HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution (201)1
Temporary Reso. 9832 — JULY 10, 2002
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RESOLUTION NO. R- 2002-201
WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac Comprehensive Plan contains elements
providing for conservation, open space, and recreation; and
WHEREAS, the City plans to acquire the Island Park parcel (Lyons Industrial
Park, Parcel P) for the purposes of meeting the conservation, recreation and open
space elements of the City of Tamarac Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the proposed preservation activities to the Island Park parcel (Lyons
Industrial Park, Parcel P) include clearing exotics, removing debris, and restoration
and replanting of native species as a means to further the outdoor recreation and
natural resource protection needs identified in the City of Tamarac Comprehensive
Plan; and
Temporary Reso. 9832 — JULY 10, 2002
Page 2
WHEREAS, the Florida Communities Trust, through the Florida Forever
Program, provides grants to assist local governments in implementing the
conservation, recreation and open space elements of local comprehensive plans; and
WHEREAS, City staff proposes and provides for appropriate Comprehensive
Plan Goals, Policies and Objectives; and
WHEREAS, the City has provided multiple opportunities for public input including
both public meetings and public hearings in order to obtain and consider public input
regarding the acquisition of Island Park parcel (Lyons Industrial Park, Parcel P); and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac has an on -going
program of public participation through the activities of the Tamarac Parks and
Recreation Board; and
WHEREAS, the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Board recommends preservation
of the Island Park parcel (Lyons Industrial Park, Parcel P) for purposes of
conservation, open space preservation, and the recreational enhancements that will
be accomplished if the grant is awarded; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida is requesting
40% of the total project costs for the acquisition of the Island Park parcel (Lyons
Industrial Park, Parcel P) from the Florida Communities Trust thereby agreeing to
provide a 60% local match; and
Temporary Reso. 9832 — JULY 10, 2002
Page 3
WHEREAS, the City Manager and Director of Parks and Recreation recommend
approval; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac deems it to be in the
best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to enhance open
space, recreation and park opportunities for the citizens of the City of Tamarac through
the submission of an application for a Florida Communities Trust Florida Forever grant
application, hereby attached as Exhibit A.
Section 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed
as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution.
Section 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute the
Florida Forever grant application to the Florida Communities Trust providing for a local
match of 60% of the total project costs incurred relative to the acquisition of the Island
Park parcel (Lyons Industrial Park, Parcel P).
Section 3: All resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of
such conflict.
Temporary Reso. 9832 — JULY 10, 2002
Page 4
Section 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is
held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or in
application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion or applications of this
Section 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.
PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 101h day of July, 2002.
r LC 4c_ t o
I have approved this
RESOLUTION as to form.
Temporary Reso #9832
1, PROJECT NAME Island Park
(Descriptive project name
2. APPLICANT NAME City of Tamarac
(Name of local government or nonprofit environmental organization)
If nonprofit environmental organization, provide information requested in Exhibit M and N.
Is this a partnership application between two or more local governments or nonprofit Yes No
environmental organizations, as described in Rule 9K-7.002(26), F.A.C.? X
If "Yes," provide the name(s) of the local governments) or n onprotit environmental organization(s).
4. KEY CONTACT PERSON Note: The Key Contact is required to be an employee of the local
government or designated representative of the nonprofit env ironmental
organization. Identify only one key contact person.
Key Contact Name Diane M. Philli s
First Middle Initial Last
Title Assistant to the City Manager
Department/Nonprofit Organization City Manager's Office/Ci of Tamarac
Mailing Address 7525 N.W. 88"' Avenue
City Tamarac , FL Zip Code3321 ._
Note: If the applicant's principal office address is a post office box, a delivery address is also
Delivery Address
Phone Number
Fax Number
954 718-1803
954 724-2464
FL Zip Code
SunCom (if applicable)
SunCom (if applicable)
E-mail address (if applicable) DianeP@t—amarac.org
County(ies) Broward
Section 08 Township 49 South Range 41 East
Note: Cite only one Section, Township and Range to indicate where all or most of the project acreage is
located. Include all directional designations (i.e., Section 21, Township 1 South, Range 1 East).
Form FF-2 (Effective 5&0102) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 1
Indicate the approximate acreage of the project site to two decimal points.
The entire project site or a portion of the site has been pre -acquired by the applicant through a
voluntarily -negotiated transaction within 24 months prior to the application deadline. If so,
provide the owner's name(s), parcel tax identification number(s), and the closing date(s) of
each pre -acquired parcel.
Owner's Name
Parcel Tax ID Number
Date of Closing
8. REIMBURSEMENT ACQUISITION -Parcels to Be Acquired (Applicant conducts the entire
acquisition and is reimbursed by FCT after the acquisition is completed)
The entire project site or the remaining un-acquired parcel(s) in the site will be acquired by the
applicant through a voluntarily -negotiated transaction within 18 months after the application
deadline. If so, provide the owner's name(s), parcel tax identification number(s), and the
anticipated closing date(s) of each parcel.
Owner's Name Parcel Tax ID Number Date of Closing
Nick Caporella
June 2003
For project sites with more than one parcel to be acquired, the applicant must complete the Acquisition
Plan on page 5.
9. JOINT ACQUISITION -Parcels to Be Acquired (The entire project site or remaining unacquired
parcel(s) will be a joint acquisition with both FCT and the applicant participating in the acquisition
Number of separate parcels to be acquired within the project site
Number of separate ownerships to be acquired within the pro ject site
Note: For a project site that consists of six or more ownerships to be acquired, the applicant will be
required to act as the lead party responsible for the acquisition activities, as described in
Rule 9K-7.003(6), F.A.C.
For projects with only one owner and one parcel, provide the owner's name, tax identification number,
address and phone number in the space provided below:
Owner's Name
Parcel Tax ID Number Owner's Address Phone
For project sites with more than one parcel to be acquired jointly with FCT , the applicant must
complete the Acquisition Plan on page 5.
