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City of Tamarac Resolution R-2006-208
Temp. Reso. # 11064 November 8, 2006 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R- 2006-� A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT HEAVY EQUIPMENT UTILIZING FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT; AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $213,319; DECLARING CERTAIN EQUIPMENT AS SURPLUS AND DIRECTING THAT EQUIPMENT BE DISPOSED VIA SALE THROUGH ESTABLISHED INTERNET MARKETS TO BE SELECTED; PLACING ALL PROCEEDS INTO THE APPROPRIATE FUND FROM WHICH THE ASSETS WERE ORIGINALLY PURCHASED; AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS AS NEEDED FOR PROPER ACCOUNTING PURPOSES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Adopted Fiscal Year 2007 Capital Improvement Program Budget authorized the purchase of replacement heavy equipment for the Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, the timely replacement of City equipment is necessary in order to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of services by City departments; and WHEREAS, City of Tamarac Code, §6-155 allows the Purchasing Officer the authority to waive purchasing procedures and purchase equipment which is the subject of contracts with other governmental agencies; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works and Purchasing and Contracts Manager have determined that it is in the City's economic interests to purchase replacement equipment utilizing Florida Department of Transportation Contract P0384, hereto attached as Exhibit 1"; and WHEREAS, per the attached purchasing agreements, the heavy equipment Temp. Reso. # 11064 November 8, 2006 Page 2 of 4 replacement purchased will be awarded to Southern Sewer Equipment Sales at the costs indicated in the Bid Award Announcement as shown in the "FY06 Heavy Equipment Replacement Summary", hereto attached as Exhibit "2"; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac that replacement heavy equipment be purchased utilizing the existing purchasing agreements as attached. WHEREAS, pursuant to §6-155 of the Code of Ordinances, the City Commission may by Resolution direct the City Manager to dispose of surplus supplies by the method or methods deemed to be most advantageous, convenient, and economical to the City; and WHEREAS, the City Manager may dispose of surplus stock by utilizing competitive sealed bids, public auction, established markets, sales at posted price, donation, or trade- in as may be prescribed for the individual situation; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has delegated the responsibility for Property Disposal to the Purchasing and Contracts Manager, through the Director of Finance; and WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Purchasing and Contracts Manager recommend that disposal of surplus and obsolete equipment be accommodated via an electronic established market available to all buyers via an Internet auction service to be selected; and WHEREAS, pursuant to §6-153, the asset available for disposal, upon receipt and deployment of replacement equipment, is identified in Exhibit "2", hereto attached; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to approve the sale of surplus and obsolete equipment and to authorize appropriate City officials to dispose of surplus and obsolete equipment via an electronic established market available to all buyers Temp. Reso. # 11064 November 8, 2006 Page 3 of 4 via an Internet auction service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption hereof. SECTION 2: The purchase of replacement heavy equipment utilizing the various purchasing agreements is hereby approved, copies of said agreements are attached as Exhibit "1 ". SECTION 3: Replacement heavy equipment shall be awarded to the vendors shown for each specific item in the existing purchase agreement at the cost indicated in the agreement, as summarized in the "FY06 Heavy Equipment Replacement Summary" attached hereto as Exhibit "2". SECTION 4: An expenditure in the amount of $213,319 for said purpose is hereby authorized. SECTION 5: The appropriate City Officials declare that, upon replacement, existing property in Exhibit "2" be deemed surplus equipment and direct that property be disposed via sale through established internet markets. SECTION 6: All proceeds from the auction or disposal shall be placed in the appropriate fund from which the asset was originally purchased to be used for public purpose. SECTION 7: All budget amendments required for proper accounting purposes are hereby authorized. SECTION 8: All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are Temp. Reso. # 11064 November 8, 2006 Page 4 of 4 hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 9: If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. SECTION 10: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this ATTEST: w MARION SWE ON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. day of noje_m�fj 2006. BETH ;. • MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR FLANSSAUM-TALABISCO DIST 1: V/M PORTNER DIST 2: COMM ATKINS-GRAD DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. DRESSLER 1 1 OCT-13-2006 15:34 r.n �cra Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit Scott London operations Maaagcr City of Tamarac Utilities 1h wtmcnt 6001 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, FL 33321 Dear Mr. London, SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES 3409 Industrial 27th St. dr Ft. Pierce, Fl. 34946 (772) 595-9171 FAX dr 1-800-7824134 dr (772) 59"940 "A Certified MBE Wiomn Owned BuskwW Od;Wber 13, 2006 REVISED This letter is to certify Southern Sewer Equipment Sales will honor a purchase order from the City ofTwnww board on the Florida DOT Contract NO P0384. This is for a now VAC -CON sewer cleaver based on ltem #2 mounted on a now chassis. Equiptndtrit List for this unit as specified: New V312LHA/1300 12 Yard 13463 Tack 80 GPM 0 3000 PSI Way System (Powered by diesel auxiliary engine) 3 Stage Centriftgal Compressor 1300 Gollon Fresh Water Capacity Hydrostatic Blower Drive Remote Boom Grease ZwWA:uxiliary Engine R,ernote Oil Drain Remote Debris Tank Lubrication System Rotating Chain Scroper Root Cutter Kit 6-, 8",10„ Elechude Back Up Alarm Rear Vision Back Up C,arnera with Monitor Hydraulic Rear Door Locks Hydraulic Tilt Dump Debris rank Flushing Sysh= Cen rifuSal Compressor beegrated Flush Out System Vacuum Enhancer Assembly 190 Degree Artieulxft Hose Reel 500' x 1" Sewer Hove How Footage Counter 50' Capacity Handgun Hose Feel with Hose Dual Roller Levcl 'Wind Guide 10' Telescopic Boom OCT-13-2006 15* 35 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — ExhAAT"" 20' Aluminum Tubes with, Quick Clamps Sanitary Nozzle Penctrator Nozzle Storm Nozzle and Assembly Little Bruce Culvert Nozzle Nozzle Rack Cone Storage Rack Hydraulic Folding Pipe Rack Ground Level Pipe Storage Racks Auxiliary Engine Area Light Waster Pump Area Light Boom Lights Rear Mounted Flood Lights Handheld Spotlight with 50' Retractable Cord DOT Arrowbow d DOT approved Amber Strobe Lights, front & tear 8" to 6" Reducer 2 1 /x" Water Tank Drain Triangle Road Kit First Aid Kit Fire Extinguisher 5 lb. Rear Tow Hooks Mounted as: Sterling LT7501 Tandem Axle Chassis (Syr. 100,000 miles Sterling Wamnnty) Allison Automatic Tnmsmission — 285 HP Diesel Engine AM/1~M Radio Air Conditioning Air Driver Seat Butterfly Hoods and Enhanced Serviceability Total Price for Unit with all OPTIONSOKDUCTIONS $2139319.00 Please feel fife to contact Drew Denman or myself if we may be of any fiuther assistance at (800) 782-4134. Sincerely, Jenny Mitchem Administrative Assistant TOTFL P.03 LL I -I J-2LUeb l9; s4 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Cxhi itG' CJJ SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES 3409 INDUSTRIAL 27" STREET FT PIERCE, FL 34946 PHONE: (800) 782-4134 FAX: (772) 595-9171 FACSiINUM TRANSMITTAi. SHEET To: From; Vincent Sdwm hm M ebelm. co.pey►: Daw C offspWime, Pobtie Werlm iA/1vm Fam Tops! No. of Pma Iatludia= Cover. 954.5997--3715 3 SNbjw: Revised proposal for Sewer Ckaaer Please fed free to talc ase at (800) 782-4134 if you have any quedWn& Thank you, Jenny Mitcbem Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 Florida Department of Transportation JEB BUSH 605 Suwannee Street JOSS ABREU GOVERNOR Room 481 SECRETARY Tallahassee. FL 32399-0450 July 14, 2004 MEMORANDUM NO.: ITB-DOT-02/03-9026-LG - 2 TO: Department Addressed Vendor Addressed FROM: Renee Randall DOT Contract Coordinator SUBJECT: DOT Contract ITB-DOT-02/03-9026-RR, P0384 TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER Subject contract has been amended to reflect the following change at the same prices, terms and conditions: Supplier changed from Cummins to Deutz for the auxiliary engines in order to meet new Federal emissions regulations. Any questions in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to me at (850) 414-4481 or Suncom 994-4481. 1 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 Florida Department of Transportation JEB BUSH 605 Suwannee Street Jost ABREU GOVERNOR Room 481 SECRETARY Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 August 6, 2003 MEMORANDUM NO.: ITB-DOT-02/03-9026-LG-1 TO: Department Addressed Vendor Addressed FROM: Renee Randall DOT Contract Coordinator SUBJECT: DOT Contract ITB-DOT-02/03-9026-LG, P0384 TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER Subject contract has been renewed from FEBRUARY 1, 2004 TO JANUARY 31, 2007 at the same prices, terms and conditions. Any questions in delivery or service that may arise regarding this contract should be directed to me at (850) 414-4481 or Suncom 994-4481. Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 State of Florida Department of Transportation INVITATION TO BID TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER ITB-DOT-02/03-9026-L G DOT CONTRACT NO.: P0384 Effective February 1, 2003 thru January 31, 2004 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1) INTRODUCTION (ITB-DOT-02/03-9026-LG The purpose of this Invitation To Bid is to obtain competitive bids to establish a one (1.) year contract for the purchase of truck mounted sewer cleaners by the Department of Transportation, hereafter referred to as the "Department". The contract will become effective on Februpa 1, 2003 and will expire January 31, 2004 from that date. After the award, said bidder(s) will be referred to as the "Vendor(s)". All commodities identified in this Invitation to Bid will be subject to the availability of identical commodities as provided by mandatory Department of Management Services' State Contract(s) at such time these commodities become available. In p g Services' mandatory State Contract shall the event of duplication(s)of commodities the Department of Management rp evail. 2) CONTRACT USE Use of the contract resulting from this bid will be optional for the Department. The Department reserves the right to solicit separate bids for any unusual or abnormal quantity requirements that may arise during the term of the contract. 3) MINORITY BUSINESS UTILIZATION The Department encourages the recruitment and utilization of certified and non -certified minority businesses. The Department, its Vendors, suppliers, and consultants should take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that minority businesses have the opportunity to compete for and perform contract work for the Department in a nondiscriminatory environment. If two equal low bids are received and one response is from a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), certified by the Department of Management Services' Office of Supplier Diversity, the Department will award the contract to the certified MBE. The MBE's certification must be current at the time and date of bid opening. 4) PRICES Price(s) shall include delivery to Department of Transportation location(s) in Florida. 5) DELIVERY Delivery must be made within one -hundred& twenty 120 calendar days or less upon receipt -of a purchase order by the contract sU12lier at his designated ordering location or nine 90 calendar days after the Department supplied carrier is made available to the successful bidder. If more time is needed the bidder should state the extra time required and the reasons why in the bid. Acceptance will be subject to "DOT" approval. Refer to Section 11,1 -- 11.1.5 of specifications for additional delivery requirements. Contractor shall complete delivery to DOT within fourteen (14) calendar days from anticipated date stated in acknowledgment form. Contractor shall notify DOT personnel designated on purchase order no less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to delivery. Deliveries will be accepted only between 8:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. Monday -- Thursday, No Friday deliveries. Deliveries not complying with these requirements may be rejected and will have to be re -delivered at contractor's expense. I emporary Keso. No. 11064 — hxhi bit 1 A Manufacture's Statement of Origin and a copy of warranty(ies) shall be provided upon delivery. Two (2) manufacturer's operator manuals and two (2) each lubrication instructions and maintenance instructions in hard copy, and if available on a CD ROM for use with a computer, to be delivered with each unit. 6) ACKNOWLEDREMENT The Acknowledgement of Order" Form (see attached) shall be mailed to the purchaser within ten (10) calendar days from the date the contractor receives the Purchase Order. 7) PRICE ADJUSTMENTS Price(s) shall remain firm for the life of the contract and any renewals, if applicable. Price adjustments will not be allowed. 8) CONTRACT RENEWAL This contract may be renewed for a period that may not exceed 3 years or the term of the original contract, whichever period is longer. Renewals shall be contingent upon satisfactory performance evaluations by the Department and subject to the availability of funds. Renewal of the contract shall be by mutual agreement in writing and shall be subject to the same terms and conditions set forth in the initial contract. 9) CANCELLATION All contract obligations shall prevail for at least one hundred and eighty (180) days after the effective date of the contract. For the protection of both parties, this contract may be cancelled in whole or in part after one hundred and eighty (180) days by either party giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other contract party. The contract may, also, be cancelled by the Department for nonperformance (default) in accordance with Rule 60A-1.006(3), F.A.C.. 10) BID QUESTIONS &_ANSWERS Any technical questions arising from this Invitation to Bid must be forwarded, in writing, to the procurement agent identified below. The Department's written response to written inquiries submitted timely by bidders will be posted on the Florida Vendor Bid System at www.myflorida.com (click on "BUSINESS", click on "Doing Business with the State", under "Everything for Vendors and Customers", click on "Vendor Bid System (VBS)", then click on "Search Advertisements"), under this bid number. It is the responsibility of all potential bidders to monitor this site for any changing information prior to submitting their bid. Only written inquiries from bidders, which are signed by persons authorized to contractually bind the bidders, will be recognized by the Department as duly authorized expressions on behalf of the bidders. WRITTEN TECHNICAL QUESTIONS should be.submitted to: Lillian Graham E-mail: Lillian. raham a dot.state.fl.us 605 Suwannee Street Room 481 MS 20 Tallahassee Florida 32399_-0450, (850) 414-4288, FAX: (850) 488-8102. 10) ORAL INSTRUCTIONS / CHANGES TO THE INVITATION TO, BID (ADDENDA) No negotiations, decisions, or actions will be initiated or executed by a bidder as a result of any oral discussions with a State employee. Only those communications which are in writing from the Department will be considered as a duly authorized expression on behalf of the Department. Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit I Notices of changes (addenda) will be posted on the Florida Vendor Bid System at www.myflorida.com (click on "BUSINESS", click on "Doing Business with the State", under "Everything for Vendors and Customers", click on "Vendor Bid System (VBS)", then click on "Search Advertisements") under this bid number. It is the responsibility of all potential bidders to monitor this site for any changing information prior to submitting your bid. All addenda will be acknowledged by signature and subsequent submission of addenda with bid when so stated in the addenda. 11) ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Manufacturers are encouraged to bid direct naming dealers who will accept orders and complete deliveries. Bidders must include complete ordering instructions, including FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (FEID), for invoicing dealers, with the bid on a separate sheet. 12) ORDER QUANTITIES No minimum order quantities will be accepted. The Department will order as needed in the quantities needed. 13) BLANKET PURCHASE ORDERS The Department may, at its discretion, establish a blanket (open) purchase order with the successful bidder(s) to facilitate the purchasing of materials. The purchase of materials may be placed by; (1) written purchase order, (2) telephone orders by authorized Department personnel, or (3) an itemized order in writing. The Department will supply the successful bidder(s) with a list of personnel authorized to order. Delivery of items on these blanket purchase orders shall not exceed the contract effective period. 14) INVOICING Invoices must match units specified on the Purchase Order 15) ESTIMATED PURCHASES It is anticipated that the Department will purchase approximately 400 000.00 under any contract resulting from this bid. This estimated amount is given only as a guideline for preparing your bid and should not be construed as representing an actual amount to be purchased under this contract. The Vendor(s) shall supply, at bid prices, the actual amounts ordered regardless of whether the total of such amounts is more or less than anticipated. This bid and the resulting contract will be subject to annual appropriated funding. 16) ALTERNATES Alternate brands will be considered for this bid. The "Department" reserves the right to require each bidder to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the "Department" that the items/materials will perform in a completely acceptable manner. In the event the "Department" judges that the demonstrated performance is unsatisfactory, the "Department" may reject the bid. Product information, specifications, and descriptive technical literature for the evaluation of alternate products shall be provided to Ken Kimsey. P.E. 605 Suwannee Street MS 52 Tallahassee Florida 23399-0450 for approval prior to the bid opening date and time. Demonstration time and place is subject to agreement of the "Department" and the bidder. Any samples received shall be at no additional cost to the Department and shall be retained by the Department for use as quality standards and as models for acceptance inspection. Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 17) WARRANTY The contractor shall warrant all components of its manufacture and design for a minimum of two (2) years following the date of acceptance and will replace to the FDOT any part found to be faulty in manufacture or workmanship. The warranty shall include parts and labor at the delivery location or at the contractor's service location, at the option of FDOT. Parts and services must be available within 2 working days. Components not of the contractor's design and manufacture, such as the carrier, water pumps, valves, etc., are subject to the OEM warranty. In any case all warranties must be for at least two (2) years. Dates of warranties are to be the date of acceptance by FDOT. The successful contractor shall act as FDOT's agent regarding any warranty claim on OEM warranted components Any deviation from this criteria must be documented in the vendors bid response or the above statement shall prevail. 18) REPLACEMENT Replacement of all materials found defective within the warranty period shall be made without cost to .the purchaser, including transportation and/or restocking fees if applicable. 19) PRODUCT REQUICREMENTS/SPECIFICATIONS Items furnished shall be standard products of the manufacturer or their suppliers, shall be new, unused, clean, and free from any defects or features affecting appearance, serviceability, or the safety of the user in normal intended use. Any deviation from specifications indicated herein must be clearly pointed out; otherwise, it will be considered that items offered are in strict compliance with these specifications, and successful bidder will be held responsible therefore. Deviations must be explained in detail on separate attached sheet(s). 20) ACCEPTANCE All items listed in the specifications, delivered to the Department not meeting specifications or found to be poorly manufactured will not be accepted, but returned to the Vendor, at their expense, for replacement. Replacement of all items found defective shall be made without cost to the Department, including transportation, if applicable. As it may be impossible for each facility to inspect all items upon arrival, a reasonable opportunity must be given to these facilities for inspection of the items, and returning those that are defective. 21) REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Bidders are required to complete and return the State of Florida "Bidder Acknowledgement" form as well as the bid sheet(s). These forms must be signed by a representative who is authorized to contractually bind the bidder. All bid sheets and the "Bidder Acknowledgement" form must be executed and submitted in a sealed envelope. Indicate the bid number, with the time and date of the bid opening, on the envelope used to return the bid. Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 22) PROTEST OF INVITATION TO BID SPECIFICATIONS Any person who is adversely affected by the contents of this Invitation to Bid must file the following with the Department of Transportation, Clerk of Agency Proceedings, 605 Suwannee Street Room. 550 MS 58 Tallahassee Florida 32399- 0450 : 1. A written notice of protest within seventy-two (72) hours after the posting of the solicitation, and 2. A formal written protest in compliance with Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, within ten (10) days of the date on which the written. Notice of Intent to Protest is filed. Failure to file a notice of protest or failure to file a formal written protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. 23) PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids, proposals, or replies on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, F.S., for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 24) UNAUTHORIZED ALIENS The employment of unauthorized aliens by any contractor is considered a violation of Section 274A(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. If the contractor knowingly employs unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral. cancellation of the contract. 25) DISCRIMINATION An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list may not submit a bid on a contract to provide goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases or real property to a public entity, may not award or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity. 26) RESERVATIONS The Department reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids received and reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of the bids submitted. Therefore, the bidder should make sure that the bid package submitted is complete and accurate and submitted to ensure delivery on or before the bid opening time and date specified in this solicitation. It is understood that the bid will become a part of the Department's official file, without obligation to the Department. Temporary Reso. No. 11064 --- Exhibit I 27) ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS No conditions may be applied to any aspect of the ITB by the prospective bidder. Any conditions placed on any aspect of the bid documents by the prospective bidder may result in the bid being rejected as a conditional bid (see "RESPONSIVENESS OF BIDS"). DO NOT WRITE IN CHANGES ON ANY ITB SHEET. The only recognized changes to the ITB prior to bid opening will be a written addenda issued by the .Department. 28) RESPONSIVENESS OF BIDS Bids will not be considered if not received by the Department on or before the date and time specified as the due date for submission. All bids must be typed or printed in ink. A responsive bid is an offer to provide the items specified in this Invitation to Bid in accordance with all requirements of this Invitation to Bid. Bids found to be non -responsive will not be considered. Bids may be rejected if found to be irregular or not in conformance with the specifications and instructions herein contained. A bid may be found to be irregular or non -responsive by reasons that include, but are not limited to, failure to utilize or complete prescribed forms, modifying the bid specifications, submitting conditional bids or incomplete bids, submitting indefinite or ambiguous bids, or executing forms or the bid sheet with improper and/or undated signatures. Other conditions which may cause rejection of bids include evidence of collusion among bidders, obvious lack of experience or expertise to provide the required items, and failure to perform or meet financial obligations on previous contracts. 29) MODIFICATIONS, RESUBMITTAL AND WITHDRAWAL Bidders may modify submitted bids at any time prior to the bid due date. Requests for modification of a submitted bid shall. be in writing and must be signed by an authorized signatory of the bidder. Upon receipt and acceptance of such a request, the entire bid will be returned to the bidder and not considered unless resubmitted by the due date and time. Bidders may also send a change in a sealed envelope to be opened at the same time as the bid. The ITB number, opening date and time should appear on the envelope of the modified bid. 30) WAIVERS The Department may waive minor informalities or irregularities in bids received where such is merely a matter of form and. not substance, and the correction or waiver of which is not prejudicial to other bidders. Minor irregularities are defined as those that do not have an adverse effect on the Department's interest and do not affect the price of the bid by giving a bidder an advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other bidders. 31) COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Copyrighted material will be accepted as part of a bid response only if accompanied by a waiver that will allow the Department to make paper and electronic copies necessary for the use of Department staff and agents. .It is noted that copyrighted material is not exempt from the Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Therefore, such material will be subject to viewing by the public, but copies of the material will not be provided to the public. 32) ATTACHMENT TO ITB SUBMITTAL - CONFIDENTLAL MATERIAL The Bidder must include any materials it asserts to be exempted from public disclosure under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, in a separate bound document labeled "Attachment to Invitation to -Bid, Number ITB-DOT-02/03-9026-LG - Confidential Material". The Bidder must identify the specific Statute that authorizes exemption from the Public Records Law. Any claim of confidentiality on materials the Bidder asserts to be exempt from public disclosure and placed elsewhere in the proposal will be considered waived by the Bidder upon submission, effective after opening. Temporary Reso. No. 11064 —Exhibit 1 33) SPECIAL ACCOMMODA_.TIONS Any person with a qualified disability requiring special accommodations at the pre -bid conference and/or bid/proposal opening shall contact the procurement office at the phone number on the above Invitation To Bid cover sheet at least five (5) working days prior to the event. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact this office by using Florida Relay Services at (800) 955-8771 (TDD). 34) REVIEW OF BIDDER'S_. FACILITIES & OUALIFICATIONS After the bid due date and prior to contract execution, the .Department reserves the right to perform or to have performed, an on -site review of the bidder's facilities and qualifications. This review will serve to verify data and representations submitted by the bidder and may be used to determine whether the bidder has adequate facilities, equipment, qualified and experienced staff, and overall management capabilities to provide the required items. The review may also serve to verify whether the bidder has financial capabilities adequate to meet the contract requirements. Should the Department determine that the bid package has material misrepresentations or that the size or nature of the bidder's facilities, equipment, management capabilities, or the number of experienced personnel (including technical staff) are not adequate to ensure satisfactory contract performance, the Department has the right to reject the bid. 35) OPTIONAL CONTRACT USAGE In addition to use by the Department, and with the consent of the Vendor(s), purchases may be made by other governmental entities under the terms and conditions of this contract. The applicable purchasing laws, rules, and regulations of those governmental entities shall apply to their use of this contract. 