HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution (301)Temp. Reso. # 9932 - October 10, 2002 Page 1 Revision #1 - October 14, 2002 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2002- 30 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO RENEW THE COVERAGE FOR THE CITY'S HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM WITH AETNA US HEALTHCARE FOR THE PLAN YEAR EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2003; PROVIDING FOR PREMIUM RATES AND PLAN DESIGN CHANGES; PROVIDING FOR THE CONTINUATION OF THE CURRENT COST ALLOCATION OF THE HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM BETWEEN THE CITY AND EMPLOYEES: PROVIDING FOR A WAIVER REIMBURSEMENT MAXIMUM; APPROVING THE APPROPRIATE BUDGETARY TRANSFER OF FUNDS, - PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City's contract with Aetna US Healthcare for health insurance coverage for employees expires on December 31, 2002; and WHEREAS, Aetna US Healthcare provided premium rates for the renewal of the City's health insurance plan for 2003; and WHEREAS, the committee appointed by the City Manager to review insurance proposals in 2001 consisting of the Director of Human Resources, Assistant City Attorney, Assistant Fire Chief„ Purchasing and Contracts Manager, Benefits Coordinator, Firefighter Paramedic and the Streets Supervisor was reconvened to evaluate Aetna's proposed rates and health plans and to consider alternatives; and WHEREAS, the committee reviewed our experience with Aetna, and determined that employees were satisfied with Aetna as its insurance provider; and 1 Temp. Reso. # 9932 - October 10, 2002 Page 2 Revision #1 - October 14, 2002 WHEREAS, the committee reviewed the City's plan design and determined that some plan changes could be made to reduce our overall rate increase, helping to make the plan more affordable for, the City and its employees (See Exhibits A through F); and WHEREAS, City staff has worked with representatives of Aetna U.S Healthcare to negotiate the most comprehensive and cost effective health plan for the City's employees and their dependents; and WHEREAS, as a result of these negotiations and our proposed plan design changes, our overall premium increase is 26%. (See Exhibits B and F.) WHEREAS, health insurance rate increases were anticipated and were budgeted accordingly in the FY 2003 Budget, and WHEREAS, the City will continue to pay the premium for HMO single coverage in total, and maintain the current cost allocation on an 80/20 ratio between the City and the employee for all other coverages so that both the City and the employee bear a portion of the premium increase; and WHEREAS, a waiver reimbursement maximum will allow employees who elect to purchase insurance through their spouse's employer or otherwise Independently from the City to be reimbursed up to a maximum amount equal to 100% of the single HMO rate and 80% of the family HMO rate for the plan year beginning January 1, 2003" and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Director of Human Resources and the City Manager that the City of Tamarac renew the coverage with Aetna US Healthcare for health insurance for City of Tamarac employees, with modifications to the plan design and at the rates shown in Exhibits A, B, C, D and E subject to any 0 fJ Temp. Reso. # 9932 - October 10, 2002 Page 3 Revision #1 - October 14, 2002 revisions consistent with the benefit plan as negotiated by and between City staff and Aetna US Healthcare and approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney effective January 1, 2003; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to renew the coverage with Aetna US Healthcare for health insurance for City of Tamarac employees, with modifications to the plan design and at the rates shown in Exhibits A, B, C, D, and E subject to any revisions consistent with the benefit plan as negotiated by and between City staff and Aetna US Healthcare and approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney effective January 1, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1:. "That the foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ,ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: That the appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to renew the coverage with Aetna US Healthcare for health Insurance for City of Tamarac employees, with modifications to the plan design and at the rates shown in Exhibits A,. B, C, D and E, subject to any revisions consistent with the benefit plan as negotiated by and between City staff and Aetna US Healthcare and approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney effective January 1, 2003. Temp. Reso. # 9932 - October 10, 2002 Page 4 Revision #1 - October 14, 2002 SECTION 3: That the appropriate City officials hereby authorize continued payment of the total cost of the premium for HMO single coverage and maintain the current cost allocation of the health insurance premium on an 80/20 ratio between the City and the employee for all other coverage. SECTION 4: That the appropriate City officials hereby authorize a waiver reimbursement maximum, to allow employees who elect to purchase insurance through their, spouse's employer, or otherwise independently from the City to be reimbursed up to a maximum amount equal to 100% of the single HMO rate and 80% of the family HMO rate for the plan year beginning January 1, 2001 SECTION 5: That the appropriate City officials are authorized to enact any appropriate budget transfers as needed for this purpose. SECTION 6: That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION is That if any clause, section, or other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. cPrTenn1 R adoption. Temp. Reso. # 9932 - October 10, 2002 Page 5 Revision #1 - October 14, 2002 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of October, 2002. ATTEST: MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK u JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1. V/M. PORTNER DIST 2: COMM. MISHKIN DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS I. -AMBIT A "kActna Octobcr O. 2002 M;)r i;l .Swarn.srrra UOV of Tamar�u; 752Nye' Wh idvcnuc Tamarac, pl. 33321 t c: Mc•dirai 12enew;11 Dear Mat in: Joy Fenton Account Manager _ 8201 Prrters (toad, . lantation, Florida 33,3214 Tel 954-382-4 292 1-t:{x 954.382 8200 or 9!34-'. i;'-8104 C?ur undcr��1113ntr cle.partrnc•nt lraw 1:c:?trapleted the finanoial analysis of }'our <rroup Medical .