Form FF-2 (Eflecdve W0102) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 2
Enter an amount on each line and round to the nearest hundred. "
a. Land purchase price (estimated or actual) $� 6,200,000
b. Acquisition costs (estimated or actual) $ 275,000
Cost of certified survey(s), appraisal(s), appraisal review (s),
title report(s), title insurance premium(s), environmental audit(s)
and applicant's acquisition agent(s) fees or commission.
c. Total Project Costs [Add a. and b.] $� 6,475,000
Dollar Amount Percentage of Award
a. FCT grant award amount (1) $ 2.590 M 40.00 % (2 decimal places)
b. Match amount (2) $ 3.885 M 60.00 % (2 decimal places)
c. Total Project Costs [Add a. and b.] $ 6.475 M 100.00 %
(Should equal 10.c. above)
(1) The amount of any award or combination of awards to a local government or non -profit environmental
organization under any application or partnership application for any project(s) shall not exceed 10%
of the total Florida Forever funds advertised.
(2) A 25% minimum match is required except for awards to counties with a population of 75,000 or fewer ,
municipalities with a population of 10,000 or fewer, and qualified nonprofit environmental organizations
as defined in Rule 9K-7.002(24), F.A.C. Florida Forever funds cannot be used as match.
12. LOCAL GOVERNMENT POPULATION (for 100% award requests) 56,047
Note: Use the latest estimate of resident population from the most recent edition of Florida
Estimates of Population, as published by the Population Division, Bureau of Economic and Business
Research, University of Florida.
Check the appropriate response(s) below to indicate eligible source(s) of match:
X Existing or future cash from the applicant
Value of real property owned by the applicant in a qualified pre -acquisition
Note: Include lands within the project site that were pre -acquired within 24 months
prior to or within 18 months after the application deadline that are to be used as part
of the match.
X Cash or grant from regional, state or federal agency
Please specify source: Broward Coun1y Land Preservation Program
Cash from a private donation
Value of real property donated by the landowner in a documented bargain sale or donation
Note. Include documentation letter from the o wner.
Pleasespecify source:
Form FF-2 (Effecdve 5&0/02) Temporary Reso #9852 Exhibit A Page 3
Have you applied for funding for acquisition for this project through another federal, Yes No
regional or state land acquisition program(s)? X
If "Yes," provide the name(s) of the federal, regional, or state land acquisition program(s) to which you
have applied for funding.
The Broward Coun Land Preservation Pr ram
Please provide the following supplemental information:
a. The Florida House of Representatives district number that includes the project site: 96
b. The Florida Senate district number that includes the project site:
c. The Regional Planning Council that includes the project site: S. Florida Regional Planning Council
d. The Water Management District that includes the project site: S. Florida Water Management District
e. The name and address of the main newspaper that includes the area where the project site is
Name Sun -Sentinel
Address 200 East Las Olas Blvd
City Ft. Lauderdale , FL Zip Code 33301
Form FF-2 (Effective &20/02) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 4
An acquisition plan is required for project sites with multiple parcels or owners to identify the priority
parcel(s) and the general acquisition order of other parcels to ensure that, in the event that all parcels
cannot be acquired, the purposes of the project can be achieved.
List the specific order in which the parcels in the project will be acquired. Acquisition of the project site
will begin with the priority 1 parcel(s). Parcels may be grouped by priority and more than one p arcel may
be categorized as priority 1, 2, 3, etc. If all of the parcels are of equal priority and acquiring any of the
parcels will achieve the purposes of the project, categorize all as priority 1. Note: All parcels categorized
as top priority parcels must have a willing owner letter provided as Exhibit O as described on the list of
Required Exhibits.
Priority Owner's Name Parcel Tax ID Number Owner's Address Phone
1 Nick Cal2orella
Additional Comments:
160 S. University Dr. Ste C
Plantation FL 33324
Form FF-2 (Effective &20/02) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 5
In the space below:
1. Provide a discussion of the purposes of the project, existing and future uses, existing and
proposed physical improvements, natural and historic resources, and resource protection and
enhancement activities.
2. Provide a descriptive statement of how the project will benefit the community.
In October of 1999, Broward County and its municipalities began an initiative to
develop a countywide interconnected network of waterways, greenways, and bicycle,
pedestrian and equestrian paths. As part of this ongoing effort, the City of Tamarac
began a major acquisition and renovation program to create new and improved
recreational and passive park opportunities within the City. One such acquisition
project is Island Park, which has been identified in the City's Parks, Recreation and
Social Services Master Plan. This project will secure 46 acres of vacant property that
was zoned for residential development and is located in a rapidly growing medium to
high -density mixed -use area.
The purpose of this acquisition is to augment the City's park system, address
deficiencies in our green space comprehensive plan requirement, mitigate the impact
of further development, and provide an area of passive recreational activities. The
County has established a guideline of 3 acres of recreational area for every 1000
residents. At more than 56,000 residents, the City falls short of the guidelines and
currently only has 1.1 acres of developed park and designated greenspace per 1000
residents. The City is approaching build -out and is currently 93% developed. This
parcel represents one of the last undeveloped large properties in the City.
The parcel will be divided so that 22.02 acres will be set aside as a park and 24.33
acres will be set aside for a proposed high school. The park will include both passive
and active recreation facilities, as well as a wetlands demonstration area. Conceptual
plans include a nature and fitness trail, picnic facilities, educational kiosks, a
baseball/softball field, and fishing access to the large canal that encircles the parcel.
The City also has a grant for an aquatic center and is considering this site for
placement of the aquatic center. The canal flows north into the South Florida Water
Management District's C-14 Canal. This project will also significantly increase the
residents' opportunities for water -related recreation along the canal shoreline.
The parcel, known as "Lyons Industrial Park, Parcel P", was cleared for development
several years ago. The property was quickly overtaken by exotics and now is covered
by Australian Pines and Brazilian Pepper. In developing the new park, the City will
reforest with native trees in an attempt to attract wildlife to the park. Approximately 1.5
acres will be reclaimed as a wetlands demonstration area.
The future plans for the property include proposing a new, state of the art high school
with several recreational amenities on the eastern half of the property. The City is
currently working with the Broward County School Board on the feasibility of this
project. Directly to the west of the proposed park, there is a middle school and
elementary school. The Broward County School Board will be partnering with the City
on developing an educational prog ram during the creation of the wetlands
demonstration area. The plan is to allow the middle and elementary school students to
be actively involved in the reclamation process. The park will also be linked to the
other City parks and County's Greenway System via a proposed bikeway.
