HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2006-0121 Temp. Reso. #10882 December 29, 2005 Page 1 of 5 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2006-lal, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO AWARD BID NO. 06- 01 B TO CORNERSTONE BUSINESSES, INC., AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC AND CORNERSTONE BUSINESSES, INC., FOR AN AMOUNT OF $486,830.20 FOR THE MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN PROJECT - UNIVERSITY DRIVE TO BROOKWOOD BOULEVARD; APPROVING FUNDING FOR THIS PROJECT FROM THE APPROPRIATE UTILITIES OPERATIONAL AND CIAC FUNDS; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO ADMINISTER THE CONTRACT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac Utilities Engineering included this project in the Capital Improvement Program with design completed in 2005 and construction dollars of $490,000.00 approved in the FY 2006 Capital Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac Utilities Engineering has determined that the needs of the City could best be served by increasing the existing 6-inch water line on McNab Road to a 16-inch water line which is adequate to supply both residential, commercial and fire hydrant requirements; and WHEREAS, the McNab Road Water Main Project— University Drive to Brookwood Boulevard will connect the 24-inch water main on University Drive to a 12-inch water main on Brookwood Boulevard,1,700 feet away (a copy of which is attached hereto in map form as "Exhibit A"); and Temp. Reso. #10882 December 29, 2005 Page 2 of 5 WHEREAS, Mathews Consulting Inc., was contracted to complete the design, permitting, bidding and construction administration for the McNab Road Water Main Improvement Project — University Drive to Brookwood Boulevard as approved by Resolution #R-2005-61; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac publicly advertised Bid No. 06-01 B, McNab Road Water Main Improvement Project — University Drive to Brookwood Boulevard in the Sun Sentinel on November 27, 2005 and December 4, 2005 (a copy of said bid invitation document is attached hereto as "Exhibit B"); and WHEREAS, the City solicited competitive sealed bids and on December 21, 2005, received, opened and reviewed seven (7) bids as follows: ; and COMPANY NAME TOTAL BID $ Cornerstone Businesses, Inc 486,830.20 G.C. Works 496,500.00 Chaz Equipment 520,290.00 Inter County Engineering 532,135.00 Tenex Enterprises, Inc. 540,845.00 Man. Con, Inc. 626,696.00 Globetec Construction 644,640.00 WHEREAS, Cornerstone Businesses, Inc., was deemed the most responsive and responsible bidder (a copy of said Bid is attached hereto as "Exhibit C); and 1 1 Temp. Reso. #10882 December 29, 2005 Page 3 of 5 WHEREAS, Mathews Consulting recommends the award of this construction contract to Cornerstone Businesses, Inc., in the amount of $486,830.20 as stated in the memo dated December 28, 2005 (a copy of which, along with a Bid Tabulation prepared by the City of Tamarac Purchasing Department, is attached hereto as "Exhibit D"); and WHEREAS, approved funding in the amount of $486,830.20 is available from the appropriate Utilities Operational and CIAC funds; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Director of Utilities and the Purchasing and Contracts Manager that the appropriate City Officials award Bid No. 06-01 B, McNab Road Water Main Improvement Project— University Drive to Brookwood Boulevard to, and execute an agreement with Cornerstone Businesses, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $486,830.20 for this water main project; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to approve the award of Bid No. 06-01 B, McNab Road Water Main Improvement Project — University Drive to Brookwood Boulevard to, and execute an agreement with Cornerstone Businesses, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $486,830.20. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution. SECTION 2: The award of Bid No. 06-01 B, McNab Road Water Main Improvement Project — University Drive to Brookwood Boulevard to Cornerstone Temp. Reso. #10882 December 29, 2005 Page 4 of 5 Businesses, Inc., is hereby authorized. SECTION 3: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the City of Tamarac and Cornerstone Businesses, Inc., (a copy of which is attached hereto as "Exhibit F) as part of said award. SECTION 4: An expenditure in the amount of $486,830.20 is approved to be funded from the appropriate 2006 Utilities Operational and CIAC funds. SECTION 5: The City Manager, or his designee, be authorized to make changes, issue Change Orders not to exceed $30,000 per Section 6-156(b) of the City Code, and close the contract award including, but not limited to, making final payment and releasing bonds when the work has been successfully completed within the terms and conditions of the contract and within the contract price. SECTION 6: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 7: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application; it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. 1 1 1 Temp. Reso. #10882 December 29, 2005 Page 5 of 5 SECTION 8: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 9S day of o v , 2006. JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR ATTEST: i vim% RECORD OF COMMISSION' MARION SWENSON, CMC MAYOR SCHREIBER CITY CLERK DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: _ V/M TALABISCO DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS- I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. 4slUi EL S. GOREN CITY ATTORNEY JTM/mg 1 f U) F- Z W 2 \W 0 w a- m Z_ Q N� 1.6. U C i w U) 0 0- 0 Q 0 m Q Z U 0 N N 11 "EXHIBIT B" INVITATION TO BID TR #10882 BID NO. 06-01- B McNab Road Water Main Improvements 11 /21 /05 BID SET City of Tamarac Purchasing Division 7525 NW 88"f' Avenue Room 108 SUBMIT BID TO: CITY OF TAMARAC PURCHASING AND CONTRACTS DIVISION 7525 NW 88T" AVENUE TAMARAC, FL 33321 954-724-2450 INVITATION FOR BID Bidder Acknowled ement BID NO.: 06-01 B BID TITLE: MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS BID OPENING DATE/TIME: DECEMBER 21, 2005 BUYER NAME: JIM NICOTRA, SENIOR PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST BUYER PHONE: 954-724-2443 BUYER EMAIL: jimn@tamarac.org PRE -BID CONFERENCE/SITE INSPECTION: DECEMBER 8, 2005 @ 10:OOAM, ROOM 105 BONDING: 5% Bid Bond, 100% Payment/Performance Bond Bid Pkg Cost: $75.00 GENERAL CONDITIONS These instructions are standard for all bids for commodities/services issued by the City of Tamarac. The City of Tamarac may delete, supersede or modify any of these standard instructions for a particular bid by indicating such change in the Instructions to Bidders or in the special conditions of the bid. Any and all special conditions that may vary from these general conditions shall prevail over any conflicting provision within any vendor's standard terms and conditions regardless of any language in vendor's documentation to the contrary. SEALED BIDS This form should be .contain he above address, Bid nutted with lmberr and thl Bid Forms e Bid titlen a ! Bidsed submitted pe. The on the attachedof the , ope shall • . ;Bid Form may be deemed non -responsive. All Bids are subject to the terms and conditions specified herein. Those ' bids that do not comply with these conditions may be deemed non -responsive. BIDDER COMPANY NAME: COMPANY ADDRESS: COMPANY PHONE: NAME OF AUTHORIZED AGENT: TITLE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT: AUTHORIZED AGENT EMAIL ADDRESS: BIDDER TAXPAYER ID OR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: I certify that this Bid Acknowledgement is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation, firm or person submitting a Bid for the same commodities and/or services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I agree to abide by all conditions of this Bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this Bid as an agent for the Bidder. 2 i. s7City of Tamarac r.r is �Wllt A It is the intent of the City to award this bid to the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder, The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informality concerning the bids when such rejectionor waiver is deemed to be in the best Interest of the City. The City reserves the right to award the bid on a split order basis, lump sum or individual item basis unless otherwise" stated, whichever is in the best interest of the City. This solicitation is issued pursuant to the City of Tamarac Code, Chapter 6, "Finance & ,Taxation", Article V, "Purchasing Procedures", Section 6-141 et seq. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS These general terms and conditions apply to all offers made to the City of Tamarac by all prospective Bidders including but not limited to Request for Quotes, Request for Bids and Request €or Proposals. As such the words "bid" and "proposal" ; are used Interchangeably In reference to all offers submitted by prospective Bidders. 1. SUBMISSION OF THE BID The Bidder is directed to deliver sealed bids to the City of Tamarac, Purchasing Division, 7525 N. W. 88th Avenue, Room 108, Tamarac, Florida 33321, no later than the date and time specified on the cover page of this solicitation document. At this time the bids will be opened, the names of all Bidders will be announced and all bids shall become a matter of public record. All Bidders and their representatives are invited to attend. The Bidder must show the bid number, bid name, time and date of the bid opening on the outside of the sealed bid package. Delivery of the sealed bids to the Purchasing Office on or before the above date is solely and strictly the responsibility of the Bidder. Late bids will be returned unopened to the Bidder. It is the Bidder's responsibility to read and understand the requirements of this bid. Unless otherwise specified, the Bidder must use the bid form furnished in the bid document. The Bidder Is requested to submit one (1) original and two (2) copies of the bid. The original bid must be manually and duly signed in ink by a Corporate Officer, Principal, or Partner with the authority to bind the bidding company or firm by his/her signature. All bid forms must be typewritten or completed in ink. The Bidder must initial any erasures or corrections in ink. All prices, terms and conditions quoted in the submitted bid will be firm for acceptance for sixty days from the date of the bid opening unless otherwise stated by the City. The Bidder preparing a bid in response to this solicitation shall bear all expenses associated with its preparation. The Biddereli^prepeie �Td"vwhmmihe :tink�erstanling that no claim for reimbursement shall be submitted to the City for expenses related to its preparation. 2. BID DEPOSIT When required on the cover page, a bid deposit or bid surety bond in the amount specified shall accompany the bid. Sid deposits shall be in the form of cash, certified check or cashier's check, drawn on a responsible bank doing business in the United States, and shall be made payable to the City of Tamarac. In lieu of a bid deposit, a bid surety provided by a firm licensed to business in the State of Florida shall be provided to the City. Any bid Purchasing & Contracts Division deposits will be returned to the Bidders at the time of contract award. The bid deposit of the successful vendor shall be returned upon receipt of acceptable Performance and/or Payment bonds. 3. BONDING When . required by the specification herein, the successful Bidder shall furnish a Performance and Payment bond, and/or Warranty bond, as stated on the cover page of this solicitation, on the Ckys forms, within fifteen (15) calendar days after notification of contract award. Failure to fumish the required bonds within the time specified may be cause for rejection of the bid and any bid deposit 'may be retained by the City as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. Said sum shall be a fair estimate of the amount of damages the City would sustain due to Bidder's failure to furnish said bonds. 4. WITHDRAWAL OF BID Any Bidder may withdraw its bid prior to the indicated .. opening time. The request for withdrawal must be submitted in writing to the Purchasing Office. S. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT A person or .affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work,. may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 6. NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT Each Contractor shall complete the Non-Collusive Affidavit Form and submit, .,this, form with the bid/proposal. The City considers the failure of the Contractor to submit this document to be a major Irregularity, and may be cause for rejection of the Proposal. 7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The award hereunder Is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112 of the State of Florida Statutes. Bidders shall disclose the name of any officer, director, partner, proprietor, associate or agent who is also a public officer or employee of the City or any of its agencies. Quantities shown are estimates only. No guarantee or warranty Is given or Implied by the City as to the total amount that may or may not be purchased from any resulting contract. The City reserves the right to decrease or increase quantities or add or delete any Rom from the contract if it is determined that it best serves the Interests of the City. 3 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 9. PRICES, PAYMENTS AND DISCOUNTS Bid prices shall be fixed and fine to the extent required under Special Conditions. In the absence of a reference in the Special Conditions, bid prices shall be fixed and firm for a period of ninety (90) calendar days. Payment will be made only after receipt and acceptance of materials/services. Cash discounts may be offered for prompt payment; however, such discounts shall not be Considered in determining the lowest net cost for bid evaluation. Bidders are encouraged to provide prompt payment terms in the space provided on the Bid Form. If no payment discount is offered, the Bidder should enter zero (0) for the percentage discount to indicate net 30 days. If the Bidder does not enter a percentage discount, it is understood and agreed that -the payment terms shall be 2% 10 days, net 30 days effective on the data that the City receives an accurate invoice or accepts the product, whichever is the later date. Payment is deemed made on the date of the mailing of the check. All payments shall be governed by the Florida Prompt Payment Act, F.S. Chapter 218. 10. DELIVERY All items shall be delivered F.O.B. destination to a specific City address. All delivery costs and charges must be included in the bid price. The City reserves the right to cancel orders or any part thereof,. without obligation if delivery is not made at the time specified in the bid. 11. MANUFACTURER'S NAME & APPROVED EQUIVALENTS Manufacturer's name, trade name, brand name information and/or model/catalog numbers are used in these specifications for information and establishment of a quality level desired, and are not Intended to restrict competition unless otherwise specified in the bid. The Bidder may offer any brand which meets or exceeds the specifications for any, item(s). If bids are based. on equivalent products, Indicate on the bid form the manufacturer's name and model/catalog number. Bidder shall submit complete descriptive literature and/or specifications with the bid, The burden of proof for specification compliance is solely on the Bidder. The City reserves the right to be the sole judge of what is equal and acceptable. Failure to provide this Information within three (3) business days of the City's request may be grounds for bid disqualification. If Bidder fails to name a substitute, it will be assumed that the Bidder has submitted a bid which conforms In all aspects to the requirements of the bid document, and that the Bidder Intends to furnish goods identical to the bid standard. 12. SAMPLES AND DEM0N;3TRATLQN.S........_...__ . .... When requested, samples are to be fumished free of charge to the City. if a sample is requested it must be delivered within seven days of the request unless otherwise stated in the bid. Each sample must be marked with the Bidders name and manufacture's brand name. The City will not be responsible for returning samples. The City may request a full demonstration of any product or service before the award of a contract. All demonstrations will be done at the expense of the Bidder. 13. BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION As a part of the Bid evaluation process, the City may conduct a background investigation including a criminal record check of Bidder's officers and/or employees, by the Broward County Sheriffs Office.. Bidder's submission of a bid constitutes acknowledgement of and consent to such Investigation. City shall be the sole judge in determining Bidder's qualifications. 14. CONDITIONS OF MATERIALS All materials and products supplied by the Bidder in conjunction with this bid shall be new, warranted for their merchantability, fit for a particular purpose, free from defects and consistent with industry standards. The products shall be delivered to the City in excellent condition. In the event that any of the products supplied to the City are found to be defective or do not conform to the specifications, the City reserves the right to return the product to the Bidder at no cost to the City. Successful Bidder shall furnish all guarantees and warranties to the Project Manager prior to final acceptance and payment. The warranty period shall commence upon final acceptance of the product. 15. COPYRIGHTS OR PATENT RIGHTS The Bidder warrants that there has been no violation of copyrights or patent rights in manufacturing, producing or selling the goods shipped or ordered as a result of this bid. The seller agrees to hold the City harmless from all liability, loss or expense occasioned by any such violation. 16. SAFETY STANDARDS The Bidder warrants that the product(s) supplied to the City conform with all respects to the standards set forth In the Occupational Safety and Health Act and its amendments to any industry standards, 9 applicable. 17. PERFORMANCE Failure on the part of the Bidder to comply with the conditions, terms, specifications and requirements of the bid sh3lI be just cause for cancellation of the bid award. The City may, by written notice to the Bidder, terminate the contract for failure to perform. The date of termination shall be stated in the notice. The City shall be the sole judge of nonperformance. 18. INSPECTION The City shall have the right to inspect any materials, components, equipment, supplies, services or completed work specified herein. Any of said items not complying with these specifications are subject to rejection-at-tlae-option-Wh®-Pit y.--Any kems_-re1ed9d- shall be removed from the premise of the City and/or replaced at the entire expense of the successful vendor. TERMINATION a. DEFAULT In addition to all other remedies available to the City, this Agreement shall be subject to cancellation by the City for cause, should the Contractor neglect or fail to perform or observe any of the terms, provisions, conditions, or requirements herein contained, 9 such neglect or failure shall continue for a period of thirty (30) City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division days after receipt by Contractor of written notice of such neglect or failure. b. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE The final Agreement may be terminated by the City for convenience, upon seven (7) days of written notice by the terminating party to the other party for such termination in which event the Contractor shall be paid its compensation for services performed to termination date, including services reasonably related to termination. In the event that the Contractor abandons this Agreement or causes it to be terminated, Contractor shall indemnify the city against loss pertaining to this termination. c. FUNDING OUT This agreement shall remain in full force and effect only as long as the expenditures provided for in the Agreement have been appropriated by the City Commission of the City of Tamarac in the annual budget for each fiscal year of this Agreement, and is subJect.to termination based on lack of funding. 20. ASSIGNMENT The Bidder shall not transfer or assign the performance required by this bid without the prior written consent of the City. Any award issued pursuant to this bid and monies that may become due hereunder are not assignable except with prior written apprc;di of the City. 21. EMPLOYEES Employees of the Bidder shall at all times be under its sole direction and not an employee or agent of the City. The Bidder shall supply competent and physically capable employees. The City may require the Bidder to remove an employee it deems careless, incompetent, insubordinate or otherwise objectionable. Bidder shall be responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of all employees working under its directions. 22. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY During the performance of the Contract, the successful Offeror.shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, gender, national origin, sex, age, martial status, political affiliation, familial status, sexual orientation, or disability If qualified. The successful Offeror will take affirmative action to ensure that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, .gender or national origin, or disability. Such actions must include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, ..promoiion;._derdon-,.or .transfsr.;..recruitment. -or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection of training, including apprenticeship. The successful Offeror(s) shall agree to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the . provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. The successful Offeror further agrees that he/she will ensure that Subcontractors, if any, will be made aware of and will comply with this clause. 23. TAXES The City of Tamarac is exempt from all Federal, State, and Local taxes. An exemption certificate will be provided where applicable upon request. 24. OMISSION OF DETAILS Omission of any essential details from these specifications will not relieve the Bidder of supplying such product(s) as specified. 25. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Bidder agrees to, In the performance of work and . services under this Agreement, comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations now In effect, or hereinafter enacted during the term of this agreement that are applicable to Contractor, its employees, agents, or subcontractors, .if any, with respect to the work and services described herein. Bidder shall obtain at Bidder's expense all necessary insurance in such form.and amount as required by the City's. Risk & Safety Officer before beginning work under this Agreement. Bidder shall maintain such insurance in full force and effect during the life of this Agreement. Bidder shall provide to the City's Purchasing Division cerlificates of all insurance required under this section prior to beginning any work under this Agreement. Bidder shall Indemnify and save the City harmless from any damage resulting to it for failure of either Bidder or any subcontractor to obtain or maintain such insurance.. The following are required types and minimum limits of insurance coverage, which the Bidder agrees to maintain during the term of this contract: Line of Business/ Occurrence Aggregate Coverage Commercial $1,000,000 $1,000,000 General Liability Including: Premises/Operations Contractual Liability Personal Injury . Explosion, Collapse, Underground Hazard Products/Completed Operations Broad Form Property Damage Cross Liability and Severability of Interest Clause Automobile Liability $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Workers' statutory Compensation Empioy#r' Liability Builder's Risk Insurance is required In an amount not less than the replacement cost for the construction of the work. Coverage shall be "All Risk" coverage for one hundred (100%) of the completed value. The City reserves the right to require higher limits depending upon the scope of work under this Agreement. Neither Bidder nor any subcontractor shall commence work under this contract until they have obtained all insurance required under this section and have supplied 5 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division the City with evidence of such coverage in the form of an Insurance certificate and endorsement. The Bidder will ensure that all subcontractors will comply with the above guidelines and will maintain the necessary coverage throughout the term of this Agreement. All insurance carriers shall be rated at least A Vll per A.M. Bests Key Rating Guide and be licensed to do business in Florida: Policies shall be "Occurrence" form. Each carrier will give the City sixty (60) days notice prior to cancellation. The Bidder's liability insurance policies shall be endorsed to add the City of Tamarac as an "additional insured". The Bidders Worker's Compensation carrier will provide a Waiver of Subrogation to the City. The Bidder shall be responsible for the payment of all deductibles and self - insured retentions. The City may require that the Bidder purchase a bond to cover the full amount of the deductible or self -insured retention. If the Bidder Is to provide professional services under this Agreement, the Bidder must provide the City with evidence of. Professional Liability Insurance, with, 'at a minimum, a limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. "Claims -Made" forms are acceptable for Professional Liability insurance. 26. INDEMNIFICATION The Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Tamarac, its elected and appointed officials and employees from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, liability, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) In connection with loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or .properly damage, Including loss of use thereof, directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, arising out of or occurring in connection with the operations of the Bidder or his Subcontractors, agents, officers, employees or independent contractors, excepting only such loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City of Tamarac or its elected or appointed officials and employees. 27. CLARIFICATION & ADDENDA Where there appears to be variances or conflicts between the General Terms and Conditions and the Special Conditions and/or Detailed Specifications outlined in this bid, the Special Conditions and/or the Detailed Specifications shall prevail. The Bidder shall examine all bid documents and shall judge all matters relating to the adequacy and accuracy of such documents. If; upon review, any material errors in specifications are found, the Bidder shall contact the Purchasing Office Immediately. Any inquires, suggestions, requests conceming clarification, or requests for additional Information shall be submitted in writing to the Purchasing and Contracts Manager:..... . The City of Tamarac reserves the right to amend this bid prior to the Bid opening date Indicated by written addenda. Written addenda shall serve as the sole means of clarification. The City shall not be responsible for oral interpretations given by any City employee or its representative. 28. BID TABULATION .Bidders may download the bid tabulation on-line at httn://www.tmarac.oraiDept/fin/purc;Wre6.itlts.html. The City does not notify unsuccessful Bidders of contract awards. Pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 119, Section 7(m), sealed bids or proposals received by an agency pursuant to invitations to bid or requests for proposals are exempt from the provisions of subsection (1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution until such time as the agency provides notice of a decision or intended decision pursuant to F.S. 1§ 2D.57(3) (a), or within 10 days after bid/proposal opening, whichever is earlier. 29. RECORDS/AUDITS The Contractor shall maintain during the term of the contract all books, reports and records in accordance. with generally accepted accounting practices and standards for records directly related to this contract. The form of all records and repots shall be subject to the approval of the Chys Auditor. The Contractor agrees to make available to the Citys Auditor, during normal business hours and in Broward, Dade or Palm Beach Counties; all books of account, reports and records relating to this contract for the duration of the contract and retain them for a minimum period of one (1) year beyond the last day or the contract term. 30. UNBALANCED BIDS When a unit price bid has variable or estimated quantities, and the bid shows evidence of unbalanced bid pricing, such bid may be rejected. UNIT PRICES Where a discrepancy between unit - price and total price Is indicated on a Bidder's submitted Schedule of Bid Prices or Price Proposal Form,. the unit prices shall prevail.. 6 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division INVITATION TO BID BID NO. 06-O IB Sealed bids, addressed to the Senior Procurement Specialist of the City of .Tamarac, Broward County, Florida, will be received in the Purchasing Office, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 until 4:00 p.m. local time on December 21, 2005 at which time bids will be publicly opened and announced for the McNab Road Water,Main Improvements. All bids received after the date and time stated above will be returned unopened to the Bidder. All Bidders are invited to attend the opening. Submit one (1) original document, marked "Original" on its exterior, prior to the bid opening deadline. Late bids will not be accepted. Two (2) photocopies should accompany your original. Bids shall be submitted on the official Bid Forms furnished with this bid package; and those submitted otherwise will not be considered responsive. The submittal should be plainly marked "City of Tamarac, McNab Road Water Main Improvements" on the outside of the envelope. Bid Security: Each bid shall` bd' acco, mpanied by a certified or cashier's check or Bid Bond in the amount not less than 5% of the total bid price payable to the City of Tamarac as guarantee that the Bidder, if its Bid is accepted, will promptly execute the Agreement. A Pre -Bid Conference will be held on Thursday, December 8, 2005, @ 10:OOAM, located at 7525 NW 8Wh Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321, Room 105. It is highly encouraged that all parties interested in bidding on this project should attend this meeting. The work to be performed consists of the Contractor furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary, as indicated in the specifications herein and generally to include, installation of a new 16-inch water main, roadway restoration and connection to existing water mains. A portion of the work will be within Broward County right-of-way (McNab Road) and FDOT right-of-way (University Drive). The 16-inch water main shall be Directionally Drilled across University Drive. Construction also includes dewatering, MOTs, complying with permit conditions, testing and all restoration work for a complete and operating system as well as all appurtenances and other incidentals as indicated by the drawings and specifications or as required to properly complete the project as planned. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or, all bids, or any part of any bid, to waive any informalities, and to award in the best interest of the City of Tamarac. Bid documents will be available for review and purchase for $75.00 per setria the, -Purchasing Office, Room 108. This fee is payable by cash or check made out to the City of Tamarac. For non -technical inquiries, contact the Purchasing Office at (954) 724-2450. For technical issues, direct questions in writing, to the Project Manager, Tyler Davis, P.E., Mathews Consulting, Inc., 1475 Centrepark Blvd., Suite 250, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 at fax number (561) 478-7964, or via email to tdavisO.mathewsconsultinginc.com. Be sure to include the Project Name and Bid Number on all correspondence. James S. Nicotra, CPPB Senior Procurement Specialist Publish Sun Sentinel: Sunday, November 27 and Sunday, December 4, 2005 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division TABLE OF CONTENTS Bid 06-01 B General Terms and Conditions ................ ........................................ ................................ 2-6 TechnicalSpecifications...................................................................................................... 9 Drawings..........................................................................................................................11 A Instructionsto Bidders ..................................................... :................................................. 12 SpecialConditions.............................................................................................................14 SpecialProvisions............................................................................................................. 20 Bid Coversheet Checklist ............... Bid Form and Schedule of Bid Prices.....:::.:...............................................a SCH-1 — SCH-7 Non -Collusive Affidavit...................................................................................................... 43 Certification....................................................................................................................... 45 Bidder's Qualification Statement....................................................................................... 46 References........................................................................................................................ 47 VendorDrug -Free Workplace............................................................................................ 48 List of Subcontractors........................................................................................................ 4U Certified Resolution........................................................................................................... 50 TrenchSafety....................................................................................................................51 BidBond............................................................................................................................ 52 Form Payment Bond....:................................................................ 54 Form Performance Bond................................................................................................... 57 Applicationfor Payment ................. ........................................................................... ......... 62 ChangeOrder.................................................................................................................... 63 Final Release of Lien by Contractor.................................................................................. 64 SampleForm ,of Agreement................................................................................... 66-7.3 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 Summary of Work 01025 Basis of Payment 01050 Field Engineering 01090 Applicable Standards and Codes 01200 Project Meetings 01300 Submittals 01400 Quality Control 01410 Testing and Inspection 01500 Construction Considerations 01510 Utilities and Services 01520 Maintenance of Facilities and Sequence of Construction 01530 Protection of Existing Facilities 01550 Site Access and Storage 01560 Special Controls 01570 Traffic Regulations and Maintenance of Traffic 01580 Project Identification and Signs 01600 Materials and Equipment 01700 Project Closeout 01720 Project Record Documents DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK 02010 Subsurface Investigation 02140 Dewatering 02222 Excavation and Backfill for Utilities 02345 Horizontal Directional Drilling and-PlI5 'installation 02500 Surface Restoration 02520 Asphaltic Concrete Pavement 02526 Pavement Curb and Sidewalks 02570 Milling of Existing Asphalt Pavement 02580 Pavement Marking and Signs DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE 03305 Concrete and Grout DIVISION 4 - MASONRY - (Not Used) 9 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division DIVISION 5 — METALS -- (Not Used) DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTICS - (Not Used) DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION - (Not Used) DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS - (Not Used) DIVISION 9 - FINISHES - (Not Used) DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES - (Not Used) DIVISION 11-- EQUIPMENT - (Not Used) DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS - (Not Used) DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION - (Not Used) DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS - (Not. Used) DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL 15000 Piping, General 15006 Ductile Iron Pipe 15100 Valves, General 15108 Gate Valves 15115 Miscellaneous Valves 15995 Pipeline Testing and Disinfection DIVISION 16 — ELECTRICAL - (Not Used) I,IVISION 17 — INSTRUMENTATION - (Not Used) City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division DRAWINGS DRAWINGS SHEET DRAWING TITLE GENERAL DRAWINGS TITLE SHEET, LOCATION MAP AND DRAWING LIST KEY MAP, SYMBOLS, LEGEND AND SURVEY NOTES GENERAL NOTES AND INFORMATION 1 G-1 2 Gw2 3 G-3 4 C-1 5 C-2 6 C-3 7 C-4 8 C-5 10 C-7 11 C-8 12 C-9 13 CC-10 CIVIL DRAWINGS McNAB ROAD - F?LAN..SHEET 1 STATION 10+00 TO STATION 15+00 McNAB ROAD - PLAN SHEET 2 STATION 15+00 TO STATION 20+00 McNAB ROAD - PLAN SHEET 3 STATION 20+00 TO STATION 24+70 McNAB ROAD - PROFILE SHEET 1 STATION 10+00 TO STATION 15+00 McNAB ROAD - PROFILE SHEET 2 STATION 15+00 TO STATION 20+00 McNAB ROAD - PROFILE SHEET 3 STATION 20+00 TO STATION 24+70 STANDARD DETAILS - SHEET 1 STANDARD DETAILS - SHEET 2 STANDARD DETAILS - SHEET 3 STANDARD DETAILS SHEET 4 if City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS BID NO. 06-01 B MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS It is the intent of the City to award this bid to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informality concerning the bids when such rejection or waiver is deemed to be in the best interest of the City. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Bids are hereby requested from qualified Contractors for the installation of a new 16-inch water main, roadway restoration and connection to existing water mains. A portion of the work will be within Broward County right-of-way ( McNab Road) and FDOT right-of-way (University Drive). The 16-inch water main shall be Directionally Drilled across University Drive. Construction also includes dewatering, Maintenance of Traffic (MOT's), complying with permit conditions, testing and all restoration work for a complete and operating system as well as all appurtenances and other incidentals as indicated by the drawings and specifications or as required to properly complete the project as planned. A. LICENSES 1. To be eligible for award of this project, the Contractor must possess at time of bid opening, one of the following State Certified and/or County Competency licenses; State: Certified General Contractor License, as defined by F.S. 489.105 3a with at least five (5) years of verifiable full-time experience with a minimum of two (2) projects of similar nature or dollar cost. OR County: A Broward County Competency Engineering Contractor Class A Iccense with at least five (5) years of verifiable full-time experience with a minimum of two (2) projects of similar nature or dollar cost. Occupational license must be in effect as required by Florida Statute §205.065. B. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Upon failure of the Contractor to complete each individual requirement within the specified and mutually agreed upon time frame (plus approved extensions, if any) the Contractor shall pay to„ the City the sum of three hundred dollars,.($ Q QQ) for each oelendar day after the time specified for completion and readiness for final payment. This amount is not a penalty but liquated damages to the City. Liquidated damages are hereby fixed and agreed upon between the parties, recognizing the impossibility of precisely ascertaining the amount of damages that will be sustained by the City as a consequence of such delay, and both parties desiring to obviate any question of dispute concerning the amount of said damages and the cost and effect of the failure of the Contractor to complete the Contract on time. City shall have the right to deduct from and retain out moneys which may be due or which may become due and payable to Contractor. The amount of such liquidated damages and if the amount retained by City is insufficient to pay in full such liquidated 12 City of Tamarac ; Purchasing & Contracts Division damages, Contractor shall pay in full such liquidated damages. Contractor shall also be responsible for reimbursing City the total of all monies paid by the City to the engineer for additional engineering, inspection and administrative services until the work is complete. C. CONTACT INFORMATION For technical inquiries, contact the Project Manager, Tyler Davis, P.E., Mathews Consulting, Inc., 1475 Centrepark Blvd., Suite 250, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 at (561)-478-7961 or fax number (561) 478-7964, or via email to tdavis@mathewsconsultinginc.com. Be sure to include the Project Name and Bid Number on all correspondence. ° For non -technical inquiries, contact the Purchasing Office at (954) 724-2450. 13 City of Tamarac AAk Purchasing & Contracts Division SPECIAL CONDITIONS BID 06-01 B MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS 1. BID GUARANTY An acceptable Bid Bond, Cashier's Check, money order, irrevocable letter of credit or Certified Check payable to the City of Tamarac in an amount not less than 5% (five percent) of the bid price, must accompany the bid. Additional bonding may be required in the Special Terms and Conditions of this bid. The Bond must be executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Florida or secured in a manner satisfactory to the City of Tamarac. Upon award of the Contract, Payment and Performance, Guaranty in the bid award amount will be required within 15 calendar days of award and shall continue in effect until the contract expiration. 2. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT Neither this contract, nor any portion thereof, shall be assigned, except by formal approval of the City Commission. No such approval will be construed as making the City a part of or to such assignment, or subjecting the City to liability of any kind to any assignee. No subcontract or assignment shall, under any circumstances, relieve the Contractor of his liability and obligation under this contract, and despite any such assignment, the City shall deal through the Contractor only. However, if the company is sold during the life of the contract, the buying agent must provide the City with a letter signed by an officer of the new owner that can legally bind the company, stating that they will continue to perform the requirements of the contract under all the terms, conditions, and specifications so stated in the contract. 3. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY Contractor shall' provide sufficient manpower so as to perform work safely and , expeditiously with all equipment plainly marked with the company name. All equipment provided pursuant to this agreement shall be in good and proper working order. No work shall be performed before 8:00 AM. Exceptions to this schedule can only be made with the prior approval of the City in writing. The Contractor shall provide a qualified superintendent present on the site at all times, as a fully authorized agent of the Contractor, and capable of making on -site decisions. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to remove from the job site and properly, dispose of all residues at the end of each and every workday. Any materials or equipment left on site shall be secured by the Contractor, who is fully and totally responsible for security. Loss of materials or equipment due to theft, vandalism, etc. shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Any material left on site overnight shall be properly marked and identified in order to ensure public safety. 14 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 4. DAMAGE TO PUBLIC AND/OR PRIVATE PROPERTY Extreme care shall be taken to safeguard all existing facilities, site amenities, utilities, irrigation systems, windows, and vehicles on or around -the job site. Damage to public and/or private property shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be repaired and/or replaced in equal or better condition at no additional cost to the City. The Contractor shall use all means to protect existing objects, structures and vegetation designated to remain. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs, replacements and dressings to damaged materials, to the approval of the City, at no additional cost to the City. In the event of damage to public and/or private property, the Contractor shall immediately contact the City's Utilities .Department by telephone at (954) 724-2400 and inform the. appropriate staff member about the location and extent of the damages. 5. PERMITS AND LICENSES The Contractor shall be responsible for securing all City permits. However, all City permit fees are waived. The Contractor shall submit copies of all permits required for this work. The Contractor shall be responsible to secure the necessary construction permits from other agencies as may be required by those agencies. Cost of any required permits from agencies other than the City, will be reimbursed by City without markup, for properly submitted invoices. 6. SITE INSPECTION — CITY All work will be conducted under the general direction of the Utilities Department of the City of Tamarac, and is subject to inspection by the appointed inspectors to ensure compliance with the terms of the contract. No inspector is authorized to change any provision of the specifications without written authorization from the aforementioned agencies nor shall the presence or absence of an inspector relieve the Contractor from any requirements of the contract. Any work performed past City of Tamarac's normal working hours (M=F, 8:00 AM -- 4:00 PM) must be inspected. If any work is done outside of normal working hours, the City inspector is to be c6thpei�sated by the Contractor at a rate of $55.00/hour. However, if a City contract/consultant inspector is used, the Contractor will compensate that inspector at. the same cost as the City's cost. In addition, the City inspector must be onsite at least one (1) hour prior to closing site for each day. If site closure has taken place after 4:30 PM, the City inspector will be compensated at the above provision. 7. SUBMITTALS Contractor shall submit all required forms and documents as required by this contract inciudi $ iotlt �te� fo=bvrrtts, irisurance cerltfieafes aril any requih d dray sings within 15 days from the Award. Additionally, Contractor shall apply for all applicable licenses or permits within 15 days of the Notice to Proceed. 8. WAIVER OF LIENS Prior to Final Payment of the Contract Sum, a final waiver of lien shall be submitted by all suppliers, subcontractors, and/or Contractors who worked on the project that is subject of the Agreement. Payment of the invoice and acceptance of such payment by the Contractor 15 Purchasing & Contracts Division shall release the CITY from all claims of liability to the Contractor in connection with the Agreement. All items shall be delivered F.O.B. destination to a specific City of Tamarac address. All delivery costs and charges must be included in the bid price. Project substantial completion shall be within 75 calendar days from Contractor's receipt of City's Notice to Proceed. Final completion shall be 15 calendar days from date of substantial completion. 10. PAYMENT Payment will be made monthly for work that has been completed, inspected and properly invoiced. A retainage of 10% will be deducted from monthly payment up to 50% of project completion followed by 5% thereafter. Retainage monies will be released upon satisfactory completion and final inspection of the specific work order. Invoices must bear the project name, project number, bid number and purchase order number. The' City has -up to thirty (30) days to review, approve and pay all invoices after receipt. The Contractor shall invoice the City and provide a written request to the City to commence the one-year warranty period. All necessary Release of Liens and Affidavits shall be processed before the warranty period. 11. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The contract documents shall consist of the Standard Form of Agreement, Bid Proposal executed and submitted by the Contractor, plans and specifications (where applicable), any addenda or change orders, bond(s), insurance certificate(s), and the City's Resolution awarding the bid. 12. CHANGE ORDERS Without invalidating the contract, without any monetary compensation, and without notice to any surety, .the City, reserves and shall have the right to make increases, decreases or other changes to the work as may. be considered necessary or desirable to complete the propasQd construction in a satisfactory manner. The Contractor shall not start worl� pursuant to the change order until a change order setting forth the adjustments is approved by the City, and executed by the City and Contractor. Once the change order is so approved, the Contractor shall promptly proceed with. the work. 13. CHANGES IN THE WORK/CONTRACT PRICE 13.1 CONTRACT PRICE The Contract Price constitutes the total compensation (subiect to authorized adjustments, if applicable) payable to the Contractor- for _performing the _worts. All - duties, responsibilities and obligations assigned to or undertaken by the Contractor shall be at his expense without change in the Contract Price or Time except as approved in writing by the Engineer/Project Manager. 16 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 13.2 CHANGE ORDER The Contract Price and/or Time may only be changed by a Change Order. A fully executed change order for any extra work must exist before such extra work is begun. Any claim for an increase or decrease in the Contract Price shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party promptly (but in no event later than 15 days) after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. The amount of the claim with supporting data shall be delivered (unless the Owner/Engineer allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim) and shall be accompanied by claimant's written statement that the amount claimed covers all known amounts to which the claimant is entitled as a result of the occurrence of said event. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this Paragraph. - 14. CHANGES IN CONTRACT TIME 14.1 CHANGE ORDER The Contract Time may only be changed by. a Change Order. A fully executed change order must exist prior to extension of the contract time. 14.2 Notice Any claim for an increase or decrease in the Contract Time shall be based on written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other party promptly (but in no event later than 15 days) after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim and stating the general nature of the claim. Contractor hereby agrees to waive rights to recover any lost time or incurred costs from delays unless Contractor has given the notice and the supporting data required by this. Paragraph. 14.3 Basis for Extension Extensions of time shall be considered and will be based solely upon the effect ofi. delays to the work as a whole. Extensions of time shall not be granted for delays to the work, unless the Contractor can clearly demonstrate that such delays did or will, in fact, delay the progress of work as a whole. Time extensions shall not be allowed. for delays to parts of the work that are not on the critical path of the project schedule. Time extensions shall not be granted until all float or contingency time, at the time of delay, available to absorb specific delays and associated impacts is used. 'S..;:O.P.. N In the event satisfactory adjustment cannot be reached by the City and the Contractor for any item requiring a change in the contract, and a change order has not been issued, the City reserves the right at its sole option to terminate the contract as it applies to these items in question and make such arrangements as the City deems necessary to complete the work. The cost of any work covered by a change order for an increase or decrease in the contract price shall be determined by mutual acceptance of a lump sum by the City and Contractor. If notice of any change in the contract or contract time is required to be given 17 Co of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division to a. surety by the provisions of the bond, the giving of such notice shall be the Contractor's responsibility, and the amount of each applicable bond shall be adjusted accordingly. The Contractor shall furnish proof of such adjustment to the .CITY. Failure of the Contractor to obtain such approval from the Surety may be a basis for termination of this Contract by the CITY. 16.. BONDS The Contractor shall furnish separate Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of 100% of the total bid award amount as security for the faithful project performance and payment of all of the Contractor's obligations under the contract documents, per City Code Section 10-156. At the completion and formal approval and acceptance of all work associated with the project, a one year warranty period will begin. If the surety on any bond furnished by the Contractor is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent, or its right to do business is terminated in Florida, the Contractor shall, within seven (7) days thereafter, substitute another bond meeting the requirements outlined. -above, which must alsa�--be acceptable to the City. 17. PERFORMANCE, PAYMENT AND WARRANTY BONDS Within fifteen (16) calendar days after the contract award, but in any event prior to commencing work, the Successful Bidder shall execute and furnish the CITY a Performance Bond and Payment Bond, each written by a corporate surety, having a resident agent in the State of Florida and having been in business with a record of successful continuous operation for at least five, (5) years. The surety shall hold a current certificate of authority from the Secretary of Treasury of the United States as an acceptable surety on federal bonds in accordance with United States Department of Treasury Circular No. 570. The Contractor shall be required to provide acceptable, separate Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of 100% of the bid award. The Performance Bond shall be conditioned that the Successful Bidder performs the contract in the time and manner prescribed in the contract. The Payment Bond shall be conditioned that the Successful Bidder promptly make payments to all persons who supply the Successful Bidder in the prosecution of the work . provided for in the contract and shall provide that the surety shall pay the same in the amount not exceeding the sum provided In such bonds, together with interest at the maximum rate allowed by law and that they shall indemnify and save harmless the CITY to the extent of any and all payments in connection with the carrying out of said contract which the CITY may be required to make under the law. Payment and Performance Bonds must be submitted on City forms, Included herein. Such bonds shall continue in effect for one (1) year after final payment becomes due except as otherwise provided by law or regulation or by the Contract -Documents-Wi th the final sum of said bonds reduced after final payment to an amount equal to twenty five percent (25%) of the Contract price, or an additional bond shall be conditioned that the Successful Bidder correct any defective of faulty work or material which appear within one (1) year after final completion of the Contract, upon notification by CITY. The Warranty Bond shall cover the cost of labor as well as materials. 18 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 18. LOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES Existing utilities may be shown on the drawings. Such information is shown for design purposes and the existing and detail given is information that is obtained during the design period and is not. necessarily complete, correct or current. Prior to commencement of construction, the Contractor is responsible for locating existing city utilities affected by the construction in the field. Such utilities include but are not limited to water mains, force mains, gravity sewers, pump stations, storm sewers and drain systems. The City will provide to the Contractor available construction drawings for locating existing city utilities. However, the City cannot guarantee the accuracy of drawings or any information related to existing utilities and the City will not assume responsibility or liability for damage resulting from, the Contractor incorrectly locating existing utilities. Damage to any of the City's utilities incorrectly located by the Contractor or his agents shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be repaired and or replaced to equal or better condition at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall also be liable for all damages and claims against or by the City arising in any way from damage or interference with such utilities. No additional compensation shall be allowed to the Contractor for any delays, inconvenience or.damage sustained by him due to interference and/or incorrectly locating such utilities or appurtenances. Numerous utilities not owned by the City exist within the project area that may or may not have been depicted on the drawings. The Contractor shall exercise care in digging and i other work so as to not damage existing 'utilities including overhead utilities and underground cables and pipes. The Contractor is also responsible for contacting the Sunshine State One Call Center of Florida (Sunshine) at 1-800-432-4770 to determine location of underground utilities. Calls to Sunshine must be made at least 48 hours before digging but not more than five (5) days prior. Contractor is responsible for renewing locates if job extends beyond marking period established by Sunshine. Any utility in the vicinity that is not a member of the Sunshine Service must be notified directly. Should "any underground obstructions be encountered which interfere with the vtorkthe City shall be notified at once. The Contractor shall be responsible for the immediate repair of any damage caused by the work, and shall be responsible for any disruption of service caused by this damage. 19. CONFLICT WITH EXISTING UTILITIES Upon completion of locating existing utilities affected by the proposed .construction by the Contractor, and prior to commencement of construction, the Contractor shall examine the alignment. -of proposed :work to. -.be constructed. and identify any conflicts with_ existing utilities. If such conflicts exist, the Contractor shall undertake accurate surveys to determine elevations of utilities and shall notify the Engineer/Project Manager in writing seven (7) working days prior to the scheduled construction. The Engineer/Project Manager may revise the proposed design or recommend ways and means to avoid such conflicts. The Contractor may re -schedule his work so that the construction can be completed on time. No claim for down times by the Contractor shall be allowed. 19 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division SPECIAL PROVISIONS BID 06-01 B MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS 1. PURPOSE OF BID The City of Tamarac is hereby requesting Bids, from qualified Contractors, for the installation of a new 16-inch water main, roadway. restoration and connection to existing water mains. A portion of the work will be within Broward County right-of-way ( McNab Road) and FDOT right-of-way (University Drive). The 16-inch water main shall be Directionally Drilled across University Drive. Construction also includes dewatering,. Maintenance of Traffic (MOT's), complying with permit. conditions, testing and all restoration work for a complete and operating system as well as all appurtenances and 01 other, incidentals as indicated by the drawings and specifications or as required to `properly' complete the project as planned. 2. BASIC. DEFINITIONS Wherever used in the Agreement or in other Contract Documents, the following terms have the meanings indicated, which are applicable to both the singular and plural of each: 2.1 Addenda — Written or graphic instruments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clarify, correct, or change the bidding requirements or the contract document. 2.2 Agreement — The written agreement between the City and the Contractor covering the Work to be performed including other Contract Documents that are attached to the Agreement and made a part thereof. 2.3 Application for Payment — the form acceptable to the Engineer/Project Manager which is used by the Contractor during the course of the work in requesting progress or final payments and which is accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 2.4 Change Order— A document that is signed by the Contractor and the City and authorizes an addition, deletion or revision in the Work within the general scope of this Agreement, or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. 2.5 City — The City of Tamarac, Florida. Also referred to as Owner. 2.6 ` Contract t ocumenfs -The `con trac "documents consist of"t. is Agreemen,` conditions of the contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), drawings, specifications of Bid No. 05-22B, all addenda issued prior to, all modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, Certificate(s) of Insurance, Bonds and any additional modifications and supplements, Change Orders and Work directive changes issued on or after the effective date of the Contract. These contract documents form the Agreement, and all are as fully a part of the Agreement if attached to this Agreement or repeated therein. 20 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 2.7 Contract Times — the number of consecutive calendar days stated in the Contract Documents to achieve substantial completion and/or complete the Work so that it is ready for final payment as evidenced by the Engineer/Project Managers written recommendation of final payment. 2.8 Defective - An adjective which when modifying the Work refers to Work that is unsatisfactory, faulty or deficient, or does not conform to the Contract Documents, or does not meet the requirements of any inspection, reference standard, test or approval referred to in the Contract Documents, or has been damaged prior to final payment. 2.9 Drawings — The drawings that show the character and scope of the Work to be performed and which are referred to in the Contract Documents. 2.10 Effective Date of the Agreement -- The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective, but if no such date is indicated it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the two parties to sign and deliver. 2.11 Engineer/Project Manager — The City's authorized project representative. The words "Engineer" and "Engineer/Project Manager" are used interchangeably, 2.12. Field Order -- A written order issued by the Engineer/Project Manager that requires minor changes in the Work but does not involve a change in Contract Price or Contract Time. 2.13 FDOT — the State of Florida Department of Transportation 2.14 Milestone — A principal event specified in the Contract Documents relating to an intermediate complete date or time prior to Substantial Completion of all the Work. 2.15 Notice to Proceed — A written notice given by the City to the Contractor fixing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on wh.. - ch the Contractor shall start to perform the Contractor's obligations under the. Contract Documents. .2.16 Project — the total construction for which the Contractor is responsible under this agreement, including all labor, materials, equipment and transportation used or incorporated in such construction. 2.17 Specifications — Those portions of the Contract Documents consisting of written technical descriptions of materials, equipment, construction systems, standards and Workmanship as applied to the Work and certain administrative details applicable thereto. 2.18 Subcbntfactdr'- "an individual," frr p " g i or cor oration' Navin' a direct Contract with the Contractor or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work at the site. 2.19 Substantial Completion — "Substantial Completion" means the finishing or accomplishing of substantial performance of the Work as proscribed in the Contract Documents. "Substantial Performance" means that there has been no willful departure from the terms of the Contract Documents and the Work has been honestly and faithfully performed in its material and substantial 21 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division particulars. The. term "Final Completion" means the City's acceptance of the job. 2.20 Supplier — A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, materialman or vendor. 2.21 Unit Price Work — Work to be paid for on the basis of unit prices. 2.22 Work — The entire completed construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be provided under the Contract Documents. Work is the result of performing services, specifically, including but not limited to construction, furnishing labor, testing, documentation, equipment and materials used or incorporated in the construction of the entire Contract Documents. The words "Project" and "Work" are used interchangeably. 2.23 Work Change Directive — A written directive to the Contractor issued on or .the effective date of the Agreement and signed by the City and recommended by the Engineer/Project Manager ordering an addition, deletion or revision in the Work. A Work Change Directive shall not change ' the Contract price or time, but is evidence that the parties expect that the change directed or documented by a Work Change Directive will be incorporated in a subsequently issued Change Order following negotiations by the parties as to its effect, if any, on the Contract Price or Contract Time. 2.24 WrittenAmendment — A written amendment of the Contract Documents, signed by the CITY and the Contractor on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement and normally dealing with the non -Engineering, or non -technical aspects rather than strictly Work related aspects of the Contract Documents. 3. ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS If any portion of the Contract Documents appears to be in conflict with any other portion, the various documents comprising the Contract Documents shall govern in the following order of precedence: The Technical Specifications 2. The Contract Drawings 3. The Special Provisions 4. Special Conditions 5. The'Instructions to Bidders and General Terms and -Conditions 6. The Sample Agreement As between schedules and information given on Drawings, the schedules shall govern; as between figures given on Drawings and the scale measurements, the figures shall govern; as between large-scale drawings and small-scale drawings, the larger scale drawings shall govern. 22 QtY of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 4. INTENT It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete Project in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. Any Work, materials or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents as being required to produce the intended result will be supplied whether or not specifically called for. When words that have a well-known technical or trade meaning are used to describe Work, materials or equipment such words shall be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. Reference to standard specifications, manuals or codes of any technical society, organization or association, or to the laws or regulations of any governmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implications, shall mean the latest standard specification, manual, code or laws or regulations in effect at the time of contract award, except as may be otherwise specifically, stated. However, no provision of any referenced standard specification, manual or code (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents) shall be effective to change the duties and responsibilities of tb City;ontractor, or any of their consultants, agents or employees from those set fortj in the Contract Documents. 5. SUPPLEMENTS, MINOR VARIATIONS OR DEVIATIONS In addition, the requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented and minor variations and deviations in the Work may be authorized in one or more of the following ways: 5.1 The Engineer/Project Manager's approval of a shop drawing or sample; or 5.2 The Engineer/Project Manager's written interpretation or clarification. 6. CONTRACTOR'S ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITY 6.1 The Contractor shall provide sufficient manpower so as to : perform work safely and expeditiously with all equipment plainly marked with the company name. All equipment provided pursuant to this agreement shall be in good and proper working order. 6.2 The Contractor shall provide a qualified, English speaking, superintendent present on the site at all times. The superintendent shall be a fully authorized agent of the Contractor, and have full authority to make on -site decisions and commitments regarding the Contractors Work. 6.3 eThe xcept with hdent`shall be satisfac o "to the City'and�sh ll' not be changed p consent of the Engineer/Project Manager. 6.4 The Contractor shall assign to the work site at least one (1) supervisor at all time capable of making field decisions, interpreting plans, etc. The Contractor shall also provide suitable personnel who shall be available after work hour emergencies and capable of making appropriate decisions. The Contractor shall supply competent and physically capable employees having the requisite skill and experience to perform the work in a workmanlike manner. The City may require the Contractor to remove any employee working for or 23 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division under the Contractor that the City deems careless, incompetent, insubordinate or otherwise objectionable. The Contractor shall be responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of all subcontractors and personnel working under the Contractor. 6.5 The Contractor shall be aware that the job may be subject to vehicular and pedestrian traffic at all times of the day and night. 6.6 Loss of materials or equipment due to . theft, vandalism, etc. shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Any material left on site overnight shall be properly marked and identified in order to ensure public safety. 6.7 The Contractor is responsible for familiarizing itself with the nature and extent of the Contract Documents, the Work, the locality, and with all local conditions, verifying all pertinent figures and applicable field measurements, and federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations that in any, manner may affect cost, progress, or performance of the Work. The Contractor is responsible for making or causing to be made any examinations, investigations, tests and studies as it deems necessary for the performance of the Work at the Contract Price, within the Contract Time, and in accordance with other terms and conditions of the Contract Document. 6.8 Before beginning the Work or undertaking each component part of the Work, The Contractor shall carefully study the Contract Documents, Special Conditions, Technical Specification, all pertinent figures and site conditions. The Contractor shall promptly report in writing to the Engineer/Project Manager and the City any conflict, error or discrepancy which the Contractor may discover and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from the Engineer/Project Manager before proceeding with any Work affected thereby. 6.9 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall provide or cause to be provided. and shall pay for labor, . materials,. equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, water,. heat, utilities, transportation and other facilities .end. services necessary for proper execution and completion of the work, whether temporary or permanent and whether or not incorporated or to be incorporated in the Work. 6.10 The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall coordinate all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures.. 6.11 The Contractor shall keep the City and the Engineer/Project Manager informed of the progress and quality of the Work. 6.12 If rpquestedrw writpgy tide CQrttrgctpr, ..,th,® Cr,rifh reasonable promptness` acid in accoroaance_ with time 'limits agreed' upon, 'shall interpret the requirements of the Contract Documents and shall decide (subject to other provisions in the Contract Documents governing claims, disputes and other matters in question) matters relating to performance. Such interpretations and decisions shall be in writing. 6.13 The Contractor shall. correct all Work, which does not conform to the Contract Documents. 24. City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 6.14 The Contractor warrants to the City that materials and equipment incorporated in the work will be new unless otherwise specified, and that the Work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects, and in conformance with the Contract Documents. 6.15 The Contractor shall pay all applicable sales, consumer, use and similar taxes, and shall secure and pay for permits and governmental fees, licenses and inspections necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work. The Contractor shall identify all governmental authorities and agencies having jurisdiction to approve the construction, and obtain all permits and approvals with such governmental authorities as have jurisdiction, and assist the City . in consultations with appropriate governmental authorities and agencies in obtaining all permits and approvals. 