HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2017-069Temp Reso. 12971 June 13, 2017 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2017- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, APPROVING A SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SUPERION, LLC AS A SOLE SOURCE PROVIDER FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE CITY'S EXISTING LEGACY MUNICIPAL APPLICATIONS TO NEXT GENERATION ONESOLUTION SYSTEM FOR A CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $1,854,298 INCLUDING THE FIRST YEAR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE COST OF $130,506 AND CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $45,967 FOR A TOTAL PROJECT COST OF $1,900,265; AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE A SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SUPERION, LLC; AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE FROM THE APPROPRIATE ACCOUNTS; AUTHORIZING AN APPROPRIATION OF $1,123,723; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO APPROVE RENEWAL OPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, technology is one of the key components for efficient delivery of City services; and WHEREAS, the current municipal enterprise applications were acquired in 1997 for a total cost of $822,449 from HTE currently known as Superion; and WHEREAS, the current applications like Permitting, Code Enforcement, Fleet Maintenance, Accounting, Payroll and more were developed with the 1970s-technology using Assembly and Cobol programming languages for IBM AS/400 and allowed very little opportunities for open integration with other technologies; and Temp Reso. 12971 June 13, 2017 Page 2 WHEREAS, recognizing the deficiencies in the aging applications, a Technology Migration Project was developed and included in our Strategic Plan in FY 2015; and WHEREAS; Superion is a leading supplier of Municipal Information Technology Solutions since the 1980s and is currently operating in a significant number of North American Communities, servicing a population of over 175 million residents; and WHEREAS, Superion has developed the data conversion and inter -operability tools between their older systems that we currently operate and the proposed OneSolution Suite of Applications to make the data migration / conversion an easier process and enabling the operation of different software modules together during the long implementation period where they must co -exist and co-operate; and WHEREAS, Superion is proposing to replace our existing software with the new generation of their product line at no cost, amounting to a discount of $544,046 for software license fees; and WHEREAS, such benefits make Superion a unique sole source to supply the City's next generation Municipal Applications; and WHEREAS, we engaged Superion Business Consultants in 2015 to conduct a Business Process Review where the current processes were identified, potential improvement opportunities were captured and a Statement of Work attached hereto as Exhibit 1 was created for each business function to establish the project expectations; and WHEREAS, a team appointed by the City Manager consisting of the Director of Information Technology, Director of Financial Services and the Purchasing and Contracts Manager negotiated a Software License and Services Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit 2 to replace the City's aging municipal Information Systems for a contract amount of Temp Reso. 12971 June 13, 2017 Page 3 $1,854,298 including $130,506 for the first year annual maintenance fee and a contingency amount of $45,967 representing 5% contingency on the Professional Service Fees for a total project budget of $1,900,265; and WHEREAS; City's Audit firm RSM US, LLP also reviewed the proposed agreement and the Statement of Work and did not find any issues; and WHEREAS; the Executive Team and the others that participated in the process recommend the proposed Agreement be accepted and executed by the appropriate City Officials to replace the City's aging Municipal Information Systems with the new generation OneSolution Suite of Applications from Superion, LLC; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to authorize the appropriate City Officials to execute a Software License and Services Agreement to replace the City's aging municipal Information Systems for a contract amount of $1,854,298 including $130,506 for the first year annual maintenance and a contingency amount of $45,967 representing 5% of the Professional Service Fees for a total project budget of $1,900,265. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. All exhibits attached hereto are incorporated here and made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: That the City Commission approves, and authorizes the appropriate City Officials to execute a sole source Software License and Services Agreement with Temp Reso. 12971 June 13, 2017 Page 4 Superion, LLC to replace the City's aging municipal Information Systems for a contract amount of $1,854,298 including $130,506 for the first year annual maintenance, and that the appropriate City Officials also be authorized to approve subsequent renewal options. SECTION 3: A City controlled contingency in the amount of $45,967 representing 5% contingency on the Professional Service Fees is hereby approved and included in the project budget. SECTION-4- The City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to approve and initiate change orders in amounts not to exceed $65,000 per section 6-147 of the City Code and close the contract award which includes but is not limited to making final payment and releasing bonds per section 6-149 of the City Code when the work has been successfully completed within the terms, conditions and pricing of the agreement. SECTION 5: An additional appropriation of $1,123,723 will be required for the remainder of the cost for the software and implementation and will be included in a Budget Amendment prior to November 30, 2017. SECTION 6: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 7: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. Temp Reso. 12971 June 13, 2017 Page 5 SECTION 8: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 19 day of 9 --r_1z__ , 2017. 4�1 Alyll� HAIIRYIbRESSLER MAYOR ATTEST: PATRICIA TEUFEL,�MG CITY CLERK RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR DRESSLER DIST 1: COMM BOLTON DIST 2: COMM GOMEZ 11,4 DIST 3: COMM FISHMA DIST 4: V/M PLACKO I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE APPROVED THIS RESOLUTION AS TO FORM: 'z AMUEL� GOREN CITY ATTORNEY �J CUSTOMER NO. 2427LG CONTRACT NO. 00006594 SOFTWARE LICENSE AND SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN Superion, LLC a Limited Liability Company with headquarters at: 1000 Business Center Drive Lake Mary, FL 32746 ("Superion") AND City of Tamarac, FL with its principal place of business it 10101 State Street Tamarac, FL 33321 (for purposes of this Agreement, "Customer") By the signatures of their duly authorized representatives below, Superion and Customer, intending to be legally bound, agree to all of the provisions of this Agreement and all Exhibits, Supplements, Schedules, Appendices, and/or Addenda to this Agreement. City of Tamarac, FL AAlnl UIV PRINT NAME: PRINTTITLE: Cr1�c�J Actev DATE SIGNED: ' `_? .'iuperion, LLC BY: PRINT NAME: Lisa Neum PRINTTITLE: Controller DATE SIGNED: June 22, 2017 Page 1 of 29 SPS License 9/13/201 1 THIS AGREEMENT is made between Superion, LLC and Customer as of the Execution Date. The parties agree as follows: Definitions. "Baseline" means the general release version of a Component System as updated to the particular time in question through both Superion's warranty services and Superion's Maintenance Program, but without any other modification whatsoever. "Component System" means any one of the computer software programs which is identified in Exhibit 1 as a Component System, including all copies of Source Code, Object Code and all related specifications, documentation, technical information, and all corrections, modifications, a(ditions, improvements and enhancements to and all Intellectual Property Rights for such. Component Fiystem. "Confidential Information" means non-public information of a party to this Agreement. Confidential Information of Superion includes the Software, all software provided with the Software, and algorithms, methods, techniques and processes revealed by the Source Code of the Software and any software provided with the Software. Confidential Information does not include information that: (i) is or becomes known to the public without fault or breach of the Recipient; (ii) the Discloser regularly discloses to third parties without restriction on disclosure; or (iii) the Recipient obtains from a third party without restriction on disclosure and without breach of a non -disclosure obligation. "Delivery Address means the Customer shipping address set forth in Exhibit 1 as the Delivery Address. "Delivery Date" means, for each Component System, the date on which Superion first ships the Component System to the Delivery Address F.O.B. Superion's place of shipment.. "Discloser" means the party providing its Confidential Information to the Recipient. "Defect" means a material deviation between the Baseline Component System and its documentation, for which Defect Customer has given Superion enough information to enable Superion to replicate the deviation on a computer configuration that is both comparable to the Equipment and that is under Superion's control. "Execution Date" means the latest date shown on the signature page of this Agreement. "Equipment" means a hardware and systems software configuration meeting the "Equipment" criteria set forth in Exhibit 1. "Exhibit" means, collectively: (i) The schedules attached to this Agreement which are marked as "Exhibits," including all attached Software Supplements; and (ii) any schedule also marked as "Exhibits" (also including any attached Software Supplements) that is attached to any amendment to this Agreement. Other appendices to this Agreement are nL mbered sequentially and are also "Exhibits." "Intellectual Property Rights" means all patents, patent rights, patent applications, copyrights, copyright registrations, trade secrets, trademarks and service marks and Confidential Information. "Software" means the Component Systems listed in Exhibit 1. "Customer Employees" means: (i) Customer's employees with a need to know; and (ii) third party consultants engaged by Customer who have a need to know, who have been pre -approved by Page 2 of 29 SPS License 9/13/2011 Superion, and who, prior to obtaining access to the Software, have executed a Superion-approved non- disclosure agreement. "Object Code" means computer programs assembled, compiled, or converted to magnetic or electronic binary form on software media, which are readable and usable by computer equipment. "Recipient" means the party receiving Confidential Information of the Discloser. "Reimbursable Expenses" means travel and meal expense pursuant to Superion Travel Expense Guidelines included in Exhibit 3. "Software Supplement" means, with respect to a Component System, the addendum provided as part of Exhibit 1 that contains additional terms, conditions, limitations and/or other information pertaining to that Component System. If any terms ,of a' Software Supplement conflicts with any other terms of this Agreement, the terms of the Software Supplement will control. "Source Code" means computer programs written in higher -level programming languages, sometimes accompanied by English language comments and other programmer documentation. 2. Right to Grant License and Ownership. Superion has the right to grant Customer this license to use the Software. Except as otherwise indicated in a Software Supplement, Superion owns the Software. 3. License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Superion grants Customer a perpetual, non-exclusive, non -transferable license to use and copy for use the Software on the Equipment within the United States of America for Customer's own, non-commercial computing operations. Any rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are expressly reserved. a) Software Code. Customer has right to use the Software in Object Code form. Customer also has the right to use the Software in Object'C.ode form temporarily on another Superion-supported configuration, for disaster recovery of Customer's computer operations. b) Documentation. Except as otherwise provided for in the applicable Software Supplement, Customer can make a reasonahle number of copies of the documentation for each Component System for its use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. c) Restrictions on Use of the Software. Customer is prohibited from causing or permitting the reverse engineering, disassembly or decompilation of the Software. Customer is prohibited from using the Software to provide service bureau data processing services or to otherwise provide data processing services to third parties. Customer will not allow the Software to be used by, or disclose all or any part of the Software to, any person except Customer Employees. Without limiting the foregoing, Customer is permitted to allow use of the input and/or output sensory displays of or from the Software by third parties on a strict "need to know" basis, and such use will not be deemed a non -permitted disclosure of the Software. Customer will not allow the Software, in whole or in part, to be exported outside of the United States of America, in any manner or by any means, without in each instance obtaining Superion's prior written consent and, if required, a validated export license from the Office of Export Administration within the U.S. Department of Commerce and such other appropriate United States governmental authorities. d) Inte;F.lectual Property Rights Notices. Customer is prohibited from removing or altering any of the Intellectual Property Rights notice(s) embedded in or that Superion otherwise provides with the Software. Customer must reproduce the unaltered Intellectual Property Rights notice(s) in any full or partial copies that Customer makes of the Software. 4. Source Code. Superion has placed the Source Code for those Superion-proprietary (as opposed to third party -owned) Component Systems identified in Exhibit 1 in escrow with Iron Mountain Intellectual Property Management ("Iron Mountain", formerly "DSI Technology Escrow Services Inc." or "DSI") pursuant to a Source Code Escrow Agreement between Iron Mountain and Superion ("Escrow Page 3 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 Agreement"). Superion updates such Source Code escrow deposits at least once a calendar year. Such Source Code will only be made available on the release terms of the Escrow Agreement, and only to those Superion licensees that have elected to be named "Preferred Beneficiaries" under the Escrow Agreement by executing a Preferred Beneficiary Acceptance Form (Exhibit 5) , The first year fee of $850 is payable to Superion and is due by not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the fully executed Preferred Beneficiaries Acceptance Form, and thereafter, applicable annual fee amounts will be billed by Iron Mountain (such amounts which will be due at the beginning of the applicable annual period in each instance), and should be remitted by Customer directly to Iron Mountain. For the avoidance of doubt, Customer's election to be named an escrow beneficiary is optional. Superion shall bill the annual Escrow Fee with Customer's Annual Maintenance. 5. Services. a) Generally. Superion will provide Customer with the information services identified in Exhibit 1, for the fees provided in Exhibit 1. b) Additional Services. Superion can also provide Customer with additional Jnformation services, at Superion's then -current rates, or at such other rates as are agreed to by the parties in an amendment to this Agreement. c) Workmanlike Skills. Superion will render all services under this Agreement in a professional and workmanlike manner. Superion will promptly replace any Superion personnel that are rendering services on -site at .a Customer facility if Customer reasonably considers the personnel to be unacceptable and provides Superion with notice to that effect, provided that such replacement does not violate any law or governmerstal regulation applicable to such personnel replacement. d) Conditions On Providing Services. In each instance in which Superion is providing Customer with services, Superion and Customer will develop a project plan tha', identifies each party's responsibilities for such services. The project plan will describe in detail the tentative schedule and the scope of services that Superion will provide. Customer will establish the overall p!-oject direction, including assigning and managing the Customer's project personnel team. Customer must assign a project manager who will assume responsibility for management of the project. Customer must ensure that the Equipment is operational, accessible and supported at the times agreed to by the parties in the project plan. While Superion is providing such services, Customer must provide Superion with such facilities, equipment and support as are reasonably necessary for Superion to perform its obligations, including remote access to the Equipment. 6. Delivery. Except as otherwise provided in Exhibit 1, Superion will deliver all Component Systems to Customer at the Delivery Address. 7. Payment and Taxes. a) Payment. i) License Fees. Fees for the Software will be due to Superion as provided for in Exhibit 1. Professional Services Fees/Milestone Billing. Professional Services Fees shall be billed in accordance with the Milestone Billing Schedule — Exhibit 2 Schedule B. Professional Services will be invoiced on a monthly basis in arrears and will be due within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice. Customer will reimburse Superion for actual travel and living expenses that Superion incurs in providing Customer with services under this Agreement. Such travel and living expenses will be governed by the Superion Travel Expense Guidelines attached hereto as Exhibit 3 and will be invoiced on a monthly basis in arrears and due within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice. iii) The Contract Amount is the amount of Funds that Customer has allocated for this agreement, and may not be exceeded unless Customer allocates additional funds based upon approved written change orders. The Contract Amount is $1,264,182.00. Page 4 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 iv) Superion's Services is required to perform based upon the details of Exhibit 6 - Project Statement of Work (SOW). v) The complete installation of the Proposed System is contingent on budgetary funding from the annual Customer budget. Funding may be allocated in phases over several fiscal years. Customer believes that sufficient funds can be obtained to pay all amounts due Superion throughout the term of this Agreement and hereby covenants and agrees that it will make appropriate requests for budget appropriations for the fiscal years in amounts as specified herein. Customer further agrees that said funds, once appropriated, will be maintained and expended for the expressed purpose of acquiring from Superion the licenses and services set forth herein. In the event sufficient funds are not appropriated, not budgeted or not otherwise legally available, Customer shall immediately notify Superion of such occurrence and Superion will respond with a proclamation that the Agreement, or the appropriate executory portions thereof, is terminated. Should there be any premature termination of this Agreement, Customer shall be responsible to pay a) for any services delivered by Superion prior to the notice b) support service fees due and c) for all software which has been delivered and accepted. vi) Given the nature of the &irvices performed, Customer has the responsibility to inform Superion Public Services of any deficiencies in the work and/or satisfaction issues, or any other questions or issues. For this reason, Customer will have thirty (30) days from invoice date to notify Superion of any dispute or issue concerning the services billed on that invoice. Thereafter, the invoice will be considered non - disputable. Such notice shall provide sufficient detail so as to allow Superion to duplicate the error. SEE SECTION 20 — Service Resolution Incentive. b) Taxes. Customer is responsible for paying all taxes (except for taxes based on Superion's net income or capital stock) relating to this Agreement, the Software, any services provided or payments made under this Agreement:. Applicable tax amounts (if any) are NOT included in the fees set forth in This Agreement. If Custor ier is exempt from the payment of any such taxes, Customer must provide Superion with a valid tax exemption certificate; otherwise, absent proof of Customer's direct payment of such tax amounts to the applicable taxing authority, Superion will invoice Customer for and Customer will pay to Superion all such tax amounts. c) Scheduled Resource Changes: For training and on -site project management sessions which are cancelled at the request of Customer within fourteen (14) days of the scheduled start date, Customer is responsible for entire price of the training or on -site project management plus incurred expenses. 8. Acceptance of Services; Final Payment Milestone: The following terms apply with regard to payment of the Final Milestone as identified in the Project Milestone and Payment Schedule Supplement: a) i) Customer will use a two stage acceptance process to accept the final completion of Services. The first stage "Conditional Acceptance" will occur when the system (or portion thereof) goes live. Customer will have 45 days to conduct testing prior to go live. ii) Customer will have a 90 day period after Conditional Acceptance to "Live Test" the system (or portion thereof). Live Testing is Customer's opportunity to verify that the Services have been completed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement -.and that the Services were performed in accordance with specifications included in the Business Process Reviews and the Statement of Work. iii) If, after the Live Testing, the Services have been completed in accordance with the Agreement and Business Process Reviews and the Statement of Work; Customer will issue "Final Acceptance of Services." The 90-day time frame for Final Acceptance restarts if Services issues Page 5 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 are found in the Live Test. The final acceptance period will restart on the date the problem is certified by Superion as being re -performed and fixed. iv) 100% of the payment identified in the Milestone Billing Schedule Exhibit 2 — Schedule B specifically Final Milestone representing 10% of the total Services billing shall be paid upon Final Acceptance of Services. Limited Warranty, Disclaimer of Warranty and Election of Remedies. a) Limited Software Warranty by Superion and Remedy For Breach For each Component System, Superion warrants to Customer that, for a period of twelve (12) months after the Delivery Date, the Baseline Component System, as used by Customer on the Equipment for its own, non-commercial computing operations, will operate without Defects. For each Defect, SUper'on, as soon as reasonably practicable and at its own expense, will provide Customer with an avoidance procedure for or a correction of the Defect. If, despite its reasonable efforts, Superion is unable to provide Customer with an avoidance procedure for or a correction of a Defect, then, subject to the limitations set forth in Section 18 of this Agreement, Customer may pursue its remedy at law to recoveT direct damages resulting from the breach of this limited warranty. These remedies are exclusive and are in liwu of all other remedies, and Superion's sole obligations for breach of this limited warranty are contained iii this Section 9(a). b) Disclaimer of Warranty. The limited warranty in Section 9(a) is mace to Customer exclusively and is in lieu of all other warranties. SUPERION MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO ANY SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT AND/OR THE SOFTWARE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART. SUPERION EXPLICITLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SUPERION EXPRESSLY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, WILL BE ERROR FREE, WILL OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION OR WILL BE COMPATIBLE WITH ANY HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE OTHER THAN THE EQUIPMENT. CUSTOMER WAIVES ANY CLAIM THAT THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET -FORTH IN SECTION 9(A) OR THE REMEDY FOR BREACH OF SUCH LIMITED WARRANTY FA�LS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. c) Abrogation of Limited Warranty. The limited warranty in Section 9(a) will be null and void if: (i) anyone (including Customer) other than Superion modifies the Baseline Component System; or (ii) Customer does not implement changes that Superion provides to correct or improve the Baseline Component System. If despite any modification of the Component System, Superion can replicate the reported problem in the Baseline Component System as if the problem were a Defect, then Superion will nonetheless provide Customer with an avoidance procedure for or a correction of that reported problem for use in the Baseline Component System as though the reported problem were a Defect. d) FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. THE PARTIES HAVE AGREED THAT THE LIMITATIONS SPECIFIED IN SECTIONS 9 AND 18 WILL SURVIVE AND APPLY EVEN IF ANY LIMITED REMEDY SPECIFIED IN THIS AGREEMENT IS FOUND TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER CUSTOMER HAS ACCEPTED ANY SOFTWARE OR SERVICE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. 10. Confidential Information. Except as otherwise permitted under this Agreement, the Recipient will not knowingly disclose to ar y third party, or make any use of the Discloser's Confidential Information. The Recipient will use at least the same standard of care to maintain the confidentiality of the Discloser's Confidential Information thz,t it uses to maintain the confidentiality of its own Confidential Information of equal importance. Except in connection with the Software and any software provided with the Software, the non -disclosure and non-use obligations of this Agreement will remain in full force with respect to each item of Confidential Information for a period of ten (10) years after Recipient's receipt of that item. However, Customer's obligations to maintain both the Software and any software provided with the Software as confidential will survive in perpetuity. Page 6 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 11. Indemnity by Superion. Superion will defend, indemnify and hold Customer harmless from and against any loss, cost and expense that Customer incurs because of a claim that use of a Baseline Component System infringes any United States copyright of others. Superion's obligations under this indemnification are expressly conditioned on the following: (i) Customer must promptly notify Superion of any such claim; (ii) Customer must in writing grant Superion sole control of the defense of any such claim and of all negotiations for its settlement or compromise (if Customer chooses to represent its own interests in any such action, Customer may do so at its own expense, but such representation must not prejudice Superion's right to control the defense of the claim and negotiate its settlement or compromise); (iii) Customer must cooperate with Superion to facilitate the settlement or defense of the claim; (iv) the claim must not arise from modifications or (with the express exception of the other Component Systems and third party hardware and software specified by Superion in writing as necessary for use with the Software) from the use or combination of products provided by Superion with items provided by Customer or others. If any Component System is, or in Superion's opinion is likely to become, the subject of a United States copyright infringe rent claim, then Superion, at its sole option and expense, will either: (A) obtain for Customer the rigEit to continue using the Component System under the terms of this Agreement; (B) replace the Component System with products that are substantially equivalent in function, or modify the Component System so that it becomes non -infringing and substantially equivalent in function; or (C) refund to Customer the portion of the license fee paid to Superion for the Component System(s) givinc rise to the infringement clam, less a charge for use by Customer based on straight line depreciation essuming a useful life of five (5) years. THE FOREGOING IS SUPERioN'S EXCLUSIVE OBLIGATION WITH RESPECT TO INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 12. Term and Termination. a) Right of Terminaticn. A party has the right to terminate this Agreement if the other party breaches a material provision of this Agreement. Either party has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time while an event or condition giving rise to the right of termination exists. To terminate this Agreement, the party:seeking termination must give the other party notice that describes the event or condition of termination in reasonable detail. From the date of its receipt of that notice, the tither party will have thirty (30) (Jays to cure the breach to the reasonable satisfaction of the party desiring termination. If the event -or condition giving rise to the right of termination is not cured within that period, this Agreement will autornatically be deemed terminated at the end of that period. However, notice to Sup,,Trion of a suspected Defect will not constitute a notice of termination of this Agreement. b) Effect of Termination. Upon termination of this Agreement by either party, Customer will promptly return to Superion or (at Superion's request) will destroy all copies of the Software, and will certify to Superion in writing, over the signature of a duly authorized representative of Customer, that it has done so. c) Survival of Obligations. All obligations relating to non-use and non -disclosure of Confidential Information and indemnity will survive termination of this Agreement. d) Termination Without Prejudice to Other Rights and Remedies. Termination of this Agreement will be without prejudice to the terminating party's other rights and remedies pursuant to this Agreement. e) Disentanglement. In connection with any expiration or termination of the Term of this Agreement or of the provision of any of the Services provided hereunder, Superion shall, at Customer's request, assist Customer in accomplishing a complete and timely trans"tion from Superion to Customer or to any replacement providers or New Vendor (NV) designated by Customer, of the Services being terminated (a "disentanglement"), in a manner calculated to minimize impact on the Services or any other services provided by third parties. Superion shall provide the Customer and the NV and otherwise take steps reasonably required to assist Customer in effecting a complete and timely Disentanglement. Superion shall provide Customer and NV with information regarding the Services or as is otherwise needed for Disentanglement, subject to NV agreeing to maintain the confidentiality of Superion Confidential Information. Superion shall provide for the prompt and orderly conclusion of all work, as Customer may direct, including completion or partial completion of projects and other measures to assure an orderly Page 7 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 transition to Customer or Customer's NV. Should Customer require Disentanglement services, Superion shall provide Customer with a quote for Disentanglement services at Superion's then standard rates, or at hourly rates agreed upon in the contract for each Superion Personnel that is to perform such Disentanglement services as requested by Customer. Superion shall provide any Disentanglement services as the City reasonably requests for a period of one (1) year. This paragraph shall not be interpreted to require Superion or to permit Customer to disclose to any NV any of the Confidential Information of Superion without prior written specific consent. 13. Notices. All notices and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed given when: Delivered personally; sent by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested; transmitted by facsimile confirmed by United States first class mail; or sent by overnight courier. Notices must be sent to a party at its address shown on the first page of this Agreement, or to such other place as the party may subsequently designate for its receipt of notices. 14. Force Maieure. Neither party will be _liable to the other for any failure or delay in performance under this Agreement due to circumstances boyond its reasonable control, including Acts of God, acts of war, accident, labor disruption, acts, omissions and defaults of third parties and official, governmental and judicial action not the fault of the party failing or delaying in performance. 15. Assignment. Neither party may assign any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement, and any attempt at such assignment will be void without the prior written consent of the other party. For purposes of this Agreement, "assignment" will include use of the Software for benefit of any third party to a merger, acquisition and/or other consolidation by, with c°r of Customer, including any new or surviving entity that results from such merger, acquisition and/or other consolidation. However, the following will not be considered "assignments" for purposes of this Agreement: Superion's assignment of this Agreement or of any Superion rights under this Agreement to Superion's successor by merger or consolidation or to any person or entity that acquires all, or substantially all of its capital stock or assets; and Superion's assignment of this Agreement to any person or entity to which Superion transfers any of its rights in the Software. 16. No Waiver. A party's failure to enforce its rights with respect to any single or continuing breach of this Agreement will not act as a waiver of the right of that party to later enforce any such rights or to enforce any other or any subsequent breach. 17. Choice of Law; Severability. This Agreement will be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Florida, without reference to the choice of law's provisions thereof. If any provision of this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable, it will be deemed stricken from the Agreement and the remaining provisions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. 18. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. A) LIMITED LIABILITY OF SUPERION. SUPERION'S LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE, ANY SERVICES, THIS LICENSE OR ANY OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT EXCEED THE FEE THAT CUSTOMER ACTUALLY PAID TO SUPERION (OR, IF NO DISCRETE FEE IS IDENTIFIED IN EXHIBIT 1, THE FEE REASONABLY ASCRIBED BY SUPERION'4 FOR THE COMPONENT SYSTEM OR SERVICES GIVING RISE TO THE LIABILITY. B) EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES. REGARDLESS WHETHER ANY REMEDY SET FORTH HEREIN FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, IN NO EVENT WILL SUPERIOR BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, AND WHETHER .OR NOT SUPERION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Page 8 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 C) BASIS OF THE BARGAIN. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT SUPERION HAS SET ITS FEES AND ENTERED INTO THIS AGREEMENT IN RELIANCE UPON THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY AND THE DISCLAIMERS OF WARRANTIES AND DAMAGES SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, AND THAT THE SAME FORM AN ESSENTIAL BASIS OF THE BARGAIN BETWEEN THE PARTIES. 19. Dispute Resolution Mechanism. The parties adopt the following multi -tiered dispute resolution mechanism for resolving disputes between them: a) Level 1: Disputes, disagreements, and business issues shall be referred to the Project Managers who shall address and resolve the matter within 48 hours of the request being made by either party. b) Level 2: If the Project Managers are unable to resolve any matter within 48 hours, it shall be referred to the President of Superion or designee, and to the City Manager of Customer, or designee. They shall gather facts concerning the matter, explore alternatives and attempt to resolve the matter by ac reement. c) Level 3: If President of Superion and City Manager of Customer are not abe to agree, either party may institute a legal proceeding in Broward County, Florida to resolve the issue. t d) The foregoing shall apply, but not be limited to, the following types of disputes i. Disputes about this agreement, Exhibits, the Statement of Work, including disputes as to the formation, interpretation, performance, and breach of these documents; and ii. Disputes regarding warranty claims, employment related claims, and indemnity claims; and iii. All other disputes between the parties, regardless of subject rratter. 20. Service Resolution Incentive. For the period commencing on the Execution Date and expiring upon Go -Live of the Component Systems identified in Exhibit 2 Schedule A, if Superion fails to meet the expected delivery date of a Service, such expected delivery datF being identified in the Statement of Work - Exhibit 6 (SOW) and is subsequent to the Execution Date, due sole y to the fault of Superion which has not otherwise been excused nor agreed to by Customer (the "Delay"), Customer's sole and exclusive remedy in relation to such failure shall be the applicable one-time credits specified as follows: For each full calendar day Superion causes a Delay, Customer shall receive a one-time credit against Customer's Maintenance Fee invoice equal to the daily pro -rated amount based on one (1) months' Maintenance Fees described in Exhibit 2 - Schedule A for those Component Systems affected by the Delay for the number of days delayed up to a maximum of 180 calendar days. In no event shall Superion be obliged to provide any refund in relation to any credit, but rather the credit shall be applied to the next Maintenance Fee invoice due to the Customer following the Delay. Customer must notify Superion in writing of the occurrence of any Delay triggering a credit. Any credit entitlement that is not reported to Superion within three (3) months of its availability shall no longer be available and the Customer will be deemed to have waived any rights in relation thereto and (for the avoidance of doubt) Superion's failure to meet the relevant Service resolution commitment. Customer shall not be entitled to offset any Maintenance Fee payments nor withhold Maintenance Fee payments on account of a pending credit. Customer shall not be eligible for cr;edits for any period where Customer is more than thirty (30) days past due on their account. The parties agree that (i) it would be impractical and extremely difficult to fix the actual damages to Customer that may proximately result from the failure to meet the expected delivery date of a Service to which the credits relate, (ii) such credits are liquidated damages and not a penalty, (iii) such credits Page 9 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 constitute a reasonable remedy that is not disproportionate to the presumed damage caused by the failure of Superion to meet the expected delivery date of a Service. 21. Change Orders: Following the Execution Date should the parties desire to make changes to the products or services being delivered in Exhibit 2 — Schedule A, said changes shall be made pursuant to Section 2.1.15 of the SOW. 22. Insurance Requirements. During the performance of the services under this Agreement, Superion shall maintain the following insurance coverages, shall evidence coverage via a certificate of insurance and such policies shall be written by an insurance company authorized to do business in Florida. (a) Commercial General Liability insurance covering claims for personal injury and property damage, with limits of not less than US$1,000,000 per occurrence; (b) Automobile Liability: shall procure and maintain, for the life of the Agreement, Automobile Liability Insurance with limits of not less lhar, US$1,000,000 per occurrence; (c) Workers Compensation coverage as required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the services are being performed covering all PErscnnel employed by Superion in the performance of their duties who are required to be covered by the statutes of the applicable jurisdiction; and (d) Errors and Omissions insurance with a reputable insurance company, with limits of not less than US$1,000,000. Upon the reasonable request of Customer, 'uperion shall furnish Customer with a certificate of insurance as specified in this Agreement. Maintenance of insurance as specified in this Agreement shall in no way be interpreted as relieving, or increasing Superion's responsibilities or liabilities under this Agreement; and Superion may carry, at: its own expense, such additional insurance as it deems necessary, including solf- insurance. Customer shall be named as an additional insured for Commercial General Liability coverage. Consultant shall not commence work under this Agreement until all insurance required as stated herein ,-ias been obtained and evidenced via a certificate of insurance and such insurance has been approved by Customer. 23. Independent Contractor This Agreement does not create an employee/employer relationship between the Parties. It is the intent of the Parties that Superion is an independent contractor under this Agreement and not the Customer's employee for any purposes, including but not limited to, the application of the Fair Labor Standards Act minimum wage and overtime payments, Federal Insurance Contribution Act, the Social Security Act, the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, the State Worker's Compensation Act, and the State Unemployment Insurance law. Superion shall retain sole and absolute discretion in the judgment of the manner and means of carrying out Superion's activities and responsibilities hereunder provided, further that administrative procedures applicable to services rendered under this Agreement shall be those of Superion, which policies of Superion shall not conflict with City, State, or United States policies, rules or regulations relating to the use of Superion's funds provided for herein. Superion agrees that it is a separate and independent enterprise from the Customer, that it had full opportunity to find other business, that it has made its own investment in its business, and that it will utilize a high level of skill necessary to perform the work. This Agreement shall not be construed as creating any joint employment relationship between Superion and the Customer and the Customer will not be liable for any obligation incurred by Superion, including but not limited to unpaid minimum wages and/or overtime premiums. Page 10 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 24.Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties with respect to its subject matter, and supersedes and extinguishes all prior oral and written communications between the parties about its subject matter. Any purchase order or similar document which may be issued by Customer in connection with this Agreement does not modify this Agreement. No modification of this Agreement will be effective unless it is in writing, is signed by each party, and expressly provides that it amends this Agreement. Page 11 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 EXHIBIT 1 Customer: City of Tamarac, FL Delivery Address: 10101 State Street Tamarac, FL 33321 SOFTWARE: See Exhibit 2 - Schedule A Software Notes: 1. Any In'rerfaces identified in Exhibit 2 - Schedule A are interfaces only. Customer shall be responsible for obtaining the applicable software, hardware and system software from the appropriate third party vendor. Source Code Escrow will be invoiced annually by Superion. SERVICES: See Exhibit 2 - Schedule A Services Notes: 1. Pricing is a good faith estimate based on the information available to Superion at the time of execution of this Agreement. The total amount that Customer will pay for these services (i.e., the "TOTAL SERVICES FEE") will vary based on the actual number of hours of services required to complete the services. If required, additional services will be provided on a time and materials basis at hourly rates equal to Superion's then -current list price rates for the services at issue. 2. Reimbursable expenses are additional and will be billed monthly as Superion renders the services. THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS: See Exhibit 2 - Schedule A Third Party Product Notes: 1. Actual shipping charges are additional and will be due upon delivery. Exhibit 1 Notes: 1. Annual Subscription Fee: The initial annual subscription term for any subscription product(s) listed above shall commence on the Execution Date of this Agreement and extend for a period of one (1) year. Thereafter, the subscription terms shall automatically renew for successive one (1) year terms, unless either party gives the other part written notice of non -renewal at least sixty (60) days prior to expiration of the then -current term. The then -current fee will be specified by Superion in an annual invoice to Cu-tomer thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of then -current annual period. 2. APPLICABLE TAXES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS EXHIBIT 1, AND, IF APPLICABLE, WILL BE ADDED TO THE AMOUNT IN THE PAYMENT INVOICE(S) BEING SENT SEPARATELY TO THE CUSTOMER. Page 12 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 The amounts noted above shall be payable as follows: License Fee: 100% on the Execution Date. Initial Annual Subscription Fee: 100% on the Execution Date. Source Code Escrow Fee: 100% on the Execution Date Professional Services: Billed in accordance with the Milestone Billing Schedule Exhibit 2 —Schedule B Third Party Products Software Fee: 100% on the Execution Date Third Party Products Initial Annual Maintenance: The initial annual maintenance fee is included in the License fee. The Annual Maintenance Fee amount shown in Exhibit 2 - Schedule A is for the second year of Third Party Product annual maintenance and is due prior to commencement of the second annual term. Annual Maintenance Fees for !subsequent terms are subject to change and will be invoiced by and paid directly to Superion. EQUIPMENT: Host(s) or client server configuration(s) and/or combinations of host(s) and client server configuration(s) within the United States of America for which Superion supports the Software. Customer acknowledges that certain Component Systems of the Software may require specific host or client configurations. Customer, as soon as reasonably practicable, will provide a detailed written description of the Equipment so that Superion can confirm that it is a configuration on which Superion supports use of the Software. NOTICE: To use any of th= Software, Customer must also obtain, install on the Equipment and maintain Superion-supported versions of certain software products and software/hardware peripherals. By this notice, Superion is advising Customer that Customer should consult with its Superion Professional Services representative to obtain a written listing of such necessary software products and software/hardware peripmeral:,.. Page 13 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 Exhibit 2 - Schedule A Component Systems and Improvements Qty Part # Component System License Fee Improvement Fees (Initial Contract Year) Annual Subscription Fees (Initial) ONESolution Finacials Suite 1 OS -Fin ONESolution Financials $ 156,400.00 $ 25,024.00 1 OS-HP-PY ONESolution Human Resources/Payroll 87,700.00 $ 14,032.00 1 OS-FDN ONESolution Foundation 8,800.00 $ 1,408.00 1 OS -FIN -COD ONESolution Click, Drag and Drill 4,200.00 $ 672.00 1 OS-K9-3 ONESolution Click2Gov3 Vendor Management 2,083.00 $ 665.00 1 0S-KR-3 IONESolution Click2Gov3 Accounts Receivable 2,488.00 $ 795.00 TRAKiT Community Development Suite 1 _ TRAK-AVOLVE TRAKiT API for ProjectDox 10,000.00 $� 2,000.00 1 TRAK,-CC-ETRAK eTRAKiT Credit Card API 5,000.00 $ 1,000.00 1 TRAK-CC ETRAK TRAKiT Credit Card Reader Interface 7,500.00 $ 1,500.00 1 TRAKiT-C D-IF TRAKiT Cash Drawer Interface 4,000.00 $ 800.00 20 TRAK-COMMDEV-UL TRAKiT9 Community Development Suite User License 90,000.00 $ 18,000.30 1 TEAK-EC-ETRAK eTRAKiT eCheckAPI 5,000.00 $ 1,000.)0 1 TRAK-ENFLIB TRAKiT Enforcement Library 1,000.00 $ 200A0 1 TRAKiT-CD-IF eTRAKiT Citizen Portal 20,000.00 $ 4,000.00 1 TRAK-GISADV TRAKiT GIS Advanced Engine 17,500.00 $ 3,500.00 1 TRAK- ITTRAKIT iTRAKiT Suite 30,000.00 $ 6,000.00 1 TRAK-IVR-IF TRAKiT API for Selectron IVR 7,500.00 $ 1,500.00 1 TRAK-PLNLIB TRAKiT Plan Correction Library 1,000.00 $ 200.00 1 TRAK-PMTLIB TRAKiT Permit Form Library 2.000.00 $ 400.00 1 TRAK-GREGLIB TRAKiT Regulatory License Library 2;000.00 $ 400.00 5 TRAK-REGSUITEUL TRAKiT9 Regulatory Licensing Suite User License 1F.000.00 $ 3,000.00 1 TRAK-SIGNPAD 1TRAKiT Signiture Pad ' 000.00 $ 1,000.00 1 TRAK-CIVIC ICivicTRAK $ 12,000.00 ONESolution Work Management I OS -LAND ONESolution Land Management 11,400.00 $ 1,824.00 30 OS m.Client ONESolution Mobile Client 37,500.00 $ 6,000.00 1 OS m.Sener ONESolution Mobile Server Framework 3,200.00 $ 512.00 1 OS m.Tasks ONESolution Mobile Tasks 1,950.00 $ 312.00 1 OS -ASSET ONESolution Asset Maintenance 9,700.00 $ 1,552.00 1 OS-CMMS ONESolution CMMS: Work Orders/Task Management 20,200.00 $ 3,232.00 1 OS-CRM IONESolution Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 12,000.00 $ 1,920.00 1 OS -FLEET ONESution CMMS: Work Orders/Task Management w/Fleet 45,000.00 $ 720.00 Subtotal $ 625,121.00 $ 103,168.00 $ 12,000.00 Discount $ 544,046.00 Total after Discountl $ 81,075.00 1 $ 103.168.00 1 $ 12,000.00 Page 14 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 Exhibit 2 - Schedule B Third Party Products Qty. Part# Third Party Products Software Initial Annual Maintenance 1 COGNOS-05 Cognos BI: Caf'e $ 2,960.00 $ 600.00 1 COGNOS:DM Cognos DM: Base Bundle $ 29,480.00 $ 4,716.80 1 COGNOS-DM-USER5 Cognos DM: Standard User Bundle $ 14,570.00 $ 2,740.00 1 OS-FEC-NL ONESolution Financial Enterprise Core-NaviLine $ 451,508.00 1 $ 7,281.28 Third Party Products Totals $ 92.518.001 $ 15,338.08 SERVICES AND Milestone Billies Schedule Payment Milestone % of Total Description Deliverable SOW Page Number Milestone Payment Amount Phase 1 Finance -Deliverables described in section 4.10 in SOW 1 10.00% Includes Project Charter, Project Kick off & Communication Plan, forall Phases 1.1, 5, 1.2 48,56,49 $24,472.33 2 7.00% Project Work Plan/Schedule for Phase 1 2 52 $17,130.63 3 7.(0% Risk Plan and Registerand Issues Register. Milestone consists of completion of initial documents with identified risks and issues. 1.3, 1.4 49,50 $17,130.63 4 600% Phase 1-Completed Configuration Workbook 7.1 62 $14,683.40 5 7.J0% Software Installed 4.1,4.2 54,56 $17,:-30.63 - 6 700% Conversion Phase 1 10 70 $17,130.63 — 7 6.00% End User Training Plan 16.1 81 $14,683.40 8 6.00% Core Team Process Testing 13 76 $14,683.40 9 6.00% Core Team Training Phase 1 12 75 $14,683.40 10 6.00% Integration and Parallel Testing Phase 1 15.2 79 $14,683.40 11 6.00% User Verification Testing (UVT) Phase 1 15.3 80 $14,683.40 12 6.00% Go Live CutoverPlan—Phase 1 17 84 $14,683.40 13 6.00% Go Live Declaration Letter —Phase 1 18.1 85 $14,683.40 14 6.00% Go Live CAFR Constructor -City using ONESolution to produce annual CAFR Appendix 1 117 $14,683.40 15 3.00% Go Live Budget Book - CityusingONESolutionto produce annual Budget Appendix 1 117 $7,341.70 16 5.00% Phase I Close Out 19 87 $12,236.17 100% Phase I Subtotal: $244,723.33 Page 15 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 Phase II HR/PY & Work Management -Deliverables described in section 4.10 in SOW 17 10.00% Project Work Plan/Schedule for Phase 2 2 52 $41,268.33 18 10.00% Phase 2-Completed Configuration Workbook 7.1 62 $41,268.33 19 10.00% Conversion Phase 2 10 70 $41,268.33 20 9.00% End User Training Plan 16.1 81 $37,141.50 21 9.00% Core Project Team Process Testing 13 76 $37,141.50 22 10.00% Core Team Training Phase 12 75 $41,268.33 23 9.00% Integration and Parallel Testing Phase 2 15.2 79 $37,141.50 24 10.00% User Verification Testing (UVT) Phase 2 15.3 80 $41,268.33 25 10.00% Go Live CutoverPlan — Phase 2 17 84 $41,268.33 26 8.00% Go Live Declaration Letter —Phase 2 18._ 85 $33,014.67 27 5.00% Phase 2 Close Out 19 87 $20,634.17 100% Phase II Subtotal: $412,683.33 Phase III Community Development/TRAKiT - Deliverables described in section 5.13 of SOW 28 10% Project Ti me I i ne Si gn-Off for Phase3 6 L"J $16,999.53 29 10% Kick -Off Meeting Phase 3 Completed 15 1.1 $16,999.53 30 10% GeoTRAK Workbook, Initial Forms/ Rerports Scope, Project Workbook and Final Data Ma pp I ng DocumentSi n-Offs 32, 33, 34, 35 111;112 $16,999.53 31 10% Initial Delivery 39 113 $16,999.53 32 10% Power Users Trained 41 113 $16,999.53 33 10% 3rd Delivery 54 114 $16,999.53 34 10% Testing Ends Sign Off i 63 115 $16,999.53 35 10% End User Training Complete 66 115 $16,999.53 36 10% Go Live i 69 115 $16,999.53 37 10% Phase 3 Go Live Review 71 115 $16,999.53 100% Phase III Subtotal: $169,995.33 10% Project Final Milestone Phase 1 Milestone Payments $91,933.60 244 72 Phase 2 Milestone Payments 412 683 Phase 3 Milestone Payments 16 Final Milestone 91 4 Total Milestones 1 6 Estimated Travel (billed as incurred) $199,183 Report L evelopment (billed as incurred) $233,280 Integravon/ Interface (billed as incurred) $115,200 Web Forms (billed as incurred) $75,200 Pcard Conversion (billas incurred) $8,000 Total Services with Estimated Travel and Reporting $1,550,198 Page 16 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 Summary of Fees Total_Superion License Fees 1 11 Total Third Party License Fees MEMM• 11 -- Total of All Licensing Fees $173,593.00 Total Superion Maintenance $103,168.00 Total• • 11 11 Total• Party Products,. $15,388.08: Total Maint;R.Ince $ 130,556.08 Total Services (billed as incurred)," $919,336.0Q Total estimat vel and Living $199,183.00 otal Report Development (bille 4 as/incurred BPR);! PW $233,280.0. Web Form Development (billed as incurred BPR)' $115,200.00 Integration/Interface(s) (billed as incurred BPR) , $75,200.00 j P,,Card Com! .rall d §incurred BPR)'J $8,000.00 Grand Total 00 includedEscrow T: 1 Me Page 17 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 Exhibit 3 SUPERION TRAVEL EXPENSE GUIDELINES Superion will adhere to the following guidelines when incurring travel expenses All arrangements for travel are to be made through the Superion Corporate Travel Agent unless other arrangements have been made with the Customer and are documented in writing. AIR TRAVEL — Superion will use the least expensive class of service available with a minimum of seven (7) day, maximum of thirty (30) day, advance purchase. Upon request, Superion shall provide the travel itinerary as the receipt for reimbursement of the air fare and any fees. Fees not listed on the itinerary will require a receipt for reimburserrrrent. Trips fewer than 250 miles round are considered local. Unless a flight has been otherwise approved by the Customer, Customer will reimburse the current IRS approved mileage rate for all local trips. LODGING —Reasonable lodging accommodationns are reimbursable, up to $125 per night. If, depending on the city, reasonable accommodations cannot be secured for $125 per night, Customer's prior approval will be required. Upon request by Customer, thin hotel receipt received upon departure will be submitted for reimbursement. All food items, movies, ane phone/internet charges are not reimbursable. RENTAL CAR — Compact or Intermediate cars will be required unless there are three or more Superion employees sharing the car in which case the use of a fusl size car is authorized. Gas is reimbursable however pre -paid gas purchases wN not be authorized and all rental cars are to be returned with a full tank of gas. Upon request, receipts for car rental and gas purchases will be submitted to Customer. Superion shall decline all renal car insurance offered by the car rental agency as staff members will be covered under the Superion auto insurance policy. Fines for traffic violations are not reimbursable expenses OTHER TRANSPORTATION — Superion staff members are expected to use the most economical means for traveling to and from the airport (Airport bus, hotel shuttle service). Airport taxi or mileage for the employee's personal vehicle (per IRS mileage guidelines) are reimbursable if necessary. Upon request, receipt(s) for the taxi will be submitted to Customer. Proof of mileage may be required and may be documented by a readily available electronic mapping service. The mileage rate will be the then -current IRS mileage guideline rate (subject to change with any change in IRS guidelines). OTHER BUSINESS EXPENSES — Parking at the airport is reimbursable. Tolls to and from the airport and while traveling at the client site are reimbursable. Tipping on cab fare exceeding 15% is not reimbursable. Porter tips are reimbursable, not exceeding $1.00 per bag. Laundry is reimbursable for hotel stays longer than four days while at the client site. With the exception of tips, receipts shall be provided to Customer upon request for all of the aforementioned items. MEALS $52.00 per day Standard Per Diem $10.40 — Breakfast $13.00 — Lunch $28.60 — Dinner Page 18 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 Exhibit 4 THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE SUPPLEMENT 1.1 Grant of Third Party Licenses. Where applicable, Superion grants to Customer a personal, non- transferable, non-exclusive, limited -scope sublicense to use, in accordance with the license, use and confidentiality restrictions and other provisions of this Agreement, the third party software set forth on Exhibit 1 ("Third Party Software Products") subject to the following additional conditions: (i) the Third Party Product shall be used only in conjunction with any permissible use of the Component System software specifically authorized hereunder, and (ii) the Third Party Products shall be used only in accordance with the Third Party Products documentation. 1.2. Third Party Products. During the term of this Agreement, Superion shall use reasonable efforts to provide Customer the benefit of all indemnities and warranties granted to Superion by the licensor(s) of the Third Party Products, to the extent possible without additional cost to Superion, as and if permitted by Superion's agieernent with the licensor of the Third Party Products, and to the extent such warranties and indemnities pertain to Customer's use of the Third Party Products hereunder. In the event of any defect in any Third Party Prcducts supplied by Superion, Superion will use commercially reasonable efforts to replace or correct the Third Warty Products without charge, unless it has been damaged or corrupted after supply by Superion (including, but not limited to, damage caused by incorrect use, incorrect voltage or attempts to modify the Software or Third Party Products). If such damage or corruption has occurred after supply by Superion, Superion reser✓es the right to refuse to replace or correct the Third Party Products or to impose charges for so doing. Provided that Superion complies with this provision, it shall face no further liability with respect to any defect in any Third Party Products. COGNOS SUPPLEMENT 1. Additional Definitions. "Cognos Component Systems" ineanF any of the software provided to Superion by Cognos Corporation ("Cognos") and identifiE d under the name "Cognos" in Exhibit 2 — Schedule B. 2. Ownership. Cognos owns the Cognos Component Systems. 3. Restrictions on Use of Cognos Component Systems. Customer's use of the Cognos Component System(s) is subject to the following additional terms and conditions: (a) Customer has the right to use the Cognos Component System(s) only in Object Code form, and only with the Superion Licensed Software. (b) Customer acknowledges that the Cognos Component System(s) are proprietary to Cognos and are supplied by Superion under license from Cognos. Title to the Cognos Component System(s) shall at all times remain vested in Cognos or its designated successor. Except for the right of use that is expressly provided to Customer under the Agreement, no right, title or interest in or to the Cognos Component System(s) is granted to Customer; (c) Customer agrees that Cognos shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential, arising from the Customer's use of the Cognos Component System(s) or related materials; Page 19 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 (d) Customer acknowledges and agrees that Cognos is a third party beneficiary of this Agreement; (e) Customer acknowledges and understands that the Cognos Component System(s) may only be used by the number of users for the specific functions for which the license has been granted, as otherwise specified in Exhibit 1; and (f) Customer acknowledges and understands that it is licensing the Cognos Component System(s) on a "restricted use" basis. "Restricted use" means the use of the Cognos Component System(s) only with the Component Systems identified Exhibit 2, Schedule A and to the extent licensed therein. Such restricted use shall include Customer's right to extract, analyze, and report data from disparate systemi3, provided that such data is extracted, analyzed and reported by the software applications systeri(s) set forth in Exhibit 2, Schedule A. (g) Customer shall he )rovided with the limited, thirty (30) day warranty from Cognos as set forth below. Cognos warrants to Customer that (a) for a period of thirty (30) days following the initial del ivery/downloac/access of the Cognos Component System(s) to or by Customer, the Cognos Component Systern(s) will perform in accordance with its related documentation, and (b) the media on which the Cognos Component System(s) is provided, if applicable, is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. Subject to applicable law, all other warranties, express or implied, or otherwise, are excluded. Customer's only remedy against Cognos if this warranty is breached will be, at the option of Cognos, (a) to repair or replace the Cognos Component System(s) or (b) to refund the amounts paid in respect of the defective Cognos Component System(s). This remedy is void if Customer misuses the Cognos Component System(s) contrary to its related documentation. Page 20 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 Exhibit 5 PREFERRED BENEFICIARY ACCEPTANCE FORM Depositor, Preferred Beneficiary and Iron Mountain Intellectual Property Management, Inc. ("IMIPM"), hereby acknowledge that City of Tamarac, FL is the Preferred Beneficiary referred to in the Master Preferred Escrow Agreement effective June 16, 2015 with IMIPM as the escrow agent and Superion, LLC as successors to SunGard Public Sector LLC as the Depositor. Preferred Beneficiary hereby agrees to be bound by all provisions of such Agreement. Depositor hereby enrolls Preferred Beneficiary to the following account(s): Account Name Deposit Account Number ONESolution and TRAKiT Notices and communications to Preferred Beneficiary should be addressed to: Attn: Levent Sucuo lu Telephone: 954-597-3900 E-mail: Levent.Sucuogluktamarac.or Invoices should be addressed to: Initial and Subsequent Annual Invoices: Superion, LLC Accounting Department 1000 Business Center Drive Lake. Mary, FL 32746 Contact: Lisa Neumann, Controller City of Tamarac, FL Superion, LLC PreferredJaQa4fici D ositor By: Q._I-nZCLY.-k_., Name: 400e! C . (fie CC, Title: Date: v� IMIPM By: Name:_ Title: _ Date: Name: Lisa Neumann Title: Controller Date: June 22.2017 Page 21 of 29 Exhibit 6 PROJECT STATEMENT OF WORK Statement of Work is inserted immediately following this Cover Page. (131 Pages) Page 22 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE SUPPLEMENT Customer desires that Superion provide Maintenance and Enhancements for and new releases of the Baseline Software identified in Appendix 1 on the terms and conditions contained in this Software Maintenance Supplement (the Maintenance Supplement), and for the Custom Modifications identified in Appendix 1 on the terms and conditions of this Maintenance Supplement. Accordingly, the parties agree as follows: deviation on a computer configuration that is both Additional Definitions. comparable to the Equipment and that is under Superion's control. "Initial Contract Year" means, with "Enhancements" means general release (as respect to each Baseline Component System cpposed to custom) changes to a Baseline Component and Custom Modification, each one (1) year System or Custom Modification which increase the period beginning on the Execution Date and finctionality of the Baseline Component System or ending twelve (12) months from the expiration Custom Modification in question. of the Current Legacy Period. "Contract Year" means, with respect to each Baseline Component System and Custom Modification, each one (1) year period beginning on the expiration of the Initial Contract Year (the "Second Contract Year") and ending one (1) year thereafter, or the anniversary thereof. "Current Legacy Period' means that period expiring September 30, 2017 according to the separate written agreement between Customer and Superion under which Superion is providing Customer with mainienan,;e and support services for Superion's Navilino brand software system. "Custom Modification" means a change that Superion has made at Customer's request to any Component System in accordance with a Superion-generated specification, but without any other changes whatsoever by any person or entity. Each Custom Modification for which Superion will provide Customer with Improvements is identified in Appendix 1. "Defect" has the meaning ascribed to that term in the License and Services Agreement to which this Maintenance Supplement is a part of, and further, with regard to can Custom Modification, means a material deviation between the Custom Modification and the Superion-generated specification and documentation for such Custom Modification, and for which Defect Customer has given Superion enough information to enable Superion to replicate the "Improvements" means, collectively, Maintenance, Enhancements and New Releases provided under this Maintenance Supplement. "Maintenance" means using reasonable efforts to providt- Customer with avoidance procedures for or corrections of Defects. The hours during which Maintenance will be provided for each Component System, the targeted response times for certain defined categories of Maintenance calls for each Component System and Custom Modification, and other details and procedures (collectively, the "Maintenance Standards") relating to the provision of Maintenance for each Component System and Custom Modification are described in attached Appendix 2. "New Releases" means new editions of a Baseline Component System or Custom Modification, as applicable. "Notification" means a communication to Superion's help desk by means of: (i) Superion's web helpline; (ii) the placement of a telephone call; or (iii) the sending of an e-mail, in each case, in accordance with Superion's then -current policies and procedures for submitting such communications. 2. Services. a) Types of Services. During the i:erm of this Maintenance Supplement, Superion will provide Customer with Maintenance for, Enhancements of, and New Releases of each Baseline Component System and each Custom Modification identified in Appendix 1. b) Limitations. All Improvements will be part of the applicable Baseline Component System/Custom Modification, and will be subject to all of the terms and SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 Page 23 of 29 conditions of the License and Services Agreement Supplement to which this Maintenance Supplement is a part of, and this Maintenance Supplement. Superion's obligation to provide Customer with Improvements for Baseline Component Systems owned by parties other than Superion is limited to providing Customer with the Improvements that the applicable third party owner provides to Superion for that Baseline Component System. Customer must provide Superion with such facilities, equipment and support as are reasonably necessary for Superion to perform its obligations under this Maintenance Supplement, including remote access to the Equipment. 