Fonn FF.2 (Effective 520102) Temporary Resa #9832 Exhibit A Page 6
Answer the following questions, if applicable to the proposed project. Where requested, provide references to
the local comprehensive plan, support documentation or Exhibits A through O.
Note: Provide a response to each of the following criteria, using as much space as needed to fully reply. If
the answer to a criterion is checked "No,"move to the next question. Any criterion that is not addressed or is
left blank will not be evaluated and no points will be awarded.
(a) Pre -acquired parcels
Check only one of the following:
1. Has a portion of the project site been pre -acquired by the applicant within 24
months prior to the application deadline? (5 points)
Yes No
2. Has the entire project site been pre -acquired by the applicant within 24 months
prior to the application deadline? (10 points)
Yes No
(b) Is the project site part of a phased project that was p reviously selected for funding by
Yes No
FCT? (5 points)
If yes, identify the project number of the previously funded FCT project and describe the phased
nature of the project.
(c) The applicant is committed to providing:
Check only one of the fo Ilowing:
1. A match of 40 to 49% of the total project costs. (10 points)
Yes No
2. A match of 50 to 59% of the total project costs. (20 points)
Yes No
3. A match of 60% or more of the total project costs. (25 points)
Yes No
(d) Is this the applicant's first application to FCT or has the applicant previously
Yes No
submitted an application but was not funded? (5 points)
Note: In the case of a partnership application, refer to the Application Instruction
(e) Will the project provide an alternative to the fee simple acquisition of land, such as,
Yes No
acquiring a portion of the project site through conservation easement(s)? (5 points)
/f yes, locate the proposed area to be acquired in less than fee and discuss the less
than fee acquisition component of the acquisition on Exhibit D.
(f) Will the project further the purpose of a recent (within the last 10 years) or proposed
Yes No
acquisition of adjacent conservation or outdoor recreation lands by other federal,
state, local, or nonprofit agencies? (5 points)
If yes, provide a map (or indicate on Exhibit l) and discuss the outdoor recreation or
conservation lands recently acquired or proposed for acquisition. Note: This does
not include lands acquired by the applicant.
Form FF-2 (Effective 5✓2' W2) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 7
This section identifies whether acquisition of the project site furthers the provision of outdoor recreation facilities
and open space and the preservation of natural and cultural resources. All proposed recreation facilities are
required to be designed with as minimal disturbance as possible to natural resources on the project site.
Outdoor Kecreation ana upen s
1. Will the project provide outdoor recreation areas or open space adjacent to existing publicly - Yes No
owned upland areas, such as, existing parks, museums, schools, libraries, affordable housing, or X
transit stations? (5 points)
/f yes, discuss how the existing publicly -owned upland area will be linked with the proposed recreation or open
space area.
This project is located across the street from a middle school and an elementary school. Future plans
for the parcel include proposing a new high school on the eastern half of the property. Students from
the middle and elementary schools will be actively involved in the development of a wetlands
demonstration project on the park. The City is also considering constructing an aquatic center on the
site that will also be used for sports and physical education by all three schools.
2. Will the project include two or more resource -based outdoor recreation facilities, such as a Yes I No
nature trail, picnic pavilion, fishing pier, wildlife observation platform, boardwalk, camping area or X
canoe launch? (5 points) L -
if yes, describe what resource -based facilities will be provided and how they will be integrated into the project.
The plans include a combination nature and fitness trail that runs along the perimeter of the park.
Plans also call for picnic facilities next to the wetland demonstration area. The canal will be accessible
for fishing and non -motorized boats such as canoes and kayaks.
3. Will the project include two or more user -oriented outdoor recreation facilities, such as, Yes No
playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts, bocci ball courts, shuffleboard courts, volleyball X
courts or fitness trail? (5 points)
/f yes, describe what user -oriented facilities will be provided and how they will be integra ted into the project.
The plans include adding a combination nature and fitness trail and a baseball/softball field. The City
is also considering placing a new aquatic center on the site, however this is contingent upon
development of the high school. If a high school were built on the property, park visitors would also
have access to those recreational amenities, which will likely include basketball, tennis, and
racquetball courts, baseball diamonds, and a football/soccer field.
4. Will the project provide access to a shoreline or beach and be managed for recreation uses? Yes No
(5 points) X
If yes, discuss how the project provides access to the shoreline and will be managed for recreation.
A wide canal surrounds the entire parcel and a wetlands demonstration project will be developed in the
northwest corner of the parcel. Park visitors will be able to fish in the canal and observe wildlife and
birds in the wetlands area. The canal will also be accessible for small, non -motorized boats, such as
canoes and kayaks. Once the parcel is acquired, the Parks and Recreation Department will identify the
most appropriate location for the launch site.
Form FF-2 (Effective 5120102) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 8
5. Will the project further outdoor recreation or open space in an urban area ?
a. Is the project site located within an existing urban service area, as defined in Rule 9K - Yes No
7.002(40), F.A.C. (5 points) X
/f yes, describe the existing urban service area. Provide any relevant maps that support the response.
The project site is in a medium to high -density mixed -use area that includes single-family and multi-
family homes, commercial properties, and other public facilities. The park is in an area with city
services including water and sewer. The City of Tamarac is nearl y built out with less than 7% of the
City's acreage left undeveloped.
b. Is the project site located within an urban service area and also within % mile of a built -up Yes No
commercial or high -density mixed -use urban area. (5points) X
If yes, describe the land use within % mile of the site. Provide any relevant maps that support the response.
Note: to qualify for this criterion, criterion 5.a should have also been answered yes. If the project site is located
in a built-up commercial or high density mixed use area, criteria 5.b and 5.c should be answered yes.
As described above, the parcel is located within a medium to high -density mixed -used urban area. See
Exhibit E, Aerial Photograph and Exhibit H, Future Land Use Map.
c. Is the project site located within an urban service and is also within a built -up commercial or I Yes I No
high density mixed use area. (5 points) X
/f yes, describe the land use surrounding the site. Provide any relevant maps that support the response.
Note: To qualify for this criterion, criteria 5. a. and 5.b. should have also been answered yes.
