HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution (222)1 Temp. Reso. #9859 7/31 /02 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2002-222 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA ACCEPTING A QUIT CLAIM DEED FROM BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, OF COUNTY - OWNED PROPERTY, LOCATED IN TAMARAC, FLORIDA, ACQUIRED BY THE COUNTY BY VIRTUE OF THE PROPERTY BEING DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAX PAYMENTS LANDS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the properties legally described as: TAMARAC LAKES SOUTH 62-24 B WALKWAY LYING BET LOTS 14&15BLK15 TAMARAC LAKES SOUTH 62-24 B WALKWAY LYING BET LOTS 39 & 40 BLK 15 BANK OF TAMARAC 82-7 B BEG SE COR OF PAR A, WLY 13, NLY 100, ELY 13, SLY 100 TO POB LESS BEG SE COR OF PAR A, NLY 45.67 TO POB WLY 7.42, NLY 48.38, ELY 6.79, SLY TO POB FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 9-49-41 4-31 B LOT 15 LESS OR 3976/440 & LESS P/P/A THE MAINLANDS OF TAMARAC LAKES UNIT ELEVEN 69-40 B & LESS LYONS COMM SUB 69-42 B & LESS COMMERCIAL BLVD R/W FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 9-49-41 4-31 B LOT 9 & S 15 OF VAC 30 R/W LYING N OF TR 9, LESS ORS 3976/440, 4048/382, 4084/110, 3929/733 & 4389/688 FOR RD & LESS 4435/543 FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 11 -49-414-31 B COMM SE COR OF SEC, NLY 2293.39 M/L TO POB, WLY 89.00, NLY 24, ELY 89.00, SLY 24 TO POB; BEING A STRIP LYING NLY OF NELY PT OF GATE ONE CONDO AS OF 1986: FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 11-49-41 4-31 B Temp. Reso. #9859 7/31 /02 Page 2 COMM SE COR OF SEC, NLY 2305.38 M/L TO POB, WLY 89.00, NLY 24, ELY 89.00, SLY 24 TO POB AKA: ACCESSWAY "A" SUBJECT TO ALL EXISTING PUBLIC PURPOSE, UTILITY AND GOVERNMENT EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY. located in the City of Tamarac, Florida have escheated to Broward County, Florida as a result of delinquent ad valorem tax payments; and WHEREAS, Fla. Stat. §197.592, requires lands acquired by a county for delinquent ad valorem tax payments to be conveyed to the municipality in which they are located, free of any liens of record; and WHEREAS, Broward County, Florida has recorded a Quit Claim Deed for the transfer of the above -described properties to the City of Tamarac, Florida, a copy of the recorded Quit Claim Deed is attached hereto as Exhibit 1; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to accept the Quit Claim Deed from Broward County, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby rat6ied and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: That the City Commission hereby accepts the Quit Claim Deed (attached hereto as Exhibit 1) of the properties legally described above, subject to all existing public purpose, utility and government easements and rights of way. SECTION 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are 1 1 1 Temp. Reso. #9859 7/31 /02 Page 3 hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 28th day of August, 2002. ATTEST: % MARION SW ENSON, CMC CITY CLERK R Y CERTIFY that, prov d this O N as t"Vto rm. MIT-Ir,HELL S. RA CITY ATTOR EY (��OE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER AYE DIST 1: V/M PORTNER AYE DIST 2: COMM. MISHKIN AYE DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF AYE DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS ABSENT This instrument prepared by: Daphne Jones Assistant County Attorney Broward County Attorney's Office 115 South Andrews Ave, Rm. 423 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-357-7600 INSTR # 102023609 OR BK 33358 Pages 1716 - 1717 RECORDED 06/28/02 07.38A3 BROWARD COUNTY COMMISSION DEPUTY CLERK 2000 #1 City of Tamarac Tax Deed #'s: 16563, 16564, 15734, 15732, 15731, 15316 QUITCLAIM DEED (Pursuant to F. S. 125-411) THIS DEED, madethis dayof ,2002, by B f,-' ^, a political subdivision of the State of FT6rida (the "GRANTOR") Governmental Center, Room 423, 115 South Andrews Avenue, For: 33301, and the City of Tamarac, a Florida (corporation) (the "GRANTEE"), whose post office address is: 7525 N.W. 