HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2014-0650 Temp. Res. No. 12477 May 20, 2014 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO.2014-R & A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE PROJECTS RECOMMENDED FOR INCLUSION IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2014 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR EXPENDITURE OF THE U.S. HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS ESTIMATED TO BE $355,970 FOR THE FIFTEENTH PROGRAM YEAR; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has notified the City of Tamarac of its HUD Fiscal Year 2014 funding allocation in the estimated amount of $355,970 under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for the City's Fifteenth Program Year; and WHEREAS, funding received for the CDBG program must be utilized for eligible CDBG activities; and WHEREAS, all CDBG eligible activities must meet one of three national objectives, as defined by Congress, including benefitting low and moderate income people, helping to eliminate slum and blight, or addressing existing conditions that pose a serious or immediate threat to the health and welfare of the community; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac adopted the City of Tamarac Five Year Consolidated Plan for FY 2010-2015 via Resolution R-2010-102 which established the City's strategic priorities for the CDBG program during this period; and WHEREAS, each year a new Annual Action Plan is required to detail projects, activities, and programs to be funded by that year's funding allocation in compliance with the adopted 5-Year Consolidated Plan; and WHEREAS, the Annual Action Plan requires a public hearing process to solicit input in the development and review of the plan; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Director and the Planning Board Temp. Res. No. 12477 May 20, 2014 Page 2 of 3 recommended the approval of the projects recommended for inclusion in the Fifteenth Program Year Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2014; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac received an additional $7,712 reallocated from the City of Weston for a portion of their FY 2013-2014 allocation which went un-applied for; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to approve the Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Action Plan for expenditure of the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant funds estimated to be $355,970 for the Fifteenth Program Year. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That the foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct, and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2. That the City Commission hereby approves the projects recommended for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Action Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "1 ", for expenditure of the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant funds estimated to be $355,970 for the Fifteenth Program Year. SECTION 3. All resolutions or parts of resolutions. in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4. If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. Temp. Res. No. 12477 May 20, 2014 Page 3 of 3 SECTION 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY C MMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA THIS 2 57 DAY OF , 2014. ATTEST: ... ■ ■ ...i-r.■ •■ . I HEREBY CERTIFY that I Have approved this RESOLUTION as to form CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF ARAC FLORIDA HARF1Y DR SSLER, MAYOR H. DRESSLER M. GOMEZ P. BUSHNELL D. GLASSER D. PLACKO No Text Exhibit "1" CITY OF TAMARAC, FL Annual Action Plan Community Development Block Grant (CD G) Program Fiscal Years 2014/2015 Prepared by: City of Tamarac Community Development Department Housing Division Submitted to: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development The Office of Community Planning and Development Miami Field Office 1 No Text TABLE OF CONTENTS Annual Action Plan Executive Summary 91.220(b) 4 Citizen Participation Plan 91.220 (b) 5 Resources 91.220 (c) (1) and (c) (2) 7 Annual Objectives 91.220 (c) (3) 9 Description of Activities 91.220 (d) and (e) 10 Objectives 13 Performance Measurements 14 Geographic Distribution/Allocation Priorities 91.220 (d) and (f) 15 Annual Affordable Housing Goals 91.220 (g) 15 Public Housing 91.220 (h) 16 Homeless and Special Needs 91.220 (i) � � Barriers to Affordable Housing 91.220 (j) 22 Other Actions 91.220 (k) 23 Program Specific Requirements CDBG 91.220 (I) (1) 24 HOME 91.220 (I) (2) 25 HOPWA 91.220 (I) (3) 28 Other Narratives and Attachments 28 Section 3 Initiatives 28 Davis Bacon Initiatives 29 Fair Housing ATTACHMENTS: SF-424 Certifications Citizen Participation Plan CDBG Low -Moderate Area Map Resolution -Submission Approval for Annual Action Plan 2 No Text CITY OF TAMARAC FY 2014/2015 Annual Action Plan DUNS #077270940 City of Tamarac Mayor Harry Dressler Vice -Mayor Michelle Gomez Commissioner Pamela Bushnell Commission Diane Glasser Commissioner Debra Placko City Manager Michael C. Cernech Our Vision The City of Tamarac, Our Community of Choice -Leading the nation in quality of life through safe neighborhoods, a vibrant community, exceptional customer service and recognized excellence. Our Mission We "Committed to Excellence ... Always" It is our job to foster and create an environment that: Responds to the Customer Creates and Innovates Works as a Team Achieves Results Makes a Difference Our Values As stewards of the public trust, we value: Vision Integrity Efficiency Quality Service C 2014-2015 AnnualAction Plan QPP.�1,NE N To oQ 9egN OEVSV- The CPMP Annual Action Plan includes the SF 424 and Narrative Responses to Action Plan questions that CDBG, HOME, HOPYYA, and ESG grantees must respond to each year in order to be compliant with the Consolidated Planning Regulations. NAME OF JURISDICTION: Annual Action Plan: Consolidated Plan Time Period: ACTION PLAN CITY OF TAMARAC, FL FY 201412015 FY 2010/2011 — FY 201412015 Annual Action Plan includes the SF 424 and is due every year no less than 45 days prior to the start of the grantee's program year start date. HUD does not accept plans between August IS and November 15. Executive Summary 91.220(b) 1. The Executive Summary is required. Include the objectives and outcomes identified in the plan and an evaluation of past performance. The City of Tamarac participated in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) entitlement allocation formula as a recipient of federal funds for the first time in Fiscal Year 2000. The City is recently embarked on its second five- year cycle to receive HUD Federal grant allocations providing funds to promote affordable housing initiatives and socio-economic programs to address identified community development needs. In Fiscal Year 2014-2015, it is estimated that the City of Tamarac will receive a total of $355,970.00 consisting of a direct allocation in the amount of $348,258.00 and unclaimed reallocation funds from the City of Weston in the amount of $7,712,00 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, to address identified community development needs. Entitlement allocations from other HUD funds may become available in future years. To receive CDBG funding, the City must assess local housing and community development needs and resources, and socioeconomic impediments toward building viable neighborhoods. The statutes for the HUD CDBG grant programs are closely related to the major commitments and of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). set forth three basic goals which priorities of the U.S. Department 1 No Text Each of these goals must primarily benefit very low, low and moderate income persons within the context described below: 1. To provide suitable living environment 2. To provide decent housing 3. To expand economic opportunities This annual action plan incorporates priorities and programs addressing these goals. EXISTING PROGRAM The City of Tamarac receives federal funding under both the CDBG and HOME program. Additional funds are received from the State's, State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program. To date activities approved using these funding sources focus on housing assistance (home rehabilitation), public service, and public facilities improvements. These activities benefit residents by direct assistance or indirectly through area -wide or limited clientele activities based on low -moderate income determinations. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Over the last year, U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds (CDBG &HOME) have assisted with the following: ❖ Provided home rehabilitation for owner -occupied homes. •'• Installed and repaired sidewalks and accessibility pads. •'• Provided a full-time temporary information and referral specialist that assisted residents in obtaining referrals, counseling and other social service needs. Citizen Participation 9I.220(b) 2. Provide a summary of the citizen participation and consultation process (including efforts to broaden public participation in the development of the plan. Citizen Participation and Consultation The Citizen Participation Plan in accordance with the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended and 24 CFR Part 91, Subpart B: Citizen Participation and Consultation sets forth the citizen participation plan requirements. This section of the Act provides for and encourages citizen participation with particular emphasis on persons of low and moderate income, in addition to slum and blighted areas. Consistent with the Act, the City of Tamarac provides citizens reasonable and timely access to local meetings, information and records. In addition, technical assistance is made available to low and moderate income representative groups. The Citizen Participation Plan details the process to develop needs, review proposed activities and program performance as well as the manner in which hearings are advertised and conducted. (Citizen Participation Plan - attached hereto) 5 The City published a public notice on May 24, 2014 for the 30-day public review period which began May 25, 2014 and