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City of Tamarac Resolution R-2004-163
Temp. Reso. # 10489 Page 1 June 18, 2004 Revision #1 — 6/29/04 Revision #2 — 7/2/04 Revision #3 — 7/2/04 Revision #4 — 7/7/04 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2004-/63 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING A RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED FROM PULTE HOME CORPORATION FOR THE REMAINDER OF NORTH PLUM BAY PARKWAY AND ALL OF SOUTH PLUM BAY PARKWAY, RED HART LANE, SOUTH GRAND DUKE CIRCLE AND GRAND DUKE CIRCLE; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO RECORD SAID DOCUMENT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, a portion of North Plum Bay Parkway was accepted as City Road Right -of -Way on February 9, 1994 via Resolution No. R-94-23; and WHEREAS, the remainder of North Plum Bay Parkway and all of South Plum Bay Parkway, Red Heart Lane, South Grand Duke Circle, and Grand Duke Circle were planned, designated and constructed to be deeded to the City upon completion; and WHEREAS, the City requires that, prior to the acceptance of a right-of-way deed from a private property owner, the areas are brought up to the appropriate standards as defined in Sections 10-126, 10-127, 10-181 through 10-191, 21-136 through 21-154, and 24-576 through 24-585 of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances; and 1 Temp. Reso. # 10489 Page 2 June 18, 2004 Revision #1 — 6/29/04 Revision #2 — 7/2/04 Revision #3 — 7/2/04 Revision #4 — 7/7/04 WHEREAS, the above mentioned streets were inspected, approved and are recommended for acceptance; and WHEREAS, a Right -of -Way Deed with appropriate legal description and an Opinion of Title regarding these streets has been prepared and is attached hereto as Exhibits 1 and 2 respectively; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Director recommends that the right-of-way deed from Pulte Home Corporation for the remainder of North Plum Bay Parkway and all of South Plum Bay Parkway, Red Heart Lane, South Grand Duke Circle and Grand Duke Circle as described in Exhibit A to Exhibit 1 be accepted and recorded in the Public Records of Broward County; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to accept a right-of-way deed from Pulte Home Corporation for the remainder of North Plum Bay Parkway and all of South Plum Bay Parkway, Red Heart Lane, South Grand Duke Circle and Grand Duke Circle. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing WHEREAS clauses are HEREBY ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption hereof. L- 1 Temp. Reso. # 10489 Page 3 June 18, 2004 Revision #1 — 6/29/04 Revision #2 — 7/2/04 Revision #3 — 7/2/04 Revision #4 — 7/7/04 SECTION 2: The Right -of -Way Deed, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, is hereby accepted from Pulte Home Corporation for the remainder of the North Plum Bay Parkway and all of South Plum Bay Parkway, Red Heart Lane, South Grand Duke Circle and Grand Duke Circle. SECTION 3: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record said document in the public records of Broward County. SECTION 4: All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are HEREBY repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 5: If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. Temp. Reso. # 10489 Page 4 June 18, 2004 Revision #1 — 6/29/04 Revision #2 — 7/2/04 Revision #3 — 7/2/04 Revision #4 — 7/7/04 SECTION 6: This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 14t" day of July, 2004. JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR ATTEST: RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MARION S\ ENSON, CMC MAYOR SCHREIBER CITY CLERK DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: COMM. FLANSBAUM-TALABISC0 DIST 3: WM SULTANOF / � DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. 6 Instrument Prepared By Return To: MICHELLE M. DEROSA, ESQUIRE HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP One East Broward Boulevard Suite 1300 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 PLUM BAY -PLUM HARBOR RIGHT OF WAY DEED TO THE CITY OF TAMARAC Temp, Rego. No. 10489 Exhibit "1" THIS RIGHT OF WAY DEED is made this 1.5th day of April , 2002, by and between PULTE HOME CORPORATION, a Michigan corporation, whose address is 1350 E. Newport Center Drive, Suite 200, Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442, party of the first part, and the CITY OF TAMARAC, a municipal corporation of the Sate of Florida, and its successors in interest, whose principal place of business is 7525 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Broward County, Florida 33321, party of the second. WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to it in hand paid by the party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and for other and further good and valuable considerations, does hereby grant, bargain and sell to the party of the second part, and its successors in interest, for the purpose of a public road right-of-way, and purposes incidental thereto, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Broward, State of Florida, to wit: See Composite Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is the intention of the party of the first part by this instrument to convey to the said City, and its successors in interest, the land above described for use as a public road right-of-way and for all purposes incidental thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has signed and sealed these presents on this, the day and year first above written. (Name — p e print) y j4 /4A-' 7w. By (Name — please print) STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF BROWARD) [11+,i+hiIDI PULTE HOME CORPORATION, a Michigan corporation ice Allen, Authorized Signatory The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /P day of AJIV 2002, by ALICE ALLEN, as Authorized Signatory of PULTE HOME ORPORATION, a Michigan corporation, on behalf of the corporation who is personally know to me [or has produced as identification]. r SIGNATURE OF PER TAKING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) _......... ........ (Name of acknowledger, or stamped) NotaLry Public (Title or rank (serial number if any) FTL1 #535547 v2 ?OO,,HELLE MYKER MY COMMISSION # DID 015164 EXPIRES: W14, 2005 Eanm 1nro Namn Pu w Untw~ EXHIBIT "At1 r Page of I (0 1-m a 2 11 PLUM BAY 11 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION - PHASE 4 A PORTION OF PARCEL " B" C. PARCEL " C" , LAND SECTION ' 8" , AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 154, PAGE 48, BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF TAMARAC, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA FORT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS PLAT BOOK 4. PAGE 31 B. C. R. WEST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD SURVEYOR'S NOTES: J. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN ENBOSSED SURVEYORS SEAL. 2. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -WAY. EASEMENTS, OWNERSHIP, OR OTHER, OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD. 3. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY TRANSVERSE MERCATOR. FLORIDA EAST ZONE, GRID NORTH. AS SHOWN THE STONER/KEITH RESURVEY AS RECORDED IN MISCELLANEOUS PLAT BOOK 3. PAGE 44. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY. FLORIDA BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF LAND SECTION 8 BEARING NORTH 89' 36' 02' EAST. 4. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. S. THIS IS A SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION OF A PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT.THIS DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH WERE PREPARED UNDER NY DIRECTION AND. NEET--THE :MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOAL OF 'PAOFESSLONAL. SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G17-6, - FLORIDA AON TSTRATIVE c00E.-- PURSUANT TO.SECT_LQN 472.027, ,FLOP 1PA_ STA-TUTE9, FOR THE I RM. Y' - - ---��_____--- RIC ARD-11. MITH .PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORIDA RH ISTRATION NO, 5239 -_ CLIENT: PULTE HOME CORP. PROJECT No. 92-1529 CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD 0 POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)782-8222 CERT. NO. LB0003110 LU z Lt1 d X CAD LIB: 1529P41E REVISION - DWN SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION RAP LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) aJ�-14 SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS DATE FB PG.. CKD 8/07/94 N/A MSC z 1•, EXHIBIT "A' Page c�— of { (a 11 PLUM BAY " RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION.- PHASE A A PORTION OF PARCEL " B" & PARCEL " C" , 'LAND SECTION 8", AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 154, PAGE 48, BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF TAMARAC. BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION A Portion of Parcel " B" and Parcel " C" , "Land Section 811. according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 48, of the public records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of said Parcel "B"; THENCE North 01024'4B" West along the West Boundary of said Parcel " B" , a distance of 259.70 feet; THENCE North 02001'13 East, continuing along said West Boundary, a distance of 200,37 feet; THENCE North 01°24'46" West, continuing along said West Boundary, a distance of 49.95 feet; THENCE North 88' 35' 12" East, a distance of tO. 00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continue North B8° 35' t2" East, a distance of 50.00 feet; THENCE South 010 24' 4B" East, a distance of 51.45 feet; THENCE South 020 01' 13" West, a distance of 200.37 feet; THENCE South 01' 24' 48" East, a distance of 178.27 feet to a point of curvature of a curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Southeasterly, along the 'arc of said curve having a radius of 725.00 feet, a delta of 120 tB' 53" , and an arc distance of 155.83 feet to a Point of Compound Curvature with a curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Southeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 44° 26' 57" , and an arc distance of 19.39 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Southwest; THENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 50.00 feet, a delta of 276 11' 50, and an arc distance of 24t.03 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of St" 17' 29" and an arc distance of 22.38 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Northwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 775.00 feet, a delta of i t° 51' 29" , and an arc distance of 160.40 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North OV 24' 48" West, a distance of 179.77 feet, THENCE North 02° 01' t3" East, a distance of 200.37 feet; THENCE North 01' 24' 48" West, a distance of 49. 95 , feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands lying in the City of Tamarac. Broward County, Florida containing 37702 square feet, more or less. CLIENT: PULTE HOME CORP. PROJECT No. 92-1529 CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS t000 WEST MC NAB ROAD 0 POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)782-8222 CERT. NO. LB0003110 CAD LIB: 1529P41E REVISION SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS DWN I DATE I FB/PG I CKD RAP 8/07/94 N/A I MSC EXHIBIT "A" Page3 of ) (o 11 PLUM BAY " RIGHT-OF-WAY DED I CAT ION - P -1ASE 4 A PORTION OF PARCEL " B" 6 PARCEL "C". "LAND SECTION 8" " AS %CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 154" PAGE 48, BAOWA D COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF TAMARAC. BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA o " E POINT OF BEGINNING N88 35 i2 ' to. 00, .N88°_35'_ 2°. O 50 l00 200 _..�o. oo se Lu namwlr czrAl r IN P1717T w N N C7) •,•y 14 +er . Lf1 O cn (3 n C7 rn _. c7 I Q0 12 w 3 4+ CD ♦ I c� p� ;j 10 n � n 9 ♦ f't! � o �• � cr; a ,Be ,Be � a; CU I ]. IN 1001 CO 7 r�C"Lo rx J� -_••-- Z� mJJ '_J V7 O ELC - ca M a z (6 POINT OF CONNENCENENT SOUTIINEST CORNER o PARCEL ' B' -LAND SECTION 0" , P. B. 154, PG. 48 B. C. A. A- 775. 00, A-Ito51'29 Ap 160. 40' R- 25. 00' A- 51 ° 17' 29" A- 22. 38' r\ QO yV 5� LEGEND: A • ARC B. C. R. - BRONARD COUNTY RECORDS 4 - CEN►RAL (DELTA) ANGLE O. R. B. OFFICIAL RECORDS P.O. • PLAT BOOK PG. PAGE R RADIUS PARCEL. " B" "LAND SECTION B" P. B. 154, PG.. 48 B. C. R. R- 72 5. 00' A-12° 18' 53" - A-155. 83' 4 ET-25. DO' A-440 26' 57" A-19. 39' 3 PARCEL. "C" "LAND SECTION B" P. B. 154, PG. 48 B. C. R. SOUTH BOUNDARY 'LAND SECTION 8' CLIENT: PULTE HOME CORP. PROJECT N0. 92-1529 CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD �o POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)782-8222 CERT. NO. LB0003110 0 CAD LIB: 1529P41E SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS REVISION OWN DATE FB/PG CKO SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION RAP 8/07/94 N/A MSC F, FORT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 31 B. C. R. 0 T. S C r WEST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID. UNLESS SEALED WITH AN'EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL, 2. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -WAY, EASEMENTS, OWNERSHIP, OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD. 3. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE FLORIDA COORDINATE SYSTEM EAST ZONE, .GRID NORTH, TRANSVERSE MERCATOR PROJECTION (STONER/KEITH RESURVEY AS RECORDED IN MISCELLANEOUS PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 44, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARO COUNTY, FLORIDA) BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF "LAND SECTION 8', BEARING N.89°36'02'E.' 4. THIS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 5. THIS IS A SPECIFIC PURPOSES SURVEY OF A SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION OF AN INGRESS/EGRESS UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT. .I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH WERE PREPARED UNDER NY DIRECTION AND MEET THE MINIMUMTECHNICAL STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 6IGI7-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027. FLORIDA STATUTES. FOR THE IRM, Y: RIC App H.. FIITH PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ,FLORIDA. GISTRATION NO•.:5R39 REVISION UHAWN BY: UA 1 F OF 1 O WORK F I ELOBOOK PAGE HECKEI] BY: REVISED JWN I N/A I N/A I MX REVISED RAP I N/A I N/A , CRAIG A. SMITH 6 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD Co s OMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)782-82.22 CERT. NO, LB0003i i0 LU z LiJ v Cn EXHIBIT "A" Page J of 1 ,10 LOCATION MAP ( NOT •TO SCALE) SKETCH & DESCRIPTION "LAND SECTION 8" PHASE II RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION PHASE 2 - NORTH PLUM BAY PARKWAY CAD 'LIBRARY: i529OE13 SCALE: NAME: DATE: N. A. DRAWN: R. PEDRA_ ZA 10-31-94 PROJECT NO. CHECKED: FIELDWORK: 92-i529 F I ELDBOOK , PG. ISHEET i OF 3 F" 7 EXHIBIT "All LAND DESCRIPTION A portion of LAND SECTION 8, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 48.of the public records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said plat; THENCE North 89036' 02" East along the North boundary -of said plat a d i stance . of 1046. 34 feet; THENCE South 01026'21"East, a distance of364.06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 01026' 2111 East, 50. Ot feet; THENCE South 89036' 0211 West, a distance of 698.37 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southeast; THENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of t75. 00 feet, a delta of 30058' 05" , and an arc distance of 94.59 feet; THENCE North 31022' 03 West, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point on the arc a curve concave to the Southeast (a radial line through said point bears North 3.1022'03" West); THENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 225.00 feet, a delta of 30058'05 and an arc distance of 121. 6t feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 89036' 02" East, 697.47 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said lands lying in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 40301 square feet, more or less. REVISION unAWN 9Y: UAIL OF IELD WORK rIkLUMUUK / PAGE LMLUKE BY: REVISED JWN I N/A I N/A JI1JG REVISED RAP N/A 'N/A CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD OCB OMPANO BEACH, FLORIOA, 33069 (305)782-B222 CERT. NO. L800031lO SKETCH & DESCRIPTION "LAND SECTION 8" PHASE II RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION PHASE 2 - NORTH PLUM BAY PARKWAY CAD LIBRARY: 15290Ei3 SCALE: NAME: DATE: N. A. DRAWN: R. PEDRAZA 10/31/94 PROJECT NO, CHECKED: M. SHATTO 10/31/94 92-1529 FIELDWORK: FIELDBOOK ,PG. SHEET 2 OF 3 EXHIBIT "A" rase.b 000 243 244 206 ?3 to uTl in u /207 \ \ 0, G l 0 0�30BB` A -lei, 61' 28i p- i 7600 . q' a-30`6d'06` r A-94. 89' 208 280 r 279 209 I 2 78 210 277 2ii 276 1 2i2 I 275 213 2 74 214 I r 2i6 ° a I ° 273 t m 272 216 x �A7 d I CL �I m q Z I 2 71 217 218 I 270 I 219 I F. R] 1v IV m O N I iV P. D. L ICE tVPIANSM 49APOIIkro S- ait ITT EA"OT 8' UTILITY EA8i1FTlt 911102 '21 E 50. i' � w LLit -a.- PAOPU9E I fU' UTILI KHT to' UTILITY EASEKH N. PLUM BAY PKNY.'. UY VOLITY EASEENT AEU f0' UtILItY EAAEMEN P. o. C. N.M. COINER 'LAND SECTION 8" (P. B. 04, PG. 48. B. C. R. 1 a WwY C Lu xp r�sl� O mm m LEGEND A ARC LENGTH B.C.R. BRONARD COUNTY RECORDS CENTERLINE A CENTRAL (DELTA) ANGLE B RECORDS BOOK 045 OFFSET P. B. PLAT BOOK P.C.P- PERMANENT CONTROL POINT O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT A/N AIGHTSOF-NAY S0. FT. SQUARE FEET S0V 26' 2i' E 364. 06' 0 25 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SCALE i" = 100' REVISION DRAWN BY DATE OF FIELD DRK F.IELDBOOK PAGE CHECKED BY: SKETCH & DESCRIPTION "LAND SECTION 8" PHASE 11 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION PHASE 2 --- NORTH PLUM BAY PARKWAY REVISED AN N/A N/A MJC- REVISED RAP N/A N/A CRA I G A. SMITH 6 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS-PLANNERS-SUAVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 CA, r m- (305)782-8222 CERT, NO. LB00031i0 cAD LIBRARY: i5290Ei3 SCALE: 1" - i0o' NAME: DATE: DRAWN: R. PEDRAZA 10/31/94 PROJECT NO. 92-1529 CHECKED: M. SHATTO i0/31/94 FIELDWORK: FIELDBooK ,pG. SHEET 3 OF 3 MIBIT "A" Page'7 of 1 LAND DESCRIPTION PHASE III RIGHT-OF-WAY LAND SECTION 8 A portion of Parcel "A", LAND SECTION 8, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 48, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, described as follows; COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Parcel "A"; THENCE North 89036'02" East along the North line of said Parcel " A" , 2032. 50 feet; THENCE South 01' 26' 21" East, 365.06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 89036' 02" East, a distance of 45.59 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 475.00 feet, a delta of 17' 49" 27" , and an arc distance of 147.77 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Southeast; THENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 776.00 feet, a delta of 190 58' 28" , and an arc. distance of 270. iB feet; THENCE North Oi° 26' 21" West, 0.55 feet; THENCE North 89036' 02" East, 1'14. 74 feet to the East I i ne of said Parcel " A" ; THENCE South 010 26' 34" East along said East I i ne, 82. Oi feet; THENCE South 89036' 02" West, a distance of 145.16 feet to a point on the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast, a radial line through said point bears North 00023' 28" West; THENCE Southwesterly, along the are of said curve having a radius of 953.00 feet, a delta of 11° i6' 29" , and an arc distance of i87.53 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 500.00 feet,,a delta of 110 15' 59" , and an arc distance of 98.32 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE South 89036' 02" West, 143.43 feet; THENCE North Oi° 26' 2i" West, 50.01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands lying in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 41261 square feet, more or less. CRA I G A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES I' CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS P L U R H A R B O R 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD PHASE .3 R I GH T - OF- WA Y POMPANO BEACH,.FLORIOA, 33069 (305)782-8222 PREPARED FOR: PULTE HOMES CORP. CERTIFICATE NO: LB3110 IcAD:LIBRARY: 15290SAi SHEET 1 OF 2 F 7' EAST 'LINE PARCEL. "A" I 3 N+ LO to -� I m LO CIL I � ::z RADIAL Na1° ' 21" W N40 28" W_ Q. E 5' co I Q a � v cu u I � Q oCU m m a+ .cp cu LLB, In I e ob cn 4 4 1 a n � 1 a Q Ul cn CD m m a cn U ��" � m C 0xp M 1 C n] La LO W a' n + 44 a c» © 1 3r ED Irim o �_ + m v O to LO CE) �7 E �RTMWO [- 1_L.1 + cm ILD z + [V ww 'gym Do& t1 Z WC3aoa M(n H OrJUa Z VWUtWII LLxcc 0�ai!� Z0 " Im z a 0 d n LO m Lo Ln N to to to Ln LO t8 e to Ln LL] ti tE 2 m t2 EXHIBIT Page 18 of (O LU a O E RI Q W ` LO c n `- m CD Cv 3 ~ o Ln Ln 02 Lo M v a zz Oco cn cLm L= O Z m MECD LU w a Lx c x a ¢� wa � CD �cm LU LUNe cr LU C.7 W m 4m QOw ��J W 4 w = C.1 3C H J— H w x Q G�WL--cC.DE --� CJ QW—LL J40O C! y Co U LL C7 L1 L1 L1 L1 U7 A Lr m Um� LZ U. CJ cd Q!cd C666 J cz mC.OLL:CI d Ll d dM rn W F+ m a = m k az d Z U Q L_ Q LL rcu cn cn a O Q u C m nib o C5 LL W H m =tea o g z = ax CL 0 x� O'er C..) Jcc r' sWc a � i tra w cc N (n LL LU I.- e5 a ..K m LU r o o� liggig cn Y S CD K 1 CD N _ Ln r R Q Q �. H d m � J O U U Y W 22m vi r W Lcc mC7H old N occ� cLto Q HdCr We w = o CC Vl U lL CL < w © mm o w 4cnN �=aI Mcrn�c — Y J r CO cQiaw x x�N sw"kr aroz � s,d x s to U I T rrwW 1 "� r ia. S2 a K LL CfA Ir 4¢ 1fA4 LO LL y.��iC IS dCC �m1�JJ F--C�7 QtlC- l ICYNo LY WU1y1 ¢¢-¢¢r LLeM �CY CCU LL¢ —...1.J0 1U lD IQ CLLL 4HevT 2oF 2 . EXHIBIT "All Pager of 1 LAND DESCRIPTION PHASE II RIGHT -OF --WAY LAND SECTION 8 A portion of Parcel "A", LAND SECTION 8, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 48, of the public records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Parcel "A"; THENCE North 89036' 02" East along the North I i ne of said Parcel "A" 2032.50 feet; THENCE South 010 26' 21" East, 365.06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continue South 010 26' 21" East, 50.01 feet; THENCE South B9036' 02" West, 285.19 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve concave'to the Southeast; THENCE Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 910 02' 23" , and an arc distance of 39.72 feet to a Point of Cusp; THENCE North 010 26' 21" West, 75.47 feet; THENCE North 89036' 02" East, 310.65 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands lying in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 16,672 square feet, more or less. SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY CPA IG A. SMITH s ASSOCIATES PLUM HARBOR CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD PHASE 2 P 1 GH T - OF-- WA Y POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)7B2-8222 PREPARED FOR: PULTE HOMES CORP. CERTIFICATE NO: LB3110 CAD LIBRARY: 15290SRi SHEET i OF 2 1 0 Ln CL m CU LU cU 0 iD m cn m Z za J � J T W r U cc za N Ln 365. 6 i 2 '2 m LL Ln to L 0 = 0 Q CD V m a m = 2S Q O � LLI Li a U Q a a m LM m CL rn m v c � r wfS W 00, z¢. zm wC,ao03 MU. - F LO OfnLuw 41ujuU) LLS[S q PCLZT r¢ a 2 m J m z M O 0. EXHIBIT "A" Page' to of � w N u w o14X m 2 u u LL S x l © �ti LD m ♦ I ui a to O w �I O cnwQ CU M � n ♦ iD I]- rn a CO O] co � z �a V ♦ cu♦ oNr• ccu�ll m" I N N CC N '_ N P 2 '2V 7 9 . 47' W J t cn M ro N m LC] fn R Q m v M a N M v a cn 4CC c z Cl o w U m`[a w w a � fn U -- C Z 2 LU CC LU uMCC3 LU �ke �]C UCW CCf4C CC fxt -m w Q W O U L-- M -• (,� C Zm Uj L. -C LD--CC LU U- O x L= Cd tiCdLU I-D 6 Cd&cd1600" J Lti7S.OLi O d 11 d f1 CCUA n Ln rn rn ry r� �^ � O � I !T1 N C7 w 4 a � a m z d in 0. C3 - ca C o m � o N o In Y Q` — U hl r w w CA C3: C CS af-- O Q w ME c°Ca �c [n Q l� L 0 2 En a Q O g x X cc x � CL C-D U- c.a J o LJ a a x cn LU a a co w �¢ x w u, a IV = U]i 1-LL"c Q 3r ri = LL [C to cz CD rna w ¢ m m J L7 (x Q V C? rw _ aF`bw n r Laao m - =mwo C7LLLWg W Mr = gcwi��� wCC a a a � ¢ ¢ o W�Mn tir r [rry=�O w - f9-a[n C 2 a 14 x w ¢ ~ Cl ti W t 0. S= w awc�u i- i �n 4 rasa} ixia Ca "'GSC]� 'aLyI Z CF]+S Lt IS C7 CC m4aaw ictna WI-�CL7= Ifx u]q f.LU--r 14W— w LM LLI fs CD xc43f2 xfsoccc c�ra -oJ-JCD Ifxn� �,HEET ZaF. DESCRIPTION A portion of Parcel "A" "Land Section 8", according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 48 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Parcel "A" THENCE North 89' 36' 02" East along the North boundary of said Parcel " A" , a distance of 562.60 feet; THENCE South 00023' 58" East, a distance of 700.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 69" 36' 02" East, a distance of 50.00 feet, THENCE South 00° 23' 58" East, a distance of 160.00 feet to the Point 'of Curvature of a curve concave to the Northeast, THENCE Southeasterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 90° 00' 00" , and an arc distance of 39.27 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 89136' 02" East, a distance of 48L. 96 feet, THENCE South DO° 23' 58" East, a distance of 50.00 feet; THENCE South 89' 36' 02" West, a distance of 471.07 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve concave to the Southeast; THENCE Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 46°11'13", and an arc distance of 20.15 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 40.00 feet, a delta of 15801B' 3i" , and an arc distance of 110. 52 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the West; THENCE Northerly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 39053' 36" , and an arc distance of 17.41 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the East; THENCE Northerly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 75.00 feet, a delta of 17' 46' 19", and an arc distance of 23. 26 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 00' 23' 58" West, a distance of 160.00 feet to , the POINT OF BEGINNING. Lying in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida. Containing 38,135 square feet more or less. DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY RJLK 3/21/96 CHECKED BY RHS CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES PLUM BAY CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD PHASE III RIGHT-OF-WAY icons OMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 ( 305) 782-8222 PREPARED FOR: PULTE HOME CORPORATION CERTIFICATE NO: LB31iD CAD,LIBRARY. i529PHR ISHEET i OF 2 EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 � of 1 '(0 tia • I. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. n .,4. 2. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -WAY, EASEMENTS, r- Y. OWNERSHIP, OR OTHER RECORDED OR UNRECORDED INSTRUMENTS. - 03 A� 3. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL "A". "LAND SECTION B', AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 154, PAGE 48 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF v BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, WHICH BEARS NORTH 89"36'02' EAST. rr1 SCALE: i' - i0O' o Ln cn LT oUl L�� Q nu m co N 0° 23' 8" W 60.00' 00° 23' 58' E CD I-� I 7110. 00' LEGEND tz �. SO °23'5 °E16 .00' A ARC LENGTH I A CENTRAL (DELTA) ANGLE vP. ilg. 0. B. POINT OF BEGINNING o, I I Hsu 4= �' 'ocn cnP. 0. C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT � � `D o. RADIUS �;= rucR o (j fU - CT) ftl I CD [� C ct-) 0_) az) I z to C77 cz 01) FU cu C m C> �..,. ao o _. Q: f7? c--0 ru I I m ry -� m c-0 r. - � F rI CSC wy. O F-u Q1 C-D �' C.CI f� r— I c ) cn i-"'" r C-0 CCD LD ft7 I co CAD L D CD I I LD w LD CLLl D °2 '5$ E - c_n I 50. 0' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH WERE PREPARED UNDER -MY DIRECTION AND MEET THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY- T* FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS -,AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G17-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TA -SECTION 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. - FOR THE FIRM, BY: ats!' `_ F'�1♦ - ------ SKETCH & DESCRIPTION RJLK 3/21/96 N/A RHS RICHARD H. SMITH PROFISSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR REVISION OWN DA TE FB/PG CKD FL*I DA REGISTRATION NO. 5239 CRAIG A. SMITH s ASSOCIATES PLUM BAY CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD PHASE III RIGHT-OF-WAY POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 ( 305) 782--8222 op PREPARED FOR: PULTE HOME CORPORATION CERTIFICATE NO: LBMO CAD ,LIBRARY: 1529PB3A SHEET 2 of 2 BXHTBTT "A" Pagel of I(p 4 1 0 "PLUM BAY/PLUM HARBOR - PHASE i OFFSITE" RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION A PORTPLATOBOOKRi 4 IPANEN48NOBROWARDNCOUNTYSRECORDSED IN CITY OF TAkARAC. BRbWARO COUNTY, FLORIDA LAND DESCRIPTION A portion of Parcel "A", "LAND SECTION 8", according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154. Page 48 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Parcel "A"; THENCE North 89036'02" East along the North line of said Plat, a distance of U58.83 feet; THENCE South 00" 23' 58" East, a distance of 435.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE North 89" 42' 46" East, a distance of 51. 01 feet to a point an the arc of a non -tangent curve concave to the Southeast (said point bears North 79°05'47" West from the radius point of the next described curve); THENCE Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 26.00 feet, a delta of 12* 20' 34' , and an are distance of 5.39 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE South 010 26' 21" East, a distance of 444.49 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Southeasterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet a delta of 220 37' 12" and an arc distance of 9.87 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 40.00 feet, a delta of 154° 03' 37, and an arc distance of 107.55 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Southwest; THENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 40" 24' 02" , and an arc distance of 17.63 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE South 89" 36' 02" West, a distance of 20. i9 feet; THENCE North 00" 23' S8" West, a distance of 50.00 feet; THENCE North 89" 36' 02" East, a distance of 21.40 feet to to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Northeasterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 9i° 02' 23" , and an arc distance of 39.72 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 019 26' 21" West, a distance of 160.03 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southwest; THENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 88" 57' 37" and an arc distance of 38. 82 feet to an intersection with a non -tangent line; THENCE North 02" 28' 42" West, a distance of 50.03 feet to a point on a curve concave to the Northwest (said point bears South 00023'68" East from the radius point of the next described curve); THENCE Northeasterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 91" 02' 23" , and an arc distance of 39.72 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 01* 26' 21' West, a distance of 160. 03 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southwest; THENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 10" 29` 50" , and an arc distance of 4.58 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands lying in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 29.846 square feet, more or less. CLIENT: PULTE HOME CORP. os6-5 PROJECT No. 92- 029 CAD FILE: LSOTAME SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS CRA I G A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 OE(305)782-8222 CERT. NO. LB0003110 REVISION OWN DATE FB PG CKD LAND DESCRIPTION AJP 08/13/93 N/A RHS SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION RAP 08/01./94 N/A MSC "An FaoA . of 1 I 13 1 W "PLUM BAY/PLUM HARBOR - PHASE i OFFSITE" RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION A PORTIPLATOBOOKRi54 'A &E'48NDBROWARD COUNTYSRECORDSED IN CITY OF TA�IARAC. BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGEND: 0 150 300 600 P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P. 0. C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P. 0. C. NORTHWEST CORNER 56' PARCEL ' k 'LAND SECTION 8' PB 154. PG 48 BCR i J �I m of NORTH LINE SOUTHWEST 1/4 -- SECTION 8-49=41 N89' 36' 02' E i i58. 83' NORTHERLY BOUNDARY 'LAND SECTION 8' PB 154, PG 48 BCR w L"°16 PLUM BAY/ " PLUM HARBOR i v Q N89' 42' 46' E P. 0. B.`' 1 5i. 0!' R-25.00' :.._.__.... yl I I / aepcxl A■ i 0' 29" 50' rnt! " A-4.58 r3Ive WESTERLY BOUNDARY 'LAND 2L N , SECTION 8' 224 �, PB 154, PG 48 BCR w R-25.00' 225 m ~ A-91' 02' 23' 226 A-39.72' RED HEART LANE pARCfL ..19-1 cm CR W A. x R=25.00' A 88' 57' 3T 194 :t A-38.82" N / x o l„ gw SURVEYOR'S NOTES: ; L. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN ENDDSSW SURVEYORS REAL L LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -MAY. EASENEIn OWNERSHIP, OR OTHER, OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD. 3. HEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY TRANSVERSE XWATOR FLORIDA EAST Z& /RID NORTH. AS SHOWN THE STONER/KEITH SURVEY AS IN NISCELLANEOLIS FLORIDSIDPONETHE NORTH LITHE NE OF RECORDS OF 8 BEARIARD NG WhTH 0 3F OP' EAST. 4. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 6. THIS IS A SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY SHOWING A RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION. 195 (yy 8-25.00' A-9i' 02' 23' 1s6 8 A-39.72' I97 NB9' 36' 02' E 2t. 40' ........... 1B2 cn 161 � 2 eBi2520'34 A■5.39' 180 sc U LJJ 179 W- j !Y C 170 $ [V Ir w /77 V, `Q I (A l76 S89' 36' 02' M 171 I PARCEL 20. i9' R-2 7o R-25.00' A-404 24' 02' A-17. 63' 176 $ 74 R-25.00' 173 A-22' 37' 12' A.9. 87' 172 R-40.00' --A- l54' 03' 37' A-107. 550 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH WERE PREPARED UNDER NY DIRECTION AND -MEET THE MINIMUM TECHMf-tAL STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS W MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 6161.7-6. FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027. FLORIDA STATUTES. FDR TH FIRM, 81: RICHARD H. SMITH PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 5239 CLIENT: PULTE HOME CORP. 6: f - PROJECT No. 92-1529 CAD FILE: LSBTAME SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS CRA I G A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 re! ( 305) 782-8222 CERT. NO. LB0003110 REVISION OWN DATE FB/PG CKD SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION AJP 08/13/93 N/A RHS SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION RAP 08/01/94 N/A MSC EXHIBIT "A" Page)L) of Ap IREVISION DESCRIPTION A portion of Parcel "A". Land Section 8, according to the plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 154, Page 48 of the public records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly_descrlbed as follows; COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said plat; THENCE North 89036'02" East along the North Boundary of said Land Section 8, a distance of 195.50 feet; THENCE South 01°19'46" East, a distance of 625.08 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 89036' 02" East, a distance of 931.59 feet; THENCE South 02028'42" East, a distance of 50.03 feet; THENCE South 89036'02" West, a distance of 501.46 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southeast; THENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta or 90" 00' 00", and an arc distance of 39.27.feet to an Intersection with a non -tangent line; THENCE South 89036'02" West, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point on the arc of a curve concave to the. Southwest ( a radial line through said point bears North 89036'02" East); THENCE Northwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 90" 00' 00", and an arc distance of 39.27 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE South 89036'02" West, a distance of 330.16 feet; THENCE North 02026'57" West, a distance of 50.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Said lands lying In the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 48099. square feet/i.104 acres more or less. SKETCH & DESCRIPTION � LAND SECTION 8 - PHASE II RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICqTION [RED HEART LANE) CRA I G A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CAD LIBRARY: i 529P30 SCALE: CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS NAME. DATE: N. A. 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD DRAWN: JOHN NEW 10-05-94 PROJECT NO. POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 CHECKED: CAULF I ELD 10-05-94 92- 1529 ( 305) 782-8222 FIELDWORK: oleCERT. NO. LB0003i t0 JrIELDBOOK , PG. SHEET / OF Z EXHIBIT "A" Page( of 1lp P.O. C. - NOB HILL ROAD N.N. CORNER LAND SECTION 8 ( P. B. 154, PG. 48, B. C. R. ) WEST BOUNDARY "LAND SECTION B• PLAT BOOK 04. PAGE 48, B. C. R. NO2" 26' 57' W 50. 03' & I R-25. 00' d-90"00'00" A-39. 27' S89" 36' 02" W 50. 00' S. D DUKE C/RCL R-25. 00'— A-90.00' 00" A-39. 27' r r 3 ..................... . SURVEYOR'S NOTES '�..__rn L REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. 2. THIS PARCEL HAS NOT BEEN ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -WAY, EASEMENTS, OR OTHER RECORDED OR UNRECORDED INSTRUMENTS. q SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY 9 45020 28' 42N E r 50.03' S. GRAND DUKE CIRCLE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CEggTIFY;, 9At_[yIS DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH WERE .PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT ION,7taD 11EEi--THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BDARD•OF PROFESSIONAL"SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 6tG17-B. �. 4 ro rq Xr M' +• U) RMCD 7yz mZx m n IttelA Ir A ARC LENGTH AIR CONDITIONER C.R. BROMARO COUNTY RECORDS CATV CABLE TELEVISION C.B. CATCH BASIN C:B.S. CONCRETESTRUCTURE BLOCK C. a CLEAN-001 CIVIC CONCRETE CENTRAL (DELTAI ANGLE EL ELEVAII E/P EDGE OF PAVEMENT ESB BOX FF FINISHIFLOORSERVICE F.H. FIRE HYDRANT FIR FOUND 5/81 IRON ADD A CAP • 3110. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED FND. FOUND FPL FLORIDA PONES t LIGHT GAR, GARAGE 0. V. GATE VALVE NN..aV.0. NAATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM 0.R. B. OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOR 0/S OFFSET P. & PLAT BOOK P,C.P, PERMANENT CONTROL POINT P0. PAGE P.D.B. POINT OF BEOINNIN$ P. a C. POINr of COINIENCENENT RADIUS DES. R/H RIGHT -OF -MAY SBT SOUTHERN BELL TERMINAL SIR SET B/B' IRON ROD d CAP o5110 SO. FT. SQUARE FEET N.N. WATER METER PROPOSED ELEVATION EXIS71KG ELEVATION FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. S K E T C H DESCRIPTION FOR TH FIRM, BY: LAND SECTION 8 - PHASE 11 _ ________ -------------- YEA RIGHT -OF-WAY DEDICATION RIDNARD H. SMITH ( RED HEART LANE) PROFESSIONAL LANd Sl1RVE FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 5234 CRAIG ASMITH & ASSOCIATES CAD LIBRARY: i529P30 SCALE: CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS NAME: DATE: iII - i5O' 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD DRAWN: JOHN NEW i0-05--94 PROJECT NO. OBB BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 CHECKED: CAULFIELD 10-05-94 92-1529 ( 305) 782-8222 FIELDWORK: CERT. NO. LB0003i 1O F I ELDBOOK , PG. SHEET 2 OF Z age )1a'=o lr ;:;" Temp. Reso. No. 10489 . Exhibit 642" STEVEN D. RUBIN ATTORNEY AT LAW SUITE 434 COMPSON FINANCIAL CENTER 9$0 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOLA RATON, FLOEIDA 83432 BOARD CERTIFIED: REAL ESTATE LAW OPINION OF TITLE Date: April 26, 2004 To: City of Tamarac TELEPHONE (561) 391-7992 FAX (581) 347-0828 With the understanding that this Opinion of Title is furnished to the City of Tamarac as inducement for acceptance of a Right -of -Way Deed ("Deed"), it is hereby certified that I have examined a Title Search Report prepared by Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund, Inc. with an effective date of February 3, 2004 at 11:00 P.M. ("Title Evidence"), relating to the following described real property: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO (consisting of sixteen (16) pages) Based solely on the Title Evidence, I am of the opinion that on the last mentioned date, the fee simple title to the above -described real property was vested in: Pulte Home Corporation, a Michigan corporation. Subject to the following mortgages and liens affecting the above described property: No Mortgage Holders Therefore, based on the Title Evidence, it is my opinion that the following party(ies) must join in the Deed: Name Interest Pulte Home Corporation, a Michigan Corporation Fee Simple 0 0 To: City of Tamarac April 23, 2004 Page 2 I, the undersigned, further certify that I am an attorney -at -law duly admitted to practice in the State of Florida and a member in good standing of the Florida Bar. Respectfully submitted, STEVEN D. RUBIN, ESQ. 980 North Federal Highway, Suite 434 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 (561) 391-7992 Florida Bar No. 329223 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was sworn to, subscribed and acknowledged before me this day of /k , , 2004, by Steven D. Rubin (please check one) is (are) personally known to me OR has (have) produced ( 1p�e se� check one) did take an oath did not take an oath My Commission Expires as identification and he/she/they :P_ AM. Aunhr J Hugo MV Commission 00224938 a Expires June 26, 2007 • o- EMTBIT "A" e I of 14' agI_. . G7 IT z m a a 11 PLUM BAY 11 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION -- PHASE 4 A PORTION OF PARCEL " B" & PARCEL " Cu. "LAND SECTI N 8 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 154, PAG� 4$, BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF TAMARAC. BROWARD COUNTY. FLORIDA FORT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS PLAT BOOK 4. PAGE 31 B. C. R. WEST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD SURVEYOR'S NOTES: L REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYORS SEAL, 2. EASEMENTS. OWNEWN RSHIP,OROR NOTHER, TOORRCOTHER�INSTR INSTRUMENTS RIGHTS-OF-NAY 3. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE NATIONAL GEODETIC ASRSHOWNRTHE STQNER KKEEITH RESUROR VEYASEAST NORTH. ANEOUS FFLDNIDAOBASEDPONETHE NOORRTTHE LI�ICLAND SECTIONB8 BEAARRINNG UNTY 89' 36' 02' EAST. A. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 5. THIS IS A SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION OF A PROPOSED RIGHT -OF -NAY DEDICATION, 1 HERESY CEDIIFY THAT 11ITS DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH MERE PREPARED IMOER NY DIRECTION AND MEET TIIE MINIM TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY THE FLURIDA BOARD OF I'WESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPIER 51Jp17-6, I -On IOA ADMINISIRATIVE COOS, PIAISDAN7 TO SECTION 472,027. FLORIDA STAYDIES. F0I1Xhrtln� RICiI --- PROFESSIUNAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORIOA REGISIRATION OD, 5239 CLIENT: PULTE HOME CORP. PROJECT No. 92-1529 _ CFtA 16 A. SM hTH•& ASSOCIATES • CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD �OMPANO BEACH. FLORIDA. 33069 (305)782-8222 CERT. NO. LB0003110 W Z) z 111 7 a v rn z z CAD LIB: 1529P41E REVISION ;FTCH OF DESCRIPTION LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) /_7.rr.- i�� SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS OWN 16ATF I FA DA CKO RAP 8/07/94N/A I MSC EXHIBIT "A" Page,) Of it i;c 't PLUM BAY " RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION - PHASE q A PORTION OF PARCEL " 8" & PARCEL ° C" "LAND SECTION B', Agg R CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 154, PAGE 48, BP WA D COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF TAMARAC. DPOWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION A Portion of Parcel "B" and Parcel "C", "Land Section according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 4B, of the public records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of said Parcel "6 THENCE North OV 24'4B" West along .the West Boundary of said Parcel "B", a distance of 259.70 feet; THENCE North 020OV iX East, continuing along said west Boundary, a distance of 200.37 feet; THENCE North 01924'4B" West, continuing along said West Boundary, a distance of 49,95 feet; THENCE North BB°35'12" East, a distance POINT OF BEGINNING; of 10.00 feet to the THENCE continue North 68" 35' 12" East, a distance of 50. 00 feet; THENCE South OV 24' 48" East, a distance of 5t. 45 feet; THENCE South 02"Oi't3" West, a distance of 200.37 feet; THENCE South 01'24'48" East, a distance of 178.27 feet to a point of curvature of a curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Southeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 725.00 feet, a delta of 12"18,53", and an arc distance of 155.83 feet to a Point of Compound Curvature with a curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Southeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet. a delta of 44" 26' 57" , and an arc distance of 19.39 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Southwest; THENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius Of 50.00 feet, a delta of 2760ti'50, and an arc distance of 241.03 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 5i9t7'29", and an arc distance of 22.38 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Northwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 775.00 feet, a delta of ii°5t'291, and an arc distance of t60.40 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 01"24'48" West, a distance of 179.77 feet; THENCE North 02101' 13" East, a distance of 200.37 feet; THENCE North 01"24'48" West, a distance of 49,95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Salo lands Iyying in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 37702 square feet, more or less. CLIENT: PIILTE HOME CORP. PROJECT No. 92-1529 UHAIL A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD �`��OMPANO BEACH. FLORIDA, 33069 (305)782-8222 CERT. NO. 1-80003110 CAD LIB: 1529P41E REVISION SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION 0, ,-_ SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS OWN DATE FB/PG CKO RAP 8/07i94 N/A MSC Page;3 of .,l jY ' PLUM BAY " RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION - P-LASE 4 A PORTION OF PARCEL " B" & PARCEL " C° PLAT BOOK 154, SECTION � BROWARDOCOUNTYNRECORDS CITY OF TAMARAC, BROWARU COUNTY, FLORIDA N88035' 12" E POINT OF DEGINNIN 10. 00' N@99 35'_12"..E 0 50 -100 200 50. q0' cc GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET POINT OF COMM SOUIIINESI C(41 A PARCEL ' B' 'LAND SECTION B' P. B. 154, PG. 40 B. C. A A" 25. 00 A= 51 ° 17' i A" 22. 38 CLIENT: PULTL llurlL Llu„r. P(10JECT No. 92-1529 CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD Pj� P�OMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 `�� (305) 7D2-8222 CERT. NO. L0000:3110 CAD LIB: 1529P41E SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS REVISION DWN 7DATEFO/PGCKD ;KETCH OFDESCRIPT ION RAP MSC Tf SI 0 4 CD CL J J [Y7 c z WEST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1, REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. 2. LANDS SHOWN )HEREON HERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -WAY, EASEMENTS, OWNERSHIP, OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS OF RECORD- 3, BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE FLORIDA COORDINATE SYSTEM EAST 7ONE, GRID NORTH, TRANSVERSE MERCATOR PROJECTION (STONER/KEITH RESURVEY AS RECORDED IN MISCELLANEOUS PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 44. OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA) BASED ON THE NORTH LINE OF 'LAND SECTION 8', BEARING N.89'36'021E. 4, THIS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. S. THIS IS A SPECIFIC PURPOSES SURVEY OF A SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION OF AN INGRESS/EGRESS UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 11115 DESCRIPTION AND SK ICI) WERE PREPARED tINDER MY DIRECTION AND MEET THE NINIINHI TECHNICAL SIANDARDS AS SET FORTH DY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PTNIFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER BIGi7-5, FLORIRA ADNINISIRAIIVE CODE, PINISUABT 10 SECTION 412.027. FLORIDA STATUlEt FOR THE IfIN RIC ARD il. NITII �`--- - PROFESSIONAL LAND 31MVEYOR -TLOUDA REGISTRATION 140. 5239 EXHIBIT "A" Pagel of 11c. L1J z I.tJ a rn LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) W, REV 15 I ON NRANN dhiE OF F I PAG W CH CKED S KETCH & DESCRIPTION REVISED JWN N/A N/A f1JG "LAND SECTION 611 REV15Cp PHASE i I RAp RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION PHASE 2 - NORTH PLUM DAY PARKWAY CRA I G A. SMITH 6 ASSOCIATES CAD LIBRARY: 1529OEi3 SCALE: CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS NAME: DATE: N. A. fDOO WEST MC NAB ROAD DRAWN: R. PEDRAZA 10-31-94 ppp�EC7 N0. POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA. 33069 CHECKED: (3051702-8222 F I ELDWORK: 92-1529 CENT. NO, LB0003ilO FIELDBOOK PG SHEET 1-0 F 3 L� EXHIBIT "All ras�> Of t(,. LAND DESCRIPTION A portion of LAND SECTION 8, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 48 of the public records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said plat; THENCE North 89"36'02"East along the North boundary of said Plat a distance of 1046. 34 feet; THENCE South 01° 26' 21" East; a distance of364. 06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 01" 26' 21" East,, 50.01 feet; THENCE South 89" 36' 02" West, a distance of 698.37 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southeast; THENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 175. 00 feet, a delta of 30" 58' 051' , and an arc distance of 94.59 feet; THENCE North 31" 22' 03" West, a distance of 50. 00 feet to a point on the arc a curve concave to the Southeast (a radial line through said point bears North 31"22'03" West); THENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 225.00 feet, a delta of 30058' 05" , and an arc distance of 12i.Ei feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 69" 36' 02" East, 697. 47 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said lands lying in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 40301 square feet, more or less. REV 1 S I ON AHANN DATE OF 1FL0 NO FIELDBOOK PAG HECKE Y: REVISED JWN N/A N/A MJr. REVISED RAP N/A N/A CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS iDOO WEST MC NAB ROAD OMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 C$I,S (3051782-8222 CERT. NO. LB00031 io SKETCH & DESCRIPTION "LAND SECTION 8" PHASE II RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION PHASE 2 - NORTH PLUM BAY PARKWAY CAD LIBRARY: 15290Ei3 SCALE: NAME: DATE: N. A. DRAWN: R. PEDRAZA 10/31/94 PROJECT ND. CHECKED: M. SHATTO 1O/31/94 FIELDWORK: 92-1529 FIELDWORK PG. SHEET 2 OF 3 EXHIBIT "All Paget:' o.x )4:) 243 1 244 a06 R O, C. N. B. CgB1ER 'TANG BFC110N 0' I P. B. 15A. PG, ALL, B. C. A. I 207 R-T7F.OD' 61'281 e-soy se• YEB' aoa 2e0 209 z7s I I 8 210 t F277 2111 r�, T �d 212 I 276 I �� Sig 275 213 I 274 214 � 215 n I 273 I W m 216 272 ( z I 2r1 217 ( 218 I 270 219E 269 0 I A N to N of W AIL0. m N rmu xTn�1 PNTu' lIlmTxTnT1 S01'2B'21'E 364.06' LEGEND A c. R. ,rn m. RFcm A 2CCEEN1ER l, IIf III fl, G, ,112I [BEI YAI ANGLE ITEMS �0I 0/1 P.8 pOrF�tu PLAY P. C. P, GOON PEINIANENf CONTROL POINI PG. P.O B. POINT OF BEGINNING IT C CBNNEItENFNI RADIUS AIMI.OP-NAY soli' SQUARE TF.ET A w � ul0 25 50 1D0 NON N. PLUM BAY PKMY. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET — — — — SCALE 1' - 100' ...�. NflnrvrAlafT1 IN UTILITY EATAIGU REV I S I ON DRAWN DATE OF FIELDOOOK CHECKED REVISED JWN I LLwN/A N/A rBY: SKETCH & DESCRIPTION II REVISED RAP N/A N/A LAND SECTION SIT PHASE 11 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION PHASE 2 - NORTH PLUM BAY PARKWAY CPA I G A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CAD LIBRARY: I S09DE 13 ' SCALE: CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS NAME: DATE: i" a SOU' 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD DRAWN: R- PEDRAZA 10/31/94 PROJECT ND, POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 CHECKED: M. SHATTD 10/31/94 (305)782-8222 PIELDWDRK: 92-1529 r.ERr. NO. LRo0o3f in F I ELDBDOK PG. SItEET 3 DE 3 F.ViIBIT "A" 0 Page') of 1(e, LAND DESCRIPTION PHASE III'RIGHT-OF-WAY LAND SECTION 8 A portion of Parcel "A", LAND SECTION B. according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 48, of the Public Records of 8roward County, Florida, described as follows; COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Parcel "A"; THENCE North 89"36'02" East along the North line of said Parcel " A" 2032. 50 feet; - THENCE South 01'26'21" East, 365.06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 89' 36' 02" East, a distance of 45.59 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Northeasterly, along the 'arc of Said curve having a radius of 475.00 feet, a de I to of 17" 49' 27" , and an arc distance of 147.77 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Southeast; ofE775.00rtfeet, aldeltaong the of i9°58r28"f and anrvarcdistance aving a disdiof 270.18 feet; THENCE North 01' 26' 21" West. 0. 65 feet; THENCE North 89036' 02" East, 114.74 Peet to the East I i ne of said Parcel "A"; THENCE South Ot°26'34" East along said East line, 82.0i feet; onEthe arctof8aocurvve concave do stance Southeast,faeradial Aline through said point bears North 00' 23' 28" West; THENCE Southwesterly. aideltaoof 11016'299, and anrvarcaving a distancediof 187,53 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve havin a radius of 500.00 feet, a delta of il°i5'59", and an arc distance of 98.32 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE South 89' 36' 02" West, 143.43 feet; THENCE North 01" 26' 2i" West, 50. 01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands lying In the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 41261 square feet, more or less. CAA I G A. SMITH 6 ASSOCIATES HARBOR � p CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS PLUM . H A R D O R Cl$,S 1000 WEST MC NAO ROAD PHASE 3 R I GH T - OF- WA y OMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 (3051702-'8222 PREPARED FOR: PULTE HOMES CORP. CERTIFICATE NO: BMW CAD LIBRARY: 15290SR1 SH..FT 1 OF 2 EAST LINE EXHIBIT " ' PAACEL "A* Page 18 of Ji(2 _ O lqc Ln in in f • I cu. �. o V r •� mUui O N n 4 N014 2'2VW j ApIA N_ a"N m �a n. q p U c', ~ W fn ta y p q In _ I o a �! C .� 4�i la x N n7 ni tp v un a 41 1 LO m lr1 8 N W O 4 4 � © Q w 1 w x c.3 ccLn O W C:) rx r M 4 [) _ ~ _j ` w a d in cclLON tn \\\\\\ �' cn �u V] a�[fl - �� \ � tl 1 cQc 43m N ru � LanM Y C W w 4 W co (� a �r" " Z LL w �• m �wiry fh l Ip w i W �p �C 4 2 Ar_ Pi 1 CL O Cil in _J Q Ln D tri m a i Ln q � o as 365. 6' � ~ I {�U; CC n 0 6•,2 aNq ti ^� 0V LL� oz 156. n nn r' lw y/ Z ix U me wcc 3 41 tt� Mm zoszz- CUB Z oU•AP uinLiw°L wow 4Ow� r iRa kt'W Iz osaa� �= ��nq« zz _m � a:Lu .tee m�c�:i-c�O:Ell �J ai cico�m_ W CJ Ri 2 m c.V G Ci LL. y' [n .-� cd aLL:6 4 [1�4p. u] ¢upG� w �¢ p- [a © la`au.' yyEar 2 pn 2 0 EYMIBIT "A" 0 Page "I of I jo LAND DESCRIPTION PHASE 11 RIGHT-OF-WAY LAND SECTION 8 A portion of Parcel "A", LAND SECTION 8, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 48, of the public records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Parcel "A"; THENCE North 89"36"02" East along the North line of said Parcel " A" , 2032. 50 feet; THENCE South O1°26'21" East, 365.06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continue South Oi° 26' 21" East, 50. 01 feet; THENCE South 89" 36' 02" West, 285.19 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve concave'to the Southeast; THENCE Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25. DO feet, a delta of 91002' 23" , and an are distance of 39. 72 feet to a Point of Cusp; THENCE North 01026'21" West, 75.47 feet; THENCE North 89° 36' 02" East, 310.65 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands lying in the City of Tamarac, 8roward County, Florida containing 15,672 square feet, more or less. SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY CRA I G A. SM 1 TH 6 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)782-9222 CERTIFICATE NO: LB3HO PLUM HARBOR PHASE 2 P I GHT-OF-WA Y PREPARED FOR: PULTE HOMES CORP. CAD LIBRARY: 1529OSR1 SHEFT i OF 2 in u`i Ln 365. 