[nsurtznce in ecnmcc;tir,n �ti�ifft Eiac i/1/(l:� rerte��al perit:ul. l ltc. (rally u'in,.. (actors arc amc)Tgr those taken into consicicration in determining ycrur prertaiunn mites l"r>r the Conlin- plan vear: w Yoruhenclit pl;ur dr•t;t.,n • i'hc' rxlx;rirncc tc:.ulis Cut ynrr plata • (.:hatlrt;cs its t}u ma, ul maul }rruup ;uui the al!cs o4 the �,Iroup ttaenahers 0 C:hanges in medical tivnd liatied (m 1h r, araalvsis wt- have dcic.rrnincd Hit, 113i11r4' ct,sl; of ycnn health instnancc co�e.ral tt. .I.Ltt: rc,ultin,, t It tnt'c; arc displaycd en your c:11c;lo5cd rate shcct s. Itcnclil plan cic;si,m is an inte(),r]1 part of controlling Costs and utilizatinn. Aetna, Inc. has a gull portfcalio of products and benefit options de`sr�.lWd to IWI,1> control future health c;tre. Costs. 1 :urr ene lositw, the bell fit. plan design chant es that you have retltr sted aicnttr• with tiae final rate.~. Thank you for vour business :and it's boon our, pleasure to provide healthcare benefits to your errtl>loyees ;Ind ilaoir covered depende.tits. N'e look forw,11,d to continue doing business with you- ._:Siticcrcly ljoy P. Penton "� flceoautt Mctna�.n:r ' Summary of Monthly Billing Dates City Of Tamarac U i NO. 1)6V,34 f'ro(>vsrrci I;rtwi (:BIe(IIV(! J,,rI jry 1. 20U;3 1Y)rouyl) I)wcembrs'003 Rate Comparison HMO Medical (Florida-SOuthern FL04) Annual ?_7.:a4iS, lncr(r.as;rr in f�;�tarr; Annual Existing Premium at Proposed Premium at Lives Rates Current Rates Rates Proposed Rates Single 13:;Singlef :rnp4oyr r= 740.1:) IGO `$581.S(1 ;1,11f7,4f.30 t r rnl,y _.. .,._. _ _. 293 $1,414,303 $1,817,399 OPOS Medical (Florida -Souther FL04) Lives 8 >27Fi.40 $<'(, 726 $:357 20 S34 ?i)1 :;nu lr 1 rnitirtycr; 1:3 $649.50 j 101 37'1.. $H3.3.33 $119,9(�)9 f.;llnily 164,291 $ ?� $128,048 Open Choice Medical 12.0 % lncro: ise in Fi,tics; I ives ` j •`5;32t3.'.�`.� ;y31,!�4 ,ingl(, Flnhloye(= ti 1 3r).33ti Farrrily 13 `!Pio o 00 `.i;1'24 800 5893,19 21 $156,341 $174,552 Combined Medical Premium $1,758,692 $2,216,242 Combined Increase 26.0% 1�1/n',t 111(lln I-rindi+�q F'fnlr--r;ticn Sa¢pteawa)er 2002 F'agr '<i 1IMO-.1 flan t)rsit;rt Benefits Aetna U.S. 1lealthcare, Inc. city of T:itmarac•. l,lcrricla Phin 1"catures In Network iIreheri,91 (' Primary C'are 1'hy'. all visits ( )I I lc;c I Iuurs $15 cct}'rry Allc i l irturti/1 lcaattc• $l c'ctlmy Specialty ('art: 011'icc Visits `, 15 copay DI;wnctslic OP 1.ah/x RaY 't'c's(ua (at kicility) $15 cop; y with I I( ft•lral. 8)ia^, nctslic; Ol' I.ah/X Ray l c;tin; (at specaalist) Included in `7peciahsi 011Ice Visit col'a;ty 101' visit wills I'('I' rcacrr:ak. ( )nlpaticrtt `Therapy (' pJvc(;h, pltystcal. S 15 cctlt.ay: 1'r't.-atrrtent raver' a 60 day c uusecultve pci sod per occupational) incident of illness or injcu-y be"irtntra",, with tltc lard day of tre,:rtattc°ttt. outpatient 1.)ialysis/('he,nuithc:r::al'ry $15 copay Allcr. v'Icstiu•/'her lltrtn.nt yISct)pay fttt'tc'stitt! Its til>eci;alisi: 5I 5 copay fcn- tcnt(inc 1111c;clarrns :tl P(T olilcc•, with ctt without physician c•rtcuuntcr:.` 0 scrum ccaptty. 111•evenlive ('are Kocrtirac Physic tl; Routine Child and Wc1l tiai)v (.'alc, Immunizations I\1cart(nw (;YN ('arc Itcnttine M�rn7ntctpwr.rplty, Routine I_,Ye. 1.7:'arrl Pediatric. Dental Ilchint:, lllxalll 5I -� cctpav 51'> c:ctpay 51 5 c ctli;ty. ( )rte rcxtlInc GYN visit and pap smc;tr per:ZhS clays. Direct access to pcutiripatin<'. jwov'ldor5- 51 5 copay, One hasc•hnc hclwcren :rfoes 35 and 0), one annual txtattlrrutrr,raw.. ,we 40 :.utd aver. 515 copay. Direct access to partic1p;tt1t1g I rovicicrs; I^rc<lucrtcy and Af.,e Schedules 11'tay ;appiv Not cctvc:rcd S 15 copay. Routine 11C;1ritll? screeninp by Prin-tar y Care Physiciatn. 09/Z5/01 IIMI)-2 r� �i Man D"In licrwMs AetN)a) U.S. ticaltlacarc, lnc. lowida lniat) FeaturE'ti Ilearing tl,icls 1?;nuvrl;ency t arc ilrgel)t (arc. ()ut-ol',A rca Arnbulame ()(Itpalient Sorgery J10',pitalizalinu SkMed NumW9 facilely (Ire On lieu of Ytospitalization for nvAcAN nc•.cessmy covcmd bencfks) Malet•uily i)13 r/ftiitti lla,slWal (InchtW WIN" tid; v vs) Home lleal(I► ('are/ltu,p►icc Q)ntpalicnl Private+ Duty oI- Sl)c(,ial t)uty Nursing Hospice - 1111latient 1, a►1)ily t'I.)t)n►ng/Rcproductivc Services, Stertlizalicna Procedures Mental Health Inpatient 0utpadent Sul)st.ance Abuse Detoxificr►tion ltlptaiir°a�i t)i•tc,xilu:;alia,at i)nlp:.tlac•nl 1 )iac,xilla::,iltarta t►i �ietrM11►i't< 1Re_terml,,,( arm, N111 c.ovca'r•d M00 copay `!; I M) onlmy No copay 100 copay US unly `;;1 _s Colx.ty for initial vigil only $240 <•m No i:opay Not covC•t'ed unless ptc' anihanaiV(I by IIM0, 114) cxtpay rvlt(at r,rvcrec9. $ M) w1my Covered with applicable, sp lCl llist, oulp),rticnt stn'().cry rat' fatpatiCnl hospital L'npay; TZCvcrs,al of voluntary steril9 Wkm including related I-011ow-upt cure and we atrnent oC cornplicatioaas of suc9a procedill-CS is not covcled. $240 cNMY 30 dqs pet' calendar you. $25 cG►pay, 20 visits 1">er calendar year. $15Copay 0905/01 Plan Design Benefits , lctna U.S. Healthcare, Inc. 1'lortda Plan Features Substance Abuse Rehabilitation) hip;iuent Rehabilitation ( )wpaiient Rchabilitation Diabetic Supplies Chiropractic ("arc Dermatologist Durable Medical E(luiprnct)t Prescriplion Draag Rider I I11 0_3 ('it.y or''I'll r,:1rac In Network (Referred Care ` ,,; ,10 copay, 1.inlilc•d to .10 dliv,, pct, c;llcnd«u- year. 15 c:olray. l.unitcci to 3(D visits 1)er calendar' ye;.tt. RN copay it RX licicr PUT hosed; othcrwisc 1,(T a opay al')phc,s. $15 copay, Direct acccti5 cublt.txalion 1-cilc'111,.0 visits pc, calendar yce:ar. S15 copay. Dit'ec't access; 5 vi'sitti pe:r i''-rru,nth I,clincl. No copay S10 copay .