ended June 25, 2014. A public hearing was held during the City Commission meeting on June 25, 2014 which by resolution adopted the Annual Action Plan and authorized its submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development prior to the July 15, 2014 deadline. The citizen participation process provides ample time for written complaints and grievances. Through the on -going efforts of our Neighborhood Partnership Program, the City stimulates and enhances neighborhood vitality and customer satisfaction by addressing the concerns and special needs of neighborhoods through progressive and collaborative planning. In the spirit of collaboration the City staff serves as consultants and facilitators. Throughout all stages of the program, the City of Tamarac Community Development Department staff is responsible for the effective development and inclusion of citizen comments in all phases of the CDBG Program. All projects must be proven feasible prior to receiving HUD funds, as many require documentation indicating financial feasibility and conformance with applicable regulations and constraints (i.e. zoning, land use, flood plan, etc.). Projects will not be funded if the proposed project duplicates an existing program which the public sector administers. Community Development/Housing to solicit project recommendations from Department heads Advertisement for 30-day review period and Public Hearing on proposed FY 13/14 Annual Action Plan Beginning of 30-day review period Planning Board approval of recommended activities End of 30-day review period Commission approval and review/public hearing of recommended activities for final approval Send HUD RROF Form 7015.15 Wait for HUD Clearance to commit funds Funding Agreement from HUD issued 3. Provide a summary ofcitizen comments or views on the plan. No comments were received on the Annual Action Plan. April 9, 2014 May 24, 2014 May 25.2014 June 4, 2014 June 25, 2014 June 25, 2014 Sept. 30, 2014 October 1, 2014 4. Provide a written explanation of comments not accepted and the reasons why these comments were not accepted. Had any comments been received, the City would have responded and considered accordingly. No comments were received. Z Resources 91.220(c)(1)) and (c)(2) S. Identify the federal, state, and local resources (including program income) the jurisdiction expects to receive to address the needs identified in the plan. Federal resources should include Section 8 funds made available to the jurisdiction, Low -Income Housing Tax Credits, and competitive McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act funds expected to be available to address priority needs and specific objectives identified in the strategic plan. As an entitlement recipient of CDBG, HOME and SHIP funds, the City intendeds to allocate according to priority need. For the next year, the City expects the housing market to continue its slow recovery from the drastic slump it has been in since 2005. The appropriate federal and state resources described below will be utilized and applications will be submitted and or supported in achieving the City's listed projects and actions outlined in this section. FEDERAL RESOURCES Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) was first authorized by the U.S. Congress in 1974, by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (HCDA), with subsequent amendments. The primary purpose of the HCDA is the development of viable urban communities, by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. At least 70% of all CDBG funds must be spent on activities which benefit low or moderate income persons. Funds are used for housing to benefit low and moderate income persons, public facilities and improvements, expanded public services that include employment training, child care, fair housing counseling or recreational needs; rehabilitation of private or publicly owned buildings; economic development activities that create or retain jobs for low and moderate income persons. Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) In FY 2002, the City of Tamarac became a member of the Broward County HOME Consortium along with the Entitlement Cities of Tamarac, Margate, Deerfield Beach, Sunrise, Lauderhill, Plantation, Davie, Pembroke Pines, Miramar, and Coconut Creek was recently added. The United States Congress passed the National Affordable Housing Act In 1990. This Act created a variety of affordable housing programs, including the Home Investment Partnerships Act (HOME). The City of Tamarac receives an allocation of these funds as a member of the Consortium. The purpose of the HOME program is to provide funds to local jurisdictions to strengthen public -private partnerships to provide more affordable housing through acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction of housing, and tenant based rental assistance. In addition, HUD rules require that at least 15% of HOME funds be set aside for community housing development organizations to develop affordable housing. HOME funds may be used to provide: affordable 7 renter/owner occupied units; tenant based rental assistance; administrative and p . tanning costs; and payment of operating expenses of community housing p development organizations. Housing development costs include acquisition, new construction, re -construction, pre -development and financing costs. STATE RESOURCES State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program The City of Tamarac typically receives an annual allocation under this program. Florida Housing administers the State Housing Initiatives Partnership program (SHIP), which provides funds to local governments as an incentive to create partnerships that produce and preserve affordable homeownership and multifamily housing. The program was designed to serve very low, low and moderate income families. When the is funded, SHIP funds are distributed on an entitlement basis to program all 67 counties and 53 Community Development Block Grant entitlement cities in Florida. In order to participate, local governments must establish a local housing assistance by ordinance; develop a local housing assistance plan and program housin incentive strategy; amend land development regulations or establish local g g policies to implement the incentive strategies; form partnerships and combine resources in order to reduce housing costs; and ensure that rent or mortgage payments targeted ments within the tar eted areas do not exceed 30 percent of the area median income limits, unless authorized by the mortgage lender. SHIP dollars may be used to fund emergency repairs, new construction, rehabilitation, down payment and closing cost assistance, impact fees, construction and a financing, mortgage buy -downs, acquisition of property for affordable gap housing, matching dollars for federal housing grants and programs, and homeownershipcounseling. SHIP funds may be used to assist units that meet the standards of chapter 553; SHIP funds may also be used to assist manufactured housing constructed after June 1994 in accordance with the installation standards defined in the rules of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. A minimum of 65 percent of the funds must be spent on eligible homeownership activities; a minimum of 75 percent of funds must be spent on eligible construction activities; at least 30 percent of the funds must be reserved for very -low income households (up to 50 percent of the area median income or AMI); an additional 30 percent may be reserved for low income households (up to 80 percent of AMI); and p Y the remaining funds may be reserved for moderate -income households (up to 120 percent of AMI.). It is important to note that no more than 5 percent of SHIP funds may be used for administrative expenses. However, if a local government makes a finding Y of need b resolution, a local government may use up to 10 percent for administrative expenses. Funding for this program was established by the passage p of the 1992 William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act. Funds are allocated to local governments each month on a population -based formula. These funds are �� derived from the collection of documentary stamp tax revenues, which are deposited into the Local Government Housing Trust Fund. Total actual disbursements are dependent upon these documentary stamp collections. The allocation of SHIP funds for fiscal year 2014/2015 has not yet been released. 6. Explain how federal funds will leverage resources from private and non-federal public sources. To the event of the activities described in this Annual Action Plan, private leveraging is not likely. Most of the leveraging comes from sources under the State SHIP Program or Down Payment Assistance Programs from lending institutions in the form of the first mortgage subsidies for first time homebuyers. In FY 2008 and 2010, the City Stabilization Program (Round homeownership opportunities leveraged with CDBG funds. Annual Objectives 91.220(c)(3) received grant allocations under the Neighborhood 1 and Round 3). These programs also provide utilizing private lending institutions which may be *If not using the CPMP Tool: Complete and submit Table 3A. *If using the CPMP Tool: Complete and submit the Summary of Specific Annual Objectives Worksheets or Summaries.xls Goals and objectives to be carried out during the action plan period are indicated by placing a check in the following boxes. Objective Category Objective Category: Objective Category: Decent Housing Expanded Economic Expanded Economic Opportunities Opportunities Which includes: Which includes: Which includes: F1 assisting homeless ❑ improving the safety ❑ job creation and retention persons obtain and livability of a ordable housing neighborhoods assisting persons at L7 eliminating blighting ❑ establishment, stabilization risk of becoming influences and the and expansion of small homeless deterioration of business (including micro - property and acilities businesses) retaining the affordable increasing the access ❑ the provision of public housing stock to quality public and services concerned with private facilities employment increasing the �I, reducing the isolation ❑ the provision of jobs to low - availability of of income groups income persons laving in affordable permanent within areas through areas affected by those 6 housing in standard spatial programs and activities under condition to low- deconcentration of programs covered by the plan income and moderate- housing opportunities income families, for lower income particularly to persons and the members of revitalization of disadvantaged deteriorating minorities without neighborhoods discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability F-1 increasing the supply of restoring and availability of mortgage supportive housing preserving properties financingfor low income which includes of special historic, persons at reasonable rates structural features and architectural, or using non-discriminatory services to enable aesthetic value lending practices persons with special needs (including persons with HIV/AD IS) to live in dignity and independence ❑ providing affordable `�. conserving energy _ access to capital and credit housing that is resources and use of for development activities that accessible to job renewable energy promote the long-term opportunities sources economic social viability of J_ the community Description of Activities 91.220(d) and (e) *If not using the CPMP Tool: Complete and submit Table 3C *If using the CPMP Tool: Complete and submit the Projects Worksheets and the Summaries Table. 