-2016-19 Mayor Dressler moved back into the order of the Agenda to take up items 8 (a) T02353 - on Ordinance(s) First Reading. Mayor Dressler recessed the meeting at 8:24 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 8.46 with all present as before. 8. ORDINANCE(S) - FIRST READING: Page 5 of 10 COMMISSION MEETING December 14, 2016 Revised January 13, 2017 a. T02353 - Woodmont Country Club - Restated Development Agreement: An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving and authorizing the Mayor, Vice -Mayor, or City Manager of the City of Tamarac, Florida, on behalf of the City, to execute and to otherwise enter into an amended and restated Development Agreement between the City of Tamarac, Pulte Home Corporation and Woodmont Country Club, Inc., for the development of property located within the Woodmont Plat, as recorded in Plat Book 88, Page 20, of the public records of Broward County, Florida, and as more fully described in the amended and restated Development Agreement which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to do all things necessary to effectuate the intent of this ordinance; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren gave direction on how this item would be handled and went over the State Statute that governs the adoption of a Developer's Agreement. City Attorney Goren explained that the original Agreement is a legal and binding document. City Attorney Goren reminded everyone that the original Agreement was discussed in Quasi -Judicial Proceedings and said that all affected parties will be sworn in. City Attorney Goren said Tamarac will make its presentation and that Council for the applicant can ask questions and make a presentation. City Attorney Goren went over a list of possible individuals that should be sworn in. City Attorney Goren noted for the record that Tamarac has its own Special Council, Michael Burke, of the Johnson Anselmo law firm, to assist us with this particular item. City Attorney Goren said during the Public Hearing people in the audience will have the option to speak at that time. City Attorney Goren noted that this item is required to have two public hearings per State Statute and if this passes this evening this will go to second review under the same process as tonight. City Attorney Goren said we will need a Motion and Second to adopt the rules of the road. Commissioner Gomez seconded by Commissioner Bolton moved approval of the rules of the road. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). City Attorney Goren read T02353 by title into the record and City Clerk Teufel swore in all affected parties. Mayor Dressler asked the Commission members if anyone had any meetings with anyone in this action and Commissioner Bolton said no; Vice Mayor Placko said she met with Scott Backman many times in City Hall; Mayor Dressler said he met with Scott Backman and Tony Palumbo of Pulte Homes; Commissioner Gomez said she met with Scott Backman and Commissioner Fishman said she did not meet with anyone. Community Development Director Calloway gave a presentation, a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's Office, and said staff recommended conditional approval of the Restated Development Agreement. City Attorney Goren said all presentations will be marked as Exhibits and entered into the record. Attorney Scott Backman appeared on behalf of the applicant and entered his presentation into the record. Mr. Backman gave a presentation, a copy of which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Mr. Backman said this is good and strong agreement and better than the one in place now and Pulte is ready to spend money to get this project moving. Mr. Backman introduced Andrew Maxey of Pulte Homes to the Commission. Mr. Maxey said he is the Project Manager for this project and indicated that he had met with Vice Mayor Placko, City Manager Cernech, Community Development Director Calloway and her staff. Mr. Maxey talked about his involvement with this project since its inception and asked the Commission to approve the Agreement so that they can move forward with the project. Page 6 of 10 COMMISSION MEETING December 14, 2016 Revised January 13, 2017 Attorney Justin Schmidt appeared on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Schmidt thanked the Commission for allowing him the opportunity to speak. Mr. Schmidt spoke briefly about the history of the project over the last 2 % years. Mr. Schmidt advised that all the site plans have been submitted to the City and will be before the Commission in February 2017. Mr. Schmidt said they are ready to start putting shovels in the ground; however, there is a slight impasse that needs to be addressed. Mr. Schmidt said this is a good deal for Woodmont Country Club and Tamarac but has no benefit to the applicant. Mr. Schmidt talked about possible compromises to move this matter forward. City Attorney Goren said he mentioned earlier that Attorney Michael Burke is here on behalf of the City as Special Counsel and it would be appreciated if the Commission would allow Mr. Burke to make some comments on the record. Attorney Michael Burke, 2455 E. Sunrise Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, said he is with the firm of Johnson Anselmo and has had the pleasure of doing work for the City over the years. Mr. Burke said In this particular matter he was asked to look at the City's authority to amend the existing Development Agreement that was recorded in 2014. As was stated by Community Development Director Calloway Florida statutory law expressly provides for the parties ability to amend an approved Development Agreement. There is a section of Florida statutory