�c.nc.rte tiirr))trlal. . '} 15 copIly brand lol111111;,ry; $ (D co{lay Oencric and hrand non-lbi'mulary:up to 30 d;ay supply. No Mand;.,lory ( iencn<;', 1 90 Day supply Includrd for M;1i{ t)rala, 1)elavc:,ry (Mo l:)) ? tines the 30 day sul)ply col,ay, ( Dpt n (crrnlaaLuy a er; c9a a as and the 1 nrrna l«ary EXCILISIOt1 list. Additional Pharmacy Options ( wllIlicel)tI\v.s Option 1IL-1ionl a1-ice ( )pllo,a Dental vision Corrective Lenses/Contacts Allowance included in 1),c,,c•riptiota i)ru,:.t t.)pltana. Not covered Not covCred Not covered Advanced Rel)rodllctive'l'ccl)nology Not cowicd (A)vaiiahle In -network only to groups with 500+etrlployees) Medical Spending Fund Individual/family Limits Not covered Norte.: Annual copayment Maximum oi, � I.500 per Individual per calettda, seat / '+, i.000 per 1an)ily pa caletldar year OT, OI Man Design Benefits RANIO-4 Aetna U.S. Ilealthe.11'e, Inc. ('ity uiL.aLu.�tac fI,t,c.{;I ,-\(!Ina f'.S Iic'althr;nc; i";I h?t im)fil INM(.1.. Plus tn:rleriaI is for itlormaiional puritresc; (;Ay and is ndHwr an (Wr M c'ovt r yc nor medical advice:. It contains oil ;I p:uttai, x nt I,II dc'>CII[)II ofI n( pints or Illoirr;u I hc•rusIiI; ;uul dnr>: rn.,l c oII,Iiftit, a cAll) IIaI( I. f'nns III your pl;trt dtx•utpcnIs {St ItcrltrlI- of F4:11c•I IIs, Cc oI CovcIagt- nr (it,ruIf A ?Ic•crrIt' nl I it IIt;tcI mine fr,uvt'rrtI t:oil hatanal pf ovisicuas, nx;lrtdinl.t ptuce,clures, cx(Allsions and iinlaal.ioa5 rclatin}r. to votar pl;in All ill(, Trims and cc:mdition, of sour plan or prugmin are Subject to al)l>licahlr laves, rcgulatieuts and policies, 1•hc awlibbliky o a Qan or prolrratrt rtaay v tt by C',tu�;ra .hic scrvitx• arCa. Ail benefits ate subject to coordination pl he nclits. 7 p Aetna U.S I IC:Illhc;tn;: dnr'_s I4411 prnvtdc health Cate service, ;Ind, Ihciclorr, c;;tnnot rru,tr;utuc any L(,arlts or ouliomCS. p l-661,alI'I ,, providers ;sod ;" nt y nt000 arr "w pendent CM) Iadoi-s in privalw placket' and arc neither t-Inployecs :utr &pc'nts of Actno I? S. Ficallha rc or is ailibates. Tk availability rat any p.utic:u m provider cannot be euarentec•d, and provider network composition is subject to change "!&out notice. Cortatra providers may he affiliated with an Itulepc.ndcni PraCtice Association (II'.A ), a Pliysician Mc•dic;d Group (NMG), art intcgratt'd dciivcry system or other Inoviticv I;roups Mcuthc•rs vvhci and t'I Hit>;( Innvicit t ; wtll Ili ni Ially be rc•tcrred to slwciallst and bust>it;d>: within than 0won or guup, I IMO henClits:ue. provided or achninc;tctcd by. AL -Ina t l .) I lcalth(.aw lilt . Acrna U,S I lcidthatrr Inc:. IUI?), Aunta U.S. Iicalthcarc• (11,Cal If o I I I la IIIt:,. AuItta t I S, IIt, ait. atr „i du ('arolira;c; Inc.. Ac•uta U,S. IIeahhcarc of (lctngia. Inc. Acuut t-1.S. licalthcavc of Illinois Inc. and/or At-Illa I!.5. I lcallbc;arc of North l'cxas Inc. Spccilic plodut is may not l,c ;Iv;ailable oft berth a s11' lundcd and insured bast. While this material ic, h( tievcd to ht.: act. ut;rte :as ut IIIt, punt daft% it i, :;UlI cl to c'llun t(' wtlhout raiulc:c. In cas_ of a cttrtllicl f>ctwecrt sour plan ,her unu•IIL; ;Intl file; InitIt nctlum. tln; lai ur do uu(:nl; %Nell Ixovl:In. OW2 ` 0 I FIxIMAT 1) 9'I:,,, Design Benetiis Aetna UI.S. Healthcare. Inc.-._ ..... Florida Ilan I eatnres Primary (..are Physician N, isits Otfic( I-lcntrs After hours/1l(: "IC In Netvtork (ltefcrrc�c! (_'arc• `$ 15 copay `t;15 copay, OPOS In-Networh (',ty oI"i amarac. Specialty C- 111'e Office. Visits S25c-opay I.)iagn(rstic (.)1' I,Jb12\ Kay TLSI.1ng! (tt lacy) S25 copay will, PCP refcrr d l)ia4a,rtostic OP Lab/X Ray Testing. (at sPccialisl) Included in 51)cclalh"t ()fti(:c, Visit copay for visit With PCP ref"ct-ral. (hripatii;rtt'l Therapy (speecai. l)I,ysic al. n'.5 Copay, 'Ilccttrt,ertt ovc-r a 60-clay Cunsccutivc period per (x:rupa{irniTE tnridc'nl of illness or inlury bc:s%uurin With the Ins, Clay of tre:.rhuent. ( )ulltalrent I Traly,i>;/('I,c n,ulhe?e:,l'ry �'� copay Allcwy 'l e, liu;?,/ I rratrrtc,rlt `s15 copay (or t(atruW by specialist: $15 copay tor- routine trrlecl-iorts ',it P(-:P 01TlCc will') or Without physician ertc;ocntter; $0 serum, copay. Preventive (:':ire Routine. Physicals ti15 copay Routine (`piled aired Well Baby ('art. col,ay Iuururrti/.atiiTrr^; Ror ilne GYN ('zinc: ',25 copay- `)tic r'outirle (TYN N-isit and P;.11) smear per 305 days. Direct access to parlicipalirtg providers. Routine Marrttalo!r,raphti $25 copay. One baseline between ages 35 and 39: cnrc anrnr:rl nrarnn'u,,r,r;un acre 40 and over. Routine Fyc Ex:.utt ` "). c:o(rry. 1)irc(a :.tcc'css to pal Ilc:ilrrtrng; lTrovrc,lc:rs, i~recluelwy and Ag;c Sclx:clules rMly apply. Prdratr ic, 1 Tc utag Not covelcd Ilearing Exam } 15 cc,pay. Routine In::rr inp', s( werunl',s by I'riruary Cate Physician. 00/ 12/01 Plan i)cslt;ll l'lenefit�, Acina U.S. llealllrc•arc, In('. I-k)]I a 11:ur Ii'caturew Haan; ,Aids 15"" owy Care l JI-gent Care Ont-of-Ar•ea Ambulance. Outpatient Surgery Hospitalization S161lerl Nursing Fat'ilily ('are (in lic:ll 0I llo�pif,111J;1tic)11 for r'lledIcally necessary Covr,)rctl herie us) Maternity OB Visits hospital ('lnc:ludes Nc\\,N in Ilornc Health (':trc/hospice-()rrtpaticnt I'rirate Duly or Special (Duty Nursing; I lospicc - Inpatient 1i'aruily 1'Ianninl/Rcprndtrctiwe Services sIcunlir.;111on hoc:edllrc', Mental health lnpa0ent (hltpatie.nt Substance Abuse I)cloxification Illpaticrlt DetoXihwalloll Owpatiew i7c•t1.lxili(-,Il oil In Network Keljcrred Lace Not covered $100 eopay $100 c:opay No (q)ay $1 50 cc)pay `t; 00 c ()pay $500 cop, ,,,,w,ti c•opay for inilial visit ofily `000 copay No copay Not covered unless 1),C ;u111101iz •d by IIMO: nu c;opay w1wil c()vcl'c°(l. 500 c:cr1);1y Covcred will) appliwahic' slu'cialisl. outpallelll. su1',,!ery oI 1111);Itienl ho"pilal c'opay, KCvcrs;ll ut voluntary sle.rilizalmll inwludinsr re lAcd lollc/w llh c;.1re and treatment c)f'colllpiicatiorry uf'suc;ll procc:clures is not covered. $500 copay: 30 clays per calendar year $25 coy , 20 visits per ulcndar yam. $25 colmy 01110S In •Network Cil) Ill 1:1111.11:1V DWI XI I 111a1ra t)csivn Benefits QPOS In-Nelwork Aetna U.S. Healthcare, Ine. � CON i,t'1':im4H—:(( I'lorida Plan l"Catures Suhslance Abuse Rehabilitation Inp:.aticni Itelribjhwtiorl Outpatient Rehabilitation Diabetic supplies Chiropractic Carle Dermatologist Durable Medical Equipim-111 Prescription Drug Rider In Network (Referred Carc S500 copay. Limited to 30 days per calendar year. $25 copily. Limited to A visits per caltnld:ai ycar- RX colmy it RX rider pur(h:ascd: otherwise PUP copay appho.