6.16 Without limiting the foregoing, the Contractor shall pay all fees, costs,. and expenses in connection with the applications, processing, and securing of ' approvals or permits, not previously obtained by the owner or its agent, from all governmental authorities which have jurisdiction over all aspects of this Work except City permits and fees which shall be waived except for so much of said fees as the City is required to remit to other governmental agencies. 6.17 The Contractor shall give notices and comply with laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of public authorities relating to the Project. 6.18 The Contractor shall be responsible to the City for acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees and parties in privity of contract with the Contractor to perform any portion of the Work, including their agents and employees. 6.19 The Engineer/Project Manager shall prepare Change Orders for the City's approval and execution in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any work, which is commenced without a Change Order or Work Directive being approved, shall constitute a waiver of any claim of compensation for such work. All Change Orders must be approved by the'City, Manager or designee identified as such in writing. 6.20 The Contractor shall maintain in good order when present at the site one record copy of the drawings, specifications, product data, samples, shop drawings, Change Orders and other Modifications marked currently to record changes made during construction. These shall be delivered to the City upon completion of the construction and prior to final payment. 6.21 Contractor must repair any pavement, concrete, brick pavers, etc., disturbed a "Ires�rt°.. Y b _. , of am work:-vvilm the scope o"thfs"°contrarlt `to all applicable codes and City standards. 7. FAMILIARITY WITH THE TOTAL SCOPE OF THE PROJECT 7.1 The Contractor shall be familiar with the total scope of the project prior to commencement of any work. In case of any questions or conflict; they must be brought to the attention of the Engineer/Project Manager prior to any 25 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 8. work. If further assistance is needed, the Contractor may contact the Director of Utilities The City shall not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to comply with this requirement. 7.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for repair and restoration of all utilities or any other items damaged during the Work. 7.3 By execution of the Agreement, The Contractor acknowledges that all requirements and conditions necessary to fulfill this Contract have been met. No contract adjustments shall be allowed for concealed site conditions. SHOP DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES 8.1 The Contractor shall submit to The Engineer/Project Manager for review and approval eight `(8)'copies of all Shop Drawings for all equipment, apparatus, machinery, fixtures, piping, wiring, fabricated structures and manufactured articles. The purpose of the Shop Drawing is to show the suitability, efficiency, technique -of -manufacture, installation requirements, detail of the item and evidence of compliance with the Contract Documents. The data shown on the Shop Drawings will be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specified performance and design criteria, materials and similar data to enable the Engineer/Project Manager to review the information as required. 8.2 The Contractor shall also submit to the Engineer/Project Manager for review and approval with such promptness as to cause no delay in Work, all samples required by the Contract Documents and each sample shall be identified clearly as to material, Supplier, pertinent data such as catalog numbers and the use for which intended. 8.3 Before submission of each Shope Drawing or sample, the Contractor shall have determined and verified all quantities, dimensions, specified performance criteria, installation requirements, materials, catalog numbers and similar data with respect thereto and reviewed or coordinated each Shop Drawing or sample with other Shop Drawings and samples and with the requirements of the Work and the Contract Documents. 8.4 At the time of each submission, the Contractor shall give the Engin JP.rojcct,'-Managerspecific -written, notice Hof :each. variation that the Shop Drawings or samples may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents, and, in addition, shall cause a specific notation to be made on each Shop Drawing submitted to the Engineer/Project Manager for review and approval of each such variation. Failure to point out such departures shall not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility to comply with the Contract Documents. 61 26 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 8.5 Approval of the Shop Drawings by the Engineer/Project Manager shall be general and shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the accuracy of such drawings nor for the proper fittings and construction of the Work, nor for the furnishing of material or Work required by the Contract Documents and not indicated on the drawings. No Work called for by any Shop Drawing shall be done until the Engineer/Project Manager has approved the drawings. The costs incurred for the City Engineer/Project Manager's review of shop drawings, substitutes, "or equal" items, or change orders shall be paid by the Contractor. 9. SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND OTHERS 9.1 The Contractor shall furnish, in writing on the form included, the names of persons or entities (including those who are to furnish materials or equipment fabricated to' ""a" "'special design) proposed for each principal portion of the Work. The Contractor shall not change a Subcontractor, person or entity previously selected if the City makes reasonable objection to such change. 9.2 The Contractor shall be fully responsible to the City for all acts and omissions of the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, suppliers and other persons directly or indirectly employed by, his subcontractors, suppliers and of persons whose acts any of them may be liable and any other persons and organizations performing or furnishing of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with the Contractor. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall create any Contractual relationship between the City and any such subcontractor, supplier, or other person or organization, nor shall it create any obligation on the part of the City to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such subcontractor, supplier, or other person or organization except as may otherwise be required by laws and regulations: 10. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1.0.1 The City shall designate a representative authorized to act on the City's behalf with respect to the Project. The City or such authorized representative shall examine documents submitted by the Contractor and shall promptly render decisions pertaining thereto to avoid delay in the orderly progress of the Work. 10.2 The City may appoint an on -site Project representative to obser ve rve the Work and to have such other responsibilities as the City and the Contractor agree in writing prior to execution of this Agreement. 10.3 The City shall cooperate with the Contractor in securing building and other permits, licenses and inspections. 27 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 10.4 If the City observes or otherwise becomes aware of a fault or defect in the Work or nonconformity with the Contract Documents, the City shall give prompt written notice thereof'to the Contractor. 10.5 The City shall furnish required information and services and shall promptly render decisions pertaining thereto to avoid delay in the orderly progress of the design and construction. 10.6 The City shall communicate with subcontractors only through the Contractor. 10.7 The City shall furnish data required of the City under the Contract Documents r promptly. 10.8 If the Work is defective, or the Contractor fails to supply sufficient skilled Workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to furnish or perform the Work in such a way` that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents, the City may order the Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however, this right of the City to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of the City to exercise this right for the benefit of the Contractor or any other party. 11. ENGINEERIPROJECT MANAGER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 11.1 The Engineer/Project Manager or his designee will be the City's representative during the construction period and until final payment is made. 11.2 The Engineer/Project Manager will make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction to observe the progress and quality of the executed Work and to determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance:- with the Contract Documents. The Engineer/Project Manager's efforts will be directed toward providing for the City a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents. On the basis of such visits and on -site inspections, the Engineer/Project. Manager shall keep the City informed of the progress of the Work and shall endeavor to guard the City against defects and deficiencies in the Work. 11.3 The Engineer/Project Manager will issue technical clarifications and interpretations, with reasonable promptness. Should the Contractor fail to request interpretation of items the Contractor determines to be questionable in the Contract Documents neither the City nor the Engineer/Project Manager would thereafter entertain any excuse for failure to execute the Work in a satisfactory manner based upon such a reason or claim. 11.4 The Engineer/Project Manager may authorize minor variations in the Work from the technical requirements of the Contract Documents, which do not 28 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and are consistent with the overall intent of the Contract Documents. These shall be accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding on the City, and also on the Contractor who shall perform the Work involved promptly. 11.5 The Engineer/Project Manager will have the authority to disapprove or reject Work that the Engineer/Project Manager believes to be defective, and will also have authority to require special inspections or testing of the Work whether or not the Work is fabricated, installed or completed. 12. AVAILABILITY OF AREA TO STORE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL City will make. every. _effort to provide suitable areas within or near the project site. Restoration ofall'atorage areas shall be Contractor's responsibility. 13. CLEANUP AND RESTORATION 13.1 During and after completion of all work, the Contractor shall be responsible for all cleanup including but not limited to sweeping, cleaning and removal of loose material. Leftover or excessive material, debris, etc. must be completely removed from the work area and other affected areas at no expense to the City at the end of work. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to protect any debris from obstructing or getting into any. wastewater, water or stormwater conveyance system. If any grassed area is disturbed, it shall be promptly restored at the Contractor's expense. 13.2 Cleanup .shall be performed on a. routinebasis in order to facilitate the maintenance of all work areas. Any damage to public or private property resulting from improper or idOffiplbf&cleanup shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor as per Section 14, Damage To Public And/Or Private Property. 13.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper and legal removal and disposal of all construction debris. 13.4 The project site shall be maintained in a neat and clean manner, and upon I sl: IeaeuR, the :project site -shalt be :left, clear, of all,, surplus=matarial and debris. Paved areas shall be swept clean. 13.5 If the. Contractor fails to properly maintain the site or perform required clean- ups and debris removal the City shall place the Contractor on written notice to perform required clean up. Contractor shall perform required clean up within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the City's written notice. 29 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 13.6 In the event that the Contractor does not comply, the City may correct such deficiencies. In such case, an appropriate Change Order shall be issued deducting from payments. then or thereafter due the Contractor costs of correcting such deficiencies. If the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not 'sufficient to cover the amount of the deduction, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the City. ' 14. DAMAGE TO PUBLIC AND/OR PRIVATE PROPERTY 14.1 Extreme care shall be taken to safeguard all existing facilities, site amenities, utilities, irrigation systems, windows, and vehicles on or around the job site. Damage to public and/or private property shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be repaired and/or replaced in equal or better condition r at no additional cost to�the City. 14.2 The Contractor shall use all means to protect existing objects, structures and vegetation designated to remain. 14.3 In the event of damage, Contractor shall immediately make all repairs, replacements and dressings to damaged materials, to the approval of the City, at not additional cost to the City. 14.4 In the event of damage to public and/or private property, the Contractor shall F immediately contact the City's Utilities Department by telephone at (954) 724-2400 and inform the appropriate staff member about the location and extent of the damages. 14.5 In the event that the Contractor does not immediately repair to the satisfaction -of the City damage to public and/or private property, the City may correct such damage. In such case, an appropriate'Change Order shall be issued deducting- from payments then or thereafter due the Contractor costs of correcting such damage. If the payments then or thereafter due. the Contractor are not sufficient to cover the amount of the deduction, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the City. 15. CONNECTION TO CITY WATER The:.Contractor-must::also comply with all City -of Tamarac, :Utility Department° and Building Department requirements, and contact these departments at least 48 hours prior to start of work. 16. BASIS OF PAYMENT, UNIT PRICES AND RIGHT TO CHANGE QUANTITIES Payment at the contract unit price shall be inclusive of all labor, materials, equipment and incidental items. 30 City of Tamarac - Purchasing & Contracts Division 17. ACCEPTANCE OF WORK Acceptance shall be based upon satisfactory completion, material test results, performance and appearance of the Work after the materials , have. established, been placed or found to. be in good operating order. Prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall remove and replace, satisfactory to the City, all defective areas. Any adjusted area that is found to be of an unsatisfactory condition 'shall be rejected and shall be removed and restored by the Contractor at no expense to the City. 18. TESTS AND INSPECTIONS 18.1 The Contractor shall give the City timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required` inspections, tests or approvals. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility; pay all costs in connection therewith and furnish the City the required certificates of inspection, testing or approval for all materials, equipment for the Work and any part thereof unless otherwise specified herein. 18.2 The City inspectors shall have no authority .to permit deviations from or to relax any of the provisions of the Contract Documents, or to delay the Agreement by failure to inspect the materials and Work with reasonable promptness. 18:3 The payment of any compensation in any form, or the giving of any gratuity or the granting of any favor by the Contractor to any inspectors, directly or indirectly is strictly prohibited and any such action on the part of the Contractor will constitute a breach of this Agreement. 19. CORRECTION OR REMOVALOF DEFECTIVE WORK ` 19.1 The. Contractor shall correct Work rejected by the City or known by the Contractor to be defective or failing to conform to the Construction Documents, whether observed before or after Final Completion and whether or not fabricated, installed or completed, and all work found to be defective in the one-year period from the date of Substantial Completion (the Warranty Period) shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, or within such longer period provided by any applicable special warranty 'in ," the Contract Documents. 19.2 The City shall provide the Contractor with written notice regarding defective or rejected work. Within seven days after receipt of such written notice from the City the Contractor shall commence with corrective action to remove and replace it with Work that is not defective or rejected. 31 WOP170711- Purchasing & Contracts Division 19.3 If the Contractor fails to correct defective Work as required or persistently fails to cant' out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, the City, by written order may stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however the City's right to stop the Work shall not give rise to a duty on the part of the City to exercise the right for benefit of the Contractor or other persons or entities., 19.4 If .the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the Work in .,accordance with the Contract Documents within seven days after receipt of written notice from the City to commence and continue correction of such default or neglect, the City may give a second written notice to the Contractor.. If within seven days following receipt of the second notice, the Contractor fails to correct such default or neglect with diligence and promptness, the City may correct such deficiencies. In such case, an appropriate Change Order shall be issued deducting from payments then or thereafter due the Contractor costs of correcting such 'deficiencies. If the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor are not sufficient to cover the amount of the deduction, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the City. 20. PROGRESS PAYMENTS 20.1 The Contractor shall deliver to the City itemized Applications for Payment for Payment. The Contractor may requisition payments for Work completed during the Project at intervals of not more ' than once a month. The Contractor's requisition. shall show a complete breakdown of the Project components, the quantities completed and the amount due, together with a certification by the Contractor that the Contractor has disbursed to all Subcontractors- and Suppliers their ,pro-rata shares .of the payment out of previous progress payments received by the Contractor for all Work completed end materials furnished in the previous period and that properly executed releases of liens by all Subcontractors, Suppliers and materialmen were provided and included in the Contractor's previous applications for payment,. and any other supporting documentation as may be required by the Engineer/Project Manager or Contract Documents. Each requisition shall .be submitted in triplicate to the Engineer/Project Manager for approval. The City shall make payment to the Contractor within thirty (30) calendar days after approval by the Engineer/Project Manager of the Contractor's requisition for payr.nent. 20.2 Within thirty (30) days of the City's receipt of a properly submitted and correct Application for Payment, the City shall make payment to the Contractor. 20.3 The City shall retain Ten percent (10%) of all monies earned thru 50% of project completion by the Contractor, and 5% thereafter, until the Work is totally completed as specified, and accepted by the City. The parties hereto 32 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division agree that 255.052, Florida Statutes, do not apply to this Agreement, or to any underlying agreements and obligations to which this Agreement pertains. 20.4 The Application for Payment shall constitute a representation by the Contractor to the City that, to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief, the design and construction have progressed to the point indicated, the quality of the Work covered by the application is in accordance with the Contract Documents and the Contractor is entitled to payment in the amount requested. 20.5 The Contractor shall pay each Subcontractor, upon receipt of payment from the City, out of the amount paid to the Contractor on account of such Subcontractor's Work, the amount to which said Subcontractor is entitled in accordance with the terms of the Contractor's contract with such Subcontractor, The. Contractor shall, by appropriate agreement with each Subcontractor;' require each Subcontractor to make payments to sub - Subcontractors in similar manner. 20.6 The City shall have no obligation to pay or to be responsible in any way for payment to a. Subcontractor of the Contractor except as may otherwise be required by law. 20.7 No progress payment or, partial or entire use or occupancy of the Project by the City shall constitute an acceptance of Work not in accordance with the Contract Documents.. 20.8 The Contractor warrants that: (1) title to Work, materials and equipment covered by an Application for Payment will pass to the City either by incorporation in construction or upon receipt of payment by the Contractor, whichever occurs first; (2) Work, materials and equipment covered by previous Applications for Payment are free and -clear of liens, claims, security interests or er�cur�brarnes, hereinafter referred ,to as "liens"; and (3) no Work, materials or equipment covered by an Application for Payment will have been acquired by the Contractor, or any other person performing Work at the site or furnishing materials or equipment for the Project, subject to an agreement under which an interest therein or an encumbrance thereon is retained by the seller or otherwise imposed by the Contractor or such other person. 20.9 The Contractor may apply for the return of the retainage held pursuant to. Section 20.3, if the Contractor has satisfied the requirements of the Contract relating to retainage. The City shall pay the Contractor the amount retained for the Work, less the reasonable value of incorrect or incomplete Work, liquidated damages or both. Final payment of such withheld sum shall be made upon correction or completion of such Work and resolution of all issues regarding liquidated damage. The release of retainage shall not become due until all Work is 100% completed as identified on the final punchlist. The requirements of retainage include the following: 33 City of Tamarac - —76 Purchasing & Contracts Division 20.9.1 Repair and/or replacement of faulty or defective Work., 20.9.2 As -built drawings are submitted to and accepted by the City. 20.9.3 All Code requirements, . inspections, testing and certificates of approval are conformed with, submitted and accepted by the City. 20.9.4 The City is satisfied all payrolls, bills for materials and equipment and other indebtedness connected with the Work for which the City might in any way be responsible have been paid or otherwise satisfied to the extent and in such form as may be designated by the City. 20.9.5 Release of Lien is submitted and accepted by the City. 20.9.6 The Contractor's completion of Punch List. 20.9.7 Warranties are submitted to and accepted by the City. 21. CHANGE QUANTITIES/CHANGE ORDERS 21.1 The City, without invalidating this Agreement, may order additions, deletions or revisions to the , Work. A written Amendment, Change Order or Work Change Directive shall authorize such additions, deletions or revisions. 21.2 All Change Orders which, individually or when cumulatively added to amounts authorized. pursuant to prior Change Orders for this Project, increase the cost of the Work to the City or which extend the time for completion, must be formally authorized and approved by the appropriate City authority prior to their issuance and before Work may begin. 21.3 No claim against. the City for extra Work in furtherance of a Change Order shall be allowed unless prior written City approval pursuant to this.section has been obtained. 21.4 The Contract Price and Contract Time shall be changed only by Change Order or written Amendment. 21.5 The Engineer/Project Manager shall prepare Proposed Change Orders on forms provided by the City. When submitted for approval, they shall carry the signature of the Utilities Director, the City Manager, and the Contractor. 21.6 If the City and the Contractor are unable to agree as to the extent, if any, of an adjustment in the Contract Price or an adjustment of the Contract times that should be allowed as a result of a Work Change Directive, a claim may be made therefore. 21.7 The Contractor shall not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract times with respect to any Work performed that is 34 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division not required by the Contract Documents as amended, modified and supplemented. 21.8 If notice of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents is required by the provisions of any bond to be given to a surety, the giving of any such, notice will be the Contractor's responsibility and the. amount of each applicable bond. Shall be adjusted accordingly. 21.9 Any claim for adjustment in the Contract Price or time shall be based upon written notice delivered by the party making the claim to the other parties and to the Engineer/Project Manager not later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the occurrence or event giving rise to the claims and stating the general nature of the claim. No claim for an adjustment in the Contract Price or an extension of the contract_tirne.will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this Paragraph. 21.10 The cost or credit to the City from a change in the Work shall be determined by one or more of the following ways: 21.10.1 By mutual acceptance of a lump sum properly itemized and supported by sufficient substantiating date to permit evaluation where unit prices do not exist in the contract documents; 21.10.2 By unit. prices stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon; or 21.10.3 By cost to be determined in a manner agreed upon by the parties and a mutually acceptable fixed or percentage fee. 22. REGULATORY CHANGES The Contractor shaft be- -compensated for changes in the Work necessitated by the enactment or revision of codes, laws, or regulations subsequent to the submission of the Contractor's proposal. 23. SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION The specified warranty period for a specific Project does not begin until final completion of that project.under.that project's individual Notice to Proceed. 24. FINAL INSPECTION Upon written notice from the Contractor that the Work is or an agreed portion thereof is complete, the City and the Engineer/Project Manager will make a final inspection and will notify the Contractor in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals that the 35 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division Work is incomplete or defective. The Contractor shall address such deficiencies in accordance with Section 19 "Correction or Removal of Defective Work" of this document. 25. FINAL APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT 25.1 After the Contractor has completed all such corrections to the satisfaction of the City and the.Engineer/Project Manager and delivered all maintenance and operating instructions, schedules, guarantees, bonds, certificates of inspection, marked up record documents and other documents required by the Contract Documents, and after the Engineer/Project Manager has indicated that the Work is acceptable, the. Contractor may make application for final payment. The final application for payment shall be accompanied by (1) complete and legally effective releases or waivers of all liens arising out of or filed in connection with , the Work and a final affidavit; or (2) the Contractor's receipts in full covering all labor, materials and equipment for which a lien could be filed; or (3) a final affidavit stating that all laborers, materialmen, Suppliers and Subcontractors who Worked for the Contractor under this Contract have been paid in full or if the fact be .otherwise, identifying the name of each lienor who has not been paid in full and the amount due or to become due each for labor, services or materials furnished and the reason(s) why the same remains unpaid. If any Subcontractor or Supplier fails to furnish a release or receipt in full, the Contractor may furnish a bond satisfactory to the City to indemnify the City against any such lien. 25.2 The Contractor shall also submit with the final application for payment, the completed set of "As -Built" drawings for review and approval. The "As -Built" drawings shall be prepared, sealed and certified by a professional registered land surveyor licensed by the State of Florida. The Contractor shall deliver mylar sepias of the as -built project, signed, sealed and dated by the responsible professional. In addition, "As -Built" plans are to be submitted in a��'digital format in AutoCAD latest version. The Digital File is to be compatible with the City's GIS system. Final payment to the Contractor shall not be made until said drawings have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer/Project Manager. Prior to approval, if necessary, the drawings may be returned to the Contractor for changes or modifications if in the opinion of ° the Engineer/Project Manager they do not represent correct or accurate "As - built" drawings. 26. FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE 26.1 If, on the basis of the Engineer/Project Manager's observation of the Work during construction and final inspection, and the Engineer/Project Manager's review of the final Application for Payment and accompanying documentation, the Engineer/Project Manager is. satisfied that the Work has been completed and the Contractor's other obligations under the Contract 36 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division Documents have been fulfilled, the Engineer/Project Manager will, within ten (10) days after receipt of the final Application for Payment, indicate in writing the Engineer/Project Manager's recommendation of payment and present the Application to the City for payment. Thereupon the Engineer/Project Manager will give written notice to the City and the Contractor that the Work is acceptable. Otherwise, the Engineer/Project Manager will return the Application to the Contractor, indicating in writing the reasons for refusing to -- recommend final payment, in which case the Contractor shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application. After presentation to the City of the Application and accompanying documentation, in appropriate form and substance, and with the Engineer/Project Manager's recommendation and notice of acceptability, the amount recommended by the Engineer/Project Manager will become due and will be paid by the City to the Contractor within the required time frame under Florida statue regarding such payments. _ 26.2 Final payment, constituting the entire unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, shall be paid by the City to the Contractor when the Work has been completed, the Contract fully performed, and a final certificate for payment has been approved by the Engineer/Project Manager. The making of final payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the City except those arising from: 26.2.1 Liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances arising out of this Agreement and unsettled. 26.2.2 Faulty or defective Work and latent defects discovered after acceptance. 26.2.3 Failure of the Work to comply with the requirements of the contract documents. 26.2.4 Terms of special warranties required by the contract documents. 26 2 5 Any of the Contractor's continuing obligations under this Agreement. . 26.3 The acceptance of final payment by the Contractor shall constitute a waiver of claims by that payee except those previously made in writing and identified as unsettled at the time of final application for payment. i 27..CITl(' IQKT.T�,_V�I TH L I:ID:P IYMENT ..; 27.1 The City may withhold in part, final payment or any progress payment to such extent as allowed under Florida statute, necessary to protect itself from loss on account of: 27.2 Defective Work not remedied. 27.3 Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating the probable filing of claims by other parties against the Contractor. 37 City of Tamarac . Purchasing & Contracts Division 27.4 Failure of the Contractor to make payments to Subcontractors or Suppliers for materials or labor. 27.5 Damage to another Contractor not remedied. 27.6 The Contractor has incurred liability for liquidated damages. 27.7 Reasonable evidence that the Work cannot be completed for the unpaid balance of the contract sum. 27.8 Reasonable evidences that the Work will not be completed within the Contract time. 27.9 Failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 27.10 When the above grounds are removed or resolved or the Contractor provides a Surety Bond or Consent of Surety satisfactory to the City, which will protect the City in the amount withheld, payment may be made in whole or in part. 28. WARRANTIES 28.1 The Contractor warrants that all equipment, materials and Workmanship furnished, whether furnished by the Contractor or its subcontractors and Suppliers, will comply with the Technical Specifications, drawings and other descriptions supplied or adopted and that all services will be performed in a Workmanlike manner. 28.2 The Contractor warrants to the City that it will comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and orders in carrying out its obligations under the Contract. 28.3 The Contractor warrants to the City that it is not insolvent, it is not in bankruptcy proceedings or receivership, nor is it engaged in or threatened with any litigation, arbitration or other legal or administrative proceedings or investigations of any kind which would have an adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations under the Contract. 29. CORRECTION PERIOD 29.1 The Contractor warrants all material and Workmanship as noted in the Technical Specifications from date of final acceptance by the City. If within the period of warranty from the date offinal cormpletion or -such -longer period of time as may be prescribed by laws or regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defective, whether observed before or after acceptance by the City, the Contractor shall commence with corrective action within seven (7) days after written notice of the such defect, without cost to the City and in accordance with the City's written instructions, either correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by the City, remove it from the site and replace it with Work that is not defective and satisfactorily correct and 38 Purchasing & Contracts Division remove and replace any damage to other Work or the Work of others resulting 'therefrom. If the Contractor does not promptly comply with the terms of such instructions, or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, the City may have the defective Workmanship corrected or the rejected Work removed and replaced, and all direct, indirect and consequential costs of such removal and replacement (including but not limited to fees and charges of the Engineer/Project Manager, attorneys and other professionals) will be paid by the Contractor. 29.2 Where defective Work (and damage to other Work resulting therefrom) has been corrected, removed or replaced under this paragraph, the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work will be extended for an additional period as noted in the Technical Specifications after such correction or removal and replacement has been satisfactorily completed. 29.3 Nothing contained in this Article shall be' Construed to establish a period of limitation with respect to other obligations that the Contractor might have under the Contract Documents. Establishment of the time period as described in Article 29, relates only to the specific obligation of the Contractor to correct the Work, and has no relationship to the time within which the obligation to comply with the Contract Documents may be sought to be enforced, nor to the time within which proceedings may be commenced to establish the Contractor's liability with respect to the Contractor's obligation other than specifically to correct the Work. 30. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 30.1 The construction schedule shall be in the form of a tabulation, chart or graph (MS Project latest edition) -and shall be in sufficient detail to show the critical path and the chronological relationship of all activities contained in :the _ Project. These include, but are not limited to: estimated starting and completion dates of various activities, submittals required to the Engineer/Project Manager for approval, procurement of material and scheduling of equipment. 30.2 The Construction Schedule shall allow for a maximum turnaround time by the Engineer/Project Manager of fourteen calendar days on all submittals, shop drawings and all requests for information. 30.3 The construction schedule shall reflect the completion of all Work to be performed within the specified time and in accordance with the Contract Documents. ' 30.4 The construction schedule shall be thoroughly reviewed and updated on a monthly basis. The revised schedule shall be submitted to the City at least 39 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division every 30 days during the term of this Agreement and shall reflect a current schedule of activities, percent complete and remaining durations for all tasks. 30.5 Float, slack or contingency time derived from the early completion of tasks on the critical path is not for the exclusive use or benefit of the. Contractor. The Contractor shall not utilize such time without the prior written consent of the City. 30.6 If the Contractor desires to make changes in the method of operation after the construction approval. of the construction schedule, or if the Engineer/Project Manager determines that the schedule fails to reflect the actual progress, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer/Project Manager a revised construction schedule for approval. 31. PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 31.1 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and providing supervision for compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) standards for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. 31.2 The Contractor shall take. reasonable precautions for safety of, and shall provide reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to (1) employees on the Work and other persons who may be affected thereby; (2) the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein; and (3) other property at or adjacent to the site. 31.3 The. Contractor shall comply with applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders. of public authorities bearing on the safety of persons and property and their protection from damage, injury or loss. 31.4 The Contractor shall be liable for damage or loss (other than damage or loss _ to property insured. under the property insurance provided -or required by the Contract Documents to be provided by the City) to property at the site caused in whole or in part by the Contractor, a Sub -Contractor of the Contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them, or by anyone for whose acts they may be liable. 31.5 All unit prices provided by the Contractor as a part of this Bid shall include the cost of all safety equipment necessary for the performance of the Work. 31.6 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Florida Trench Safety Act and all applicable OSHA Regulations pertaining to excavation. 31.7 The Contractor shall comply with Florida Statutes, Chapter 556, Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act and secure the underground locations and obtain a Sunshine State One Call Certification number prior to beginning any excavation. City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 32. HURRICANE AND SEVERE WEATHER PRECAUTIONS 32.1 The Contractor shall immediately take all protective actions necessary to secure the construction site, materials, debris and equipment to the satisfaction of Engineer/Project Manager.' Engineer/Project Manager shall not be held liable for the construction site, materials, debris, and equipment. 32.2 All construction materials or equipment will be secured against displacement by wind forces. 33. WORK BY THE CITY OR CITY'S CONTRACTORS 33.1 The City reserves the right to perform Work related td;_. but not part of, the Project and to award separate contracts in connection with other Work at the site. 33.2 The Contractor shall afford the City's separate Contractors reasonable opportunity for introduction and storage of their materials and equipment for execution of their work. The Contractor shall incorporate and coordinate the Contractor's work with the work of the City's separate contractors as required by the Contract Documents. 33.3 Costs caused by defective or ill-timed Work shall be borne by the party responsible. 34. BID PREPARATION EXPENSE The Bidder preparing a bid in response to this bid shall bear all expenses associated with its preparation. The Bidder shall prepare a bid with the understanding that no claim for reimbursement shall be submitted to the City for the expense of bid preparation and/or presentation. 35. CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE A contingency allowance may have been allowed for this project as a pre-printed amount shown on the Bid Form/Schedule. of B .d Prices. The Qontractor shall add this amount to the total bid amount. If a contingency allowance is stipulated in the bid, the Contractor is not to use this contingency allowance without written permission from the City and upon written justification to the City for such use. Although the contingency allowance may be contained in the contract award amount, Contractor agrees that any unused portion of the contingency allowance shall remain with City and Contractor agrees they shall have no claim for the unused amount. The Contractor further agrees to execute a Change Order to the contract amount as may be required to deduct the unused amount of the contingency. 41 Co of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Olvision COMPANY NAME: (Please Print): Phone: Fax: BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR BID, MAKE SURE YOU... 1. ❑ Carefully read the General Terms & Conditions, Special Conditions and Special Provisions. 6 . 2.. ❑ Properly fill out the Bid Forms and the Schedule of Bid Prices. 3. ❑ Fill out and sign the Non -Collusive Affidavit and have it properly notarized. 4. ❑ Sign the Certification page. Failure to -do so may result in your Bid being deemed non -responsive. 5. ❑ Fill out the Bidder's Qualification Statement. fi. ❑ Fill out the References page. 7. ❑ Sign the Vendor Drug Free Workplace Form. 8. ❑ Fill out the List of Subcontractors. 9. ❑ include a 5% Bid Guaranty. Failure to provide the stipulated bond or guaranty will result in automatic rejection of your bid. Payment and Performance Bonds will be required and must be submitted on the City's forms, included herein. 10. ❑ Fill out and sign the Certified Resolution. 11. ❑ Include proof of insurance. 12. ❑ Include copy of State Certified or County Competency License(s) 13. Trench Safety Form, if applicable. Submit ONE (1) Original AND TWO (2) Photocopies of your bid, clearly marked with the BID NUMBER AND BINS NAME on the outside of the -package. Make sure your Bid is submitted PRIOR to the deadline. Late Bids will not be adapted.. Failure to provide the requested attachments may result in your bid being deemed non -responsive. THIS SHOULD BE THE FIRST PAGE OF YOUR BID. 42 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Divlslon BID FORM BID NO. 06-01 B MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS The City of Tamarac is hereby requesting Bids from qualified contractors for the installation of a new 16-inch water main, 'roadway restoration and connection to existing water mains. A portion of the work will be within Broward County right-of-way ( McNab Road) and FDOT right-of-way (University Drive). The 16-inch water main shall be Directionally Drilled across University Drive. Construction also includes dewatering, Maintenance of Traffic (MOT's), complying with permit conditions, testing and all restoration work for a' complete and operating system as well as all appurtenances and other incidentals as indicated by the drawings and specifications or as required to properly *` complete the project as planned. ' 1. To be eligible for award of this project, the Contractor must possess at time of bid opening, one of the following State Certified and/or County Competency licenses; State: Certified General Contractor License, as defined by F.S. 489.105 3a with at least five (5) years of verifiable full-time experience with a minimum of two (2) projects of similar nature or dollar cost. OR County: A Broward County Competency Engineering Contractor Class A license with at least five (5) years of verifiable full-time experience with a minimum of two (2) projects of similar nature or dollar cost.. r We propose to furnish the following items in conformity with the specifications and at the indicated bid prices. The bid prices quoted have been checked and certified to be correct. Said prices are fixed and firm and shall be paid to Bidder for the successful completion of its obligation as specified in the contract documents. In the event of obvious mathematical errors, the Bidder recognizes that these are clerical in nature and may be corrected by City. For each bid item, Bidder agrees to furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to properly perform the work described herein and on the project drawings. A more detailed description of the Pay Items is located in Section 01025 of the Technical Specifications. It is the intent of the City to award this bid based on the Total Base Bid for all bid items. In the event or latent multiplication or addition errors, the Bidder recognizes that these are clerical errors and may be corrected by the Owner SCH-1 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division BID SCHEDULE Bidder agrees that any unit price listed is to be multiplied by the estimated quantity requirements listed below in order to arrive at the total price. For each item, Bidder agrees to furnish all labor, material, tools -and equipment necessary to properly perform the work K described herein and on project drawings. It is the intent of the City to award this contract based on the Grand Total Base bid for all bid items. In the event of latent multiplication or addition errors, the Bidder recognizes that these are clerical -errors and may be corrected by the Owner. ITEM DESCRIPTION EST. UNIT PRICE (in UNIT EXTENDED NO. UNIT QTY. words) PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1* Site Mobilization/Demobilization LS 1 $ $ Dollars Cents 2 Maintenance of Traffic LS 1 $ $ Dollars Cents 3 As -Built Record Drawings LS 1 $ $ Dollars Cents 4 16" CL 350 DIP Water Main LF 750 $ $ Dollars .... Cents 5 16- HDPE SDR 11 (DIPS) LF 685 $ $ Directional Drill Dollars Cents 6 Restore Directional Driil'Pits EA 2' $ $ Dollars Cents 7 16" Gate Valve & Box EA 3 $ $ Dollars Cents SCH-2 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid -Prices City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division ITEM NO. UNIT EXTENDED PRICE TOTAL PRICE 8 Connect to Existing LS 1 $ 6" & 12" WM (Sta. 23 + 25) Dollars Cents 9 24 x 16 Tapping Sleeve EA 1 $ $ and Gate Valve Dollars Cents 10 Fill and Flush Assembly EA 2 $ $ Dollars DESCRIPTION EST. UNIT PRICE (in UNIT QTY. words) Cents 11 Sample Points EA 2 $ $ Dollars Cents 12 Open Cut Pavement Repair LF 760 $ $ t & Pavement Replacement (12' Dollars Lane Width) Cents 13 Milling Existing Asphalt 1 %' to SY 400 $ $ 3" & 1 Y" to 3" Type S-III & S-1 Dollars Asphalt Surface Course Cents 14 7' Concrete Sidewalk (6" Thick) LF 12 $ $ Dollars Cents 15 Concrete Curb Restoration LF 12 $ $ Dollars Cents ` 16 Pavement Marking and LS 1 $ $ Signage Dollars' Cents. SCH-3 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices ITEM NO. City of Tamarac DESCRIPTION EST. UNIT PRICE (in UNIT QTY. words) 17 Project Identification Sign 18 Indemnification 19 Contingency. Allowance 20 Video Allowance Purchasing & Contracts Division 111► id EXTENDED TOTAL PRICE EA 2 $ $ Dollars Cents LS 1 Ten $10.00 $ 10.00 Dollars No Cents LS 1 Fifty Thousand $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 . Dollars No Cents LS 1 Seven Hundred Fifty $ 750.00 $ 750.00 Dollars No Cents r * There is a 5% cap for Bid Item 1 (refer to Section 01025) TOTAL BASE BID ITEMS 1 through 20 $ (IN NUMBERS) TOTAL BASE BID ITEMS 1 through 20 (IN WORDS) Dollars NAME OF COMPANY SCH-4 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division BID FORM (continued) BID NO. 06-01 B MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Submitted by: THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO: Date City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Manager 7525,Northwett 88t" Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this bid is accepted, to enter into a contract with the City to perform and furnish all Work as specified herein for the Contract Price and within the Contract Period indicated in this bid. 2. This bid will remain subject to acceptance for ninety (90) days after the day of bid opening. Bidder will sign and submit the necessary documents required by the City within fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the City's Award. a. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the contract documents, locality, and all local conditions and laws and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. b. Bidder has given the City. written notice of all conflicts, -errors or discrepancies that it has discovered in the contract documents and -the written resolution thereof by the Cityis acceptable to Bidder. C. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over the City. 3. Bidder will complete the Work for the prices shown in the "Bid Form". 4. Bidder agrees that the Work will be substantially performed and complete in accordance with the schedules established herein. SCH-5 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division BID FORM (continued) BID NO.06-01B MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS The City reserves the right to reject any bid, if it deems that a vendor has deliberately provided erroneous information., The undersigned declare to have specific and legal authorization to obligate their firm to the terms of this bid, and further, that they have examined the Invitation to Bid, the instructions to Bidders, the Specifications, and other documents included in this bid request, and hereby promises and agrees that, if this bid is r accepted, they will faithfully fulfill the terms of this bid together with all guarantees and warranties thereto. The undersigned 'bidding firm further certifies the product and/or equipment meets or exceeds the specification as stated in the bid package; and also agrees that products and/or equipment to be delivered which fall to meet bid specifications Will be rejected by the City within thirty (30) days of delivery. Return of rejection will be at the expense of the bidder. Authorized Signature ' Company Name. Typed/Printed Name Address Telephone Fax . City, $tate,..ZIP Federal Tax ID Number Email address for above signer (if any) Contractor's license Number SCH-B B/d Form & Schedule of Bid Prices City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division BID FORM (continued) BID NO. 06-01 B MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Bidder's Name: TERMS: % (percent discount, if any, if payment made within DAYS; otherwise, terms are NET 30 days. Delivery/completion: calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed or Purchase Order, whichever is applicable for this project. To be considered eligible for award, one (1) or 6lfia-U `nd'two (2) copies of this bid form should be submitted with the Bid. One original bid must be submitted at time of bid opening. Copies must be provided within 3 business days of City's request. NOTE: Bid submittals without the manual signature of an authorized agent of the Bidder, as evidenced by completion of the Certified Resolution form contained herein (or acceptable Corporate Resolution) may be deemed non -responsive and ineligible for award. NOTE: Bid submittals without the manual signature of an authorized agent of the Bidder shall be,deemed non -responsive and ineligible for award. IF "NO BID', IS OFFERED, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Please indicate Return the Bid reason(s) why a Bid Proposal is not being submitted at this time. Form to avoid removal of Bidder from the City of Tamarac's vendor listing. SCH-7 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division t NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT State of ) )ss. County of _) and says that: being first duly sworn, deposes He/she is the , (Owner, Partner, Officer, Representative or Agent) of , the Offeror that has submitted the attached Proposal; 5. He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Proposal and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such Proposal; 6. Such Proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Proposal; 7. Neither the said Offeror nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affrant, have in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Offeror, firm, or person to submit a collusive or sham Proposal in connection with the Work for which the attached Proposal has been submitted; or to refrain from bidding in connection with such Work; or have in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication, or conference with any Offeror, firm, or person to fix the price or prices in the attached Proposal or of any other Offeror, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost elements of the Proposal price or the Proposal price of any other Offeror, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement any advantage against (Recipient), or any person interested in the proposed Work; 8. The price or prices quoted in the attached Proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy,,,ponnivance, or unlawful agreement on the part of the Offeror or any other of its agents, representatives, owners, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant. t Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of. Witness By M Witness Printed Name Title 43 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division ACKNOWLEDGMENT NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT State of Florida County of On this the day of , 20 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared _ and (Name(s) of individual(s) who appeared before notary) whose name(s) is/are Subscribed to within the instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) 0 Personally known to me, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath 44 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division CERTIFICATION THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID We (1), the undersigned, hereby agree to furnish the item(s)/service(s) described in the Invitation .to Bid. We (1) certify that we (1) have read the entire document, including the Specifications, Additional Requirements, Supplemental Attachments, Instructions to Bidders, Terms and Conditions, and any addenda issued. We agree to comply with all of the requirements of the entire Invitation To Bid. Indicate which type of organization below: INDIVIDUAL ❑ PARTNERSHIP ❑ CORPORATION ❑ OTHER ❑ If "Other", Explain: Authorized Signature Typed/Printed Name Telephone Fax Email address for above signer (if any Company Name Address City, State, ZIP Federal Tax ID Number Contractor's License Number 45 City of Tamarac AML Purchasing & Contracts Division BIDDER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and .all answers to questions made hereinafter: Name of Company Address City State Zip e Telephone Fax Number 1. How many years has your organization been in business under its present name? Years 2. If Vendor is operating under Fictitious Name, submit evidence of compliance with Florida Fictitious Name Statute: r 3. Under what former name(s) has your business operated? List former address(es) of that business (if any). 4. Are you Certified? Yes ❑ No ❑ If Yes, attach copy of Certification 5. Are you Licensed? Yes ❑ No ❑ If Yes, attach copy of License 6. Has your company ever declared bankruptcy? Yes ❑ No ❑ If Yes, explain: 7. Are you a Sales Representative ❑ Distributor ❑ Broker ❑ or Manufacturer ❑ of the commodities/services bid upon? 8. Have you ever received a contract or a purchase order from the City of Tamarac or other governmental entity? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, explain (date, service/project, bid title etc.) 9. Have you ever received a complaint on a contract or bid awarded to you by any governmental entity? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, explain: d 10. Have you ever been debarred or suspended from doing business with any governmental entity? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, explain: 46 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division REFERENCES Please list government agencies and/or private firms with whom you have done business during the last five years: Your Company Name Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name i Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact. Name_. Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: City State Zip ` Phone/Fax Contact Name 47 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 1V1.#,ki�•7 t�7:Z�L�3l_0�147141 1:� � Preference may be given to vendors submitting a certification with their bid/proposal certifying they have a drug -free workplace in accordance with Section 287.087, Florida Statutes. This requirement affects all public entities of the State and becomes effective January 1, 1991. The special condition is as follows: IDENTICAL TIE BIDS - Preference may be given to businesses with drug -free workplace prggrams. Whenever two or more bids that are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the State or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug -free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none of the tied vendors have a drug -free workplace program. In order to have a drug -free workplace program, a business shall: Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 9. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed ' upon employees for drug abuse violations. 10. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 11. In -the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later that five (5) days after each conviction. 12. Impose a section on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. .13. Make._a,_.good faith, ._effort_-to..:..continue to .maintain ..a.. drug -free workplace.ft:oug1v.__ implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this form complies fully with the above requirements. Authorized Signature Company Name 48 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS The Bidder shall list below the names and business address of each subcontractor who will perform Work under this Bid in excess of one-half of one percent of the Contractor's Total Bid Price, and shall also list the portion of the Work that will be done by such subcontractor. After the opening of bids, no changes or substitutions will be allowed except as otherwise provided by law. The listing of more than one subcontractor for each item of Work to be performed with the words "and/or" will not be permitted. Failure to comply with this requirement will render the Bid as non -responsive and may cause its rejection. ° Work to Be Performed % Total Contractor Subcontractor Contract License No. Name/Address l r 1 49 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division CERTIFIED RESOLUTION I, (Name), the duly elected Secretary of (Corporate Title), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of , do hereby certify that the following Resolution was unanimously adopted and passed by a quorum of the Board of Directors of the said corporation at a meeting held in accordance with law and the by-laws of the said corporation. "IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT (Name)", the duly elected (Title of Officer) of (Corporate Title) be and is hereby authorized to execute and submit a Bid and/or Bid Bond, if such bond is required, to the City of Tamarac and such other Instruments in writing as may be necessary on behalf of the said corporation; and that the Bid, Bid Bond, and other such instruments signed by him/her shall be binding upon the said corporation as its own acts and deeds. The secretary shall certify the names and signatures of those authorized to act by the foregoing resolution. The City of Tamarac shall be fully protected in relying upon such certification of the secretary and shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any and all claims, demands, expenses, loss or damage resulting from or growing out of honoring, the signature of any person so certified or for refusing to honor any signature not so certified. I further certify that the above resolution is in force and effect and has not been revised, revoked or rescinded. I further certify that the following are the name, titles and official signatures of those persons authorized to act by the foregoing resolution. NAME TITLE Given under my hand and the Seal of the said corporation this (SEAL) 22 SIGNATURE day of , 20,—. Secretary Corporate Title NOTE: The above is a suggested form of the type of Corporate Resolution desired. Such form need not be followed explicitly, but the Certified Resolution submitted must clearly show to the satisfaction of the City of Tamarac that the person signing the Bid and Bid Bond for the corporation has been properly empowered by the corporation to do so in its behalf. 50 ON of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division TRENCH SAFETY FORM Bidder acknowledges that included in the appropriate bid items of the proposal and in the Total Bid Price are costs for complying with the Florida Trench Safety Act (90-96, Laws of Florida) effective October 1, 1990. The bidder further identifies the costs of such compliance to be summarized below:. TRENCH SAFETY MEASURE UNITS OF UNIT UNIT -COST EXTENDED Mescription) MEASURE (Qty) o COST (LF/SF) A. $ $ B. $ $ C. $ $ D. $ $ TOTAL $ If applicable, the Contractor certifies that all trench excavation done within his control in excess of five feet (6) in depth shall be in accordance with the Florida Department of Transportation's Special Provisions Article 125-1 and Subarticle 125-4.1 (TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM AND SHORING, SPECIAL -TRENCH EXCAVATION). Failure to complete the above may result in the bid being declared non -responsive DATE: (Signature) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF: COUNTY OF: PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, who, after first being duly sworn by me, _ ... . - arrte of rrdividual �gning) affixed his/her signature in the space provided above on this day of , 20Y NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: 51 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division BID BOND STATE OF FLORIDA) )SS: COUNTY OF BROWARD) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, as Principal, and as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida in the penal sum of: Dollars ($ ) lawful money on. the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that whereas the Principal has submitted the accompanying Bid, dated , 20 , for: Bid No. NOW, THEREFORE, (a) If said Bid shall be rejected, or in the alternate. (b) If said Bid shall be accepted and the Principal shall properly execute and deliver to said City the appropriate Contract Documents, and shall in all respects fulfill all terms and conditions attributable to the acceptance of said Bid, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, it shall remain in force and effect, it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder shall in no event exceed the amount of this obligation as herein stated. The. Surety, for value received, hereby agrees that the obligations of the said Surety and its bond shall be in no way impaired or affected by any extension of time .within which said CITY may accept such Bid; and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any extension 52 City of Tamarac r ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BID BOND i Signed and sealed this day of IN PRESENCE OF: (AFFIX SEAL) ATTEST: i 0 Secretary ATTEST: i Secretary *Impress Corporate Seal Purchasing & Contracts Division Principal Business Address, City/State/Zip Business Phone Surety* By Title Attorney -In -Fact* 20 . 53 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division FORM PAYMENT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, pursuant to the requirements of Florida Statute 255.05, we, as Principal, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR, and, as Surety, are bound to the City of Tamarac, Florida, as Obligee, hereinafter called OWNER, in the amount of Dollars ($ for the payment whereof CONTRACTOR and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR has entered into a Contract, Bid/Contract/Project No.: awarded the ,day of , 20_, with OWNER for which contract is by reference made a part hereof, and is hereafter referred to as the Contract; THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if the CONTRACTOR: 1. Indemnifies and pays OWNER all losses, damages (specifically including, but not limited to, damages for delay and other. consequential damages caused by or arising out of the acts, omissions or negligence of CONTRACTOR), expenses, costs and attorney's fees including attorney's fees incurred in appellate proceedings, that OWNER sustains because of default by CONTRACTOR under the Contract; and 2. Promptly makes payments to all claimants as defined by Florida Statute 713.01 supplying CONTRACTOR with all labor, materials and supplies used directly or indirectly by CONTRACTOR in the prosecution of the Work provided for in the Contract, then his obligation shall be void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect subject, however, to the following conditions: 2.1 A claimant, except a laborer, who is not in privity with the CONTRACTOR and who has not received payment for his labor, materials, or supplies shall, within forty five (45) days after beginning to furnish labor, materials, or supplies for the prosecution of the work, furnish to the CONTRACTOR a notice that he intends to look to the Bond for protection. 2.2 A--ctalmant=who is not -in -privity with the CONTRACTOR and who has not received payment for his labor, materials, or supplies shall, within ninety (90) days .after performance of the labor or after complete delivery of the materials or supplies, deliver to the CONTRACTOR and to the Surety, written notice of the performance of the labor or delivery of the materials or supplies and of the non-payment. 54 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 2.3 Any action under this Bond must be instituted in accordance with the Notice and Time Limitations provisions prescribed in Section 255.05(2), Florida Statutes. The Surety hereby waives notice of and agrees that any changes in or under the Contract Documents and compliance or noncompliance with any formalities connected with the Contract or the changes do not affect the Surety's obligation under this Bond. Signed and sealed this day of 20 . WITNESSES Secretary (AFFIX SEAL) WITNESSES Secretary (AFFIX SEAL) IN THE PRESENCE OF: Principal By Signature and Title Type Name and Title signed above Surety By Signature and Title Type Name and Title signed above INSURANCE COMPANY: By Agent and Attorney -in -Fact Address :.... City/State/Zip Code Telephone 55 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Divislon 9 i ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM PAYMENT BOND State of County of On this the ° day of , 20_,, before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged by: of (Name of Corporate Officer) (Title) ,a (Name of Corporation) (State of Corporation) corporation, on behalf of the corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) ❑ Personally known to me, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath CERTIFICATE AS TO PRINCIPAL I, , certify that I am the Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the foregoing Payment Bond, that who signed the Bond on behalf of the Principal, was then of said Corporation; that I know his/her signature; and his/her signature thereto is genuine; and that said Bond was duly signed, sealed and attested to on behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. (AFFIX SEAL) (Name of Corporation) 56 City of Tamarac, Purchasing & Contracts Division t FORM PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY ,THESE PRESENTS: That, pursuant to the requirement of Florida Statute 255.05, we, as Principal, hereinafter called CONTRACTOR, and, as Surety, are bound to the City of Tamarac, Florida, as Obligee, hereinafter called OWNER, in the amount of Dollars, ($ ) for the payment whereof CONTRACTOR and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR has entered into a Contract, Bid/Contract/Project No.: awarded the day of , 20_, with OWNER for which contract is. by reference made a part hereof, and is hereinafter referred to as the Contract. THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if the CONTRACTOR: 1. Fully performs the Contract between the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER dated , 20 , for the within calendar days after the date of contract commencement as specified In the Notice to Proceed and in the manner prescribed in the Contract; and 2. Indemnifies and pays OWNER all losses, damages (specifically including, but not limited to, damages for delay and other consequential damages caused by or arising out of the acts, omissions or negligence of CONTRACTOR), expenses, costs and attorney's fees and costs, including attorney's fees incurred in appellate proceedings, that OWNER sustains because of default by .CONTRACTOR under the Contract; and 3. Upon notification by the OWNER, corrects any and all defective or faulty work or materials, which appear within one (1) year after final acceptance of the work. 4. Performs the guarantee of ail work and materials furnished under the Contract for the time specified in the Contract,.. then this Bond is void, otherwise it remains in full force. 4.1 Whenever CONTRACTOR shall be, and declared by OWNER to be,, in default under the Contract, the OWNER having performed OWNER'S obligations- theretfnder, 'theSurety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly: 4.2 Complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions; or 57 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 4.3 Obtain a bid or bids for completing the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions, and upon determination by Surety of the best, lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder, or, if the OWNER elects, upon determination by the OWNER and Surety jointly of the best, lowest, qualified, responsible and responsive Bidder, arrange for a contract between such Bidder and OWNER, and make available as work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of defaults under the Contract or Contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion less the balance of the Contract price; but not exceeding, including other costs and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the first paragraph hereof. The term "balance of the Contract price," as used in this .paragraph, shall mean the total amount .payable by OWNER to CONTRACTOR under the Contract and any amendments thereto, less the amount properly paid by OWNER to CONTRACTOR. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the OWNER named herein and those persons or corporations provided for in Section 255.05, Florida Statues, or.their heirs, executors, administrators or successors. Any action under this Bond must be instituted in accordance with the Notice and Time Limitations provisions prescribed in Section 255.05(2), Florida Statutes. The Surety hereby waives notice of and agrees that any changes in or under the Contract Documents and compliance or noncompliance with any formalities connected with the Contract or the changes do not affect Surety's obligation under this Bond. Signed and sealed this day of , 20_ LT,Y ttU*S" &9 Secretary Principal By (AFFIX SEAL) Signature and Title Type Name and Title signed above WITNESSES Surety Secretary By . (AFFIX SEAL) Signature and Title Type Name and Title signed above 58 C/ty of Tamarac IN THE PRESENCE OF: Purchasing & Contracts Division INSURANCE COMPANY: By Agent and Attorney -in -Fact Address City/State/Zip Code A Telephone 59 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division I_THINz1911 1 40I4,14►H State of County of On this the day of , 20 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged by: (Name of Corporate Officer) (Name of Corporation) corporation, on behalf of the corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: of (Title) a (State of Corporation) NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) ❑ Personally known to me, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath 60 City of Tamarac - a.. Purchasing & Contracts Division CERTIFICATE AS TO PRINCIPAL I, , certify that I am the Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the foregoing Performance Bond; that _ who signed the Bond on behalf of the Principal, was then r of said Corporation; that I know his/her signature; and his/her signature thereto is genuine; and that said Bond was duly signed, sealed and attested to on behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. (AFFIX SEAL) (Name of Corporation) 61 City of Tamarac „ Purchasing & Contracts Division APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Contract Title: Contract/Purchase Order No.: Original Contract Value: Contract Change Order Value: Current Contract Value: Cumulative No. Change Orders: Application for Payment is made, as shown below: 1. Original Contract Sum $ 2. Net Change by Change Orders $ 3. Contract Sum to Date (line 1 (+) or (-) line 2) $ 4. Total Completed and Stored to Date $ 5. Retainage a. % of Completed Work $ b. % of Stored Material $ c. Total Retainage (line 5a + line 5b) $ 6. Total Earned less Retainage (line 4 — line 5c) $ 7. Less Previous Application For Payment (subtract line 6 from prior A.F.P.) $ 8. Current Payment Due $ 9. Balance to Finish, plus Retainage (line 3 -w line 6) $ Submitted by: Date: Contractor Approved for Payment Project Manager Date 62 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 0 DATE OF ISSUANCE: OWNER: CITY OF TAMARAC 7525 NW 881" Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321-2401 CHANGE ORDER _ CHANGE ORDER NO. PROJECT NAME: BID NO. PROJECT NO. CONTRACTOR P.O. NUMBER IN COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS IN THE ABOVE REFERENCED CONTRACT, THE CONTRACTOR AND THE CITY DO BOTH HEREBY AGREETHAT =THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES, ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE WORK SPECIFIED IN THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: DESCRIPTION: PURPOSE OF CHANGE ORDER. - CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE Original Contract Price CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Time Previous Change Order No. to No. Net change from previous change orders 1Contract Price prior to this Change Order Is t Net Oncrease) -of -this Charge Order t Is BY Date RECOMMENDED Director Contract Time prior to this Change Order Net 'increase) of this Change Order APPROVED BY By City Manager Date Date Contractor 0 City of'Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division FINAL RELEASE OF LIEN BY CONTRACTOR STATE OF COUNTY OF The undersigned contractor, under a certain contract with the City of Tamarac, dated , 20_, in connection with the following public work; L1:T16aIX*Ys CONTRACT NO. does hereby acknowledge receipt of the full contract price of $ , as modified by change order, addenda, etc., and hereby releases, and .discharges all liens, lien rights, claims or demands of any kind whatsoever which the undersigned contractor now has or might have against the City of Tamarac arising out of said contract or in connection with. the aforesaid public improvement. That all claims, liens or other entitlements for labor, services, materials or supplies furnished, in connection with the aforesaid improvement have been fully paid. That an affidavit on behalf of the contractor, signed by has been furnished to the City of Tamarac, as well as final releases of lien executed by all materialmen and subcontractor regardless of their tier. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the contractor has caused this release to be executed in its name and under its seal by its proper officers, this day of Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of. Contractor Corporate Secretary Signature President Signature Type Name Type Name M M 11 A 1 s 64 I City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division ACKNOWLEDGMENT FINAL RELEASE OF LIEN State of Florida County of Broward On this the day of 20 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared (Name(s) of individual(s) who appeared before notary) and whose name(s) is/are Subscribed to within the instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE NOTARY PUBLIC, $TATE OF (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) ❑ Personally known to me, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath r 65 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division SAMPLE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC AND d A. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _ day of , 2004 by and between the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation with principal offices located at 7525 N.W. 88th Ave., Tamarac, FL 33321 (the "CITY") and , a corporation with principal offices located at (the "Contractor") to provide for B. Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the City and Contractor agree as follows: 1) The Contract Documents A. The contract documents consist of this Agreement, Bid Document No. _ , including all conditions ' therein, (General Terms and Conditions, Special Conditions and/or Special Provisions), drawings, Technical Specifications, all addenda, the Contractor's bid/proposal included herein, and all modifications issued after execution of this Agreement. These contract documents form the Agreement, and all are as fully a part of the Agreement as if attached to this Agreement or repeated therein. In the event that there is a conflict between as issued by the City, and the Contractor's Proposal, as issued by the City shall take precedence over the Contractor's Proposal. Furthermore, in the event of a conflict between this document and any other contract documents, this Agreement shall prevail. B. 2) The Worts 2.1. The Contractor shall perform all work for the City required by the contract documents as set forth below: a) Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to i b . _... _.._..._ ..__.�_�.__._..._..._ ensure ,that,. all workers Contractor shall supervise the to . , conduct themselves and perform their work in a safe and professional manner. Contractor shall comply with all OSHA safety rules and regulations in the operation of equipment and in the performance of the work. Contractor shall at all times have a 1 competent field supervisor on the job site to enforce these policies and procedures at the Contractor's expense. c) Contractor shall provide the City with seventy-two (72) hours written City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division r notice prior to the beginning of work under this Agreement and prior to any schedule change with the exception of changes caused by inclement weather. d) Contractor shall comply with any and all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations now in effect, or hereinafter enacted during the term of this Agreement, which are applicable to the Contractor, its employees, agents or subcontractors, if any, with respect to the work and services described herein. 3) Insurance 3.1. Contractor shall obtain at Contractor's expense all necessary insurance in such form and amount as specified in the original bid document or as required by the City's Risk and. Safety Manager before beginning work .; under, this Agreement including, but not limited to, Workers' Compensation, Commercial General Liability, and all other insurance as required by the City, including Professional Liability when appropriate. Contractor shall maintain such insurance in full force and effect during the life of this Agreement. Contractor shall provide to the City's Risk and Safety Manager certificates of all insurances required under this section prior to beginning any work under this Agreement. The Contractor will ensure that all subcontractors comply with the above guidelines and will retain all necessary insurance in force throughout the term of this agreement. 3.2. Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless for any damages resulting from failure of the Contractor to take out and maintain such insurance. Contractor's Liability Insurance policies shall be endorsed to add the City as an additional insured. Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all- deductibles and self-insurance retentions on Contractor's Liability Insurance policies. x L C. 4) Time of Commencement and Substantial Completion The work to be performed under this Agreement.. shall be commenced after City 1 execution of the Agreement and not later than ten (10) days after the date that Contractor receives the City's Notice to Proceed: The work shall be substantially completed within days from the date of issuance of said Notice to Proceed. i 5) Contract. Sum The Contract Sum for the above work is Dollar _. s and cents 6) Payments D. Payment will be made monthly for work that has been completed, inspected and properly invoices. A retainage of ten percent (10%) will be deducted from monthly payments until 50% of the project is complete. 67 Purchasing & Contracts Division vt].►l�� Retainage will be reduced to five percent (5%) thereafter. Retainage monies will be released upon satisfactory completion and final inspection of the work. Invoices must bear the project name, project number, bid number and purchase order number. City has up to thirty (30) days to review, approve and pay all invoices after receipt. The Contractor shall invoice the City and provide a written request to the City to commence the one (1) year warranty period. All necessary Releases of Liens and Affidavits shall be processed before the warranty period begins. All payments shall be governed by the Florida Prompt Payment Act, F.S., Part VI 1, Chapter 218. 7) Waiver of Liens ' E. Prior to final payment of the Contract Sum, a final waiver of lien shall be submitted by all suppliers, subcontractors, and/or Contractors who worked on the project that is the subject of this Agreement. Payment of the invoice' and acceptance of such payment by the Contractor shall release City from all claims of liability by Contractor in connection with the agreement. 8) Warranty Contractor warrants the work against defect for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion of work. In the event that defect occurs during this time, Contractor shall perform such steps as required to remedy the defects. Contractor shall be responsible for any damages caused by defect to affected area or to interior structure. The one (1) year warranty period does not begin until substantial completion of the entire project, and the subsequent release of any Performance or Payment Bonds, which may be required by the original bid document. 9) Indemnification 9.1. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, liability, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) in connection with loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage, including loss of use thereof, directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, arising out of or occurring in connection with the operations of the Contractor or its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, or independent Contractors, excepting only such loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City or its elected or appointed ..officials.. arrtd ...e � _ . .m------ ._....._... mp Tie move provisions shM survive the termination of this Agreement and shall pertain to any occurrence during the term of this Agreement, even though the claim may be made after the termination hereof. 9.2. Nothing contained herein is intended nor shall be construed to waive City's rights and immunities under the common law or Florida Statutes 768.28, as amended from time to time. 68 City of Tamarac T.� .t� I 10) Non -Discrimination & Equal Opportunity Employment Purchasing & Contracts Division During the performance of the Contract, the Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, gender, national origin, sex, age, marital status, political affiliation, familial status, sexual orientation, or disability if qualified. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, gender or national original, or disability. Such actions must include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, promotion; demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor shall agree to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting ofricer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. The Contractor further agrees that he/she will ensure that Subcontractors, if any, will be made aware of and will comply with .. his nondiscrimination clause. 11) Independent Contractor This Agreement does not create an employee/employer relationship between the Parties. It is the intent of the Parties that the Contractor is an independent contractor under this Agreement and not the City's employee for any purposes, including but not limited to, the application of the Fair Labor Standards Act minimum wage and overtime payments, Federal Insurance Contribution Act, the Social Security Act, the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, the State i Workers Compensation Act, and the State, Unemployment Insurance law. The Contractor shall retain sole and absolute discretion in the judgment of the manner and means of carrying out Contractor's activities and responsibilities hereunder provided, further that administrative procedures applicable to services rendered under this Agreement shall be those of Contractor, which policies of Contractor shall not conflict City, p p .-. - 9 with Ci State, or United States policies, rules or regulations relating to the use of Contractor's funds provided for herein. The Contractor agrees that it is a separate and independent enterprise from the City, that it had full opportunity to find other business, that it has made its own investment in its business, and that it will utilize a high level of L skill necessary to perform the work. This Agreement shall not be construed as creating any joint employment relationship between the Contractor and the City and the City will not be liable for any obligation incurred by Contractor, including but not limited to unpaid L minimum wages and/or overtime premiums. 12) Assignment and Subcontracting atracter---r Aflt-traiaefer or :-assigm tine p�rfonma � : gbrred by this Agreement without the prior consent of the City. This Agreement, or any portion thereof, shall not be subcontracted without the prior written consent of the city. 69 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 13) Notice Whenever either party desires or is required under this Agreement to give notice to any other party, it must be given by written notice either delivered in person, sent by U.S. Certified Mail, U.S. Express Mail, air or ground courier services, or by messenger service, as follows: CITY City Manager City of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 With a copy to Ci Attorney at the following address: Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A. 30N "E'ast Commercial Blvd., Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 CONTRACTOR 14) Termination 6m 14.1 Termination for Convenience: This Agreement may be terminated by the City for convenience, upon seven (7) days of written notice by the terminating party to the other party for such termination in which event the Contractor shall be paid its compensation for services performed to termination date, including services reasonably related to termination. In the event that the Contractor abandons this Agreement or causes it to be - terminated, Contractor shall indemnify the city against loss pertaining to this termination. 14.2 Default by Contractor: In addition to all other remedies available to the City, this Agreement shall be subject to cancellation by the City for cause, should the Contractor neglect or fail to perform or observe any of the terms, provisions, conditions, or requirements herein contained, if such neglect or failure shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after rece. t __... - ntra or ©1 niten: nofic6d sd6h`neg�ec�t or eiiu�r : 15) Agreement Subject to Funding This agreement shall remain in full force and effect only as long as the expenditures provided for in the Agreement have been appropriated by the City Commission of the City of Tamarac in the annual budget for each fiscal year of this Agreement, and is subject to termination based on lack of funding. 70 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division 16) Venue F. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida as now and hereafter in force. The venue for actions arising out of this agreement is fixed in Broward County, Florida. 17) Signatory Authority The Contractor shall provide the City with copies of requisite documentation evidencing that the signatory for° Contractor has the authority to enter into this Agreement. 18) Severability; Waiver of Provisions Any provision in this Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unelforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof or affecting`_the validity or enforceability of such provisions in any other jurisdiction. The non- enforcement of any provision by either party shall not constitute a waiver of that provision nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement. 19) Merger; Amendment This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Contractor and the City, and negotiations and oral understandings between the parties are merged herein. This Agreement can be supplemented and/or amended only by a written document executed by both the Contractor and the City. 20) No Construction Against Drafting Party Each party to this Agreement expressly recognizes that this Agreement... results.. from the negotiation process in which each party was represented by counsel and contributed . to the drafting of this Agreement. Given this fact, no legal or other presumptions `against the party drafting this Agreement concerning its construction, interpretation or otherwise accrue to the benefit of any party to the Agreement, and each party expressly waives the right to assert such a presumption in any proceedings or disputes connected with, arising out of, or involving this Agreement. Remainder of Page Intentionally Blank 71 1 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts. Division IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature. CITY OF TAMARAC, signing by and T through its Mayor and City Manager, and CONTRACTOR, signing by and through its duly authorized to execute same. CITY QF TAMARAC , Joe Schreiber, Mayor Date ATTEST: Jeffrey L. Miller, City Manager Marion Swenson, CIVIC Date City Clerk T Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Date City Attorney Date r 'i ATTEST: Company Name r Signature of Corporate Secretary Signature of President/Owner q Type/Print Name of Corporate Secy. Type/Print Name of President/Owner 9 (CORPORATE SEAL) Date i r i 72 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF :SS COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an Officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared of , a Corporation, to me known to be the person(s) described in and who= a e.ciAted the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he/she ... executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal this _ day of , 2p—. Signature of Notary Public State of Florida at Large Print, Type or Stamp Name of Notary Public ❑ Personally known to me or ❑ Produced Identification Type of I.D. Produced ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath. 73 r SECTION 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT 6 A. The work to be performed under this Contract shall consist of furnishing all tools, equipment, materials, supplies, and manufactured articles and for furnishing all transportation and services, including fuel, power, water, and essential communications, and for the performance of all labor, work, or other operations required- for the fulfillment of the Contract in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. The work shall be complete, and all work, materials, and services not expressly shown or called for in the .Contract documents which may be necessary for the complete and proper construction of the work in good faith shall be performed, furnished, ,and installed by the CONTRACTOR as though originally so specified or shown, at no increase in cost to the OWNER. B. Prior to construction, the CONTRACTOR shall verify existing utilities identified on the Drawings. The utility verifications consist of excavation to verify tie-in points and to locate potential conflicts that may affect the work as shown on the Drawings. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for the coordination of this work with the associated utility owners and permitting agencies having jurisdiction over the specific locations to be verified. C. Where the Contract Documents address a third party, i.e., subcontractor, manufacturer, etc., it is to be considered as the CONTRACTOR through the third party. 1.02 SCOPE A. The project consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, services, and incidentals for installing 16-inch water main, roadway restoration, connection to existing water mains, including all appurtenances and all other incidentals as indicated by the drawings and specifications or as required to properly complete the project as planned. A portion of the work will be within Broward County rights -of -way (McNab Road) and FDOT rights -of -way (University Drive). The 16-inch water main shall be Directional Drilled across University Drive. Construction also includes . dewatering, MOT's, complying with permit conditions, testing and all restoration work for a complete and ' operating system. B. It is the intent of the City to obtain complete and working water mains under this Contact, and any items of labor, equipment or materials which may reasonablyassr�rmre�t=as neoL%sm"-aaccorr plish is el sFiaff fie suppl a w e be er-or not -they . are specifically shown on the Plans or stated herein. Maintenance of existing operations is mandated throughout the construction period. 1306 - 9/16/05 01010 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 1.03 PERMITS A. The City will obtain any Broward County Department of Planning and Environmental Protection (BCDPEP), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Broward County Health Department and Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) permits required for the work. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to comply with all provisions of such permits regarding workmanship, schedules, notification of starting construction and other conditions under which the permit is issued. B. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to obtain and pay for all permits, not previously obtained by the OWNER or its agent(s), of every description as necessary for his complete installation of the contract work including, but not limited to, dewatering permits, City roadwork permits, and all other Federal, State, County, or City permits. 1.04 WORK BY OTHERS A. The CONTRACTOR shall cooperate fully with all utility forces of the CITY, or other public or private agencies engaged in the relocation, paltering, or otherwise rearranging any facilities which interfere with the progress of the work, and shall schedule the work so as to minimize interference with said relocation, altering, or rearranging of facilities. B. The. CONTRACTOR's attention is directed to the fact that work will be conducted at the site by other contractors during the performance of the Work under this Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall conduct its operations so as to cause a minimum of interference with the Work of such other contractors, and shall cooperate fully with such contractors to provide continued safe access to their respective portions of the site, as required to perform their respective contracts. C. Work to be performed on site under other contracts consists of the following: None. 1.05 LOCATION OF THE PROJECT A. The project is located within the right-of-ways of McNab Road and University Drive in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida. 1.06 CONTRACT DRAWINGS A. The work to be performed is shown on the set of Contract Drawing entitled "City of Tamarac, McNab Road Water Main Improvements (from Brookwood Boulevard to University Drive)". 1.07 CONTRACTOR FURNISHED MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT A. All equipment, materials, instruments or devices incorporated in this project shall be _...___ rraw-arnf natosfmdkutgd-tsMWWIUU=lfi-tWC-7o�raeT=Doeu-ffidn-ts and shall be the products of reliable manufacturers who, unless otherwise specified, have been regularly engaged in the manufacture of such material and equipment for at least five years. Procedures and additional requirements regarding manufacturer's experience and substitutions are included in Section 01300 - Submittals. 1306 - 9/16/05 01010 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 1.08 DRAWINGS OF EXISTING FACILITIES A. Available 'drawings of the existing facilities may be inspected at the City of Tamarac Utilities Department Office. These drawings are for information only and are not a part of the Contract Documents. In making these drawings available for inspection, the OWNER makes no guarantee, either expressed or implied, as to their accuracy or completeness. 1.09 ITEMS SPECIFIED ON DRAWINGS A. Certain items of material and/or equipment, and their installation may be specified on the Drawings and not mentioned in the Specifications. Such items are to be considered as both shown on the Drawings and noted in the Specifications and be provided by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the Specification on the Drawings. 1.10 FIELD LAYOUT OF WORK A. All work under" this'' Contract shall be constructed' in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the Contract Drawings. or as directed by the ENGINEER. Elevations of existing ground, structures and appurtenances are believed to be reasonably correct but are not guaranteed to be absolute and therefore are presented only as an approximation. Any error or apparent discrepancy in the data shown or omissions of data required for accurately accomplishing the stake -out survey shall be referred immediately to the ENGINEER for interpretation or correction. r B. All survey work for construction control purposes shall be made by the CONTRACTOR at his expense. The CONTRACTOR shall use a Professional Survey Company ` registered in the State of Florida. C. The CONTRACTOR shall establish all base lines for the location of the principal component parts of the work together with bench marks and batter boards adjacent to the work. Based upon the information provided by the Contract Drawings, the CONTRACTOR shall develop and make all detail surveys necessary for construction. The CITY will furnish information and location of existing bench marks. D. The CONTRACTOR shall have the responsibility to carefully preserve the bench marks, reference points and stakes. In case of destruction thereof by the CONTRACTOR or resulting from his negligence, he shall be held liable for any expense and damage resulting therefrom and shall be responsible for any mistakes that may be caused by the unnecessary loss or disturbance of such bench marks, reference points and stakes. E. Existing or new control points, property markers, and monuments that will be e._stab) shed_. or are, _de$1rm_d ...daring--,Aha,...normal_.._.causes_.-ofi_.construction_shalt..be._. _ re-established by the CONTRACTOR, and all reference ties recorded the shall be furnished to the ENGINEER. All computations necessary to establish the exact position of the work shall be made and preserved by the CONTRACTOR. F. The ENGINEER may check all or any portion of the work, and the CONTRACTOR shall afford all necessary assistance to the ENGINEER in carrying out such checks. Any 1306 - 9/16/05 01010 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements necessary corrections to the work shall be performed immediately by the CONTRACTOR of any responsibilities for the accuracy or completeness of his work. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - (Not Usedl PART 3 -- EXECUTION - (Not Used) - END OF SECTION - SECTION 01020 ALLOWANCE PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Include in the Contract Sum the allowance stated in the Contract Documents. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Conditions of the Contract. 1.03 CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE A. Include in the Contract, lump sum contingency allowances as follows: 1. Video recordin0s:a-4llow'the lump sum of $750.00. 2. Utility allowance: Allow the lump sum of $50,000.00. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. The Video Allowance is to be used as directed by the Engineer. B. The Utility Allowance shall be used as necessary to pay for unforeseen utility conflict resolutions, utility repair work, or other work not within the original scope of work as bid, such work to be performed only at the direction and with the authorization of the City. C. At the closeout of contract, monies remaining in the Contingency Allowance will be credited to the Owner by Change Order. END OF SECTION 1306 -11 /4/05 01020 - 1 ALLOWANCE SECTION 01025 BASIS OF PAYMENT PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. Payments to the CONTRACTOR shall be made on the basis of the Proposal bid items as full and complete payment for furnishing all materials, labor, tools and equipment, and for performing all operations necessary to complete the work included in the Contract Documents. Such compensation shall also include payments for any loss or damages arising directly or indirectly from the work, or from any discrepancies between the actual quantities of work and those shown in the Contract Documents, or from any unforeseen difficulties which may be encountered during the prosecution of the work until the final acceptance by the CITY,,, B. The prices stated in the proposal include all costs and expenses for taxes, labor, equipment, materials, commissions, transportation charges and expenses, patent fees and royalties, labor for handling materials during inspection, together with any and all other costs and expenses for performing and completing the work as shown on the plans and specified herein. The Basis of Payment for an item at the price shown in the Proposal shall be in accordance with its description of the item in this Section and as related to the work specified and as shown on the Drawings. Unit prices where used will be applied to the actual quantities' furnished and installed in. conformance with the Contract Documents. C. The CONTRACTOR's attention Is called to the fact that the quotations for the various items of work are intended to establish a total price for completing the work in its entirety. Should the CONTRACTOR feel that the cost of any item of work has not been established by the Proposal or Basis of Payment, he shall include the cost for that work in the last Bid Item for each construction package so that his proposal for the project does reflect his total price for completing the work in its entirety. 1.02 MEASUREMENT A. The quantities for payment under this Contract shall be determined by actual measurement of the completed items, in place, ready for service and accepted by the CITY, in accordance with the Schedule of Payment Values as described in Article 1.03, Payment Items, unless otherwise specified. A representative of the ENGINEER shall witness all field measurements. A. Item No. 1 — Mobilization The lump sum price bid for this item shall. be full compensation for all mobilization/demobilization activities, including but not limited to bonds, insurance, scheduling, temporary facilities and utilities, and all other activities necessary to prepare to complete the contract work. 1306 - 11/7/05 01025 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 2. The payment item for mobilization shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the total contract price. B. Item No. 2 - Maintenance of Traffic 1. The Lump sum price bid for this item shall include full compensation for all maintenance of traffic, including but not limited to all labor, equipment and material required to keep roadways and property accesses in service during construction activities as specified in the Contract Documents and as shown on the Drawings. MOT plans shall be required for work within Broward County R-O-W and FDOT R-O-W. All permit conditions will need to be followed by Contractor. 2. The quantity of traffic control to be considered for payment shall be equivalent to the percentage of the project determined by the ENGINEER to be complete as of the date of the pay request submitted. The percent completion of the project shall be based on the percent of the total project actually constructed and not on the percent of the Contract price completed. C. Item No. 3 - As -Built Record Drawings 1. One set of full size design drawings on•reproducible material and an electronic file of the design drawings on CD will be furnished to the Contractor by the City. The Contractor shall maintain full size (22" .x 34") field drawings to reflect the as - built items of the work as the work progresses. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall prepare .a record set of as -built drawings on full size, reproducible material and an electronic file in AutoCAD 2000 or latest version. No payment will be made for as -built drawings until both the reproducible and electronic files are received and accepted by the City. Contractor shall submit updated As -Built Record Drawings with each. Pay Application request. 2. This item does not include surveying work required for layout and alignment of utility improvements. D. Item No. 4 —16-Inch Ductile Iron Pipe 1. The unit price bid for this item shall be full compensation of furnishing and installing the 16-inch CL.350 DIP water main piping, all fittings, restraining devices, and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings and described herein for which payment is not provided under other bid items. This item includes but is not limited to the following: unloading, stringing, excavation of any type, including rock, temporary excavation, sheeting shoring, dewatering, special pipe bedding material, pipe restraints, sleeves, bends, temporary plugs, laying, anchoring, blocking, backfllling, complying with the State of Florida Trench Safety Act, _.. _. _._:disinfection; f ushing testing -.and gall-restoratiorr, Windudirrg-sodding! and chiveway replacement. Also included is painting 4" wide continuous blue line as indicated on the drawings. Roadway restoration is included in Item No. 12. 2. Measurements for payment shall be the linear feet of pipe actually installed as determined by measurement along the centerline of the pipe in place from the center of the fitting being restrained to the last restrained joint including valves, fittings, and valve vaults but excluding all other separate bid items. 1306 - 11/7/05 01.025 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements E. Item No. 5 -16" HOPE SDR 11 DIPS Directional Drill 1. Payment for this item shall be on a linear foot basis. The Contractor's unit price shall include full compensation for furnishing and installing the 16-inch SDR 11(DIPS) HOPE water main pipe (all pipe shall be blue in color) as shown on Drawings, Detail Drawings and specified herein by directional drill methods, including piping, all fittings, entry and exit directional drill pits, sheeting, shoring, dewatering, making temporary and permanent pavement repairs, and all other appurtenances and miscellaneous work required for a complete operating system. 2. The unit price shall also include locating the existing utilities within McNab Road and .University Drive at the Directional Drill Crossing and preparing a detailed Directional Drill Plan prior to construction using this utility location information. F. Item No. 6 — Restore Directional Drill Pits 1. The unit price for this bid item shall include` rneking temporary and permanent Pavement repairs for restoration of the directional drill pits. Pavement resurfacing shall include one full lane. G. Item No. 7 --Gate Valve 1. The unit price bid for this item shall be full compensation for the furnishing and installation of gate valves and valve boxes for water mains and all appurtenant and miscellaneous items of work required. This includes furnishing and installing concrete pads for water main valve boxes (as required) complete with identification disc. 2. The number of gate valves to be paid will be determined by the actual number of units installed and accepted. Payment shall include the cost of painting the valve box. H. Item No. 8 -- Connection to Water Main 1. The lump sum bid for this item shall be full compensation for the furnishing and installation of water main connection(s) as shown on the Drawings (Station 23 + 25), including all appurtenant and miscellaneous items of work required. The work shall include furnishing and installing the 6-inch CL 350 DIP (10 L.F.) and 12-inch CL 350 DIP (10 L.F.) water main piping, all fittings, restraining devices, and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings and described herein for which payment is not provided under other bid items. This item includes but is not limited to the following: unloading, stringing, excavation of any type, including rock, temporary excavation, sheeting shoring, dewatering, special pipe bedding m _ �.._ _Claaterial, IuP- resttaitss hcnr{e +e _ _. leaye��--,r,.,-..---��r«apo--�lUgsr--layfng;:-anchoring.,. blocking, backfilling, complying with the State of Florida Trench Safety Act, disinfection, flushing, testing and all restoration, including sodding and driveway replacement. Also included Is painting 4" wide continuous blue line on the piping as Indicated on the drawings. Roadway restoration Is included in Item No. 12. Water main connection shall include the following operations to be performed by the CONTRACTOR: 1306-11/7/05 01025 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements RA K. L. a. Advance notification of shut down to all affected residents, coordination and scheduling of the operation of valves by CITY personnel to effect shut down, thrust restraint of existing mains, dewatering of existing mains, cutting and plugging of existing mains, salvaging of all existing valves to be abandoned, removal of existing pipe and/or fittings, pipe, fittings, valves, saddles, %-inch air release taps, flushing, disinfection by swabbing of the pipe as required, Installation of sleeves and other connecting pipe and fittings (with joint restraints), pressure testing, and any other operations required to make the connection complete. P b. CONTRACTOR shall maintain service to all homes and/or commercial properties during the installation and testing of new mains. G. The "cut out" of an existing section of pipe as required for vertical or horizontal adjustments shall be paid under this item. Item No. 9- Tappina Sleeve & Gate Valve 1. Payment under this item shall be made at the Contractor's unit price for each size wet tap, and shall include all necessary.labor and materials for a pressure tested and approved tap, including tapping sleeve and valve. This includes sodding and all other restoration as a result of installing tapping sleeve and gate valves. Item No. 10 - Pill & Flush Connection 1. Payment for this item will be made at the contract unit price per each fill and flush connection installed and accepted. Payment shall constitute full compensation for all necessary labor, equipment and materials required to complete the work as indicated on the plans, including testing the line. Item No. 11 — Sample Point The unit price for this item shall be full compensation for the furnishing and installing of water main sample points including 1-inch PVC tubing, corporation stop with saddle, and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items to complete the work as shown on the sampling point detail. The location of the sample points will be located as directed by the CITY's representative. 2. The number of sample points to be paid .for will be determined by the actual number of units installed, tested, and removed but excluding all other separate bid items. Item No. 12 - Open Cut Pavement Repair & Pavement i3eplacement and compacting the limerock base course and subgrade complete in place to the cross section and thicknesses indicated in the Contract Documents for trench repair. This pay item also includes providing a temporary asphalt concrete patch until replaced with permanent overlay. The permanent overlay is also included in this pay item. The work shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents and Broward County permit conditions. 1306-11/i/05 01025 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements k 2. This bid item is for areas in which new water main are to be installed under pavement. The pay limit for trench repair shall be a width not to exceed 7-feet r for water mains as measured by the ENGINEER, and only as authorized by the ENGINEER. Limerock, subgrade and pavement disturbed outside of the pay limit by the CONTRACTOR shall be repaired and/or replaced, as authorized by r the ENGINEER, at the CONTRACTOR's expense. The pavement replacement shall be for a full lane width (12-feet). This includes milling the pavement as required to meet 124 lane width. Asphalt shall be 1 %" to 3" Type S-III. & S-1 (match existing). The asphalt shall be applied per Broward County Standards. The asphalt shall be applied to the brush cleaned, primed and properly prepared base rock. Pavement disturbed outside of pay limit by the CONTRACTOR shall be repaired and/or replaced, as authorized by the ENGINEER, at the CONTRACTOR's expense. I 3. This unit price shall also include all necessary labor, materials, and equipment to adjust the valve boxes, manholes, rims,. inlets, or other fixtures to final grade, transitions to existing pavement, milling, rerrlq�h.o.;existing pavement, disposal of existing pavement, tack coating, compaction, rolling, brooming, and any other work required to complete the work. M. Item No. 13 — Millina Existion Asphalt 1 Y2" -- 3" & 1 '/z" — 3" T e S-III & S-1 Asphalt Surface Course 1. Payment for 1 % to 3 -inch milling and 1 % to 3 -inch Type S-111 & S-1 asphalt overlay where indicated on the plans shall be made at the Contractor's unit price per square yard (SY) for milling and asphalt overlay and shall include all labor, l material, and equipment required to mill the existing asphaltic concrete and construct 1 %" to 3" asphaltic concrete overlay as shown on the drawings. The unit price shall include compensation for labor, materials, and equipment required to mill the existing asphaltic surface including disposal of material and placing new surface course. 2. This unit price shall also include all necessary labor, materials, and equipment to adjust the valve boxes, manholes, rims, inlets, or other fixtures to final grade, transitions to existing pavement, removal of existing pavement, disposal of existing pavement, tack coating, compaction, rolling, brooming, and any other work required to complete the work. 3. This bid item is for all work not included in Bid Item Nos. 6 and 12. N. Item No. 14 - Concrete Sidewalk Restoration r 1. Payment of 7-foot wide concrete. sidewalks of 6-inch thickness as indicated on the plans and details shall be made at the Contractors unit price per linear foot "wotsi"d,9WWk instd!"ec = aN—acce" pTett: Tr1e on Tact n Prtee s aTf iric1ude compensation for labor, material, and equipment required to install the sidewalk in accordance with the plans and specification, including removing and hauling away concrete from sidewalks to be replaced. 2. Payment shall be made for sidewalks constructed or replaced by authorization of the Engineer. Any sidewalk that is broken incidental to construction shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. r 1306-11/17/05 01025 - 5 McNab Road Water Main Improvements O. Item No 5 - CoDgEetegLid2 Restoration <tl 1. The quantity.of curbs shall be determined by measurement of the units installed and accepted. 2. Payment for furnishing and installing concrete curbs and gutters shall be made at the contract unit price per each type concrete curb installed and. accepted. The contract unit price shall include all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to prepare the sub -base and install the concrete curbs in accordance with the plans and specifications. P. Item No. 16 - Restore Pavement Markings & §igngge 1. Payment for this item shall be made on a Lump Sum Basis. The Contractor's unit price shall include full compensation for all thermoplastic pavement markings, signs and reflective pavement markers that are to be replaced based on the pavement replacement work. 2. The Contract Unit Price shall include compensation for labor, materials, and equipment required to install all pavement markings, signage, and RPM's in accordance with the detail drawings and specifications. Q. Item No. 17 - Project Identification Sian 1. Payment for project identification signs shall be made at the contract unit price and shall include all furnishing and maintaining the sign throughout the project duration. R. Item No. 18 - Indemnification A 1, In recognition of CONTRACTOR's indemnification obligations, the CITY will pay to the CONTRACTOR the specific consideration of ten dollars ($10.00). Payment of said specific consideration shall be made at the time of the payment T of the first progress estimate and the CONTRACTOR shall acknowledge payment of this consideration by letter to the CITY after receipt of the progress payment. S. Item No. 19 — Contingency Allowance 1. This account item is for all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for modification or extra work required to complete the Project because of unforeseeable conditions, for all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for modifications, or extra work required to complete the Project, for changes in the scope of work as required by the CITY and for adjustments to estimated quantities shown on the Unit Prices of other items of the Proposal to ix►�irormactual qun�'rties in�e�c =if o3ered fiye Engrneer; or may be useo to fund other contract Items at the discretion of the CITY. 2. Payment to the CONTRACTOR under this Item will only be made for work ordered in writing by the ENGINEER, and in accordance with the General Conditions. Any portion of this fund remaining after all authorized payments have been made will be withheld from Contract payments, and will remain with the CITY. 1306 - 11/9/05 01025 - 6 McNab Road Water Main Improvements T. Item No. 20 -- Video Allowance 1. This account item is for all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to video the entire project limits. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 -- EXECUTION - NOT USED - END OF SECTION - SECTION 01045 CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED r A. Contractor shall be responsible for all cutting, fitting and patching, including related excavation and backfiil, required to complete the Work or to: 1. Make its several parts fit together properly. 2. Uncover portions of the Work to provide for installation of ill-timed work. 3. Remove and replace defective work. u, 4. Remove and replace work not conforming to requirement of Contract Documents. 5. Remove samples of installed work as specified for testing. 6. Provide routine penetrations of non-structural surfaces for installation of piping and electrical conduit. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS t A. Section 01010: Summary of Work r B. Section 02220: Excavation and Backfill for Utilities C. Section 15006: Piping 1.03 SUBMITTALS r A. Submit a -written request to Engineer well in advance of executing and cutting or alteration which affects: 1. Work of the Owner or any separate contractor. • 2. Structural value or integrity of any element of the project. 3. Integrity or effectiveness of weather -exposed or moisture -resistant element or systems. _... _.4. Effrcieny,pieraiitsrralltfe, riatntenance or -Safetyof o elements. erattonai p 5. Visual qualities of sight -exposed elements. B. Request shall include: 1. Identification of the Project. 1306—11/4/05 01045-1 CUTTING AND PATCHING a r 2. Description of affected work. 3. The necessity for cutting, alteration or excavation. 4. Effect on work of Owner or any separate contractor, or on structural or . weatherproof integrity of Project. .o 5. Description of proposed work: a. Scope of cutting, patching, alteration, or excavation. b. Trades who will execute the work. C. Products proposed to be used. 1" d. Extent of refinishing to be done. t- 6. Alternative to cutting and patching. .7. Cost proposal, when applicable. 8. Written permission of any separate contractor whose work will be affected. , C. Submit written notice to Engineer designating the date and the time the Work will be uncovered. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Comply with specifications and standards for each specific product involved. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Inspect existing conditions of Project, including elements subject to damage or to movement during cutting and patching. , B. After uncovering work, inspect conditions affecting installation of Products, or performance of work. C. Report unsatisfactory or questionable conditions to Engineer in writing; do not proceed with.work:-until--Engineer: has,provided further-instrueti.ons. _._ 3.02 PREPARATION 1 A. Provide adequate temporary support as necessary to assure structural value or integrity of affected portion of work. B. Provide devices and methods to protect other portions of Project from damage. 1306—11/4/05 01045-2 CUTTING AND PATCHING r C. Provide protection from elements for that portion of the Project which may be exposed by cutting and patching work, and maintain excavations free from water. 3.03 PERFORMANCE A. Execute cutting and demolition by methods which will prevent damage to other work, and will provide proper surfaces to receive installation of repairs. B. Execute excavating and backfilling by methods which will prevent settlement or damage to other work. , C. Employ original Installer or Fabricator to perform cutting and patching for: 1. Weather -exposed or moisture -resistant elements. F 2. Sight -exposed finished surfaces. D. Execute fittings and adjustment of products to provide a finished installation to comply with specified products, functions, tolerances and finishes. E. Restore work which has been cut or removed; install new products to provide completed j work in accord with requirements of Contract documents. ` F. Fit work airtight to pipes, sleeves, ducts, conduit or other penetrations through surfaces. G. Refinish entire surfaces as necessary to provide an even finish to match adjacent finishes; t 1. For continuous surfaces, refinish to nearest intersection. r 2. For an assembly, refinish entire unit. F r 1306 —11 /4/05 i END OF SECTION 01045-3 CUTTING AND PATCHING w SECTION 01050 FIELD ENGINEERING PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. This sdction covers all work required for the verification of preconstruction conditions, layout of proposed utility improvements, quality control and data gathering for the preparation of post -construction record drawings. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 01720 -- Project Record Documents. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit name, address and telephone number of Florida Registered Land Surveying Company before starting work. B. Submit copies of all post -construction record. drawings and certificate signed by the approved Florida Registered Land Surveyor from an approved Professionally Licensed Survey Company in Florida indicating that the elevations and locations of the work are as the work was constructed. 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. Location: "As -Built" location station, offset distance and direction relative to the existing construction baseline. B. Elevation: "As -Built" elevation relative to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD). C. Ma or Deflection: Change in horizontal or vertical alignment greater than 12- inches accomplished without the use of fittings. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Survey Company shall be licensed in Florida to perform survey work. Land _ sur_T r employed by Survey_:Company shall .h l gga_s_.tar0� in, the .State ef. Florida_ .._ .. and acceptable to the ENGINEER. B. Where applicable, employ a professional' engineer of the discipline required for specific source on project, licensed in the State of Florida. 1306-11/4/05 01050 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 1.06 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS DATA A. Maintain a complete and accurate log of control and survey data for project , record documents as project progresses. B. Upon completion of the project or other intervals as requested by ENGINEER, submit certified "as -built" site survey data of the project improvements. Scale shall be same as ENGINEER's drawings and may be used as a base for surveyor's field data (redline markups). C. The following data (as applicable to project) shall be provided as a minimum: 1. Location and elevation of all pressure pipe fittings and valves. r 2. Locations and elevations as required to define major horizontal/vertical pipe deflections/conflicts. Data shall include beginning and end of ` deflection/conflicts, all changes in elevations and alignment and the location and elevation of subject conflict item. 3. Locations of all water main fire hydrant assemblies and single and double water services. When locating fire hydrant assemblies, locate centerline of the hydrant tee and center of fire hydrant unless assembly differs from that shown in standard details, then define completely, as if installation a were a reclaimed water main. 4. Location and elevation of all connections to existing systems. 5. Locations and elevations at appropriate intervals along centerline of , pressure pipe to limit distance between data points to no more than 100 feet. 6. Locations, invert(s) and rim/grate elevations of all new storm sewer catch T basins. Location to be center of catch basin. 7. Cross sections of all repaved roadways at maximum 100 foot intervals. 8. Locations and elevations as required to describe all other improvements. D. Submit final record drawings prior to final pay application at completion of project as specified in Section 01700 — Contract Closeout. T E. Record Drawings shall be prepared and submitted as specified in Section 01720 -- Project Record Documents. .F. Provide in tabular form, based on the obtained applicable field data, the final "As - Built" quantities for the project. "As -Built" quantities shall be referenced to the bid items and their units of measure as indicated in the CONTRACTOR's Bid Proposal. PART 2 — PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 — EXECUTION 1306-11/4/05 01050 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements a , w 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify locations of survey control points prior to starting work. Promptly notify ENGINEER of any discrepancies discovered. 3.02 SURVEY REFERENCE POINTS A. Protect survey control points prior to starting site work; preserve permanent reference points during construction. Make no changes without prior written notice to ENGINEER. B. Promptly report to ENGINEER the loss or destruction of any reference point or relocation required because of changes in grades or other reasons. Replace dislocated survey control points based on original survey control. C. Provide affidavit from approved Florida Registered Surveyor that all survey control points were re-established following completion of construction. 3.03 SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. ENGINEER will furnish CONTRACTOR with horizontal and vertical control information. Responsibility for construction of the Work to correct dimensions, alignment and grade shall be CONTRACTOR'S. Additional control points, as applicable, shall be provided for and established by surveyor. f B. Establish and define all baselines. Provide necessary stationing along baseline. All ends and intersections of baselines shall be tied to a minimum of two permanent features. C. Establish locations of right-of-way lines and property lines as applicable and locations and elevations of proposed improvements. Locate and lay out by instrumentation and similar appropriate means: 1. All utility improvements including locations and elevation. ' 2. Major pipeline deflections/conflicts. 3. The locations and elevations as applicable to reclaimed fire hydrants, valves, fitting, services and connections to existing utilities. i 4. Alignment and cross section of roadway, railroad tracks, driveway and sidewalk restorations. As applicable, roadways, railroad tracks, 1 driveways and sidewalks shall be reconstructed to existing horizontal and vertical dimensions, unless shown otherwise. er odically verify layouts by same means inoicaed above. E. In the event that pipe or other mechanical feature cannot be left exposed for surveyor to obtain "as -built" information, CONTRACTOR shall place PVC pipe at 100 foot intervals, at all major changes in horizontal or vertical alignment and at all locations required that will be buried. PVC pipe shall be of a diameter suitable f 1306 11 /4/05 01050 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements for the insertion of a surveyor's rod and shall extend from finish grade to the top center of pipe, fitting, location, etc. F. PVC pipe far survey data shall be removed by CONTRACTOR after survey data has been obtained. G. As -built information of all utilities installed within the limits of pavement must be obtained prior to initial backfilling of trench. 3.04 SURVEYS FOR MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. Final project record drawings with "as -built" information of the installed utility systems and all bid quantities shall be submitted and approved by ENGINEER prior to application for final payment. B. "As -Built" quantity data shall be presented in tabular form and reference the individual bid items..., anti, their respective units of measure as given in the CONTRACTOR's Bid Proposal. C. "As -Built" information shall be used by CONTRACTOR to prepare his final statement of accounts as specified in Section 01700 -- Contract Closeout. D. Current "as -built" information shall be available for ENGINEER's use for evaluation of partial pay requests. ' - END OF SECTION - SECTION 01090 APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND CODES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. Wherever reference is made to any published standards, codes, or standard specifications, it shall mean the latest standard code, specification, or tentative specification of the technical society, organization, or body referred to, which is in effect at the date of opening of bids. B. The following is a partial list of typical abbreviations which may be used in the Specifications and the organizations to which they refer: AASHTO - American —Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ACI - American Concrete Institute ACIFS - American Cast Iron Flange Standards AGA • American Gas Association AGMA - American Gear Manufacturers Association AIA - American Institute of Architects AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction AISI - American Iron and Steel Institute ANSI - American National Standard Institute API - American Petroleum Institute ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM - American Society of Testing and Materials AWI Architectural Woodwork Institute AWPA - American Wood Preservers Association AWS - American Welding Society AWWA - American Water Works Association BHMA Builder's Hardware Manufacturers Association CRSI - Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute CSA - Canadian Standards Association DHI - Door and Hardware Institute DIPRA - Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association DOT - Florida Department of Transportation EEI - Edison Electric Institute ICEA - .. -Insulated-Cabla- Eno inear-s--A sec titian IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IPCEA - Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association ISO - Insurance Service Offices NAAMM - National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers NBS - National Bureau of Standards NCPI - National Clay Pipe Institute NEC - National Electric Code 1306 - 6/17/05 01090 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association NFPA - National Fire Protection Association NLMA - National Lumber Manufacturers Association OSHA . - Occupational Safety and Health Act SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers Standards SFBC - South Florida Building Code SHBI - Steel Heating Boiler Institute SSPC - Society of Protective Coatings UL - Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. C. CONTRACTOR shall, when required, furnish evidence satisfactory to the ENGINEER that materials and methods are in accordance with such standards where so specified. D. In the event any questions arise as to the application of these standards or codes, copies shall be supplied on site by the CONTRACTOR. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - (Not Used) PART 3 -- EXECUTION - (Not Used) - END OF SECTION - v SECTION 01152 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Submit Applications for Payment to Engineer in- accordance with the schedule established by Conditions of the Contract and herein. Updated Record Drawings in AutoCad format shall be submitted with each pay request. The Record Drawings shall match the pay request items for payment. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Agreement Between. Owner and Contractor: Lump Sum and Unit Price r B. Conditions of the Contract: Progress Payments, Retainage and Final Payment C. Section 01020: Allowances D. Section 01153: Change Order Procedures E. Section 01300: Submittals ! F. Section 01700: Contract Closeout 1.03 FORMAT AND DATA REQUIRED A. Submit applications in the form required by Owner, with itemized data typed on 8-1/2 inch x 11 inch white paper continuation sheets. B. Provide itemized data on continuation sheet: 1. Format, schedules, line items and values: Those of the Schedule of Values l accepted by Engineer. 1.04 PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR EACH PROGRESS PAYMENT t A. Application Form: 1. Fill in required information, including that for Change. Orders executed prior to date of submittal of application. � 2. Fill in summary of dollar values to agree with respective totals indicated on continuation sheets. 3. Execute certification with signature of a responsible officer of Contract firm. r 1306—11/4105 01152-1 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT B. Continuation Sheets: 1. Fill in total list of all scheduled component items of Work, with item number and scheduled dollar value for each item. 2. Fill in dollar value in each column for each scheduled line item when work has been preformed or products stored. a. Round off values to nearest dollar, or as specified for Schedule of Values. 3. List each Change Order executed prior to date of submission at the end of the continuation sheets. a. List by Change Order Number, and description,as for an original component item of work. 1.05 SUBSTANTIATING DATA FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS .16 A. When the Owner or the Engineer requires substantiating data, Contractor shall submit suitable information, with a cover letter identifying: 1. Project 2. Application number and date. 3. Detailed list of enclosures. 4. For stored products: a. Item number and identification as shown on application. b. Description of specific material. B. Submit one copy of data and cover letter for each copy of application. 1.06 PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL PAYMENT A. Fill in Application form as specified for progress payments. B. Use continuation sheet for presenting the final statement of accounting as specified in Section 01700 - Contract Closeout. 1.07 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE A. Submit Applications for Payment to Engineer at the times stipulated. B_.. N'umber..Fou:r': dopies_.e .. pii rda tech. C. When Engineer finds Application properly completed and correct, he will transmit certificate for payment to Owner, with copy to Contractor. a i 1306—11/4/05 01152-2 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT PART 2 -- PRODUCTS Not used. r PART 3 -- EXECUTION Not used. r t r t r k 1 f { t 6 END OF SECTION r 01152-3 APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT SECTION 01153 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED P A. Promptly implement change order procedures. 1. Provide full written data required to evaluate changes. r 2. Maintain detailed records of work done on time and material/force account basis. 3. Provide full documentation to Engineer on request. r B. Designate in writing the member of Contractor's organization: r 1. Who is authorized to accept changes in the Work. 2.. Who is responsible for informing others in the Contractor's employ of the authorization of changes in the Work. C. Owner will designate in writing the person who is authorized to execute Change Orders. 1.02 t RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. r Agreement: The amounts of established unit prices. B. General conditions and Supplementary Conditions. C. Conditions of the Contract: 1: Methods of determining cost or credit to Owner resulting from changes in Work P made on a time and material basis. 2. Contractor's claims for the additional cost. C D. Section 01020: Allowances l E. Section 01152: Application for Payment r F. i Section 01300: Submittals -a:_-.-Section-Of700:...-Contract P C1oseout 1.03 DEFINITIONS !` A. l Change Order: See General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. B. Construction Change Authorization: A written order to the Contractor, signed by Owner and Engineer, which amends the Contract Documents as described, and authorizes 1306—11/4/05 01153-1 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES Contractor to proceed with a change which affects the Contract Sum or the Contract Time, for inclusion in a subsequent Change Order. C. Field Order: A written order, instructions, or interpretations, signed by Engineer making minor changes in the Work not involving a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. 1.04 PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES A. Owner or Engineer may initiate changes by submitting a Proposal Request to Contractor. Request will include:. ` 1. Detailed description of the Change, products, and location of the change in the Project. 2. Supplementary or revised Drawings and Specifications. 3. The projected time span for making the change, and a specific statement as to whether overtime work is, or is not, authorized. 4. A specific period of time during which the requested price will be considered valid. 5. Such request is for information only, and is not an instruction to execute the changes, nor to stop Work in progress. B. Contractor may initiate changes by submitting a written notice to Engineer, containing: 1. Description of the proposed changes. 2. Statement of the reason for making the changes. 3. Statement of the effect on the Contract Sum and the Contract Time. 4. Statement of the effect on the work of separate contractors. 5. Documentation supporting any change in Contract Sum or Contract Time, as appropriate. 1.05 CONSTRUCTION -CHANGE AUTHORIZATION A. In lieu of Proposal Request, Engineer may issue a construction change authorization for Contractor to proceed with a change for subsequent inclusion in a Change Order. B. Authorization will describe changes in the Work, both additions and deletions, with attachments of revised Contract Documents to define details of the change, and will designate the method of determining any change in the Contract Sum and any change in..Contract Time: C. Owner and Engineer will sign and date the Construction Change Authorization as authorization for the Contractor to proceed with the changes. D. Contractor shall sign and date the Construction Change Authorization to indicate agreement with the terms therein. 1306—11/4/05 01153-2 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES 1.06 DOCUMENTATION OF PROPOSALS AND CLAIMS A. Support each quotation for a lump -sum proposal, and for each unit price which has not previously been established, with sufficient substantiating data to allow Engineer to evaluate the quotation. B. On request provide additional data to support time and cost computations: 1. Labor required. 2. Equipment required. 3. Products required. a. Recommended sources of purchase and unit cost. b. Quantities required. 4. Taxes, insurance and bonds. 5. Credit for work deleted from Contract, similarly documented. 6. Overhead and profit. 7. Justification for any change in Contract Time. C. Support each claim for additional costs, and for work done on a time-and-material/force account basis, with documentation as required for a lump -sum proposal, plus additional information: 1. Name of Owner's authorized agent who ordered the work, and date of the order. r 2. Dates and times work was performed, and by whom. 3. Time record, summary of hours worked, and hourly rates paid. 4. Receipts and invoices for: a. Equipment used; listing dates and times of use. b. Products used, listing of quantities. C. Subcontractors. D. Document requests for substitutions for Products as specified in Section 01630. r 1.07 PREPARATION OF CHANGE ORDERS _A..:., Engineer-wlll--prepare each-Cthange Order:_._ B. Owner's Form, per example provided by the Engineer. C. Change Order will describe changes in the Work, both additions and deletions, with attachments of revised Contract Documents to define details of the change. 1306—11/4/05 01153-3 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES D. Change Order will provide an accounting of the adjustment in the Contract Sum and in the Contact Time. 1.08 LUMP-SUM/FIXED PRICE CHANGE ORDER A. Content of Change Orders will be based on, either; 1. Engineer's Proposal Request and Contractor's responsive Proposal as mutually agreed between Owner and Contractor. 2. Contractor's Proposal for a change, as recommended by Engineer. B. Owner and Engineer will sign and date the Change Order as authorization for the Contractor to proceed with the changes. C. Contractor shall sign and date the Change Order to indicate agreement with the terms therein. 1.09 UNIT PRICE CHANGE ORDER A. Content of Change Orders will be based on, either: 1. Engineer's definition of the scope of the required changes. 2. Contractor's Proposal for a change, as recommended by Engineer. 3. Survey of completed work. B. The amounts of the unit prices to be: 1. Those stated in the Agreement. ' 2. Those mutually agreed upon between Owner and Contractor. C. When quantities of each of the items affected by the Change Order can be determined prior to start of the work: 1. Owner and Engineer will sign and date the Change Order as authorization for f Contractor to proceed with the changes. { 2. Contractor shall sign and date the Change Order to indicate agreement with the terms herein. D. When quantities of the items cannot be determined prior to start of the work: 1. Engineer or Owner will issue a construction change authorization directing Contractor to proceed--with:-the:-change-on:the-.basis;°ofwunit-prices;-and-will-cite the applicable unit prices. 2. At completion of the change, Engineer will determine the cost of such work based on the unit process and quantities used. a. Contractor shall submit documentation to establish the number of units of each item and any claims for a change in Contract Time. 1306 —11 /4/05 01153-4 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES 3. Engineer will sign and date the Change Order to establish the change in Contract Sum and in Contract Time. 4. Owner and Contractor will sign and date the Change Order to indicate their agreement with the terms therein. 1.10 TIME AND MATERIAUFORCE ACCOUNT CHANGE ORDER/ CONSTRUCTION CHANGE AUTHORIZATION A. Engineer and Owner will issue a Construction Change Authorization directing Contractor to proceed with the changes. B. At completion of the change, Contractor shall submit itemized accounting and supporting data as provided in the Article "Documentation of Proposals and Claims" of this Section. C. Engineer will determine the allowable cost for such work, ,as provided in General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. D. Engineer will sign and date the Change Order to establish the change in Contract Sum and in Contract Time. E. Owner and Contractor will sign and date the Change Order to indicate their agreement therewith. 1.11 CORRELATION WITH CONTRACTOR'S SUBMITTALS A. Periodically revise Schedule of Values and Request for Payment forms to record each change as a separate item of Work, and to record the adjusted Contract sum. B. Periodically revise the Construction Schedule to reflect each change in Contract Time. 1. Revise subschedules to show changes for other items of work affected by the changes. C. Upon completion of work under a Change Order, enter pertinent changes in Record Documents. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 - EXECUTION Not used. END OF SECTION 1306 —11 /4/05 01153-5 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES L R SECTION 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 PRECONSTRUCTION A. A preconstruction meeting will be held to acquaint representative of the OWNER and various agencies with those in responsible charge of the CONTRACTOR's activities for the project. The meeting will cover such subjects as the following; insurance certificates; permits and licenses; construction schedules; cost breakdown and application for payments; material deliveries, storage and payments; shop drawings and submittals; job -site inspection by the ENGINEER; safety and emergency.. action procedures; operations of the existing treatment facilities; field offices; security and other housekeeping procedures; and other appropriate matters. 1.02 PROGRESS A. A progress meeting shall be held monthly or as required for the purpose of coordinating and expediting the work. The CONTRACTOR, as a part of his obligations under the Contract, shall attend in person or by an authorized representative to attend and to act on his behalf. The ENGINEER will conduct such meetings and as necessary, with the CONTRACTOR's input, issue an agenda. B. In addition, the ENGINEER or CONTRACTOR may call for special job site meetings for the purpose of resolving unforeseen problems or conflicts which may impede the construction schedule. The ENGINEER will prepare a brief summary report of the decisions or understandings concerning each of the items discussed at the meeting. C. At progress meetings, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER for review a current progress schedule. This schedule submission shall include a two week look ahead $phedule and reflect status of the work performed during the preceding weeks. D. The CONTRACTOR shall be available to meet with the ENGINEER and Residents Association on as needed basis. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - (Not Used) ... PART 3---EXECUTION -(Not Used) - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 11/4/05 01200 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01300 SUBMITTALS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. This section spdcifies the means of all submittals. All submittals, whether their final destination is to the OWNER, ENGINEER, or other representatives of the OWNER, shall be directed through the ENGINEER. A general summary of the types of submittals and the number of copies required is as follows: Copies to En ineer Type of Submittal 6 Construction schedule and sequence of construction 6 Schedule of payment items 6 Progress estimates 8 Shop drawings 2 Certificates of compliance 2 Warranties 2* Product samples 8 Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plan 6 O&M Manuals g 4 Record Drawings T *Unless otherwise required in the specific Section where requested. 1.02 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Transmit each submittal with a form acceptable to the ENGINEER, clearly identifying the project, CANTF3AGTQR,-_tho_.enoloeed_material ...and. other--pertine4t-information--speeified in other parts of this section. Identify variations from Contract Documents and Product or system limitations which may be detrimental to successful performance of the completed Work. B. Revise and resubmit submittals as required, identify all changes made since previous submittals. Resubmittals shall be noted as such. 1306 - 9/16/05 01300 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements C. Distribute copies of reviewed submittals to concerned parties. Instruct parties to promptly report any inability to comply with provisions. 1.03 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. The construction schedule shall be prepared in the form of a horizontal bar chart showing in detail the. proposed sequence of the work and identifying construction activities for each major component, structure or facility. B. The construction schedule shall be revised to. reflect comments by the OWNER and ENGINEER and updated, depicting progress to the last day of the construction. Five copies shall be. submitted with requests for progress payments. C. Changes to the schedule shall be accompanied by a letter of explanation with appropriate reference and revision date on the schedule. D. CONTRACTOR is responsible for determining the sequence of activities, the time estimates of the detailed construction activities and ..the.' riieans, methods, techniques and procedures to be employed. The .Construction Schedule shall represent the CONTRACTOR's best judgement of how he will prosecute the Work in compliance with the Contract requirements. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the Construction Schedule is current and accurate and is properly and timely monitored, updated and revised as Project conditions and the Contract Documents may require. E. CONTRACTOR shall consult with his Subcontractors and Suppliers relating to the preparation of his construction plan and Construction Schedule. Subcontractors shall receive copies of those portions of CONTRACTOR's Construction Schedule which relate to their work and shall be continually advised of any updates or revisions to the Construction Schedule as the Work progresses. . F. When CONTRACTOR submits his Construction Schedule to the ENGINEER or makes any proposed updates or revisions to such Schedule, it will be assumed. by the ENGINEER that CONTRACTOR has consulted with and has the concurrence of his Subcontractors and Suppliers. CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for ensuring that all Subcontractors and Suppliers comply with the requirements of the Construction Schedule for their portions of the Work. G. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the ENGINEER shall not in any way be responsible for the Construction Schedule, nor the manner, means, timing, or sequencing of the Work and shall have no liability to CONTRACTOR, OWNER, or any other party for same, as the ENGINEER has not participated in the generation of any construction schedule. CONTRACTOR hereby releases the ENGINEER from all such liability. 1.04 SHOP DRAWINGS, PROJECT DATA AND SAMPLES A. General: A Shop Drawing Submittal Schedule shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR within thirty (30) days of the Notice to Proceed. B. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish for review shop drawings, project data, samples and other submittal items required by the Contract Documents. Three (3) copies shall be 1306-.9/16/05 01300 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements returned to the CONTRACTOR stamped "Furnish as Submitted" or "Furnish as Corrected". Where major corrections are indicated, two (2) copies will be returned stamped "Revise and Resubmit" and a new submittal is required. C. The review of the CONTRACTOR's submissions shall in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR of any of his responsibilities under the Contract. An acceptance of a submission shall be ,interpreted to mean that there are no specific objections to the submitted material, subject to conformance with the Specifications. D. All submissions shall be dated and properly referenced to the specifications section. E. Shop Drawings and Project Data within practical limits shall be submitted as a single complete package for any operating system and shall include all items of equipment and mechanical units involved in the functioning of such system. Where applicable, the submission shall include elementary wiring diagrams showing circuit functioning' and necessary interconnection wiring diagrams for construction. F. All submissions shall bear the CONTRACTOR's'starrip"certifying that they have been checked for conformance and accuracy. Submissions without the CONTRACTOR's stamp of approval will not be reviewed by the ENGINEER and will be returned to the CONTRACTOR. G. For any submission containing any departure from the Contract Documents and the CONTRACTOR shall include proper explanation in his letter of submittal. H. Work on fabricated or special items shall not be commenced until the required submission information has been reviewed and accepted. I. Standard items shall not be assembled or shipped until the required submission information has been reviewed and accepted. J. Prior review actions shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of the responsibility for correcting errors, deviations, and/or omissions discovered at a later date. K. Shoo Drawin s: Shop Drawings include, but are not limited. to, layout drawings,. installation drawings, construction drawings, certified and interconnecting wiring diagrams, etc. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for security of all the information, details, dimension, drawings, etc., necessary to prepare submission drawings required and necessary under this Contract and to fulfill all other requirements of his Contract. The CONTRACTOR shall secure such information, details, drawings, etc. from all possible sources including drawings prepared by subcontractors, ENGINEER's, manufacturers, suppliers, etc. L. Submission drawings. shall._accurate--aad...dead"re ent..the_fo local ng:.. _..-_ .._.._.. 1. All working and installation dimensions. 2. Arrangement and sectional views. 1306 - 9/16/05 01300 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements I Units of equipment in the proposed position for installation, details of required attachments and connections and dimensioned locations between units and in relation to the structures. M. Product Data: Where manufacturer's publications in the form of catalogs, brochures, illustrations, or other data sheets are submitted in lieu of prepared shop drawings, such submission shall specifically indicate the particular item offered. Identification of such items and relative pertinent information shall be made with indelible ink. Submissions showing only general information will not be accepted. N. Product data shall include materials of construction, dimensions, performance characteristics, capacities, wiring diagrams, piping and controls, etc. O. Samples: CONTRACTOR shall furnish for review all samples as required by the Contract Documents or requested by the ENGINEER. P. Samples shall be of sufficient size or quantity to clearly illustrate the quality, type, range of color, finish or texture and shall" be properly labeled to show the nature of the work where the material represented by the sample will be used. Q. Samples shall be checked by the CONTRACTOR for conformance to the Contract Documents before being submitted to the ENGINEER and shall bear the CONTRACTOR's stamp certifying that they have been so checked. Transportation charges on samples submitted to the ENGINEER shall be prepaid by. the CONTRACTOR. R. ENGINEER's review will be for compliance with the Contract Documents, and his comments will be transmitted to the CONTRACTOR with reasonable promptness. S. Accepted samples will establish the standards by which the completed work will be judged. 1.05 WARRANTIES A. Original warranties shall be submitted to the OWNER through the ENGINEER. When warranties are required, they shall be submitted prior to request for payment. B. When advance copies of warranties are requested, they shall be submitted with, and considered as shop drawings. 1.06 CERTIFICATES A. Copies of certificates of compliance and test reports shall be submitted for requested item the_,EN-GINF-I-R_priar to._request..for....payment. 1306 - 9/16/05 .01300 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 1.07 SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT VALUES A. The Contractor shall submit a separate Schedule of Payment Values for the Project in accordance with Section 01025 for all items in the proposal that are to be paid for on a lump sum basis. The schedule shall contain the installed value of the component parts of work for the purpose of making progress payments during the construction period. B. The schedule shall be given in sufficient detail for the proper identification of work accomplished. Each item shall include its proportional share of all costs including the Contractor's overhead, contingencies and profit. The sum of all scheduled items shall equal the total value of the Contract. C. The Contractor will not be paid for stored materials. D. The Contractor shall expand or modify the above schedule and materials listing as required by the ENGINEER's initial or subsequent reviews. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - (NOT USED) PART 3 -- EXECUTION - (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 9/16/05 01300 - 5 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01400 QUALITY CONTROL PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 EVALUATION AT PLACE OF MANUFACTURE A. Unless otherwise specified, all products, materials, and time and equipment shall be subject to evaluation by the Engineer at the place of manufacture. B. The presence of the Engineer at the place of manufacture however, shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for furnishing products, materials, and equipment which comply with all requirements of the -Contract ,Documents-. Compliance is a duty of the Contractor, and said duty shall not be avoided by any act or omission on the part of the Engineer. 1.02 SAMPLING AND TESTING A. Unless otherwise specified, all sampling and testing shall be in accordance with the methods prescribed in the current standards of the ASTM, as applicable to the class and nature of the article or materials considered; however, the Owner reserves the right to use any generally -accepted system of sampling and testing which, in the opinion of the Engineer will insure the Owner that the quality of the workmanship is in full accord with the Contract Documents. B. Any waiver by the Owner of any specific testing or other quality assurance measures, whether or not such. waiver is accompanied by a guarantee of substantial performance as.a relief from the specified testing or other quality assurance requirements as originally specified, and whether or not such guarantee is accompanied by a performance bond to assure execution of any necessary corrective or remedial Work, shall not be construed as a waiver of any requirements of the Contract Documents. C. Notwithstanding the existence of such waiver, the Engineer reserves the right to make independent investigations and tests and failure of any portion of the Work to meet any of the requirements of the Contract Documents, shall be reasonable cause forthe Engineer to require the removal or correction and reconstruction of any such work in accordance with the General Conditions. 1.03 SITE INVESTIGATION AND CONTROL A. __, -The--Guntractar-zftaH-vaM— all field —conditions continuously during construction. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any inaccuracies built into the Work due to its failure to comply with this requirement. B. The Contractor shall evaluate related and appurtenant Work and shall report in writing to the Engineer any conditions which will prevent proper completion of the Work. Failure to report any such conditions shall constitute acceptance of all site 'conditions, and any 1306 - 6/17/05 01400 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements required removal, repair, or replacement caused by unsuitable conditions shall be performed by the Contractor at its sole cost and expense. 1.04 PRODUCT EVALUATION AND TESTING A. The Owner will employ and pay for the services of an independent testing laboratory.for specified testing as specified by the Engineer. B. The work or actions of the testing laboratory shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his obligations under the Contract. The laboratory testing work will include such evaluations and testing required by the Contract Documents, existing laws, codes, ordinances, etc. The testing laboratory will have no authority to change the requirements of the Contract Documents, nor perform, accept or approve any of the Contractor's Work. C. The Contractor shall allow the Engineer ample time and opportunity for evaluation and testing materials and equipment to be used in the Work The Contractor shall advise -the Engineer promptly upon placing orders for materials and equipment so that arrangements may be made, if desired, for evaluation before shipment from the place of manufacture. The Contractor shall at all times furnish the Engineer and his representatives, facilities including labor, and allow proper time for evaluating and testing materials, equipment, and workmanship. The Contractor must anticipate that possible delays may occur in the execution of his work due to the necessity of materials and equipment being evaluated and accepted for use. The Contractor shall furnish, at his ,own expense, all samples of materials required by the Engineer for testing, and shall make his own arrangements for providing water, electric power,'or fuel for the various evaluations and tests of structures and equipment. D. The Contractor shall fumish the services of representatives of the manufacturers of certain equipment, as specified in other sections of these Contract Documents, as required. The Contractor shall also place its orders for such equipment on the basis that, after the equipment has been tested prior to final acceptance of the work, the manufacturer will furnish the Engineer with certified statements that the equipment has been installed properly and is ready to be placed in functional operation. Tests and analyses required for equipment shall be paid for by the Contractor, unless specified otherwise in the section which covers a particular piece of equipment. E. The Owner will bear the cost of all tests, evaluations or investigations undertaken by the order of the Engineer for the purpose of determining conformance with the Contract Documents if such tests, evaluations or investigations are not specifically required by the Contract Documents, and if conformance is ascertained thereby. Whenever nonconformance is determined by the Engineer as a result of such tests, evaluations or investigations, the Contractor shall bear the full cost of any additional tests and _ix►ues#ig ti ch-,are �ord_ered lay to r-te�asce in -subsequent,--. �rNtoa —a with the Contract Documents. 1.05 EVALUATION OF THE WORK A. The Work shall be conducted under the general observation of the Engineer and shall be . subject to evaluation by representatives of the Engineer acting on behalf of the Owner to ensure strict compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Such 1306 - 6/17/05 01400 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements evaluation may include mill, plant, shop or field evaluation, as required. The Engineer shall be permitted access to all parts of the Work, including plants where materials or equipment are manufactured or fabricated. B. The presence of the Engineer or any evaluator, however, shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the proper execution of the Work in accordance with all requirements of the Contract Documents. Compliance is a duty of the Contractor, and said duty shall not be avoided by any act or omission on the part of the Engineer or any evaluator. C. All materials and articles furnished by the Contractor shall be subject to rigid evaluation, and no materials or articles shall be used in the Work until they have been evaluated and accepted by the Engineer or its representative. No Work shall be backfilled, buried, cast in concrete, hidden or otherwise covered until it has been evaluated by the Engineer or its authorized representative. Any Work so covered in the absence of evaluation shall be a subject to uncovering. Where unevaluated Work cannot -be uncovered, such as in concrete cast over reinforcing steel, all such Work shall' be subject to demolition, removal, and reconstruction under proper evaluation, and no additional payment will be allowed therefore. 1.06 TIME OF EVALUATION AND TESTS A. Samples and test specimens required under these Specifications shall be furnished and prepared for testing in ample time for the completion of the necessary tests and analyses before said articles or materials are to be.used. The Contractor shall furnish and prepare all required test specimens within the scope of the Contract., Except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, performance of the required tests will be by the Engineer, and all costs therefore will be borne by the Engineer at no cost to the Contractor, except that the costs of any test which shows unsatisfactory results shall be borne by the Contractor. Whenever the Contractor is ready to backfill, bury, cast in concrete, hide, or otherwise cover any Work under the Contract, the Engineer shall be notified not less than twenty-four hours in advance to request evaluation before beginning any such Work of covering. Failure of the Contractor to notify the Engineer at least twenty-four hours in advance of any such evaluations shall be reasonable cause for the Engineer to order a sufficient delay in the Contractor's schedule to allow time for such evaluations and any remedial or corrective Work required, and all costs of such delays, including its effect upon other portions of the Work, shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.07 RIGHT OF REJECTION A. The Engineer, acting for the Owner, shall have the right, at all times and places, to reject any articles or materials to be furnished hereunder which, in any respect, fail to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents_,_ regardless of whether_the defects in such articles site. If the Engineer or its representative, p or ma eria s are detected ai e Dint of mdnu g ture or af't6rr corn ietion of ti�ellVori< at the g through an oversight or otherwise, has accepted materials or Work which is defective or which is contrary to the Contract Documents, such materials, no matter in what stage or condition of manufacture, delivery, or erection, may be subsequently rejected by the Engineer for the Owner. 1306 - 6/17105 01400 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements B. The Contractor shall promptly remove rejected articles or materials from the site of the Work after notification of rejection. All costs of removal and replacement of rejected articles or materials as specified herein shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.08 OTHER CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS A. Cuttina and Patching: The Contractor shall perform all cutting and patching of the Work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and fit it to receive or be received by such other work. The Contractor shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and shall only cut or alter work with the written consent of the Engineer and of the other contractors whose work will be affected. B. Weather Conditions: Work that may be affected by inclement weather shall be suspended until proper conditions prevail. In the event of impending storms, the Contractor shall take necessary precautions to protect all work, materials and equipment from exposure. C. Fire Protection: The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent fires at or adjacent to the Work, including its own buildings and trailers. Adequate fire extinguisher and hose line stations shall be provided throughout the work area. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 -- EXECUTION (Not Used) - END OF SECTION - I SECTION 01410 TESTING AND INSPECTION PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. The CONTRACTOR shall retain the services of an Independent Testing Laboratory to perform materials testing specifically indicated in the Contract Documents and will pay for the costs of all passing laboratory tests required to determine soil density and concrete compressive strength. Failed tests will be paid for by the Contractor. All required soil and concrete testing shall be coordinated with and scheduled by the CONTRACTOR. B. Selection of testing laboratory shall be approved by ENGINEER and OWNER C. The work or actions of the testing laboratory shall in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR of his obligations under the Contract. The laboratory testing work will include such inspections and testing required by the Contract Document, existing laws, codes, ordinances, etc. The testing laboratory will have no authority to change the requirements of the Contract Documents, nor perform or approve any of the CONTRACTOR's work. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Conditions of the Contract: Inspections and testing required by laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders or approvals of public authorities. B. Each specification section listed: Laboratory tests required and standards for testing. C. Testing Laboratory inspection, sampling and testing is required for, but. not limited to, the following: 1. Excavation and Backfill for Utilities, Section 02222. 2. Asphaltic Concrete Paving, Section 02520. 3. Pavement Curbs & Sidewalks, Section 02526. 1.03 . LIMITATIONS OF AUTHORITY OF TESTING LABOR A ._.Labpratorya ..notlaorMed to: 1. Release, revoke, alter or enlarge on requirements of Contract Documents. K 0 Approve or accept any portion of the Work. Perform any duties of the Contractor. 1306 - 9/16/05 01410 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 1.04 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. Cooperate with laboratory personnel, provide access to work, to manufacturer's operations. B. Secure and deliver to the laboratory adequate quantities of representational samples of materials proposed to be used and which require testing. C. Provide to the laboratory.the preliminary design mix proposed to be used for concrete and other materials mixes which require control by the testing laboratory. D. Materials and equipment used in the performance of work under this Contract are subject to inspection and testing at the point of manufacture or fabrication. Standard specifications for quality and workmanship are indicated in the Contract Documents. The OWNER & ENGINEER may require the Contractor to provide statements or certificates from the manufacturers and fabricators that the materials and equipment _provided by them are manufactured or fabricated in full accordance with the standard specifications for quality and workmanship indicated in the Contract Documents. All costs of this testing and providing statements and certificates shall be a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor, and no extra charge to the Owner shall be allowed on account of such testing and certification. E. Furnish incidental labor and facilities: 1. To provide access to work to be tested. 2. To obtain and handle samples at the Project site or at the source of the product to be tested. 3. To facilitate inspections and tests. 4. For storage and curing of test samples. F. Notify laboratory sufficiently in advance of operations to allow.for laboratory assignment of personnel and scheduling of tests. 1. When tests or inspections cannot be performed after such notice, reimburse Owner for laboratory personnel and travel expenses incurred due to Contractor's negligence. G. Employ and pay for the services of the same or a separate, equally qualified independent testing laboratory to perform additional inspections, sampling and testing required for the Contractor's convenience. H. If the tests and any subsequent retests indicate the materials and equipment fail to meet the requirements o the ContractmDocuments, the contractor shall pay for the laboratory costs directly to the testing firm, and these costs will not be reimbursable to the Contractor. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - (NOT USED) 1306 - 9/16/05 01410 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements PART 3 -- EXECUTION - NOT USED - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 9116/05 01410 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01500 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 (Not Applicable) 1.02 HYDRAULIC UPLIFT ON STRUCTURES r A. The CONTRACTOR shall be completely responsible for any tanks, wet wells, pipelines, manholes, foundations, cellars, or similar structures that may become buoyant during the construction operations due to the ground water or floods and before the structure is put into operation. Should there be any possibility of buoyance;: of a. structure, the CONTRACTOR shall take the necessary steps to prevent its buoyance. Damage to any structures due to floating or flooding shall be repaired or the structures replaced at the CONTRACTOR' expense. 1.03 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform all cutting and patching of his work that may be required to make its several parts come together properly and fit it to receive or be received by such other work. The CONTRACTOR shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating or otherwise altering their work and shall only cut or alter work with the written consent of the ENGINEER and of the other CONTRACTORS whose work will be affected. 1.04 ABANDONMENT AND SALVAGE OF EXISTING FACILITIES A. General: The scope of work requires the CONTRACTOR to interface with existing st part of piping ; andwhich will be abandoned or otherwise removed and/or relocated of the work. Prior to beginning any work associated with existing facilities to be abandoned, salvaged, or otherwise' removed or relocated, the CONTRACTOR shall inform the OWNER and the ENGINEER of his intent so that all arrangements can be made with the OWNER for isolating pipelines (where possible) or otherwise removing existing facilities from service to the extent possible. The CONTRACTOR shall not proceed without written authorization from the OWNER. B. Pi alines: The CONTRACTOR shall abandon, salvage or otherwise remove existing pipelines or segments of existing pipelines shown to be abandoned in place, salvaged, or removed as part of the contract wor-k _Unlipj Qs � i, 1qe ,ntracf...._ __ �p p 9 g _ lace. Pipe shown to be abandoned need only be removed a minimum three feet clear in acumen s, a I i in shown on the Drawings to be abandoned shall be abandoned p p e feet clear of new utilities to be installed. Abandon -in -place shall be defined as installing plugs, or other permanent closure, as reviewed and accepted by the OWNER, on all termination's, open ends or ends of pipe designated as being cut, capped and anchored in an acceptable manner. The pipe will remain buried unless otherwise noted. 1306 - 6/17/05 01500 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements C. Piping indicated on the Drawings as being removed, or any piping to be abandoned which interferes with new structures or piping, shall be excavated and removed using methods which will not disturb adjacent piping or other facilities. All pipe materials shall be subject to salvage by the OWNER as defined below. Any remaining piping on both ends of pipe segments removed shall be abandoned in -place, per the above definition. After piping has been removed, the CONTRACTOR shall backfill the evacuated area in accordance with requirements set forth in other sections of these specifications. D. Salvage: The OWNER may desire to salvage certain items of existing equipment which are to be dismantled and removed during the course of construction. Prior to removal of any existing equipment or piping from the site of work, the CONTRACTOR shall ascertain from the OWNER whether or not the ,particular item or items are to be salvaged. Items to be salvaged shall be stockpiled to the. City's yard, or a location as designated by the OWNER. All other items of equipment shall be disposed of off -site by the. CONTRACTOR at his own expense, in accordance . with applicable laws, "ordinances and regulations. A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for having determined to his satisfaction, prior to the submission of his bid, the nature and location of the work, the conformation of the ground, the character and quality of the substrata, the types and quantity of materials to be encountered, the nature of the groundwater condition, the character of equipment and facilities required preliminary to and during the performance of the work, the general and local conditions and all other matters which can in any way affect the work under this Contract. The. prices established for the work to be done shall reflect all costs pertaining to the work. Any claims for extras based on the substrata or ground water table conditions will be disallowed. B. Subsurface data are offered in good faith solely for placing the CONTRACTOR in receipt .of all information. available to the OWNER and ENGINEER and in no event is to be considered as part of the Contract Documents. The CONTRACTOR shall interpret such sub -surface data according to his own judgment and not rely upon the same as accurately describing the sub -surface conditions., which may be found to exist. C. The CONTRACTOR further acknowledges that he assumes all risk contingent upon the nature of the subsurface conditions actually encountered by him in performing the work covered by the Contract, even though such actual conditions may result in the CONTRACTOR performing more or less work than he originally anticipated. D. In making this data available, the OWNER makes no guarantee, either expressed or �rXl.plied;._.asmtQ.t it racy.oar.to..th-e,..accuracy.nf...anyjrAerprelafion thereaf_ 1.06 OBSTRUCTIONS A. All water pipes, storm drains, sanitary sewers, force mains, gas or other pipe, telephone or power cables or conduits and all other obstructions, whether or not shown, shall be temporarily supported across utility line excavations. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any damage to any such pipes, conduits, or 1306 - 6/17/05 01500 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 1.07 1.08 structures. Approximate locations of known water, sanitary, drainage, power and telephone installations along route of new pipelines or in the vicinity of new work are shown, but must be verified in the field by the CONTRACTOR. Any discrepancies or differences found shall be brought to the attention of the ENGINEER in order that necessary changes may be made to permit installation of new work. These conditions are supplemental to general requirements elsewhere in the Contract Documents. SITE CONDITIONS - The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that he has investigated prior to bidding and satisfied himself as to the conditions affecting the Work, including but not restricted to those bearing upon transportation, disposal, handling and storage of materials, availability of labor, water, electric power, roads and uncertainties of weather, canal stages, tides, water tables or similar physical conditions at the site, the conformation _and conditions of the ground, the character of equipment and facilities .,needed preliminary to and during prosecution of the Work. The CONTRACTOR further acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the character, quality and quantity of surface and subsurface materials or obstacles to be encountered insofar as this information is reasonably ascertainable from an inspection of the site, or any contiguous site, as well as from information presented by the Drawings and Specifications made a part of this Contract, or any other information made available to him prior to receipt of Bids. Any failure by the CONTRACTOR to acquaint himself with the available information will not relieve him from responsibility for estimating properly the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the Work. The OWNER assumes no responsibility for any conclusions or interpretations made by the CONTRACTOR on the basis of the information made available by the OWNER. PROTECTION OF PROPERTY A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect all property that may be affected by his work or operations. The location and extent of underground and covered facilities are not guaranteed and the CONTRACTOR is cautioned to proceed with care in order to prevent the undermining or damage to existing structures, piping, or facilities. B. When city water is being used, the supply source shall be protected against contamination in accordance with existing codes and regulations. C. In the event any of the CONTRACTOR's activities were to disrupt or endanger any facilities, he shall at his own expense make all necessary repairs or replacements necessary to correct the situation to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. Such work shall progress continuously to completion on a 24-hour per day, seven workday basis. The. CO.hLLRACTO.Rr�hall-..be responsible _for. -the.-.services of -repair crews --on- call 24- hours per day for emergencies that arise involving work under this Contract. 1.09 WEATHER CONDITIONS A. Work that may be affected by inclement weather shall be suspended until proper conditions prevail. In the event of impending storms the CONTRACTOR shall take necessary precautions to protect all work, materials and equipment from exposure. 1306 - 6/17/05 01500 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements The OWNER reserves the right, through the opinion of the ENGINEER, to order that additional protection measures over and beyond those proposed by the CONTRACTOR, be taken to safeguard . all components of the project. The CONTRACTOR shall not claim any compensation for such precautionary measures so ordered, nor claim any compensation from the OWNER for damage to the work from the elements of weather. 1.10 FIRE PROTECTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions to prevent fires at or adjacent to the work, including his own buildings and trailers. Adequate fire extinguisher and hose line stations shall be provided throughout the work area. 1.11 SAFETY AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS A. The CONTRACTOR shall comply in every respect with all Federal, State and local safety and health regulations. Copies of the Federal Regulations may be obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 3200 E. Oakland Park Boulevard, Room 204, Bridge Building, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33300. B. The CONTRACTOR shall provide all barricades and flashing warning lights or other devices necessary to warn pedestrians and area traffic. C. Personnel working in contact with sewage flow or surfaces carrying wastewaters or sludges shall be immunized as recommended by the Broward County Health Department. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - (Not Used) PART 3 -- EXECUTION - (Not Used) - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 6/1.7/05 01500 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01510 UTILITIES AND SERVICES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to provide equipment that is adequate for the performance°of the Work under this Contract within the time specified. All equipment shall be kept in satisfactory operating condition, shall be capable of safely and efficiently performing the required Work, and shall be subject to review by the Owner's representative at any time within the duration of the Contract. All Work hereunder shall conform to the applicable requirements of the OSHA Standards for Construction. B. The Contractor shall provide for utilities and services for its own operations.. The r Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain all temporary utilities during the contract period including removal upon completion of the Work. 1.02 POWER AND LIGHTING A. Power: The Contractor shall provide all necessary power required for its operations under the Contract, and shall provide and maintain all temporary power lines required to perform the Work in a safe and satisfactory manner. B. Construction Li htin : All Work conducted at night or under conditions of deficient daylight shall be suitably lighted to insure proper Work and to afford adequate facilities for inspection and safe working conditions. Temporary lighting shall be maintained during nonworking periods if the area is subject to access by the public or City personnel. C. Electrical Connections: All temporary connections for electricity shall be subject to review by the Engineer and the power company representative, and shall be removed in like manner at the Contractor's expense prior to final acceptance of the Work. D. Se aration of Circuits: Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, circuits separate from lighting circuits shall be used for all power purposes. E. Construction Wiring: All wiring for temporary electric light and power shall be properly installed and maintained and shall be securely fastened in. place. All electrical facilities shall conform to the requirements of Subpart K of the OSHA Safety and Health Standards for Construction. ...1.03 WATER SUPPLY . A. General: The Contractor shall supply, and pay for all costs for all water used for construction, and testing. The Contractor shall provide and maintain all meters, piping, fittings, adapters, and valving required. B. Potable Water: All drinking water on the site during construction shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall be bottled water or water furnished in suitable dispensers. 1306 - 7/11/05 01510 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements Notices shall be posted conspicuously throughout the site warning the Contractor's personnel that piped water may be contaminated. C. Water Connections: The Contractor shall not make connection to, or draw water from, any fire hydrant or pipeline without first obtaining permission of the authority having jurisdiction over the use of said fire hydrant or pipeline and from the agency owning the affected water system. For each such connection made, the. Contractor shall first attach to the fire hydrant or pipeline a valve and a meter, if required by the said authority, of a size and type acceptable to said authority and agency. D. Removal of Water Connections: Before final acceptance of the Work on the project, all temporary connections. and piping installed by the Contractor shall be entirely removed, and all affected improvements shall be restored to their original condition, or better, to the satisfaction of the Engineer and to the agency owning the affected utility. 1.04 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. The Contractor -shall -provide and maintain adequate and clean sanitary facilities for the construction work force and visitors. The facilities shall comply with local codes and regulations and be situated at an acceptable location. Such facilities shall be secured during non -working hours in order to prevent unauthorized access. 1.05 TEMPORARY VENTILATION A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain adequate ventilation for a safe working environment. In addition, forced air ventilation shall be provided for the curing of installed materials, humidity control and the prevention of hazardous accumulations of dust, gases or vapors. `glI�Ii=K1J V kCA A. The CONTRACTOR shall install fences and employ security guards to protect the job site against vandalism, burglary, theft, trespassing, etc., if required. The CONTRACTOR shall care for and protect against loss or damage of all material to be incorporated in the construction, the existing structures, equipment and materials for the duration of the Contract and shall repair or replace damaged or lost materials and damage to structures. B. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing, maintaining and securing gates used for construction purposes for the duration of the project as required for security purposes. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - (Not Used) PART 3 — EXECUTION - (Not Used) - END OF SECTION 1306 - 7/11/05 01510 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01520 MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES AND SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION PART 1 ---GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The water system to be replaced and/or repaired will be maintained in continuous operation by the OWNER during the entire construction period of this Contract. Work under this Contract shall be so scheduled and coordinated by the CONTRACTOR that such work shall not impact any operation of distribution, collection, and pumping systems that connect to the water mains and sanitary sewers within the City. In addi#irk, ihe;Q.ONTRACTOR shall coordinate his work so as not to impact any nearby public or private facilities. 1.02 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE A. The Construction Schedule and Sequence of Construction shall be submitted by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with Section 01300 of these Specifications. 1.03 CONNECTION OF EXISTING SYSTEMS A. All connections to existing systems shall be performed in such a manner that no damage and minimal interruption is caused to the existing facilities. On completion of his installation, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the plug or blind flange from the existing pipe or. cut into the existing pipes and complete the connection in a proper manner. Any damage caused to existing installations shall be repaired or replaced by the responsible CONTRACTOR. at no additional cost to the OWNER. B. The CONTRACTOR shall note that the work in this Contract will require the CONTRACTOR to connect to existing pipelines and structures. An average operating pressure of 70 psi is anticipated in the water supply system. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the proper containment and disposal of water and wastewater drained from existing pipelines and structures during construction. C. The CONTRACTOR shall contain such water and wastewater (in accordance with all applicable codes) and shall dispose of such to an on -site wastewater basin as designated by the OWNER. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the prevention of.wastewater spills within his work area. 1.04 COORDINATION WITH ......................... __._ ...._..... _...._ ........ H UTILITY PERSONNEL A. Before commencing work involving removing or placing in operation existing or new facilities or tie-ins to existing facilities, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the OWNER at least twenty (20) days in advance in writing. The OWNER shall be responsible for removing water facilities from operation. 1306 - 7/11/05 01520 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements B. Only the OWNER's appointed representative can authorize the shutdown of portions of the water facilities. The CONTRACTOR shall, under no circumstances, interfere with any water facility component without the OWNER's authorization, in writing, and supervision. 1.05 GENERAL SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION ... .... ..... A. Work under the Contract shall be scheduled and performed in such a manner as to result in the least possible disruption to the operation of the existing distribution and collection and pumping facilities and to the public's use of roadways, driveways, and utilities. Utilities shall include but not be limited to water, sewerage, drainage structures, gas, electrical service and telephone. Prior to commencing with the WORK, CONTRACTOR shall perform a location investigation of existing underground utilities and facilities in accordance with Section entitled "Protection of Existing Facilities". w B. At no time shall tK 'CONTRACTOR undertake to close off any pipelines, or open valves, or take any other action which would affect the operation of the existing system, except as specifically required by the drawings and specifications, until authorization is granted by the OWNER or ENGINEER and after proper notification. C. Temporary installations required to complete a particular aspect of the work during the allotted time period shall be determined by the CONTRACTOR and implemented by the CONTRACTOR at no additional cost to the OWNER. All such temporary installation shall be subject to the review and acceptance of the ENGINEER. D. Water Main,_ Excavated. Gravity Sewer Repairs and Excavated Point Repairs: The CONTRACTOR shall initiate his work with the necessary, investigations, coordination with all utilities, and exploration efforts in order to physically identify all existing utilities adjacent to the proposed work. It is essential for the successful execution of this project that considerable emphasis be placed on communicating/coordinating all permissible temporary disruptions of individual customer services in order to provide a minimum of 48 hour notification to the ENGINEER and OWNER and result in a maximum individual customer service disruptions of 2 hours/day total. E. The CONTRACTOR is required to complete the work identified in the Contract Documents as specified in the Contract. The CONTRACTOR is totally responsible for scheduling his work in such a manner as to ensure the successful completion of the work on schedule. F. Other Construction Constraints: CONTRACTOR shall comply with the following constraints during construction and utilize constraints in determining a sequence of . _ _ construction; Limit the stringing of pipe in residential areas to no more than one week in advance, based on current production. Pipe laid out in advance of installation shall not restrict pedestrian or vehicular traffic or block driveways. 2. All drives and approaches shall be restored to a useable condition after backfill and compaction. Any private driveway disturbed/damaged by the Contractor shall 1306 - 6/17/05 01520 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements be completely replaced. This cost shall be considered incidental to the Contract and no additional payment will be made to the Contractor for driveway replacements. 3. Permanent patch restoration of roads, driveways, sidewalks and all other paved areas shall be complete within 14 days of acceptance of pipe installations. 4. CONTRACTOR is expected to work regular hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Requests to work during other than regular hours must be submitted to the ENGINEER at least 72 hours in advance of the period proposed for such overtime work and shall set forth the proposed schedule for overtime work to give ENGINEER ample time to arrange for his personnel to be at the site of the work. CONTRACTOR shall pay for the additional engineering charges on account of the overtime work which may be authorized. Such additignaJ_.,,. engineering charges shall, be a subsidiary obi'igation of CONTRACTOR and no extra payment shall be made by OWNER on account of such overtime work. Payment will be deducted from payment requests. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - Not Used PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 COORDINATION WITH EXISTING UTILITIES AND OTHER AGENCIES A. The CONTRACTOR shall notify all utilities, FPL, Bell South, Sunrise Gas, Comcast, etc. in writing with a copy to the CITY Engineer before construction is started and shall ` coordinate his activities with them. The CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with the owners of utility lines that may require temporary interruption of service in order to minimize the interruption. The CONTRACTOR shall call Sunshine One -Call Notification at 1-800-432-4770 a minimum of 5 days prior to any excavation.for location of existing underground facilities. 4 - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 6/17/05 01520 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01530 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect all existing utilities and improvements not designated r for removal and shall restore damaged or temporarily relocated utilities and improvements to a condition equal to or better than they were prior to such damage or temporary relocation, all in accordance with requirements of the Contract Documents. B. The CONTRACTOR shad-.y,9,rifyAhe-exact locations and depths`of all utilities shown and the CONTRACTOR shall make exploratory excavations of all utilities that may interfere with the Work. All such exploratory excavations shall be performed as soon as practicable after award of. Contract and, in any event, a sufficient time in advance of construction to avoid possible delays to the CONTRACTOR's Work. When such exploratory excavations show the utility location as shown to be in error, the CONTRACTOR shall so notify the OWNER. C. The number of exploratory excavations required shall be that number which is sufficient to determine the alignment and grade of the utility. 1.02 RIGHTS -OF -WAY A. The CONTRACTOR shall not enter upon any rights -of -way involved until notified that the OWNER has secured authority therefore from the proper party. After authority has been obtained, the CONTRACTOR shall give said party due notice of its intention to shoring, supporting, or otherwise protecting u , opportunity for. removing, beging party convenient access and utilities or structures within the right-of-way. When two or more contracts are being executed at one time on the same or adjacent land in such manner that Work on one contract may interfere with that on another, the OWNER shall determine the sequence and order of the Work. 1.03 PROTECTION OF STREET OR ROADWAY MARKERS A. The CONTRACTOR shall not destroy, remove, or otherwise disturb any existing survey markers or other existing street or roadway markers without proper authorization. No pavement breaking or excavation shall be started until all survey or other permanent marker-points--tf"iat-,will,.be-disturbed by ttie-avnstruetion-operations-have-b.ft properly . - referenced for easy and accurate restoration. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to notify the proper representatives of the OWNER of the time and location that Work will be done. Such notification shall be sufficiently in advance of construction so that there will be no delay due to waiting for survey points to be satisfactorily referenced for restoration. All survey markers or points disturbed by the CONTRACTOR without proper authorization by the OWNER, will be accurately 1306 6/17/05 01530 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements restored by the OWNER at the CONTRACTOR's expense after all street or roadway resurfacing has been completed. 1.04 RESTORATION OF FACILITIES A. General: All paved areas including asphaltic concrete beams cut or damaged during construction shall be replaced with similar materials and of equal thickness to match the existing adjacent undisturbed areas, except where specific resurfacing requirements have been called for in the Contract Documents or in the requirements of the agency issuing the permit. All temporary and permanent pavement shall conform to the requirements of the affected pavement owner. All pavements which are subject to partial removal shall be neatly saw cut in straight lines. Within five working days of the pipe installation, temporary restoration shall be completed. All paved areas including asphaltic concrete beams cut or damaged during construction shall be replaced with similar materials and of „aqual. thickness to match the existing adjacent undisturbed areas, except where specific restoration requirements have been called for in the Contract Documents or in the requirements of the agency issuing the permit. B. Tem ora Restoration: Temporary restoration includes -repair to all driveways, sidewalks and roadways. They shall be swept clean and be maintained free of -dirt and dust. All areas disturbed by the construction activities shall be restored to proper grade, cleaned up, including the removal of debris, trash, and deleterious materials. All construction materials, supplies, or equipment, including piles of debris shall be removed from the area. All temporarily restored areas shall be maintained by the CONTRACTOR. These areas shall be kept clean and neat, free of dust and dirt, until final restoration operations are completed. The CONTRACTOR is responsible to utilize dust abatement operations in the temporarily restored areas as required, to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. C. Temporary Resurfacing: Wherever required by the public authorities having jurisdiction, the CONTRACTOR shall --place- temporary surfacing promptly after backfilling and shall maintain such surfacing for the period of time fixed by said authorities before proceeding with the final restoration and improvements. D. Tem ora Restoration of Sidewalks or Private Driveways: Wherever sidewalks or private driveways have been removed for purposes of construction, the CONTRACTOR shall place suitable temporary, sidewalks or driveways at the end of each workday and shall maintain them in satisfactory condition for the period of time fixed by the authorities having jurisdiction over the affected portions before proceeding with the final restoration or, if no such period of times is so fixed, the CONTRACTOR shall maintain said temporary sidewalks or driveways until the final restoration thereof .......:_.__.-m.__itwbeen -tnade. 1.05 EXISTING UTILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS A. General: The CONTRACTOR shall protect all underground utilities and other Improvements which may be impaired during construction operations. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to ascertain the actual. location of all existing utilities and other improvements that will be encountered in its construction operations, and to 1306 - 6/17/05 01530 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements see that such utilities or other improvements are adequately protected from damage due to such operations. B. Utilities to be Moved: In case it shall be necessary to move the property of any public utility or franchise holder, such utility. company or.franchise holder will, upon request of the CONTRACTOR, be notified by the OWNER to move. such property within a specified reasonable time. When utility lines that are to be removed are encountered within the area of operations, the CONTRACTOR shall notify the OWNER a sufficient time in advance for the necessary measures to be taken to prevent interruption of service. C. Where. the proper completion of the Work requires the temporary or permanent removal and / or relocation of an existing utility or other improvement which is shown, the CONTRACTOR shall remove and temporarily replace or relocate such utility or improvement in a manner satisfactory;#o.,the: OWNER and the owner of the facility. In all cases of such temporary removal or relocation, restoration to former location shall be accomplished by the CONTRACTOR in a manner that will restore or replace the utility or improvement as nearly as.possible to its former locations and to as good or better condition than found prior to removal. D. OWNER'S Right of Access: The right is reserved to the OWNER and to the owners of public utilities and franchises to enter at any time upon any public street, alley, right-of- way, or easement for the purpose of making changes in their property made necessary by the Work of this Contract. E. Underground Utilities_ Shown or Indicated: Existing utility Lines that are shown or the locations of which are made known to the CONTRACTOR prior to excavation and that are to be retained, and all utility lines that are constructed during excavation operations shall be protected from damage during excavation and backfilling and, if damaged, shall be immediately repaired by the CONTRACTOR. F. Under round Utilities Not Shown or Indicated: See Article 18 of the Special Conditions. G. Approval of Repairs: All repairs to a damaged improvement are subject to inspection and approval by an authorized representative of the improvement owner before being. concealed by backfill or other Work. H. No fill, excavation material, construction generated debris or equipment shall obstruct water valves, gas meters or sewer manholes. Water, sewer and gas service shall be made accessible to repair or maintenance crews representing the OWNER or a privately -owned utility company. 1.06 TREES WITHIN STREET RIGHTS -OF -WAY AND PROJECT LIMITS A. General: The CONTRACTOR shall exercise all necessary precautions so as not to damage or destroy any trees or shrubs, including those lying within street rights -of -way and project limits, and shall not trim, relocate or remove any trees unless such trees have been approved for trimming, relocating or removal by the jurisdictional agency or OWNER. All existing trees and shrubs which are damaged during construction shall be 1306 - 6/17/05 01530 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements trimmed or replaced by the CONTRACTOR. Tree trimming, relocating and replacement shall be in accordance with requirements of local jurisdictions. B. Replacement: The CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify the jurisdictional agency and / or the OWNER if any tree is damaged by the CONTRACTOR's operations. If, in the opinion of said agency or the OWNER, the damage is such that replacement is necessary, the CONTRACTOR shall replace the tree at its own expense. The tree shall be of a like size and variety as the. tree damaged, or, if of a smaller size, the CONTRACTOR shall pay to the owner of said tree compensatory payment acceptable to the tree owner, subject to the approval of the jurisdictional agency or OWNER. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - (Not Used) PART 3 -- EXECUTION - (Not Used) - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 6/17/05 01530 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01550 SITE ACCESS AND STORAGE PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 SITE ACCESS A. The CONTRACTOR shall make its own investigation of the condition of available public and private roads and of clearances, restrictions, bridge load limits, and other limitations affecting transportation and ingress and egress to the site of the Work. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to construct and maintain any haul roads required for its. construction operations. 1.02 TEMPORARY CROSSINGS A. Street Use: Nothing herein shall be construed to entitle the CONTRACTOR to the exclusive use of any public street, alleyway, or parking area during the performance of Work hereunder, and it shall so conduct its operations as not to interfere unnecessarily with the authorized work of utility companies or other agencies in such streets, alleys, ways, or parking areas. No street shall be closed to the public without first obtaining permission of the OWNER and proper governmental authority. Where excavation is being performed in primary streets or highways, one lane in each direction shall be kept open to traffic at all times unless otherwise provided or shown. Toe boards shall be provided to retain excavated material if required by the OWNER or the agency having jurisdiction over the street or highway. Fire hydrants on or adjacent to the Work shall be kept accessible to fire -fighting equipment at all times. Temporary provisions shall be made by the CONTRACTOR to assure the use of sidewalks and the proper functioning of all gutters, sewer inlets, and other drainage facilities. B. Traffic Control: For the protection of traffic in public or private streets and ways, the CONTRACTOR shall provide, place, and maintain all necessary barricades, traffic cones, warning signs, lights, and other safety devices in accordance with the requirements of the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Part VI - Traffic Controls for Street and Highway Construction and Maintenance Operations," published by U.S. Department of transportation, Federal Highway Administration (ANSI D6.1). C. The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions for the protection of the Work and the safety of the public. All barricades and obstructions shall be illuminated at night, and all lights shall be kept burning from sunset until sunrise. The CONTRACTOR shall station such guards or flaggers and shall conform to such special safety regulations relating to traffic control as may be required by the public authorities within their respective jurisdictions. All signs, signals, and barricades shall conform to the requirements of Subpart G, Part 1926, of the OSHA Safety and Health Standards for Construction. 1306 - 6/17/05 01550 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements D. The CONTRACTOR shall remove traffic control devices when no longer needed, repair all damage caused by installation of the devices, and shall remove post settings and backfill the resulting holes to match grade. E. Temporary Street Closure Outside State Road Right -of -Way: If closure of any street is required during construction, a formal application for a street closure shall be made to the authority having jurisdiction at least 30 days prior to the required street closure in order to determine necessary sign and detour requirements. F. Temporary Driveway Closure: The CONTRACTOR shall notify the owner or occupant (if not owner -occupied) of the closure of the driveways to be closed more than one eight -hour work day, at least three working days. prior to the closure. The CONTRACTOR shall minimize the inconvenience and minimize the time period that the driveways will be closed. The CONTRACTOR shall fully explain to the owner/occupant how long the work will take and when, closure is to start.,. 1.03 CONTRACTOR'S WORK AND STORAGE AREA A. Responsibility for protection and safekeeping of equipment and. materials at or near the sites will be solely that of the CONTRACTOR and no claim shall be. made against the OWNER by reasons of any act of an employee or trespasser. Should an occasion arise- necessitating access to an area occupied by stored equipment and / or materials, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately move them. B. Upon completion of the Contract, the. CONTRACTOR shall remove from the storage areas all of their equipment, temporary fencing, surplus materials, rubbish, etc., and restore the areas as specified. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - (Not Used) PART 3 -- EXECUTION - (Not Used) - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 6/17/05 01550 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01560 SPECIAL CONTROLS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 CHEMICALS A. All chemicals used during project construction or furnished for testing of project operation, whether herbicide, pesticide, disinfectant, polymer, reactant of other classification, will be required to show approval of either EPA or HUD. The handling, use, storage and disposal of such materials, containers or residues shall be in strict conformance with manufacturer and/or supplier's secured storage. Copies of antidote literature shall be kept at the storage site and at the GONTRACTOR's job site office. A supply of antidotes shall be kept at the CONTRACTOR's office. 1.02 DUST A. During all work for this Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall by the application of water and/or calcium chloride or other means, approved by the ENGINEER, eliminate dust annoyance to adjacent property owners and business establishments. The CONTRACTOR shall take all protective measures, to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER, necessary to ensure that dust and debris does not enter any of the mechanical or electrical equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the cleanup of existing buildings, equipment, controls, etc., which have become soiled due to the lack of proper dust control as determined by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall provide daily application of water to all areas designated by the ENGINEER in the field and to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER in the field. 1.03 NOISE A. Noise resulting from the CONTRACTOR's.awork.-shall not violate the City of Tamarac noise ordinance or exceed the noise levels and other requirements stated in the Broward County Office of Natural Resources Protection, Regulation 78-3, relating to noise abatement in Broward County. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for curtailing noise resulting from his operation. He shall, upon written notification from the ENGINEER or the noise control officers, make any repairs, replacements, adjustments, additions and furnish mufflers when necessary to fulfill requirements. 1.04 EROSION ABATEMENT AND WATER POLLUTION A. It is imperative that the CONTRACTOR's dewatering operations not contaminate or disturb the environment or properties adjacent to the work. The CONTRACTOR, shall, therefore, schedule and control his operations to confine all runoff water from disturbed surfaces, water from dewatering and/or from excavation below the ground water table operations that becomes contaminated with lime silt, much and other deleterious matter, fuels, oils, bitumens, calcium chloride, chemicals and other polluting materials. 1306 - 6/17/05 01560 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements B. The CONTRACTOR shall construct temporary stilling basin(s) of adequate size and provide all necessary temporary materials, operations and controls including, but not limited to, filters, coagulants, screens and other means necessary to attain the required discharge water quality. C. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing, operating _and maintaining materials and equipment used for conveying the clear water to the point of discharge. All pollution prevention procedures, materials, equipment and related items shall be operated and maintained until such time as the dewatering operation is discontinued. Upon the removal of the materials, equipment and related items the CONTRACTOR shall restore the area to the condition prior to his commencing work. 1.05 HURRICANE AND STORM WARNINGS A. The CONTRACTOR shall be required to remove fr,,arn , and/or secure all loose construction materials and equipment and protect structures under construction at the job site in the event of a hurricane watch. The CONTRACTOR shall also remove all bulkheads and plugs in pipelines that would impede drainage in case of flooding. Structures that may be in danger of flotation shall be flooded. The CONTRACTOR shall also cooperate in this regard with plant personnel in protecting other structures within the plant proper. See additional CITY requirements. 1.06 PESTS AND RODENTS A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for maintaining the job site free from litter, rubbish and garbage. He shall provide containers for the disposal of garbage and other materials that attract and are breeding places for pests and rodents. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the services of an exterminator to inspect the job site on a periodic basis and to provide service.as required to control pests and rodents. 1.07 PERIODIC CLEAN-UP; BASIC.SITE RESTORATION A. During construction, the CONTRACTOR shall regularly remove from the site all accumulated debris and surplus materials of any kind which result from his operations. Unused equipment and tools shall be stored at the CONTRACTOR's yard or base of operations for the project., B. When the work involves installation of sewers, drains, water mains, manholes, underground structures, or other disturbance of existing features in or across streets, rights -of -way, easements, or private property, the CONTRACTOR shall (as the work progresses) promptly backfill, compact, grade and otherwise restore the disturbed area to a basic condition which will permit resumption of pedestrian or vehicular traffic and any other critical activity or function consistent with the original use of the land. Unsightly mounds of earth, large stones, boulders, and debris shall be removed so that the site presents a neat appearance. C. The CONTRACTOR shall perform the clean-up work on a regular basis and as frequently as ordered by the ENGINEER. Basic site restoration in a particular area shall be accomplished immediately following the installation or completion of the 1306 - 6/17/05 01560 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements required facilities in that area. Furthermore, such work shall also be accomplished, when ordered by the ENGINEER, if partially completed facilities must remain incomplete for some time period due to unforeseen circumstances. D. Upon failure of the CONTRACTOR to perform periodic clean-up and basic restoration of the site to the ENGINEER's satisfaction, the ENGINEER may, upon five (5) days prior written notice to the CONTRACTOR, employ such labor and equipment as he deems necessary for the purpose, and all costs resulting therefrom shall be charged to the CONTRACTOR and deducted from. the amounts of money that may be due him. 1.08 SECURITY A. The Contractor shall care for and protect against loss or damage of all material to be incorporated in the construction for the duration of the Contract and shall repair or replace damaged or lost materials and damage to, structures. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, and maintaining temporary fencing and gates and the daily securing of temporary fencing and gates used for construction purposes for the duration of the project. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - (Not Used) PART 3 --. EXECUTION - (Not Used) - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 6/17/05 01560 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01570 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 TRAFFIC CONTROL A. CONTRACTOR shall obey all traffic laVs and comply with all the requirements, rules and regulations of the Florida State Department of Transportation (FDOT), Broward County, the City of Tamarac, and other local authorities having jurisdiction, to maintain adequate warning signs, lights, barriers, etc., for the protection of traffic on public roadways. B. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain traffic and protect the public from all damage to persons and property within the Contract Limits, in accordance with the Contract Documents and all applicable state, city and local regulations: ` '`He -shall conduct his operations so as to maintain and protect access, for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, to and from all properties and business establishments adjoining or adjacent to those streets affected by his operations, and to subject the public to a minimum of delay and inconvenience. Suitable signs, barricades, railing, etc., shall be erected and the work outlined by adequate lighting at night. Danger lights shall be provided as required. Watchmen and flagmen shall be provided as may be necessary for the protection of traffic. C. Maintenance of Traffic Plans M.O.T.: After Notification of Award, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately prepare and submit Maintenance of Traffic (M.O.T.) Plans to the FDOT (University Drive) and Broward County (McNab Road) for approval. The traffic maintenance plan must meet FDOT (University Drive) and Broward County (McNab Road) requirements. Said M.O.T. Plans shall be in written form with sketches or drawings as necessary and shall comply with State of Florida Department of Transportation and Broward County standards for M.O.T. in construction areas. The Plans shall be submitted as soon as possible and not later than the Preconstruction Conference. A copy of approval shall.,be provided to the ENGINEER. D. The CONTRACTOR and his personnel are cautioned against parking vehicles in the business zones for any extended period of time. If necessary, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain offsite parking areas for his personnel. E. All dirt spilled from the CONTRACTOR's trucks on existing pavements shall be removed by the CONTRACTOR whenever in the opinion of the ENGINEER the accumulation is sufficient to cause the formation of mud, dust, interference with traffic or create a traffic hazard. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS - NOT USED PART 3 --_EXECUTION - (NOT USED) - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 9/16/05 01570 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01580 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION AND SIGNS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION A. CONTRACTOR shall provide two (2), 6.5 foot wide by 5 foot high project identification signs of exterior grade plywood and wood frame supports. Provide painted with white background. Lettering and logo shall be painted by a professional sign painter or die cut vinyl or self-adhesive. Refer to Contract Drawings for layout of signage. B. Contractor shall submit sign layout as shop drawing submittal. The sign layout must be approved by City prior to Contractor having the sign fabricated. C. The CONTRACTOR shall erect the sign on site at the locations to be identified by the OWNER. PART 2 --PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART-3 -- EXECUTION -(NOT USED f - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 11/4/05 01580 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01600 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 0 liKIM THE REQUIREMENT The word "Products," as used herein, is defined to include purchased items for incorporation into the Work, regardless of whether specifically purchased for project or taken from Contractor's stock of previously purchased products. The word "Materials," is defined as products which must be substantially cut, shaped, worked, mixed, finished, refined, or otherwise fabricated, processed, installed, or applied to form units of Work. The word "Equipment' is defined as products with operational parts, regardless of whether motorized or manually operated, and particularly including products with service connections (wiring, piping, and other like items). Definitions in this paragraph are not intended to negate the meaning of other terms used in Contract Documents, including "specialties," "systems," "structure," "finishes," "accessories," "furnishings," special construction," and similar terms, which are self-explanatory, and have recognized meanings in the construction industry. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: To the greatest extent possible for each unit of Work, the. Contractor shall provide products, materials, or equipment of a singular generic kind from a single source. B. Cam atibilily of O tions: Where more than one choice is available as options for Contractor's selection of a product, material, or equipment, the Contractor shall select an option which is compatible with other products, materials, or equipment already selected. Compatibility is a basic general requirement of product/material selections. 1.03 DESIGN A. Equipment and appurtenances shall be designed in conformity with the ASME, AIEE, NEMA and other generally accepted applicable standards and shall be rugged construction and of sufficient strength to withstand all stresses which may occur during fabrication, testing, transportation, installation and all conditions of operation. All bearings and moving parts shall be adequately protected by bushings or other acceptable means against wear, and provision shall be made for adequate lubrication by readily accessible devices. Details shall be designed for appearance as well as utility,., Protruding, members,, joints, corners,, . gear covers, etc., shall be finished in appearance. B. All exposed welds shall be ground smooth and the corners of structural shapes shall be rounded or chamfered. 1306 - 6/17/05 01.600 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY -STORAGE -HANDLING A. The Contractor shall deliver, handle, and store products in accordance with supplier's written recommendations and by methods 'and means which will prevent damage, deterioration, and loss including theft. Delivery schedules shall be controlled to minimize long-term storage of products at site and overcrowding of construction spaces. In particular, the Contractor shall provide delivery/installation coordination to ensure minimum holding or storage times for products recognized to be flammable, hazardous, easily damaged, or sensitive to deterioration, theft, and other sources of loss. 1.05 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Products shall be transported by methods to avoid product damage and shall be delivered in undamaged condition in supplier's unopened containers or packaging, dry. B.' The Contractor shall provide equipment and personnel to handle products, materials, and equipment including those provided by Owner, by methods to prevent soiling and damage. C. The Contractor shall provide additional protection during handling to prevent marring and otherwise damaging products, packaging, and surrounding surfaces. 1.06 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Products shall be stored in accordance with supplier's written instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Sensitive products shall be stored in weather -tight enclosures and temperature and humidity ranges shall be maintained within tolerances required by supplier's written instructions. B. For exterior storage of fabricated products, they shall be placed on sloped supports above ground. Products subject to deterioration shall be covered with impervious sheet covering; ventilation shall be provided to avoid condensation. C. Loose granular materials shall be stored on solid surfaces in a well -drained area and shall be prevented from mixing with foreign matter. D. Storage shall be arranged to provide access for inspection. The Contractor shall periodically inspect to assure products are undamaged and are maintained under required conditions. E. Storage shall be arranged in a manner to provide access for maintenance of stored items and for inspection. 1.07 MAINTENANCE OF STORAGE' A. Stored products shall be periodically inspected on a scheduled basis. The Contractor shall maintain a log of inspections and shall make said log available to the Engineer on request. B. The Contractor shall verify that storage facilities comply with supplier's product storage requirements. 1306 - 6/17/05 01600 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements C. The Contractor shall verify that supplier -required environmental conditions are maintained continually. D. The Contractor shall verify that surfaces of products exposed to the elements are not adversely affected and that any weathering of finishes is acceptable under requirements of Contract Documents. 1.08 MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT STORAGE A. For mechanical and electrical equipment in long-term storage, the Contractor shall provide a copy of the supplier's service instructions to accompany each item, with notice on enclosed instruction shown. on exterior of package. B. Equipment shall be serviced on a regularly scheduled basis, and a log of services shall be maintained and submitted as a record document to the Engineer. 1.09 LUBRICANTS A. During testing and prior to acceptance, the Contractor shall furnish all lubricants necessary for the proper lubrication of all equipment furnished under this Contract. 1.10 SPECIAL TOOLS A. For each type of equipment furnished, the Contractor shall provide a complete set of all T special tools (including calibration and test equipment) which may be necessary for the adjustment, operation, maintenance and disassembly of such equipment. B. Special tools shall be delivered at the same time as the equipment to which they pertain. The Contractor shall properly store and safeguard such special tools until completion of the Work, at which time they shall be delivered to the Owner. 1.11 PROTECTION AGAINST ELECTROLYSIS A. Where dissimilar metals are used in conjunction with each other, suitable insulation shall be Provided between adjoining surfaces so as to eliminate direct contact and any resultant electrolysis. The insulation shall be bituminous impregnated felt, heavy bituminous coatings, nonmetallic separators or washers, or other acceptable materials. 1.12 FASTENERS A. All necessary bolts, anchor bolts, nuts, washers, plates and bolt sleeves shall be furnished by the Contractor in accordance herewith. Bolts shall have suitable washers and, where so required, their nuts shall be hexagonal. B. All bolts, anchor bolts, nuts, washers, plates, and bolt sleeves shall be Type 316 stainless steel unless otherwise specifically indicated or specified. 1306 6/17/05 01600 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements PART 2 -- PRODUCTS (Not Used) PART 3 -- EXECUTION Not Used - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 6/17/05 01600 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. Substantial Completion B. Final inspection after completion C. Final cleaning D. Contractor's closeout submittals E. -Final adjustment of accounts 1.02 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. When CONTRACTOR considers work has reached substantial completion, he shall submit to the ENGINEER the following: 1. Written notice that the work is substantially complete in accordance with Contract Documents. r 2. A list of items yet to be completed or corrected and explanations thereof. B. Within a reasonable time upon receipt of such notice, the ENGINEER will make an inspection, if necessary, to determine the status of completion. r C. Should the ENGINEER determine that the work is not substantially complete: 1. The ENGINEER will promptly notify the CONTRACTOR in writing, giving the reasons thereof. ` 2. CONTRACTOR shall remedy the deficiencies in the work and send a second written notice of Substantial Completion to the ENGINEER. 3. Upon receipt of the second notice, the ENGINEER will reinspect the Work. D. When the ENGINEER finds that the Work is substantially complete he will issue a. Certificate of Substantial Completion with a tentative list of items to be completed or :.. corrected'before f nahirtspection .. .. 1.03 FINAL INSPECTION AFTER COMPLETION A. When CONTRACTOR considers the Work Is complete with all minor deficiencies completed or corrected, he shall submit written certification that: 1. Contract Document requirements have been met. 1306--11/4/05 01700-1 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 2. Work has been inspected for compliance with Contract Documents. 3. Work has been completed in accordance with Contract Documents. , 4. All minor deficiencies have been corrected or completed and the Work is ready for final inspection. 5. Project record documents are complete and submitted. B. Within a reasonable time upon receipt of such certification, the ENGINEER will make an inspection to verify the status of completion. C. Should the ENGINEER determine that the work is incomplete or defective: 1. The ENGINEER will promptly notify the CONTRACTOR in writing, listing the - incomplete or defective work. 2. CONTRACTOR shall remedy the deficiencies in the work and send a second written certification to the ENGINEER that the Work is complete. 3. Upon receipt of the second certification, the ENGINEER will reinspect the Work. D. When the ENGINEER determines that the work is acceptable, under the Contract Documents, he shall request the CONTRACTOR to make closeout submittals. 1.04 FINAL CLEANING A. Execute prior to final inspection. B. Clean site; sweep paved areas, rake clean other surfaces. C. Remove waste and surplus materials, rubbish, and construction facilities from the Project and from the site. 1.05 CONTRACTOR'S CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Project Record Documents 1. At Contract closeout, submit documents with transmittal letter containing date, Project title, CONTRACTOR'S name and address, list of documents, and signature of CONTRACTOR. i 2. Drawings; Legibly marked to record actual construction: a. Horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances; referenced to permanent, surface, improvements. b. Drawings shall be signed and sealed by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida. 3. Specifications and Addenda; Legibly mark each Section to record. 4. Changes made by Field Order or by Change Order. 1306—11/4/05 01700-2 PROJECT CLOSEOUT B. Evidence of payment and Release of Liens. 1.06 FINAL ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS A. Submit a final statement of accounting to the Engineer. B. Statement shall reflect all adjustments to the Contract Sum. 1. The original Contract sum. 2. Additions and deductions resulting from: a. Previous change orders or written amendment. b. Allowances C. Unit prices d.. Deductions for uncorrected work. e. Penalties and bonuses f. Deductions for liquidated damages g. Other adjustments 3. Total Contract Sum as adjusted 4. Previous. payments t 5. Sum remaining due PART 2 -- PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 - EXECUTION Not used. END OF SECTION C 1306—11/4/05 01700-3 PROJECT CLOSEOUT SECTION 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED A. `Maintain at the site of the OWNER a record copy of: 1. Drawings 2. Specifications 3. Addenda 4. Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract. 5. Approved Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. 6. Field Test Records. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. All applicable sections of the Specifications. B. Conditions of the Contract. 1.03 MAINTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES A. Store documents and samples in CONTRACTOR's field office apart from documents used for construction. 1: Provide files and racks for storage of documents. 2. Provide locked cabinet or secure storage space for storage of samples. B. File documents and samples in accordance with CSI format. C. Maintain documents in a clean, dry, legible condition and in good order. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. D. Make documents and samples available at all times for inspection by OWNER's a Representative. 1.04 MARKING DEVICES i A. Provide felt tip marking pens for recording information in the color code designated by OWNER's Representative. 1292 - 11/4105 01720 -1 RECORD DRAWINGS 1.05 RECORDING A. Label each document, "PROJECT .RECORD" in neat large printed letters, or by rubber stamp. B. Record information concurrently with construction progress. Do not conceal any work until required information is recorded. C. Drawings: Legibly mark to record actual construction (hard copy): . 1. Horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permanent surface improvements. 2. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in the construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of the structures. 3. Field changes of dimension and detail. 4. Changes made by Field Order or by Change Order. 5. Details not on original Contract Drawings. D. Specifications and Addenda; legibly mark each Section to record: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number, and supplier of each produce and item of equipment actually installed. 2. Changes made by Field Order or by Change Order. 1.06 AS -BUILT PLANS (RECORD DRAWINGS) A. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain full size (24"x36") field drawings to reflect the "as built" items of work as the work progresses. Upon completion of the work, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare a record set of "as -built" drawings on full-size, reproducible material and an electronic file in ACAD 2000 Format or Latest Version. One set of full size design drawings on reproducible material will be furnished to the CONTRACTOR by the design ENGINEER at the current square foot price. An electronic file of the design drawings on a compact disk will be furnished to the CONTRACTOR by the design ENGINEER at no additional cost. No additional payment will be made for those "as -built" drawings. B. The cost of maintaining record changes, and preparation of the Record Drawings shall be included in the unit prices bid for the affected items. Upon completion of the work the CONTRACTOR shall fumish the ENGINEER the reproducible "as -built" Drawings and the electronic files. The completed Record drawings shall be delivered to the . .. ..Engineer atleasi 46..hours�pnor"To�inalii�spec�ion �f�t�iemwor"k."11ena .. ns�'iec on will not be conducted unless the Record Drawings are in the possession of the ENGINEER. C. The completed (or final) record drawings shall be certified by a Professional Land surveyor registered in the State of Florida. This certification shall consist of the surveyor's embossed seal bearing his registration number, the surveyor's signature and 1292-11/4/05 01720 - 2 RECORD DRAWINGS date on each sheet of the drawing. set. In addition, the key sheet, cover sheet or first sheet of the plans set shall list the business address and telephone number of the surveyor. D. Representative items of work that should be.shown on the record drawings as verified, changed or added are shown below: 1. Plans: a. Structure types, location with grade of rim and flow -line elevations. b. Sewer type, length, size and elevations. G. Utility type, length, size and elevation in conflict structures. d. All maintenance access structures, valves and hydrants within right -of way. e. Spot (critical) elevations at plateaued intersections, P.C.,--P.T., midpoint of all intersections. f. Sewer laterals shall be stationed between maintenance access structures. 2. Pavement Marking -and Signing Plans: Sign location where installed if different from plans. 3. Water and Sewer Plans: Location (horizontal and vertical) of all pipe lines, structures, fittings, valves and appurtenances and water /sanitary sewer pipe crossings. E. The CONTRACTOR shall submit three Sets of progress record drawings with each application for payment. These drawings shall accurately depict the work completed and for which payment is being requested. F. As -built drawings shall include the following criteria at a minimum. 1. As-builts of water lines shall include the following information: ` a. Top of pipe elevations and horizontal location every 100 If, b. Locations and elevations of all fittings including bends, tees, gate valves, double detector check valves, fire hydrant, etc. C. All tie-ins to. existing lines shall be as -built. d. The ends of all water services at the buildings or homes shall be as -built 2. As-builts of all gravity sanitary sewer lines include the following information: a. Rims, inverts and length of piping between structures as well as slopes, r b. The stub ends of all sewer laterals shall be located and if there are any ` cieanouts installed .on the sewer laterals then the invert elevation of these cleanouts need to be obtained. 1292 - 11/4/05 01720 - 3 RECORD DRAWINGS C. Lift station as-builts shall consist of top of wet well elevation, invert elevation of the incoming line, bottom of the wet well and as-builts of the compound area. 3. Force main as-builts shall be prepared the same as the water line as-builts. 4. As-builts of all drainage lines shall include the following information: a. Rims, inverts and length of piping between structures and. weir elevations if applicable. b. The size of the piping shall be verified by the survey crew at the time of as -built. 5. All rock as-builts for parking lot, roadways and swales areas shall consist of the following: a. Rock elevations at all high and low points, and at enough intermediate point's to confirm slope consistency and every 50' for roadways. b. Rock as-builts shall be taken at all locations where there is a finish grade elevation shown on the design plans. C. All catch basin and manhole rim elevations shall be shown. d. Elevations around island areas will also be required. e. As-builts shall be taken on all paved and' unpaved swales prior to placement of asphalt and/or topsoil/sod, at enough intermediate points to confirm slope consistency and conformance to the plan details. 6. Lake and canal bank as-builts shall include a key sheet of the lake for the location of cross sections. Lake and canal bank cross sections shall be plotted at a minimum of every 100 If, unless otherwise specified. As builts shall consist of the location and elevation of the top of bank, edge of water and the deep cut line, with the distance between each shown on the drawing. 7. Retention area as -built elevations shall be taken at the bottom of the retention area and at the top of bank. If there are contours indicated on the design plans, then they shall be as -built as well 8. if a change is made via field order or deviation to any structure, pipeline, etc., a new location shall be ' noted on the as-builts. The ENGINEER may request additional as -built information to verify horizontal or vertical locations. 1.07 SUBMITTAL A. At_. Contract closeout deliver. Record _Documents to OWNER's Representative,. or presentation to the OWNER. B. A complete set of "As -Built" Drawings shall be prepared and'delivered to the OWNER's Representative for the OWNER. Work shall be performed by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor and shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Valve boxes, splice boxes, pull boxes, al underground utilities -waterlines, electrical runs, irrigation system, storm drainage pipe and structures, finished 1292-11/4105 01720 - 4 RECORD DRAWINGS necessary grades, benches, curbs, fences walls signs, light fixtures and other items as necessary. C. Accompany submittal with transmittal letter in duplicate, containing: 1. Date. 2. Project title and number. 3. CONTRACTOR's name and address. 4. Title and number of each Record Document. 5. Signature of CONTRACTOR or his authorized representative. 1.08 COLOR AUDIO-VISUAL PRECONSTRUCTION RECORD A. General 1. Prior to commencing work, CONTRACTOR shall have a continuous color audio - video recording taken along entire length of Project to serve as a record of preconstruction. conditions. No construction shall begin prior to review and acceptance of tapes covering the construction area by ENGINEER. ENGINEER shall have authority to reject all or any portion of the video tape not conforming to specifications and order that it be redone at no additional charge. CONTRACTOR shall reschedule unacceptable coverage within five days after being notified. ENGINEER shall designate those areas, if any, to be omitted from or added to audio -video coverage. Video recordings shall not be made more than 90 days prior to construction in any area. All video recordings and written records shall become property of OWNER. 2. CONTRACTOR shall engage services of a professional electrographer. Color audio -video recordings shall be prepared by a responsible commercial firm know to be skilled and regularly engaged in the business of preconstruction color audio -video documentation. Electrographer shall furnish to ENGINEER a list of all equipment to be used for audio -video recording, i.e... manufacturer's name, model number, specifications and other pertinent information. Additional information to be furnished by electrographer is the names and addresses of two references that electrographer has performed color audio -video recording for projects of a similar nature within the last 12 months. B. Audio -Video Recording 1. Audio -video CD or DVD shall be new. VCR tapes will not be acceptable. The video recordings shall be on CD or DVD in MPEG-1, MPEG-2, or MPEG-4 file _ ._ -.. : fcsrrrarid slllrti atibl p playfjack CD or ._. -. or DVD format. C. Equipment 1 All equipment, accessories, materials and labor to perform this service shall be furnished by CONTRACTOR and shall be CD or DVD format. 1292 - 11/4/05 01720 - 5 RECORD DRAWINGS 2. Total audio -video system shall reproduce bright, sharp, clear picturps with accurate colors and shall be free from distortion, tearing, rolls or any other form of imperfection. The audio portion of recording shall reproduce commentary of camera operator with proper volume, clarity and be free from distortion and Interruptions. 3. When conventional wheeled vehicles are used, distance from the camera lens to ground shall not be less than 12 feet. In some instances, audio -video tape coverage may be required in areas not accessible by conventional wheeled vehicles. Such coverage shall be obtained by walking or special conveyance acceptable to ENGINEER. 4. Color video camera used in the recording system shall have horizontal resolution of 300 lines at center, a luminance signal to noise ratio of 45 dB and a minimum illumination requirement of 25- foot -candies. D. Recorded Information - Audio 1. Each recording shall begin with current date, project name and municipality (or OWNER) and be followed by general location, Le.,. name of street, house address, viewing side and direction of progress. Audio track shall consist of an original live recording. The recording shall contain the narrative commentary of electrographer, recorded simultaneously with his fixed elevation video record of zone of influence of construction. E. Recorded Information -- Video 1. All video recordings must, by electronic means, display continuously and simultaneously, generated with actual taping, transparent digital information to Include the date and time of recording and station numbers as shown on the Drawings. The date information shall contain the hours, minutes and seconds. Additional Information shall be displayed periodically. Such information shall Include but not be limited to project name, contract number, name of street, house address, direction of travel and the viewing side. This transparent Information shall appear on the extreme upper left hand third of the screen. 2. All video. recording shall be done during times of good visibility. No video recording shall be done during precipitation, mist or fog. The recording shall only be done when sufficient sunlight is present to properly illuminate the subjects of recording and to produce bright, sharp video recordings of those subjects. 3. The rate of speed in the general direction of travel of the vehicle used during taping shall not exceed 44 feet per minute. Panning, zoom -in and zoom -out rates shall be sufficiently controlled to maintain a clear view of the object. 4. Video recording CQVera a shall include all surface features - located within the zone of influence of construction supported by appropriate audio coverage. Such coverage shall include, but not be limited to existing driveways, sidewalks, curbs, pavements, ditches, mailboxes, landscaping, culverts, fences, signs and headwalls within the area covered. 1292-11/4/05 01720 - 6 RECORD DRAWINGS PART 2 -- PRODUCTS NOT APPLICABLE PART 3 -- EXECUTION NOT APPLICABLE END OF SECTION 01720 - 7 RECORD DRAWINGS SECTION 02010 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 RESPONSIBILITY A. Subsurface explorations have been made and copies of the results are included herein for reference. The soil boring locations (e.g. SB-1) are shown on the Contract Drawings. No responsibility is assumed by the Engineer or Owner for subsoil quality or condition other than at the locations, and at the time the exploration was made. No claim for extra compensation or for extension of time will be allowed on account of subsurface conditions inconsistent with the data shown, except as may be provided elsewhere herein. B. Additional test boring, pot -hole, and other exploratory operations may be performed by Contractor, at the Contractor's option and expense, and coordinated with the Owner with minimum 48 hours advance notification. However, no change in the Contract Sum will be authorized for such additional exploration. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS i 2.01 SOIL BORINGS A. Copies of the following are included herein: 1. Soil boring data. PART 3 -- EXECUTION "Not used. - END OF SECTION - REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPORVEMENTS MCNAB ROAD FROM BROOKWOOD BLVD. TO UNIVERSITY TAMARAC, FLORIDA FOR CITY OF TAMARAC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT 6011 NOB HILL ROAD TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321 PREPARED BY NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 ORDER NO.14285.2 OCTOBER 2005 • `UTTING Geotechnical & Construction Materials ENGINEERS Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering - Inspection - Testing OF FLORIDA, INC. E$T kisnb 1967 t 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE - BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33426 8175 WEST 32ndAVENUE-SUITE 2-HIALEAH, FL33018 (561) 736.4900 - (954) 941-8700 - (305) 824-OOM - Fax (561) 737-9975 - (954) M-8900 (305) 557-3083 - FAX (305) 824-8827 NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 October 5, 2005 Mr. Gary Wainwright City of Tamarac Utilities Department 6011 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, Florida 33321 Geotechnicai & Construction Materials Engineering & Testing • Inspection Environmental Services Offices throughout the state of Florida www.nuttingengineers.com • info® nuttingengineers.com Phone: 954-724-2506 / Fax: 954-724-2406 Subject: Report of Geotechnical Exploration McNab Road Water Main Improvements McNab Road from Brookwood Blvd. to University Blvd. Tamarac, Florida Dear Mr. Wainwright: Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. has completed a geotechnical exploration for the proposed water main to be installed in the City" of Tamarac, Florida. The purpose of this exploration was to obtain information concerning the subsurface conditions in order to provide recommendations for the pipeline installation. This report presents our findings and recommendations. PROJECT INFORMATION We understand that a 16-inch water main is planned to be installed along McNab Road. The main will be installed along McNab Road from Brookwood Boulevard due west to just west of University Boulevard. The pipeline installation will consist of open trench excavations and jack and bom, or horizontal directional drilling methods. We understand that presently McNab Road is at an elevation varying from +10 NGVD to +13 NGVD. We understand that the pipeline will be installed at elevations varying from +9 NGVD to 4 NGVD. Based on this information, subsurface exploration was needed for the open trench installation, planned horizontal directional drilling, and the trenchless jack and bore crossings. GENERAL SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS As part of the subsurface exploration, we have reviewed the soil survey maps for Broward County. A review of the Soil Survey for Broward County revealed that at the time the survey was conducted, the soils at the site were described as Hallandale and Margate fine sands. These soils are described as nearly level, poorly drained, sandy soil that are underlain by limestone at a depth of approximately 7 to 40 inches but has solution holes as deep as 60 inches. These formations are on low, nearly level terraces between 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE • BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 - (561) 736-4900 0 Fax (561) 737-9975 Broward (954) 941-8700 - Hillsborough (813) 866-88000 - Miami -Dade (305) 824-0060 the Everglades and the Atlantic Coast Ridge. We note that the maximum depth of the survey is six feet. In order to better understand subsurface conditions within the areas of the pipe installation, four Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings were performed to depths of fifteen to twenty-five feet below the existing ground surface. The borings were performed in general accordance. with ASTM D-1586 specifications utilizing rotary wash with drilling mud. The borings were performed within the locations requested by the project civil engineer as indicated on the attached site plan. The drill technician maintained a field boring report for each boring, which indicates depth of each stratum, material type, blow counts, groundwater levels and other pertinent information. We note that when the borings were completed at the site, they were backfill'ed with drill cuttings and additional bags of sand needed to fully refill the test boring hole. All samples were inspected in our laboratory: and classified per ASTM D-2488 and final test boring reports prepared. These reports are included in the appendix. The following is a generalized description of the soil information obtained during the fieldwork. Generalized Test Boring Results In general, the borings revealed a revealed a surface layer of asphalt and limerock basecourse material in the upper one to two feet underlain by medium dense to dense sand with limestone fragments to a depth varying from five to seven and one/half feet. From five to sixteen feet hard limestone was encountered with some sand lenses. Below sixteen feet gray sand was encountered to a depth of twenty-five feet, the maximum depth explored. We note that within the test borings from approximately four to six feet some gray to dark brown clayey sand with trace organics was encountered. Groundwater Information The groundwater level was measured at the boring locations at the time of drilling. The groundwater level was encountered at depths of approximately five feet below the existing ground surface. Fluctuation in the observed groundwater levels should be expected due to rainfall, construction activity, and other site -specific factors. In general, the seasonal groundwater levels will fluctuate approximately two to three feet; however, during heavy rainfall events or periods of drought, greater fluctuations may occur. If specific groundwater level fluctuation information are needed, groundwater monitoring wells should be placed within the subject site and monitored to provide additional information. NUTTING 3 F,A ENGINEERS OF FLORIOA. INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Proposed Pipelines and Drilling Operations Based on the test borings performed for this project, it is our opinion that the tunneled pipelines maybe supported on the existing in place soils. We note that hard to very hard --limestone should be anticipated within the pipeline tunneling at depths _from approximately four to sixteen feet below the ground surface. The excavation for the tunnels may require excavation equipment that can penetrate hard to very hard rock. When tunneling, the tunneling drilling conditions should be easy to moderate, however where limestone lenses are encountered some difficult drilling should be anticipated. Also, during the excavation process, a representative of Nutting Engineers should evaluate any questionable soils encountered. We note that when the limestone stratum is encountered some. boulders may be produced which will not be suitable for replacement. Once plans are more finalized for the proposed construction, we should review the .plans and discussions should be held with all interested parties to determine whether additional details or changes to our recommendations are warranted. We note that the hard limestone stratum is undulating in nature; therefore the limestone may be encountered at depths shallower or deeper than our test borings indicate. The appropriate parties should anticipate this during bidding and construction. Site Preparation - Pipeline Installation and Backfilling All grass, weeds, and root zones and pavement section should be stripped and removed from the pipeline area. Based on the results of the borings performed for this project, the remaining soils may be excavated and stockpiled for use as backfill except where organic soils may be encountered. if the contractor encounters soils that are different from those encountered in this study, we should be notified so that a determination of suitability can be provided. Since the water table was encountered at depths ranging from approximately five feet below the existing ground surface at the time of our fieldwork, it appears that dewatering may be required in order to allow for proper compaction and installation of the pipeline within some areas. Where the water table will be lowered three feet or less and the excavation is not large, a sump pump system should be adequate to lower the water table. Where the water table will need to be lowered more than three feet, it appears that a well ta�iie be�cept at I? Y feast needed to keep the excavation dry We recommend that the water .. two feet below the invert elevation of the pipeline during installation and initial compaction operations. eSANUTTING 4 ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC. ESTABLISHED 1961 Backfilling with Dewatering The bedding soils should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density to a depth of 12 inches below the compacted surface. Once the pipe . section is installed, backfill around and above the pipe should be compacted to achieve a minimum of 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. The soils should be compacted in maximum loose lifts of 6 inches, and each lift should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO 7-180 specifications). The backfill soils should be clean fine sands having no more than 12 percent passing the No. 200 sieve, with a maximum particle size of 3 inches. It appears that the existing soils (except the organic soils) will meet these R requirements. When the excavation areas occur within any existing roadways, we recommend that a stabilized subgrade having a minimuzxt::limemck bearing ratio (LBR) of 40 shall be placed to a depth of at least 12 inches below the base course. The base course should consist of soils having a minimum LBR of 100 and is 6 to 8 inches in thickness depending on traffic loading conditions. The minimum 12 inches of stabilized subgrade should be compacted to an equivalent density of 98 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. The base material should be compacted to 98 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. The asphaltic concrete should be compacted and tested with backscatter densities equivalent to the Marshall value. We are available to assist with more detailed pavement design recommendations if needed. i Backfilling without Dewatering Below Natural Groundwater Level: Fill placed below the natural groundwater level shall consist of clean sand and limestone having a Limerock Bearing Ratio (LBR) of at r least 40. The fill material shall have no more than 10 percent passing the No. 200 sieve, with a maximum particle size of 3 inches. The fill may be placed in a loose state until reaching no more than two feet above the natural groundwater level. During excavations an unsupported vertical cut is not considered stable or safe during construction. An unsupported excavation may cause the collapse of the sidewalls when workmen are in the excavations. An excavation collapse can also damage the formwork ` and/or steel for the proposed structure as it is being constructed. Therefore, in our opinion and following the current regulations established by OSHA for excavations, cut slopes are required. If slopes cannot be maintained, then the excavation must be cased or shored. _ d in the Occupational Safet and f Pet'-Admi-r►rstrat�on OS standard? _ � � _ P .. _ Y �_.. Shoring procedures should � form to chose...... presented ____ ___ _.. NUTTING 5 P� ENGINEERS OF FLORIOA, INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 Where temporary shoring will be required, the following table should be used for earth pressure determinations. We note that the values in the table are based on visual classification and if more exact values are needed, specific laboratory testing should be performed. Also, the depths of the soils were not included since the depths of each strata varies. Also, appropriate factors of safety should be applied by the design engineer depending on the application. We are available to assist in the design process if needed. TABLE OF SOIL PARAMETERS 4 r Soil 4J t Weight W Angle of 1~arth.Pressure Descriprton zyUntt a c: Internal n, n w coefficient G yr k a �i r n J I nk�t t U k yw e Friction,°�� s w a fW.ar- i f�a� : l� I„. �r, �xFal�r,I,Ex��: I�- ,�j{py..=,, r^ .�'.S Sat.Unit Submerged Passive Active Weight Unit Weight Sand and 125 63 30� 3A 0.33 Limestone I Loose Sand - 115 _-1.20 0.35— 1 Medium Dense _ _53 57 _29_ 30 _._..i _2.9 3.0 ._ _ 0.33 Sand — If conditions are encountered which are not consistent with the findings in this report, if proposed construction is moved from the location studied or if the loads are substantially altered, this office shall be notified immediately so that the condition or change can be evaluated and appropriate action taken. Our client for this geotechnical evaluation was: Mr. Gary Wainwright City of Tamarac Utilities Department 6011 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, Florida 33321 The contents of this report are for the exclusive use of the client, the client's design & construction team and governmental authorities for this specific project exclusively. Information conveyed in this report shall not be used or relied upon by other parties or for . biT 6V rojecls Twit out t e expresse wntten consent o �uTTitvG ENGMERS of FLoRMA, INC. This report discusses geotechnical considerations for this site based upon observed conditions and our understanding of proposed construction for foundation support. Environmental issues including (but not limited to), soil and/or groundwater contamination are beyond our scope of service for this.project. NUTTING 6 ®i ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 i Prior to initiating compaction operations, we recommend that representative samples of the structural fill material to be used and acceptable in -place soils be collected and tested to determine their compaction and classification characteristics. The maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, gradation and plasticity characteristics should be determined. These tests are needed for compaction quality control of the structural fill and existing soils, and to determine if the fill material is acceptable. A representative number of in -place field density, tests shoujd be performed in the compacted existing soils and in each lift of structural fill or backfill to confirm that the required degree of compaction has been obtained. If conditions are encountered which are not consistent with the findings presented in this report, or if proposed construction is moved from the location studied, this office shall be notified immediatel so that the condition or change can be evaluated and appropriate action taken. n „,u ,:,, .•:..; Excavations of five feet or more in depth shall be sloped or shored in accordance with OSHA and State of Florida requirements. The vibratory compaction equipment will cause vibrations that could be felt by persons within adjacent buildings. The contractor should exercise due care during the performance of the vibratory compaction work. If such vibrations are not considered tolerable, then alternate foundation modification techniques should be considered. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services for you. Should you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact our office at your convenience. Sincerely, NUTYWC4 FiNGINEEVOF FLORIDA, INC, . st w e Project ngineer Attachments: Boring Location Plan Test Boring Reports (1-4) Limitations of Liability Soil Classification Criteria REP TAMARAC MCNAB WATER CEG e&ANUTTING 7 ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 Reba JavidK p.E. #66223 Senior Geotechnical Engineer NUTTINGGeotachnical s Construction. Materials Hydrogeology a Monitoring Wells ENGINEERS ; , OPFLORIDA, INC. Engineering Inspection - Testing TEST BORING REPORT Depth • Penetration - N Value Blows Feet Description of Materials 0 10 20 30 40 ' 50 60 70 80 90 N Sampler Casing rt , Asphalt Tan quartz fine SAND, some limetone fragments Tan Brown quartz fine SAND, little silty tan quartz line sand and limestone fragments Gray clayey SAID Tan LIMESTONE, some tan fine sand Tan quartz fine SAND and limestone, little shall fragments Test Boring terminates @ 15 feet I I I 7s 68/53 23136 43 25/20 23127 1 15/1$ 13M0 15 910 , 718 29 9113 - 18/18 15121 40 12123 35 14117 — -- -- - — 18122 Client: Ci of Tamarac Utilities Department _ Order #: 14285.2 Project Name: McNab Road Water Main Improvements _ _.._.. �. - ..._.__._. Hole #: 1 Project Location: Brookwood Blvd. to Universlity Dr., Tamarac Fl. Hole Location: Approx.as located on Site Plan Driller. T. Simmons _ Date Started: 1013105 Elevation Reference: Approx. @ Road Crown 4 4_ -�� Date Completed: 10rJ105 Casing0armteiu......-24'- Sampler Diameter: 2" OD x 2' Split Spoon _ Hammer WT: 140# Fall: 3-9 Groundwater depthammediate: 5' SAMPLES WILL BE DISCARDED IN 60 DAYS UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE. by: ,r r Reza Javi n, P.E. #60223 1310 Neptune Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Boynton Beach (561) 7364900 • Pompano Beach (954) 041-8700 - FAX (561) 737-9975 NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. Eatabliahad 1967 Depth Feet Description of Materials Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering • Inspection • Testing TEST BORING REPORT • Penetration - N Value Blows 0 10 20 30 40. 50 60 70 80 90 N Sampler Casing Asphalt and baserock Brown quartz fine SAND Town quart One SAND Brown quartzflne SAND, slight trace of silt LIMESTONE, trace wn of broquartz fine sand LIMESTONE, trace of shell fragments Tan medium SAND, trace of shell fragments Brown fine AND, trace of shell and limestone fragments F Test Boring terminates @ 15 feet. j 61 102136 25/20 26 1H1 15/18 is 1018 715 37 6113 2418 17 silo m 10 615 615 10 315 I I S/8 I j I i T Client: Cltv of Tamarac Utilities Department Project Name: McNab Road Water Main Improvements _._.. _ .......____--�_ _tY Project Location: Brookwood Blvd, to Unlversl Dr., Tamarac FL Order #: 14285.2 Hole #: 3 Hole Location: A rox as located on Site Plan T- -� r Driller. __ _ _.___._ �___. __Pp_ _•_,__,. __............._.. __.__� _ ___ _... T. Simmons _.....•_--- Date Started: 1013105 i Elevation Reference: _ _ _ . _. _ Approx�_0Road Crown Date Completed: W 1013105. _ - �aslog:Diamete>� 4.._ 2! .GD:.BX.FIUSl1-Q i SamplerCllameter. 2" OD x 2' Split Spi Groundwater depth1mmediate: 5' ° SAMPLES WILL BE DISCARDED IN 60 DAYS UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE. _._Hammer WT: 140# Fall: .. . _ "� by: _ . Reza avidar( P.E. #60223 1310 Neptune Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Boynton Beach (561) 736-4900 • Pompano Beach (964) 941-8700 • FAX (561) 737-9975 NUTTING r ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC. EHWNW*d 1967 Depth Feet Description of Materials Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering • Inspection • Testing TEST BORING REPORT • Penetration - N Value Blows 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 N Sampler Casing Asphalt and baserock Brown quartz tine SAND and shell fragments LIMESTONE. Attie it. brown quartz fine sand LIMESTONE and tan quartz fine sand __ LAiAESTONE, Attle.it, gray quartz fine sand LL gray quartz tine SAND f Test Boring terminates t 110103 68150 -W37 33130 27131 43148 37129 28136 W43 26 11311111 15/16 43 18/18 25f29 10117 22125 Client: Ciiy of Tamarac Utilities Department Order #: 14285.2 t Project Name: McNab Road Water Main Im rovements -"� Hole #: 2 E__- -- ---._ _ t Project Location: Brookwood Blvd. to Universi Dr., Tamarac, FL Hole Location: Approx.as located on Site Plan _ Driller. T. Simmons � Date Started: 1013/05 Elevation Reference: Approx. @ Road Crown ._ _. W Date Completed: 1013105 asing:Diameter: 3" .OD BX Flush C-p.�Je v � .�-. . Hammar.WT„.. Sampler. -Diameter 2" OD k 2 �Sp1it Spdon _ � _. Hammer WT: 140# Fait: 30 , Groundwater depth:lmmediate: 55' T� W — 4_� T 7 —"— SAMPLES WILL BE DISCARDED IN 60 DAYS UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE. /avidi: bezan,'. #60223 d 1310 Neptune Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Boynton Beach (561) 736-4900 • Pompano Beach (954) 941-8700 • FAX (561) 737-9975 9 1 9 r t NUTTINGGeotechnical & Construction Materials ENGINEERS Hydrogeology a Monitoring Wells OF FLORIDA, INC. Engineering Inspection • Testing Earb6shed 1W TEST BORING REPORT Depth - Penetration - N Value Blows Feet Description of Materials 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 N Sampler Casing Tan quartz flne SAND and shell fragments, trace of limestone fragments Tan quartz fine SAND and limestone fragments Dark gray quartz fine SAND, slight trace of organics LIMESTONE and tan uariz fine sand LIMESTONE, trace of tan fine sand Gray quartz fine SAND, little limestone and Shsll., fragments Test Boring terminates @ 1T feet r Client: _ CiY of Tamarac. Utilities Department . Project Name: _ McNab Road, Water Main Improvements Project Location: Brookwood Blvd. to University Dr.,ismi 6166 6/27 9/10 13 13 11S is 1163 U79 1131 1126 1119 Order #: 14285.2 Hale #: 4 Hole Location: APProx.as located on Site Plan Driller. T. Simmons _ Date Started: 1013/05 Elevation Reference: AIMNL. &Road Crown Date Completed: 1013105 FSampler �.: ©� x� fit 3 on _�.� -Hammer Wi':�14 --- - asing:-Qiameter __ _ •• Q# Fait--�4 P 0# Fall. 30" Groundwater depth:immediate: 5' SAMPLES WILL BE DISCARDED IN 60 DAYS UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE. l�� ✓ � � by: Reig'Ja iv da►%P.1. #60223 1310 Neptune Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 i Boynton Beach (561) 736-4900 Pompano Beach (964) 941-8700 • FAX (561) 737-9975 1 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA RELATIVE DENSITY SHEAR STRENGTH SAND CLAY SPT N-1'ALUE RELATTVE SPT UNCONFINED CONSISTENCY N-Value COMP. STRENGTH (blows/ft.) DENSITY (blows/ft.) (tons/ft.2) 0 - 4 Very Loose S 10 Loose 11 - 29 Medium 30 - 49 Dense s50 Very Dense 100/6" Refusal PARTICLE SIZE Boulder Cobble Gravel Sand Slit Clay >12 In. 3 to 12 In. 4.76mm to 3 in. 0.074mm to 4.76mm 0.005mm to 0.074mm <0.005mm i2 s0.25 Very soft 2-4 0.25-0.50 Soft 5-9 0.50-1.00 Medium 9 - 15 1.00-2.00 Stiff 16 - 30 2.00-4.00 Very Stiff >30 a4.00 Hard DESCRIPTION MODIFIERS 0 - 5% Slight trace - 6 - 10% Trace 11 - 20% Little 21 - 35% Some a35% And t Moor oiri{Wns Grouts symbols Typical Nanxs ClutdieWidnCriterra B • aGh 3 • f u3 GW P"11-giroded r sit ar4 r++eugrd fill=loin, told* w no lines = 6.v ! t 0 114 0 Cu - D66M 10 Cre•Ier than 4 to fs C, - tp�"� eelween 1 end 7 i j ry,oNy redrlti rerele and A*vWebrd min turns. little w np lines Not meeting both niteri* In Cw I GM s4 W iwrlti, rwN.wid• mi-lurs Avvwbwg limits West below ^A.. Ian• tr plasticity under too then An«Is«g limit plpllirhoah In hatched ern are classifiestibns i rallunsng ue 0,d4M Frmpels - I SIX € Gil 7e - Iberderline f evtend• GC Cltyty grtvell, 6rW [lay minmres Alle►t.,10.Pitt A.. "A" I— n Will plasticity index rester Men 7 SW lastl*atMd ands and pwrNlyande,^� tilde a no lines Ca • Otp/Dsp Creaser Ihsn i Ip 7 C. - t getwwn 1 Will C f a j � ! a ' W r e, �i ! ■ 3 SIR Newly faded ferds roll reveler ands, little or fill tints Nw.nrel+g bath [r;l«N to, SW SM Silty sends, wndyyll mr.arw A�'hvb limin plot hdpw "A" line or plWUeiey "Won IOU *wn 4 Aurberl limits plotdrN f is her -hall arm we borderline rJavificslions p4•Mi ft cast of dust symbol• SC CI *yey vends. rrdslay mialwes Attortlwp iMNp plot mbpve 'A"ling ,rd plasticity rode* realer Man 7 1 li n9P0em[ It, very m M K.�W ncn• cwaar rr•ir wH 1•.0 -nw• N nhN� err Nw•i Nwnr ewwM-ry 81 • • at, 14. 1st v •� • .• i1 >• .• ]• b .• p N nM AH Orrrtre [Illy, of fiMdWm ty... 1•... so high plsatrpty Highly Orphnk soils FT ywlmuck. end Otha highly y.sutl Manuel htenutrution, Iry ASTM onirulion o 7465 1 «genre erns tl •I♦.-d on the nawrrer pw-.na 1h. 7 ro 176,fihwh.hme . rt d •� • .• i1 >• .• ]• b .• p N nM AH Orrrtre [Illy, of fiMdWm ty... 1•... so high plsatrpty Highly Orphnk soils FT ywlmuck. end Otha highly y.sutl Manuel htenutrution, Iry ASTM onirulion o 7465 1 «genre erns tl •I♦.-d on the nawrrer pw-.na 1h. 7 ro 176,fihwh.hme . rt d LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY WARRANTY We "'arr:►nt tlnil the srrvices perfor.-ned by Nuttinr _ Engineers. of Florida, Inc. are condmied in'a manner consistent wD1 01.11 level of rare and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions. Ao other warranties, e.Tpressed or implied, are made. While the services of Nuning Engineers of Florida, Inc. are a' valuable and integral part of the design and construction teams, we do not warrant, guarantee, or insure the quality or completeness of services provided by other members of those teams, the quality, completeness, or satisfactory performance of construction plans and specifications which we have not prepared, nor the ultimate performance of building site materials. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Subsurface exploration is normally accomplished by test borings; test pits are sometimes employed. The method of determining the boring location and the surface elevation at the boring is noted in the report. This information is represented on a drawing or on the boring log. The location and elevation of the boring should be considered accurate only to the degree inherent with the method used. ANALYSIS AND RECOM IENDATIONS lire geotechnical relxtrf is prepared primarily IU aid in the deign of site work and structure foundations. Although the information in the report is expected to he sufficient for these purposes, it is not intended to determine the cost of construction or to stand alone as a construction specification. Report recommendations are based primarily on data from test borings made at the locations shown on the test boring reports. Soil variations may exist between borings and may not become evident until construction. If variations are then noted, the geott;chnical engineer should he contacted so that field conditions can be examined and recommendations revised if necessary. The geotechnic..0 report states our understanding as. to the location, dimensions and structural features proposed for the site. Any significant changes in the nature, design, or location of the site improvements must be communicated to the geotechnical engineer so that the geotechnical analysis, conclusions, and recommendations can be appropriately adjusted. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION Construction observation and testin is The soil boring log includes sampling information, description of the materials recovered, approximate depths of boundaries between soil and rock strata and groundwater data. The log represents conditions specifically at the location and time the boring was made. The boundaries between different soil strata are indicated at specific depths; however, these depths are in fact approximate and dependent upon the frequency of sampling. The transition between soil strata is often gradual. Water level readings are made at die times and under conditionsW stated on the boring logs. Waterer levels change with time, precipitation, canal levels, local well drawdown and other factors. g an Important element of geotechnical services. The geotechnical engineer's field representative (G.E.F.R.) is the "owner's representative" observing the work of the contractor, performin& tests and reporting data from such tests and observations. The geotechnical engineer's field representative does not direct. the contractor's construction means, methods, opera - lions or personnel The G.E.1=.R. does not interfere with the relationship between the owner and the contractor and, except as an observer, does not become a substitute owner on site. The G.E.F.R. is responsible for his/her safety, but has no responsibility for the safety of other personnel at the site. The G.E.F.R, is an important member of a team whose responsibility is to LARORATARY ANI2..>E!7- MTESTS_. _o pve-and ..t"t 1 - t•-k-being-dor>e--and..report-tolhiL�__.... owner whether that work is being carried out in general Tests are performed in accordance with specific ASTM conformance with the plans and specifications. Standards unless otherwise indicated. All criteria included in a given ASTM Standard are not always required and performed. Each test report indicates the measurements and determinations actually made, NUTTING &C A ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 SECTION 02140 DEWATERING PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.0.1 WORK INCLUDED A. The work covered by this Section consists of furnishing all permits, labor, equipment, appliances and materials, and performing all operations required for dewatering excavations as required to ensure that all work is performed in the dry. B. The Contractor shall not discharge water from dewatering operations in any manner that will: 1. Adversely affect the water quality of adjoining water bodies. 2. Violate federal, state or local laws and regulations. 3. Allow discharge to flow onto private property. 4. Hamper the movement of traffic. 5. Damage portions of the work previously constructed. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 02222: Excavation and Backfill for Utilities B. Section 02345: Horizontal Direction Drilling and Pipe Installation C. Section 15006: Ductile Iron Pipe 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Administrative Submittals: Discharge permits. B. Shop Drawings: Water Control Plan 1.04 WATER CONTROL PLAN A. As a minimum, Include descriptions of proposed groundwater and surface water control facilities including, but not limited to, equipment, methods, standby equipment and power supply, pollution control facilities, discharge locations to be utilized, and_provisions for __.___ immediate temporary water supply as required by this Section. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS NOT USED 1306 - 11/9/05 02140 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements PART 3 — EXECUTION A. The Contractor's proposed method for dewatering pipe trenches shall be reviewed by the Engineer prior to instituting any such operations. Methods may include wellpoints, sump pumps, bedding rock or other methods approved by the Engineer. B. The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to properly control the quality of the discharge from dewatering operations. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations governing the discharge of water from dewatering operations. C. All dewatering shall be accomplished by the use of sanded well points and other techniques deemed necessary by the Contractor to properly dewater the trench excavations. D. The Contractor is responsible for controlling the bacteriological quality of well point discharges into .existing bodies of water. The maximum allowable level for fecal coliform in the welipoint discharge is a mean MPN of 14 per 100 ML with not more than ten percent (10%) of the samples exceeding an MPN of 43 per 100 ML. - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 9/16/05 02140 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements r SECTION 02222 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL FOR UTILITIES PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Excavate, grade and backfill as required for the site underground piping systems and appurtenances, as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Piping, General B: Paint Repair of Sanitary Sewers C. Ductile Iron Pipe D. PVC Non -Pressure Pipe 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. Codes: All codes, as referenced herein, are specified in Section 01090, "Reference Standards". B. Commercial Standards: ASTM D 422 Method for Particle -Size Analysis of Soils. ASTM D 698 Test Methods for Moisture -Density Relations of Soils and Soil - Aggregate Mixtures, Using 5.5-lb (2,49-kg) Rammer and 12-in. (304.8-mm) Drop. ASTM D 1556 Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by 'the Sand -Cone Method. ASTM D 1557 Test Methods for Moisture -Density Relations of Soils and Soil - Aggregate Mixtures Using 10-lb (4.54-kg) Rammer and 18-in (457-mm) Drop. ASTM D 2419 Test Method for Sand Equivalent Value of Soils and Fine __.Ag9:regatew__.... ASTM D 2922 Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil -Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth). 1306 - 9/16/05 02222 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements iiKill I 411".1 VIIII fT1I&I A. General: Submit information and samples to the ENGINEER for review as specified herein in accordance with the Section 01300 -Submittals. B. Dewatering: The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER its proposed methods of handling trench water and the locations at which the water will be disposed of. Methods shall be acceptable to the ENGINEER before starting the excavation. C. Bedding and Backfill Materials: The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER of the off -site sources of bedding and backfill materials, and submit to the ENGINEER a representative sample weighing approximately 25 lbs. D. Sheeting System: Drawings of any proposed sheeting system and design computations shall be submitted to the ENGINEER; however, the review of these Drawings shall in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR of the responsibility to provide a safe and satisfactory sheeting and, shoring .xsystem.. Sheeting and shoring shall be designed by. the CONTRACTOR, and ' the proposed design shall be sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida. If the ENGINEER is of the opinion that at any point sufficient or proper supports have not been provided, he may direct the CONTRACTOR to install additional supports at the CONTRACTOR's expense. E. _Water and Sewer Service Maintenance During Construction: The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER its proposed methods of maintaining and ensuring reliable water and sewer service during construction. Methods shall be acceptable to the ENGINEER before starting the work. 1.05 QUALITY CONTROL A. An independent testing laboratory will be retained by the OWNER to do appropriate testing as described in Section entitled "Quality Control". The CONTRACTOR shall schedule its Work so as to ,permit a reasonable time for testing before placing succeeding lifts and shall keep the laboratory informed of its progress. rR11I.WC109111ilk IDITi%y11:11 7 A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for anticipating groundwater conditions and shall provide positive control measures as required. 'Such measures shall ensure stability of excavations, groundwater pressure control, prevention of tanks, pipes, and other structures from being lifted by hydrostatic pressures, and avoiding the disturbance of subgrade bearing materials. 1.07 TRENCH SAFETY ACT COMPLIANCE A. The CONTRACTOR b signing and executing the contract is �tinassuring _ in _ t y g g g , in writing, assuring that it will perform any trench excavation in accordance with the Florida Trench Safety Act, Section 553.60 et. sea.. The CONTRACTOR further identified the separate item(s) of cost of compliance with the applicable trench safety standards as well as the method of compliance as noted in the "Bid Forms" Section of the Contract front-end documents. 1306 - 9/16/05 02222 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements B. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that this cost is included in the applicable items of the Proposal and Contract and in the Grand Total Bid and Contract Price. C. The CONTRACTOR is, and the OWNER and ENGINEER are not, responsible to review or assess the CONTRACTOR's safety precautions, programs or costs, or the means, methods, techniques or technique adequacy, reasonableness of cost, sequences or procedures of any safety precaution, program or cost, including but not limited to, compliance with any and all requirements of Florida Statute Section 553.60 et. - 5_eg. cited as the "Trench Safety Act". The CONTRACTOR is, and the OWNER and ENGINEER are not, responsible to determine if any safety or safety related standards apply to the project, including but not limited to, the "Trench Safety Act". 1.08 PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND STRUCTURES A. The CONTRACTOR shall, at its own expense, sustain in place and protect from direct or indirect injury, all pipes, poles, conduits, walls, buildings, and all other structures, utilities, and:°property in the vicinity of its Work. Such sustaining shall be done by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall take all risks attending the presence or proximity of pipes, poles, conduits, walls, buildings, and all other structures, utilities, ,and its Work. It shall be responsible for all damage, and assume all expenses, for direct or indirect injury and damage, caused by its Work, to any such pipe, structures, etc., or to any person or property, by reason of injury to them, whether or not such structures, etc., are shown on the Drawings. B. Barriers shall be placed at each end of all excavations and at such places as may be necessary along_ excavations to warn all pedestrian and vehicular traffic of such excavations. Barricades with flashing lights shall also be placed along excavation from sunset each day to sunrise of the next day until such excavation is entirely refilled, compacted, and paved. All excavations shall. be barricaded where required to meet OSHA, local and Federal Code requirements, in such a manner to prevent persons from falling or walking into any excavation within the site fenced property limits. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Materials shall be furnished as required from acceptable off -site sources. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the sources of each material at least ten calendar days prior to the anticipated use of the materials. 2.02 BEDDING _. _. _ A �irre-Be�tdrro:---lrr:ge�rsrat;�l�ar°r sartdy=��di'irdtar�rals;�t��la�f��fr��r�janics ... _ .. clay and construction debris, can be used as pipe bedding when construction is in a dry condition and when the bedding is not sided by muck. Pipe bedding material shall be able to pass through a 3/4-inch sieve. Separation of suitable material for pipe bedding from other material shall be made during the excavation. B. Sand shall be used for all copper pipe. 1306 - 9/16/05 02222 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements C. In the case of a "dry" installation, sand shall be used for PVC and ductile iron pipe where the bottom of the trench is located in the limestone zone. r= D. In the case of a "wet" installation, pearock shall be used for PVC and ductile iron pipe where the bottom of the trench is located In the limestone zone. E. Precast concrete items shall use crushed stone. 2.03 PEAROCK A. Pearock shall consist of hard, durable particles of proper size and gradation, and shall be free from organic material, wood, trash, sand, loam, clay, excess fines, and other deleterious materials. Pearock shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 33, Size Number 8; graded within the following limits: Sieve Size Percent Finer by Weight -1/2 inch ` 100 3/8 inch 85 to 100 , No. 4 10 to 30 No. 8 0 to 10 No. 16 0 to 5 2.04 CRUSHED STONE (3/4-INCH ROCK) A. Crushed stone shall consist of hard, durable, subangular particles of proper size and gradation, and shall be free from organic material, wood, trash, sand, loam, clay, excess fines, and other deleterious materials. Crushed stone shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 33, Size Number 57, graded within the following limits: Sieve Size Percent Finer by Weight 1 1 /2 inch 100 1 inch 95 to 100 1 /2 inch 25 to 60 No. 4 0 to 10 No. 8 0 to 5 2.05 SAND A. Sand for bedding copper and polyvinyl chloride plastic pipe shall be a dry screened sand. Sand shall be graded sand with 100 percent passing a 3/8-inch sieve and not , more than 5 percent passing a No. 200 sieve. r 1306-11/4/05 02222 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 4 2.06 BACKFILL A. General: Backfill material shall be noncohesive, nonplastic, granular mixture of local clean sand, or local clean sand , and limerock, free from vegetation, organic material, asphalt, broken concrete, construction debris or other deleterious .material. Backfill shall meet the following requirements: 1. Maximum liquid Limit shall not exceed 12 as determined by ASTM D 423. 2. Maximum Plasticity Index shall not exceed 35 as determined by ASTM D 424. 3. Shall be able to pass through a 6-inch ring. 4. Not more than ten percent of weight shall be finer than No. 200 U.S. Standard Sieve. B. If, in the Engineer's opinion, excavation material is unsuitable for backfill purposes, material front offresite sources having a sand equivalent value of not less than 20 percent shall be used for this portion of the trench backfili. C. Select Backfill: In addition to the above requirements, all material to be used as select backfill shall be able to pass a 3/4-inch sieve. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXCAVATION A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform all excavation of every description and of whatever substance encountered, to the dimensions, grades and depths shown on the Drawings, or as directed. All excavations shall be made by open cut. All existing utilities such as pipes, poles and structures shall be carefully located, supported and protected from injury, in case of damage, they shall be restored at the CONTRACTOR's expense. B. Pipe trenches for piping shall be excavated to a width within the limits of the top of the pipe and the trench bottom so as to provide a clearance on each side of the pipe barrel, as shown. on the Drawings. All pipe trenches shall be excavated to a level where suitable material is reached. Excavation depths in types of material and condition shall be made as hereinafter specified. C. In the case of "wet" installation, where the bottom of trench is located in the limestone T zone, the trench shall be excavated to allow for the placement of pipeline bedding material. No less than six inches of pea -rock gravel bedding material shall be placed under the pipe in these trench areas. In those cases where the bottom of trench is _..�._. ,mo d-fn--the natural--sand-zone-; .piac theVpi dtrectl rrnrth�rr yer � allowed. i D. In the case of "dry" installation, where the bottom of trench Is located in the limestone zone, the trench shall be excavated to allow for the placement of pipeline bedding material. No less than six inches of well -graded sand bedding material shall be placed under the pipe in these trench areas. In those cases where the bottom of trench is located in the natural sand zone, tamping of the sandy trench bottom to promote 1306-11/4/05 02222 - 5 McNab Road Water Main Improvements M uniform pipe bearing conditions prior to pipe placement shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR. E. In areas where trench widths are not limited by right-of-way and/or easement widths, property -line restrictions, existing adjacent improvements, including pavements, structures and other utilities, and maintenance of traffic, the trench sides may be sloped to a stable angle of repose of the excavated material but only from a point one foot above the crown of the pipe. A substantially and safely constructed movable shield, "box" or "mule" may be used in place of sheeting when the trench is opened immediately ahead of the shield and closed immediately behind the shield as pipe laying proceeds inside the shield. F. Ladders or steps shall be provided for and used by Workmen to enter and leave trenches, in accordance with OSHA requirements. t G. Excavation for appurtenances shall be sufficient to provide a clearance between their outer surfaces and the face of the excavation or sheeting, if used, of not less than 12 inches. H. Excavated unsuitable material shall be removed from the site and disposed of by the CONTRACTOR. Materials removed from the trenches shall be stored and in such a manner that will not interfere unduly with any on -site operations, traffic on public roadways and sidewalks and shall not be placed on private property. In congested areas, such materials as cannot be stored adjacent to the trench or used immediately as backfill shall be removed to other convenient places of storage acceptable to the OWNER at the CONTRACTOR's expense. 1. Excavated material that is suitable for use as backfill shall be used in areas where sufficient material is not available from the excavation. Suitable material in excess of backfill requirements shall be removed from the site and disposed of . by the CONTRACTOR. J. Barriers shall be placed at excavations in accordance with OSHA requirements. 3.02 SHEETING AND BRACING T A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish, place and maintain sheeting and bracing to support sides of the excavation as necessary to provide safe Working. conditions in accordance with OSHA requirements, and to protect pipes, structures and other Work from possible damage. Where wood sheeting or certain designs of .steel sheeting are used, the sheeting shall be cut off at a level of 2 feet above the top of the installed pipe and that portion below the level shall be left in place. If interlocking steel sheeting is used, it may be removed providing removal can be accomplished without disturbing the bedding, pipe ...... .... .... . -----------------u._.�meat...ofJba_,pjpe_. Anv damage to thra nine harl nr aligrment--�of...th.e.... ---y..-----....._.. constructed utility caused by the removal of sheeting shall be cause for rejection of the affected portion of the Work. The OWNER may permit sheeting to be left in place at the request and expense of the CONTRACTOR. 1306 - 9/16/05 02222 - 6 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 3.03 REMOVAL OF WATER A. General: It is a basic requirement of these Specifications that excavations shall be free from water before pipe or structures are installed. B. The CONTRACTOR shall provide pumps, and other appurtenant equipment necessary to remove and maintain water at such a level as to permit construction in a dry condition. pTheg CONTRACTORoa Toffe1ent depth over the attiring operations ..until., backfilling has .shall ...continue. dew ro reseed t pipe to prevent flotation or movement of the pipe in the trench or so that it is above the water table. If at any point during the dewatering operation it is determined that fine material is being removed from the excavation sidewalls, the dewatering operation shall be stopped if acceptable to the ENGINEER. If any of the subgrade or underlying material is disturbed by movement of t groundwater, surface water, or any other reason, it shall be replaced at the CONTRACTOR's expense with crushed stone or gravel. C. The CONTRACTOR .,Ball.,-,Lso-dewatering systems that include automatic starting devices, and standby pumps that will ensure continuous dewatering in the event of an outage of one or more pumps. D. Disposal,: Water from the trenches and excavation shall be disposed of in such a manner as will not cause injury to public health, to public or private property, to the Work completed or in progress, to the surface of the streets, cause any interference with the use of the same by the public, or cause pollution of any waterway or stream. The CONTRACTOR shall submit its proposed methods of handling trench water and locations at which the water will be disposed of to the ENGINEER for review and shall receive acceptance before starting the excavation. Disposal to any surface water body will require silt screens to prevent any degradation in the water body. The CONTRACTOR shall have responsibility for acquiring all necessary permits for disposal. 3.04 TRENCH STABILIZATION A. No claim for extras, or additional payment will be considered for cost incurred in the stabilization of trench bottoms which are rendered soft or unstable as a result of F construction methods, such as improper- or,.inade' quate sheeting, dewatering or other causes. In no event shall pipe be installed when such conditions exist and the CONTRACTOR shall correct such conditions so as to provide proper bedding or foundations for the proposed installation at no additional cost to the OWNER before placing the pipe or structures. 3.05 PIPE BEDDING A. Pipe trenches shall be excavated as described in Article 3.01. The resulting excavation shall_be--backfill.ed- with-ageeptable--p pe-iodding .maaterial--as--indicated--in-4rtielew-201.:.__ . This backfill shall be tamped and compacted to provide a proper bedding for the pipe and shall then be shaped to receive the pipe. Bedding shall be provided under the branch of all fittings to furnish adequate support and bearing under the fitting. B. Any excavation below the levels required for installation of the pipe bedding shall be backfilled with acceptable bedding material, tamped, compacted and shaped to provide proper support for the proposed pipe, at the CONTRACTOR's expense. 1306 - 9/16/05 02222 - 7 McNab Road Water Main Improvements txfiI- 7.043NM1III A. Pipelines: Pipeline trenches shall be backfiiled to a level 12 inches above the top of the pipe with select backfill obtained from the excavation. Such material shall be placed in 6-inch layers, each compacted to the densities specified in Article 3.07. Only hand operated mechanical compacting equipment shall be used within six inches of the installed pipe. 8. After the initial portion of backfill has been placed as specified above, and after all excess water has completely drained from the trench, backfilling of the remainder of the trench may proceed. The remainder of the backfill shall be selected material obtained from the excavation and shall be placed in horizontal layers, the depth of which shall not exceed the ability of the compaction equipment employed, and in no event shall exceed a depth of 12 inches. Each layer shall be moistened, tamped, puddled, rolled or compacted to the densities specified in Article 3.07. C. In the case of a "wet" installation, backfill soils mound the pipe haunching area and up to a distance of 6 inches above. the pipeline shall consist of pearock gravel to .avoid possible damage to the pipe section during installation. - D. Manholes and Vaults: Any excavation below the levels required for the proper construction of manholes or vaults shall be filled with Class B Concrete. The use of earth, rock, sand or other materials for this purpose will not be permitted. 3.07 COMPACTION AND DENSITIES A. Compaction of backfill shall be 98 percent of the maximum density where the trench is located under structures or paved areas, and 95 percent of the maximum density elsewhere. More thorough compaction may be required when Work is performed in other regulatory agencies jurisdictions, such as the FDOT. Methods of control and testing of backfill construction are: 1. Maximum density of the material in trenches shall be determined by ASTM D 1557. 2. Field density of the backfill material in place shall be determined by ASTM D 1556 or D 2922. B. Testing: Laboratory and field density tests, which in the opinion of the ENGINEER are f necessary to establish compliance . with the compaction requirements of these Specifications, shall be ordered by the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall coordinate and cooperate with the testing laboratory. The testing program will be T implemented by the ENGINEER establishing depths and locations of tests. Modifications to the program will be made as job conditions change. A C. Trench backfill which does not comply with the specified densities, as indicated by such tests, shall be reworked and recompacted until the required compaction is secured, at no additional cost to the OWNER. The costs for retesting such Work shall be paid for at T the CO.NTRACTOR's expense. j i 1306 - 9/16/05 02222 - 8 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 3.08 ADDITIONAL EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. Where organic material, such as roots, muck, peat, silt, or other vegetable matter, or other material which, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, will result in unsatisfactory foundation conditions, is encountered below the level of the proposed pipe bedding material, it shall be removed to a depth of 36 inches. below the outside bottom of the pipe or to a greater depths as indicated by the ENGINEER and removed from the site. Sheeting shall --be. installed if necessary,to maintain pipe trenches within the limits identified by the ENGINEER. 'The 'resulting excavation shall be backfilled with pearock to allow for the placement of 36-inch of pipeline bedding material. Trench overexcavation shall be terminated If the natural limestone is encountered. In the case of a "wet" installation, pearock gravel shall be placed for bedding/foundation material. In the case of a "dry' installation, well -graded sand shall be placed for bedding/foundation i material. B. Overexcavation (more than thirty-six inches below the pipe) shall be performed only when ordered by the ENGINEER.,.,, Oerexcavation shall be considered as incidental items of the construction and the Vllork shall be done at the CONTRACTOR's expense. r 3.09 ALTERNATE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION A. Use of This Method: A combination of conditions in the substrate, water table, or µ method of disposal may be encountered during the course of the work which makes dewatering impossible, or only possible through the use of unusual methods, the cost of which is excessive. When such conditions are encountered, but only after all reasonable means (pumps, well points, etc.) to dewater the excavation have been t employed without success, the CONTRACTOR, may request to employ the following Alternate Method of Construction. The_ concurrence of the ENGINEER shall be obtained ' in writing and shall limit the use of the alternate method of construction to such specific portions of the Work as the ENGINEER shall determine. B. . The requirements set forth in other sections of these Specifications shall establish the required standards of construction quality for this work. Use of the alternate method of construction described hereinafter shall in no way be construed as relieving the t CONTRACTOR of the work. No, additional payment will be made to the CONTRACTOR for excavation, backfill, sheeting or any cost incurred for Work or materials, or any other costs incurred as a result of the use of this alternate method of construction. The prices established in the Proposal shall be for full payment for the various items of work. y C. Subject to all the requirements stated herein, including written acceptance of the ENGINEER, construction will be permitted in accordance with the following r specifications. All requirements of these Specifications shall apply to this construction unless otherwise specifically modified herein. r D. Removal of Water: The installation of pipe and appurtenances under water will be permitted and the requirements of Article 3.03 will be waived. E. Excavation shall be performed in accordance with Article 3.01. F. Pipe Bedding: Pipe bedding shall be placed from 6 inches below the outside bottom of the proposed pipe barrel up to the centerline of the pipe barrel. The bedding material 1306 - 9/16/05 02222 - 9 McNab Road Water Main Improvements shall be peacock as specified in Article 2.01 "Materials". Limerock screenings, sand or other fine organic material shall not be used. G. The bedding material shall be placed and then be shaped to receive the pipe at the intended elevation. Bedding shall be provided under the branch of all fittings to furnish ° adequate support and bearing under the fitting. w H. Backfilf: After the pipe is installed, backialling shall proceed In accordance with the provisions of Article 3.06 "Backfifl'' and 3.07 "Compaction and Densities". Select backfill material shall be used to backfill around the pipe and to a level one foot above the ' crown of the pipe. Under no circumstances will material other than select backfill or specified pipe bedding material be considered satisfactory for this purpose. r I. If the Alternate Method of Construction is used, all backfill material, including ,specified r pipe bedding material, shall be carefully lifted into the trench and not released to fall freely therein until the bucket or container is at or just above water level. Under no circumstances will backfill material be dumped, -or pushed into the trenches containing water. Below existing water level, the backfill material shall be carefully rammed into place in uniform layers, of equal depth on each side of the pipe, up to the water level. Above the water level, backfill material shall be placed and compacted for normal backfill as previously specified. - END OF SECTION - i R I 7 R i ... .. .. 7 t I i 1306 - 9/16/05 02222 - 10 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 7 SECTION 02345 r HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING AND PIPE INSTALLATION PART 1 -- GENERAL. 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This section covers the work necessary for the furnishing and installation of pipe by horizontal directional drilling as described herein and as shown on the Drawings. B. The directional drill shall be accomplished by first drilling a pilot hole to design standards, then enlarging (reaming) the pilot hole to accommodate the pull back of high density polyethelene (HDPE) pipe for ,reclaimed. dater main service and then pulling the HDPE pipe through the enlarged hole.-'ufng of the pipe is not permitted. C. Coordination of any additional soil borings as required for certain subsurface conditions are the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. Refer to Section 02010 Subsurface Investigation. D. The CONTRACTOR shall not construct any entrance or exit pits in locations that would impact paved driveways, above ground structures, or heavily landscaped areas. Exit pits shall not be wider than 8 feet. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain the approval of the OWNER prior to locating any entrance or exit pits. E. All drilling operations shall be performed in the presence of the OWNER or ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR Is responsible for notifying these parties a minimum of 5 working days in advance of drilling operations. F. Notify City (48 hours) prior to any tie-ins to existing utilities. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: 1. Description of how pilot hole drill will be steered and of how position and Inclination of bore head will be monitored. 2. Installation plan, including detailed plan and profile of bore plotted at scale no r smaller than 1 inch equals 20 feet horizontal and vertical. i 3. Record drawing plan and profile showing as constructed position of pipeline. _..._ r 4. Information on the pipe and fittings including; but not limited to, catalog and engineering information, hydrostatic test reports, sustained pressure reports, and burst strength test reports. 5. Chemical composition of the drilling fluids. f 1306 - 7/11/05 02345 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements i 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide key personnel with at least 5 years' experience in directional drilling and , associated pipe installation, including pipe at least as large as 16 inches in diameter. Key personnel include field supervisor and operators of directional drilling equipment, including position monitoring and steering equipment. PART 2 — PRODUCTS F�1trT�i'�:7_1>A A. The ,directional drilling equipment shall consist of a directional drilling rig of sufficient capacity to perform the bore and the pull back, a drilling fluid mixing, delivery and recovery system, a magnetic guidance system or walk over system to accurately guide boring operations, a vacuum truck of sufficient capacity to handle the drilling fluid , volume, a mud motor and hole opener for any rock conditions, and experienced personnel to operate the system. 2.02 DRILLING RIG A. The drilling rig shall consist of a hydraulically powered system to rotate, push, and pull hollow drill pipe into the ground at a variable angle while delivering a pressurized fluid mixture to guidable drill head. The rig shall be anchored to the ground to withstand the pulling, pushing, and rotating pressure required to complete the installation. The hydraulic power system shall be self contained with sufficient pressure and volume to power the drilling operations. Hydraulic system shall be free of leaks. Rig shall have a system to monitor and record maximum pull -back pressure during pull -back. 2.03 HDPE PIPE A. The pipe shall be extruded from a polyethylene compound which conforms to ASTM , D1248 and which possesses the following properties: 1. The polyethylene shall be obtained by polymerization of no less than 85 percent ethylene and no less than 95 percent of total olefins'by weight. 2. The polyethylene resin shall be classified as a Type III, Grade P34, Class C, Category 5 with a density of 0.955 g/cm3 and have a minimum ASTM D3350 cell classification of 335434C and a designation of PE 3408 by the Plastic Pipe institute. 3. Environmental Stress: Greater than 192 hours: Crack resistance. ASTM 131693 Condition C. i - ---_. - —-4.---- Min mum..Hydrostatic -.1, 00 p$i. l9n is at 73 O F,..ABTA�_�72.13.7. _..._. _ - 5. The _ _ polyethylene compound shall be suitably protected against degradation by ultraviolet light by means of carbon black, well dispersed by precompounding in a concentration of not less than 2 percent. 6. The maximum allowable hoop stress shall be 800 psi at 73.4° F. 1306 7/11/05 02345 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 7. The pipe manufacturer shall be listed with the Plastic Pipe Institute as meeting the recipe and mixing requirements of the resin manufacturer for the resin used to manufacture the pipe for this project. 8. Pipe sizes shall conform to ASTM F714. 9. The pipe shall conform to the following schedule: Nominal Pipe Size Pi2ing System and/or Location SDR PSI 16 Inches (DIPS) As Shown on the Drawings 11 160 10. The pipe shall contain no recycled compound except that generated in the manufacturer's own plant from resin of the same specification from the same raw material. The pipe shall be homogenous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other deleterious defects, and shall be identical in color, density, melt index, and other physical properties. The resin used for manufacture of the pipe shall be . manufactured by the pipe manufacturer, this maintaining complete control of the pipe quality: 11. The ENGINEER may request, as part of the quality control records submittal, certification that the pipe produced is represented by the quality assurance testing. Additionally, test results from manufacturer's testing or random sampling by the ENGINEER that do not meet appropriate ASTM Standards or manufacturer's representations may be cause for rejection of pipe represented by the testing. These tests may include density and flow rate measurements from samples taken as selected locations within the pipe wall and thermal stability determinations according to ASTM D3350, 10.1.9. i B. Pipe Design: The pipe shall be designed according to the ISO modified formula ASTM r D3035. The design pressure rating shall be expressed in terms of the static working pressure in psi for water at 73.40 F according to ASTM D2837. The minimum allowable pressure rating for the pipe shall be 160 psi except as noted on the Drawings. C. Pipe Manufacturer: HDPE piping for sewer service suitable for direction drilling, sewer green color identifier, water blue color identifier, reclaimed Pantone 522C color identifier. Piping shall;be Driscopipe Series 4300, Chevron Plexco� or equal. 2.04 ANCILLARY PIPING A. PVC Pipe, ASTM D3034: Standard dimension ratio less than 35, except that cell classification shall be 12454-B or 12454-C as defined in ASTM D1784. B. Ductile Iron Pipe: ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 pressure class 350. Fitting shall be ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 with a working pressure of 250 psi. Push on joints shall be _ _ ______ A►�LIB �1.11CA21 11._ 40..mil pnl�ihylPnP Lined. ASTM Q1248��._ ... ..--------------_-- _ 2.05 FITTINGS A. Polyethylene fittings shall be manufactured by molding or fabrication from polyethylene pipe using thermal butt -fusion. All polyethylene fittings shall have the same or higher pressure rating, inside diameter, and composition, and same manufacturer as the pipe. 1306 - 9/16/05 02345 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements B. Fabricated pipe fittings shall be joined to the polyethylene pipe by using flanges, butt - fused to the pipe unless otherwise specified. Backup flange. rings, bolts, and nuts shall be Type 304 stainless steel. Gaskets shall be reinforced black rubber, asbestos -rubber compound, Buna-N, red rubber, or other material as approved by the ENGINEER and shall be made to fit the joint. C. Polyethylene pipe fittings shall meet the following minimum dimensional requirements as manufactured by Phillips Driscopipe, Inc., Dupont Sclairpipe; Chevron Plexco, or equal. Nominal Pipe Size (inches) _SDR PSI 16 11 160 (DIPS) *Standard Dimensional Ratio -- Wall Thickness 2.06 JOINTS A. Thermal butt -fusion, except where connecting to dissimilar pipe. 2.07 FLANGES A. ASTM A 240, Type 304 'stainiess steel backing flanges with 125-pound, ANSI B16.1 standard drilling. Flanges shall be supplied by the pipe manufacturer, complete. Flanges shall be complete with one-piece, molded polyethylene stub ends. Flanged connections shall have the same pressure rating as the pipe or greater. 2.08 GASKETS A. Flat ring, full -face, 1/8-inch ethylene propylene rubber (EPR). 2.09 BOLTING A, Type 304 stainless steel, ASTM A193, Grade B8 hex head bolts; and ASTM A194, Grade 8 hex head nuts. Bolts shall be fabricated in accordance with ANSI B18.2 and provided with washers of the same material as bolts. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL — __.... _-A:--Comply-with-provisions-of-t-he-Florida-Department-of`Environmental-Preteet-ion-and-t-he FDOT Permits. B. Provide freshwater, free of hazardous or toxic substances, for drilling and grouting purposes. 1306 - 11/9/05 02345 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements a 3.02 PREPARATIONS A. Located positions of entry and exit pits, establish elevation and horizontal datum for bore head control, and lay out pipe assembly area. B. Lay out and assemble pipe in manner that does not obstruct adjacent roads, and commercial or residential activities adjacent to construction easements. Elevate pipe over streets. and driveways or provide gently sloping ramps as necessary to avoid disruption to traffic. C. Pipe shall be stored on level ground free of sharp objects which could damage pipe. Pipe shall not be dragged over sharp and cutting objects and hooks shall not be used. Ropes, fabric, slings, straps or rollers should be used when handling pipes. 3.03 DRILLING PILOT HOLE A. Drill pilot hole from entrance point to exit point followipg.yertical:-and horizontal alignment shown. B. Provide an experienced operator to conduct a guided wireline or walkover while the pilot hole is advanced and plot actual horizontal and vertical alignment of pilot hole continuously. Provide ENGINEER with position or inclination of pilot bore upon request. Provide a full computer generated mapping of the bore log to the ENGINEER. C. CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain instrumentation to accurately locate the pilot hole, measure drill string axial and torsional loads, and measure drilling fluid discharge rate and pressure. These readings shall'be provided to the ENGINEER upon request. D. The pilot hole shall be, drilled along the path shown on the DRAWINGS. However, right- of-way and utility conflicts take precedence over the alignment as shown on the Drawings. E. Alignment Requirements: 1. Pilot hole exit point shall be within 1 foot horizontally of exit point location shown. 2. Throughout its alignment, pilot hole shall be within 1 foot of horizontal alignment shown and no shallower than vertical alignment shown. 3. Alignment shall have no intermediate high points that might trap air in pipe after installation. 4. Curvature of completed pilot hole shall not exceed that which after pipe installation will result in pipe wall stresses greater than 0.50 of yield stress. __.------ w—Acc,_piance If -pilot dale anment fail canrrta #v died regierrt#s, drill new, pilot hole with alignment meeting specified requirements. 3.04 REAMING PILOT HOLE AND PULLING PIPE A. The entire pull section shall be subjected to a 4-hour hydrostatic pretest prior to being installed in the hole. No leakage will be permitted during the pretest. 1306 - 7/11/05 02345 - 5 McNab Road Water Main Improvements B. Obtain OWNER'S approval to proceed before enlarging pilot hole and pulling pipe into position. C. While pulling pipe, enlarge pilot hole ahead of pipe to diameter sufficient for pulling pipe into position. D. While pulling pipe, handle pipe in manner that does not overstress pipe. Limit radius of curvature along length of pipe during installation to 75 percent of minimum radius as recommended by piping manufacturer. If pipe buckles or is otherwise damaged, remove damaged section and replace it with new pipe. ' E. Protect interior lining and exterior coating.from damage. A F. .Pull pipe so that minimum of 10 feet of pipe is exposed at both ends of bore. 3.05 CLEANING PIPE ENDS A. After pulling pipe, clean exposed ends for installation of fittings. 3.06 GROUTING A. Fill void around pipe with grout. Completely displace drilling mud and completely fill annular space between pipe and wails of borehole. 3.07 HANDLING AND .DISPOSAL OF DRILLING MUD AND CUTTINGS .A. Make adequate provisions for handling and containing muddy water, drilling, mud, and cuttings during drilling operations. Do not discharge these contaminants into water ways. B. Construct mud pits at entry and exit points in manner that completely contains mud and prevents its escape. C. When onsite provisions for storing muddy water, drilling mud, or cuttings onsite are exceeded, haul contaminant away to suitable legal disposal site. D. Conduct directional drilling operation in such manner that drilling mud is not forced into areas when it might be objectional. 3.08 JOINING PIPE SECTIONS A. Pipes shall be joined to one another, to the polyethylene fittings, and to the flange connections by means of thermal butt -fusion. Polyethylene pipe lengths, fittings, and flanged connection to be joined by thermal butt -fusion shall be of the same type, grade, an c ass po ye y ene--compoun an -supp e NO-M lnie same raw ma eriarsupplier. _ . __._ B. Connection of the polyethylene pipe to dissimilar pipe shall be through transition a connections provided by the HDPE supplier which shall consist of the following: 1. A self restraining MJ adapter assembly kit that is butt -fused to the HDPE pipe. i 1306 - 7/11105 02345 - 6 McNab Road Water Main Improvements I 2. Adapter kit shall include a stainless steel insert to prevent deformation of the HDPE pipe end. 3. Type 304 stainless steel bolts and nuts of sufficient length to show a minimum of three complete threads when the joint is made and tightened to the manufacturer's standard. Antigalling compound, as provided by the manufacturer, shall be applied before initial torquing of bolts. Retorque the nuts after 4 hours. 4. Gaskets as specified shall be made by the manufacturer of the pipe to fit the joint. C. Butt -Fusion Joining: Butt -fusion of pipes and fittings shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D2657 and the pipe manufacturer's recommendations as to equipment and technique. The manufacturer's representative must be onsite to certify the results are satisfactory. Depending on site conditions, butt -fusion joining shall be performed in or outside of the excavation at the CONTRACTOR's option. D. Fusion equipment shall be operated by technicians who have a minimum of 5 years experience and have been certified by a major public utility or by the fusion equipment suppliers. 3.09 END FITTINGS A. Fabricate and install flanged fittings at end of pipe for attachment of adjacent sections of pipe. Fitting angles shall correspond to field conditions and . shall be as approved by ENGINEER. Coat and line fittings as specified for pipe. 3.10 PIPE LEAK TESTING — GENERAL A. General 1. After pulling pipe into position and grouting, conduct pressure and leakage tests on newly installed pipelines and appurtenances, in accordance with reviewed testing plan. r 2. Furnish necessary equipment and material and make taps in piping, as necessary for testing and as specified. 3. ENGINEER will observe the tests. 1 4. Provide 10 days' advance written notice of start of testing to ENGINEER. 5. Test Pressures and Type of Test: 150 psi, hydrostatic. f 6. Separately test pressure pipe sections that can be isolated by valves. ---- _- Test__Recor-ds�--Make_x-ecords--of each-- to -document the following: ` a. Date of test. b. Description and identification of piping tested. 1 C. Test fluid. d. Test pressure. T i 1306 - 7/11/05 02345 - 7 McNab Road Water Main Improvements e. Remarks, including: (1) Leaks (type, location). (2) Repairs made on leaks. f. Certification by CONTRACTOR and signed acknowledgement by ENGINEER that tests have been satisfactorily completed. B. Testing New Pipe Connected to Existing Pipe: 1. Isolate new pipe. 2. Test Joint between new piping and existing piping by methods, approved by the ENGINEER, that do not place the entire existing system under test load. C. Buried Pressure. Piping: Final Hydrostatic Acceptance Test: Conduct after pipe has been installed and trenches completely backfilled. D. Exposed Pressure Piping: Conduct tests after piping has been completely installed and inspected for proper installation Including all supports, hangers, and anchors, but prior to installation of insulation. 3.11 HYDROSTATIC LEAK TESTING A. Testing Equipment: Quantity 2 2 As required 1 Equipment Graduated containers Pressure gauge Suitable hose and suction pipe Hydraulic force pump B. Procedure: 1. Use water as the hydrostatic test fluid. 2.. Provide clean test water of such quality to prevent corrosion of the .►Materials in the piping system. 3. Maximum Velocity During Filling: 0.25 foot per second applied .over full area of pipe- 4. Open vents at all high points of the piping system to purge air pockets while the piping system is filling. 5. Venting during filling may also be provided by loosening flanges with a minimum of four bolts. or by the use of equipment vents. 6. Test all parts of the piping system at the test pressure specified. 7. Cover large sections of exposed piping with white clothes to minimize thermally induced pressure expansion. 8. Maintain hydrostatic test pressure continuously for 30 minutes minimum and for such additional time as necessary to conduct examinations for leakage. 4 r 1306 - 7/11/05 02345 - 8 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 9. Examine all joints and connections for leakage. 10. The piping system exclusive of possible localized instances at pump or valve packing, shall show no visual evidence of leaking. 11. Correct visible leakage and retest as required by ENGINEER. 12. Empty pipe of water prior to final cleaning or disinfection. C. Buried Pressure Piping: 1. A limited amount of leakage is permissible according to the formula specified herein. 2. HDPE Pipe: Slowly fill test section with water and allow to stand for 24 hours under test pressure to allow for diametric expansion. 3. Expel all air from piping system prior to testing. 4. Apply and maintain specified test pressure with hydraulic force_ pump.. 5. Valve off the piping system when test pressure is reached. r 6. Maintain hydrostatic test pressure continuously for 2 hours minimum, reopening isolation valve only as necessary to restore test pressure. 7. Accurately measure amount of water required to maintain test pressure by placing pump suction in a barrel or similar device, or by metering. 8. No leakage of butt -fused joints is permitted. Maximum allowable allowance for expansion during 2-hour test period is 1 gallon per 100 feet of HDPE pipe. 9. Maximum allowable leakage for push -on joints in gallons per hour is L = NDu,1z 7400 L = Allowable leakage, in gallons per hour, which represents the quantity of water necessary to maintain the specified test pressure for the duration of the test period. N = Number of joints test. D = Nominal diameter of pipe, in inches. P = Test pressure during the leakage test, in pounds per square inch. Correct leakage greater than the allowable determined under this formula, and retest as required by ENGINEER. b 3.12 FINAL CLEANING 1 A. Interim Cleaning: 1. Prevent accumulation of pipe cuttings, filings, gravel, cleaning rags, and other foreign material within piping sections during fabrication. r 1306 - 7/11/05 02345 - 9 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 2. Examine piping. to assure removal of these and other foreign objects prior to assembly.and installation. B. Following assembly and testing, and prior to final acceptance, pig and flush pipelines (except as stated below) with water to remove accumulated construction debris and other foreign matter. , C. The CONTRACTOR shall pig the new water main in the following manner: 1. The CONTRACTOR will insert a flexible polyurethane foam "swab" (2 lbs./CF) complete with rear polyurethane drive seal, into the, first section of pipe. The "swab" shall remain there until the pipeline construction is complete. 2. Cleaning and flushing shall be accomplished by propelling the "swab" down the pipeline to the exit point with water during the initial filling of the main. Flushing shall continue until the pig exits. D. Provide hoses, temporary pipes, ditches, and other items as required to properly dispose of flushing water without damage to adjacent properties. F E. Minimum Flushing Velocity: 2.5 fps. F. For large diameter pipe where it is impractical to flush the pipe at 2.5 fps velocity, clean the pipeline in -place from the inside by pigging, then flush the line at a lower velocity. 3.13 PIPE ABANDONMENT A. In event of failure to install pipe, retain. possession of pipe and remove it from site. i Completely fill borehole with grout or sand so as to prevent future settlement. B. If pipe cannot be withdrawn, cut pipe off at least 3 feet below ground surface and cap ends of pipe with blind flange. Fill annular space with grout. r 3.14 SURFACE RESTORATION A. Promptly replace damaged pavement. Restore pavement around entry and exit pits as r soon as Work specified in this section is completed, even if this pavement will later be removed by other Work. :4?Iext]AyX1911I[a]►1 1306 - 7/11/05 02345 -10 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 4 SECTION 02367 SHEET PILES PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. This section covers the work necessary for the temporary sheet piles and cells, complete. B. The cost of sheet piles will be incidental to directional drilling operations for the water main installation. r 1,,02 _REFERENCES A. The following is a list of standards which may be referenced in this section: 1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): a. A36, Structural Steel. b. A183, Carbon Steel Track Bolts and Nuts. C. A123, Zinc (Hot -Dip Galvanized) Coating on Iron and Steel Products. d. AI53, Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot -Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware (R 1987). r e. A307, Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength. f. A328, Steel Sheet Piling. g. A572, High -Strength Low -Alloy Columbium -Vanadium Steels of Structural Quality. h. Comply with all OSHA Standards. 1.03 DEFINITIONS r A. Elevations: Referenced to NGVD. B. Obstruction: Sudden and significant increase of penetration resistance and deviation of Pile out of tolerance resulting from encountering a subsurface or physical condition. _------_G.-___Practical..Refus, _Penetration resistawe-.aatleast 1.20--bl.ows-pe -foss# for -3 -continuous--- feet, 200 blows per foot for 1 foot, or 50 blows per inch for 2-consecutive inches, whichever comes first, and to continue driving pile would be impractical. These criteria apply only for hammer sizes and operation as specified. D. Rated Hammer Energy: 1. Diesel Hammers: Product of rated stroke times ram weight. r 1306 - 7/11/05 02367 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements i 2. Air Hammers: Rated energy from manufacturer's literature. E. Refusal: Zero rate of penetration for 10 seconds during pile driving. F. Set: Pile penetration in inches per blow. G. Sweep: Deviation from straightness measured along two perpendicular faces of pile while not subject to bending forces. H. Termination Penetration Resistance: Penetration resistance exceeding 60 blows per foot at which driving may be terminated. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Administrative Submittals: Pile driving schedule. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate tie rods and accessories, number of piles required, fabricated comers, and detail dimensions. C. Quality Control Submittals: 1. Manufacturer's product data prior to ordering piles. 2. Written sequence of setting and driving operation 3. Drilling: Manufacturer's literature on equipment and operation procedures. 4. Hammers: Manufacturer's specifications and catalog information. Show data necessary for computing bearing value of piles driven. 5. Installer qualifications. D. If installed as sheet -piled cells, submit revised wet well sections including antiflotation calculations proposed by a Florida Professional Engineer. 1.05 QUALIFICATIONS A. Piling Installer: Minimum of 5 years of past successful experience on 10 projects of sheet pile installation (submit project list to Engineer). 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Sheet Piles: Lift and handle so that maximum bending stresses shall not exceed 22,500 pounds per square inch. 1.07 SPECIAL TOOLS A. Tool checking interlock dimensions. 1306 - 7/11/05 . 02367 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 . SHEET PILES A. Minimum size and wall thickness shown manufactured to ASTM A572, Grade 50. B. Sections: Continuously interlocking type, structural characteristics as follows: T Section Desi nation Nominal Web Thickness/in. Weight Per SF- Pounds Sect. Modulus Per LF/Cu.ln. PZ38 3/8 by 1 /2 38.0 46.8 PZ32 3/8 by 1 /2 32.0 38.3 PZ27 3/8 27.0 - 30.2 PDA27 3/8 27.0 10.7 PMA22 3/8 22.0 5.4 PSA23 3/8 23.0 2.4 PSA28 1 /2 28.0 2.5 PS28 3/8 28.0 1.9 PS32 1 /2 32.0 1.9 PSX32 29/64 32.0 2.4 C. Section Modulus: Base on individual whole piece, not dependent on the interlock friction between pile sections to secure the required section modulus. D. Pulling (Handling) Holes: Manufacturer's standard, additional will not be allowed. E. Tolerances: Weight per square foot may not vary by more than 2-1/2 percent over or under that specified. 2.02 ACCESSORIES A. Tie Rod Assembly: Adjust spacing, size, plate dimensions, and length of tie rods if piling F sections are of different proportions. 1. Tie Rods: ........ a: - Fabricated- eS��T-- A36 _upse-Fenc�s;fthreaded American Standard Free Fit, Class 2. e b. Coat with grease and wrap for protection from rust and physical damage while in transit. i 2. Turnbuckles: 1306 - 7/11/05 02367 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements a. Forged steel with American Standard Class 2 fit threads, takeup, and other dimensions as shown in American Institute of Steel Construction, Manual of Steel Construction. b. Finished with parts properly shaped and free from fins, cracks, flaws, seams, and other injurious defects. C. Screw Threads: True to form, clean cut, and free from injurious defects. d. NLits: Standard hexagon, American Standard Class 2 fit threads. ' B. Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, and Washers: 1. General: ASTM A36, provide cut washers for each bolt head and nut. 2. Bolts: ASTM A307, of length to finish 1/4 inch outside the nut, and have additional thread to retighten. 3. Hardware: Hot -dip galvanize, ASTM A123. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 DRIVING EQUIPMENT A. Air or Steam Hammer: Minimum manufacturers' rated capacity of 24,000 foot-pounds of energy per blow. 1. Pressure Gauge: Locate near hammer for measuring air or steam pressure. B. Diesel Hammers: 1. Ram Weight: Not less than 3,600 pounds. 2. Energy Developed: Exceed 13,000 foot-pounds per blow. C. Sonic.. Hammers: Use of adequate size and type. Demonstrate capability prior to approval for pile driving. D. Drop Hammer or Combination of Water Jets and Hammer: 1. Drop Hammers: a. Weight: (1) Piles 50 Feet Long or Less: Minimum 3,000 pounds. (2) Piles Over 50 Feet Long: Minimum 4,000 pounds. b. Drop Height: Maximum 10 feet. C. Hammer Head: Certified, weight stamped. 1306. - 7/11/05 02367 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 3.02 PILE LENGTHS A. Lengths shown are those required below cutoff as shown on the shop drawings. Furnish sheet piling with sufficient extra length to provide for fresh heading and to reach from the r cutoff elevation up to position of driving equipment. 3.03 DRIVING GUIDES A. Position sheet piles using temporary guide wales support and anchor guide wales to form rigid structures during the sheet pile setting and driving operation. B. Guide Wales: Stationary (not moveable) with fluctuating water stage. 3.04 SETTING P 3 A. Clean pile, inspect, for defects and proper interlock dimensions. B. Allow pile sufficient clearance in the interlocks to slide, under its own weight, in the interlock of the sheet pile previously placed until the top of existing ground is reached by the tip of the sliding pile. ❑o not use vibratory or drive hammer to force the interlocking of piles. 3.05 DRIVING A. Before driving is started. check sheet piles for position and alignment. locate pile top within 2 inches of location shown. B. Drive sheet piles to the tip elevations shown. Drive down piles which are raised during the process of driving adjacent piles. C. : If refusal is reached before driving to the specified tip elevation, an impact hammer or controlled jetting may be used. Perform jetting on both sides of sheet pile simultaneously with driving. D. Remove and replace sheet pile driven out of interlock. E. Driving Tolerances: 1. Not more than 1/8 inch per foot from the vertical in all directions. Furnish plumb line or other device for checking vertical alignment. 2. Not more than 1 percent from vertical or 2 percent from batter shown. ---3.06_. PILE CUTOFF A. Cut square at required elevation with tools that will not damage area below cut surface. B. Tolerance: Plus or minus 1/2 inch. 1306 - 7/11/05 02367 - 5 McNab Road Water Main Improvements M 3.07 CUTTING AND SPLICING PILES A. Extend to required grade by welding on additional full length piles driven below grade, and piles with damaged heads. which have been cut off to permit further driving. B. Pile Splicing: Butt weld, making full penetration of the web. Piles adjoining spliced piles shall be full length piles. i 3.08 WALES AND CAPS A. After driving sheet piling, install channel wales. Bolt splices in wales with field bolts. Set wales horizontal. B. Installation: 1. Weld Splices using a single bevel butt joint, welded on one side on backing ' structure. 2. Space wales within 1/4 inch for welded splices. Fabricate accessories by welding or as otherwise shown. 3.09 TIE ROD ASSEMBLIES A. Installation: ` 1. Hand backfill tie rods to 6-inch depth above rods. 2. Support tie rods in straight line from bulkhead to anchor wall. 3. Maintain tie rod support until such time as rod is tensioned. B. Use sandfill or wood cribbing to maintain tie rod alignment. f C. Tension tie rods with turnbuckles in ENGINEER's presence. Lubricate turnbuckles with graphite prior to tensioning. 3.10 TIE ROD HOLES. A. Neatly cut through sheet piles by mechanical means. Flame cutting shall not be used. , B. Spacing may vary up to 4 inches to avoid' cutting sheet pile interlocks.. C. Variations in Spacing: Prevent an accumulative variation of more than 4 inches. r A. Sheet piles to be removed. Y END OF SECTION d 1306 - 7/11/05 02367 - 6 McNab Road -Water Main Improvements SECTION 02500 SURFACE RESTORATION PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. Items specified in this Section include repairs to landscaped and grassed areas that may be damaged by CONTRACTOR activities. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Asphaltic concrete pavement. B. Pavement curb and sidewalks. C. Pavement markings and signs. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit submittals for review in accordance with the Section 01300 - Submittals. 1.04 DEFINITIONS ° A. The phrase "DOT Specifications" shall refer to the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. The DOT Specifications are referred to herein and are hereby made a part of this Contract to the extent of such references, and shall be as binding upon the Contract as though reproduced herein in their entirety. 1.05 PROTECTION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the protection of all pavements and .other improvements within the work area. All damage to such improvements, as a result of the CONTRACTOR's operations, beyond the limits of the work of pavement L replacement shall be repaired by the CONTRACTOR at his expense. 1.06 GUARANTEE A. The CONTRACTOR shall guarantee all-. trees, ground ,cover or -shrubs planted or r replanted under this Contract for a period of one year beyond acceptance of the project. In the event that any new tree, plant or shrub dies within the guarantee period, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for replacement in kind. In the event that a transplanted (reused) tree dies within the guarantee period, the CONTRACTOR shall be' responsible for replacement in kind, except that the maximum height of any new tree shall be eight feet as measured from the ground surface, once planted, to the top of the tree. P 1306 - 6/17/05 02500 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 SOD A. Sod shall be Floratam Sod in irrigated areas and Bahia in non -irrigated areas. 2.02 REPLACEMENT TREES, GROUND COVER AND SHRUBS A. Replacement trees, ground cover and shrubs shall be of the same type and size and sound, healthy and vigorous, well branched and densely foliated when in leaf. They shall have healthy, well developed root systems and shall be free of disease and insect pests, eggs or larvae. 2.03 MULCH A. Mulch shall be windproof shredded eucalyptus, mulch shall be clean,: fresh,_ free of branches and other foreign matter. Mulch shall be used around all shrubs, ground covers and tree trunks, and placed to a minimum depth of 2 inches extending from the tree trunk outward two feet. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 GRADING AND SODDING r A. The CONTRACTOR shall regrade the work areas disturbed by his construction activities to the existing grade prior to commencement of construction. B. Sod shall be placed on all grassed areas disturbed by construction activities, unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. Sodding shall be in accordance with Sections ` 575 - Sodding and 981 -- Grassing and Sodding Materials of the DOT Specifications. C. Maintenance: Sufficient watering shall be done by the CONTRACTOR to maintain adequate moisture for optimum development of the sodded areas. Sodded areas shall receive no less than 1.5 inches of wator'per Vv'eck. D. Repairs to Lawn Areas Disturbed by CONTRACTOR's Operations: Lawn areas damaged by CONTRACTOR's operations shall be repaired at once by proper sod bed preparation, fertilization and resodding, in accordance with these specifications. Regardless of the condition of the lawn area (weed content etc.) prior to the CONTRACTOR working in the area, all repairs shall be made with sod. 3.02_ .,.TREES:G,RQUN.D COVERAND.SHRUBS A. Excavation and Plant Holes: Plant hole excavations shall be roughly cylindrical in shape, with the side approximately vertical. Plants shall be centered in the hole. Bottoms of the holes shall be loosened at least six inches deeper than the required depth of excavation. I 1306 - 6/17/05 02500 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements B. Holes for balled and burlapped plants shall be large enough to allow at least eight inches of backfill around the earth ball. For root balls over 18 inches in diameter, this dimension shall be increased to 12 inches. Where excess material has been excavated from the plant hole, the excavated material shall be disposed of as and where directed by the ENGINEER. C. Settina of Plants: When lowered into the hole, the plant shall rest on a prepared hole bottom such that the roots are level with, or slightly above, the level of their previous growth and so oriented such as to present the best appearance. The CONTRACTOR, when setting plants in holes, shall make allowances for any anticipated setting of plants. D. Palms of the sabal species may be set deeper than the depth of their original growth, provided that the specified clear trunk height is attained. E. The backfill shall be made with planting mixture and shall. be firmly rodded and watered -in, so that no air pockets remain. The quantity of water applied immediately upon planting shall be sufficient to thoroughly moisten all of the backfilled .earth. Plants shall be kept in a moistened condition for the duration of the Contract. F. Staking_ and Guying: Plants shall be staked in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Small Trees: For trees and shrubs of less than one -inch caliper, the size of stakes and the method of tying shall be such as to rigidly support the staked plant against damage caused by wind action or other effects. Trees larger than one inch and smaller than one and one-half inch caliper shall be staked with a two-inch stake, set at least 24 inches in the ground and extending to the crown of the plant. The plant shall be firmly fastened to the stake with two strands of 14 gauge soft wire, enclosed in rubber hose, or other approved covering. The wire shall then be nailed or stapled to the stake to prevent slippage. 2. Medium Trees: All trees, other than palm trees, larger than one and one-half inch caliper and smaller than two and one-half inch caliper shall be staked with two or more, two-inch by two-inch,stakes, eight feet long_ set`two feet in the ground. The tree shall be midway between the stakes and held firmly in place by two strands of 12-gauge wire, applied as specified above for single stakes. The wires shall be tightened and kept tight by twisting. 3. Larcie Trees: All trees, other than palm trees, larger than two and one-half inch caliper, shall be braced with three or more two-inch by four -inch wood braces, toenailed to cleats which are securely banded at two pints to the palm, at a point at least six feet above the ground. The trunk shall be padded with five layers of burlap under the cleats. Braces shall be approximately equidistantly spaced and secured underground with two-inch by four -inch by 24-inch stake pads. In firm rock soils, Number 4 steel reinforcing rods or one-half inch pipe is acceptable. 4. Palm Trees: Palm trees shall be braced with three or more two-inch by four -inch wood braces, toenailed to cleats which are securely banded at two points to the palm, at a point at least six feet above the ground. The trunk shall be padded with five layers of burlap under the cleats. Braces shall be approximately equidistantly 1306 - 6/17/05 02500 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements spaced and secured underground with two-inch by four -inch by 24-inch stake pads. In firm rock soils, Number 4 steel reinforcing rods or one-half inch pipe is acceptable. G. Pruning: All broken or damaged roots shall be cut off smoothly, and the tops of all trees shall be pruned in a manner complying with standard horticultural practice. At the time pruning is completed, all remaining wood shall be alive. All cut surfaces of one inch or more in ' diameter, above the ground, shall be treated with an approved commercial tree paint. H. Maintenance: Maintenance shall begin immediately after, each plant is planted and shall continue until all work under this Contract has been completed and accepted by the OWNER. Plants shall be watered, mulched, weeded, pruned, sprayed, fertilized, cultivated and otherwise maintained and protected. Settled plants shall be reset to proper grade position, planting saucer restored and dead material removed. Guys shall be tightened and repaired. I. Defective work shall be corrected as soon as possible after it becomes apparent. Upon completion of planting, the CONTRACTOR shall remove excess soil and debris, and repair any damage to structures, etc., resulting from planting operations. - END OF SECTION - 7 K d 1306 - 6/17/05 02500 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 1 4 N SECTION 02520 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. This Section includes the repair and construction of asphaltic concrete pavement and driveways in accordance with the lines, grades and typical section as indicated on the a Drawings, specified herein and as required for a complete installation. 1.02 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. DOT Specifications: The phrase, "DOT Section", shall refer to the section specified in Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. The DOT Specifications, are referred to herein and are hereby made a part f of this Contract to the extent of such references, and shall be as binding upon the Contract as though reproduced herein in their entirety. DOT 160 Stabilizing DOT 200 Limerock Base DOT 300 Prime and Tack Coats for Base Courses DOT 320 Not Bituminous Mixtures - Plant Methods and Equipment r DOT 330 Hot Bituminous Mixtures - General Construction Requirements DOT 331 Type S Asphaltic Concrete DOT 337 Asphaltic Concrete Friction Course j DOT 902 Fine Aggregate r DOT 911 Limerock Material for Base and Stabilized Base DOT 916 Bituminous Materials' 1 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. The CONTRACTOR shall 'formula for the asphaltic concrete paving for i review in accordance with Section 01p300OSd t' 0, "Submittals". 1306 - 6/17/05 02520 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Limerock Base: The limerock base shall consist of either one or two courses of Miami Oolite limerock conforming to DOT Sections 200 and 911. B. Prime Coat: The material used for the prime coat shall be cut -back Asphalt Grade RC-70 conforming to DOT Sections 300 and 916 for prime to be used on Miami Oolite formation limerock. C. Tack Coat: The material used for the tack coat'shall be Emulsified Asphalt Grade RS-2 conforming to DOT Sections 300 and 916. D. Asphaltic Concrete: The materials and construction of the asphaltic concrete patch and surface courses shall be Type`S-iil and S-1 Asphaltic Concrete conforming to DOT Sections 330, 331, 337 and 916. E. Reclaimed asphalt shall not be used. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT A. General: All existing utility castings, including valves boxes, junction boxes, manholes, handholes, pull boxes, inlets and similar structures in the areas of, trench restoration and pavement replacement shall be adjusted by the Contractor to bring them flush with the surface of the finished work, at no additional cost to the Owner. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection from damage from his construction operations, all pavements, including all limerock base courses and asphaltic surface courses, within the work area. Any base course or surface course, damaged as a result of the Contractor's operation, - shill be restored in accordance with the applicable requirements of these -'Contract Documents, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and to the satisfaction.of the governing authority having jurisdiction over the work area at no additional cost to the Owner. In order to protect himself from being held liable for any existing damaged pavement, including detour routes, the Contractor is advised to notify, in writing, the authority having jurisdiction over the street where such defective pavement exists prior to proceeding with any work in the vicinity. A copy of all such notices shall be forwarded to the Engineer. C. Wherever the line of the nominal repaving for trenches extends to within two feet of the edge of the existing paving, the Contractor shall repave to this edge. D. Permanent pavement repair shall be in accordance with the details shown on the Drawings, with edges straight and parallel and patches rectangular in plan. Any paving replacement required beyond the limits shown in the details, and as called for in the Specifications, shall be at the Contractor's expense. Where trenches are located out of the existing pavement and damage occurs to the pavement, it shall also be replaced by the Contractor at his 1306 - 6/17/06 02520 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements expense. This replacement shall be in accordance with Article 3.02 Paving and shall extend 25 feet on either side of the damaged area and to a width of one full traffic lane, or in accordance with the jurisdictional agency=s standards and requirements, whichever is more stringent. E. Pavement markings removed or obliterated by the Contractor's operations shall be promptly replaced in kind by him at his expense, to the satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction over the work area. F. Asphaltic concrete mixtures shall be obtained only from plants which comply with the ' requirements of DOT Section 320 as applicable, using materials specified herein, and producing the specified mixture. General construction requirements for all hot bituminous r mixtures specified herein shall conform to DOT Section 330, as applicable. G. No mixture shall be spread. wher the air temperature is less than 40 degrees F, nor when the spreading cannot be finished and compacted during daylight hours. H. Any mixture caught in transit by a sudden rain may be laid at the Contractor's risk, if the base is in suitable condition. Under no circumstances shall asphalt material be placed while rain is falling or when there is water on the area to be covered. I. Temporary Paving: Prior to commencing excavation, the asphalt surface shall be sawcut within the limits of the allowable trench width. Temporary paving will be required along the entire route where the original paved surface is removed. Temporary paving shall be Placed as soon as possible after the trench has been backfilled and compacted per the Specifications. The trench should be backfilled and compacted up to a level 1 inch below the existing pavement surface, and a temporary, cold mixed sand/asphalt pavement shall be constructed up to the level of the existing pavement surface. The liquid asphalt shall be Grade RC-70, conforming to the requirements of DOT Section 916-2. The sand shall conform to the requirements of DOT Section 902 for fine aggregate. J. The cold mix is to be installed one block at a time, not crossing any intersections, or to a maximum of 1,200 feet. Work in said 1,200 feet shall be completed before the Contractor may move forward with his excavation work, 8(ackfill, compaction and temporary paving is j to keep pace with the pipe installation. K. The temporary pavement shall be maintained by the Contractor in a condition satisfactoryto the Engineer until its removal. Removal shall include any surplus backfill material. The removed temporary pavement and surplus backfill material shall be properly disposed of by the Contractor, at his expense. L. No.paybe made for ter�nparary pavrtg work, Tl e cpst fPrpch, w,prk,,shall be cons 6ia d incid'ental `to' 'p'ipeline construction "and' included 'in the `bid prices far the respective pipe payment items. M. Sand seal on the limerock base course will not be permitted in lieu of temporary paving. N. Traffic loops removed or damaged during construction, or rendered inoperative because of cutting the traffic loop home run, shall be replaced in temporary pavement. New traffic loops will be required; splicing will not be allowed. 1306 - 6/17/05 02520 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 10IL9 A. General: The Contractor shall remove the temporary pavement and any surplus backfill and shall replace it with the specified compacted limerock base course to the extent required by the Contract Documents. Additionally, existing pavement shall be removed to the width of one full traffic lane (12 feet maximum). B. Replacement of temporary pavement with the permanent pavement shall be made within 30 days. This work shall be completed in sections compatible with specified traffic maintenance procedures. C. All paving work shall be completed according to the Contract Documents and Broward County Engineering Standards. Where the two are not in agreement, the more stringent requirement shall prevail. D. Subbase: The backfill previously placed and coriipacted shall be excavated to the required depth below the existing road surface, and the existing paving shall be cut back to a width of one full lane (12 feet maximum), using an abrasive disc saw to trim the edges to straight and true lines. The subbase material shall have a minimum LBR of 40. E. Limerock Base: The limerock base shall be constructed in accordance with DOT Section 200, to the thickness and width indicated on the Drawings. The limerock base shall have a minimum LBR of 100. F. After spreading of the base material is completed, the entire surface shall be scarified and shaped so as to produce the exact grade and cross section after compaction. For double course base, this scarifying shall extend to a depth sufficient to penetrate slightly the surface of the first course. The maximum depth of each lift shall be 6 inches. G. When the material does not have the proper moisture content to ensure the required density, wetting or drying shall be required. If the material is deficient in moisture, water will be added and uniformly mixed in by disking the base course to its full depth. if the material contains an excess of moisture, it shall be allowed to dry before being compacted. Wetting and drying operations shall involve manipulation of the entire width and depth of the base as a unit. As soon as proper conditions of moisture are attained, the material shall be compacted to an average density not less than 96 percent maximum density as determined in more than one course, the density shall be obtained in each lift of the base. H. During final compacting operations, if blading of any areas is necessary to obtain the true grade and cross section, the compacting operations for such areas shall be completed prior to making the density determinations on the finished base. L, Unless otherwise d:iree-ted bythe-Owner; the surface shall.be "hand -planed"" with a blade grader immediately prior to the application of the prime coat to remove the thin glaze or cemented surface and to allow free penetration of the prime material. The materials planed from the base shall be removed from the base area. J. If cracks or checks appear in the base, either before or after priming, which in the opinion of the Owner, would impair the structuralefficiency of the base course, the Contractor shall 1306-11/4/05 02520 - 4. McNab Road Water Main Improvements remove such cracks or checks by rescarifying, reshaping, adding base material where necessary and recompacting, at no additional cost to the Owner. K. Mixing Base and Subbase: If at anytime the subbase material shall become mixed with the base course material, the Contractor shall, reshape and compact the subgrade and replace the materials removed with clean base material, which shall be shaped and compacted as specified above. L. Prime Coat: After the limerock base course has been properly prepared and is clean, dry and ready to receive the wearing surface, a prime coat shall be uniformly applied at a rate r of 0.10 gallon per square yard, immediately followed by the asphaltic concrete. The prime coat shall be applied to the entire limerock base course uniformly, and shall thoroughly coat all surfaces. Care shall be taken to apply the prime coat and bond the edges of surrounding pavement. The prime coat shall not advance ahead of the paving by more than 300 feet in business or residential areas, unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. All work associated with prime ooats`,shafl comply with DOT Section 300. M. Permanent Asphaltic Concrete Patch: The spreading, compacting and jointing of the permanent asphaltic concrete patch shall be in accordance with DOT Sections 330 and 331 to the thickness indicated on the Drawings. N. Where the width of the repair permits, the material shall be placed by means of an acceptable mechanical spreader and finisher. The mixture shall be compacted to true grade and cross section by means of a tandem roller weighing not less than eight tons. The compacted asphaltic concrete mixture shall not be, in any case, less than one inch in thickness. Rolling shall proceed as closely behind the spreader as possible, and all material shall be completely compacted the same day it is placed. O. Tack Coat: After the asphaltic concrete patch has been properly prepared and is clean, dry and ready to receive the asphaltic concrete overlay, a tack coat shall be uniformly applied at a rate of 0.10 gallon per square yard, immediately followed by the asphaltic concrete overlay. The tack coat shall be applied to the -entire asphaltic concrete patch uniformly, and shall thoroughly coat all surfaces. Care shall be taken to apply the tack coat and bond the edges of surrounding pav6rnent: The'tack coat shall ndt"advance ahead of the paving by more than 300 feet in business or residential areas, unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. All work associated with tack coats shall comply with DOT Section 300. P. Asphaltic Concrete Overlay: The spreading, compacting and jointing of the asphaltic ` concrete overlay shall be in accordance with DOT Sections 330 and 331 to the thickness indicated on the Drawings. Q. Where the width of the repair permits, the material shall be placed by means of an acceptable mechanical spreader and finisher. The mixture shalt be compacted to true grade and cross section by means of a tandem roller weighing not less than eight tons. The total compacted asphaltic concrete mixture shall not be, in any case, less than one inch in thickness. Rolling shall proceed as closely behind the spreader as possible, and all r material shall be completely compacted the same day it is placed. - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 6/17/05 02520 5 McNab Road Water Main Improvements r SECTION 02521 FLOWABLE FILL PART 1 —GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK A. This Section specifies the requirements for flowable fill used for trenches, support far pipe structures, culverts, utility cuts and other works where cavities exist and where firm support is needed for pavements and structural elements. Flowable fill may also be used to fill water pipes that need to be abandoned in place and at other locations approved by the Engineer. 1.02 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS A. Section 01010 - Summary of Work r B. Section 01090 —Applicable Applicable Standards and Codes C. Section 01300 - Submittals D. Section 02222 - Excavation and Backfiil for Utilities E. Section 02522 — Pavement Curb and Sidewalks PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. The materials used shall conform with the requirements specified in Division III of the F.D.O.T. Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction, latest- edition, and herein. Specific reference are as follows: 1. Portland Cement (Type I, II or III) Section 921 r 2. Flu Ash, Slag and other Pozzolanic materials For Portland Cement Concrete Section 929 3. Fine Aggregate (Sand)* -Section 902 r 4. Water Section 923 *Any clean sand with 100% passing 3/8" sieve and not more than 10% passing with 200 mesh may be used. 1306 - 11/4/05 02521 -1 PLOWABLE FILL 2.02 MIX PROPORTIONS A. The Contractor shall be responsible for producing a Fowable mixture using these guidelines and by adjusting his mixture design as called for by circumstances or as may be directed by the Engineer. B. Flowable fill material.shall be proportioned to produce a 28-day compressive strength of a minimum of 100 psi. C. General mix quantities are as follows: Components Pounds per Cubic Yard Cement 50-100* ' Fly As or Granulated - Blast Furnace Slag 0-600 Fine Sand 2,750 (Adjust to.yield one cubic yard of Fowable fill) Water 500 (Max.) *The percentage of cement may be increased above these limits only when early strength is required and future removal is unlikely. D. Weights for fine aggregates and water shall be adjusted for removability, pumpablity and flowability. If required, strength test data shall be provided prior to batching. E. if required by the Engineer, the flowablity can be measured by afflux time determined in accordance with ASTM C 939 and shall be 30 seconds +/- 5 seconds as measured on mortar passing the No. 4 sieve. The equipment required to perform this test shall be provided by the Contractor. 2.03 APPROVED MIXES OF "FLOWABLE FILL" A. CRS Rinker Mix Code Number 1180687 -- Ready Mixed Flowable Fill -- Excavatable or Engineer approved equal. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 PRODUCTION AND PLACING A. Flowable fill shall be produced and delivered using ready mix concrete trucks and placed easily by chute in a flowabie condition directly into the cavity to filled or into a pump for final placement. B. The Fowable fill shall be placed to the designated fill line without vibration or other means of compaction. Placement shall be avoided during inclement weather, e.g. rain. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any damages caused by hydraulic pressure of the fill during placement prior to hardening. Also, necessary means to confine the material within the designated space shall be provided by the Contractor. 1306 - 11/4/05 02521 - 2 FLOWABLE FILL 3.02 ACCEPTANCE A. The flowable shall be proportioned and placed. as specified herein. In general, the strength desired is the maximum hardness that can be excavated at a later date using conventional excavation equipment. No curing protection is required. B. The fill shall be left undisturbed until material obtains sufficient strength. Sufficient strength is 250 psi penetration resistance as measured using a hand held penetrometer. The penetrometer shall be provided by the Contractor. C. All flowable fill areas subject to traffic loads must have a durable riding surface. D. An approved type of accelerator may be approved for the placement of "Foowable Fill" in traffic areas when submitted to the Engineer. Depending on the condition of the cavity, paving can begin from 8-24 hours after placement. END OF SECTION 1306-11/4/05 02521 - 3 FLOWABLE FILL SECTION 02526 PAVEMENT CURB AND SIDEWALKS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. Damaged concrete pavement, curbs and sidewalks, and other improvements shall be reconstructed as new to existing lines and grades and dimensions. Where pavement, curbs, and sidewalks are partially damaged on private property, the CONTRACTOR shall fully reconstruct the structure in -kind to provide an entirely new structure. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings for reinforcing, joint material and mix designs shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01300 - Submittals. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE A. Concrete shall be Class B as specified in Division 3, unless noted or specified otherwise. 2.02 REINFORCING AND WELDED WIRE FABRIC A. Joint reinforcing and welded wire fabric shall conform to the requirements of Division 3. 2.03 PREFORMED JOINT FILLER A. Preformed. joint filler shall be sponge rubber or cork and conform to the requirements of AASHTO Designated M153, Type I or II. Y 2.04 CURING COMPOUND A. Curing Compound shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M148, Type I. r PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 SUBGRADE CONDITION ` A. The finished subgrade shall be maintained in a smooth, compact condition and any 1 areas which are disturbed prior to placing of the concrete shall be restored at no i additional cost to the OWNER. B. The subgrade shall be moist at the time the concrete is placed. Water shall be uniformly applied ahead of the paving operations as directed by the ENGINEER. If the 1306 - 6/17/05 02526 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements r CONTRACTOR does not maintain the subgrade in the required moist condition, a polyethylene sheet vapor barrier will be required between the subgrade and the ° concrete. C. The subgrade shall be accurately trimmed to the required elevation with a 1/4 inch tolerance. High areas shall be trimmed to proper elevation. Low areas may be filled with suitable material and compacted to the specified density or filled with concrete integrally with the placing of the pavement. D. Boulders, rocks or obstructions larger than 1-inch diameter shall be removed to a minimum depth of 6-inches below finished subgrade. The subgrade shall be compacted at optimum moisture content to 98 percent of maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D1557 method D. 3.02 SETTING FORMS A. The forms shall be accurately set to line and grade and such that they rest firmly, throughout their entire length upon the compacted subgrade surface. Forms shall be joined neatly and tightly and braced to test the pressure of the concrete and the finishing operations. The alignment and grade of all forms shall be approved before and immediately prior to the placing of concrete. 3.03 MIXING CONCRETE A. Concrete shall be mixed in accordance with Division 3. 3.04 PLACING CONCRETE A. The concrete shall be distributed on the subgrade to such depth, that, when it is consolidated and finished, the slab thickness required by the Drawings will be obtained at all points and the surface will at no point be below the grade specified for the finished surface, after application of the allowable tolerance. The concrete shall be deposited on the subgrade in a manner which will require as little rehandling as possible. B. Fabric reinforcement shall be placed at mid slab depth, and the fabric shall be maintained at this location during the placing and finishing operations. C. Concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated against and along the faces of all forms, by means of hand -operated, spud -type vibrators. Vibration at any one location shall not I continue so long as to produce puddling or the accumulation of excessive grout on the surface. In no case shall the vibrator be operated longer than 15 seconds in any one location. 3.05 STRIKING -OFF, CONSOLIDATING AND FINISHING CONCRETE r A. Immediately after the placing, the concrete shall be struck off, consolidated and finished, to produce a finished pavement conforming to the cross section, width and surface sequence of operations shall be as follows: strike -off; vibratory consolidation; screening; floating; removal of laitance; straightedging; and final surface finish. 1306 - 6/17/05 02526 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 14 3.06 STRAIGHTEDGING AND SURFACE CORRECTIONS A. After floating has been completed and the excess water removed, but while the concrete is still in a plastic state, the surface of the concrete. shall be tested for trueness with an accurate 10 foot straightedge. The straightedge shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR. The straightedge shall be held in successive positions parallel to the road center line, in contact with the surface, and the whole area tested from one. side of the slab to the other as necessary. Any depressions shall be immediately filled with freshly mixed concrete and struck -off, consolidated and refinished: High areas shall be cut down and refinished. Straightedge testing and surface correction shall continue until the entire surface appears to conform to the required grade and cross section. 3.07 FINAL FINISH A. As soon as the water sheen has disappeared from the surface,,Qf ,4he. pavement and just before the concrete becomes nonplastic, a light broom finish shall be given to the surface. 3.08 EDGING A. After the final finish has been applied, but before the concrete has become nonplastic, the edges of the pavement along each side of the strip being placed, on each side of construction joints and along any structure extending into the pavement, shall be carefully rounded to a 1/4 inch radius except as otherwise indicated. A well-defined and continuous radius shall be produced and a smoother, dense mortar finish obtained. All concrete shall be completely removed from the top of the joint filler. B. All joints shall be checked with a straightedge before the concrete has become nonplastic and, if one side of the joint is higher then the other or the entire joint is higher or lower then the adjacent slabs, corrections shall be made as necessary.. 3.09 JOINTS A. Construction Joints: Construction joints shall be located as shown on the Drawings. B. Ex ansion Joints Around Structures: Expansion joints shall be formed by placing premolded expansion joint material about all structures and features projecting through, into or against the pavement. Unless otherwise indicated, such joints shall be 1/2 inch in width. Expansion joints shall be sealed with a joint sealer. Sealant application procedures shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. C. Transverse Expansion Joints: Open type transverse expansion joints =shall be provided at all sidewalk returns and at 50 feet intervals and wherever indicated on the Drawings. Open type joints shall be formed by staking a 1/4 inch thick metal bulkhead in place and placing concrete on both sides. After the concrete has set sufficiently to preserve the width and shape of the joint, the bulkhead shall be removed. After the sidewalk has been finished over the joint, the slot shall be opened and edged with a tool having a 1/2 inch radius. Transverse expansion joints shall be cleaned and filled with joint filler strips 1/4 inch thick conforming to the requirements of AASHTO M-153 1306 - 6/17/05 02526 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements and sealed with a joint sealer. Sealant application procedures shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. D. Scored Joints: Scored joints shall be either formed or sawed at 5-foot intervals and shall extend to a depth of at least one fourth of the sidewalk slab thickness. 