HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution (308)n
Temp Reso# 9928
October 4, 2002
Page 1
WHEREAS, the State of Florida awarded Contract #250-000-03-1(attached hereto
as exhibit "A") to multiple vendors including Dell Computer, Gateway, Inc. and Compaq,
Inc. with a current expiration date of July 31, 2005; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission approved the funding for replacement of older
PCs and printers in the FY 03 budget; and
WHEREAS, the City has been utilizing Dell PCs throughout the City and has been
very satisfied with the service, support and quality of the systems in addition to their
competitive prices, and
WHEREAS, The State Contract includes other reputable PC and printer
manufacturers giving us the opportunity to pick the most suitable PCs and printers for the
need; and
WHEREAS, City Code §6-155 allows the waiver of formal contract procedures for all
supplies., materials and equipment, that are the subject of contracts with the State, and
WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Director of IT and the Purchasing &
Contracts Manager that the PCs and printers budgeted for FY 03 be purchased under
Temp Reso# 9928
October 4, 2002
Page 2
State Contract #250-000-03--1 for an amount not to exceed $48,000 in FY 03; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in
the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to purchase PCs and
printers from listed vendors under State Contract #250-000-03-1.
SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and
confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution.
SECTION 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to purchase
PCs and printers from vendors listed in the State Contract #250-000-03-1 (attached hereto
as Exhibit "A")
SECTION 3: Funding is available for the purchase of PCs and printers from
the appropriate accounts for a total cost not to exceed $48,000 in FY 03.
SECTION 4: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
SECTION 5- If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution
is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or
application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this
cI=rTinnr r
passage and adoption.
Temp Reso# 9928
October 4, 2002
Page 3
This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its
PASSED., ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 23`a day of October, 2002.
FAX reaejvad can 09 /20/02 dt 1.1.39:04 AN P+Mqu 3
,EP . 20. E00Z 11: 'CAM N0.992 P: 3/4
C t7l l�T'i' RA r T
Tbi.s Contract, efkKdvo tho last date signed below, is by ad berweea the State of Florida,
Depe maent of Mftiagmunt saviees Mepartment'). an agency of the Mate of Florida with off'lcos at
4050 Esplanade Way, Tatlabassce, FImida 32399,0950, and Dell MVImting T.,P., a Limited Partnaship
with oMccs at One Drll Way Sax 8707, Romid Ro* Texn 78692 0 Cantmat.ar'').
Tlie ConUaotor respondod to the Depv ent% invitation fbar Bid No, 52-25"00-B for
Mbffnation Twhnology Herdwarc. T x DeaparUftent bAP det==W to accept tha Canuumor's laid and to
inter into this Cou of in accordance with the terms and, cc ndiiians of the aolicitatiam
Accordingly, acid in cowifttdon of the muftwnl protmocs corWnzd in the Contract dnaut te, d2
liepartment and the contractor do hmby enter into this Contzut, which a.� a siaia
authorizad by section 287.042(2)(a) of the Flaxia Statutes (2001). Conf=tos is authorizeJ—ln offer
productA in, the fouo w* (9ub)00e2ofi�a: parse nl Counters — N44pp PC% — i'aMKa PC`% --
Wo&tations, and — PC Scm=; Sr+rvers — Server AppliaMes; anti Storage Devices _ Tape Prod t .
The tWM of, the Contract is imam the effective. date to July 31, 2005, The Contract consilf of they
followin docw=ts, w" in oaso of nonMot, 6411 have primi. y in the ardor listed, and Arh are
hctp,by incorporated aA if fatly set form
* Any wr'iften nmcadxnczats to the Contract
• This documwA
it Twbri csl SlperiGeations
ro Instmeti= to Biddem
0 GIMMUl Ccmditignr.
' Any purchase ordcr und= the CoL1t['drt
io Coomotor's bid
By tM A endear or, S=Oxvy Data
Appsvvad WIleputylby theDerartmant Chtaw Co."Cl'sFrederic&: T. Day;
24,3z.s16 'TY
IT Hardware
vendor Information
:r 3Com http://www_3com.com/solutions/en__US/govei
Ace Computers http://flasheconi.com/acecomputers/images/f
AUIG http://www.adic.com/florida
A: Acer America http://www.acer.com/APP/AKC/INTERNET/AP
Alcatel http://www,ind.alcatel.com/cf_forms/flor-ida/
,. American Power
http./f ctdata?�
Avaya http://wwwl.avaya.com/floridastate/florida4.I
:m CDW-G (Toshiba) http;//www.cdwg.com/shop/contracts/contras
,� Cisco http://www.cisco-fl.cOm/0
.� Conditioned Air and
Power Inc (Liebert)
V % Dell
At 4
Me (Epson
:: Extreme Networks
Executive Source
Fujitsu PC
Fujitsu Technology
.. IBM
http://www.comarkg.com/florid a IT
http://premier.deILcam/pre mier/acc Ign.asp?.d
ftp://ftp.emc.corn/ pub/fusa
http://www.ftsi.fu.j itsu.com/services/gov/flori
http://esource.g ate way. corn/ florid a
littp://www.compaq,coni/state/florida 0
http: / / www.freedornstorage-fIorid a,co.m /
innovative Tech
;: Lexmark
,. Micron
r; NEC Solutions
.. Netgear
Nortel Networks
Oki data
.� Polycom
.. Premio
%V Prornark (Exabyte &
Overland Data)
;: Riverstone Networks
,. SonicWALL
:A Spectra Logic
:r StorageTek.
