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City of Tamarac Resolution R-2006-001
Temp. Reso. #10868 12/8/05 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2006- 0 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF FITNESS EQUIPMENT FOR THE FITNESS ROOM AT THE CAPORELLA AQUATIC CENTER AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $74,259.81, UTILIZING THE SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD COUNTY BID #25-088H; APPROVING FUNDING FROM THE APPROPRIATE PARKS AND RECREATION ACCOUNT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, City Code Section 6-155 allows the Purchasing Contracts Manager the authority to procure supplies, material and equipment, which are the subject of contracts with the United States Government or with other governmental agencies, without following purchasing procedures, as set forth in Section 6-149; and WHEREAS, the purchase of fitness equipment was budgeted in the appropriate Parks and Recreation account entitled "Machinery & Equipment/Equipment $1,000 or Greater'; and WHEREAS, the Interim Director of Parks and Recreation and Purchasing and Contracts Manager recommend the purchase of fitness equipment for the Fitness Room at the Caporella Aquatic Center from Life Fitness for a price not to exceed $74,259.81, utilizing the School Board of Broward County Bid #25-088H, attached hereto as Exhibit "1 "; and Temp. Reso. #10868 12/8/05 Page 2 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to approve the purchase of fitness equipment for the Fitness Room at the Caporella Aquatic Center for a price not to exceed, $74,259.81, as per the proposal attached here to as Exhibit "2". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: The purchase of fitness equipment for the Fitness Room at the Caporella Aquatic Center, in an amount not to exceed $74,259.81 as authorized under Section 6-155 of the Tamarac City Code from Life Fitness, utilizing the School Board of Broward County Bid #25-088H, is hereby approved. SECTION 3: Funding for this purchase will be from the appropriate Parks and Recreation account entitled "Machinery & Equipment/Equipment $1,000 or Greater". SECTION 4: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Temp. Reso. #10868 12/8/05 Page 3 SECTION 5: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 6: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this I I ATTEST: _ MARION -SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. I ✓ / 12-A6 MUEL . G EN CITY ATTO EY 1 day of Jon u ovy , 2006. JOE SCHREI ER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER Aje DIST 2: V/M TALABISCO VC DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF 2 DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS --- -- --. ,—I— Temp. Reso. #10868 Exhibit 1 P. e Y_ VMr THE SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA 7720 WEST OAKLAND PARK BOULEVARD, SUITE 323 + SUNRISE, FLORIDA 33351-6704 - TEL 754-321•0505 DONNIE CARTER Director gf&pply Afanagernent d. Logistics Life Fitness Attn: Antonio Twymon 5100 N. River Road Schiller Park, IL 60176 Subject: Bid Number. Description: Term Contract: November 9, 2004 SCHOOLBOARD Chain CAROLE L ANDREWS Vice Chain STEPHANIE ARMA KRAFT. ESQ JUDIE S. BUDNICK DARLA L. CARTER BEVERLY A, GALLAGHER DR. ROBERT D. PARKS MARTY RUBINSTEIN Lo15 WEXLER BENJAMIN J. WILLIAMS DR. FRANK TILL Szwriinmdent afSchvala LETTER OF AWARDICERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 25-OSSH Athletic and Physical Education Supplies, Equipment, Uniforms and Shirts (Catalog) January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2006 The School Board of Broward County, Florida has accepted your bid for Item(s): Primary: 85,104, 105, 106, 107; Additional Mfgs: Primary: Life Fitness (Sign. Strength), Life Fitness (Cable Motion), Life Fitness (Flexibility) subject to compliance with subject bid specifications, terms and conditions, all pertinent laws of the State of Florida, and instructions as determined by the Attorney for the School Board. The School Board of Broward County, Florida reserves the right to terminate this contract at any time and for any reason upon giving thirty (30) days prior written notice. The School Board of Broward County, Florida purchase order number and ship -to information