-, :7 (-ol)ciy. Dire• a((ess suhlnnaition hvnclit, 20 visits pc, calcrldw y ol: ?ti cc,pay, Direct :Iccess, 7 visit,, per 12-month period. No colmy 10 copaty rcneric kwmul:uy; $15 coptly brand formulary; S30 cop iy u.c.ncl i(.- :111d 1)r111(1 ,Ion-lnrinui:aIV : i)p to .j0 daY srippIV No Mandatory (:i-1c1 ics. � 1 90 Day supply lncludcd 101 ml od Order Delivery (MOD) 2 umc,,,, the 30 cloy supply copay- c. )IxAn 101111Lllary ('ovc•rti (Irnt's oil 111c 1'01-111LIk ry I'.XCIUSIMI Lill. ;additional Pliarrriacy ()pl.iuras C.'ontriceptives Option Perit)rniance. OptiW1 hlchl(crl u1 t'1c"criptinn l)rut Olrl(ur1. Not covered Dental Not covercd Vision Corrective Lenses/('orrtacts Not covered Allowance ;advainccd Reproductive T'mlznology Not covered (AValiable In-nctwork only to Lroups with `iO(1+ c.ar1111oyc(',$) medical spending Fuud 111dlvidual/T"arni1y Limits Not covered Nc,tc: Annual col)alyment IlMxinittm ol,$1,'i0O per individual l)e1'c..dcndar year/ $-�,000 per family pcI c::alendm vc;11, 111m) De6gli Henetits 0110S III -1'elrvork Actwi U.ti, 11e,1101(M—C, 111c. a.`iav erf't:arnarcrc Fj( II ic.i;.I \t'T II;I Il',. Ilcall hrvc 1,;,i IIII prolll I Mt). L'hc, in:ilcIT;tl I,: Inr ❑IIoTIIIaIional putposr, oIIly ;Intl ir; IIuithc.I an offer of coverage nor III ccIicaI advice. it conwins ullly a I>arit;I{, Sit nc•r;Il (it ij)t It III (d I)I:nI or III aiu he ni:IiI tmd doc,>, nnl tlmst rule n contract, Cot) st.Ilt your plan documcnty l5chccdt.rl 1 In;I I! .ti. I Ic;Illhc;)r[ <lurs rrtu Im,vidc health c;ut, srrvurs ;.Ind, tltcrrl m. cannot g.uaranct; stay rc..titdts or Gtatcome5. 1'atttcll.),Itin! lrrirvidc'Is and :Irt;n, v Irlrrscs art; Intl(lx'mh;nl t oljtrarltas III 1)11vatc• rutlttic'i• ;und left:' ttcither r11)1)loyces ncm as cats of Attila I IMIO hcnciits arc pmvitied or adrmT istcrcd by: Actna US. Hcnilhcmc Inc.. Actnn U.S. Healthcnrc Inc;. (DE), Anna S. I fealthealu of �';Ila(iYI ma Inc., Actlur l;.S. iIcahhcx ltt ()I tile. Carolinas Inc., Aetna 11-S. 11calthearc of Ccor�!ia. Inc, Aetna t,S. Healthcare sp, ritic: lln.)tluris nl;;v nrll IIt' ;Iv;tIl;Ihlt: nn IIutII :I :it'll IUFI(II (I ;Int.l Ifl`,Iut:d h;I'a', 1.1'hldt' his molt tEd e; lu'he•vctl to 1W aI. c. Mali• as; "' the Inn'( tl;Iii'' II I:. Ithlt;(-'t to than le cvnhortl notice In ca>c of a confliet betwexn your plan documents and this information. ihc. I)lat) Ilncurnenls will ,:.ovrltl tH)/1 IA)I t'larn Mi};tr BeimMs 0110S Out-ol•-Net),vork Aetna t1.S. healthcare, luc. Qtri<lu d.'liy nr'"I:uaaarac QPOS Plan (Stacked) t'lan l+'eaturr5 Out of Network Non�Rct'crred (Orr .'.** Financial Deductible l.iaxlividual; Iala�nily} (_•oinsurarnce Bun:°fit ar onnigo Pwd by Plan ('oinsurancc limit: i11dividual/1~am0y l ifetime. Maximum };cnchl Primary Care Physici.rn Visits O'or illness and injury only) Mice e fours Affe•t'--1 i(.aitvs/Hcanio sproaRy (Are ()ittcc Visits l.Kaagttostic. OP lab/X Ray r'c:stinz.�, (at factlity) F)tarno,,,tic ()i' I..aab/X lay Tostin,g (at specialist) C)ao(paticnl l hc•r:?py (spec ch. physics ll, nc:cupahonal) OullmlloW I)i:alvsi�,Whcnanthcrahy Allergy l"cstin 1/Tre:ahracnt PrmeMNP Care It name, r"hymcals Routine Child and We'll 13a11hy Care; lnrtnunizaltoias Routine (i)'N (.'arc: Routinc^ Maammograaphy S500 ljidivt ival/ l J00 1 an iI 80', $1500 lm tvidual/,A500 family w1.000,000 i)cr tncrrlhrr 80cl( after deductible ri0'7f, alter dCcicac:tiblC so% after deductible. 80`/; alter dL'.ductil)lC 80</, atic t de due Lil?le 80`/ ailc t dcductihlc , h(i datys pci talc rular yeaat. SOr%r alter deduOlhlc. 80`iG- ahu dccluclk, NOI/f- deductiblc Waived, claildre n thlrouf1,h a�c )b only 501% . deductible waived, children Ihrou rh age 16 only No; cc)vcrrd unlc°ss caplional prcvcnlivc calk,. rider is purchased. l00 ,4 no deductible.: a.tc 35+ oneper year. Member precertiiicalion rrcluirrd or he nclils Will he suhslanitally rrcluc:ed. Piec;catii'icatiitn rcxlurremerals may van} See your plain doc umc•aats fora complete list of mail ail snows that recluirr pre"AHicalion. 0(i/ I JO 1 Plan Design lie:luvlits Aetna U.S. Healt.ltcarc, Irac- Flonda ()I'O5 Ilan (Stacked) flan Features Routine 1 vc, Exam Pediatric: I ental I f(;af MIT Exatti 1le:a[Ing, Aids Urgent Care Otit-ol•-Arca A nrhulancc Ontpatient Srrruer•v I lospitalization Skilled Nursing Facility (_'are (it) iicu Of hospitalization for modic<Illy necc•ss;uy O)v('r('d ho'n'lits) iti'lalernily (M visils Iiospic'al (.1nc:ludes Newlaurn Sc rvit rs) Home Ilcalth ('are Private Duty or Special DWy Nrrrsinl; hospice - Inpatient I lospice - Outpatient Ont of Network (Non -Referred ("arty' Not covered Not covered 8014, allcr r,lc-duo.'IIhIc; 1W- illncs": r►r injury Not covelcd (Sturte as In -Network coveragc) (Same as In-Nowoik coveraf?.e) (Same: as In -Network 80%; after deductible. O/ ;dtcl do'duc'tii�lc hU /- aftcr' dedu(.:tIhk' ?.•dU clays poi, c,dclldal vc;tr SO'/h after deductible SOrI allcr• deductiblc. 801% after cleductlhlc; 1-10 visit pc•.r ya:Lu'. (Santo limitations as In Nclwork) ,f after dedm iiblc '-'MY ;t1tc'r dccluclihl(- iO day IIICIImc rn;txnnutn 81017c after- deductible $10,000 lifctirne 17rrximum (lt OS' Out -i)f-Network Mettabcr preccrtificatiorl 1'e'il(li1Vd or In: nrlits will be snl)st�uIII:Illy rc'ducc(l. PICt r,rIIIicatioli rcyunc'tncatis may vary. See y(,nr phis tlue untc„1; fur a c:omplcic list of medical swrvices that te(luire prcccrttf tcatiott. Plan Features Out oL2!je work Non-lZeferre.d Care t:k 06/ 1:?/O t Plan Design Benefits, Aetna U.S. Healthcare, Inc. Hol id'i ()11()5 Plan (Stacked) 1i':tniily I'lattoin)/Kehrodu(°live Services Slerilizatit►at I'rocedilres mental I lellila lnpalie.nt OnIpaticnt. Sal►stance. Abuse Detoxification Inpatient Detoxification Owpatient Detoxific:atic►n Sr►bslauc•e. Abuse Rehabilitation Inpatient Rc'habilrtaliorl 4 )ulp:Iticrll Rvimblhtallon Diabetic Sltpplies and Equiptuent. Durable Medical Equipment. Chiropractic tare Oul-ol'-Network All 1'revenlive ('are Ritter (excluding mandated benefits) 01'05 Oul-ot-Nrrwurl: 801;4 aikcr deductible C"crrain services are covered. San-rc limitations as .1ra N twor'k. 80'% a.tftcr dcduc•lil ic, .10 clays pc'r c:derrdar yc'.Ir 50% after deductible.; 20 visits per calendar year 1i0c/( after deductible: 30 clays per cldc.ndar ycm— combined with Inpatient Rehabilitation 801/c after deductible 8Mi, ;after' deductible _ 0 days per calendar year c;onlbined Willa Inpatient Dc.luxilic-ation 80'k alter dodlIclihlc. .14 visits per calendar year 801/> ;al -ter deductible. 