HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2006-0341 Temp Reso. #10910 Page 1 March 8, 2006 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2006 - a A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FOR RECREATIONAL TRAILS PROGRAM GRANT FUNDS FOR THE SOUTHGATE LINEAR PARK DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $200,000 PROVIDING FOR A 50:50 CASH MATCH OF $200,000 IN CITY FUNDS FOR A TOTAL PROJECT COST OF $400,000 IN THE EVENT OF APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE AWARD AND EXECUTING OF DOCUMENTS UPON APPROVAL; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac desires to provide its residents and visitors a higher level of service by enhancing and improving its open space and recreational opportunities within the City; and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, through the Office of Greenways and Trails — 2006 Recreational Trails Program (RTP), provides grants to local governments for construction of new trails and trail facilities on municipal lands for public outdoor recreation; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac has an on -going program of public participation through the activities of the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Board; and WHEREAS, the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Board recommends the improvements that will be accomplished by the development of this park land; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac Adopted FY2006 Five -Year Capital Improvements Schedule specifies the development of the Southgate Linear Park Phase 11 Project; and Temp Reso. #10910 Page 2 March 8, 2006 WHEREAS, the City's Strategic Plan, Tamarac 2004: A Strategic Focus for the City of Tamarac specifies the development of Phase II of the linear park area west of Nob Hill Road; and WHEREAS, acceptance of these funds requires the amending of estimated revenues and expenditures within the Southgate Linear Park Capital Improvement Budget; and WHEREAS, the granting agency requires and the City is willing to match the 2006 Recreational Trails Program grant request of $200,000 with a 50:50 cash match in City funds in the amount of $200,000 for a total project cost of $400,000 in the event of approval; and WHEREAS, it is a requirement of each grant program that this Resolution be adopted and become an official part of the application; and WHEREAS, the Assistant City Manager and the Director of Parks and Recreation recommend approval; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to submit an application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection — Office of Greenways and Trails for Recreational Trails Program Grant funds for the development of a recreational trail and trail facilities at Southgate Linear Park. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: Section 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are HEREBY ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are HEREBY made a specific part of this resolution. Section 2: The appropriate City Officials are HEREBY authorized to submit a Recreational Trails Program grant application for $200,000 to the Florida Department of Temp Reso. #10910 Page 3 March 8, 2006 Environmental Protection — Office of Greenways and Trails providing for a 50:50 cash match in City funds of $200,000 for a total project cost of $400,000 in the event of approval of the application. A copy of said application is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 3: Upon approval of the application, the appropriate City officials are HEREBY authorized to accept the award and execute the necessary documents following legal review. Section 4: Upon approval of the grant award, the appropriate City Officials are HEREBY authorized to amend the existing Southgate Linear Park Capital Improvement Project Budget in the amount of $200,000 and appropriate said funds including any and all subsequent budgetary transfers to be in accordance with proper accounting standards. Section 5: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are HEREBY repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or in application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion or applications of this Resolution. 1 Temp Reso. #10910 Page 4 March 8, 2006 Section is This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day ofrnnrc , 2006. ATTEST: MARION SWEN ON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. PI-11CITY ATTORNEY Z4 JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: VIM TALABISCO DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS 1 1 1 i/� rv/Cv Exhibit A Recreational Trails Program Year 2006 Grant Application Packet GREE.''i;&��&TKAUS, Florida Department of Environmental Protection Office of Greenways and Trails Funding provided through U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RECREATIONAL TRAILS PR06RAM GRANT PR06RAM 6RANT APPLICA TION PACKAGE INTRODUCTION The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991 included the National