6'—Slr�2 2Y E i ul Ln Ln I W. 2Q J Z lal znCC v to m c V LO L 1 LO Q O m aIQ 3 a m o CU w Q� n rn % IV LJ 1 4 �� l0 - Lll v � LO Lit a cu o CL ZUI -" m 1 � �c¢ N � m a CD II47 V � I ^cuco n' _OYN UiOCO Cum mcn 1 Cc N 1172!91�.'47" v v a CD - i a 1�L. WI(1 mm x W, 03 UNLdw C7�p I' Q CS zx .gym 0 a a ►J I EXHIBIT "A" age 1() of CA H 4 M a a a v a nj V (n a G ❑ P � U � p. b u p N x a uI V! L� a M x ¢ 7 P u( W R N CD ca � U layJ eta CcLLA i M o x CL µ J k2a CX4 o. 0 4 ONH o N a rn iv tdr�n�t �g�$ n( in Q Ir m th a V DESCRIPTION A portion of Parcel "A" "Land Section B", according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 48 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Parcel "A" THENCE North 89036'02" East along the North boundary of said Parcel "A", a distance of 562.60 feet; THENCE South 00023'58" East, a distance of 700,00 feet 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North Ago 3G' 02" East, a d i stance of 50. DO feet; THENCE South 00023'58" East, a distance of 160.00 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Southeasterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 90'00'00", and an arc distance of 39,27 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 89" 36' 02" East, a d i stance of 482. 96 feet; THENCE South 00'23'58" East, a distance of 50.00 feet; THENCE South 89036'02" West, a distance of 471.07 feet to 'the Point of Curvature of a curve concave to the Southeast; THENCE Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 46°ii'13", and an arc distance of 20.15 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 40.00 feet, a delta of 150018'31", and an arc distance of 110.52 feet to a Paint of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the West; THENCE Northerly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 39153'36", and an arc distance of 17,41 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the East; THENCE Northerly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 75.00 feet, a delta of 17'46'1911, and an arc distance of 23.26 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 00"23'58" West, a distance of 150,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Lying in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida. Containing 38,135 square feet more or less. DESCRIPTION PREPARED BY RJEK 3/21/96 CHECKER BY R11s CCONSULTING ENG ENGINEERS-PASNNERS RVEY RSA PLUM B A Y f000 WEST MC NAB ROAD PHASE III RIGHT-OF-WAY CA POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)7B2-8222 PREPARED FOR: PULTE HOME CORPORATION CERTIFICATE NO: L133110 CAD LIBAARY: 'S292832 SHEET f OF 2 EXHISTT "A" page 11 of I (C I. REPRODUCTIONS OF THI*H ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH SURVEYOR'S SEAL, AN EMBOSSED 1* 2. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -WAY, OWNERSHIP, OR OTHER RECORDED OR UNRECORDED INSTRUMENTS. EASEMENTS, 3. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL SECTION B', AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 154, 'A', 'LAND _c ) PAGE 48 OF THE PUBLIC BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHICH BEARS NONTH 89'36.02' EAST. RECORDS OF SCALE: 1` 100' D. J F.� W ru r k. f V p.-.... V L7 �► _- 1? I r� c1-TT -q ' � �.71 I-Tl 1� Lfl i_�.., m tSl I ItN 0" 23' 84 60.00' 5',=- .. t LEGEND - A ARC LENGTH I A P. U. B. CENTRAL ( DELTA) ANGLE I =•> n • - _ o . I POINT OF BEGINNING -- +�--"- I r o K7� n:, r_i1 G, P. O. C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT t 4> � ru 1` 'a' Dj' I n Lam, �? R RADIUS Iv�o sc map Ln mI pLn n m a m 33 a S m cn l7T fl, cn rn m o ru '58"E 00, r,a I:W ram' [ Ll III I m 1= z T,-, IT F I rn CID (_I> IsD � --SolMON�E I SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH WERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECTION AND MEET THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANOAROS AS SET FORTH BY IHE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SINIVEYORS AND RAPPERS IN CHAPTER 6107-6, FLORIDA ADWINISTRAIIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472,027. FLORIDA 5TA1111E5. FOR IIIE FIRM, By: r `__:l,;:_•.,,_=__L__-..-- WINAINI I1. SMITH PNOF.SSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORIDA REGISTRATION N0. 5239 CRA I G A. SMITH 6 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS iDOD WEST MC NAB ROAD CjgS OMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)782-8222 CERTIFICATE NO: LB3110 "L SKETCH S DESCRIPTIONI RJLK 3/A /96 N/A RHS REVISION IDwN 1 DATE FB/PG cKD PLUM BAY PHASE 111 RIGHT-OF-WAY PREPARED FOR: PULTE HOME CORPORATION AD LIBRARY: 1529P83R SHEET 2 OF 2 EXHIBIT "A" pager of'{`. "PLUTBAY/PLUM HARBOR - PHASE7 OFFSITE" RIGHT -OF- 4ANDYSECTION DEDICATION A PORTION OF PARCEL 'A' 8' AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 154PAbE 48, BR0NARD COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF TA �IARAC_ BRONARD COUNTY, FLORIDA LAND DI.SCR I PT 101\1 portion aioAND Soo0gecdle the ltthereof, as recorded ►nPlatBk154. Page the Public Records of Broward, County, Flerlda, being more particularly described as foi'lows: COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Parcel "A'; THENCE North 89'36'02" East along the North line or said Plat, a distance of i158.83 feet; THENCE South 00'23'58" East, a distance of 435.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 89'42'46" East, a distance of 51.01 feet to a ppoint on the arc of a non -tangent curve concave to the Southeast lsald Point bears North 79'05'47' (West from the radius point Of the next described curve): THENCE Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 12'20'34', and an arc distance of 5.39 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE South 01`26'21* East, a distance of 444.49 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Southeasterly along the arc of Bald curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 22 37'i2', and an arc distance of 9.07 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE or40 005ofeet, arldeltanofe arc of th154'03'37. aanduaneare distanced►of 107.55 feet to a Point or Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Southwest; THENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 40'24'02', and an arc distance of 17.63 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE South B9036'02' West, a distance of 20. t9 feet; THENCE North 00.23' 5B' West, a distance of 50.00 feet; THENCE North 89'36'02' East, a distance or 21,40 feet to to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Northeasterly alongg the arc of Bald curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 9i'02'23", and an arc distance or 39.72 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 01126'21, West, a distance of 1.60.03 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southwest; THENCE Northwesterly along the arc or said curve having a radius of 26.00 feet, a delta of 88157'37" and an are distance or 38.02 feet to an Intersection with a non -tangent line; THENCE North 02028'42' West, a distance of 50.03 feet to a point on a curve concave to the Northwest (said paint bears South 00.23'58" East from the radius point of the next described curve); THENCE Northeasterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25. 00 feet, a de I to of 91' 02' 23' , and an arc distance of 39.72 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 01'26'21" West, a distance of 160.03 rest to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southwest; THENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25. 00 feet, a del to of 10" 29' 50' , and an arc distance of 4.58 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands lying in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 29,846 square feet, more Or less. CLIENT: PULTE HOME CORP. PROJECT No. 92-029 CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONRULTINC ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA. 33069 (305)782-0222 CERT. NO. 1-80003110 oirc- 5 CAD FILE: LSHTAMF SHFFT I OF 7 SHFFTS REVISION DWN DATE FB PG CKD LAND DESCRIPTION SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION AJP RAP 08/13/93 o8/0i/94 N/A NIA RHS MSC ....� ., ti rage r of ) (4� "PLUM BA LUM HARBOR - PHASE i OF ITEN RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION A PORTION OF PARCEL NAB BLAND SECTION Be AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 15q PAbE 48 BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF TA RAC, BRbNARD COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGEND: 0 i5o 300 600 P. 0. B. POINT OF BEGINNING P. 0. C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET P. 0. C. NORTHWEST CORNER 56' PARCEL 'A" 'LAND SECTION 8' P8 154, PG 48 BCR A cc QI sl m �I z NORTH LINE SOUTHWEST 1/4 --SECTION 8-49_41 N89' 36' 02' E 1158.03' 15' NORTHERLY BOUNDARY BLAND SECTION 8" P8 154, PG 48 BCR w( L0 l g PLUM 8AY/ PLUM HARBOR . 1 m oI� . , P. 0. B. `" I N8'I- oil A E R ARi 'i 9 5O■ .....ARetl 8-1 I I .,fl�Ir/, . 0CEL " WESTERLY BOUNDARY z23 'LAND SECTION 8' o zz4 • 1 ti 1Rz R-25.00' PH 154. PG 48 BCR z' o 'B' A'i2'20'34' A-5. 39, R•25.0Q' aas leD A•91.02'23' a7s I� A•30.72' AEo `4: T n 17B LANE cm PANCEL���B-1 R•25 OD' I y In O� A•38.82' N l4YI 176 LA' A R•25.00' ,Bs G towI 17S y` A-39. 72' 17• N89' 36' 02' E 197 R•25.00' 21. 40' .-...- .-.. , 7a A• 22' 37' 12' A*9.87' ary SURVEYOR'S NOTES: (. ZPRDUICTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE Nat VALID UNLESS SFALEO NITM EIMIOM SUIYEVOHG SEAL. L LANDS EASEINJI ONMERsi111KX P RR OT ABSIRACTE➢ FOR RIGHTS -OF -MAT. HER, OR OTHER IN6TRAIENTS OF RECORD. 3, BEAIINSS FINNAN HIMON AIEp�RELATIVE TO THE pNAATT,IONAL SEOSETIC A9 BMOMI 1�KEi1N IE YAAs�TfiCOROEp SIRNIIOIISULLLANEGOB PLAT BOOK 3. PAIE 44, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS W I IMAM CURT FLO35SA ON TIE NORTH LINE OF LAND SECTION I KAIINB R�ITN 89 36'02' EAST. 4. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SUYEV, 4 THIS IS A SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY SIDIIING A RIGHT-OF-WAY OEOICATIONL X I ENT: PULTE HOME CORP. 3ROJECT No. 92-i529 CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)782-8222 CERT. N0, LB0003110 172 S89' 36' 02' W i 7, pA/,CEI R` 40.00' 20.19, „D R-z A• 154' 03' 37' R•25.00' A-107.55' A•40424'02' A-17.63' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE DIRECTION AND-MEETi. THES MININI1 7ECHAND CALE5 ANDARDS ASESETEFORTHHBYR MY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYUIS A1:0 MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 51617-6. FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027. FLORIDA STATUTES. FUI TN FIRM, IY: %1-- __--_----- �IR:MApD H. SNITH PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORIDA REGISTRATION N0. 5239 CAD FILE: LSBTAMF orr7 a nr= a CUCCTC REVISION OWN DATE FB/PG CKD SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION AJP RAP 08/t3/93 08/01/94 N/A N/A RHS MSC �....�.,, a 1L Page 14-) of )� f DESCRIPTION A portion of Parcel "A" Land Section 8, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 48 of the public records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly.descrlbed as follows; COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said plat; THENCE North 89'36'02" East along the North Boundary of said Land Section 8, a distance of i95.50 feet; THENCE South 01019'46" East the POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE North 89036'02" East a distance of 625.08 feet to a distance of 931.59 feet; THENCE South 02028'42" East, a distance of 50.03 feet; THENCE South 89°35'02' Nest, a distance of 501.46 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southeast; THENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 90°00'00", and an arc distance of 39.27 feet to an intersection wlth a non -tangent line; THENCE South 89036'02" West, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point on the arc of a curve concave to the Southwest ( a radial line through said point bears North B9°36'02" East); THENCE Northwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 90900'00% and an arc distance of 39.27 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE South 89936'02' Nest, a distance of 330.16 feet; THENCE North 02026'97" Nest, a distance of 50.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Said I Florida a nds linIn oridacontaining the 48099.squareffeet/1.104 acres rdmore ntor less. REVISION CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD 1w GOPOMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA. 33069 (305)782-8222 CERT. NO. LB00031.10 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION LAND SECTION 8 — PHASE II RIGHT—OF—WAY DEDICATION ( RED HEART LANE) CAD LIBRARY: 1529P30 ENAME: FDATE: DRAWN: EW-05-94 CHECKED: CAULFIELD-05-94 FIELDWORK: FIELDBOOK EXHIBIT "A" SCALE: N. A. �RPJECT No. 92-1529 PG. SHEET / OF Z PageI'j of j!/. N NOB HILL ROAD P•. W. . C. CORNER /—, AND 154, SEC PGT I4B, aa. C. R. ) WEST BOUNDARY •LAND SECTION a• PLAT BOOK 154. PAGE 4a, B. C. R. NO2° 26' 57" W P. 0. B. 50. 03' 6 PEU » \ R-25.00•�w g A 90, 00, 00` x M ^- A-39. 27' b _ _ S01'10'46•E 626.as, S89.36' 02" W 50, D©' S. GRAND DUKE CfFICLf G `1 R-25. 00' _...._ .1T A39. �0 a ti 2 a to rri rTT._._.. to SURVEYOR'S NOTES REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYOR'S SEAL. - - - rS02°29'42°E THIS PARCEL HAS NOT BEEN ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -HAY, f EASEMENTS, OR OTHER RECORDED OR UNRECORDED INSTRUNENTS, . Ie I- "" 50. 03, S. GRAND DUKE CIRCLE SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH WERE PPEPAAEO UNDER MT OIRECTION AND -MEET THE MIMIMINI TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PWOFESSIDNkL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 6I017-6 LEGEND A1,� AAE 1111IX 6C.8 . AIR CO ijIGNIA IMS elite CATX C. a. r i[W If M CAID1 OLSIN CL1.5. `EONN ANp�T' GLOM aIRNENRL C.O. CLFAN•6111 CONE lONLIY IE [44 (' '"'All am I1AI AN0.