HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution (304)Temp. Reso. #9945 October 9, 2002 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2002- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA UTILIZING THE CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH BID NUMBER 2000-01/08, ENTITLED "WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES" ISSUED ON BEHALF OF THE SOUTHEAST FLORIDA GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASING GROUP; AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $60,000; APPROVING FUNDING FROM THE APPROPRIATE UTILITIES OPERATIONAL ACCOUNT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac Utilities Department requires water meter fittings and water line accessories for the installation of new water service lines and the replacement and repair of existing water service lines; and WHEREAS, the Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Group has awarded Bid Number 2000-01 /08 for the purchase of water meter fittings and water line accessories~ and LJ Temp. Reso. #9945 October 9, 2002 2 WHEREAS, Bid Number 2000-01/08 (a copy of which is attached hereto as "Exhibit A") was awarded by the City of Deerfield Beach on behalf of the Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Group for the purchase of water meter fittings and water line accessories on June 14, 2001 and has subsequently been renewed through June 28, 2003; and WHEREAS, City of Tamarac Code, ;6-154, allows the Purchasing Officer, the authority to join with other units in cooperative purchasing when the best interest of the City would be served; and WHEREAS, available funds exist in the appropriate Utilities Operating account for said purpose; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Director of Utilities and the Purchasing/Contracts Managerto purchase water meterfittings and water line accessories utilizing the Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Group Bid Number 2000-01/08-, M WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to purchase water meter, fittings and water, line accessories. 1 Temp. Reso. #9945 October 9, 2002 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution. SECTION 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to purchase water meter fittings and water line accessories in an amount not to exceed $60,000, utilizing the Southeast Florida Governmental Purchasing Group Bid Number 2000-01/08. SECTION 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. 1 .qFC'.T C)N .; passage and adoption. Temp. Reso. #9945 October 9, 2002 4 This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 23'd day of October, 2002. ATTEST: MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form:' MITCHELLF`S. KRAF CITY ATTORNEY KW/mg RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: V/M. PORTNER d DIST 2: COMM. MISHKIN DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS O t t rz r t t t K> "EXHIBIT A" TO: 5C)C.7I'I--FF-AST �TORIDA. GO'VTrLvMFNTAL PURCIHAS:ING GROUP FROM- I)()[111:7 i.;r)nlacil, Pnroll asilll; tlf;craT��i0-4380 / fax (954) 480-4388 I.)/\T : M,lv 22' '.,002 SUBJECT: WA E."R ME"I.I_:R lTJ JN, (,S AND WA "M LINE, Ac ('F'SS0Rll"S "I'lat_ City of- I c-cl h ld I)c ac:h, ,is lc -ad agency for the Co op Water Meter Fittings and Water Line Ac.(rssolies, will c:vc.lc.l;-. the c(,n,l;l,.t: renewal option pursuant to terms and conditions of Bld #2000- 01 /08. 111c: 1cliewal will be for one (1) year, bcginnlnl,; j tlllc 79, 200' and ruts throup1 Tune 28, 2003, T e prices, tern -is and conditions o the original bid and contract period icniaM urtc:hanp)cci f"ol d s m1cwal perloC.y. k, C;[tcIs of C.c.) I l I am 1.11 t t.> tl ir(>111 (1"'_c' fOl iowl 11 1."`il appl tt.rs st[tl l Cvl 11 tIlclr wl I1111!7neSS t,o rCnew [Ile COP tFact ;]I-li.tCr 111t'. ti;1.1T]C'. CC'IallS :aflt.a C.(.)I1Clii. io1:5 ::ai:c 4itt:lLlli'tI: CJ.S. 1;lker.. f,cilman Pipe and Plumbing Supply I-'(:'ra�t,lti(lr1 [ 111(.f.C•i"k�f'olltic{ . 1 ( I.i Pcpc ;1ltd. supple Surlstatc Meter Supply, Inc. I.,ion Plumbin" Should. you Heed additional mforrllation, picasc do not hesitate to contact nit-, :.at (954) 480-113 c� i'artici satin__ _z slielnbers= C;I'IY OF: DI-l"ER1:I1"I..I) BF AC.'l I C.I"IY O11 O:`�KI \ND PARK C1"I-( ( )T N1"M-:C:xA".k-.I.i, CITY (.)1= St.iNRISI, CITY OF NC PTI l ]MIAiV1I k)ROVIIARI.) C;OUN-I Y PUP.(", I,\SING; CITYC)I: HOI,I..YWOOD CITY OF (()C)F'I:FZ CITY Cll'Y OF COR I, SPPIN(rS TOW,,,i-OF DAVIT•:, C;11-Y ()F MIIZAN1AR u I 01� 13( )CA VIA (.;l VY OF I"AUD11,Ri 111.1- C ITY OF DANIA M"AC I -I CITY OF NORTH MIANII 5F:.r1C:;I 1 OF PLANTATION C.I C Y ()I,' NORTH IAUI: ERDALE Should yoar r:,c:d ac.i(lirioraal ilafOrna.tt)c rl, (7kc:.lf;c' dO 11M llc;:;i:Ak.• tc) ic)nl,ac;t n1e at (954) 480-4380. rt r 8 r2 r r r L D MEMORANDUM TO: I...a:irry I:'eer.jert, City atilaliagcr I�P,OM: Donna C ouru.:il, 11in : iAsing Agcn ' DA M MAY 22., 2002 SUBjEC. F: NVXI [ R Nll FER I0l"I7Fl>4(;S Alai) WA"I'FR I._INEA.CC. ESSMES Tide:. contract Or Mier Nlcmr fittings and Water line Acamsories is the to expire on Pum 28, _7.002. TO is a S1 Florida Cjovcrnrm•m:il (. ()opt rative Purcha-sing Gmula Bid. `i lira City of Deerfield l cacla sc-rvc-s :ts tilt'. lc d agcncy for dhis bid, 'l here are currentdy 18 agencies within Biow.ard C'.ounty that arc; wilir.ing our hied. Under tlac terms of rllc' Idd, Us. Khm Distribution, Surasrate Ntercr &' Supply, Inc., 1-Ci man filler cuff: Pinnil,ing, Supply, k ctl:; Von Thid ;,:'(mnd, Lion Plumbing, A r�': B Pipc Arid Coreel, Inc.. hay , aL;recd tr: exercise the cony as rmcw,il optum pursuant to terms and comhtions " Bid 12000(01 "08 11c rc:nh'svat v;ui be rr:>r c>rae: (l) year jwmmi .:>rirttaratri;w June 29, 2002 - lirri< ..i, ..003 wit i t7rcc 3orac yerir c:c.artcrACT rc:ncwaf options remaining as per llu• terms e.e,ntained within the hid docmncnts. Due to the urge volume and variety of items d ar are required lry d - Co-op (croup, the award was mad(: to Mc rwImnsive and responsibic lriddas who uWd a single fixed percentage discount. 'Those- vc m ms wli) ol}rrrcl tlae highest discount (err dmatc Wins that comply with spccife.aric ns :and otherwise- raaert recltiilelltCnts ,.: tCCCivint iar<*Cst volume. (if husinc ss. I_t-r.ters of conhin athm On- bcc,n re•cc:ived from the follnwira ; suppliers signifying tlic:ir Willirar;ness t(i rernC%v r,im conrm t under the sa.rnc ict-nis and c.cinditions are at.taehmi: III MCI- l.cinnan Pioe and Plurribint> Suppler Fciguson Underground A & B Pipe: and Supply Sunsrate 1N/Icter L?C.. Slif,l-ily', Iti<.:- I...ion Plumbing, (A c:el, Inc. Au- Rcncwall,.cattc'.r!, c: Andy Nhiiiodis, C_.ity AttorrtC), Ada (;rah.ana-lolnut on, City Cicrk 'l oil), Viola, l;ripiri<CririL; Director P1a!-1 09 02 01.3;:3Ua t....Roncska 77r -010:3 lo.1 11 f.Irr o/ C E R !F B E L V a k. A K N Nbfyor Albert R. Capellini, V.l°_ Vu•e ,Mayor C wyndolen A. Clar Lr-C' rd (,omrni.!nonrr. Steve Gonot Peggy Noland Arrrrrdro Trirtchitclla City ,Thant rg— i.rrr-ry it. D -sjr.rr Internt� st 150 :N.l — S(--cond Avenue 1)rrrfirld firac6, Honda 33441 3598 "t'elephone (95-4) 4110-4200 Fax (954) IM April 23, 2002 Anita Christian, Sales Rep. US. Filter Distribution 4310 N.W- 10thAvenue Oakland Park, FL 33309 Clear Ns. Christian.- - The Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group Bid for the purchase of Water Meter Fittings and Water Line Accessories (DFB Bid #2000-01/08) is due to expire on June 28, 2002. Under the terms of the contract, there are four (4) additional twelve (12) month extension options available, providing mutual consent exists between the City a^d ycur Company. Ail terms, conditions and specifications are Containt,�ci within Bid #2000-01/013. The City would like to exercise the first twelve (12) month renewal option, If it is accepted and approved by the City Commission, it will begin June 20, 2002 and run through June 28, 2001 Please advise if a one-year extension period of our current contract is acceptable to your company. Kindly indicate the appropriate information below and return this letter to my attention; City of Deerfield Beach Purchasing Division, 210 Goolsby Boulevard, Deerfield B(:ach, FL 33442. Can behalf of the City of Deerfield Beach and the Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group, we took forward to continuing our long and successful association with your company, If you have any questions conccrrring this letter, please contact me at (954) 480-4380. Sincerely, i Donna M_ Council Purchasing Agent YES � € agree o I hereby ag er. t.. a twelve rraontt7 extension of the bid_ NO, I am unable to provide a Twelve month extension of the bid. Signature arne (print) Date For: US, Filter Distribution I'-O ; F tirrrrr (I :wr•ran(I 1)eerfielrl Brach, Florida 33kj1-35')$ Telephone (954) 480-4200 Fax (95 ) QW-4: • 1�& ,r April 23, 2002 I(lc C_ A C Faa Let) Taylor, Sales Rep. Pipe & Plumbing Suoeiy 230 N.W. 29" Street Miami, FL 33127 i.)e,:ar Mr. Taylor The Southc ast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group Bid for the purchase of Water Mcfer Fittings and Water Line Accessories, (DFB Bid 42000-01/08) is due, to expire. on June 28, 2002. t..lnder the terrrfs of the Contract, there are four (4) additional twelve (12) month extension options, ,-:available, providing mutual conscnt exists between the; City and your cornpany. All terms, conditions and specifications ,are contained within Bid ft2000-01/08. The City would iikc, to exercise the first twelve (12) month renewal option. If it is accepted and approved by tl�c>. City C;onlmission, it will begin June 29, 2002 and run through June 26, '1.003. Please advise: if a one-year extension period of our current contract is ncceptable to your corn pany. Kindly indicate the appropriate, information t)elow and return this letter to my attention: City of f)c:;erfield Beach Purchasing Division, 210 Goolsby BoulQvrard, Deerfield Boach, FL 3,3442. On 5(,half of the City of Dc (,,rficld Bc,ach and the Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group, we look forward to continuing our long and successful a-as'sociation with your conapany- if you h ivc;r any questions concerning ttais letter, please contact me at (954) 480-4380. sincF;rrrjw ,UaNw Oonna M. Council . lal,r•rl li. 4.:vtperliv7r, rr.r>^ f- 1,1r('tica :!rl(1 Ag('nt 3 r r ;llnvnr 4.r�vrrJr,l r i- 1:Cvvrf.c-k{r.rcrC YES, I hereby agree to <a twelve month extension of the bid. (�rrznmi..e.aignrrs Steve Gonot /N(1).ara� l.lnab� provide a twelve mor7ti i extr�raaic:>n of the bid. Prg�:y Noland Trrair� ulella,arry 1t. D-,ojr•c: iigl Date Z-. % f�� � l Z . J F(_ar: t..ehnl an Pipe & Plumbing :supply . .- Name (print) ln1(.,rnl ,tCoast 1 rhrn?nr" rpr-renewOC2 � F � n ACT () () ....................................... 1-,O N.F.-wrorid Avenuc Deerfield Beach. Florida 33•141-3,S98 Teleph„ne (9S4) U04204) Fax (954) UO-1 r ................... ............................. & iE A C " VoN„F 4iakrrt H. Car» 11mi, P-a'.- Vice 11,1yNor ("IYzl,1nl,�rs A. (.1ztrke-H--d Commi.cmorzers file-4#- Gonot Peggy Noland Amnadvo Trinchitella Ciry 11,111ager Larry, IL Deetp-11 —AA., InternetCoast April 23, 2002 Dian 'Thorne:rson, Sales Rep- Fer,quson Enterprises, Inc. 2361 N.W. 22" d Street Pornp�mo Beach, FL 33069 ear MrFhorT—r,zon: I he Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group Rid for the purchase of Water Meter Fittings and Water trine: Accessories (DFB Bid ¢r2000-01/08) is due to expire on .tune 28, 2002. Under the terms of the contract, there are four (4) :additional twelve (12) month extension opt.ioris :-available, providing mutual consent exists between the City .and your company. All terms, conditions and specifications are contained within Bid 42000-01/08. The City would like to exercise the first twelve (12) month renewal option. if it is accepted and approved by they City Commission, it will begin June; 29, 2002 and rr.1n through .tune 28, 2003. Plrase advise if a ones -year extension period of our current contract is acceptable to your company. Kindly indicaie the appropriate infcmiotion below and return this letter to rna attention: City of Deerfield 13each Purchasing Division, 210 Goolsby Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, Ft. 334,12. On behalf of the City of Deerfield Beach and the Southeast Flom -hi Governmenta' CcxOl->(2ralive Purchasing Croup, we look forward to c0f1hn air)g our long and successfu association with your company. if you have any questions concerning this latter, please corjt� ct nick at (954) 480-4380- Sincerely, zonn"a am( 'i /,� M. C;c7uncil PuZYES, -Accent I hereby accrue to a twelve, month e:xtensican of the bid. NO, I am unabl to provide a lwolve� month extension of the bid. �. S(n�lt rE: For; i erguson Fntcrpri,ca, Inc, Name; (print) _ tk^e.frka ttra,.-h� t� , '. 11 05i22 '02 WED 1.5: 46 Kk:. A & H PIPE lih 00;, 1563 v.F=. �e sr,ti Ayentae Deerrieid Rcacb. Florida 3344h1-3�,98' Ttlr..phone (954`, UO-42N) Fair (9 4) 4 0-42d !p� 25 2002 Apni 28, 2002 (-er i"J E E it F& lE L Q C wi i`.1arIU A.rYI`3i.tor, JiIe"a Manager A&B Plpe & Supply. in(-.. rr3bOO N.VN. 3711 Avenue MiarTJ, FL 33141 Dear Mr, Arr1acler, Fhc Sou'he:ast Horda Governmental Cooperatve Purchasing Group Enid for the purclhase i)f Water metcr I ittingp wid Water Line Accessories (rJFB Bid ##2oOO— I1/08) is due to exp;re on June_ 28. 2002. U^d, r this terms of the cantr�ict, there are tour (4) additional twelve (12) month extension c�jitir :a:7 ?vci!aL)1G, providing mutual consent exist, betNeerl tht- CO and your COrnpanv. AJ terms. conditions and spscific-ations are contained within Rid V2000-01, " 08. it le City wou id i:ku to t-xeici_,e V-,c first twelve: (12) mont,n ranewal option. If it is accvpted and approved by t11 C ty Cnr rtr;s;sic;r;, it will t)egin June 2`w', 7002 and run thrmicC 1 !rirl�! 28-. 2, 00-3- Please advise: if a one yfjai extension reriod of Our current c.C)ntr'ac;, is accGpti;kjJ e, ifs your cornpar}y. hGni{y indicate; the appropriate info,rration below and return this lotttur to my attention; City of Deerfield Reach Purchasing Division, .210 Goolsby Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, FL 33 42. J)n bf-half of ihP- Ci`y of r7et::rfiu!d Seach and the Southeast F orida Governmental Ccoperative Grot.p, 'we look foRvird to contiruiing our long and successful zassociatirm with your company. if you have any qucsti,ari�, ooncernir'.g this letter, p`ea5e coratLact me ,t (0yt) 480-1380. 1£ayc'r Donna M. Ccunr:li Purchasing Age-Clt ci.-wuclolra A. f.1nrl.r Iie•rif yy. 1 FS, I ; iereby ogme to 9 Kve've month extenslor, of the bid. :itevP, NO, l r,rn unable to provide a tsiotvo month extcrisictra of :hF> 'ra;r; .hmvdco 'I'xirackzitelta _ tarry R> tleeltel: $ Ig .itur- Date •, ir.��.. -4Y IY.L�._ 1�..__....... F ❑i i L.