80c/ after deductible. Must pre -certify if over S1.500 i0'ii afICA- decfuc(11dL'; �1MOO anratull III axiIII una 1'ap ,8nte:trs and Routine .Prostate Screeninc,, covered subieo to dcdttctil)le tuacl cc dnyttrance: Routine.' ( iYN c•ovewd at 100'/( np to `h.1.50 allowance, then covered snhiecl to (RA"kcubic mid coir�sur: nc'c'; ('11 Id l lc';alth Supca vision ,scrviccs c-ovcwd up to `';150 allowance, tlrcra covered suh.Ic'rt to plarl c,ninsttr,incc (cle.cluetif.>lc waived). 'hhc $150 allowance• is a ccnnhi wd rnaxirrunra for all Cli�,Iiblc preventive care scrvicr' - :L Member precertification 1-ecluired or bencfils will be substantially re.'dttc:cd. 1'rccertiticalrtm Icquircrncatls may vary. See Your plan doctarnents for a complete: list of rnedic,al services that reclttire. hrcce.rtific:ation. Arleta U.S', f 1c;j11hL:uc' is ca lira IrIOW I IMcl 00/ 12./01 PWn DmQn KctMOts Qll()S (),it -ol'-Network ............... .....--- --. Actrm IJ.ti. Healthcare, lrrc. l..len idtl Citynf't'arrt:ar:rr c POS Man (Stacked) i'his mmcrial is for only anal r; ncithrr art nlii;i nl I.O;crasr(' lit)' nu;dic;Ii advitt II ct)ttl:liIs' t11V a partial. prnriai description art pLlil oi- ptotr,rtim hcm.'itti anti does nut L oll"Ii1ilk, :i t t)ill r;4(t (' ,nsnll yunr plall do(,rincnts ISt IteclUIC or Benefits, att' of (ovc:ras!r, t Troup Apiccimut, ( ifoup Intinr uu,c ('('IIll I(;:Ilc, or t Ir,uilr Poll( yl to dt-willic. gowrijil1g. Conlraciu;tl Inuvc,urlts, gat IudIIIP! ()I It cclinr", rxdIisu>ns anci Iirinit,ltit-ns ra Ellin. I your i,I;tn All the ions and Conditions Of yunr Irian or prurpaal :]It, ,t}hjt:ct tt, pplic;tlliv I:twr;• I Yulations an(I pM,cics 11, av;IIlahility of tl plarl or prc,,mm nury vary by grokrmpMe service area. Al LCnrl III; iii'C subject to CuoldIni utIir ul hcn(,his \ctna U S. Hrtlthcarc &ws not provide hinth t Tut °services -III, thcrcloic, c:uun,i ;>uatarncc ;ufy it tiulls (rr uutcntateS. Participating i,rtIVIIlrrs ;wIt t „cnt y nIn m ; ;Ire' uulcpcnwtil t milt tours in I'trival w pr acli(c Intl irt: nt ithcr cmpIoyccs not agcnIs of Aetna U-S- i Ic;d1ht:a1t• to IN aflili,itc,. I lit• ilv:ulahilily of any parricidal provider ctlnnol he niatanteed. and provider network cornposmon is suhjcct to 11;Inge without n ticc. Certain providers may be al l iklic-d with an Indcpcndem Practice Asset(,iatioil 1 IPA ). a Physici:u, "iCciic;ll (.Irnnh (I'MC.i).:.ni into;rated deltvcty syInn a other provider f.trc:n j7s. Meml)crs wh +select obese pauvnirrswill hc•ucr;Illy ht cfrrrcd to spcCialist anci hospitak withilt that system) or ]Il ulp. t 110ScsI xid i;SAcccss(,) Telorcd bcnclits may he provuled cx ttdrrunutt red hy: Acnct 1'.S. {li:aliht;arr Inc , Aclna U S I Icallhcarc lot OPOS anti i ISAeccti (O sell PICIrc,(l hCIlCills tnay he prt)vidccl or adnonnicred hy: Actna U-S. I lcalthCOic Inc., Aelna t l S l lcalihcarc l tv'Im, s(,JVIQ C ui Supply lh;ll in c,ll)Icct to ;l in)vilnrm limitation, such nulxin arms will be reduced by any scrviceN or stllwhes which arc t:ovcrcd ,i; rcicrrc(d nr non I(Ifcrrcd ben(fits under the Point oP SCrvic:C t)r liSAccess lrrograto l3cnclit limo~ upset Turd do not ciUPlic:I1c• c;at 11 olhet'. I duire�d or heiIt' IiIs will N. tiuh;I;uttlillly rrdut c d ` ,Illr tIl Iht: ht uctils It'tlenllnd[ prct t,liiic;atlnn may Inc'Itath. >\lcnihcr rrctCtl,ficaticm rc. httt arc nut iirnticd Io lnpalielti I IoNpilol, Ii,patitml Mrnlal I It'allh. Inpilllcnt 'killed Nnrsuy�, ( htipatl'-w Suli!ul , Sulnt;lm c, Ahusc I)tiri\itit;lit( m, h,p:alic:nt and Oiltpaticau IZchaP>ilitatiun) PicCerti)it;illuu reeitinetrunis stay vttly. M( n,hc rs ugly rel(•r ir) then plait i do( llll rniti loi a t Unpick Ic,t of mudicpl xrviccs that require prr crufit:aticm. '•;pcc11 iC prt>duc:u; rn:fy nt)t ix :rvail:ihlr on h)lll ;t ticll (under! ,trat.l Insurer Whllr ihls twilcmil r; hcilrv(ti to he accurate as of the print dale, it is Subject to Chiangr without notice. In C:lse of a conflict betwec)it your plan documerus and Il,e; ilrl('outrun, IhC I)lart (JO C:urrx IIIN will J',ovrI II I•;X1.11111'1' F, Plan I)5ign & lycrrclit (.)(' I Actna U.S. Healthcare Florida Dade/Broward/1'a1111 Beach/;Martin/tit. Lucie County Benefit Al brentlalls lOr (Ven C`lloice to successfully control (:casts, it must create significant benefit incentives for plan inerniv rs 0) seek care ill -network. To maximize the plan's impaci ou the cushmnces cast savage. our Ialalls include: W A reasonable level of ermployee cost sbar•ing, evert for preferred benefits. .� A nicaningful differential between deductibles and coinsurance for the preferred benefits for in-nctwclrk sc•r-vicc.s mitt llic non-picicrrcd hcrichis for uul of nrlwuri: services. ■ 4.'uvera�e for l�reverrlivc sc'rvicc's 1pllysic:ll rxalns :rile! itllmcrrli:r,.riicros) wlle,n received in -network. or out -of. -network. a Aetna Navigator"",, ;a powc1-1111. well has(•cl (ool desi.�!,ned to help nlerYlbel"s acc:css and rlavi,ri;ltc Aetna t IS. I Icalthcal-c "s wide calibre or health informative ;111(1 prograrlls. 1% plan design tellc•ctccl on the fullowilly Imjws is tilt:• basis foe r>in cltlolatioll. 11 is suhjcct 10 1110(11lic<:ltion in responsc to stale or fcdund legislation, hs intc'1at is to hi ghh.L7,l1t some of the main features of the plan of benefits. In case of a conflict istwcen the Group Contract and tilts phi design, the Group Contract will govern. The avaiiahilily ()rally IMI-11CUlar provider cmi not hc.:assinvd. While Aetna 11S l Ic:aiihcarc opc'r:ltc's .1 systClIl of rnedieal cfelivcry 1oL111ded in (f1.1a11ty ;and cost eFfectivelless, it (:;itl not :nly nuwdical r(sulls 01 otrtc0111CS. Ail benefits of the plan are sc11�j(:,c:.t to c'ourclillatio ll cal benefits and the terms Oncludiiv,, exclusions) of the (^;ronla Contract, ()pen ChoiCCO PPO. is underwritten or adni nistewd by Aetna Life insurance Company. I'hc Information herein is believed to he accurate as of the elate of this document. and is srlflieci to chanaLe without notice. Aetna i?.S. UlcaIthcare. 