[ E/P FOE[ aF PAVCIENI [Sa ELECTRIC SERVICE /DK !! FIR FINISH ITOM FIa1RgN5%B'�IRON RCR L CAP . a1NCROISE Mal D PHI FFL FOUNT 1LIN11'A'OKA 6 LIGHT BAN 6.V. CARAGE 6AIE TALYL WI N•6. V. a. "I'llE NATIONAL 6COOETIC u!s YERf ICAt aAI1M Accwos ADM " P.l FBIAt N•AT IOUf P. ER EN1 MIAM T91NT PPIC. IL P. a. It POINT IF K6TNNINB P. C. POINT A, CaNMEMCENFNI MS. AFSHADIa[NCE Y RIW11.OF•YAY S T SIR AUHNFI, IEIL 1[RNIN4. AEI a/a' IA RUI 1, C CAP -5110 W.It NHAIER ACIER PROPOSED ELEVATION EVISIING ILEVA110N FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. PURSUANT TO SECTION 472. D27, FLORIDA STATUTES. FORT F1RN BY: SKETCH & DESCRIPTION LAND SECTION R - PHASE 11 -------- p1645- SMITH RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR (RED HEART LANE) FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 5239 CRA I G A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CAD LIBRARY: i529P30 SCALE: CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS NAME: DATE: 1N = 150' 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD DRAWN: JOHN NEW iO-05-94 PROJECT NO. POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 CHECKED: CAULFIELD SO-05-94 (3rym)-8222 FIELDWOR ' 92-t629 K. CERT. NO. LB000M I O F I ELDBOOK , PG. SWEET 2 OF Z i% TITLE SEARCH REPORT Fund File Number: 10-2004-1481 77:e information contained in this title search is being furnished by Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund, Inc. If this report is to be used by a title insurance agent for evaluation and determination of insurability by the agentprior to the issuance of title insurance, then the agent shall have liabilityfor such work, as provided in the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act ("RESPA ") and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. If this report is used SOLELY in connection with litigation, RESPA does not apply. Provided For: Dicker, Krivok & Stoloff, P.A. and Steve Rubin, Esq. Agent's File Reference: 1556.101 After an examination of this search the Agent must. A. Evaluate all instruments, plats and documents contained in the report. B. Include in the Commitment under Schedule B, any additional requirements and/or exceptions you find necessaryfrom your analysis of the surveys, prior title evidence or other relevant information from the transaction. C. Verify the status of corporations and limited partnerships with the appropriate governmental agency or other authorities. D. If no Fund approved base was available for use in preparation of this product, determine whether the property has legal access. E. Determine if any unpaid municipal taxes or assessments exist, which are not recorded in the Official Records Books of the county. F. If no Fund approved base was available for use in preparation of this product, determine whether any portion of the property is submerged or artificially filled, if the property borders a body of water, and if riparian or littoral rights exist. G. The information provided herein does not include a search of federal liens and judgment liens filed with the Florida Department of State pursuant to Sec. 713.901, et seq., F.S., and Sec. 55.201, et seq., F.S., respectively, which designate the Florida Department of State as the place for filing federal liens and judgment liens against personal property. For insuring purposes: (a) Pursuant to Sec. 7.73.901, et seq., F.S., personal property includes, but is not limited to, mortgages, leaseholds, mortgages on leaseholds, interests in cooperative associations, vendees' interests, and options when those interests are held by a partnership, corporation, trust or decedent's estate; and (b) Pursuant to Sec. 55.201, et seq., F.S., personal property includes, but is not limited to, leaseholds, interests in cooperative associations, vendees' interests, and options regardless of the type of entity holding such interests, including individuals. (Note: Mortgages have been specifically excluded from the personal property interests in which a judgment lien may be acquired under the provisions of Sec. 55.201, et seq., F.S.) Signed this 21 st day of April, 2004. Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund, Inc. Prepared by: TQ Typist: cm Authorized Signature: Page 1 of 4 �-PITLE SEARCH REPORT• Fund File Number: 10-2004-1481 Effective Date of Fund approved base title information: October 5, 1993 Effective Date of Search: February 3, 2004 at 11:00 P.M. Apparent Title Vested in: City of Tamarac (Parcel 1) and Pulte Home Corporation (Parcel 2) Description of real property to be insured/foreclosed situated in Broward County, Florida. See Exhibit "A" Attached Hereto. Muniments of Title, including bankruptcy, foreclosure, quiet title, probate, guardianship and incompetency proceedings, if any, recorded in the Official Records Books of the county. v 1. Special Warranty Deed from Leadership Housing, Inc. to Pulte Horne Corporation, recorded December 23, 1993 in O.R. Book 21556, Page 854, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. 2. Special Warranty Deed from Leadership Housing, Inc. to Pulte Horne Corporation, recorded December 23, 1994 in O.R. Book 22970, Page 518, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. V 3. Special Warranty Deed from Leadership Housing, Inc. to Pulte Home Corporation, recorded December 22, 1995 in O.R. Book 24296, Page 608 Public Records of Broward County, Florida. 4. Special Warranty Deed from Leadership Housing, Inc. to Pulte Home Corporation, recorded October 2, 1996 in Q.R. Book 25468, Page 221, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. 5. Right of Way Deed from Pulte Home Corporation to The City of Tamarac, recorded March 7, 1994 in Q.R. Book 21840, Page 799, as affected by Municipal Resolution R-96-103 recorded August 27, 1996 in O.R. Book 25318, Page 196, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. (Parcel 1 Land) Mortgages, Assignments and Modifications: None. Other Property Liens: None. Restrictions/Easements: ✓ 1. Restrictions, conditions, reservations, easements, and other matters contained on the Plat of LAND SECTION 8, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page(s) 48, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. Page 2 of 4 .'TITLE SEARCH REPORTO Fund File Number: 10-2004-1481 ✓ 2. Utility, Ingress/Egress and Drainage Easement recorded December 23, 1993 in O.R. Book 21556, Page 891, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. (Parcel 2 Land) t/ 3. Covenants, conditions and restrictions recorded February 28, 1994, in O.R. Book 21808, Page 1, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. (Parcel 1 Land) 4. Covenants, conditions and restrictions recorded February 28, 1994, in O.R. Book 21808, Page 149, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. 'J 5. Covenants, conditions and restrictions recorded February 28, 1994, in O.R. Book 21808, Page 250, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. u/ 6. Utility, Ingress/Egress and Drainage Easement recorded December 23, 1993 in O.R. Book 21556, Page 891, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. (Parcel 1 Land) v 7. Termination of Leadership's Rights recorded October 2, 1996 in O.R. Book 25468, Page 230, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. 8. Covenant recorded January 26, 1995 in O.R. Book 23077, Page 716, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. (Parcel 1 Land) v 9_ Declaration of Easements recorded September 28, 1994 in O.R. Book 22659, Page 910, Public Records of Broward County, Florida. (Parcel 1 Land) Other Encumbrances: None. REAL PROPERTY TAX INFORMATION ATTACHED Proposed Purchaser/Mortgagor: N/A The name of the proposed purchaser/mortgagor was searched for the past twentyyears for unsatisfied judgments and tax liens (state, federal and other liens for the recovery of money) and personal names were checked for unrestored incompetency and for guardianship proceedings. The following matters appeared of record and copies are attached for evaluation by the agent: N/A. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS Unless satisfactory evidence is presented to the agent eliminating the need for standard exceptions, the following should be made apart of any commitment or policy. I. Taxes for the year of the effective date of this policy and taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 2. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 3. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. Page 3 of 4 TITLE SEARCH REPORT* Fund File Number: 10-2004-1481 4. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 6. Any owner policy issued pursuant hereto will contain under Schedule B the following exception: Any adverse ownership claim by the State of Florida by right of sovereignty to any portion of the lands insured hereunder, including submerged, filled and artificially exposed lands, and lands accreted to such lands. 7. Federal liens and judgment liens, if any, filed with the Florida Department of State pursuant to Sec. 713.901, et seq., F.S., and Sec. 55.201, et seq., F.S., respectively, which designate the Florida Department of State as the place for filing federal liens and judgment liens against personal property. For insuring purposes: (a) Pursuant to Sec. 713.901, et seq., F.S., personal property includes, but is not limited to, mortgages, leaseholds, mortgages on leaseholds, interests in cooperative associations, vendees' interests, and options when those interests are held by a partnership, corporation, trust or decedent's estate; and (b) Pursuant to Sec. 55.201, et seq., F.S., personal property includes, but is not limited to, leaseholds, interests in cooperative associations, vendees' interests, and options regardless of the type of entity holding such interests, including individuals. (Note: Mortgages have been specifically excluded from the personal property interests in which a judgment lien may be acquired under the provisions of Sec. 55.201, et seq., F.S.) 8. Any lien provided by County Ordinance or by Chapter 159, Florida Statutes, in favor of any city, town, village or port authority, for unpaid service charges for services by any water systems, sewer systems or gas systems serving the land described herein; and any lien for waste fees in favor of any county or municipality. This report does not cover matters filed in the Federal District Courts of Florida EXCEPT FOR BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS filed prior to October 7, 1984, when the property lies in either DARE, DUVAL, HILLSBOROUGH, LEON OR ORANGE COUNTY. In foreclosure proceedings, title should be examined between the effective date of this report and the recording of the !is pendens to assure that all necessary and proper parties are joined. Consideration should be given to joining as defendants any persons in possession, other than the record owner, and any parties, other than those named herein, known to the plaintiff or the plaintiffs attorney and having or claiming an interest in the property. Prior to issuance of any policy of title insurance underwritten by the Company, the agent must obtain and evaluate a title search for the period between the effective date of this Title Search Report and the recording date(s) of the instruments) on which the policy is based If this product is not used for the purpose of issuing a Fund policy, then the maximum liability for incorrect information is $1, 000. Page 4 of 4 Page J of 14. 11 PLUM BAY It RIGHT-OF-WAY.. DEDICATION -- PHASE 4 A PORTION OF PARCEL " 8' & PARCEL " C' . "LAND SECTION-8', AS RECORDED IN PLAT 800K 154, PAGE 48. BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF TAMARAC. EBROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA FORT L,AUDERDALE TRUCK FARFIS PLAT ROOK A. PAGE 31 A r n IIIE51 COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. REI7IDOIICTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN ERBOSSEO SIIIIVEYORS SEAL. Z. SES sum NEITEON HERE NOT ONNERSIIIP,R OHABSTRACTED IIECORO. 3. BEARINGS SNDNIN IIEREON ARE RELATIVE TO 111E NATIONAL GEODETIC A9 SNBNNEY RII�IE STONERSE R/KE11N RESURVEYFLORIDA As RECORDED INGRID MISCELLANEOUS FLORIDADBASED ONEIRE NORTH OF LINE OF LANDIC NSECi ON B BEARING NNURIII 89'36'02' EAST. A. Tills IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. B. fillS 15 A SKETCH OF DESCRIPFIUN OF A PROPOSED RIGIIT-OF-NAY DEDICATION. DIIINECIfONCLA1pFYF#Efr HIES RINIIAIMTNTECIgI1CAlESfAIIRAINIDS AR SEIFOn111NNIBY 111E HURIDA BOARD (IF M91p;ESSIMIL SINIVEYORS AM RAPPERS IN CIIAPIER 61011.6. •iLOnIPA A011111ISi1AMT COBS, MIAIl11N1r to 5F6110N 412.027. TLOIIIRA 5'AMIES: �F01111� IIIN, Y: nic A1111 u. 1ru IMIBFESSIONAL LAM! S1111YOull FL0NIDA REGISIIIATI6N Iq, 5239 LIENT: PULTE HOME CORP. ROJECT N0. 92-1529 CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD :Zt/a—E2�PDMPANO BEACH, rLOnIDA, 330G9 13051702-0222 CEnT. Nn i nrinn,N 1n w Z) z W d i� 'V Ln z CAD LLB: 1529P41E REVISION dwN SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION RAP LOCAT lore MAP ( NOT TO SCALE) SHEET I OF 3 SHEETS DATE FB PG CKD B/O7!9d N/A M5C • rr PLUM BAY rr RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION -- PHASE 4 A PORTION OF PARCEL " B" & PARCEL DICK 'LAND SECTION B'. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 154, PAGE 48, SROWARD COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF TAMARAC. DPOWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGAL DESCRIPTION A Portion of Parcel "B" and Parcel "C" according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Platn6aoke1tion54. rUge 48, of the Public records of Broward County. Florida, being more Particularly described as follows COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of said Parcel "13"; THENCE North 01'24'48" West along the West Boundary of Said Parcel 189, a d.lstance of 259. 70 feet:' THENCE North 02001'13" East, continuing along said West Boundary, a distance of 200.37 feet; THENCE North 01'24'48' West, continuing along said West Boundary, a distance of 49.95 feet; THENCE North 86'35'12" East, a distance of 10.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE continue North 88'35' 12" East, a distance of 50.00 feet; THENCE South 01024'48" East, a distance of 51.45 feet; THENCE South 02'01' l3" West, a distance of 200,37 feet; THENCE South Ot'24'49" East, a distance of 178.27 feet to a point of curvature of a curve concave 10 the Northeast; THENCE Southeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 725.00 feet, a delta of 12'18'53", and an arc distance of 155.83 feet to a Point of Compound Curvature with a curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Southeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 44.26'57", and an arc distance or 19.39 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Southwest: THENCE Southwesterly. along the arc of said curve having a radius of 50.00 feet, a delta or 276'it'50. and an arc distance of 241.03 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northwest: THENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of Bald curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 51'17'29", and an arc distance of 22.38 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Northwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 775.00 feet, a delta Of 11'51'290. and an arc distance of 160.40 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 01624'48" West, a distance of 179.77 feet; THENCE North 02'01' 13" East, a distance of 200. 37 feet; THENCE North 01024'40" West, a distance of 49.95 reel to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands 1yylng In the City 0f Tamarac. Broward County. Florida containing 37702 square feet, more or less. ;LIENT: PIILTE HOME COAP, nuu[%, r rou. uc-lacy GRAIL A. SMITH 9 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB nOAD �POMPANO BEACH. FLORIDA, 33069 (3051782-8222 rrnr .. CAD LID: 29P41E REVISION 5K'ETCH OF OESCAIPTION RAP SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS DATE I FB/PG I CKD 8/07/9e al/A MSC of It - PLUM BAY " RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION -- P-IASE 4 A PORTION OF PARCEL " D" & PARCEL 'C" , PLAT BOOK 154, PAGEN46, BROWARD000UNTYN�IECORDS CITY OF TAMARAC, BROWARD COUNTY, FLOAIDA N88° 35' 12" E POINT OF BEGINNING 10. 00• — - N860 35'_ 12'.E 0 50 100 200 C" C �' "' GRAPII I C SCALE IN FEET Vi r'vul _vr 4 c;. _.. ......... _..__. N a C.R. OpON1np C°u"If o 1 fL nccl"Ios 4 ry 1� cc"IIIAL IoELIAI tal a, n, 1. OFFICIAL nccono$ •• !•7 W " •--••----"—"`Y"— enuK p. 1. • pI AI °°°K R� pig 11 4 I Q cu w� fU III 4 N 9 PAF)CCL I, L7" cd o k "LAND 5CCTION D" ai cr----_--- +�,. Qi r- I a !� n P. ET. 154, PG. 48 D. C. 13. r a CE] U] :i .i a rM N " o A- 72 5, 00' POINT OF CONRII EKKI A- 128 18' 53' 5OullIKSI COAKII Q -..-.. _.._....__ A- 155. 83• PATICEL ' O' 'LAND S(VION O[ I s P.O. 154. PG. 48 B. C.O. R-775. QO' R-25. 60' A- i 1' 51' 27— _ ... -- �' 4'lr 26 57" .. R- 25. 00' 1 a A-5l" 17' 29"- _......._ .. A- 22. 38' - PA17CEL " C" 4 SOUIII OOUNOARY� ILANO SECTION O' CLIENT: PULTE HOME COW P110JECT No. 92-1529 CRA I G 7sM I Tw 5 AssOC i ATE5 CONSULTING ENGINEERS-PLAMERS-5URVEYORS 1000 WEST NC NAD ROAD PONPAFIO BEACH, FLOR I DA, 33069 1305)702-0222 cm. NO. 1.0000.1110 LAND SECTION O P. B. 154, PG. 40 0. C. IT. CAU LIB: 15291341E SHEET 3 OF 3 SIIEET5 REVISION OWN DATE I FO/PG I CKO TCII OF DESCRIPTION RAP a/o7/g4 M/A MSC TI SI 0 Q C7 [[ J X m z or-on'T L)6wEROA PLAT El OK 4. PAR-CKF �Kpr . WEST COMMERCIAL 8OULEVARD' SURVEYOTY S NOTES I. IIEI'ROOIIC f I DNS OF 1111 S SKETCH ARE II01 VALID UNLESS SEALED HI III AN EMBOSSED SUIIVEYOR'S SEAL. 2. LAMIS SHOWN IIEIIEON HE(lE NOT AOS111ACIED FBI) RIGII)S-OF-NAY, EASEMENTS, OWNERSIIIP, 0H UltlCll INSFININENIS OF tIECOIID. 3. DEAIIINGS S11OWN IIEREON ARE RELATIVE 10 TIIE FLORIDA COOIUINATE SYSTEM EAST ZONE, GRID NORTNI, TRANSVERSE HERCAIOR PROJECTION (STONER/KEITII RESURVEY AS RECORDED IN MISCELLANEOUS PLAT BOOK 3. COMITY 44. OF FIDRIDA)IIDASED ON THE NORTI LIINEOF LIC 0ECOnDS OF WO'LAND SEC 110h V. DURING N. 09- 36' 02- E. ' 4. IIIIS NOT A DOUNQAIIY SURVEY. S. 11115 IS A SPLCIFIC PUIIPOSES 51111VEY OF A SKETE.II AND DESCRIPTION OF AN INGRESS/EGRESS UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT. DInEEttllBITIIP.EAND MEET IIIFS DESCRIPTION MIEN NDICAIESIANDAWS AS SETEFORIIIUT IIIE IIOTIDA 99AID OF PROFESSIONAL SIpIVEYOIS AND NVPERS IN CNAPED 0017-5. FLO1@A ADNINISIIIAIIVE CODE, PINISUANI 10 SECININ 418.027. FLORIDA Simons, FOZoon."ril, I/r•/ Niijj --- RMWESSIONAL LAND %M%Ytm 101111A RE0131RAt10N ID. 9239 r] Lu z w 7 a v rn x z r)allTIIT "A" Page `i of it, tOCATION NAP (NOT TO SCALE) REVISION MAW A7 B F P UK .11 CKEI7 REVISED JWN N/A N%A I'lic 11 SKCTCI I DESCRIPTION REV ISCD RAP N/A N/A LAND SECTION ©" PI-IASE 1 1 RIGHT—OF—WAY DEDICATION PHASE 2 - NOnTti PLUM BAY PAnI(WAY CIA I G A. SMITH & ASSOC I ATES CAD LIBRARY: 15290E 13 CONSULTING ENGINEERS-PLANNERS-SURVEY0R5 NAME: DATE: SCAT_(: BRAWN: N. A. fQOD WEST MC NAB ROAD R. PEDRAZA Ib-31-94 rnuacr un. cp POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 CHECKED: (305)782-8222 FIEL ORK: 92-1529 CE11T. N0. 1.00003110 F I ELDBOOK . roc. sI l�r- r I nF 3 • LAND DESCnIPTION EX111BLT "A" Page";, of I., A portion of LAND SECTION 8, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 154, Page 48 of file public records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows'. Commencing at the Northwest corner of said plat, THENCE North 89°36'02"East along the North boundary of said plat a distance or1046.34 feet; THENCE South 01"26'2t"East, a distance of364. 06 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 01"26'21" East, 50, Ot feet, THENCE South 89036'02" West, a distance of 698.37 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southeast; THENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve having 3 radius of 175.00 feet, a delta of 30"58'05", and an arc distance of 94.59 feet; THENCE North 31" 22' 03" West, a distance of 50. 00 feet to a Point on the arc a curve concave to 'the Southeast (a radial line through said point bears North 31°22'03" West); THENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 225.00 feet, a de I to of 30n 58' 05" , and an arc distance of 121.61 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 09" 36' 02" East, 697. 47 feet 'to the Point of Beginning. Said lands lying in the City of Tamarac, Oroward County, Florida containing 40301 square feet, more or less. REV I S I ON tn:A nANN nett nr FIFLn"npK r,11 e 8Y: ELtl p BY: REVISED WN N/A N/A t1J6 nEVISED P N/A N/A CAAIG A. SMITH 6 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS iD00 WEST Mr, NA8 ROAD CoaB UNPANO BEACH, FLORIDA. 33069 r3U51702-8222 CERT. NO, LHO003110 SKETCH & DLSCAIPTIDN "LAND SECTION 8" PHASE II RIGHT -Or -WAY DEDICATION PHASE 2 - No.nTH PLUM BAY IDAIII(WAY CAD LIBRARY: 1529OE13 SCALE: NAME: GATE: N. A. PRAWN: P, PEDRAZA t0/31/94 p,,.JECT Nn. CHECKED: M. SHATTO 10/31/94 FIELDWORK: 92-1529 FIELDWORK PG 511rrT a nr 3 'EXHIBIT "A" n w' eaiiRln 'LAM SECTION I• 1 a. a IS4. Ps. jo. e. C R I 201 Ij R-IZ2s. 00' . R-f 7p. OO' AAA-121eAf0e261 A-30.114' O6• 2na 200 „ 20� I I YI 279 9 210 1 I 1 27e 1 277 211 I 212 1 1 -� 276 _ 1 213 I 275 I I 27/ 2„ ( 215 I 273 216 7 272 I � a1 217 I 2! I 271 IL 218 1 y� 270 — ' 2!—j I �� !C 219 R,� I`. 269 w I I m rr0 F 14 I I L'Vtr V PAL � rgN11t1�fMN1�T rnnNirr�iNmw� I I 501'26'21' am w W4 ly IV to x LEGEND A ARC AINCIII A C. R, wlRlxw COlwlr RECOMS it NIm11/I Af O R �. CINIRAll61A orrluu acomm Ionic nee AA1EPORN ", FIRNuIERI CONTROL YOlxl NC ►.O O. PACF 1`IIINI or OCOIIwINI O C Tint of CONNANKEWNI R nAinvRIFT R19111•w-Y4Y So 11 SOumE Irfl r••� ��/���I�dl 1 1 Ir wn D 25 50 1 0 0 FirwNI. �N'W' \ N. PLUM BAY PKWY. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET $CALE I` - fop' M wam 1 w wx Tr urlw. REV 15 1 ON 011AH GATE OF FIELOOoon RECKEO Y. I RK G�X SKETCH & DESCRIPTION IlEV 15EU JWN N/A N/A F1J6 17EVISED RAP N/A N/A "LAND SECTION ✓III JDHASE I I D I GFLIT-Or- -wAY DEDICATION PHASE 2 - NORTH PLUM BAY PAni<WAY cnA I G A. SM ITN ASSOCIATES CAD L I onARY: 15290E13 CONSULTING ENGINEERS-PLANNERS-SURVEYOnS NAME: SCALE: DATE: i" - iUb' 1000 WEST MC NAB n0AB DRAWN: R. PEDRAZA 10/31/94 r,nn; cr Nn. POMPANO BEACH, F1.0111UA, J UGrI r.11r01cED; M. ,ltnrrn in/31/94 (3051702-n222 FIkLDWUpK7 T- — � 92-1529 rrnT. Na. L000031In 111 nnnnv LX11I B I T "A" Page 9 of I G., LAND DESCRIPTION PHASE III RIGHT-OF-WAY LAND SECTION B A portion of Parcel "A", LAND SECTION 13, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 154, Page 48, of. the Public Records of ©toward County, F.Iorlda, described as follows; COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of Bald Parcel "A"; THENCE North 09"36'02" East along the North line of said " A" . 2032. 50 feet; Parcel TIIENCE South 01'26'21" East, 365. 06 feet BEG'I NN I NG; to the POINT OF THENCE North 89036'02" East, a distance of 45.59 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the.Northwest; THENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 475. 00 feet, a delta of 17949' 27" , and an arc distance a f 147.77 feet to a Paint of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Southeast; TIIENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius OF 775.00 feet, a delta of 19058'28", and an arc distance of 270. 16 feet; TIIENCE North 01" 26' 21" west, 0.55 feet; THENCE North 89036'02" East, 114.74 feet to the East line of said Parcel " A TIIENCE South 01026' 34" East along said East I I ne, 132,131 feet; THENCE South 89035' 02" West, a distance of 145.16 feet to a point on the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast, a radial line through said point bears North 00" 23' 28" West; TIIENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius Of 953.00 feet, a delta of 11016'290, and an arc distance of IB7.53 feet to a Paint of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius Of 500.00 feet, a delta of i!"i5'59", and an arc distance of 98.32 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE South 69" 36' 02" West. 143.43 feet; THENCE North 01.1126121" West. 50.01 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING Said lands lying in the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 41261 square feet, more or less. CAAIG A. SMITH 8 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS PLUM H A R B O R 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD PHASE 3 RIGHT-OF-WAY' POMPANO BEACIi, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)702-8222 PREPARED FOR: PULTE HOMES COf)P. CACERTIFICATE NO: L03110 CAD I_ I RnARY: 15290Sn1 sl►SFr I or a 1. AS 1 L I I•IL ,,. oi' IlA11CCL 'A' I 11 'n Io f- in Ctf . (7lU .r �[ tD -� m Lti o � u; a I AL ao� NO i N 2' 21 N W v in o I f- c - I Q Q+ . O N r"1 ;D o ♦ to hl in N (b In In . M . (` 1 t:n . m tYl cn + �• p, cr � 23 4 C7 trl r 1 M d c 1 �n M to o rr3 m U mm Q� rn �� n a Z t ` ¢tt� n ol� n 4i Q. cm Ll_I C' r fTl r, N I Q LLJ w 4 C II t CL m o Ln ZD m N a in z m Flo aQ 365. 6' SO ° 6' 2 5 0!' Page nl' ift:' Co 9 [tn In In t„ n to to nt in In to In LLs �Y — - q s2' o W ~ S V Y N N N RID p z tlf ED I. Lei m (MO1 U. '� w vwl- M N owaa��uY �,n t,J Z y,n b 4-IJ..� sle=w {L�QOY Q 1 O j [] �ILG4J I�I.Q •-• —� 4 W p_; nm 4 V7 Lt mCJ 4. S7a a_4CL v41 � oci* c5 mLi- c �a Ri cc Ili cm; -It.: 0 4 u: ri rL in yrrebr 2ar'L A • [i -1113 Z T "Alf' --- Pagel or ; ic, LAND DESCRIPTION PHASE I I Ft.I:GI1T-0E-WAY LAND SECTION e A portion of Parcel "A", LAND SECTION ©, according to the plat records nfas8rowardded In CountylatFloorida54 being more of the public desorl.bed as follows: particularly COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Parcel "A"; THENCE North 69'36'02" East along the North line of " A" , 2032.50 feet; Said Parcel THENCE South Ot° 26' 21" East, 365. O6 feet BEGINNING; to the POINT OF THENCE continue South Oi° 26' 2t" East. 50.01 feet; THENCE South 89°36'02" West, 285.19 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve concave to the Southeast; THENCE Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radlus of 25.00 feet, a delta of 91°02'2311, and an arc distance of 39- 72 feet to a Point of Cusp; TIIENCE North Ot°26"2t" West, 75.47 feet; THENCE North 09.36'02" East, 310. 65 feet BEGINNING. to the POINT OF Said lands lying In the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 15,672 square feet, more or less, SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY CAAIS A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST NC NAB ROAD POMPANO Ot:ACtl, FLORIDA, 33069 CA13051702-0222 CERTIFICATE NO: L03tiO PLUM HARBOR PHASE 2 RIGHT -OF -HAY PREPARED FOR: PUL TE' HOMES CORP. CAD LIBRARY: 15290SAI 1 1-1EET I nF 2 w to r in in 365. C 6' i i' 26' 21'"'E— —5 no in zx I b cr- CE)m � I 'y r. ui v rn v leiC vdQ� Q Cu- tr1� v a w CL w a tr I b ¢ zocu M - iT 01 t4 V Q O Q7 a CL Z M —4 to I� E En EL mn I iri o ni V cu 4 to n. N i -- — JIT2 7' a n, • b v z z �� m A:'5Y JUL "" 0 n ir, Cr n �Ifl a� Jm v n �J • ::dllil IT "All I Page Jej offl v, F, in OO FA � xti ,, 14 a, to t�t v ti a 4 u, 4 v7 � Q h � m aWiC [n Q � 9xwta:`w. x`z Q L[lw� �OC]9 mu�ot['agntn 0 lA�`J tx ao ti m � tl n4 fi [fir 4HE e r Zc.)F Z 0 DESCRIPTION A portion of Parcel "A" "Land Section 01, according to the. Plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 154. Page Oft of the Public. Records of Oroward County. Florida, being more Particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of said Parcel "A" THENCE North 69036'02" Fast along the North boundary of .said Parcel "A", a dislance of;562.60 feel; TIIENCE South 00023'50" East, a distance of 700.00 feet BEGINNING; 10 the POINT OF TIIENCG North 09036'021. East, a distance of 50.00 feet: TIIENCE South 00023'50" East, a distance of 160.00 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve concave to the Northeast; ,TIIENCE Southeasterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 f(,el, a delta of 90000'00", and an arc distance of 39.27 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 09"36'02" East, a distance of 40c.96 feet; THENCE South 00°23'50" Last, a distance of 50. DO feet; TIIENCE South 09036'02" West, a distance of 471.07 Feel to the Point of Curvature of a curve concave to the Southeast; TIIENCE Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a ra(lius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 46"11'130, and an arc distance of 20.15 feet to a Paint of 1leverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northeast; TIIENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 40.00 feet, a delta of 150018'31", and an arc distance of 110.52 feet 10 a Point of flevc1,5e Curvature with a curve concave to the West; TFIF_NCE Northerly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 fl:et, a delta of 39853'36", and an arc distance of 17.41 feel to a Point of lir.vcrsr: Curvature with a curve concave to the East; TIIENCE Northerly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 75.00 feet, a delta of 17146't9", and an arc distance of 23.26 feet to a Point of Tangency; TIIENCE North 00123'50" West,. a distance of 160.00 feet to the 1101NT OF BEGINNING: Lying In the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida. Containing A 135 square feet more or less. CRA I G A. SMITH 6 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS-PLANNEnS-sunvEYORs 11000 WEST MC NAB ROAD POMPANO BEACII, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)782-8222 ooCERTIFICATE NO: L03110 DrscnIPriom PnEPAnEO QY nJLK cut u(En ov mis PLUM BAY PHASE 11,1 RIGHT-OF-WAY PREPARED FOR: PULTE HOME CORPORATION CAI) LIBRARY: 19291303171 SIIEET I OF 2 ,. EXIIIBIT "A" rare I t of It., I. REPROBIIC1aHs OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN ENDOS 51/1YEYDR' S SEAL. SED -0 2. LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -NAY, EASENENIS,`� OWNERSHIP, =�Q OR OTHER RECORDED OR UNRECORDED INSTRUMENTS- rr, 3. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE 10 THE NORTH LINE OF PARCEL 'A', 'LAND — 4 SECTION B', AS RECORDED 114 PLAT BOOK 16/, PAGE /B OF THE PUBLIC RECOIIDS OF BROMAT10 COUNTY, FLORIDA, WHICH c'y BEARS NORTH 69'36'02' EAST. xl z m SCALE: 1' 10O' r liI LLn :w" -- v 4' la ru o f i 9 1 fyl l \ F? mr •- 9 1 1 '-- m I 0 'N 23' 8' W fiD. OD' a,rmQ..,: 1 $I 00" 7 ti o 23' 58' E [n w a,`� w 0. 00' LEGEND A ARC LENGTH 1 ,"�, SD ' 23' 5 31 E is), DO' A CENTRAL (DELTA) ANGLE I a "` `] r1 P.0.B. POINT OF BEGINNING W-•-. I I U f Il 11.1 O q P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT I ^p'"' 1"'n 1.1"I IT Q n RADIUS I T1� " ru $ I - En .. m-"-.-• lt7LZ 77 r...i V' I1-1 1''1 • ni r ( ILJ Ij.l II 1 ' 1 I 111 so SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION - THIS IS NOT A SURVEY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE I HEREBY LEINNFECIALPREPARED UNDER NY IIIEY THAT CION AND MEET 11 SCRIPTION MIMUMTHNC — SIANDA►WIS AS SET FORTH BY HIE'FI.INIIDA POW OF PNOFESSIONAL SIMIYEYGAS AID HAPPENS IN CHAPTER 61617.6 FLORIDA ADMINISIRAIIVE CODE, "SUANI 10 SECTION 112.02�. FLIIIIIOA 51A1111E5. J FOR 111E FIRN. BY: SMITH' PROFESSIONAL ARDU. L LAN • PROF'CSSIONAL LAND SURYEYOTI SKETCH 6 DESCRIPTION RJLK 3/2I N/A RIIS rLonIDA nE61SIRAT ION N0. s230 REVISION DWN DATE F f3/PG CKD cAA) c A. s� r ry ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS-PLANNEnS-5URYEYOnS PLUM B A Y 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD POMPANO PHASE I I I R I GI -IT -OF -WAY BEACH, FLAK 330G9 (305)702-8222 PREPARED )�OH' PUI_TE HOME CORPONTION CERTIFICATE N0: L03tt0 r.nn LlnnnnY: t52yl)n3ra ;Hr_ET 2 OF a_ EXIIIUIT "A" Page I. of Ir,: ' 'PLUM BAY/PLUM HAABOR - PHASE i OFFSITEII RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION A PORTION OF PARCEL 'A' 'LAND SECTION 8' AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 154 PAbE 48, BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF TA�IARAC. BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA LAND DIECCR I PT I 011\1 A portion of Parcel 'A'. •LAND SECTION a,. according to the plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 154. Page 40 of the Public Records of Broward county, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest corner of Bald Parcel 'A'; THENCE North 89'36'02' East along the North line of said Plat, a distance of 1158.03 feet; THENCE South 00'23'58' East, l a distance of 435.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; NCE onEthe arctlof8a•non46angenttcurvelstance concaveotoSSthe southeast (said point bears North 79.05'47' West from the radius point of the next described curve); THENCE Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.OD feet, a delta of 12'20'34', and an arc distance of 5.39 feet to a Point of Tangency; TIIENCE South 01.26'21' East, a distance of 444.49 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Northeast; THENCE Southeasterly along the arc of said curve having a radlus of 25.00 feet, a delta of 22'37'12', and an arc .distance of 9.137 feet to a Point of neverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Northwest; of,49.00Sofeetgstarldeltanofth154.03'37. andarc or said uanearchaving distanceradius or t07.55 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature with a curve concave to the Southwest: THENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, delta of 40'24'020, and an arc distance of 17.63 feet to a Point int of Tangency; THENCE South 89'36'02' West, a distance of 20.19 feet; THENCE North 00'23'SB' West, a distance of 50.00 feet; THENCE North 89.36'02' East, a distance of 21.40 feet to to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the Northwest; orE26500Nfeetea8tdeltaaofn9l'02'23".oandaan curve having ofr39172 feet t0 a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 01*26'21' West, a distance of 150.03 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southwest; THENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of BB"57'37" and an arc distance of 38.82 feet to an Intersection with a non -tangent fine; TIIENCE North 02.28'42' West, a distance of 50.03 feet to a point 0na curve concave to the Northwest (said point bears South 00023'58 East from the radius point of the next described curve); THENCE Northeasterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.UD feet, a delta of 91'02"23", and an arc distance of 39.72 feet to a Point of Tangency; THENCE North 01'25'21" West, a distance of 160.03 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southwest; TIIENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a radius of 26.00 feet, a delta of 10'29'501, and an arc distance of 4.58 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said lands IyyIng In the City of Tamarac. Oroward containing 29.946 square feet, more or less. County, Florida CLIENT: PULTE HOME CORP. „_ �...�, PRUJCCT No. 92-529 CAD FILE: LSOTAME SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS CRA I G A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES REVISION OWN OATL F0 PG CKO cnNSut.TING ENGtNrrn9-PLANNER9-SURVEYORS LAND DESCRIPTION AJP 0e/13/43 1141S 1000 WEST MC NA8 ROAD SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION RAP ae/ot/94 ►+/► MSC POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, 33069 (305)702-0222 CERT. NO. LB0003llO EXHIBIT "A" - P,�PE „ of I f - "PLUM BAY/PLUM HARBOR - PHASE i OFFSITEII RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION A PORTION OF PARCEL 'A' 'LAND SECTION 8' AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 154 PACE A8, BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS CITY OF TAARAC, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA LEGEND: P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P. D. C. NORTIIWEST CORNER PARCEL 'A' 'LAND SECTION 0' PO 154, PG 48 OCR aI IS J J �I m1 0 150 300 600 GaAPHIC SCALE IN FEET NORTH LINE SOUTIINES1 114 __—SECTION 8-49_41 1 56' N99° 36' 02- E 1158. 03 '� L NORTHERLY BOUNDARY 'LAND SECTION Be PB 154. PG 48 DCR uT PLUM BAY! N I PLUM IIAROOR q IQ A.1 D'S , " PAWL 8.11 29 50 A-4'.58' "TN NESTEILY BOUNDARY 7;, 'LAND SECTION 8' 49 zz. PO 154. PG 48 OCR R-25.00' m 7?B A- 91' 02' 23' 27e A-39.72' REO IIEM PARCEL BIB R-25.00' A-88' 57' 37' o A-38, 82' cv c m 195 zo "= R-25.00'—:'N x A=9l 02 23 196� A-39.72' r97 NB'9' 35' 02' E 21.40' L1 � Rl o am ^m SURVEYDR'S NOTES: I. RErnomlcTIONS OF THIS SKETCH Ate NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH D BN AN IIINIO MVORS UAL. L EA IEN't4NOMENl1�11'�'OR 0t11ER. Epan 011Di.FNtBt1N51 N(N TI[C°Iq, I IFARIM ON HEMM AN RELATIVE TO& NATIONAL GEODETIC SHRrEr rguNsrERgE NERHAT FLINIOA E f ISpI�, aNro NOgiN M SNONN 13 8I01lAlgEIN BDRVEr A8 PU EID 8 IN MISCELLANEOUS PLAT DOOR , PAEE 44, 8f TIE PDA.IC AECM OF 81NINAao MIT FLORIDA BApV OR IHE NBBIN LINE OF LAIC SECTION 8 OEARIIN NDIITN B8'7YOr EMT. 4. Twig Ig HOT a swum r IAgM. L THIS IS A SPECIFIC FUIPOSE 3UW4Y IRANINS A RIONT-Or-MAT DEDICATION. L I ENT: PULTE HOME CORP. ROJECT No. 92-1529 CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 NEST MC NAB ROAD POMPANO BEACH, FLOC) I DA, 33069 (305)702-0222 CERT. NO. L60003110 N89642'461E. / 51.01' 1 IBt R-25, 00' a 1el A• 12' 20' 34' m �- -- A-5.39' 180 I" w 179 n � �p lip 1 y 177 nB 1/5 R-25. 00' A'22'37' 12" A-9.87' !72 589' 36' 02° N r�acEL R-40. 00' 20. 19' „D R•2 A" 154' 03' 37' R-25, 00A-107.55' 6-40' 24' 02' A-17.63' SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE CERTIFYI HEREBY p my DIRECTIONAND- NEEIt THE S NININUNt1TECNNICALESTANDARDS ASSETT FOR ND9T THE fLOA19A BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEVpRS AI;D HAPPERS IN CHAPTER SIG17•5. FLORIDA ABNINISTAAIIVE COK, PHRSUANl TO SECTION 472,021. FLORIDA STATUTES, FOR Ill Fllet BT: R16HAR0 N SMITH IMF("IORAL LAID SURVEYORFLORIOA REGISTAA11011 He. 5239 CAD FILE: LSOTAME SIILLT 2 OF 2 SIIIEJS REVISION OWN_.. 1 DATE I FB/PG I CKD OF DESCRIPTION ALIP SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION I RAP 00/01/94 N/A MSC EXHIBIT "AI' Pace PA nr IT DESCnIPTION A portion of Parcel "A" Land Section 6, according to the plat thereof,. as recorded in Plat Book 154. Page 413 of the Public records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly.described as follows; COMMENCING at the North rest corner of said plat THENCE North 69'36'02" East along the North Boundary of said Land Section B, a distance of 195.50 feet; THENCE South 01019'460 East, a distance of 625.On feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE North 89036'02" East, .a distance of 931. 59 feet; THENCE South 02026'42" East, a distance of 50.03 feet; THENCE South 89036'02" West. a distance of 501.46 feet to the beginning of a Tangent curve concave to the Southeast; THENCE Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 90"00'00", and an arc distance of 39.27 feet to an Intersectlon with a non -tangent line; THENCE South 89.36'02" West, a distance of 50. 00 -Peet to a Point on the arc of a curve concave to the Southwest ( a radial line through said point bears North 99°36'02" East); THENCE Northwesterly, along the'arc of said curve having a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 90'00'00", and an arc distance of 39.27 feet to a Point of Tangency THENCE South 69036'02" West, a distance of 330.iG feet; THENCE North 02°26'S7" West, a distance of 50.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Said lands lying In the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida containing 46099. square feet/1.104 acres more or less. REVISION CRAIG A. SMITH & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA. 33069 40 (3051792-8222 CERT. NO. L00003110 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION LAND SECTION 8 - PHASE II RIGHT -OE -WAY DEDICATION ( RED HEART LANE CAD LIBRARY: 1529P30 NAME: DATE: DRAWN: .10HN NEW tO-05-94 CHECKED:41CAULFIEIDt0-D5-94 FIELDWORK: FIELDWOOK PG E)aIIBIT "A" SCALE: N. A. PROJECT No. 92-1529 + SHEET / OF Z Pagel',; of 1 1�- t P. 0. C. NOB HILL ROAD A 13 SECT -io i LAND ,cenHEA B 154, PG. IB. B. C. R, j HEST BOUNDAf1Y 'LAND SECTION O- PLAT DOOM 154. PAGE 40. B. C. R. N024 26' 57' W P. 0. B. 50. 03' 'ti SDI.19'I6•E 62& t76` m ti ..._.La7b T OEU __ ... 1?-25. 00' - - _ - :0--- 4-900 00' 00' n^b P I' M d A-39. 27' i 50. 00' S. G19AND a a DUKE C I ACLE :rj is -"-"- a R-25.00' A-90.00' 00' -... r A-39.27' Ln r�ri m... .. _.. _ CZ) 41 S A CZ C _ _..lu Ar SURVEYOR'S NOTES >e rn N . _.._ .... `..... ... .... . I. REPRODUCTIONS OF 1111S SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED IIIIN AN E.RB055ED SURYEYOR-S SEAL. ?. THIS PARCEL HAS 1101 BEEN ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS -OF -HAY, —IS02' 28' 42M E EASEIIEIIIS. OR OTHER RECORDED OR UNRECORDED INSIALINENTS. T �f 50. 03' S. GRAND DUKE CIRCLE SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A SURVEY SURVEYOR'S -CERTIFICATE I NERESI EERIIFT THAT flit$ DESCRIPTION AM) SXETCN WERE PPEPARED Walt WI DIRECTION AM MEET INE HINIMM IECNNIC+L STANDARDS AS Sit FORTH Sr THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFE5510111L SUNTEYDR$ AND NAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61611.5. FLORI04 AONINI91 AIIYE CDOE. PIAASIAANt 10 SECTION 472. 027. FLORIDA SIATUIES. FOR t AN, or. RICTYIlT1 N. $NI TN----��- �E551ONAL IAND SUrvEYRR FLORIDA PEGISTRAIION fit 6919 CAAIG A. SMITH 6 ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS 1000 WEST MC NAB ROAD Co' s ONPANO BEACII, FLOR I DA, 33060 (3051782-B222 CERT. NO. L00003110 w LEGEND A At IN I(mo IN AAp comil In(A ac. N entlaup town rccpms C C.A a COI( IaINSIOM a1d1 usa CLe. S. mm sirAxlurc C 0 1OKIIIIHit RLINC MANout CONC a CxN[IN It CINimI IOltm Awite It.Ittra oft lOU a1 PIVININI ti10 e PC 111c $TArl(( in rr F. It. I ANISx rl aaN FIN NIINIANI rip [Asm IMN Nap t 41NI AxISC NaitIM o (NO. row* rN 11 OIIIPA PINp [ fifth ala (AAAC( atrl xA1.xN [ NAI 'At i[Mt nc o N A, wfifiu "Con"'soft Olt P.a Ar15[I ma I= P.C.P. KAHULUI 011104111 1,91141 pa. P tl. a. I'm Ptl1NI M NFIMxlog N Psi XI w (OKKIINNI N Ms. imp US AFSIp1AcF ryX Ssl Nam-w•nr SNIIANi Nll I(II NaAL 71p SO 11. xl t/a• :m nag, t tip. 4 .11, SWAN III, N,M, NAI(A Kltx trMN ", [ldAl lax SIMI. (llrAt100 SKETCH & DESCRIPTION LAND SECTION 8 - PHASC II RIGHT -OF. -WAY DEDICATION (RED HEART LANE) CAD LIBRARY: 1529P30 NAME: DATE: _ C)RAWN: JOHN NEW 10-05-94 C:IIECKED: CAULF I ELI) 10 -05_ 14 F I ELDWOPK: FIELD —BOOK SCALE: 1, - 150' anoiccr NO. - 92-1529 PG. ISHCET 2 OF 2 15a . of 7 -