7. Provide a summary of the eligible programs or activities that will take place during the program year to address the priority needs and specific objectives identified in the strategic plan. Public Service (Full -Time Information & Referral Specialist) $ 439165.00 This activity will include funding for a full-time information and referral specialist to provide information and referral services to elderly residents, ongoing case management, implementation of the Senior Program and the Volunteer Program, addressing calls and managing an on -going caseload. Approximately one hundred (100) unduplicated clients will be served by the Information and Referral Specialist 10 No Text this fiscal year. These activities are eligible under 24 CFR section 570.201(e), and will benefit low and moderate income persons as qualified under 570.208(a)(2), limited clientele. Public Service (Counseling) $109220.00 This activity will include funding for individual and group counseling to individuals, families, and single mothers and children.. Approximately 30 individuals will receive counseling services this fiscal year. These activities are eligible under 24 CFR section 570.201(e), and will benefit low and moderate income persons as qualified under 570.208(a)(2), limited clientele. Residential Rehabilitation (Minor Home Repair) $226g628.00 This activity will provide minor home repairs to a minimum of eight (8) low to moderate -income households who are experiencing conditions in and around the home that pose a threat to health, safety, and welfare of the household occupants. This project will be carried out on a citywide basis. This activity is eligible under 24 CFR Section 570.202(a) and will benefit low and moderate -income households on an area -wide basis. Rehabilitation Services $ 409000.00 This program activity includes marketing, application in -take and review and verification for eligibility, communication with general contractors, specification review and on site problem solving inspections and other services related to the completion of residential rehabilitation projects. Auditing Services $ 59000,00 Since the FY 2010 CDBG program is an expenditure driven program that may result in total federal expenditures exceeding $500,000, the City is required under the U.S. Single Audit Act and the OMB Circular A-133 to have an annual compliance audit conducted. These activities are presumed to benefit low and moderate -income persons and are eligible under 24 CFR 570.206(a). Program Administration $ 309957.00 This activity will provide general management, oversight, and coordination of the programs. Also, this activity will provide for an annual grant audit, and provide provision of fair housing services designed to further the fair housing objectives of the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.C.C. 3601-20. These activities are presumed to benefit low and moderate -income persons and are eligible under 24 CFR 570.206(a). 11 No Text FY 201-4/2015 Activity Distribution ■ Public Services (Social Worker and Counseling) ■ Home Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Services Program Adminsitration (Salaries.. Fair Housing, Auditing) HOME FY 2014-2015 PROPOSED PROJECTS DESCRIPTIONS (Broward County Consortium Member) Home Rehabilitation Minimum of 3 households SHIP FY 2014-2015 PROPOSED PROJECTS DESCRIPTIONS Home Rehabilitation Minimum of 8 households NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM (ROUND 3) DESCRIPTIONS Foreclosure/Abandoned Property Acquisition &Rehabilitation for the purpose of re -sale to income eligible homebuyers in areas of greatest need as identified in the City's FY2010/2011 Substantial Action Plan Amendment. 12 No Text Describe the outcome measures for activities in accordance with Federal Register Notice dated March 7, 2006, i.e., general objective category (decent housing, suitable living environment, economic opportunity) and general outcome category (availability/accessibility, affordability, sustainability). The City plans to fund the above activities to produce outcomes that fulfill HUD's objectives as follows: Accessibility, Affordability, and Sustainability for the purpose of creating suitable living environments. Project: Public Service Information & Referral Specialist Counseling Services Accessibility, Affordability, and Sustainability for the purpose providing decent affordable housing. Project: Home Rehabilitation Horne Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Services Home Rehabilitation 13 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS FY 2014-2015 OUTCOME f SPECIFIC SOURCE" AN �PERFQRMCE 'EXPECTED EXPECT_ OBJECTIVE"' ACTIVITY # OBJECTIVE ..FUNDS: ..__ ..i�VDlGATORS _.NUMBER- ** Housing 8 -CDBG PER YEAR 3 — HOME PER YEAR CDBG, Number of homes 8 — SHIP PER 1 Home Rehabilitation HOME, SHIP assisted YEAR DH-3 Application intake, review and Rehabilitation processing for 2 Services CDBG, HOME above homes DH-3 Public Services 100 Full -Time Number of unduplicated Information & unduplicated residents 3 Referral Specialist CDBG & CITY clients/cases PER YEAR SLA 30 Number of unduplicated Counseling unduplicated residents 4 Services CDBG & City clients PER YEAR SLA -AV a1labl"I" ' l Affordsbillty ustainabili -y Outcome/Objective Accessibility Codes Decent Housing DHA DH-2 DH-3 Suitable Living Environment SLA SL-2 SL-3 FEconomic opportunity EO-1 EO-2 EO-3 14 No Text Geographic Distribution/Allocation Priorities 91.220(d) and (t) 8. Describe the geographic areas of the jurisdiction (including areas of low income families and/or racial/minority concentration) in which assistance will be directed during the next year. Where appropriate, the jurisdiction should estimate the percentage of funds the jurisdiction plans to dedicate to target areas. The City utilizes data from the 2000 Census to create a low -moderate income map for the City. All projects proposed take place within those designated areas. The City will update its low -moderate income map upon the release of the 2010 Census data. (Low -Moderate Income Map -attached hereto) 9. Describe the reasons for the allocation priorities, the rationale for allocating investments geographically within the jurisdiction (or within the EMSA for HOPWA) during the next year, and identify any obstacles to addressing underserved needs. The main focus is maintaining affordable housing and public services to all low - moderate income residents of Tamarac, including those with special needs. The major obstacle is funding, or lack thereof. Both federal and state allocations fluctuate and are often decreased from year to year making planning for the future and meeting the needs of the underserved difficult. Another obstacle may be the lack of data to justify allocating funds to what may appear to be an unmet need. The 2000 Census is out dated, certain data sets from the 2010 Census is not available yet, and local resources may be unavailable to confirm an unmet need. Annual Affordable Housing Goals 91.220(g) *If not using the CPMP Tool: Complete and submit Table 3B Annual Housing Completion Goads. *If using the CPMP Tool: Complete and submit the Table 3B Annual Housing Completion Goals. 10. Describe the one year goads for the number of homeless, non -homeless, and special -needs households to be provided affordable housing using funds made available to the jurisdiction and one-year goals for the number of households to be provided affordable housing through activities that provide rental assistance, production of new units, rehabilitation of existing units, or acquisition of existing units using funds made available to the jurisdiction. The term affordable housing shall be defined in 24 CFR 92.252 for rental housing and 24 CFR 92.254 for homeownership. Home Rehabilitation will be the affordable housing activity funded in the FY 2014/2015 Annual Action Plan. It is anticipated that a minimum of eight (8) dwelling units for FY 2014/2015 will receive assistance under this program. 