[.,.Ytr"'i}i� riiEtC0 6t f an"I'(Print)-9/� �J< f1' J 5P94R _..._m. _ ...._... puffm -- SUNSIATE METER 6523325604 05 /24 ' 02 12 :1 7 Nn " 418 01 /01 pro) N.E. 5-. f�zsd A-muc D? rl:r,-ld Hrarh. Horidn 33,• 1-3598 Trlephnni, (9a4 U -42W Fax (IZ4) 4dQ42 April 23, 2002 v 50; Ft. r A[ M. v c H Keith Elle Nfrg, Saps Rep. Sunn`-Ite ,Mclor & Supply, Inc. 14001 W. NewbPrry Road Newberry, Fi._ 32669 Duur Mr. EIienburg: The Southeast Florida Governmental Ccopprative Purut)asing Gaup Bid for the purchase of Water Meter ;:41;ng� nrid WtJ ter 1-inp A cn_sgories (DI-E3 Bid 92000-01/08) is clap to expire on •lvne 28, 2N2. Under Uie tcrr-.:s of the contract, there are four (4) addltionGl twelve (12) inar-Ah extension options iavailable, p:roviding'T1LJtUV! consent exists between the city and your corr"piny. M terms, conditions and specifications are contained within Bid #2..000-b1/49. The City would like to exercisr: the first twelve (12) month renewal ooticn. if it is acceo►ud and approved by ;he City Commission, it will begin .June 29, 2002 land run through June 28, 2003, NIP,ase advise if a ono -year ex`ension period of our current contract is ar;ceptable to yajr- comp;any. Kindly indic�ate the appropriate information below and return this loiter to MY attention: City of Deerfield Geach Purchasing Division, 210 Goo'sby Boulevard, Doer Told Beach, FL 33442. On butiolf of flit City of Deerfield Beach find t;hc Southeast Florida 0overnrnerital Cooperative. Purchasing Group, we look forward to continuing Our long and SUccQl;sful ,")ssxiatlon with your cornpany- If You ht lvo Z'ny questiorrs coi(;orning this Ietfer, olaose contact me at (9-4) 400-G380. Sincerely, Donna Ni, Councll I'Iiv,ii.r�vr Purihn,;Inn Aoenf c,„r,: r .,� M ,• VYLS, I hereby agree to a twelve month extension of tho !lid 4aeve� <wm>t Pt, Noland am vrji. �lc to provide a mulvo month extension of the bid, Car 41amiXrr R. r Si;natUrr. Date For: Sunstate metsr & Supply Irt>W1rn�aat Name, (print) �'- l"_" 'iuns'fthMM:Y-'maw2CC2 'I' '732 F'01/01 IJ-517 .. ..�.. -- ... ... ... ._ .v ....- .. `....... ._.. �.. -... v . run . v. d T isa N.}:. P.rr»«d Mwwe Aecrbald �ewc},, F1viSd. ,�1-�CJIIr 'ic�cptwa� tYs.�)19P-t80a r•rA !')�1) 4A�-►ZfrM • �Y22.2002 Paul Gor,100. ProskWa t.ian Plumbirij? Supply. IM, 14350 NW 7 AvVn" bear hAr, i3enRiie' The uouthu % I FiorCa (3ovt;rnmark,A1 Coapo-106 IP Purch*lineq QrQUP Bid for the pvrch#t7ia of Watn:' Veiaer Rktir►gl end Water Line Apra sori" (nR3 (aid 40004VOA► is due to dxpire an ,June 2A, 2002. Under +t term,, of the contrecl- them nrres four (a) edaNmol twelve (t21, roanth e:ton,inn opUixm ,aveiletAh, providing rnuh)d con:tex,t ex,st3 tielvrren the City and your company. All terms. condlfionc end apucificelione ere contatnad wlht i B;d #2200041)W. Tt' n City, on behalf of the S(xA)1isQs( Florida GovammunW CoopwaGvo Purchoiing Group, would Uko to oxorciee tho firth tMl4d OU) worO ronQwA option. If it ir; aovcptod and aoprvvod * 1he City C9mmi;6;on, 't will Wgin June 4. 2M2 and run Myvugm ;uno 28, 2%3. PIOWe tidViQe If a tr°A�-yesrr rc4nn,cvn period of }cur current contract is armpiAlu to your corvany. Lech GovarnrnAnW agonrj to rooulred to WcpCuf4 cepawto conirac+x with your C-NT%pany, Kindly indicWe the appropnste fnformbUoo klow And ratilrr, this letter to my a,Wn}ion: City of Oee fw1d Bea& Pj vnabng p rsic t, 210 GW2t y 9OL4VQrd, OQwfl+ald t3AArt:, & l.. 3"144l. If yvu have: any gtr�56ans umcexr>tnp tt.ts I crer. p+ensc Ctlnbb t me at (95a) 4$0-MU. 81%erely, Donna Apt. covrnc,ii PuxhasirV hW,t A&, t rt. r:.r4v. P.K. ►u< Maur �Yi G, 1 11Crt per Q�r�G tG lrvc vp rrvnih n7c Cr alon v( rhrt b 4- c�rJ.t.. Wo 6 tvrr3.ve Moran gxtension of the bid. 1iuw. r:.wwr f,igr,inure ._.. t it0 1,.r►y W r4.ij.,., Nhmn (nrmrj a l ki~ vwL W i.)�i~��� t'�✓t )' a' r-t r ��)w�;j:..)' J:. - - 0:L)ItN, , DJ 3U�#41182 f �. r\k.}i �y„r��-, i lU% tY, . !...mod A+.....,. t?...�Ir4.I N•+ri., F6.:d. 14441 :i.'.STM T-4-0 • (WA) Wl',•611W Vs.+ 'rH41 4110.42.40 i iY 22, 20" rwe r ,.( rlh 111 !k rl ♦ 1 AC M P � FiffUei Mt lam, Trv"wrrrr C Or-41 C a `pwotl On 925 /. wiibre C rcis C4YRI C st4h, r',. 413: Olow &Ad. COO", Ttru 8ouShpggt rtNldll Ct?1l ilrr>•ilht� Ck)uperctMh and far +,o pµ (;f" M of Wy',ar Motor r)tt'rvo and Watef t-i.ne Atc*=)riirz (OM Bid 1riOW-Oi&G) it due to sxplr• cart Jtarw 26. 2002. 'Jr}dgr th* team* of 01v canPratt, thMv " four f,4) odditignol Mclvc (12) month extuuinn Oti P; OVQ'Sbw, pravldlrtp mutuae Wr*Wt tc bONAW ft C1Y drxl yxu,r 00rrfpglny, AY 41►.,1't t, CC4)dR1cnr, trvhd •pea�rCabont rar► oont*►r wiff4i Did #2000-SM,108. Th,4 Ck- on beghSi 01 the 5vutheravt Ficrido GOvptivr-m#rlia! Cocper*lvo Pv,r:tutrs+ng Group,wnuki Akd to 0 X*rCAA 00 first h"vrtl (14) ^tenth rprexArtai CO(kX, 0 it )4 it7Cspt1►d pnd avvrovdd by tho Cwtf� (. nmmtssran, R will tin JUn# 29, Zp02 and run thfo;.tgn Jung 25, ifl43. Please advim M A An&y"r SxlnrMon pc'f10J of your current Cant avt is xcwcht-aWv to your C,or-,pany. Etactr Govammantai ",Ky it r"utrod to rxwc,.Ae tt&parato, conVIKI$ with your :or,pany Klnd;y khQicete the &Wopriev irfofrjaxtOv bs,cw wtd rrturn this 111tipr tC rry BUMUM- G1fy & DeFD TkAd Beedi Ourctt►sing C]rn_rxar,, 210 Goastry BoUovard, CA*rR rkd F3�n, f t, 3�ri2. t' 1Cx� wASW arty Ctt* JO to t-Cxx;0M,10 tn* Wtsr. C1663t OOnW no wt ;954) ABU-4390. �irrcr�raly. 4nne; M Cw.x1n[;il ae„v, f'UrCrirainq A�er� e� t►_r — — t 8, ! fwreby egr*r to • tW6" rr,cxrth •xfsntYron of ttti tar®. 110, erT- unabtw to pro+opa p tvvyhr4 rr&)M #MSMDiCn v'thr. 17d, ',fir« G—d i.N Y ra..W., 1r IEart^ - k ooP . �w.,,. WQR 1 •. r.r Fj • CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH Water Meter Fittings/Water Line Accessories Awarded Vendor List (..hrisflan, Sales U.S. �Rltur DislriL)ubn Group 4310 N.W. 101 h Av( , , r) u o FL 33309 954-772-7343 f (.jx 954 772-0443 Kt ili i I- ii)(.,jrqj, Sales SunstafE,., Melot & S(jpt )ly 14001 Wc,-,sf Newl,)cariy klond Nk,-,wberry, Fl, 32669 1 800-342-3409 [- ax 352-332,,'-3(.)()4 Leo Tcylk..)i, Pipe & i,hjmL)if)(j St--jpr--)ly 230 N,W, Mk-Drni, FIL, 3"312/ I P)88-576-30,")/] (ix f3//-576-3066 11"loi-nerson, Ferguson Undor(jr()tirid, Inc, 2361 N,W, Strocf Pompano Beach, I I 3:3(b") elephone 954-9 /3 8 10() Fax 954-960-0095 Mc.mo /\mcdor, Salk,".,s A & B Pipe & St i)i)ly, it i,, 6500 N.W. 3/11) Av(..?im., f\'flicit ni, Fi 3"i I "l Fax 3105-61)6 68 1 pclul Lion Plurnhin( j Stjpj fly, li')C, 43,130 N.W. N i Avor it..ie M il-J FT) i, i 1. 3,31U) Telephone 3(Y.) 688-61)77 Fax 305-688-1521 9"") 11 3,3 1,34 30!.) 5/3 1 P,23 30' ,(ix, .)-;141 1(Ul'3 — INVITATION TO BID The City of Deerfield Reach, lead agency for the IS 0ward Governmental (;'.)operMivf-I Purchasing 1'r0Up, r: acreptiny. Sealer] bid,. Until Y'30 p.m., f`rl- d[)v, lanes 8. 12001• at the Ioffice of file City Mar1Ag• ar, 150 N E?, 2nd Avenue, Ceerfield Beach, f't0nda, 33441, for: WATER METER FITTINGS 8. WATER LINt? A(-(.iiS50- RIE5 RID 42000 01/08 Fild•: will be p(IUllcly r7 tlrnr:'d farad reead aldtld on I-r7rldy, JunEl 8. 2001 at I: ;t0 t•.M. in the City Com- IrtnSSlon t_harllbf!r Roolc). first `Igor City Half- 150 N. E 2 Avenue. Deerfield Seach,Flcrlda.l3a41 Ends receoved after this time 111 t be accepted and will tit, returned to the bid- de.r unopened. ',p!rclhcj(,un , bid docu• I'llerl" and dnformation will t)v available and may I be !x,3 mined at the Pvf , chasing Division, 210 GoolsOy Etoulevard- Deer, field Be.1Ch- 1,1... 33447 in- jterttsted parties rrlay ron- trir,_t Donna Council, Pur: Cha;mg Agt'nt, at (954) aFtU ,t3R0. t)vc,:rn)n•> c:onrfttning the T,:,: ,r1,t:al ;pecitications .hould hr? directed to C r aig Connv!• Utilities'Ma.nt?nance Superintrll (dent at (954) 4go-4400. The City of Deerfield eeacri reserves the right to reieCt any and all bids or to waive any part of any ,and all hid':. I.arry City Man, ,V 1 2001/079 ,May 24, 7001 CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES AWARE) Group #1 - Adapters Manufacturer Vendor %Off Adapters, Stainless A& B Put, 8( '5 Adapters, Motor 1.11.) Filler 1 i t,r( .;uson -Y 111sl(lte' 47% Group #2 - Meter Boxes Manufacturer Vendor %Off Meter Boxes ('ljison Brooks Ferguson 52< )I(J Cast Precast/kto()ks t j F. i I t (-, r 21 cXc, 'I (-illy . .. . ........ 1..1'S F-ijtc'r Group #3 - Clamps Manufacturer Vendor Clamps, Pipe Stainless Forc ..1" 1( i( ,f F-ef (-; u;" 6" an(.-J over Ford, 4" id(,r US Filtef )v"r . .. ... . .... I M t E-- US i 11f(1!1 SrniPi Eil( iir A& B A& B Flit);::,, ......... . ---- - ------- Claryips, Repair Stainless with 4" r;n( 1(,r Fer(,-Jus()ri Stainless Bolts 0" u)( I ()v(.,r . "I" 6" (71 i . ..... ..... Meier . ....... ----- j - M — ------ ----------- - -- F e, U A&, k I Clamps, Repair Stainless with i o.v 1, A." 11)( it i Cast Lugs 4" 1 ilt(.,r 0" (:nd over .... ....... . ......... . ... ..... ..... .. ......... ----------- A& 13 PiP A& B lx %Off 6 8 48 0 4 )XI 68 X.� IGroup #4 - Connector Hoses Manufacturer Vendor %Off Connecter, Hoses Pic:, (iwrir(l r v ) c ivva t d m-) cjw( arc Group #5 - Corporation Stops Manufacturer Vendor Corporation Stops f- ut hef (.j us()! ... . . . . . . . .............. ...... . ......... . . . . ...... ............. ... .. fvh. r A& B Pip(. ..... .. .. .... Group #6 - Couplings Manufacturer Vendor Couplings, Brass F< tc::i ill Fill# �r ..... ........ �--unstoh r W-hrt Meter alterm-itc, 11 /97 meter Lion PIL 111 tI;Hn1 Couplings, Compression Foid 5irquson rilh:,t 1-ergus()n Li(-�n Pluinhiii(i A,�k R PI; Sul 1St(--.1 te MetEar Te Is( . . . ......... .......... ... .. . ....... N'x B Pi;je Muell(,r I... .... ......... . j ( II I ) c's j r I T I r i ) L) I I Otouplings, Meter I ot(j I I I r . ... .. . ...Mr....... . .. . Couplings, Pack Joint US) hlh-1 Si..msfcte, Me�tF-r A& Ilip(, J(--;Mes Jut )E-S I i()n Ilk Ir I IL)ir Ic Couplings, Quick Connect Fr.)rd I K; I illor Ferr-ji is(.,i i mi, feller A& li I r) ....... .... ........... . Y 'm Couplings. Straight ... . ...... . ... ........ .. M illet j( m erqus,..)i ) . . .. . ... .......... . .......... . A& B Pinij ... . ..... ... Group #7 - Curb Stops Manufacturer Vendor %Off Curb Stops I c )I c,.7 7ergl.,,s, )f 1 `i?<%, I ilk?r '519b Sunstai(:? I` lr_)t(_rr 48"/< Ml.1F;I1EJr ?% T. )rues Jones I I(,rt I'll tall )lr v 38 Group #8 - Elbows Manufacturer Vendor 170Off Elbows Meru I1`; I ilt(;r '84'1,, Group #9 - Flanges Manufacturer Vendor %Off Flanges, Bronze, Meter F(-)rc: f (:>rcJl,;;r)r't 52, Meter Flanges, Oval C rcir)(i I i(;vF)rl A&B F'I,_)e lJ( L Jar n('ri ..1C.?r li:.'S I(i 1 i'il_1rTli_>Inc, .Sf.3 Y, Group # 1 O - Hose Bibs Manufacturer Vendor %Off Hose Bibs TN1f3<:<`1 I ref ,r-1lar l f' (>O I'll) l Lion PIl1lf11)In(i 6`%o 500,10 Group #11 - Idler Pipes Idler Pipes Manufacturer i r,rri Jcar�rt'_'; Jnr•�[5 Vendor %Off Ferguson `0,X. ltrrtt )ir`u a 38 /o Group #12 - Insert Stiffeners Manufacturer Vendor °/Off Insert Stiffeners I ord rc'rc.,l.,l;t>rl `ZY,, Sunstcito Motor 47'%, Ml 1c'lklf A & B Pir.)e ) %, lion fliurnt.)ing 38,x, Jc rrlc'a ,lc )rn r,`;; Group # 13 - Meter Stops Manufacturer Vendor %Off Meter Stops F(_ 1 r rc11 r1Or I %, st(Jte M(?ter Mla(')ilc r A & r_; Group #14 - Nipples Nipples. Brass roue # 15 - Pieces, Branch Pieces, Branch Manufacturer Mr )rit Manufacturer f ord MI J('Il, ,. Vendor IT, Tilt( r I � rilrll�,lr1 F'il.�e `;I rn�,tcli�::; Mcr;ftr A&B Pil )c , %Off "99.9429<, Vendor %Off Fergl-.is()n 1'%, US f::.jlfE: l '`:iI`X" Sum A &. B Pipe I Group #`s6 - Plugs Plugs, Standnird Bross Manufacturer A&B StJnstcars ......... . . Group #17 Poly -Adapters Manufacturer venaor Poly AclaptersXCOMpression Brass F(-),,(! Lion Olumt.)h(.1 Group # 18 - Reducer Bushings Reducer Bushings Group #19 - Resetters Meter Resetters Group #20 - Service Saddles ervice Saddles GrOLIP #21 - Tees Tees Manufacturer venaor A&B Pip Manufacturer venaor Ferg'usc)n I IS, i I 'k.." r Manufacturer venaor F #202P, 1 U,'> ilt(:f '��)021 �JS Filf� suristate, m�-i(. �r 1) �j 112(Vk 1 f:k #20:,IN I v;or i J("m . ..... .. ... A8/B Pik M a7 ion 1:11; it i)hil 1(� . .. ....... - Manufacturer M I . . . . ....... . .. %Off /I 'X, 47'X, /Oull I 5 47/c) 63`X) '65`Yo venaor Fergus()n ;I Ir).'l( Ile M 1 e� r 47ry, A,'kH I 14--)e 7 uric, A&B Pii .. . ............ AYY Lion Ph jf T)( k)(j 4 Group ,:22 - Tubing Tubing, Copoer Tubing, Poly Manufacturer Vendor %Off F jS` Fili,.,r + 1 mr , In .. r:. VC Croup ##23 - U-Branches Manufacturer Vendor %UTT U-Branches f (.w;4 I t'rr(;I,.,f>c)n `":-'"/,.> US Filkr r 1` , St I Ion F'II,if I lhin( Grour) #24 - Valves Manufacturer Vendor %Off Valve Assemblies, Key Branch,. FFircl.l'iiOn , .. c>>", I,rl: + rt� ' Mc=t(ar ._........_ .—_. .. _..........- Ir rtru �', 1�>rlc :; . ......_ ?Ft .......- Lic;,rr r-'Il,rrrt:,irlC:� Valves. Angle Meter Sr..,rlstc.-tr i'✓1�=ter �ir3`%, f�f,Llr:.11r.:,r A�f[I I''I 'Jot I t ll I; 111 )Ir lc. „ Valves, Ball Meter Fotc- F(-)rcar -, .) I is Filter "il'3h ....._.. .... ........ ........ ...._..---- .._ ._ ---....__ ._..__....�.... C7f r i_i<�n F'It a, r 1' rll a ,1.._._ � .....�.__ _.._....�...... , Valves, Check Fore FF)r9l 11;r;r1 J(� Meter MtaE IIF:r A&Ii , iF,F:r L_ic.-,r, N!Eir.r; Valves, Gate At ir,-in I rrcit1"Or1 •4-• fir, w US FiltF,r {iclrrlrrl,>rlrl A�'/fi I'r;r; f,r,1„ Group #25 - Washers Manufacturer Vendor %,Off Washers, Rubber 13r.,v'J✓I Ic>I<:)sc:rl ; US Fi lei (._ rC,nc:.i ! ir7v(:>rl A&B Fl,l,<-< / Washers, Fiber Buy WIIc>Ir ,r Ilc I..JS ........ Group #26 - Yokes Manufacturer Vendor %Off Yokes I orc;l Surl kiln' Mr,t,:i 48' ic7n ;,: „ , ,rl F11,iT, ,Irl, Group t127 - Megalugs Manufacturer Vendor %Off MegalUgS '.) 9 ly, 4 ?'X,, g Group #28 - Grip Rings Manufacturer Vendor %Off Grip Rings f c>rru c.:. ...... .... .... ....... ... . it i!,h fle Meter discount Percentage offered is off "core list" provided in bid. All other items not listed 40% off add to not pricing- Not a discount but a markup 9 1 1 • INVITATION TO BID E M WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES BID #2000-01/08 Opens Friday, June 8, 2001 — 2:30 p.m. Larry R. Deetien City Manager 150 NE 2nd Avenue Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441 SOUTHEAST FLORIDA GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASING COOPERATIVE TO OUR PROSPECTIVE CONTRACTORS: The attached 111vitation for Bid or Request for Proposal represents a cooperative pro(,,i eme'rat for- HIC PlaSing Cooperative, oovernclEa(ci� For the past several years, 'approxim alely twenty six (26) governnac�rat entities have participated in Cooperative Purchasing in Southeast i­lorida. i lae Southeaast f=lorida Governmental Purchasing t ooperative was formed in an effort to provide-., co:;t savings rand cost avoidances to all entities by utI117111g the ()Hying p(::)wc;r of combined requirements for common, ba: is Items. The G(werriment Agencies pr.articipating in this particular procurement and their respective dc:;ilv(>ry loc<aticar)c <,re liste-,ct it, tfaE, attached document. Southc a ;t Floridr.a C,ov(:rnrneent al Purchasing Co)aerative Procurement Operational Procedures: Ail ojuestions concerning this procurement should be addressed to the issuing agency, hereinafter referred to as the "lead agency" All responses arc, to be returned in accordance with the instructions contained in the att-ached document, Any difficrllty with participating agencies referenced in this award must he brought to the attention of the: lead agency. Each participating governmental entity will be responsible for awarding the contract, issuin, ifr; own purchase orders, and for order placement. Each entity will require separate billing:;, be responsibiea for payment to the Contractor(s) awarded this contract, and i r.ic, ItS ow11 tax exemption certificates as required by the Contractor. The. Contraact/purCaase order, terms of each entity will prevail for the individual porticipratirag c!ntity. Iravoicilaet instructions, delivery locutions and insurance require,nients will be in accordance, with tlac, respective agency requirements. • Any reference in the documents to a single entity or location will, in fact, be understood referring to all participating entities referenced in the documents and cover i()tic,r unf(>.:; spg cificaily noted otherwise. 