HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2006-0181 1 Temp Reso. #10888 Page 1 January 25, 2006 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2006 - I'K A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND MUNICIPAL COMPETITIVE GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS FOR THE EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT UPGRADE PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,813 PROVIDING FOR A 2 TO 1 CASH MATCH OF $31,626 IN CITY FUNDS FOR A TOTAL PROJECT COST OF $47,439 IN THE EVENT OF APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE AWARD AND EXECUTING OF DOCUMENTS UPON APPROVAL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac desires to improve emergency management capabilities within the City in the fundamental areas of response and recovery; and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Community Affairs provides grants to local governments for emergency preparedness projects through the Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund Municipal Competitive Grant Program, and WHEREAS, the City desires to provide for communications equipment upgrade for use during emergencies among the City's fire stations, Emergency Operations and Fleet Operations Centers to include electronic equipment such as computers, communication hardware and software, and portable repeater sites with towers; and Temp Reso. #10888 Page 2 January 25, 2006 WHEREAS, providing for an emergency communications equipment upgrade will further enable the City of Tamarac to better provide the level of communication ability that is essential to ensuring the continuity of government services during times of disaster; and WHEREAS, acceptance of these funds requires the amending of estimated revenues and expenditures within the Fire Rescue Fund Budget; and WHEREAS, the granting agency requires and the City is willing to match the 2006 Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund Municipal Competitive Grant Program request of $15,813 with a 2 to 1 cash match in City funds in the amount of $31,626 for a total project cost of $47,439 in the event of approval; and WHEREAS, it is a requirement of each grant program that this Resolution be adopted and become an official part of the application; and WHEREAS, the Assistant City Manager and the Fire Chief recommend approval; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to submit an application to the Florida Department of Community Affairs for Emergency Management Preparedness Trust Fund Municipal Competitive Grant Program funds for an emergency communications equipment upgrade at all City fire stations, Emergency Operations and Fleet Operations Center. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: Section 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are HEREBY ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are HEREBY made a specific part of this resolution. Temp Reso. #10888 Page 3 January 25, 2006 Section 2: The appropriate City Officials are HEREBY authorized to submit an Emergency Management Preparedness Trust Fund Municipal Competitive Grant Program application for $15,813 to the Florida Department of Community Affairs providing for a 2 to 1 cash match in City funds of $31,626 for a total project cost of $47,439 in the event of approval of the application. A copy of said application is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 3: Upon approval of the application, the appropriate City officials are HEREBY authorized to accept the award and execute the necessary documents following legal review. Section 4: Upon approval of the grant award, the appropriate City Officials are HEREBY authorized to amend the existing Fire Rescue Fund Budget in the amount of $47,439 and appropriate said funds including any and all subsequent budgetary transfers to be in accordance with proper accounting standards. Section 5: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are HEREBY repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or in application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion or applications of this Resolution. 1 Temp Reso. #10888 Page 4 January 25, 2006 Section 7: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this Z day of , 2006. ATTEST: MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. OE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: V/M TALABISCO DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS y 6 SA UEL S. OREN CITY ATTORNEY 1 1 1 EXHIBIT A DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMPETITIVE GRANT AND MUNICIPAL COMPETITIVE GRANT APPLICATION PACKET JULY 2005 VERSION FORM #008 - IMPORTANT - BEFORE PREPARING YOUR APPLICATIONS FOR SUBMISSION, THOROUGHLY READ THIS ENTIRE APPLICATION PACKET AND RULE CHAPTER 9G-19, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE TO THE FORMAT OF THE APPLICATION AND RULE CHAPTER 9G-19, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE IF APPLICABLE, ARC 4496 MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION. APPLICATIONS MAY BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE INTERNET AT THE FOLLOWING WEBSITE: EM PAA. TA TE ;FL.US A D_ NOTE: APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED VIA INTERNET MUST BE SUBMITTED THREE DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLISHED DEADLINE DATE. $ APPLICATIONS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE INTERNET AT: www.floridadisaster.orp-/ci)s/grants.htm PRELIMINARY SCORES AND RESULTING RANKINGS WILL BE POSTED TO THE DEM WEBSITE AT www.floridadisaster.ore/ei)s/p-rants.htm FINAL SCORES AND RESULTING RANKINGS WILL BE POSTED TO THE DEM WEBSITE AT www.floridadisaster.grp_/cps/`­ rants.htm EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PREPAREDNESS AND ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND Competitive Grant Application Packet TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section I I Programs/Categories Available and Eligible Applicants Section II 2 General Information Regarding Application Submission Section III 3 Proposed Project Presentation and Scoring Criteria Summary Section IV 5 Scoring Point Range and Detail of Criteria Section V 12 Application Organization and Format for Submission Section VI 13 Selection Procedures Section VII 14 Procedural Deadlines Attachments 1. Title Page Format 15 2. Project Budget Format 16 3. Project Budget Example 17 4. Expenditure Category Definitions 18 SECTION I PROGRAMS/CATEGORIES AVAILABLE ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS ffI"4 0W Pursuant to Rule Chapter 9G-19, Florida Administrative Code, the Emergency Management Competitive Grant Program and the Municipal Competitive Grant Program make funds available annually to eligible applicants for one-time projects that will further state and local emergency management objectives. Project submissions must be designed to be completed within a time frame of 12 months. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COMPETITIVE GRANT PROGRAM (General) - provides competitive grants to state or regional agencies, local governments, and private non-profit organizations to implement projects that will further state and local emergency management objectives. Eligible applicants may submit multiple applications, however, no single application shall seek or receive an award in excess of the amount established annually by the Division in a Notice of Fund Availability and published in the Florida Administrative Weekly. All eligible applicants, with the exception of counties, shall be limited to no more than three (3) application submissions in an application cycle. MUNICIPAL COMPETITIVE GRANT PROGRAM - provides competitive grantsto municipalities that are legally constituted, have an authorized, established, and maintained emergency management program, and have signed the current Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement (SMAA) and supplied all required information and documentation such that the SMAA agreement is ready to be signed by the Division as of the date of the application deadline. Each Municipal Emergency Management Program applicant may apply for one competitive grant. The maximum award amount will be established annually by the Division in a.Notice of Fund Availability and published in the Florida Administrative Weekly. APPLICATION CATEGORIES; Applications are accepted in the following four categories under both programs: 1. Projects that will promote public education on disaster preparedness and recovery issues. 2. Projects that will enhance coordination of relief efforts of statewide private sector organizations, including public -private business partnership efforts. 3. Projects that will improve the training and operations capabilities of agencies assigned lead or support responsibilities in the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. 4. Other projects that will further state and local emergency management objectives which have been designated by the State of Florida as priorities in the applicable Notice of Fund Availability. NOTE: Priority points are available fora lications submitted under this Category only. SECTION II GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING APPLICATION SUBMISSION 1. Application packets and copies of the current Notice of Fund Availability and the applicable Florida Administrative Code LF.A.C.1 Rule Chapter 9G-19 may be obtained from the Division of Emergency Management, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100, Attention EMPATF Program, or from the current Internet site. 2. All applications must be no more than 15 pages, complete, accurate, and legible when submitted and must meet the requirements detailed in Rule 9G-19.008(8), F.A.C. or they shall be rejected. 3. If a hardcopy of the application is submitted, it should be securely bound in a folder appropriate for the size of the application. 4. If a hardcopy of the application is submitted, an original and five (5) copies of the application must be received. The original must be labeled "Original' and must contain an original signature in ink of the authorized official as specified in Rule 9G-19.008(7), F.A.C. If submitting an application on-line, one copy in Microsoft Word or WordPerfect format must be submitted no later than three (3) days prior to the published application deadline date. To complete the on-line application process, the Department must receive a hard copy of the title page with original signatures by the published application deadline date. Also, applications will be accepted on a 3 1/4" diskette or compact disk no later than three (3) days prior to the published application deadline date. The Department must receive a hard copy of the title page with original signatures by the published application deadline date for applications submitted on 3 1/4" diskettes or compact disks. A municipality may submit only one application per funding cycle under the Municipal . Competitive Grant Program. If more than one application per municipality is received by the Department under that program, the one with the earliest post mark or, in case of deliveries made by courier, the earliest time/date log -in stamp will prevail. Applications must be received by the Department of Community Affairs, Division of Emergency Management, 2555 Shurnard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100, Attention: EMPATF, by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the date noticed in the Florida Administrative Weekly. If submitting on-line the file must be transferred to the Division at EMPAaDCA.STATE.FL.US by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time three (3) days prior to the date noticed in the Florida Administrative Weekly. $. Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted. 9. Eligible applicants desiring a technical review of their applications prior to the application deadline must comply with Rule 9G-19.008(5), F.A.C. The application must be submitted with an original that is clearly marked and five (5) copies. Applications received after the technical review deadline (minimum 21 days prior to the application deadline) will not be eligible to receive a technical review. The application submitted for technical review must be in its final version. 10. All applications must be submitted not later than 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the date of the published application deadline date. With the exception in paragraph (e) of Rule 9G-19.008(5), -F.A.C., no application may be amended, added to, or otherwise modified after 4:00 p.m. Eastern time on the date of the published application deadline, other than to provide clarifying information as requested by the Division. Pa SECTION III PROPOSED PROJECT PRESENTATION and SCORING CRITERIA SUMMARY INSTRUCTIONS: All points awarded will be based on information provided in this section and detailed in Section IV. The information is to be presented in narrative_fgrm , and MUST address all six (6) of the scoring criteria areas as grouped below. Since the project application is to be presented as a single narrative rather than in a question/answer format, flexibility is provided to the Applicant in presenting the information, e.g., the Applicant need not repeatedly detail the description of the project in order to address individual criteria areas; or, criteria area #.2 may be discussed in combination with #1, etc. As long as all criteria are clearly identified, grouped as shown below and fully addressed, the presentation style of the narrative is the Applicant's choice. The narrative should be concise and to the point, but no more than 15 pages may be used for the entire application. Shown on the left of each scoring criteria area, is the maximum number of points that may be awarded for that specific criteria area; this score information is not to be included in the application narrative, but is provided here for your information purposes only. The scoring criteria listed below is presented only as a brief summary statement of the more detailed information that is required in the submission. Each of these 6 areas should be clearly and fully addressed in the project presentation narrative. Explicitly detailed information on the full range ofpoints that may be awarded for every scoring criteria listed is provided in Section IV of this packet. Careful attention must be paid to the guidance in Section IV, so that the application includes all the information necessary to ensure receipt of the maximum number of paints possible. Failure to clearly address any of the eight required criteria areas will result in the scoring of zero (0) points for each of the criteria not addressed. MAX PTS. SCORING CRITERIA SUMMARY Group I. Description of Need, Proposed Solution, and Expected Benefits 150 1. Clearly identify, describe and document the emergency management need or problem, provide an in-depth explanation of the project, and show how it meets the need/solves the identified problem. If applicable, clearly link the emergency management need to the priority issue area(s) contained in the current Notice of Fund Availability (NOFA); 75 2. Identify and demonstrate long- and/or short-term tangible benefits of this project coupled with the availability of resources necessary to continue the project; and identify the number of emergency management personnel whose emergency management needs will be directly benefitted by the project. Group II. Collateral Information for the Project 100 3. Clearly describe the project's consistency with the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and any applicable local plans; 100 4. Describe why this particular method or approach to solving the problem was chosen over other available alternatives. Include a proposed budget for the project and describe how it is necessary and appropriate to the scope of the project. NOTE: A SPECIFIC FORMAT IS REQUIRED FOR THE BUDGET DETAIL (SEE ATTACHMENT 2 OF THIS PACKET); 50 5. Identify Applicant's matching funds, either cash or in -kind and include supporting documentation; 25 b. Provide evidence of the abilities and qualifications of those persons proposed to work on the project if funded. 500 maximum total points Tiebreaker - Answer the following two questions: 1) Has the Applicant's jurisdiction been impacted by an environmental clean-up initiative? If so, describe the initiative and its impact on the Applicant. 2) Is the Applicant located in a Front Porch Community? If so, please describe the location. After completing the narrative, use the above information as a "check list" to review the application. To ensure the maximum points, be certain the application contains a clearly identified and thorough discussion (as described in Section IV of this packet) of every scoring criteria area contained in the above. 4 SECTION IV SCORING CRITERIA DETAIL General: The following information is to be used for fully developing the project presentation. Individual review committee members score each application independently of each other, often resulting in a range of scores for the same application. Reviewers may award a point score anywhere within the point range for the criteria being addressed. The specific point awards discussed in this section are provided to serve as benchmarks. 1. Clearly identify a demonstrated state or local emergency management need and explain how this project will address it. If applicable, identify which emergency management priority, as identified in the Notice of Fund Availability, the project addresses. Clearly link the project to the priority. [Maximum score 150 points] Identify any demonstrated state or local emergency management need that will be addressed by the proposed project. Reference documentation identifying and describing the need. Indicate whether the need is identified by statute, rule, plan or other legal requirement. Copies of the statute, rule, plan or other legal requirement will need to be referenced as appendix items to be submitted at a later date. If the need is not identified by statute, rule, plan or other requirement, explain how this need was determined. Explain what the proposed project is and describe the extent to which the proposed project will address the demonstrated state or local emergency management need. Identify the expected result or improvement in emergency preparedness, response, recovery or hazard mitigation. 50 points - state or local emergency management need to be addressed by the proposed project is clearly and succinctly identified; support confirming the need is properly identified; application clearly, succinctly and rationally explained in depth what the project is and how and why the proposed project will address the emergency management need; application clearly, succinctly and rationally identifies a certain and credible positive effect on, or improvement in, emergency preparedness, response, recovery or hazard mitigation; 25points - state or local emergency management need exists but is incompletely identified or incompletely supported; application provides an explanation of how or why the proposed project addresses the need but the explanation is incomplete; application identifies a plausible and probable positive effect on, or improvement in, emergency preparedness, response, recovery or hazard mitigation; 0 points - no state or local emergency management need is identified,- the identified need is not supported or confirmed; application fails to explain how or why the proposed project will address the emergency management need,- project will not have a positive effect on, or improve, preparedness, response, recovery or mitigation; Include in the above portion of the narrative, if applicable, identification of the particular emergency management priority, or priorities, to be addressed by the proposed project. The priorities must have appeared in the relevant Notice of Fund Availability. If the project will address more than one priority, identify each priority addressed. Explain how and why the proposed project meets the identified priority. If the proposed project is intended to address a need designated as a priority, clear linkage between the priority need and the proposed project must be demonstrated. 100 points - emergency management priority to be addressed by the proposed project is clearly and succinct identified; application clearly, succinctly and rationally explains how and why the proposed project will address the emergency management priority; application clearly, succinctly and rationally identifies a certain and credible positive effect on, or improvement in, the area identified as an emergency management priority; 50 points - emergency management priority exists but is incompletely identified, application provides an explanation of how or why the proposed project addresses the priority, but the explanation is incomplete; application identifies aplausible andprobable positive effect on, or improvement in, the priority identified 0 points - no emergency management priority is identified; the identified priority is not supported or confirmed,- application fails to explain how or why the proposed project will address the emergency management priority; project will not have a positive effect on, or improve, the area identified by the emergency management priority. 2. Identify the immediate tangible emergency management benefits (short-term projects, i.e. - 12 months or less in duration), or, reasonable expectation of long-term emergency management benefits coupled with the availability of resources (other than this grant amount) to continue implementation of the project past the term of the award (long-term projects, i.e. - duration of longer than 12 months). Also, identify the number of emergency management organizations or the targeted population area whose emergency management needs will be directly benefitted by the project. [Maximum score 75 points] Each application must indicate whether the project is either a short -tern project, long-term project, or a combination. If a combination, then the application must clearly indicate both short and long term emergency management benefits, and how the proposed project will achieve both types of benefits. If the application indicates that the project has benefits which are short-term, long-term or both, and the applicant fails to clearly and plainly indicate such benefits, the scoring will so reflect. Describe the specific emergency management benefits, both direct and indirect, of the proposed project. Indicate whether the proposed project will provide tangible, immediate benefits that will further state or local emergency management objectives. If so, identify the specific benefits, and the specific emergency management objectives. Identify any long term benefits to these emergency management objectives. Indicate the expected commencement date, completion date, and milestones of the project. Include any supporting documentation. If a proposed project is intended to initiate a longer -term program, indicate the emergency management benefits of this long-term program. Indicate the basis for the expectation that this project will achieve those benefits, describing any testing, forecasting, methodology, studies or analysis used to support the forecast of benefits. Describe any and all resources to be used to continue the project past the first twelve months, and indicate the availability of those funds. Include documentation in the Appendix Section of the application to demonstrate the firm commitment of these long-term resources. 75 points - application clearly, rationally 'and succinctly indicates the type and time frame for emergency management benefits; clearly and succinctly describes the specific benefits, clearly and rationally explains whether they are direct or indirect, and clearly and unequivocally connects them with already identified emergency management objectives; includes significant supporting documentation; clearly and succinctly identifies reasonable commencement and completion dates, and appropriate milestones of the project; clearly identifies any testing, analysis, studies, forecasting, or methodology underlying the 6 forecasted long-term benefits; studies, forecasts, analysis, testing or methodology are sound and support projected long-term benefits; resources to support long-term projects are clearly identified, described and firmly committed, as demonstrated by supporting documentation; 37 points - application indicates the type and time frame for emergency management benefits; describes the specific benefits, explains whether they are direct or indirect, and connects them with already identified emergency management objectives, though some points may be omitted, or unclear; includes adequate supporting documentation; identifies feasible commencement and completion dates, and milestones of the project; supports the forecasted long-term benefits in some reasonable and rational manner; projected long-term benefits are credible; resources to support long-term projects are identified, and presumably committed; 0 points -fails to adequately identify the type and time frame of'emergency management benefits; fails to describe emergency management benefits, or explain them, or connect them with identified emergency management objectives, or description, explanation or connection is not clear or rational, or equivocates; no supporting documentation, or inadequate supporting documentation; commencement and completion dates are not supplied or are unreasonable or unrealistic; milestones are not supplied or are inappropriate; testing, analysis, methodology, forecasting, or studies are not supplied, or are unsound, or are not supportive of claimed benefits; resources to support long-term projects are not identified, or are inadequate, or are not firmly committed. 3. Describe the project's consistency with the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and any applicable local comprehensive emergency management plans. [Maximum score 100 points] Describe the manner and extent to which the proposed project is consistent with. the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. Identify the particular items in the State plan which are relevant to the project; link the consistency of the project with the State plan rationally, clearly and comprehensively. 50 points - consistent in every respect- particular items in the plan are identified and the consistency of the project with the State plan is rationally, clearly and comprehensively explained; 25 points - substantially consistent - some items in the plan are identified and the consistency is rationally explained, though the project may not be consistent in every respect; 0 points - inconsistent in every respect -few or no items in the plan are identified, consistency is not explained or the explanation is not rational, clear or comprehensive. Are any local comprehensive emergency management plans applicable to the proposed project? If so, identify the applicable plans, county and municipality, and describe the manner and extent to which the project is consistent with those emergency management plans. Identify the specific plan elements, goals, strategies or objectives that will be impacted and describe how the project will favorably impact them. Supply copies of pertinent parts of the plans in the Appendix Section or quote from the actual plans. If any letters of consistency or support pursuant to 9G-19.008(2) have been received from applicable local emergency management agencies, reference them in the narrative and include them in the Appendix Section of the application. 25 point maximum/50 points if no municipal plan applies: 25150 points - plan exists and the project is consistent in every respect- particular elements in the plan are identified and the consistency of the project with the local plan is rationally, clearly and comprehensively explained, 13/25 points - plan exists and the project is substantially consistent - some elements in the plan are identified and the consistency is rationally explained, though the project may not be consistent in every respect; 0 points -plan does not exist or the project is primarily inconsistent -few or no elements in the plan are identified, consistency is not explained or the explanation is not rational, clear or comprehensive. For municipal competitive grants: Are any municipal comprehensive emergency management plans applicable to the proposed project? If so, identify the applicable plans, and describe the manner and extent to which the project is consistent with the plans. Identify those plan elements, goals, strategies or objectives that will be impacted and describe how the project will favorably impact each. Supply copies of pertinent parts of the plans or quote from the actual plans. If any letters of support have been received from applicable municipal emergency management agencies, reference them here and include them in the Appendix Section of the application. 25 points - plan exists and the project is consistent in every respect- particular elements in the plan are identified and the consistency of the project with the municipal plan is rationally, clearly and comprehensively explained; 13 points - plan exists and the project is substantially consistent; some elements in the plan are identified and the consistency is rationally explained though the project is not clearly or completely consistent; 0 points - plan does not exist or the project is primarily inconsistent -few or no elements in the plan are identified, consistency is not explained or the explanation is not rational, clear or comprehensive. 4. Discuss why this particular method and approach was chosen. [Maximum score 100 points] Identify the emergency management issues to be addressed and the reasonably available potential methods and approaches to address them. Identify any studies or analyses of the issue. Identify any applicable industry standards or policies. Describe the particular method and approach chosen for this project. Explain why this method and approach was chosen over the other available alternatives. Identify any literature or data supporting the use of this method and approach. Identify any previous attempts by the applicant or by other entities to address this or similar issues. Describe the method and approach used in the previous attempts and indicate whether the attempts succeeded or failed, and briefly explain why. Indicate any previous attempts to use this particular approach and method, and whether the previous attempts achieved the desired results. Describe the budget of the proposed project in a format consistent with Attachment 2 of this Application Packet. Group proposed expenditures in the following categories in a manner consistent with Attachment 4 of this Application Packet: Salaries and Benefits (includes salaries, fringe benefits, and other related costs for services related to the project by regular full-time employees); $ Other Personal/Contractual Services (includes the compensation for services related to the project by persons who are not regular full-time employees, such as temporary employees, board members or consultants); Administrative Expenses (includes the direct costs of staff managing the project and other direct costs for managing the project, as well as the applicant's official indirect rate, if any, applied to those direct costs of management. No more than S% of the total Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance program funds awarded for the project may be used for administrative costs); $ Expenses (includes the usual, ordinary, and incidental expenditures, including, but not limited to, commodities and supplies of a consumable nature, travel, printing, audit costs, etc.); Operating Capital Outlay (includes equipment, fixtures and other tangible personal property of a nonconsumable and nonexpendable nature and have a normal expected life of one year or more); Fixed Capital Outlay (real property [land, buildings including appurtenances, fixtures and fixed equipment, structures, etc.] including additions, replacements, major repairs, and renovations to real property which materially extend its useful life or materially improve or change its functional use, and including operating capital outlay necessary to furnish and operate a new or improved facility). The budget should contain sufficient detail to allow evaluation of the proposed cost. Budget line items should include as appropriate, salaries and fringe benefits, indirect costs, travel, printing, subcontracts, minor equipment (the respondent is expected to possess or have available the equipment necessary to meet project demands), miscellaneous office and laboratory expenses, and explanations of unusual expenditures. The time of commitment based on a forty (40) hour work week and associated salary of the principal and associate staff must be readily identifiable. Describe how the proposed budget is necessary and appropriate to the scope of work and intended project result. 