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321. WITNESSETH: That GRANTOR for and in consideration of the sum of Ten DOLLARS ($10.00) to It in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to GRANTEE, its heirs, successors and assigns, forever, the following described lands, lying and being in Broward County, Florida, to wit: Legal descriptions attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A". Subject to all existing public purpose utility and government easements and rights- of -way. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chair or Vice Chair of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. (Official Seal) BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: �krx d of Count sioners County Administr or add 1 i ance Parrish, Chair Ex-Officio Clerk of the ce Board of County Commission of Broward County, Fli( * day of 2002 gcd.frm, 11 /06/01 s Pc.,. f IL , E)CMIT "A" Page 1 of 1 City of Tamarac Tax Deed: 16563 Folio #: 9217 04 02819 Legal: TAMARAC LAKES SOUTH 62-24 B WALKWAY LYING BET LOTS 14 & 1.5 BLK 15 2_ Tax Deed: 16564 Folio #: 9217 04 05219 Legal: TAMARAC LAKES SOUTH 62-24 B WALKWAY LYING BET LOTS 39 & 40 BLK 15 3. Tax Deed: 15734 Folio #: 911008002 Legal: BANK OF TAMARAC 82-7 B BEG SE COR OF PAR A, WLY 13, NLY 100, ELY 13, SLY 100 TO POB LESS BEG SE COR OF PAR A, NLY 45.67 TO POB WLY 7.42, NLY 48.38, ELY 6.79, SLY "CO POB 4. Tax Deed: 15732 Folio #: 9109 15 001 Legal: FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 9-49-41 4-31 B LOT 15 LESS OR 3976/440 & LESS P/P/A THE MAINLANDS OF TAMARAC LAKES UNIT ELEVEN 69-40 B & LESS LYONS COMM SUB 69-42 B & LESS COMMERCIAL BLVD R/W 5, Tax Deed: 15731 Folio #: 9019 09 001 Legal: FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 9-49-41 4-31 B LOT 9 & S 15 OF VAC 30 R/W LYING N OF TR 9, LESS ORS 3976/440, 4048/382, 4084/1 10, 3929/733 & 4389/688 FORRI) & LESS 4435/543 6_ Tax Deed: 15316 Folio 4: 9111 010044 Legal: FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 11 -49-414.31 B COMM SE COR OF SEC, NLY 2293,39 M/L TO POB, WLY 89.00, NLY 24, ELY 89.00, SLY 24 TO POB: BEING A STRIP LYING NLY OF NELY PT OF GATE ONE CONDO AS OF 1986: FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 11 -49-414-31 B COMM SE COR OF SEC, NLY 2305.38 M/L TO POB, WLY 89.00, NLY 24, ELY 89.00, SLY 24 TO POB AKA: ACCESSWAY "A" Tax Deed File No. 16563 Property Identification No. 9217 04 02819 County of. Tax Deed State of Florida Broward DR-506 R.01/9i INSTR # 101852159 OR BK 33050 Pages 1781 1781 RECORDED 04124102 12:15:07 BROWgRD COUNTY COMMISSION U)EPUTY CLERK 2000 ##8 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The following Tax Sale Certificate Numbered 514 issued on Z 5 92 was filed in the office of the tax collector of this County and application made for the issuance of a tax deed, the applicant having paid or redeemed all other taxes or tax sale certificates on the land described as required by law to be paid or redeemed, and the cost and expenses of this sale, and due notice of sale having been published as required by law, and no person entitled to do so having appeared to redeem said land; such land was on the 13th day of July 1 1994 , offered for sale as required by law for cash to the highest bidder and having no bids at the sale and Revenue Collector having complied with Sec. 197.502(3) F.S., and the land having escheated to the County of Broward pursuant to Sec. 197.502(8) F.S., the undersigned Deputy County Administrator conveys the following described land to said Board of County Commisioners of the County of Broward, State of Florida, whose address is 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301. Now on this 13th day of July 2001 , in the County of Broward , State of Florida, in consideration of the sum of($ 0.00---_...._..