shall appear on all shipments, bills of lading, packing lists and invoices. Invoices are to clearly indicate item, item number, list pricing and discount price to the School Board of Broward County, Florida so it can be verified for contract compliance. Your Certificate of Insurance form and Indemnification Clause where applicable must be on file in the office of Risk Management Department within fifteen 15 days of this notification. It is important that you notify your insurance agent for general liability insurance that the insurance requirements attached to the above bid require that The School Board of Broward County, Florida, be included as an additignally ngmed insured under the General Liability Policy. This information must be s „ cifical ystated on the Certificate of Insurance submitted by your insurance agent in order for the Certificate to be acceptable. The above bid -number must appear Qn the certificate submitted. No work can continence on the item(s) accepted on this bid until this Certificate of Insurance form is received and approved, and a written purchase order is released_ The completed Certificate of Insurance must be mailed to: PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, The School Board of Broward County, Florida, 7720 West Oakland Park Boulevard, Suite 323, Sunrise, Florida 33351-6704. Attached to this letter of agreement is the request for SBBC Photo Identification Badge(s) for your representative(s). Please refer to the subject bid, the attached information and application form. Veronica K. Evans Buyer, Purchasing Department cc: Aston A. Henry, Jr., Risk Management Department Bid File Enclosures Transforming Educariorr; One Student of A Time Broward County Public Schools Is An Equal Opportutrity/Equal Access Employer The Schaal Board of Broward County, Florida Sun,01 Management atad Logistics Department NGri _K BE 9 2004 pcTiption: ATHLETIC AND PHYS[CAL EDUCATION SUPP lES E UI NT I J►dIFORMS & SHIK.T -' EVLM CONTEA CT For. VARIA js LOCA71ONS 5choollDepartnenti) Pund° YARIOLiS F1iNDS Board Meeting: Notified: 335Downloaded: -- Bids Rve'd: 32�,,,_ No Rids; 5 Bits Opening: SEP1`EM £R 14 2004 Advertised Dana: $EPTEMBE 7 2004 Award Amount: $5 500 000 PER CONTRACT• PBRIOD D O - Bid Recommendations and I"alxtlatid wire be posted inn the for 72 houty Man"Onlent q. Any person IN i O 8 ,and will remain Po and I oSlstt�e `t on O ©S R 5 2004 •00 P.M. Sundays, legal holidrt,ys and days during which the desiLog afing pYtroap the Rid i�aeommendatiota�C dray' nikcr tiling the natall IC, intire of protest £5 protest edays,thin 'L2'hnura aRer tlae s nr day d as n erG,n, and shall file a formal written protc3t with Florida. school district administration it closed ehail its excludedWean the C nd utitti oulavardZSu to 3z3, 5un�sa. Ftlonda 3 3511.. at 120.5 3)(>b)the reetar e Sties ertmcnt, 77 rst7rl who faln3 Supply Management and Logi. � oast sha119tatc with pnrticularlty the facts and low upon which the protest is based." Any Pe blc to The Statutes, stAteA that _De formal written pr y the School Boord, Id the tirm of filing the farrtal written prote9f a bond, ptrya an action protesting and lntcndod daclsi" shall Po ual to one nt (1 %) of the Board's estimate of the total volume of t" cotltract. School Board or $Toward County, Florida, in an $mount e9 P REC0MMENDATI0N/TASULA►T10 N ADP�CttA►LTIES, [NC. (AFIUCAN AMBRICAN M/WBE: LAUDERHILL, FL) .�^ AI VMINUM ATHL>rT1C EQULPM£N'T CO. AMMERATHLEVC BIGGXR FASTER STRONGER INC. BILL FRITZ CORPORATION 151t,UWAF0 SPORTS SHOP, INC. CANNON SPORTS CLASS ACT DESIGNS FOR DANCE, INC. DELSPORTS ELEC RO•MECK SCOAEBOARD CO, FERGO SPORTS INC. FLACHOUSS TNC, GOALSETTER SYSTEMS. INC. GOPHER SPORT GYM SOURCE HENRY SCHEIN LIFE FITNESS M•F ATHLfs'1'IC CO., INC, NEFF COMPANY CONTINUER PRIMARY: ITEM � 33, 51,171 IAT ALTEMATE; 11'EM 16, 30, 127 2N4 ALTERNAM ITEM 90 3RV ALTERNATE: ITEM 181 ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS (SEE AT"rACI•ISD) PRIMARY: ITEM 6 PRIMARY: ITEM 8, 31, 111 PRIMARY: ITEM 20 PRIMARY: ITEM 22 PRIMARY: ITISM, 32, 42 Va ALTERNATE ITEM 114 PRMARY', ITEM 36 PRIMARY: ITEM 45 pRIMARX: ITEM 90, 146, 149, 151, 157, 162 11T,kLTERNATE: ITEM 14 2ND ALnRNATE: ITEM I I ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS (SEE ATTACHED) PRIMARY: ITEM 70 PRIMARY! ITEM 72 PRIMARY: ITEM 81 PRIMARY: ITEM 82 pR1MARYs ITEM 91, 158,173 ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS (SEE ATTACHED) PRIMARY: ITEM 114 PRIMARY, ITEM 85,104, 105,106,107 ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS (SEE ATTACHED) PRIMARY: MM 110 PRIMARY. ITEM 124 Date- 9/28/04 By" ------------ ($uy rohl, Big Agent} Q/S/00 Hroward County Public Sch00% is An Equal Opportunity Employer RF,(mM WNDATION/TA13ULATI ON BID 25-058H uI 4T, UNIFORMS & SHIRTS ATHLEnC AND PHYSICAL ED11CAiIC1N 5UPPLlES, � PAGE 2 PROMAXIMA MFQ.,;K- pROFTIS PLUS ENZSRPRISES, INC. (W-MrM FEMALE MMBE: D1:I RAY BEACH, FL) S & S WORLDWIDI!, INC. SCHOOL SPECIALTY SENSATIONAL MARKETING, INC. SPORT SUPPLY GROUP, INC. SPORTIME L.LC WEBSTTR TEAAMW PORTGIJ6!" Z1PF Spolt-rlN(3 GOODS, INC. OPIUM2 AWE 14 1 S, 29, 47. 55, 61, 62, 64, 65, 76, 99, 93, p�'Hf ARY: ITBM 5,10, t 1, , 97, i 1z,114,116,122, 123,126, 134, 140, 150, 153.1$9�, 160, 161, 175, 1 S76, 185, 191, 196 4, 46, 59 90, I d1,141 146 157,171 I A TEitNATE: n7SM 2, Z , 2ND ALTERNAT EZ ITEM 2s, 137, 181 ADDITIONALMANUFAMRERS (SEE ATTACHED) PRIMARY' ITEM 39,144 2?0 ALTERNATE: rmm 5,16 ppiMARYs ITW 152 PRIMARY; ITEM 1$4 ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS (SV ATTACHED) pRIMARY: ITEM 38 e" ALTERNATE: 1'E: ITEM 42 PR1MAKY: ITEM 34,198 PRIMARY: ITEM 165 ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS (SEE ATTACHED) ADDITIONAL MANU ACTUF- RS (SEE ATrACHF-D) PRIMARY: ITEM 3, 1 Z, I6, 17, 24, 28, 30, 41, 43, 46, 50, 56. 57, 59, 66, 11, 75, 78. 86, 91, 92« 98, 99, 102,109, 117, 118, 121, 127, 1 33,134,141, 142, 145.156,163, 164, 174, 179, 187, 190, 197, 198 51 S5, 61. 1$T 'ALTERN ATE: ITEM 5, 10, 11,1 S, 25, 29, 33, "3'4,A2, 47 r , 62, 64, 65, 74, 76, 82,139, 93, 95, 97, 112, 1 14, 116, 122, 123, 124, 128, 137, 140, 149, 150,151,1S3, 160, 161, 162, 179, 18t, 1B5, 196 2'6 ALTBRNATF- ITEM 2, 14, 146, 157, 171 3KO ALTERNATE' ITEM 90 ADDITIONAL MANUPAMJRI3RS (SEE ATTACHED) PFIMARY: ITEM 2, 13, 23, 74. 95, 128, 137, 181 * CERTIFIED M/WEE VENDOR IN O1tPFR TO MEETCOM EN D TO BE AWARDED TOSYSTEM AND THE BIDDERS L ISTEI). THE Low BIDDER WILL SE THE SCHOOL SOAR12'S THE ESST INTFPFST OF ITEMS ARE RECO1v1MENDIE ppJMAItY VENDOR- IP' THE LOW BIiTD'tsR IS UNABLE TO MEET THi~ 81D i1rEQ1JIR>rMEN'15, T141rN THE 74 L71;T BIDD ER 11VIi.L 13 UTILIZED, TIEM(S) 1,4,7,9,15,19,26,27,3$37,40,44,49,49,52,53,54,60.63,67,68,69.73,77,79,80,83,84,88,94,96, 100,1 D1,103.108,113,115,120,1Z5,1Z9,130,131, RECEIVED. 143,147,148,155,166,167,16$,169,170,172,176.177,180,183,184.186,189,192,193,194,195,199: NO ACCEPTABLE LIDS WERE RECEIVED. 1T IS R1rC131yW11T1DED THAT THESIS ITEMS t9E PUR'CNASED ACCORDING TO STANDARD p>JRCHASING POLICIES PROCEDURES. TTEM(5) 21, 58, 132: THESE WE ARE UPUNDER ITEM AND 1"ARE rM 8O1513k BEING AWARDED ER ITEM T BEING XWARDED, ITEM 21 is BEING AWARDED UNDER ITEM 153, Ii'1~M 58 IS BEING HEETS, THE BIDS RECEIVED. 1T IS RECOMMENDED ]ENTIRETY FOR FOR T14EOPARTICULAA.RTED OINTEMS LA.ISTED, BETTACHED BREJEC:TED ORID RWE"ON SNOT COMPLYING W17114 DID EITHER 1N T TOR MUIREMEN7 S, CONTRACT PERIOD: JANUARY 1, 2005 THROUGH I)ECEMBER 31, 2006. 0 P-. VJJ/ IV—) The School Board cf. Broward ►+oft lr10rid8 1NV1�'rQ"C�I�N e1�O ��Q SUPPLY MANAGEMENT' AWD LOGISTICS DEPARTMENT 7720 Went Oakland Penh Boulevard, Suite 323 ��� B� Sullris+t, Florida MI-6704 DUE DATE (Eida due at 2:00 P.M,): September 14, 2004 !aids must be subnftd tO the Supply Management and Lagistics Depelrtrnwt end fiwi,red on or b*m 2:I9p p.ji& an the do dua. aids MW not be wHfbdMM for 60 days after due (Ift. AN AUTNARtZIu ernc�►�r....,,. . Bidder Name:L t �c V'IfN l5S Sc �'i 1 I er Per I war. q54-42.1_ � 007� or 1?a0-i3S-3?G7 �ani a. tvy jderj Tax tdwWoetlon NrnlW- 21-05pa li 0 Np.: RF1EA9!~ nTr �2H88H Augt0et 1004 Rar -Evans 754.321-0511 ern ATNLE 1C AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT, UNIFORMS AND SHIRTS (CATALOG) s6-,ev �os��� SECTION 1, Bidder Acknowledgement 1, THIS SECTION MUST BE Zip Cade: �. ©l -7 G Purchase order Address: if Pumhasa ordin we ttr he maaea to address altwar lhwl as st�lsd all IeR, late stn treiaw. P.a. Address; S r� Sfr�E Slate: �. , zip Cadw K 'l toyAUtLO N 1 fwMaq elephons Ntxrd>a .. _ 4i DQ 7 Toll Froe NumEer. �Q G -� C FG -T Fax Numiwr. Q rr Iz i -- o f I cattily Brat thla bid Al marls wiflaoW prim' urtdercfari tg, vmment or oo►rrroctlen wM any co►p , hrm ar Pawn au6mft a bid for the came malortela, vuppr*, or sWiprned and Is In eg MPM Polir and wil W cdluslan or hood. 1 ae+tly soorprance of this bld's temmrm, candlom'r apeclk6um, nts and eddendarri. 