Recreational Trails Fund Act (NRFTA) established the National Recreational Trails Funding Program. The National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 (NHS Act) amended and revived the NRTFA. The Transportation Equity Act for the 215t Century amended and provided assured funding for the program and changed the program name to Recreational Trails Program (RTP). The purpose of RTP is to provide funds for projects that provide or maintain recreational trails. A recreational trail means: A thoroughfare or track across land or water, used for recreational purposes such as bicycling, day hiking, equestrian activities, jogging or similar fitness activities, trail biking, overnight and long distance backpacking, roller skating, in -line skating, running, aquatic or water activity and vehicular travel by motorcycle, four-wheel drive, all terrain off -road vehicles, or dune buggies. The RTP is administered by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in coordination with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Grant application proposals are evaluated according to policies and procedures described in Chapter 62S-2, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). This is commonly known as the Rec Trails Rule. Applicants should familiarize themselves with these policies and procedures. This packet will assist all applicants in preparing and presenting the information needed for DEP to evaluate proposed RTP applications. GENERAL APPLICATION INFORMATION Please submit the application in a SOFT COVER three prong binder (please, no HARD 3-ring binders). To facilitate the review and scoring process, label or tab all support documents or attachments. We appreciate your cooperation. A request for financial assistance under RTP may be for development or maintenance of recreational trails; purchase of trail construction or maintenance equipment; and if funds are available, for trail education projects. Project proposals may address the following recreational trail interests: • motorized recreation; • nonmotorized recreation; • mixed -use projects (either motorized or nonmotorized); or projects that provide for innovative corridor sharing with motorized and nonmotorized recreation; • construction and maintenance equipment; OGT-10 Page 1 of 20 Development projects should consist of the complete or partial development of the project site. Grantees shall have up to two (2) years from the effective date of the project agreement to complete the development project. A development project, when completed, must be a usable recreational trail or a trail facility along a usable recreational trail. Grantees requesting funds to purchase equipment should be prepared to provide proof of insurance, be capable of properly storing and maintaining the equipment, and be familiar with Federal Highway Administration's Recreational Trails Program Interim Guidance, and DEP's Directive 320 as they relate to equipment and surplus property. All equipment purchased with RTP grant funds will be receive a DEP property number. Grantees may use RTP funds to develop trails, trailhead and trailside facilities and related support facilities including parking, rest rooms, access to drinking water, etc. Development projects may also renovate existing trails and facilities in order to provide access for persons with disabilities. MAXIMUM GRANTS FUNDS AN APPLICANT MAY REQUEST FOR Year 2006: Non- Motorized = $200,000 Mixed -Use _ $200,000 Motorized = $437,420 RTP program requires that the grantee provide matching funds. Please refer to Chapter 62S-2.071(3) for complete information on match requirements and match types. EVALUATION PROCESS Following DEP staff review of the applications, DEP will notify applicants of any deficiencies. Missing or incomplete documentation will usually constitute a deficiency. Applicants must submit requested deficiency information within fifteen (15) working days from date of deficiency notification. After the deficiency period, the Recreational Trails Advisory Committee ranks all eligible applications in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth in the Rec Trails Rule. APPLICATION SUBMISSION INFORMATION Applicants must submit proposals for RTP grants on application form OGT-10. Applications are evaluated on the basis of the information provided by the applicants, except where such data is superseded by official DEP information. Failure by an applicant to present all required application information and documentation may result in the application being declared ineligible for funding consideration. Failure by an applicant to provide accurate information and documentation relating to the evaluation criteria for the proposed project set forth in the RTP Rule may result in a loss of points for the applicant's competitive score. OGT-10 Page 2 of 20 Applicants must submit four copies (1 original and 3 copies) of the completed application and all supporting documents during the announced submission period of February 13, 2006 through March 