-------------------------__-_--------------------------------------_•-_-'----------_----------- Dollars, being the amount paid pursuant to the Laws of Florida does hereby convey the following lands, including any hereditaments, buildings, fixtures and improvements of any kind and description, situated in the County and State•af&6'S161d•apd described as follows: TAMARAC LAKES SOUTH 62-24 B WALKWAY LYING BET LOTS 14 & 15 BLK 15 "w = Witness: (seal) CmircuR Court or C-f _� eputy County Administrator Broward County, Florida. -4 County of State of Florida Broward '-"V On this 22nd day of March 2002 , before me John Cameron Story, Jr personally appeared Indra C. Lalsin h Deputy County Administrator , - in and for the State and this County known to me to be the person described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution of this instrument to be his own free act and deed for the use and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and office seal date aforesaid. Y. Alt ` �Y �Jo n UaTneron Stm, Jr: Corn nission # DD 008704 f6 Expires June 18, 2005 r ' 4• • Bonded Thru OF ' AtlanpC Bonding Co., Inc. Tax Deed file No. 16564 DR-506 Property R.01/9-5 Identification No. 9217 04 05219 Tax Deed INSTR # 101852160 OR BK 33050 Pages 1782 - 1782 RECORDED 04/24/02 12:15:07 BROWARD COUNTY COMMISSION State of Florida DEPUTY CLERK 2000 #9 County of Broward FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The fallowing Tax Sale Certificate Numbered 515 issued on 2 5 92 was filed in the office of the tax collector of this County and application made for the issuance of a tax deed, the applicant having paid or redeemed all other taxes or tax sale certificates on the land described as required by law to be paid or redeemed, and the cost and expenses of this sale, and due notice of sale having been published as required by law, and no person entitled to do so having appeared to redeem said land; such land was on the 13th day of July 1 1994 , offered for sale as required by law for cash to the highest bidder and having no bids at the sale and Revenue Collector having complied with Sec. 197.502(3) F.S., and the land having escheated to the County of Broward pursuant to Sec. 197.502(8) F.S., the undersigned Deputy County Administrator conveys the following described land to said Board of County Commisioners of the County of Broward, State of Florida, whose address is 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301. Now on this 13th day of Jul , 2001 , in the County of Broward , State of Florida, in consideration of the sum of($ 0.00-----------------•------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Dollars, being the amount paid pursuant to the Laws of Florida does hereby convey the following lands, including any hereditaments, buildings, fixtures and improvements of any kind and description, situated in the County and StateOresaid a'rrd. described as follows: TAMARAC LAKES SOUTH 62-24 B w� WALKWAY LYING BET LOTS 39 & 40 o� '•.H BILK 15 Witness: l_ `l (Seal) "t Court or Ceimtlf Deputy County Administrator State of Florida +County of Broward Broward County, Florida. On this 22nd day of March 1 2002 , before •ft%,, me John Cameron Story, Jr personally appeared Indra C. ILalsin h Deputy County Administrator , in and for the State and this County known to me to be the person described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution of this instrument to be his own free act and deed for the use and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and office seal date aforesaid. YPU 4�Q�` l�'P. V, Conjirus�on 9 DD 0087i Expires June 18,200` a Bonded Thru Atlantic Bonding Co.. li IIII 11111111111111111tillll11i111lll1l1111 Tax Deed File No. 15734 Property Identification No. 9110 08 002 Tax Deed State of Florida County of Broward DR-506 R.oiiv INSTR # 101442961 OR BK 32301 PG 1434 RLUlkDEU 101112001 11:s9 AM CLIM"Ml1:SSi0N BliEVIRI) CLIUNI Y 0EPUfY CLERK 1016 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The following Tax Sale Certificate Numbered 3177 issued on 6 1 88 was filed in the office of the tax collector of this County and application made for the issuance of a tax deed, the applicant having paid or redeemed all other taxes or tax sale certificates on the land described as required by law to be paid or redeemed, and the cost and expenses of this sale, and due notice of sale having been published as required by law, and no person entitled to do so having appeared to redeem said land; such land was not sold on the day of