HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2006-1381 Temp. Reso. # 11017- 1 7/24/06 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2006- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF ADDITIONAL PLAYGROUND SHADE COVERS FOR THE SUNSET POINT PARK PLAYGROUND AT A TOTAL COST NOT TO EXCEED $29,989.88, FROM SHADE SYSTEMS, INC., UTILIZING THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, PRICE AGREEMENT CONTRACT FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT BID NO. SC-0511-06; APPROVING FUNDING FROM THE APPROPRIATE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The existing playground shade cover at Sunset Point Park is not large enough to cover all the playground equipment; and WHEREAS, during the summer months the area not covered becomes extremely hot, causing the park patrons to express concerns; and WHEREAS, additional shade covers can be purchased to cover the remaining equipment and the benches where the parents sit and supervise their children; and WHEREAS, the purchase of additional playground shade covers for the Sunset Point Park playground was approved in the Capital Improvement Plan budget and available funds exist in Parks & Recreation Capital Improvement Accounts entitled "Culture/Recreation / Professional Services", "Operating Supplies / Supplies -Other', and "Improvements Other than Building / Construction — Parks & Recreation", Project #GP06D; and Temp. Reso. # 11017- 2 7/24/06 WHEREAS, the City of Jacksonville, Florida, issued Bid Number SC-0511-06 for park and playground equipment, and awarded a one year contract to Shade Systems, Inc., effective June 1, 2006 through May 31, 2007, as evidenced by Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 6-155 allows the Purchasing/Contracts Managerthe authority to procure supplies, material and equipment, which are the subject of contracts with other governmental agencies without following purchasing procedures, as set forth in Section 6-149; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Director and Purchasing/Contracts Manager recommend the purchase of additional playground shade covers for the Sunset Point Park playground for a price not to exceed, $29,989.88, from Shade Systems, Inc., utilizing the City of Jacksonville, Florida, Price Agreement Contract for Parks and Playground Equipment, Bid No. SC-0511-06, sales order attached as attached hereto as Exhibit "B"; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to approve the purchase of additional playground shade covers for the Sunset Point Park playground for a price not to exceed, $29,989.88, from Shade Systems, Inc., utilizing the City of Jacksonville, Florida, Price Agreement Contract for Parks and Playground Equipment, Bid No. SC-0511-06. Temp. Reso. # 11017- 3 7/24/06 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: The purchase of additional playground shade covers for the Sunset Point Park playground for a price not to exceed, $29,989.88, from Shade Systems, Inc., utilizing the City of Jacksonville, Florida Price Agreement Contract for Parks and Playground Equipment, Bid No. SC-0511-06, is hereby approved. SECTION 3: Funding for this purchase will be from the appropriate Capital Improvement Accounts. SECTION 4: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. 