As described above, the parcel is located within a medium to high -density mixed -used urban area. See
Exhibit E, Aerial Photograph and Exhibit H, Future Land Use Map.
b Recreational Trail S stems and Greenwa s
1. Will the project include new or enhanced land -based nature, bike or equestrian trails that are at Yes No
least % mile in length? X
(5 points)
If yes, identify the proposed trail system on the project site and show on Exhibit K.
A combination nature and fitness trail will be included in the project as shown in the concept ual plan in
Exhibit K. The path will be approximately 1% mile in total length and will traverse the perimeter. The
path will be paved to accommodate roller blading, bicycling, walking and jogging and will also be ADA
compliant. Fitness stations will be interspersed along the trail with activities such as pull -ups and sit-
ups. The native landscaping along the path will provide shade and give users the opportunity to
observe birds and other wildlife.
2. Will the project enhance or connect local, reg ional or statewide land -based recreational trail Yes No
systems by extending an existing trail system or by providing trailhead or trailside facilities? X
(5 points)
If yes, identify the local, regional or statewide trail network and discuss how the project will enhance the
system. Provide a map of the trail system or show on Exhibit 1. Note: A recreational trail system does not
include sidewalks, bike lanes, or canoe trails.
This project will enhance trailside facilities along t he proposed Broward County bikeway which
connects the C14/Cypress Creek Greenway with the proposed C -13 Canal Trail Greenway as shown in
Exhibit P. The expanded park will provide additional recreational opportunities along the proposed
bikeway. _
Form FF-2 (Effwdve 512WO2) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 9
3. Will the project enhance or connect local, regional or statewide network greenways by Yes I No
expanding existing greenways, such as wildlife corridors and canoe trails. (5 points) X
If yes, identify the local, regional or statewide network o f greenways and discuss how the project will enhance
the network. Provide a map of the greenway network or show on Exhibit 1.
This project will enhance the local and Broward County Greenway system by providing additional
recreational opportunities with in the system and linking the proposed bikeway adjacent to the
property. The park will provide several recreation options including extending the bikeway, providing
access to water -related activities, providing access to the wetlands conservation area, as well as
offering restroom facilities and water fountains. The park will also provide access to the City's
extensive canal system for canoeing and kayaking.
4. Will the project further a locally adopted greenway, waterway trail, or land -based recreational Yes I No
trail system plan for the community? (5 points) X
ff yes, provide a copy or a portion of the greenway or recreational trail plan, including a map of the greenway
or trail network.
The project will further the City of Tamarac' s Parks, Recreation and Social Services Master Plan and
the County's Greenway System by extending a proposed land -based bikeway which connects to
several other designated Greenways.
c Educational Opportunities
1. Will the project site include interpretive signs intended to educate visitors about the natural Yes No
environment or unique history of the site? (5 points) X
If yes, describe the interpretive educational signs to be provided.
The project will include the creation of a wetlands d emonstration area. The City will be partnering with
the Broward County School Board and two adjacent schools on an educational project where the
students can be actively involved in the wetlands project. After the project is completed, signs and
kiosks will provide educational information about the area's history as part of the East Everglades
Sawgrass Prairie as well as specific information about the flora and fauna of the wetlands.
2. Will the applicant provide at least 24 environmental or historical education classes or programs Yes No
per year at the project site conducted by trained educator(s) or resource professional(s)? X
(5 points)
If yes, describe the classes or programs to be provided, the group(s) to be targeted, and the fr equency of the
planned program.
3. Will the project site include a staffed nature center or museum building to provide year round Yes No
educational classes or programming concerning the natural environment or unique history of the X
area? (5 points)
If yes, describe the proposed center or museum, who will provide the programming, and how the facility and
operations will be funded.
d Natural and Biological Resources
1. Does the land cover on the project site consist of predominantly natu ral communities that have Yes No
not been impacted by human disturbance or alteration? (5 points) I I X
If yes, describe the various natural communities on the project site, including the quality of the communities,
the approximate acreage of each community, and how the communities will be protected and managed.
Describe the extent and acreage of the disturbances or alterations on the project site. Note. Predominately
natural equates to approximately 70% coverage.
Form FF-2 (Effecpve 5,20/02) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 10
2. Does the project site contain one or more natural communities identified by the Florida Natural Yes No
Areas Inventory as "imperiled" or "critically imperiled?" (5 points) X
If yes, describe the imperiled" or "critically imperiled" natural community, as identified in the Florida Na tural
Areas Inventory publication "Guide to the Natural Communities of Florida." Discuss the present condition of
the community, including the quality of the community, the approximate size of the community in acres and
how the natural community will be protected and managed.
3. Does the project site contain habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more listed Yes No
animal species? (5 points) X
If yes, describe the habitat on the project site and identify any listed species that ma y use the site as habitat.
Discuss the present condition of the habitat, the approximate size of the habitat in acres and how it will be
protected and managed.
4. Does the project site contain critical habitat typically suitable for one or more liste d animal Yes No
species and is the site located in a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the X
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission? (5 points)
If yes, provide documentation from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservati on Commission that the project site
is located within a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area.
e Lanascaping or Kes[oravon
1. Will a significant portion of the degraded or altered areas on the project site be landscaped with Yes No
native vegetation? (5 points) I X
If yes, discuss the scope of the landscaping effort, including the approximate acreage of landscaped area.
Show the approximate area identified for landscaping on the conceptual site plan, Exhibit K.
The site was previously cleared in preparation for development of multi -family housing. Australian
Pines and Brazilian Pepper became established and now cover the majority of the property. The
exotics will be removed to make way for native trees such as live oaks, cabbage palms, a nd other I
species selected using Xeriscape principals. Shrubs, such as the red -tip cocoplum, and other
understory plantings will be planted throughout the property. The landscaping will provide shade and
create a sound barrier. Besides the aesthetic valu a of the landscaping, the trees and shrubs will also
provide refuge for birds and small mammals, such as opossums and fox, which frequent the area.
2. Will a significant portion of the degraded or altered upland communities on the project site be I Yes I No
restored to a natural community? (5 points) X
If yes, discuss the nature of the disturbance and the scope of the restoration effort, including the approximate
acreage of upland restoration. Show the approximate area identified for upland restoration on the conceptual
site plan, Exhibit K.
