HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution (131)Temp. Reso. #9770 April 26, 2002 1 CITY OF TAMARAC RESOLUTION NO. R-2002-131 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, TO RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 2001 CITY OF TAMARAC WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM ANNUAL REPORT PREPARED BY THE CITY'S CONSULTING ENGINEERS, MATHEWS CONSULTING, INC., ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC'S UTILITIES DEPARTMENT AS REQUIRED BY BOND COVENANTS FOR CONTINUING DISCLOSURE FOR THE TAXABLE WATER AND SEWER UTILITY REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS SERIES 1996 AND REFUNDING BONDS SERIES 1992; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac has covenanted for the benefit of the Series 1992 and Series 1996 bondholders through continuing disclosure to provide certain financial information and operating data relating to the City by not later than April 1 in each year; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac's Bond Resolution Nos. R-95-296 and R- 85-436 require that the Consulting Engineers for the Utilities Department review the operation, maintenance and repair of the City's water and wastewater facilities, and to report annually to the City with their recommendations and comments as to the water and wastewater systems; and J Temp. Reso. #9770 April 26, 2002 2 WHEREAS, the City's Consulting Engineers, Mathews Consulting, Inc., have prepared the Fiscal Year 2001 Water and Wastewater System Annual Report (attached hereto as "Exhibit 1 ") which addresses the sufficiency of the water and wastewater system rates and charges, the operations and maintenance of the water and wastewater systems, and the status of compliance with covenants and agreements contained in the Bond Resolution; and WHEREAS, Mathews Consulting, Inc., have concluded that the Utilities Department has performed the necessary operation and maintenance activities to keep the facilities in proper condition and that the planned capital activities are adequate to meet the anticipated growth of the City's service area; and WHEREAS, Mathews Consulting, Inc. concluded that water and wastewater rates were sufficient to maintain the continued operations of the Utilities Department in Fiscal Year 2002; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Director of Utilities that the City Commission receive the Fiscal Year 2001 City of Tamarac Water and Wastewater Systems Annual Report; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac that Temp. Reso. #9770 April 26, 2002 3 they receive the Fiscal Year 2001 City of Tamarac Water and Wastewater System Annual Report as prepared by Mathews Consulting, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution. SECTION 2: The Fiscal Year 2001 City of Tamarac Water and Wastewater System Annual Report as prepared by the City's Consulting Engineers, Mathews Consulting, Inc. (a copy of which attached hereto as "Exhibit 1 "), be received. SECTION 3: All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. 1 Temp. Reso. #9770 April 26, 2002 4 SECTION 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this 22Id day of May, 2002. ATTEST: MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLLUION as to form. MITCHELL S. K AF CITY ATTO EY 'TV .. RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER Ayes DIST 1: V/M. PORTNER DIST : COMM. MISHKIN_Aye, D,W 3: COMM. SULTANOF_Ayel IST 4: COMM. ROBERTS A e. 1 -7-k 9'Zn City of Tamarac Wlater and Wastewater Systems Annual Report Fiscal Year 2001 A .._...1 JoL Prepared by: MATHEWS CONSULTING INC. Civil and Environmental Engineers Ciiy of Tamarac Eater and Wastewater Systems Fiscal Year 2001 Annual Report Table of Contents Section 1 Executive Summary . Background . Utility Awards . Conclusions and Recommendations Section 2 Background and System Summary . Purpose . Background • System Summary Fixed Assets Ordinances and Resolutions Water and Wastewater Service Area Existing Water Treatment Facilities Existing Water Distribution System . Existing Wastewater Collection, Treatment and Disposal Facilities . Utility Awards 11 Section 3 Utility Organization . General Organization . Utility Administration Division . Utility Engineering Division . Water Plant Facility Division . Operations Division . Support Services Division Section 4 Ongoing System Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement Improvements and Depreciation . General Wastewater System Maintenance . Water System Maintenance . Renewal and Replacement Improvements . Utility Operating Budgets . Depreciation . Conclusions . Recommendations Mathews Consulting TOC-! Section 5 Rate Sufficiency and Debt Service Coverage . General . Rates and Charges . Water and Wastewater Customers (Accounts) and Billable Flows . Projected FY 2002 Water and Wastewater Rate Revenue . Rate Sufficiency Analysis and Debt Service Coverage for FY 2002 . Conclusions and Recommendations Attachment A Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule Mathews Consulting TOC-1 • Section 7 Executive Summa 40 Background This Fiscal Year (FY) 2001 Annual Report has been prepared by the City of Tamarac (City) to meet continuing disclosure requirements outlined in the 1996 Series Taxable Water and Sewer Utility Revenue Refunding Bonds. For the benefit of bondholders, the City has covenanted to provide certain financial information and operating data on an annual basis. Consequently, this document reports on the sufficiency of rates and charges for services, determines whether the level of maintenance is adequate, and reviews the adequacy of the renewal and replacement program and other capital funding for FY 2001. Information was collected and analyzed to determine the utility's progress on complying with bond covenants. Data considered included: End of FY 2000 reserve balances (audited) Unaudited FY 2001 Financial Statement Existing and Projected Customer Account Data Metered and Billed Water Reports Water and Wastewater Rates and Charges Adopted FY 2002 budget Utility Fund Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Renewal and Replacement Funding Maintenance and Repair Records Utility Awards In 2001, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 presented the City with an award for "Best Consumer Confidence Report of a Groundwater Utility Serving a Population over 10,000". The awards program is intended to highlight effective and informative Consumer Confidence Reports and also, the commitment by local administration and plant personnel toward informing their consumers about their drinking water. The City also received the Florida Water & Pollution Control Operators Association — Region 7 "Best Utility" award for 2001. These awards demonstrate the City's commitment to excellence in the operation and maintenance of their utility system. Mathews Consulting 1-1 Section 1 — Executive Summary 0 Conclusions and Recommendations The following conclusions and recommendations are made as a result of the Water and Wastewater Systems Fiscal Year 2001 Annual Report: The City adequately maintains its water and sewer systems in accordance with good utility management principles. Water and wastewater user charges are expected to be sufficient to meet FY 2002 debt service coverage