3.10 CURING A. After the finishing operations have been completed and as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently that marring of the surface will not occur, the entire surface and the edges 'of the newly placed concrete shall be covered and cured with membrane curing compound. B. Curing compound shall be uniformly applied to the surfaces to be cured, in a single coat, continuous film, at the rate of one gallon to not more than 200 square feet, by a mechanical sprayer. C. Curing compound shall not be applied during periods of rainfall. Curing compound shall not be applied to the inside faces of joints to be sealed. Should the film become damaged from any cause within the required curing period, the damaged portions shall be repaired immediately with additional compound. Upon removal of side forms the sides of the slabs exposed shall immediately be coated to provide a curing treatment equal to that provided for the surface. 3.11 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a template and shall thoroughly check the subgrade prior to depositing concrete. Sidewalks shall be given a light broom finish. 3.12 CURBS A. Curbs shall be constructed in uniform sections. ten feet in length except where shorter sections are necessary for closures or arcs. The sections shall be separated by sheet metal templates set perpendicular to the face and tip of the curve and not less than 2 inches longer than the depth of the curb. The templates shall be held firmly wring the placing of the concrete and shall be allowed to remain in place until the concrete has set sufficiently to hold its shape, but shall be removed while the forms are still in place. B. After the concrete has sufficiently set for a minimum of 12 hours, the CONTRACTOR shall remove the forms and backfill the spaces on each side. The earth shall be compacted in satisfactory manner with out damage to the concrete work. Minor defects shall be filled with a mortar composed of one part portland cement and two parts,"ftne-a09rte 3.13 PAVEMENT CURB AND SIDEWALK REPAIR A. All damage to pavement, curb or sidewalk as a result of work under this Contract shall be repaired in a manner satisfactory to the ENGINEER and at no additional cost to the OWNER. The repair shall include all work as specified herein. 1306 - 6/17/05 02526 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements B. The width of all repairs shall extend at least 12 inches beyond the limit of the damage, The edge of the pavement curb or sidewalk to be left in place shall be cut to a true edge with a saw or other approved method so as to provide a clean edge to abut the repair. The line of the repair shall be reasonably uniform with no unnecessary irregularities. 1306 - 6/17/05 - END OF SECTION - 02526 - 5 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 02570 MILLING OF EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT PART 1 --GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. The work specified in this Section consists of removing existing asphaltic concrete pavement by milling to improve the rideability of the finished pavement, to lower the finished grade adjacent to existing curb prior to resurfacing, or to completely remove existing pavement. B. When milling to improve rideability, an average depth of cut will be specified in the plans. C. Unless otherwise specified, the milled material becomes the property of the Contractor. 1.02 REFERENCES A. Florida Department of Transportation - Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction (Latest Edition) PART 2 —EQUIPMENT 2.01 MILLING MACHINE A. The milling machine shall be capable of maintaining a depth of cut and cross slope that will achieve the results specified in the plans and specifications. The overall length of the machine (out to out measurement excluding the conveyor) shall be a minimum of 18 feet. The minimum cutting width shall be six feet. B. The milling machine shall be equipped with a built-in automatic grade control= system that can control the transverse slope and the longitudinal profile to produce the specified ` results. C. Any commercially manufactured milling machine meeting the above requirements will be 1 approved to start the project. If it becomes evident after milling has started that the milling machine cannot consistently produce the specified results, the milling machine r will be rejected for further use. t D. When milling to lower the grade adjacent to existing curb or other areas where it ' impractical to use the above described equipment, the use of a smaller milling machine will be permitted. t E. The milling machine shall be equipped with means to effectively limit the amount of dust escaping the removal operation. For complete pavement removal, the use of alternate removal and crushing equipment, in lieu of the equipment specified above, may be approved by the Engineer. ` 1306 - 7/11/05 02570 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements T PART 3 -- EXECUTION y 3.01 CONSTRUCTION A. When milling to improve rideability, the existing pavement shall be removed to the average depth specified in the plans, in a manner that will restore the pavement surface to a uniform cross section and longitudinal profile. The Project Engineer may require the use of a stringline to ensure maintaining the proper alignment. B. The contractor may elect to make multiple cuts to achieve the required pavement configuration or depth of cut. C. The milling machine shall be operated to effectively minimize the amount of dust being emitted from the machine. Prewetting of the pavement may be required. D. If traffic is to be maintained on the milled surface prior to the placement of the new asphaltic concrete, the pattern of striations shall be such as to produce an acceptable . riding surface. a E. Prior to opening an area which has been milled to traffic, the pavement shall be thoroughly swept with a power broom or other approved equipment to remove.to the greatest extent practicable, fine material which will dust under traffic. This operation , shall be conducted in a manner so as to minimize the potential for creation of a traffic hazard and to minimize air pollution. F. Sweeping of the milled surface with a power broom will be required prior to placing asphaltic concrete. G. In urban and other sensitive areas where dust would cause a serious problem, the Contractor shall use a street sweeper (using water) or other equipment capable of removing and controlling .dust. Approval of the use of such equipment is contingent upon its demonstrated ability to do the work. H. To prevent, to the greatest extent practicable, the infiltration of milled material into the storm sewer system when the milling operation is .within the limits of and adjacent to a municipal curb and gutter or a closed drainage system, the sweeping operation shall be performed immediately after the milling operations or as directly by the Engineer. - END OF SECTION - 1 i 1306 - 7/11/05 02570 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 02580 PAVEMENT MARKING AND SIGNS PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 r SCOPE A. This Section consists of reflective pavement markers, traffic stripes and markings and traffic signs,as specified herein, and as required for a complete installation. r 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit Shop Drawings and other information to the ENGINEER for review in accordance with Section 01300 - Submittals. _ 1.03 QUALITY CONTROL A. The phrase "DOT Specifications" shall refer to the Florida I Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. The DOT Specifications, are referred to herein and are hereby made a part of this Contract to the extent of such references, and shall be as binding upon the Contract as though reproduced herein in their entirety. 1.04 CERTIFICATION r A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the manufacturer's certification that all signs furnished conform to these specifications and shall replace or repair at his expense all signs that fail to meet this requirement. 'CART 2 -- PRODUCTS, 2.01 PAVEMENT MARKING A. CONTRACTOR shall replace any existing reflective pavement markers, traffic stripes and markings damaged during construction. i B. Paint for traffic stripes and markings shall be in conformance with DOT specification "Thermoplastic Traffic Stripes and Markings Paint" 711-12. The colors of the paint shall be yellow or white as existed before the repair. C. Reflective pavement markers shall 'be in conformance with 'DOT specification Section I 706-2. T 1306 - 9/16/05 02580 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements r 2.02 TRAFFIC SIGNS A. General: CONTRACTOR shall replace signs damaged during construction. Traffic regulating signs shall conform to the colors, dimensions and requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (ANSI). B. Sign Panels and Support Members: Sign panels and support members shall conform to Aluminum Association Alloy 6061-T6. C. Bolts: Bolts shall conform to Aluminum Association Alloy 2024-T4 with an anodic coating 0.0002-inches thick minimum and chromate sealed. D. Nuts: Nuts shall conform to Aluminum Association Alloy 6269-T9. E. Reflective Sheeting: Reflective sheeting shall conform to DOT Type A requirements. F. Construction Warning Signs: The CONTRACTOR shall install traffic and warning signs during construction in accordance with OSHA, DOT and County requirements. PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 PAVEMENT MARKING A. The surface which is to be painted shall be cleaned, by compressed air or other effective means, immediately before the start of painting, and shall be clean and dry when the paint is applied. Any vegetation or soil shall be removed from the pavement before edge striping is begun. B. The traffic stripe shall be of the specified width, with clean, true edges and. without sharp breaks in the alignment. A uniform coating of paint shall be obtained and the finished stripe shall contain no light spots or paint skips. Any stripes which do not have - .a uniform, satisfactory appearance, both day and night, shall be corrected. C. All newly painted stripes, including edge stripes, 'shall be protected until the paint is sufficiently dry to permit vehicles to cross the stripe without damage from the tires. While the center line stripes are being painted, all traffic shall be routed away from the painting operations and the newly painted stripe. When necessary, a pilot car shall be used to protect the painting operations from traffic interference. D. Any portions of the stripes damaged by passing traffic or from other cause shall be repainted at the CONTRACTOR's expense. 1. Thermoplastic Traffi c Stripes" -'and MatkidAM Thertioplag b"pa'Vame%t''Mti ings, including stripes, pavement messages, stop bars, directional arrows, reflective pavement markers and other miscellaneous items, will be replaced as existed before the repair was made. The thermoplastic compound shall be as specified in Section 711 of the D.O.T. Specifications. The thermoplastic compound shall be extruded or sprayed onto the pavement surface in a molten state by mechanical means, with surface application of glass spheres, when required, and upon cooling 1306 - 9/16f05 02580 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements P to ambient pavement temperature shall produce an adherent pavement marking of specified thickness and width and capable of resisting deformation. E. The portion of the pavement surface or thermoplastic marking to which the marker is attached by the adhesive shall be cleaned of dirt, curing compound, grease, oil, moisture, loose or unsound pavement and any other material which would adversely affect the adhesive. Reflective markers shall be installed in such a manner that the f reflective face of the marker is perpendicular to a line parallel to the roadway centerline. 'No markers shall be installed over longitudinal or transverse joints of the ` pavement surface. The adhesive shall be spread on the bonding surface (not the marker) so that 100 percent of the bonding area of the . marker will be covered. The adhesive application shall be of sufficient thickness so that when the marker is pressed Into the adhesive, excess adhesive shall be forced out around the entire perimeter of the marker. All excessive adhesive shall be removed from in front of the reflective faces, If any adhesive or foreign matter adheres to the reflective face of the marker, the marker shall be� replaced. The ENGINEER shall determine the minimum time necessary to cure the adhesive for sufficient set to bear traffic. F. Reflective pavement markings shall be placed at locations of fire hydrants and watermain valves as required by City standards. 3.02 SIGN FABRICATION A. Preparation of sign blanks and fabrication of reflectorized faces shall conform to the y applicable requirements of DOT Section 700-4 and 700-5. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Sign and supports shall be erected in conformance to DOT requirements and as specified herein. B. All damaged signs and reflective pavement markers and traffic stripes and markings shall be replaced in conformance with this Section and DOT requirements. - END OF SECTION - I 1306 - 9/16/05 02580 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements P SECTION 03305 CONCRETE AND GROUT PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all materials for concrete in accordance with the provisions of this Section and shall form, mix, place, cure, repair, finish, and do all other work as required to produce finished concrete, all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. B. The following types of concrete shall be covered in this Section: 1. Structure Concrete: Concrete to be used in all cases except where noted otherwise in Contract Documents. 2. Sitework Concrete: Concrete to be used for curbs, gutters, catch basins, sidewalks, cart paths, fence and guard post embedment, and all other concrete appurtenant to electrical facilities unless otherwise shown or noted on the Drawings. C. The following types of grout are covered in this Section: 1. Non -Shrink Grout: This type of grout shall be used wherever grout is called for in the Contract Documents, unless another type is specifically referenced. T 2. Epoxy Grout: This type of grout shall be used for grouting reinforcement steel into 6 existing concrete. 1.02 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of other requirements of these specifications, all work specified herein shall conform to or' exceed the requirements of the South Florida Building Code and the applicable requirements of the following documents to the extent that the provisions of such documents are not in conflict with the requirements of this Section. 1. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements of Reinforced Concrete. 2. CRSI - Manual of Standard Practice. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Mix Designs: Prior to beginning the Work, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the OWNER, for review, proposed concrete mix designs which shall show the proportions and gradations of all materials proposed for each class and type of concrete specified. 1306 - 6/17/05 03305 - 1 , McNab Road Water Main Improvements herein in accordance with Section 01300 - Submittals. all costs related to such mix T design shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR. B. Delivery Tickets: Where ready -mix concrete is used, the CONTRACTOR shall provide , weighmaster delivery tickets at the time of delivery of each load of concrete. Each certificate shall show the public weighmaster's signature, and the total quantities, by ' weight of cement, sand, each class of aggregate, admixtures, and the amounts of water in the aggregate and added at the batching plant as well as the amount of water K allowed to be added at the site for the specific design mix. Each certificate shall, in addition, state the mix number, total yield in cubic yards, and the time of day, to the nearest minute, corresponding to when the batch was dispatched, when it left the plant, when it arrived at the job, the time that unloading began, and the time that unloading was finished. C. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish shop bending diagrams, placing lists, and Drawings of all reinforcing steel prior to fabrication in accordance with the requirements of Section 01300 - Submittals. 9 A. Tests on component materials and,for compressive strength and shrinkage of concrete will be performed as specified herein. Test for determining slump will be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C 143. B. The cost of all laboratory tests on cement, aggregates, and concrete, will be borne by the OWNER. However, the CONTRACTOR shall be charged for the cost of any .additional tests and investigation on work performed which does not meet the specifications. C. Concrete for testing shall be supplied by the CONTRACTOR at no cost to the OWNER, and the CONTRACTOR shall provide assistance to the OWNER in obtaining samples. The CONTRACTOR shall dispose of and clean up all excess material. D. Field Compression Tests 1. Compression test specimens shall be taken during construction from the first placement of each class of concrete specified herein and at intervals thereafter as selected by the OWNER to ensure continued compliance with these specifications. At least one set of test specimens shall be made for each 50 yards of concrete placed. Each set of test specimens shall be a minimum of 4 cylinders. 2. Compression test specimens for concrete shall be. made in accordance with ASTM C 31. Specimens shall be 6-inch diameter by 12-inch high cylinders. 3. Compression tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM C 39. One test cylinder will be tested at 7 days and 2 at 28 days. The remaining cylinder will be held to verify test results, if needed. 1306 - 6/17/05 03305 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE MATERIALS F A. Materials shall be delivered, stored, and handled so as to prevent damage by water or breakage. Only one brand of cement shall be used. Cement reclaimed from. cleaning bags or leaking containers shall not be used. All cement shall be used in the sequence of receipt of shipments. B. . All materials furnished for the work shall comply with the requirements of ACI 301, as applicable. C. Storage of materials shall conform to the requirements of ACI 301. r D. Materials for concrete shall ,conform to the following requirements: 1. Cement shall be standard brand portland cement conforming to ASTM C 150. Type II. 2. Water shall be potable, clean, and free from objectionable quantities of silty organic matter, alkali, salts and other impurities. 3: Aggregates shall be obtained from pits acceptable to the OWNER, shall be non - reactive, and shall conform to the SFBC and ASTM C 33. Maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be as specified in Paragraph 2.05B. 4. Ready -mix concrete shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 94. 5. Air -entraining agent meeting the requirements of ASTM C 260, shall be used. Sufficient air -entraining agent shall be used to provide a total air content of 3 to 5 percent. The OWNER reserves .the right, at any time, to sample and test the air. entraining agent received on the job by the CONTRACTOR. The air -entraining agent shall be added to the batch in a portion; of the mixing water. The solution shall be batched by means of a,., mechanical batcher capable of accurate measurement. 6. Admixtures: Water reducing and retarding admixture shall be added and measured as recommended by the manufacturer. The addition of the admixture shall be separate from the air entraining admixture. The addition of the. admixture shall be completed within one minute after addition of water to the cement has been completed, or prior to the beginning of the last three-quarters of the required mixing,. whichever occurs first. Water reducing and set retarding admixtures. shall be in conformance with ASTM C 494, Type D. 2.02 CURING MATERIALS A.. Materials for curing concrete as specified herein shall be MB 429 as manufactured by Masterbuilders, or equal. The curing compound shall contain a fugitive dye so that areas of application will be readily distinguishable. F l 1306 - 6/17/05 03305 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 2.03 NON-WATERSTOP JOINT MATERIALS A. Materials for non-waterstop joints in concrete shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Preformed joint filler_ shall be a non -extruding, resilient, bituminous type conforming to the requirements of ASTM D 1751. 2. Elastomeric_ioint sealer shall be a single component, pour grade, polyurethane sealant meeting FS TT-S-230A, Type 1 Materials shall attain Shore A Hardness of 40-45. B. Joint Cleaner: Joint cleaner shall be as recommended by sealant caulking compound manufacturer. C. Joint Primer: Joint primer shall be as recommended by sealant manufacturer. 2.04 REINFORCING STEEL A. All reinforcing steel for all reinforced concrete construction shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Bar reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 615 for Grade 60 Billet Steel Reinforcement with supplementary requirement S-1, and shall be manufactured in the United States. 2. Welded wire, fabric reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 185. All welded wire fabric reinforcement shall be galvanized. 2.05 CONCRETE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. General: Concrete shall be composed of cement, admixtures, aggregates and water. These materials shall be of the quantities specified.. In general, the mix shall be designed to produce a concrete capable of being deposited so as to obtain maximum density and minimum shrinkage and, where deposited in forms, to have good consolidation properties and maximum smoothness of surface. All changes shall be subject to review by the OWNER. B, Water -Cement Ratio and Compressive Strength: The minimum compressive strength and cement content shall be not less than specified in the following tabulation. 1306 - 6/17/05 03305 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements N Min. 28-Day Max. Compressive Strength Aggregate Min. Max. Aggregate per cu yd Ratio Size Cement W/C Type of Work si in. sacks (by wt). Structural Concrete: All reinforced concrete unless 4,000 3/4 6.0 0.45 noted otherwise below (Class Ay Sitework Concrete: Concrete fill, pavement, curbs and 3,000 1 5.5 0.50 sidewalks. (Class B) Note: One sack of cement equals 94 Ibs 2.06 CONSISTENCY A. The consistency of the concrete in successive batches shall be determined by slump tests in accordance with ASTM C 143. The slumps shall be as 3 inches, plus or minus 1 inch. 2.07 READY -MIXED CONCRETE A. Ready -mixed concrete shall conform to meeting the requirements as to materials, hatching, mixing, transporting, and placing as specified herein and in accordance with ASTM C 94. B. Ready -mixed concrete shall be delivered to the site of the work, and discharge shall be completed within one and one half hour after the addition of the cement to the aggregates or before the drum has been revolved 250 revolutions, whichever is first. In hot weather, or under conditions contributing to quick stiffening of the concrete, or when the temperature of the concrete is 85 degrees F or above, the time between the r introduction of the cement to the aggregates and discharge shall not exceed 60 minutes. 2.08 NON -SHRINK GROUT A. Non -shrink grout shall be a prepackaged, inorganic, nongasliberating, nonmetallic, cement -based grout requiring only the addition of. water. Manufacturer's instructions shall be printed on each bag or other container in which the materials are packaged. The specific formulation for each class of non -shrink grout specified herein shall be that recommended by the manufacturer for the particular application. B. Non -shrink grouts shall have a.minimum 28 day compressive strength of 5000 psi and shall meet the requirements of CRD C 621. 2.09 EPDXY GROUT 1306 - 6/17/05 03305 - 5 McNab Road Water Main Improvements f A. Epoxy grout shall be a pourable,. non -shrink, 100 percent solids system. The epoxy grout system shall have three components: resin, hardener, and specially blended aggregate, all premeasured and prepackaged. The resin component shall not contain any nonreactive diluents. Resins contained butyl glycidyl ether (BGE) or other highly volatile and hazardous reactive diluents are not acceptable. Variation of component ratios is not permitted unless specifically recommended by the manufacturer. Manufacturer's instructions shall be printed on each container in which the materials are packaged. B. The chemical formulation of the epoxy grout shall be that recommended by the manufacturer for the particular application. C. The mixed epoxy grout system shall have a minimum working life of 45 minutes at 75 degrees F. D. The epoxy grout shall develop a compressive strength of 5000 psi in 24 hours and 10,000 psi in seven days when tested in accordance with ASTM C 579, Method B. There shall be no shrinkage (0.0 percent) and a maximum 4.0 percent expansion when tested in accordance with ASTM C 827. 2.10 PLOWABLE FILL A. Flowable fill shall be lean concrete proportioned without the use of coarse aggregate primarily for use as fill for abandoned utilities. Flowable fill shall be utilized only at locations indicated on the Drawings. B. Flowable fill shall meet the following requirements: 1. Minimum cementitious materials content, per cubic yard 2. Maximum water-cementitious materials ratio, by weight 3. Slump, maximum 4. Compressive .strength lbs. per sq. inch at 28 days - F'c 5. Coarse aggregate 6. Fine aggregate PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 PROPORTIONING AND MIXING 100 lbs. 5.0. 30+5 50-150 psi none limestone screenings yfr A. Proportioning: Proportioning of the concrete mix shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 3 "Proportioning" of ACI 301. B. Mixing: Mixing of concrete shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 7 of said ACI 301 Specifications. C. Slump: Maximum slumps shall be 4 inches, plus or minus 1 inch. 1306 - 6/17/05 03305 - 6 McNab Road Water Main Improvements I A D. Retemperina: Retempenng of concrete or mortar which has partially hardened will not be permitted. r 3.02 PREPARATION OF SURFACES FOR CONCRETING A. General: Earth surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted by sprinkling, prior to the placing of any concrete, and thesesurfaces shall be kept moist by frequent sprinkling up to the time of placing concrete thereon. The surface shall be free from standing water, mud, and debris at the time of placing cement. B. No concrete shall be placed until the reinforcement steel and formwork have been erected in a manner acceptable to the OWNER. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the OWNER not less than 2 working days prior to concrete placement, allowing for. inspection and any corrective measures which are required. C. Existing concrete surfaces upon or against which concrete is to be placed shall be given a roughened surface for good bond. Joint surfaces shall be cleaned of all laitance, loose or defective concrete, and foreign material. Such cleaning shall be accomplished by sandblasting followed by thorough washing. All pools of water shall be removed from the surface of construction joints before the new concrete is placed. D. Corrosion Protection: Pipe, conduit, dowels, and other ferrous items required to be embedded in concrete construction shall be so positioned and supported prior to placement of concrete that there will be a minimum of 2 inches clearance between said items and any part of the concrete reinforcement will not be permitted. E. Cleaning: The surfaces of all metalwork to be in contact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, grease, loose scale and rust, grout, mortar, and other foreign substances immediately before the concrete is placed. 3.03 HANDLING, TRANSPORTATION, AND PLACING A. General: Placing of concrete. shall conform to the applicable requirements of Chapter 8 of ACI 301 and the requirements" of this Section. B. Non -Conforming Work or Materials: Concrete which upon or before placing is found not to conform to the requirements specified herein shall be rejected and immediately removed from the Work. Concrete which is not placed in accordance with these Specifications, or which is of inferior quality, shall be removed and replaced by and at the expense of the CONTRACTOR. C :: Un eauthorized d- resentative,NO.:cQ ete-ahall� be,.p.laced except.in ,the.:presence.of duly p of the OWNER. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the OWNER in writing at least 24 hours in advance of placement of any concrete. D. Placement in Slabs: Concrete placed in sloping slabs shall proceed uniformly from the bottom of the slab to the top, for the full width of the pour. As the work progresses, the concrete shall be vibrated and carefully worked around the slab reinforcement, and the surface of the slab shall be screeded in an up -slope direction. 1306 - 6/17/05 03305 - 7 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 3.04 FINISHING CONCRETE SURFACES A. General: Surfaces shall be free from fins, bulges, ridges, offsets, honeycombing, or roughness of any kind, and shall present a finished, smooth, continuous hard surface. Allowable deviations from plumb or level and from the alignment, profiles, and dimensions shown on the Drawings are defined as tolerances and are specified herein. These tolerances are to be distinguished from :irregularities in finish as described herein. ° B. Unformed Surfaces: After proper and adequate vibration and tamping, all unformed top surfaces of slabs and curbs shall be brought to a uniform surface with suitable tools. C. Slabs shall receive a steel trowel finish without local depressions or high points. In addition, the surface shall be given a light heirbroom finish with brooming perpendicular to drainage unless otherwise shown. 'The resulting surface shall be rough enough to provide a nonskid finish. rc�����1�L"�1►CH:.1►1�7 �7s1 � I»:Z�I*]�1►C�' A. All concrete shall be cured for not less than 14 days after placing, in accordance with the methods specified herein for the different parts of the work, and described in detail in the following paragraphs. B. The surface shall be sprayed with al liquid curing compound. It shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions at a maximum coverage rate of 200 square feet per gallon and in such a manner as to cover the surface with a uniform film which will seal thoroughly. C. Care shall be exercised to avoid damage to the seal during the curing period. Should the seal. be damaged. or broken. before. the expiration of ,the curing period, the break. shall be repaired immediately by the application of additional curing compound over the damaged portion. D. Wherever curing compound may have been applied by mistake to faces against which concrete subsequently is to be placed and to which it is to adhere, said compound shall be entirely removed by wet sandblasting just prior to the placing of new concrete. E. Curing compound shall be applied as soon as the concrete has hardened enough to prevent marring on uniformed surfaces, and within 2 hours after removal of forms from contact with formed surfaces. Repairs required to be made to formed surfaces shall be rd:aNlthirt.,the,.rill:-o�ar:pelrold prvidsdhove,.att.,ar..ucti:e.pai which cannot be 'made Within the said 2-hour period shall be" delayed until after the curing compound has been applied. When repairs are to be made to an area on which curing compound has been applied, the area involved shall first be wet -sandblasted to remove the curing compound, following which repairs shall be made as provided herein. 1306 - 6/17/05 03305 - 8 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 3.06 PROTECTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect all concrete against injury until final acceptance by the OWNER. Fresh concrete shall be protected from damage due to rain. The CONTRACTOR shall provide such protection while the concrete is still plastic and whenever such precipitation is imminent or occurring. 3.07 TREATMENT OF SURFACE DEFECTS A. As soon as forms are removed, all exposed surfaces shall be carefully examined and any irregularities shall be immediately rubbed or ground in a satisfactory manner in order to secure a smooth, uniform, and continuous surface. Plaster or coat surfaces to secure a smooth, uniform, and continuous surface, Plastering or coating of surfaces to be smoothed will not be permitted. No repairs shall be made until after inspection by the OWNER., In.. no case will extensive patching of honeycombed concrete be permitted. Concrete containing minor voids, holes, honeycombing, or similar depression defects shall have them repaired as specified herein. Concrete containing extensive voids, holes, honeycombing, or similar depression defects, shall be completely removed and replaced. All repairs and replacements herein specified shall be promptly executed by the CONTRACTOR at its own expense. 3.08 CARE AND REPAIR OF CONCRETE A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect all concrete against injury or damage.from excessive heat, lack of moisture, overstress, or any other cause until final acceptance by the OWNER. Particular care shall be taken to prevent the drying of concrete and to avoid roughening or otherwise damaging the surface. Any concrete found to be damaged, or which may have been originally defective, or which becomes defective at any time prior to the final acceptance of the completed work, or which departs from the established line or grade, or which, for any other reason, does not conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents, shall be satisfactorily repaired or removed and replaced with the acceptable concrete at the CONTRACTOR's expense. 3.09 FABRICATION OFLF EINFORCING STEEL. A. Reinforcing steel shall be accurately formed to the dimensions and shapes shown on the Drawings, and the fabricating details shall be prepared in accordance with ACI 315 and ACI 318, except as modified by the Drawings. 3.10 PLACING REINFORCING STEEL -A. Reinforcing_ steershall_be accurately positioned as: -shown -on --the Drawings, and -shalt-_. _.. be supported and wired together to prevent displacement, using annealed iron wire ties or suitable clips at intersections. All reinforcing steel shall be supported by concrete, plastic or metal supports, spacers or metal hangers 'which are strong and rigid enough to prevent any displacement of the reinforcing steel. Where concrete is to be placed on the ground, supporting concrete blocks (or dobies) shall be used, in sufficient ` numbers to support the bars without settlement, but in no case shall such support be continuous. All concrete blocks used to support reinforcing steel shall be tied to the 1306 6/17/05 03305 - 9 McNab Road Water Main Improvements steel with wire ties which are embedded in the blocks. For concrete over formwork, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish concrete, metal, plastic, or other acceptable bar chairs and spacers. 3.11 CLEANING AND PROTECTION OF REINFORCING STEEL A. Reinforcing steel shall at all times -be protected from conditions conducive to corrosion until concrete is placed around it. B. The surfaces of all reinforcing steel and other metalwork to be contact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, grease, loose scale and rust, grout, mortar, and other foreign substances immediately before the concrete is placed. Where there is a delay in depositing concrete, reinforcing shall be reinspected and, if necessary recleaned. 3.12 GENERAL A. All surface preparation, curing, and protection of cement grout shall be as specified herein. The finish of the grout surface shall match that of the adjacent concrete. B. The CONTRACTOR through the manufacturer of nonshrink grout and epoxy grout shall provide on -site technical assistance upon request, at no additional cost to the OWNER. C. All mixing, surface preparation, handling, placing, consolidation, and other means of execution for prepackaged grouts shall be done according to the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer. D. Grout shall be placed in such a manner, for the consistency necessary for each application, so as to assure that the space to be grouted is completely filled. 1306 - 6/17/05 END. - OF SECTION - 03305 -10 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 15000 PIPING, GENERAL PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install all piping systems shown and specified, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Each system shall be complete with all necessary fittings, supports, anchors, expansion. joints, flexible connectors, valves, accessories, lining and coating, testing, excavation, backfill and encasement, to provide a functional installation. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Excavation and backfill for utilities. B. Pipeline testing and disinfection. 1,03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS; CODES AND STANDARDS A. Commercial Standards: ANSI/ASME 131.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purpose (inch). ANSI B16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125. ANSI B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Steel Nickel Alloy and other Special Alloys. ANSI/AWWA L115/A21.15 Flanged Ductile Iron Pipe with Threaded Flanges. Steel Pipe Flanges for Water Works Service, Sizes 4 in. through 144 in. ANSI/AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code. ASTM A 307 Specification for Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners. r ASTM D 2000 Classification System for Rubber Products in Automotive ` .............. Applications. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit complete shop drawings and certificates, test reports, affidavits of compliance, of all piping systems, in accordance with the requirements in Section 01300, "Submittals", and as specified in the individual piping sections. 1306 - 7/11/05 15000 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements B. Each shop drawing submittal shall be complete in all aspects, incorporating all information and data listed herein and all additional information required to evaluate the proposed piping material's compliance with the Contract Documents. Partial or incomplete submissions will be returned to the CONTRACTOR without review. C. Data to be submitted shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Catalog Data consisting of specifications, service, pipe size, working pressure, wall thickness, lining, coating, illustrations and a parts schedule that identifies the materials to be used for the various piping components and accessories. The illustrations shall be in sufficient detail to serve as a guide for assembly and disassembly. 2. Weight of all component parts. 3. Design calculations where specified. D. Certifications: Prior to installation, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish an Affidavit of Compliance certified by the pipe manufacturer that the, pipe, fittings and specials furnished under this Contract comply with all applicable provisions of AWWA and these specifications. No pipe or fittings will be accepted for use in the Work on this project until the affidavits have been submitted and accepted in accordance with Section 01300, "Submittals". E. All expenses incurred in making samples for certification of tests shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. General: All pipe shall be subject to review at the place of manufacture. During the manufacture of the pipe, the ENGINEER shall be given access to all areas where manufacturing is in progress, and shall be permitted to make all inspections necessary to confirm compliance with the Specifications. B. Tests: Except where otherwise specified, all materials used in the manufacture of the pipe shall be tested in accordance with the applicable Specifications and Standards. C. Welding Reguirements: All welding procedures used to fabricate pipe shall be prequalified under the provisions of ANSI/AWS D1.1. Welding procedures shall be required for, but not necessarily limited to, longitudinal and girth or spiral welds for pipe cylinders, spigot and bell ring attachments, reinforcing plates and ring flange welds, and plates for lug connections. 1:06:.---- MANUPAC-TURER"S SERVICE-REPRES-ENTKTI'VE A. Where the assistance of a manufacturer's service representative is advisable, in order to obtain correct pipe joints, supports, or special connections, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish such assistance at no additional cost to the Owner. 1306 - 7/11/05 15000 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 1.07 SHIPPING, HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Special care in handling shall be exercised during delivery, distribution and storage of pipe to avoid damage and setting yap stresses. Damaged pipe will be rejected and shall be replaced at the CONTRACTOR's expense. Pipe and specials stored prior to use shall be stored in such a manner as to keep the interior free from dirt and foreign matter. B. No pipe shall be dropped from cars or trucks to the ground. All pipe shall be carefully lowered to the ground by mechanical means. In shipping, pipe and fittings shall be blocked in such manner as to prevent damage to castings or lining. Any broken or chipped lining shall be carefully patched. Where it is impossible to repair broken or damaged lining in pipe because of its size, the pipe shall be rejected as unfit for use. r C. All mechanical joint pipe shall be laid with 1/8-inch space between the spigot and shoulder of pocket. 1.08 CLEANUP , . . A. After completion of the work, all remaining pipe cuttings, joining and wrapping materials, and other scattered debris, shall be removed from the site. The entire piping system shall be handed over in a clean and functional condition. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. All pipes, fittings, and appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the applicable Sections of Division 2 and furnished as specified herein. B. Pressure Rating: All piping systems shall have pressure ratings as identified in the individual piping sections of the Specifications. 2.02 SLEEVE -TYPE COUPLINGS r A. Solid Sleeves: Solid sleeves shall be ductile iron, have a pressure rating of 250 psi and ` conform to ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10. Solid sleeves shall be used as required to join r two plain end pieces of pipe. 2.03 PIPE THREADS A. All pipe threads shall be in accordance with ANSI/ASME 81.20. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL 1 A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, tools, materials, and equipment necessary for installation and jointing of the pipe. All piping shall be installed in accordance with the Drawings in a neat workmanlike manner and shall be set for accurate line and elevation. 1306 - 7/11/05 15000 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements All piping shall be thoroughly cleaned before installation, and care shall be taken to keep the piping clean throughout the installation. B. Piping shall be attached to valves, etc., in accordance with the respective manufacturers' recommendations. 3.02 LAYING PIPE A. Proper and suitable tools and appliances for the safe convenient handling and laying of pipe shall be used and shall, in general, agree with manufacturer's recommendations. At the time of laying, the pipe shall be examined carefully for defects, and should any pipe be discovered to be defective after being laid, it shall be removed and replaced with sound pipe by the CONTRACTOR at his expense. B. The CONTRACTOR shall perform all earthwork including excavation, backfill, bedding, compaction, sheeting, shoring and bracing, dewatering and grading in accordance with Division 2 "Sitework." C. Upon satisfactory excavation of the pipe trench and completion of the pipe bedding, a continuous trough for the pipe barrel and recesses for the pipe bells, or couplings, shall be excavated by hand digging. When the pipe is laid in the prepared trench, true to line and grade, the pipe barrel shall. receive continuous, uniform support and no pressure shall be exerted on the pipe joints from the trench bottom. D. Pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. Before being lowered into the trench, the pipes and accessories shall be carefully examined and the interior of the pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matter and other acceptable methods. At the close of each work day and during suspension of work for any reason at any time, a suitable stopper shall be placed in the end of the pipe last laid to prevent mud or other foreign material from entering the pipe. E. Lines shall be laid straight and depth of cover shall be maintained uniform with respect to finish grade, whether grading is completed or proposed at time of pipe installation. Where a grade or slope is shown on the Drawings, the CONTRACTOR shall use laser based surveying instruments to maintain alignment and grade. At least one elevation shot shall be taken on each length of pipe and recorded. No abrupt changes in direction or grade will be allowed. F. All underground piping shall be properly restrained at all fittings where the pipeline changes direction, changes size, or ends, using restrained joint pipe. 3.03 THREADED JOINTS A. -AIl -threads--shalFbe---clean;--machine.cut--and-alFpipe- shall -be reamed -before erection: Taps and dies shall be cleaned, sharpened and in good condition. All threaded joints shall be made tight with teflon tape. B. After having been set up, a joint shall not be backed off unless the joint is broken, the threads cleaned and new tape is applied. 1306 - 7/11/05 15000 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 3.04 THRUST RESTRAINT A. Restrained joints shall be located at valves, changes in direction of piping, and major branch connections. B. On all piping, where sleeve type couplings and flanged adapters are located near fittings or valves, tie rods shall span across the coupling as specified herein to restrain movements of the pipe along its axial direction. Such restraints can be deleted if both ends of the pipe are anchored in a concrete structure with no fitting or valve occurring within the span length, in the sriction piping to a pump where the coupling is between the pump and valve, or when the water pressure measured at the crown of the pipe is less than five feet. C. All buried tie rods and associated hardware shall be 316 stainless steel. D. In general, all valves and fittings shall be restrained in an acceptable manner such that the unbalanced force developed at them shall be supported independent of the piping system. 3.05 TESTING A. Field testing of pipelines shall conform to the requirements of Section 15995 - Pipeline Testing and Disinfection. - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 7/11/05 15000 - 5 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 15006 DUCTILE IRON PIPE PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install ductile iron pipe and all appurtenant Work, complete in. place, all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. All pipe and fittings shall be push -on or restrained joint pipe. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Piping, General. Ei. Pipeline Testing and Disinfection 1.03 REFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Commercial Standards: ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.5 Cement -Mortar. Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings 'for Water ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 Ductile -Iron and Gray -Iron Fittings 3-inch through 48- inches For Water and Other Liquids ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 Rubber -Gasket Joints for Ductile -Iron and Gray -Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 Thickness Design of Ductile -Iron Pipe ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 Ductile -Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast in Metal Molds or - Sand -Lined Molds, for Water or other Liquids ANSI/AWWA C600 Installation of Ductile -Iron Water Mains and Appurtenances SSPC - PA2 Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness with Magnetic Gages ....... A. Sho _Drawings: The CONTRACTOR shall submit Shop Drawings of pipe and fittings in accordance with the requirements in Sections 15000, "Piping, General", and 01300, "Submittals". 1306 - 9/16/05 15006 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL. A. All ductile iron pipe shall conform to the requirements of ANSI/AWWA Standard C151/A21.51. The wall thickness and outside diameter of the pipe shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 Table 50.15. Special thickness classes of Ductile Iron Pipe Thickness shall be as follows: Size 6-inch - 16-inch Pressure Class 350 psi B. Each pipe shall be cast with the year of manufacture, the class and the letters "DI" for ductile iron. 2.02 FITTINGS A. Fittings for use with the ductile iron pipe specified herein, shall be ductile iron. Cast ductile -iron fittings shall be pressure rated at 250 psi, minimum. All fittings with mechanical joints, flange joints and push -on joints shall conform to AWWA/ANSI Standard C110/A21.10-93. In addition, fittings with mechanical joints and push -on joints shall conform to ANSI/AWWA Standard C111/A21.11. PX11CMLe71►11K A. All pressurized ductile iron pipe and fittings for use below grade shall have push -on or restrained joints as indicated on the Drawings. B. All ductile iron pipe and fittings shall have rubber gaskets in conformance with ANSI/AWWA Standard C111/A21.11. 2.04 THRUST RESTRAINED JOINTS A. Restrained Push -On Joint: Joints for ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be TR-FLEX as manufactured by U.S. Pipe and Foundry, Flex -Ring by the American Ductile Iron Pipe Co., or equal. The restraining components, when not cast integrally with the pipe and fittings, shall be ductile iron or a high strength noncorrosive alloy steel. Tee head bolts and hexagonal nuts for all restrained joints in pipe and fittings shall be of high strength cast iron with composition, dimensions and threading as specified in ANSI/AWWA Standard C111/A21.11, except that the length of the bolts shall meet the requirements for the restrained joint design. B. The gasket and joint accessories shall be shipped in suitable protective . containers. protective Each restrained joint and the pipe and fitting of which it is a part, shall be designed to withstand the axial thrust from an internal pipeline pressure of at least 250 psi at bulkhead conditions without reduction because of its position in the pipeline nor from support by external thrust blocks. Restrained joint pipe and fittings shall be capable of being deflected after assembly. 1306 - 9/16105 . 15006 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements C. Restrained Mechanical Joint Pipe: Mechanical joints shall be restrained with Megalug Series 1100 as manufactured by Ebba Iron, Inc., or equal. Restrained mechanical joint pipe shall only be used to restrain valves and in special cases when requested by the CONTRACTOR and acceptable to the Engineer. 2.05 PIPE LINING. A. General: All ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be smooth cement -lined followed by .a bituminous seal coat in accordance with AWWA C104/ANSI A21.4. Special attention shall be given to the lining of fittings. Linings shall be applied to bare metal. All lining shall extend to the faces of flanges, to the end of spigots, or to the shoulder of hubs, as the case maybe. 2.06 EXTERIOR COATING A. An asphaltic coating shall be applied to the exterior of all ductile iron pipe and fittings intended for buried service and shall conform to ANSI A21.51. 2.07 PIPE IDENTIFICATION TAPE A. All pipe shall have continuous ,identification tape located 18-inches above the pipe. The tape shall be 3 inches in width and read "Caution -- Water" with blue coloring or "Caution — Sewer" with green coloring as appropriate for type of service. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Unless otherwise directed, ductile iron pipe shall be laid with the bell ends in the direction of laying. _ B. Thrust restrained and mechanical joints. shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's standards except as otherwise specified herein. Joints between mechanical joint pipe and/or fittings shall be made in accordance with., ANSI/AWWA Standard C600, except that deflection at joints shall not exceed one-half of the manufacturer's recommended allowable deflection, or one-half of the allowable deflection specified in ANSI/AWWA C600, whichever is the lesser amount. C. Before laying thrust restrained and mechanical joint pipe and fittings, all lumps, blisters and excess bituminous coating shall be removed from the bell and spigot -ends. The outside of each spigot and the inside of each bell shall be wire brushed, and wiped clean and dry. The entire gasket groove area shall be free of bumps or any foreign matter which might dis _�ke�n ota ed�fg. nd_gaslsetsl_ial _noiba allowed -to ... r touch the trench walls or trench bottom at any time. Vegetable soap lubricant shall be applied in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations, to aid in making the joint. The workmen shall exercise caution to prevent damage to the gasket or the adherence of grease or particles of sand or dirt. Deflections shall only be made after the joint has been assembled. 1306 - 9/16/05 15006 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements D. Prior to making up flanged joints in ductile iron pipe and fittings, the back of each flange under the bolt heads and the face of each flange shall have all lumps, blisters and excess bituminous coating removed and shall be wire brushed and wiped clean and dry. Flange faces shall be kept clean and dry when making up the joint, and the workmen shall exercise caution to prevent damage to the gasket or the adherence of grease or particles of sand or dirt. Bolts and nuts shall be tightened by opposites in order to keep flange faces square with each other, and to insure that bolt stresses are evenly distributed. E. Bolts and nuts in thrust restrained, mechanical and flanged joints shall be tightened in accordance with the recommendations of the pipe manufacturer for a leak -free joint. The mechanics shall exercise caution to prevent overstress. Torque wrenches shall be used until, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, the mechanics have become accustomed to the proper amount of pressure to apply on standard wrenches. F. Cutting .of the ductile iron pipe for inserting valves, fittings, etc., shall be done by the CONTRACTOR in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe, the lining, or the coating. After cutting the pipe, the plain end shall be beveled with a heavy file or grinder to remove all sharp edges. G. Areas of loose or damaged lining associated with field cutting shall be repaired or replaced as recommended by the pipe manufacturer and required by the ENGINEER. Repair methods shall be as recommended by the manufacturer and shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for review. H. Any work within the pipe shall be performed with care to prevent damage to the lining. No cable, lifting arms or other devices shall be inserted into the pipe. All lifting, pulling or pushing mechanisms shall be applied to the exterior of the pipe barrel. I. Homing the pipe shall be accomplished by the use of a hydraulic or mechanical pulling device, unless otherwise accepted by the ENGINEER. No pipe shall be driven or struck in order to seat it home. J. Cleaning methods shall be acceptable to the ENGINEER, and must be sufficient to remove silt, rocks, or other debris which may have entered the pipeline during its installation and shall also follow the requirements of Section 15995, "Pipeline Testing and Disinfection". K. All tapping for service connection shall be provided with service saddles as specified in Section 15115, "Miscellaneous Valves". L. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the necessary sand, equipment, and hoses for filling the annular space in the PVC sleeve with sand. Sand shall be conveyed by air through hoose and deposited by air ressure in its final sitio „po_n,.. The sand shall ,be free of lumps to -flow unimpeded and to completely fill all voids. In general, sand backfill will be considered complete when no more sand can be forced into the annular space between the bulkheads. The CONTRACTOR shall protect the interior surface of the PVC sleeve from damage. . END OF SECTION - 1306 - 9/16/05 15006 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 15100 VALVES, GENERAL. PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The Contractor shall provide all tools, supplies, materials, equipment, and labor necessary for furnishing, epoxy coating, installing, adjusting, and testing of all valves and appurtenant work, complete and operable, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Where buried valves are shown, the Contractor shall furnish and install valve boxes to grade, with covers, extensions, and position indicators. B. The provisions of this Section shall apply to all valves and valve dplE rators specified in the various Sections of these Specifications except where otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. Valves and operators in particular locations may require a combination of units, sensors, limit switches, and controls specified in other sections of these Specifications. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Pipe, fittings and valves. ` 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS r A. Commercial Standards: ANSI B16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 25, 125, 250, and 800. 4 ANSI B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Steel Nickel Alloy and Other Special Alloys. ` ANSI B16.21 Nonmetalic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges r ANSI B18.21 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws - Inch Series ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 General Purpose Pipe Threads (Inch). ASTM A 48 Specification for Gray Iron Castings. - d ASTM A 126 Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, an p g ASTM A 536 Specification for Ductile Iron Castings. ` ASTM B 62 Specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings. 1306 - 6/17/05 15100 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements J ASTM B 584 Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications. AWWA C550 Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants. IKiml 1113IT, II lwT A. Shop Drawing: Shop drawings of all valves and operators shall be furnished as specified in Section 01300, "Submittals". 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Valve Testing: Unless otherwise specified, each valve body shall be tested under a test pressure equal to twice its design water -working pressure. B. Bronze Parts: Unless otherwise specified, all interior bronze parts of valves shall conform to the requirements of ASTM B 62, or, where not subject to dezincification, to ASTM B 584. PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 2.01 VALVES A. The Contractor shall furnish all valves, stem extensions, and other accessories as shown or specified. All valves shall be new and of current manufacture. All valves shall have a minimum design pressure rating of 150 psi and capable of a test pressure of 3.00 psi. For service applications with pressures in excess of 150 psi, valves shall have a minimum pressure. rating in excess of the service application working pressure. B. Cast iron parts of valves shall meet the requirements of ASTM A 126, "Standard Specification's for Grey Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges and Pipe Fittings, Class 'B"'. Flanged ends shall be flat -faced and have bolt circle and bolt patterns conforming to ANSI B16.1 Class 125 unless otherwise specified hereinafter. C. All castings shall be clean and sound, without defects of any kind and no plugging, welding or repairing of defects will be permitted. All bolt heads and nuts shall be hexagonal conforming to ANSI B18.2.1. Gaskets shall be full face and made of natural or synthetic elastomers in conformance with ANSI B16.21 suitable for the service characteristics, especially chemical compatibility and temperature. Nonferrous alloys of various types shall be used for parts of valves as specified. Where no definite specification is given, the material shall be the recognized acceptable standard for that particular application. D -,,,.All-..buried -valves-shall .be provided vwith.cast-Iron .valve -boxes... unless -otherwise -indicated. The boxes shall be asphalt varnished, or enameled cast iron, adjustable to grade, and installed perpendicularly, centered around and covering the upper portions of the valve or valve operator, or the pipe. The top of each valve box shall be placed flush with finish grade unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. Valve boxes shall be as specified elsewhere in this Section. 1306 6/17/05 15100 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements 2.02 PROTECTIVE COATING A. Except where otherwise specified, ferrous surfaces, exclusive of stainless steel surfaces, in the water passages of all valves 4 inch and larger, as well as the exterior surfaces of all submerged valves, shall receive a fusion -bonded epoxy coating in accordance with AWWA C550. Flange faces of valves shall not be epoxy coated. The Contractor, through the valve manufacturer, shall certify in writing that such coating has been applied and tested in the manufacturing plant prior to shipment, in, accordance with these Specifications. 2.03 VALVE OPERATORS A. All operators, unless otherwise specified, shall turn counter -clockwise to open. Buried valves shall have extensions with square nuts unless otherwise shown or specified, valves of sizes 4 inch and larger shall have gear -assisted operators. 2.04 VALVE BOXES A. Valve boxes shall be of the adjustable telescope type, cast iron, suitable to withstand heavy traffic. They shall be Model No. F-2452, as manufactured by James B. Clow & Sons, Mueller or equal. The covers shall be marked "WATER". Bases shall be the round type. Boxes shall be coated with asphalt. PART 3 -- EXECUTION 3.01 VALVE INSTALLATION A. General: All valves, stem extensions, valve boxes, and accessories shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions and as shown and specified. - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 6/17105 15100 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 15108 GATE VALVES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install gate valves, complete and operable, as shown and specified herein, including manual, electric, hydraulic, and pneumatic operators, epoxy coating, control units, and appurtenant work, all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Valves, General. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. All buried valves shall be of the inside screw type. Valves shall be capable of being repacked under line pressure and shall have two inch square nut operators. All ferrous surfaces of the valves, 4-inch and larger, which will be in contact with water shall receive a fusion -bonded epoxy coating conforming to AWWA C550. 2.02 DUCTILE IRON RESILIENT WEDGE GATE VALVES (4-INCH TO 16-INCH) A. Resilient seat valves shall comply with AWWA Standard C-509, and shall have a minimum pressure rating of 260 psi. B. Valves shall be resilient wedge type. Valve body, bonnet and- wedge shall be constructed of ductile iron. The exterior of the ductile Iron wedge shall be encapsulated with nitrile rubber. C. . The wedge shall be symmetrical and seal equally well with flow in either direction. There shall be no exposed metal seams, edges or screws within the waterway. k D. The stem shall be bronze in full compliance with Section 4.7 of AWWA C509. P E. Wrench nut shall be constructed of ductile iron. Wrench nut shall have four flats at _.. _stem :..... _ _... -- = operating p _ _� _ .._... connection to assure even distribution of m ut for ue to the stem. .777777= F. All body -to -bonnet and bonnet -to -cover seals shall be O-rings. G. Stem shall be sealed by three 0-rings. The top two O-rings shall be replaceable with valve fully open and while subject to full rated working pressure. H. Valve shall have thrust washers located above and below thrust collar to assure easy operation of the .valve. 1306 - 9/16/05 15108 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements r r b PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS —WATER LINES A. All test equipment, temporary valves or bulkheads, or other water control equipment and materials shall be determined and furnished by the CONTRACTOR subject to the ENGINEER's review. No materials .shall be used which would be injurious to the , construction or its future function. 2.02 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS — SEWER LINES A. Lamping: The CONTRACTOR shall supply all ladders, lamps and personnel to complete test as directed by ENGINEER. B. Air Test: Sewer plugs, air compressor, and air test controls shall be determined and r supplied by the CONTRACTOR, subject to the ENGINEER's review. W PART 3 - EXECUTION ` T 3.01 GENERAL A. All pressure pipelines shall be tested in accordance with ASNI/AWWA C600. All testing operations shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER. 3.02 HYDROSTATIC TESTING AND DISINFECTION OF POTABLE WATER PIPELINES A. Water Service: Prior to hydrostatic testing, all pipelines shall be cleaned with a polly pig cleaning system. The CONTRACTOR shall test all pipelines either in sections or as a unit. The test shall be made by closing valves when available, or by placing temporary bulkheads in the pipe and, filling the line slowly with water. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ascertaining that all test bulkheads are suitably restrained to resist the thrust of the test pressure without damage to, or movement of, the adjacent pipe. No section of the pipeline shall be tested until all field -placed concrete or mortar have attained an age of 14 days. Care shall be taken to see that all air vents are open during filling. B. The pipeline shall be filled at a rate which will not cause any surges or exceed the rate at which the air can be released through the air valves at a reasonable velocity and all the air within the pipeline shall be properly purged. After the pipeline or section thereof has been filled, it shall be allowed to stand under a slight pressure for at least 24 hours to allow, -th"oncrete-lor-mortar-.lining,: as --applicable; .to-- absorb..what--water it-.witl -and-to allow the escape of air from any air pockets. During this period, bulkheads, valves, and connections shall be examined for leaks. If leaks are found, corrective measures satisfactory to the ENGINEER shall be taken. C. The hydrostatic test shall consist of holding the test pressure on the pipeline for a period ; of 2 hours. The pipeline can be tested in 1500 foot sections maximum. The test pressure for water mains shall be at 150 psi, measured at the lowest point of the pipeline d 1306 - 9/16/05 15995 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 15115 MISCELLANEOUS VALVES r PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and install miscellaneous valves as shown and as specified herein, complete and operable including accessories and, where designated, operators, all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. , 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Valves, General. 1.03 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS,. -CODES AND STANDARDS r A. Commercial Standards: ANSI/AWWA C500 Standard for Gate Valves, for Water and Sewage Systems AWWA C600 Standard for Installation of Ductile -Iron Water Mains and their appurtenances ASTM A 123 Specification for Zinc (Hot -Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and i Steel products ASTM A 385 Practice for providing High -Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot -Dip) ASTM A 395 Specification for Ferritic Ductile Iron Pressure -Retaining Castings for Use at Elevated Temperatures ASTM A 536 T Specification for Ductile Iron P Castings PART 2 -- PRODUCTS 1 2.01 TAPPING VALVES, SLEEVES, AND SERVICE SADDLES L A. Tapping„ Valve: Tapping valves 4 inches and larger shall comply with AWWA Standard C-509 and shall have the following design standards plus the valve port shall be free and full to allow clutter passage without interference. B. r All valves are to be iron body, -bronze mounted, double disc, nonrising stem, parallel seat type, opening left (counter clockwise). Non geared valves shall be furnished with j "O" ring packing (two "O" rings). The operating mechanism shall be for buried service r with a 2-inch square operating nut. C. The disc mechanism shall be designed so that the seating pressure is applied equally at four separate contact points near the outer edge of each disc or in the case of fully r d 1306 - 7/11/05 15115 -1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements -revolving disc valves. This shall be accomplished by two flat rectangular contact strips producing an equivalent effect. The upper contact strip shall be faced with stainless steel. D. —TaPi2ing Sleeve: Cast iron tapping sleeves shall be of the mechanical joint type having a flat faced cast iron flange, -recessed for a tapping valve. All end and side gaskets shall be totally confined. The throat section of tapping sleeves through 12-inch size shall conform to MSS-SP60. Test plug shall be provided on the outlet throat. E. Tapping sleeves shall be provided complete with all necessary bolts and nuts to joint or connect the two halves of the sleeve together. Bolts and nuts shall be standard steel square of hex head bolts and nuts which have been hot dip galvanized or the same as for the tapping valve as specified herein above. P. The tapping valve and sleeve shall be as manufactured by Mueller Co., American, or equal. 2.02 SERVICE SADDLES A. Double strap service saddles shall be constructed to ductile iron bodies conforming to ASTM-A536 with nitrile rubber gaskets compounded for water and sewer service. The straps shall be Type 304 stainless steel with curvature accurately designed to fit pipe and shall have 2-inch "CC" or "Mueller" threaded outlet. Casting shall be coated with fusion bonded black nylon. Gaskets shall be self-sealing Buna-N. Tapping saddles shall be Smith Blair 317 or equal. I+AI+k�6111:1 1&1 11+10 A. Curb Stops shall be of the ball valve. type. These valves shall be of cast red brass containing copper, tin, lead and zinc. The ball shall be teflon coated brass and shall be held in position by and seal off against seats of Buna-N rubber that are held securely in place with epoxy adhesive. Valves shall be water -tight against flow in either direction. The waterways shall be no smaller than the normal size of the valve and shall be smooth, with no abrupt changes In size to create resistance to flow. The stem that turns the ball shall exert no other force on it except to open or close the ball and shall be held securely in place by means of a bronze ring. The minimum diameter of the stem at the point of attachment to the valve body shall be as follows: Valve Size 3/4" lot 211 Minimum Diameter 11/16" 11/16" 7/8 7/8" 1" 1306 - 7/11/05 15115 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements LM 0 d G e e 7 B. The seal around the stem shall consist of two "O" rings. Each valve shall have a substantial T-head for the operation of opening and closing with a 90 degree turn of a standard slotted wrench. The stops or lugs for controlling the motion of the T-head shall be enclosed and properly positioned to line up the waterways through the ball with the water passage through the valve body. C. The end connections shall be Pack Joint (compression type) connections for copper, plastic, or iron pipe. The valve shall be available in sizes 3/4-inch through 2-inch. The valve shall turn easily and shall be Ball Valve Curb Stops manufactured by The Ford Meter Box Company, Inc., Wabash, Indiana, or equal. 2.04 CORPORATION STOPS A. Corporation stops shall be manufactured of brass alloy in accordance with ASTM Specification B62. These corporation stops shall be of the ball valve type. B. Inlet thread shall be AWWA taper thread in._ all .sizes in accordance with AWWA Standard C800. Outlet connections shall have a`compression type fitting. Corporation Stops shall be B-25008 as manufactured by Mueller Co., or equal. 2.05 METER VALVE/BRANCH ASSEMBLIES A. Meter valves shall be ball valve type and provided for connection to the service meters. Single meter service connections shall have a 3/4-inch angle ball meter valve. Double meter service connections shall have a branch and angle ball meter valve assembly for connection of the piping to the meters. The branch assembly shall have an inlet 1 connection for a 1 %-inch service line and a 7 Y2-inch spacing between the centers of the angle ball meter valves at the outlets. Angle valves shall have screwed ends with bronze body and composition disc. Single service angle ball meter valves shall be Model BA13 342W and double service angle ball meter valve/branch assembly shall be Model UVB43-62W as manufactured by Ford Meter Box Company, or equal. 2.06 DRY -BARREL FIRE HYDRANTS A. All fire hydrants shall comply with AWWA Standards C 502 thereof and the following design standards. B. Fire hydrants shall be of the compression type, opening against the pressure and closing with the line pressure with a 5 1/4-inch minimum valve opening. The hydrant shall be equipped with two 2 1/2-inch hose and one 4 1/2-inch steamer nozzles to meet the American National Standard hose thread. C. Hydrants shall be furnished with a sealed oil or grease reservoir located in the bonnet so that all threaded and bearing surfaces are automatically, lubricated when the hydrant 1 . Upal is u.- I ne nyurani will - De designed for disassembly by use of a short disassembly wrench or the hydrant shoe having integral cast tieback lugs on the main valve to permit the main valve assembly and valve seat to be removed without digging earth or disassembling the hydrant barrel. D. Hydrants shall be furnished with a breakable feature that will break cleanly upon impact. This shall consist of a two part breakable safety flange with a breakable stem coupling. 