The 25' transition area surrounding the wetlands demonstration will be replanted with native upland
trees. This transition area will include such species as Bald Cypress, Red Maple and Cocoplum.
Beyond the transition area, higher elevation native species, such as live oak and cabbage palm, will be
3. Will a significant portion of the degraded or altered wetland communities on the project site be Yes I No
restored to a natural community? (5 points) X
If yes, discuss the nature of the disturbance and the scope of the restoration effort, including the approximate
acreage of wetland restoration. Show the approximate area identified for wetland restoration on the conceptual
site plan, Exhibit K.
The site was originally part of the East Everglades Sawgrass Prairie, as was most of Tamarac. The area
was drained and this specific parcel was built up using fill from the surrounding canal. The new Island
Park will include a 1.5-acre wetland demonstration project and transition zone. The northwest come
of the property will have the fill removed and will be returned to wetland elevation. Native wetland
aquatic vegetation will be replanted as part of the restoration effort. A 25' transition zone will also be
established around the wetlands and will include native trees found in such areas including Bald
Form FF-2 (Effective &2aV2) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 11
1. Will the quality of surface waters occurring on or adjacent or in close proximity to the project site Yes No
be improved by the elimination of existing pollution sources from the project site, removal of
impervious surfaces, or other means? (5 points)
If yes, discuss the proposed water quality improvement and the expected results.
This parcel was zoned for multi -family residential development. The majority c f the property would
have been covered by impervious surface, including tar pavement. This site is located in a high aquifer
recharge area and is located 1.4 miles east of Water Conservation Area 2a. The Cana I adjoining the
property normally flows north approximately 3 miles into the South Florida Water Management Districts
C-14 Canal and eventually into the Intracoastal Waterway and the Atlantic Ocean. In times of drought,
the C-14 Canal is directed back towards the Everglades and into the water conservation area. By
preventing the development of this parcel, the aquifer will be protected by preserving the
uncontaminated, pervious surface and by preventing polluted run -off from impervious surfaces from
entering the C-14 Canal.
Further, this project will also direct traffic from the away from the area reducing airborne pollutants.
Additional traffic generation as a result of the park will be negligible.
2. Will acquiring the project site protect adjacent Outstanding Florida Waters, as designated by the Yes No
Department of Environmental Protection? (5 points) X
If yes, provide a map or other documentation showing that the boundary of the project site is located adjacent
to Outstanding Florida Waters.
3. Will acquiring the project site protect adjacent Class I Waters, as identified by the Department of
Environmental Protection, or is the project site in a locally designated wellfield protection zone?
If yes, provide a map or other documentation showing that the boundary of the project site is located adjacent
to a Class I waterbody or within a wellfield protection zone.
IilStonC 1'iesourCeS
1. Does the project site contain, or is the project site within % mile o f, a site listed in the Florida Yes No
Master Site File maintained by the Division of Historical Resources? (5 points) X
If yes, identify the resource, its location and the Master Site File number.
2. Will acquiring the project site protect a resource that is listed on the Florida Master Site File and Yes No
also recognized by a local historic board or the Division of Historical Resources as being X
historically significant at the local, regional or state level? (5 points)
If yes, identify the resource, its location on the project site and the Master Site File Number. Identify which
governmental agency, board or expert in the field identified the resource as being significant
3. Will acquiring the project site protect a resource that is listed on the National Register of Historic I Yes I No
Places by the National Park Service? (5 points) X
If yes, identify the resource and its location and document the National Register listing.
Form FF-2 (Effective &20102) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 12
comorehenslve Plan
For each of the following criteria that are furthered by the local comprehensive plan, cite no more than five (5)
relevant objectives or policies in each response. If the response to a criterion is "No" move to the next
question. If the response to a criterion is "Yes" cite the objective or policy number and paraphrase the plan
directive, provide a brief discussion of how acquiring the site will further the cited objective or policy and include a
copy of the objective or policy in Exhibit A. If a criterion addresses specific resources or facilities, these must be
present on the project site in order for points to be awarded.
If the project site is located entirely in one local government jurisdiction, the local compreh ensive plan of the
jurisdiction within which the project site is located shall be evaluated for scoring purposes. If the project site is
located in two or more jurisdictions, the local comprehensive plan of each jurisdiction shall be compared for
compatibility and evaluated for scoring purposes and each jurisdiction's local comprehensive plan must be
furthered for points to be awarded.
1. Will the project provide acreage or outdoor recreational facilities necessary to maintain or Yes No
improve adopted levels of service standards established in the comprehensive plan for X
recreation? (5 points)
Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies:
Recreation and Open Space (ROS) Objective 1 states that the City will continue to develop a system of
parks throughout the City.
ROS Policy 1.1 establishes that the parks and recreation land level of service standard for improved
recreation sites shall be 2.3 acres per 1000 population and increase to 3 acres per 1000 population by
ROS Policy 1.2 establishes speck level of service standards for recreational facilities including
bicycle paths and trails of 3 miles per 50,000 residents.
ROS Objective 2 states that the City will meet the needs of the citizens by providing for passive
recreation consisting of open space and canal maintenance easements.
ROS Policy 6.2 states that the City's development review process shall identify ways to improve publ114
access to public waterways and canal maintenance areas.
Summary of how the project furthers the o bjectives or policies:
The City currently has a 73-acre deficit in the number of acres required for the current service level.
This will increase to a 105-acre deficit by 2003. Acquisition of the project will assist the City in meeting
its level of service for improved parks and recreation land by increasing the number of acres of
developed park 56 to 78. This will decrease the 2003 deficit by 20%. Installation of the multi -use trail
will increase the length of multi -use trails to 4.5 miles and help the City to exceed the service standard
for this type of recreation. Further, the City will be increasing passive recreation opportunities as well
as providing increased access water -related recreational activities.
Form FF-2 (EffectiveW0/02) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 13
2. Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that ensure acquisition of natural areas or IYes I No
open space through public acquisition? (5 points) X
Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies:
The Goal of the Future Land Use Element is to "...co nserve and protect the natural environment."
The Goal of the Conservation Element is to "...conserve for the use, enjoyment, and health of the
citizens of Tamarac, the physical environment... and will incorporate in all plans, programs and
activities... implementation actions for environmental conservation"
The Goal of the ROS Element is to "...meet the need for open space and recreation sites."