requirements, in accordance with bond covenants. The City has the financial resources to implement its water and wastewater capital improvement plan. No event has occurred during the past fiscal year that might materially affect outstanding bonds. There have been no defaults or delinquencies, unscheduled draws from debt service reserves or credit enhancements, substitution of credit or liquidity providers, modification of bondholder rights, unscheduled redemption calls, defeasances, or ratings changes. The City's FY 2001 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is hereby . incorporated by reference into this Annual Report. �J Mathews Consulting 1-2 Section 2 Background and System Summary Purpose The City has covenanted to provide to bondholders an Annual Report as required by the Taxable Water and Sewer Utility Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1996. The Annual Report provides information on the Utility Department's organizational structure and funding. The report also contains information about ongoing maintenance and new improvements to the City's water and wastewater facilities. Additionally, the report reviews proposed capital funding, especially renewal and replacement funding, and evaluates sufficiency of the existing rates and charges. Background The City of Tamarac was incorporated in 1963 by the State of Florida Legislature and occupies an area of approximately twelve (12) square miles in the northwestern portion of Broward County. The City is primarily a residential community with easy access to nearby areas of industry, commerce and recreation. System Summary The following sections provide a summary of the City's Utility framework, including fixed assets, ordinances and resolutions, and water and wastewater facilities. Fixed Assets Based on unaudited results, as of September 30, 2001, total assets of the City's water and wastewater systems are reported to be $63,060,496. Fixed assets have a book value of $ 39,966,446. Other assets and debits include pooled cash and investments, and restricted assets. Fixed assets are carried at historical cost or estimated cost if historical cost information is unavailable. Major fixed assets include the water treatment facilities, the water distribution system, the wastewater collection and transmission system, computers, trucks, equipment, meters and other property. Also as of September 30, 2001, contributed capital is reported to be $30,575,861. Contributed capital represent water and wastewater Contributions in Aid of Construction (CIAO) reserved for the future system acquisition or expansion. Ordinances and Resolutions . The City's current water and wastewater rate structure was originally adopted in 1994 with Resolution R-94-210. Mathews Consulting 2-1 • Section .2 — Background and System Summary In 1996, the. City passed Ordinance Number 0-96-15 consolidating the East and West Utility service areas into one utility. The ordinance was passed to allow the Utility service areas to benefit from economies of scale, thereby minimizing rate increases. In 1996, the City also passed Resolution R-96-212 establishing uniform rates for the East and West service areas. These rates have remained in -place since 1996 and are anticipated to remain in effect during FY 2002. In 1998, the City passed Resolution No. R-98-136, increasing the water and wastewater contribution in aid of construction (CIAC) charges to current levels. The outstanding debt includes two bond issues. The Series 1992 bonds bear interest rates varying from 4.7% to 5.9% and mature through 201 L The taxable Series 1996 bonds bear interest rates varying from 5.3% to 6.5% and mature through 2009. Outstanding debt supported by the City's Utility Fund is $14,688,858. Water and Wastewater Service Area The City's water service area is approximately 11.65 square miles and the wastewater service area is approximately 11.80 square miles of urbanized residential, commercial and industrial land uses. The service area is approximately 94% built -out. The City Planning Department estimates that the projected development will fill in the remaining land by the Year 2005. Most of the service area (approx. 10.67 square miles) is west of State Road 7 (a.k.a. U.S. Hwy 441). Existing Water Treatment Facilities The City's existing water treatment plant (WTP) facility is located one block west of the northwest corner of the intersection of University Drive and N.W. 615i Street within the corporate City limits. The existing treatment process consists of raw water supply wells, pre -chlorination, lime softening, chlorination, polymer addition, rapid sand filtration, and fluoridation. The raw water production facilities consist of 19 water supply wells. Six (6) of the wells are located at the WTP site and three (3) of the wells are located adjacent to the plant site. Two (2) additional wells were completed in 1996 and are located south of the WTP. Eight (8) remote wells are located approximately 0.3 miles east of the WTP. All of the raw water wells are controlled from the main control system in the WTP. The South Florida Water Management District renewed the City's Water Use Permit in March 1999. The City is allocated an average 7.54 million gallons per day (MGD) or 2,754 million gallons per year through the Year 2004. Peak day . allocation is 9.28 MGD. Mathews Consulting 2-2 Section 2 — Background and System The WTP has a design and permitted capacity of 20 mgd. The plant currently produces an average daily flow (ADF) of 6.5 MGD of finished water. Lime softening of the water is provided by three (3) steel water softening units ("accelators") including two (2) with a capacity of 8 MGD and one with a capacity of 4 MGD. The two (2) 8 MGD accelators are alternated every six (6) months as the duty unit, and the 4 MGD accelator serves as a standby unit. Softened water is fed from the accelators to six (6) steel rectangular dual -media gravity filters, each with three cells, or to a single 8-MGD automatic filter with four cells. The 8 MGD filter was placed into operation during FY 1989. The filters are periodically backwashed (manually for the rectangular gravity filters and automatically or manually for the 8 MGD filter) for the removal of residual solids in the media. Backwash and blow off water is routed to an onsite lime pond. Finished filtered water is piped to the clearwell. Finished water may be pumped directly into the potable water distribution system from the clearwell, or transferred to a one (1) million gallon (MG) onsite storage tank or to two (2) remote storage tanks prior to re -pumping into the distribution system. Existing Water Distribution System Water is distributed throughout the City's service area in over 229.5 miles of water mains ranging in size from 2 to 30 inches in diameter. In addition, there are two storage/booster pump stations located within the distribution system. The storage and booster pump stations in the water distribution system include the Grant's Plaza and the Tract 27 booster stations. Grant's Plaza Station: The facility is located near the corner of Commercial Boulevard and U.S. Hwy. 441. The station consists of a one million gallon ground level storage tank, and is equipped with two (2) 1,500 gallon per minute (gpm) booster