36) MAIL OR DELIVER BIDS TO: (DO NOT FAX) Florida Department of Transportation Procurement Office 605 Suwannee Street, Room 481, MS 20 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 Phone No.: (850) 414-4288 37) BID OPENING The sealed bids will be opened by the Department's Procurement Office personnel at 605 Suwannee Street Room 481 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450, on December 4, 2002 at 2:3_ 0 PM). All bid openings are open to the public. 38) "DRUG -FREE WORK PLACE" PREFERENCE Whenever two or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received, a bid received from a business that certified that it has implemented a drug -free work place program in accordance with Section 287.087, F.S., will be given preference in the award process. The "Drug -Free Workplace Program Certification" must be completed and submitted with the bid response for this preference. 10 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 _. Exhibit 1 39) POSTING OF INTENDED AWARD 39.1) - General: The Department's intended award will be posted on the Florida Vendor Bid System at www.myflorida.com, (click on "BUSINESS", click on "Doing Business with the State", under "Everything for Vendors and Customers", click on "Vendor Bid System (VBS)", on December 19 2002 at 8:00 AM, and will remain posted for a period of seventy-two (72) hours. Any bidder who is adversely affected by the Department's recommended award or intended decision must file the following with the Department of Transportation, Clerk of Agency Proceedings: 605 Suwannee Street, Room 550, MS 58, Tallahassee,, Florida 32399-0450: A written notice of protest within seventy-two (72) hours after posting of the intended award, and A formal written protest and protest bond in compliance with Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, within ten (10) days of the date on which the written notice of protest is filed. At the time of filing the formal written protest, a bond (a cashier's check or money order may be accepted) payable to the Department must also be submitted in an amount equal to one percent (1%) of the estimated contract amount based on the contract price submitted by the protestor. Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes, or failure to post the bond or other security required by law within the time allowed for filing a bond shall constitute a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. If the notice advises of the bond requirement but a bond or statutorily authorized alternate is not posted when required, the agency shall summarily dismiss the petition. 39.2) - Inability to Post: If the Department is unable to post as defined above, the Department will notify all bidders by electronic notification on the Florida Vendor Bid System (see special condition 39.1, above) or by mail, fax, and/or telephone. The Department will provide notification of any future posting in a timely manner, 39.3) - Request to Withdraw Bid: Requests for withdrawal will be considered if received by the Department, in writing, within seventy-two (72) hours after the bid opening time and date. Requests received in accordance with this provision will be granted by the Department upon proof of the impossibility to perform based upon obvious error on the part of the bidder. Bidders that do not withdraw as stated above will forfeit their bid bond, if applicable. 40) RECYCLED MATERIAL If the product herein is available with recycled content, we request that you provide product information to help in our search for recycled products. However, this bid request is for the product as specified herein and does not require prices for recycled product unless specified. This information should be sent separately and not as,.a part of your „bid response. 11 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 41) FORMS The Bidder must complete all required items below and submit them as part of the Bid package. Any Bid in which these forms are not used or in which these forms are improperly executed may be considered non -responsive and the bid may be subject to rejection. State of Florida "Bidder Acknowledgement" and General Conditions Bid Sheet(s) Drug -Free Workplace Program Certification (if applicable) Certification of Recycled Content (if applicable) Ordering Instructions Specification Compliance Sheet(s) 42) LIQUIDATED DAMAGES As timely delivery is of importance to the functioning of the agency, the Department reserves the right to cancel such items of the contract which are not delivered within the required time for such items. Failure by the Vendor(s) to deliver items as specified within the stated time may subject the Vendor(s) to liquidated damages in the amount of one percent (1 %) of the bid price of the items for each day beyond the stated time. 12 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 Exhibit 1 Technical submittal requirements checklist In addition to the information required in the bid specification, the following items are required with the bid or the bid will be rejected. Two copies of manufacturer's latest data as necessary to verify that the unit meets or exceeds all requirements stated herein. 2. Blower and pump performance curves showing horsepower, RPM, vacuum, and flow for each Type sewer cleaner bid. 3. List of references who have operated each model bid for at least the last 12 months. 4. List of dealers in Florida, South Georgia, or south Alabama who can provide parts and service as required in the specification. 5. Complete information on carrier requirements. 6. If option 9.1 of the specification is bid, complete information on carrier proposed by vendor. This requirement is in addition to item 5 above. 7. List of available options per item 9.3 of the specification. 13 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION Unit of Equipment: Truck Mounted Sewer Cleaner FC1420 Revised September 3, 2002 ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE SUPPLIERS: In order for your bid on this equipment to be considered, all questions in this specification must be answered and all information asked for must be supplied. Incomplete or inappropriate (i.e., responding "yes" or "no" when specific information is asked for) responses will result in your bid being rejected. 1.0 INTENT: It is the intent and purpose of this specification to describe and set standards for truck - mounted sewer cleaners, to be used for highway drainage system and other roadway maintenance. Note that bids are solicited for different types of machines as well as for unspecified options. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 1.1 QUALIFICATION OF MANUFACTURER AND MODEL: The unit required and covered by this specification shall be the manufacturer's latest basic production model and shall be equipped with all standard equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's latest data, two copies of which must accompany the bid along with all specifications necessary to verify that the unit meets or exceeds all requirements stated herein. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) Blower and pump performance curves showing horsepower, RPM, vacuum, and flow must be included. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) No prototype machines are allowed. The unit bid must have basically been in production for a minimum of one year. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 1.1.1 This contract will not be awarded until the FDOT State Maintenance Office is satisfied that the equipment proposed will meet the specification in every way. This may require interviews, documentary evidence, an equipment demonstration and inspection at an FDOT location of our choosing, or any combination of the above. Prospective suppliers will be expected to be fully cooperative with providing any reasonable evidence of specification compliance by the above methods. A maximum of 60 days between bid opening and contract award may be required for this process. After contract award, specification compliance will be reconfirmed by inspection, documentation, and demonstration when the first and subsequent items are delivered, prior to acceptance. YES Understand and Accept? (Yes/No) 14 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 1.1.2 Parts and Service: A. Service capability: To be eligible for award, bidders must have, within the State of Florida, facilities, skilled and trained personnel, equipment and parts available to completely service, maintain, and repair the equipment offered. B. Parts availability: The vendor shall maintain an adequate stock of replacement parts and shall make deliveries within 24 hours when requested. C. Pricing: The manufacturer and bidder shall guarantee that parts prices will be as low as such parts are sold to any other user and that if at any time the prices are reduced or increased to the general trade, it is understood that the Florida Department of Transportation shall not pay a higher price than any other user, effective with the date of such price reduction or increase to the general trade. D. Post delivery inspection: Bidder shall include in the bid price the cost of a post delivery inspection service of the equipment, approximately 30 days after it is placed in service. The inspection shall be performed by skilled and trained factory or dealer personnel. The inspection service shall include the following: Check all operating systems for proper operation and adjustment. Check equipment visually for leaks, material defects, and any other defects. Check all fluid levels. Vendor shall notify the Florida Department of Transportation at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to performing inspections. Understand and comply with or accept all provisions of Parts and Service? (Yes/No) 1.2 DEFINITIONS: 1.2.1 "Approved Equivalent". Bidders may substitute components for those listed only if written approval (FAX is permitted) is granted by the Florida Department of Transportation Mechanical Equipment Engineer prior to bid opening. If this has not been accomplished by bid opening time, your bid will be rejected. The FDOT assumes no responsibility for responding to requests for approval of alternates in time for bid opening, as a technical evaluation frequently must be performed. Therefore, bidders are cautioned that quoting of the components listed may be advisable if lead time is short. Note: Inadvertent acceptance of previous bids with alternate components shall not be construed as FDOT approval of such alternate components. Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 15 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 1.2.2 Manufacturer's model numbers: when a manufacturer's model number is stated, it is understood that design changes to the stated model by the manufacturer are not subject to the control of the FDOT and that the intent is to procure an item substantially identical to that version last procured by, demonstrated to, or otherwise brought to the attention of the FDOT. It is explicitly understood that it is the responsibility of the bidder to notify the FDOT of any changes of consequence, and obtain approval per 1.2.1. Please contact the person named on the bid documents for information regarding the last model for which information is on record with the FDOT bid evaluators. Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 1.2.3 "Heavy Duty". This term means that the design and construction of the item is sufficiently rugged and has adequate safety factor to stand up to the sort of use typically expected to be experienced by FDOT operators without structural or functional failure or other consequences such that the item causes or will probably cause excessive down time. The Mechanical Equipment Engineer may accept or reject items bid based on his judgment of compliance with this provision without the necessity for a field trial, or may require testing and vendor at his discretion. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 1.2.4 "Per (spec)". Whenever a specification such as SAE, OSHA, or FED -STD (but not limited to those) is referred to, the latest version as of the date of bid request is the version to be used. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 1.3 WEIGHTS AND MEASUREMENTS: 1.3.1 Weight: Gross weight of the loaded unit shall not exceed 64,000 lbs. The rear axle Loading shall not exceed 44,000 lbs. and the front axle loading shall not exceed 20,000 lbs. Note: "Loaded" means that there is 1,000 gallons of water on board, which shall be taken to weigh 8,345 lb., 7.00 cubic yards of debris which shall be taken to weigh 21,500 lb, 100 gallons of fuel which shall be taken to weigh 670 lb, and two crewmen at 200 lb each. EMPTY: FRONT 14464, REAR: 17340, TOTAL: 31801 FULL: FRONT: 19741, REAR: 42975, TOTAL: 63716 Axle loadings - front, rear, and total, loaded. Information clearly showing the unloaded and fully loaded weights and the respective weight distributions shall be submitted with the bid. YES Information submitted? (Yes/No) 1.3.2 Height: Overall height shall not exceed 13.5 ft. 11,101, Height? 26 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 1.3.3 Width: Overall width shall not exceed 8 ft. Width? Noise Level at Operator's Station: In accordance with OSHA requirement 29 CFR Ch. XVII Para. 1910.95, the noise level shall not exceed 95 decibels, A scale, slow response, for a 4 hour exposure per workday. 95 Noise level? 2.0 CARRIER: Unless option for vendor supply of the carrier is exercised, the carrier will be supplied by the Florida Department of Transportation. It is understood that either way the successful bidder will provide a totally finished unit ready for use. The successful bidder shall specify to the Department the minimum chassis requirements including HP, GVWR, GAWRs, RBM, CA, PTO provisions and any other feature necessary for the proper operation of the sewer cleaner. This shall be done with the bid package. Bidder shall supply information such that the resulting vehicle will be capable of 65 mph on level pavement. The combined cost of the carrier and the sewer cleaner unit will be considered for bid award. The Department will notify the successful bidder when the chassis is available for pick up. Pick up and delivery of the unit shall be at the Purchase Order destination unless specified otherwise. See applicable option. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 3.0 SEWER CLEANER MECHANISM: QUOTATIONS ARE SOLICITED ON EACH TYPE DESCRIBED. PLEASE QUOTE THE TYPES THAT ARE STANDARD MODELS FOR YOUR COMPANY. 3.1 Auxiliary Engine / Centrifugal'Vacuum Unit type: (Type 3.1) 3.1.1 General: This type unit will have an engine in addition to and independent of the carrier engine, which will drive either the water pump or vacuum unit. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.1.2 Auxiliary Engine: The auxiliary engine shall be a well known brand diesel of at least 110 horsepower. CUMMINS 4BTA3.9 130 HP Brand, model, horsepower? 17 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 3.1.3 The auxiliary engine shall have a control panel with key ignition switch, throttle, ammeter or voltmeter, tachometer, engine oil pressure gauge, coolant temperature gauge, and hour meter. The controls panel shall have a locking cover. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.1.4 The auxiliary engine shall have automatic shutdown in case of low oil pressure or high coolant temperature. MURPHY 518APH Make and model of shutdown unit? 3.1.5 Vacuum Unit: The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 9.0"Hg vacuum and 3,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 110 Hp input. The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 8.5"Hg vacuum and 1,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 70 Hp input. 9.0"HG / 3000 CFM Vacuum and flow with 110hp input? 8.5HG / 1000 CFM Vacuum and flow with 70hp input? 3.1.6 Water Pump: The high pressure water pump shall be a well known brand and shall deliver 60 gallons per minute at a pressure of 3,000 psi, minimum. FMC 1615 60/3000 Brand, model, flow, pressure 3.1.7 Total horsepower - What is the total horsepower available for the combined vacuum unit and water pump for this model, including the power used from the carrier engine? 275 HP CHASSIS VACUUM SYSTEM /130 HP AUX. ENG. WATER PUMP = 4405 TOTAL HP AVAILABLE Total horsepower available? NOTE: 9.0"HG/3000CFM & 60/3000 = 234 HP (REQUIRED TO OPERATE COMPENENTS 3.2 Auxiliary Engine / Centrifugal Vacuum Unit (High Suction) type: (Type 3.2) 3.2.1 General: This type unit will have an engine in addition to and independent of the carrier engine, which will drive either the water pump or vacuum unit. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.2.2 Auxiliary Engine: The auxiliary engine shall be a well known brand diesel of at least 160 horsepower. CUMMINS 6BT5.9 165 HP Brand, model, horsepower M Temporary Reso. No. 11064 --- Exhibit 1 3.2.3 The auxiliary engine shall have a control panel with key ignition switch, throttle, ammeter or voltmeter, tachometer, engine oil pressure gauge, coolant temperature gauge, and hour meter. The controls panel shall have a locking cover. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.2.4 The auxiliary engine shall have automatic shutdown in case of low oil pressure or high coolant temperature. MURPHY 518APH Make and model of shutdown unit? 3.2.5 Vacuum Unit: The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 14.5"Hg vacuum and 3,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 160 Hp input. The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 13..0"Hg vacuum and 1,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 100 Hp input. 14.5"HG / 3000 160 HP Vacuum and flow with 160hp input? 13.5"HG / 3000 100 HP Vacuum and flow with 100hp input? 3.2.6 Water Pump: The high pressure water pump shall be a well known brand and shall deliver 80 gallons per minute at a pressure of 3,000 psi, minimum. APLEX/MYERS VPQE 80/3000 Brand, model, flow, pressure 3.2.7 Total horsepower - What is the total horsepower available for the combined vacuum unit and water pump for this model, including the power used from the carrier engine? 275 HP CHASSIS (VACUUM SYSTEM)/165 HP AUX. ENG. (WATER PUMP)-7 440 TOTAL HP AVAILABLE Total horsepower available? NOTE: 14.5"HG/3000 80/30005 325 HP (REQUIRED TO OPERATE COMPONENTS) 3.3 Auxiliary Engine / Positive Displacement Blower type: (Type 3.3) 3.3.1 General: This type unit will have an engine in addition to and independent of the carrier engine, which will drive either the water pump or vacuum unit. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.3.2 Auxiliary Engine: The auxiliary engine shall be a well known brand diesel of at least 160 horsepower. CUMMINS 6BT5.9 165 HP Brand, model, horsepower 19 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 3.3.3 The auxiliary engine shall have a control panel. with key ignition switch, throttle, ammeter or voltmeter, tachometer, engine oil pressure gauge, coolant temperature gauge, and hour meter. The controls panel shall have a locking cover. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.3.4 The auxiliary engine shall have automatic shutdown in case of low oil pressure or high coolant temperature. MURPHY 518APH Make and model of shutdown unit? 3.3.5 Vacuum Unit: The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 14.5"Hg vacuum and 3,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 160 Hp input. The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 13.0"Hg vacuum and 1,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 100 Hp input. 