1 0 / 0 9 / 0 2 Ibn 1vsign & lbiw%, OC'_` AcIiia U.S. 11ealthcare Opcn C'lulice(10 PkIll Florida Dade/llrow.:ard/1'alna Beach/Mal-fill/St. Lucie County 14k111 Preferred Beiiefits Non -Preferred Beii 'fits (in -Network) (Out -of -Network) Ilan I)cllrlclihlc (per c;Ilc•r1d;11 yc;11: $,'3O0 111clividLI;ll $900 Individual rIpplics to ;ill covcrcd "(.rvlccs. $600 Family $1100 Family excludes deductihlc c;11°ryover.) Dedllclible Carryover- ]None ;'done (Antiurance !.Irbil Wxdiuks $1.500Individual $3,000Individiml deductible; once l"amdy CIAISL1r:lIICC $ 3,00o Family $6,()()() f';: nnly Limit is met- all family nlelllllers will be considered as havlll`T, met their COilasut-Gt.racc, for the rem amdci of the calendar year.) Lil,efinre Ma\irlallral Unlimited except where ( lrllin,itc;cl except whery otherwise lndic<llcd Nlicrwi""'c• indic.;itc.'(1 Physician Services (excepl..Mcrltal Health/Alc/Dr tt ?.' C)f►icc. Visits (non surgical) to Non- 100(Xc, aftcr$15 c)fficc visit 7O`%-;Ihcrdeduclihic• Specialist (I111crrli'O, ( iencral copay; deductible waived I'llysiciari, F;,iriiily I'mcliti(>ner cal Pcdi;ltriciall) Spcckdist (office visits) loo`%; aller `♦25 specialist "7OY(, nilcr deductihlc oflice visit c(gmy. deduchble waivecl Florida Mid lAcHhh Supervrsicnl Services C:hildrera to age It (i cx;irns in first 12 months of fife;. ? rxams m lhe. 1 "- 7 1& nuinths of life, I exam every 12 llu)ntlas (il- tile. thcrcaltcl. InCILICIeS cover;:+,.=,e for inlmLtriiZati()Ils. LOOS% rafter applicable office visit copay; deductible vvVvec:l 70%; dmMctihle waived o a L. - S I4 c a! E h c ;i r c 1 0/ O 9 / 0 2 I* Plan Dc os ,'t c'ti:. B011efit5 O('. Aetna U.S. IkaltlicaI-v (::)per) Choice 10, Plan Florida Dade/Broward/1'aIi in Beach Martin/St. I..ucie (_;unruly Plan Features Routine l'hysiCals/IrrnllLrrlisatiorls ('lrildren age 17 f: I cxwn cvemy 1 mouths of life 111) to age IS, I cxarr) c;vc'ry :2.1 months fOr childrera ,1`,c I and older. Inc;lu( cs c:i)vc ra+.(: for immunizations. Adults: I cx urr every 24 months nths 111) to a:r ,c. O) and 1 cxa m every 12 month~ for- adults age 05 arad Older. Inc dudes covera !c for immuniz.athms. KoLrtrne TIC,11'rilL' l;xaM i 1 exam per 12 months) Routine Ob/Gyn Exarn ( I ro Hmu exam per calendar year: incluchng 1. Pap ','mcar and related fees) Routinc. Marntnography Preferred Benefits (try -Network) 100% at,ter applicable OfhCC ON Copay; tQdmAdQ wain ,(l No coverage 100' o z.rftcr $25 spe.cialist Office ON Copay I O Yk Mr amd waNC (Ance visit way; deductible waived 1.00'I,; ded.LICtiNC waived RoutinC Annual l )if,,ilal Rc.c:l:rl F,xam 100`/c after applicable. :rnd Prosuac /�ntigcn lest office ON c:opay: (PSA) kw covca'cd nmks age 40 and deduCtiblc waived over S Lrr ,rx,et..y. fovAcitrn In-1 lo, 1pitnl Scrv1Ccs Allcrl. y 'listing and 11%'a1tT cm (given by physrctan) TM aner(Ic(ltacKwu 90% after deductible 1Mq, alter,1421 spccialisl (Once ;lmt C(lpay: deductibic waived ........................... . Non -Preferred Benefits (Out -of -Network) 7K/; after dedLrCtiNC. No (_'ovcrr.tge `70'%, alter ckductihlc 70% aller (:kxl(rctihM 701/0 after dedLICtil_l1C 70% after deductible 7(M after dc.clLLc;ttl)le 70%) aher deductible 70'%, afte.r deductible. A C I ra a. U. S. I c! a I t h c a r e 1 0/ 0 9/ 0 2 Tian llc`Agn & 13enwht. (i('..<-1 Aetaaa [ .5. 11c�althcaare . C}peat Uhmcc6i) Plan Florida lade/Broward/PalIII Beach/MartLucie Comity Allegy Jgcctiom (runt 9wen by i-ahysician) CHhcr Physician Scrviceti flan Features Hospital Services Inpatient covemge — Inpatient Hospital c.lecfcictihle will only he alviied once to A hospital confinements. regaacfless of c<-ausC:, Which at-c separated by less [hart M claw OUIVOicaat crrveragc, Emei-gency Room Ncm cl-nei-gency use of the. Emea-gency Room goo ,alter cicc.hac:,tihk 90% nailer dccludihic 11'rel,crred licaaelits (iaa-Network) 901I- after deductible and $ 00ltca-emilineraaent deductible] AN Am deductiblc. 901,7�: after r 100 F1llr, .ency Room copay (waived it ccaaafnacd); calendar' yeas deductible. waived 5M'o attea. de.cluctibic magimstic. X-ray it Imimraatory (if 90% alter deductible perfc> mcd as a part of a phymmara's calCicc visit and hilled by the physician, expenses aarc. c.ovcr-ed a:at 100`I, sub;ec.t to the physician's office visit copay.) ('left Lila/('lc:l't. I'alatc. Payable as any other (iaxjudes services and supplies rc.ela.ria"cd expenses by State law for dcpc.aadenl children gander the age of I ti) !lM alter t6ductib1c after cluCluctibIC Nola I'rclerred Benefits (0iii-ol'-Network) .............................................. 701k after deductible and $700 pei—confinement dcxitact N(� 701L, alle.r dc.ducta , c. saraae as pac'fel-r-eel cointitaa'llice after $ 100 1?111cl-genc:y Room deductible (Emer_gency, Room: deductible waived if confined); calenclaar year dcductihlc waived 50clr. a.11'tca- c:IcclnClihle 70'%r, after dedLJCtible Payable as :any oilier expenses ~killed Nursing Facility (MIX) ;after cicclnctihic 111t tea 'Mlyu alien, do'duc;til-le up to (C'onfinerncnt must start within 14 (hays I D) clays per c:aaicndaar 120 clays per caicndar year-' of hospital discha Tc. hospital shay year,;, /1el nai U.S. Hcalt11caa-c 1 0/0Q/021 (. G 5 l'hm Def+li.yl 61 Be1lt.IltS Actim U.S. lleall(.11caarl' ( )f)c'I1 ?. '1loice(D Plan P'i whh, f)ar,de/Broward/Ya hn llealch/Ma r in/St. hicie ( ""1111y sllu�( 1)C' ;at least 3 days.) 11mm 11cadth (_'..are 90 J ranter (ic.ductil)Ic up to 70`l) ,after dedllCtil")IC Up to 120 visits per cale'"Au— IT) visits per calendar, vG,ar:: year'` l'6vme May Nursing W `y, after dcciu UNIc up m 701� aller dmhctihlc up tc) 70 eight-h(.mr AS IWr 70 cighwhour shifts per c<.tic:,M tu- yc.M* calcmhr yezlr`''` P1.111 Features Preferred Benefits Non-Pre.1'e red Henetits (try -Network) (Out.-of-Ncfwork) 1halrice. Care 90 `y after cit.duc'Lilalc; up to !1)`%; :11tc•r deduct iHe till to IItl:lahent (.'overage 30 days* M) days' 011tll:atient Coventge 901y after dedtictihIC up to/tl�% 'tier dc;ductit)ie ttI) to ;.t a maximum Knefit of maximum I1e11ellt of Short -Term Rehabilitation 90 cy after deductihlc:, 701yc <111c1 dcduclil)Ie. AmbulaInce `)() After dCdt1(.A1 C 7()"u :Inter deductihic Durable. Medical 1°:cl dement 90 `y- aftel deduc;tihlc; 70'%) :liter deductilalc Maximt.Iuas are, a cmnbined limit for preferred and noel Iarencrre.cl sc'rviccti Ac; t a1;t I .'s - IIc�11111c::I I e 1 0/09/0'2 i'l;.tiz Ih.si,�ri & .Bellchts Actua t i.S. I lealthcare Florida Beach/Martha/St. 1...txcie. County Ilan Features R'rescrilrtion Drug Single rVicred Copay No Ma id;ilwy ( i("lcl'i(: (MmuRr is r+~sliotmhlc to pay the applic.ahic' copay only.) No cc vei'age fol- c.lrt.tf>,s Oii ilia Medication i01-111tilary E,\cluyil.til'i IASt. (Iuc to closcsd f0r-i11u1ary.) 4.)t<al ('uritr;u c^l:�livc' tnc:ludcd Foodily (burrs Wl l rind irljc;ct<tl)lc) included Diaboic; si..1pplics included Prel*urred lknefils (In -Network) .......... Retail i t?