pumps. Tract 27 Station: The facility is located near the corner of N.W. 100th Avenue and 77th Street. The station consists of a two million gallon ground level storage tank, and is equipped with two (2) 3,000 gpm and one (1) 1,500 gpm booster pumps. These stations, along with on -site storage at the WTP, have a combined storage of four million gallons (which will be increased to 6.0 MG with the completion of the new 2.0 MG tank at the WTP). Both the Grant's Plaza and Tract 27 stations are connected to the telemetry system to enable monitoring and control from the WTP. Mathews Consulting 2-3 �J Section 2 — Background and System Summary The City has seven (7) emergency interconnects with neighboring utilities, including: Broward County, City of Lauderhill, City of North Lauderdale, and the City of Coral Springs. Existing Wastewater Collection, Treatment and Disposal Facilities The City abandoned its WWTP in 1988, when it signed a Large User Wastewater Agreement with Broward County. The City of Tamarac's wastewater system is in the North region of the Broward County Wastewater Service Area. The City agreed to purchase wastewater transmission, treatment and disposal services from Broward County at the North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) located in Pompano Beach. The City is required to construct, operate and properly maintain all necessary sanitary gravity sewers, lift stations, pumping stations, wastewater force mains and other required appurtenances related and directly attributable to the wastewater collection system upstream of the point of connection to Broward County's wastewater system. Broward County provides wastewater transmission, treatment and disposal service to the City at fees, rates and charges constituting the full costs of such service. The City currently reserves 8.04 MGD of capacity at the NRWWTP. Flows from the local collection system are routed to two (2) Broward County regional wastewater pumping stations. These stations pump wastewater from the City into Broward County's regional wastewater transmission system where the flow is then conveyed to the NRWWTP. These two stations are owned, operated and maintained by the Broward County Office of Environmental Services (BCOES). In addition to Broward County, the City of Tamarac has a larger user agreement with the City of Fort Lauderdale since 1981 to service the eastern portion of the City, formally known as Tamarac East Utilities. The agreement allows up to 0.165 MGD of wastewater flow to be transferred to Fort Lauderdale. The City of Tamarac's wastewater system also includes seventy-four (74) wastewater pumping stations. Most of these stations serve small areas and are minor in size, with pumping capacities ranging from 75 to 1,000 gpm. Some of these pumping stations are currently monitored by a radio -based telemetry system. The City will complete the design of a radio -based telemetry system that will monitor all of the pumping stations during FY 02. The monitoring system is located in the WTP building which serves as the master control station of the wastewater pumping station network. Mathews Consulting 2-4 • r LJ Section 2 — Background and System Summary Utility Awards In 2001, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 presented the City with an award for "Best Consumer Confidence Report of a Groundwater Utility Serving a Population over 10,000". The awards program is intended to highlight effective and informative Consumer Confidence Reports and also, the commitment by local administration and plant personnel toward informing their consumers about their drinking water. The City also received the Florida Water & Pollution Control Operators Association — Region 7 "Best Utility" award for 2001. , These awards demonstrate the City's commitment to excellence in the operation and maintenance of their utility system. Mathews Consulting 2-5 Section 3 Utility Organization General Organization The Utility Department is currently organized into five (5) divisions grouped by function. The Utility Department's Organizational Chart is shown in Figure 3-1. Funding for the Utility Department is derived from user charges (Utility Fund), and Contribution in Aid of Construction (CIAC) charges paid by developers to connect to the water and wastewater systems. CiAC revenues are used to finance growth -related capital improvement projects. The Department's mission statement is as follows: "To provide excellent and cost-effective service to the residences and businesses of the City of Tamarac through the operation of systems that provide an adequate supply of safe, high quality water and efficient transport and treatment of wastewater." 0 Utility Administration Division 11 The Utility Administration Division provides the organizational leadership for the Utilities Department. This division is responsible for implementing the City Commission's utility policies. Utility Administration is the primary liaison between the Utility Department, the City administrative staff and elected officials, and other public and private organizations. The division is responsible for coordinating and facilitating the efforts of the other utility divisions, and Utility Administration is also responsible for long range planning and policy development. Utility Engineering Division The Utility Engineering Division provides technical support to the Utility Department. These services include: design, review and approval of development plans; issuance of construction permits; providing construction inspection; as well as overseeing the optimization and rehabilitation of the water and wastewater systems. Mathews Consulting 3-1 Section 3 — Utility Organization Water Plant Facility Division The Water Plant Facility Division operates and maintains the City owned lime softening Water Treatment Plant. The finished potable water quality meets or exceeds applicable Federal and State Regulatory primary and secondary drinking water requirements. Finished water is delivered at sufficient pressure levels for potable water use and fire protection in the City's water distribution system. This division is also responsible for monitoring the potable water quality at the Water Plant Facility Division certified laboratory. Operations Division The Operations Division operates and maintains the City's 229.5 miles of water distribution, and 174 miles of wastewater collection and transmission system which includes 144 miles of gravity sewer lines, 74 pump stations, and 30 miles of transmission (force) mains. The division also performs miscellaneous construction required for the Utility Department to effectively and efficiently carry out its mission. The division is also responsible for reducing the amount of unaccounted for water usage and coordinates the repair of wastewater lines that have experience infiltration/inflow. Support Services Division • The Support Services Division provides required non -technical support services for the other division, including clerical, financial, purchasing and warehouse inventory. This division also provides water meter readings, billing, related customer service, and administers the City's Backflow Prevention Program. • Mathews Consulting 3-2 D. �wl § / 0 } 0 2 ■� _ .0 ! J; - , 7; , 