1 certify that I an e0rattled to elptt this bld for the kidder. I agree that M bid osrinnt t* vghdrew❑ wtlhtrt 80 days NM date dUa ;o I Slpmaaue OfA9M6ftW fWPMFW more trewrP-- tit f aAr r e �tnr� r T e2 17 Marne OfAu&atPd X*0800109W f TYW or Wr SA► 1s Tole SECTION 2, Submittal Requirsm9l* a V\ U A REM In order fO at3$ura Mat your bid t0 In oortlpfiarrce with t>Id requirements, pleas® verily that ina Ruornows mal—M U7 tlraffWMhave bean ouWitlad. Li Malerw Safety Oafs Shoats � rid �,¢ ❑ t�scriptive Literature ❑ troenses • Spww corici eut — Spedol Ca'idilian ,. S*al 0ol Man _ 8pedd Cortditial Bidder Clues"-`�"-'"" '�" •*�.. ._�r....... __ ❑ ManufsetmersAuthorizedalt ❑ l�e%rences CIS �Cani Speed CondNGn -_- a^�,1E01�i ilfgil i Antonia L. ?wymon yeur f rm wisirm to not I aS this last peas of �r Fem+ 327M pureed 905" a b1M in fssponss to the Browad County "Ic &hwbs Is An Equal Oppert<mitylli Page 1 100 N. R4 Ruud dp Schiffer Perk IL a017j%USA I Direct: SM.921A0V 4OWNSW000MPAN4 Vnene! IN.126W fex:991.e>, A2111 Celt 114M 12107 emrxnU.twnrwnNlOollmeaeaam d No. 25.OWH _Y Bi page 39 of 83 Pages The School Board of Sroward County, Florida UNIFORMS AND SHIRTS (CATALOG) IARYM ATHLETIC AND PHYSICAL EDUCATIso QN SkJPPLIESSWM HEf~T CAM„ SINGLE f�11 FDPERCENTAGE DIE T(• /MAW P + aFF RE 137M as., Manufacturer: HAMMER STRENOTN no 4- 10 % is printed Price List or catalog available' Price List or Catnlag and Date.- �l Is Noe List available over the Intemet y no If yes, provide intemat web 51t+s address: days ARO for in stock items 0.1"�j Delivery _. _....� Delivery & 0 _._ days ARO for special order items 4 Minimum Order. no Included in i�ente9e...—.— yes DellveryJFreight If "ner explain additional Charge: Additional Discount for Pick -Up: Installment/Assembly Charge: _ ITE_. M W. Manufaatufa rt MARTWILL SPORTS Is Price List or catalog available, yes no _ printed Price Llst or Catalog and Date, no Is Price List available over the intemet: Yes If yes, provide Internet web site address. Delivery days ARO for in stock Items Delivery days ARO for special order items Minimum Order.. no Delivery/Freight Included in perea tage: ,._,_.. Yes If "nor explain additional charge: Additional Discounttbr Pick -Up: � Installment/Assembly Charge: ITEM $7. Manufacturer. HARVELL CLOTHING Is printed Price List or catalog available: yes no _ Price List or Catalog and Dale Is Price List available over the Internet: Yes no If yes, provide intemet web site aridness: -� Delivery days ARO tar in staCk items Delivery days ARC) for spedal order items Minimum Order. $.,.� Delivery/Freight included in percentage: yes . no If °no" explain additional charge. Additional Discount for PM -Up: �a nstallmerit/AssemblY Charge: t.. VENDOR NAME: LI 6' Ffnj ESS REAr V 1 111 W+ j C_9jCA7 iV'.."r"+ r UR%.-F_Ir1J1 IYU r . uZ)i 11u MV M. &W-VWI I Page 45 of 83 Pages The School Hoard of Bmward County, Flofida ATHLETIC AND PHYSICAL EDU+CAWN SuPP 18% EQUIPMENT, UN1FOR S AND SHIRTS (CATALOG) SE ON 3 SINGLE FIXEDrERCENTAGE DISC[]IJ R 1�`uP � oFFEND. ITEM 103. ra�' Rv�+IAA It %NrF Is printed Noe List or Catalog available: Y" no haS Price List or Catalog and Date: L, Is Price List available over the internet: — Yes no if yes, provide internet web Site address: � � d's c If' Delivery days ARO tr in stock items Delivery _,.- days ARO for special order items Minimum Order, $,,. Delivery/Frei ht included in percentage: . yes no It "no- explain additional charge: Additional Discount for Pick -Up:.. Installment/Assembly Charge: ITf ll 1D+�: Manufacturer: LIFE FaNE54wimis Is printed Price List or catalog available: yes ..,.