100 points -potential methods and approaches are identified, explained and analyzed; studies, analyses, standards and policies are identified and rationally applied to the project; project method and approach are clearly, rationally and concisely identified and explained, choice of method and approach is conclusively appropriate for the project; the budget of the proposed project is clearly and rationally set forth in exceptional detail; the application clearly, succinctly and rationally describes how and why the budget is necessary and appropriate to the scope and potential of the project; L7 50 points - some potential methods and approaches are identified, but identification is incomplete, or some methods and approaches are unexplained, or the analysis is incomplete; the method and approach is not consistent with some standards, studies or policies; choice of method and approach is deemed appropriate, even if some questions or concerns remain; the budget of the proposed project is set forth, though some, non -critical, details may be omitted, the application describes how and why the budget is necessary and appropriate to the scope and potential of the project; 0 points -potential methods and approaches are not identified, or insufficiently identified, and are unexplained, or irrationally or not clearly explained, project method and approach is not identified or explained; project method and approach is not appropriate for addressing problem or achieving goal; the budget and budget detail is not identified or is clearly deficient or incomplete; the application lacks an explanation of how or why the budget is necessary or appropriate, or the explanation is not clear or rational, given the scope and potential of the project. 5. Identify Applicant's project match. [Maximum score 50 points] Describe the source and type of any funds that will be provided from other sources to match any grant funds received from the Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Trust Fund (EMPATF). Attach appropriate official documentation (e.g., board minutes or resolutions) to indicate the firm commitment of the proposed cash matching funds. The Transmittal Letter can also be considered an appropriate official document if it clearly states the total amount of the cash match being committed and is signed by an official with the authority to fully commit the cash funds (e.g., chairman of the board or mayor). Indicate these funds in a percent format and a specific dollar figure. This information should agree with the budget information provided in criteria area #6. If any other funds have been applied for or received by the Applicant for the proposed project or a similar project, describe the source and type of funds, terms and conditions applicable to their use, term of availability, and consequences, if any, of failure to receive the EMPATF funds. All match committed, whether in -kind or cash, must clearly represent an unconditional commitment of currently available funds. Match cannot be committed or expended outside of the twelve (12) month contract period. The narrative explanation and justification of line items as they relate to match on the proposed budget (see Attachment 3) should clearly identify and describe all supporting documentation used to justify the figures within each line item and referenced as an appendix attachment. The actual documentation will need to be submitted as appendix items as identified in Rule 9G-19.009(2). 50 points - 2:1 match, or greater; 25 points - 1:1 match; 0 points - 0 match; if the documentation does not indicate the firm commitment of funds then no points shall be awarded, i.e.- the application must include documentation evidencing the firm commitment of the funds in order for those funds to be credited as match. 6. Discuss the Applicant's experience and ability applied to the project [Maximum score of 25 points] Identify the relative experience of all persons (force account or outside contractor) proposed to work on the project, whether planning, design, execution or administration. Provide evidence of the abilities and qualifications of each as it relates to the project's specific requirements. 10 Describe the availability to the applicant of the resources, including any personnel, detailed in the project budget, criteria area #4, and any anticipated delays expected to occur between the time an award is accepted and the commencement of the project. Demonstrate that the personnel and other resources identified are those necessary and appropriate to accomplish the project. 25 paints - the experience, abilities and qualifications of all persons is identified, and clearly, rationally and succinctly related to the proposed project; the materials and other necessary items are clearly identified, described, and are available without qualification or delay; 13 points - the experience, abilities and qualifications of most persons involved in the project is identified, and accurately related to the proposed project; the crucial materials and other absolutely necessary items are identified and available, though there may be some tolerable qualification or delay; 0 points - the experience, abilities and qualifications of all pertinent persons is not identified, or is not related to the proposed project; materials and other necessary items are not identified or are clearly incomplete or deficient for the project; the availability of the materials and necessary items is not indicated, or the indications are that there will be significant delays or problems in obtaining them. Tiebreaker - Answer the following two questions: 1) Has the Applicant's jurisdiction been impacted by an environmental clean-up initiative? If so, describe the initiative and its impact on the Applicant. 2) Is the Applicant located in a Front Porch Community? If so, please describe the location. SECTION V APPLICATION ORGANIZATION AND FORMAT Application submissions shall be organized as follows: Letter of Transmittal - This letter should not exceed a page in length, should briefly describe the applicant's proposed project, state a positive commitment to perform the work necessary to implement the project within the established time frame, and identify the dollar amount of the funding requested from the Trust Fund. In addition, the letter should identify any other persons, companies, organizations or parties involved in the proposed project. The letter should also include the following assurances: that only those entities identified in the application are involved in the proposed project; that the application is made without collusion with any other entity submitting an application; that the application is, in all respects, fair and in good faith, without fraud or collusion; and that the signer of the application has full authority to bind the applicant and all other involved parties. If the applicant is providing a cash match, the transmittal letter can also be considered an appropriate official document. The letter must clearly state the total amount of the cash match being committed and be signed by an official with the authority to fully commit the cash funds (e.g., chairman of the board or mayor). 