7; � . , �� ! •} �j �� ± £ : | 2 � I2 I � ■! !' � I! a � ƒ 3 \ ± k 11 Section 4 Ongoing System Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement Improvements and Depreciation General The City of Tamarac recognizes the importance of maintaining and improving the operations of the Utility. The City also recognizes how important it is to maintain fixed assets. The City performs maintenance on all components of its utility systems. Maintenance is either conducted by in-house personnel or outside contractual services. Maintenance is classified as preventative maintenance or corrective service. Wastewater System Maintenance The City repairs thousands of feet of sewer main annually. A listing of maintenance activities performed on the wastewater system is provided in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Wastewater System Maintenance and Repairs Fiscal Year 2001 Mathews Consulting 4-1 Section 4 - Ongoing Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement Improvements and Depreciation Table 4-1 Continued Wastewater System Maintenance and Repairs Fiscal Year 2001 Preventative ( P ) Quantity DescriptionI Corrective ( C ) 123,688 1 Sewer main cleaned _............_.._..._ ................._...... ......._._ ._..... - -. ........... _...... _.._....... _..................... _.._.............. ,............_ Viewer Im_es she tested_._.._._._ ..__........... __..._.........._....____. _......._....._..__ .. ._................. _.... _._............. ._$ewer 6lockagcs..__.._..._..___...----__..................._........._.__._......_................._................................................................... _.......... _.... _.. C_................. ...... _..._ 53 p.......................(. - ..... Residential rnini-camera ins ections laterals F ---...._............_._...............�........ 53 _ ._..........___ �_.__. ._............................. __........ Emergency call outs (blockages, etc. ,......---_.----.._...._._.._-- $ ..Clean outs instlledlrepaired .9__....-.........................................._...._...._ _r-- —_.............................................._... fewer Wyes repairedlr�aced-�................................ -. �............... ........... ..... ... _..- -.............._........._.................._.... 5...........................T _._..... .. _ --....-- ----..._._...............__............................. ManhCrain arils nsalled{ - - - --- P 3 g ...................._. ............................contractor inspectionsLL(relining)..._..__.............__......__..._......_._.._.__..........._. C ............... 20,701..._............. ewer Ivlains relined (contractors)...._.................. .... 4..___....__.,......._........_.............................Electronic flow readings ..... _.........__.._........._.....,.._ P Water System Maintenance The maintenance performed on the water system can be divided into two categories: water treatment facilities; and water distribution system maintenance. M Water treatment facilities maintenance: During }~Y 2001, the City provided continual maintenance of the water treatment facilities, including rehabilitation of the water treatment filters. Water distribution system maintenance: City staff completed three thousand two hundred and twenty two (3,222) maintenance tasks in FY 2001. A complete listing of these tasks is provided in Table 4-2. Attachment A provides a complete listing of maintenance record/schedules for the last three fiscal years. Mathews Consulting 4-2 Section 4 — Ongoing Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement Improvements and Depreciation Table 4-2 Water System Maintenance and Repairs Fiscal Year 2001 Preventative ( P ) Quantity j Description Corrective ( C ) 222 Service Line repairs C 31 ;_..._......_ .--------..�_......................... .................. ..._.—--._..--_._.._......._.__...................................................................... ' Water Main repairs _......................._..... C ......................................._.........._,..__._._._.. 717 ._...................................._...._---..........._......._-.-..........._................_.............................,...................................... I Yokes (boxed) P 46 New Service Lines P $6$ ..._..__..__._..._................__ . Meters Relocated P - -...........................................-_..... 1,296 --------- ._�.__.._._.__........................... _._.... __........I.............._ ; Meters Exchanged ............ ................-_.........................._......_........................................................ ._........----......-._.............................................................. ................. P _.._..........................................,........ 28 -- --------._..._._._ __.... Replaced ...................................... C ...............................................1.....Valves 8 1 ---........................................ ---..................... ............................. New Valves installed ........................................ ,............................................................ C ...................................:................................._y......... 4 ......... ..........._.p....................... Fire H drants re lacement ,.......................................................... C ,................................ ............................. .................................................... 2 _......_.........._...._......................._......_...._.................................. ...... ---......... ......................... New Fire Hydrants installed ................. ..................................... ................... P The City tracks unaccounted for water losses reporting less than 10% each year, the industry standard. Water distribution system maintenance is performed to reduce the amount of unaccounted for water. Renewal and Replacement Improvements The FY 2001 Utility Fund budget included a number of projects designed to renew and/or replace City water and wastewater infrastructure. These projects were funded from user charge revenue and Utility Fund reserves. • Telemetry System: The City initiated the Telemetry System Upgrade in FY 2001. The existing telemetry system was installed in 1985 and was no longer supported by current technology. The Water Treatment Plant experienced considerable down time due to the old system and faced lack of supply of replacement parts to ensure the reliability of the system. The upgrade project includes replacement of the telemetry master control units at the WTP and some of the critical process controls at the WTP and the wastewater lift stations. The project is expected to be completed in FY 2002. • Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Pro am: A review of the wastewater flow to Broward County for treatment indicates that there is excessive infiltration and inflow (1&1) within the wastewater collection system. This program identifies sources of I&I and eliminates them by a number of methods depending on the source. This program enables the City to optimize its treatment capacity reserve with the County and reduces unnecessary Mathews Consulting 4-3 • Section 4 — Ongoing Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement Improvements and Depreciation wastewater treatment charges. This program provides for $500,000 of capital expenditures for each of the next five (5) fiscal years. . Wastewater System Renewal and Replacement: The City budgeted approximately $1.52 million of capital improvements for the wastewater collection and transmission system in FY 2001. These projects included mechanical and electrical upgrades to pump stations, replacement and installation of new force mains, and general wastewater system improvements. For FY 2002, the City has budgeted approximately $725,000 for capital improvements, including rehabilitation and upgrade of pump stations and various wastewater system improvements. . Water Treatment Facilities Renewal and Replacement: The City budgeted approximately $825,000 of capital improvements for the water treatment and distribution facilities in FY 2001. These projects included rehabilitation of the water treatment filters as well as water distribution system additions and improvements. For FY 2002, the City has budgeted approximately $887,000 for water facilities improvements, including the continuing rehabilitation of the water treatment filters, water distribution system improvements and optimization of the water treatment process. Utility Operating Budgets The Utility's operating budget for the last three fiscal years is presented in Table 4-3. Mathews Consulting 4-4 is • Section 4 - Ongoing Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement Improvements and Depreciation Table 4-3 Utility Operating Budgets Utilities - Fund 425 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 Operating Expenses 31-01 Financial visor$7,500 31-03 Engi-neerin-g-S—ervices , =(ST roject anagement , - ter ontract ervices 14,%T , , 34-01 mpl-oyment Agency Fees, O 17,9482 T �7,,T 34-02 Other onsu tart ervices 0_._.- 34-20 Water Purchased esa e , - astewater Disposal 2,577,599 2,580,047 __3_,UI, -40-01 Trave-F, VEals, Lodging 3,233 ___-2-,637 6,985 - T Seminars & Training .____30, l67 1�, , -Telephone r. 13 - ire ess P Ho-nes agers -I T r7- v � 4�5,611 -_L.- ostage _ __ ,221 , 626 - �_.....�. ectricity - Water ewer - ,68- 1 1796 2,VTr-- Sludge Removal 22,93T 45, 72,335 _44- end & Leases -Copier , - Equipment enta s , 46-01 - ice quipment 1,687 1,072 _4 -O2 R&M - Service antracts27,847 4b= - utomo i e __ _ i 46-04 j - aciIities ra - vrty ewer - _ r. I , , - TR&Water Mains 46-08 - atei ervice ines I.I-;-3$6- - -'Street Repairs IM-- ter �I;�3,986 -- 2,932 , _ t t tations , E:r _--.-__jam - - Special Equipment 46=TT_- - e emetry quipment - -_-ST4 , .46--T4- - ac finery 60, 80,966 47--Ul Printing- Other , 49-01 Filing, & Recoriling Fees , - _--- ensity Cfiarges �-Licenses & Permits 0 8,055 3,461 7,166 WaterTesting24,194 -49--Tu Advertising Employee Incentives __.._ 49- ens Removal, Mathews Consulting 4-5 • Section 4 - Ongoing Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement Improvements and Depreciation Utilities - Fund 425 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 Operating Expenses Continued _. 49-15 Service Suppoft , u - 49-21 TAPP Incentive Program , 49-30 Inventory - Shortage/Over , 49-31 Uncollectible , 51-00 Office Supplies 6,463 21,95T 18,251 - aso me iese , 52-04 Grease & Oil -05 Supplies -� --- 2 52 - upp 1es - Chemicals ,061 , upp ies - Softwarea, , 52-09— Supplies - Computer 2,342 4,F6(Y - upp ies - Materials , - upp ies - Paint __. ___._T72 17 52-12 Photographic Supplies -T - _.._.-Draitirig Maps _2V�S i2_. -lb 1 Equip. less than $750 15,432 20,545 22,562 32= C Supplies - Janitorial^^ �T7_._.._ 1 Signs _ �W�104 _..$T _ - MinorToo s 5,809 - - 0 ....t Barricades es supplies -Other upp ies - Safety _ - _._ , 24,522 -32-2-2 Landscaping & Irrigation F , -Supp ies - Laboratory T -IY93 I _T9, - --j Protective of ing - , Uric orms Accessories , - Boos u s u scnptions4 _.5,752 - �L�ues & em ers ips - Personal Services Regular Salaries 2,142,4Wl, 12 - ,Less:Reimbursementj ,$ ! , _ - ..._.. _i emporary - �.. 7 - _pvertime 68,q' __ , -Longevity , - mergency Standby Pay T v -Comp Absences ayout ,003 - ump Num ayout � �1-00 ­ _ - - axes ension- enera - gm ro 173,525 , 1 4 206,174 > 857 , -01 ie nsurance > 23-02 — eat Insurance 246, Mathews Consulting 4-6 11 U Section 4 -- Ongoing Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement Improvements and Depreciation Utilities - Fund 425 FY 99 FY Op FY 01 Personal Services Continued - el�a7tT Insurance etiree 4 25-00 ene its 0 0 7,634 26-00 Benefit Option 90,575 _ 111,916 Disability - LongTerni 0 2J 14 2,50T 28-00 enta surance 2,086 -T,44T, -OT— Automobile owance 3,600 Non -Operating Expenses 31-13 ' 15iarining­Uons_u tant ._ , , =0I Auditing Services 21,625 49-05 EducationalAssistance - Paymentin_G-e_u_o7Taxes 535,347 528,004 530,238 Information ervices 320,360 332,97 122,76T - Feet axnt Charge217,350 39--G3 Ueneral Admin Service , , , 3$� nsurance ervtce arge ___ 157,26( 59-00 Depreciation xpense 20 T2,030,972 -01 rt-Flk Abandon 74,026 59-02 AmoFt-System osts , - __ Amort-Bond Issue _.........._3 )861 34,362 -- Amort-FA Abandon - T,372 _...__._.. W ' 59-05 1 mort- e erre osts ! -- Lift StationRehabilitation , , __._ 1 eters & Meter Box 66, 119, 87,738 63-06 __'�-Backtlow Preventers Hydrants a ve 2 , , 63-10 Construction , - -__r_ onstruction- ater Plant 24,2 63-30 _. onstruction-ISistnbution _ ..38 , > b - oust -service ine 0 1 15,53Y 24,535 = Construction- S > quip. or Greater , 631 -G office urniture , -� 64 - omputer Equipment _ - a quipment �� 64-05 --motor Vehicles , - - ____-_ e emetry Equipment " FixedTAssets - Contra Exp. - 7 _7=Interest - 1996 Rev. on , 433,512 - Interest - ev. on , 563,832 -12 - Notes , "7 -Service Costs , 91-06 rans er- Util Bondervice 967,820 - 7 ransfer- Util lmprv._R­epfc_.T—c , Mathews Consulting 4-7 0 Section 4 - Ongoing Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement Improvements and Depreciation Utilities - Fund 425 FY 99 FY 06-7 FY 01 Non -Operating Expenses -Contingency- Spec Proj 0 TOTAL Total - Fund 425 13,824,864 13,397,888 13,914,084 Utilities Bond Service - Fund 426 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 _U2 Principal- ev, Bond (100,000) 7279— nncipa - 1992 Rev. Bond -10%-000- 12-U2 Interest - ev. Bond 496,306 - t-e r-e-s F - ev, on 627,230 Service Costs , Total - Fund 426 _- 1,126,783 0 - 0 Utilities C.I.A.C. - Fund 432 FY 99 FY 00 FY 01 31-03 Engineering -Se -vices 55,44( 31-07 rojiect Management � _ , -- -W -49 _-W Licenses & Permits =Tg- esv Acq Chgs , , 63 -Construction-Distribution __-1 T. 4 , , 63-40 Construction-WW, 64-99 FixedAssets - Contra Exp. W (433,762) Total - Fund 432 53,667 1,929,867 0 ALL FUNDS TOTAL 15,006,314 15,327,755 13,914,084 _ql __0 ess Intertund I rans ers LL -Less ter un rans ers (42,080) 2,(42,087 GRAND TOTAL 13,996,414 16,285,675 13,872,004 Depreciation The City depreciates its fixed assets annually, representing a non -cash cost to the City's Utility Fund. The annual allowance for depreciation is approximately $2,200,000. Conclusions The following summarizes the maintenance and renewal and replacement program implemented by the City: The City of Tamarac Utility Department maintains the utility system in • accordance with accepted utility management practices. Mathews