1 ho awarded Contractor(s) shall [)e rc�sporasible for advising the, load rayency of tho .e faarticipants wtao fail to Place orders as a result of this sward during the contract period. The Contractor(:,) shall furniSh the t_ead Agency ra do>t ailed 1�tjmfnary of dales semi-annually during the contract period- SUrnInrary shaall incir.rcie contr-act nurnber(s), contractor's n<anw, the tonal of c!,ach commodity soil daring the re[)orfinc'3 pc rioci .arid the tots l dollar amount of y Y 7urc hrt<.c to c oraarnodii tar c ratitie � Which nr(, not roar nabc,r� ttjr;t Southeast Florida Manic i � tlitie _, and other gove�rnrnc rat: C,,overnrrae nt :al f urc'ha ,inn Cooperative are stricter probibitc(i from utilizing anv contract or purcli asc order resulting form thi bid award. Ilowcaver, othc>r Florida Governmental Purchasing Cooperative members may participate In their contract for new us,::age, during the contract term, or in any contract extension term„ if approved by the lead agency. New `>cxJthelast Florida Governmental f'urciara4,inq Cooperrative rraerTlbf,rry may pxticipate in any rontr;aca on ac cptanolead a(I<a< • Novae of the participating ctnvernme,ntral entities shall kae dg e rrae(, or construc;d to be a party to any contract executed by and botween any other governmental entity and the: Contractor(s) as a result of this procurement action. "WORKING TOGETHER TO REDUCE COSTS" City of Deerfield Reach INVITATION TO RID - WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION AND INFORMATION 1_0 SCOPE: 1.0,, i-he City of ()eerfield Beach, as the lead agency of the Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative FIurcha sing Croup, is actively seeking bids; from qualified suppliers to stablisia <a term contract for WATt_tz. METER F MNG AND WATER HNE ACCESSORIES, wit.l, ca single fixed percentage discount. to he deducted from listing pricincl as specified herein, and a; required by the mernt)ets of the- Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group and as per the, terra s, conditions and specifications contained in this fnvitation to Bid. 1.0.2 Any refc°renc:e in the bid docr.aments to ca ;inc)le c;nt:ity shall apply to all participating ntit-ic ; referenced in the Invitation to t; d. INFORMATION: Se>aiecl bids will be received until 2:30 p.m., Friday, June 8, 2001, for "WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES," (Rid #2000-01/08) 1.1.1 Bids will be Iar.rbildy ol)c.ried in the City of Deerfield Reach, 150 NE 2nd Avenue, Deerfield Beach Florida 33441, Commission Charnber Rohm, First Floor, in the ar(­�encce of City Officials at the <:)l:)ovc stated tinge and date. 1.1,2 All hids' <are to be submitted in a sr aicc:l t�nvelope and clearly marked oil the exterior, Sealed bid for WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES (Bid -2000-01/08) rand addressed to - City of Deerfield Beach t.arry R. Oeetjen, City Manager 150 NE 2nd Avenue feet>rf is ld Fie ac:h R._ 3:3+11 1.1.3 All bidders or their repre_entat.ive art:° invited to be present. Any bids rc_.ceived after time and date specified will not bc consicacred. 1.1.4 Any l.:ici rYiay be withdrawn up until the time set above for opening the bids. Any bids not SO withdrawn :111dil, upon opening, constitute an irrevocable offer to sell the City of Dc c:rfield Belch the goods or services set forth in the attached specification until 90 c<alcn(.i<ar drays after bid opening. 1,2 INCONSISTENCIES - Ally se -ling inconsistency between different provisions of the specifir-aion t)id or c:c:antraca or any point requiring explanation roust be inquirt:,d into by the bidder, 'n writing, within the time pecjfir.-:ad in Section 1.7.2. After bids are opened, the bidder, hall cice by the decision of the City as t.o such interpretations. The C::rty of Deerfield Beach snail �.a not he responsible for oral interpret.citiow, givc?n by any City personnel or repro_ cnt:ativc:,- or others. Hie issucirK:.e of a written addendum is tl,c° only official method whereby interpretation, caarific_ation or, additional information can be given - FORMS OF BIDS - Each bid and its accompanyincf statcnae°nt> rrrust be made in TRIPLICATE on the birinks; provided therefore and bound her'E'with. the forms must be sut�rnrtttxl in goad order t:"d with oll the r:,l,,nks filled in. The forms rrrust hc.. erido:;ed in a sealed ellvelow when subnlit::_d to the Off,cc, of the City Mand(jer of the City of Deerfi(.1d E;ctac:h, Florida, and must sho"'; '` name of the bidder -ind <a statc'naent as to its contents. Thc> bid rrau st be signed by cane duly arahorized to do so, and, in c:<:ise signed jay ra deputy or subordinate the principal's properly written ai.athority to such deputy or suborcindtt, rnu>t. 1ccompany the bid. No Bid will be accepted, for any reason whatsoever, which is not sut)niitted to the Office of the City Manager as stated above, within ttie specified time. ry special conditions, pertaining to the hid. Failure s, 1. } MISTAKES - Bidders are cautioned to examine: all terms, conditions, specifications drawings, of exhibits,addenda, delivery in_�truetions, and p'- q the 13idder to examine all t)ert:inent ciocurnents shall not Qrititic, him to any relief from the conditions imposed in the contract. I,.S The followinq is a listing of the participating gnvernrnent and agencies who have committed their annual volume: for products awarded through this contract: Participants of this bid are: CITY OF DLERFIELD BEACH Department of ('ngin-HM)AAilities 2.00 Goolsby Blvd Deerfieid Beach, 11, 33442 �.ntic p; ted volume- $50,000 rit<ict. Cr< ig Connor I c le (954) 480-4400 CITY OF OAKLAND PARK Nater Department 1CC) NE. 12th. Terrace )<Ikl nd [lark, FL 33334 AI'tiup) ted voiume- $10,000 (.',gqn .:c::t- Scott Caille LE>ic (954) 561-61.05 CITY OF MARGATE rivirorT. & 1•.ngineering Services 1001 W(; River Drive Horicia 33063 ,^,rlucipated volume- $10,000 Contact- Connie Guzzi le'lc (`:3 1) 972-6454 CITY OF NORTH LAUDERDALE Public Works C)1 `)W 71 st Avenue `dorth Lauderdale, FI 33068 Ar'iopated volume- not detr.rnTmcd Contact- Joe Sant[ Telc- (954) 722-0900 CITY OF SUNRISE ,vJest Water flint # 3 1.41 ")o NW 8th '�;treet. `.yell lr l`, l.' t't. 3.i3 C: ',ntJc y:r'ite rl vulmm-, y74,000 C contact- Carol Hollin', el( _ (954) `.)7�-)-185 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI 815-1821 N.i-. 150"' Sfrc t t Nc)rth Miarni, FL 33181 Ariticapatcc volume- $60,000 nf:act. c', rri Ihomp;on CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS Purchasing 4181 N.W. 121" Avenue Coral Springs, FL 33065 Anticipated volume- $71,300 (:ontac;t Allen Starsky is°le (�).'>4) 345-2237 TOWN OF DAVIE Utilities Department 3500 NW 76`h Avenue i)<ivlt' f L 33024 Antu;ip,atcd volume- 524,000 (_unt.aa- Here Hyman i(,ii, (9 4) 797-1016 CITY OF TAMARAC Purchasing 1)cpart"Tent. N.W. 8811i Avenue 1fll:li<i(: H 33.321. Antic. plited volume- not determined C'ontact- Keith Wilder Tel: - (9`--A) 7?4..2443 CITY OF MIRAMAR Water Pi,int West/Water Plant Last 13900 I,(.rT)hroke Rd, tlirarnar, FL 33027 Anticip, teed volufne.- $25,000 Contact Margaret Palomino Tele- (954) 967-1550 CITY OF BOCA RATON 1401 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL, 33431 AntlCipais'ta voll-itTu' ;34 000 Contact- l,.ynn Kunktd eie- (561) `,93-787O CITY OF LAUDERHILL 2101 N.W, 49"' Avenuo t, udethill, R. 33313 Antic l atc-d volurrTe°- $25,000 Contact- Ruby 1. (,vY Teie- (954) 730-3044 13ROWARD COUNTY PURCHASING CITY OF DANIA BEACH 115 S. Andrew; Ave., Room 212 1201 Stirling [toad Fart, t jjuderdaje, F L 33301 Dania Beach, Ft_ 33004 Anticipate>d volurne $60,000 Anticipated Volumes- $20,000 C";:}ntact Rohe::rt. Mc:Kenney (.ontac:t- I eo Williams rc,ie• (e)': 4) 357-6009 `:ele- (954) 921-8700 CITY OF HOLLYWOOD 1801 N 21`1` Avernus: Fioilywood, FL. 33020 Antialmted volume- $10,000 (iontac; Windol Greene Anticipated 1'e,le_ (954) 921 3290 CITY OF COOPER CITY 11 7`:)1. `>.W. 49"' Street C:cxupor City, FL 33328 Antiopr:atcd volurne - $45,000 Contact -• KCrri Anne Bartley Tole- (954) 43,;-4300 CITY OF NORTH MIAMI BEACH 2101. N,E. 1.`M"i >tr('et North Miami Beach, H 33162 Volume $50,000+ C;ont :rct I ynn C3ribt)le 1-cle (305) 9.18 )976 CITY OF PLANTATION 700 N.W. 91" Avenue Plantation, FL 33324 Anticila,:ated valumC - $15,000 (-ont�jc:t I ynn Dorman Tele- (954) 452-2544 1.6 NEW CO-OP MEMBERS- - New members to the: Group may be permitted to "sign -on" to the ly contract subject to the approval of the. groula. "Piggy -backing" by other agencies is stricI prohibited under the term, and c:onciitiom., of the Co-operative Bid. However, any agreement between the vendor and other agencies that are not part of this bid is strictly between the parties and not 11w concern of the responsible <ageruy, or the southeast Florida GovernrnE'ntaI Coaperative.� l"'urc h,:a,,ing Group. 1.-7 INFORMATIONCATION-:- 1-7-1 For te.c:hnical information concerning this; bid c:ontaCt the City of Deerfield Beach in writing within uw, time specified below. Such contact is to be for clarification purposes only. Material changes, if any, to if,(, technical specificaLions or bid procedures will only be ti ara srnitte,d by written addendum. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without ie qil effect. 1.7.1 AI)t)FNDA CHANGES ES..OR INTERPRETATIONS lX-1RCN(-, _E31_f) Any inquiry or request for ml,cmrcttation re e.eive d ten (10) or more days prior to the data fixed for the opening of the bide; will bQ e)ivejn consideration. Failure to make written request for changes or clarification prior to thus time will constitute waiver of any claim based thereon. All such charagea' or interpretations will be made in writing in the form of an addendum and, if c1c> in cis will be: mailed or ;yent by available means to all known prosp(.,ctive Bidders not l atcr than seven (7) days prior to the established bid opening date.. -The bidder shall not rely on oral representations, discussion;, (1,.irificatican,, or modifications. Each prospective Bidder shall acknowledge receipt of such addenda in the space provided in the bid form. In case tarry Biddt�r fails to acknowledge receipt. of such addenda or addendc.rrra, his bid Will nevertheless be con 0derCd as, tiaough it h,.id been received and acknowledgc:d and the submission of his bid will constitute <i(;knowl,.dgrrlei, t of the receipt of same. All addenda are a part of the contract. (iocranae nt:, and uci(h Bidder will be bound by such addenda, whether or not received by hire it i,, the re,4mrisibility of each prospective Bidder to verify that he has received all addenda i ;-red be2f0re bid" are opened. Questlow, should be Sent, in writing, to Donna Council, I'urchrrsing Division, City of De e0-if_Ici Be']c:h, 21.0 Goolsby Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, 11, 33192. To facilitate prompt. receipt of que>stic-an,; they cram be sent to the City via FAX at. (305) 4f30 .1388 to the attention of- Dcnna Council. 1..F3 The City of Deerfield Beach/Co-op Agencies reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waives any irregularities in the bids that do not materially affect the quality of the product/service ,jnd the right to disregard all nonconforming, non -responsive, unbalanced or conditional bids. Bids will be considered irregular and may be rejected, if they show serious omissions, alterations in forms, additions not called for, conditions or unauthorized alterations, or irregularities of any Kind. �J CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH INVITATION TO BID-- WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES SECTION Z - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 2.0 The purpose of this Invitation to Bid is to c'_sttablish a one (1) year contract from date of award, with the option to renew this contract for four (4) additional twelve month periods, under the same terrris and conditions by rnutual consent, in writing by both parties. Prices shall remain firm for the entire contract: period. 2.1 PRODUCTS DOLLAR VOLUMES - Items attached on the Bid Summary Sheets (Attachment are representative of the needs of the City of Deerfield Beach and the Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Grouf) throughout the previous twelve month period. This is in no way to he construed as the entire or complete list of products to be purchased from the resulting contract. It: is merely ca guide. The anticipated dollar volumes estimated for this contract cannot be guaranteed. Our needs could also exceed this amount. Iterns will be ordered on art as ru_,eded, when needed basis. Exact quantities cannot be predetermined but estimated annual txpernditures by groups are projected in -section 1.5. Group ## 1 Adapters Group ,# 2 - Meter Boxes Group ##3 - Clamps Group ##4 Connectors Group ## Corporation Stops Group ##6 Couplings Group # / - C::urh 'tops Group #8 - Elbow., Group #() Flanges Group #=10 i iose bibs Group ff 11. - Idler Pipes Group At 12 Insert Stiffeners Groin) ## 1.3 Meter Stops Group 414 - Nipples Grout) # 15 - Pieces, Branch Group ## 1E� - falugs Group 117 - Poly-AdaptersY Group #18 - Reducer Bushing Group #19 Rc 'ettc?r;; Group #" 0 - `-,Qrvi(:(, ` riddles Group ##2,1 - lees Gror.rp ## 22 - -Tubing (7roup #23 U Branches Group ##l4 - Valves Croup 1125 - Washers Group #26 — Yokes Croup 1127 Megalugs c roup ,/)Fi Grip Rings 2-2 PRICES BID - The price of gaod," area to include the discount: percentage and pricer selling directly to the City and delivering all materials and supplies, including applicable taxes for the; initial period of the contract. 2.2,1 Bidders) shall furnish, with this bid three (.31., copies each of their current catalogs)/price li ;t(r,) which will indicate all items bidder can furnish and list prices to Le used for each itE rn. Any cat�:alo(J s/price lists and l)ici ,,ubnaitted for other than water meter fittings and water, Ilm, <ac cc : Tories will not be accleptcd. Failure to furnish catalogs and/or price lists as requited will re,'It in disqualification of bid submitted. 2.22 All awardecs shall deliver this same catalog(s) to all members of the Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group. It is in the best interest of the awardees to indicate the bid number, the start date of the contact, the expiration of the contract and the awir(icc:s single percentage discount offered on the front of they catalogs/price lists when it is delivered to all the c:o-op government. agencies. _Q Bidder should indicate in all spacer, 1..3 SINGLE FIXED PERCEfNT'AGE_D.ISCDUNTS _ QUOTED* discount to be deducted from provided on the Bid Proposal Form their single fixed percentage list pricing for water meter fittings and water line acc e.;sories that will be used for the term of the Contract. Single fixed percentage offered shall remain firm throughout the term of the contract. 2.3.1 t3idcic,rs shall offer- their single fixed percentage discount as described on the.>. Bid Proposal Forma, to he calculated from the catalog list price. 2.3.2 The single fixed percentage discount quoted by the bid(:fer shall apply to the catalog list price of all catalog item;;. Ile_rms e1xcludcrd from single fixed percentage discount should be listed on a separate (;lout of paper. "T"laesc items will be excluded and should not be, purchased. 2.3.3 if more than one catalog is �;ubniitted by a bidder, the single fixed percentage discount, shall remain the same for all catalog it(rrns per catalog submitted. If the single fixed percentage discount offer differs per catalog submitted, bidder shell state on a separate sheet of paper the single fixed percentage discount offered for each additional catalog. 2.3. 1 uhnaitt nca more than one catalog and failing to attach a separate she?et of paper stating stncllgr fixt,.d percentages per catalog, will indicate single fixed pe?rc.eantracy, Offered on Bid ,Proposal te, constant for all catalogs ',;ubmltte'_d. In t:he ('vent a k)idder h(indles catalog tens that carry little or no percentage,, thi. fact shall be taken into con side ration and percentages offered shall be <a single fixed perrcentag : fear each ccitalocl. 2.4 CATALOG PRICE LIST UPDATES It i., uncl(-rstnod tray the city of f:)eerfield Beach that prices published on the referenced MranufcictUre,r's; Price I i,lt may fluctuate during the contract period. Single fixed percentage offero.