15 The City of Tamarac intends to allocate funds to sustaining the existing housing stock, making funds available for barrier free accessibility, and preserving homes through strengthening and mitigation, and ensuring there is affordability in homeownership. In conjunction with the City's HOME and SHIP program funds, the City will provide funding for Home Rehabilitation, including Disaster Mitigation, Barrier Free Accessibility, Code Correction, and Emergency Repairs, as well as Down Payment Assistance to low -moderate income households. The total rehabilitation cost may be limited to a minimum of five hundred dollars ($500) to a high of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000). The program will target low income households. However, moderate -income households will also be eligible to participate utilizing non-CDBG funds. The housing units that are considered for rehabilitation will be classified in one of three groups. The categories are: (i) Standard Condition (ii) Substandard Condition, or (iii) Dilapidated Condition Typically, most units will be classified as "standard condition" indicating that they do not have major physical damage. Repair work will include fagade treatment, painting, minor exterior wood and/or masonry repairs, and energy efficiency improvements. Units that are classified as "Substandard" will typically require repairs in the frame, foundation, roof or superstructure of the unit. Additionally, improvements may include repair and/or replacement of exterior doors and windows. Lastly, a unit may be determined to be "substandard" if it is missing some or all of the plumbing facilities. As part of the Home Rehabilitation activity, the City will provide inspections, bid write- up, financial counseling for the homeowner and underwriting for each rehab job. All work will be based on a competitive bid process from a pre -approved list of participating contractors. All participating contractors will be State licensed contractors with the necessary bonding (if required) and insurance. The contractors will be paid directly from CDBG funds. The housing rehabilitation will be in the form of a deferred loan grant to eligible low and moderate income homeowners. Public Housing 91.220(h) The service provider for public and rental subsidy housing for the City of Tamarac is the Broward County Housing Authority (BCHA) and other local Housing Authorities within 16 No Text the county. This agency receives referrals via the North County Satellite office of the Broward County Bureau of Family and Children Services. Families renting in Tamarac, and in need of public housing, can receive assistance from the County's North Satellite office. To date, there is no public housing sites located in the city's jurisdiction. However, there is one HUD housing project that was built in 1974 in the adjacent City of Coral Springs; a majority of the units are for the elderly. 11. Describe the manner in which the plan of the jurisdiction will help address the needs of public housing and activities it will undertake during the next year to encourage public housing residents to become more involved in management and participate in homeownership. Residents wishing to participate in homeownership activities are required to attend an 8-hour Housing Counseling course. Additionally, residents seeking guidance which are not yet ready for homeownership are recommended to visit a local housing counseling agency for both group sessions as well as one-on-one sessions to determine their weaknesses and become educated on the ways to best become "buyer ready". 12. If the public housing agency is designated as "troubled" by HUD or otherwise is performing poorly, the jurisdiction shall describe the manner in which it will provide financial or other assistance in improving its operations to remove such designation during the next year. The Broward County Housing Authority (BCHA) nor any of the county's housing authorities are a "troubled" agency. They received grant funds for numerous sources due to their quality programming and staff. As a HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency, they assist residents from all over the South Florida area as well as participate regularly in outreach and educational workshops. Homeless and Special Needs 91.220(i) The City of Tamarac does not currently fund any homeless or homeless prevention strategies. Any homeless identified within the City are assisted through the Homeless Initiative Program (HIP). The City of Tamarac's Social Service Division is also available to assist residents with resources within the County. A Point in Time survey was conducted in January 2014. Although dispersed throughout the entire county, the vast majority of homeless persons were concentrated within the older communities of Pompano Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and Hollywood, where the majority of services to the homeless are provided and shelters are located. As a partner of the Broward Homeless Initiative Partnership (HIP), Tamarac participates in regular meetings and workshops to assist in addressing the needs of the County's homeless population. 17 The Broward County 2014 Point -in -Time Count conducted in a 24-hour time period on January 22, identified that 2,766 individuals were homeless according to the federal definition of homelessness: they were living in places not meant for human habitation, emergency shelters or transitional housing programs. The count is required by U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Florida's Office on Homelessness. The total number of sheltered and unsheltered persons experiencing homelessness in Broward County decreased by 2 percent, from 2,810 to 2,766. The Broward Regional Health Planning Council (BRHPC), Hands on Broward, 2-1-1 Broward and the Homeless Initiative Partnership Advisory (Partnership) Board headed up the 2014 Point -in -Time Count effort in collaboration with volunteers, consisting of County staff, homeless services agencies, law enforcement agencies, individuals, advocates, faith -based, foster care providers, youth and community -based organizations. Trained volunteers fanned out across the County to homeless encampments, labor pools, meal programs and homeless shelters. The results were tabulated by Dr. Patrick Hardigan of Nova Southeastern University. The Partnership Board identified the following as contributing factors for the reduction in this year's count: • successful programmatic efficiencies implemented during the past two years; and • lack of participation by non -continuum affiliated agencies/programs. Broward County HIP provided the following data for the January 2014 Point In Time count for Broward County. m Point -in -Time Summary Homeless Populations Summary for FL-601 - Ft Lauderdale/Broward County CoC Date of PIT Count: 1/22/2014 Population: Sheltered and Unsheltered Count Total Households and Persons Total Number of Households Total Number of Persons Number of Children (under age 18) Number of Persons (18 to 24) Number of Persons (over age 24) Gender Female Male Transgender Ethnicity Non-Hispanic/Non- Latino Hispanic/Latino Race Emergency Transitional Safe Haven 732 638 35 788 2,193 917 935 35 879 21766 185 255 40 480 93 93 0 44 230 639 587 35 795 29056 Emergency 356 558 3 Transitional 361 572 2 Sate Haven 18 17 0 197 679 3 Emergency Transitional Safe Haven 796 881 34 804 121 54 1 75 932 11826 8 2,515 251 19 No Text Point In Tine Summdry for FL-601 • R Lduderddle/Browdrd County CoC Emergency Transitional Safe Haven White 374 345 23 428 11170 Black or African- 503 557 12 397 11469 American Asian 6 1 0 1 8 American Indian or 5 7 0 14 26 Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or 1 9 0 0 10 Other Pacific Islander Multiple Races 28 16 0 39 83 Point -in -Time Subpopulations Summary for FL-601 - Ft Lauderdale/Broward County CoC Date of PIT Count: 1 /22/2014 Population: Sheltered and Unsheltered Count Chronically Homeless Subpopulations Sheltered Unsheltered Emergency Safe Shelters Havens Chronically nicali Homeless individuals 116 35 346 497 Chronically Homeless Families 6 3 9 (Total Number of Families) Chronically Homeless Families 18 10 28 (Total Persons in Household) Other Homeless Subpopulations Sheltered Persons in emergency shelters, transitional housing and safe havens Adults with a Serious Mental Illness 393 175 568 Adults with a Substance Use 642 240 882 Disorder Adults with HIV/AIDS 135 11 146 Victims of Domestic Violence 45 0 45 OR Point -in -Time Summary Veterans for FL-601 - Ft Lauderdale/Broward County CoC Date of PIT Count: 1 /22/2014 Population: Sheltered and Unsheltered Count Total Households and Persons Total Number of Households Total Number of Persons Total Number of Veterans Gender Ethnicity Race Female Male Transgender Non-Hispanic/Non- Latino Hispanic/Latino White Emergency 53 59 53 Emergency 4 49 0 Emergency 50 3 Transitional 87 90 88 Transitional 7 81 0 Transitional 80 8 Safe Haven 2 2 2 Safe Haven 0 2 0 Safe Haven 2 0 Emergency Transitional Safe Haven 27 48 1 4 82 0 79 7 53 228 243 229 15 214 0 211 18 129 21 Black or African- 22 35 1 27 85 American Asian 0 1 0 0 1 American Indian or 3 2 0 3 8 Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or 1 0 0 0 1 Other Pacific Islander Multiple Races 0 2 0 3 5 13. Describe, briefly, the jurisdiction's plan for the and describe the specific planned action steps eliminating chronic homelessness. investment and use of available resources it will take over the next year aimed at As part of the Broward County Homeless Consortium, the City takes part in on -going communication with HIP and local homeless advocates to consider funding options those cities may incorporate into the Annual Action Plans. Additionally, the County has hired a consultant to prepare an updated report on the status of the County's homeless population with action steps to consider. 14. Describe specific action steps to address the needs of persons that are not homeless identified in accordance with 91.21 S(e). 