2. Title Page - Each application shall have a title page consistent with Attachment I contained in this application packet. If submitting on-line or on disk, the title page must be received on hard copy by the Division no later than three (3) days prior to the published application deadline date. Also, a hard copy of the title page containing the original authorized signature must be submitted by mail and must be received no later than three (3) days prior to the published application deadline date. Table of Contents - Each application shall provide a table of contents that reflects the format set forth in this section (V). Page numbers for the proposed budget and for the matching fund information shall also be displayed in the Table of Contents. 4. Proposed Project Presentation - This portion of the application contains the narrative presentation of the proposed project as it relates to the six (6) scoring criteria. All scoring criteria listed in Section III and detailed in Section IV must be fully addressed. APPLICATIONS WILL BE EVALUATED AND SCORED USING ONLY THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE APPLICATION. Each of the four application items listed above must be separately identified. The proposed budget must be consistent with Attachment 2 contained in this application package and must be tabbed. The section relating to matching funds offered by the Applicant must also be tabbed. If submitting application on-line or on a disk each page should be clearly numbered and in consecutive order as outlined above. 12 SECTION VI SELECTION/AWARD PROCEDURES Applications shall be scored by the review committee in accordance with the provisions of Rule 9G-19.009(2), F.A.C. * Applications shall be scored by the review committee members independently and the scores shall be totaled and averaged. Thereafter, the committee shall evaluate the projects and determine preliminary scores and resulting rankings through consensus. * Preliminary scores and resulting rankings shall be prepared within each category based upon the total number of points earned with the overall highest number of points determining priority for funding. * Regardless of their competitive ranking, applications that do not score at least 300 points shall be ineligible for funding. * The review committee shall recommend the scores and preliminary rankings to the Secretary of the Department for review and approval within the 75 days following the application deadline date. * Once approved by the Secretary, preliminary scores and resulting rankings shall be posted to the DEM website, at www.floridadisaster.org/cps/grants.htm. * Final award of points shall be made by the Secretary of the Department following the completion of any administrative proceedings. * Final scores and resulting rankings shall be posted to the DEM website at www.floridadisaster.or /g cp5/grants.htm. * Funds shall be offered to the Applicant with the overall highest score, then to the Applicant with the next highest score, and so on, until all funds have been offered or all eligible applications have been funded. * Applicants shall be given 21 days to accept or reject a proposed award at which time a fully completed proposal with all attachments, and any other documentation that may be requested, should be submitted to the Division. Written notice of intent to accept or reject shall be delivered to the office designated in the notice of award. In the event an Applicant fails to accept or reject a proposed award within the specified time frame, the funds shall revert to the Trust Fund. * Contractual agreements between the Department and awarded Applicants will be developed and executed to implement all funded applications. Funded application submissions will become part of the agreements. 13 SECTION VII PROCEDURAL DEADLINES 9G-19.008(1) The Division will publish a Notice of Fund Availability in the Florida Administrative Weekly at least 60 days prior to the Competitive Grant application deadline date. 2. 9G-19.008(5)(c) Applications submitted for a technical review must be received no later than twenty-one (21) days before the deadline published in the applicable Notice of Fund Availability. The Division will inform the applicant of any technical deficiencies in the application by telephone, e-mail or facsimile not later than ten (10) days in advance of the published application deadline to give the applicant an opportunity to rectify them before the deadline. 9G-19.008(2) Applicants requesting a consistency statement must provide a description of the project to the applicable County Emergency Management Agency at least thirty (30) days prior to the Competitive Grant application deadline published in the Notice of Fund Availability. 4. 9G-19.008(7) Competitive Grant Applications transmitted on-line shall be transmitted not later than three (3) days before the published application deadline. A hard copy of the title page containing the original'authorized signature must be submitted by mail, and must be received by the Division by the application deadline date and time published in the Notice of Fund Availability. 5. 9G-19.009(1) All Competitive Grant applications must be received by the Division by 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on the noticed application deadline date.. 6. 9G-19.009(2) The review committee shall, within 75 days of the Competitive Grant application deadline date, post preliminary scores and resulting rankings on the Division of Emergency Management website www.floridadisaster.org/cps/ rants.htm. 14 FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT EMPA COMPETITIVE GRANT APPLICATION ATTACHMENT 1 - TITLE PAGE TITLE OF PROJECT AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM STATE $ AMOUNT MATCHING FUNDS COMMITTED CASH IN -KIND This is an application for a competitive grant under (indicate ONLY one): 1) Emergency Management Competitive Grant Program, or 2) Municipal Competitive Grant Program The application is submitted for consideration in the following category (select ONLY one): 1) A project that will promote public education on disaster preparedness and recovery issues. 2) A project that will enhance coordination of relief efforts of statewide private sector organizations, including public -private business partnerships. 