April_27,_1994 , offered for sale as required by law for cash to the highest bidder and Havin no bids at the sale and Revenue Collector having complied with Sec._197.502(3) F.S_, and the land having escheated to the County of Broward pursuant to Sec. 197.502(8) F.S., the undersigned Deputy County Administrator conveys the following described land to said Board of County Commissioners of the County of Broward State of Florida, whose address is: 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301. Now on this 27th day of April , 2001, in the County of Broward , State of Florida, in consideration of the sum of($--0.00)------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- --------------- Dollars, being the amount paid pursuant to the Laws of Florida does hereby convey the following lands, including any hereditaments, buildings, fixtures and improvements of any kind and description, situated in the County and State afcweSAid and. described r. as follows: ? BANK OF TAMARAC 82-7 B BEG SE COR OF PAR A, WILY 13,NLY 100, ELY 13, SLY 100 TO POB LESS BEG SE COR OF PAR A, NLY 45.67 TO POB WLY 7.42, '� q NLY 48.38, ELY 6.79 SLY TO POB ry`. Witness:,) J State of Florida ..County of Broward (Sent) Cler., of Cir 6L�L:roller Deputy County Administrate lj�aLs—)h"—,D County, Florida. On this 31st day of October , 2001 , before me Janna S. Leland personally appeared Indra C. Lalsingh, Deputy County Administrator , in and for the State and this County known to me to be the person described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution of this instrument to be his own free act and deed for the use and purposes therein mentioned, Witness my hand and office seal date aforesaid. `, ypo.y Janna S. Leland A'vhs Commission # DD 012440 Expires May 31 2005 •''�°ii ��`�`• Bonded Ailantico Bonding D., irie. 1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 Tax Deed File No. 15732 Property Identification No. 9109 1.5 001 Tax Deed State of Florida County of Broward DR-506 R.01/9i INSTit # 101442860 OR BK 32301 PG 1433 ;iECJRkD IOISI12001 11:39 AM COMM 'S�ILIN &NAXfi I:UlA i Y DI-SILI-1 Y (AIRK 1016 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The following Tax Sale Certificate Numbered 3155 issued on 6/1/88 was filed in the office of the tax collector of this County and application made for the issuance of a tax deed, the applicant having paid or redeemed all other taxes or tax sale certificates on the land described as required by law to be paid or redeemed, and the cost and expenses of this sale, and due notice of sale having been published as required by law, and no person entitled to do so having appeared to redeem said land; such land was not sold on the day of April 27, _ 1994 , offered for sale as required by law for cash to the highest bidder and Having no bids at the sale and Revenue Collector having complied with Sec. 197.502(3) F.S. and the land having escheated to the County of Broward pursuant to Sec. 197.502(8) F.S. the undersigned Deputy Count Administrator conveys the following described land to said Board of County Commissioners of the County of Broward State of Florida, whose address is: 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301. Now on this 27th day of April , 2001, in the County of Broward , State of Florida, in consideration of the sum of($ 0.00---------------------------------_----_--------------------------------------------- __-- _---------------- Dollars, being the amount paid pursuant to the Laws of Florida does hereby convey the following lands, including any hereditaments, buildings, fixtures and improvements of any kind and description, situated in the County and State aforesairland described as follows: ,. FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS r� 9-49-41 4-31 B LOT 15 LESS OR 3976/440 & LESS P/P/A THE MAINLANDS OF TAMARAC LAKES UNIT ELEVEN 69-40 B & LESS LYONS � S COMM SUB 69-42 B & LESS COMMERCIAL BLVD Witness:` 4 —/.a C O,L. , Deputy County Administrator State of Florida -4 County of Broward pLJ,44� _County, Florida. On this 31st day of October , 2001 , before me Janna S. Leland personally appeared Indra C. Lalsin h Deputy County Administrator , in and for the State and this County known to me to be the person described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution of this instrument to be his own free act and deed for the use and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and office seal date aforesaid. Y P& f,. Janna S. Leland n (;OIIlIT1i9910n # ])D 017fW0 o Expires May 31 xooS • lF .. Bonded Tbru ui\�``` Atlantic Bonding Co., Ine it w/_.