1 Temp. Reso. # 11017- 4 7/24/06 SECTION 6: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this Z day of A)gV57 , 2006. ATTEST: MARION SWE SON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. BETH FLANSBAUM-TA ABISCO MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR FLANSBAUM-TALABISCO DIST 1: V/M PORTNER DIST 2: COMM ATKINS-GRAD_ DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. DRESSLER 1 1 Temp. Reso. #11017 Exhibit A BID FORM DAT' ...... City of.facksonvillf,, Department of Procurement REQUEST TO BI1) NO. SC-0511-06 THIS f'ORM MUST BE SIGNED AND INCLUDED) IN BID SUBMDSSIdiV COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS SUBMIT BID IN DUPLICATE Shade Systems, Inc. THIS BID WILL. BT?; OPENED ON 04/26/2006 4350 N.W. 19 Ave., Unit G "rTT)lt1) 2:00 P.M. IN CONFERENCE ROOM C, FLOOR, CITY HALL. Pompano ]Beach., FL 33064 RESPONSE(S)TO AID MUST BE IN INK OR TYPFwRv,rl'EN FI1)/SSNN . _. __...... BUYER: Sandy Averell PRONE: (904) 630-1498 T31T) ST?:CURTTY REQUNI2E_M_ ENTS TERM OF CC)NT TtACT NONE Other Supply contract from June 1, 2006 that May 31, 2007, wtih two (2) one (1) year renewal options. $AMPLE RIrQUIItI � P1011FOTt 1ANL:k: I30N1) Literature Required With Bid None Required QTJAN T'1"T'IES: �- TOR "T•T C HNICAL IN. UIR ' ONs Susan Saltsgiver Quantities indicated reflect the approximate quanlitics to be purchased throughout contract period and are subject io fluctua►ions in accordance with actual requirements. (904) 630-3595 AC,ENCY: Pnrlcs, Recreation and Entertainnrent Department PRICE AGR1 EWENT CONTRACT FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT. AGREEMENT WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WI7"11 A'17ACHED 'FERMS & CONDI`rIONS, Sff..CIFICA'r1ONS AND BID PROPOSAL FORMS. BASIS OF AWARDM1JLTIPLE AWARD 1"0 ALL QUALIFIED, RESPONSIBLE VENDORS, TERMS OF PAYMENT: NET OR _% DISCOUNT —DAYS ( im.-OI)r'7:S 0J 'Fl"Rk-D I- ,4YM,EN7'PEA10D5O USS THAN 30 DAYS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IN MAK)NG AWARD) Bidder's Certification Mstlerial is 117.0.13. Delivered to variousosrk_lucatiol s t rou ut a ks nvillc, f'L. Delivery will be made ill 4 5 business days frorn receipt of.purchast, order. - We v • iv ` dd n Flanlwritten Si •naltue of AwriW_ i, ficer of Firm fJplc Alan Bayman, President 954/971-6066 x101 954/971 Print Individual's Name & 'Fitic Phone Number Fax Numb FORM GI3-102, Revised 611998 -ROPOSAL FORM PRICE AGILEEMEN'I' CON7".IZA(,"I' F(.)R. PARK AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT. RID NO. SC--051 1--06 3InT)ElZ Shade. Systems, Inc. kl)f,)ItESS 4350 N.W. 19 Avenue, Unit G 'I'I Y, STATE ZIPCODE' Pompano Beach, FL 33064 'i-IONE' 954/971 6066 x101 FID#� C-MATE shadesystems@comcast.net .aONTA+CTNAME(S)_.._"..__Alan Bayman _ 42-1571783 1. BIDDER CA'rALO(:G: Fixed percentage discount Bidder Shade Systems, Inc. Discotartt off list price hiswilatlow Fixed percentage of cost (after discotants) Of e(]Ltlptrierlt. 3 % 120 % 2. MANUFACTURER CATALOGS: Fixed percentage discount Marntfacturer� Shade Systems, Inc._ Fixed Percentage T)iscount off MSRP_ _ 3 % Installation: Fixed percentage of cost (after discottnts) of equipinent 120 % Manufacturer Fixed Percentage DiscoLartt off MSRP Itastallation: Fixed percentage of cost (after discounts) of equipment U�U 2. MANUFACTURER CATALOGS: Fixed percentage discount (CONTINUED) zaEPA-I NrEN'r OF PROCURFM1�, U n �QC V�or N0'FJF'IC:A"1`10N OF AWARD AND RELATED ACTIONS DATE; 6/14/2006 ADDRESS: SHADE SYSTEMS, INC ATTN: ALAN BAYMAN 4350 N.W. 19 AVE„ UNIT G POMPANO BEACH, FL 33064 131I)# SC-0511-06 T'I'I'I.X: PRICE AGREEMENT CONTRACT" FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT f:adies,Gendemen: You are a successful hicicic-r on [lie above referenced bid. Bid is accepted subJecl to the terms, conditions and stipulations in our specifieat:ion's. Performance Bond in the amount: of S" � _ (as rcclt.tirc(l in the 01-• ginal hidpackage) awst be returned within 10 days from receipt of this notification. (Please inc'lrrdc laid number on poybrinanee bond remittance) CONTRACT DOCLIMF;NTS OR PURC HASL OI1Dti,R'I'0 1'Ot,W88", THIS JS NOl`AN ORDER. 