3) A project that will improve the training and operations capabilities of agencies assigned lead or support responsibilities in the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. 4) A project that will otherwise further state and local emergency management priorities identified in the Notice of Fund Availability. Name of Organization: _ Address of Organization: E-mail address of Organization: Name of Chief Elected Official: Name of Chief Administrative Officer: Name of Applicant Contact: Title of Applicant Contact: Telephone Number of Applicant Contact: E-mail address of Applicant Contact: Federal Employee Identification (FEID) Number: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Must comply with 9G-19.008(7), F.A.C., or application will not be scored] Signature: Title: If delegation of signature authority is submitted with this application, attach it to this page. 15 FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT EMPA COMPETITIVE GRANT APPLICATION ATTACHMENT 2 Proposed Budget EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES Cash Match A In -kind Services Match B Total Grantee Cost A+B=C EMPA Award D Total Project Cost C+D=E 1. SALARY AND BENEFITS 2.OTHER PERSONAL / CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 4. EXPENSES S. OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 6. FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURES PERCENTAGES A% B% C% D% E% NARRATIVE EXPLANATION AND JUSTIFICATION OF LINE ITEMS: Note: Use as many specific line item entries as are needed to thoroughly explain anticipated costs. 16 FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT EMPA COMPETITIVE GRANT APPLICATION ATTACHMENT ****Example**** Proposed Budizet* EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES 1. SALARY AND BENEFITS A. Labor for shelter construction Cash Match In -kind Services Match 2,106.00 Total Grantee Cost 2,106.00 EMPA Award Total Project Cost 2,106.00 2. OTHER PERSONAL / CONTRACTUAL SERVICES A. Electrician 11,025,00 11,025.00 3. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 412.00 412.00 412.00 4.EXPENSES A. 200 cots @ $13.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 5. OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY 43,000.00 A. 100 KW generator 40,000.00 B. trailer 3,000,00 6. FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY A. Materials for generator shelter 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,350.00 2,518.00 7,868.00 54,025.00 61,893.00 PERCENTAGES 9% 4% 13% 87% 100% NARRATIVE EXPLANATION AND JUSTIFICATION OF LINE ITEMS: *[This example of a proposed budget is for a project which would enhance an existing Special Needs Facility and increase the county's sheltering capacity by providing emergency power and additional cots. Specific line items detail planned cost elements. The grant funds would be used for the purchase and installation of a 100 KW generator and trailer. The county is contributing $2,600,00 cash for the purchase of 200 cots which cost $13.00 each. The county is also contributing $2,750.00 cash, for a total cash match of $5,350.00, for the purchase of material to construct a concrete shelter to protect the generator. The county is also making an in -kind service contribution of salaries and administrative expenses for a total in -kind service match of $2,518.00. This brings the total grantee cost to $7,868.00 or 13% of the total project cost.) l . Salary and Benefits: County staff used to construct shelter for generator, 3 employees estimated at 24 hours each. 2. Other Personal / Contractual Services: electrician - wiring of the generator, received 3 estimates. (.Estimates should be identified as appendix items and remitted with completed proposal) 3. Administrative Expenses for overseeing the project, 3 personnel: school Board Superintendent 3 hours, Administrative Assistant 8 hours, County Engineer 14 Hours, 4. Expenses: 200 cots will be purchased at $13.00 each as a cash match for this project. (Vendors/Bids should be identified as appendix items and remitted with completed proposal) 5. Operating Capital Outlay: portable 100 KW generator and trailer, received 3 estimates. (Vendors/Bids should be identified as appendix items and remitted with completed proposal) 6. Fixed Capital Outlay: materials needed to construct a concrete shelter to protect generator. (Vendors/Bids should be identified as appendix items and remitted with completed proposal) NOTE: Evidence of an Engineering Survey to ensure facility meets American Red Cross shelter requirements (ARC 4496) is required with application 17 FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT EMPA COMPETITIVE GRANT APPLICATION ATTACHMENT 4 EXPENDITURE CATEGORY DEFINITIONS (For Use in Budget Development) 1. SALARY AND .BENEFITS: The compensation for services that are directly related to the project by a person who is a regular employee in an established position for a specific period of time. 2.OTHER PERSONAL/CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: The compensation for services that are directly related to the project by a person who is not a regular or full-time employee filling an established position. This shall include but not be limited to, temporary employees, student or graduate assistants, fellowships, part time academic employment, board members, consultants, and other services specifically budgeted by each agency in this category. 3. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES: The direct costs of staff managing the project and other direct costs for managing the project, as well as the recipient=s indirect rate, if any, applied to those direct costs of management. The sum total of direct and indirect costs identified herein shall not exceed S% of total EMPA program funds. 4. EXPENSES: The usual, ordinary, and incidental expenditures by an agency, including, but not limited to, commodities and supplies of a consumable nature, and excluding expenditures classified as operating capital outlay. 5.OPERATING CAPITAL OUTLAY: Equipment, fixtures and other tangible personal property of a nonconsumable and nonexpendable nature and has a normal expected life of one year or more. 6. FIXED CAPITAL OUTLAY: Real property (land, buildings including appurtenances, fixtures and fixed equipment, structures, etc.), including additions, replacements, major repairs, and renovations to real property which materially extend its useful life or materially improve or change its functional use, and including operating capital outlay necessary to furnish and operate a new or improved facility. 18