HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2006-110Temporary Resolution #10988 June 12, 2006 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2006- 16 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE PROJECTS RECOMMENDED FOR INCLUSION IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2006 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR EXPENDITURE OF THE U.S. HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS ESTIMATED TO BE $434,900 FOR THE SEVENTH PROGRAM YEAR (CASE NO. 9-MI-06); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has notified the City of Tamarac of its HUD Fiscal Year 2006 funding allocation in the estimated amount of $434,900 under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for the City's Seventh Program Year (attached hereto as Exhibit 1"); and WHEREAS, funding received for the CDBG program must be utilized for eligible CDBG activities; and WHEREAS, all CDBG eligible activities must meet one of three national objectives, as defined by Congress, including benefiting low and moderate income people, helping to eliminate slum and blight, or addressing existing conditions that pose a serious or immediate threat to the health and welfare of the community; and 1 Temporary Resolution #10988 June 12, 2006 Page 2 WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac adopted the City of Tamarac Five Year Consolidated Plan for FY 2005-2010 via resolution R-2005-151 which established the City's strategic priorities for the CDBG program during this period; and WHEREAS, each year a new Annual Action Plan is required to detail projects, activities, and programs to be funded by that year's funding allocation in compliance with the adopted Consolidated Plan (attached hereto as Exhibit "2"); and WHEREAS, the Annual Action Plan requires a public hearing process to solicit input in the development and review of the plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the City of Tamarac was selected to participate in one of the required hearings regarding recommendations for proposed uses of the CDBG funding; and WHEREAS, the first portion of the public participation has been completed; and WHEREAS, upon the passage and adoption of this resolution a thirty (30) day public review period will be advertised in order to gather additional public input; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Director and the Planning Board recommend the approval of the projects recommended for inclusion in the Seventh Program Year Annual Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2006; and Temporary Resolution #10988 June 12, 2006 Page 3 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to approve the Fiscal Year 2006 Annual Action Plan for expenditure of the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant funds estimated to be $434,900 for the Seventh Program Year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: That the City Commission hereby approves the projects recommended for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2006 Annual Action Plan for expenditure of the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant funds estimated to be $434,900 for the Seventh Program Year. SECTION 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 5: passage and adoption. Temporary Resolution #10988 June 12, 2006 Page 4 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 98 ) day of ju-)C , 2006. ATTEST: 7, 7�/r MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. A, MUEL S. PO N C CITY ATT RNEY RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR FLANSBAUM-TALABISCO DIST 1: V/M PORTNER DIST 2: COMM. ATKINS-GRAD _ DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. DRESSLER 1 1 z� JA?l' y. 27 TEMP RESO #10988 - EXHIBIT "1" PP[AENPo U.S. DEPARTMENT OF [j,SING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ���_�000 F TA OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR COMMUNITY PLANNING. AND DFVELOPMFNT January 16, 2006 � f ­Vc The Honorable Joe Schreiber Mayor of Tamarac 7525 NW 88th Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 �.� t,1 � �✓) )� (ales Dear Mayor Schreiber: I am pleased to inform you that the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 budget has been enacted and signed by the President. This letter provides your FY 2006 allocations for the Office of Community Planning and Development's (CPD) formula programs: Community Development Block Grants (CDBG); HOME Investment Partnerships; the American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI); Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA); and Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG). These programs provide funding for housing,. community and economic development, and assistance for special populations across the country. HUD's budget is included in the FY 2006 Transportation, Treasury, the Judiciary, Housing and Urban"Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill (P.L. 109-115). Funding amounts in this bill were subsequently impacted by the FY 2006 Department of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act (P.L. 109-148), which dictated an across-the-board Government - wide rescission of one percent. According to the law, the Department is required to reduce each program contained in all funding bills by that amount. CPR's formula programs are not exempt from this cut. The FY 2006 allocations below have already been reduced to reflect this requirement. Also, the amounts include reallocated funds in the CDBG and HOME programs. The allocations reflect the level of funding available for these programs in your community. The following amounts represent your FY 2006 allocation(s): Community Development Block Grant $434,900 HOME Investment Partnerships $0 American Dream Downpayment Initiative $0 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS $0 Emergency Shelter Grants $0 HUD continues to emphasize the importance of effective performance measurement in all of our programs. Last year HUD participated with national public interest groups in a joint working group, and developed a framework for a performance measurement framework for CPD formula programs. This framework was proposed for comment in a June 10, 2005 Federal i 0 2 Register