Consulting 48 C] Section 4 — Ongoing Maintenance, Renewal and Replacement Improvements and Depreciation . As indicated by utility records, the Utility makes required improvements to the system in order to maintain proper operation. The Utility Fund balance sheet reflects an annual allowance for depreciation of water and wastewater system fixed assets. Renewal and replacement project funding has historically exceeded the annual allowance for depreciation. The City has the financial resources to implement its water and wastewater Capital Improvement Program. . Unaccounted for water losses are monitored to stay within industry standards. Recommendations . The City should continue to fund the renewal and replacement of fixed assets at approximately the same level as depreciation. Replacement of fleet trucks, office equipment, and other capital expenses can be considered. . The City should continue the Inflow and Infiltration Program to reduce the amount of storm runoff and groundwater flow into the wastewater collection thereby optimizing the capacity of the system. . The City should continue to monitor unaccounted for water losses and reduce these losses where possible. Mathews Consulting 4-9 C] Section 5 Rate Sufficiency and Debt Service Coverage General Water and wastewater services are organized as an enterprise fund of the City of Tamarac (City). As such, the intent and focus of this enterprise fund (referred to as the Utility Fund) is to ensure that the costs of providing services are recovered primarily through user charges. This section presents a review of water and wastewater user charges to finance the ongoing operations of the Utility Fund for the fiscal year 2002 (FY 2002) ending September 30, 2002. In FY 1997, the City began to consolidate its two separate water and wastewater systems: Tamarac Utilities West (TUW) and Tamarac Utilities East (TUE). Resolution R-96-212 consolidated the two systems from a legal, rate and accounting standpoint. This resolution established uniform water and wastewater user charges for the customers of both utilities. As of February 2002, the City served an average 18,224 water accounts and 17,631 wastewater accounts. Rates and Charges The City's current water and wastewater rate structure was originally adopted in 1994 to meet the utility fund's fiscal requirements and to demonstrate adequate debt service coverage in accordance with bond covenants. In 1996, the City combined the East and West Utility Service Areas under one uniform rate structure. Table 5-1 presents current water user charges and Table 5-2 presents current wastewater user charges. Table 5-3 summarizes current miscellaneous service charges. These rates have basically remained unchanged since 1994, and are projected to remain effective for FY 2002. Mathews Consulting 5-1 • C Section 5 — Rate Sufficiency and Debt Service Coverage Table 5-1 Water Rates and Charges October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002 Single Family Residential Service Availability Charge, per Month All Meter Sizes $ 6.71 Monthly Consumption Charge, per 1000 Gallons 0 to 6,000 Gallons 1.26 6,001 to 15,000 Gallons 1.56 In Excess of 15,000 Gallons 1.86 Multiple Family Residential Service Availability Charge, per Month All Meter Sizes $ 4.68 Monthly Consumption Charge, per 1000 Gallons 0 to 6,000 Gallons 1.26 In Excess of 6,000 Gallons 1.75 General Service or Commercial Service Availability Charge, per Month Meter Size 5/8 Inch $ 7.54 1 Inch 18.89 1-1/2 Inch 37.72 2 Inch 60.35 3 Inch 120.70 4 Inch 188.58 6 Inch 377.18 Monthly Consumption Charge, per 1000 Gallons $ 1.26 $ 1.75 Meter Size Block 1 Block 2 5/8 Inch 0-6,000 In Excess of 6,000 1 Inch 0-15,000 In Excess of 15,000 1-1/2 Inch 0 — 30,000 In Excess of 30,000 2 Inch 0 — 48,000 In Excess of 48,000 3 Inch 0 — 96,000 In Excess of 96,000 4 Inch 0 -- 150,000 In Excess of 150,000 6 Inch 0 — 300,000 In Excess of 300,000 Mathews Consulting 5-2 • Section 5 — Rate Sufficiency and Debt Service Coverage Table 5-1 Water Rates and Charges October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002 (continued) Irrigation Service (all Classes) Service Availability Charge, per Month Meter Size 5/8 Inch $ 7.54 1 Inch 18.89 1-1 /2 Inch 37.72 2 Inch 60.35 3 Inch 120.70 4 Inch 188.58 6 Inch 377.18 Monthly Consumption Charge, per 1000 Gallons $ 1.75 Fire Line Service Charee. Der Year Meter Size 4 Inch $ 432.60 6 Inch 865.20 8 Inch 1,555.30 Over 8 Inch By Agreement Water CIAC per -ERC $ 1,400.00 Mathews Consulting 5-3 • • ' Section 5 — Rate Sufficiency and Debt Service Coverage Table S-2 Wastewater Rates and Charges October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002 Single Family Residential Service Availability Charge, per Month All Meter Sizes $ 11.54 Disposal Charge, per 1000 Gallons of Metered Water Usage 2.48 Multiple Family Residential Service Availability Charge, per Unit per Month All Meter Sizes $ 7.67 Disposal Charge, per 1000 Gallons of Metered Water Usage 2.48 General Service or Commercial Service Availability Charge, per Month Meter Size 5/8 Inch $ 14.82 1 Inch 37.09 1-1/2 Inch 74.12 2 Inch 118.59 3 Inch 237.18 4 Inch 370.59 6 inch 741.19 Disposal Charge, per 1000 Gallons of Metered Water Usage 2.48 Dumpster Service Availability Charge, per Month $ 10.15 Consumption Fee of $2.48 per 1000 Gallons based on 7,300 gallons of discharge per month 18.10 Wastewater CIAC per ERC $ 1,800.00 Mathews Consulting 5-4 • • LJ Section 5 — Rate Su iiciency and Debt Service Coverage Table 5-3 Miscellaneous Service Charges October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002 Meter Installation Charges and Deposits Meter Size Meter Installation Charge Deposit Residential 5/8 Inch $ 160.00 $ 90.00 1 Inch 230.00 235.00 1-1/2 Inch 505.00 470.00 2 Inch 590.00 745.00 Over 2 Inch By Agreement By Agreement Commercial, Multiple Family, General Service 5/8 Inch $ 160.00 $ 105.00 1 Inch 230.00 265.00 1-1/2 Inch 505.00 530.00 2 Inch 590.00 745.00 Over 2 Inch By Agreement By Agreement Renters 5/8 Inch 1 Inch 1-1/2 Inch 2 Inch Over 2 Inch Construction $ 115.00 225.00 400.00 525.00 By Agreement $ 180.00 470.00 650.00 745.00 By Agreement 5/8 Inch $ 160.00 $ 90.00 Over 5/8 Inch By Agreement By Agreement $50 for meter installation for each additional service call if the meter cannot be installed on the first trip at no fault of the City. Mathews Consulting 5-5 11 • U Section 5 — Rate Sufficiency and Debt Service Coverage Table 5-3 Miscellaneous Service Charges October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002 (continued) Meter Turn On and Turn Off During Normal After Normal Working Hours Working Hours Meter Turn On $ 20.00 $ 50.00 Meter Turn Off 20.00 45.00 Reconnection After Discontinued Service for Cause of Non -Payment During Normal Working Hours $ 30.00 After Normal Working Hours $ 60.00 Returned Check Service Charge $ 15.00 Meter Re -Reads and Special Reads $ 15.00 Testing of Water ,Meters Meter Size 5/8 to 1 Inch $ 35.00 Over 1 Inch Actual Cost Dual Check Valve Installation Single Family Residential: Cost of dual check valve plus 15% for administrative cost Back Flow Test Fee $ 40.00 per test plus Tamarac Building Department Plumbing permit fee. Mathews Consulting 5-6 F-I L E • Section 5 — Rate Sufficiency and Debt Service