--� no Pike List or Catalog and Date: ch ;,� no Is lfice List available over the Internet: Yes �..... If yes, provide internet web site address: Yl'1 A e, Delivery „ _ __ days ARO fob In shock items L �n� Delivery _ �l � - days ARO for special order items Minimum Order DellverylFreight included in percentage: '� Yes no If "no° explain additional charge: Additional piscaunt for Plck-Up: InstallmentlAsse'mbly Charge: Ij A {4� rTEM 105: Me�ufaaturpr; t.IfE FITNESS CLUB SERIES aJo is printed Price List or Catalog availablB: yes n0 Price List or Catalog and Date: tj no Is price Litt available over the internet Yes if yes, provide intamet web Sid address: r 1 Y r Delivery days ARO tr in stock Items Delivery. dos RO for special order items Minimum Order. $ ti DeliverylFreight included in percentage: yes no if "no" explain additional charge: Additional miscount for Pick -Up: % lnstalimenl)Assembiy Charge, ° �, r VENDOR NAME: �" e �tJ�i S RE& r.004lri DIU IWJ. "-Ww-# Page 46 of 83 Pages The School Board of 6rovrard CQunlyy, Florida ATHLETIC AND pyyslCAL JIDUCATION SUPP LIES, EQUIPMENT,E FORMS RIIIiSS AND Sk#IRTS (CATALOG) SECIn N 5 SINGLE FIXED PERCENTAGE DISCOUNT - ARK -UP * D aM i pS: Manufacturer: LIFE FITNESS CARDIOVASCULAR no Is printed Price list or Catalog available: ?O� ,oyes Prins List or Catalog and DSW r � is price List available aver the intemet yes �--�-- no If yes, provide internet web site address: Delivery days ARO for in stook items Delivery . days ARO for special order ilems Minimum Order $ "'r h .— ✓ DeliverylFreight included in percentage: yes no If "no" explain additional charge: Additional Discount far Fa -up: Instailment/Assembly Charge: T 7: Manufacturer: LIFE FITNESS noEr-c ES 1s Price List or Catalog available: �„ yes _ printed Price List or Catalog and Late; K14rc °" no Is Price List available over the internet yes It yes, provide intemet web site address: items G Dedivery � days ARO for In stock Delivery 4o o days ARO for special order items ,.. Minimum Order. $ !' — Delivery/Frelght included in peroentage: V Yes no If "no" explain additional charge: Additional Discount for Pick -Up: �._� Installment/Assembly Charge: ggIq IDS, Manufacturer: LIGA SOCCER is printed Price List or catalog available: _— yes no Price List or Catat and Date: is Price list available over the Internet: yes no If yes, provide internal web site address: -� Dei1very days ARO for In stack items Delivery �...._. days ARO for special order Items Minimum Order. $. Dellvery/Freight included in percentage: Yes 110 If onto" explain additional charge: Additional Discount for Pick -Up: InstallmendAssembiy Charge; VENDOR NAME: Lr REAr di scrw�n� kllmar� % of, Prim 4L r� JHN-0.3-dd0b 10;5l rUKUHw51Nu r•40'r/iw SW No. 25-01KH Page 78 of 83 PSW r. The SChaol 8vaud of BMWs d County, Rvrlda A*I LETIC AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUPPL1ir3, EQUIPMENT, UNIFORMS AND SHIRTS (CATALOG) NOM THIS SHEET MUST BE SIGNED. FILL IN ALL BLANKS AND RETURN WITH THE BID. (SEE SPECIAL CONDITION 14 Pri ma ri Li f-E rl+N s5 as listed in catalog St r a,4mr- Full Name of ManufacturerlCompanys (do not use initlals) No, and date lM t and price list _ L 6 r C h" 2 � Descr Om of item - No. and date SPOChY qnE a for all items ortained in Manufaicturaes/Cornpanys Catalog listed above. s dlsW41-ii Is printed Price List or catalog available: yes no Price list or Catalog and DaW Is Price list available over the inbernet yes no If yes, provide intemet web site address; Delivery . days ARO for in stock Reins Delivery -.� days ARO for special order items Minimum Order, S 6j (A Delivery/Freight included in pementage: ✓ yes no If `no' explain additional charge: Addltlonal Discount for Pick -Up; % InstaNment/Assembly Charge: %/ r A VENDOR NAME REAr J ni �"`e.,r,� "eur+a � e., • .tee i ui �..i IfIJ 1 1 \u Bid No, 25.OBBH Page 78 of 83 Pages The Sooal Beard of Brverard COO* ROWS ATHLETIC AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT, UNIFORMS AND 914IRTS (CATALOG) ail.. i L 7D� T &gam THIS SHEET MUST BE SIGNED. FILL IN ALL BLANKS AND RETURN WITH THE RID. (SEE SPECIAL CONDMON 17). PriMar� L i -� $ S as listed in catalog wcAw e— ©f o Full Name of ManufactureNCorn!Wft (do not use initials) tt No. and date ( slef" ' and pride list Ar C � O q Dowrodon of item No. and date Specify onp d rtn a=sg tt►_� boards lbr all item$ contained in Manufacwrees//CompanYs Clog listed above, dtsc cunt Is Printed Price List or Catalog available: . yes no "Dra List or Catalog and Cats; t R f. & r 0 � is Price List available over the Internet; yes ono if yes, provide Internat web sine address: Delivery . days ARO for in stock items Delivery to ° days ARO for special order items Minimum Order. $__LIR DeliverylFreight included In percentage: Vo- yes no if anon explain additional cher+gs! Additional Discount for Pick -Up: % Instaliment(Assambiy Charge: IV �A +/ENDOR NAME: rtftJe � RNr Bid No, 25.088H Page 78 of 83 Pages The School Board of Smatd ocm*, Podda ATHLEM AND PHYSICAL. EDUCATION SUPpLIEs, EWFMENT, UNIFORMS AND SHIRTS (CATALOG) ADDITIONAL, MMENOURERSICOM N M THIS sHF.ET MUST BE SIGNED. PILL, IN ALL BLANKS AND RETURN WITH THE OID, (SEE SPECIAL CONDITION 17), as Isthd In catalog l No. and date Full Name of ManuifffacftM/ComLLpanYs (do not use initials) CA o(` and price list RrC� � No, and dare cription of m Na, Spec► Ong rriaWunt (aCrass the bow for all Items contained In Manufamte?rXompanYs CON listed above, d P05 C UuR � Is printed Price List or catalog avallable; yes no ,PdCa List or CaWlog and Date; is Pace List avallabie over the intemeb ,.._ ., yes no If yes. provide Internet web side address; Delivery days ARO for in stock items Deiivery_. days ARO for special order items Minimum Order. $0 DeriveryX-refight inclUded In XMfttW, Z yes no if'ne explain addltlonal charge; Additional D9C Wntfor Pick -Up; . 46 InstallmenUASSembiy Charge: f . ENDOR NAME: l r r � N ASS REAr NO 11U. ew1vW11I 10 The School Board of Bmwerd County, Florida Page 79 of 83 Pages ATHLEnC AND PHYSICAL. EDUCATION SUPPLIESr EQUIPMENT, UNIFORMS AND SHIRTS (CATALOG) SECT19MBIR SUMNEL9BEET trMbogd) AMMQN&INEQNATION (See Special Condition 11) Company Name Company Representative - Street Add" IA (3Ch� Coy, Stale and Zip Phone Number ,)5 ` gat 14 9 Fax Number LocgU7oll-Free Phone Number CoVI e-mall address 2. 1h W BASSEQ-WALQG: if appllcable 1n accordance with Special Condition 18. a. Does your Irm currently hm an Internet based Catalog system accessible to SBBC employees? If YES, please answer questions b through d. If NO, please answer qufttlon d. b. Would your Internet based catalog system be accessible by SBEC employees ordaring in relation to this Bid? C. If awesslbie by SBBC employees, what is the web site address? d. If your firm does not have an internet based catalog, do you plan to have one in the near future? If YES, how soon? Six months or less Six -12 months Greater than 12 months VENDOR NAME: _LiPa-r, nrESS REIIr http://www YES [B* a YES ❑ NO n YES ❑ NO TOTAL P.16 r-.4 f-4 9A �- � IM - � Temp. Reso. #10868 Exhibit 2 5100 N. River Road Schiller Park, IL 60176 PROPOSAL PH:954-921-4007 FX:954-301-0932 # TTI48 Anto n io. Twy mon Lifefi tnpss.com bate: 12-12-05 Bill To: Ship To: City of Tamarac 8601 W. Commercial Blvd Tamarac, FL 33101 PO Number PAYMENT TERMS5 CUSTOMER PHONE RE 'D DATE F.O.B SALES PERSON Net 30 954-718-6660 Ship Point Tony Twynton MODEL QTY DESCRIPTION VIP PRICE EXT PRICE 95Ti 4 LifeFitness Treadmill w/ Heart Rate $ 5,949.15 $ 23,796.60 95Xi 4 LifeFitness Total Body Crosstrainer w/ Heart Rate $ 4,079,15 $ 16,316.60 95Ri 2 LifeFitness Recumbent Lifecycle w/ Heart Rate $ 2,634.15 $ 5,268.30 CSHAA 2 LifeFitness Hip Adduction / Abduction $ 2,339.10 $ 4,678.20 FZAB I LifeFitness Signature Series Abdominal $ 3,229.05 $ 3,229.05 FZGL I LifeFitness Signature Series Glute $ 3,229.05 $ 3,229,05 FZTR I LifeFitness Signature Series Tors Rotation $ 3,419.05 $ 3,419.05 PLSM I Hammer Strength Smith Machine $ 3,078,90 $ 3,078,90 FWMAB 2 Hammer Strength Multi Adjustable Bench $ 878.90 $ 1,757.80 OFB I Hammer Strength Olympic Flat Bench $ 713.90 $ 713.90 OIB I Hammer Strength Olympic Incline Bench $ 823.90 $ 823.90 ODB I Hammer Strength Olympic Decline Bench $ 823.90 $ 82390 OMB 1 Hammer Strength Olympic Military Bench $ 988.90 $ 988.90 OBWS 4 Hammer Strength Olympic Bench Weight Storage $ 27390 $ 1,095.60 t7P-KIT 3 Iron Grip Olympic Plate Kit $ 945.02 $ 2,835,06 OB7 4 Iron Grip 7' Olympic Bar $ 335.00 $ 1,340.00 Notes: Eauinment Total % 73 394 R1 " Delivery: 6 Weeks Cardio, 6.10 Weeks Strength " Treadmill electrial requirements: Dedicated 120 volt - 20 amp dedicated line " Upholstery Color: Frame Color. SIGNATURE DATE Freight/Delivery/Installation $ 865.00 LOCAL TAX Exempt Totall $ 74,259.81 TAX WILL BE APPLIED AT THE TIME OF INVOICING.PRICES ARE GOOD FOR 90 DAYS. ALL INVOICES WILL BE IN U.S. DOLLARS AND WILL REFLECT EXCHANGE RATE AT TIME OF SHIPMENT. PAYMENT TERMS AND