ROS Objective 2 states that the City will meet the open space needs of the citizens through passive
ROS Policy 2.1 recognizes the need for open space for passive recreation and conservation.
Development is required to pay and supply its fair share of providing parks, open space, and
recreation facilities. Impact fees are held in a trust account for the purpose of acquiring park land.
ROS Policy 2.5 states that the City will ensure the protection and/or restoration of natural areas,
greenways and open space through public acquisition.
Summary of how the project furthers the objectives or policies:
Purchasing the "Parcel P" property will ensure there is recreation and protected open space where
there would otherwise be residential development. Further, the property will be landscaped with native
vegetation and the majority of the property will remain pervious surface. The last row of the parking
area depicted in Exhibit K will be reinforced -grass parking. This will protect nearby ecosystems by
preventing pollutants from storm water run -off from entering the canal. Funds from developers held in
the trust will help partially fund the purchase of this property.
3. Will the project further comprehensive plan directives to provide new or enhanced public access IYes I No
to water bodies and saltwater beaches? (5 points)
Numeric citation and summary of obje ctives or policies:
ROS Objective 6 states that all recreational facilities including water resources and events shall be
accessible to all residents.
ROS Policy 6.1 states that the Public Works department shall maintain and update its inventory and
analysis of the accessibility of parks to all residents. It further states that all new recreation projects
must meet ADA standards.
ROS Policy 6.2 states that the City will identify ways to improve public access to public waterways and
canal maintenance areas.
Summary of how the project furthers the objectives or policies:
The proposed project provides improved access to a canal that encircles parcel. The City of Tamarac
is located several miles from the Atlantic ocean and there are few opportunities to acce ss water -related
recreation within the City. Access will include observation of the wetlands demonstration area, fishing
access along the canal as well as access for non -motorized boats such as canoes, kayaks and
paddleboats. The canal runs approximately 1 % miles directly adjacent to the park, although culverts
block a short section.
4. Will the project further future land use designations or comprehensive plan directives that Yes I No
provide for creating new or enhanced greenways or recreational trail systems ? (5 points) X
Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies:
ROS Policy 2.6 states that the City will work with Broward County and neighboring municipalities to
create a Countywide greenways and trail network designed to link enviro nmentally sensitive lands,
open spaces, parks, waterways, and other outdoor recreation opportunities and facilities including
cultural and historic sites.
Summary of how the project furthers the objectives or policies:
The Broward County Land Preservation Bond Program has designated this site as a priority open
space acquisition. The City is planning its own interconnected parts and greenway system that will
connect the City's McNab Park, Veteran's Park, the Tamarac Sports Complex, and Southgate Linear
Park. Southgate Linear Park is also directly connected to the County's C14/Cypress Creek Greenway
and will eventually link to the Everglades National Park. The park will connect to the greenway system
via a bikeway.
Form FF-2 (Effective &MV2) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 14
5. Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that ensure the preservation of natural Yes I No
communities or listed animal species habitat? (5 points) I X
Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies:
The Goal of the Conservation Element is to "...conserve for the use, enjoyment, and health of the
citizens of Tamarac, the physical environment including air, sound, surface water including lakes and
canals, floodplains, spoils, wildlife and native vegetation and will incorporate in all plans, programs
and activities... implementation actions for environmental conservation"
Conservation Policy 6.3 states the City will implement the landscape ordinance requiring a minimum of
20% of plant material used in required landscaping shall provide habitats for native wildlife and birds.
Conservation Policy 6.4 states that the Community Development Department will review site and
landscape plan requirements to identify additional means of protecting native vegetative communities.
The policy also includes an approved amendment that states that one aspect of protecting native
vegetative communities includes removal of non -native vegetation and exotics and planting of new
native species.
Conservation Objective 8 states that the City will continue to include consideration of wildlife in site
plan reviews.
Conservation Policy 8.1 provides for a restriction of development activities, which adversely affect the
survival of endangered and threatened wildlife.
Summary of how the project furthers the objectives or policies:
The majority of the City has been developed with only about 7% of the land within the City limits
undeveloped. The majority of the remaining open space has been cleared or significantly disturbed.
The project endeavors to meet the Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policie s relating to native
vegetation and protection of wildlife by clearing the parcel of exotics and replanting native species.
This project will also eliminate new development activities, which could further discourage or
negatively affect listed species of plants and animals by increasing pollutants in the nearby canal.
These potential pollutants could eventually end up in the Everglades Conservation Area or the Atlantic
Ocean. Because of the City's proximity to the Everglades National Park, it is hoped th at the replanting
program will provide opportunities for refuge for listed animal species found in the Everglades,
especially small reptiles and birds. 19
6. Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that provide for coordination between the Yes No
local government and other federal, state and local agencies or nonprofit organizations in X
acquiring or managing natural areas or open space? (5 points)
Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies:
The Future Land Use (FLU) Objective 7 states that it is the City's intention to coordinate with future
applicable resource planning and management plans.
FLU Policy 7.1 states that the Community Development Department will coordinate with any agencies
implementing resource management plans.
The Goal of the Intergovernmental Coordination (IGC) Element is to coordinate with appropriate
agencies and unites of government to successfully implement its Comprehensive Plan and to assist in
the Implementation plans of other units of government.
IGC Policy 1.8 states that the City will improve communication and coordination with all agencies of
county government, regional, state and federal agencies whose plans and programs affect or are
affected by those of Tamarac.
Summary of how the project furthers the objectives or policies:
In November of 2000, Broward County began the Safe Parks and Land Preservation Bond Program and
began an Open Space Grant Program. The goals of this program include restoration of remaining
open space for wildlife habitat, expansion of tree resources and enhancement of water quality and
recharge. This parcel has been designated by the County as a priority open space acquisition and
been selected to receive a grant to assist with funding its acquisition. As part of the gran t process, the
County and the City will work together in developing a maintenance plan for the site. The new park will
also be connected via a bikeway to a proposed County bikeway that will connect the park to the new
County Greenway System. r
Form FF-2 (Effective &20102) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 15
7. Will the project further comprehensive plan directives to restore or enhance degraded natural Yes No
areas such as restoration of natural communities, restoration of natural hydrology or removal of X
non-native vegetation? (5 points)
Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies:
Conservation Objective 6 states that the City will continue to protect native vegetation through
Tamarac's own Code Enforcement of Broward County's Tree Preservation Ordinance.