( k after $1 5 copay. t jP to :30 day stimAy M lrtrticiliatitl, hharrtiac:ics Mail Order 1001/c 7 tilm's retail c oPay fol- a 31-90 day supply fi-otri liai-tic'ipatiny Mail Ordn wildol- Non-l'ref-erc cd Benel its (Out -of -Network) Retail 60 ire (1 suhtmlWd cast altc l- 15 cttir.iy ul) IrW clay supply, Mail Order No Coverage A c• l ii a U . S . H c1 11 1 t. 11 c �1 i c: I () / () c) / () 2 Flan IhsWn & One% 0(>7 Aet►►a U.S. Ile.►lthcare (7pell (..1mic e(1O Plan Florida Dade[Browarcl/I alm Beach/Martin/St. I.at►cic (_'ounty A v 1 na 11 _ S. 11 c a I t h c a r c ! () / () 9/ 0 2 Avilm tl S lle:althcare Open Clmicc(O Plan Florida Beach/Martin/St. Lucie County Maaa Feaattares -Maternity (Covc,rage includes Volmilm-V sterihottion and voluniairy alp Nion.i Preferred Benefits Nolt P elerred Renelit.s (ln-Network) (OW -of" -Network) Payahle as ally other l'ayalilic as gray other c ove nxi c pense covered expense Infertilily Services w Djat-,,Iwsis mid tl-k-ailliellt ()I Ow.. Payable as any Other Pay%1Wc as any Odwr underlying cause of inlcrlility cxllcnsc° expense m Artificial Insemination (himicd to Payahle as any c)(hcr Payable as any Wei- 0 COUFSCs of lrcal17 ent in irl('Illlwrs cxponse expense 111ctlrric'11`) Ovulaalioil Induction (Innitcd to 6 Payable as ally outer Payable as any other c'mn-sCN ()I 1w;dIncIll 111 111t;i11I)cI-S expcll5e expense lifetime-° ) Man F attires ,Mental health Services Inpatient coverage Maximum Mpatient coven, Alcohol/Drug Abuse Inpatient c owl-agc. .........— - Preferred Benefits (ln-Network} 90`Io after deductiblC 1ancl $300 I)c;r collfincnlelll ....... Non -Preferred 1knelits (Out -of -Network) 70'l<, allcr de.ductihle and $900 pc'r c onfiracnlcul deductible 30 clays per caNdar year* 30 clays per calendar year" 90% after deduchWe up to 705; after deductible talc to 30 visits per calendar year" 30 visits per calendar years, 90c7- ;;after dcductihlu land $300 11cr Conlincillcall deductible. 701I after deduclihie, :and $700 laer eonlinellic.ill dCduct1I)1C Ac-t n a t.' . S. He.a I t h c a r e 1 0 / 0 9 / 0 2 1c:trr.► V.S. Healthcare. (_)pen C lloicec) Plan Florida IBeach/Martir►/tit. l,c►cic, (.'o►ataty Maxirraum Outputient coverage Inpatie►it. I'>t'oceclrrres, rl"realnu-r7lti am! Services Inpatient prcccrlification and concrlrm;nl review 1'emdo to emPloyce for failurc, to precerti fy Applies to tnlxrticrll hospital, treatment. lacilily, ',killed nursing.! facilily, home: kcal l h tare, hospice care, & Private duty nursing, care 10 Claim `submission A days Ivr cak-ndar year" 30 days per c r emkir year* 90%, aller dccltictihlc up to 70I/c> after (lcductible UP to ,M) viols per calendar year O visit~ per calendar year* Provider. iniliated None Provider illitiatcd ` Cotnhincd maximum for preferred gild non prcfcrred services Pla►] Features External .Review Program (Permits merilber.s to request external r-evieev after I•il-;t and second level internal appeals have hcc.n completed. Cost of service or trcatnicrlt must exceed $500. C.'iairll denial mu,"l he based on medical necessity or hecarlsc, proposed service or trc;.ltrrlcrit is Lmnsidered e.xperunental (a• investigational.) i al►re-Added Progi-a►ms Mcnlhcrs have access to the following, special progn"ns: w Vision ( )nc program for discounts can c yc`,lati5e.s, Contact. Icnse.s, l.asik -- the laser vision corrcc-tivc procedure and nonprescription eye.wear. A Alternative Health (,.' we Progr ins are r7aacic up oi' t.hree distinct segments. 0 ,Nalural Allernat.ivcs - offers special rates cm a.l(c.r-nalive thciapic,s, includirl , visits to acupunc;lurists, chiropractors, Melaahcr initialed $200 penalty. Applies per occumneC Me.rrtber initiated —lnclu(..-.. ied lncludal Vision (.)nc is a xc c.,ititcrcca trademark ol'C'()tr Vision. A c t n a I.J . S. I l .l O/O1)/O2 1'lun fh:si<c.n <�;, l�ertc.fits E JC'- ! t t Aetna U.S. Healtheare Open C'hc1lC'CP Plan Florida l)arle/l3roHraZz'd/l'.clrtt Beach/Martin/tit. Lucie County n� rssa ,c ther,rpist and nutritional counselors. Vitamin Advantage"" �a savintts pro p-alit for ovor-lllc c(.)lniters vda nlns as we H as nutrition& sr "Moments 0 Natural Pr(,)dncts a s�lvin��,s prol-7,ra11t for rn<Iliy health.,. related products. 9 l'itrness program for savings on health Club memberships and homc cxc vne ecli.lipment. National Advantage Progi-am Included flan I cattNrcti Nalional Medical Em—ellence Program " (N.MV) included l�rcr�2r;im to licip clis-Jblc menihers access covered trcatment fol Solid or�!arl ,rnd hone marrow tr.rnsplants and coordinate, ,11ranlye"lrlcnts f()r trcntmunt of mc;ntbers with certain rare; or complic'atcd conditmns al cc'rt.dn tertiary carefacilities across the c imlilry when those services arc:, not available locally. May also inc;lnclr, travel c xpc;riscs for tltc inernber- and a companion. moms -to -Babies Maternity Management. Program" included FC etures lnClUde a pregmincv risk survey, case by registered obstetrical nurses, c,ontprche.rlsive• t.'drlc;alional materials for lyre 7rrant me l'ntJcas and thcil partners, and a pci-sonalized drug -tree smoking cessation Imagrarn, Sim.rlcc-1re;c Moms, to-hc "' dc-signed. Specifically for pregnant women. AvV iil:lhifily v;iiics by scSivice arEB. Aetna U -S I1c:,:llt.Itc r1"e; L0/09/0 PI:tat t)c i rt Actim C i.5. Healthcare Opelt Chwc'c(10 1'I;tn Florida l)arle/Broward/PaIIII Beach/Martin/St. Lucie Comity ...... _._ Man Features l?litz,ihiliiy All employees I)cpc•tadcnts l lIs!Ihility Spouse, children from hirth to at«.c 19 or to the end of the calendar year III which age 25 is rcaached ;taut HIC child is (a) cicpcndertt upon the pal-crtl fOa- supp rt and living within the household or- (fa) attendin0 schocal i1 ]lot Iivin�( within the hc�use.hold. Private Room a-.it7iit Setni. -Private 1-ITiplovee, Acti vcly-At- Work Do not apply