C Water and Wastewater Customers (Accounts) and Billable Flows Table 5-4 and 5-5 summarize projected water and wastewater customers and billable flow for FY 2002. These projections are based on historical and recent available customer data. Billable water and flows are based on historical average demands expressed on a per customer basis. Climatic and economic conditions may affect the accuracy of these estimates, and deviations from these estimates may be material. Table 5-4 Projected FY 2002 Water Customers and Billable Flow Single Family Residential Multiple Family [I ] Irrigation Commercial TOTAL AVERAGE CUSTOMERS ANNUAL BILLABLE WATER (1,000 Gallons) [ 11— The number indicated is dwelling units West Area 15,210 14,220 440 820 30,690 2,182,000 East Area 1,000 0 0 30 1,030 48,400 Table 5-5 Projected FY 2002 Wastewater Customers and Billable Flow Total 16,210 14,220 440 850 31,720 2,230,400 West Area East Area Total Single Family Residential 15,210 915 16,125 Multiple Family [ 1 ] 14,280 0 14,280 Commercial 670 25 695 TOTAL AVERAGE CUSTOMERS 30,160 940 31,110 ANNUAL BILLABLE 1,900,000 42,900 1,942,900 WASTEWATER (1,000 Gallons) [ I 1 — The number indicated is dwelling units Mathews Consulting 5-7 • • • Section 5 — Rate Sufficiency and Debt Service Coverage Projected FY 2002 Water and Wastewater Rate Revenue Based on the above projected FY 2002 numbers of customers and billable flows, projected FY 2002 user charge revenues were developed and are shown in Table 5-6. Table 5-6 Projected FY 2002 User Charge Revenue Water System Single Family Residential' $ 2,760,000 Multiple Family Residential 1,801,000 Irrigation 376,000 Commercial 755,000 Total Water User Charges $ 5,692,000 Wastewater Svstem Single Family Residential 4,484,000 Multiple Family Residential 3,200,000 Commercial 997,000 Total Wastewater User Charges $ 8,681,000 These estimates presume normal usage patterns, uninterrupted by demand restrictions. Assuming that current water and wastewater user charges are applied to all customers, it is projected that the total water user charge revenue in FY 2002 would be approximately $5,700,000 and total wastewater user charge revenue would be approximately $8,681,000. Rate Sufficiency Analysis and Debt Service Coverage for FY 2002 As discussed above, the primary objective of this rate analysis is to determine if the current rates and/or existing reserves will be sufficient to recover the utility's revenue requirements in FY 2002. Operating and capital budgets, along with discussions with City staff, served as the basis for this rate analysis. These revenue requirements were then compared to the projected rate revenues generated by applying the current rates to all customers, as discussed previously, as well as revenue available from other sources, including miscellaneous service charges and interest income, to determine the sufficiency of these rates. Mathews Consulting 5-8 • • Section 5 — Rate Sufficiency and Debt Service Coverage Table 5-7 Projected FY 2002 Net Revenue Requirements from Rates Revenues Total Water Sales Revenue $ 5,692,000 Wastewater Revenue 8,681,000 Other Operating Revenue 346,000 Interest Income 700,000 Total Available Revenue $ 15,419,000 Revenue Requirements Operating Expenses 8,788,000 Wastewater Disposal Charges 3,061,000 Debt Service 2,256,000 Payment in Lieu of Taxes 2,845,000 Capital Outlay From Rates 0 Total Revenue Requirements $16,950,000 Rate Revenue Surplus/(Deficiency) (1,531,000) Percent of Existing Rate Revenue 91.1 % (Based on City of Tamarac Adopted FY 2002 Budget. Water and Wastewater Operating Revenues were adjusted to reflect the fact that South Florida Water Management District usage restrictions were lifted in October of 2001. Projected deficiency is planned to be offset by use of Utility fund retained earnings.) In FY 2002, existing user charges are expected to be sufficient to recover water and wastewater operating expenses, debt service, internal transfers, and capital projects funded from rates as budgeted by the City. Existing bond covenants require that coverage must be at least 1.10 (without CIAO revenue) and at least 1.20 (with CIAC revenue). Based on the analysis presented in Table 5-7, it is estimated that the debt service coverage ratio for FY 2002 will be 1.58x without CIAC and 1.94x with CIAC. Mathews Consulting 5-9 • Section 5 — Rate Sufficiency and Debt Service Coverage Table 5-8 Projected FY 2002 Debt Service Coverage 110% test 120% Test Operating Revenues $ 14,719,000 $ 14,719,000 Operating Expenses before depreciation, amortization, and $ 11,849,000 $ 11,849,000 payments in lieu of taxes Operating Income $ 2,870,000 $ 2,870,000 Interest Earnings 700,000 700,000 Contributed CIAC 0 800,000 Amount Available for Debt Service $ 3,570,000 $ 4,370,000 Debt Service $ 2,255,730 $ 2,255,730 Debt Service Coverage 1.58x 1.94x on City of Tamarac Adopted FY 2002 Budget, Wastewater Operating Revenues were adjusted to reflect the fact that South Florida Water Management District usage restrictions were lifted in October of 2001. Conclusions and Recommendations To summarize the above analyses, the following conclusions may be drawn: Water and wastewater user charges are expected to be sufficient to meet FY 2002 debt service coverage requirements, in accordance with bond covenants. The City currently uses the "pay as you go" method of funding capital improvement projects. This may not be the most cost effective or appropriate method in the future. The City should strongly consider the possibility of fully funding its water and wastewater capital improvement program through the issuance of additional revenue bonds. Not only are the interest rates currently favorable, but this could also ease the burden on existing customers and help the utility to maintain reasonable reserves. Another potential benefit of a bond issue is to structure the additional debt service in such a way to levelize the utility's debt service in the future and maintain stable water and wastewater rates. • . The City has the financial resources to implement its water and wastewater capital improvement plan. Mathews Consulting 5-10 Section 5 — Rate Sufficiency and Debt Service Coverage • . No event has occurred during the past fiscal year that might materially affect outstanding bonds. There have been no defaults or delinquencies, unscheduled draws from debt service reserves or credit enhancements, substitution of credit or liquidity providers, modification of bondholder rights, unscheduled redemption calls, defeasances, or ratings changes. • C] . The City's FY 2001 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is hereby incorporated by reference into this Annual Report. Based on the above, it is recommended that: . Water and wastewater rate adjustments are not needed in Fiscal Year 2002. . The utility continues to examine and refine its long-term capital improvement program. . The utility consider alternative funding mechanisms for its capital needs other than depletion of existing reserves in order to mitigate potential rate adjustments in the future. Mathews Consulting 5-11 • 11 Attachment A Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule Equipment Task Due Date Water Treatment Plant 1999 2000 2001 4 M D Accelerator Lu ricate Drive Accelerator