CREDIT LINES ARE SUBJECT TO LIFE FITNESS CREDIT APPROVAL, CARDIOVASCULAR COMMERCIAL DIRECT 5100 N. River Road Schiller Park, IL 60176 (800) 735-3867 Fax: (847) 288-3797 BROWARID SCHOOLS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION I MODEL I LIST PRICE LIFECYCLE EXERCISE BIKES 90C U ri ht Exercise Bike 90C $1,999 90R Recumbent Exercise Bike 90R $2,299 93C Upright Exercise Bike 93C $2,599 93R Recumbent Exercise Bike 93R $2,699 95Ci Upright Exercise Bike 950 $2,999 95CXXL Extended Upright Exercise Bike 95CXXL $3,299 95Ri Recumbent Exercise Bike 95Ri $3.099 LIFE FITNESS STAIRCLIMBERS 90S Stairclimber 90S $2,299 93S Stairclimber 93S $2,599 95Si Stairclimber 95Si $2,999 LIFE FITNESS TREADMILLS 90T Treadmill 90T $4,499 91 T Treadmill 91 T $4,999 93T Treadmill 93T $5,999 95Ti Treadmill 95Ti $6,999 97Ti - w/decline Treadmill 97Ti $7.999 LIFE FITNESS CROSS -TRAINERS 90X Cross -Trainer 90X $3,799 91 X Cross -Trainer NEW111 91 X $4 299 93X Cross -Trainer 93X $4,299 95Xi Cross -Trainer 95Xi $4 799 Prices include shipping, inside delivery, installation Prices are good only in the United States and are subject to change without notice. 5100 N River Rd Schiller Park, IL 60176 (847) 288-3300 Fax: (847) 288-3797 HAMMER STRENGTH LIST PRICE Page 2 of 3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Standard Weight LIST NUMBER Horns PRICE LOWER BODY & TORSO H-Squat PLSQUAT 4 $4,399 V-Squat PLVSQ 4 $2,699 Linear Hack PLLHP 2 $2,499 Leg Press PLLP 6 $2,299 Rhino Horn for PLLP XRHINO na $70 Iso-Lateral Leg Press ILLP 4 $2,499 Linear Leg Press PLLL2 4 $2,899 [so -Lateral Leg Extension ILLS 0 $1,699 Iso-Lateral Kneeling Leg Curl ILKLC 4 $1,899 Leg Extension PLLE 4 $1,599 Iso-Lateral Leg Curl ILLC 4 $1,599 Seated Leg Curl PLSLC 4 $1,699 Abductor PLABD 2 $2,199 Adductor PLADD 2 $2,199 Super Horizontal Calf PLSHC 2 $1,599 Seated Calf Raise PLCALF 2 $999 Hip & Back PLHB 0 $1,199 Tibia Dorsi Flexion PLTIB 0 $399 MULTI -USE Smith Machine PLSM 8 $2 799 GROUND BASE Ground Base Jammer GBJ 6 $1,499 Ground Base High Pull GBHP 2 $1,399 Ground Base Zero GBZ 2 $1 399 Ground Base Squat Lunge GBSL 2 $1,099 Ground Base Squat/High Pull GBSHP 2 $1,299 Ground Base Twist -Left GBTL 2 $1,499 Ground Base Twist -Right GBTR 2 $1,499 Ground Base Combo Incline GBCI 0 $1,599 Ground Base Combo Decline GBCD 6 $1,799 Ground Base Combo Twist .. GBCT 2 $1,699 Weight storage horns are no longer an option and are now standard. Prices include standard weight horns and feet Prices do not include shipping, inside delivery, installation, or applicable sales tax. Prices are good only in the United States and are subject to change without notice. HAMMER STRENGTH 5100 N River Rd Schiller Park, IL 60176 (847) 288-3300 Fax: (847) 288-3797 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION MODEL II NUMBER I LIST III= PRICE Barbell Rack Dumbbell Rack -Single Tier Dumbbell Rack -Double Tier Deluxe Weight Tree Multi -Adjustable Bench (pro style) Adjustable Bench Decline Bench Flat Bench Utility Bench -75 Incline Bench - 30 Incline Bench - 55 Arm Curl, Seated Olympic Flat Bench Olympic Incline Bench Olympic Decline Bench Olympic Military Bench Olympic Power Rack (12ea. Standard Wt. Horns) Olympic Squat Rack (12ea. Standard Wt. Horns) Olympic Bench Weight Storage (4ea Wt. Horns) Ab Work Station Ab Board Leg Raise BW Back Extension BW Chin/Dip/Leg Raise BW Chin/Dip HAMMER OLYMPIC HEAVY DUTY FWBAR FWDR1 FWDR2 FWDWT FWMAB FWADJ FWDB FWFB FWUB75 FWIB30 FWIB55 FWAC OFB 01B ODB OMB OPR OSR OBWS BWABWS BWAB BWLR BWBE BWCDLR BWCD $599 $499 $649 $329 $799 $599 $499 $279 $349 $349 $349 $699 $649 $749 $749 $899 $1,399 $999 $249 $999 $499 $599 $699 $1,199 Half Rack OHDHR $1,399 Multi -Rack OHDMR $1,699 9' Power Rack OHDPR9 $1,999 Tech Trays OHDTT $399 Resistance Band Pegs OHDRBP $79 Reverse Bar Catch OHDRBS $149 Adjustable Bench OHDADJ $799 8' Power Rack 0HDPR8 $1,899 OPTIONS Special Paint Color (per unit) (3min) XSPNT $75 Special Upholstery Color (per unit) XSUPH $25 Two Color Frame (per unit) XPNT2 $30 Optional Counterbalance (per unit)__._.___ XCBAL $60 Prices do not include shipping, inside delivery, installation, or applicable sales tax. Prices are good only in the United Slates and are subject to change without notice. LIST PRICE Page 3 of 3 OPTIONS White Platinum Black Midnight Metallic Nickel Ice Blue Metallic Yellow Red Blue Black Regimental Blue Slate Hunter Green Granberry Royal Blue American Beauty Red Azure Suede Northwoods Green MARSH , a,": ����" •a �\ CERTIFICATE NUMBER . "•: CHI-0014195 0-01 PRODUCER MARSH USA INC. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF�INFORMATIO14 ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER OTHER THAN THOSE PROVIDED IN THE 500 WEST MONROE STREET POLICY. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE CHICAGO, IL 60661 AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN. Attn: CYNTHIA MATHIS - FAX; 877-855-7274 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY INSURED COMPANY LIFE FITNESS A DIVISION OF BRUNSWICK CORPORATION B NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 5100 NORTH RIVER ROAD COMPANY SCHILLER PARK, IL 60176 C COMPANY D C, 5VERAaE$ .: r.7)Tis Its str des and'C+ pl . a r I.I petiiaC R itcat THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE DESCRIBED HEREIN HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED HEREIN FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THE CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, co TR LTTYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER - POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATIONCO DATE (IIAMIOW") DATE (MWDD/YY) LIMITS q GENERAL LIABILITY GLO9307581-03 12/01/05 12/01/06 X I COMMERCIAL GENERAL LABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 12,000,000 Fvrl PRODUCTS -COMP/Op AGG $ "See BBIOW CLAIMS MADE OCCUR PERSONAL SADVINJURY $ 2,000,0 00 OWNER'S 6 CONTRACTOR'S PRO7 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 FIRE DAMAGE Anyone fire $ 1,000,000 q AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BAP9307579-03 (AOS) 12/01/05 12101106 MED EXP (Any no Icon $ X COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 2,000,000 ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ NON -OWNED AUTOS (Par accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY -EA ACCIDENT $ ANY AUTO " .. OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY. EACHACCIDENT $ B ExcEas uABIUTY BE4485043 AGGREGATE $ X 12/01105 12/01/06 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5,000,000 UMBRELLA FORM EXCESS LIABILITY AGGREGATE $ 5,000,000 OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM INCLUDES PRODUCTS $ - A EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ION AND WC9307582-03 (DEDUCTIBLE) 12/01/05 12/01/06 X TA - A WC9307583-03 (RETRO) TORY LIMITS ER 12/01/05 12/01/06 EL EACH ACCIDENT $ _ 1,000,bU0 q THE PROPRIETOR/ X INCL EWS9307584-03 (EXCESS WC) PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE 12/01/05 12/01/06 00EL DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,0 OFFICERS ARE: EXCL "PROD LIAR "SELF EL DISEASE -EACH EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 -INSURED (CORP) " US MARINE, MERC MARINE 12/01/05 12/01/06 EACH OCCURRENCE MARINE POWER, SEA RAY "'SELF -INSURED AGGREGATE 10,000,000 12/01/05 12/01/06 EACH OCCURRENCE "OTHER BOATS" 2,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSIVEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS AGGREGATE 15,000,000 CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO CERTIFICATE HOLDER, CITY OF TAMARAC, (PROPOSAL NO. TT148) FOR APPROVED PURCHASE ORDERS/LEASES FOR EQUIPMENT OR EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR SERVICES DURING THE APPLICABLE POLICY PERIOD. ADDITIONAL INSURED, CITY OF TAMARAC, IS ADDED WITH RESEPCT TO THE GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT COVERAGE IS AFFORDED CgRTIFICATE HOLDER UNDER THE POLICY. CAlIT rELI.ATIf�l1 SHOULD ANY OF THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THER=_OF, CITY OF TAMARAC THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL _ A DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE ATTN; KEITH G+LATZ CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED HEREIN, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR 7527 NW 18TH AVENUE, ROOM 108 TAMARAC, FL 33321 LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER AFFORDING COVERAGE, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES, OR THE ISSUER OF THIS CERTIFICATE. MARSH USA INC. R BY; Christy N. Miller � .-%t �, VALID AS OF: 12/19/05