1306 - 7/11/05 15115 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements r f The upper and lower barrels shall be fluted and ribbed above and below the safety flange or have an extra strength lower barrel. E. The hydrant internal valve shall be 5 1/4-inch minimum. The pentagonal operating nuts and the cap nuts shall be 1 1/2-inch point to flat. Drain valve outlets shall be plugged or omitted. The hydrants shall open counter clockwise and the direction of opening shall be cast on the top. F. The bury length measured from the bottom of the connecting pipe to the ground line at the hydrant, shall be 3 feet 6 inches bury. (Minimum). G. The hydrant shall be equipped with a 6-inch mechanical joint base inlet unless otherwise specified by the ENGINEER. H. Raised reflective pavement marker in blue shall be used to identify the fire hydrant location. The. placement of the reflector to be at the centerline of the outside roadway lane unless otherwise directed by the Fire Marshal I. Chains are to be removed. 2.07 MEGATAPE A. Megatape and locating metal wire shall be buried 18 inches below finished grade over the. PVC gravity sewer lines (no exceptions). PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. All valves shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's printed recommendations. 3.02 TAPPING VALVES A. Taps shall not be made within four feet of an existing bell. 3.03 HYDRANT INSTALLATION A. All fire hydrants shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's published recommendations, AWWA Standards, and all applicable codes, and the applicable y provisions of Section entitled, "Valves, General." All installations shall be to the satisfaction of the local fire and building department. a .. ALi._hydrant isglatinaQ y�lyes w �- jp w pg, aulkadjok t_--Go_ 1_]I_]_e_c_ tions shall be harnessed to the main i e b means of welded steel g _ ��- nr r. p p y harness sets, or clamps and steel rods, designed for this purpose. Dry barrel fire hydrants shall be set on a bed of pea gravel not less than 18 inches deep and 3 feet square, for drainage, or as required by local regulations and conditions. - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 7/11/05 15115 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements SECTION 15995 PIPELINE TESTING & DISINFECTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 THE REQUIREMENT A. The CONTRACTOR shall perform flushing and testing of all portable water pipelines and appurtenant piping, complete, including conveyance of test water to point of use and all disposal thereof, all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The CONTRACTOR shall perform tamping and air testing of all gravity sewers. The cost of all testing, including the water shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR. 1.02 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. Commercial Standards ANSI/AWWA C600 Standard for Installation of Ductile -Iron Water Mains and their appurtenances. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. A testing schedule for potable water pipelines and gravity sewers, including proposed plans for water conveyance, control and disposal shall be submitted in writing for review l a minimum of 48 hours before testing is to start. 1.04 PRE -TEST PROCEDURES A. Testing shall be conducted in the presence of, but not limited to, the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR, and the OWNER. B. All persons required to be present for testing shall be notified by the CONTRACTOR a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior, to the commencement of the test. Should any of the required persons not be properly informed, the test shall be rescheduled. C. Before commencing tests all manhole installations shall be complete, including the installation of concrete in Lines shall be clean and free of debris. It is good practice for the CONTRACTOR to perform pre -testing and assure line cleanliness prior r to scheduling and conducting the official tests. D. The CONTRACTOR shall, at own expense, furnish all the necessary labor, water, —WMMW,- or y terns neeessary a"compe e require testing. Should anyv_ test fail, the test shall be repeated until such time that all test requirements have been successfully met. E. The CONTRACTOR shall insure, in advance of the actual testing, that all equipment such as pumps, gauges, air release valves, and main valves are in good working order. The lines being tested must be ready for use. 1306 - 6/17/05 15995 - 1 McNab Road Water Main Improvements PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS -WATER LINES A. All test equipment, temporary valves or bulkheads, or other water control equipment and materials shall be determined and furnished by the CONTRACTOR subject to the ENGINEER's review. No materials shall be used which would be injurious to the T construction or its future function. ° M 2.02 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS - SEWER LINES A. Lam in : The CONTRACTOR shall supply all ladders, lamps and personnel to complete test as directed by ENGINEER. B. Air Test: Sewer plugs, air compressor, and air test controls shall be determined and supplied by the CONTRACTOR, subject to the ENGINEER's review. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. All pressure pipelines shall be tested in accordance with ASNI/AWWA C600. All testing operations shall be performed in the presence of the ENGINEER. 3.02 HYDROSTATIC TESTING AND DISINFECTION OF POTABLE WATER PIPELINES i A. Water Service: Prior to hydrostatic testing, all pipelines shall be cleaned with a pally pig cleaning system. The CONTRACTOR shall test all pipelines either in sections or as a unit. The test shall be made by closing valves when available, or by placing temporary .bulkheads in the pipe and filling the line slowly with water. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ascertaining that all test bulkheads are suitably restrained to resist the .thrust of.the test pressure without damage to, or movement of, the adjacent pipe. No section of the pipeline shall be tested until all field -placed concrete or mortar have attained an age of 14 days. Care shall be taken to see that all air vents are open during filling. B. The pipeline shall be filled. at a rate which will not cause any surges or exceed the rate at ` which the air can be released through the air valves at a reasonable velocity and all the air within the pipeline shall be properly purged. After the pipeline or section thereof has been filled, it shall be allowed to stand under a slight pressure for at least 24 hours to _. trav tl rxcre -c, _. ,.. ;.: kr-what"-v aterr- t and-tc�._ ..... allow the escape of air from any air pockets. During this period, bulkheads, valves, and connections shall be examined for leaks. If leaks are found, corrective measures satisfactory to the ENGINEER shall be taken. C. The hydrostatic test shall consist of holding the test pressure on the pipeline for a period of 2 hours. The pipeline can be tested in 1500 foot sections maximum. The test pressure for water mains shall be at 150 psi, measured at the lowest point of the pipeline 1306 - 9/16/05 15995 - 2 McNab Road Water Main Improvements section being tested. All visible leaks shall be repaired in a manner acceptable to the ENGINEER. D. The maximum allowable leakage for pipelines shall be 20 U.S. gallons per inch of diameter per mile of pipe per 24 hours for pipe with 20-ft or less joint lengths and with rubber-gasketed joints. In the case of pipelines that fail to pass the prescribed leakage test, the CONTRACTOR shall determine the cause of the leakage, shall take corrective measures necessary to repair the leaks, and shall again test the pipelines. E. Disinfection of Potable Wdter Lines: Before being placed in service, all new water mains and repaired portions of, or extension to existing mains shall be disinfected. Disinfection shall be done in accordance with the provisions of AWWA Standard C651. F. The basic disinfection procedure consists of: 1. Preliminary flushing according to Section 5.2.2 of AWWA C600. 2. Chlorine application according to Section 5.2.3 of AWWA C651. 3. Final flushing according to Section 6.1 and 6.2 of AWWA C651. 4. Bacteriological testing according to Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater. 5. Repeat procedure (if necessary). G. Disinfection of water mains shall be considered as incidental to the work of constructing the water main and all costs thereof shall be included in the unit contract price per linear foot for pipe installation. H. Should the initial treatment result in an unsatisfactory bacterial test, the original chlorination procedure shall be repeated by the CONTRACTOR until satisfactory results i are obtained. Failure by the CONTRACTOR to get a satisfactory test shall be considered as failure of the CONTRACTOR to keep the pipe clean during construction, or to properly chlorinate th`e M` Iin, and no additional payment Will be made for reflushing and rechlorinating until a satisfactory test is made. 3.03 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING. POTABLE WATER SYSTEM A. Where connections are to be made to an existing potable water system, the interior surfaces of all pipe and fittings used in making the connections shall be swabbed or sprayed with a one percent. hypochlorite solution before they are installed. Thorough flushing shall be started as soon as the connection is completed and shall be continued _un i rdtscolored=wa�s�e rmrna ed:._ B. Prior to actual connections to the existing potable water system, record drawings, hydrostatic pressure test results, and bacterial test results shall be submitted to the ENGINEER. Upon approval from the Broward County Health Department, the connection can be constructed. 3.04 SEWER — GENERAL 1306 - 6/17/05 15995 - 3 McNab Road Water Main Improvements A. Prior to testing, the pipe will be checked to see that it is clean. If not, it shall be cleaned. It shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to have the pipe cleaned. B. The completed sewer lines, including manholes, shall be inspected and tested for leakage. The tests shall be conducted by the CONTRACTOR under the direction of the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all work, materials, equipment and water required for making the tests as specified. C. , Before testing the CONTRACTOR shall rod out the secton to be tested with whatever tools are required to remove the line any and all dirt, debris and trash. D. The Resident Inspector will then inspect the line from manhole to manhole by use of lamping test (equipment and labor shall be supplied by CONTRACTOR) to determine whether the completed line is true to line and grade as laid out or as shown on the drawings. E. All lines or sections of lines that are found to be laid improperly with respect to line and grade, that are found to contain broken or leaking sections of pipe, shall be removed and , replaced at the CONTRACTOR's expense. d 3.05 SEWER — AIR TESTING A. All gravity sewer lines and service lines shall be air tested. B. The air test will be made after all house connections have been installed to property r lines, plugged and backfilling has been completed and compacted. i C. All tees and ends of sewer services shall be plugged with flexible joint plugs or caps ' securely fastened to withstand the internal tests pressures. Such plugs or caps shall be readily removable, and their removal shall provide a socket suitable for making a flexible jointed lateral connection or extension. D.. Air shall be slowly supplied to the plugged pipe installation until the internal air pressure reaches 4,0 pounds per square inch greater than the average back pressure of any - ground water that may submerge the pipe. At least two minutes shall be allowed for temperature stabilization. E. Testing equipment shall be provided with air -regulator or air -safety valves set so that the internal pressure in the sewer pipeline cannot exceed 8 psig or as recommended by the manufacturer. F. The time required for the pressure to drop from 3.5 psig to 2.5 psig shall be equal to or W.....W--greater-tharr-the ieastvf-the-two`times.compute"d-with--use-of#tu-fdtivwhig-equatkms 1. To = 0.011 (di 2Ll+(d2)2L2+...+d„2L„) 2. Tq = 28.33 W12L,� (d212L2+...+d„2Lj (d, Ll+d2L2+...+d,L„) 3. Where: 1306 - 6/17/05 . 15995 - 4 McNab Road Water Main Improvements r a. TQ, Tq allowable time for decrease in pressure from 3.5 to 2.5 psig, in seconds. b. d diameter of sewer pipe in. section of system being tested, in inches. C. L = length of sewer pipe in section of system being tested, in feet. G. The CONTRACTOR shall repair sewers that do not pass the air test, at no cost to the OWNER. All sewers must pass the air test before acceptance by the OWNER. H. The CONTRACTOR shall make an appropriate written record of testing data. Upon successful completion of all sewer air testing the CONTRACTOR shall submit such = records to the ENGINEER and the OWNER. At a minimum the record shall include the P following: 1. Date of test. 2. Section of sewer being tested. 3. Diameter(s) and length(s) in sewer test section. 4: Time (HH:MM:SS) at which test began (i.e., pressure was 3.5 psig). 5. Time (HH:MM:SS) at which test stopped (i.e. pressure reached 2.5 psig) 6. Duration of time for pressure to drop from 3.5 psig to 2.5 psig, in seconds. 7. Computed values of TQ and Tq. 8. Indication of whether or not sewer section passed or failed test. - END OF SECTION - 1306 - 6/17/05 15995 - 5 McNab Road Water Main Improvements City of Tamarac r-� Purchasing & Contracts Division Coraerstonc Busiucsses, lac, "EXHIBIT COMPANY NAME: (Please Print): EXHIBIT C TR #10882 Phone• 4 ? Trz-060 Fax: 1g, BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR BID, MAKE SURE YOU... 1. Carefully read the General Terms & Conditions, Special Conditions and Special Pro isions. 2. Properly fill out the Bid Forms and the Schedule of Bid Prices. 3. Fill out and sign the Non -Collusive Affidavit and have it properly notarized. 4. Sign the Certification page. Failure to do so may result in your Bid. being deemed non -responsive. 5. VFil111 ut the Bidder's Qualification Statement. 6.ut the References page. 7. Sign the Vendor Drug Free Workplace Form. 8. Fill out the List of Subcontractors. 9. Include a 5% Bid Guaranty. Failure to provide the stipulated bond or guaranty will result in automatic rejection of your bid. Payment and Performance Bonds will be required and must be submitted on the City's forms, incl .ded herein. 10. Fill out and sign the Certified Resolution. 11. ► Inc 11 de proof of insurance. ��. LIn ude copy of State Certified or County Competency License(s) 13. Trench Safety Form, if applicable. Submit ONE (1) Original AND TWO (2) Photocopies of your bid, clearly marked with the BID NUMBER AND BID NAME on the outside of the package. Make sure your Bid is submitted PRIOR to the deadline. Late Bids will not be accepted. Failure to provide the requested attachments may result in your bid being deemed non -responsive. THIS SHOULD BE THE FIRST PAGE OF YOUR BID. ' ,City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division BID FORM BID NO. 06-0'IB MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS The City of Tamarac is hereby requesting Bids from qualified contractors for the installation of a new 16-inch water main, roadway restoration and connection to existing water mains. A portion of the work will be within Broward County right-of-way ( McNab Road) and FDOT right-of-way (University Drive). The 16-inch water main shall be' Directionally Drilled across University Drive. Construction also includes dewatering, Maintenance of Traffic (MOT's), complying with permit conditions, testing and all restoration work for a complete and operating system as well as all appurtenances and other incidentals as indicated by the drawings and specifications or as required to properly complete the project as planned. 1. To be eligible for award of this project, the Contractor must possess at time of bid opening, one of the following State Certified and/or County Competency licenses; /State: Certified General Contractor License, as defined by F.S. 489.105 3a with at least five (5) years of verifiable full-time experience with a minimum of two (2) projects of similar nature or dollar cost. OR County: A Broward County Competency Engineering Contractor Class A license with at least five (5) years of verifiable full-time experience with a minimum of two (2) projects of similar nature or dollar cost.. We propose to furnish the following items in conformity with the specifications end at the incica ted bid prices. The bid prices quoted have been checked and certified to be''correct. Said prices are fixed and firm and shall be paid to Bidder for the successful completion of its obligation as specified in the contract documents. In the event of obvious mathematical errors, the Bidder recognizes that these are clerical in nature and may be corrected by City. For each bid item, Bidder agrees to furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to properly perform the work described herein and on the project drawings. A more detailed description of the Pay Items is located in Section 01025 of the Technical Specifications. It is the intent of the City to award this bid based on the Total Base Bid for all bid items. In the event or latent multiplication or addition errors, the Bidder recognizes that these are clerical errors and may be corrected by the Owner SCH-1 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices _hn d 1�yh1:4F° i;r( ' :1f�y'r�1F�r RE"i:"Yiyi�44t yjLili�r�'jyt:. •'.``�l// �"�{ eke"Tf+h'Ceel�+,'it fi'�'d(f. 4''YlJ'xp- Y, )u1j�E`:( „�'x rn)• fir 0'c:N �r \ J µre '•�': c a,;s. r. Pi 0. ' cra z a iWi 4r < m par o,:a.:' H r,F ,,� w a H D pLI 6 • : a^ :w•!,: � t w (d 0 QI rH Lr) rj Hz U ©OQ �H° zO. H W HH OmWIM w W [� W U • . E-1 v) � �lHmC7zW � a Ln Ha �Wz V3 � 0 w in -A H m z Aa °'. '� �u rn Orn 41CD HOrd O a1W rn P rd E-+ Q ' •; o m3a O : mrn w o Ozo " o z�-i m o H oaa w ( Q' Ln H N Z' •rl rn - H H 'J z O M A .L.1 4. H' rh I rl] rQl' x al Ix N �D (d � aaW wPQ �PQd 4Hn• W;� WO N W -rl H W bax;2� H�o...oMW i •,��. ^ _ o H,z:� wwU. Cur, r __"_ m 1p ^ _ ! �� •. ..� °' ',,w � .. ., III CA . O W uOl z w a :.o ao W 1.4 pH v2z Q �w ❑ pk H m oa ❑ O waLU W E u.. � to� Cu O "W m m H 0) Q W co N Hp mH a J CL z ❑ w 0V2 ro o N u, m W G AU �H WU U O r�•• ua Ln a Aw� Lrn U Wp4E W0r2n UF AW tD O H O mpqm rd rn a0w•,vO�] or am�u z xx I� w o . oaa wo CD HRH �z CD WAS aaa1 �w ry rid � aov h m rb Cm �a xro0X �:)omw C:1 G co OD rq H MW a .P.M. 4. zz off Q M w Q WU ❑ 00 O wP-4 w LL h Ey LL m O u 5 a `` w LU MH o H U) Ho Pi Mrq � �a ❑ off �w [� W o� U N P4 m a ri Z U U O a u H H o� aw w Fu° HH m0 �x w a W•04 Aa w U •O tD H 1d w O Cv �P�aa O CDo W a. •� ,HRH a A +1 41 x P4 xz ,1110P4 rI N•i a)be twoxa� OA S�; ,A W hWW 7 %D E-+ Z W x U r7 N 0 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division BID SCHEDULE Bidder agrees that any unit price listed is to be multiplied by the estimated quantity requirements listed below in order to arrive at the total price. For each item, Bidder agrees to furnish all labor, material, tools and equipment necessary to properly perform the work described herein and on project drawings. It is the intent of the City to award this contract based on the Grand 'Dotal Base bid for all bid items. In the event of latent multiplication or addition errors, the Bidder recognizes that these are clerical errors and may be corrected by the Owner. ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT EST. UNIT PRICE (in QTY. UNIT EXTENDED ' words) PRICE TOTAL PRICE 1* Site Mobilization/Demobilization LS 1 )/ f $ zO $ ZO p� Dollars A10 Cents 2 Maintenance of Traffic LS 1 F� C,r�s�.�n — $ 35 oco $ S �v Dollars 4/0 Cents 3 As -Built Record Drawings LS 1 $ .$9G f r $ $ r Dollars A,)o Cents 4 16" CL 350 DIP Water Main. LF 750 x1E - d J -- Dollars /Cl0 Cents 5 16" HDPE SDR 11 (DIPS) LF 685 _-0&6E. . $ /So _ $ /02 75o Directional Drill Dollars ND Cents 6 Restore Directional Drill Pits EA 2 -�� e719 $ 23"2)e $ 4e 47)6 " Dollars JLJ .....---- Cents 7 16" Gate Valve & Box EA 3 -F1 $ SS 521 14/ S96 - $ Dollars Cents. ' Clty of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division ITEM DESCRIPTION NO. UNIT EST. UNIT PRICE (in UNIT QTY. EXTENDED words) PRICE TOTAL PRICE frh S� n �JuNaeE� 8 Connect to Existing LS 1 $ SM, "?I S to •7 r 6" & 12" WM (Sta. 23 + 25) Dollars _ .IV o _ Cents 9 24" x 16" Tapping Sleeve EA 1 Z $ and Gate Valve Dollars Aja Cents 10 Fill and Flush Assembly EA 2�,,� u�uo�Y 7 -- Dollars Allp Cents 11 Sample Points EA 2 Tw*.uw 4wiN b, 7w&y 1;�, $ / 2Z4 — $ 2 5 Dollars �v Cents 12 open Cut Pavement Repair LF 760 411AJ$ 39 —' $ 3 & Pavement Replacement (12' Dollars'—"`C— —'' Lane Width) 5) xT Cents 13 Milling Existing Asphalt 1 %z" to SY 400 `ib-yP---4Et3 $ /4 $ 5<�00 3" & 1 %" to 3" Type S-III & S-1 Dollars �— Asphalt Surface Course Cents 14 7' Concrete Sidewalk (6" Thick) LF 12i6t-fir 51 �$.(�n $ /O Z_S Dollars HI Gents 15 Concrete Curb Restoration LF 12 Dollar'" s �_ 'il ►Y� Cents 16 Pavement Marking and LS 1 .�KA 4604aMd rind, li '� $ 79z2�' $ 7 9 Z Z Signage Dollars I'1O Cents SCH-3 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices City of Tamarac Pumhasing & Confr6,ts Dlvlslon rrEM DESCRIPTION NO., EST. UNIT PRICE (in UNIT i EXTENDED UNIT QTY. words PRICE i TOTAL PRICE 17 Project Identlflcation Sign F-A 2 E104 huneW, P -ce,& $ 1 �� Le q py Qllars n0 Cents �. 18 Indemnification 4° LS 1 Ten , $10.00 I $ 10.00 Dollars No ' Cents 19 Contingency Allowance LS i Fifty Thousand $ 50 000.00 $ 60,000.00 Dollars No Cents 20 Video Allowance LS 1 Seven Hundred Fifty 750.pp $ 750.00 Dollare i No ' i Cents 21 Bonds 5iX thu sarl si X LS 1 u ►+d.rtwg a _ SC$ b b $ u Dollars �. �f'['% o Cents Ko i I * There is a 5% cep for Bid Item 1 (refer to Section 01025) � i TOTAL BASE BID ITEMS 1 through 21 (IN NUMBERS) TOTAL BASE BID ITEMS 1 through 21 (IN WORDS) $ Lf .20 NAME OF COMPANY MLO Revised $CH-4 Bid Form & Schedule 9'f8ld Prlces. A©tervfluM 1 f$EVISED SCH4 i City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division BID FORM (continued) BID NO. 06-01B MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Submitted by:' comerstoneBusinesses,Inc. Date THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO: City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Manager 7525 Northwest 881h Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this bid is accepted, to enter into a contract with the City to perform and furnish all Work as specified herein for the Contract Price and within the Contract Period indicated in this bid. 2. This bid will remain subject to acceptance for ninety (90) days after the day of bid opening. Bidder will sign and submit the necessary documents required by the City within fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the City's Award. a. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the contract documents, locality, and all local conditions and laws and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. b. Bidder has given the City written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that it has discovered in the contract documents and the written resolution thereof by the City is acceptable to Bidder. C. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisciosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over the City. 3. Bidder will complete the Work for the prices shown in the "Bid Form". 4. Bidder agrees that the Work will be substantially performed and complete in accordance with the schedules established herein. SCH-5 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division BID FORM (continued) BID NO, 06-OIB MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS The City reserves the right to reject any bid, if it deems that a vendor has deliberately provided erroneous information. The undersigned declare to have specific and legal authorization to obligate their firm to .the terms of this bid, and further, that they have examined the Invitation to Bid, the instructions to Bidders, the Specifications, and other documents included in this bid request, and hereby promises and agrees that, if this bid is accepted, they will faithfully fulfill the terms of this bid together with all guarantees and warranties thereto. The undersigned bidding firm further certifies the product and/or equipment meets or exceeds the specification as stated in the bid package; and also agrees that products and/or equipment to be delivered which fail to meet bid specifications will be rejected by the City within thirty (30) days of delivery. Return of rejection will be at the expense of the bidder. elep one 49J) -1(s-0 `ax - V c bra ., r --z `d L Email address for above signer (if any) -CORNERSTONE. BUSINESSES. MIC, C AL S. BUCHMAN i ' i ,ZEPHYRHILLS FL 33 �d-1 MEMRSTONE BUSINIESSES, INC. 3936 PAUL S. BUCHMAN HWY. ZEP Y City, State, ZZIP L "`7 Federal Tax ID Number N Contractor's License Number SCH-6 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices City of Tamarac BID FORM (continued) IBID NO.06.01B Purchasing & Contracts Division MCNAB ROAD WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Bidder's Name: Coraersto�ae Businesses Iuc, TERMS: N 1A- % (percent discount, if any, if payment made within DAYS; otherwise, terms are NET 30 days, Delivery/completion: calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed or Purchase Order, whichever is applicable for this project. To be considered eligible for award, one (1) original and two2 copies of this bi () co p d form should be submitted with the Bid. One original bid must be submitted at time of bid opening. Copies must be provided within 3 business days of City's request. NOTE: Bid submittals without the manual signature of an authorized agent of the Bidder, as evidenced by completion of the Certified Resolution form contained herein (or acceptable Corporate Resolution) may be deemed non -responsive and ineligible for award. NOTE: Bid submittals without the manual signature of an authorized agent of the Bidder shall be deemed non -responsive and ineligible for award. IF "NO BID" IS OFFERED, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Please indicate reason(s) why a Bid Proposal is not being submitted at this time. Return the Bid Form to avoid removal of Bidder from the City of Tamarac's vendor listing. SCH-7 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT State of I L.,+ ) W71 )ss. County of I C(7 ) I . being first duly sworn, deposes ana says that: She is the , (Owner, Partner, Officer, Representative or Agent) o , the Offeror that has submitted the attached Proposal; 5. He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Proposal and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such Proposal; 6. Such Proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Proposal; 7. Neither the said Offeror nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, have in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Offeror, firm, or person to submit a collusive or sham Proposal in connection with the Work for which the attached Proposal has been submitted; or to refrain from bidding in connection with such Work; or have in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication, or conference with any Offeror, firm, or person to fix the price or .prices in the attached Proposal or of any other Offeror, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost elements of the Proposal price or the Proposal price of any other Offeror, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement any advantage against (Recipient), or any person interested in the proposed Work; B. The price or prices quoted in the attached Proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, conniva' nce', 'oi'unlawful agreement on the part of the Offeror or any other of its age^ts, representatives, owners, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant. Signed, eal and deliv)ered in the presence of: By Witness .� 2 /S-.- .� Witness City of Tamarac , Purchasing & Contracts Division ACKNOWLEDGMENT NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT State of Flori a County of On this the lq day of �, 20, before men the -undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared and (Name(s) of individual(s) who appeared before notary) whose name(s) is/are Subscribed to within the instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seat. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: ry Public state of Florida nne M Ayuilera ommission DD428802 %�t: res 07111 /2009 NOTA Y PUBLIC, STATE F FLORIDA 2�x= (Name of N ry Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) E9 Personally known to me, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID'take an oath, or(?XDID NOT take an oath IfIf City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division CERTIFICATION THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID We (1), the undersigned, hereby agree to furnish the item (s)/service(s) described in the Invitation to Bid. We (1) certify that we (1) have read the entire document, including the Specifications, Additional Requirements, Supplemental Attachments, Instructions to Bidders, Terms and. Conditions, and any addenda issued. We agree to comply with all of the requirements of the entire Invitation To Bid. Indicate which type of organization below: INDIVIDUAL ❑ Ifs"Other",Explain: C- Signature 1�� f R t� �l l P s Typed/Printed Name A I- 11`1c Telep one ax PARTNERSHIP ❑ Email address for above signer (if any) 1 F- 'j CORPORATION OTHER ❑ S, INC. Compa39"AUL S. BUCHMAN HWY. ZEPHYRHILLS FL 33542 Address City, State, ZIP Federal Tax ID Number G Contractor's License Number rb7 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division I BIDDER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and all answers to questions made hereinafter: I Name of Company CORNERSTONE BUSINESSES, INC. Address City State Zip Telephone '7i �'~•—p� I Fax Number Y7C� a 1. How many years has your organization been in business under its present name? Years 2. If Vendor is operating under !197�n� mpliance with Florida Fictitious Name Statute: 3. Under what former name(s) has your business operated? List former address(es) of that business (if any). Vey -e- 4. Are you Certified? Yes No ❑ If Yes, attach copy of Certification 5. Are you Licensed? Yes [ No ❑ If Yes, attach copy of License 6. Has your company ever declared ❑ No Yes bankruptcy? [� If Yes, explain: 7. Are you a Sales Representative ❑ Distributor ❑ Broker ❑ or Manufacturer ❑ of the commodities/services bid upon? 6• Have you ever received a contract or a p ase order from the City of Tamarac or other governmental entity? Yes ❑ No If yes, explain (date, service/project, bid title etc.) 9. Have you ever received a compla' on a contract or bid awarded to you by any governmental entity? Yes ❑ No n If yes, explain: 10. Have you ever been debarreV,lf suspended from doing business with any governmental entity? Yes ❑ Noes,explain: w City of Tamarac a. Purchasing & Contracts Division REFERENCES Please list government agencies and/or private firms with whom you have done business during the last five years: Your Company Name Address ._City..State Zip Phone/Fax Agency/Firm Name Address City State Zip rPhone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address I City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip IPhone/Fa.- Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name CORNERSTONE BUSINESSES, INC. �n/f? 11..r■ — —__. r• &+vVf Aai+7pki C 1 7-Ei &F t>&LLA-Pr--4/*. lL_ r yo!u-- L T- I- k L( 47 City of Tamarac h Purchasing & Contracts Division VENDOR DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE Preference may be given to vendors submitting a certification with their bid/proposal certifying they have a drug -free workplace in accordance with Section 287.087, Florida Statutes. This requirement affects all public entities of the State and becomes effective January 1, 1991. The special condition is as follows: IDENTICAL TIE BIDS - Preference may be given to businesses with drug -free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids that are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the State or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug -free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none of the tied vendors have a drug -free workplace program. In order to have a drug -free workplace program, a business shall: Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 9. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 10. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 11. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or piea of guilty or nolo contenders to, any violation of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later that five (5) days after each conviction. 12. Impose a section on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 13. Make a ood faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through irn ation f this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I fl certify at this #rm complies fully with the above requirements. Signature COMMON 1104088981 iuC, Company Name 48 I I 0 City of Tamarac LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS Purchasing & Contracts Division The Bidder shall list below the names and business address of each subcontractor who will perform Work under this Bid in excess of one-half of one percent of the Contractor's Total Bid Price, and shall also list the portion of the Work that will -be done by such subcontractor. After the opening of bids, no changes or substitutions will be allowed except as otherwise provided by law. The listing .of more than one subcontractor for each item of Work to be performed with the words "and/or" will not be permitted. Failure to comply with this requirement will render the Bid as non -responsive and may cause its rejection. Work to Be Performed % Total Contractor Contract License No. Vdlj Subcontractor Name/Address L� 49 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division f - l CERTIFIED RESOLUTION I, I" A-0 (Name), the duly elected Secretary of C&ft-It �1 _SIN!- (Corporate Title), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of do hereby certify that the following Resolution was unanimously adopted and passed by a quorum of the Board of Directors of the said corporation at a meeting held in accordance with law and the by-laws of the said corporation. IT IS HEREBY R OLVED THAT ti9 (Name)", the duly "IT (Title of Officer) of (Corporate Title) e and is hereby authorized to execute and submit a Bid and/or Bid rond, if such bond is required, to the City of Tamarac and such other instruments in writing as may be necessary on behalf of the said corporation; and that the Bid, Bid Bond, and other such instruments signed by him/her shall be binding upon the said corporation as its own acts and deeds. The secretary shall certify the names and signatures of those authorized to act by the foregoing resolution. The City of Tamarac shall be fully protected in relying upon such certification of the secretary and shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any and all claims, demands, expenses, loss or damage resulting from or growing out of honoring, the signature of any person so certified or for refusing to honor any signature not so certified. I further certify that the above resolution is in force and effect and has not been revised, revoked or rescinded. I further certify that the following are the name, titles and official signatures of those persons authorized to act by the foregoing resolution. SIGNATURE 1C. . W—A11� Given under my hand and the Seal of.the said corporation thisday of P&CIftA'162- , 206` (SEAL) By: Secretary Corporate Title NOTE: The above is a suggested form of the type of Corporate Resolution desired. Such form need not be followed explicitly, but the Certified Resolution submitted must clearly show to the satisfaction of the City of Tamarac that the person signing the Bid and Bid Bond for the corporation has been properly empowered by the corporation to do so in its behalf. City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division TRENCH SAFETY FORM Bidder acknowledges that included in the appropriate bid items of the proposal and in the Total Bid Price are costs for complying with the Florida Trench Safety Act (90-96, Laws of Florida) effective October 1, 1990. The bidder further identifies the costs of such compliance to be summarized below: TRENCH SAFETY MEASURE (Descriptio_n_ UNITS OF MEASURE (LF/SF) UNIT (Qty) UNIT -COST EXTENDED COST A. Cat° $ 5.uc,06 B. $ $ C. $ $ D. $ $ TOTAL Is �© ~� If applicable, the Contractor certifies that all trench excavation done within his control in excess of five feet (5') in depth shall be in accordance with the Florida Department of Transportation's Special Provisions Article 125-1 and Subarticle 125-4.1 (TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM AND SHORING, SPECIAL -TRENCH EXCAVATION). Failure to complete the above may result in the bid bein d Glared n n-respon ive. p �. DATE: i Z /1 t ignatur ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF: 1`=ln�rr�K.t COUNTY OF: . a,s�n PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, _61 Lt1.4� — _ , who, after first being duly sworn by me, (Name of individual Signing) affixed his/her signature in the space provided above on =)/n,. &_ �, 2DQS da�AtCL) }e" Ppp Notary Public Slate of Florida OTARY PUBLIC �L7^� Roxanne M Aguilera My commissionDD428802 My Commission Expires:—�(`C�� Expires 07/11/2009 51 city orTaman c , Piirrh.oclri.� R. !`nnFra�tc l I; n.•i n a BID BOND STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF BROWARD) Kr\WMI ni f, Mr=N1 By TW=PC 171qC8=NTr`, tk,,t wo, Corneratone Businessas Inc. as Principal, and Western Surety Company as Surety, are held and firmly•bound unto the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation of the "tate of Florida in tltic+ p4nQl 4uwri or. Five Percent of Amount Bid dollars lomdul mon ay on tho United States, for the payment of which sum well 'and truly to he made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that whereas the principal has submitted the accompanying Bid, dated Dacembar 21 • 2Q as r , for: McNab Road Water Main•Im rovements Bid No, as-aiB NOW, THEREFORE, (a) If said Bid shall be rejected, or in the alternate, (b) If said Bid shall be accepted and the principal shall properly execute and deliver to said City tt,e appropriate Contract Documents, and shall in all resperts fi rifin mi i4rrne and QQnd�ti�., rtit+rihi4.i.f� �. -Li-., „��,�r�.,r �:uru ma, men iniz oougaxiori Shall be void; et-h=rv;;3e, it shall rorrmGir, in rUru:: and 81C;01., IL being expressly U''�J 'aluuil ts"d ijyrueu maz Tne 11aMiity of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder shall in no event exceed the amount of this obligation as herein stated, The Surety, 'for value received, hereby agrees that the obligations of the said Surety and Its bond shall be in no way impaired or affected by any extension of time within which said CITY may accept such Bid; and said Surety does hereby .waive notice of any extension. Chy of Temurnr, w ° n Purchasing & Cnntracl;, Caivision _Lw ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BID BOND Signed and sealed this 2ist�day of December , 20 D5 !f PF�E EIVIr� r; CORNERSTONE BUSLINESSES, INC. By. IL Pri ip Jr Qg��S(OT 3936 Paul S. Buchman Highway Business Address (AFFIX SEAL) zatihxrhills Florida 33542 City/state/zlp 813-795-0808 AAES4T : Business Phone _ WESTERN SURETY COMPA • .r7Uretney-In-Fact y� ATTEST: '�' By ohn D Potts, Attorney -In -Fact and 3d David Potts, Licensed FL Non Resident Agent UL License # E050960 ox Title Att ney-ln-F Ct'* John D. Potts By PLEASE SEE ATTACHED COPY OF FLORIDA NON RESIDENT LICENSE .AND COUNTERSIGNATURE NOTICE. Impress Corporate Seal NOTICE In accordance with the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, we are providing this disclosure notice for bonds and certain insurance policies on which one or more of the Writing Companies identified below is the surety or insurer, To principals on bonds and insureds on certain insurance policies written by any one or more of the following companies .(collectively the "Writing Companies") as surety or insurer; Western Surety Company, Universal Surety of America, Surety Bonding Company of America, Continental Casualty Company, National.Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, American Casualty Company of Reading, PA, The Firemen's Insurance Company of Newark, NJ, and The Continental Insurance Company. DISCLOSURE OF PREMIUM The premium attributable to coverage forjterrorist acts certified under the Act was Zero Dollars ($0.00). DISCLOSURE OF FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN PAYMENT OF TERRORISM LOSSES The United States will pay ninety percent (90%) of covered terrorism. losses exceeding the applicable surety/insurer deductible. Farm F7310 COPY July 57.doc Western Surety Company POWER OF ATTORNEY APPOINTING INDIVIDUAL ATTORNEY -IN -FACT Know All Men By These Presents, That WESTERN SURETY COMPANY, a South Dakota corporation, is a duly organized and existing corporation having its principal office in the City of Sioux Falls, and State of South Dakota, and that it does by virtue of the signature and seal herein affixed hereby make, constitute and appoint Robert L Potts Jr, Carrie J Key, John D Potts, Individually of Woodstock, GA, its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, seal and execute for and on its behalf bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of similar nature - In Unlimited Amounts - and to bind it thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such instruments were signed by a duly authorized officer of the corporation and all the acts of said Attorney, pursuant to the authority hereby given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the By -Law printed on the reverse hereof, duly adopted, as indicated, by the shareholders of the corporation. In Witness Whereof, WESTERN SURETY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Senior Vice President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed on this 22nd day of March, 2004. y�4ir WESTERN SURETY COMPANY s 4�\ t; A nP��p w„„N Paul 3FDruflat, Senior Vice President State of South Dakota 1 Jr as County of Minnehaha On this 22nd day of March, 2004, before me personally came Paul T. Bruflat, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides-ir a° Sioux Falls, State of South Dakota; that he is the Senior Vice President of WESTERN SURETY COMPANY described in 4ntt evTMic;t executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed pursuant to authority given by the Board of Directors of said corporation and that he signed his name thereto pursuant to like authority, and acknowledges same to be the act and deed of said corporation. My commission expires +NNNNNN4NNN4Nti4NNNNNNNNN4 { r D. KFZELL r November 30, 2006 a 6 SOUTH DAKcrrA(Mi +NNNNhNMNNN44NN4bNN�+NNN�r+ D. Krell, No ry Public CERTIFICATE I, L. Nelson, Assistant Secretary of WESTERN SURETY COMPANY do hereby certify that the Power of Attorney hereinabove set forth is still in force, and further certify that the By -Law of the corporation printed on the reverse hereof is still in force. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the said corporation this ��1.��L� day of , �, „N,nw WESTERN SURETY COMPANY C!�(rtY L. Nelson, Assistant Secretary Form F4280-01-02 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT;OF•7NSURANCE JOWN DAVIb P07Tg �+ License Nurhber•E050960 " ' awrJ. ' a��Huoro unncFOLL General Ltnes Pg (;a's .erwautiwc NON-RESIDENT =ti%• - LICENSEle . :al 2" Lac y:x�!7x '3:k.�:;`.;u•::i'•:':r:a • ! r- '71oT:CE'.Tlus�o,..r fey .i:'f., %•a:_ +nd a Ttrs lk.rwa.yhmsw.. roO Woorer Yen►es.eoFsrdYm,* V�!anr. fw Mrcl .r9c.rty dw1 yv�r Uri r nwmy Cs�w r.a , , M irwlrs 'rowyY.rIw...icn-n.. t . _. 7 ±FkrCa pgaar.+.eM a/:nN:/arceI . .-r. -. _ •�-^54ft:en..ri for yy �yi,M•.ery 0/ut 0 INFORMATIONAL BULLETIN DFS-03-004 ISSUED November 12, 2003 Florida Department of Financial Services Tom Gallagher, Chief Financial Officer Florida Office of Insurance Regulation Kevin McCarty, Director To All Property, Casualty and Surety Insurers and General Lines Insurance Agents in the State of Florida The purpose of this Bulletin is to inform property, casualty and surety insurers and general lines insurance agents of a recent court decision that affects the way nonresident general lines agents conduct business in Florida. The name of the case is Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers v. Toin Gallagher (Case No. 4:02cv208-RH). The decision was rendered by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida. The judgment, entered on September 30, 2003 was effective immediately and will not be appealed. The Department filed a Motion seeking to have the portion of the Order relating to the licensing of nonresident surplus lines agents delayed until July 1, 2004. This Motion, which was not opposed by the Council, was granted by the Court. The Department plans to propose legislation addressing the licensing and regulation of nonresident surplus lines agents in the near future. The Court ruled that Sections 624.425, 626.741 and 626.927, Florida Statutes, violate the United States Constitution to the extent that they deny the same rights and privileges to Florida -licensed nonresident insurance agents that they afford to Florida -licensed resident insurance agents. Each of these sections of law restricts the ability of nonresident general lines agents to do business in Florida. The specific impact of the decision is set forth below: Property, casualty and surety policies written through Florida -licensed nonresident agents are no longer required by law to be countersigned by a Florida resident insurance agent. Policies must be signed by the insurer and by a properly licensed resident or nonresident agent. Florida -licensed nonresident general lines agents who sell property, casualty and surety insurance to Florida residents are no longer required -by law to share commission with a Florida resident insurance agent for countersigning policies. However, it remains lawful for licensed agents to share commissions with other agents appointed and licensed to write the same kind or kinds of insurance. This case did not address existing contracts that may require such payments. Fiorida-licensed nonresident agents may solicit, negotiate, or effect property, casualty and surety insurance contracts in Florida without being accompanied by a Florida resident insurance agent. Florida -licensed nonresident -general lines agents may have offices in Florida and may have a pecuniary interest in an office in Florida. Nonresident surplus lines agents may obtain nonresident surplus lines licenses in Florida beginning on July 1, 2004. The provisions above apply to all Florida -licensed non-resident general lines agents, including those working for Risk Retention Groups and Risk Purchasing Groups. For further information, contact the Division of Agent & Agency Services at (850) 413-3137, ext. 1101. " AC68D CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID N CORBU02 DATE(MMIDDIYYYY) 10 12 05 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE' Gateway Insurance Agency HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ,3200 Flightline Drive, Ste 302 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Lakeland FL 33811 Phone:800--808-6865 Fax:800-882-2072 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED INSURER A: Transportation Insurance Co. 01807 INSURER B: Continental Casualty company 0 91 65 Cornerstone 'Team ETAL Attttn::MsINSURER Ms., Mary Janene Hubbard 3936 Paul. S . Buchman Highway Zephyrhills FL 33542 C: Transcontinental Ins. Co. 01805 INSURER D: =�l INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POLICIES F INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, LTRINSRt TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATE MMIDD DATE MMIDDIYY EXPIRATION LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY MMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE �OCCUR Ixo" 247857350 10/28/05 '10/28/06 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1000000 PREMISES Eaoccurence $50000 MED EXP (Any one person) $5000 PERSONALBADVINJURY $1000000 mrn pbl Agg GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2000000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY jECOT 7 LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2 00 00 0 0 Emp Ben. 1000000 A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS 204785754 10/28/05 10/28/06 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ 1000000 X BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ X BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ X PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY ANY AUTO AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER THAN FA ACC AUTO ONLY: AGG $ $ B EXCESS/UMBRELLALIABILITY X I OCCUR CLAIMSMADE DEDUCTIBLE XA RETENTION $10000 2076567788 10/28/05 10/28/06 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 8000000 AGGREGATE $ 8000000 $ $ $ V?0RKERS COMPENSATION AND EN;%i YERS`uABlIJTY' - 4 . ANY P ROPRIETOR/PARTNEWFXECUTIVE OFFICERIMEMBER EXCLUDED? N yes, describe under SPECIAL PROVISIONS below 247857347 10 / 2 8/ 0 5 10 / 2 8/ 0 6 X TORY LIMITS ER ' LS E.L. EACH ACCIDENT P 10 0 0 0 0 0 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 10 0 0 0 0 0 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT 1 $ 10 0 0 0 0 0 C OTHER Rented/Leased Eq C2066798099 10/28/05 10/28/06 Equipment 150000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS / VEHICLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION pROOF01 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATIO DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 10 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL PROOF OF COVERAGE IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. nvvnv &U t&UU uvU/ 9 ACORD CORPORATION 1988 Licensing Portal - License Details Page 1 of 1 N Public Services Search for a Licensee Apply for a License View Application Status Apply to Retake Exam Find Exam Information File a Complaint AB&T Delinquent Invoice & Activity List Search MUser Services Renew a License Change License Status Maintain Account Change My Address View Messages Change My PIN View Continuing Ed .. Term Glossary Online Help DBPR Home I Online Services Home I Help I Site Map 10:21:00 AM 1212212005 Licensee Details Licensee Information Name: Main Address: County: License Mailing: HUBBARD, CHESTER DOUGLAS (primary Name) CORNERSTONE BUSINESSES INC (DBA Name) 3936 PAUL S BUCHMAN HWY ZEPHYRHILLS Florida 33542 PASCO License Location: 3936 PAUL S BUCHMAN HWY ZEPHYRHILLS FL 33540 County: PASCO License Information License Type: Rank: License Number: Status: Licensure Date: Expires: Certified General Contractor Cert General CGC045446 Current,Active 11/19/1988 08/31/2006 Special Qualifications Qualification Effective Bldg Code Core Course Credit Qualified Business 02/20/2004 License Required View Related License Information w View License Complaint L. I Terms of Use I I privacy Statement I Irl hqs://www.myfloridalicense.com/LicenseDetail'asp?SID=&id=735079 . 12/22/2005 Licensing Portal - Search Results Page 1 of 1 ® Public Services Search fora Licensee Apply for a License View Application Status Apply to Retake Exam Find Exam Information Find a CE Course File a Complaint AB&T Delinquent Invoice & Activity List Search User Services Renew a License Change License Status Maintain Account Change My Address View Messages Change My PIN View Continuing Ed Term Glossary Online Help DBPR Home i Online Services Home I Help I Site Map Search Results Please see our glossary_of terms for an explanation of the license status shown in these search results. License Name Name Type Type Certified HUBBARDR General CHESTER Primary Contractor DOUGLAS 10:20, 61 AM 1212212005 License Status/ Number/ Expires City Rank CGC045446 Current, Cert Active ZEPHYRHILLS General 08/31/2006 Terms of Use I I Privacy Statement I Id https:llwww.myfloridalicense.comllicensinglw112 jspjsessionid=PKBBIIBPJECLkKj9f-xKC?flush =50... 12/22/2005 Licensing Portal - View Public Complaints Page 1 of 1 Search for a Licensee Apply for a License View Application Status Apply to Retake Exam Find Exam Information File a Complaint AB&T Delinquent Invoice & Activity List Search User Services Renew a License Change License Status Maintain Account Change My Address View Messages Change My PIN DBPR Home I Online Services Home 1 Help I Site Map Complaint Details 10:21:08 AM 12/22/2005 Displayed Is a listing of public complaints regarding the person or entity selected. The only complaints that appear on this screen are public complaints against persons or entities that currently are licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.Such data includes complaints for which probable cause has been determined or where the subject of the complaint has waived his/her right to confidentiality. However, the department is precluded from disclosing any complaints which are confidential pursuant to Section 455.225(10), Florida Statutes. If you would like to file a new complaint it can be filed here. Complaints filed with the Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes, the complaint forms and all Information submitted to the Division are public records under the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, Florida's Public Record Law. Accordingly, any person may inspect the case file and may obtain copies of any of the materials In the file. The Division does not represent your private interests. Any action taken by the Division will be on behalf of the State of Florida. View Continuing Ed Additional search mechanisms are available to ascertain the existence of any public records pertaining to the unlicensed activity of the person or entity about which you are inquiring. Term Glossary Search for Public Records Pertaining to Unlicensed Construction Contractor Complaints Here Online Help Search_ for Public Records Pertaining to all other Unlicensed Complaints Here Name: Number Class incident Status Disposition Disposition Date Date No Complaint Information found. L. I Terms of Use I I Privacy statement I Discipline Discipline Date 0 https://www.myfloridalicense.com/viewwcomplai.nt.asp?STD=8clicid=735079 12/22/2005 Division of Corporations Page 1 of 2 Florida Profit CORNERSTONE BUSINESSES, INC. Document Number P99000052629 State FL Last Event NAME CHANGE AMENDMENT PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 3936 PAUL S BUCHMAN HWY ZEPHYRHILLS FL 33542 Changed 01/23/2003 MAILING ADDRESS 3936 PAUL S BUCHMAN HWY ZEPHYRHILLS FL 33542 Changed 01/23/2003 FEI Number 593614629 Status ACTIVE Event Date Filed 11/24/1999 Name & Address HUBBARD, MARY JANE 3936 PAUL S BUCHMAN HWY ZEPHYRHILLS FL 33542 Name Changed: 08/04/1999 Address Changed: 01/23/2003 Officer/Director Detail Name & Address HUBBARD,MARYJ 6449 COUNTRY CLUB RD WESLEY CHAPEL FL 33544 HUBBARD, C DOUGLAS 6449 COUNTRY CLUB R D Date Filed 06/02/1999 Effective Date NONE Event Effective Date NONE. Title PD VST http://cefcorp.dos.state.fl.us/scripts/cordet.exe?al=DETFIL&n1=P99000052629&n2=NAMFWD&n3=0... 12/22/2005 Divisipn of Corporations Page 2 of 2 WESLEY CHAPEL, FL 33544 WLNSBRO, KENNETH 12217 ]E1WRY LANE VS DADE MY FL 33525 ANTHONY,CARL 103 FOXWOOD DR BRANDON FL 33510 ... . . . .. ... ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Previous Filing Retum to List Next Piling View Events View Name Histo Document Images Listed below are the images available for this filing. THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL RECORD; SEE DOCUMENTS IF QUESTION OR CONFLICT http;//eefcorp.dos. state.fl.us/scripts/cordet.exe?a 1=DETFIL&n 1=P99000052629&n2=NAMFWD&n3=0... 12/22/2005 MATHEWS CONSULTING INC. C Civil and V.nVirUnnlental Engineers TR #10882 December 28, 2005 Mr. Gary Wainwright Utilities Engineering Coordinator CITY OF TAMARAC 6001 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, Florida 33321 City of Tamarac McNab Road WM Improvements — Bid No. 06-01B RecUMmendatiQU Q„f.. Ailard Dear Mr. Wainwright: The City of Tamarac Purchasing Division received, opened and read aloud bids for the McNab Road Water Main Improvements on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 at 4:00 P.M. Seven (7) bids were received ranging in price from $486,830.20 to $644,640.00, as listed below. The apparent low base bid was submitted by Comerstone Business, Inc, located in Zephyrhills, Florida. Name of Bidder Bid Amount Cornerstone Business, Inc. $486,830.20 G.C. Works $496,500.00 Chaz Equipment Co. $520,290.00 Intercounty $532,135.00 Tenex Enterprises, Inc. $540,845.00 Man -Con, Inc. $626,696.00 Globetec Construction $644,640.00 We have reviewed the proposal submitted by Cornerstone. Business, Inc. and have verified that they have performed satisfactory work for City of Delray Beach, Pinellas County Utilities and Polk County Utilities and have the equipment and personnel to perform this work. Based on the proposal submitted, references provided, and telephone conversation with the Contractor, we recommend award of the project to Cornerstone Business, Inc. in the amount of $486,830.20 based on their bid being the lowest and their ability to perform the work. Attached please find a bid tabulation prepared by the City of Tamarac Purchasing Department. tamaracletter9 Bid Award 12/28/05 Mathews Consulting, Inc. • 1475 Centrepark Boulevard, Suite 250 • West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-478-7961 • Fax 561-478-7964 www.mathewsconsultinginc.com Q MATEIEWS CONSULTING INC. If you have any questions or require additional information pertaining to this recommendation of award or the project in general, please contact me. Sincerely, MATHEWS CONSULTING, INC. David L. Mathews, P.E. Vice President Enclosure Ray Gagnon, City of Tamarac James Moore, City of Tamarac Jeff Arillo, City of Tamarac James Nicotra, City of Tamarac Tyler Davis, MC MC File No. 1306 tamaracletter9 Bid Award 12/28/05 12/22/05 M 59 FAX 954 724 2408 CITY-TAMARAC-PURCHASING t 002 v Y r p5 g n y» :2 6 M 0 � H M w v w eo N D a = p nOj M W y W V/ H o e g n$ N Us rr y � rr v "�n a Sa o 0 0 g 0 o a Q � c� gQ o 0 ppO N e $ W �j � PWj a w °i A H y� r d N H id f1 � O 0 o p0p O 0 9 tl 0 � O Q0 �yi O 0 is 8 �u O 0 g 4 G g a b o g a tl G v o � O � H in b K/ n► O Q �S 0 � O 4 air � � o � 4 o � pp S O pp O pp QQ QQ q g �+ q_ q $ Q a5 O m O o Q 25 O A w o ¢ 2i yxjcov O F N N ti_ rlr {y`�y� M _R ��py y Cif tl/ W In !T M QQ Q• W M M N aA N M lgy n tlar o » q 2S g o» w r 2S USm p, a arr 0 8Q� 0 , $ o S 8 o S 8p 0pQ $ ap $ $ 'gLl7 C O fi 08 0 » /8N� O O QQ0 4/%� po �G 4 ID p8 Z O a ei A N pUp s w N ry N W N n W H ~ M w r Uf w w w N A 8 p S. H p pp sOqpppA OGf aaB (Q�o O 0 o qR fO p �7r O !QQpp IL O � M M r ao a7 M M M W M IV N 0 8© op o $ a 88 88 0 8 8 88 a $ Sp ppo pep p88. Qo0 M p p ippi p O pQ O o tlSp p C p (y O 21 O O A pP P P 5� � S b K IL b $ g b YM') A n D o if a v� q v 0 v- .n o - o N r •• W $ F j o ~ 0 » n M $ S S B S S$ S o 00 0 8 0 S oo S $$ e }� d o 0 0 g o o e e o� z p pp © p �YYpO 1Mi/ ry"Dov' wOpoo ypoo ZR Mpp8 aw��QppM No� 0. Do qM� i pn +Mq Oggi t c o 5k g 9- -4 jM R tio g M � � uFn W 8 a o o c d d g� ri d a d 0 o ct 4 d Y 6n y v x M M to N N M N N N A N N m S O � A E o n _ c D 'd ao m n � ����T�.W�� Q w� .�v E�•DASFed-a3l dffi O�b }—n1 eF.ipe��+i y w 11 am vf9 �✓12'� P , _ P ❑ m Nt!fav� �4•nvsVli. `� � 2 aV �1 � N • ti tl n 1M n � ' m r` d w N H 11 _!!,v of Tamarac Pr,rrChasnr:a t rrd CoWfa is Civisio) AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC AND CORNERSTONE BUSINESSES, INC. 204THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , by and between the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation with principa offices located at 7525 N.W. 88th Ave., Tamarac, FL 33321 (the "CITY") and Cornerstone Businesses, Inc., a Florida corporation with principal offices located at 3936 Paul S. Buchman Hwy, Zephyrhills FL 33542 (the "Contractor") to provide for construction of McNab Road water main improvements. Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the City and Contractor agree as follows: 1) The Contract Documents The contract documents consist of this Agreement, Bid Document No. 06-01 B, including all conditions therein, (General Terms and Conditions, Special Conditions and/or Special Provisions), drawings, Technical Specifications, all addenda, the Contractor's bid/proposal included herein, and all modifications issued after execution of this Agreement. These contract documents form the Agreement, and all are as fully a part of the Agreement as if attached to this Agreement or repeated therein. In the event that there is a conflict between 06-01 B as issued by the City, and the Contractor's Proposal, 06-01 B as issued by the City shall take precedence over the Contractor's Proposal_ Furthermore, in the event of a conflict between this document and any other contract documents, this Agreement shall prevail_ 2) The Work 2.1. The Contractor shall perform all work for the City required by the contract documents and Bid No. 06-01 B, as set forth below: 2.1.1 Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for construction of the McNab Road water main improvements. 2.1.2 Contractor shall supervise the work force to ensure that all workers conduct themselves and perform their work in a safe and professional manner. Contractor shall comply with all OSHA safety rules and regulations in the operation of equipment and in the performance of the work. Contractor shall at all times have a competent field supervisor on the job site to enforce these policies and procedures at the Contractor's expense. 2.1.3 Contractor shall provide the City with seventy-two (72) hours written notice prior to the beginning of work under this Agreement and prior to C. P of Pinchasiog amf C onh ai 'S Division any schedule change with the exception of changes caused by inclement weather. 2.1.4 Contractor shall comply with any and all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations now in effect, or hereinafter enacted during the term of this Agreement, which are applicable to the Contractor, its employees, agents or subcontractors, if any, with respect to the work and services described herein. 3) Insurance 3.1. Contractor shall obtain at Contractor's expense all necessary insurance in such form and amount as specified in the original bid document or as required by the City's Risk and Safety Manager before beginning work under this Agreement including, but not limited to, Workers' Compensation, Commercial General Liability, and all other insurance as required by the City, including Professional Liability when appropriate. Contractor shall maintain such insurance in full force and effect during the life of this Agreement. Contractor shall provide to the City's Risk and Safety Manager certificates of all insurances required under this section prior to beginning any work under this Agreement. The Contractor will ensure that all subcontractors comply with the above guidelines and will retain all necessary insurance in force throughout the term of this agreement. 3.2. Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless for any damages resulting from failure of the Contractor to take out and maintain such insurance. Contractor's Liability Insurance policies shall be endorsed to add the City as an additional insured. Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all deductibles and self-insurance retentions on Contractor's Liability Insurance policies. 4) Time of Commencement and Substantial Completion The work to be performed under this Agreement shall be commenced after City execution of the Agreement and not later than ten (10) days after the date that Contractor receives the City's Notice to Proceed. The work shall be substantially completed within 75 calendar days from the date of issuance of said Notice to Proceed. 5) Contract Sum The Contract Sum for the above work is Four Hundred Eighty-six Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Dollars and twenty cents ($486,830.20), less any unused contingency allowance as contained in the bid documents. 6) Payments Payment will be made monthly for work that has been completed, inspected and properly invoices. A retainage of ten percent (10%) will be deducted from monthly payments until 50% of the project is complete. Retainage will be reduced to five percent (5%) thereafter. Retainage monies will be released upon satisfactory completion and final inspection of the work. Invoices must bear the project name, project number, bid number Of 78!)76)f! .K; G'l17 r7I1 E)5!11Cf ;1?K 1'i); ilT ]CfS l.,)!V!•)liill and purchase order number. City has up to thirty (30) days to review, approve and pay all invoices after receipt. The Contractor shall invoice the City and provide a written request to the City to commence the one (1) year warranty period. All necessary Releases of Liens and Affidavits shall be processed before the warranty period begins. All payments shall be governed by the Florida Prompt Payment Act, F.S., Part VII, Chapter 218. 7) Waiver of Liens Prior to final payment of the Contract Sum, a final waiver of lien shall be submitted by all suppliers, subcontractors, and/or Contractors who worked on the project that is the subject of this Agreement. Payment of the invoice and acceptance of such payment by the Contractor shall release City from all claims of liability by Contractor in connection with the agreement. 8) Warranty Contractor warrants the work against defect for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion of work. In the event that defect occurs during this time, Contractor shall perform such steps as required to remedy the defects. Contractor shall be responsible for any damages caused by defect to affected area or to interior structure. The one (1) year warranty period does not begin until substantial completion of the entire project, and the subsequent release of any Performance or Payment Bonds, which may be required by the original bid document. 9) Indemnification 9.1. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, liability, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) in connection with loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage, including loss of use thereof, directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, arising out of or occurring in connection with the operations of the Contractor or its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, or independent Contractors, excepting only such loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City or its elected or appointed officials and employees. The above provisions shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall pertain to any occurrence during the term of this Agreement, even though the claim may be made after the termination hereof. 9.2. Nothing contained herein is intended nor shall be construed to waive City's rights and immunities under the common law or Florida Statutes 768.28, as amended from time to time. 10) Non -Discrimination & Equal Opportunity Employment During the performance of the Contract, the Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, gender, national origin, sex, age, marital status, political affiliation, familial status, sexual orientation, C , , v o f T3 17 1 a ra C POIC11asioc" i.?nd ----- ---------------- - or disability if qualified. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, gender or national original, or disability. Such actions must include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, promotion; demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor shall agree to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. The Contractor further agrees that he/she will ensure that Subcontractors, if any, will be made aware of and will comply with this nondiscrimination clause. 11) Independent Contractor This Agreement does not create an employee/employer relationship between the Parties. It is the intent of the Parties that the Contractor is an independent contractor under this Agreement and not the City's employee for any purposes, including but not limited to, the application of the Fair Labor Standards Act minimum wage and overtime payments, Federal Insurance Contribution Act, the Social Security Act, the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, the State Workers Compensation Act, and the State Unemployment Insurance law. The Contractor shall retain sole and absolute discretion in the judgment of the manner and means of carrying out Contractor's activities and responsibilities hereunder provided, further that administrative procedures applicable to services rendered under this Agreement shall be those of Contractor, which policies of Contractor shall not conflict with City, State, or United States policies, rules or regulations relating to the use of Contractor's funds provided for herein. The Contractor agrees that it is a separate and independent enterprise from the City, that it had full opportunity to find other business, that it has made its own investment in its business, and that it will utilize a high level of skill necessary to perform the work. This Agreement shall not be construed as creating any joint employment relationship between the Contractor and the City and the City will not be liable for any obligation incurred by Contractor, including but not limited to unpaid minimum wages and/or overtime premiums. 12) Assignment and Subcontracting Contractor shall not transfer or assign the performance required by this Agreement without the prior consent of the City. This Agreement, or any portion thereof, shall not be subcontracted without the prior written consent of the city. 13) Notice Whenever either party desires or is required under this Agreement to give notice to any other party, it must be given by written notice either delivered in person, sent by U.S. Certified Mail, U.S. Express Mail, air or ground courier services, or by messenger service, as follows: CITY City Manager City of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue Gn....-- cr`5 lrvr: ry rr Tamarac, FL 33321 With a copy to City Attorney at the following address: Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A. 3099 East Commercial Blvd., Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 CONTRACTOR Mary Jane Hubbard, President Cornerstone Businesses, Inc. 3936 Paul S. Buchman Hwy Zephyrhills FL 33542 14) Termination 14.1 Termination for Convenience: This Agreement may be terminated by the City for convenience, upon seven (7) days of written notice by the terminating party to the other party for such termination in which event the Contractor shall be paid its compensation for services performed to termination date, including services reasonably related to termination. In the event that the Contractor abandons this Agreement or causes it to be terminated, Contractor shall indemnify the city against loss pertaining to this termination. 14.2 Default by Contractor: In addition to all other remedies available to the City, this Agreement shall be subject to cancellation by the City for cause, should the Contractor neglect or fail to perform or observe any of the terms, provisions, conditions, or requirements herein contained, if such neglect or failure shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt by Contractor of written notice of such neglect or failure. 15) Agreement Subject to Funding This agreement shall remain in full force and effect only as long as the expenditures provided for in the Agreement have been appropriated by the City Commission of the City of Tamarac in the annual budget for each fiscal year of this Agreement, and is subject to termination based on lack of funding. 16)Venue This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida as now and hereafter in force. The venue for actions arising out of this agreement is fixed in Broward County, Florida. 17) Signatory Authority The Contractor shall provide the City with copies of requisite documentation evidencing that the signatory for Contractor has the authority to enter into this Agreement. %itv of Tamarac: 41mcliasinq and Conttc.)Cts Division - --- __ - --- - --- - --- --- - , e . . - ... .18) Severability; Waiver of Provisions Any provision in this Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provisions in any other jurisdiction. The non -enforcement of any provision by either party shall not constitute a waiver of that provision nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement. 19) Merger; Amendment This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Contractor and the City, and negotiations and oral understandings between the parties are merged herein. This Agreement can be supplemented and/or amended only by a written document executed by both the Contractor and the City. 20) No Construction Against Drafting Party Each party to this Agreement expressly recognizes that this Agreement results from the negotiation process in which each party was represented by counsel and contributed to the drafting of this Agreement. Given this fact, no legal or other presumptions against the party drafting this Agreement concerning its construction, interpretation or otherwise accrue to the benefit of any party to the Agreement, and each party expressly waives the right to assert such a presumption in any proceedings or disputes connected with, arising out of, or involving this Agreement. Remainder of Page Intentionally Blank J -;I'y of 7 aiilca!ra,; F'ur 'asing and contracts D!VISI(% 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature. CITY OF TAMARAC, signing by and through its Mayor and City Manager, and CONTRACTOR, signing by and through its President duly authorized to execute same. CITY OF TAMARAC J00,86hreiber, Mayor II.fir®IQCo D to ATTEST: effreylZMigr, City Manager = Marion Swenson, CIVIC Date �..... City Clerk I ado(Q- - - -- ate rdi of Corporate Secretary Ken Winsbro Type/Print Name of Corporate Secy. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: L , Jorney Date Cornerstone Businesses, Inc. Company Name J6"Co Signature ob7lesidentlowner Mary Jane Hubbard Type/Print Name of President/Owner r - 3-C (CORPORATE SEAL) Date 1 7 Pol-,-hasing rind Coottacts Division C o, ain rac CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF _EI©l (A0 :SS COUNTY OF Pa5Cd I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an Officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Mary Jane Hubbard, President, of Cornerstone Bussinesses, Inc, a Florida Corporation, to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he/she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal this. day of_jar1� , 20.Lf, Signature cd Notary Public State of Florida at Large (n. d 4acj, for P Notary Public State of Florida Print, ype or Stamp Roxanne M Aguilera Name of Notary Public My Commission DD428802 Expires 07/1112009 -- Personally known to me or ❑ Produced Identification a Type of I.D. Produced DID take an oath, or DID NOT take an oath.