�d shall remain firm throughout the mitial one (1) year term of the contract, upon expiration, and prior, to renewal, price increases may be submitted. However, proof of price changes must be submitted thirty (30) days prior to date of effect of said price increase(s). -Fhe City of Deerfield Beach reserves the right. to accept: of reje(I any request for price increases depending on whether adequate documentation of <:authorized price increases is subrraitted and considered legitirnate. 2.5 If, during the contract period, the rilanufcic:turor ir;trtg ; a rc,.placemerit to the cataiog(s), a copy of the replacement catalogs)/pricer lists cire to be delivered to each Southeast, Florida Governmental Cooperative Purc.h<asirui G. roup member- Fciilure on tll(-' part of the awardee(s) to furnish current catalog/price lists updates will result in all payinents heing haled on last update received carid increase will not be honored. 2.6 DEFAULT PIZOVISIONS ki the eve:rnt of default t:,y the bidder, the City/Co-ma rc'sCrv(`_, the ri(itit to procr.rc, the, item(',) t)icl fronn other sources and hold tfle bidder responsiblc for cost.'; iRCL1frQd IV, a rEs':;ult- :7.7 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE - If the successful contractor fails to provide t:h r it(rra; hid nr if delaverie,.; afe not meld( it, ,a timely planner or if the product supplied doer; not nl ('t the specillcot,ions of thE' li( rll:i 11, tE::c if, tili`, iraVltatlOrl to tjlr.i or `Magill in any manner (.CJrl'irillt a t)rt ca(:h of contract and fails to remedy within fiv(' (`.)) rl,.iyr; �jft(rr nc:>tification from the City of Deerfield Beach/Co-op, the ing from this bid without further City/Co-op may terminate the contract tcsult notice to the successful contractor, Any and all (w-)ts or other (,xpt�nses inc:ctrre�d by the City as ca direct result of the aforesaid te.rmination shall bc the dire(_It liability of Ow successful Contractor. itie (:itv of Deerfield Beach sh,:all iaavc? ;_ill rernedi(, <avr_ail�abler at. I,iw or grquity, in addition, file City of Deerfield Beach may terminate the contract, without cause, r.apon thirty (30) days notice., 2.8' SELLING, TRANSFERRING OR ASSIGNING_,CQNI RACTS - No contract awarded under these terms, conditions and specifications shall be sold, transferred or assigned without the written Is approval of the City of Deerfield Beach/Broward Governmcntal Co-operative Purchasing Group. L.� c1 CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH INVITATION TO BID- WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES SECTION 3 - GENERAL CONDITIONS 3.0 SPECIAL CONDITIONS - Any and all Special Conditions contained in this bid that may be in variance. or conflict with the (Jeneral Conditions shall have precedence over the General Conditions. if no changes or deletions to General Conditions are made in the Special Conditions, then the General Conditions shall prevail in their entirety. 3.1 NO BIDS - if you do not intend to bid please inciic�itp the reason such as, insufficient time to do not offer product or service, unable to meat. specifications, schedule would not. i_ errnit, or any other reason in the space provided on thc, bid signature page. Failure to bid or - return no bid comments prior to the bid clue and opening date and time indicated in this; bid, may result in your firm being deleted frorn our Bidder's Registration List for the Conimodit.y Class Item requested in this bid. 3.2 In accord ,flc e with Florida State Statute 287,133 (.J(a1.__ A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not. Submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, filay not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contr-ac:tor, sul.lpII( r, subcontractor or consultant cinder a contract with any public entity, and may not: transact business with any public: entity in excess of the threshold amount ()r0V1df2c1 S. 1.8/.01./ for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 nionths from the date of being placed on the convictc,d vendor list. 3.3 CAUSES FOR REJECTION - No bid will be canvassed, Considered or- accepted which in the opinion cf the City is informal or unbalanced, or contains inadequate or unreasonable prices for any ifc ins; each item must carry its- own proport:iorl of tile. cost as nearly as is practicable. I iowever, the City shall be under no obligation to investigate the correctness of any hid and the bidder- by signing the bid shall be deemed to have verified that no errors appear in the bid as submitted. 3.1 ANTI -COLLUSION STATEMENT - By submitting this hid, the bidder affirms that this bid is without. pmvious understanding, agreement, or, connection with any person, business, or corporation r,ubmitting a Mid for this project, and that this bid is in all re, ;pects fair, and without collusion or fraud. BIDDER NAME CJMPANY NAME P,1F) '� 2000-0.1./013 WA i LR. MCT'ER FI'T"TINGS AND WATER LINE ACCLSSORTES 3.5 NO CONTINGENT FEE - Contractor warrants that it leas not c,rnployt>d or retained any company or person, othertlh rn a.borio fide employee working solely for the Contractor to solicit or secure, the, agrecincrlt and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual or firrn, other then a bona fide employee working solely for the Contractor, any fee, c:ormilis sion, percentage, gift, nr other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or rn,�kmg the Ac.trc f_ernent. for the breach or violation of this provision, the, City shall have the right. to t,: rnlinatc, the Agret,riwrit without liability at its discretion. w } 3.E PROHIBITION OF INTEREST No contract will be awarded to any Bidder who has City elected officials, officers or employees affiliated with it, unless the Bidder has fully Complied with current Florida State° Statutes and City Ordinaricc-1 relating to this issue. Bidders must disclose any such affiliation. t ailure to disc lose any such affiliation will result in disqualification of the Bidder and removal of thc Bidder from the City's Bidder's List: and prohibition frorn engaging in any business with the City. 3.7 DISCRIMINATION - Contractor agrees that in the performance of any provisions of this agreement, riot to di,;criminate or permit discrimination in the hiring practices of Contractor or in the performance of the Contractor on the basis of race, sex, religion, political affiliation of - national origin. The Contractor will strictly adhere to the equal ernployment opportunity requirenientt, anti ;any applicable reojmrement, e.stabli shed by the State of Florida or the Federal Government. 3.8 CONTRACT - When requested, the bidder to whom award is made or his authorized representative must taxi ct.rtca a written contract with the City of Deerfield Beach and Co-op Agencies to do the work- if the bidder to whoin the first award is made fails to enter into a contract, the award curly Ii(' �anrlulled and the contract let, to the next lowest bidder who is reliable and responsible in th(! opinion of the City. Such bidder fulfill every stipulation embraced herein as if he were the original party to whom award was made. 3-8-1 A corporation to which a contract is awarded will be required to furnish certificates as to its c'orpor(:ate existence and evldencc that the officer signing the contract is authowed to do .,o oil i:>r;!lialf of the corporation. .9 AGREEMENTS OUTSIDE _THIS. AGREEMENT - This Agreement contains the complete Agreement concerning the C-:ontractor arrangement between the parties inct shall as of the effectiv(. date of t.hi-, Agreement supersede all other Agreements between the parties. The parties stipulate that neither of them has made any representation with respect to the subject. rnattc�r of this Agreement or its, c_xecution and duly accept such representations as :are rspecifically set forth in this Agrc.ernent. Each of the parties to this Ac.Ircenient acknowledge that it ha; relied on its own judgnlcrnt in entering into this Agreement. 3.10 GUARANTEES C::ontractors shall guarantee c�quiprnent arld materials supplied uncles this Contract agraIrast any and all defecltiw, or faulty work or material for a period equal to the manufacturer's warranty of the item. Should any defect in material or workmanship appear, during the above stated warranty period, the successful bidder shall replocc, any unit at no cost to the City of Deerfield Bcach/(-o-op in-imediately upon written notice frorn the c_lty. The successful hiddr:,r shall hold the City harniler:;r:; from any damages, judgments or liability of whatsoever nature fe'>ultind from the purchase cr use of any itc iw, pursuant to tale contract. 3,1.1. CANCELLATION - ftle obligations of the City of Der:rfieid Bcac:h/Co-op members under this award tare rrbjr°ct to the terms and conditions e­;t(jhli shed by the legislature of Florida. Ttre. City/c::o-op members have the option to discc:antinue service at no expense to the City/Co-OP members if the Gty/C'o-ol, Mr_'rrabcr3 Rolicy/Ordinances/Rt.rl(.s/Rerytrlatiun:, or Florida Statute,; deft rmin ; it i" irl the City ,/(.O op P•lembers' be, -It into re:;t . c': uu r,ll atiora of the contract will not relieve thc, vendor of arav ohliclations incurred prior, to the ci,lte of (<mc:ellatiorl. 3.12 LEGAL EE_RREQUIREMENTS - Apf)Ii :,able provisions of all federal, state, and coc.rnty laws, and Icx_�ai ordinances, rules and regulation shall govern development, submittal and eviduation of all bid,, received in response hereto and shall clov(�rn any arid all claims and disl]ut,(5 which may arise between Ilersorl(s) attaching a i:aid respon,;e hereto and the City by and throu(jil its officers, 'nlploye::e s arld authorized representatives, or my oth(r ptr`:;ori, natural or otherwise, and lack of krlowl ,doe° t)y ,any Bidder shall riot constitute ;a coqni2alflo defense against the legal effect, I 3.12,1 The Legal Advertisement, Notice of Invitation To Bid, C:-Jenerai Conditions, Special Conditions, Specifications, Instructions to Bidders, Lxhibits, Addenda and any other pertinent document forma a part of this bid and by reference are made a part of any response to this bid. 3.13 VENUE _5_EVERABILM - Venue shall be in Broward County, Florida, with respect to any and all actions, which may be brought now, or hereafter in connection with this Agreement. In the event that any portion, provision, terra, or condition of this Agreerne..nt shall be found to be unconstitutional or illegal in any way, it shall be deemed severed and the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. -3.11 INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARM —LESS - Contractor shall, in addition to any other obligation to Irlderraraify the City of Deerfield E3cach/Co-op and to the fullest extent permitted by law, protect, ci<�fend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Deerfield Beach/Co-op, their agents, rlccte�(-i officials and employees from and against all claims, actions, liabilities, losses (including economic losses), or costs arising out of any actual or- alleged; A) bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property including the loss of use resulting therefrom, or any other damage or loss; arising out of or resulting or claims to have resulted in whole or in part from any actual or alleged act or omission of the Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, of anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable in the performance of the work; or B) violation of law, statute, ordinance, governmental administration order, rule, regulation, or infringement of patent rights by Contractor in the performance of the work; or- C) liens, claims or actions made by the Contractor or any subcontractor or- other party performing the work. 3,15 INSURANCE - The Contractor shall purchase and maintain, in full force and effect for the life of the contract, at Contract.or's sole; expense, the following required insurance policies. A copy o certificate ofinsurance is required and should be attached to the Bid doc:urraents. LIMITS OF LIABILITY Type of Insuran.-ce.... __..... _ each occur r - nce aggregate General Liability XX Comprehensive form XX Premises - operations bodily injury $1.00,000. $300,000. _... explosion & collapse Ia37ard property damage $50,000. $50,000. XX underground hazard _._.___....... ------ XX prod ucts/cornpleted operation hazaard bodily injury and XX contractual insurance property damage XX broad forrn property combined $300,000. $300,000. darnaye ___ . XX independent contractors ....... personal injury personal injury $._._ • $ ....-_..... ........ __• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Automotive Liability bodily injury (each person) $100,000. bodily injury comprehon-sive.. form (e aclh '1C_(JclenL)__._... __....$!QQ'0.0) owflod Lp_-o�ac�rt ama P..... 0 CC,. _ 300 r)pO. laireci bodily injury and rion owned property damage, combined $300,000, $300,000. -----------------------------...-------------------- `excess Liability ---_-----------------------------____ bodily injury and umbrella form property damage other than umbrella (combined) $1,000,000. $1.,000,000. I lie endors;e,.nients, policies of M"'Llranc e, certificates of insurances and the insurance agent or insurance cx 111 a),:VIIC 1"M.Iin() such certificates of policies of insurance mur t he acceptable to the City and Risk Management, as lice•flsed and authorized to do business in the State of Florida. Any questions; wl. to the intent of meaning of <my part of the above required coverage should be directed to the Risk Manager at (305) 480-4258- All policies or eertifw atc of insurance MWA be iSsued indicating that such policies or certificates are applicable to work tieing performed under a ..pecific. contract of to all work performed by the Contractor for the CJI.y of Deerfield Beach. 3.1.6 SAFETY. REQUIRFMENTS - Bidder by s;uhmit.ting his; h1d, certifies that all materials contained ill his bid rraec't , rat! Federal Occupational Safety and llealth Act (OSHA) recluirements. Bic d(°r further certifies that, if he is the successful bidder, and the, rn ateririls and/or equipment delivered is ,uh equently found to be deliocrft in any OSHA requirenwrit,; in affect on date of delivery, all cost,; necessary to bring the rnatf,ri<als and/or equipment into compliance with the above M(Intioned requirements shall be borne by the bidder. -3.17 "MSDS" - In c:ornpliance with C::hrlpte°r 1,12, Florida Statues, any itcrris included in the latest c;dit.ion of "Florida Substance LvA" which are delivered front a c:ontr<act resuiting frorn this bid must bJ ' occorrlp(-Mie�d Fly a Material Safety hate Shc,c>.t (MSDS). The MSUS mur;t be maintained by the U'Ser agency r nd PIWA include the requirc d info rmrrtion. Any questions regarding this requir-e nent should be difected to Department of tabor <ancl l rnpioyment Security, Nvision o .,safety, 2002 Cold St. Augustine: Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 fr:leplaone- 1-800-367-1378. ALL TOXIC SUBSTANCES MUST BE LABELED FOR IDENTIFICATION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH O.S.H.A. STANDARDS. 3.18 PUBLIC RECORDS - Horida law (Section 119.01., F.S., `1 he Public Records Law) provides that municipal records ,hall at all times be open for personal inspection by any person. Information and materials received by t:he City in connection with a Invitation to Bid response shall be deemed to be public records subject to public inspection upon award, rejection for award, or ten (10) days after bid opening, whichever occurs first. However, certain exemptions to the public records law are Statutorily provided for in Section 119.07, F.S. If the Bidder believes any of the information contained in his or her response is exempt from the Public Records Law, then the Bidder, must in his or her response, specifically identify the ,material which is deemed to be exempt and cite the legal authority for the exemption, otherwise, the City will treat all materials received as public records. 