15. Homelessness Prevention —Describe planned action steps over the next year to address the individual and families with children at imminent risk of becoming homeless. Barriers to Affordable Housing 91.2200) 16. Describe the actions that will take place during the next year to remove barriers to affordable housing. The City continues to support affordable housing efforts by focusing on the grants available through the CDBG, SHIP, HOME and NSP programs. By partnering with Broward County Home Consortium and Florida Housing Finance Authority, the City is able to refer residents for home ownership counseling and lender's programs as a way to negate predatory lending. The City also has lender requirements which must be met in order to fund individual requests for assistance to ensure fair housing practices. The City of Tamarac is a participating member of the Community Development Task Force which allows for share commons barriers to affordable housing and overcoming them. The Task Force addresses foreclosure incentives, homebuyer assistance and any other topics community development. Broward Housing and participating agencies to important resources to prevention, fair housing, related to housing and 22 Additionally, the City currently has several incentive strategies for builders and developers working with affordable housing programs that target very low, low and moderate households. Incentive Strategies: • Permits, as defined in s. 163.3164(7) and (8), for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater degree than other projects. • The City expedites the processing of affordable housing permits through a pre -application conference. • Affordable housing projects are identified by sales price consistent with the SHIP program's housing value limits. • The building and Community Development Departments have employees that serve as liaisons with developers of affordable housing to assist in the permit process. • Affordable housing projects are stamped "EXPEDITED." Other Actions 91.220(k) 17. Describe the actions that will take place during the next year to address obstacles to meeting underserved needs, foster and maintain affordable housing, evaluate and reduce the number of housing units containing lead -based paint hazards, reduce the number of poverty -level families develop institutional structure, enhance coordination between public and private agencies (see 91.21 S(a), (b), (1), 6), (k), and 0)). The City has been working with Broward County to create an Affordable Housing Policy. This policy will lay out the City's plans to foster and maintain affordable housing, ensure future housing needs are met and development is in coordination with the City's Comprehensive and Consolidated Plans. In addition to the long-term goals of the policy, the Housing Division will continue to provide lead -based paint assessments and abatement on properties identified and containing hazards. The City participated as a member of an "Affordable Housing Website Users Group" committee initiated by Broward County Housing Finance to create a website incorporating all local, regional, state and federal resources. The website is intended to give residents a starting point to identify resources including but not limited to: grant programs, housing counseling agencies, foreclosure prevention programs, tenant based rental programs and projects, and education and outreach P_vC-nt-q ThP wP_h_gitP_ is a work in nroaress and the Citv intends to continue as a member to offer feedback and ideas to improve the availability of resources to the residents of Tamarac as well as the local community. 23 18. Describe the actions to coordinate its housing strategy with dotal and regional transportation planning strategies to ensure to the extent practicable that residents of affordable housing have access to public transportation. Throughout the year, City staff participate in several community events, outreach efforts, educational workshops, public service announcements, and invitational guest speaking opportunities at various communities, boards, organizations, non -profits, and for -profits to assess the needs of the community and share information with the residents of Tamarac as to the availability of funds Several members of City staff are members boards, committees and sub -committees a reached on issues pertaining to planning, development and neighborhood revitalization. PROGRAM SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CDBG 91.220(l)(1) of general local government planning t which county -wide coordination is transportation, housing, community 1. Identify program income expected to be received during the program year, including: • amount expected to be generated by and deposited to revolving loan funds; • total amount expected to be received from each new float -funded activity included in this plan; and • amount expected to be received during the current program year from a float -funded activity described in a prior statement or plan. Program Income is only generated when a previous recipient of CDBG funds breaks the terms of their deferred loan and repayment is due to the City. The City's Home Rehabilitation activity is the only activity in which funds are issued as a deferred loan. Recapture Terms/Affordability Period for the Housing activities are as such: Deferred loan secured by a lien against the property for a period of ten (10) years with zero (0) percent interest with a principal reduction of twenty (20) percent beginning in year six. At the end of the tenth year, the loan is forgiven. The pro- rated repayment is due upon the sale or transfer of the property or if cash equity is taken out within the ten (10) year loan term. The City's loan documents provide that the obligation for repayment shall continue for the entire recapture terms even in the event of the death of the homeowner. The obligation to repay funds during the recapture period in the event of the sale of the property, or due to failure to comply with the obligations as stated in the loan document shall transfer to any heir or beneficiary of the deceased property owner. W The sale, transfer of ownership of the Property, refinancing of the Property with a cash payment to the Owner -Occupant, or the Owner -Occupant's vacation of the property as a primary residence during the ten (10) year term of the Agreement shall constitute a default. The prorated amount of the principal balance of the Deferred Payment Loan that is remaining to be paid at the time of the default shall be payable, in full, to the City of Tamarac. 2. Program income received in the preceding program year that has not been included in a statement or plan. No CDBG Program Income has been received over the past year. 3. Proceeds from Section 1081oan guarantees that will be used during the year to address the priority needs and specific objectives identified in its strategic plan. 4. Surplus funds from any urban renewal settlement for community development and housing activities. S. Any grant funds returned to the line of credit for which the planned use has not been included in a prior statement or plan. 6. Income ftomfloat-funded activities. 7. Urgent need activities, only if the jurisdiction certifies. 8. Estimated amount of CDBG funds that will be used for activities that benefit persons of low - and moderate income. All CDBG funds will benefit low -moderate income persons, households or areas. It is proposed that $226,628.00 will be allocated moderate income households, and $53,385 will activities for low -moderate income persons. HOME 91.220(l)(2) to Home Rehabilitation for low - be allocated to Public Service In FY 2002, the City of Tamarac became a member of the Broward County HOME Consortium along with the Entitlement Cities of Tamarac, Margate, Deerfield Beach, Sunrise, Lauderhill, Plantation, Davie, Pembroke Pines, Miramar and Coconut Creek which recently joined the Consortium. The United States Congress passed the National Affordable Housing Act In 1990. This Act created a variety of affordable housing programs, including the Home Investment Partnerships Act (HOME). 25 With the additional HOME funds, the City can increase the resources available for home rehabilitation. An additional three to four homeowners can be assisted because of fiscal year 2014/2015 HOME funds. Participation in the Broward County HOME Consortium also provides advantages beyond additional funding. The consortium allows the cities to collaborate on best practices, share knowledge, leverage resources, and exchange technology on the provision of affordable housing. The ultimate and cumulative advantage of participating in the consortium is the enhanced capacity of the consortium members to provide their residents with affordable housing. The added values of quality housing in these cities include the ability to attract new businesses and working families and a reduction in code compliance issues that can translate into reduced crime and vandalism. In May 2009, the City of Tamarac renewed their commitment to the Broward County HOME Consortium by entering into a new three years Interlocal Agreement. City Staff is able to provide the residents with direct access and assistance in the applying for, and processing of HOME funds. 1. Describe other forms of investment. (See Section 92.205) If grantee (PJ) plans to use HOME funds for homebuyers, did they state the guidelines of resale or recapture, as required in 92.254. HOME funds are typically allocated to Home Rehabilitation; however, with the receipt of NSP3 funds, the City may re -allocate a portion of its HOME funds to homebuyers in the form of Down Payment Assistance. Should this occur, the City will incorporate resale or recapture guidelines similar to those outline in the City's Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP). 2. If grantee (PJ) plans to use HOME funds to refinance existing debt secured by multifamily housing that is being rehabilitated with HOME funds, state its refinancing guidelines required under 24 CFR 92.206(b). 3. Resale Provisions -- For homeownership activities, describe its resale or recapture guidelines that ensure the affordability of units acquired with HOME funds? See 24 CFR 92.254(a) (4). Should HOME funds be allocated to homeownership activities, the recapture guidelines will be as follows: Terms of the award; Recapture and Default. Include pay back terms in the event of default (failure to make required payments on a loan secured by a first mortgage which leads to foreclosure and/or loss of property ownership). 26 Deferred loan secured by a lien against the property for a period of ten (10) years with zero (0) percent interest with a principal reduction of twenty (20) percent beginning in year six. At the end of the tenth year, the loan is forgiven. The pro- rated repayment is due upon the sale or transfer of the property or if cash equity is taken out within the ten (10) year loan term The City's loan documents provide that the obligation for repayment shall continue for the entire recapture terms even in the event of the death of the homeowner. The obligation to repay funds during the recapture period in the event of the sale of the property, or due to failure to comply with the obligations as stated in the loan document shall transfer to any heir or beneficiary of the deceased property owner. The sale, transfer of ownership of the Property, refinancing of the Property with a cash payment to the Owner -Occupant, or the Owner -Occupant's vacation of the property as a primary residence during the ten (10) year term of the Agreement shall constitute a default. The prorated amount of the principal balance of the Deferred Payment Loan that is remaining to be paid at the time of the default shall be payable, in full, to the City of Tamarac HOME program. 