Conservation Policy 6.4 addresses native vegetative communities and states that the City will protect
native vegetation from destruction and plans for removal of non -native exotics and planting of new
native species.
Conservation Policy 6.5 state that the City will protect and conserve wetlands a nd the natural function
of wetlands and direct land uses which are incompatible away from identified wetland areas.
Conservation Policy 6.6 states that in an effort to further protect wetland resources, the City will
endeavor to protect, restore and enhan ce aquatic vegetation and/or identify natural resource areas.
Summary of how the project furthers the objectives or policies:
Clearing of site in preparation for development significantly disturbed the site and has allowed
invasive exotics to take over the parcel. Brazilian Pepper and Australian Pines are currently
established on the majority of the property. This project will include removal of the exotic bushes and
trees and landscaping the site with native vegetation. The wetlands demonstration projec t will remove
the fill that was added to the property to restore approximately 1.5 acres to a wetland elevation. The
project will also include replanting native aquatic vegetation. All restoration and landscaping efforts
will be undertaken with the guidance an environmental engineer and will comply with the County's
Tree Preservation Ordinance.
8. Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that ensure the protection or enhancement Yes es N°
of surface or groundwater quality? (5 points) X
Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies:
The Infrastructure Objective 5 states that the City shall take appropriate steps to ensure the
conservation and protection of both the quantity and quality of the City's potable water resources
through protection and expansion of natural groundwater recharge area within urban development.
Infrastructure Policy 5.6 states that in the interest of protecting surface waters from pollutants carried
by storm runoff and increasing infiltration and recharge o f the ground water aquifer, the City will
endeavor to increase the amount and percent of pervious surface including in site plans.
Conservation Policy 7.4 provides for increases in the amount of pervious surfaces included in site
Summary of how the project furthers the objectives or policies:
The parcel is zoned for multi -family residential development. Developing the parcel into a park area
with a majority of pervious surfaces and planting of native vegetation will provide additional storm
water filtration and recharge. Also, preventing the development of a residential development will
protect the canal, which flows into the SFWMD C -14 Canal, from potential pollutants associated with
storm runoff from impervious surfaces such as blacktop pave ment.
Form FF-2 (Effective 5120M) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 16
9. Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that ensure the preservation of historical, Yes I No
cultural or archaeological features? Note: The site must contain a feature or have a high X
probability that a feature is present on the site. (5 points)
Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies:
Summary of how the project furthers the objectives or policies:
10. Will the project further comprehensive plan directives that direct development to a loca Ily Yes No
designated urban infill, urban redevelopment or downtown revitalization area as defined in X
Section 163.3164, F.S.? (5 points)
Numeric citation and summary of objectives or policies:
Summary of how the project furthers the objectives or po licies
(b) Hazard Mitigation
1. Flood Hazard Area. Will the project provide recreational opportunities and open space areas Yes No
that direct residential and commercial development away from a coastal high hazard area or a X
100-year flood plain? (5 points)
If yes, provide a map identifying the 100 -year flood plain or coastal high hazard area and location of the project
site or show on Exhibit J.
Exhibit J indicates that this property is within a Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by 100 -year
floods. The majority of the park part of the parcel will be developed as passive recreation with a few
structural improvements. The property is currently zoned for residential development. Preventing the
development of this property will reduce the potential impact of flooding in the area and redirect
development away from the 100-year flood plain.
2. Local Mitigation Strategy Priority. Is the project site located within an area identified in the Yes
County's adopted Local Mitigation Strategy as a mitigation priority? (5 points) X
ff yes, provide a map or listing that identifies the mitigation priorities of the local government and a copy of the
County's Local Mitigation Strategy document. Discuss how the project will further the intent of the mitigation
Exhibit S includes a letter from the Chair of the Local Mitigation Task Force identifying the proposed
project for inclusion in the 2002 countywide local mitigation plan priority list. The Local Mitigation
Strategy provides for protection of open space as a means to divert development away from flood
prone and/or conservation areas.
3. Designated Brownfield Area. Will the project provide recreational opportunities or open space Yes No
areas within a state designated brownfield area? (5 points) I I X
/f yes, provide a map showing the boundary of the designated brownfield area and the location of the project
site. Discuss how the site contamination will be remediated to allow for the provision of open space or outdoor
recreation activities. Discuss how the remediation will be completed prior to acquisition and the estimated
costs and sources of funding for remediation.
c Priority Investment Areas
Form FF-2 (Effective 512W02) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 17
Review each of the following statements and check all that apply to the project. Undocumented responses will not
be evaluated and points will not be awarded.
Will the project site provide new or enhanced outdoor recreation or open sace within the following areas?
1. Front Porch Community. Is the project site located within an area designated as a Front Porch
Yes I No
Community? (5 points)
If yes, provide a map that identifies the boundary of the designated area and the location of the
project site.
2. Florida Main Street Community. Is the project si to located within the boundary of an active
Yes No
Florida Main Street Community? (5 points)
If yes, provide a map that identifies the boundary of the designated area and the location of the
project site.
3. Eastward Ho! Corridor. Is the project site located within the boundary of the Eastward Ho!
Yes No
Corridor, pursuant to Executive Order 94-54, and as determined by the Department of
Community Affairs? (5 points)
If yes, provide a map that identifies the boundary of the designated area and the locat ion of the
project site.
4. Waterfront Florida Community. Is the project site located within the boundary of a current or
Yes No
previously designated Waterfront Florida Community? (5 points)
ff yes, provide a map that identifies the boundary o f the designated area and the location of the
project site.
5. Low Income Community. Is the project site located within a designated low -income community,
Yes No
as defined by Rule 9K-7.002(20), F.A.C.? (5 points)
If yes, provide a map that identifies the boundary of the designated area and the location of the
project site.
6. Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern. Is the project site located within a designated Rural
Yes No
Area of Critical Economic Concern? (5 points)
If yes, provide a map that identifies the boundary of the designated area.