3.19 RETENTION _OF RECORDS .I-N„D RIGHT TO ACCESS CLAUSE - 'T-he successful bidder shall preserve and make available all financial record,, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other docurnent. s pertinent to this contract. fora period of three; (3) years after termination of this contract; or if an audit has been initiated sand dUdit findings have not been resolved at the end of these three (3) years, the records shall be retained until resolution of audit finding. • m CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH INVITATION TO BID- WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES SECTION 4 - PROPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS 4.0 PRICING/ORDERING - Bidder is to state firm price, including delivery and handling charges and D ;count percentage off current rraanufacturer's catalog price book. 1-0-1 i_ach Co-op agency has specific: requirements for ordering materials. Bidder should suhrnit bid information for meeting these varied Bidder should also submit any other ordering suggestions including f.Dt capabilities. 4.0.2 7.he participating Co-op Agencies may purchase in smaller unit (or larger) unit of rneasure than listed in this proposal. 11.1 INVENTORY - l he vendor must have access to adequate inventory to attain 100% fill rate on the high w-e items, and 95% fill rate on manufacturer catalog it:erns. A 1001/o fill rate shall mean that 10C)c'/o of thc:? high use, iterinc; will be delivered within ten (10) <<Ilendar days after receipt of order. A 951% fill rate ,,hall rnean that all items ordered through the catalog will be delivered within fcurtevn (14) clays after receipt of order. The City of Deerfield Beach/Co-op reserves the right to require proof of acce-ss to inventory- -The vendor shrill notify the Purchas:;inq Division of each respective agency when out of stock on any items clue to circumstances beyond their control. The City of Deerfield Beach reserves the right to procure out of stock item,; from other sources in these circumstances. Special order iterns should be: delivered within twenty --one (21) calendar days after receipt of order. 4,2 DELIVERY -- Delivery will consist of clock -side deliveries and inside deliveries as indicated on the purchase order. All deliveries are to he F.O.B. De,, tination, City of Deerfield Beach/Co cap Agency, s specir,ed on a Purchase Order. All delivery, handling or, other costs neces ., ary to ccarnplc te: an order be included in the single fixed percentage dlswunt quoted. 4.2..1 'CA,liveries are requested to be made within ten (10) calendar days after rec(,�ipt of an order. In the event deliveries cannot be made within ten (10) calendar days, a writteri notification indicating date of projected delivery must be sent to the buyer with a copy to the ordering department stating the reason for delay, The City of Deerfield Beach reserves the rictht to terminate. the contract in the event the delay in delivery is deerned unacceptable. 4.2.2 J: rious co- oia 11gi:!rx ies may at their option pick-up catalog iterns frond the successful vctnc.9or's pl<acc:° of business. Catalog rtrr.rns which are picked up shall be priced in aceord.ance_� with th(2 <;indlc:> fixcd perce>ntcage discount quote(:1 in this hid 1.3 B.It,_R-ING RE,QI)IREMENTS - Each Agency'<_, hillincl rt quit( nac'nt.:> vary. Fach Agency has specific pilling rt'qurrements that: must he met. Bidder is to indicate typos of tilling available. The vt°ndor shall ins,Jre that :all delivery sutras; clearly state the pure:hd,,ca order number, date of delivery, carrier or met, cd of delivery, tot<:al carton count delivered, it(ani descrif.%on, quantity delivered and quantit,, '--ackordered and any other agency re,Mquirement- 4.4 PURCHASE ORDER CANCEt..ATION - The C.:o-C:)t,a Agency, by written notice may terminate in whole or in parts any purchases orders resulting from, this irrvit, ition when such action is in the he>t inr_Fest of the /\0(2ncy- If purchases order,,, lire, so to:rrnin<a[e>d the Agency shall be liable only for p iyr nt. for niatenais received and accepted prior to the effective date of lerrum ation. ,1-5 AUTOMATIC RETURNS - An order will be placed with the understanding that all items delivered must r et the approval of the Us-.ing Department. Maturi�al not acceptable will be returned for credit. t iddF r sh li .state return authorization for materol damaged in shipment, wrong merch<. se ,,hif�pr,d ,andror doplicate ate shifmac�nts. Matc,rial to he rc,turned at vendor expense. x 4.6 "DRUG FREE WORKPLACE" - In accordance with Section 287.087, State of Florida . .a U er,, rn th~ case of tie bids, preference shall be given to businesses with "drug -free workplace. programs". Whenever two or more bids, which are equal with respect to price, duality, and service, are received for the' pr-ocurernent of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented adrug-free workplace shall be given preference in the award process. In order to have a druc.J-free workplace program, Ga 1)U4irne> s shall: (a) Publish a statement notifying employees that the Unlawful rrianUfaCtUredistribution dispensing, pa ( :,inn, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in ttie workplace arid _,I ecifying the actions that will tie taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. (t)) inform eMployees about the dangers of drug abUS(' in the workplace, the business's policy of r-n<aint<aining a drug -free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance progranis, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. (c) Give eac,ft employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that. are rrnc,c_r' bid a copy of the statement SPecified in subsection (a). (d) In the ;tat( rttent pecificad in subsection (a), notify than employees that, as a condition of working Uri the commodities or contractual services that are uncaer- bid, the employee will by the tc rmc of the statement and will ratify the. c,niployer of any conviction of, or pl<°a of guilty or polo contenders to, any violation of chapter f393 or of any controlled su5stanc:e law of the United States or arty sate, for a violat-ion occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction- ((') ImpUSe a sanction on, or require the satr,focIory pxticipatlon in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is <:availal.)le in the eniplayee's community, by any employee who is so Convicted. (f) Make a good faith effort to continue to ntaint<ain �a cirtjg-free workplace through rnl.�lc°rnc rttatiora of this section. IF BIDDER'S COMPANY HAS A DRUG _ .RE.f_WNQF2K ~PLACE PROGRAM, SO CERTIFY E3 LOW AS THE PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE STATEMENT, I CERTIFY THAT THIS FIRM COMPLIES FULLY WITH THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS, BIDDER'S SIGNATURE CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH INVITATION TO BID- WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES SECTION 5 - SPECIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 5.0 METER VALVE: 5.0.1 Meter Valve shall be of bronze construction in accordance with ASI-M specification B62 latest revision. S.0.2 Meter Valve: shall he dosed bottom design and resilient 0 rind scaled against external icakage at the top. Shut-off shall be affected by ra resilient pressure actuated seal so positioned in the plug as to completely enclose the flow way in the dosed position. The inlet side of all meter valves shall have a compression type fitting as specified. Meter valve,, for meter sizes 1 1/2" and under shall be. (_,.quipped with a meter coupling nut on the outlet. side. 5.0.3 Meter valves for' 1 1/2" and 2" meters shall have flanged connections on the outlet. sides. valve,. 2" or less shall be ball type. �.1 CURB STOPS: 5.1.1 C:urta stops shall I_rr:a of the inverted key type avitla tee -head shot off. Curti stops shall be made of brass alloy in accordance with ASTM specification B62 latest revision. ;.? CORPORATION_ STOPS: 10 5.2.1 Corporation stops shall be manufactured of brass alloy in accordance with ASTM epee rfic�ation B62 or latest revision. These corporation stops ;hall he of ball valve type, 5.2.2 Inlet thread shall be AWWA taper- thread in rail sizes in accordance with AWWA Standard ('800 latest revision. Outlet connection ,- hall tuave a c'r:)raapres,;ion type fitting, 5.3 SERVICE SADDLES: 3.1 Service saddles shall i)e ductile iron ASTM A536, have double stainless steel stral); which tighten to confc:arrra to the curvaLure of the pipe sealing 0-rinc:l gasket confined in a retaining groove, for pressure tight seal on the main. A rust pt(-,ventat.ive coating shall be applied to the ductile iron body. 5.4 GATE VALVES UNDER 4": 5,4,1 (:7-ate valves slider 4" in sire• shall he bronze date valves conforming to Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve ancf fAttind Industry Standard Practice SP-37. They shall be single disc, non -rising steno, open It:,ft (counter clockwise) with operating Pewter and pot meter operating whee l,, , hrall riot bc2 pc'rnaitted. 5.5 POLYETHYLENE TUBING: 5. 5.1 The polyethylene compound from Which the tuisiracl 15 rnacie shall be an ethylene he:xene c.x3pOlyna(:r and ;hall comply with the applicable requirements as 'pecified in ASTM D3350 i)rcwidiruj a c 211 c I a.: ,ifiCatiora of 355434C and sin ultaneously bf> Of SPQCIfied in ASTM 1)1.248 far Type III Category `.,, (r;acie� P3z+, CI<aa s C, PE 3408 very high nrolec:rilar weight, high density polyethylene: plta:,tic: materiel. Polyethylene shall comply with the followiruf: 5.5.2 Tubing ;hall have a working pressure at 200 PSI at 73A degrees F. 5.5.3 All tubing furnished under these specifications shall conform to the following standards: AWWA C-901, ASTM D22.39, AS -CM D2737, ASTM 3350, ASTM D1248, A'STM F1.248, ASTM 1693, and ASTM D3140. 5-5.4 Tuning dimensions and tolerances shall conform to the following requirements: Polyethylene tubing surfaces shall be mirror smooth, both interior and exterior and shall be free from bumps and irregularities. Material, must be completely homogeneous and uniform in appearance. 5.5.5 1'ubing dimensions and tolerance<'; shall correspond with the values listed in AWWA C901 with a dimension ratio (DR) of 9. 5.5.6 Tubing shall be fully labeled at intervals of not: more than 5 feet with brand name and manufacturer, the nominal size, PE 3404, the word 'Tubing" and DR9, PC200, AWWA C901-88, and the seal, or mark, of the testing agency. 10 CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH INVITATION TO BID- WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES SECTION 6 - CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES 6.0 QUALI_FIC-ATIONS OF BIDDERS No bid will be accepted from, nor will any contract be awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the City of Deerfield Beach/Co-op, upon any debt or contract, or who ir; a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to said City, or who is deemed irresponsible or unreliable by the City of Deerfield Beach or has been found guilty or convicted of a Public. Entity crime in any Federai or `_-3tate trial court of record. Bids will be considered only from firms that have been engaged in providing products sirnil,: r to those specified herein for a period of not lens than two (2) years, and who are pro,, ntly engaged in the ale of these products. F>re-award inspection of the bidder's facility may be made prior to award of the contract. Bidders may be required to demonstrate_, proof of experience in the management and radnrinistration of an orgZrni7<ation of th(� magnitude required for the performance of this contract. 6,0.2. Bids will he considered only from manufacturers or their authorized distributors. The authorized distributors must re:'qul;:rriy maintain a substantial stock of water service - fitting, , and must be actively engaged in the sale of this type product. A representative of the Cities may examine such stock and facilities at any time either before award is made nr durinq the life of the contract. CONTRACTOR'S EXPERIENCE _RECORD i hc' clay shah have the right to invc ;tigate the financial condition and experience record of ec3c.h prospective bidder and determine to its satisfaction the cornpE tc:ncy of each to undertake thcr Project. 6,2 COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE — Bidder is required to indicate in space provided on the Bid Proposal Sheet the name, address, and telephnrx: number of the representatives) who could make periodic scheduled visits to the agencies and who will be available upon request, to resolve billing and delivery problems; Oi 3 ANNUAL REPORTING RFQUTR.1�_MENTS - Vt'ndor is required to submit annual reports to the City of Deerfield B(-ach, a farad agency. Aftcr 1:awam, the City will discuss the- report layout format and when the report,, should be prepared. A copy caf the report is to be sent, to the lead agency, City of Deerfield Bench, attention- Donna Council. 6.4 VARIANCES For purposes of Bid evaluation E1,idders must indicates any vari(nces, no matter how slight, frorn hid General Conditions, Special i al Conditions, Specifications or Addenda in the space provide:..e1 in the bid. No variations or excitations by any Bidder will 1w considered or deemed o part Of the Bid r,ubruitted unless such variances or exceptions are listed in the bid and referenced in the space provided on the bid pagf-1. if variances are not stated, or referenced as it wiil bc� assurned that the: product or service fully coniplies with the City's terms, Coro it.ions, rand specifications. ( STANDARDIZATION/VARIANCES. l lie City of Deerfield BE,z.jch/C:ca op intends to urc�hase a p product as .specified and contained herein. In no way does the City of Deerfield Beach intc,nc to limit competition to one bidder. St,3te any and all variance, clearly in writing. Wherever in these contract doc_urnents a particular brand, make of material, manrrfractured article, device or equipment i" 'shown or specified, such brand, make cal material, manufac:turud article, device: or equipment should be regorc:led as the standard. 66 SUBSTITUTIONS - If a hid rt(-'rra is discontinued by that nr,anufacturer during thc� jx: riod of award and the bid item is not Ivailal)le from with the vi'ncfc)r,, or manufacturers inventory, then the vendor steal! advise to<a F>rare hasinc) f:)e_rpartri of ail cu)enc:ic :,, in writing, of non -availability of the bid item and shall includo rdescriptive, descripti�, t(�c.:lanic, l literature on the item offered to replace the discontinued bid item .and, upon written approval, ;hall furnish the rc l)lac,ement item at the same firm price offered for the original bid item or at a lower price during the remainder of the period of award. Samples of replacement items, if requested, must be supplied for evaluation by the appropriate City staff. The City of Deerfield Beach shall not be held liable for any damages incurred to equipment during evaluation. After award, substitutions of materials will not be accepted unless approved in writing by the agency 6.7 SPECIFICATION ALTERATION - The apparent silence of the specifications as to any detail, or the apparent omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point, shall be regarded as meaning only that the best commercial practice is to prevail and that only material and workmanship of the finest quality are to be used. All interpretations shall be made: on the basis of the statement. is CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH INVITATION TO BID- WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES SECTION 7 - AWARD /.0 Determination of Award_— In order to meet the needs and to serve the best interest of the City of Deerfield Beach and the members of Southeast Florida Governmental Cooperative Purchasing Group, awards will be made to all responsive and responsible bidders who offer a srncgle fixed percentage discount and otherwise comply with the specifications, terms and conditions of this bid. Those who offer highest discount for those items that comply with specifications and otherwise meet requirements should obtain the largest volume of business. 