f)cpcn(lenl Noon Colllirierttcnt t�tele.s Pr(- 1?xisI1111, Coltditlon", 161c Applies. On Effective Cate Waived After Effective I)ate $4,000 The f'rc I?xistint ( "ctn(liliorts IZtalc• is waived tot- tncatviduals who hecortic c.cavcr-ccf under 11115 Mai), cxclusivc of any prolmlionary perictd_ wt(hirt 90 days following their termination of cc:tvcrage (nacho a Iar-iot- Itlart 01 c rc;elilahle' C-overac:'e. 1)OCS not ::tfaply to pregnancies, ncwhorns c ovcwd wilhin 60 days Of hirth, :Inca :uaoptcd Ot' l'oster children covered wilhiat 00 (lays ok placcrlaent foi, adoption- Lookback period for do".teanaininv a pre-existin-, Condition (conditions for which chagnosis, care or treatment was reconmicn(led or received) is 90 (lays prior to the ertroihncnt date. Ml )Xiraaum cxClusion period is 365 days after enrollment dale. ('c>tivcrsic�at Standard cortvcrsion privilc, c a.cpplies CmI1irtttatioat Star7dard continuatir>rr appfics (`Of3Rn (ta stair to nu -hated. (There iti no medic"d Conlinuaatiort fc r sut'vivin« depoll(lr.nls') Extension of Benefits 12 months extension if totally disabled when coverage ceases - extension applies to all covered expenses Act naa 11,S. H e a II hcaI-c 1 0 / 0 9 / 0 2 Plan 1.)c:Agn & Bme%, Oc-12 Aetna U.S. Ncalthca:>tre. Open choicc(ft) Plan Flovida Dads./l;r'olvard/PalIII Lucie ('oulity w._..,-. 11,111 Features Medicare. ( iovcrrrnrenl I'xclusir,n Medic arcs cligibic herleiits :tre subtracted from ( `ovcred Mcdical 1?xpc:'nses 17c:fr,re secondary Aetna benefits are. c.arlculatc•d. C'oordirralio n with, Odic-1- licnc{iIs tJp to 1000V of Allowable p:xpenses per year 'Suhrol,ation Thi d party liability claims with rmovery poic;nlial will be forwarded to the designated strl>rogaticrn vendor Cor pursuit ` 500 threshold applies. Actna contractual definitions will apply to treatment received in --as well ;Is out-ol-network. C%pay A c:opary is an out 4 luxAct expense applica.hle to "preferred" herrcfits. The c:r,pay is rollc•c lcd al the tirnc the scr-vice is rendered. (.ul-oPpocket expenses ahlrhi;ahlc to prefe T"I I,t•nchls (exc:cpt those resulting Iron -I application of a coinsurance percentage, c•!., 901 , MAY(', ctc.), ate, referred to as copnys. Deduc'lible A cicdcactible is an-r caul-c_rd pucl.el cxpvrrsc applicable: to NO "preferred" and"11011-l_rreferrcc:d" benefits_ Covmvd exposes are reduced by the auno"rrt c,f the c:.lccluctihde at the time of claim ardjtrdie Oun by the claim processor. Out oI pockc;l c.xlwnses aappl&ablc to preferred and non-pn dcrrcd hrnelils (cm-ept those resultiriL, from application of a coinsurance percentage. c.«., 90% SOT en) are rcfcrrc 1 to as &WIM.trl.idcs- (.'alc radar year dccluctihIcS are individual and family. with family limits cdual Ic, none, :'.x or ?.x Ihc. IndIVidtraal deductilrlc'. All covered expenses aaccurnnlatc toward hoth the pI-Cfe.r-r-cd dcdatctlhlC and the nota prefermd dcxluctibic- Once the non -preferred deductible is nrct, the prelln—ed dedawOlde will have been Considered to be Intl lot, that calendar year. The total ducimlihlc amount for- the calendar year will not exceed the non pielcrre d dedtu: tib1C amount. d herc is no cross application brtwecn the calendar year deductibles and the inpancrrt per confinement. hospital cleductiNes. Than is ncr deductible carryover provision. 0,ctna I1."';. I1earlt.IrcLt. r-c 1 0 / 0 9 / 0 2 l,lan t)c: si! n l�cnctirs W 1 .) Aetna U.S. Healthcare ()pcil Ch(lrc;c(.10 Ilan Yioa-idza lade/Broward/Palm Beaacla/N'l aa•tin/St- Lucie County Coinsurance Limits (;oinsurance limits are the max1nium arnomrt Of c) h O poc,kc•1 expenses (other than copays and deductibles) that an employee/family wilk have to lmy in a calendar yc<:u. Coinsurance limits apply on a calendar year Imms only. ( Amismaracc. linlits aree mclividt.aal and family, with fancily limits edual to none•, ?x OF 3x Ilia individual limit.. Expenses a:alrplicable to coinsurance limit -- Only those iadId pocl: i mpenscs res"Inn g frmn the application of coi munrlce, percentage (except outl►,dknt menhil disorders and akohohmn mid drug expenses and any 1)(•nalty muounts) may he used to satisfy the coinsur;rncc limit- All covered cxpc-nses accumulate towards hoth the preferred cxaimsuranco limit (ii included) aml the, nora-prcOrrecl coinsurance limit- Once the, prc.lcrred coinsurance limit is tract, all expenses, except We IN rum-prcicrr-ed care, will be payable al. l f)(YR ( hwe tllc non llrefcrrc.d coinscmance limit is tact, all expenses will bc, payabic, at I00'% . 6 "oinsuvance - "Otber„ Healtla Care a Open C hoicc incindes .an "other level of cmnsunm c, N blier-" health caw is dc.firu d as a health care sc Nwe or s ggdy that is neither prefcl7vS' nor "ncara prelerrcd" care- This, includes care; !.',well by a pmvidcr who is not in a c mcpm y represented in the• mwork and imn; give n cut OF the scrvwv area. 'i H, "other" lmd of care QH be reimbursed at am SW clornsnrancc level after the lnelerred calendar year deductible;. However, any Health care sc°rvic:c or supply Ihal is not available within a network will be rc•itlabmsed nt thc: preferred coincuranct! level ahvr the preferred calendar year dcductihkc. 'FlIcse expenses v,J] ac.-c;rrrrlultale h)ward the lareferrc'd Coinsurance limit- Aetra;a 6,i -S Healthcare 1 U/(.)9/t)2 Plan Design Changes HMO Plan'2002 Plan"2003', Physician Services ..... ... ..... ...... . Services Primary Phy,,-.,,ivan Copay $10 $15 Specialist $10 $15 Routine GYN $10 $15 Surgical Service,-, $10 $15 Therapy $10 $15 Vision I-x�--ini $10 $15 Lab& R;xJ iology $10 $15 Hospital Services . . .. .. ...... . -- Inpatient Acute Care $0 $240 Mental Health $0 $240 I.ITIergency Room $0 $100 Pharmacv.Plan RX Copay $5/$110/$2b $10/$15/$30 QPOS Plan 2002 Plan 2003 Physician Services Primary Piysician Copay $1 Specialist $20 $25 Routine GYN $20 $25 Surgical Sowicos $20 $25 1 herapy $20 $25 Vision Lx;-Irn $20 $25 Lab&Radiology $20 S25 Hospital Services Inpatient Acute $2/10 $500 Mental I le,,jith $2/10 S500 Ernergency Room $50 $100 Pharmacy Plan Rx Gopiy $5/$10/$25 $10/$15/$30 PPOI Plan 2002''1'' Plan 200315"""': Phys-ician Services Pormuy I�Ihysician Copay $10 $15 Spo(-Ial15-,t $10 $25 RQLJtlrle (,,YN $10 $25 Hospital Services Emergency Roon-i $50 $100 Phar.macy.._Pjari, -Rx Cop-,.)%/ $10 $113