7. Urban Redevelopment. Is the project site located within a locally designated urban infill, urban
Yes I No
redevelopment or downtown revitalization area, as defined in Section 163.31 64, F.S.?
(5 points)
If yes, provide a map that identifies the boundary of the designated area and the location of the
project site.
8. Area of Critical State Concern. Is the project site located within an Area of Crit ical State
Yes No
Concern, as designated pursuant to Section 380.05, F.S.? (5 points)
If yes, provide a map that identifies the boundary of the designated area.
9. Rate of Growth Ordinance. Is the project site located within an area subject to an adopted rate of
Yes No
growth ordinance? (5 points)
if yes, provide a map that identifies the boundary of the designated area.
10.Other Special Status Area. Is the project site located within or adjacent to the boundary of a
Yes No
state or federally designated area not identified elsewhere in the application criteria that is
intended to protect or restore natural resources (e.g., Aquatic Preserve, Marine Sanctuary,
American Heritage River, National Estuary Program, etc.)? (5 points )
If yes, identify the special designation and provide a map that identifies the boundary of the
designated area and the location of the project site.
Form FF-2 (Effective 5120102) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 18
Does the project consist of community -based support, exemplary characteristics, voluntarily
helps resolve land -use conflicts, or assist an otherwise disadvantaged community in a manner
that was not adequately evaluated by the criteria established elsewhere in this application?
(Up to 10 points)
/f yes, describe how the project provides for other community needs in a manner that was not adequately
evaluated by the criteria established elsewhere in this application. Include documentation, if needed.
As demonstrated by the many letters of support, the community stands firmly behind the
acquisition of this open space. The City of Tamarac is 93% built out. Securing this property, along
with the Tamarac Sports Complex Phase 11 property, will nearly significantly increase the amount of
recreation and designated open space within the City. The demographics of Tamarac are changing
from an adult retirement community to a community with many young families. The demand for
recreational facilities such as bicycle paths, pools and ball fields has increased tremendously in the
last 10 years. In 1990, the median age In Tamarac was nearly 64. At the last census in 2000, the
median age had dropped to 53.
The park will be part of a future interconnected park and greenway system within the City and
the County. Long-term plans include creating a greenway loop through the City that will begin and
end at the Tamarac Sports Complex and will connect with Veteran's Park, Southgate Linear Park,
McNab Park and Island Park. The City's s ystem will connect with the County's Greenways via
bikeways that lead to the C-14 Canal/Cypress Creek or C-13 Greenways, which connect the Atlantic
Ocean and the Everglades. This park system will provide residents and visitors with significantly
increased recreational opportunities along the greenway system and also increase access to water -
related recreation.
This project furthers conservation and growth management factors in a way that is not
adequately described in the application because of its urban location. The City has extremely
limited opportunities for acquisition of open space parcels and the are no open spaces within the
City that are left in their pristine condition. The City faces extreme growth pressures that require a
delicate balance between conservation needs and public recreation needs. Providing residents and
visitors with parks that address both requirements allows the City to preserve open without
sacrificing public amenities.
Form FF-2 (Effective 520102) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 19
Each of the following exhibits is required to be submitted with the grant application. Provide a label and tab for each
exhibit. Please ensure that all exhibits are legible and of an appropriate scale. If two or more exhibits are
consolidated, make sure this is reflected on the exhibit label. If a specific exhibit is not applicable, include an exhibit
*age with a statement that it is "Not Applicable." Locate the exhibits behind the project evaluation criteria section of
e application.
A. A copy of each local comprehensive plan objective and policy cited in the grant application that applies to the
project site. Please highlight or underline the applicable plan directive being referenced.
B. A copy of all proposed local comprehensive plan amendments, including amendments to the future land use
map, cited in the grant application that apply to the project.
C. A United States Geological Survey 7'/2-minute quadrangle map with the project site location clearly delineated.
D. A county property appraisers tax map delineating the project site boundary, access points, names of property
owners, parcel tax identification numbers, and ownership boundaries using an appropriate scale.
E. An aerial photograph at 1 inch = 2,000 feet or greater detail, with the project site boundary clearly delineated.
F. A map that depicts natural communities found on the project site, utilizing the classification system identified in
the Florida Natural Areas Inventory publication "Guide to the Natural Communities of Florida". Clearly delineate
the project site boundary and include the approximate acreage of each natural community on the map.
G. A map that identifies any existing physical improvements, alterations or disturbances occurring on the project
site, such as cleared areas, buildings, roads, fences, docks, power lines, billboards, borrow pits, etc. Clearly
delineate the project site boundary and include the approximate acreage of improvements or disturbed areas.
Identify any existing or proposed utility, road, or other easements or right-of-ways on the site.
H. A Future Land Use Map covering the project site and surrounding area that shows the location of the project
9 site.
I. A map that identifies lands within a three-mile radius of the project site that are used for natural resource
conservation and outdoor recreation, such as parks, preserves, wildlife management areas, greenways,
recreational trail systems, etc. Clearly delineate the location of the project site on the map.
J. A map depicting the 100-year flood plain, the coastal high -hazard area or a wellfield protection zone with the
project site boundary clearly delineated.
K. A conceptual site plan for the project that clearly delineates the project site boundary and shows the
approximate location of all proposed improvements on the site.
L. One set of labeled photographs of the project site, to be included in the original application, that documents
on -site features such as natural communities, waterbodies, shorelines, plants, wildlife habitat, unique biological
or geological features or historical or archaeological features. Include a legend that identifies the site location
and subject matter of each photograph.
M. If applicable, evidence of status as a nonprofit environmental organization as defined in 9K-7.002(24), F.A.C.,
including tax exemption and Articles of Incorporation.
N. If the applicant is a nonprofit environmental organization which anticipates being designated as the
management entity pursuant to 9K-7.003(7), F.A.C., evidence that the nonprofit environmental organization has
the financial resources, background qualifications and competence exist to manage the project site in
perpetuity in a reasonable and professional manner or in cooperation with the local government.
ORLetter from the owner(s) of the top priority parcel(s) as identified in the Acquisition Plan for Joint Acquisition
projects or the key parcel(s) for Reimbursement Acquisition projects, indicating their willingness to consider an
Form FF-2 (Effective 5120102) Temporary Reso #9832 Exhibit A Page 20