3. Payment and Taxes. a) Maintenance Fees. For the Improvements, Customer will pay Superion the amount prodded for in Appendix 1 as the "Payment Arriount" for the Initial Contract Year. For each Contract Year subsequent to the Initial Contract Year, Superion reserves the right to increase the Improvements fees. Fees for Improvements for a Baseline Component System/Custom Modification are due on the first day of the first month of the Contract Year for that Baseline Component System/Custom Modification. b) Additional Costs. Customer will also reimburse Superion for actual travel and living expenses that Superion incurs in providing Customer with Improvements under this Agreement, with reimbursement to be on an as -incurred basis. Such travel and living expenses will be governed by governed by the Superion Travel Expense Guidelines attached hereto as Exhibit 3 and will be invoiced on a monthly basis in arrears and due within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice. Customer will also reimburse Superion for all charges incurred in connection with accessing Equipment. c) Taxes. Customer is responsible for. paying all taxes (except for taxes based ori. Superion's net income or capital stock) relating to this Maintenance Supplement, the Improvements, any services provided or payments made under this Maintenance Supplement. Applicable tax amounts (if any) are NOT included in the fees set forth in this Maintenance Supplement. If Customer is exempt from the payment of any such taxes, Customer must provide Superion with a valid tax exemption certificate; otherwise, absent proof of Customer's direct payment of such tax amounts to the applicable taxing authority, Superion will invoice Customer for and Customer will pay to Superion all such tax amounts. d) Late Charges. Customer will pay each Superion invoice by no later than thirty (30) days after receipt. Late payments are subject to a late charge equal to the lesser of: (i) the prime lending rate established from time to time by Citizens Bank, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania plus three percent (3%); or (ii) the highest rate permitted by applicable law. 4. Term. This Maintemance Supplement will remain in full force and effect throughout the initial Contract Year. After the initial Contract Year, this Maintenance Supplement will renew for an additional Contract Year unless, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of the initial Contract Year, Customer notifies Superion in writing of Customer's intent not to renew the Maintenance Supplement for the second Contract Year. After the second Contract Year, this Maintenance Supplement will automatically be extended for consecutive Contract Years on a year-to- year basis unless either party notifies the other in writing of its ;ntent not to extend this Maintenance Supplement fear any particular Baseline Component System/Custom Modification at least six (6) months prior to the exp�ratiorl of the then -current Contract Year. Upon termination of the Maintenance Supplement with respect to a Component System provided under the Agreement, notwithstanding anything contrary in the Agreement, Customer may continue using the Component System for the reminder of the term of the Agreement; however, (i) Superion will discontinue providing all on -going Maintenance services and Improvements, including Superion's obligations under this Maintenance Supplement, (ii) any Superion warranties under the Agreement and this Maintenance Supplement with respect to the Component System for which Maintenance services are terminated shall cease to apply for the period following termination, and (iii) Superion shall have no liability with respect to Customer's use of the Component System for which Maintenance services are terminated after termination of the Maintenance Supplement Term. 5. Disclaimer of Warranties. Customer agrees and understands that SUPERION MAKES NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO ANY IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR ANY OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THIS Page 24 of 29 SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 MAINTENANCE SUPPLEMENT, AND THAT SUPERION EXPLICITLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FURTHER, SUPERION EXPRESSLY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT A COMPONENT SYSTEM, ANY CUSTOM MODIFICATION OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE USABLE BY CUSTOMER IF THE COMPONENT SYSTEM OR CUSTOM MODIFICATION HAS BEEN MODIFIED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN SUPERION, OR WILL BE ERROR FREE, WILL OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION OR WILL BE COMPATIBLE WITH ANY HAF'DWARE OR SOFTWARE OTHER THAV THE EQUIPMENT. 6. Termination. A party hEs the right to terminate this Maintenance Supplement if the other party breaches a material provision of this Maintenance Supplement. Either parry has the right to terminate this Maintenance Supplement at any time while an event or condition giving rise to the right of terminaticn exists. To terminate this Maintenance Supplement, the party seeking termination must give the other party notice that describes the event or condition of termination in reasonable detail From the date of its receipt of that notice, thE� other party will have thirty (30) days to cure he br,ach to the reasonable satisfaction of the party desiring termination. If the event or condition giving rise to the right of termination is not cured within that period, then the party seeking to terminate this Maintenance Supplement can effect such termination by providing the other party with a termination notice that specifies the effective date of such termination. Termination of this Maintenance Supplement will be without prejudice to the terminating party's other rights and remedies pursuant to this Maintenance Supplement. 7. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. a) LIMITED LIABILITY OF SUPERION. SUPERION'S LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS OR ANY OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THIS MAINTENANCE SUPPLEMENT WILL NOT EXCEED THE FEES THAT CUSTOMER ACTUALLY PAID TO SUPERION FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE YEAR THAT SUCH LIABILITY ARISES. b) EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES. REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ANY REMEDY SET FORTH HEREIN FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, IN NO EVENT WILL SUPERION BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, AND WHETHER OR NOT SUPERION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. C) BASIS OF THE BARGAIN. CUS"OMEu7 ACKNOWLEDGES THAT SUPERION HAS SET ITS FEES AND ENTERED INTO THIS MAINTENANCE SUPPLEMENT IN RELIANCE UPON TVE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY AND THE DISCLAIMERS OF WARRANTIES AND DAMAGES SET FORTH IN THIS MAINTENANCE SUPPLEMENT, AND THAT THE SAME FORM AN ESSENTIAL BASIS OF THE BARGAIN BETWEEN THE PARTIES. SPS Maintenance 7/1/2010 Page 25 of 29 Appendix 1 TO THE SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE SUPPLEMENT CUSTOMER: City of Tamarac, FL INITIAL CONTRACT YEAR: The initial Contract Year begins on the Execution Date and ends twelve (12) months from the expiration of the Current Legacy Period. Each subsequent Contract Year begins on the anniversary of the expiration of the Initial Contract Year. The initial maintenance fee amount indicated for the Software below represents the Improvements fee for the Initial Contract Year. SOFTWARE: See Exhibit 2 - Schedule A Improvements fees for the Initial Contract Year are due thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the Current Legacy Period. Improvements fees for any Contract Year :3ubsequent to the Initial Contract Year are subject to change and will be specified by Superion in an aiinual invoice. APPLICABLE TAXES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS APPENDIX 1, AND; IF APPLICABLE, WILL BE ADDED TO THE AMOUNT IN THE PAYMENT INVOICE(S) BEING SENT SEPARATELY TO THE CUSTOMER. Improvements Surcharge Imposed In Certain Instances: At the commencement of any Contract Year where Customer is operating on a version of a Baseline Component System that is more than two (2) general release versions behind the then -current release for any Component System, Superion will assess a ten percent (10%) surcharge over and above ;he Improvements fee for that Contract Year, with such surcharge to be imposed on a prorated bar>is for the portion of the Contract Year that Customer remains on a general release version that is,more than two (2) releases behind the then - current release of the Component Systems in question:. Once Customer is using a release that is no more than two (2) general release versions bE!hind ahe then -current release, the Improvements surcharge will be removed on a prospective basis, as of the date that Customer is using the release that is no more than two (2) general release versions behind the then -current release. NOTE: Customer and Superion are parties to a separate written agreement ("Legacy Agreement") under which Superion is providing Customer with maintenance and support services for Superion's Naviline brand software system ("Legacy Software"). Superion will continue to provide Customer with maintenance and support services for the Legacy Software in accordance with the terms of and for the fees specified in the Legacy Agreement through the expiration of the one year period that is in effect as of the Execution Date ("Current Legacy Period"). The day of expiration of the Current Legacy Period will be September 30, 2017. Customer's maintenance subscription for the Legacy Software will not renew under the Legacy Agreement for any period after the expiration of the Current Legacy Period. If, during the time in question, Customer is paying for and receiving Improvements for the Baseline Component Systems identified above under this Agreement, then, at the expiration of the Current Legacy Period, Superion will also provide Customer with Defect corrections and avoidance procedures (but not with New Releases of and Enhancements) for the Legacy Software pursuant to this Agreement, at no additional fee, until the earlier of: (a) three (3) years following the expiration of the Current Legacy Period; or (b) the date that Customer begins using all of the Component Systems identified above in a production mode. Page 26 of 29 SPS License 9/13/2011 The pricing provided for above is conditioned upon Customer paying for maintenance and support for the Legacy Software through September 30, 2017. For the period from the Execution Date through September 30, 2017, Superion will provide Customer with Improvements for the Baseline Component Systems and Baseline Customizations identified above in consideration of Customer's payment of the maintenance and support fees for the Legacy Software through the expiration of the Current Legacy Period. The Legacy Software is defined as follows: Product BP Electronic Plan Review Interface Qty. Product Code Click2Gov-Building Permits 1 1 EZ K3 Click2Gov-Busincs Lcenses 1 KE Click2Gov-Core Module 1 K1 Click2Gov-Customer information System 1 K2 Click2Gov-Purch:isir�g/Inventory 1 K9 HGE Client Licenses 5 GU Human Resources 1 HR NAM -Applicant Tracking 1 AT NAM -Asset Management II 1 A2 NAM -Automated Fuel System Interface 1 AF NAM -Building Permits 1 BP NAM -Cash Receipts 1 CR NAM -Code Enforcement 1 CE NAVI-DMS-Document Management Services 1 DX NAM-Flfiet Management 1 FM NAM-GMMBA w/Extended Reporting 1 GM NAM -Land Management 1 LX NAM-Cccupational Licenses 1 OL NAM-Payroll/Personnel 1 PR NAVI-Planning/Engineering 1 PZ NAM -PURCHASING INVENTORY 1 PI NAM-WorkOrders/Fac Mgmt. 1 WF QRep Catalogs for GMJ,MRJ,CRJ,PIJ,PRJ,FMJ,ATJ,LXJ,BPJ,OLJ,CEJ,PZJ,CXJ,WFJ,CPJ 15 CJ QRep Catalogs for HR 1 CJ Rec Trac Interface to Cash Receipts 1 M Rec Trac Interface to GMBA 1 VG Retrofit Modification Option 23 MOD Selectron-CIS Voice Response Interface 1 V2 Selectron-Credit Card Payment Interface - CIS 1 CY Selectron-Delinquency Call Out Listing Interface 1 DL SunGard Transaction Manager 1 KT Time Keeping Interface - Executime 1 TC Page 27 of 29 SPS License 9/13/2011 Remaining applications for continued support under the Legacy Agreement: Product Qty. Product Code Electronic Plan Review 1 EP NAVI-Customer Information Systems 1 CX NAVI-Accounts Receivable 1 MR NAVI-Loans Module 1 LN NAVI-Procurement Card 1 PC Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Customer shall continue to be responsible for payment of charges associated with the thir,1 party products below until receipt of effective written notice of termination for the subsequent term. Product Qty. Produa';t c6de QRep End User 5 CG , OnePoint Point of Sale 1 KM QRep Administrator 1 CG QRep Administrator 1 CG BP Interactive Voice Response 1 BV BEA WebLogic Express - Basic 1 BW Edition - LF Page 28 of 29 SPS License 9/13/2011 Appendix 2 TO THE SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE SUPPLEMENT Maintenance Standards Hours During Which Superion's Telephone Support Will be Available to Customer in Connection with the Provision of Maintenance: Unless otherwise noted in Exhibit 1, support hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Customer's Local Time within the continental United States, excluding holidays ("5x9"). II. Targeted Response Times. With respect to Superion's Maintenance obligations, Superion will use diligent, commercially reasonable efforts to respond to Notifications from Customer relating to the Baseline Component Systems/Custom Modifications identified in Appendix 1 of this Agreement in accordance with the following guidelines with the time period to be measured beginning with the first applicable Superion "Telephone Support" hour occurring after Superion's receipt of the Notification: Priority Description Response Goal*' Resolution Goal* Urgent A support issue shall be considered Urgent when it Superion has a stated Although resolution 1 produces a Total System Failure; meaning Superior's goal to respond within times vary depending on Component Systems are not performing a process that 60 minutes of the issue the exact issue and ;gas caused a complete work stoppage. being reported and have customer environment, a resolution plan within Superion has a stated 24 hours. goal to .esolve an urgent issue within 24 hours OR provide a resolution plan w'th urgent issues within 24 hours of the Critical H support issue shall be considered Critical when a Superion has a stated 2 critical failure in operations occurs; meaning Superion's goal to respond within issue being reported. Component Systems are not performing a critical two hours of the issue process and prevents the continuation of basic being reported. A resolution plan details operations. Critical problems do not have a workaround. the steps necessary to This classification does not apply to intermittent understand and possibly problems. resolve the issue. Non- A support issue shall be considered Non -Critical when Superion has a stated Critical a non -critical failure in operations occurs; meaning goal to respond within 3 Superion's Component Systems are not performing non- four hours of the issue critical processes, but the system is still usable for its being reported. intended purpose or there is a workaround. Minor A support issue will be considered Minor when the issue Superion has a stated 4 causes minor disruptions in the way tasks are performed, goal to respond within but does not affect workflow or operations. This may 24 hours of the issue include cosmetic issues, general questions, and how to being reported. use certain features of the system. ••�u�u.�u „w,,tent a case number is created. As used herein a "Case numbe►" is created when a) Superion's support representative has been directly contacted by Customer either by phone, email, in person, or through Superion's online support portal, and b) when Superion's support reoresentative assigns a case number and conveys that case number to the Customer. Customer must provide remote access to its facility using a Superion approved remote access client so that Superion can perform the support obligations and/or services under this Agreement, and will provide appropriate security access and accounts for Superion staff and each session participant. Page 29 of 29 SPS License 9/13/2011 �rzr SUPERION Statement of Work ONESolution Implementation Prepared for City of Tamarac, FL June 22, 2017 .q` SUPERION Scope of Work TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 1.1.1. Introduction 3 2. SCOPE OVERVIEW 4 2.1.1. Organizational Scope Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.1.2. Project Phases 5 2.1.3. Work Management 5 2.1.4. Project Management Scope 5 2.1.5. Project Schedule 6 2.1.6. Agendas 6 2.1.7. Status Meetings 6 2.1.8. Status Reports 6 2.1.9. Issues Log 7 2.1.10. Project Governance 9 2.1.11. Project Staffing 9 2.1.12. Facility Requirements 12 2.1.13. Deliverable and Milestowi, approval 13 2.1.14. Dispute Resolution Procedures 13 2.1.15. Change Requests and Clanges to this Scope of Work 14 3. ONESOLUTION FINANCE, HUMAN RESOURCES, PAYROLL AND WORK MANAGEMENT 16 3.1.1. Data Conversion Scope 16 3.1.2. Interface Scope 19 3.1.3. Modification/Enhancement Scope 21 3.1.4. Reporting Scope 21 3.1.5. Workflow Scope 21 3.1.6. Forms Scope 23 3.1.7. Installation Services Scope 24 3.1.8. Services Not in Scope Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. ONESOLUTION FINANCE, HUMAN RESOURCES, PAYROLL AND WORK MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION APPROACH 27 4.1.1. Data Conversion Approach 4.1.2. Interface Approach 4.1.3. Reports Approach 4.1.4. Workflow Approach 4.1.5. Forms Approach 27 30 34 36 37 Page 1 I*SUPERION 4.1.6. Training, Consulting, and Configuration Approach 39 4.1.7. Testing Approach 40 4.1.8. Training Approach and Knowledge Transfer 40 4.1.9. Post Live Support 43 4.1.10. Key Document Work Products (DED) 45 5. TRAKIT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 88 5.1.1. Project Overview 88 5.1.2. Delivery Overview 88 5.1.3. Duties & Responsibilities of City 88 5.1.4. TRAKIT Software Scope. 89 5.1.5. Data Conversion Scope 93 5.1.6. Integration Scope 94 5.1.7. Modification/Enhancement Scope 95 5.1.8. Forms and Reporting Scope 96 5.1.9. Instal;ation Services Scope 97 5.1.10. Training, Configuration, and Testing Scope 97 5.1.11. St -ages and Milestones 99 5.1.12. TFAKiT Implementation Approach 103 5.1.13. TRAKIT Project Timeline 110 6 APPENDIX 1 116 CAFR Constructor 116 7 APPENDIX 2 118 Gap Analysis 118 8 APPENDIX 3 120 Standard Reports 120 9 APPENDIX 4 SAMPLE WORK MANAGEMENT PROJECT TIMELINE 129 Page 2 *SUPERION 1. Executive Summary 2. Introduction This document is the Statement of Work (SOW) for the implementation of Financial, Human Resources, Payroll, Work Management, and Community Development Information Management software and related services only with respect to the Baseline version of the Component Systems expressly identified in the Software License and Services Agreement. (The "Agreement") for City of Tamarac (the "City"). Superion ("Superion") will provide implementation services identified in the Agreement as further described in this SOW to assist the City in implementing the ONESolution Software solution. The SOW is an attachment incorporated as part of the Agreement signed by Superion and the City, and all actions directed herein shall be performed in accordance with the aforementioned Agreement. The SOW is intended to be a planning and control document, not the detailed requirements or design of the solution. Superion is providing 3 distinct sections in the SOW. 1. Section 2 comprises the overall scope for the project phases including but not limited to project management and project governance responsibilities, timelines, etc. 2. Section 3 and Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 are ,pecific to and comprises the scope and approach for Finance, HR/PY, and Work Management. 3. Section 4 is specific to and comprises the scope and approach for the TRAKiT Community Suite. Page 3 . ., SUPERION rA 3. Scope Overview The purpose of this project is to replace the City's current Financial, Payroll, Human Resource, Work Management, and Community Development applications with a new solution and to improve the City's existing administrative processes to take advantage of industry best practices that best leverage the Superion applications. Business Process Reviews were completed for each of the applications which outlined specific needs of the City. This SOW outlines the items agreed upon by Superion and the City. The project scope is comprised of the Software and Services identified in the Agreement as further described throughout this SOW. Page 4 �T SUPERION 4. Project Phases The Preliminary Implementation phasing is as outlined below. During project planning, Superion and the City will build the actual project plan and schedule which will then be updated and maintained throughout the project. Phase 1— Finance Phase 2 — Human Resources, Payroll, Work Management Phase 3 —Community Deve lopment-TRAKiT 5. Work Management Superion includes the following reg0ements for Work Management: • Pricing includes Discovery, Configuration, set up, training, and conversion for 8 functional areas for Work Management. Superion considers a functional area to be a department, or business unit which has its own specific business processes and requirements. For Example Fleet is considered a functional area. Other examples may include water/sewer, parks and recreation, street or building maintenance, cemetery, IT, Recycling, Forestry, Code Compliance. • As part of the training, Superion will assist the City in implementing 8 functional areas and the City can request is change order for Superion to add additional areas or the City can build the adcitional areas on their own. • GIS Integration is limited to 3 functional areas and each area can have up to 3 asset layers configured. Superion will build a total of nine (9) layers. City can request a change order if more than nine (9) total are required. 6. Project Management Scope The Agreement includes the following services related to Project Management. • Project Management estimated to be an average of 60 hours a month depending on the phase/stage of the project and for the duration of the project. Duties of both Superion and the City Project Managers are outlined in the Project Governance Section. • It is assumed the Superion Project Manager will be assigned to the City for up to 18 months once the contract is executed. A Superion Remote Project Manager will assist the City through the completion of any project items beyond the 18 months. Superion's Project Work Plan will consist of the following tools and will be maintained throughout the project. Page 5 ie SUPERION 7. Project Schedule Superion will create a detailed project schedule encompassing the full scope (all phases, including third party activities) of the project. The City's project manager will provide feedback on the project schedule. The Project Plan will contain: • All project's activities and tasks • Dates of project activities and tasks • Specific resources assigned to project tasks • All Milestones and Deliverables • Task dependencies (if applicable) 8. Agendas r Superion's project manager will provide a project schedule as part of:the work plan. The schedule will outline the planned Superion onsite visits for Superion staff. Agendas for all v+!ork sessions will be provided by the Superion Project Manager at least 1 week prior to any on -site meeting. Agendas will include: • Meeting objective • Meeting outcome • Detailed tasks to be performed • Recommended participants • Detailed schedule breakdown of rueeting topics • Resources required for each meeti ig. i f 9. Status Meetings Superion and the City will hold a weekly status meeting with the core project team members including the Superion and City Project Managers. Topics to include. • Project plan • Discuss current activities • Action items from the last meeting • Project Issues and Risk log • Milestone or Deliverable A bi-weekly Steering Committee meeting which includes the Superion Project Managers. Topics to incl ide. • Project OverviEw and Status • Critical issues impacting the project • Decisions needing steering committee assistance • Milestone or Deliverable approval 10. Status Reports Page 6 SUPERION Superion's project manager will prepare status reports on a Monthly basis for the duration of the project. Status reports will be used to communicate key project information to the City's Project Manager and Steering Committee. Reports are to include: • Project Status • Summary of accomplishments • Late Overdue items • Status of key milestones deliverables • Project timeline • Issues/Risks • Planned risk mitigation strategy • Pr ogress towards City project goals / criteria of project success • Project Budget 11. Issues Log Superion and City will maintain a list of issues (both open and closed) that have been identified for the project. Any project risks, key decisions, issues, disputes, or late tasks shall be identified on the Issues Log. Both City and Superion project managers and project team members are responsible for adding items to the issues log. For each identified issue, the following information will be captured: • Issue Number • Reported by/date • Status (i.e. new, open, closed, pending) • Component unit/Business Process • Priority • Issue • Comments • Findings • Recommendations • Resolution Assignment • Date Tested • Date Closed The City and Superion project managers will review the Issues Log as part of regularly scheduled project management meetings or more frequently as required. Once the issue has been assigned, the appropriate project team member(s) are responsible for completini the assigned follow-up tasks and resolving the issue by the assigned due date. The City Project Manager or the Superion project manager may choose to escalate and issue following the issue resolution process defined in Section 2.8. Items directly related to ONESolution will be logged with Superion's Helpdesk, and tracked in the case system. Page 7 u SUPERION Fk Page 8 *SUPERION 12. Project Governance 12.1.1. Project Staffing The following is an overview of committees and positions for Superion and the City. Final responsibilities and team members are identified during the implementation -planning phase of the implementation. City of Tamarac Project Sponsor The City's project sponsor provides support to the project by allocating resources, providing strategic direction, communicating key issues about the project and the project's overall importance to the organization. The project sponsor will be involved in the project as needed to provide nece°,sary support, oversight, and guidance, but will not participate in day-to-day activities. The project sponsor will empower the steering committee to make critical business decisions for the City. Executive Steering Committee The City's Steering Committee will understand and support the cultural change necessary for the project and foster throughout the organization an appreciation of the value of an integrated ERP system. The Steering Committee oversees the project team and the project as a whole. Through participation in regular meetings the Steering Committee will remain updated on all project progress, project decisions, and achievement of project milestones. The Steering Committee will also provide support to the project team by communicating the importance of the project to each member's department alcng with other department directors in the City. The Steering Committee is responsible for ensuring that the project has appropriate resources, providing strategic direction to the project team, and is responsible for making timely decisions on critical project or policy issues. The Steering Committee also serves as primary level of issue resolution for the project. Project Manager The City's project manager will coordinate project team members, subject matter experts, and the overall implementation schedule. The Project Managers will be responsible for reporting to the Steering Committee and providing the majority of the City's change management communications and coaching. The project manager will also be the primary point of contact for the project and will coordinate all Superion activities with the Superion project manager. Project Core Functional Team Leads Project team members will be the core functional leads for each area in the system. The project team members have detailed subject matter expertise and are empowered to make appropriate business process and configuration decisions in their respective areas. Page 9 The Project Team is tasked with carrying out all project tasks described in the Statement of Work including planning, business process analysis, configuration, documentation, testing, training, and all other required City tasks. The Project Team will be responsible for and empowered to implement the new system in the best interests of the City consistent with the project goals, project vision, and direction from the Project Manager and Steering Committee. Requirements and Notes: a) The City may have multiple staff providing the roles outlined above Page 10 �T SUPERION Superion Project Sponsor • Provide support to Project Managers in reporting project progress to Steering Committee as necessary • Approve and sign off on any material changes to project scope or staffing changes. Project Manager • Fulfill Go Live dates • Support the City Project Manager in monitoring and reporting overall implementation progress (duties of both the City and Superion) • Monitor and report progress on Superion's responsibilities • Immediately notify the City Project Manager and Project Sponsor/Steering Committee of any issue that could delay the project • Fulfill all Superion project deliverables outlined in the SOW. • Complete Software installation as per the project schedule. • Provide Superion Staff according to the project plan • Facilitate coordination between all Superion departments • Monitor the work plan and schedLIe and make course corrections as necessary. • Serve as the point person for all project ;ssues. (First escalation point) • Prepare weekly status along with weekIv project call or meeting • Provide issue resolution status, trEcking, and procedures Functional Leads (Consultants, Trainers, Developers, and Technical resources) • Work with the City SMEs to design and configure the functional components of the ONESolution system for optimal long-term use. • Lead the ONESolution software configuration with assistance from the City's Functional Leads. • Check that Software operates after configuration as per its documentation • Assist with the resolution of issues • Trains the City core group during the configuration of software • Create and deliver data conversion programs according to City specification and this Statemert of Work • Create and deliver interface programs according to City specification and this Statement of Work • Create and deliver Reports according to this Statement of Work • Provide training on security and assist with set up • Provide training on workflow and assist with set up Page 11 _qv�A ­_ _. I '111- r,,,, S U 1- E R 10 N Requirements and Notes: a) Both Superion and the City will assign Project Manager's with the requisite skills and leadership authority within the organization to effectively accomplish the goals and complete the scope of the services in this SOW b) City will participate in weekly meeting (may be conducted by phone) with Superion's project manager. The City's core project team in addition to their project manager will attend the meeting. The weekly meeting is intended to cover current project status, project schedule, action items from the previous meeting, discussion about critical items, review of project plan, and help desk cases impacting the project. Superion's project manager will complete and Send out meeting notes after each meeting. c) City will make the City's Project Team members available for meetings, consulting and t -airing sessions, discussions and conference calls upon request by Superior . Superion and City Project Team members will respond to information requests by either party not to exceed five (5) Business Days unless agreed upon in time to minimize delays in the project. d) The City anc Superion may consider alternative meeting options such as WebEx, Video Conferencing, Remote Desktop and Conference Calls. 13. Facility Requirements .c,uperion recommends the following facilities be available for the entire life cycic of the project. 1. The City will provide an adequate workspace for each or site Superion consultant, with access to a desktop workstation, network, and close proKimit/ to the City Project Team. Adequate breakout and conference space will also be provided. 2. When Superion is onsite, the City Project Team should ideally be located near the Superion project members to facilitate good communication and coordination amongst the team members. 3. City to provide classroom space, workstations, and networked access to the server for all on -site classes at City facilities. Page 12 �,,T SUPEI?ION 14. Deliverable and Milestone approval The City will review, approve and provide written sign -off for all Deliverables and Milestones identified in Sections 4.10 and 5.13 of the SOW by following the below process: 1. Superion will submit in writing to the City a Deliverable or Milestone completion form for each completed Deliverable or milestone. 2. The City will identify in writing any required changes, deficiencies, and/or additions necessary, within five (5) business days of receipt of the form for each completed Deliverable or Milestone. If Superion does not receive a signed completion form within five (5) business days and the City has not requested additional review time, the Deliverable or Milestorn-2 will be deemed accepted. 3. Superion and the Customer will work together to review Deliverable and Milestones which are not approved and create a plan to address. When the Deliverable has been updated or the Milestone achieved a revised form will be submitted. The Customer will then review the Deliverable or Milestone and provide any additional comments on any required changes, deficiencies, and/or additions necessary within five (5) business days of receipt of the updated completion form. This process will be repeated until the Customer grants approval and signoff on the Deliverable or Milestone 4. In all instances, the terms of section 2.14 will apply in that should substantial changes occur that affects the negotiated project timeline, Superion may provide the Client with a Change Order for additional services to extend the project timeline. Upon approval of the Deliverable or Milestone, the City Project Manager will sign the completion form an i shall return it to Superion''s Project Manager. 