16"HG / 3400 CFM Vacuum and flow with 160hp input? 12"HG / 2700 CFM Vacuum and flow with 100hp input? 3.3.6 Water Pump: The high pressure water pump shall be a well known brand and shall deliver 80 gallons per minute at a pressure of 3,000 psi, minimum. APLEX/MYERS VP E 80/3000 Brand, model, flow, pressure 3.3.7 Total horsepower - What is the total horsepower available for the combined vacuum unit and water pump for this model, including the power used from the carrier engine? 275 HP CHASSIS VACUUM SYSTEM /165 HP AUX. ENG. WATER PUMP = 440 TOTAL HP AVAILABLE Total horsepower available? NOTE: 16"HG/3400 CFM 80/3000 = 325 HP (REQUIRED TO OPERATE COMPENTS) 3.4 Single Engine / Positive Displacement Blower type: (Type 3.4) 3.4.1 General: This type unit will utilize the carrier engine to drive the sewer cleaner and provide power for all functions. There will be no auxiliary engine. A minimum of 160 hp shall be available to drive the vacuum unit. YES Comply? (Yes/No) pit Temporary Reso. No. It 064 — Exhibit t 3.4.2 Drive: Describe below the type drive proposed_ State the horsepower and rpm at which each component is driven and the resulting vacuum or pressures and flow rate at said horsepower and rpms. Describe provisions for variable speed. Provide a complete description. Your bid may be rejected if information is incomplete. Use extra pages if necessary. See also 1.1. *SINGLE ENGINE DESIGN *CHASSIS POWERS P.D. BLOWER SYSTEM VIA HYDROSTATIC DRIVE *HYDROSTATIC VIA THE FRONT P.T.O. PROVISION OF THE CHASSIS *THE HYDROSTATIC PUMP IS VARIBLE SPEED TO CONTROL VACUUM *HORSEPOWER REQUIRED AT FULL VACUUM_160 HP/ VACUUM ONLY/16"HG/3400 CFM CHASSIS ENGINE POWERS THE WATER '` PUMP VIA HOT SHIFT P.T.O./TRANSMISSION MOUNTED *WATER PUMP HAS VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL FOR FLOW OF PRESSURE *HORSEPOWER REQUIRED AT 60/3000 PSI 124HP WATER PUMP ONLY TOTAL HP REQUIRED 284 (Description of drive as requested above) 3.4.3 Vacuum Unit: The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 14.5"Hg vacuum and 3,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 160 Hp input. The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 13.0"Hg vacuum and 1,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 100 Hp input. 16"HG/3400 CFM Vacuum and flow with 160hp input? 12"HG/2700 CFM Vacuum and flow with 100hp input? POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT/ROOTS DRESSER MODEL 824 Type, make, and model of vacuum unit? 3.4.4 Water Pump: The high pressure water pump shall be a well known brand and shall deliver 60 gallons per minute at a pressure of 3,000 psi, minimum. FMC 1615 60/3000 Brand, model, flow, pressure YES Model bid to this specification? 3.4.6 Total horsepower - What is the total horsepower available for the combined vacuum unit and water pump for this model? 350 HP AVAILABLE (CHASSIS) Total horsepower available? 16"HG/3400 CFM 60/3000 = 284 (REQUIRED TO OPERATE COMPONENTS) 21 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 M111--relays 4.1 The debris body shall have a minimum useable capacity of 9.0 cubic yards. 9 CUBIC YARD USEABLE Capacity? 4.2 A debris body high pressure wash out system shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 4.3 A trash pump off system with a minimum capacity of 450 G.P.M. shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 450 Capacity? (G.P.M.) 4.4 The rear door on the body shall latch hydraulically with a watertight seal. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 4.6 Satisfactory means shall be provided for removal of excess water from the debris body. Describe below. SEE ENCLOSED DRAWING Description 4.6 There shall be filter screens in the debris body, made of stainless steel. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 4.7 At least one body vacuum hose connection, 8 in. minimum diameter, shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 4.8 The body may use either tilt or ejection dumping. Tilt dumps shall have, at a minimum, a National Truck Equipment Association Class 70 double acting hoist with a minimum dump angle of 45 degrees. A tilt dump must be equipped with safety props. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 4.9 A liquid level shut off device shall be provided to prevent over filling of the debris body. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 22 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 4.10 The unit shall have a debris body vacuum relief system with audio and visual alarms. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 5.0 WATER TANKS: Water tanks for the jet rodding system shall have a minimum useable volume of 1000 gal. and shall be made from a corrosion resistant material. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 1000 GALLONS Useable volume? CROSS -LINKED POLYETHYLENE Material? '/4 INCH Thickness? 6.2 The water tanks shall include overfill protection and a sight level gauge. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 6.3 A minimum 25 ft. hose, 2 in. diameter, water meter, and necessary fittings and adapters to fill the water tanks from a fire hydrant shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 5.4 Water tanks shall be capable of being filled from either side of truck. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 6.0 HIGH PRESSURE HOSE AND REEL: 6.1 A pivoting hose reel for the high-pressure jet rodding system shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 6.2 The hose reel shall be filled with a minimum of 500 ft. of 1 in. diameter high pressure, abrasion resistant hose rated for 3000 PSI working pressure and 7500 psi burst pressure. Reel total capacity shall be a minimum of 600 ft. of 1 in. diameter hose. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 23 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 6.3 A level wind guide device shall be provided to control the winding and unwinding of the rodder hose from the hose reel. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 6.4 A length counter shall be provided on the hose reel. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 6.4 Complete operating controls shall be provided on the side of the hose reel. An engine emergency shutdown switch shall be included. Comply? (Yes/No) 6.6 A guide tube shall be provided to prevent abrasion of the high-pressure hose. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 6.7 A low water alarm and light shall be mounted on the hose reel, YES Comply? (Yes/No) 7.0 VACUUM HOSE BOOM: 7.1 The vacuum hose shall be supported by a hydraulically operated boom located above the debris tank with a minimum lift rating of 700 lb. 700 LBS YES Lift rating lb.? Comply? (Yes/No) 7.2 The boom shall telescope to allow positioning of the vacuum hose up to 21' ft. from the truck centerline. 21' YES Length ft.? Comply? (Yes/No) 7.3 The boom shall rotate a minimum of 180 degrees. 240 DEGREE YES Rotation? Comply? (Yes/No) 7.3 Boom motion shall be controlled by a pendant control, easily accessible to operator when using vacuum hose. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 24 Temporary Reso. No. 11.064 -- Exhibit 1 8.0 TOOLS & ACCESSORIES: The following shall be provided, at a minimum. 8.1 High pressure flushing nozzles: 15 degree, 35 degree and a 1 in. diameter finned nozzle extension shall be provided. Comply? (Yes/No) 8.2 A hand sprayer with 25 ft. of hose mounted at the center of the body, street side, with spring loaded take up reel shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 8.3 Two (2) aluminum catch basin tube extensions, 8 in. diameter and 7 ft. long, minimum shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 8.4 Two (2) aluminum catch basin tube extensions, 8 in. diameter, 2 ft. and 4 ft. long, respectively, shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 8.5 A grate lifting hook for storm drains shall be provided on the boom. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 8.6 Pull or fold down racks or racks easily accessible from ground level to accommodate a minimum of 40 feet of extensions shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 8.7 Lockable tool boxes all keyed alike shall be provided to carry tools and accessories. Tool boxes shall be constructed of steel or aluminum with water seal. An additional Tool box with minimum dimensions of 18 in. x 18 in. x 48 in. for FDOT use shall be provided on the right side of the truck. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 8.8 An FDOT approved flashing arrow board shall be provided mounted on the rear of the vehicle. A list of FDOT approved flashing arrow boards will be furnished on request. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 25 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 —Exhibit 1 8.9 Hand light with bumper plug must be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 9.0 OPTIONS: May or may not be purchased at discretion of the FDOT. Option price may be considered as basis of award. It is recognized that not all bidders offer all options listed; there is no penalty for not bidding an option. It is also recognized that some bidders may offer optional features which are standard equipment with others. The FDOT will make every reasonable effort to evaluate bids based on comparable equipment. List all prices and deliveries that apply on cost sheet. 9.1 Carrier supplied by vendor. Provide complete information on carrier proposed, delivery time and price. Carrier must be a heavy duty, air conditioned, diesel powered truck with automatic transmission. Color must be number 13538 of FED-STD-595. State whether truck bid is one time bid or for the life of the contract. All trucks bid will be subject to Department of Management Services approval. Attach complete information. Bid cannot be awarded until Department of Management Services approval has been obtained. 