law that specifically addresses itself to the requirements of Development Agreements, what their terms need to be and various provisions. One of those provisions is that a Development Agreement maybe amended by the mutual consent of the parties to the agreement or their Successors in Interest. Mr. Burke said in this particular matter he reviewed the 2014 Agreement and it had two parties, the City of Tamarac and Woodmont. Back at that time an Exhibit to the existing Development Agreement provided that there would be a Notice of Consent Joinder Agreement by a company called Zaveco Development LLC. Zaveco was apparently a former contract purchaser of the land, or portion of the land, that is the subject of this Development Agreement and since 2012 has been involved in litigation with Woodmont with respect to that contract. From his review of the Development was that Zaveco was not a party to it, it was not referred to as a party, not named as a party; moreover Zaveco did not sign the Agreement. Most importantly, Zaveco did not sign the Joinder Agreement either. Mr. Burke said there is pending litigation between Zaveco and Woodmont and is not with respect to the existing Development Agreement but rather related to the contract to purchase the land, or a portion of the land. It is now currently set for trial in January of 2017 and the matter before the Court is a Motion to enforce to some sort of settlement agreement that allegedly was entered into between Woodmont and Zaveco. Mr. Burke said based upon his review of the 2014 Development Agreement the City does have the legal authority, at this time, as a party to the Agreement to enter into an amendment of that Agreement with Woodmont. City Attorney Goren said Mr. Burke's comments are on the record and are beneficial to the City. Mayor Dressler opened the Public Hearing and the following individuals spoke in favor of the project: Sam Gross, Helena Friedman, Lisa Hayden; Dick Brown, Rebecca Stuart and Anne Marie Yibirin. Mr. Santiago Vasquez expressed concern about added traffic and Mr. Leon Feig was against the project. With no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Dressler closed the Public Hearing. All pertinent information on the speakers is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Page 7 of 10 COMMISSION MEETING December 14, 2016 Revised January 13, 2017 Mayor Dressler opened the floor for questions and comments from the Commission. Vice Mayor Placko thanked everyone for their comments and said the Commission does listen and this is not something that any one of them takes lightly. Vice Mayor Placko said she was here for the original agreement and has been very involved since Woodmont is in her district. What we have before us now is a new agreement and it is her job to protect her community. Vice Mayor Placko said the issue here is the golf course because it impacts the residents. Vice Mayor Placko said we have $2.4 million in escrow for a bond for the club house and asked why the golf course is the step child and we don't have the same guarantee as the club house. Mr. Backman said the only thing Tamarac does not have on the golf course is Pulte backing up the guarantee to complete the golf course and Pulte has said it will not offer that assurance. Mr. Maxey said that Pulte has made a business decision not to guarantee the golf course as they do not own the property. Vice Mayor Placko was adamant about having assurances from Pulte to finish the golf course should a problem arise. Mr. Maxey, Mr. Backman, City Attorney Goren and Mr. Schmidt replied to the concerns expressed by Vice Mayor Placko for Pulte to step in and guarantee the completion of the golf course. Mr. Maxey said he does not have the authority to assume the responsibility of guaranteeing the completion of the golf course. Mr. Backman said they are going before the DRC and Tamarac's golf course expert tomorrow who will have some comments. At this point they have a rough estimate of the costs but actual costs cannot be determined at- this point. Vice Mayor Placko asked for Tamarac's golf course expert's documents entered into the record. Mayor Dressler recessed the meeting at 11:07 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 11:28 p.m. with all present as before. Mr. Backman, Mr. Maxey and Mr. Schmidt responded to questions from Commissioner Gomez about the maintenance of the landscape during construction. Mr. Mark Schmidt said they are looking at three bids from three golf course companies for the construction of the golf course at this time. Mr. Schmidt said they are going to the DRC tomorrow and until we get their approval it is hard to move forward with the construction. Mr. Schmidt talked about the upgrades to the golf course. Mr. Schmidt responded to questions from Commissioner Gomez. Mr. Backman, Mr. Mark Schmidt, City Manager Cernech and Mr. Maxey responded to questions from Mayor Dressler relative to the Escrow money and a performance bond. Mayor Dressler recessed the meeting at 12:19 a.m. on Thursday, December 15, 2016 and reconvened the meeting at 1:04 a.m. with all present as before. City Attorney Goren said the Commission requested a brief recess for the purpose of conferring with the City Attorney and City Manager regarding the conversation that occurred over the last few hours in connection with this pending application. We conferred independently of any other member of the Commission and then we conferred with Mr. Backman on a specific point. The concern raised by the Commission over the past several Page 8 of 10 COMMISSION MEETING December 14, 2016 Revised January 13, 2017 hours of discussion relates principally to completion of the