15. Dispute Resolution Procedures The City and Superion should anticipate challenging issues to arise throughout the implementation process due to the complex magnitude of this project. In order for challenging issues to be remedied in a timely fashion, the City and Superion will utilize the following Dispute Resolution Procedure: All communication regarding the project should be directed to Superion and City's Project Manager in order to maintain consistent communication between the parties. Scheduled weekly calls/meetings will be maintained between the Superion Project Manager and the City's Project Team (including the City's Project Manager). All issues or concerns will be discussed actively and openly between Superion's Project Manager and the City's Projec? Manager. If issues begin to interfere with the progression of the implementation project, the City and/or Superion should escalate challenges to Superion management in the sequence below, as needed: Contact I Phone I E-mail Michele Leaf— Manager of Professional 530.879.5126 Michele. leaf(a@superion.com Services Paul Tovey—Director of Professional 530.879.5139 Services PauI.tovev@superion.com Page 13 ��, SUPERION Todd Schulte — COO Todd.schulte@superion.com Tom Amburgey—General Manager 1407.304.3022 I Tom.amburgey@superion.com Kevin Lafeber— President and CCO 1407.304.3102 1 kevin.lafeber@superion.com Escalation to City Management Team should be as follows: Project Core Functional Team PM Department Project Manager City Project Manager Assistant Director of IT Project Sponsor IT Director Executive Steering Committee Executive Team 16. Change Requests and Changes to this Scope of Work The City and Superion may request a change to this scope of work by following the process outlined in this section. ` Either party may request changes in scope. Such a request is honored by the parties only if it becomes a formal Change Order. The change order will provide sufficient detail including the following. • Detailed description of resources (both City and Superion) required to perform the change • Specifications if applicable • Implementation Plans • Schedule for completion • Verification and Approval criteria • Impact on current milestones and payment schedule • Additional milestones (if applicable) • Impact on project goals and oG7jectives • Price Either Superion or City management may propose a change by submittal of a Change Request to the other party. The other party has five (5) business days (or as mutually agreed upon) to determine whether it agrees to the Change Request. If both parties agree to the Change Request, the change will become a Change Order documented and signed by both parties. If agreement to pursue a Change Order does not occur in five (5) business days of the initiation of the Change Request (or as mutually agreed upon), it is assumed that the Page 14 *SUPERION Change Request has been rejected and any remaining issues will be identified on the Issues Log and/or follow the Dispute Resolution process identified in Section 2.13. Page 15 �Zr SUPER ION 17. ONESolution Finance, Human Resources, Payroll and Work Management The following section is comprised of services and implementation approach for the ONESolution Finance, HR/PY, and Work Management portion of the project. 18. Data Conversion Scope The following data has been identified as data needing to be converted to ONESolution and is included in the services identified in this SOW. The City will need to provide a cross -walk table for the conversion of chart of account value fields. During the project, further discussion and discovery will take place and the City may request that modifications to the data conversion services scope he performed by Superion. If the data conversion scope is requested to be modified by City, it will become the su eject of a separately executed Change Order which will describe changes in scope of work and payment of fees glue for such modified hours/pricing. Superion has included conversion services and pricing in the Agreement for the conversion services outlined below. • Superion and the City will build a project plan that includes converting data five (5) times for Finance, HR/PY, and Work Management. o If more than five (5) conversions are required, the project schedule may be impacted and Superion and the City will mutually agree on an updated project schedule. • Superion's final conversions will Le scheduled for agreed upon dates in two steps. o One (1) second to last conversion will be executed prior to Integration and parallel Testing. o One (1) final conversion will be executed prior to and coordinated with scheduled go live. • City will validate data after each convei Sion and communicate test results within 3 weeks. City will provide necessary documentation in writing, clearly stating the issue (screen shots to support findings). • If it is determined that changes to the conversion tool are required and are within the scope, then changes will be made and the data conversion re -run by Superion. • City will sign off on conversion once City has tested and Superion has made all necessary adjustments to it. Page 16 ��� SUPERION Functional Type/Quantity Phase Area Data System Comments ScopeIn General Ledger Financial NaviLine 3 years NaviLine 1 account Conversion balances, Program; Standard transaction Import/Export history Utility. General Ledger Annual NaviLine 3 years NaviLine 1 budgets Conversion Program; Standard Import/Export, Utility. Purchasing Open and NaviLine Active NaviLine 1 Closed PO's Conversion Program; Standard Import/Export Utility. Inventory Active NaviLine Active NaviLine 1 inventory and Conversion Balances Program; Standard ' m porr/Export Utility. Purchasing / Vendors, NaviLine 3 years NaviLine 1 Accounts Transaction Conversion Payable History Program; Standard Import/Export Utility. Accounts Active Vendor NaviLine 3 Years NaviLine 1 Receivable data Conversion Program; Standard Import/Export Utility. Payroll Payroll NaviLine Up to 10 years NaviLine 2 history, pay Conversion assignments, Program; Standard EFT Import/Export information Utility. Page 17 A, `k r-T SUPER10N Human Employee NaviLine Current NaviLine 2 Resources I personnel I I I Conversion data including pay assignments, employee tracking info. Program; Standard Import/Export Utility. ** Any historical data rolled will require the corresponding configuration tables rolled as well, for example job/position tables, salary tables, etc. Crosswalk tables will need to be developed. Fixed Assets Assets NaviLine Ative NaviLine 1 Conversion Program; Standard Import/Export Utility. Fleet Fleet Assets NaviLine Active Fleet Assets NaviLine 2 Conversion Program Page 18 SUPERION - 19. Interface Scope The interfaces identified in the Agreement will be developed and or configured using the processes identified in this SOW. Interface list starts on next page which lists the interfaces included in this agreement. If additional interfaces are requested by City, it will become the subject of a separately executed Change Order, which will describe changes in scope of work and payment of fees due for such modified hours/pricing. Note: In order to use Superion's integration between NaviLine and ONESolution the City must have a NaviLine test account, which is at a compatible version. The NaviLine test account is necessary to test the integration. Note: Superion is not responsible for the applicable third party software, third party hardware or third party system software costs which may be required for the development of the interfaces described. The City is responsible for any necessary communications with third party vendors if necessary to accomplish the Interface scope in this SOW. Page 19 N N 501 " m •> O "` ' •� cn _ Lu -0 ` -0 c ca + ai Z O on an Q 'A Q c o c 'a a c w -� U c w -a c -a L a O O a\+ l6 _a f6 O 'i L m .Q f6 CQ. 4T- N O "� .� N O O m'O = m — Q 4° > c E N to cn co � � L Q a- O m m w o0 _ O O a 01 a. ,w a a a a z z o a a a Ln � Rt a - c +-� � :3O L J c aC L am a L N R -0 a > Ji>f C Q m m c 4- (6 N co O O l7 O a W w a W do ai bA -.� Z c } o = O L la a_ N N N v c �3 a > c O >, :Q i Q Q. ai o R J o Y a o a J In v E M m" J aci a d� Z O L O O �' O t>o c a a a +' CD E bL0 E EM c O V qn 4a i- O Un }' y CD-J E> W O i U HZ Z O i � O co cn m X w O Ll- 4- R5. .ggAA' ,, SUPERION 20. Modification/Enhancement Scope Please refer to section 26 for optional services. 21. Reporting Scope Sample reports and associated Superion Analytics report training and assistance will be provided as part of this project. Superion has included 250 hours in the agreement which will be used for Superion to develop Reports. Report hours will be billed as incurred. The City agrees to complete the remaining reports. • Superion will train City on how to create new reports and to modify existing reports. • The City and Superion agree to have Superion complete reports up to the 250 hours included in the contract. A reporting plan will be created as one of the deliverables listed in Section 4.2. The reports will be categorized in three categories, simple, medium and complex with correlates to 8, 16 and 32 hours of development time. o Simple — list report with basic calculations and formatting. Report templates can be utilized for the majority of development. Typically one query handles the report information. Can be prompted and filtered. Est 8 hours o Medium — report containing more advanced calculations and formatting. May need more than one report query to retri,=eve the data, master -detail relationships may be needed. Typically includes several prompts. Est 6 hours o Complex — highly formatted report which may contain more than one list or report object and multiple developed pages, contains complex calculations such as running balance, may have conditional formatting and multiple levels of summarization. Financial Statements typically fall under this category. Est 32 hours • Any reports Superion is to create will require specifications as outlined in section 4.3 The City can add additional hours outside of the Agreement which will become the subject of a separately executed Change Order describing additional scope of work and payment of fees due for such additional hours/pricing 22. Workflow Scope The following workflow Models described below will be provided and included under this Scope of Work. During the project, further discussion and discovery will take place by Superion and the City to mutually determine if additional workflows are to be completed by Superion or the City. Page 21 ,,Zr SUPERION The City can add additional hours outside of the Agreement which will become the subject of a separately executed Change Order describing additional scope of work and payment of fees due for such additional hours/pricing Superion will complete 1 of the following models to be configured to meet the City's business process. Should multiple models versions of a similar model be needed to accommodate differences between departments, the City will be trained to make the changes. Financial Vi/orkf/ows Model Approvals Superion will build one Purchase Request model for the City under this agreement. Model will be built to use standard PO generated PDF to Purchasing Apprcval be emailed to Vendors. Superion will build one purchase order workflow to check for an approved purchased request and automatically print thu purchase Purchase Order PYinting order. Superion will build one purchase order change model to reapprove Purchase Order Changes Approval and re -print purchase orders �f account/ amount changes. Superion will build one Accounts Payable invoice processing model for Accounts Payable Approval the City under this agreement. Journal Entry approvals and auto - distribution Superion will build one Journal Entry approval with auto distribution Budget Transfer Approval Superion will build one Budget Adjustment model with auto distribution Contract Management Approvals Superion will build one Contract approval model Person Entity Approval Superion will build one Person/ Entity workflow approval model. W-9 Compliance Workflow Superion will build one W-9 compliance model with notifications. Superion will build one Financial Budget Workflow if CDM is utilized Financial Budget Workflow for extracting data from Excel to import into ONESolution Page 22 '"IN ,, SUPERION Payroll and Human Resource Workflow Models Model Description Human Resources to Payroll I Superion will build one notification workflow to notify payroll of human resource changes. 23. Forms Scope Superion has included the following Forms in this Scope of Work. Superion includes standard forms that the City will use. Superion can create custom forms, but additional hours at City's expense would be required. Finance and HR/PY Easy Laser Forms Description 1 Purchase Order — Could be a report which outputs to PDF 1 Accounts Receivable Invoice and Statements 1 Accounts Payable Check and EFT to match the ICity's current NaviLine check version 1 Cash Receipt 1 Payroll Check and EFT to match the City's current NaviLine version 1099 and W2's —These are -reated as part of each calendar year end release. 1 Payroll Advice to appear on Employee Online 1 Stores Inventory Pick Ticket and Packing Slip Work Order Forms • Superion will create up to 1 total template form for 3 functional areas and train the City of creating additional forms if required Requirements and Notes: a) Superion will create one version of each Easy Laser Form identified from our standard form. If multiple versions of any one form is requested additional charges will apply. b) Superion will deliver year end 1099 and W2's as part of this SOW during the City's first year in which they go live on each phase. In subsequent years the City can purchase the forms at Superion's current rates. c) Superion's software includes the necessary requirements for ACA (1094-C/1095-C) and 941 reporting. Superion will work with the City to set up the software to enable the necessary reporting. Page 23 I -44rkIT S U PERION 24. Installation Services Scope The SOW describes below the installation services identified in the Agreement. These services include the following: • Installation of two (2) environments of ONESolution to be completed. • Production install includes up to four (4) application servers; second (2"d) environment include one (1) application server per environment. • There will be one (1) initial installation and then copies will be taken to create the second instance. • Superion will complete all installation remotely. • Superion includes two (2) days System Administrative training with,:all ONESolution installations • Superion includes four (4) remote hours for database refresh tmini ig (copying data from production to other environments). Requirements and Notes: Superion and the City will mutually agree on the dates and schedule for the installation and other services in this area. 25. Optional Services from Business Process Review The following services were identified during the Finance, HR/PY, and Work Management BPR's as optional services. Areas i Hours Rate Total Intergration/ Interfaces 470 $ 160.00 $ 75,200.00 Web Forms 720 $ 160.00 $ 115,200.00 Reports 1458 $ 160.00 $ 233,280.00 Pcard Conversion 50 $ 160.00 $ 8,000.00 Grand Total Estimates 2598 $ 160.00 $ 431,680.00 Integration/Interfaces The following Integration/ Interfaces described below were recommended during the business process review. If development of these integrations/ interfaces are to be completed by Superion, a discovery call will be required and may adjust the hours ',lased on the completed review by Superion and the City. A good faith estimate after the business process r,-view was 470 hours. Page 24 I*SUPERION 1) 1 PMeds I Employee Evaluation Information 2) I Optiview I Document Capture and Retainage 3) Risk Master Workers Compensation information 4) Benefit Employee Benefit Information will be sent to carries when benetits Carriers change or an employee terms 5) Benefit Carriers Employee Benefit selections will be sent to carriers after an employee enrolls in benefits Web Forms The following workflow Web Forms described below were recommended during the business process review. If development of these web forms are to be completed by Superion, a discovery call will be required and may adjust the hours based on the completed review by Superion and the City. A good faith estimate after the business process review was 720 hours. Web Form Description Memc to Hie with Notification Workflow One web form that resembles the current PAT forr.►. Chang` of S`Atus with Notification J' Workflow One web form to replace the current Change of Status form. Deduction Changes Outside of One web for where departments or employees can request types of Employee Online deductions and pay that are not part of Employee Online. Health Insurance Waiver with One web for where employees can fill out data and attach Notification Workflow documentation for health insurance waiver. Property Disposition One web for with workflow for Property Disposition Reporting During the BPR Superion identified 48 reports in the area of Finance/HR/PY and 21 reports in the area of Work Management. Creation of these reports are not included in the milestones as part of this agreement. Superion has included 250 hours in the agreement to be billed as incurred forteport creation per section on reporting scope. If the City chooses to have SUPERION develop additional reports that are estimated to be an additional 1358 hours, the reports will be scoped out by the report developer and hours may be adjusted. P-Card Conversion Page 25 S U P E R I O N During the Statement of Work review process, it was requested to convert P-Card historical data. If the City chooses to have SUPERION develop the conversion, a good faith estimate is 50 hours. Page 26 SUPERION 26. ONESolution Finance, Human Resources, Payroll and Work Management Implementation Approach The following section outlines the Implementation approach for Finance, Human Resources, Payroll and Work Management 27.1 Data Conversion Approach Data conversion development is the joint responsibility of the Customer and Superion. Customer will be respon-Ale for completing conversion crosswalks as well as leading the validation of data. Superion imcl Customer will work together to accomplish importing the data from NaviLine to ONESolution utilizing the Navil-ine conversion programs and crosswalks. Custom screens and fields are not part of the standard conversion program. If this data is required to be converted, Superion will work with you to provide design considerations and level of ef, art estimates for additional Customer expense or the data may be manually entered after the final conversion. When Superion is engaged to convert data using Superion NaviLire Conversion Program, the process flows as outlined: Task Superion Role Customer Role 1. Initial Data Conversion Converts data to None confirm connectivity 2. Meeting or Discovery call between the Customer and the Lead Task Participate in Consultant or Developer assigned to assist with the data discovery conversion program. During meeting/call, specifics of the task are discussed so that both parties have a full understanding. 3. Superion to provide file crosswalks to the clients Train the Maintain customer on crosswalks until how to populate final conversion crosswalks 4. Customer to submit crosswalk to be used in the conversion Provide input Lead Task and answer questions if necessary 5. Superion to perform data conversion Lead Task Provide input and answer questions if necessary Page 27 I*SUPERION 6. Validate Data Provide input Lead Task— submit and answer issues as cases if questions if applicable necessary 7. Superion Developer adjusts conversion program Adjust None Conversion Program 8. Steps 5 through 7 are repeated until sign off in step 8. - - 9. Customer signs off on completion None I Sign Off ONESolution contains standard utilities that support numerous data import and export requirements. In order to use these standard features, data must be presented in a supported format such as, CSV or Microsoft Excel. If specific formattin; needs, scope, and complexity go beyond the standard format, Superion will work with you to provide design considerations and level of effort estimates for additional Customer expense. When Superion is engaged to convert data using Superion standard file upload utilities, the process flows as outlined: Task Superion Role Customer Role 1. Create Scoping Docu:+vent Provide input on Customer to scope and advise provide input and Customer on requirements for best practices data conversion related to converting data 2. Meeting or Discovery call between the Customer and the Lead Task Participate in Consultant or Developer assigned to assist with the data discovery and make conversion upload utility. During meeting/call, specifics of the decisions task are discussed so that both parties have a full understanding. 3. Superion to provide file upload template to the Customer Provide input None and answer questions if necessary 4. Superion and Customer will work to complete the mapping of Lead mapping Provide input and the fields for the Superion upload template for upload answer questions if template necessary Page 28 SUPERION 5. Customer reviews and approve mapping Revise mapping Review mapping as necessary and provide feedback 6. Complete the mapping spreadsheet and provide data from Assist in mapping Provide data from legacy system Legacy system in Superion required formats 7. Run the file upload utility and train the Customer staff Deliver file Provide Customer through the process for running program upload utility staff to be trained and train on program Customer staff on program 8. Tests results and reports any discrepancies Supperts the Test program Cuato,ner in running utility programs. 9. Adjust file upload mapping Support the Adjust mapping Customer in template revising the mapping template 10. Steps 8 and 9 are repeated until sign off in step 11. - - 11. Customer signs off on completion None Sign Off Requirements and Notes a) The Customer is responsible for validating all data once it is converted into ONESolution b) Customer will provide Subject Matter Experts that are familiar with existing data structures in the legacy system to assist with the conversion process c) The Customer will provide the resources to assist with conversion questions and crosswalk updates as well as data validation. d) The Customer will be responsible to get the legacy data "conversion ready", meaning it is clean (duplicates, typos, missing information, etc. have been corrected in Navil-ine) Page 29 �T SUPER ION 27.2 Interface Approach Interface development is the joint responsibility of the Customer and Superion. Customer will be responsible for interface development work to/from existing legacy systems. Superion will be responsible for interface development work to/from the ONESolution system. ONESolution contains standard utilities for some modules that support numerous data import and export requirements. In order to use these standard features, data must be presented in a sub po°ted format such as, CSV c r Microsoft Excel. If specific formatting needs, scope, and complexity go beVond the standard format, Superion will work with you to provide design considerations and level o` efrort estimates for additional Customer expense. When Superion is engaged to cry=ate interfaces using Superion standard import/ export utilities, the process flows as outlined: Page 30 SUPERION Task 1. Create Scoping Document Superion Role Provide input on scope and advise Customer on best practices related to interfacing data 2. Meeting or Discovery Call between the Customer and the Lead Task Consultant or Developer assigned to assist with the import/export utility. During meeting/ call, specifics ofth2 task are discussed so that both parties have a full understanding. 3. Superion to provide file import/export template to the Provide input Customer and answer questions if necessary 4. Superion and Customer will work to complete the mapping of Lead mapping the fields for the Superion import/export template for import/export template 5. Customer reviews and approve mapping Revise mapping as necessary 6. Complete the mapping spreadsheet and, Han import, provide Assist in mapping data from legacy system 7. Run the import/export utility and train the Customer staff Deliver through the process for running program import/export utility and train Customer staff on program 8. Tests results and reports any discrepancies Supports the Customer in running utility programs. 9. Adjust import/export mapping. Support the Customer in revising the mapping template 10. Steps 8 and 9 are repeated until sign off in step 11. - 11. Customer signs off on completion None Customer Role Customer to provide input and requirements for interface including data file layout specifications and 2 existing file samples. Participate in discovery and make decisions None Provide input and answer questions if necessary Review mapping and provide feedback If an import provide data from 3rd party system in Superion required formats Provide Customer staff to be trained on program Test program Adjust mapping template Sign Off When Superion is engaged to write an interface program, the process flows as outlined: Page 31 �T SUPERION Task Superion Role Customer Role 1. Create Scoping Document Provide input on Customer to scope and advise provide input and Customer on requirements for best practices interface including related to data file layout interfaces specifications and 2 existing file samples. 2. Discovery between The Customer and the Developer Lead Task Participate in assigned -:o write the interface. Specifics of the interface are discovery and detailed so that both parties have a full understanding. make decisions 3. Specifications are created by the Interface Developer and Create ,Provide input and sent to the Customer specifications answer questions if necessary 4. Customer reviews and signs specifications Revise Review Specifications as Specificatio! is and necessary provide feedback; Sign specification 5. Developer creates interface and delivers to the Customer Create interface Provide SME to along with documentation of interface. and c'eliver to answer questions if the Customer necessary 6. Customer Staff tests results and reports any discrepancies Answer and+ Review interface, questions `rom test results and Customer as provide feedback testing is to Superion executed 7. Developer adjusts interface based on the Customer Revise None feedback and re -delivers along with updated interface interfaced documentation. report as necessary 8. Steps 6 and 7 are repeated until sign off in step 9 9. Customer signs off on completion I None I Provide Sign Off Requirements and Notes a) The Customer is responsible for validating all data transferred into ONESolution and data transferred from ONESolution to another application b) Customer will provide Subject Matter Experts that are familiar with existing data structures in the legacy system to assist with the interface process. c) Final determination of the interface method will be determined after analysis of the interface requirements. Page 32 SUPERION d) In areas where upload utilities will be used the Customer will extract the data from their 3rd party application and populate Superion standard template formats. Superion will train the Customer on using the templates and assist in automating where applicable e) Superion has standard utilities for importing data. f) Superion has the ability to export data through SQL, reports and custom interfaces. g) The Customer resources will provide the expertise in 3rd party data, data mapping and data validation. Page 33 �,,T SUPERION 27.3 Reports Approach When Superion is engaged to write reports, Superion and the Customer will use the following approach. Note that reports will be completed either by Superion consultants or by developers (referenced as Report Developer for the remainder of section 4.3) Task Superion Role 1. Create Scoping Document Support the Customer in creating Create scrping document 2. Discovery between The Customer and the Report Developer Parti6pate in assigned to write the report. Each report is discussed and discovery and specifics of the report are detailed so that both parties have a make decision,; full understanding. 3, Specifications are created 4. Superion and Customer reviews and approve specifications 5. Report Developer creates report and delivers to the Customer 6. Customer Staff tests results and reports any discrepancies 7. Superion Report Developer adjusts report based on the Customer feedback and re -delivers. 8. Steps 6 and 7 are repeated until sign off in step 9. 9. Customer signs off on completion Requirements and Notes: Provide input Review specifications and provide feedback asneeded Create report and deliver. Answerany questions from Customer as testing is executed Revise Report (if necessary) Provide Sign Off Documentation to Customer Customer Role List all needed reports in the Report Scope Document See Report Scope DED Document specifications Develop specifications and send to Superion to review Revise Specifications as necessary Provide SME to answer questions if necessary Review and test report. Provide feedbackto Superion None Customer to sign document a) Superion standard reports may need additional configuration based on the Customer's specific Chart of Accounts and other set up. Page 34 �T SUPER ION b) Customer will provide written specifications for all reports Superion has agreed to develop. Page 35 �; SUPERION 27.4 Workflow Approach Workflow models are set and configured based on each customer's business practices. Superion works with the Customer to both create Workflow Models and to train Customer staff to create, maintain, and use Workflow. When Superion is engaged to develop Workflow Models, Superion and the Customer will use the following approach. Note that Workflow models will be completed either by Superion consultants o-F developers (referenced as Workflow Developer fc r th;e remainder of section 4.4) Task Superion Role Customer Role 1. Create Scoping Document Support Customer Define initial in creation of Workflow and Create scoping requirements document 2. Create Workflow Flowcharts for each workflow model Assist with Create flowcharts identified in the Scope Document questions for each model displaying flow of data through the approval process; note any specific items to be discussed with Superion for each model 3. Discovery between the Customer and the Workflow Document Participate in Developer assigned to write the Workflow. Each flowchart is workflow discovery and discussed and specifics of the Workflow are detailed so that specifications make decisions both parties have a full understanding. 4. Specifications are created by the Workflow Developer and Develop Provide input and sent to Customer specifications and answer questions if delivery to necessary Customer 5. The Customer reviews and signs specifications Revise Review specifications as Specifications and necessary provide feedback; Sign specifications 6. Superion Workflow Developer creates Workflow and delivers Create workflow Provide SME to to the Customer and deliver answer questions if necessary 7. Customer staff tests results and reports any discrepancies Answer any Test workflow questions from Customer as testing is executed Page 36 1* SURERION 8. Superion Workflow Developer adjusts Workflow based on I Adjust workflow as I None Customer feedback and re -delivers. necessary 9. Steps 7 and 8 are repeated until sign off in step 10. 10. Customer signs off on completion Provide Sign Off Customer to Sign Documentation to Document Requirements and Notes: a). Superion standard workflow models will need configuration based on the Customer specific business practices and requirements. Customer will define the approval process and requirements for each model. b) Customer will provide workflow flowcharts and written details for all workflow models Superion has agreed to develop. 27.5 Forms Approach When Superion is engaged to develop Easy Laser Forms, Superion and the Customer will use the following approach. Note that Forms will be completed either by Superion consultants o- by developers (referenced as Forms Developer for the remainder of section 4.5). If a report (E.g. PDF, Superion Analytics powered by Cognos) is the desired result instead of ELF Form, see section 4.3 foa the Report Approach. Task I superion Role I Customer Role 1. Review standard ELF Forms and select the specific forms that Provide standard Select specific forms will be used ELF Forms to be used. 2. Create Scoping Document Support Discuss changes Customer in required to standard creation of Create ELF Forms. Decide if scoping there will be any document custom modifications. Make a list of all changes perform. 3. Discovery between the Customer and the Forms Developer Document forms Participate in assigned to develop the forms. Specifics of the forms are specifications meetings and make detailed so that both parties have a full understanding. decisions 4. Specifications are created by the Forms Developer and sent Develop Provide input and to Customer specifications and answer questions if necessary Page 37 delivery to Customer 5. The Customer reviews and signs specifications Revise Review Specifications Specifications as and provide necessary feedback; Sign specifications 6. Superion Form Developer creates Forms and delivers to the Create forms and Provide SME to Customer deliver answer questions if necessary 7. Customer staff tests results and reports any discrepancies Answer any Test forms questions from Customer as testing is executed 8. Superion Forms Developer adjusts Forms based on Customer Adjust forms None feedback and re -delivers. based on Customer feedback 9. Steps 7 and 8 are repeated until sign off in step 10. 10. Customer signs off on completion Provide Sign Off Customer to Sign Documentation Document to Customer Requirements and Notes: a) Customer will use one of Superion's standard formats which includes updating organiz,atior name, bank, logo, micr and signature. b) If Superion standard format does not meet requirements the Customer can have a custom formed created at additional expense. c) Customer will supply organization and bank information and logo as necessary d) Customer will supply Customer signature(s) for checks e) Customer will test checks with bank Page 38 ��Zr SUPERION 27.6 Training, Consulting, and Configuration Approach Superion Training, Consulting, and Configuration are broadly defined by the below approach. Task Superion Role City Role Superion staff will lead and participate in all phases of the Lead and Participate in the project to make sure the City can effectively use ONESolution participate in all project phases of the project Superion will assess via Business Process Review the City's Provide thorough Provide business business practices and make recommendations in the best business process requirements and practice use of ONESolution. These recommendations will be review and make describe current used to guide the use and configuration and use of ONESolution recommendations business processes and practices Superion will train core users on all aspects of ONESolution so Train core users on Participate in all they have adequate knowledge to support and use the software all aspects of ONE training effectively Solution S iperion will supply configuration options (as necessary) based Supply Make configuration on the City's business practices configuration decisions options Superion will work with and train the City on the set up and Train City on set up Participate in all configuration of ONESolution and configuration necessary set up and configuration Superion will document and record the configuration decisions Document and Participate and record the review configuration documented decisions configuration decisions Requirements and Notes: a) Staff with the appropriate skills and experience will be furnished by Superion for each Consulting Session or other review activities, whether onsite or conducted remotely. b) City will actively participate in all training, consulting, and configuration of ONESolution c) The City will supply SME's in all areas of the software and will provide information to Superion consultants on business processes, policy, and information in order to set up and configure all areas of ONESolution. d) Superion Consultants and Trainers will provide a written trip report after each scheduled on - site visit within five (5) business days. The trip report will include the high level topics covered, accomplishments, key decisions made, homework for the City, and topics to be Page 39 1* SUPERION covered in next future visit. Any tasks listed on the trip reports will also be included on the project plan. 27.7 Testing Approach During each phase of services as provided under this Statement of Work, the City will test all components of the Software as configured, as well as business processes, the reports, data conversion, interfaces and customizations (if applicable). Superion will assist and the City will lead in creating scripts specific to the City processes. 28 Training Approach and Knowledge Transfer Superion will train the Citl Core Functional users and the City will train the End Users as part of this project. Core Team Training Superion will conduct training for the core project team. The following areas are the types of training Superion will conduct with the City's core project team. Training Descriptions Descriptions Modi.fle overviews Superion staff gives the City an overview and understanding of all the modules in ONESolution which are part of thi,; SOW. ONESolution Navigation Training Basic navigation on the user interface in ONESolution Security Training Superion will train the City on all aspects of how to set up and use the Security components in ONESolution. City is responsible for overall Security set up and configuration after training. Workflow Training Superion will complete training on the ONESolution Workflow tool. This training is targeted at IT or technical staff. They will gain the skills to support and build models. Cognos Training Superion will complete training on the Cognos Business Intelligence tools including Dashboards and Report development. This training is targeted at IT, technical, and key subject matter expert staff. They will gain the skills to support and build reports. ONESolution Module Configuration Superion leads the set-up of all modules and does unit testing. and Unit Testing Process Training Once ONESolution is set up, data is converted, and Integration testing has taken place, Superion will train the Core Project Team on 'How to process" all areas of ONESolution. This will prepare the team to conduct parallel testing and to start getting prepared for end user training. Page 40 �Zr SUPERION End -User Training Superion will lead one end -user training session assigned by the City. Training will be in a classroom environment and will be formally completed after initial set up and not until testing is completed. Superion will also assist in prepping the City trainers for any future end user training the City is to conduct. This will be accomplished by conducting sessions where the City trainers conduct mock trainings with Superion consultants. The City will complete the remaining end -user training sessions. 28.1.1End User Training The City will train end users. Typical sessions that will need to be covered by the cKy include: Category Session Areas General Training Navigation Workflow Reporting Finance Budget Journal Entry Purchase Orders Accounts Payable Cash Receipts Accounts Receivable Stores Inventory Person Entity PCards Contract Management Grants Management GMBA Fleet Management Human Resources and Payroll The City agrees to lead the End User training sessions. Employee Online Personal Action Forms Employee Online — Open Enrollment Professional Development End users are defined as staff who are regular users of the ONESolution application but are not involved in the detailed configuration or set up. End users will be attending training 30-45 days prior to going live per the Page 41 ,,T SUPERION phased implementation approach. City will lead and Superion will assist with the creation of the following deliverables for the end user training. Task City Role Superion Role Creation of a training plan. Lead: Lead creation of an end- Assist: Provide input on user training plan which defines training plan who and what City staff need to be trained on Development of user guides. Lead: Superion to provide written Assist: Review guides sample guides and the City will update the guides based on City specific processes Development of training materials and Lead: Lead the creation of end- Assist: ,assist City with exercises. user training material and traininf material and exercises classroom exercises Development of Training data. Lead: Lead the creation of None necessary data needed to train users Delivery of traditional classroom Lead: Lead training of City. end Assist: Participate in leading training. users one session per topic. area Page 42 SUPER ION 29 Post Live Support Post live support will be planned for and provided in the immediate weeks after the Customer goes live on phase I and IL Task Superion will have consultant's onsite at go live to assure the Customer can effectively process all critical business requirements. Superion and the Customer will agree on timing of go live and post go live visits and this will be documented in the cutover plan. • Phase 1- 0 2 Onsite visits by one General Ledger Consultant ■ One visit at Go Live ■ One visit Post Go — Live 0 2 Onsite visits by one Financials Consultant ■ One visit at Go Live ■ One visit Post Go — Live i 0 2 Onsite visits by one Reporting Consultant ■ Onc visit at Go Live ■ On,' visit Post Go — Live • Phase 2 — 0 2 Onsite visits by one Human Resources/Payroll consultant ■ One visit at Go Live ■ One visit Post Go — Live 0 1 Onsite visit by one Work Management consultant Superion will train and assist on all first time events post live Superion will have one payroll consultant onsite for the week the Customer runs their first 2 payroll runs to make sure the Customer understands and can process payroll. Requirements and Notes: Superion Role Support Customer On -site at go live to make sure system performs all functional requirements Provide training to Customer Provide onsite support to Customer for a minimum of 2 payroll runs after going live on ONESolution Customer Role Run ONESolution software as configured and per functional requirements Provide SME's and participate in training Run ONESolution software as configured and per functional requirements Page 43 �T SUPERION The post -live onsite visits outlined consists of a 3 days at the City's site by Superion staff. Page 44 SUPERION 30 Key Document Work Products (DED) All key work products defined by Lead Primary owner of DED Assist Takes an active role to assist the Lead in completing the DED Participate Passive participation in DED i.e. available to answer questions etc. but does not take an active role None Does not take a role Shared Share responsibility of the DED Deliverable Summary Deliverable Celiverable Name Phase Superion/ Customer Lead 1 Project Management Full Project 1.1 Project Charter Superion 1.2 Communication Plan Customer 1.3 Risk Plan and Register Superion 1.4 Issue Log Shared 1.5 Budget Tacking _Shared 2 Project Work Plan / Schedule 1, 2 Superion 3 Core Project Team Training Plan Project Begin Superion 4 Software Installation Project Begin Superion 4.1 Installation 4.2 Installation Post Action Report 5 Kick Off Meeting Project Begin Superion 6 Project Scope: 1,2 6.1 Data Conversion Scope Superion 6.2 Interface Scope Superion 6.3 Reporting Scope Customer 6.4 Workflow Scope Superion 6.5 Forms Scope Superion 7 Business Process i 1,2 7.1 Configuration Workbook Customer 8 System Configuration 1,2 8.1 Setup / Configuration 'uNu""" 8.2 Configuration Testing Superion 9 Project Specifications 1,2 Page 45 �Z- SUPER ION 9.1 Data Conversion Specifications Superion 9.2 Interface Specifications Shared 9.3 Report Specifications Customer 9.4 Workflow Flowchart Specifications Shared 9,5 Forms Specifications Superion 10 Perform Data Conversion 1, 2 Superion 11 Development Activities 1,2 11.1 Interface Development Superion 11.2 Report Development _ Shared 11.3 Workflow Development Shared 11.4 Forms Development _ Superion 12 Core Project Team Training 1, 2 Superion 13 Core Project Team Process Testing 1,2 Customer Customer Configuration Decisions Superion 14 Document 1, 2 15 Customer Testing: 1, 2 15.1 Test Plans / Scripts Customer 15.2' Integration/Parallel Testing Customer 15.3 User Verification Testing Customer 16 End User Training 1,2 16.1 End User Training Plan Superion 16.2 End User Training Mterials and Guides z Customer 16.3 End User Training Customer 17 Go -Live Cutover Plan 1,2 Superion 18 Go -Live / Post Live 1,2 18.1 Go -Live Declaration Letter Superion 18.2 Post Live Support Shared 19 Project Close Out Project End Superion Page 46 A �� S�IJPERION I= Deliverable Details Project Management Deliverable Number: 1.1 Deliverable Name: Project Charter Phase: Full Project Superion: Lead Customer: Assist Objective: Create a project charter for phase 1 and 2. ;co;ae: The Project Charter is a document which outlines major goals, objectives, and policies for the project. It will be completed within 30 days of the project kick off. Format: Microsoft Word Sample Outline: Project Charter which includes the following — • Project objectives, goals, and constraints for the project • Project team and stakeholders • Success Criteria • Proj !ct Governance Notes / Expectations: Customer Role: Customer will collaborate with Superion Project Manager in creation of the charter. Customer to provide objectives, stakeholders, success criteria, and work with Superion tc) identify risks. Superion Role: Lead creation of Project Charter Acceptance Criteria: Completed Project Charter agreed upon by Superion anc Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 47 �Zr SUPER ION Deliverable Number: 1.2 Deliverable Name: Communication Plan Phase: Full Project Superion: Assist Customer: Lead Objective: Create a single communication plan for phase 1 and 2 with all planned communications for the project. Scope: Creation of written communication plan which will identify the types, frequencies, and responsible party for all project communication Format: Microsoft Word Sample Outline: Communication Pian which identifies • Types of communications • Communication Objective:, • Audience for each communication type • Expected content for communication , • Method and frequency of communication • Responsibility for each type of commur ication • Project team meetings frequency and objectives • Steering committee meeting frequency and objectives • Monitor results & ways to improve (rev'ew communication during and after implementation) Notes / Expectations: Customer Role: Cu-stomei will collaborate with Superion Project Manager in creation of the plan. Customer to advise on method., stakeholders, frequency, and dates for communication. Superion Role: Provide tr;mplate for Communication Plan Acceptance Criteria: Completed Communication Plan agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 48 �T SUPERION nalivPrable Number: I 1.3 Deliverable Name: Risk Plan and Register Phase: Full Project Superion: Lead I Customer: Assist Objective: Create and maintain project risk register to be used by Superion and Customer to track risks. Will include mitigation strategies and risk owners Scope: Creation of initial Risk Register to be used to by the project team to actively manage any identitied risks to the project. _ Format: Microsoft Excel or other agreed upon format Sample Outline: Risk Register to include the following: • Description of the risk • Impact on the project • likelihood of risk occurring • Strategies for mitigation, elimination, or acceptance of the risk • Person responsible for monitoring the status of risk Notes / Expectations: Risk Register will be updated and maintained monthly throughout the project Customer Role: Provide risks and take an active role in managing/mitigating the risks. Add risks as necessary. Superion Role: Provide Risk Register Template. Actively add and mitigate risks as necessary and assist in mitigation strategies. Acceptance Criteria: Completed Risk Plan and Resister agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 49 �ZF SUPERION Deliverable Number: 1.4 Deliverable Name: Issues Log Phase: Full Project Superion: Shared Customer: Shared Objective: The Issues Register is a tool to be used to by the project team to actively manage any identified issues to the project. Scope: Create and maintain project issues register to be used by Superion and Customer to track issues. Format: Microsoft Word or Excel Sample Outline: Issues Log to include the following: • Description of the Issue • Issue priority • Impact can the project • Resource assigned to the Issue • Projected delivery da',e of resolution and aging • Weekly progress of is>ues Notes / Expectations: Issues Log will be updated and maintained weekly throughout the project Customer Role: Provide issues and actively manage/mitigate the issues. Add issues as necessary. Superion Role: Provide Issue Log Template. Actively add and close issues as necessary drive the resolution of issues. 4cceptahce Criteria: Completed Issues Log agreed upon by Superion and Customer. ollow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 50 �T SUPERION Deliverable Number: 1.5 Deliverable Name: Budget Tracking Phase: Full Project Superion: Shared Customer: Shared Objective: Ongoing and regular evaluation of Project's Financial Status. Scope: Project budget will include planned versus actual expenditures based on the executed contract. Detailed tracking (i.e. of hours or expenses) will only be completed on items which are not part of milestone payments. Format: Microsoft Excel or other agreed upon format. Sample Outline: Budget should contain the following: • Planned Expenditures • Actual Expenditures related to project and'travel expense (if applicable) • Broken down by service i.e. Project Management, Consulting etc. (if applicable) Notes / Expectations: Budget to be maintained throughout project and updated monthly. Customer Role: Collaborate and review the budget monthly. Provide input as required. Superion Role: Lead the creation and ongoing update for the protect budget on a monthly basis. Acceptance Criteria: Budget template agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 51 ,T SUPERION Project Work Plan/ Schedule Deliverable Number: 1 2. Deliverable Name: Project Work Plan/ Schedule I Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead I Customer: Assist Objective: Create a project schedule with all tasks, activities, deliverables and milestones. Each phase of the project schedule will be delivered separately. Scope: The Project Schedule is a visual representation of all summary activities, deliverables, and milestones for the project. Project Schedule for the first phase is due within 60 days after contract execution. Project Schedule for the following phases are due a minimum of 2 months prior to the start of each phase. Any changes to the plar/schedule after the initial approval and sign off will go through the change order prcces outlined in the SOW. Changes to the plan/schedule will be signed off by both parties after the impact of change to timeline, scope and cost has been clearly defined. Format: The plan will be created in maintained by the project managers in Microsoft Project but can be published to team in other agreed upon format like MS excel or pdf. Sample Outhne: Project Schedule showing— • Implementation Milestones • Detailed tasks/activities • Deli✓erables • Milestone and deliverable review periods • Due dates for all milestones, tasks/activities, and deliverables • Customer and Superion Resources assigned to each task Notes / Expectations: Project schedule to be updated regularly after iritial approval and sign off Customer Role: Customer will collaborate with Superion Project Manager in creation of the Schedule. Customer to advise on all key blackout dates when resources are not available and to confirm availability of all needed Customer Resources throughout the Project Superion Role: Lead creation of Project Schedule. Manage to the project schedule and update bi-weekly at minimum after creation. Acceptance Criteria: Completed Project Schedule agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 52 ,T SUPERION Core Project Team Training Plan Deliverable Number: a Deliverable Name: Core Project Team Training Plan I Phase: Project Begin Superion: Lead I Customer: Assist Objective: Create Training Plan for Core Project Team Scope: Superion will lead the creation of the Core Project Team Training Plan with the Customer's assistance; this plan is specific to administering and using ONESolution. Plan will include training on core processes, navigation, Workflow, Superion Analytics, Security, and System Administration Format: Microsoft Word or Excel Sample Outline: Plan should inclucue the following elements: • Training Schedule and Location • Instructors for all trainini; • Core Project Team users to to attending each type of training (e.g. Purchasing, AP, HR, Payroll) • Training Material and Guides to be created and Project Team members who will create each • Creation of scenario's and data for tra",ning • Post Live Training for Core Project Tearn Users (e.g. W2,1099, additional Consultant training if needed) Notes / Expectations: Customer Role: Assist with creation of the Core Project Team Training Plan. Provide training rooms with 8-12 computers with ONESolution installed, projectoe, printer and scanner. Provide # of users to be trained by process (The Customer is responsible to ensure staff is available for given training dates) Superion Role: Superion will lead the creation of the training plan. Acceptance Criteria: Traning plan delivered and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 53 SUPERION Software Installation Deliverable Number: 4.1 Deliverable Name: Installation Phase: Project Begin Superion: Lead Customer: Assist Objective: Installation of all ONESolution Scope: Superion installer to install all components of ONESolution and required third party products within ONESolution. Format: None. Sample Outline: Install: • ONESolution • Superion Analytics powered by Cognos • 3d Party Applications (if applicable) • Issues/ Follow Up Actions Notes / Expectations: Customer Roie: Procure hardware and Install prior to ONESolution install (if applicable). Provide remote access and participate in pre -install discovery call. Provide technical expertise if necessary to assist wi'r.h Customer environment, Superion Role: Complete the install Acceptance Criteria: ONESolution Install complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 54 �T SUPERION Deliverable Number: 4.2 Deliverable Name: Installation Post Action Report Phase: Full Project Superion: Lead Customer: Participate Objective: Document which provides results and confirmation of the install scope: Superion installer to document the results of the install and initial testing of ONESolution Format: Microsoft Word. Sample Outline: Document which includes: • Installed Software Name and Version • Installed Modules • Areas tested • Test Results • Issues/ Follow Up Actions and delivery dates Notes / Expectations: Customer Role: Review report Superion Role: Complete the install and provide. document which captures the results of testing post install Acceptance Criteria: Post Install Action report complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone. Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 55 �,Z- SUPERION Kick Off Meeting Deliverable Number: S. Deliverable Name: Kick Off Meeting Phase: Project Begin Superion: Lead Customer: Assist Objective: Meeting with the project team and key stakeholders which introduces the project goals, expectations, and guidelines for the project. Scope: Superion and Customer Project Manager's to hold an initial meeting with the project team and key stakeholders. Draft project plan and Schedule, project goals, expectations,,and assumptions should be developed prior to the meeting. Kick off meeting is expected to take place 30-60 days after contract execution Format: Meeting: Sample Outline: Kick off meeting should include the following at minimurl: • Draft project schedule • Key success factors • SOW review • Project team and expectations • Key deliverables with dates • Key Risks Notes / Expectations: Customer Role: Customer will collaborate with Superion Project Manager in planning for the kick off meeting. Customer project leader (Sponsor and Project Manager) to actively participate in the meeting and lead discussions. Customer to provide objectives, stakeholders, success criteria, and work with Superion to identify risks. Customer to present materials to their staff. Superion Role: Lead planning and execution of the kick off meeting Acceptance Criteria: Completed Kick off meeting for each phase agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Project Scope Page 56 �T SUPERION Deliverable Number: 1 6.1 Deliverable Name: Data Conversion Scope Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead Customer: Assist Objective: Validate the scope in the SOW and document the data to be migrated from legacy systems to ONESolution after initial analysis. Scope: Document the data to be converted with Superion's standard migration tool Format: Microsoft Word or Excel Sample Outline: Document which includes: • Description of data to be migrated • Historica' Years • Timeline • Major milestones for data conversion • Pre -conversion activities for Customer/Superion Notes / Expectations: Change: to data conversion scope could require a change order if significantly different from the Data Conversion Scope outlined in Section 2 Customer Role: Work with Sup?rion to validate and confirm the data conversion scope in the SOW. Provide input on requirements. Superion Role: Provide Scope Template. Document the decisions on the scope of the data to be migrated. X:ceptance Criteria: Completed Conversion scope document for each phase agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 57 �T SUPER ION Deliverable Number: 1 6.2 Deliverable Name: Interface Scope I Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead Customer: Assist Objective: Document the required interfaces by validating the Interfaces included in this SOW and any identified during the Business Process Reviews and initial analysis. Scope: Superion to document all interfaces required and listed in this SOW Format: Microsoft Word Sample Outline: Document which includes • Description of interface • Vendor Contact Information (if applicable) • Method (upload/download utility, Web Services etc.) • Automated or Manual • Frequency • One way or two way • Data Requirements • Timeline of key milestones • Prerequisite tasks for Customer/Superion Notes / Expectations: Changes to Interface scope could require a change order if significantly different from the Interface Scope outlined in Section 2 Customer Role: Provide SMEs and technical resources to assist in defining the Scope for interfaces. Customer will facilitate all communication with any Yd party's (if necessary) where Superion is not the prime contractor under this agreement. Superion Role: Provide Scope Template. If there are changes, Initiate project change process to add or delete interface tasks to/from project schedule. Work with Customer to outline the options for each interface and advise on best practice for achieving the scope. Acceptance Criteria: Interface scope complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 58 ,,T SUPERION Deliverable Number: I 6.3 Deliverable Name: Reporting Scope Phase: 1, 2, Superion: Assist Customer: Lead Objective: Identify all necessary reports in the Report Scope Template. Scope: Superion and the Customer will perform a gap analysis between Superion sample reports and Client report requirements. Once the reporting Scope is finalized, Superion will build reports based on contract hours included in the Agreement. Format: Microsoft Excel S,.mple Outline: el List of reports which includes: • Name of Report • Description report • Copy of existing Customer report (if applicable) • P iority Due Date • Responsibility for report development (Customer/Superion) Notes / Expectations: Reports added to the initial scope after sign off is considered a change in scope and will require a change order. Customer Role: Complete Report Scope Template including identification and priority of reports. Manage priorities and report development throughout the life of the project Superion Role: Provide Scope Template and assist the Customer WA dung a gap analysis between requirements and Superion sample reports. Acceptance Criteria: Reporting Scope complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 59 ,,Z- SUPERION Deliverable Number: 1 6.4 Deliverable Name: Workflow Scope I Phase: 1, 2, Superion: Lead I Customer: Assist Objective: Identify all necessary workflow models after analysis and business process reviews Scope: Superion and Customer will validate workflow is in SOW and identify any additional models. Format: Microsoft Excel Sample Outline: • List of models which includes: • Name of Model • Brief description of intended functionality • Priority • Due Date • Custom/standard workflow • Responsibility for workflow development (Superion / Customer) Notes / Expectations: Changes to Workflow scope could require a change order if significantly different from the Workflow Scope outlined in the SOW. Customer Role: Identification of models and stated business requirements. Superion Role: Provide Scop>� Template; Advise Customer on best practice use of workflow within ONESolution. Assist Customer with identifying workflow models necessary. Initiate project change process to add or del;?te workflow tasks to/from project schedule. Acceptance Criteria: Workflow Scope complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 60 �Zr SUPERION Deliverable Number: 6.5 Deliverable Name: Forms Scope Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead Superion: Assist Objective: Validate the scope in the SOW. Document the forms to be completed which will be used by the Customer for processing. Scope: Superion and Customer to validate the scope in the SOW and Customer to choose the format for the forms which will be developed. Format: Microsoft Excel Sample Outline: Document which includes: • Select from standard ELF Forms • Form Type to create form (i.e. Easy Laser Forms, Superion Analltics powered by Cognos) Notes / Expectations: Changes to Forms scope could require a change order if sign4icantly different from the Forms Scope outlined in Section 2 Customer Role: Work with Superion to validate and confirm the Forms scope in the SOW. Initiate project change process to add or delete forms tasks to/from project schedule Provide input on requirements and select forms from samples provided Superion Role: Provide Scope Template and standard ONE Solution form samples; advise Customer on forms which meet Customer functional requirements. Acceptance Criteria: Forms Scope complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Business Process Page 61 ,,T SUPERION Deliverable Number: I 7.1 Uellverable Name: Configuration Workbook Phase: 1 2 Superion: Assist customer: Lead Objective: Workbook intend to outline major Customer business requirements Scope: Superion to provide workbook to Customer. The workbook will provide Superion with a summary introduction of the key components of the organization Format: Microsoft Word and Excel Sample Outline: Document which includes: • Customer Requirements • Business practices • Regulations if applicable Notes / Expectation:a: Superion will review Configuration Workbook prior to the Business Process Review; Superion will discuss as needed throughout the BPR Process Customer Role: Complete the workbook and deliver to Superion two weeks prior to the Business Process Review visit. Assist Superion with any questions during the project. buperion Role: Provide the Configuration Workbook to the Customer. Assist Customer with any questions they may have. Review the Configuration Workbook prior to the Business Process Review visit. Acceptance Criteria: Completed Configuration Survey/Workbook documents for each process included in the phase agreF d upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 62 �� SUPERION System Configuration Deliverable Number: 1 8.1 Deliverable Name: Setup / Configuration I Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead I Customer: Participate Objective: Superion will setup and configure ONESolution based on Customer's input from Configuration Workbook and Business Process Review Report, and Superion's recommendations. Scope: Superion to set and configure ONESolution Format: None Sample Outline: Setup and Configuration which includes: • Superion to review Customer's Configuration Workbook • Superion to review Business Process Review Report; Notes / Expectations: Superion will setup and configure the system; Customer will provide assistance as needed Customer Role: Customer will provide assistance addressing Superion's questions as needed Superion Role: Superion to set and configure ONESolution. Page 63 �T SUPERION Deliverable Number: 1 8.2. Deliverable Name: Configuration Testing I Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead I Customer: Participate Objective: Superion will test the setup and configuration to ensure the configuration is correct. Scope: This testing will ensure that the system is configured to begin Core Project Team Training Format: None Sample Outline: Testing which includes • Superion will test each screen and entire processes which will be demonstrated during the Core Project Team Training to be certain the system is working as expected. Notes / Expectations: Superion testing to take place prior to Core Project Team Training. It is expected that configuration changes will potentially occur after discussions during the Core Project Team Training. Customer Role: Customer will provide assistance addressing Superion's questions as needed Superion Role: Superion will test the setup and configuration of ONESolution Page 64 �T SUPERION Project Specifications Deliverable Number: 9.1 Deliverable Name: Data Conversion Specifications Phase: 1 2 auperion: Lead Customer: Assist Objective: Using the Data Conversion Guide, map data from legacy system to ONESolution identified in the Data Conversion Scope details Scope: Superion and Customer will complete the Data Conversion templates detailed requirements necessary to accomplish the data conversion scope document Format: Excel Sample Outline: Spreadsheet which include_; • Data to be converted/migrated: • Table Mapping between legacy systems and ONESolution • Amount of historical data Notes / Expectations: Data mappings will be modified as needed throughout the data conversion process Customer Role: Assist with data mapping from legacy Software to ONESolution Software. Superion Role: Provide Data Conversion Guide. Using the data conversion guide spreadsheets, lead the data mapping from legacy software to ONESolution software. Acceptance Criteria: Daa.a Con%ersion specifications complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 65 SUPERION Deliverable Number: 9.2 Deliverable Name: Interface Specifications Phase: 1 2 Superion: Shared Customer: Shared Objective: Document the detailed requirements for all interfaces identified in the Interface Scope Document Scope: When programmatic development is required for the interface, Superion and the Customer will document all requirements for interfaces listed in the interface scope document Format: Microsoft Word Sample Outline: Document containing all • Detailed requirements specifications • Design requirements • Method (upload/download utility, Web Services etc.) • Automated or Manual • Frequency • One way or two way • Data Mapping Notes / Expectations: Interface specifications will be reviewed Customer Role: Provide SMEs and technical resources to assist in defining/documenting the interface requirements. Provide file layouts, sample files and any additional requirements documents if applicable. Customer will facilitate all communication with any 3rd party's (as necessary). Customer will review/ approve the final version of each specifications. Superion Role: Work with Customer to outline the options for each interface and advise on best practice for achieving the requirements. Superion will create the specification and a discovery call may be scheduled with the Customer to assist with the process. Acceptance Criteria: Interface specifications complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 66 SUPERION Deliverable Number: 9.3 Deliverable Name: Report Specifications Phase: Phase 1, 2 Superion: Assist Customer: Lead Objective: Document the detailed requirements for customer specific reports identified in the Report Scope Document Scope: Customer to document requirements for reports listed in the report scope document Format: Microsoft Word or other agreed upon format Sample Outline: Document containing all • Design requiremens • Data elements Notes / Expectations: Customer Role: Create and document the specifications or provide sample reports. Provide SMEs and technical resources to assist in defining the business requirements for reports. Superion Role: Work with Customer to outline the options for each report and advise on best practice for achieving the requirements. Acceptance Criteria: Reporting specifications complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable anO Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 67 SUPERION Deliverable Number: 9.4 Deliverable Name: Workflow Flowchart Specifications Phase: 1 2 Superion: Shared Customer: Shared Objective: Document the detailed requirements for all Workflow models identified in the Workflow Scope Document Scope: Customer will provide a flowchart designating the approval flow for each model and any other requirements to be considered. Superion will review each flowchart with the Customer to understand the desired outcome. Customer will modify the flowchart based on the review as needed. Format: Microsoft Word Sample Outline: Document containing all • Design requirements • Approval roles and routing • Sample list of users who will be assigned to each approval role Notes / Expectations: Each flowchart will clarify the approval,`low prior to building the workflow model(s). Customer Role: Provide SMEs and technical resources to create flowcharts designating the approval flow for each workflow model and any other requirements to be considered. Superion will review each flowchart with the Customer to understand the desired outcome. Customer will modify the flowchart based on the review as needed. Superion Role: Review workflow flowcharts prepared by Customer and advise on best practice for achieving the requirements. Acceptance Criteria: Workflow specifications complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval procesb stated in Section 2. Page 68 �T SUPERION Deliverable Number: 9.5 Deliverable Name: Forms Specifications I Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead I Customer: Assist Objective: Document the detailed requirements for all forms Superion has agreed to deliver as identified in the Forms Scope Document Scope: Superion to document all requirements for forms listed in the forms scope document Format: Microsoft Word Sample Outline: Document containing all • Form with requirements (register, address, phone number) • Customer specific information (bank info, signatures etc.) Notes / Expectations: Specifications will detail all changes to the standard forms; Customer Ro$e: Document any changes to form formats from standard Superion forms (e.g. loge:, address, MICR, possible column heading changes). Provide Customer specific information which include bank information, signatures formats, and all other requirements. Superion Role: Create and document the specifications. Work with Customer to outline the options for each form and advise on best practice for achieving the requirements. Acceptance Criteria: Farms specifications complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approvai process stated in Section 2. Perform Data Conversion 69 ��T SUPERION Deliverable Number: 10 ueuverable Name: Perform Data Conversion I Phase: 1, 2 auperion: Lead I Customer: Assist ubjective: Conversion of data from NaviLine to ONESolution Scope: Perform data conversion outlined in the data conversion scope using Superion NaviLine Conversion Program. Format: Data Conversion Utility or Program Sample Outline: • NaviLine Conversion Program Notes / Expectations: Successfully convert Navilise to ONESolution Customer Role: Complete required crosswalks and perform data validation and testing on converted data for each conversion run Superion Role: Run the conversion program to convert dar:a from current NaviLine system into ONESolution. Acceptance Criteria: Completion of initial conversion run outlined in the Conversion Scope and completion of final conversion run outlined in Conversion Scope Development Activities Deliverable Number: Deliverable Name: Interface Development Phase: 1 2 Superion: Lead I Customer: Assist Objective: Develop interfaces based on specifications detailed for each Interface Page 70 �T SUPERION Scope: Develop and build the interfaces listed in scope and based on specifications. Interfaces will be built based on Superion standard utilities or developed using programming and web services as determined in the specifications and SOW reauirements. Format: Utilities, Web Services, or Custom programming Sample Outline: • Standard Utility • Interface program using another technical method (i.e. Web Services or Custom Program) • Includes narrative instruction (if applicable) • Includes screen shots (if applicable) • Testing Notes / Expectations: _ Customer Role: Provide expertise with 3rd party application data and data mapping. Extract 3rd party data if applicable. Lead data validation and testing. If Web Services are available from 3rd party, Customer is responsible for developing the calls to and from Superion's application. Perform Interface data validation and testing. Superion Role: Create interfaces based on the Interface Scope and developed based on Interface Specifications. If an interfa .e is to be created using standard utilities, Superion will work with the Customer to format and map the data in Superion templates and complete the first uploads. Once initial data is validated, Superion will support the Customer in rerunning the utility. If an interfaces requires a custom program to be created, Superion development will create the program, deliver to the Customer, and run the program. Once initial data is validated, Superion will train the Customer on running the program for future use and will support the Customer (i.e. update the program as required based on specifications) until final signoff. Acceptance Criteria: Interfaces created/developed, validated, and tested as agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Sect'on 2. �T SUPERION Deliverable Number: 11.2 Deliverable Name: Report Development Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Shared Customer: Shared Objective: Create reports outlined in the SOW and Reporting Scope Document Scope: Superion and the Customer to create reports identified in the SOW and Reporting Scope Document Format: Superion Analytics powered by Cognos Sample Outline: • Create new or update Superion sample reports • Validate format and mapping • Validate data Notes / Expectations: Expectation is that the Customer will create some reports after training so they are able to create and maintain reports in the fixture. Reports will be prioritized in the Reporting Scope Document. Some reports may be developed after go -live based on priority, need and timing Customer Role: Create reports assigned in the Reporting Scope Document and develop based on Report Specifications. Validate, test, and sign off on reports crewed by Customer and Superion. Superion Role: Create reports assigned in the Reporting Scope Document by priority and support the Customer report writers as they develop reports. Support the testing of reports and update reports based on testing results until final sign off. Acceptance Criteria: Reports delivered, validated/tested and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 72 �T SUPERION Deliverable Number: 11.3 Deliverable Name: Workflow Development Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Shared Customer: Shared Objective: Create Workflow models outlined in the SOW and Workflow Scope Scope: Superion and the Customer to create models identified in the SOW and Workflow Scope Document Format: Superion Workflow tool Sample Outline: • Develop Workflow Models • Provide business requirements and approval routing • Test and Validate models Notes / Expectations: Customer will create some workflow models after workflow training so they are able to create and maintain models in the future. Customer Role: Create models assigned in the Workflow Scope Document by priority and develop based on Workflow Flowchart Specifications. Validate and test models created by Customer and Superion. Superion Role: Create models assigned in the Workflow Scope Document by priority and support the Customer as they develop models. Support the testing of Workflow and update models based on testing results until Customer approves functionality. Acceptance Criteria: Workflow delivered, validated, tested as agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 73 SUPERION Deliverable Number: 11.4 Deliverable Name: Forms Development I Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead Customer: Assist Objective: Create forms outlined in the SOW and Forms Scope Document Scope: Superion and the Customer to create forms identified in the SOW and Forms Scope Document Format: Easy Laser Forms (ELF) or Superion Analytics Sample Outline: • Choose Forms and provide business requirements (bank routing, signatures, terms and conditions etc.) if applicable • Develop Forms • Test anc. Validate forms Notes / Expectations: Superion to create all ELF forms as the technology is not available for customers Customer Role: Support and answer questions from Superion as forms are being developed based on specifications in the Forms Scope Document. Validate and test forms created by Customer and Superion. Superion Role: Create forms assigned in the Forms Scope Document. Support the testing of Forms and update forms based on testing results until final sign off. Acceptance Criteria: Forms delivered, validated, tested as agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Core Project Team Training Page 74 ,,T SUPERION Deliverable Number: 1 12. Deliverable Name: Core Project Team Training I Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead I Customer: Assist Objective: Approach will be to train the Trainer; Superion will train the Core Project Team on all ONESolution processes outlined in the Core Project Team Training Plan ; Customer will be able complete testing and final verification of ONESolution. Scope: Superion to conduct classroom training for the Customer for each process identified in the training plan including security, Workflow development, Dashboard creation, and Superion Analytics. Format: Classroom Training Sample Outline: • Classroom Training • Guides (if applicable) Notes / Expectations: Customer staff will attend training based on the Core Project Training Plan. Staff assigned to modify/create end user documentation will also attend the trainings. Completion of this training will allow the Customer to complete testing and final verification of ONESolution. Customer Role: Provide classroom space and staff for training. Actively participate in training in order to use the system for practicing, testing and go live. Superion Role: Superion to conduct training as outlined in the training plan. Acceptance Criteria: Training delivered as agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 75 -MV�A F,T SUPER ION Core Project Team Process Testing Deliverable Number: 1 13 Deliverable Name: Core Project Team Process Testing I Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Assist I Customer: Lead Objective: Superion will train the core project team on all ONESolution processes outlined in the Core Project Team Training Plan; Customer will immediately apply the training by entering actual work into ONESolution modules (e.g. minimum one hour per day). Customer will be able complete testing and verification of ONESolution based on the training provided. Customer will use the core processes and run tests in ONESolution based on the training provided. Entering actual daily Customer data into ONESolution will help the Customer determine if there are situations that occur at the Customer site and were not addressed during the ONESolution training. This is targeted testing based on the actual business ;processes. Testing should result in questions and feedback from the Customer to be addressed by Superion during the next visit. Scope: Customer to conduct testing for each component unit and process identified in the training plan and training including security, Workflow development, Dashboard creation, and Superion Analytics powered by Cognos. Format: None Sample Outline: Testing which includes Customer to complete Process testing for the full application of their daily operation. Modules will be tested using scenario based testing. Results will be captured and tracked Feedback of process testing will be communicated to Superion Notes / Expectations: Process testing to take place at least one week after Customer Core Project Team Training has been trained. Entering actual daily Customer data into ONESolution will help the Customer determine if there are situations that occur at the Customer site and were not addressed during the ONESolution training. Customer Role: Customer to define scenario's to be tested and to actively lead in all areas of testing. Customer responsible for confirming all final results and signing off. Superion Role: Superion to support Customer during testing. Acceptance Criteria: ONESolution testing completed and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 76 *SUPERION Customer Configuration Decision Document Deliverable Number: 14 Deliverable Name: Customer Configuration Decision Document I Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead I Customer: Assist Objective: Review, define and document all configuration and set up decisions Scope: Superion to present configuration options to Customer based on business process decisions This deliverable will document Customer configuration decisions. Superion will verify that all functional requirements identified during the business process review are accommodated in the configuration document. Format: Microsoft Word and Excel Sample Outline: Document whici includes: • Business process documentation • Set up decisions and configuration per business process • Set up decisions and configurations • Definition of set up decisior s (code tables, settings, configurations) • Screen shots (if applicable) Notes / Expectations: Superion will deliver z Draft report after setup and training are completed for the Customer's review and comments. The Customer will review the report and organize comments/questions. Superion will arrange one two-hour conference call to review the Customer's questions/comments. Superion will edit the DRAFT document after the conference call as needed and provide the FINAL version. After delivery of the FINAL report, the Customer will continue to maintain this "living" document as changes are needed into the future. Customer Role: Provido SME's and participate in configuration decisions. Make decisions as necessary on see up and configuration of ONESOution. Review DRAFT document. Prepare comments/questions for discussion with Superion. Superion Role: Create the Configuration Decision Document. Deliver DRAFT document to Customer. Review Customer's comments/ques:ions and create FINAL document including additions/changes from discussion with Customer. Deliver FINAL document to Customer. Acceptance Criteria: Configuration decisions documents for each process included in the phase agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 77 SUPERION Customer Testing Deliverable Number: 15.1 Deliverable Name: Test Plans/Scripts Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Assist Customer: Lead Objective: Develop test plans and scripts to be used to track testing results Scope: Create a testing plan from the standard provided test plans outlining how testing is to be achieved for each phase. The plan should include at a high level the types of testing, who is responsible for testing, and how the results will be captured. Test scripts will be developed to guide the testing process Format: Microsoft Word/Excel Sample Outline: Test plan and Scripts to include: • Types of testing and the schedule • Who is responsible for testing • How results will be captured • Testing scripts Notes / Expectations: Customer Role: Customer will lead the modification of the provided test plans/scripts. Define the test plan including who will be testing for each area from the Customer. Lead the modificatiors of test scripts to Customer specific processes. Superion Role: Provide generic test plan scripts. Advise the Customer on typical testing processes. Acceptance Criteria: Test plan and testing scripts comoieted and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Sec( -ion 2. Page 78 *SUPERION Deliverable Number: 15.2 Deliverable Name: Integration/Parallel Testing Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Assist Customer: Lead Objective: Test ONESolution application Scope: Integration and Parallel testing of ONESolution based on configuration, requirements, and Customer business processes. Format: ONESolution Testing Sample Outline: Testing which includes • Customer ro complete Integration testing for the full application. Finance modules will be tested using scenario based testing (e.g. enter a day's work for a particular process).Full parallel testing will take place for payroll modules (c--.g. compare ONESolution payroll results with customer's legacy software). • Result;; wi'I be captured and tracked Notes / Expectations: Integration and parallel testing to take place after Customer Core Project Team has been trained on ONESolution identified in the Core Project Team Training Plan. Customer Role: Customer to define scenario's to be tested and to actively lead in all areas of testing. Customer responsible for confirming all final results and signing off. Customer to take the lead on a minimum of 2 parallel payroll tests. Superion Role: Superion to support Customer during testing including the parallel payroll tests. Acceptance Criteria: ONESolution testing completed and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 79 *SUPERION Deliverable Number: 15.3 Deliverable Name: User Verification Testing Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Assist Customer: Lead Objective: Final user testing to confirm ONESolution operates as designed and is ready for go live Scope: Final pre go live testing to be led by the Customer identified users. This testing is to confirm ONESolution is go live ready. Format: Microsoft Word or Excel Sample Outline: Test results should capture • Test ONESolution based on identified scenario`s in test plan/scripts • Capture and document results Notes / Expectations: Users should be a represenlat a of departments within the Customer. Not all "end users" will necessarily complete User Verification Testing. Customer Role: Provide staff to complete testing and to capture: the results Superion Role: Support Customer during testing and troubleshoot/solve issues should they arise Acceptance Criteria: User Verification testing completed as agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 80 SUPERION End User 'Training Deliverable Number: 1 16.1 Deliverable Name: End User Training Plan Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Shared I Customer: Shared Objective: Create Training Plan for End Users Scope: Superion to assist in the creation of a plan for training End Users. This training is specific to using ONESolution. Plan will include training on core ONESolution business processes the users will use in day to day operations specific to their role in the organization. Format: Microsoft Word or Excel Sample Outline: Plan should include the following elements: • Identify processes for which the end users will receive training (e.g. Purchasing, AP, Timecard Entry) • Identify type of training that will be used for each process (e.g. classroom training; video, documentation, open lab) • Number of End users to be trained • Instructors for all training • Training Agendas, Materials and Guides to be created/modified and Project Team member responsible for each process. • Creation of scenario's and data for training • Training Schedule and Location • Internal Customer communication to staff and scheduling internal classroom Notes / Expectations: Classroom will not have more than 12 attendees in anv training Customer Role: Assist with developing the End User Training Plan. Provide training rooms with 8-12 computers with ONESolution installed, projector, printer and scanner. Provide # of end user to be trained by process (The Customer is responsible to ensure staff is available for given training dates) Superion Role: Superion will lead the creation of the training plan. Acceptance Criteria: Training plan delivered and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 81 1* SUPERION Deliverable Number: 16.2 Deliverable Name: End User Training Material and Guides Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Assist Customer: Lead Objective: Create end user guides for Customer training classes. Scope: Superion to provide sample user guides. Guides to be modified by Customer staff to reflect decisions made during implementation if needed; the guides will be used for end user training and after as references. Format: Microsoft Word Sample Outline: Template word document which includes • Agendas for each training (include 30 minutes to answer "parking lot" questions that came up during training by management/expert in topic) • User guides outlining ONESolution processes • Includes narrative instruction • Includes screen shots • Create Video content (if this is method of training) Notes / Expectations: Customer Role: Develop agendas for each training. Create new or Modify the sample User Guides for Modules to reflect the Customer's decisions / processes. Superion Role: Provide sample Agendas and User Guides for Modules Acceptance Criteria: User guide delivered and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 82 �T SUPERION Deliverable Number: 16.3 Deliverable Name: End User Training I Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Assist Customer: Lead Objective: Train end users prior to going live on ONESolution Scope: Customer to train end users, 30-45 days before go live according to the training plan. End users are Customer staff who need to use ONESolution, but are not part of the core project team. Format: Classroom Training or other format designated by customer Sample Outline: End User Training to include: • Classroom training over the course of a week depending on processes. • Training in classroom setting (if applicable) • Training to include instruction and hands on practice • Customer management/expert available 30 minutes during training to answer policy/other questions that have been adding to a "parking lot list during training Notes / Expectations: Customer Role: Customer will conduct the end user training. Superion Role: Provide support to training staff conducting end user training. Acceptance Criteria: End user training completed and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 83 *SUPERION Go Live Cutover Plan Deliverable Number: 17. Deliverable Name: Go Live Cutover Plan I Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead I Customer: Assist Objective: Create a cutover plan for each phase which details all tasks and activities which must be completed prior to and during cutover from the legacy applications to ONESolution. Scope: The Cutover Plan details all tasks and activities which must be completed prior to cutting over and going live on ONESolution for the phase. Format: Microsoft Excel or Project Sample Outline: Cutever Plan showing — • Detailed tasks/activities • Dates • Resources • Task Pre -requisites • Includes communication plan to stakeholders • Plan for resolution of critical issues Notes / Expectations: Cutover Plan will be reviewed by Project Managers/Project Team weekly to determine status of activities during the 3 months prior to Go -Live. The plan will be updated as needed after each review. Customer Role: Customer will collaborate with Superion Project Manager in creation of the plan. _CustomE r to advise and execute the communication portion to stakeholders as defined ir� the plan Superion Role: Lead creation of Cutover Plan. Monitor progress/status of activities tc go -live. Update the plan as n^eded Acceptance Criteria: Completed Cutover Plan complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 5.7 Page 84 �T SUPER ION Go Live / Post Live Deliverable Number: 18.1 Deliverable Name: Go Live Declaration Letter Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Lead Customer: Assist Objective: Document which identifies that the Customer is live or capable of going live on ONESolution. Scope: ONESolution meets all requirements per Phase. Customer has processed or is capable of processing on ONESolution, where ONESolution is the official book of record. Format: Microsoft Word Sample Outline: Letter which states that the Customer is able to use ONESolution Financials as its official book of record. There will be a separate letter for Phase 1 and 2. Notes / Expectations: Customer has processed or is capable of processing on ONESolution, where ONESolution is the official book of record. Customer Role: Validate system readiness. Sign Go -Live Declaration Letter Superion Role: Provide Go -Live Declaration Letter to Customer 10 days prior to Go -Live on each phase. Acceptance Criteria: System validation is completed and system meets functional requirements and the Customer is capable of going live. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 85 �T SUPERION Deliverable Number: 18.2 Deliverable Name: Post Live Support Phase: 1, 2 Superion: Shared Customer: Shared Objective: Superion to support the Customer during the go live and in the initial 45 days post live. Customer will have on -going support from Superion's Customer Support during Post Live as well as once the implementation has been completed. Scope: Superion will provide support to the Customer after achieving the go live. Superion will assist with additional training, issue resolution, and refining system set up as necessary. This includes all major areas in scope including Reports, Workflow, Development and Interfaces. Format: None Sample Outline: Superion to provide the following services during go live/ post live • Support for users • Issue Resolution • Support for all areas of the ONESolution application Notes / Expectations: Superion support will consist of Consultant (up to 30 days after go -live) and Customer Support (on -going support) assistance. Customer Role: Customer to use ONESolution in a "live" environment and work with Superion to resolve any issues that arise. Superion Role: Superion to provide support as outlined in the cutover plan. Superion will have staff on site during the actual go live and post live as outlined in the plan. Acceptance Criteria: System validation is completed and system meetF functional requirements and the Customer has gone live and is using ONESolution as their official book of record. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 86 �Zr SUPERION Project Close Out Deliverable Number: 19. Deliverable Name: Project Close Out Phase: Project End Superion: Lead Customer: Assist Objective: Document summarizing the Project and indicates that the project is complete. Scope\ Expectations: A draft report of the Project will be delivered to Customer; Superion and Customer will agree on Final Report; Customer will sign Final Report. A Project Closure Report will be completed by Superion and Customer prior to the completion of Project. This should be no later than 30 days after Phase 2 Go -Live Format: Microsoft Word Sample Outline: Document includ'+ng • Project Summary • Project Team And Staffing • Project Schedule • Project Implementation • Project Costs • Transition to Operations • Superion Follow-up • Recommendations Notes / Expectations: A, Project Closure Report will be completed by Superion and Customer prior to the completion of Protect. This should be no later than 30 days after Phase 2 Go -Live Customer Role: Customer will review Draft Report from Superion and provide comment; Superion and Customer will agree on Final Report; Customer will sign Final Report Superion Role: Superior; will deliver a draft report to Customer; Superion and Customer will agree on Final Report; Superion will provide Customer with Final Report Acceptance Criteria: Project closeout complete and agreed upon by Superion and Customer. Follow Deliverable and Milestone Approval process stated in Section 2. Page 87 ,,T SUPERION 31 TRAKiT Community Development The following section is comprised of services and implementation approach for the TRAKiT Community Development portion of the project. 32 Project Overview The project will go through the stages of Kick Off > Review > Configure > Test > Train > Go -Live and will have its own milestones and payment schedule as identified in 5.1.29. Throughout all stages, the Customer's main point of contact at Superion will be its Project Manager. Should the assigned project manager be unavailable, Superion will provide an experienced Project Manager in place. The Superion Project Manager will be responsible for the overall success on the Superion side, and will coordinate Superion resource tasks and schedule. As the Customer's primary contact, the Superion Project Manager will be present for all regularly scheduled status calls. He/she will defer to other subject matter experts for data conversion, training, etc. Any issues will be escalated to the Superiors Project Manager in the event that the Customer's needs are not being met. 33 Delivery Overview • Data conversion from single Land management database and the Superion legacy systems • Create & Track Permits/ProjE!cts/Code Enforcement Cases/Licenses/Citizen Incidents • Provide ePlan review functions digitally (Avolve) • Automated and manual workflow • Mobile inspection (iTRAKiT) • Reports & letters • Online web portal for permit visibility & inspection scheduling, including permit application or payment acceptance (eTRAKiT) • Integration with financial application • Integration with ArcGIS Server • IVR Selectron inspection management Integration 34 Duties & Responsibilities of City City will provide all information necessary for Superion to establish the software's configuration, including but not limited to: (1) Current valuation and fee structures; (2) Current Permit, Project, License, and Case type designations and categories; Page 88 �Z- SUPERION (3) Examples of all current reports used by the City relating to business process management; (4) Any exceptions to the typical business processes, or any special lifecycle requirements. The City will provide Superion with access to City workstations, servers, and disk space for the purpose of Superion deploying the acquired Software. City workstations and servers must be compatible with software configurations requested by Superion. Superion may, at its discretion, provide a workstation to be deployed on the City's network for the purpose of demonstrating the configuration of the acquired Softwa re. The City will ensL re and provide staff who will be trained in use of Superion software will have sUfficient basic knowledge of existing business processes and MS -Windows functions. City understands'that timely completion of the Project is dependent in significant part upon the Timely cooperation of City in providing information to Superion necessary to complete the project, including, but not limited to: (a) Data dotained from City's present system to be incorporated into the new Superion software; and (b) information relative to desired letters/reports to be incorporated into the Superion software. Should substantial changes occur that affects the negotiated project timeline, Superion will provide the Client with a Change Order for additional services to extend the project timeline. 35 TRAM Software Scope. Superion will deliver computer software (TRAKiT) and database structures for SQL/Server database Provide TRAKiT modules for Community Development to enhance local government operations through flexibility in automating permitting, managing inspections, regulating land use, and tracking projects Provide TRAKiT modules for Community Development Deliverable: TRAKiT software modules to include: 1) GeoTRAK 2) AEC TRAK 3) PermitTRAK 4) ProjectTRAK 5) CodeTRAK 6) LicenseTRAK Provide eTRAKiT modules for web -based Citizen/Contractor permit processing. Deliverable: Requires a separate web server hosting the ASP.NET pages to provide the following functions: Page 89 ��Zr SUPERION 1) Includes one (1) standard Permit Form for online Citys. Changes to permit form will incur an additional cost. 2) Request inspections as a Contractor or Citizen. 3) Review inspection, review permits, condition, fee statuses and updates. 4) Search general license information. Includes one (1) standard License form for online Citys. 5) Changes to form will incur an additional cost. 6) Submit complaints. 7) Interact with City GIS maps. 8) Create user logins for citizens and/or contractor login. 9) Inspector login to change/input results. 10) Reviewer login to update review notes and status results. Provide iTRAKiT Inspect and iTRAKiT Code modules for field -ready iPad interface. Deliverable: iTRAKiT module for iPad to provide the following functions: 1) Login as TRAKiT Inspector. 2) Complete and result scheduled PermitTRAK inspections from the field. 3) Utilize in off-line mode without internet connection (GIS will not update). 4) Provide access to Google Maps. 5) Calculate efficient route. 6) Upload photos from iPad, and view associated attachments (requires connection). Provide API for digital plan markua for (.Avolve). Deliverable: Superion will integrate with Avolve software. City will use Avolve for markup/annotation purposes of any submitted plans.l"he integration provided provides the ability to read and manipulate data in PermitTRAK and ProjectTRHK using the TRAKiT Avolve Standard API web services. The City must provide the following for the functionality to perform within TRAKiT: 1) Web service call requires an active connection to the Internet. 2) Internet connection must be supplied by the agency. Please NOTE that additional professional services may be necessary for your Avolve Electronic Plan Review solution(s). Currently, the custom workflows are specifically designed to work with your NaviLine database. Please consult with Avolve directly on what will be required to modify these existing workflows to work with ONESolution/TRAKiT as expected. Currently, our proposal only includes integration between Avolve and TRAKiT. Page 90 -.VIA, SUPER ION Provide Integration to ArcGIS Deliverable:The TRAKiT Standard GIS Viewer is delivered with features to enable your agency to manage all development activities such as permits, projects, land management, code enforcement, licensing, and inspections directly from the parcel fabric. Some features are included below: 1) Accessible from any TRAKiT module 2) View restrictions for a parcel 3) Zoom in/zoom out control 4) Use the mouse wheel to zoom 5) Full Map button allows immediate access to full map extents 6) Add new restrictions to a single parcel or multiple parcels at once 7) Functionality allowing the addition, removal, or copying of records 8) Allows the selection of multiple records at one time 9) Create multiple records at once with unique record numbers 10) Selection List for adding/removing parcels from a selection 11) Map overview window to easily navigate around screen 12) Print Map view using a print template 13) Query and plot TRAKiT data on the map 14) Allows user to pan around the map 15) Change the properties of the measurement (metric, feet, acres, etc.) 16) Export the selection list into Excel 17) Use Dynamic or Tiled Map services 18) Select parcels by circle, polygon, line, etc. 19) View a list of parcels selected within a separate window 20) Ability to use "sketching" tools on map (different color-., transparencies, pushpin images) 21) Draw polygons, shapes, squares and lines on map 22) Insert text directly on the map 23) Can see related record details (permits, cases, projects, etc.) of the parcel 24) Clear Selection allows user to clear the selected list 25) Show Data displays all attributes at the selected parcel 26) Print reports, labels, or letters for the selected parcel group 27) Radius Notification allows a buffer distance to be selected for multiple parcels 28) View a "pop-up" window with details about current selected parcel 29) Look at streets with Google® Maps Street View (requires Google key) 30) View pictometry with Microsoft® Bing Maps 31) Create a query and save custom queries for visually displaying details 32) Quickly run a saved query from the Advanced Search 33) Associate different user -specific Bookmarks based on different views 34) Administrators can change map preferences and import different GIS data 35) View attribute data for any layer 36) Route daily Inspections (requires M> twork Analyst) 37) Search for properties based on use{- defined criteria without leaving the map 38) Export the map into a JPEG 39) Add external map services 40) Advanced Table of contents with layer visibility toggle and legend 41) Integrates with Geocode services Page 91 �T SUPER ION 42) Incorporate push -pins to the map (associate custom push -pins) Deliverable: The agreement includes Advanced GIS: Advanced GIS license includes implementation services in the agreement for the sole purpose of configuring Spatial Rules based on the out -of -the -box functions available in the Administrative controls for TRAKiT Deliverable: For clients that have purchased Advanced GIS: The acquisition of the Advanced GAS license includes sixteen (16) implementation hours of services in the agreement for the sole purpose of configuring Spatial Rules within TRAKiT. The implementation hours may only be used during the sc6pe of the original project implementation. Should the actual level of effort be determined to exceed the implementation hours allocated in this statement of work, the Client may reduce their request for Spatial Rules or be responsible for a Change Order to complete the full set of Spatial Rules requested. Deliver General License Renewal automation for LicenseTRAK Deliverable: LicenseTRAK will be configured to accommodate the Client's current standard Business License operations, which includes a once annual recertification fee. All standard license renewal processes offered by TRAKiT and eTRAKiT will be included in the configuration. Deliverable: Incorporate the Transient Lodging Tax (TLT) Return calculations allowing the agency's customers to provide the necessary documentation to process the annual fee online during registration and/or renewal. TRAKiT will issue the certification upon completion. Page 92 SUPER10N 36 Data Conversion Scope The following data from the Customer's legacy system has been identified as data needing to be converted to TRAKiT and is included in the services identified in the agreement. During the project, further discussion and discovery will take place and the Customer may request that modifications to the data conversion services scope be performed by Superion. If the data conversion scope is requested to be modified by Customer, it will become the subject of a separately executed Change Order which will describe changes in scope of work and payment of fees due for such modified hours/pricing. Superion has included conversion services and pricing in the Agreement for the conversion services outlined below. Deliverable: Flectronic transfer (via FTP or email) of converted database; services to develop conversion software for translation; services to perform data conversion; services to install converted dat;; services to investigate and correct any errors uncovered during conversion balancing and/or system testing. Superion does not guarantee the quality of the source data received, but makes re°asonable effort to convert all data in the original source that it is provided. Applies to: Land data from a single source, historical data in HTE System... o Assessor / GIS Connect o NaviLine Requirements and Notes: Customer will: (1) For GeoData/GIS Conversions: a. Client understands that TRAKiT integration relies on the agency's source data format remaining constant once conversion instructions are provided by the client. Any change to the TRAKiT GIS/GeoTRAK integration that is due to data format changes will be subject to a Change Order. (2) Customer to provide Superion all tables and files that are necessary for historical data conversion. (3) Customer to provide all necessary files and data to Superion within thirty (30) days of project commencement date. (4) Customer to sign off on Data Conversion Data Mapping Specification provided by Superion. a. While minor changes to this Specification are allowed through the testing period at no additional cost, Customer acknowledges that they will thoroughly review the specification document, and that the conversion mapping and methodology is correct'.o the best of Customer's knowledge. Minor changes include: i. Modifying translation logic for data sources that are included in this document; ii. Converting tables/fields that were previously thought to be unnecessary for conversion, provided those data sources are included in the Specification. b. Major changes will incur an additional cost. Major changes include: Page 93 *SUPERION L Requirements to convert additional data sources; ii. Modifications to structure of data sources, including field names or data types; iii. Changes requested after the deadline for issue submission; iv. Fundamental changes to conversion methodology as determined by Superion. (5) Customer will thoroughly test data converted by Superion after each delivery and report issues within the timeframes agreed in the Project Schedule. In the event that unplanned data conversion activities are required, then Superion and Customer will mutually agree on an appropriate change in project cost. 37 Integration Scope The Integrations with TRAKiT identified in the Areement are as further described below. During the project, further discussion and discovery will take place and the City may request that modifications to the integration services scope be performed by Superion. If tho integration scope is requested to be modified by City, it will become the subject of a separately executed Chan&e Order, which will describe changes in scope of work and payment of fees due for such modified hours/pricing. Applies to: Deliver integration to ONESolution financial, system. Deliverable: Create a stored procedure/batch script routine to export financial details nightly from the TRAKiT system into the ONESolution financial system, version 15.1 or above. A sample export routine with instructions must be provided to Superion within 30 days of contract execution. Applies to: Deliver integration to Selectron IVR System. Deliverable: Provide Superion's API integration with the Selectron inspection scheduling application. City will ensure that the product/license is up to date to take advantage of Superion's integration. Selectron would be used to take in phone scheduling of inspections only (eTRAKiT would be used for web scheduling). In addition to creating the inspection in TRAKiT, there would need to be validation against TRAKiT logic from Selectron to determine if the date/time chosen via phone was available for the specific permit type. Applies to: Provide `Standard Merchant' Cashiering suite services. Deliverable: Standard level Cashiering suite includes choice of 2 cashiering components. Choose from either: a) eTRAKiT credit card acceptance, b) eTRAKiT eCheck acceptance, c) Credit card reader (chip/pin), c) Credit card reader signature capture, d) Credit card reader Debit card acceptance, e) Credit card reader NFC collection, or f) Cash drawer integration w/ APG Series 4000. Supported payment vendor gateways not listed will incur an additional cost. Payment gateway must be specified within 30 days of contract execution. Standard payment vendor gateways include the following: a. Authorize.NET b. USA ePay c. Virtual Merchant Page 94 I * SUPER ION Requirements and Notes: (1) Superion is not responsible for the applicable third party software, third party hardware or third party system software costs which may be required for the development of the interfaces described. The City is responsible for any necessary communications with third party vendors if necessary to accomplish the Interface scope in this SOW. 38 Modification/Enhancement Scope Tie City does not have any Component System Software modifications or system cu_;tomizations in scope for this project. If Component System Software modifications or customization needs are identified during the project, the City and Superion will follow the scope change process identified in this SOW which will describe additional scope of work and payment of fees due for such additional hours/pricing.` Page 95 `A® �T SUPERION 39 Forms and Reporting Scope The following forms, reports, and routines have been identified and included in the agreement as further described below. Deliverable: Superion will provide services as outlined in the agreement for custom report modifications. Deliverable: Provide one hundred (100) standard reports from TRAKiT's library, along with the following standard libraries: o Permit Library includes a standard Permit Form, Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, Receipt, Invoice, and Inspection Results Letter. o Enforcement Library includes two (2) standard Violation Letters. o Plan Corrections Library includes a standard Plan Correction Notice and a standard Planning Commission Staff Report. o Regulatory License Library includes standard licenses and standard renewal license notices for each standard license Deliverable: Superion will provide services, as outlined in the agreement for custom form modifications. Requirements and Notes: (1) Custom farms/reports specifications must be identified and signed off no later than the initiation of the Testing Phase of project, or as defined by the agreed Project Plan. (2) City to provide information regarding fee formulas, usage, permit and project forms. (3) Sign off on forms/reports specification provided by Superion: a. While minor changes to specifications are allowed through the testing period at no additional cost, City acknowledges that they will thoroughly review the specification document, and that the format and content is correct to the best of City's knowledge. Minor changes include: L Modifying form/report logic for data sources that are included in the specification; b. Major changes may incur an additional cost as defined by Superion. Major changes include but are not limited to: L Requirements to reformat the report after it has already been delivered; ii. Modifications to the structure of content being displayed; iii. Changes requested after the deadline for issue submission; iv. Fundamental changes report format/content as determined by Superion. Page 96 * SUPERION 40 Installation Services Scope The SOW describes below the installation services identified in the Agreement. These services include the following: • Installation of two (2) instances of TRAKiT to be completed. • There will be one (1) initial installation and a copy will be taken to create the second instance (TEST account) prior to the client's go -live event. • Superion will complete all installation remotely. Requirements and Notes: (1) Superion and the City will mutually agree on the dates and schedule for the installation and other services in this area. (2) Superion does not configure or install any hardware, or p-ovide IT support for other software (e.g. SQL server, SSRS, etc.) that exists in the client's environment 41 Training, Configuration, and Testing Scope Superion includes training, Configuration, and Testing as outlined in the Agreement and further described below. i Discovery Phase Deliverable: Provide Remote web conferencing training, Onsite Meetings, and Remote Reviews as outlined in the agreement. Deliverable: City to complete configuration workbooks provided by Superion. The workbooks are designed to assist Superion is capturing the City's business processes and requirements. Superion will use a combination of the workbooks and information gathered during meetings to set up and configure the software. Configuration Phase Deliverable: Provide Remote configuration of TRAKiT software as outlined in the agreement and as specified by the client workbooks. Testing Phase Deliverable: Provide Onsite training, Onsite Meetings, and Remote Configuration as outlined in the agreement. Page 97 �T SUPERION Education Phase Deliverable: Conduct on -site, hands-on End User training at City office as outlined in the agreement. Class size is limited to eight (8) students per day. Deliverable: Provide System Administrator training for up to three (3) City staff during scheduled training at Superion designated facilities. Superion provides training guides and user manuals as part of training. Deliverable: Provide Report Writing training for up to three (3) City staff during scheduled training at Superion designated facilities. Superion provides training guides ard user manuals as part of training. Launch Phase Deliverable: Provide onsite go live assistance at City's office as outlined in the agreement. Requirements and Notes: 1. Onsite means at City's facilities 2. Remote means at Superion facilities or training site I Completed workbook must be received by Superion prior to the start of the configuration phase Page 98 '411kA 1 '�i ®� SUPER ION 42 Stages and Milestones 42.1.1Kickoff / Review Begins: Contract Execution Ends: Workbook completion and 3d party integrations sign -off by Customer and Superion and all data/documentation provided by Customer Description: This stage of the project involves discussing and documenting how the business processes and systems will furiction. It will include meetings, both in person and remote, between the Superion PM and Customer team. The Customer will fill out workbooks based on discussions and guidance from Superion. The Superion PM will be the Customer's main point of contact, and is responsible for the overall design of the system. Superion's data conversion team will work with Customer staff to map and document data to be migrated into TRAKiT. During this stage of the project, Superion will create a project plan. This project plan will outline tasks, Superion resource roles, Customer resource roles, duration, dependencies and start/end dates throughout the project. It will be used to help the Customer plan +ts own internal task scheduling as well as provide shared visibility into timelines as the project progresses. Superion will be responsible for updating the project plan each wef k following a status update call with the Customer. Primary Responsibilities for Customer: - Communicate project goals, value, schedule internally - Assist in developing project schedule / milestone dates - Purchase/install system infrastructure and provide appropriate access (VPN, etc.) - Ensure that all appropriate subject matter experts participate in all relevant discussions - Provide process flows, source data, and documentation in a timely manner - Make informed business decisions in a timely manner - Complete workbooks with assistance from Superion - Provide contact information for any relevant 3rd parties Primary Responsibilities for Superion: - Conduct kick-off meeting with Customer. - Install base software with demonstration data - Creation and maintenance of shared project plan Page 99 �� SUPERION - Organize and lead design sessions with Customer. As permitting consultant and expert on TRAKiT software, provide guidance on best practices, changes to increase efficiency, and challenge Customer's current processes and way of thinking. - Document TRAKiT configuration requirements, functionality and workflow - Document interface requirements/mappings - Services to be provided do not include hardware 42.1.2Configure Begins: Workbook completion and 3rd party integrations sign -off by Ciisto`mer and Superion and all data/documentation provided by Customer. Ends: Customer acknowledgement on Testing Begins letter. Description: Superion will be responsible for configuring TRAKiT, while the Customer will be responsible for coordinating any 3rd party vendors and developing any documentation required for system testing. All communication between the Customer and Superion in this stage is anticipated to be done remotely. The Superion PM will be the Customer's primary contact with other Superion resources utilized as -needed. Primary Responsibilities of Customer: - Coordinate configuration / development of any 3rd party vendors;: - Develop standard operating procedure (SOP) documentation - Develop testing and training plan - Participate in weekly status calls Primary Responsibilities of Superion: - Perform agreed -upon configuration - Coordinate additional information from Customer as needed - Lead weekly status calls with Customer - Maintain shared project plan 42.1.3Test / Initial Training Begins: Customer acknowledgement on receipt of Testing Begins letter. Ends: Customer acknowledge mert on Testing Ends Letter. Description: This stage of the project will begin with a Superion training expert coming onsite to perform Power User training with Customer staff. The Customer will then begin its testing process, notifying Superion as issues / questions arise. There will be remote Page 100 �Zr SUPERION communication between the Customer and Superion PM regarding issues and their resolution, with a shared portal so that all team members have visibility to the complete list. Superion will provide revised delivery(s) for configuration and data integration as needed. During this stage, the Customer will also be testing integration with other V party systems. The Customer will be responsible for communicating issues / resolution with all relevant vendors. The Superion PM will remain the Customer's main point of contact, but this stage will likely see increased involvement from other Superion team members for testing support. Primary Responsibilities of Customer: - Provide key staff availability and appropriate facilities for training and testing - Execute all phases of testing plan, including 3rd party integration - Provide constructive, detailed feedback to Superion based on testing results - Coordinate issues / resolution to 3rd party vendors - Amend training plan / SOPs as needed - Participate in weekly status calls - Participate in system administration and report writing training at Superion facilities in San Diego, CA - Lead end -user training sessions Primary Responsibilities of Superion: - User training for Power User Testing - Assist Customer with questions / issues on as -needed basis - Provide issue tracking portal for team member visibility to issues/status/resolution - Provide iterative configuration / data conversion deliveries based on testing feedback - Lead weekly status calls with Customer - Maintain shared project plan 42.1.4Final Training / Go Live Begins: Customer acknowledgement on completed Testing Ends letter. Ends: Customer sign -off of completed post go -live follow-up visit from Superion and any outstanding systems issues clearly identified. Description: This stage of the project involves using the system in produ :tion. The Customer and Superion will agree upon a go -live week during which the Customer will cease use of the legacy system and will begin using TRAKiT for production use. Immediately prior to go - live, Superion and the Customer will perform data conversion from legacy system(s) into TRAKiT. During data conversion, the Customer understands that services on legacy Page 101 SUPERION software may need to be suspended or operations be continued in an alternative manner. The Customer will begin production use of TRAKiT with the Superion PM onsite for support. Although other Superion team members will likely be involved with support tasks and the resolution of issues, the Superion PM will continue to be the Customer's main point of contact throughout Go -Live until the system stabilizes and all issues are resolved. A follow-up visit is performed by the Superion PM roughly 45 days after go - live. The purpose of this visit is to analyze system performance and usage by Customer staff, and to provide any suggestions or facilitate configuration changes that would improve attainment of the Customer's goals. Primary Responsibilities of Customer: - Coordinate historical data conversion with Superion - Coordinate internal and external communication of Go -Live plan and potential business impacts - Provide staff availability for end -user training - Follow standard operating procedures - Provide staff availability for rapid issue response - Work collaboratively with Superion team to rapidly solve any production issues as they occur Primary Responsibilities of Superion: - Convert historical data prior to go live - Provide onsite go -live support - Work collaboratively with Customer team to rapidly solve any production issues as they occur - Provide issue tracking portal for team member visibility to issues/status/resolution - Lead weekly status calls with Customer - Maintain shared project plan - Perform follow-up visit Provide system administration training at Superion facilities. Page102 �T SUPERION 43 TRAKiT Implementation Approach 43.1.1Data Conversion Approach Data conversion development is the joint responsibility of the Customer and Superion. Customer will be responsible for extracting data from the legacy system. Superion will be responsible for importing the data conversion files received from the Customer into TRAKiT using standard imports (where available) or conversion programs. When Superion is engaged to write a data conversion via a conversion program, the process flows as outlined: Validate conversion scope Provide input Customer to provide input on scope and and requirements for data advise conversion Customer on best practices related to converting data Discovery call between the Customer and the Data Conversion Lead Task Participate in discovery Specialist assigned to write the data conversion program. and make decisions Durint, call, specifics of the task are discussed so that both partie_. have a full understanding. Provide to Superion all tables and files that are necessary for Provide FTP or Provide data historical data conversion. other agreed upon secure method for transfer of data Specifications are created by the Data Conversion Specialist Develop Provide input and answer and sent to the Customer Specifications questions if necessary Customer reviews and signs specifications Revised Review Specifications and specifications provide feedback as necessary Complete data conversion checklists. Client and Superion will Complete data Provide data from Legacy compile separate checklists that will be compared at data conversion system in Superion delivery checklists and required formats, and compare to complete data conversion client checklist checklist Deliver data and data conversion checklists for testing. Walk Deliver data None the customer staff through testing data conversion and completed data conversion checklist Tests results and reports any discrepancies Supports the Test and validate data Customer Testing converted data Page 103 �Zr SUPER ION Superion Data Conversion Specialist adjusts conversion Adjust None program and delivers data Conversion Program Steps 8 and 9 are repeated until sign off in step 11. - - Customer signs off on completion None Sign Off Requirements and Notes a) The Customer is responsible for validating all data once it is converted into TRAKiT b) Customer will provide Subject Matter Experts that are familiar with existing data structures in the legacy system to 4ssist with the conversion process and clean all data and extract data from legacy to corlphy with Superion file layouts. c) The Customer resources will provide the r�sArces to assist with legacy data, data mapping and data validation. d) The Customer will be responsible to get the legacy data "conversion ready", meaning it is clean (duplicates, typos, missing information, etc. have been corrected) and in a format that Superion can read for import purposes (Excel spreadsheet, for exam ale). 43.1.21nterface Approach Interface development is the joint responsibility of the Customer and Superion. Customer will be responsible for interface development work to/from existing legacy systems. Superion will be responsible for interface development work to/from the TRAKiT system. When Superion is engaged to create an interface program for following process will be followed: Validate Interface Scope Discovery between The Customer and the Developer assigned to write the interface. Specifics of the interface are detailed so that both parties have a full understanding. Specifications are created by the Interface Developer and sent to the Customer Provide input Provide input on scope and advise Customer on best practices related to interfaces Lead Task Participate in discovery and make decisions Create Provide input and specifications answer qu(!stions if necessary Customer reviews and signs specifications Revise Review Specifications Specifications as necessary Page104 �T SUPERION Developer creates interface and delivers to the Customer along with Create Provide SME to documentation of interface. interface and answer questions if deliver to the necessary Customer Customer Staff tests results and reports any discrepancies Answer any Review interface, questions test results and from provide feedback to Customer as Superion testing is executed Developer adjusts interface based on the Customer feedback and re- Revise None dE=livers along with updated interface documentation. interfaced report as s necessary Steps 6 and 7 are repeated until sign off in step 9. - Customer signs off on completion None Provide Sign Off Requirements and Notes a) The Customer is responsible for validating all data transferred into TRAKiT and data transferred from TRAKiT to another application It b) Customer will provide Subject Matter Experts that ire familiar with existing data structures in the legacy system to assist with the interface process. c) The Customer resources will provide the expertise in V party dat.g:, data mapping and data validation. 43.1.3Reports Approach When Superion is engaged to write reports Superion and the Customer will use the following approach. Create Scoping Document Provide input Define initial report on scope and and requirements advise Customer on best practices related to reports Discovery between The Customer and the Proje;t Manager. Specifics Participate in Document of the report are detailed so that both parties have a full discovery and specifications understanding. make decisions Page105 �Zr SUPER ION Specifications or current report samples are created by the Customer Develop Provide input and and sent to Superion specifications answer questions if and send to necessary Customer for review Superion and Customer reviews and signs specifications Review Revise Specifications specifications as necessary and provide feedback Report Writer creates report and delivers to the Customer Create report Provide SME to answer questions if necessary Customer Staff tests results and repo is any discrepancies Answer any Review and test questions report. Provide from feedback to Superion Customer as testing is executed Superion Report Writer adjusts report based on the Customer Revise Report None feedback and re -delivers. (if necessary) Steps 6 and 7 are repeated until sign off in step 9. Customer signs off on completion Superion Role Provide Sign Off Requirements aM Notes: Customer will provide ,written specifications and or current samples for all reports Superion has agree 1 to develop. Page106 �Zr SUPERION 43.1.4Forms Creation Approach When Superion is engaged to develop custom Forms, Superion and the Customer will use the following approach. Validate Forms Scope Provide input on Define initial Forms scope and and requirements advise Customer on best practices r0ated to Forms Discovery between the Customer and the Project Manager. Document Participate in Specifics of the Workflow are detailed so that both parties have a forms meetings and make full understanding. specifications decisions Specifications are created by the Project Manager and sent to Develop Provide input and Customer specifications answer questions if and delivery to necessary Customer The Customer reviews and signs specifications Revise Review and provide Specifications as feedback on necessary specifications Superion Form Developer creates Forms and delivers to the Create forms Provide SME to Customer answer questions if necessary Customer staff tests results and reports any discrepancies Answer any Test forms questions from Customer as testing is executed Superion Form Developer adjusts Forms based on Customer Adjust forms None feedback and re -delivers. based on Customer feedback Steps 6 and 7 are repeated until sign off in step 9. Customer signs off on completion Superion Role Provide Sign Off Requirements and Notes: Customer will use one of Superion's standard formats. If Superion standard format does not meet requirements the Customer can have a custom formed created at additional expense. Page107 SUPERION 43.1.5Consulting, Configuration, and Testing Approach Superion Training, Consulting, and Configuration are broadly defined by the below approach. Customer will complete configuration Workbooks supplied Provide Workbook Complete by Superion. The Workbooks are designed to provide and support the Workbooks Superion staff with the Customer business requirements Customer as they to assist with set up and configuration. complete Superion staff _will lead and participate in all phases of the Lead and Participate in the project to make sure the Customer can effectively use participate in all project TRAKiT phases of the project Superion will assess via Business Process Review the Provide thorough Provide business Customer's business practices and make business process requirements and recommendations in the best practice use of TRAKiT. review and make describe current These recommendations will be used to guide the use and recommendations business processes configuration and use of TfAKiT and practices Superion will train core users on all aspects of TRAKiT so Train core users Participate in all they have adequate knowledge to support and use the on all aspects of training software effectively TRAKiT Superion will supply configuration options (as necessary) Supply Make based on the Customer's business practices configuration configuration options decisions Customer will actively test all configured components of Support Customer Test and report all TRAKIT after system is set up and configured by Superion ♦ during testing dscrepancies to phase Superion Requirements and Notes: 1) Prior to the Business Process Review the Customer is to provide business process workflow and corresponding reports/forms used in daily activities. Sessions are divided among various Departments implementing TRAKiT. 2) Customer will create and document a testing plan prior to the beginning of testing. 3) Staff with the appropriate skills and experience will be furnished by Superion for each Consulting Session or other review activities, whether onsite or conducted remotely. 4) Customer will actively participate in all training, consulting, and configuration of TRAKiT 5) The Customer will supply SME's in all areas of the software and will provide information to Superion consultants on business processes, policy, and information in order to set up and configure all areas of TRAKiT. 43.1.6Training Approach and Knowledge Transfer Superion will train both the Customer Core Functional users and End Users as part of this project. Page108 �T SUPER ION Core Team Training: Superion will conduct training for the core project team. The following areas are the types of training Superion will conduct with the Customer's core project team. Module overviews Superion staff gives the Customer an overview and understanding of all the modules in TRAKiT which are part of this SOW. TRAKiT Navigation Training Basic navigation on the user interface in TRAKiT Security Training Superion will train the Customer on all aspects of how to set up and use the Security components in TRAKiT. Customer is responsible for overall Security set up and configuration after training. TRAKiT Module Configuration and Unit Superion completed the set-up of TRAKiT and does initial testing. Testing Process Training _ Once TRAKiT is set up, data is converted, and the Customer core team has beF;n trained the Customer will fully test. Superion will train the Core Project Team on how to create and process records using the TRAKiT software. Th?s will prepare the team to conduct testing and to start getting preparEA for end user training. End -User Training Superion will train ehd-users assigned by the Customer. Training will be in a classroom environment and will be formally completed after testing is completed and before go live. Page109 PAS U (� E R 10 N 44 TRAMT Project Timeline Target dates for the tasks and milestones will be established during the planning/kick off phase of the project. ResponsibilitiesCustomer .. .. - 1. Contract Execution Customer signs contract. Superion signs final contract. TBD 2. Delivery of TRAKiT Superion provides FTP access to Contract Execution software and License Key facilitate data exchanges with Date Customer. Superion delivers Customer software and license key via the FTP site. 3. Project Hand -Off Call Customer reviews and sets initial Superion & Customer review ' TBD Project Timeline dates with Project Timeline; Superion Superion. delivers electronic copies_of Configuration Guide. 4� Confirm Hardware & Customer provides confirmation Superion reviews hardware TBD Required Systems that all required hardware, specifications with Customer; servers, database systems, and Superion confirms remote related components are ready. access. S. Initial Data Extract Customer uploads all legacy Superion reviews initial data TBD. databases quoted in the contract upload. to Superion's FTP site. 6. Project Timeline Sign -Off Customer signs -off on remaining Superion provides Customer TBD SIGN OFF project milestone dates. with timeline dates. i 7. Software Installation Customer provides remote access Superion instal's all TRAKiT TBD to servers. software on Customer servers. One workstation will also be tested. 8. Database Consultation Customer conducts meeting with Superion provides suggestions TBD SIGN OFF Superion to discuss the data to ensure expectations are conversion process and a brief reviewed. review of the data structure. Customer signs -off on Data Source Document. 9. GIS Consultation Customer conducts meeting with Superion offers suggestions to TBD SIGN OFF Superion to discuss the delivery ensure expected delivery is expectations for GIS data. achieved. Superion provides a sample'MapTemplate'to be used within TRAKiT GIS. 10. Map Template Delivered The sample map template is TBD also delivered to the client. 