9.2 Provide "Block Buster" type valve to connect to jet rodding hose. 9.3 Hydraulic power tool option. 9.4 Vacuum while driving switch (vacuum breaker override). 9.5 Rear vision back up camera and monitor. 9.6 Cone storage rack. 9.7 DOT approved amber strobe lights, mounted per DOT approval, each. 9.8 Boom lights. 9.9 Cyclone (TYPE 3.4 UNIT ONLY),. 9.10 Hose reel support foot. 9.11 Hydrostatic blower drive. 9.12 Gravity drain for hydraulic pump off - plumbed to front bumper. 9.12 10' telescopic boom in lieu of 6' telescopic boom. 9.14 Rear work lights. 9.16 50' hand gun hose reel with hose. 9.16 5" culvert nozzle. 9.17 Grenade nozzle. 26 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 9.18 Storm nozzle and assembly. 9.19 High - dump option. 9.20 Bidders must supply a list of all options shown above that are available from them, as well as all other available options, priced individually, as an attachment to the bid. A description of each item offered must be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 10.0 PAINTING AND MARKING: PAINTING: All exterior mounted components furnished by the supplier shall be painted to match the carrier, except small items of hardware may be gloss black. The paint system should include the following steps, as a minimum: All surfaces shall be ground smooth with welding slag, burrs and sharp edges removed. All surfaces shall be sandblasted and then immediately receive one (1) coat of rust inhibitive primer. 3. All primed surfaces shall receive two (2) coats of premium grade automotive enamel to match Yellow # 13538 of Federal Standard 595_ (DUPONT 1-9069A) NOTE: If requested, a paint chip will be furnished to the successful bidder by the FDOT. YES Comply? (Yes/No) CONSPICUITY MARKING: A single 2 in. wide, red/white strip of reflective tape shall be applied so as to cause the limits of the truck from any angle to be visible at night when illuminated by oncoming traffic. The tape should be applied at a maximum height of 4 ft, but may vary according truck or body configuration. On the rear of the vehicle the tape will be applied to the upper portion of the bumper. Gaps in the tape where members protrude or the configuration does not lend itself to tape application will be normal. Reflexite North America, PH. (800) 654-7570, is an approved source for this type of reflective tape. Their type V82-5542-020 Red/White DOT-C2 is currently being used by the Department. Other brands of reflective tape will require prior approval by the Department. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 11.0 CONDITIONS: Terms and conditions set forth in the bid documents will overrule this specification when there is disagreement between the specification and bid documents. 27 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 11.1 DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE: 11.1.1 Prior to delivery, a first article inspection may be performed by the Mechanical Equipment Engineer and his designee at the vendor's facility to ensure that the first machine procured on this contract meets all specification requirements. Preferably, the inspection will take place prior to painting with the unit fully operational. The vendor will advise the contact person(s) named at the end of this specification a minimum of two weeks before the machine will be ready for inspection. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 11.1.2 Travel costs incurred by FDOT personnel performing the first article inspection shall be paid for by the vendor. Estimates for the travel costs should include transportation, meals and lodging for two (2) persons from any location in Florida to the vendor's facility and back with at least one full day allotted for the inspection. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 11.1.3 Items found to not be in compliance will be corrected and brought into compliance before final acceptance. Travel expenses for additional visits required by FDOT personnel to the vendor's facility to verify correction of deficiencies discovered in the first inspection shall also be paid for by the vendor. After all items on the machine are determined to be in compliance, the unit may then be taken by the supplier to the Purchase Order destination. All subsequent units purchased from this contract will be inspected at their Purchase Order destinations for compliance with the specifications. YES Comply? (Yes/No) At the discretion of FDOT, the first article inspection at the vendor's facility may be waived or relocated to a more convenient site, if it is determined that it would be in the best interest of the State. In any case, the machine is still required to fully comply with the specification requirements. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 11.1.4 Failure of FDOT personnel to discover defects during an inspection does not relieve the vendor from responsibility for correcting areas of non-compliance found after delivery. YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 11.2 STANDARDS: 11.2.1 The unit shall comply with all Motor Vehicle Safety Standards as established by the U. S. Department of Transportation, all requirements of the latest issues of ANSI Standards and OSHA Standards, and all other required Federal and State of Florida legal requirements and standards. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 28 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 11.3 DOCUMENTATION: Bidders must submit two (2) copies of current manufacturer's data to substantiate compliance with the specifications, and a list of dealers in or near Florida_ These must be included with the bid documents. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 11.4 MANUALS: 11.4.1 Two (2) manufacturer's operator manuals and two (2) each lubrication instructions and maintenance instructions in hard copy, and if available on a CD ROM for use with a computer, to be delivered with each unit. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 11.4.2 The supplier shall ensure that all service bulletins, recall notices, and/or other service or maintenance information for the reasonable life of the machines supplied are sent to the FDOT shop to which the machines are assigned. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 11.5 PERSONNEL TRAINING: 11.5.1 The services of a factory technician or technicians, thoroughly trained in the use and operation of the unit, shall be furnished for a period of not less than two (2) days, to instruct personnel in the use, operation and maintenance of the unit after delivery. This is to be done at the delivery location. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 12.0 WARRANTY: 12.1 The supplier shall warrant all components of its manufacture and design for a minimum of two (2) years following the date of acceptance and will replace to the FDOT any part found to be faulty in manufacture or workmanship. The warranty shall include parts and labor at the delivery location or at the supplier's service location, at the option of FDOT. Parts and service must be available within 2 working days. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 29 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 12.2 Components not of the supplier's design and manufacture, such as the carrier, water pumps, valves, etc., are subject to the OEM warranty. In any case all warranties must be for at least two (2) years. Dates of warranties are to be the date of acceptance by FDOT. The successful bidder shall act as FDOT's agent regarding any warranty claim on OEM warranted components. YES Comply? (Yes/No) NOTE: Specification problems, questions, or comment: Problems, questions, or comments regarding this specification must be directed to The State Maintenance Office (850) 488-4562, FAX (850) 488-4418 a minimum of 10 days prior to bid opening, and must be immediately confirmed in writing to: Kenneth Kimsey, P.E., Mechanical Equipment Engineer, or Donald O. Duncan, Equipment Coordinator Florida Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street, MS 52 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 YES Understand and Acknowledge? (Yes/No) 30 Temporary Reso. No- 11064 — Exhibit 1 BID SHEET BID #: ITB-DOT-02/03-9026-LG FOB: STATEWIDE BID TITLE: TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER BID AS SPECIFIED IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE OFFERERS: IF ASKED FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION, YOU MUST GIVE THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. THE COMPLETED SPECIFICATION/COMPLIANCE SHEET(S), WITH ALL BLANKS FILLED IN AND PROPER RESPONSES SHALL BE RETURNED WITH YOUR BID. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE OFFERERS: BIDDERS MUST SUBMIT ONE(1) ORIGINAL AND TWO (2) COPIES OF THE COMPLETE BID PACKAGE (SIGNED INVITATION TO BID, ENTIRE BID AND TWO (2) COPIES OF MANUFACTURER'S DATA). Firm Name (manual signature) Title 31 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 -- Exhibit 1 VENDOR NAME: SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES FEID#: F65-0267110-001 BID SHEET BID #: ITB-DOT-02/03-9026-LG FOB: STATEWIDE BID TITLE: TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER ITEM 1 PRICE PER UNIT DELIVERED TO ANY FDOT LOCATION IN FLORIDA. TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER, PER SPECIFICATIONS FC 1420, Type 3.1 Sewer cleaner: Base price installed on FDOT carrier (must be finished turn -key unit: $ 98,500.00 Manufacturer and Model: VAC -CON V211 SAM 000 Delivery 60 days after receipt of carrier. ITEM 1A OPTION: MAY OR MAY NOT BE PURCHASED AT DISCRETION OF THE FDOT. OPTION PRICE MAY BE CONSIDERED AS BASIS OF AWARD Option 9.1 (Carrier supplied by vendor): Manufacturer and model of carrier, complete information enclosed: STERLING LT7501 OR INTERNATIONAL. 