'kwarded as follows: AS PER ATTACHED AWARD DOCUMENTATION. PLEASE PROVIDE COPY OF INSURANCE CERTIFICATE AS REQUIRED IN BID PACKAGE. Sitacerely°,. SANDY A YRELL You are not a successful bidder. Bids areavailable for inspection ill the Department of Procurolnont. Bid security is here-vvith returned; (:"heck;? Amount. St. dames City lialt. 11.7 West Duval Street, Sulte 335 Jacksonville. Florida 32202 Phone: (901)630-1181 Fax: (904)630-21.'5+1 FC)Itibt (:11-I 10, W,.-i tied 12.,2002 SUBJECT: PRICE AGREEMENT CONTRACT FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT BID# SC-0511-06 OPEN DATE: 4/26/2006 GENERAL GOVERNMENT AWARDS COMMITTEE KIND AND BASIS OF CONTRACT: SUPPLY CONTRACT- EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2006 THROUGH MAY 31, 2007 WITH TWO (2) ONE (1) YEAR RENEWAL OPTIONS FOR: RECREATION BASIS OFF AWARD: MULTIPLE AWARD TO ALL QUALIFIED BIDDERS NUMBER OF BIDS INVITED 35 NUMBER RECEIVED 35 OTHER 0 SUMMARY OF BIDS AND RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO AMEND THE CONTRACT TO INCLUDE COOPERATIVE PURCHASING LANGUAGE WHICH WILL ALLOW OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES TO UTILIZE THE CONTRACT. UPON CONCURRENCE FROM THE VENDOR, ALL PRODUCTS AND/OR SERVICES UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL 13E MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY MUNICIPALITY, COUNTY OR STATE GOVERNMENT; PUBLIC UTILITY; NON-PROFIT HOSPITAL; EOUCATIONAL. INSTITUTE, OR SPECIAL GOVERNMENTAL. AGENCY, UNDER THE SAME TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND PRICING. ATTACHMENT; ORIGINAL AWARD BUYER:J�'" RESPECTFULLY SL)BMITT D: SANLiY VERELL—,Dev'in J..Recd, Dire tor Departrnc:rrt of ProcrOct el CONCURRENCE BY: ROBERT WICKER CONTRACT COMPLIANCE (ALL AWARD ACTIONS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY OF ACTION OF AWARDS COMMITTEE ON RECOMMENDATIQ ABOVE MEMBERS APPROVING MEMBERS DISAPPROVINGPATE: ACTION OF AWARDING AUTHORITY DATE: OTHER: APPROVED l DISAPPROVED OTHER , IQ_ SIGNATURE OF AUTHENICATION ...�.. Roslyn M. Phillips' FARM GB 1U8, F2Bris0d 12l2003 Deputy Chief vperating 0 IU03 For. Mayor John Peyton Under Authority of Executive Order No. 06-03 RAC T FOR PARK AND 1'T AY(�1Z()(JNr) f:(�i.Jl1'yl F lV 1 I1I1.) ";CW-.t` .) I-06 ()PEN 1).A111 4/26/2006 GENERAL. GOVERNMENT AWARDS COMMITTEE KIND ANT) 13ASIS OF CONTRACT: SUPI11,V" CONTRACT- T 114F EC. TIVL JUNE 1, 2006-1-HROUGII 1't'lAY 31, 2007 1N IT11.1-WO 12) ONE (1) YEAR RENEWAI., OPTIONS ROTC: I"A13F%S, 13E t EtI Ti()N ENTERTAI.NMEN'r & CONSERVATION !:' ETAR']'MENT BASIS OI^ ANVARO: :MULTIPLE AWA(li.)'I"()AL,t.,OUAI,,I['ILI)Bll)[')[RS N1)MRER C.)I< 1311.)S INVITED: 35 NUMBER 3- OTHER: C) S1.)-MMARV OF BIDS AND RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO AWARD ALL VENDORS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED TASULA'TION SHEET (EXHIBIT 1) FOR A SOURCE; OF SUPPLY TO FURNISH, DELIVER, AND THE INSTALLATION OF PARK. AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT .AS LISTED IN THE CATALOG'S SUPPLIED BY THE VENDORS AT DISCOUNTS PROV DED ON BIDS. TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF EXPENDITURE $1,500,000.00. ATTACHMENTS �.