13, 2006. Applications must be postmarked NO LATER THAN March 13, 2006, and submitted to: OFFICE OF GREENWAYS AND TRAILS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 3900 COMMONWEALTH BOULEVARD, MAIL STATION 795 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-3000 Attention: Alexandra Weiss If questions arise while preparing the application, please contact the Office of Greenways and Trails at 850.245-2052. Or by e-mail: alexandra.weiss@dep.state.fl.us Please Note: If you plan to prepare this document by retyping or downloading it to your computer, the language and format used must exactly match this application. This application may be downloaded from the Internet at: www.FloridaGreenwaysAndTrails.com OGT-10 Page 3 of 20 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RECREATIONAL TRAILS PROGRAM DEP USE ONLY RECEIVED: POSTMARKED: APPLICATION #: PART I - APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant or Organization: 2. Federal Identification Number: 3. Contact Person: Title: (The contact person is someone who will be in direct contact with DEP) Street Address/P.O. Box: City/State: Telephone: ( ) 4. Type of Applicant (Select One): City or County Government State Agency, Department: Federal Agency, Department: Zipcode: Fax: ( ) , District: District: Recognized Indian Tribal Government (projects must be on lands in Florida) Organization * SC# (must be State recognized nonprofit) *Organization as applicant must provide letter of support from land managing agency. Tab as "Exhibit A." l hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true and accurate. / further certify that / possess the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of the applicant. Signature of Authorized Representative OGT-10 Page 4 of 20 Date PART II - PROJECT INFORMA TION 1. Name of Project: 2. Project Location: (Show on DOT county road maps or USGS 7'/z minute quadrangle sheets): Tab as "Exhibit B" Street Address: City: Beginning point: Ending point: County: 3. Ownership (If more than one owner, attach a list of owners and their agents along with a map clearly showing the location of each ownership). Site control issues must be resolved by the close of the submission period (March 13, 2006). Include a boundary map of the project site. Tab as "Exhibit C" Include a copy of site control documents (e.g. deed, lease agreement, etc.) Tab as "Exhibit D" Owner: Address: Phone:( ) Owner's Agent: Address: Phone: 4. U.S. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS IN WHICH THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED: These should be the district in which the project site is located. If you are not sure of the district, contact your local office of the Supervisor of Elections. U.S. Representative's Name: U.S. House District Number: OGT-10 Page 5 of 20 5. STATE LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS IN WHICH THE PROJECT IS LOCATED: These should be the district in which the project site is located. If you are not sure of the district, contact your local office of the Supervisor of Elections. State Senator's Name: State Senate District Number: State Representative's Name: State House District Number: 6. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Briefly describe the proposed project. Include physical characteristics of the site, such as land resources, vegetation, fish and wildlife, historical, archaeological resources, previous land usage and transportation access as well as a description of proposed project activities. If the project is an equipment purchase, describe the equipment, how it will be used to benefit recreational trails (include where it will be stored, who will maintain it, proposed projects for its use and the land managing agency on whose property equipment will be used). TEXT MUST FIT IN SPACE PROVIDED. OGT-10 Page 6 of 20 PART III - F.rNANCIAL INFORMATION 1, RTP Funds Requested: 2. Local Funds Available: 1) Cash: 2) In -Kind: Total Local Funds Available: 3. Total Cost of Proposed Project: Line A $ Line B $ Line C $ Line D $ Line E $ Sum of lines 8 and C Sum of Lines A and D The Total Project Cost (Line E) must equal the grant request (Line A) plus the total local funds available (Line D). 4. PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: For each element, please indicate if it is a new facility, renovation or maintenance of an existing facility, accessibility improvements, equipment purchase. Costs of planning, permitting and site preparation should be included within the cost of each element (not to exceed 15% of total project cost). Quantity Description Estimated Cost New Renovations Maintenance Accessibility Equipment OGT-10 Page 7 of 20 PART IV -- GENERAL EVALUATION CRITERIA WOO Provide Conceptual Site Plan. Tab as "Exhibit E" Provide Photographs of the Project Area. Submit color, on -site photographs sufficient to depict the physical characteristics of the project area. Tab as "Exhibit F" Provide Location Map and Directions. Submit a detailed street, road or highway map