11. Delivery of Geodatabase Customer uploads g^odatabase Superion begins mapping the TBD onto Superion's FTP site for data source tables to the TRAKiT mapping. structure. 12. Screenshots of Existing Customer provides s zreenshots Superion reviews screenshots TBD Software of existing software that relate to and begins mapping of data; the data conversion process. Superion prepares data mapping document to submit to Customer. Page110 _`N'Z-SU PE R ION jr Task Custome 13. emo Existing Legacy Systems 14. Remote Webinar Training Series 15. Kick -Off Meeting ONSITE 16. 1st Workbook Review Remote Discussion 17. 1st GeoTRAK Workbook Review 18. Initial Workflows 19. Business Process Review Meeting ONSITE 20. 1st Draft of Data Mapping Document ONSITE Customer conducts an overview of their existing system for Superion. Customer attends and participates in remote 2-hour webinar training sessions for each Core Team. Customer attends and participates in Kick -Off Meeting, which includes a review of the Configuration Guide and Workbook. Customer Departments attend revi�rw meetings with Superion Customer reviews band data mapping details and configuration information with Superion. Customer provides initial workflows from various Departments for review. Customer provides business process workflow and corresponding reports/forms used in daily activities. Sessions are divided among various Departments implementing TRAKiT. Customer to review data mapping document and, when required, participate in a comparison review of legacy data with Superion. 21. 2nd GeoTRAK Workbook Customer reviews the finalized Review GeoTRAK workbook. 22. eTRAKiT Credit Card Customer provides Superion with Gateway eTRAKiT credit card gateway information for integration. 23. 2nd Workbook & Workflow Customer Departments attend Review Remote Discussion review meetings with Superion. Superion reviews current legacy TBD systems with Customer. Superion conducts webinar training sessions prior to onsite meeting. Superion conducts Kick -Off meeting onsite. Reviews Configuration Guide with all Departments, and assists in completing GeoTRAK data fields. Superion provides workflow samples for future discussions. Superion conducts a review of business processes with each Department. Superion ensures that the Configuration Workbook is being updated. Superion reviews configuration workbook and provides feedback as applicable. Superion reviews initial workflows submitted for Business Process Meeting. Superion assists the Customer with Workbooks, identifies process adaptations, and reviews specifications for reporting requirements. Superion to review initial draft of data mapping document with Customer. Superion reviews workbook and provides additional feedback as applicable. Superion reviews credit card portal and prepares a :scope for expectations. Superion conducts a review of business processes with each Department. Superion ensures that the Configuration Workbook & Workflows are being updated. TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Page111 'qWA' E 10 N r, S U ResponsibilitiesCustomer .n Responsibilities EZU a R 24. 2nd Draft of Data Mapping Customer to review data Superion to review draft of data TBD Document mapping document for legacy mapping document with data provided by Superion. Customer. 25. Final GeoTRAK Workbook Customer submits and reviews Review the finalized GeoTRAK workbook. 26. Final List of Forms/Reports Due 27. GeoTRAK Workbook Final Collection Customer delivers final list of forms and reports and defines custom scripts for additional requirements to Superion to design. Customer provides final version of GeoTRAK workbook, including all mapping, custom screen, and spatial join requirements. 28. 3rd Workbook & Workflow Customer Departments attend Review Remote Discussion review meetings with Superion. 29. Workbook Review Meeting ONSITE 30. GeoTRAK Pre -Conversion Review 31. Project Workbook Draft 32. GeoTRAK Workbook SIGN OFF 33. Initial Forms/Reports Scope SIGN OFF 34. Project Workbook SIGN OFF 35. Final Data Mapping Document SIGN OFF Customer provides Workbooks and copies of needed forms/reports; Customer attends department meetings to offer *, insight into workflow; Cu.Aomer, provides complete set of source data for conversion. Customer participates in the pre - conversion review. Customer provides their completed Project Workbook. Customer signs -off on GeoTRAK workbook. Customer participate in a review of the Forms/Reports requirements and signs -off on the initial Forms/Reports Scope. Customer signs -off on final version of the Workbook. Customer approves data mapping document after a review with Superion reviews workbook and provides additional feedback as applicable. Superion reviews custom forms and reports based on contract requirements. TBD TBD Superion collects GeoTRAK TBD workbook, completes those spatial joins being handled by Superion, ensures that mapping is comliste•it with discussed process. Superion conducts a review of business processes with each Department. Superion ensures that the Configuration Workbook & Workflcws are being updated. Superion collects Customer responses to Workbooks; Superion conducts Department meetings to ensure understanding of responses and discuss procedural needs; Superion reviews data to convert with Customer. GIS Specialist and Data Conversion Specialist review GeoTRAK workbook to clarify mapping and conversion details. Superion reviews the submitted workbook. Superion provides finalized GeoTRAK workbook for Customer sign -off. Superion provides the Forms/Reports Scope for Customer sign -off. Superion will utilize the Workbook in configuration of the system. Superion to provide data mapping documents, layouts, and explanations. TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Page112 SUPER10N ResponsibilitiesCustomer .. .. Superion's data conversion specialist. 36. Map Services Delivered Customer delivers Map services Superion configures Map TBD to Superion prior to Initial services with data. Delivery. Map services may include: - iTRAKiT map service for LAT/LON coordinates - eTRAKiT map service - TRAKiT data map service - TRAKiT visual map service 37. System Configuration Customer participates and provides additional information as needed by Superion. 38. iTRAKiT Services Delivered 39. Initial Delivery ONSITE 40. Workflow Processes Delivered 41. Power Users Users Trained ONSITE 42. Testing Begins SIGN OFF 43. GeoTRAK Update Routine SIGN OFF 44. 1st Testing Review Customer finalizes hardware configuration for iTRAKiT remote installation/testing. Customer will attend the demonstration of the delivery. Customer receives written workflow processes from Superion. Customer will provide meeting space and training computers for up to eight (8) staff. Customer "Power" Users verify accuracy and placement of converted data, forms & reports; Customer tests software configuration; Customer tests program interfaces; Customer tests software customizations; Customer notifies Superion of desired changes. Customer to review and sign -off on GeoTRAK Update Routine document. Customer reviews data & configuration with project manager via remote sessions. Superion configures system according to Workbook responses and meeting discussions; Superion converts historical data; Superion creates/customizes reports and/or forms (e.g. Permit Form). Superion remotely installs iTRAKiT Services on Customer Server. Superion installs and demonstrates configured system with various Departments. eTRAKiT validation/preferences are reviewed with Customer. Superion delivers a sample liet of workflow processes to Customer for review and use during Training. Superion provides training materials for initial system configuration. Superion receives change requests from Customer and makes necessary revisions. Superion provide the GeoTRAK Update Routine document. Superion schedules remote meetings with each Department to review system configuration and Testing Checklists. TBD TBD rr:ic TBD TBD TBD TBD Page113 "Ilk A, r1 SUPER ION 45. 1:t Review of Forms/Reports 46. Initial Delivery Revisions 47. External Interface Review 48. 2nd Testing Review 49. 2nd Delivery ONSITE 50. 3rd Testing Review Customer reviews Forms/Reports provided at Initial Delivery and provides comments or sign -off. Customer delivers revision list to Superion. Customer tests any external data interfaces provided by Superion; includes land update routine; accounting interface, and other data import routines. Customer reviews data & configuration with project manager via remote sessions.. Customer continues review of system. Customer reviews data & configuration with project manager via remote sessions. 51. 2nd Review of Custorer revi,2ws Forms/Reports Forms/Reports provided at 2nd Delivery and provides comments or sign -off. 52. 2nd Delivery Revisions 53. 4th Testing Review 54. 3rd Delivery 55. GeoTRAK Update Routine Delivery 56. GIS Final Review 57. Final Review of Forms/Reports 58. Final Revisions List ONSITE Customer de'ivers revision list to Superion. Customer reviews data & configuration with project manager via remote sessions Customer continues review of system. Customer provides Superion with credentials/access to configure the GeoTRAK Update Routine. Customer tests map services and updates with Superion. Customer reviews Forms/Reports provided at 3rd Delivery and provides comments or sign -off. Customer delivers final revision list to Superion. Superion receives comments or sign -off from Customer and makes adjustments as necessary. Superion receives review comments from Customer and begins adjusting configured system. Superion reviews any external data import/export routines prepared for Customer. Superion schedules remote meetings with each Department to review system configuration and Testing Checklists. Superion delivers revisions to CLstomer. Superion schedules remote meetings with each Department to review system configuration and Testing Checklists. Superion receives comments or sign -off from Customer and makes adjustments as necessary. Superion receives review comments from Customer and begins adjusting configured system. Superion schedules remote meetings with each Department to review system configuration and Testing Checklists. Superion delivers revisions to Customer. Superion initializes the GeoTRAK Update Routine and Python scripts (in GIS if necessary). Superion finalizes GIS configuration for Go Live. Superion receives comments or sign -off from Customer and makes adjustments as necessary. Superion receives review comments from Customer and makes final adjustments. TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Page114 ,, SUPERION ResponsibilitiesCustomer ... 59. eTRAKiT Final Connection Customer validates the Superion provides remote TBD Validated configuration settings for assistance for eTRAKiT payment eTRAKiT portal. portal. 60. 5th Testing Review Customer reviews data & Superion schedules remote TBD configuration with project meetings with each Department manager via remote sessions. to review system configuration and Testing Checklists. 61. Final Delivery Customer reviews final items Superion installs modified TBD submitted. system. 62. Go Live Dry Run Customer delivers data in Superion develops a Go Live TBD preparation for Go Live. schedule for rehearsal with Customer prior to actual Go Live. 63. Testing Ends Customer approves final system TBD SIGN OFF before User Training commences. 64. Customer Support Superion PM assembles TBD Transition Preparation materials necessary to transition the knowledge of the implementation to the Superion Customer Support team 65. Customer Support Customer attends remote Superion introduces Customer TBD) Transition Call discussion with Superion Support team along with Customer Support team. expectations for using technical assistance after Go Live. 66. End User Training Customer provides meeting Superior, provides training 2 weeks after Testing ONSITE space and training computers for materials for onsite training. ends. up to eight (8) staff. 67. General System Administration Training ONSITE 68. Transition to Live 69. Go Live ONSITE 70. Follow-up Visit ONSITE 71. Go -Live REVIEW Customer core users attend a mini System Administrator training session prior to Go Live. Customer provides final extract of historical data to Superion. Customer Goes Live with TRAM, iTRAKiT, and eTRAKiT. Customer assembles various Departments for review with Superion. Customer reviews that Superion has provided and committed to all project deliverables. Superior conducts an TBD accelerated Sy�tein Admin session with core users for user privilege and general configuration management. Superion converts data and TBD loads onto Customer's server. Superion provides Go Live TBD support onsite. Superion conducts an onsite 45 days after follow-up visit 45 days after Go completion of Go Live. Live. Superion provides a letter 45 days after detailing all project completion of Go Live. commitments. System Administrator / Report Customer provides System Superion trains Customer staff Date and location to Writing Training Administrators for training at a at any of the following locations be determined based remote location. & dates. on availability. Page115 1l -R I O N �, SU(�E 45 Appendix 1 46 CAFR Constructor Superion will assist the City in producing the following schedules. Unless otherwise specified Superion is responsible for training the City on the technical tools necessary for the City to produce their CAFR. The City is responsible for all content. Content and Services by Section: 1. Cover page, table of contents and general layout a. Superion (SUPERION) mill provide training for: i. Generating the table of contents ii. Applying geaerdl formatting in the document 2. Introductory section a. SUPERION will provide training for: L Setting up and maintaining items within this section 3. Report of the independent auditor a. SUPERION will provide training �'or: L Setting up and maintaining items within this section 4. Management's discussion and analysis (MD&A) a. Layout and content for the cover will be provided by the City, preferably in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format b. SUPERION will provide training for: E Seating up and maintaining items within this section h. NOTE: Much of the content in the MD&A relies heavily on information in other portions of the document; it is highly advised to complete the remainder of ':he document before completing the MD&A 5. Government -wide financial statements a. SUPERION will provide training for the use of variables to integrate these balances into the various documents of the CAFR. b. SUPERION will review proper setup of background parts in general ledger keys and objects to allow for correct aggregations in the statements c. The City will assist SUPERION in identifying the setup of background parts in general ledger keys and objects to allow for correct aggregation in the statements d. SUPERION, using the provided information, will produce the following statements: i. Government -wide state of net position ii. Government -wide statement of activities 6. Governmental fund financial statements a. SUPERION will provide training for the use of variables to integrate these balances into the various documents of the CAFR. b. SUPERION will review proper setup of background parts in general ledger keys and objects to allow for correct aggregations in the statements c. The City will assist SUPERION in identifying the setup of background parts in general ledger keys and objects to allow for correct aggregation in the statements d. SUPERION, using the provided information, will produce the following statements: i. Balance sheet —governmental funds Page116 `®T ., suPER ION ii. Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance governmental funds iii. Statement of cash flows (may require additional City involvement) iv. Statement of fiduciary net position v. Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance — budget to actual — General Fund and major special revenue funds 7. Proprietary fund financial statements a. SUPERION will provide training for the use of variables to integrate these balances into the various documents of the CAFR. b. SUPERION will review proper setup of background parts in general ledger keys and objects to allow for correct aggregations in the statements c. The City will assist SUPERION in identifying the setuj of background parts in general ledger keys and objects to allow for correct aggregation in the statements d. SUPERION, using the provided information, will pro luc� the following statements: i. Statement of fund net position/ balance sheet.- proprietary funds. ii. Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance/ equity — proprietary funds. iii. Statement of cash flows— proprietary funds. 8. Fiduciary fund financial statements a. SUPERION will provide training for the use of variables to integrate these balances into the various documents of the CAFR. b. SUPERION will review proper setup of background parts in general ledger keys and objects to allow for correct aggregations in the Aatements c. The City will assist SUPERION in identifying the setup of background parts in general ledger keys and objects to allow for correct:aggreation in the statements d. SUPERION, using the provided informatior, will produce the following statements: i. Statement of fiduciary net position ii. Statement of changes in fiduciary net position 9. Notes to the Financial statements a. SUPERION will provide training and assistance to complete up to 2 notes. The City will be responsible for adding any additional notes. 10. Summary of significant accounting policies (SSAP) 11. Note disclosure (other than the SSAP and pension -related disclosures) 12. Pension and other postemployment benefit related note disclosures 13. Required supplementary information (RSI) 14. Combining and individual fund information and other supplementary information 15. Statistical section 16. Other considerations Requirements and Notes: a) Layout and content will be provided by the City for all sections b) CAFR creation requires data sources to be pulled into CDM through use of Cognos BI, Click Drag, and Drill (CDD), or ODBC connections. Superion will make recommendations as to how to best extract data into CDM and the City is responsible for doing the data extraction and creating the data sources to produce the CAFR. Page117 � �, SUPERIO N c) Superion is responsible for training the City on the tools necessary to product the CAFR. d) City is responsible for producing the data and creating the narrative component for their CAFR. e) City is responsible for validating both the data and narrative components of the CAFR. Superion will support the City in this effort. 47 Appendix 2 Gap Analysis During the BPR process, Superion identified the following programs in Naviline which are custom today. Superion has outlined the ONESolution process and how these custom programs will be handled in ONESolution. Superion Expects the City's current custom programs to not be necessary and the City agrees to use Superion's base software as outlined. Naviline Program 1. PRCHECKS, PRTFOBJ 2. PRDIRDEP, PRTFOBJ a. PRURDAP, PF 4. PF;NRDU, RPGBND 5. PRRATELC, CLBND 6. PRRATESC, CLBND 7. PRRATEXCPT, RPGBND 8. PR599H, RPGBND 9. PR599UC, CLBND 10. PR611U, RPGBND 11. PR712, RPGBND 12. PRDEPAP, PF 13. PRDEPU, RPGBND Naviline Program Description Print File for Payroll Checks Direct Deposit Print Format PR TAMA next review date file upload PR TAMA next review date upload PR Submit Rate Exception Listing PR Additional Pay Register PR Rate Exception Listing PR Primary Calc Program — Hours PR Payroll Calculation and Registers PR Accrual Calculations PR Check Reconciliation Update by Tape PR Dependent Import File PR Dep Import ONESolution Process ONESolution's distribute and pay process creates the clients direct deposit file and check file. The direct deposit file will be configured based on the client's current bank specification:,. The City has agreed to a custom interface wit°- ONESolution and PMed to update epiployee evaluation information. ONESolution payroll process generates payroll registers. If the Current ONESolution registers do not accomplish the City's goals, custom Cognos reports would be required. ONESolution's Force Calculation process calculates employee's hours, accruals and pay. ONESolution has the capability of creating calculation codes with the City's provided rules to Superion's HR/Payroll Consultant. If ONESolution's calculation rules will not accomplish the City's needs, custom programming would be required at an additional cost. ONESolution's HR/Payroll Consultant will configure the City's bank reconciliation file ONESolution utilizes the HRUTZZ utilities for uploading additional information into ONESolution which Page118 -14�A it SUPER ION includes dependent information. Superion consultants will provide the City the templates required and train the user how to upload. The City will be responsible for the upload process. Page 119 -qq� ,, SUPER ION 48 Appendix 3 Standard Reports ONESolution updates the standard reports with each release of ONESolution. For the most recent listing, please visit Connect Community and download the latest report listing. Finance Analytics Base Reports Released/Developed Q12016 Public Folders > ONESolution Finance Reports > Financial Migration Reports Accounts Payable by Due Date Accounts Payable Reconciliation All Checks Register AP Check Register Cash Receipts and Disbursements Encumbrance Master Listing by Account Encumbrance Master Listing by PO Expenditures Over Budget Outstanding Check Register Person Entity Listing Reconciled Check Register by Check Date Reconciled Check Register by Reconcile Date Vendor Activity Listing Void Check Register by Check Date Void Check Register by Void Date Public Folders > ONESolution Finance Reports > Financials Open Encumbrances Person Entity Listing with AP Transactions PO Status Report Page120 ,k SUPERION Public Folders > ONESolution Finance Reports > Human Resources Affordable Care Act (ACA) Analysis (pyt_trans) Applicants by Qualifications Citizenship Verification by Name Employee Assignment History Employee Directory Report Employee Turnover Statistic:; Federal Form 941 License and Certification Report OSHA 300 OSHA 300A OSHA 301 OSHA Employee Incident Report OSHA Injury Report Position Staffing Report Seniority Report Veterans Status 100 Public Folders > SOPERION Analytics Reports > ONESolution Reports > Financials > Account Structure Chart of Accounts Listing of all Keys with Objects Object Code Information Object Group Codes Organization Key Information Organization Key Part Codes Organization Keys and Parts Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > ONESolution Reports > Financials > Accounts Payable Page 121 SUPERION Accounts Payable Check Register *NEW* Consolidated Check Register by Bank *NEW* Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > ONESolution Reports > Financials > Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable Transaction History General Ledger AR and CR Transactions Open Invoices by Customer Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > ONESolution Reports > Financials > Budget Reports General Ledger Budget to Actual by Fund General Ledger Detail Budget Report Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > ONESolution Reports > Financials > Financial Statements Detail Trial Balance General Ledger Balance Sheet *NEW* General Ledger Balance Sheet by Fund General Ledger Income Statement General Ledger Revenue Report General Ledger Statement of Revenues by Fund Income Statement Income Statement by Period Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements Statement of Expenditures and Encumbrances (Annual Budget) Statement of Expenditures and Encumbrances by Fund Statement of Revenues (Annual Budget) Statement of Revenues by Fund Summary of Revenues and Expenses by Fund Trial Balance Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > ONESolution Reports > Financials > Procurement Card Page 122 rZr SUPERION Procurement Credit Card Listing *NEW* Statement Status Details by Bank *NEW* Statement Status Summary *NEW* Transaction Details *NEW* Transaction Details by Bank *NEW* Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > ONESolution Reports > Financials > Project Funding Project Funding by Source and Fiscal Year *NEW* Project Funding Source by Fiscal Year *NEW* Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > ONESolution Reports > Financials > Transaction Reports General Ledger Account Activity Listing General Ledger Activity Listing General Ledger Activity Summary Gen,Ledger Transaction Listing GL j`,.ccounts Activity Listing with Budget and Encumbrances Transaction Listing Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > ONESolution Reports > HR Payroll > Human Resources Employee Age Listing Employee Benefit Information Employee CDH Assignments Employee Listing Employee Mandatory Assignments Employee Pay Assignments by Employee Employee Personal Information Employee Turnover *NEW* Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > ONESolution Reports > HR Payroll > Payroll Direct Deposit by Bank Page 123 -IW44A� r+ SUPER ION Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > ONESolution Reports > HR Payroll > NL Migrated Financials Account Activity Listing Account Activity Listing with Budget and Encumbrances Balance Sheet Budget Chart of Accounts Detail Budget Report Detail Trial Balance General Ledger Activity Listing General Ledger Activity Summary Income Statement Revenue Report Statement of Expenditures and Encumbrances Statement of Revenues Summary of Revenues and Expenses Trial Balance Page124 � O N �, SUPERI TRAKiT Analytics Base Reports Released/Developed Q1 2016 Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT > AEC TRAK All Contractors Contractors About to Expire Contractors History Contractors with Permits Issued Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT > Bonds Bonds Exoiring but not Released Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT> Charts Fees Paid by Month Permits Applied by Type Permits Issued by Type Projects Applied for by Type Project Approved by Type Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT> CodeTRAK Active Cases Cases Closed by Officer Cases Closed by Type Cases Opened by Officer Cases Opened by Type Cases Opened by Type and Officer Cases Opened by Type and Status Cases Opened by Type Summary Cases to be Followed Up Chronology by Officer and Action Type Closed Cases by Duration and Type Open Cases by Duration and Type Violation by Case Number Violation by Violation Type Page125 SUPERION Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT > CRM TRAK Advance Issue All Issues by Address All Issued by Complainant All Issues Closed by Prefix All Issues Opened All Issues Opened by Type Subtype and Prefix All Outstanding Issues by User Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT > Financial Outstanding Case Fees i Outstanding License Fees Outstanding Permit Fees Outstanding Project Fees Payments by Cashier Permit Payments of Selected Fee Summary of Case Fees Paid by Account Summary of Permit Fees Paid by Account Summary of Project Fees Paid by Account Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT > GEO TRAK LandTrak Update Activity Log Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT > LicenseTRAK Active Licenses Active Licenses by Type Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT > PermitTRAK Outstanding Permit Reviews Page126 �T SUPERION Permit Routing —Selected Contacts Permit Routing —Selected Review Types Permits about to Expire Permits Applied Permits Applied but NOT Approved Permits Applied with Aging Permits Approved but NOT Issued Permits Expiring by NOT Finaled Permits Finaled Permits Finaled with Fees and Values Permits Issued Permits Issued by Prefix Permits Issued by Status Permits Issued Not Yet Finaled or Expired Permits Issued Summary by Type Permits Issued Summary by Value Permits Issued with Additional Info Permits Issued with Contacts Permits Issued with Fees and Values Permits Issued with Fees Values and Addresses Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT > Planning Plan Location Assigned by Finaled Plan Location by Address Plan Location by Location Number Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT > ProjectTRAK All Inactive Projects Outstanding Project Reviews Parent and Sub Projects Project Detail by Planner Status Date Project Routing Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT > ProjectTRAK Projects About to Expire Projects Approved Page127 U R I O N S f� Projects Approved by Prefix Projects Approved by Status Projects by Planner and Status Projects by Type and Date Projects by Type and Status Projects by Type Status and Date Projects with Chronology Actions Projects with Selected Action Type Public Folders SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT > System Reports All User Privi egos Fee Audit History Fee Scheduled Inspection Schedule Type More Info Setup User Name Public Folders > SUPERION Analytics Reports > TRAKiT> TimeTRAK All Fostable Hours by User Name Billable Hours by Record Number Billable Hours by User Name Timesheet Overview by Record Number Timesheet Overview by User Name Page 128 i1 SUPERION 49 Appendix 4 Sample Work Management Project Timeline Superion will prepare a similar timeline for the customer to review expectations throughout the implementation of ONESolution Work Management. This process will be discussed during the Business Process Review (BPR) and must be confirmed to ensure that both parties understand the Project timeline. The actual timeline created for the customer must be signed and returned to Superion before the start of the project. The following color -coded legend is used for delegation purposes within the agency: rit Purple Blue Gray ' SIGN OFF 72. Discovery/BPR ONSITE 73. GIS Review Data conversion deliverables GIS deliverables General configuration related tasns Signifies onsite travel days — Client changes made within fourteen (14) days of project schedule may. incur increased travel expenses Signifies documentation to be sig ied by Client — any late signatures may impact future deliverables 74. SUPERIONOne Review 75. Configuration Workbook Meeting ONSITE 76. Workbook Review 1 77. Workbook Review 2 78. Workbook Review 3 Client Responsibilities iResponsibilities Client attends onsite meeting to Superion compiles BPR discuss current processes and outline document outlining the scope of functional areas that will be using the _ the project. softy are. Client conducts meeting with Superion offers suggestions to Superion to discuss the delivery ensure expected delivery is expe stations for GIS data. achieved. Superion provides a sample 'Map Template' to be used within ONESolution GIS. Client will work with Superion Superion will provide best remotely to determine appropriate practices knowledge to security permissions for their end determine how users and users. groups will need to be configured Client attends onsite meeting to Superion trains the client on discuss the initial configuration of how to populate the ONESolution Work Management. configuration workbook Client completes the assigned Superion reviews workbook and portion of the configuration makes any necessary workbook. configuration recommendations. Client completes the assigned Superion reviews workbook and portion of the configuration makes any necessary workbook. configuration recommendations. Client completes the assigned Superion reviews workbook and portion of the configuration makes any necessary workbook. configuration recommendations. Target Date Page129 SUPER ION ResponsibilitiesClient Superion Responsibilities , 79. Workbook Review 4 Client completes the remainder of Superion reviews workbook and SIGN OFF the configuration workbook and makes any necessary signs off on any final configuration recommendations. recommendations. 80. Configuration Client will be available to answer Superion will complete the any questions that may arise during initial configuration remotely configuration based off of the completed configuration workbooks. 81. Conversion Mapping Client conducts meeting with Superion provides suggestions Superion to discuss the data to ensure expectations are conversion process and a brief reviewed. review of the data structure. Client signs -off on Data Source Document. 82. Super User Application Client attends onsite meeting to learn Superion will train the super Training the processing side of the users on how to use the software ONSITE ONESolution Work Management in a work day setting. application. _ 83. Configuration/Conversion Client will practice entering their Superion will meet remotely Testing 1 daily work into ONESolution and with the client to discuss any determine any areas of concern. changes that need to be made in the configuration/conversion. 84. Configuration/Conversion Client will practice entering their Superion will meet remotely Testing 2 daily work into ONESolution and with the client to discuss any determine any areas of concern. changes that need to be made in the configuration/conversion. 85. Client will practice entering their Superion will meet remotely Configuration/Conversion daily work into ONESolution and with the client to discuss any Testing 3 determine any areas of concern. charges that need to be made in tie configuration/conversion. 86. Configuratio n/Conversio Client will practice entering their Superion will meet remotely n Testing 4 daily work into ONESolution and with the client to discuss any SIGN OFF determine any areas of concern. changes that need to be made Client will give a final sign off on the in the configuration/conversion. configuration/conversion. 87. Super User Configuration Client attends onsite meeting to learn Superion will train the super Training the configuration side of the users on how to update the code - ONSITE ONESolution Work Management configuration of ONESolution application Work Management. i 88. End User Application Client invites end users to attend Superion will train the end users Training onsite meeting to learn the on how to use the software in a ONSITE processing side of the ONESolution work day setting. Work Management application. 89. Go Live Client confirms that software is in Superion will be onsite to assist r ONSITE working order and will begin to use the client in any area necessary the software in day io day operations. during the initial launch of ONESolution Work Management. 90. Follow Up Visit Client presents any issues that have Superion will work with the ,z ONSITE arisen post go live that need to be client to make any necessary addressed. post go -live adjustments to the configuration. Page130 A SUPERION Page 131