Drive Motor Check Motor/Electrical Air Condo No. l Fan Motor Check Motor E ectnca A A A Air Condo No. 2 Fan Motor Check Motor/Electrical A A A Back -Up Scott Air Packs Open & heckB Backwash Pump No.l Motor ec Motor ectnca Backwash Pump No.2 Motor ec otor E I ectnca Backwash Pump No. 1 Grease Fittings Q Backwash Pump No.2 rease Bearings Backwash Valve Motor Check Motor/Electrical CL2 Building Sump Motor Check Motor E ectrica L2 Control Building Ex gust -Check Motor/Electrical C 2 Exhaust Blower Motor Check Motor/Electrical '/4 oag. Blower Motor Check Motor E ectnca oag. Feed Motor Check Motor E ectnca oag. ixer Motor ec Motor E lectrical E. 8 MGD Accelerator ange i . rive Unit A D Accelerator Motor ec Motor E ectnca E. 8 M D Oil Pump Motor Check Motor/Electn—c—aT----(�-----(�-----Q— Exhaust Blower Motors Check Motor/Electrical Exhaust Fan _ Fluoride Room ec otor ectnca Exhaust Fan - Motor Check Moton/Electrical uori e Pump Motor Check Motor E ectrica enerator - can ec en Set Greenleaf ump Motor ec Motor E ectnca Greenleaf Vac. No. 1 Electrical Check Greenleaf Vac_ - No. 2 Electrical ec Grit Conveyor Motor No. 1 ec Motor ectnca Grit Conveyor Motor No. 2CheckMotor ectnca High Service No. I Motor Urease Motor Bearings Legend W - weekly M - monthly Q - quarterly SA - semi annually A - annually Mathews Consulting A -I • C7 Attachment A — Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule Continued Equipment Task Due Date Water Treatment Plant cont'd. 1999 2000 2001 High Service No. 2 Motor Grease Motor Bearings High Service No. 3 Motor ange i - Motor High Service No. 4 Motor ange otor i High Service No. 5 Motor rease otor Bearings High Service No. 6 Motor rease rttings High Service No. 7 Motor Grease All Fittings High Service No. 1 Motor Check Motor/Electrical Q High Service No. 2 Motor Check Motor/Electrical High Service No. 3 Motor Check Motor/Electrical High Service No. 4 Motor Check Motor/Electrical High Service No. 5 Motor Check Motor/Electrical High Service No. 6 Motor Check Motor/Electrica High Service No. 7 Motor Check Motor/Electrical Hoist Clean Tracks for Hoist SA SA SA Lime Slurry Pot - N Slake Check Drive Belts Lime Slurry Pot - S Slake Check Drive Belts Manual Filter No. 1 Grease Va ve Boxes A A A Manual Filter No. 2 Grease Valve Boxes A A Manual Filter No.3 Grease Valve Boxes A A A Manual Filter No. 4 rease Va ve Boxes A A A Manual Filter No. S rease Valve Boxes A A A Manual Filter No. 6 rease Va ve Boxes A A A Motorola UP r e-r Battenes N. Lime Slaker Check Gear Box Oil SA SA SA Polymer Pump Motor No. 1 Check Motor/Electrical Q Q Q Polymer Pump Motor No. 2 Check Motor/Electrical Q Q Q Pump No. 1 Recovery Pond Check Motor/Electrical Q Q Q Pump No. 2 Recovery Pond Check Motor/Electrical Q Q Q Room Exhaust Fan hlectrical CFeck Legend W - weekly M - monthly Q - quarterly SA - semi annually A - annually Mathews Consulting A-2 • C7 Attachment A — Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule Continued Equipment Task Due Date Water Treatment Plant cont'd. 1999 2000 2001 S. Lime Slaker ange ear Box OilA SX Scott Air - Pack East) heck SCBAM M M Cott Air - Pack (West) Open & CheckB M M M Shop Air Comp. Motor _CTFeW Motor/Electrical Silo Air Compressor Mtr Check Motor E ectnca a er Air Compressor Change 11 M a er Drive Motor No, I - S Checkotor ectrica a er Drive Motor No. - ec otor ectrica a er Feeder Bet Mtr ec otor ectnca Slurry Pot Mixer Motor ec Motor E I ectnca Slurry Pot Mixer Motor CheckMotor E ectnca Transfer Punt No. 1 Motor CheckMotor E ectnca Transfer Pump No. 1 ec u ncation Transfer No. 2 Motor ec otor ectnca Transfer Pump No. ----Check u ncation Vacuum Pump Motors CheckMotor ectnca W 8 M D Drive Motor Check Motor/Electrical W 8 M D Oil Pump CheckMotor E ectnca W 8 M D Accelerator Check Lu ncation W 8 M D Accelerator Motor CheckMotor E ectnca W P Fluoride ystem _CTe_a_n__FTuoride Room WTP Fuel Containment can ut Debris, Etc. WTP Vehicles nspect Vehicles W WTP - CL2 Equipment Check CL2 EquipmeFt__.__W—. Legend W - weekly M - monthly Q - quarterly SA - semi annually A - annually Mathews Consulting A-3 • • r� 'Attachment A - Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule Continued Equipment Task Due Date Water Distribution 1999 2000 2001 enerator - Urants Clean & Miecken Set enerator - eanec en Set Fuel Containment ean out containment Grants No. I Pump rease otor eanngs Grants Pump No. I Motor Check Motor/Electrical Grants No. 2 Pump rease otor eanngs Grants Pump No. 2 Motor Check Motor ectnca Grants - CL2 Equipment Check CL Equipment Pump No. I Motor Cirease Bearings Pump No. 2 Motor rease otor Bearings 127 Pump No. 3 Motor Grease Motor Bearings ract 27 CL2 Equipment Check CL Equipment Tract 27 Scott Air - Pack Open & Check Wastewater Collection /Transmission See Section Raw Water Wells e o. rease otor aintenance er orme e o. 01 Pump Motor Check Motor[ElectncaFQuarterly Well No. rease earings Well No. 03 Grease Bearings Well No. 03 Pump Motor -Me­c`Ic­Motor/El al Q Well No. 04 Grease Motor Well No. 04 Pump Motor Check Motor E ectnca Well No. 05 Grease Motor Bearings Well No. 05 Pump Motor. Check Motor/Electrical Well No. 06 Grease Motor Bearings Legend W - weekly M - monthly Q - quarterly SA - semi annually A - annually Mathews Consulting ME ' Attachment A - Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule 0 Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule Continued • F, L� Equipment Task Due Date Raw Water Wells Cont'd. 1999 2000 2001 Well No. 06 Pump Motor Check M tor ectnca Well No. rease otor earings Well No, 07 Pump Motor Check Moto-r7ETectnc-aT— Well No. 08 Grease Motor Beanngs All Maintenance Performed Quarterly Well No. 08 Pump Motor ec otor ectnca Well No. rease otor Bearings Well No, 09 Pump Motor ec otor ectnca Well No. can Sump Pump Pit Well No, 10 Exhaust Motor ec otor ectnca Well No. 10 Pump Motor ec otor ectnca Well No. 10 Sump Motor Check Motor/Electric-aT-----Q-- Well No. a-m- e Lids Well No. I I Pump Motor Check tor ectnca Well No. I I Sump Motor ec otor ectnca e o. 12 Clean Sump Pump Pit Well No. 12 Exhaust otor Check Moto-F-Electri-cal --Q— Well No. 12 Pump Motor Check Moior ectnca Well No. 12 Sump Motor Check M tor ectnca ---Q--- Well No. 13 Clean Sump Pump Pit Well No. 13 Exhaust Motor Check Motor/Electri-cal Well No. 13 Pump Motor ec otor ectrica Well No. 13 Sump Motor Check Mtor/Electrical Well No.Grease Motor Bearings All Maintenance PerFoFme Quarterly Well No. 14 Pump Motor Check Motor ectnca Well No. 15 Grease Motor Bearings Well No. 15 Pump Motor Check Motor/Electrical e o. 6 Grease Motor eanngs Well No. 16 Pump Motor Check M-o—tor7lectrical Legend W - weekly M - monthly Q - quarterly SA - semi annually A - annually Mathews Consulting A-5 Attachment A — Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule 0 Utility Maintenance Record/Schedule Continued L� C] Equipment Task Due Date Raw Water Wells Cont'd. 1999 2000 1 2001 Well No. 17 Grease Motor Bearings All Maintenance Performed Quarterly Well No. 17 Pump Motor Check Motor/Electrical -Well- No. 18 Pump Motor Check Motor lectnca Well No. 18 Check Motor/Electrical Q Q Q Well No. 19 Chec Motor/Electrica Q Q Q Well No. 19 Grease Motor Bearings Legend W - weekly M - monthly Q - quarterly SA - semi annually A - annually Mathews Consulting A-6