7.1 1 he City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and subject to the restrictions herein stated. The City may review and consider experience and past performance in its award. Alternate',, if any, will be selected as the City/Cc-op determines to be in its own best interests. 7.2 The City reserves the right to accept all or any part of the bid. The City/Co-op reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid. The City reserve; the right to reject all bids, and to re- advertisc for bic,ls . 7,3 Award may be: rrlade by rnanufacturer/brand or as may be deemed in the best interests of the City of Deer —field Beach. 7.4 In case of disputes in the award of the contract, the decision of the City of Deerfield Beach shall be final and binding on both parties. 7.5 AWARD OF CONTRACT - Each Ca -op Agency has specific: requirements for ordering, invoicing, etc. Vendor is to contact each agency after award to diSCL15�, implernentaLion of contract and specification requirements of the agency. U CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH INVITATION TO BID- WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES SECTION 8 - REQUIREMENTS OF THE BID Bid Identification Indicated on the face of your sealed bid envelope is the following - WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES OPENS FRIDAY, TUNE 8, 2001, 2:30 p.m. (Bid #2000-01/08) All bids must be submitted as ,pccified on the proposal form, which follows. Any attachments must be clearly identified. To be considered, the bidder must respond to all parts of the bid. Any other' information thought to be relevant, but not applie:able to the enumerated categories, should be provided as an appendix to the bid. If publications arc, supplied by a Bidder to respond to a requirement, the response should include reference to the document number and page number. This will provide a quick reference for the evaludlors. Bids not providing thin, reference will be considered to have no referencE: material included in tfie. additional document-?. All bids must be received in the Office of the City Manager, City of Deerfield Beach, City Hall, 150 NE 2nd Avenue, Deerfield Beach, Fl , prior to 2:30 p.m. on the: date specified. The mailing address is- City of Deerfield Beach Attention: Larry R. Deetjen, City Manager 150 NE 2nd Avenue Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 The bid shall be ;igned by a representative who iS authorized to contractually bind the Contractor. BIDDERS MUST SUBMIT THEIR BID IN TRIPLICATE - AN IDENTIFIED ORIGINAL COPY AND TWO (2) COPIES OF THE BID PAGES INCLUDING ANY ATTACHMENTS IN A SEALED ENVELOPE Bid Pages are as Follows - Attachment A — Bid Summary Sheet Part I - Bid Page - Signature Page Part II - Bid Page - Bid Proposal Attachments to your Bid CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH ,INVITATION TO BID - WATER METER FITTINGS & WATER LINE ACCESSORIES - BID #2000-01108 ATTACHMENT A - BID SUMMARY SHEET . . ... ....... GrOUI.) #1 -Adapters 3/11" Sch, 80 # 123-33333 )ter, 14" SXFPI ...... .. ... I 'T, J/4' A67 A2.; Adapter, EarIs li2" ( 'nrri x 5/8" IPM #6A, Straight Male Coupling Adapter, Brass "318" Comp X 1/2 IPM 46 Straight Male Coupling Adapter, Meter,l"r Ad;�pters to change 1- 1/2" flangfd moter to meter to 2" flanged meter size and length Adapter, MeterY,,-ur Adapter., to chtinge 5/8" X 3/4" meter to I" spud size and length Adapter, Stainics,,; Adapter, Stain. Steel, Sch. 80 Adapter ------ IGr'OlLjp #2 Meter Boxes Rox, DouNe NIeter Duit H Concrete I "solid iid . ......... . Box, St;3nd'.3rd Metter, (Ulv;k) Otooks U1419 solid lid . .. . ..... .. .... .. ..... Small Junibo E3ox, NlctE,r, Brook,_; #1220 Box, Muter (01,,.ick) Urooks 41324 Puc-idinq Box, Siriqlc! (GoncrctF,-) Drocik; #136-S Sclrie,; Campk,,tc (Lid Cover Body) . .... ... . ...... . Bo "V keadin(; 'Lid _x, ��inglc (Concr0c) Brooks P f'3ox, `-;irjgk� 3 pmt) Brooks '41li6s .... . ......... . 2" Group #3 - Claryips .3 x Pip(F) .,n,e, ,h Blair or C(ILal FS-1 �973 25 t,iwurdSmit x 7.5" Repair. Pipe O.U. rancle 3.46-3,70 Stcel, Ford,Smith Rkiir o( equil FS-1 Cf,.IITIp, N'ep�3ir, llipc (M), 3 96­4,1,) St,iirflu�ss Ford,Srnith Blair or equal FS-1 . .... ----------- -- _ -- ------- 3 x 0.1.). rzinijc:, 3. 15-4_00 with Stainless Holts, Rornac IISSI 4.00 X 8" Smith Blair or equal .. .... .. .... x '1 (1, Clnmp. Rcp.ilf, Pipc, 0.1). ran(jo 2.97 25 Stainless Stc�.I, Ford,Srnith Blair or equal FS-1 x 10, (Iinip, Re;mir, Pi)(� U 1) tldSmith Blair orequal FS-1 iarigp :;.4(3- <;t,t Rcp;�fr, Pipe 0 a I equal FS-1"("L-imp 3.96-1 25[-Ord,­ r itf 131 i or .......... . . f) 3. �')-4 0 1,'t�iinlcs,,; with St�iinlcss Bolts, Roniac 4SS1 4,00 x 1 2",Smith Blair or ccju�ll 3 x I,)" Cimnp, Pipe 0.1) rmiijk,,, 2 9 7 :3 25 1 111 e s F, .:,teel Pord,Srnilh Blair c)t equal FS- 1 3 x I 0J). rmlq(� 1,16) .11.70 Stoel, Ford,Smith Blair or equal FS-1 ".3 x 5L�]_�11"a­mp, fie p,-- i'r, _P i p e —0. in g, e- 3 - _t_i -4 _21b St a'-i -n- I e s _sS t e e I . ...... F`c­)rd,Smit1h Blair of equal FS-1 3 x !6" pair, P�p( Clamp, R e 0,D. range, 3. )-4.00 Stainless with Stainless Bolts, Rorri2c #SS1 4,00 X 16" Smith Blair or cquai :3 112 x 8" Clamp, Repair, Pipe O.D. range, 3.95-4.20 Stainless with Stainless Bolts, Romac 1",131')14.20 X 8" Smith Blair or equal C Da � r, Pj�)e 0 D rant c. 3,95-4.20 Stainless with F301t!�,, Rornic, 1 4.20 X 1'� Smith Blair or 1�q 1 . . ...... . . x JIrnp• f e P,1 C, Pipe O f.7. r -i nig e 3 195-4.20 St;iwlesF, wittj from ac- wSS 4.20 X 1 G". Smith Blair or equal U 19 m p, R e n r, Pipe J.U. range 4.45-4,73 Stainless Steed, Ford Smith Blair or equal . ........ . 4 x 7, 5" damp, repair, Pipe C.D. range 4,74-5.14 Stainless Steel, Forc,Smith Blair or equal 4 8 1;iinp, Repair, ipe O.D. range. 4,4-5-4.85 Stainless with Stainless Bolts, Rornac. 14.8' X 8" ur equal 4 x 8" Clz-im-p, Repair, Pipe D --------... C 1,,j rnr, R, r. Pipp. 0 D. C _") ra n gP, 4,74-5,14 Stainless with S ta i i i I es s Bolt Ram a c 151 I X 8 Srn i t 11 B 1,a i r equal ainlp al range, 4.95-5.35 Striinless with St� ss Rolts, Romac #SS1 5,35 X 8" ,Smith Blair or equal " - a ; I 5,20-5,60 'StIlinle, will, jjojt�,;. Rom 41,1 S1 5.60 X 8" Smith Blair or 4 8" L `4 o rn a c, J C, M r e u F,Smith Hlaii­ or equaid, - Stainles,,,� with 5t".1irless bolts, f ord,STnith 01 . .... . ...... x 10 Relp, . Pipe 0 D. range 4.45-4.73 Stainless Steel, Ford.Smith 61aflr or equal m p, R c p o;r. Pic)e C.D. range 4. /4-'), 14 Stainless 'Steel, Ford,Smith Blair or equal C la c i p, FR e c a ir, Pipe, 0. D, r,3ngc, 4.45, 4 135 Stainless with Stainless Bolts, Romac #S-) 1 1,-85 X Rklf' Or CqU-11 x Wll�. PC ', c�• P ip, c 0. D ....... .. . . . .... - range, 4 - 7 4 -5. 1 -1 S ta i n I e ss with S ta i r-, 1 es s 0 pit �;, Ro ma c. " SS ) 5 1 14 X 12 Mith t3lair or equ:'! n p, P P i p e 0 D. range, 4_95-5.35 Stainless with Stainless Solt S . Rorr jc, Group #3 - Clamps - continued 4" X 15" Clamp, Repair Cl�,irrTp, r^, smith f31 :iir or equaid - Stainless with r;t ain(t a°s bolts, Ford, Smith, Romac, JCM , or equal � .. 5,. 4 1� x Clamp, fZEpalr, F il)(w (j () r,:,nge 4.45-4.73 `ttalnfe:;.; Stt)el, Cord ,Smith BIair _.:,,....._ FS-1 or equal , q -----...------ CI arnp Repair, Pipe OD ranyc 4 74 ).14 stainless `steel, Ford, Smith E31air or equal al . ,_. _ 1 x 1 C)" C:Iamp, fZep<.air, Pipe O.D.range, t 15- 1 85 tainless with Stainless Bolts, Romac #SS 1 4,85 X 16 Smith Blair or equal 1 x 16" ClampRepair, , Pipe O.D.Fan( <t,7 t-`: 14 Stainless with Stainless Bolts. Romac' _ #>,31 5.14 X 16" ,Srnith Blair or equal " Smith equa1.,...,m.. - 4 x 16" Clamp, Repair, Ripe O.D r an(le. 5 1() 5 60 Stainless with >tainlE s Bolts, RorTT ,( #` ,-A`))F')(i X 11(5" ,Smith Blairror'equri 4 x 20" 6 x 8 " 6 x8" 6x1O x10" fix12" 6 x I'2„ 6'. X 1 `) 6 x 1 6x15" 6x20' 8 x. 7.5" x / F)„ £; x 8.. 8 x 8 x I T 2 e. (a;aniE), Rr f):air, Pipe O.C;) range 4.74-5.14 ;G;,inlc. ss Strael, Ford,Smith Blair , or equal Clamp, Repair, Pipe O,l) r,)nt7e `') 95-6.35 Stainless Steel, t Fc)r(1 `,n,ith Blair S 1, or equal Clamp, Repair, Pipe O.t7 rangc; () 84 l.14 Stainless Steel, Ford Smith Glair or equal Cl xrtf:), R; pair, Pipe O.D. range7.24-7.5 If r ,tainlc r; Steel, Ford,Srnith Blair or equal Clamp, Repair, Pipe O.D Fantle, 5 9`)•(i ,3,)-,t;iMlE with Stainless Bolts, Romac #SS1 6.35 X 8>rriith (31 iir or equal Clamp, Repair, PipE; C1 D rrart W, 6 GO 1.00 Stainless with Stainless Bolt F�omar # ):31 100 X £3" ,Smith Blair or equal _ T.. . _ i ) ) r uu. 1cr (a.84-7.24 5tainles,, with t ainir E3olt E.r',rr, it #.a>1 1.24 X 8'" ,Smith Blair or equal _...._��. _ 'T Clamp, f J FZr >(a,r, f i x. �).O f 4 £ra ! OE 7.46 Stainless with ,t ainlc ; Dolt iZc)m tc ,c c " ,Smith Blair or t du<)1 rant _ .._. 1 7.4 6 X 8 ,lam C ...._w_ P Repair, Pipe O..m (7 _ .. air or equal I ss Stainless S � ''.... ranee, 7.40 7 £3�) �t ainlc..>.� with Stainless Bolts, Romac #a.ti1 7.f30 X £; Smith, BI-- .�-..._.._..�a�' C:;I<,rnfa, E Srmac, JCM, or equal Repair Clamp, ..:stainless with st auilr .;; bolts, FordFordrtitrt 31aIr, Romac, ...-.. -.... - (.I,lmp, Repair, Pipe U 1) r in<Ic: `) i`) Ei.37 Stainless StE E'I. E' C)rd F a 1 [tuth L31 air or ec N„ _- I , Pe"mw, f'iE)r. C).C; r.anr)c O `.iO (3,96, IP7 Stainless `,tr r>I Fgrr.1 i' 1 smith Blair or t-qu,,:a ._..... Ciarnp, Reoair, Pipe O.D. range 6.84.7." 1 it<#inlr Steel, I f card f 1, Smith Blair or equal (;1,3rr,f), f,i pair, Pip,, ;.:) E7 r.:anrlE:. 5 `r5 G 35 Stainless with Stainless Bolts, Romac, # SS1 6.35 X 12" ,.mitt Blair or equal ) 1 f !' (.).l) ) a tninit t?Oltti, Flom is tSS1 7.00 X 12" ,Smith Blair or c grral range, 6.C)O % 0�' Stainless Nlttl �,._-__^__ ....... Clamp, kepair, F pE: O.[.) r anclr,, 6 F34• / 2.4 Stainless with Stainless E3cllt:a, ftor , ac #S`>1 7.24 X 12" ,Smith Blair or equal Clamp, R(,,pair, Pipe O.D range, 7.06-7.46 3t ainlr with Stainless l3oits, Romac 4SS1 7.46 X 12" ,`)rnith E1"ir or equal IZr:I);;iir, Pipe O.D. ranye, 7.40-7 80 `)tr:tinit 5> with �-"'Llllllcss Bolts,Rorn`ar. ?SS1 7.80 X 11" ,Smith E31 air or r:a(7u 11 `Dt ainlra -s with :-;t2inle,5s bolts. ford :irtuth Blair HOTT),ar JC;M or equal Cl,tr tp, f,r'lrair, Pipe (. -1), range 5.95-6-37 Stain(t $ StE c I F Md smith E31 air or equal FS-1 ��.W. Clam,,) Repair, Pipe, ().f). or rrtEut-tl r,)n( rt 6.8.1-7 , 4 StaiTiles_ -,; Steel, F,Srnith Blair or equal FS.1 Smith RInir - _-_ 3 _ �. i t. I in t) _._,. i,r ,iir, fji )r I) fS_i r„nt c `) .i.35 Stainless with tsainit ,; Bolt';,fzr; r, ,r rl `>1 f). i,:i X 16" .Smith Blair or E;yu al _...-. .�_.. _ ^O Pip(" 0 f) .... � r.anq(„ f).(3O-l.00 Stainless with st'ainlc s5 Polls, } .)rn :(. #,.).>1 7.00 X 16" ,Smith Blair or e(qu al - __.. _ 7 ?4 Stainless with Stainless Bolts, (?omac #;�; )1 7.24 X 16" ,Smith Blair or equal Clamp, Repair, Pipe O.G range, 7.06-7 46 :hair le: 's with Stainless Bolts, Romac; #SS1 7.46 X 16- Smith E3lrair or equal Clamp, rZr: faqir, Pipe, O-r). range, 7.40-7.t3G St,ainit `` W ; l E:31 iir or equal �. ;with )t(ainlc Rolls, Eu;rn ac �551 7.t30 X 1G" , )rtuth mm� .. ICtrarrtp. Repair. Pipe O.ID -n(:)(; U; i:> .3.) . tlainlc .)'teel,Ford ,Srnith Blair Romac, JCM or eqw l G.u44,24 Stainless S'r t I, For Smith Rk1 it cir ngra:al E :i 1 C1ar•,p f . 'air, PipE: O.l) range 8 `J9-g 39 Stainless fi.r.ul, I Hirt >r7uth E31,IIr or r tar al FS-1 _- ... CIL!mp Repair, Pipe OD, range 9.27-9 67 St ainlc ;;tr r I Ford )'Troth Ell Tir c;r r;(jual f S-1 (,La-r',) far; )air, Flipe, t) f) rarl(r 8rx)^J.00 StaInIP55 With I3c)it EZE,rtt iC #,, )1 3.00 X 8" ,Srllitn E31,1ir or ) 00') 40 Stainless with Stainless Bolts, Rom�C,;:1`31 9'lO X 8" ,Smith Blair i)r equal rii), r ;(i pr, O D. r.inc:;r, J ;O..`? rO tr inic v;th Stainless Bolts, Romac r > > 1 ) O X 8",.7mith E31air or -_. O aF-tp, Rep,`,C:I;amP. Stainless 'with °,c ,anti ., holtc; I old. Smith E111ir Rornac JCM , or equal np, Re,-,1: r, Pipe O.D.ramtr 8t)9 is 39 O `;t;,inlr rd `>rttith Blair o equal FS-1 E E C:;i;antp, pleZ".; •, Pipe O.D. range 0.27-9 i)r `;tauili ;tt r;l Ford,`imith E31�air n r:qual FS 1 Clamp, c . ,., r, Pipe O D range, S 60-9 00 St,,inlc with )l rrilr ; Rolt iZt rii ar ;SS1 9.00 X 12" :intith Fil iir or equal Stainless wil'h iit,ainiC ; f3r)It f?r iri tr 9.40 X 12'' ,Srnitll Ifl iir oreq ua Group #3 - damps - continued I 8 x 12" ClampF, rZ(al;<ur, ipe O.D range, 9,30-9.70 Stainlr, ;s with Stainless Bolts, Romac #SS1 970 X 12" ,Smith Blair or equal 8" x 15" 8 x 15 " t3 x i F3-. Fl x 16' 8 x 16" 8 x 20" 8 x 10' 10x8" Clomp, [? pair Clamp, - Stainless with stainless bolts, E-ord, Smith Blair. Romac, JCM, or (:quail Clamp, Repair, E'ipe, C) f) range 8.99-9.39 `>t.a rlle tr r:l Ford. Smith Blair or equal FS-1 . _ _.. _..._ __ .. . ......... Clamp, Repair, Pipe O-C) r an(jo 0 2/ 9.67 Stainless Steel. F=orri )naith Blair or equal FS-1 Clam Repair, Pipe )�, U-t:) range. t1.6O ,).00 Stainless with >t 1' `�` X 16" ,Smith Blair car c>qual p, P ' ( l c inlc tolt Ctr>m a(: rJ.�..>1 9 00 C:I,,n,ta, Fiea),air, ripe O.C). range, 9.00-9.40 =)t,inlr :,:,. with Stainless Bolts, Romac #SS1 9 40-X 16 ,Smith Blair cr equal Clamp, R( pair. Pif)r, (11). range, 9,30-9,70 Stairilt ;.:, with `'t.ainfe s s f3olts, Romac #SS1 9.70 X 16" Smith Riz:iir or equal Clamp, Repair. Pip( O.D. r,arlq(; 8,99-9.39 Stainless St((I f ord Srr7tth Eil air or (qu al FS-1 ,Smith Blair or equal �h _r � �.. _e Clamp, r Repair. �p � t _ F i >e O.C) or l `-t'3.67 Stainless. Stec. 1 f orcl ;r7,ith E3I it or r (Iuai FS-1 ,Smith BIGaIr or equal rani o ,) 2 / Clamp, Repair, Pipe 0.1) rtangca, 11.04-11.44 Stainless with Stainl( t; [,'Jolts, Rornta(,: #SS1 11.44 X 8" ,Smith Blair or Cqual 1() x t3" Clap, Repair, Pipe O.D , rangca 1.40 1 f30 Stainless with Stainless GolfRom zc: #.`> > 111.Fi0 X £3" Smith Blair or c clur:,l _--_ �11 � ^1m 10 x 8" Clamp, Repair, Pipe O.D. raange, 11 ,60 2.00 Stainless with Stainless Bolts, Romac ttSSI 12.00 X 8" ,Smith Biatr nr (equal _ _ 10 x 10" Clamp, Repair, Pipe O.D.range 11 04.11 24 with Stainless Steel Bolt:; f or(1 Smith I3Lair or c(Itizal, Romac, JC-M 10 x 12' Clamp, Repair, Pipe O.D. nle s with Stainless Bolts, Romac 1J1 11 44 X 12'" ^Smith Blair or oqu:al range, 11,04.1 1.44 St u,)^� 10 x 12" __....__. Clamp, � ?(.E)<arr, F'tp(a U [:). Cl,arrt ), Fc )(a i ; ir, Pipe O,C,) Clln`tp, Rep iir, Pipes O.D, (;I irri,>, i r,p) ur. Pipe O.[.7 (;I arrtl), i?ra;)air, F'il.,(.a O.i) range, 11.40-11 E3Q .`;t ainlr (; witt, `:painless Baits, Romac #SS1 11 .E30 X 12" ,Smith Blair or equal range, 11.60-12.00 `-`A;-unless with Stainless Bolts, Romac #SS1 12,00 X 12" ,Smith Blair or equal range 11.04-12 24 with `,t, inless Steel Bolts, Ford,Smith E31lir or equal Romac, JCM range, 11,04-11,44 `:it ainl(:.;; with St ainlr s Bolts, Rornac #SS1 11,44 X 1(, Srnith rilair cr equa range, 11.40-1' 80 Stint „with'.