7400 6X4 Price of complete unit installed on carrier (must be finished turn -key unit): $ 160s500.00 Will this carrier be supplied for the life of the contract? X Yes No Delivery: 90 days after receipt of order. 32 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 VENDOR NAME: SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES FEID#: F65-0267110-001 1111:4 iJ a PRICE PER UNIT DELIVERED TO ANY FDOT LOCATION IN FLORIDA. TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER, PER SPECIFICATIONS FC 1420, Twe 3.2 Sewer cleaner: Base price installed on FDOT carrier must be finished turn -key unit): $112,500.00 Iky,"Mim F. % 9 T Vro-1ITS Iky, ereMiLVlTo00P►MVICU&i �:.1f[Giff Delivery 60 days after receipt of carrier. ITEM 2A OPTION: MAY OR MAY NOT BE PURCHASED AT DISCRETION OF THE FDOT. OPTION PRICE MAY BE CONSIDERED AS BASIS OF AWARD Option 9.1 (Carrier supplied by vendor): Manufacturer and model of carrier, complete information enclosed: 6*1 rem �•lc nMAN 0+l L TAW0111K.TZI Price of complete unit installed on carrier (must be finished turn -key unit): $ 174,500.00 Will this carrier be supplied for the life of the contract? X Yes No Delivery: 90 days after receipt of order. 01 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 VENDOR NAME: SOUTHERN SEWER E UIPMENT SALES FEID#: F65-0267110-001 ITEM 3 PRICE PER UNIT DELIVERED TO ANY FDOT LOCATION IN FLORIDA. TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER, PER SPECIFICATIONS FC 1420, Type 3.3 Sewer cleaner: Base price installed on FDOT carrier (must be finished turn -key unit): $ 1_2.9,500.00 Manufacturer and Model: VAC -CON VPD3611 SHA/1000 Delivery 90 days after receipt of carrier. OPTION: MAYOR MAY NOT BE PURCHASED AT DISCRETION OF THE FOOT, OPTION PRICE MAYBE CONSIDERED AS BASIS OF AWARD. ITEM 3A Option 9.1 (Carrier supplied by. vendor): Manufacturer and model of carrier, complete information enclosed: STERLING LT7501 OR INTERNATIONAL 7400 6X4 Price of complete unit installed on carrier (must be finished turn -key unit): $ 212 000.00 Will this carrier be supplied for the life of the contract? X Yes _No Delivery: 90 days after receipt of order. 34 Temporary Reso. No. 1 ] 064 —Exhibit 1 VENDOR NAME: SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT, SALES FEID#: F65-0267110-001 ITEM 4 PRICE PER UNIT DELIVERED TO ANY FDOT LOCATION IN FLORIDA. TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER, PER SPECIFICATIONS FC 1420, Tvve 3.4 Sewer cleaner: Base price installed on FDOT carrier (must be finished turn -key unit): $ 110,000.00 Manufacturer and Model: VAC -CON VPD3611 SHAN/1000 Delivery 60 days after receipt of carrier. ITEM 4A OPTION: MAYOR MAY NOT BE PURCHASED AT DISCRETION OF THE FDOT. OPTION PRICE MAY BE CONSIDERED AS BASIS OF AWARD,) Option 9.1 (Carrier supplied by vendor): Manufacturer and model of carrier, complete information enclosed: STERLING LT9511/MBE 4000 350HP/HD4060 Price of complete unit installed on carrier (must be finished turn -key unit): $ 179,600.00 Will this carrier be supplied for the life of the contract? X Yes No Delivery 120-150 days after receipt of order. Option 9.2 "Block Buster" type valve to connect to jet rodding hose. Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-14951816 Unit Price $ 2.320.00 Option. 9.3 Hydraulic power tool option: Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-17451 Unit Price $ 2,184.00 35 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit I VENDOR NAME: SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES FEID#: F65-0267110-001 Option 9.4 Vacuum while driving switch (vacuum breaker override). Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-16176 Unit Price $ 150.00 Option 9.5 Rear vision back up camera and monitor. Manufacturer and model number: MOBILE VIDEO PRODUCTS RV-MO6070SXS Unit Price $ 1,900.00 Option 9.6 Cone storage rack. Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-526501 Unit Price $ 268.00 Option 9.7 DOT approved amber strobe lights, mounted per DOT approval, each. Manufacturer and model number: PRECO 3614A (,71.1-567802 VAC -CON__ ASSY 4-REAR) (711-0154 VAC -CON ASSY # FRONT Unit Price $ 464.00 Option 9.8 Boom lights. Manufacturer and model number: TRUCKLITE 6571-1-4436 PAR46 (,VAC -CON ASSY # 711-6530) Unit Price $ 376.00 Option 9.9 Cyclone (TYPE 3.4 UNIT ONLY) Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-4025 Unit Price $ 3,160.00 Option 9.10 Hose reel support foot. Manufacturer and model number: STANDARD ON VAC -CON 180 DEGREEE ARTICULATING HOSE REEL Unit Price $ N/C Option 9.11 Hydrostatic blower drive. Manufacturer and model number: REXROTH AA4V6 125 HWD 1/32L-NSF52FOO1F-PUMP REXROTH AA2FM 45/61 W — PSD52/FV -- MOTOR FAN REXROTH AA2FM 125/61 W — PSD52 — MOT R PD Unit Price $ 6,304.00* *INCLUDED IN BASE BID FOR ITEMS 3.3 AND 3.4 36 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 VENDOR NAME: SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES FEID#: F65-0267110-001 Option 9.12 Gravity drain for hydraulic pump off— plumbed to front bumper. Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-6413 Unit Price $—256.00 Option 9.13 10' telescopic boom in lieu of 6' telescopic boom. Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-4655 Unit Price $ 2,944.00 Option 9.14 Rear work lights. Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON ASSY 711-653102 TRUCKLITE 657H-4436PAR36 Unit Price $ 376.00 Option 9.15 50' hand gun hose reel with hose. Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-13026 H050 Unit Price $ 1,324.00 Option 9.16 5" culvert nozzle. Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-3120 Unit Price $ 928.00 Option 9.17 Grenade nozzle. Manufacturer and model number: ENZ 681-0763 Unit Price $ 528.00 Option 9.18 Storm nozzle and assembly. Manufacturer and model number: 681-0180 NOZZLE 800-0137 NOZZLE PIPE ASSY Unit Price $ 360.00 Option 9.19 High -- dump option. Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-13808 Unit Price $ 12,240,00 37 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 VENDOR NAME: SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES FEID#: F65-0267110-001 BIDDERS MUST SUPPLY A LIST OF ALL OPTIONS SHOWN ABOVE THAT ARE AVAILABLE FROM THEM, AS WELL AS ALL OTHER AVAILABLE OPTIONS, PRICED INDIVIDUALLY, A DESCRIPTION OF EACH ITEM OFFERED MUST BE PROVIDED. OTHER OPTIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION: SINGLE AXLE CHASSIS WITH 9 YARD VAC -CON BODY Manufacturer and model number: STERLING L7501 OR INTERNATIONAL 7400 4X2 Unit Price $ 7 0(, 00.00) ITEM DESCRIPTION: 1300 GALLON WATER CAPACITY Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 665-0044 Unit Price $ 3,464.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION: AUXILIARY ENGINE REMOTE OIL DRAIN AND REMOTE GREASE ZERKS FOR BOOM Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 392-393 Unit Price $ 928.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION: LAZY SUSAN PIPE RACK Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-6125 Unit Price $ 1 792.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION: HYDRO -EXCAVATION TUBE Manufacturer and model number: VAC -CON 711-6125 Unit Price $ 1,234.00 Is this product available with recycled content? —Yes X No If yes, please send information separate from this Invitation to Bid (See Recycled Material Special Condition for more information). 38 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit I ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Bid Number: ITB-DOT-02/03-9026-LG Bid Title: TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER NOTE: ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO: FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (FEID): F65-0267110-001 VENDOR: SSES, INC dba SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES ADDRESS: 3409 ONDUSTRIAL 27" STREET CITY, STATE, ZIP: FT. PIERCE FL 34946 TELEPHONE: (772) 575-6940 TOLL FREE NO.: 800 782-4134 FAX NO.: (772)_595,-9171_ DELIVERY: DELIVERY WILL BE MADE WITHIN DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF PURCHASE ORDER. PRODUCT INFORMATION: DIRECT QUESTIONS TO: NAME & TITLE: SHERRY DENMON PRESIDENT ADDRESS: 3409 INDUSTRIAL 27TH STREET CITY, STATE, ZIP: FT. PIERCE, FL 34946 TELEPHONE: (772) 595-6940 TOLL FREE NO.: (800) 782-4134 FAX NO.: 772 595-9171 INTERNET E-MAIL ADDRESS: SOUTHERNSE_WEK@ATT_NET _ INTERNET WEBSITE URL: SOUTHERNSEWER.COM Will you accept the State of Florida Purchasing Card (VISA)? X Yes No 39 Temporary Reso. No. 11064 — Exhibit 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF ORDER PURCHASING AGENCY: CONTACT PERSON. - ADDRESS: CITY STATE ZtP Your purchase order number was received on The order was placed with the manufacturer on . We anticipate delivery to your agency on or about Please reference your purchase order number or the production number if an inquiry should become necessary. Contractors request that purchaser(s) refrain from inquires about delivery unless the anticipated delivery has been exceeded. CONTRACTOR NAME: ADDRESS 141191 STATE ZIP SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS: 40 k w �t 0 z 0 CL) � 0 E 4) § E � 0 4� 0 0 = o; m a ' \ � A�---=i ■; C4: _1 y----- _ 2 ------ 0 8: 8� % o; R; 0 m . o: 6 o ---- F-L---- 44; 4� — �21� 0: $ 2: ;®: k; CD >;& L S . . :° &i u: . . _Zy �� 2 / a m; /; w 2; . u CL; a. G: LU; . W ; - -- - �k i j �1 $ o o %1 « . — : (D \ 0: §; 0 \. e; e 0 G: ®: a) ------------- 0 o; E� aIJ u °' k: o q: CL uj. . . ' — — - — - : >' c. t 9 ' �: a o uj: \; , U-; --- --- � ---- , . Lo ƒ� /: z.;ƒ 7± 0. ©;3d 5 G 9 w o; - ) z 2 E; w ,? @ 2 )0 :o �ƒ ;Q ;k \ \ CL U) ± \ \ k ) \ E \ 2 \ E cr � \ d / E �/ \ E \ �. 0 E� \CL o: \� \' /. 2