Notice titled, "Notice of Proposed Outcome Performance Measurement System for Community Planning and Development Formula Grant Programs; Request for Comments." This performance measurement framework is based on the reporting of objectives, outcomes, and indicators for each activity that is funded by the CPD formula grant programs. The objectives, which closely mirror the statutory purposes of the programs, are: Suitable Living Environment, Decent Housing, and Creating Economic Opportunities. The outcome categories, which reflect the result that the grantee is seeking to achieve from each activity, are: Availability/Accessibility, Affordability, and Sustainability (Promoting Livable or Viable Communities). The indicators are the outputs realized for each specific activity. Combining objectives, outcomes and indicators will enable HUD to produce statements that uniformly describe the activity's impact and enable HUD to demonstrate the benefits and success of the CPD formula grant programs. Additional information on the implementation of the performance measurement framework will be disseminated later this winter. Although there will be some changes made to the final framework provided in the June 10, 2005 Federal Register Notice, it is expected that the fundamental premise and format will remain unchanged. In addition, HUD expects to incorporate this performance measurement framework into the existing CPD Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) in the spring of 2006. CPD formula grantees should now consider how the performance measurement system may impact their local administrative practices, including deciding the objectives and outcomes of activities that are funded. I look forward to continuing our partnership to assist lower income residents in your community. As always, HUD is available to provide any assistance you require in implementing your programs. If you or any member of your staff has questions, please contact your local CPD Office Director. Sincerely, Pamela H. Patenaude Assistant Secretary TEMP RESO #10988 — EXHIBIT 112" ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF TAMARAC COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) HUD Fiscal Year 2006 - 7th PROGRAM YEAR PROPOSED PROJECT / ACTIVITY / PROGRAM DEPARTMENT Community Development DIVISION Housing PROJECT NAME Home Repairs PRIORITY # 1 ELIGIBLE (CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation CATEGORY PROJECT MANAGER Chris King, Director of Community Development 6 PROPOSED SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES This activity will assist in the financing of home repairs to an owner occupied residential unit to correct building and municipal code violations including the repair or replacement to mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or structural components and performing building maintenance and repairs that are a threat to the health and safety of the occupants. The assistance will be made to income eligible households for a maximum of $20,000.00. The award is considered a deferred five year loan forgiven at a rate of 20% per year. During the five year period, the owner must reside in the assisted home as a permanent abode. If the property owner sells of fails to maintain residency, the prorated amount of the deferred loan will be due and payable. At the conclusion of the fifth year and upon meeting the program requirements, the deferred loan will be considered a grant with no repayment required. Based on a $20,000.00 maximum award, it is projected that a minimum of 14 homes can be rehabilitated with $280,840 in funding. Additional homes will be funded for repair if the full amount available per home is not utilized. PROJECT COST $280,840,00 AMOUNT OF (CDBG) $280,840.00 FUNDS RE UESTED OTHER FUNDING SOURCE (S) The City will also use SHIP and HOME funds for home rehabilitation AND AMOUNT ro'ects. ESTIMATED September 30, 2007 COMPLETION DATE CITY OF TAMARAC COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) HUD Fiscal Year 2006 - 7th PROGRAM YEAR PROPOSED PROJECT / ACTIVITY / PROGRAM DEPARTMENT Parks and Recreation DIVISION Social Services PROJECT NAME Temporary Full-time Social Worker PRIORITY # 1 ELIGIBLE (CDBG) Public Service CATEGORY PROJECT MANAGER Rose Cure, Social Services Supervisor PROPOSED SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES The Office of Social Services provides information and referral services to residents who would otherwise be unable to access necessary services. This procedure often involves an in depth, personalized assessment of multiple needs impacting the life and functioning of the individual, in addition to determining current and available resources. This process can take several hours and span a period of days or months. Currently, the Social Services Supervisor has the responsibility of providing information and referral services in addition to overseeing the Senior Program, administering the volunteer program and tending to daily supervisory functions. With the increase in our residents' age, more families moving into Tamarac and the aftermath of hurricane Wilma, use of this service has increased exponentially, with calls currently averaging around 70 per month and an open caseload averaging 50 per week. In order to provide ongoing case management to our residents in need, the Department hired a Part-time Temporary Social Worker utilizing Year two (2) and four (4) CDBG funds and a Full-time Temporary Social Worker in Year five (5) and Year six (6). As assessment and referral needs continue to increase and time requirements expand, it is necessary to maintain this position whose sole focus and purview is to provide these services. One aspect of the Social Worker's responsibilities includes working in the field to provide in -home assessments. A cell phone is necessary to maintain communication between the Social Worker and the Social Services Supervisor. Temporary Full -Time Social Worker: 40 hrs per week x 52 weeks x $24 per hour = $49,920 Cell phone allowance = Approx. $35 per month x 12 months = $420 per year PROJECT COST $50,340 AMOUNT OF (CDBG) $50,340 FUNDS REQUESTED OTHER FUNDING SOURCE (S) -0- AND AMOUNT ESTIMATED September 30, 2007 COMPLETION DATE CITY OF TAMARAC COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) HUD Fiscal Year 2006 - 7th PROGRAM YEAR PROPOSED PROJECT / ACTIVITY / PROGRAM DEPARTMENT Parks and Recreation DIVISION Social Services PROJECT NAME Senior Life Skills Support Group PRIORITY # 2 ELIGIBLE (CDBG) Public Service CATEGORY PROJECT MANAGER Rose Cure, Social Services Supervisor PROPOSED SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES The Social Services Division received $3,780.00 in funding from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 5th & 6"' year program to offer a life skills support group to the elderly residents of Tamarac. The program is conducted bi-weekly, 1.5 hours per session through an independent contracted licensed social worker. Approximately 20 members participate in each session. The group addresses areas of depression, anxiety, physical and mental changes. The group has become a very popular and important avenue for seniors experiencing difficulty with the changes of aging. This group has had a high amount of referrals to individual counseling allowing the seniors to receive a one on one session with the therapist. In this year's proposal, we would like to continue this vital senior program to accommodate the seniors at their community site with a consistent therapist. The individual sessions would be offered to each senior for a total of 3 one hour sessions. Due to the increase in participation, the funds would be used to continue the Life Skills group in addition to individual sessions on an as needed basis. Life Skills Support Group Contractual Licensed Social Worker 24 sessions @ 1.5 hrs per session........ 36 total hours of group sessions 36 hrs of group sessions @ $70 per hour = $ 2,520.00 18 hours of individual counseling @ $70 per hour=$1260.00 Total Requested.............................$3780.00 PROJECT COST $3,780 AMOUNT OF (CDBG) $3,780 FUNDS REQUESTED OTHER FUNDING SOURCE (S) -0- AND AMOUNT ESTIMATED September 30, 2007 COMPLETION DATE CITY OF TAMARAC COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) HUD Fiscal Year 2006 - 7th PROGRAM YEAR PROPOSED PROJECT / ACTIVITY / PROGRAM DEPARTMENT Parks and Recreation DIVISION Social Services PROJECT NAME Meditation and Arthritis Tai Chi .PRIORITY # 3 ELIGIBLE (CDBG) Public Service CATEGORY PROJECT MANAGER Rose Cure, Social Services Supervisor PROPOSED SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES In the last two years, we have offered certified classes in P&R for Arthritis sufferers. Two Programmers in the department have been certified with the Broward County Health Dept. to conduct these Arthritis classes. To further benefit the seniors, an exercise program targeting arthritis sufferers would be beneficial. Arthritis Tai Chi is a class consisting of gentle movements incorporating ancient Chinese wellness practices. The benefits include strengthening, balance, stamina, and stress relief. It has been shown to reduce pain and stiffness, improves mobility, and improves concentration and memory. Approximate class average attendance has been 25 students per class and would provide socialization and overall wellness. The CDBG funds would be utilized to pay for a certified Arthritis Tai Chi instructor and exercise equipment for the class participants. The senior program added %z hour of meditation activity per week with CDBG 5°i year grant funds from the Fit for Life program. The average attendance is 15 seniors per class and has helped them in dealing with stress. . Certified Tai Chi Instructor: 1 class per week = 52 weeks per year x $35 per class = $1,820.00 Stretch bands = $1.50 Certified Meditation Instructor lclass per week = 52 weeks per year X $30 per class = $1,560.00 Total Requested...............................................$3,380.00 PROJECT COST $3,380 AMOUNT OF (CDBG) $3,380 FUNDS REQUESTED OTHER FUNDING SOURCE (S) -0- AND AMOUNT ESTIMATED September 30, 2007 COMPLETION DATE CITY OF TAMARAC COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) HUD Fiscal Year 2006 - 7th PROGRAM YEAR PROPOSED PROJECT / ACTIVITY / PROGRAM DEPARTMENT Parks and Recreation DIVISION Social Services PROJECT NAME Automatic doors for the handicap PRIORITY # 4 ELIGIBLE (CDBG) Public Facilities and Improvements CATEGORY PROTECT MANAGER Rose Cure, Social Services Supervisor PROPOSED SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES The Community Center senior program is held Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. During the senior program, many seniors are unable to open the doors to the restrooms due to being on walkers, canes and wheelchairs. In order for our bathrooms to be accessible, it is being requested that we install automatic door openers at both of the restrooms. The attached quote gives a breakdown of what would be needed in order to have these automatic doors installed. Automatic Doors (quote attached) ......... $7,580.00 Est. Electrical Cost (breakers, panel) ...... $2,000,00 Total Requested.............................$9,580.00 PROJECT COST $9,580 AMOUNT OF (CDBG) $9,580 FUNDS REQUESTED OTHER FUNDING SOURCE (S) -0- AND AMOUNT ESTIMATED September 30, 2007 COMPLETION DATE 1416191TWRIVuVA.IX, � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) HUD Fiscal Year 2006 - 7th PROGRAM YEAR PROPOSED PROJECT / ACTIVITY / PROGRAM DEPARTMENT Finance DIVISION Administration PROJECT NAME Auditing Services PRIORITY # I ELIGIBLE (CDBG) Administrative Services CATEGORY PROJECT MANAGER William L. Nealon, Jr., Controller 7'T�7 PROPOSED SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES Since the FY 2006 CDBG program is an expenditure driven program that may exceed $500,000, the City is required under the U.S. Single Audit Act and the OMB Circular A-133 to have an annual audit conducted (see attachments for additional information). This activity is considered an eligible administrative expense under the program. Our external auditors would perform this audit as part of the fiscal year-end audit. The current auditing services agreement between the auditors and the City allows these services to be performed at a cost of $7,000.00 per year. PROJECT COST $7,000 AMOUNT OF (CDBG) $7,000 FUNDS REQUESTED OTHER FUNDING SOURCE (S) General Fund AND AMOUNT ESTIMATED September 30, 2007 COMPLETION DATE