golf course. Mr. Schmidt opened the door on several options that need to be fully explored and the suggestion has been regarding a bond. A performance bond is essentially an insurance policy to guarantee payment. City Attorney Goren explained the mechanics of how a performance bond works. The City does not own the golf course and therefore the City cannot build the golf course for Mr. Schmidt because it is against the Constitution of Florida for a public agency to be investing in private property. The Commission had some concerns about its relationship with Mr. Mark Schmidt and Mr. Schmidt expressed his concerns about other issues. In the event Mr. Schmidt fails to complete the work because he intentionally failed to do so or if his contractor leaves the job, or something in between, that leaves the project incomplete we need to find a way to support getting it done. What the City has proposed is for Mr. Schmidt to procure some form of performance bond which would in essence do the following: It would guarantee to the City that the work on the golf course would proceed if the contractor on site either defaulted because he couldn't perform, or left the job, or Mr. Schmidt chose to throw him off the project. The performance bonding company would support engaging a third party contactor to finish the work. City Attorney Goren said what he has heard from the Commission is that they want an independent third party with a guaranteed obligation. City Attorney Goren said the issue now is what the bond going to look like, what is it going to cost etc. and things that he cannot answer tonight on the record. City Attorney Goren said that if you pass this item on first reading and on that condition alone that they produce a bond which is satisfactory to the professional staff of the City and the City Attorney's Office, that you have a premise upon which to go to second reading. City Attorney Goren said if there is no bond available then the deal is dead and you will never have a second reading. We need to find a way to get to the next level by finding a bond that does everything the Commission is looking for. Mr. Backman said he appreciates the lengthy discussion and deliberation and the opportunity to continue to try to find a solution. It appears that to some extent there may actually be an opportunity that does exist that will allow us to go out and find a type of performance bond that the City would want as was explained by City Attorney Goren. Mr. Backman said he does not know if such a bond exists that would be available to us. There are a lot of questions that still need to be answered. Mr. Backman said they would appreciate the opportunity to try and answer those questions and provide the Commission with what they are looking for to provide the guarantee. City Attorney Goren said before the Commission is an Ordinance and the attachment is a Development Agreement as amended. You will essentially be approving an ordinance at first reading with conditions. City Attorney Goren said one specific condition, which is the one regarding a performance bond that meets the test of the conversation offered this evening, which would put an independent third party in the position to finish the project. If that bond is available and can be acquired with a reasonable cost and satisfies the relationship between Mr. Schmidt and Pulte we will work together between tonight and second reading. Staff will be willing to look at any option that works. City Attorney Goren said the motion will be to approve the ordinance on first reading with the condition that it is to perfect the acquisition of a performance bond that provides for the completion of the project upon default by the owner. Mr. Backman said for the record it is their understanding that if they are able to find this guarantee that that condition would not be in play. Page 9 of 10 COMMISSION MEETING December 14, 2016 Revised January 13, 2017 Vice Mayor Placko seconded by Commissioner Gomez moved approval of T02353 on first reading with conditions. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). PASSED ON FIRST READING ON DECEMBER 14, 2016 Mayor Dressler asked for a motion to defer item 11 (a) to the January 11, 2017 meeting. City Attorney Goren read TR12881 — Woodmont County Club — Major Revised Site Plan - by title into the record. Commissioner Gomez seconded by Vice Mayor Placko moved to defer TR12881 to the January 11, 2017 meeting. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). 11. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING(S): a. TR12881 - Woodmont Country Club - Major Revised Site Plan: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, granting Major Revised Site Plan approval (with conditions) to allow for the approval of Phase I of the Woodmont Country Club Master Development Plan to allow for the development of a new 15,031 square foot clubhouse with an ancillary 7,202 square foot cart barn with associated parking and pool; for the subject property located at 7801 NW 80 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida (Parcel A of the Woodmont Recreation Complex, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 91, Page 49, public records of Broward County, Florida) (Case No. 33-sp-14); providing for conflicts, providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. DEFERRED FROM THE NOVEMBER 9, 2016 MEETING DEFERRED TO THE JANUARY 11, 2017 MEETING 12. OTHER There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Dressler adjourned the meeting at 1.20 a.m. on December 15, 2016. arry Dressler; Mayor Patricia Teufel, C9d City Clerk Page 10 of 10 COMMISSION MEETING December 14, 2016 Revised January 13, 2017