precisely locating the project site. Also, provide clear and concise written driving instructions from the nearest federal or state highway. Tab as "Exhibit G" Construction of new trails on federal, state, county or municipal lands where recreational needs for such construction is shown Development and rehabilitation of trailside and trailhead facilities and trail linkages Maintenance and restoration of existing trails Purchase of trail construction or maintenance equipment PAK671:JIIFT31 ]II►1i .'161TI u A. The project implements the applicant's adopted local comprehensive plan (city or county); or the land management or recreation or trail plan of a state or federal agency and; is included in their Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) or similar plan during the current year or one of the next three (3) fiscal years: (Include copies of any necessary documents/plans which clearly indicate the proposed project. Please highlight project name, amount and year) Tab as "Exhibit H" Yes No B. Is the proposed project included as part of the plan through a resolution or agency commitment committing the applicant to amend their CIP or similar plan to include the project should the applicant receive program funds: (Include copies of any necessary documents/plans/resolutions which clearly indicate the proposed project. Please highlight project name, amount and year.) Tab as "Exhibit H" Yes No OGT-10 Page 8 of 20 3. STATE COMPREHENSIVE OUTDOOR RECREATION PLAN Explain how the proposed project would address one or more of the issues or goals identified in the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. Use the Outdoor Recreation in Florida — 2000 (SCORP). Provide quotations or other appropriate references to justify the correlation. Use a separate sheet if necessary. Tab as "Exhibit !" 4. STATE GREENWAYS AND TRAILS PLAN Explain how the proposed project would address one or more issues or goals as identified in the State's Greenways and Trails Plan. Use the Connecting Florida's Communities with Greenways and Trails — September 1998. Provide quotations or other appropriate references to justify the correlation. Use a separate sheet if necessary. Tab as "Exhibit J" 5. ACCESSIBILITY Describe how the project facilitates and improves the access and use of trails by persons with disabilities. OGT-10 Page 9 of 20 6. YOUTH CONSERVATION OR SERVICE CORPS The project is supported through a written letter of commitment between the applicant and a recognized youth conservation or service corps in which the corps agrees to supply a stated amount of labor. Yes No If "Yes", submit a copy of the written letter of commitment between the applicant and the service corps. Written letter must be executed by the end of the submission period and quantify the amount of labor in monetary units. Tab as "Exhibit K" 7. CONNECTIVITY AND LINKAGES Describe how the proposed project provides access to or between any of the following: (A) Public parks or other recreational lands or facilities; (B) Features or areas of historic, cultural, biological or archaeological significance; Provide copy of letter from Florida Department of State (Tab as "Exhibit L") and/or Florida Natural Areas Inventory (Tab as "Exhibit M"). (C) Existing intermodal transportation corridors or trail systems; and/or (D) Residential populated areas. OGT-10 Page 10 of 20 8. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Please indicate which of the following apply (select all that apply): A. An advertised public meeting was held solely for the purpose of discussing the proposed project. Attach a copy of proof of publication for the advertisement. Meeting must be for the SOLE PURPOSE of discussing the project proposed in the application. The advertisement should indicate that the purpose of the meeting is to discuss a RTP grant for this project site. Tab as "Exhibit N-1" B. The project was discussed at a regularly scheduled meeting of the applicant's advisory board responsible for park, recreation and leisure service activities. Provide a copy of the agenda and/or minutes of the advisory board meeting(s) where this project was discussed. The board must be an appointed group of citizens, such as a parks and recreation advisory board, who would normally review projects similar to the proposed grant application. Discussion must take place at a regularly scheduled meeting. Planning and zoning or similar boards may be used if a parks and recreation advisory board does not exist. CITY OR COUNTY COMMISSIONS ARE NOT CONSIDERED ADVISORY BOARDS. Tab as "Exhibit N-2" C. Public input on the proposed project was obtained through presentations to community organizations, neighborhood associations and/or a written opinion survey. Provide documentation (agenda; minutes or thank -you letter) showing that presentations regarding this project were made to community organizations or groups OR provide a copy of the survey instrument and a summary of the results and explain how the results relate to the proposed project. Tab as "Exhibit N-3" 9. NATIONAL SCENIC TRAIL OR NATIONAL RECREATION TRAIL A. The project is located on or connects with the Florida National Scenic Trail: Yes .__ No If yes, provide map and documentation (letter from U.S. Forest Service) indicating connectivity with a certified portion of the Florida National Scenic Trail. Tab as "Exhibit O" B. The project is located on or connects with a National Recreation Trail: Yes No If "Yes", provide a map and documentation (letter from the National Park Service) indicating connectivity with a designated National Recreation Trail. Tab as "Exhibit O" 0GT-10 Page 11 of 20 10. STATE OF FLORIDA DESIGNATED RECREATIONAL GREENWAY OR TRAIL The project is located on or connects with a State of Florida designated greenway or trail. Yes No If "Yes', provide a map and documentation (letter from Office of Greenways and Trails) indicating connectivity. Designation Agreements must be fully executed by end of submission period. Tab as "Exhibit P" 11. MATCHING RATIO RTP is a matching grant program. Maximum grant award can account for 80% of total project costs (federal grant amount : grantee's cash and/or in -kind services). Select which matching ratio applies to this project: A. 50:50 ! C. 80:20 * Federal Agencies: only 95% of total project costs may be federal dollars. Please explain the source of funds for remaining 5%. Source of non -Federal dollars when applicant is Federal Agency: 12. MIXED USE PROJECTS A. The specific trail design demonstrates that the project will support recreational trail opportunities for both motorized and nonmotorized use through innovative techniques such as multiple trails sharing a single corridor, or time sharing of trails or trailhead facilities, or other innovative corridor sharing techniques. Yes No If "Yes", please explain innovative techniques to be employed and address potential user conflicts. Tab as "Exhibit Q" OGT-10 Page 12 of 20 B. The specific trail design demonstrates that the project will support mixed -use recreational trail opportunities, either motorized or nonmotorized, through. innovative techniques. Yes No If "Yes", please explain innovative techniques to be employed and address potential user conflicts. Tab as "Exhibit Q" PART V - SPECIFIC CRITERIA 1. MOTORIZED PROJECTS Only: A. The proposed project will: (select only one) 1. develop new motorized recreational trails. 2. repair or restore designated motorized trails impacted by normal use. 3. develop motorized trail facilities on existing motorized recreational trail corridors. B. The project will support compatible recreational trail use for the greatest number of the following: (select ALL that apply) 1. Off -Road Motorcycles 2. All -Terrain Vehicles 3. Off -Highway Vehicles (high clearance vehicles) 4. Other Motorized Recreational Trail Use. List all: 2. NONMOTORIZED PROJECTS Only: A. The proposed project will: (select only one) 1. develop nonmotorized recreational trail facilities on new corridors. 2. develop nonmotorized recreational trail facilities on existing corridors. 3. improve or repair existing nonmotorized recreational trail and/or facilities. OGT-10 Page 13 of 20 B. The nonmotorized project will support compatible recreational trail use for the greatest number of the following: (select ALL that apply) 1. Bicycling 2. Skating 3. Day Hiking 4. Equestrian Activities 5. Fitness Activities 6. Overnight or Long Distance Backpacking 7. Aquatic Activity 8. Other Nonmotorized Recreational Trail Use. List all: 3. MOTORIZED AND NONMOTORIZED MIXED -USE PROJECTS Only: A. The motorized/nonmotorized mixed -use project will: (select only one) 1. develop new mixed -use trails. 2. repair or restore designated mixed -use trails impacted by normal use. 3. develop mixed -use trail facilities on existing motorized recreational trail corridors. B. The project will support compatible recreational trail use for the greatest number of the following: (select ALL that apply) 1. Off -Road Motorcycles 2. All -Terrain Vehicles 3. Off -Highway Vehicles (high clearance vehicles) 4. Other Motorized Recreational Trail Use. List: 5. Bicycling OGT-10 Page 14 of 20 3(B) Motorized/Nonmotorized Mixed -Use Projects Only, Cont. 6. Skating 7. Day Hiking 8. Equestrian Activities 9. Fitness Activities 10. Overnight or Long Distance Backpacking 11. Aquatic Activity 12, Other Nonmotorized Recreational Trail Use, List: OGT-10 Page 15 of 20 PART VI - SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION A TTENTION, Before you finish your application package, make sure you have all the necessary support documents prepared and attached. Please use this list to make sure that all applicable documentation is included. Attach supporting documents as follows: NOTE: Four (4) copies of the completed and PLEASE UsE A SOFT signed application and all supporting documents COVERED BINDER. must be submitted before March 13, 2006. (1 on ina/ and 3 copies) A. Organizations provide a Letter of Support from land managing agency. Agency must state that it A accepts the post completion requirements as outlined in Chapter 62S-2 F.A.C. B. Show project location on DOT County Road Maps or USGS 7 % Minute Quadrangle B Sheets. Include beginning and ending points. C. Boundary Map of the project area: The map must provide a description and sketch C of the project area boundaries, display known easements and be legally sufficient to identify the project area. Plat maps may accepted if the above criteria are identified. Aerial photographs are not accepted as boundary maps. D. Site Control (e.g., deed, lease): Submit a copy of the site control document for D the project site. If submerged lands are included in the development area, provide a legal document (i.e., permit, management agreement, etc.) which indicates. permission to use and develop the submerged lands. Site control must be effective by the close of the submission period. OGT-10 Page 16 of 20 E. Conceptual Site Plan for development of the project area: Submit a conceptual site plan displaying the areas and facilities to be developed as proposed in the scope of the application. The site plan must correlate with the project area identified in the project boundary map and cost estimate. The site plan must CLEARLY DELINEATE between facilities/opportunities currently existing, facilities proposed for funding in this application and facilities planned for future development. Please color code your site plan to indicate facilities that are existing, proposed for funding and planned for future development (not in this project). F. Photographs of the Project Area: Submit color, on -site photographs sufficient to depict the physical characteristics of the project area. Provide color photographs for all four copies of your application. Aerial photographs are requested, but not required. Please mark an approximate boundary of the Project Site and note major roads and/or landmarks on the aerial photo (note - this is not the G. Location Map and Directions: Submit a detailed street, road or highway map precisely locating the project site. Also, provide clear and concise written driving instructions from the nearest federal or state highway. NOTE: Please confirm that street names listed in the written directions are the same as those posted on street signs in the area. GGT-10 Page 17 of 20 10 F G i H H. Capital Improvements Schedule or a copy of a resolution amending the existing schedule to include the proposed project. State or federal agencies provide copy of their land management or recreation or trail plan. I. SCORP objectives support documentation, Written response to Part IV, Item 3, Page 9 of this application. Include narrative explaining how the project implements one or more of the outdoor recreation goals and objectives as listed in the 2000 SCORP. J. State Greenways and Trails Plan support documentation. Written J response to Part IV, Item 4, Page 9 of this application. Include narrative explaining how the project implements one or more of the goals and objectives as indicated in the 1998 State Trails Plan. K. Service Corps: Copy of letter of commitment between applicant and K recognized youth conservation or service corps, in which the corps agrees to supply stated amount of labor. Refer to 42 U. S. C. 12572 and 42 U. S. C. 12656 for definitions. Scout troops and similar groups do NOT qualify. AmeriCorps is a recognized service corps. L. Department of State letter to verify that a project is for archaeological/ historic/cultural preservation purposes M. FNAI letter to verify resources protected by project. OGT-10 Page 18 of 20 N. Public Participation Documentation: 1. Copy of public meeting advertisement for SOLE PURPOSE of discussing the project. 2. Agenda and/or minutes of REGULARLY SCHEDULED advisory board meeting. 3. Documentation of PRESENTATION to community groups (agenda, letter of thanks, etc. OR ... A copy of the SURVEY instrument and a summary of the results as they relate to the proposed project. O. Letter from U.S. Forest Service documenting project is located along or connects to a certified portion of the Florida National Scenic Trail. OR ... Letter from National Park Service documenting project is located along or connects with a designated National Recreation Trail. P. Letter from Office of Greenways & Trails documenting project is located along or connects with a designated State of Florida Greenway or Trail. Q. Mixed Use Projects: Explanation of innovative techniques to be employed Q (address potential user conflicts). OGT-10 Page 19 of 20 PART VII - CONTACT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RTP Application Information & Assistance 850-245-2052 205-2052 Florida Statewide Greenways &Trails Plan 850-245-2052 205-2052 Department of State 850-245-6333 205-6333 Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) 850-224-8207 n/a 2000 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) 850-245-3051 205-3051 U.S. Forest Service (National Scenic Trail) 850-942-9300 n/a National Park Service (National Recreation Trails) 404-562-3175 n/a OGT-10 Page 20 of 20