4. HOME Tenant -Based Rental Assistance -- Describe the local market conditions that led to the use of HOME funds for tenant based rental assistance program. If the tenant based rental assistance program is targeted to or provides a preference for a special needs group, that group must be identified in the Consolidated Plan as having an unmet need and show the preference is needed to narrow the gap in benefits and services received by this population. s. If a participating jurisdiction intends to use forms of investment other than those described in 24 CFR 92.205(b), describe these forms of investment. 6. Describe the policy and procedures it will follow to affirmatively market housing containing five or more HOME -assisted units. 7. Describe actions taken to establish and oversee a minority outreach program within its jurisdiction to ensure inclusion, to the maximum extent possible, of minority and women, and entities owned by minorities and women, including without limitation, real estate firms, construction firms, appraisal firms, management firms, financial institutions, investment banking firms, underwriters, accountants, and providers of legal services, in all contracts, entered into by the participating jurisdiction with such persons or entities, public and private, in order to facilitate the activities of the participating jurisdiction to provide affordable housing under the HOME program or any other Federal housing law applicable to such jurisdiction. 8. If a jurisdiction intends to use HOME funds to refinance existing debt secured by multifamily housing that is rehabilitated with HOME funds, state its financing guidelines required under 24 CFR 92.206(b). 27 HOPWA 91,220(l)(3) The City of Tamarac is not a recipient of HOPWA funds. I. One year goals for the number of households to be provided housing through the use of HOPWA activities for: short-term rent, mortgage, and utility assistance to prevent homelessness of the individual or family, tenant -based rental assistance, units provided in housing facilities that are being developed, leased, or operated. OTHER NARRATIVES AND ATTACHMENTS Include any action plan information that was not covered by a narrative in any other section. If optional tables are not used, provide comparable information that is required by consolidated plan regulations. Section 3 The City has a Section 3 Plan which is included in all solicitations utilizing federal funds incorporated Section 3 language. Under the Home Rehabilitation Program in 2014, with the next General Contractors solicitation, Section 3 determination will be made a part of the award process. General Contractors will be asked to complete the Section 3 Business and/or Resident certifications. Additionally, the City has consultants under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program — Round 3 within the "vicinity hiring" guidelines. A realtor located in the City of Tamarac was selected to assist with acquisition, property management and disposition of NSP3 properties. A local lawn maintenance company was also selected to maintain the lawns at NSP3 properties while owned by the City. City staff will continue to attend local Section 3 training improving the incorporation of Section 3 into grant funded projects. Davis Bacon In addition to creating the above Section 3 Plan, the City recently completed its Davis Bacon Plan. All solicitations incorporate Davis Bacon requirements when federally funded. CDBG funds have been allocated to the installation of sidewalks over the past 3-5 years. Davis Bacon activities took place ensuring compliance on these jobs. Staff attends the award conference notifying the contractor of its Davis Bacon obligations and conducts on -site interviews with labor personnel confirming labor standards are being met. W No Text Fair Housing Fair Housing in the City of Tamarac is promoted during community events, workshops, and as part of the one-on-one housing counseling at the staff level through Broward County Housing Authority and other local counseling agencies. The Fair Housing Plan consists of updating the City's Analysis of Impediments, conducting Fair Housing educational outreach sessions, distributing Fair Housing and Predatory Lending educational materials, and publishes several Public Service Announcements. The City continues to be an annual sponsor of the local Fair Housing event sponsored by H.O.P.E. Inc. Additionally, the H.O.P.E. Inc. Discrimination Hotline phone number has been added the City's website and it published in the City's Tam -A -Gram newsletter once per year. The City maintains an annual Scope of Work Agreement with H.O.P.E. Inc. for all its Fair Housing initiatives and needs. Tamarac has an updated Analysis of Impediments on record which was reviewed and approved by HUD's Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity office. During FY 14/15 the City will contract with H.O.P.E. Inc to prepare a new Analysis of Impediments. This Analysis will be completed prior to the submission of the City's next Five -Year Consolidated Plan. 29 APPLICATION FOR OM.Approved No. 3 0 7 6 -- 0 0 06 Version 7/03 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2. DATE SUBMITTED Applicant Identifier 1. TYPE OF SUBMISSION: 3. DATE RECEIVED BY STATE State Application Identifier Application Pre -application , construction -0 Construction 4. DATE RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENCY Federal Identifier - o Ma 10--ftn_&*nstruAon 5. APPLICANT INFORMATION Legal Name: O anizational Unit: Department: ..ty Manager's ORice City of Tamarac, FL Organizational DUNS: Division: 077270940 Community Development / Housing Address:. Name and telephone number of person to be contacted on matters Inidivin't this a pilcatIon (give area code) Street: 7525 NW 88 AVENUE Prefix: First Name: Mr. Michael City: Middle Name Tamarac Bounty: I�asnName coward ch Sate: z333 Suffix: ode Country: Email: michael.cernech@tamarac.o rg 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN): Phone Number (give area code) Fax Number (give area code) EIE—fflE519EERI 954-597-351.0 954-597-3620 S. TYPE OF APPLICATION: 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT: (See back of form for Application Types) V New n Continuation % Revision C- Municipal f Revision, enter appropriate letter(s) In box(es) (See back of form for description of letters.) n ❑ Other (specify) Other (specify) 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY: US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER: 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT: jn4 EME Public Services TITLE (Name of Program): Community Home Rehabilitation Program Administration Development Block Grant (CDBG) 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT (Cities, Counties, States, etc.): City of Tamarac, FL 13. PROPOSED PROJECT 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: Start Date: Ending Date: a. Applicant b. Project 10/01 /2014 09/30/2015 19, 20, 23 19920,23 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING: 16. IS -APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE RDER 12 7 P t10E S? a. Federal UU THIS PREAPPLICATION/APPLICATION WAS MADE 355 970 a. Yes. j AVAILABLE TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON DATE: b. No. PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E. O. 12372 OR PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED BY STATE FOR REVIEW b. Applicant c. State d. Local e. Other f. Program Income 17. IS THE APPLICANT DELINQUENT ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? 13'Yes" g. TOTAL UU �. 355,970 Yes If attach an explanation. No 18. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, ALL DATA IN THIS APPLICATIONIPREAPPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE APPLICANT AND THE APPLICANT WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE 1S AWARDED. a. Authorized R11gresenWive plefix M� st Ncime Middle Name Last Name uffix Cernech . Title eleph one Number (give area code) City Manager 954-597-3610 . Signature of Authorize e e . Date S"e.-V"w e_� 4g;ooe pot grx Previous Edition Usable Authorized for Local Reoroduction I CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications Many elements of this document may be completed electronically, however a signature must be manually applied and the document must be submitted in paper form to the Field Office. NON -STATE GOVERNMENT CERTIFICATIONS In accordance with the applicable statutes and the regulations governing the consolidated plan regulations, the jurisdiction certifies that: Affirmatively Further Fair Housing -- The jurisdiction will affirmatively further fair housing, which means it will conduct an analysis of impediments to fair housing choice within the jurisdiction, take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of any impediments identified through that analysis, and maintain records reflecting that analysis and actions in this regard. Anti -displacement and Relocation Plan -- It will comply with the acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, and implementing regulations at 49 CFR 24; and it has In effect and is following a residential antidispiacement and relocation assistance plan required under section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, in connection with any activity assisted with funding under the CDBG or HOME programs. Drug Free Workplace -- It will or will continue to provide a drug -free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition, 2. Establishing an ongoing drug -free awareness program to inform employees about - a. The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; b. The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace; c. Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and d. The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph 1; 4. Notifying the employee In the statement required by paragraph 1 that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will - a. Abide by the terms of the statement; and b. Notify the employer In writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction, h 5. Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph g p 4(b) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to every grant officer or other designee on whose grant activity the convicted employee was working, unless the Federal agency has designated a central point for the receipt of such notices. Notice shall Include the identification number(s) of each affected grant; 6. Taking one of the following actions, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b), with respect to any employee who is so convicted - and including termination, a. Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to 9 consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or rehabilitation b. Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehab program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency 7. Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of paragraphs 1, 2, 31 41 5 and 6. CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications 1 Error! Not a valid link. Error! Not a valid link. Anti -Lobbying -- To the best of the jurisdiction's knowledge and belief: 8. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of it, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a. Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal, contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement; 9. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for Influencing or attempting to Influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, it will complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," In accordance with Its instructions; and 10. It will require that the language of paragraph 1 and 2 of this anti -lobbying certification be Included In the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (Including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. Authority of 3urisdiction -- The consolidated plan is authorized under State and local law (as applicable) and the jurisdiction possesses the legal authority to carry out the programs for which it is seeking funding, in accordance with applicable HUD regulations. Consistency with plan -- The housing activities to be undertaken with CbBG, HOME, ESG, and HOPWA funds are consistent with the strategic plan. Section 3 -- It will comply with section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, and implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 135. Signature/Authorized Official Harry Dressler Name Mayor Title 7525 NW 88 Avenue Address Tamarac., FL 33321 City/State/Zip 954-597-3460 Telephone Number Date CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications 2 Error! Not a valid link. No Text Error! Not a valid link. .•t...�. ..h.^... .. ':••C',"nw.s...s": 1 •)•S ..{.. ,« r:�>Y.. .. y.. >., .c.t ,.:'5.: :: '. �' -:C`. :,� 'ter 1 �.� .♦ .tv i? � ..y;•v. :•r'^, ,l: '.ice : •'hT': ti]� �. �... .T!;'1q • a :\ � s .y • �, J:• :�-'. t: is �. fir: ..`'� ,.1:�.Y' :::'s •T; c•2: •��`�L'f �, .a . . a: , t - �• .ke.., +ri..>..ti•'L.`-�it.�^ ��....,T,.r�.,:5;ttrr•.I�?:-t,%::^-J i.. ,k1 - sC`' . tc'. :4 .?t •'�, 4: t' %■:�_-^a��•o t .� .�i ,{.ai' ...• . . • , t ..A? .f.; \. �R .Ls:` •Z �. \.•t-. .i.,.. \ . ., tr .. s..; a� . .ci i . t �. _v .v... T-'. . f• a: 1A hy- _ t..; .. v.. t,.:..; t .t• n;t'•-�: •'n..s.� .; i'� : .•w \ :it-' :a_'J rs d �. •. .F.<ti ...wr • 7i. "t.. 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Y � - ;'r1... . .., •'i tt't1:� -.1t� h.� s.' t•: 'Yvr•'} �; r 't R• 't!' +v�. kx•., st ..^. �1-. 4 T.ad.,.�t.... •,,....,r�a;:.�;. •.�Yi 1�Y.:wt1,,a • ?' :.1.,. r,a, �z`P. ,, `- : Specific CDBG Certifications The Entitlement Community certifies that: Citizen Participation — It is in full compliance and following a detailed citizen participation plan that satisfies the requirements of 24 CFR 91.105. Community Development Plan -- Its consolidated housing and community development plan identifies community development and housing needs and specifies both short-term and long-term community development objectives that provide decent housing, expand economic opportunities primarily for persons of low and moderate income. (See CFR 24 570.2 and CFR 24 part 570) Following a Plan -- It is following a current consolidated plan (or Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy) that has been approved by HUD. Use of Funds -- It has complied with the following criteria: 11. Maximum Feasible Priority - with respect to activities expected to be assisted with CDBG funds, It certifies that it has developed its Action Plan so as to give maximum feasible priority to activities which benefit tow and moderate income families or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. The Action Plan may also include activities which the grantee certifies are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and Immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and other financial resources are not available); 12. overall Benefit - The aggregate use of CDBG funds Including section 108 guaranteed loans during program year(s) 2914, 201 2 , (a period specified by the grantee consisting of one, two, or three specific consecutive program years), shall principally benefit persons of low and moderate income in a manner that ensures that at least 70 percent of the amount is expended for activities that benefit such persons during the designated period; 13. Special Assessments - It will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted with CDBG funds including Section 108 loan guaranteed funds by assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low and moderate income, including any fee charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public Improvements. However, if CDBG funds are used to pay the proportion of a fee or assessment that relates -to the capital costs of public improvements (assisted in part with CDBG funds) financed from other revenue sources, an assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to the public Improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds. The jurisdiction will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted with CDBG funds, including Section 108, unless CDBG funds are used to pay the proportion of fee or assessment attributable to the capital costs of public improvements financed from other revenue sources. In this case, an assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to the public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG Funds. Also, in the case of properties owned and occupied by moderate -income (not low-income) families, an assessment or charge may be made against the property for public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds if the jurisdiction certifies that it lacks CDBG funds to cover the assessment. Excessive Force -- It has adopted and is enforcing: 14. A policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations; and CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications 3 Errorl Not a valid link. Error! Not a valid link, 15. A policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such non-violent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction; Compliance With Anti -discrimination laws -- The grant will be conducted and administered in conformity with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d), the Fair Housing Act (42 USC 3601-3619), and implementing regulations. Lead -Based Paint -- Its activities concerning lead -based paint will comply with the requirements of part 35, subparts A, B, I, K and R, of title 24; Compliance with Laws -- It will comply with applicable laws. Sig natLYre/Authori zed Official Harry Dressier Name Mayor Title 7525 NW 88 Avenue Address Tamarac, -FL 33321 City/State/Zip 954-597-3460 Telephone Number Vale CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications 4 Error! Not a valid link. No Text Error! Not a valid link. OPTIONAL CERTIFICATION CDBG Submit the following certification only when one or more of the activities in the action plan are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency as specified in 24 CFR 570.208(c): The grantee hereby certifies that the Annual Plan includes one or more specifically identified CDBG-assisted activities, which are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community and other financial resources are not available to meet such needs. Signature/Authorized Official NSA Name Title Address City/State/Zip Telephone Number Date CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications 5 Error! Not a valid link. Errorl Not a valid link. Specific HOME Certifications The HOME participating jurisdiction certifies that: Tenant Based Rental Assistance -- If the participating jurisdiction Intends to provide tenant -based rental assistance: The use of HOME funds for tenant -based rental assistance is an essential element of the participating jurisdiction's consolidated plan for expanding the supply, affordability, and availability of decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing. Eligible Activities and Costs -- it is using and will use HOME funds for eligible activities and costs, as described In 24 CFR § 92.205 through 92.209 and that it Is not using and will not use HOME funds for prohibited activities, as described In § 92.214. Appropriate Financial Assistance -- before committing any funds to a project, it will evaluate the project In accordance with the guidelines that it adopts for this purpose and will not invest any more HOME funds in combination with other Federal assistance than Is necessary to provide affordable housing; Signature/Authorized Official Harry Dressier Name Mayor Title 7525 NW 88 Avenue Address Tamarac, FL 33321 City/State/Zip 954-597-3460 Telephone Number UO LU CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications 6 Error! Not a valid link. No Text Error! Not a valid link. H®PWA Certifications The HOPWA grantee certifies that: Activities -- Activities funded under the program will meet urgent needs that are not being met by available public and private sources. Building -- Any building or structure assisted under that program shall be operated for the purpose specified in the plan: 1. For at least 10 years In the case of assistance involving new construction, substantial rehabilitation, or acquisition of a facility, 2. For at least 3 years in the case of assistance involving non -substantial rehabilitation or repair of a building or structure. Signature/Authorized Official N/A Name Title Address City/State/Zip Telephone Number Date CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications 7 Error! Not a valid link. I Errorl Not a valid link. ..t t�... .. .