>t unlr >_; Bolts, F�r)rraac #SS1 11.30 X 1t> Smith Blair or equa 1+J x i ' 10 x 1f; 10 x 16" Chimp, R p air, Pipe 0 D, range, 1 1.60 1 ) ",t ainle with Stainless Bolts, Romac #SS1 12 00 X 16Smith Blalr or equa 1 t, 12 x 1Repair,'t , r� - range, 12.70-1 , 1 >t unlc with Stainless Bolts Romac 4SS1 13 10 X 8" ` Mith Blair or equal -__ 11 x C;I.ar t fit. >air, I 1 Pipe )c O.(1" t g 5 `:>t arnlr s Bolts, Ronlac #SS1 13 `)`> X t3' with ::i a.r air equal range, 13.1.> 1,, .,.> ;t unlr,..; with . 1 ,1 x ;3' Cinnip, (;E.pa r, Pipe (),D. range, 13.60-1 1 00 St lirlr c �Bolts, Bair or equal --with )t ainl(..; tRomac #SS1 14 00 X F3' smith 12 x 8 Cljrnp kel),air, Pipe. O.D. range, 14.10-1 4 `;Ofit ainlc „with Stainless Bolts, Romac #SS1 14 5O X 8" ,Smith Blair or equal ..... 1 - •, I (, a p Repair, >air, la[n .C , Pipe O.D.O range, 13.14-14.3.1 with Stainless Steal Bolts, Ford,Srr,ith BI :air or equal, Rcam ac, JCM 1 x 17•• Claamp, E>up air, Pipe OA.). range, 12.70-133 1O St tmi ;; with )t anal( ;s Boltr;, F ontac #SS1 13,10X I `�' meth Lfialr Qr equa .....- _.._--- _ 12 Y 1;:.' ....... C;larn ), f�( ,.air, { ( _.�......-..-.--- t-t e O.t). Pipe y µ_..me...... �( r c g r > X 11 Smith Blair or equa range, 13.1.,-1 3�tainlea:,:; Bolts, Romac. JtS1 13 r ^ _ 12 Clamp Repair, Pipe: O.D. ,..� range, 13.60- t 1 ()U ainle .>t `' s with Stainless Baits, Romac #`) t 1 1 00 X. 12 Smith aI a:r or f qu<a 12 x I')" Clamp, Fie p:.iir, Pipe O.C)- range, 14.10 1 50 ,,t lint( ,t; with Stjinl ,s Bolts, RQmaC #SS1 14 r,() X 12Smith ic!r or cgtja 1C:)'" Clamp, Repair, Pip(; O.D. range, 1;:3.04 1 ,.;t4 with `stainless Steel Bolts, Ford,Smlth N air or e:c,u:tl Romac, JCM 1 ' x 16" Clamp, Repair, Pipe O.D r anyE 1 10 Stainl(ss with Stainless E3011s. Rornac JJ`� 1 13. 10 X 16" ,Smith r lair or r qo a 12 x 16" C;lamp, Repan, Pipe O.[.). r anch., 1:3 11.i,13,55 Stainless with Stainless, E,( t: ftom a(, JJ ;S 1 1,.,)) X 16" ,Smith Bi air or e quca. 1 xx i ' I lr,tla f✓t t) air, E'i(rr O.i, nel( 1 i 60-14,00 Stainless Nitla `3t iin`e ss t3(rl f�orat a t1,SS1 14,00 X 16Smith r or eqw'' x rani)( 4 10 14.50 Stimler:; tf, t ,u7tr ; I,oII.>, f�(rr,ric #SS1 14 50 X 1 r, ;rr7itn [ a r or equs C I rnp i ,pair• E'IE)t: C).O f ipr OJ) _. r,,nq(, 3, 1 , 3.70 Stainless va jih r a:;t t ii(l Fatri ice JJC t 1 3.70 X 7-1r'2" Smith Hl lir c;rr equal r aurae I:, 1 UU Stainless with Cast Lug,Flor 1 +(. tt( 1 4.00 X 7-112" ,Smith Binir Or ,c � 7-112 • ..3 x 11 (.-,lamp, Repair. )_ )._ Pipe C t) __- ` .,i IO Stainless with Cast �..,, ra)rrrlc #C L 1 .i.10 X 1`I" ,Smith Blair or c Ct„tl r tngr 3 1 -.- ?_' t t f ,air, I'iFx. C),O ran ;r i I:, 00 Staual(ss With Cast Lug,E:C>r a aC, #C l l 4 (70 X 11" Smith Blair c;)r c i 3 x 1`� C:I�nn�), E'�,r)�)ir, f'i:)f> U.[) r,3n(1r. .i 'i`i .i 7C) Stainless with Cast Lug, I.ic, ,C L 1 3.70 X 1`;" ,c>rnith Blair or (r ,•a -•_ _� t f " Clamp Fl,. LaIF, ripe 0, 1) range 3.75-4 00 tnml( .> .nth cam I ,rt Ronlac ,CL1 4.00 X 15" `�rnith Bl air or eq:.ai _ _W f ip I C` ( r in,; 45-' 85 Sta nle. ,s with ( 1 , I it , Ei n th l 1 4.85 X 7.1 r_irh t'I,ir or 1(" f a rti f -tirT I'i(rr O-O r tnr)r 1 / 1- a 3 St,alnless X r1-1/2" I,r ' ' •'•'^ ' C., �1r71 t), h ,r['.If, t-'1[)e:: (.),t) Blr]ir' :,u 31 t 1 J.3' X / -'Smith--.- ........_.. !il (1 (;le, 4 (}.`7„•� .3) St.alflle'ss wth Cast Luc I^Ori„ ��... 4 1 J . ` x 1 :' C.I 1! I), i'lt ter. .. PipF, O.D . )..... I) JId1r1IL.:i::; ... h 3�,t Lug, ran(.jl., 1 4r: , , with Cc u -, filth BI al`Or :-.-.,....... f?I,)u O.D r 1nr)(,• 1 7,1..•, tea nle., ; with C;;a, Lcc, ;-) n !r 1 1<',' :>mith Bla (')' _..... .............. ... Group #3 Cl.continued 4 x 12" Clamp, Repair. Pipe C.D. range, 4.95-5.35 Stainless with Cast Lug, Romac #CL1 5,3b X 12" Smith Blair or equal 4 x 15" Clamp, Repair, Pipe O.D. range, 4,45-4,85 Stainless with Cast Lug, Romac #CL1 4.85 X 15" Smith Blair or equal Clamp, Pipe 0.1)- rnrige, 4 Slainle!;,, with Ca�st ( ijg, Rornac #CL1 514 X i Ib" Smith Blairareclual 6 x 7-1/2" Clamp, Repair, Pipe O.D. range, 6,60-7.00 Stainless with Cast Lug, Romac #CLI 7,00 X 7-1/2" Smith Blair or equal 6 x 7-1/2" Clamp, Repair, Pipe 0,D, range, 7,05-7.46 Stainless with Cast Lug, Rornac #CLI 7,46 X 7-1/2" 'Srnith Blair or equal 6 x 12" Clamp, Repair. Pipe O.D. range, 6,60-7.00 Stainless with Cast Lug, Rornac #CL1 7,00 X 12" Smith Blair or equal 8 x Vx7'V�^ )V x 71/2' 1Vx7l[r 10x7'1/2^ 12 x7-1/2^ 12x7'1/Z' 13 x /-I/2^ 12x12` \2x12^ 12x12^ l2x15` 12x 15^ --- Stainless with Cast Lug, Romac #CL1 7.24 X 13^ Siyiith Blair / C|umpRo0ai/ (|]m Gwith CzsiL� R l;lc#C{1700X15^SmithH|airnroqua| C|amp, Repair, Pinn 01D, nanDe.5.84'72 wxxCa 1-tig. Ronmc. 4CL1 72* X 15^ SiW0 ' | Pi D D 7 05 74D3ti | Willivm�Cao< tv R ��L1 745 X 15^ SmO� i�h airo'nq�v —��---- O0X71/2^Smith BI�7)i | (-:Iarnp, i�cpair, Pipe O.D, r�lnqe, 9.30-9.70 Stainless with Cast Lug, Romac #CL1 9.70 X 7-1/2" Srnith Blair or equal CI Imp, Rol)�Iir, Pipe 0.17). rcinflc, 8,(30 .00 Stmnle�7,s with Cast L ug, Ro C|umV. Repoir Pipa O.D. mnge. St�iin|eox vx|h Cost Lvg,Romac#CL1 9-40 X 12^ .Smith Blair oraqva| Cast L.tjg, Ro -ftCL1 070X 12^ Smith Bli r cQual C, Repair, Pipe O.D. rangeT 8,�-)O-�J.00 Stainless with Cast Lug, Romac I"CLI 9,00 X 15" Smith Blair or equal with Cast Lug, Ro #CL1S,4OX15^ 'Smith Blair or e | Clamp, Repa/r, pinoO,D, ranga,9,30-Q7O Stainless withC #CL1 970X 15^ Smith Bli | - St-ainless, withC Rornac It"CL I 11, 10 X 7-112" SrnithB}i Clamp, Repair, Pipe 0,D. r��ngc, 11.04-11.44 Stainless with Cast Lug, Pomac #CLI 11 44 X 12" Smith Blair or equal Pipe O.D 11 4O 11 80 Stainless withCast Lug, Romac #CL1 11 8OX12^ Smith Blair orequal Clamp, Repair, Pipe 0D, range, 1230-1 3A 0 stajnlf�ss with t jig, 13,10 X t-112" ,`�rnith ul�drorccual [| R Pipe O.D.range,13V)1355Stoin|oos with Cast iug Romoc#CL1 1355X7 1/2" SmiUhFUoirorequal Clamp,Repair, Pipe DD on 1? /V On)S/,in|uxswith Cox|Log.Rumoc;jCL 3 � �]OX1Z^ SmithBi i u � _ C|amo. Re, -air. Pico O.D. ranqe. 13J5-13.55 with Cad i ,(. 13.5f) X 17 .Smi|h B|airorequo Clamp, Repair, PipeOD range,1380 14 80Sli | h �Cus(| Ro C 1 400X 12" 'Smith 0 } e ! Clamp. Repair, Pipe DU 13701310Obi i ywiWC iL Rn 'I"CL1 1310X15^ 3miUxB|a\rorequo| 12x 15^ r. P} 0D 136O 1a0O�i i | auv�|hCas�L R m 4C! 1 14O0K 15^ 3m!VhB|airn/equa| ---------'---------- ----- Group 44 Co t //�' |Con�ncxzrHo�oN|P�mss , ,Group#5 Corporation Stops �Col;)orat,cr�' stop. op�lon Stop, MIP X HP f �)rd FB1700, AY MacDonald 1149B or equal Corporation Stopr.*V/vv/VDC mpn,mnead Inlet by Pack Joint Outlet for ooppernr plastic u/bmg K3S>vohos I" inlet and outlet s-, I" h�)dly outlet threads 1" flare cooper F1000-4 Conm'aUnn Stops Ball corp. AvvVVA'CC taper thread Inlet by peck Joint outlet for copper o,plastic tubing <CTS> valve siz. 2" inlet and outlet si7o 2'.� m n t th 4 7'D Ford or e|FB1O887 � !Co,po,aoon Su,vx. Mox corp, Male Iron Join( outlet for copper of y|wsho tubing (CTS) valve oz 2^ inlet and outlet Group #8 Couplings --.IC,,,,ping. Compression, long length Oresser or equal Coupling, lonq lc�ngth Dresser or equal I Coupling, Cornpres��ioii, onq length Dresser or equal Coupling, Compres6ion, lonq, length Dresser or equal r nut, Metit or McDonald C(,upling. Meter Domestic 2 pwcc, threaded shank & mete Coupl�rio, klt�ter Domestic Brass-2 piec��, threadcd s ha n k & meter nut, Merit Brass or McDonald 2" C.oupling, Meter Domestic Br�.,ss-,3 pieE-.e, thre,ided shank & meter nut & I ail,-,tock t)jj!,,,t,in0 Coupling, Meter Ends C-38-23- '�/'l x 2" Coupling, Meter, Dome,,-.1,w piece threaded shank & meter nut . .. ... 1 x Uoiiplinq, Meter, Domestic Brass, 2 pwce thr�3(jed shank & meter nut . ... . ....... ' -__--_ Coupling,P ckJoint. F ,dorequal C44 05 Cn p|i P kJ i � UPlh' ad skai ht 3A^ �iPX 1^ CTS Fnnd ornqva|. C84'J4 Coup|in P kJoint, W|P Thread, straight 1 1/2''K�|pX 1 1/2^�s Ford E4va| C04'O6G �e al CoupUng, parx Joint for F|P thread r HP x r +o,Un,equal, {-14'44 Group #6 - Couplings - continued (in ? p o g C.14-77 ,ou , f ack Joint, for f-If ttarf�ad, Straight 2" RIP x 2" CTS Ford or equal ---- � ... CCuping, Pack Joint, for MIP thread, straight, 2" MIP x 2" CTS Ford or equal C84-77G 1 -iC, Ford ;,(355,44 or equal Coupling, Pack -Joint, F�,I,f'., 3ra;•.• f-ittinq, C)arru:rst •, 1 112" 2" 1.5" 3/4" 1„ 3/4ill Couf)lin(), brass Fitting, Domestic, Ford #C55-66 or equal r_W q 1 ...._-f_ -F T...._ .._,........_ ,55 .-.._ Cqual Cou Alin , Pack -joint, F.I.F Ear a ss Fittinr Ck)me hc. F cxd #C .)� 77 or Coupling, Pack -joint, ti9.1.P., t)r.ass fitting, I)ornostic, Ford #C:85-44 or equal Coupling Pack -joint, M.I.f hr,ras. fitting, Domestic., Ford #C85-66, AY MacDonald 47E.r3-44-1 or equal f I I ° f _d 1, AY MacDonald 4753-2-2 or c dual C�orr'rlinc , Pack - joint, hf.1.F brass fitting, Uornc.stu:, f-yrc9 !( £3`i T ^� .. Coupling, quick conne(,t Poly -Poly, Inst,"titO Mueller Cauplinry, c;uick conncct Poly -Poly, Instatite - Mueller C;c)uplir'u), quik:k connect Poly -Poly, Instatite Mueller Coupling, quick c:or rf c;t Poly Poly. Instatite: Mueller Coupling, r}u ck con nc c,:t F'rac:k Joint, Ford or equal C44-66^ Coupling, Quick joint. Mli" I hrr :ad straight 3/4" MIP X 1" CTS Ford or equal, C.Amplinq. (wick joint, MIP •1 hre,ad tr:aight 3/4" kill' X 1" CTS Ford or equal, -j ; `2"MIPX 1 1/1 c is Ford Equal C::r_rr> )liar , (.3cnrk l omt, MIP Thread, YY tr au ht 1 1/ C.:oul)ling (Qwck joint ,FIP Thread .tr;;ticjht 1 1/2" Mill X 1 1/2" C`I-S Ford or equal :ou alin Quick oint ,,air h' I q, 1 t ; t far f If) tfut'r+d 1" F=11-' x 1" l=ord or equal, Coupling, Qt)ir,k Joint straight for MIP, — ....... f a... — �..._..'_.. _........ MacDonald or equal (;c-ru alin< , O, is k joint, CTS both eracl ,, c.,tr air ht, x 1 ' Ford r Y ,cn,aFrlrnrl, Qu!<Ik joint. CTS both ends;, straight, 3/4" x 1" ford or equaal Coupling, O;aic;k joint. CTS both ends, straight, 1-112" x 1-112" F ord or equal C;or,rplinc;, Quick joint, for C IS froth ends, straight 2" x 2" Ford, AY MacDonald or equal Couplimi, (,)�Jck joint, for ( rs t-)ath c.rari,;, trright 3/4" x 314" Ford, AY MacDonald or equ:;al _. Coupling, Quick joint, for ( IP thrc act rr;f:rl:u.r,., f lure. Nut straight,l" FIPx1 CTS E'ord .. ..... Coupling, Quick joint, for Fill thread, Straight 2" FIP x 2" CTS Ford of efJuA CouOliru;• (:)cnc;u, Jr)int, for MIP thread, straight, 2" MIf' x .>' t: 1-S Ford or equal Coupling, l' c;k:-Joint, F.I.P.. Brass F itting, Doriiostic, fiord or r:qural Coupling, Pack —,Joint, 1, I.P.• Firass Fitting, Domestic, Ford or equral Coupling, pack -Joint. f .I.i='., E3rra<; ; F ittinq, Domestic, Ford or equal Cow )lilac . r' i �, otrtt, M.I.P karats fitlrnq, t)ornrrsl,c , I-ord Ur e(1i.lal C',ouplinc), Pack -joint, h1 l f' , tar c<; , f ittinq, I )or ec ,tic , Ford t,C85-66, AY MacDonald 4 7f; 3-44-1 or equal Coupling, PtcK-joint, MJ f , brass fitting. Domestic, Ford #C85-77, AY F�iracDonrald 4753-2-2 or equal .. _.. C,ouplmu' ` ,ht Bra r, ' 11, } I)rc ccas, Ih_rmeastic, Merit or McDonald [-.itass l)y 1 J.1, Ihre;ld & Hare copper', 5;8"0/4" x3/4" meter X:3/41 lf1,1 3/4"Inn I ord or egc.ral (;31-23 Cou cline , `, , r. ht P:1ea.r by female Iron Pi )(.' thread and fl,)m copper, 1" meter by 1 ( If-'. 2 3/8" long, F pro (31 4 1 or ()^qrr Coupling, . ;iat Meter by rn le Iron Pipc. thre,id Eiody S'tylc "A" thread sz 1",) 5/8 Ion(? Ford C 3f; 2 3 Z `) or ((Ju:rl Coupling, S ".,gl,t Mt tur by male Iron Pipe thread,, F3ody�,tyle"A".thread sz 3/4", 2 V2' lone), ( 38 4Y4-1 625 or equal Coupling), ;ir)hi, Brass,' ,I,P, 7hrr3cfs, Dorrre;tiC,Mr)rit.Mcf)onald Brass Cor.Olmr;. ;ht. Brass, F l.l' 1 hrr rids, Oc)nacshc,Morit.McDanald Brass Coupling, S.-Tight.T i I' i t read,, Domestic,Merit, McDonFald :c)c,,�ltnq. -tar P1r.tc-r• L,r ),,), fitting. Holy Style"C",Domestic ford, C-3823 C,ou plinq• .'. a,er hi ter• t)r,r.,:, rim.inq, Body Style "C' Dot F st,c, Iorc , C; 38 44-2 Group #7 - Cu I rb Stop's 3/4" Curb Stop, 13rass � I F' thr(,,�.ided Brass with lock wing, [31 1 1/47-- 10 7-� Curb Stop, Brnss for I "poly I (.,kirb Stop, 13rnss ". JJI, X F I P with I.ock Wing, Domestic Brass, B I 1-444W Curb Sto�), I" Angle Ball Valve w/Padwinq, I Fif I X I " Meter Switch Nut, Ford BAI 3-444VV 1" 1 Cwb Stop, Brass, FIP X Cornp with [ ock Wing Ford #134 1 -666W-G 2" �..,Urb Stop, Brass F.I.171 X f".1 P with Lock Wing, Domestic Brass, BI 1-777W .. . . ........ Curb Stop!�, Inverted Key with Fernale, Iron Pipe thre�id both ends 3nd fl;vr, copper ends, valve size 1- inlet arld outlet size Z approx leng,th 4-1/8" Ford 1 1-444 or equal .... ...... . (7url.) Stops, inverted Key wiqi F-erm-ile lion fl;pc, thread both ends and fiart� copper erid��, valve size 3/4', inlet �ind outlet 3/?-`a,,,prox length 3-5/16". Ford Z 1 1 -3,33 or (�qijal GrOUP #8 - Elbows . . .... ..... --.- . . .... . ...... . . . . ........ ---- - ----------- . . ... ......... — -------- 3/4" Elbow, 45.) degree Standard Brass screwed I)o � nestic, Merit Brass McDonald, Ford of Mueller J L-15ow, Straight 45 degree Stand�.Ird Screwed fittings, DomesticAlerit Rf�iss McDomfld. Ford or Mueller i - 114" Elhow, St,,aiglht 45 de(,3ree Stmid,,.ird Gras�; screwed fittings, Domestic,Merit Brass McDonild, Ford or Mueller I - 112" Elhow, Stralght 45 degree Standard Bias,,,; ,;(,;rewed fittinq�7, Do mestic, Merit Or�".i-ss McDoriald, Ford or Mueller 2" Elbow, S�trl-)iqht 45 dr�qree Standard Bt,,.Ass sCrewed fittings, DomesticNerit Btass McDonald. Ford or Mueller F.Abow, Stra!ght 90 degioe Brass fittings, Domestic, Metit M(-,Donald, Ford or Mueller i-lhow, S(ra;ght 90 degree St�md,.ud Bra5s fittings, Domestic, Merit Brass McDonald, Ford or Mueller 1/4- Elbow, 90 d(,�(jroc, Standard Brass fittings, Domestic, Morit Br��iss McDonald, Ford or Muoller 1- 1/2" Elbow, 90 degree Stand�ird Brass fittings. f)orn(,�stic. Merit Brass McDonald, Foid or Mueller 2" E' i h o v�. 90 degree Stand,,vd fittinqs, Domestic, Merit Brass McDonold, Ford or Mueller 3/4" Elhow. S!�aiqht 90 degree Street SU.ind;,ird 1-irass screw�,d fittings, Domestic Merit McDonald, Ford or Mueller Elbow, tt,,.iiqht �'30 degree Street Standard Br, ss -rowr�d fittings, Domestic Merit McUonald, Fold or Mueller l�lbow, Straight 90 degre�� Stic�,,t Standard Brass screwed fittin(Ts, Domestic Merit McDonald, Ford or MUCIlCr 2" 1-1 Ih o w. S t i cii g;� �t 9 0 degree Street `)t;md13rd Br�iss; screwed fittings, Ni(�fit M(-,[-)onald, Ford or Mueller f ihow. stee�, BraS5 lGroup #9 - Flanges x n7-j Veler 1-I.nnot, 2" Meter Flange by 2" 1 IP tivend Ford or cqual CF31-77 1�,n nze 1- 1/2" Meter Flange by 1-112" I'll" thm�)d f-ord or Equal CF31-66 91-1, E3�1) . --- .- 1 5 1 .. 1'-,-- -1-1-1-1— f lange, Bronze Meter, I I/,'" Mi,ter Flange by 1-1/2" MIP thre,id I nrd or �-qual CF38-66-2 ..... . ..... . - 2", x 2- FL.-in(je, PFonze llleter, 2" Meter Fl..;nq�, by 2" MIP thtead Ford or Cqu:,fl (.,f 38-77-2-125 T 1-/- 2 F I a n g e. Ov;d l3r�i�.;s Flange, 0,,,-fl Pim�,�, ... . ............ . ...... ...... . . 3" Fl�inq�,,, Plour�d Brass .. . ... ... ...... ..... 4" JF I q ko,,�d Bfass, FL�m;e. VFli,1C S�z(2 L", �.�t,,tvico lirw meter size 2" 1, 1/2" 1�wqes, Meter, Brass 2" Brass 3" �Flanc Brass Group #10 - Hose Bibs i lose Bih t.,nfl v,�Ive Standard I)onwstic, 1-1,,.inirnond Typ�-.� 200'2 1-1cm,(,, iiih e�id -Valve St�:irid,ird i3r,-3ss. Domestic, �Iamrnon(l lvl.)E�. ?00� -- ------ ..... . . .... .... Group #11 - Idler Pipe-,; x 10,7� Uilr� W�3tor Meter Threads both t!ild,� filtin(j, �-)ornestic. Ford ��41'1'2 X 7 Threads both ond�� �:,�pp�-r fitt�nrj, Do ', sti F f "I/" 1./2- likflo� S-- .. .... rt e c 0 Group #12 - Insert Stiffeners . . . . . ....... Insert riornin.)