-��. Ifax Deed File No. 15731 Property Identification No. 9109 09 001 Tax Deed State of Floirida County of Broward DR-506 R.01 /95 INSTR # 101442859 OR RK 32 301 PG 1432 kEl:tlkUt.;1 1U/31i 0[r1 11:�5'� Ahi 111hii+liaatllN BROWAkb COUNT Y OL:PtifY LLLA 1016 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The following Tax Sale Certificate Numbered 3154 issued on 6/1/88 was filed in the office of the tax collector of this County and application made for the issuance of a tax deed, the applicant having paid or redeemed all other taxes or tax sale certificates on the land described as required by law to be paid or redeemed, and the cost and expenses of this sale, and due notice of sale having been published as required by law, and no person entitled to do so having appeared to redeem said land; such land was not sold on the day of April 27, 1994 , offered for sale as required by law for cash to the highest bidder and Having no bids at the sale and Revenue Collector having complied with Sec. 197.502(3) F.S. and the land having escheated to the County of Broward pursuant to Sec. 197.502(8) F.S., the undersignedDeputy County Administrator conveys the following described land to said Board of County Commissioners of the County of Broward,_State of Florida, whose address is: 115 S. Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301. Now on this 27th day of _ April , 2001, in the County of Broward , State of Florida, in consideration of the sum of ($ 0.00 _)----------------------------------------------__---------------------------------------------- =-- - = Dollars, being the amount paid pursuant to the Laws of Florida does hereby convey the following lands, incluoinwgao ay: hereditaments, buildings, fixtures and improvements of any kind and description, situated in the County and State'gf0e-said 4 d.,described as follows: f' FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 9-49-41 4-31 B LOT 9 & S 15 OF VAC 30�- R/W LYING N OF TR 9, LESS ORS 3976/440zi ' -r 4048/382,4084/110,3929/733 & 4389/688 FOR RD & LESS 4435/543CL Witnes•)� f 5.ry (Seal) Deputy County Administrator ( 9C7 U-) A4 k] County, Florida. �j State of Florida County of Broward On this 31st day of October , 2001 , before r.F me Janna S. Leland personally appeared Indra C. Lalsingh, Deputy County Administrator - - in and for the State and this County known to me to be the person described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution of this instrument to be his own free act and deed for the use and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and office seal date aforesaid. Janna S. Le1.wd a�r9.f%rfs �G�9 V-S CO mmission # DD 017440 -•t jam: .9rF • o� E4,i1•es May 31, ?.00S ";,OF 4���: Hondod Tlnu �+in„O� Atlantic Bondtag Co-, itm Tax Deed File No. 1531.6 DR-506 Property R01/95 Identification No. 9111 01 0044 Tax Deed State of Florida County of Broward INSTR # 101233852 OR BK 31946 PG 1470 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY The following Tax Sale Certificate Numbered 2747 issued on 6/2/86 was filed in the office of the tax collector of this County and application made for the issuance of a tax deed, the applicant having paid or redeemed all other taxes or tax sale certificates on the land described as required by law to be paid or redeemed, and the cost and expenses of this sale, and due notice of sale having been published as required by law, and no person entitled to do so having appeared to redeem said land; such land was not sold on the day of December 1st 1993 , offered for sale as required by law for cash to the highest bidder and Having no bids at the sale and Revenue Collector havinQ complied with Sec. 197.502(3) F.S. and the land having escheated to the County of Broward pursuant to Sec. 197.502(8) F.S. the undersi ned Deputy Count Administrator conveys the following described land to said Board of County Commissioners of the County of Broward State of Florida whose address is: 115 S. Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale Florida 33301. f Now on this 20th day of December 12000, in the County of Broward , State of Florida, in consideration of the sum of($ 0.00------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Dollars, being the amount paid pursuant to the Laws of Florida does hereby -sell--the following lands, including any hereditaments, buildings, fixtures and improvements of any kind and description, situated in the County and State aforesaid and described as follows: FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 11-49-41 4-31 B COMM SE COR OF SEC, NLY 2293.39 M/L TO POB, WLY J Witness: a State of Florida County of Broward r� 89.00, NLY 24, ELY 89.00, SLY 24 TO POB: BEING A STRIP LYING NLY OF NELY PT OF GATE ONE CONDO AS OF 1986: FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 11-49-41 4-31 B COMM SE COR OF SEC, NLY 2305.38 M/L TO POB, WLY 89,00, NLY 24.,1=L•Y 8%op SLY 24 TO ro# ,' !%> AKA: z: ACCESSWAY °'A" nG - (Seal) Deputy County Adminls rator Broward County, Florida. On this 20th day of December , 2000 , before me Janna S. Leland personally appeared Indra C. Lalsingh, Deputy County Administrator Gerk of the Greuit Court or County COffiPtFelle in and for the State and this County known to me to be the person described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution of this instrument to be his own free act and deed for the use and purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand and office seal date aforesaid. ,�Sky P1Q,9 JANNA S. LEL, z n COMMISSION # CC v� pa EXPIRES MAY 31, BONDED THRL OF V p� ATLANTIC BONDING CO., INC. Resolution 2002-472 1 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, 3 APPROVING THE CONVEYANCE TO BROWARD COUNTY MUNICIPALITIES OF COUNTY -OWNED PROPERTY WHICH 4 WAS ACQUIRED BY VIRTUE OF THE PROPERTY BEING DELINQUENT TAX LANDS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN 5 EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Broward County acquired title to real property, which is described in the proposed Quit Claim Deeds attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit' A," by virtue of delinquent ad valorem tax payments in accordance with the law, and WHEREAS, the County, at its discretion, has decided not to sell or dedicate these 1 lands; and 11 WHEREAS, the former owners of these lands have not filed a verified application or 12 petition with the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County seeking the restitution 13 of these properties in the manner prescribed by Section 197.592, Florida Statutes; and 14 WHEREAS, Section 197.592, Florida Statutes, provides that lands acquired under 15 this statute, which the Board has determined are not to be conveyed to the record fee 16 simple owner in accordance with the applicable provisions of this statute, which are located 17 within the boundaries of an incorporated municipality, shall be conveyed to the governing 18 board of the municipality in which the land is located; NOW, THEREFORE, 1 21 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA- Section 1. The recitals set forth in the preamble to this Resolution are incorporated A 23 A by reference herein. 9 24 1 Section 2. The conveyance of these properties is hereby approved for good and 2 sufficient consideration. 3 Section 3. This properties, having been acquired as County delinquent ad valorem 4 tax lands, and not having been previously sold or dedicated by the Board, and the former 5 owners not having requested by verified application a return of such property, the 5 conditions set forth in Section 197.592, Florida Statutes, for conveying these properties are 7 satisfied. 5 Section 4. The Chair of the Board of County Commissioners is hereby authorized 9. to execute quitclaim deeds in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and such other related 10 documents, if any, as needed to effect the conveyances. 