�: , •':.:. • .y itu. .. � r ...: .t ..�\" .r,....t.: .•'. ..�.:,.� I ::4 - :.�;• _:•�:. •1.� �. :� t'i t'J✓tww. Y :S- A t J• r-•,li :�ti. •. W^ ii'.I. •1:. _ `- .t 'may '.1 .h .f}. tL '• 1 .•y•,r••:.. 3Y■p` J_.L.• .j-i.V.•t-a, .. :. •ri a t.- 1 .•?':a.�;::. �. .trY.1.._ ��5. 9.'*� .a:. F. r,. ''i: .,•a,..�'v. t•.,�' .-_i: t '�'1,. 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I further certify that the local government will comply with: 1. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.53 concerning the continued use of buildings for which Emergency Shelter Grants are used for rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for use as emergency shelters for the homeless; or when funds are used solely for operating costs or essential services. 2. The building standards requirement of 24 CFR 576.55. 3. The req-uirements of 24 CFR 576.56, concerning assurances on services and other assistance to the homeless. 4. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.57, other appropriate provisions of 24 CFR Part 576, and other applicable federal laws concerning nondiscrimination and equal opportunity. 5. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.59(b) concerning the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970. 6. The requirement of 24 CFR 576.59 concerning minimizing the displacement of persons as a result of a project assisted with these funds. 7. The requirements of 24 CFR Part 24 concerning the Drug Free workplace Act of 19882 8. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.56(a) and 576.65(b) that grantees develop and implement procedures to ensure the confidentiality of records pertaining to any Individual provided family violence prevention or treatment services under any project assisted with ESG funds and that the address or location of any family violence shelter project will not be made public, except with written authorization of the person or persons responsible for the operation of such shelter. 9. The requirement that recipients involve themselves, to the maximum extent practicable and where appropriate, homeless individuals and families in policymaking, renovating, maintaining, and operating facilities assisted under the ESG program, and in providing services for occupants of these facilities as provided by 24 CFR 76, 56. 10. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.57(e) dealing with the provisions of, and regulations and procedures applicable with respect to the environmental review CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications valid link. E Error! Not a s Error! Not a valid Link. responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy. Act of 1969 and related authorities as specified in 24 CFR Part 58. 11. The requirements of 24 CFR 576.21(a)(4) providing that the funding of homeless prevention activities for families, that have received eviction notices or notices of termination of utility services will meet the requirements that: (A) the inability of the family to make the required payments must be the result of a sudden reduction in income; (B) the assistance must be necessary to avoid eviction of the family or termination of the services to the family; (C) there must be a reasonable prospect that the family will be able to resume payments within a reasonable period of time; and (D) the assistance must not supplant funding for preexisting homeless prevention activities from any other source. 12. The new requirement of the McKinney-Vento Act (42 USC 11362) to develop and implement, to the maximum extent practicable and where appropriate, policies and protocols for the discharge of persons from publicly funded institutions or systems of care (such as health care facilities, foster care or other youth facilities, or correction programs and institutions) in order to prevent such discharge from immediately resulting in homelessness for such persons. I further understand that state and local governments are primarily responsible for the care of these individuals, and that ESG funds are not to be used to assist such persons in place of state and local resources. 13. HUD's standards for participation in a local Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and the collection and reporting of client -level information. I further certify that the submission of a completed and approved Consolidated Plan with its certifications, which act as the application for an Emergency Shelter Grant, is authorized under state and/or local law, and that the local government possesses legal authority to carry out grant activities in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Signature/Authorized official Date N/A Name Title Address City/State/Zip Telephone Number CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications 9 Error! Not a valid link. Y Error.! Not a valid link, r i .,� .'s •..' wF ,.1,. � ..;.!'••'. •. . c. ., r., ^,;},.. '?ta �,4.i:3•aT' .'�: :sv •; q•?r"a+.: c...;•v.:. s•3'r s.L .> .2s 5. •..r.K.. �•-':4.. ',•s.. `•Ptl�;• �t - :•s "25 ,� _i•. t r.''� .f, sr. f.. . �, .'i- • Q`k'�-+' I �a •`,<• • �. :fb . : l ! 'f. 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Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who falls to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Drug -Free workplace Certification 1. By signing and/or submitting this application or grant agreement, the grantee Is providing the certification. 2. The certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance Is placed when the agency awards the grant. If it is later determined that the grantee knowingly rendered a false certification, or otherwise violates the requirements of the. Drug -Free Workplace Act, HUD, in addition to any other remedies available to the Federal Government, may take action authorized under the Drug -Free Workplace Act. 3. workplaces under grants, for grantees other than Individuals, need not be Identified on the certification. If known, they may be identified In the grant application. If the grantee does not identify the workplaces at the time of application, or upon award, If there Is no application, the grantee must keep the Identity of the workplace(s) on file in its office and make the information available for Federal inspection. Failure to identify all known workplaces constitutes a violation of the grantee's drug -free workplace requirements. 4. Workplace identifications must include the actual address of buildings (or parts of buildings) or other sites where work under the grant takes place. Categorical descriptions may be used (e.g., all vehicles of a mass transit authority or State highway department while in operation, State employees in each local unemployment office, performers in concert halls or radio stations). 5. If the workplace identified to the agency changes during the performance of the grant, the grantee shall inform the agency of the change(s), If it previously identified the workplaces in question (see paragraph three). 6. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific grant: Place of Performance (Street address, city, county, state, zip code) Check if there are workplaces on file that are not identified here. The certification with regard to the drug -free Workplace is required by 24 CFR part 21. Place Name Street 0Y County state Zip Tamarac City Mali 7525 NW 88 AVE Tamarac Broward FL 33321 7. Definitions of terms in the Nonprocurement Suspension and Debarment common rule and Drug -Free Workplace common rule apply to this certification. Grantees' attention is called, in particular, to the following definitions from these rules: "Controlled substance" means a controlled substance in Schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) and as further defined by regulation (21 CFR 1308.11 through 1308.15); "Conviction" means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the Federal. or State criminal drug statutes; "Criminal drug statute" means a Federal or non -Federal criminal statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, use, or possession of any CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications 10 Error! Not a valid link. Error! Not a valid link. controlled substance; "Employee" means the employee of a grantee directly engaged in the performance of work under a grant, including: a. All "direct charge" employees; b. all "indirect charge" employees unless their impact or Involvement is insignificant to the performance of the grant; and c. temporary personnel and consultants who are directly engaged in the performance of work under the grant and who are on the grantee's payroll. This definition does not include workers not on the payroll of the grantee (e.g., volunteers, even if used to meet a matching requirement; consultants or independent contractors not on the grantees payroll; or employees of subrecipients or subcontractors in covered workplaces). Note that by signing these certifications, certain documents must completed, in use, and on file for verification. These documents include: 1. Analysis of impediments to Fair Housing 2. Citizen Participation Plan 3. Anti -displacement and Relocation Plan Signature/Authorized official Harry Dressler Name Mayor Title 7525 Nw 88 Avenue Address Tamarac, FL 33321 City/State/Zip 954-597-346o Telephone Number CPMP Non -State Grantee Certifications valid link. 11 Error! Not a