[ swc I", PET ID.875 Ford Insert-52 or equal ners, Stainless Steel Ford 1" =N4InsF1rt Stiffell Insert Stiffeners, Stainless Steel Ford 2" Insect Stiffs viers;. Stt>i>[ Ford 4*4-1 112" SDR-9PET', SDR-9PBI- .......... ..... nominal size 2", PET ID 1,653 Ford lnsert-'Z) of c(lual Group #13 - Meter Stops 3/4 x 5/8" Meter Stop, ;mqlo, I ockin(; 3 /4 x 1 Meter itrap. mqlo:. [,ockiriq i X Meter Stol), angle, Locking ---- ----- -- ---------- -1 i2- Meter StoO, angle, Lockinq 2" Meter Stoe), Angl_c-,, Lockinq Group #14 - Nipples -�7Nipple 1/4" X Rr;iss, I wing LP.T., Domestic, Merit Brass, McDomald tart 3/4" x Cios (I Nippic Brass, Nipple Brass, Fitting I.P.T,, F. itting I.P.1'., Domestw" Merit [-3r;1!;,7, ME.rit [3mss. mcr-)orlIld Brass McDonnld Brass 3/4" X 3/4- X Nit 1,; Pr..iss, Fitting LP-7-, Dornesti(;, Merit E3rr McDonald RrIss Nil)t.)[(� Umss, I itting IJ-1, F., Domestic, Merit Brass, McDonald Brass 3/4" X 3" 3/4" . ........ ....... - ------ Nipple Brass, ---- Fitting 1.11 1 McDonald Brass 3/411 x 5" Nipple Brass, Fitting I.P. F., . . Writ Prass, . ...... --- McDonald Brass .... .. ... .. 3/4" X 6" Ni;,,I--)ie ripplo far r httinq 1 il. I., i,ittinq 1.P.T., Domestic, Domestic, Merit Brass, Merit Brass, McDonald Brnss McDon',ild Hr;lss 3/4" X 8" Nipplc Brass, Fitting LP-T , Domestic, Mc mt Bros��. McPonAd Brass (,Iw.;(" I" x 'r Nippl(.a Car ass, Htting I-P.T., Domestic, Merit Brass. McDonald Brass I" X 2.5" Nipple Nipple Brass, i ittim; I-l"I.-F., Fitting 1.P1 Domestic, Domestic, Merit Brass, McDonzild Urw,5; Wcit Brass, McDonald Brass I" x 3" 1" x 4" Ni[)I)Ic Brass, Fitting I.P.1 Domo:;tw,, Merit firass, M(-,[.)(:)nald Brass x f)" Nipp!e Brass. Fittinq 1, P, I Mcrit Brass, McDonald Brass x 8 Nipple •httwq IJI, Nipple itting U-1. I (..)ornestic, Domestic, Merit Brass, Merit Brass, McDonald McDonald 13rass 1 X 12" I` X 18" Nipple Earsol. Fitlino I.P.T., Domestic, Merit Brass, McDonald Brass - — ----------------------- I x Nipple Brass, Fitting IJI I ., Domwtic, Writ Brass, McDonald Bras I" X 30" Nipl)lo, Bra-,s, Fitting LP.-j'., %,Icnt His iss, M c 1) o ma I d Brass C�os,�� Nipr)le• I ithnq i.P.T.. Domestic, Merit Brass. M(J)(,)n,,,fld Prass 1 - Nii-q)k�,,,,.,.Fitt N i;);) I r �A . . . . .. . ...... . ............... rig I.P.-I , I i lying j.pj., . ... Domestic, Dom(�� t;(.. Merit Brn.-,.,,, Merit McC. )omfld Wass McDonald Brass ,'2" x 12" ......... . . I X N i p p 1 [.3 ra s, 11 itting 1,P, I., M(rit HmSS. McDonald Brass 1 /2' X Nipple R ra s s, Fitting I. f 1. 1,, Brass, McDonald Br�ass 1-1/2" X 4" kr :)ss, Htting 1, P .1'-, Dorne-slic., Morit Brass, McDonald Brass I - I / 2 " X '5, Nir.q)ll: 13r 1, itting 1, P. T., Dorm stir;, Vi-rit McDomild Brass 2" X Close 13 r Li s s. �` itting I.P.T., Domestic,, M(--t Hrass, McDonald Br a is w. Nipple. 1/4" x r.Jm.;e I X 2.1 Nipple, . ..... ..... x . ...... .. ... .... �2" N ip n I •13 2 X 8 iGroup #14 - Nipples - continued _._µ 3/4 X 1, 2" .M...� _ Nipple Brass Fitting I F'. t Roma;stir: 1 1 /4" Nipple. r3ra Close -------------- F;rr37 . Close 5 X 1 F'.' F3rass t fittng, i.P.T., Merit Brass McDonald Far ass or approved 2" x ! lo.:;e:, mr.-- Nq.); k .. Brass, r itttng, 1,P.T., Merit Brass, McDonald Brass or approvrA 2" X 2.5" 'Tipple, Brass, Fitting. LP. T., Merit far ;s McDonaald Brass or approved .,� , �_ x 3" Nipple, Brass, Fittiriq wl.F T., Merit Brass ___w._...e _......._ ;I, �. McDonald Brass or approved 4Nipple, Brass, Fitting, E.P.T., Merit Brass, McDonald Brass or approved Nipple. E3r ass, r-itting, 1,P.T _ Merit ....._,.. Brass, McDonald Brass or approved Z' x `., i I x 0" ^Tipple, Brass. Fitting, I.P.T., Merit Fir a ;;s, Mc I.Jonald Brass or approved 2 1 Fitting, 1,R71 ., Merit Prcass, McDonald briss or approved W..- ,..., a X 24 'ass or a 1 Four Ni) alr F3r,::isS F ittirc , 1 E�.T ., Merit Brass, McDonald Br,� II 7 approved l. X -o .._ IN [) Plc Brass, ass Fitting, I.P.i' , Merit Cara Mc.Domild Brass or ;ipprov( d t Group #15 -Pieces, Branch -.--------- .W -_M 1"FIP Pieces, Branch, for l.)oubie Meter Setting V18-43 X 3/4" MIP Group #16 - Plugs Plug,5t< ass J.P. I with square-, -head. Merit , McDonald Brass �m m lPluy 5tanc ,d brass I P I'., with ;r a) -ht W, Writ , Mc Pon ald Brats 4"1 ' 5` F'lug. Stand -d ora I f I with scjti are -tic ad. Writ , Mc Donald Brass ._ Plug, Stan( rr"ar,a 1.1-3, i ., with square -head, Merit , McDonald Brass _ uc1 tlrc';I t c3 (Jf, anout brass type, domestic, Merit, McDonald Brass Plug, 1 - cl earinout brass type, w(recessed nut domestic, Merit, McDonald Brass Flu(, I'll r_ 3 Group #17 - Poly -Adapters 1" _ P01y Adapter 2 po'rt (r=ord LPSC-4) ....... _. __ II'oly Adapter (Ford t E ` c t} _.. -- ." C'oly adapte `' P, x Compression F3rass fitting, Domestic., Ford Type C84, Jones J-2605 Ir'c)ly­',d apte• `,+ 1,P x Corlip(ession Hr iss tittim';, Domc ,ti( Ford `Fype C84, Jones J-2605 poiy-Ada ,er ,,1 LP x `.;:unf)rc;.,:;ien Ear,:ass fitting, Domestic, E ord type C84, Jones J-2605 Poly-r', iaptea 1 I (7 x Compression Brass fitting, Domestic, word Type C84, Jonc s J-2605 �. _ .... _ BushingsX l 1 1 2 I 2" Reducer F7_'Llm., edc cer Bus'',ng, bell, brta > ; F1eda i c o. 13us��ing, bell, brass1 a tx 1' r _ _.. ---- ... --...- L_ 1 i. /4 Redc c t r Ft > 1q, bell, brass 2 :1 ' , F c� d , r)r F,i nr:T, bell, brass 1f cfi ii r ia, Hex Head, C'ra fJonaE Ci( •Mr nt M(:C)onrald fir ati, 4 3, x 1 (;r: 't, t l3kt s it q, E iex He ,d, Rri 3s., [)c)rnt t,lie. Merit, McDonald [bass 1Ri t,,r; o Hc. _- r,g, Hex I ie ad (3rr;a ; , [)ornr..,Cic,-MErit, Mclonald Brass u , ( i j cer u rci, t lc c arf L3r as;; Domestic Meat, McDonald Brass 2" 1/4 . ._ i ;reducer r <1, Hr)x Head Brass Domestic -Merit, i%IcDonald Br,.a,s x 1 ,I?' jPcu err I, I Ir x 11i: <i u'rass Dor7 estic Merit, r,toUonaldr a;> _ .._.._._..... _ �F;ee+i.,.er "c ,rl, I It x I fQ id f3r�3ss Domestic -Merit, McDonald Brass _. �Rea e. F,. ricl, l is x i iead, Bras,; Domestic -Merit McDonald Ear a ,s F E.'.t.',., E:,,; nc;, Hex Head Dr:a)„ f7r:uru, ,hi: Merit, McDorl ald Earns<; ' x i Group #18 - Reducer Bushings - continued 1-1/4" x 3/4- Reducer Utishrnc'•T"._ , IiEx Head, Brass Domestic -Merit, McDonald Brass 1-112" X 1-114" fleduce,r %Shin( , Hex Head, Brass DomestioMerit, McDonald Brass Group #19 - Resetters x10" I ResettE r;.... _ ?__... "" � P.1r.te.r with �inc)!r v alvF� for 1" meter,l0"' hiyh,Se nE�s 40 } Orel or E=goal V44-IOW 4 1"x12" Resetter, Meter with ,ingle valve for 1" meter,12" hicfh,Series 40 Ford or Equal V44-12W "°x18" RusottC r. Meter with angle valve for 1" mete>_r,18" high, Series 40 Ford or Equal V44-18W 5i8" x 7" lResetter, Meter with anglo v;iive for 5/8" meter, 7 high, Series 40 Fcrd or F qual V42-7W 5/8" x 9 Resetter, Mc;ter wilt, :angle valve for 5/8" meter, 9" high, Series 40 Ford or Equal V42-9W 518" x 12" pRr':s0ter, Met( r with angle valve for 5/8" meter,11" high,Series 40 Ford or Equal V42-12W 5,'8°' x 18" TResette?r, itiirrtr;?r with angle valve for 5/8" meter,18 high,Scries 40 Ford or Equal V42-18W 3/4" x T Resetter, Water Met+>r I)ornc: ;tic Brass- Copper with lock wing curh slob. V42-7 �P',setter, Water Mr tr,r with (tick Wing Copper -Brass, Dorn tic;, V42 12WSN 3/4 x 1' f"�esetter, Water Mr Ic r with Lock Wing Copper -Bras,, Domestic, V42_-11 WSN 7- _ x 9" Rescttr , W iter Meter with Lock Wing .._. ;oppe'r far 3ss, Ocirne ,tic. V42-9WSN x.0 f?c:�,atIer. Water Meter tivith Lock Wine C ^T Domestic, ^„ , '. 1 Copper-E3r�iss, Domestic, V44-1UWSN r,ll I'Y(ss011E3r, Water Meter with t.oc:k Wing (-.'oppe:,r-Brass, Domestic, V44-12W SN 3M., x 7" Rr, ;otter, Water Meter, wilh OuA Chack V Alve and Lock Wine}, VH1142 '7W 3/4" x 9" }Zc; ,o-;ItF;r, W; ter Meter, with DUA (Itc c:k V rlvc;. nd Lock Wing, VHH42-9W Group #20 - Service Saddles 4X1" 7 1[ile.. brass Tappinrl I f) I hicad, #202-�;40-TAP 2" IP CiX .)." 8X2" W"X2„ 10" X 1 '.2 X 1?,.X. 2" x 1' .i" x 1 4„ x X 1" 6'x2" X 1. 8" x 2" 16"X 1., 16"X 2 3' x 2 4 " 6 ' x 2" Saddle, Brass Ft:ippinf; 1.1) 1 hri::id 4202D-750-tap 2" IP Saddle, Ear ? F,i iping l.C) Thread #202E3.962-trap 2" IP _.. Saddle., Service, Iron, Double (Standard) Strip C;C.: T,ip D,; Ford or Equal FC202-107 5-(.,(;7 Saddle. 13e,ry c o, Iron, Double (Str:?nd ard) .Strr-ip CC; Tap DS Ford or Equal F(.'202-121 y1-CC4 Saddle. Service;. Iran. Double (Standard) Striip (:,(, I.ip i)S Ford or Equal FC202-1438•C(A Saddle, Sefvice, Iron, f7ncil k, ( Standard) Strap C;C Tr p (.)t:,; 1' ord or E=qural FC202-1438-CC7 3atdcilt:, ;> r i ;et, ;rnn, Double (`: t<incir?rd) r,iF: CC 1 ap DS Ford or Equ 31 FC;201-2:5C)-CC4 _.M. ... Saddkr ;r Exit n, Iron, Double (St�md'lrc) c>lr;-rp CC Tap DS Ford or Equtil I-C202.3804CC4 S: idrll(:, Sery ce. Iron, Do+iblc, (.St,rnd,rra) Strap CC Tap DS Ford or Eduril FC202-`526-C:;C4 _.. ...--. _....... addlEi, Service, Iron, f)oi ihkr (Standard) Strap CC 7rw DS Ford or E-cat,iril F-C202-760-CC4 S,iddle, Service, Iran, Dour)Ic: (:standard) Strap CC, Trip f)..; r ord or Equal FC202-760-CC7 — -- _ _._... _.._ Saddle, Service, Iton Douhie (atandard) Strap C'C T yip O::i }=ord or Equal FC202-979-CC4 t�;'iddlf> SE'rvice, 'stun, Double (`3t. ndrird) Strip CC 1-ap DS Ford or Lqu<d f=(':202-979-CC7 Saddle, c r✓ic;e, IMI), [.)ourie (Standard) ;troy II' T°, p 1)6 Ford or Equal fc202-1075 IfV Saddle : e v .r:,, Ircm, C:)otrt lE (Standr_irc) Strap If' l"Ap f r crd or Equal FC202.1438-I1)7 Saddle t r✓ic;r:;. Iron, Double (Stand, rc.i) `>tr;?p III I ap i)°; Ford or Equal FC'201. 1840 (.,C7 SadOt , Sc:r' u:e. Iron, Double t`.;,IrrrtClrlyd) ;;lr,-:tp IF) 1-2p DS Ford of Equ 31 F C 202-1840-If'4 :•;;?dale;. Serice, Iron, Ornrblc (`)t.andard) Strap IP f ap DS Ford or E_rJu l F C202-1840-IP7 "Id le.. Se�rce, Iron --- T )c>r 'tic (St andarci) Strap IP 'T-al) f)``..i }-ora or Equal Service,'ron OCnthlc (,Standard) Strap IP Ic.ip DS I"nrc (), f:..qua F'C202.-526 IP7 ; er�ice. !nor C--)<:r il)li. (SL ?rut rd) Strap IF' T rp DS E otd nr l: qu; l FC202-760-IP7 8" x >,?d; cilr Se -.,ce, Iron ;,h.nrt,lr (,;I'Mdard) Strap IP 1 ;.rp D I ord or F qu�rl FC202-979-IP7 1Saddle, :er. hon. Dou` e (Standard) Str,;tp IP l ap, US Tap DS Ford of E-qu,il F(;?O2 Sac tilt . r r nr,r3, Nylon Coated `,t ?ut'r•:;,: ,;,feel, Double Strap X 2" IP, /.'1_O2N Ftornri(:: or equal Group #20 - ServiceSaddles continued 4" 4 �0-5.40 Saddle. Service. Nylon Coated, Stainioss Steel, Douhle, Strap X 1" CC, #202N Romac or equal Sr,,rvice, Nylon Coated. Stainless Steel, Double Strap X2^|P #202NRo | SaOd|e Service, Nylon Coated. Sx /nlons Steel. Double Soo x I'cc ozu,m xomanor equal � 1`3addle, Service, Nylon C d Stainloss Steel, Double Strap X 2'|P t$202mRn oc or equal Serjicc, Nylm, Coated, Stainless Steel, Double Stro XI'CC, 43V2NRomaomrequal Group#21 -Tems 3/4" 1 f,�e Pa(ik Joint C.nuplings, CTS Both Ends Ford or equal, T444 333 Tee, Pack Joint, 'T444 4,14 I ee, Straight Standard S3crewed brass fittings for water meter services etc. Dow(,stic. Merit, MacDonald -Fee, Stn'.w.1lit Stmdard Screwed brass fittings for wator met�,r sir)ice.,; etc, Domestic, Merit, U',4cDonald _17(�c, Straight Standard Sctewod f)r�iss fittings for water meter services etc, Ooniestic, Ment, Macl)onald T ce, Straight Standnrd Screwcd brass fitting-, for water rneter servicos Don"W$tic. Merit, MacDonald Ee, Straight Standnrd Screwed bmss fittings for water meter services o1c, Domestic, Merit, MacDonald 1- 1/2" Y P�,,k Joint (.,.ouplings, Single, Branch Fnd Ford or equal, Y44-264 L-il Pack Joint Coulpiings" ('1"S Both L [ids I" x I", Ford or equal L.44-44 'Group #22 T bin -' q 1^ [I utmng�1^Copneryo��" -- Tuuing. 3/4^Copper soft ^W -— | 1^ |Polyethylene,0 ng. pn|vnnne. O�ntooUo. Dcupwo� /iscn se( |n^_ specifications -'[ |UBnanoh.U'4863 _ ' r 16'Branch.UV13'41.Uv 13'42 ';Group #24 -Valves V,31ve Assemt)lies, Key 13�,,Anch FIP thread inlet by two rrwtf,,r �wivel nut outlets 1" service line hy V�.flve Assembiies., Key Br�jnc-h, 7-1,i2" spacing, Rick Joint for pl;)�,fic or copper tubing (CTS) inlet by �,,�O nletcr Swivel nut outlets I", ine by 5/8" x 3/4­ Ford UV 43-42W or equal Va(,.e��, Anglc, Inverted Key Meto(. Valv(;,�.-. F71�l thread by rneter swivel nut, vnive sizc 3;4", service line 3/4" rneteF size 5/8 Anglf� Iniver-ted Key Nletf,r, J(�int for copper or plastic, tubing by meter swivel nut, valve sz 1", ser iciz� Valvo, Angle fnoti�r. Pock Joint for copper or plastic tubing by r-n(,,ter f4inge, valve size 2", service line 2", meter siz 2", Ford Valve, 13�fll Met('�r tor 2" pack joint for copper or pl�15tjc ttibing (CTS) inlet by flange, valve size 2", service line 2", V�flvc, Dail M(.I(.,,r, straight with Pack Joints for copper or plastic tubing (CTS) inlet by meter swivel nut, volv�2 sz 3/4", �;erv�cc line I", meter size 5/3" x 3/4" Ford or equal VAve' R"Ill Metc.'r, stmight with Pack Joint�.; for (-.opper or ploslic- h1bing (CTS) inlet by meter swivel nut, valve size 1", meter size I". Ford R4 3 444W or equal Valve, Ball, Curb stop, Ford, B1 I -666W G, 1,5" 3/4" V�flv(�, Meter Swivel Nut Ford, 613-332W 3/4" V;ilv(.,, (,heck, ";ingle Female I.P.T.. Dornestic, Ford Brass, Merit Brass, McDonald Valve, Check, Single Fema�e 1. P,"T-,, Domestic, Ford Brass, Merit Ri��ss, McDonald 1 114" Valve, Check, Single FerTlaie R I -, Domestic, t-or, d- Hfa S- S .—Me"it Or,�Iss, MCI)onald V.)Ive, Check, Single Fernale IRT, Domestic, Ford Btass, Merit Brass, McDomild V;31vo, Uw( k, `-emale, I.P,T,, Domestic, Ford Brass, Merit Brass, McDonald Valve, Chuck, Sirmle I-omale JJI T' Ford Brass, Merit Brass, McDonald 3/4" Valve, Check, S I (IC� 1 f,I CMI, 110 1, PI-,, Dornestic, Ford Brass, Merit Brass, McDonald 1 Valve, Dt il-fl Che(I-k with Mntor Nut HHS41 -323 Domestic, Ford Brass, Merit Brass, McDonald 112" Valve, Hm�"s f J.P. X 1 .1 R, with Handwheel, Dornestic American #3R ill Valve, Gate, Br,�ss F.LP. X FJ 11 , with Rmdwiwel, Domestic American #3R IValve, Gate, Brass Sf�,it ~/ " 1 Valve, Gate, Bronze M(A)donald Brass Valve, Gate, Bronze Valve, Gate, Blonzo Washers. Fiber (Thick) Washers, Fiber (Thin) Washers, Riibber (Thick) Washers, Rubber (Thin 1/8*') Group 926 - Yokes for �'JOO PVC "Ind Puctfl(" iron pyo Group #28 - Grip kings | jGripRings 4^' 12^for {-DOOPVC and Duob|eimnpipe 'TO a . CITY OF DEERFIELD BEACH REQUEST FOR BIDS - WATER METER FITTINGS AND WATER LINE ACCESSORIES PART I - BID SIGNATURE PAGE iO i_arry R. Deetjen, City Manager City of Deerfield Beach 'i-lac; below signed hereby agrees to furnish the following article°( ) or seervrce,(s) at the price(s) and terms Stated ;tlt:ajt�c;t to all instrru:.tion ;, conditions, specifications, <addcnci a, lecdral advertisement, and conditions contained in the Invit-atioJn to bid. I have read all attachments inr:fuding the specifications and fully understand wimt is required. By submitting this signed bid I will accept a contract, if approved by the City and such acceptance clovers all terms, conditions and specif-icatiomi of this; bid. Bid sclbmitted by: N, rrae (f)rintcicJ) Tit lc -- Company (Legal Registered) __..__._ _.... ... Address: City: State:_.__.. P' Telephonc : I(.jn itllrE': ADDENDUM ACKNOWLEDGMENT - Bidder acknowledge!; that the following addenda have been received and are included in his/her hid - Addendum No. DateIssued VARIANCES - State any variations to specifications, term,' an ce! conditions in the space provided below or reference in the space provided below all variances contained on other pages of bid, attachments or bid pages. No variations or exceptions by the Bidder will be deemed to be pact of the bid submitted unle.,> s such variation or exception is listed and contained within the bid doCUments and referenced in the> Space provided below. If no stat.ernent is coratcaincecJ in the below space, it is hereby implied that your bid complies with the full scope of this bid. Variances - Statt rnent of No Bid, i'hr_; above named company does not intend to bid for the following reason: in uffu lent tfrnr> to rc; t:Jond, do nc�l, offer prc.�c:fuct or service, unable to meet spEecificatior'S, schedule will not permit or arry other reo,,on as stdt(,,d: page 1 of 1