11 Section 5. The land conveyed shall be freely alienable by the municipalities 12 without regard to third parties, and liens of record currently held by the County on this parcel 13 shall not survive this conveyance. 14 This Resolution shall become effective upon its adoption. 15 16 ADOPTED this day of %�Cw , 2002. -1-2 17 18 19 21 22 ADL:smc 05/08/20 #99-089 C:\W PFILES\AGENDA\AGEN DA\Resobcdeeds.wpd This instrument prepared by: Daphne Jones Assistant County Attorney Broward County Attorney's Office 115 South Andrews Ave, Rm. 423 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-357-7600 City of Tamarac Tax Deed Vs: 16563, 16564, 15734, 15732, 15731, 15316 UITCLAIM DEED (Pursuant to F. S. 125.411) THIS DEED, made this day of 12002, by BROWARD COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "GRANTOR"), whose address is Governmental Center, Room 423, 115 South Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301, and the City of Tamarac, a Florida (corporation) (the "GRANTEE"), whose post office address is: 7525 N.W. 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321. WITNESSETH: That GRANTOR for and in consideration of the sum of Ten DOLLARS ($10.00) to it in hand paid by GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to GRANTEE, its heirs, successors and assigns, forever, thefollowing described lands, lying and being in Broward County, Florida, to wit: Legal descriptions attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A"_ Subject to all existing public purpose utility and government easements and rights- of -way. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chair or Vice Chair of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. (Official Seal) ATTEST: County Administrator and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida gcd.frm, 11 /06/01 BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA By Its Board of County Commissioners By Lori Nance Parrish, Chair day of , 2002 -1- EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of 1 City of Tamarac 1. Tax Deed: 16563 Folio #: 921.7 04 02819 Legal: TAMARAC LAKES SOUTH 62-24 B WALKWAY LYING BET LOTS 14 & 15 BLK 15 2. Tax Deed: 16564 Folio #: 9217 04 05219 Legal: TAMARAC LAKES SOUTH 62-24 B WALKWAY LYING BET LOTS 39 & 40 BLK 15 3. Tax Deed: 15734 Folio #: 911008002 Legal: BANK OF TAMARAC 82-7 B BEG SE COR OF PAR A, WLY 13, NLY 100, ELY 13, SLY 100 TO POB LESS BEG SE COR OF PAR A, NLY 45.67 TO POB WLY 7.42, NLY 48.38, ELY 6.79, SLY TO POB 4. Tax Deed: 15732 Folio #: 9109 15 001 Legal: FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 9-49-41 4-31 B LOT 15 LESS OR 3976/440 & LESS P/P/A THE MAINLANDS OF TAMARAC LAKES UNIT ELEVEN 69-40 B & LESS LYONS COMM SUB 69-42 B & LESS COMMERCIAL BLVD R/W 5. Tax Deed: 15731 Folio #: 9019 09 001 Legal: FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 94941 4-31 B LOT 9 & S 15 OF VAC 30 R/W LYING N OF TR 9, LESS ORS 3976/440, 4048/382, 4084/110, 3929/733 & 4389/688 FOR RD & LESS 4435/543 6. Tax Deed: 15316 Folio #: 9111 01 0044 Legal: FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 11-49-41 4-31 B COMM SE COR OF SEC, NLY 2293.39 M/L TO POB, WLY 89.00, NLY 24, ELY 89.00, SLY 24 TO POB: BEING A STRIP LYING NLY OF NELY PT OF GATE ONE CONDO AS OF 1986: FT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS 11-49-41 4-31 B COMM SE COR OF SEC, NLY 2305.38 MIL TO POB, WLY 89.00, NLY 24, ELY 89.00, SLY 24 TO POB AKA: ACCESSWAY "A" STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF BROWARD ) I, ROGER J. DESJARLAIS, County Administrator, in and for Broward County, Florida, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of said County, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 2002-472 as the same appears of record in the minutes of a said meeting of said Board of County Commissioners held on the 28t" day of May, 2002. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 27t" day of June, 2002. oe c 7,4 Q 1g1S I (SEAL) ROGER J. DESJARLAIS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR By2?'22t, Deputy Clerk No Text No Text No Text No Text