��-� SANl)'Y,, VERELL I) RECOMMENDATION 2) SCOPE S) TAB SHEET rz1:Pcc'I'1 rJF I. 51.13�Ir'rr>I) - , — O,evin ,). Red Director Prpr.erre nie.nt Department C:'ON(; JRREN(: E BY, Ill I1AP J. ORUC.L WVISION C.11 IFF PARK DEVELOPMENT IANASION (ALL AWARDS A(::IONS SOBJEC I TO AVAII..,A13111TV OF f UNOS) AC."FION OF AWARDS COMMITTEE ON (TO R C()MMFNr)A1'IC)NS ARML i I x )i'j(- Ml,nax1 s A.1 'It()i>rNC� MUNIIIERS DISAPPROVING r)A1°1.: JUI d 1 i J,6, OTII ER ACTION (_)F AWARDING; AU"TIIORITY APPROVIA) OTHER: SIC'NATIJRF Or A1.1TI-Ir,NTICAI. 1)ISAI1I1R0VF,i): Roslyn % Phillips Deputy Chief Operating Officer For; Mayor John Peyton Under Authority Of: Executive Order No. 0&03 DATE: FORM G13-108, Revised1212003 4150 S.W. 19 St. • Ocala, FL 34474 SALES Shade_.40�� 1-800-609-6066 - FAX: 352-237-2256 ��G ffM 0TM E-mail: info@shadesystemsinc.com ORDER Web: www.shadesystemsinc.com OT TO: Mr. Lance Moll City of Tamarac For: Sunset Point Park Email: lancem@tamarac.org Tel.: 954-597-3634 FAX: 954-597-3640 FROM: Alan Bayman Cell: 954-260-5339 DATE: July 21, 2006 PAGE: 1 of 1 Thank you for your interest in Shade Systems. We are happy to quote the following product(s): QTY DESCRIPTION EACH TOTAL 1 14' x 37' x 10' Hi h T-Cantilever over swings $ 6,396.00 $ 6,396.00 1 15' x 20' x 8' Hi h Single Cantilever over benches 5,416.00 5,416.00 2 15'x15' x 8' High Sin le Post P amid 1,996.00 3,992.00 Less: 3% City of Jacksonville pricincontract discount - 474.12 1 Installation, including permitting with professional engineer- sealed drawings 14,660.00 14,660.00 COLORS: Fabric: Metals: TOTAL $ 29,989.88 IMPORTANT TERMS & CONDITIONS: ■ All products quoted are per standard Shade Systems specifications per our brochure with in ground bury posts and including our easy -to -use Turn-N-Slides' fabric removal and re -attachment fastening system factory -installed at each corner. ■ Includes polyester powder -coat finish on metal components in choice of standard colors shown on page 25 of our brochure. No concrete cutting, site work, or landscaping is included. We are not responsible for any damages to underground utilities or irrigation lines, nor for replenishment of any resilient surfacing material or sod. City is responsible for identifying any underground utilities, and capping or re-routing same. City to provide a current survey of the site for permitting purposes. Prices quoted are valid until August 31, 2006. Current shipping schedule is estimated at 12 weeks after receipt of order, subject to timely issuance of permit. Terms are net 30 days with municipal purchase order. To place this order, please return copy of this Sales Order with color blanks completed above, along with your official municipal purchase order. ABOVE APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: By signing below, Buyer accepts the terms and conditions of this Sales Order and directs Shade Systems to provide the products listed for the amounts shown. Buyer agrees to pay to the seller interest on accounts past due at a rate of 1.50% per month or the maximum allowed interest rate by applicable law, whichever is lower, all collection costs including attorney's fees, and other costs involved in the collection of any accounts past due. Buyer agrees this order is not cancelable. BY: TITLE: DATE: