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City of Tamarac Resolution R-2006-050
Temp. Reso. #10936 March 23, 2006 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2006-�Q_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO AWARD BID NO. 06- 07B TO AKERBLOM CONTRACTING, INC., AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC AND AKERBLOM CONTRACTING, INC., FOR AN AMOUNT OF $459,001.00 FOR THE PUMP STATIONS 2A AND 18 REHABILITATION PROJECT; APPROVING FUNDING FOR THIS PROJECT FROM THE APPROPRIATE UTILITIES OPERATIONAL ACCOUNT; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO ADMINISTER THE CONTRACT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac owns, operates and maintains seventy-six (76) wastewater pump stations; and WHEREAS, wastewater Pump Stations 2A and 18 are two of the highest volume wastewater pump stations in the City of Tamarac and are located at 6801 NW 70t' Avenue and 8400 Lagos De Campo respectively (copies of which are attached hereto in map form as "Exhibit A"); and WHEREAS, these pump stations are two of the highest volume stations in the City of Tamarac and the run times of both of these stations exceed the Broward County Environmental Protection Department design guidelines of 10 hours per day; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Utilities Department's mandate to improve, renew and rehabilitate existing water and wastewater systems to ensure a safe, reliable and adequate water supply and wastewater systems to all residents and customers of the City, the Pump Stations 2A and 18 Rehabilitation Project was recommended, approved Temp. Reso. #10936 March 23, 2006 Page 2 of 4 and funded as a Capital Improvement Project; and WHEREAS, the Utilities Department's Engineering Division completed the design, bidding and construction documents for Pump Stations 2A and 18; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac publicly advertised Bid No. 06-07B, Pump Stations 2A and 18 Rehabilitation Project in the Sun Sentinel on February 5, 2006 and February 12 2006 (a copy of said bid invitation document is attached hereto as "Exhibit B"); and WHEREAS, the City solicited competitive sealed bids and on March 13, 2006, received, opened and reviewed three (3) bids as follows: COMPANY NAME TOTAL BID $ Akerblom Contracting, Inc. 459,001.00 TLC Diversified, Inc. 569,791.00 Metro Equipment Services, Inc. 878,146.00 WHEREAS, Akerblom Contracting, Inc., was deemed the most responsive and responsible bidder (a copy of said bid is attached hereto as "Exhibit C"); and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac Assistant Director of Utilities recommends the award of this construction contract to Akerblom Contracting, Inc., in the amount of $459,001.00 as stated in the memo issued March 23, 2006 (a copy of which, along with a Bid Tabulation prepared by the City of Tamarac Engineering Department, is attached hereto as "Exhibit D"); and WHEREAS, approved funds are available in the Utilities Operational account; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Director of Utilities and the Purchasing and Contracts Manager that the appropriate City Officials award Bid No. 06-07B, Pump 1 Temp. Reso. #10936 March 23, 2006 Page 3 of 4 Stations 2A and 18 Rehabilitation Project, to Akerblom Contracting, Inc., and execute an agreement with Akerblom Contracting, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $459,001.00 for the rehabilitation of the stations; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to approve the award of Bid No. 06-07B, Pump Stations 2A and 18 Rehabilitation Project, to Akerblom Contracting, Inc., and execute an agreement with Akerblom Contracting, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $459,001.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution upon adoption hereof. SECTION 2: The award of Bid No. 06-07B, Pump Stations 2A and 18 Rehabilitation Project, to Akerblom Contracting, Inc., is hereby authorized. SECTION 3: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Akerblom Contracting, Inc., (a copy of which is attached hereto as "Exhibit E") as part of said award. SECTION 4: An expenditure in the amount of $459,001.00 is approved to be funded from the appropriate budgeted Utilities Operational account. SECTION 5: The City Manager, or his designee, be authorized to make changes, issue Change Orders not to exceed $30,000 per Section 6-156(b) of the City Code, and close the contract award including, but not limited to, making final payment and Temp. Reso. #10936 March 23, 2006 Page 4 of 4 releasing bonds when the work has been successfully completed within the terms and conditions of the contract and within the contract price. SECTION 6: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 7: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application; it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 8: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this Al day of Aord, 2006. ATTEST: BETA F ANSBAUM --(ALAEOSCO MAYOR f / ECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: - RMARION SWENS N, CMC MAYOR FLANSBAUM-TALABISCO CITY CLERK DIST 1: V/M PORTNER DIST 2: COMM. ATKINS-GRAD Alip- DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. DRESSLER I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. SAMUEL S. GO N CITY ATTOR Y JTM/mg No Text No Text ITEM 6(g) TEMPORARY RESOLUTION 10936 AWARDING BID NO. 06-07B TO AKERBLOM CONTRACTING, INC. PUMP STATIONS 2A AND 18 REHABILITATION PROJECT EXHIBIT "B" INVITATION TO BID IS ON FILE AND AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF TAMARAC INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM FINANCE DEPARTMENT "EXHIBIT C" PURCHASING DIVISION TR #10936 TO: JAMES MOORE, ASSISTANT DATE: 14 MARCH 2O06 DIRECTOR, UTILITES DEPARTMENT FROM: JIM NICOTRA RE: PUMP STATION 2A & 18 SENIOR PROCU EMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT, SPECIALIST BID NO.06-07B Recommendation: To Award to the low responsive/responsible bidder, Akerblom Contracting Inc., for Bid No. 06- 07B, Pump Station 2A & 18 Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $459,001.00. After careful review of the low bidder's submittal, the Utilities Department concurs t award to: Akerblom Contracting Inc., In the amount of $459,001.00. 0 The Utilities Department does not concur to award to the apparent low bidder. Reason(s) for rejection Authorized Signer: 7 ;� Signature: Date: Return To: Jim Nicotra after signature Attachments . Page 1 of uivision or Corporations t � Florida Profit AKERBLOM CONTRACTING, INC. PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 2017 SW 28TH TERR. FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33312 Changed 03/28/1989 MAILING ADDRESS 2017 SW 28TH TERR. FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33312 Changed 03/28/1989 Document Number FE] Number Date Filed H91923 592643807 12/26/1985 State FI, Status Effective Date ACTIVE NONE Last Event REINSTATEMENT Event Date Filed Event Effective Date 09/25/1995 NONE Re istered Agent Name & Address AKERBLOM, CARL E. 2017 S.W. 28 TERR. FT. LAUDERDALE FL 33312 Name Changed: 07/10,'1987 Address Changed: 07/10/1987 Officer/Director Detail Name & Addrest Title AKERBLOM, CARL E. 2017 S.W. 28TH TERR. PDC FT. LAUDERDALE FL AKEPBLOM, CARL E T-T 2017 SW 28TH TERRACE. http://Ccfcorp.dos.state.fl.us/scripts/cordet.exe?aI=DETFIL&n1=H91923&n'=NAMF`VD&n3=;'.';:'"'.. Liviblon or t.orporations Page 2 of i FT. LAUDERDALE FL AKERBLOM, JEANNE 2017 SW 28 TERR. L. FT. LAUDERDALE FL AKERBLOM,JEANNE 2017 SW SW 28 TERR FT LAUDERDALE FL Annual Report Year. 2003 2004 N1 VDS Filed Date 04/14/2003 - I 02/23/2004 02/21 /2005 Previous Filing Return to List Next f iiing View Events No Name History Information Document Images Listed below are the images available for this filing. -- F.1vN itY/UNIFORM-NUS REP _ _ANN $EP/UNIFORM BVS REP T AM REP/i-FORM SUS.REP �COR_,- ANN REP/U IFORM_BL ANN REP/UNIPORM BUS. liEP ---ANN. REP/ WF0RM.._B_US_REP -_ANN[TAL,REPORT ANNUAL REPORT __ANN_i1AL REPORT -- 1996 A'NWTAT RUPn17r THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL RECORD; SEE DOCUMENTS IF QUESTION OR CONF1=al(:7 ... . .. ...... http://ccfcorp.dos.state.fl.us/scripts/cordet.exe?aI=DETFIL&n1—H91923&n2=NAMF`VD&n3—;�;:,;,,�,,�.,6i,,dX. Licensing Portal - Search Results Page l of DBPR Home I Online Services Horne I Help I Site Map j Public Services 0840:09 A M 311412006 Search for a Licensee Search Results Apply for a License View Application Status Please see our glossary of terms for an explanation of the license status Apply to Retake Exam shown in these search results. Find Exam Information Find a CE Course License Name Name License Number/ Status/ File a Complaint Type Type Rank Expires City AB&T Delinquent Invoice & Activity List Search User Services Certified AKERBLOM General Primary CGCO55076 Cert Current, Active Renew a License Contractor CARL ERICA General 08/31/2006 AFT LAUDERDALE Change License Status Maintain Account w " Change My Address View Messages Change My PIN View Continuing Ed oww Naza= No Term Glossary IsOnline Help L I Terms or Use I I privacy Statement I https://www.myfloridalicense.com/licensing/vt,112.jsp,jsessionid=HABF.KGPLGAFBkKj9f-yKC`' l"- Licensing Portal - License Details Page 1 of 1 K aw Log...On.... 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Term Glossary Online Help DBPR Home 1 Online Services Home I Help I Site Map 8:10:16AM311412006 Licensee Details Licensee Information Name: AKERBLOM, CARL ERIC (Primary Marne) AKERBLOM CONTRACTING INC (138A Name) Main Address: 2017 SW 28TH TERR FT LAUDERDALE Florida 33312 County: BROWARD License Mailing: Licensel-ocation: 2017 SW 28TH TERR FT LAUDERDALE FL 33312 County: BROWARD License Information License Type: Certified General Contractor Rank: Cert General License Number: CGCOSS076 Status: Current,Active Licensure Date: 03/20/1992 Expires: 08/31/2006 Special Qualifications Qualification Effective Bldg Code Core Course Credit No Qualified Business 02/20/2004 License Required Qualified Business 02/20/2004 License Required View Related_Lice. License Information View., License _Complaint L I TerMis of Use 1 1 Pr vary Statement I Ili https://www.myfloiidalicense.com/LicenseDetail.asp?SID =&id=$14402 Licensing Portal - View Public Complaints Page 1 of 1 Apply for a License View Application Status Apply to Retake Exam Find Exam Information File a Complaint AB&T Delinquent Invoice & Activity List Search User Services Renew a License Change License Status Maintain Account Change My Address View Messages Change My PIN DBPR Home I Online Services Home 1 Help 1 Site Map Complaint Details s: f 0:24 AM -, 412006 Displayed is a listing of public complaints regarding the person or entity selected. The only complaints that appear on this screen are public complaints against persons or entities that currently are licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.Such data includes complaints for which probable cause has been determined or where the subject of the complaint has waived his/her right to confidentiality. However, the department is precluded from disclosing any complaints which are confidential pursuant to Section 455.225(10), Florida Statutes, If you would like to file a new complaint it can be flied —here. Complaints filed with the Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes, the complaint forms and all information submitted to the Division are public records under the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, Florida's Public Record Law. Accordingly, any person may inspect the case file and may Obtain copies of any of the materials in the file. The Division does not represent your private interests. Any action taken by the Division will be on behalf of the State of Florida. View Continuing Ed Additional search mechanisms are available to ascertain the existence of any public records pertaining to the unlicensed activity of the person or entity about which you p are inquiring. Term Glossary Search for -Public Records _Pertaining to_Unl cens_ed__Constructinn ccjr),ra.. Com_plaintSHere Online Help Search for Public. Records Pertaining to all other Unl censed_Cd_mplaii'ii.s ere Name: Number Class Incident Status Disposition Disposition Date Date No Complaint Information found. L I Terms of Use i I Privacy Statement I C�isrlp?ir°e Discipline Date Ind https://www.myfloridalicense.com/viewcomplaint.a.sp?SID=&Ilcid=814402 City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Division COMPANY NAME: (Please Print): d Phone: "54 Fax: --- g r BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR BID, MAKE SURE YOU.., 1U Carefully read the General Terms & Conditions S Provisions. Pedal Conditions and Special 2• Properly fill out the Bid Forms and the Schedule of Bid Price s. 3• [-ill out and sign the Non -Collusive Affidavit and have it properly notarized. d 4• u'S gn the Certification page. Failure to do so may result in our d emed non -responsive. Y Bid being 6• ill out the Bidder's Qualification Statement. 6. T Fill out the References page. 7• 14 Sign the Vendor Drug Free Workplace Form. 8• !'out the List of Subcontractors. 9. Include a 6% Bid Guaranty. Failure to provide guaranty will result in automatic reject onof your bid. Paymethe stipulated bond or and Performance Bonds will be required and must be submitted on the City'snforms, included herein. 10• q'F 'll out and sign the Certified Resolution. 11. Include pro of of of Insurance. 12. E Include copy of State Certified or County CompetencyLicense(s) 13. Trench Safety Form, if applicable. ense(s) Submit ONE (1) Original AND TWO (2) Photocopies of your bid, clearly marked with the BID NUMBER AND BID NAME on the outside of the package. Make sure your Bid is submitted PRIOR to the deadline. Late Bids will not be accepted. Failure to provide the requested attachments may result in your bid being deemed non -responsive. THIS SHOULD BE THE FIRST PAGE OF YOUR BID. SUBMIT BID TO: CITY OF TAMARAC PURCHASING AND CONTRACTS DIVISION 7525 NW 88TH AVENUE TAMARAC, FL 33321 954-597-3570 INVITATION FOR BID Bidder Acknowledgement BID NO.: 06-07B BID TITLE: PUMP STATION 2A AND 18 REHABILITATION BID OPENING DATE/TIME: MARCH 3, 2006 AT 4:00 PM BUYER NAME: JIM NICOTRA, SENIOR PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST BUYER PHONE: 954-597-3569 BUYER EMAIL: jimn@tamarac.org PRE -BID CONFERENCE/SITE INSPECTION: FEBRUARYI6, 2006 @ 10:OOAM, ROOM 105 BONDING: 5% Bid Bond, 100% Payment/Performance Bond Bid Pkg Cost: $75.00 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS I These instructions are standard for all bids for commodities/services issued by the City of Tamarac. The City of Tamarac may delete, supersede or modify any of these standard instructions for a particular bid by indicating such change in the Instructions to Bidders or in the special conditions of the bid. Any and all special conditions that may vary from these general conditions shall prevail over any conflicting provision within any vendor's standard terms and conditions regardless of any language in vendor's documentation to the contrary. SEALED BIDS This form should be submitted with all Bid Forms in a sealed envelope. The face of the envelope shall contain the above address, the Bid number and the Bid title. Bids not submitted on the attached Bid Form may be deemed non -responsive. All Bids are subject to the terms and conditions specified herein. Those bids that do not comply with..these--conditions may be deemed non -responsive. BIDDER COMPANY NAME: _A&fM/_40114 COMPANY ADDRESS: CQQ / _ �' . W • __r `� T /41�'. F7._l�}y 3/.Z COMPANY PHONE: 17 NAME OF AUTHORIZED AGENT: -1 A`K f&4d M TITLE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT: AUTHORIZED AGENT EMAIL ADDRESS:- R__9KLRA"M A9P L. T Cam BIDDER TAXPAYER ID OR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: 00e I certify that this Bid Acknowledgement is made without prior understanding, agreement or connection with any corporation, firm or person submitting a Bid for the same commodities and/or services and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I agreea byl� is Bid and certify that I am authorized to sign this Bid as an agent for the Bidder. �'"� City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Division BID FORM BID NO.0"7B PUMP STATION 2A and 18 REHABILITATION The City of Tamarac is hereby requesting Bids from qualified contractors for work which consists of the Contractor furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary, as indicated in the specifications herein and generally to include rehabilitation of existing City of Tamarac Pump Stations 2A and 18. The rehabilitation of the .pump stations shall include, but not be limited to, demolition, by-pass pumping, pumps and motors, concrete top slabs and valve boxes, mechanical piping, electrical and control equipment installation, and electrical generators. Construction also includes dewatering, MOTs, complying with permit conditions, testing and restoration work for a complete and operating system as well as all appurtenances and other incidentals as indicated by the drawings and specifications or as required to properly complete the projects as planned. To be eligible for award of this project, the Contractor must possess at time of bid opening, one of the following State Certified and/or County Competency licenses; State: Certified General Contractor License, as defined by F.S. 489.105 3a with at least five (5) years of verifiable full-time experience with a minimum of two (2) projects of similar nature or dollar cost. OR County:. A Broward County Competency Engineering Contractor Class A license with at least five (5) years of verifiable full-time experience with a minimum of two (2) projects of similar nature or dollar cost.. We propose to furnish the following items in conformity with the specifications and at the indicated bid prices. The bid prices quoted have been checked and certified to be correct. Said prices are fixed and firm and shall be paid to Bidder for the successful completion of ,A..,its., obligation as specified in the contract documents.,,.,,_ Y In the event of obvious mathematical errors, the Bidder recognizes that these are clerical in nature and may be corrected by City. For each bid item, Bidder agrees to furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to properly perform the work described herein and on the project drawings. A more detailed description of the Pay Items is located in Section 01025 of the Technical Specifications. It is the intent of the City to award this bid based on the Total.Base Bid for all bid items. In the event or latent multiplication or addition errors, the Bidder recognizes that these are clerical errors and may be corrected by the Owner 40 Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices SCH-9 City of,Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Division BID SCHEDULE For each item, Bidder agrees to furnish all labor, material, tools and equipment necessary to properly perform the work described herein and on project drawings. It is the intent of the City to award this contract based on the Grand Total Base bid for all bid items. In the event of latent multiplication or addition errors, the Bidder recognizes that these are clerical errors and may be corrected by the Owner. Item No. Quantity Lump Sum For furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, construction, including but not limited to site preparation, protection of existing utilities, excavation; complying with the Trench Safety Act (TSA); and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items for Pump Station 2A Rehabilitation field verification of existing tie-in force main, the aggregate sum of: 2 Lump Sum. For furnishing all labor, tools, construction, equipment, supervision, bond, insurance, other miscellaneous costs, overhead and profit required for a complete, satisfactory and fully functional installation as shown on the drawings for Pump Station 2A Rehabilitation, the aggregate sum of: 3 Lump Sum For furnishing, operating, maintaining and removing a by-pass pumping system at Pump Station 2A, the aggregate sum of: 4 Lump Sum For installing an electrical control panel provided by the City for Pump- Station 2A as shown on the drawings and in accordance with the specifications, the aggregate sum of: 5 Lump Sum For installing a 80 KW , 480 volt- 3 phase Electrical Generator with a Caterpillar or John Deere diesel engine per Plans and Specifications on a reinforced concrete pad. 6 Subtotal For the sum of Items 1 through5, which constitute the total cost of the Pump Station 2A Rehabilitation: Total Price 2DToao� o t� $ alp. odor oD Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices SCH-2 Purchasing and Contracts Division 7 Lump Sum For furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, construction, including but not limited to site preparation, protection of existing utilities, excavation; complying with the Trench Safety Act (TSA); and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items for Pump Station' 18 Rehabilitation field verification of existing tie-in $ 70 0,901100 force main, the aggregate sum of- 8 Lump Sum For furnishing all labor, tools, construction, equipment, supervision, bond, insurance, other miscellaneous costs, overhead and profit required for a .complete, satisfactory and fully functional installation as shown on the drawings for Pump $ 1000 . 00 Station 18 Rehabilitation, the aggregate sum of: 9 Lump Sum For furnishing, operating, maintaining and removing a by-pass pumping system at Pump Station 18, the aggregate sum of: $ $,DOD. 00 10 Lump Sum For installing an electrical control panel provided by City for Pump Station 18 as. shown on the drawings and in accordance with the specifications, the aggregate sum of: $ -- UJ000,00 11 Lump Sum For installing a 80 KW , 480 volt- 3 phase Electrical Generator with a Caterpillar or John Deere diesel engine per Plans and Specifications on a reinforced concrete pad. pQL01 00 $- / 12 Subtotal For the sum of Items 7 through 11 which constitute the total cost of the Pump Station 18 �� d Rehabilitation: $ 13 CONSIDERATION FOR INDEMNIFICATION OF CITY $ 1.00 14 *CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE (SEE PG 41, PARAw35) $ 40,000 15 , DO TOTAL BASE BID (ITEMS 6,12,13 AND14) $„ ,- 00 We propose to furnish the following in conformity with the specifications and at the above bid prices. The bid prices quoted have been checked and certified to be correct. Said prices are fixed and firm and shall be paid to Bidder for the successful completion of its obligation as specified in the contract documents. 42 Bid Farm & Schedule of Bid Prices SCH-3 City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Division BID FORM (continued) BID NO.06-07B PUMP STATION 2A and 18 REHABILITATION Date 3 THIS BID IS SUBMITTED TO: City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Manager 7525 Northwest 88th Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321 1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this bid is accepted, to enter into a contract with the City to perform and furnish all Work as specified herein for the Contract Price and within the Contract Period indicated in this bid. 2_ This bid will remain subject to acceptance for ninety (90) days after the day of bid opening. Bidder will sign and submit the necessary documents required by the City within fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the City's Award. a. Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the contract documents, locality, and all local conditions and laws and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. b. Bidder has given the City written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that it has discovered in the contract documents and the written resolution thereof by the City is acceptable to Bidder. C. This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement -or rules of any group, association; organisation or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited,any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or. over the City. 3. Bidder will complete the Work for the prices shown in the "Bid Form". 4. Bidder agrees that the Work will be substantially performed and complete in accordance with the schedules established herein. Bid. Form & Scheduie of Bid Prices SCH-4 City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Division BID FORM (continued) BID NO.06-07B PUMP STATION 2A and 18 REHABILITATION The City reserves the right to reject any bid, if it deems that a vendor has deliberately provided erroneous information. The undersigned declare to have specific and legal authorization to obligate their firm to the terms of this bid, and further, that they have examined the Invitation to Bid, the instructions to Bidders, the Specifications, and other documents included in this bid request, and hereby promises and agrees that, if this bid is accepted, they will faithfully fulfill the terms of this bid together with all guarantees and warranties thereto. The undersigned bidding firm further certifies the product and/or equipment meets or exceeds the specification as stated in the bid package; and also agrees that products and/or equipment to be delivered which fail to meet bid specifications will be rejected by the City within thirty (30) days of delivery. Return of rejection will be at the expense of the bidder. Authorized ftnalure Company Name CARD A"• � .�'�4Aq Typed/Printed Name Telephone g' Fax address fht above signer (if any) �,2a/7 S,-W, ,2S- 7'Eh'YPACAE Address City, State, ZIP _ .39 ~ al 6 44 -- .3 $0 7 Federal Tax ID Number G 6; G -- OSS47A Contractor's License Number Bid Form & Schedule of Bid Prices SCH-5 , Coof;iamarac Purchasing and Contracts Division BID FORM (continued) BID NO.06-07B PUMP STATION 2A and 18 REHABILITATION Bidder's Name: U C O .Z7V TERMS: % (percent discount, If any, if payment made within /Q DAYS; otherwise, terms are NET 30 days. Delivery/completion: 120 calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed or Purchase Order, whichever is applicable for this project. To be considered eligible for award, one (1) original and two (2) copies of this bid form should be submitted with the Bid. One original bid must be submitted at time of bid opening. Copies must be provided within 3 business days of City's request. NOTE: Bid submittals without the manual signature of an authorized agent of the Bidder, as evidenced by completion of the Certified Resolution form contained herein (or acceptable Corporate Resolution) may be deemed non -responsive and ineligible for award. NOTE: Bid submittals without the manual signature of an authorized agent of the Bidder shall be deemed non -responsive and ineligible for award. IF "NO BID" IS OFFERED, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Please indicate reason(s) why a Bid Proposal is not being submitted at this time. Return the Bid Form to avoid removal of Bidder from the City of Tamarac's vendor listing. 45 Did Form & Schedule of Bid Prices 5CH-6 City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT State of 40 )ss. County of W CZML - E. being first duly sworn, deposes and says that: 1. He/she is the aES/tE (Owner, Partner, Officer, Representative or Agent) of /9�'�'/i'�3L.D/�► Gc l: XAJC. the Offeror that has submitted the attached Proposal; 2. He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Proposal and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such Proposal; 3. Such Proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Proposal; 4. Neither the said Offeror nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, have in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Offeror, firm, or person to submit a collusive or sham Proposal in connection with the Work for which the attached Proposal has been submitted; or to refrain from bidding in connection with such Work, or have in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication, or conference with any Offeror, firm, or person to fix the price or prices in the attached Proposal or of any other Offeror, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost elements of the Proposal price or the Proposal price of any other Offeror, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement any advantage against (Recipient), or any person interested in the proposed Work; S. The price or prices quoted in the attached Proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement on the part of the Offeror or any other of its agents, representatives, owners, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: W ss itn s B !D Printed Name T itle Non -Collusive Affidavit Page i I Purchasing and Contracts Division ACKNOWLEDGMENT NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT State of Florida County of 4MQ (U 2. 1W On this the _L3 day of ,l dt 2;d , 200,9 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of FJwr�da, per,40•appeared and (Name(s) of individual(s) who appeared before notary) whose name(s) is/are Subscribed to within the instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) ❑ Personally known to me, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath 47 Non -Collusive Affidavit Page 2 City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Division Y I ' CERTIFICATION THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID We (1), the undersigned, hereby agree to furnish the item(s)/service(s) described in the Invitation to Bid. We (1) certify that we (1) have read the entire document, including the Specifications, Additional Requirements, Supplemental Attachments, Instructions to Bidders, Terms and Conditions, and any addenda issued. We agree to comply with all of the requirements of the entire Invitation To Bid. Indicate which type of organization below: INDIVIDUAL ❑ PARTNERSHIP ❑ CORPORATION [OTHER ❑ If "Other", Explain: �5 Z211-00,1411%e Auth rized rgna ure CfCwz- O Typed/Printed Name Telephone 9.5i� --' 79/— 975n7 Fax Address A,047r City, State, ZIP T .s- - - --3�6 7 Federal Tax ID Number a 4 a C C Email address far above signer (if any) Contractor's License Number 48 Certification and Contracts Division BIDDER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and all answers to questions made hereinafter: Name of Company _ _ a KF gOaM coN 7-RA C�r/A-19' ���� _• Address S-o t7 ML-W, ay Z Mrf _ City State Zip _recr L)quym „ __ Telephone q5� gg 4e, -/n/. Fax Number _ q5* 9 / — 9759 1. How many years has your organization been in business under its present name? �L Years 2. If Vendor is operating under Fictitious Name, submit evidence of compliance with Florida Fictitious Name Statute: 3. Under what former name(s) has your business operated? List former address(es) of that business (if any). s Jr_ 4. Are you Certified? Yes V❑"' No ❑ If Yes, attach copy of Certification 5. Are you Licensed? Yes N� No ❑ If Yes, attach copy of License 6. Has your company ever declared bankruptcy? Yes ❑ No If Yes, explain: 7. Are you a Sales Representative ❑ Distributor ❑ Broker ❑ or Manufacturer ❑ of the commodities/services bid upon? 8. Have you ever received a contractor a purchase order from the City of Tamarac or other governmental entity? Yes [VNo ❑ If yes, explain (date, service/project, bid title etc.) 8,q t4 r 4IFr SrrVTia) 42 Rao REH� � eTHERS FdIQ /°fTL� ���C�1°/ d • 9. Have you ever received a comOf t on a contract or bid awarded to you by any governmental entity? Yes ❑ No yes, explain: 10, Have you ever been debarred suspended from doing business with any governmental entity? Yes ❑ No If yes, explain: Gk] Bidder's Qualification Statement i r i of Tamarac REFERENCES Purchasing and Contracts Division Please list government agencies and/or private firms with whom you have done business during the last five years: Your Company Name Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Agency/Firm Name: Address City State Zip Phone/Fax Contact Name Ve References City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Division VENDOR DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE Preference may be given to vendors submitting a certification with their bid/proposal certifying they have a drug -free workplace in accordance with Section 287.087, Florida Statutes. This requirement affects all public entities of the State and becomes effective January 1, 1991. The special condition is as follows: IDENTICAL TIE BIDS - Preference may be given to businesses with drug -free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids that are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the State or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug -free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none of the tied vendors have a drug -free workplace program. In order to have a drug -free workplace program, a business shall: Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 1. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 2. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 3. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance -law, of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later that five (5) days after each conviction. 4. Impose a section on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 5. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this form complies fully with the above requirements. uthorized Signature Company Name Vendor Drug -Free Wgrkptace city of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Division LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS The Bidder shall list below the names and business address of each subcontractor who will perform Work under this Bid in excess of one-half of one percent of the Contractor's Total Bid Price, and shall also list the portion of the Work that will be done by such subcontractor. After the opening of bids, no changes or substitutions will be allowed except as otherwise provided by law. The listing of more than one subcontractor for each item of Work to be performed with the words "and/or" will not be permitted. Failure to comply with this requirement will render the Bid as non -responsive and may cause its rejection. Work to Be Performed % Total Contractor Contract License No. Subcontractor Name/Address 5 v _ _ o0c1nE—L"7 X �!M#06 &4,rC'TRIG o. l3oX S'� W, l .WM 464cy rJ'1. ;33P-/4 52 List of Subcontractors City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Division CERTIFIED RESOLUTION 1,A N (Name), the duly elected Secretary of (Corporate Title), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of �' p/R ZQ a , do hereby certify that the following Resolution was unanimously adopted and passed by a quorum of the Board of Directors of the said corporation at a meeting held in accordance with law and the by-laws of the said corporation. "IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT CARL X . AkERBL per._ (Name)", the duly elected (Title of Officer) of C . (Corporate Title) be and is hereby authorized to execute and submit a Bid and/or 6id Bond, if such bond is required, to the City of Tamarac and such other Instruments In writing as may be necessary on behalf of the said corporation; and that the Bid, Bid Bond, and other such instruments signed by him/her shall be binding upon the said corporation as its own acts and deeds. The secretary shall certify the names and signatures of those authorized to act by the foregoing resolution. The City of Tamarac shall be fully protected in relying upon such certification of the secretary and shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any and all claims, demands, expenses, loss or damage resulting from or growing out of honoring, the signature of any person so certified or for refusing to honor any signature not so certified. I further certify that the above resolution is in force and effect and has not been revised, revoked or rescinded. I further certify that the following are the name, titles and official signatures of those persons authorized to act by the foregoing resolution. NAME TITLE SIGNATURE Given under my hand and the Seal of the_said corporation this L day of MY C0 �; 2W (SEAL) By:61, r Secretary Corporate Title NOTE: The above is a suggested form of the type of Corporate Resolution desired. Such form need not be followed explicitly, but the Certified Resolution submitted must clearly show to the satisfaction of the City of Tamarac that the person signing the Bid and Bid Bond for the corporation has been properly emppwered by the corporation to do so in its behalf. Certified Resolution City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division ! 0 TRENCH SAFETY FORM Bidder acknowledges that included in the appropriate bid items of the proposal and in the Total Bid Price are costs for complying with the Florida Trench Safety Act (90-96, Laws of Florida) effective October 1, 1990. The bidder further identifies the costs of such compliance to be summarized below: TRENCH SAFETY MEASURE UNITS OF UNIT UNIT -COS T EXTENDED (Description) MEASURE (Qty) COST (LF/SF) ,5'1199 00-4, V, 45, - F, o S,00 46047,00 B. S o � �ivcla L - F: Sao 3 oa boo.©d C. $ $ TOTAL $ If applicable, the Contractor certifies that all trench excavation done within his control in excess of five feet (5') in depth shall be in accordance with the Florida Department of Transportation's Special Provisions Article 125-1 and Subarticle 125-4.1 (TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM AND SHORING, SPECIAL -TRENCH EXCAVATION). Failure to complete the above may result in the bid being declared non -responsive. DATE: 3 Q (Sign ure) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF: -LO pA COUNTY OF: 8140 tNT` PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, c6az 4 , who, after first being duly sworn by me, (Name of individual Signing) affixed his/her signature in the space provided above on this _13 day of 42A 4 e , 2046 NOTARY My Commission Expires, 54 rM 8N /R nON 1988 -2006 10:24 ACORDIA r•e� CERTIFICATE 4F LIABILITY INSURANCE t3113120 6Y' Footpalm M $56.5500 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Beach HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR th Flagler drive, Suite 600 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. ilm Reach, FL 33401-3914 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE � NAIL 0 Akerhlom Contmcting Fl C' INS URER Ar Assurance Company of America 201T S.W. 28th Terrace IN3u%eR5 FOCI Insurance Companyw_ Ft. Lauderdale, FI 33312 I INSuaER C: INSURER 0: VVVcnn%-xF-o THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFOROEt) BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. WWI poutYNUPOOR T pP L P PO LIMITS EACH OCCURRENCE s 1,00a,01 aENBRAL LIABILITY A X COMMERCIAI. GENLIRAL LIABILITY 1071107405AMERCAS 71151200$ T11512006 pReuxF�rl�o1 t 100,01 6,01 �NIED lOIP Y ono owronl st CLAIMS MADE OCCUR 00a,01 PERSONAL R AOV INJURY S QENERA►, AGGREGATC S r 2,000101 PRODUCTS - COMPIOp AGG >t 2,OOa, GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: -•• X a.' I pRR I LoC--____-- AUTOMOBILE UAVILM ANY AUTO Alt OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS —d — .. -- — OARAGE LIABILITr 7 ANY AUTO BKCi:S uMBRaLLA LIABILITY OCCUR I CLAIMS MADE D6oucTIDLE Re'►CNTIDN a WDRHEtig COMPENSATION ANO B EIMPLOYffM' LIABILITY oOiWCOSA30149 ANY pROPRiEYORIPARTNER/EXFCUTIVE OFFX)ERMAEMBER EXCLUDED? OTHER COMBINED SINQL6 LIMIT i (E! acaaerg) NODILY INJURY g (Par perw) t ggpDILY INJURY (fw+oudent) S PROPERTYDAMAOE (Pw �uld�m) AUTO ONLY - 6A ACCIDENT S pTHER THAN GA ACC S r + AUTO ONLY. AGO EACH OCCURRENCE 6, A_GGREOATH S - _ s a 111/2006 1 1/112007 a L. EACH ACCIDENT r T E L DISEASE - eA EMPLOYEE 3 1 e L. QISEASE - POLICY LIMIT] S. "ACRIPTICN OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS / VEHIOI.E6 I "CLUSRON11 A9990 BY ENBDRBEM6MT I SPECIAL PROVIMONS -0780 City of Tamarac 752S NW 8 Ave Tamarac, FL 33321- 28 (260N196) SHOULD ANY OF THY ABOVE DISCRIBED POUCIIS BE CANAiLk" a6410RE THE F"INATICK DATE TK!RlOr, THE ICDUIIIO INSUR[R WILL END@AVOR TO MAIL 50 Doz WNTTEN NCTrGE TO THE CLRTIrIGATE HOLDER NAMIO TO UK LEFT- BIIT FAILIHIA TO 00 $0 SHALL 1111EDBE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AQCNT* OR REPR69EI17ATIVCB. AUTH0RR10 RRpRl9ENTATNe 10.24 ACORDIA P.04 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(es) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not corder rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endersernent(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms end conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not Confer rights to the owleate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing lnsurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon_ to rA 42 4 `6 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD SEWL0406090111 LICENSE NBR 6/09/2004 1030712213 ICGCO55076 The GENERAL CONTRACTOR Named below IS CERTIFIED Under the provisions of Chapter 489 FS4 Expiration date: AUG 31, 2006 AKERBLOM, CARL ERIC AKERBLOM CONTRACTING INC 2017 SW 28TH TERR FT LAUDERDALE FL 33312 JEB BUSH GOVERNOR DISPLAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW .......... DIANE CARR SECRETARY Board of County Commissioners, Broward County Florida BROWARD COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX FORM NO 401-26WAC 25-061 PrNALTIES IF PAID LJ RENEWAL [ j TRANSFER SEC 41 TAX BACK TAX PEC. - 20'Y;, i PENALTY Ll NEW DATE BUSINESS OPENED T.C. FEE STATE OR COUNTY CER11REG q TRANSFER Onof Aru'i Sualnegs Location Address: ACCOUNTNUMBER TOTAL THIS LICENSE MUST BE CONSPICUOUSLY DISPLAYED TO PUBLIC VIEW AT THE LOCATION ADDRESS ABOVE. BR.""'WAR !')L TYPE OF LICENSE TAX PAID BROWARD COUNTY REVENUE COLLECTOR -115 S. Andrews Avenue, Governmental Center Annex 2005-2006 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33301 PAYMENT RECEIVED AS VALIDATED ABOVE www,broward.org/revenue J 4:11 FAX 954 724 2A08 , CITY-TAMARAC-PURCHASING +9005 purchasing and Contracts Division Page 4 That a tie-in be completed at night since the flow is approxsmately 60% of the average daytime flow rate. 13,R,egarding the fence, please use galvanized g Gauqe — 6 foot chain link wltt` gates as shown an the plans. 14.The City shad pay tor any Include he coat of the transformer ordrop from the 0V transformer that Will be needed. The, contractors ld n pale in the Bid cost. All other terms, conditions and specifications remain unchanged for Bid No. 06-07S• Please acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 1, by returning it and/or acknowledging it in your bid submittal. NAME OF COMPANY' o IS 49 I ��- 7525 NW 881h Avenue ■ Tomarvc, F 06do 33321.2401 ■ (954) 724-2450 6 Fox (9S4) 724-2408 w ww wJ01"nur0c.arg Equal opporturity Employer B 14:01 FAX 954 724 2408 CITY-TAhtARAC-PURCHASING Z 002 Purchasing and Contracts Division City of Tamarac "Committed to Excellence —Always" BID NO.06-07B PUMP STATION 2A AND 18 REHABILITATION DATE. OF ADDENDUM: MARCH 1, 2006 TO ALL PL.ANHOLDERS: The following clarifications, changes, additions and/or deletions are hereby made part of the Contract Documents for Bid 06-07A, Pump Station 2A and 18 Rehabilitation. 1. Change project time for Substantial Completion from receipt of the City's Notice to Proceed, from 90 calendar days to 120 calendar days. Final Completion remains the same at 30 calendar days. Bid Opening remains Monday, March 13, 2006 at, 4:00 PM. Bids must be stamped in on or before Monday, March 13, 2006, no later than 4:00 PM in the Purchasing Office, City of Tamarac, 7525 NW 88t" Ave, Purchasing Division, Room 108, Tamarac, FL 33321 All other terms, conditions and specifications remain unchanged for Bid No. 06-07H. Please acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 2. by returning it and/or acknowledging it in your bid submittal. NAME OF COMPANY: L.. D 7525 NW $8th Avenue ■ Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 NN (954) 724-2450 8 Fox (954) 724-2408 IN wwwJomQrcac,org Equal Opportunity Employer Ir/06 11:30 FAX 954 724 2408 CITY-TA,URAC-PURCHASING - (IW 3 s "Committed to Excellence —Always" Purchasing and � 1 Contracts Division Page 2 All other terms, conditions and specifications remain unchanged for Bid No. 013-0713. Please acknowledge receipt of this Addendum No. 3, by returning it and/or acknowledging it in your bid submittal. NAME OF COMPANY 7525 NW 88th Avenue ■ Tamarac, Horido =21-2401 a (954) 724.2450 a Fax (954) 724-2408 a WWW30marac,org Equal appodwity Employee City of Tamarac Purchasing & Contracts Division a BID BOND Bond #15937 STATE OF FLORIDA) )SS: '* COUNTY OF BROWARD) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we,Akerblom Contracting, Inc. as Principal, and _ Lincoln General Insurance Company _ as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida in the penal sum of: Thirty Five Thousand Dollars & 00/10ODollars ($ 35,000.00) lawful money on the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors Jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that whereas the Principal has submitted the accompanying Bid, dated , 20 , for: Pmp Station 2A and 18 Rehabilitation Bid #06-07B Bid No.06-07B NOW, THEREFORE, (a) If said Bid shall be rejected, or in the alternate. (b) If said Bid shall be accepted and the Principal shall properly execute and deliver to said City the appropriate Contract Documents, and shall in all respects fulfill all terms and conditions -attributable to the acceptance of said Bid, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, it shall remain in force and effect, it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder shall in no event exceed the amount of this obligation as herein stated. The Surety, for value received, hereby agrees that the obligations of the said Surety and its bond shall be in no way impaired or affected by any extension of time within which said CITY may accept such Bid; and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any extension. 7 55 Bid Bond Page 1 LINCOLN GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY 15937 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That Lincoln General Insurance Company, organized and existing by virtue of the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint: Burton Harris; Christine Marshall Harris; Marina Mercedes. Ramil Its true and lawful Attorney(s)4717act to sign, seal and execute for and on its behalf, as surety, bonds, undertakings, and other. obligatory instruments of similar nature; and to bind it thereby as fully and to the same extent as if'such .instruments. were signed by a duly authorized officer of the corporation, and all the acts of said Attorney; pursuant to the authority hereby given are hereby ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED`that this Power of Attorney is granted and is signed,';sea lecl andl notarized with facsimile signatures and seals under authority `of the following resolutions adopted by the Board ofDirectors of Lincoln General Insurance Company on the 4`h day of September. 2002. I SOLI ,EI) that the President, aii Execut#ye,,or Senior Vice President, or any Vice Presrdent.;of the orrtpany tpgetlter with tll'e Secretary or any Assistant Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Powers of Attorney appointing the person(s) named as Atto c s -in-Fact to date execute sign, and deliver.on behalf!gf the'CG an , fidelity and sure bonds undertaken s aJ d � �'f.) �, seal hap Y Y tY S , titer sine ty .p' Y u o' "lar�contracts'of sure shi and an related doctiiltdnts i P'; I r• I RESOLVED FURTHER that the signatures of the officers making the appointment, and the sipature of any officer certifying the validity and curre tr s thpuap P t t, maybe facsinle representations of those' u d a � tire and seal of any notary, and thetl'1>o�iel+o�, i�l, ay be facsimile representations of those sigtilli s1d� IIx facsiittile representations of those,,Signatires�, an sea , and such facsimile representations shall hake• the''�saixi feffect as if manually affixed. The fac�tlnile representations referred to h5gein may be affixed by stamping, printing, typing or photocopying. Ip,P I I, I ,'a 1. , , I!I °I MIY. ...!}a.,,;�L lee Br � I r 11•I l..irG t I imr:, � I AM r I I M. o f I+ � Id :�, 1 � ',yy V�¢, WHLRI,, L�a1ti Oetaei l'itrance op corporate corporate seal to be affixed and these presentsrlb 1, 1 ' 1 ' r 11 v a' , r� 1!e ill Eby its duly au rize � ceirs�lils l`�' day of•Oc'iober, 20�1. +I"I 6�.� J dl w P' If II a�lIp 4rl 1 Ilp' Ij I. NN r 9r42 rP j 'p.lv ir�li v f 9 ii �� 1 711 �a, I�1 �✓, �i 1 ( Im � I �H �Q i 11 1: I y 0' a I Y I B I,:• �I I�4 ji 1 I I ��: ,�" 9 I I, �I 11� I .I bi',1'1,17,�i.. On this.150' day of Optob , 2004;lbefare p.e,personally ai a ]ohnilX Qjarl6r, fa me know%)%,, b bpirl�ld ,'�s�p�t did depose and say: that he is the pr sid t ofllthe'Ca rat on descrlbetl In bt1 cu#i ii the abdae ns then r etpQ i lot ws the seal a i, Y v g a, J I' , affixed to the aforesaid t3 st� ` ial�rr,0 to seal ap l vas, ed a (��y order and,�htho% �pftll ti dfDirectors of said Company; and that he executed t e said instrument by like order and authority and the same was his free act and deed. }lvania , iFd a�^f '^'`I Apr.,. 1fIJk1 i9r1 AlINI ,IidIJ"'Ih 11 ltlu�. _ ... I JI y ( I I 41:. e o wealth of Penns I , ,.. 1 1 a V,:• NOiARY1l a 11h , RENEE L KWAlCSY' v I, w Y, < Uf a" ,�P(Pwy 1 J� , d yyr..�V�I��yV emu, ,may r y.r. My ExOm Oct 24. 2W$ , 1 l Gary J Otndorff, Secretary of Lincoln General insuraitae, Cotrtpai �+, a oorpttration of the , gmmopmte 114,of, per nsylvama do. hereby aert .fj+'that the above and foregoing is a full, true ar►ti correct xopy ofp6W, 6r of Attorney issttibd by suid' oritpany, and of ` the whole 'of the original and that the said Power of Attorney is''still in full` force and effect and'lias not'heen revoked, and furthermore that the Resolution of the Board. of Directors, set forth in the said Power of Attomey.is now in force.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Company, at York, Pennsylvania, this 7th day of March 2006. j Secretary t"', CITY OF TAMARAC INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TO: Raymond E. Gagnon, P.E. Director of Utilities FROM: James T. Moore, P.E. Assistant Director t► ' "off Utilities 'l DATE: March 23, 2006 "EXHIBIT D" TR #10936 RE: Recommendation of Award PS 2A & 18 Rehabilitation Tamarac Bid No. 06-07B The City of Tamarac Purchasing Division received, opened and read aloud bids for the Pump Stations 2A, and 18 Rehabilitation Project on Monday, March 13, 2006 at 4:00 P.M. Three (3) bids were received ranging in price from $459,001.00 to $878,146.00. The apparent low bid was submitted by Akerblom Contracting, Inc. of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Akerblom Contracting, Inc. has constructed various projects in South Florida where construction requirements of this project would be considered similar. In fact, Akerblom Contracting, Inc. completed the original construction on Pump Station 2A. Reference checks were made with the City of Lauderdale -By -The -Sea - Mr. Bill Mason, City of Lauderhill - Ms. Mandy Silangil, and Broward OES — Mr. Guillermo Cancio on Pump Station projects completed for these cities and all three references gave good reports. Based upon the good reference reports , I have no concerns with their ability to complete this project as planned. Therefore, the City of Tamarac, Utilities Engineering Department recommends the award of this construction contract to Akerblom Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $459,001.00. A certified bid tabulation has been attached for your file. The bid tabulation lists the documents that were required and submitted by the apparent low bidder and the bid amount. An "X" indicates that the necessary documents were submitted and found to be in compliance with the bidding phase requirements of this project. If you have any questions or require additional information pertaining to this recommendation of award or the project in general, please contact me. z O H a J_ m QU =a w� �Q 00 g �a c F- m LL ao N � z OU Q I-- N IL a U .7 W m 0 C 'c m d r, -o E 00 p a q c O _ 0) (D O rl- a L r- 6 LO co 69. d O z z c d {d X �n z z 20 c� O O N V Lo o� X z z L Ll d � c O c +� d X z z 3 co d c O X z z U 'O O d +, w r- o X of z w z m .. '> ov 0 X z af z o �— �a c ;o mm X Q: z � z N '� CK m o z z U. W 5 tt7 'O '0 r- m L X z z U cn L y — E a m cr _o c� .� w d) O— m C U L Q Q0 min N 3 lD a) 6 z u w z City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Division 0 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC AND AKERBLOM CONTRACTING, INC. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this J, day of ,, 200 by and between the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation with principal offices located at 7525 N.W. 88th Ave., Tamarac, FL 33321 (the "CITY") and Akerblom Contracting, Inc, a Florida corporation with principal offices located at 2017 SW 28th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 (the "Contractor") to provide for Pump Rehabilitation, Station 2A and 18. Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the City and Contractor agree as follows: 1) The Contract Documents The contract documents consist of this Agreement, Bid Document No. 06-0713, including all conditions therein, (General Terms and Conditions, Special Conditions and/or Special Provisions), drawings, Technical Specifications, all addenda, the Contractor's bid/proposal included herein, and all modifications issued after execution of this Agreement. These contract documents form the Agreement, and all are as fully a part of the Agreement as if attached to this Agreement or repeated therein. In the event that there is a conflict between Bid 06-07B as issued by the City, and the Contractor's Proposal, 06-713 as issued by the City shall take precedence over the Contractor's Proposal. Furthermore, in the event of a conflict between this document and any other contract documents, this Agreement shall prevail. 2) The Work 2.1. The Contractor shall perform all work for the City required by the contract documents as set forth below: 2.1.1 Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to perform specified pump rehabilitation work at Stations 2A and 18. 2.1.2 Contractor shall supervise the work force to ensure that all workers conduct themselves and perform their work in a safe and professional manner. Contractor shall comply with all OSHA safety rules and regulations in the operation of equipment and in the performance of the work. Contractor shall at all times have a competent field supervisor on the job site to enforce these policies and procedures at the Contractor's expense. 2.1.3 Contractor shall provide the City with seventy-two (72) hours written notice prior to the beginning of work under this Agreement and prior to City of Tafl7al8C Pruchasing and Contracts Division any schedule change with the exception of changes caused by inclement weather. 2.1.4 Contractor shall comply with any and all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations now in effect, or hereinafter enacted during the term of this Agreement, which are applicable to the Contractor, its employees, agents or subcontractors, if any, with respect to the work and services described herein. 3) Insurance 3.1. Contractor shall obtain at Contractor's expense all necessary insurance in such form and amount as specified in the original bid document or as required by the City's Risk and Safety Manager before beginning work under this Agreement including, but not limited to, Workers' Compensation, Commercial General Liability, and all other insurance as required by the City, including Professional Liability when appropriate. Contractor shall maintain such insurance in full force and effect during the life of this Agreement. Contractor shall provide to the City's Risk and Safety Manager certificates of all insurances required under this section prior to beginning any work under this Agreement. The Contractor will ensure that all subcontractors comply with the above guidelines and will retain all necessary insurance in force throughout the term of this agreement. 3.2. Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless for any damages resulting from failure of the Contractor to take out and maintain such insurance. Contractor's Liability Insurance policies shall be endorsed to add the City as an additional insured. Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all deductibles and self-insurance retentions on Contractor's Liability Insurance policies. 4) Time of Commencement and Substantial Completion The work to be performed under this Agreement shall be commenced after City execution of the Agreement and not later than ten (10) days after the date that Contractor receives the City's Notice to Proceed. The work shall be substantially completed within 120 calendar days from the date of issuance of said Notice to Proceed. 5) Contract Sum The Contract Sum for the above work is Four Hundred and Fifty Nine Thousand, One Dollar and no cents ($459,001.00). G) Payments Payment will be made monthly for work that has been completed, inspected and properly invoices. A retainage of ten percent (10%) will be deducted from monthly payments until 50% of the project is complete. Retainage will be reduced to five percent (5%) thereafter. Retainage monies will be released upon satisfactory completion and final inspection of the work. Invoices must bear the project name, project number, bid number and purchase order number. City has up to thirty (30) days to review, approve and pay all J City of Tarnafac Purchasing and Contracts Division invoices after receipt. The Contractor shall invoice the City and provide a written request to the City to commence the one (1) year warranty period. All necessary Releases of Liens and Affidavits shall be processed before the warranty period begins. All payments shall be governed by the Local Government Prompt Payment Act, F.S., Part VII, Chapter 218. 7) Waiver of Liens Prior to final payment of the Contract Sum, a final waiver of lien shall be submitted by all suppliers, subcontractors, and/or Contractors who worked on the project that is the subject of this Agreement. Payment of the invoice and acceptance of such payment by the Contractor shall release City from all claims of liability by Contractor in connection with the agreement. 8) Warranty Contractor warrants the work against defect for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion of work. In the event that defect occurs during this time, Contractor shall perform such steps as required to remedy the defects. Contractor shall be responsible for any damages caused by defect to affected area or to interior structure. The one (1) year warranty period does not begin until substantial completion of the entire project, and the subsequent release of any Performance or Payment Bonds, which may be required by the original bid document. 9) Indemnification 9.1 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, liability, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) in connection with loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage, including loss of use thereof, directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, arising out of or occurring in connection with the operations of the Contractor or its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, or independent Contractors, excepting only such loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City or its elected or appointed officials and employees. The above provisions shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall pertain to any occurrence during the term of this Agreement, even though the claim may be made after the termination hereof. 9.2 Upon completion of all Services, obligations and duties provided for in this Agreement, or in the event of termination of this Agreement for any reason, the terms and conditions of this Article shall survive indefinitely. i. The Contractor shall pay all claims, losses, liens, settlements or judgments of any nature whatsoever in connection with the foregoing indemnifications including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees (including appellate attorney's fees) and costs. F TA� City of Tamarac s Pwchasiny sand Conte ac is pivi, ion ii. City reserves the right to select its own legal counsel to conduct any defense in any such proceeding and all costs and fees associated therewith shall be the responsibility of Contractor under the indemnification agreement. 9.3 Nothing contained herein is intended nor shall be construed to waive City's rights and immunities under the common law or Florida Statutes 768.28, as amended from time to time. 10) Non -Discrimination & Equal Opportunity Employment During the performance of the Contract, the Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, gender, national origin, sex, age, marital status, political affiliation, familial status, sexual orientation, or disability if qualified. The Contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, gender or national original, or disability. Such actions must include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, promotion; demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor shall agree to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officer setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause, The Contractor further agrees that he/she will ensure that Subcontractors, if any, will be made aware of and will comply with this nondiscrimination clause. 11) Independent Contractor This Agreement does not create an employee/employer relationship between the Parties. It is the intent of the Parties that the Contractor is an independent contractor under this Agreement and not the City's employee for any purposes, including but not limited to, the application of the Fair Labor Standards Act minimum wage and overtime payments, Federal Insurance Contribution Act, the Social Security Act, the Federal Unemployment Tax Act, the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, the State Worker's Compensation Act, and the State Unemployment Insurance law. The Contractor shall retain sole and absolute discretion in the judgment of the manner and means of carrying out Contractor's activities and responsibilities hereunder provided, further that administrative procedures applicable to services rendered under this Agreement shall be those of Contractor, which policies of Contractor shall not conflict with City, State, or United States policies, rules or regulations relating to the use of Contractor's funds provided for herein. The Contractor agrees that it is a separate and independent enterprise from the City, that it had full opportunity to find other business, that it has made its own investment in its business, and that it will utilize a high level of skill necessary to perform the work. This Agreement shall not be construed as creating any joint employment relationship between the Contractor and the City and the City will not be liable for any obligation incurred by Contractor, including but not limited to unpaid minimum wages and/or overtime premiums. 12) Assignment and Subcontracting Contractor shall not transfer or assign the performance required by this Agreement City of Tatoatac 9' Pcn_ch >sing_and Court acts Division without the prior consent of the City. This Agreement, or any portion thereof, shall not be subcontracted without the prior written consent of the city. 13) Notice Whenever either party desires or is required under this Agreement to give notice to any other party, it must be given by written notice either delivered in person, sent by U.S. Certified Mail, U.S. Express Mail, air or ground courier services, or by messenger service, as follows: CITY City Manager City of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 With a copy to City Attorney at the following address: Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A. 3099 East Commercial Blvd., Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 CONTRACTOR Akerblom Contracting, Inc. 2017 SW 28 Terrace Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 Carl Akerblom, President 14) Termination 14.1 Termination for Convenience: This Agreement may be terminated by the City for convenience, upon seven (7) days of written notice by the terminating party to the other party for such termination in which event the Contractor shall be paid its compensation for services performed to termination date, including services reasonably related to termination. In the event that the Contractor abandons this Agreement or causes it to be terminated, Contractor shall indemnify the city against loss pertaining to this termination. 14.2 Default by Contractor: In addition to all other remedies available to the City, this Agreement shall be subject to cancellation by the City for cause, should the Contractor neglect or fail to perform or observe any of the terms, provisions, conditions, or requirements herein contained, if such neglect or failure shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt by Contractor of written notice of such neglect or failure. City of Tamarac, v Purchasing inc. and Contracts Division 16) Uncontrollable Forces 16.1 Neither the City nor Contractor shall be considered to be in default of this Agreement if delays in or failure of performance shall be due to Uncontrollable Forces, the effect of which, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, the non- performing party could not avoid. The term "Uncontrollable Forces" shall mean any event which results in the prevention or delay of performance by a party of its obligations under this Agreement and which is beyond the reasonable control of the nonperforming party. It includes, but is not limited to fire, flood, earthquakes, storms, lightning, epidemic, war, riot, civil disturbance, sabotage, and governmental actions. 16.2 Neither party shall, however, be excused from performance if nonperformance is due to forces, which are preventable, removable, or remediable, and which the nonperforming party could have, with the exercise of reasonable diligence, prevented, removed, or remedied with reasonable dispatch. The nonperforming party shall, within a reasonable time of being prevented or delayed from performance by an uncontrollable force, give written notice to the other party describing the circumstances and uncontrollable forces preventing continued performance of the obligations of this Agreement. 16) Agreement Subject to Funding This agreement shall remain in full force and effect only as long as the expenditures provided for in the Agreement have been appropriated by the City Commission of the City of Tamarac in the annual budget for each fiscal year of this Agreement, and is subject to termination based on lack of funding. 17) Venue This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida as now and hereafter in force. The venue for actions arising out of this agreement is fixed in ®coward County, Florida. 18) Signatory Authority The Contractor shall provide the City with copies of requisite documentation evidencing that the signatory for Contractor has the authority to enter into this Agreement. 19) Severability; Waiver of Provisions Any provision in this Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provisions in any other jurisdiction. The non -enforcement of any provision by either party shall not constitute a waiver of that provision nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement. City of T'una,'ar, F T pp. Purchasing and Conti rc is Division 20) Merger; Amendment This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Contractor and the City, and negotiations and oral understandings between the parties are merged herein. This Agreement can be supplemented and/or amended only by a written document executed by both the Contractor and the City. 21) No Construction Against Drafting Party Each party to this Agreement expressly recognizes that this Agreement results from the negotiation process in which each party was represented by counsel and contributed to the drafting of this Agreement. Given this fact, no legal or other presumptions against the party drafting this Agreement concerning its construction, interpretation or otherwise accrue to the benefit of any party to the Agreement, and each party expressly waives the right to assert such a presumption in any proceedings or disputes connected with, arising out of, or involving this Agreement. Remainder of Page Intentionally Blank City of Tamarac --- Purchasing and Contracts Division IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature. CITY OF TAMARAC, signing by and through its Mayor and City Manager, and CONTRACTOR, signing by and through its duly authorized to execute same. i4p; raw= Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Mayor A kllo& ate mew ATTEST: Jeffrey L. Millef, City Manager 4 A IVlariw-Swenson, CIVIC Date City Clerk Date Y"$&= -- Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: City Aftorney "ii3kt Date ATTEST: Company Name AkerWoni i tmg, l r gnature of Corporate Secretary ' Signature of Preikfe&Owner Jeanne Akerblom Type/Print Name of Corporate Secy -(CORPORATE SEAL) Carl C• rAKerbl n, Type/Print Name of President Carl E. Akerblom Date 8 City of Tamara :f Purchasing=.anc1 Contracts Division CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF SS COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an Officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Carl E. Akerblom, President, of Akerblom Contracting, Inc, a Florida Corporation, to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he/she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of 20 0y NOTARY PUB �illy:�� W dleyDn Commission #DD398237 Expires: NtAR. 31, 2009 Bonded T]aru Atlantic Bonding Co.,1nC, �� Signatu0b of Notary Publi State of Florida at Large Print, Type or Stamp Name of Notary Public Personally known to me or ❑ Produced Identification Type of I.D. Produced ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath. A