' Sun
Tandberg, Inc.
Telcom Enqineering
4f Unisys
wi V A EL
http: // inn ova tivetechinc.com/state/ price.htn'
I,ttp://store. Iexmark.cone/cgi-bin/ncommerce?
I,ttp: // t-ngcs.micronpc.com/state/ state_of._fIor
http://www.netgear.comIgovsvcs/ florida/stat
tittp:/ / bpx•okidata.com/ fI.nsf
http: / / poI.polycom.com/Florida/content.htrn
http:/ /www.oem.I)owerware.com/stateofflorid
http: / / www. pram arktech.com/ fltermcontract/I
http: / / www.san 1cwaII.com/flori.dastate/
http:/ / www.storagetek-com/solutions/ public_:
http: / / www.tec-inc.com/ FloridaContract.html
http: / / www.vtel.com/ state/florida/
IT Hardware Home
T'echn_ical Specifications 0
2.03 do 'iow,
2.04 .1Y.lk2;: 2.0
2.06 �14?ii?,afi a1 �' rY
2.07 R'
2MI F igil)lc Hardware: Hic Contract shall illc4lde hardware products grouped within tllc:,
following catcgol-ics=
11crsonal ('o1ra1)attel'S
"l'lairl C`hcnis
(.'c)nnccaivity L7Cviccs
t izlintcrr-a.rptihlC I'R£wer- Srappiics rand Surpc. Suppressors
sto l-agc Deviccs
Vicicocolllcrcrleilip, Svswills and Video Bridging equipment
I iardw::trc suhcalcgoncs ,:are identilicd below under "plr! ihic 13r;znds" and oil the hid tailk-,
Ili addition, durirls, the tCr'l11 Of the C."t:llltract, C:'ontractors 111,1y offer- llard v'are conal)onclits
nc.)rrrlally .lssociatccl exritl) the 1)ruciuct cZatcgol'y Or suhcateg,or_y they Llre authorlml to ol'icr,
l�-ovidcd ( I) thcv Shail do so at the sanrc or III-catcr i)crecnta:;c price discoa.lilt ol'ti::lcd f v the
Category or silbcateow'v ,arid (?) lllc: product does ]lot Pall within another- catCO,ory 01- suhc,:r Cc;,'OrV
that the Contractor is 11ot ;atlth(..)ri cd to olt'cl i or cmallip►c, a. C'c'rntr;lc;tclt' lUthorf .ed to c.)iTcr
Persomd Computers may of'lcr monitors, kevhoar(Is. 1111C :, r)lerrlory upgrades, pen plotters.
scallnels, CD-ROM chives, data storage. CTU; ul)a,r;rcies, c:H'il d carxlcras, handheld col)lputers.
anorlitor;, cxp<rrlsloll cards. modems, speakers mid other st<lndard systcrll Corlll)carlcnts; the
C'(mil-actor S11;111 not:, ho%vever, offer pr'iutct's. 11111Css authol'ired to do tic) either as a direct. hiddci
under those categories car as ;.a rreseller Certiiicd by ;a direct hiddcr under those categories.
(. olltr.lctors 'dull also oil Ier at the salmc o <'1"C;lt( i" })l rC'l'lltiii.',l price (11ticouilt, Mid eiffiCl" iMs'1011ed
or raninstalicd at t.hc ('ustom(,t"'s option soliware necessary or reasonable rebated to their
autFlorirccf hardware: kw exampIc, operatinfg systcllls, productivity suitCs corrinllif) ications, etc.
Contractors play also install precc)ntigLired sof'tw,rrc loads provided by the C:ustonlC,r-
This ;aclditic.lnal hm-dware and software option is fOr the Convenience and benefit of Cuslomcrs
�ar1(d (.."r)ntractc)rs. l llc ir11er1t of tile. ol)tic.)rl IS t<, lllrotllote '`c)rlc-stop sla<)l)1)irlg" f<)r' both basic and
enhanced sysmi-is. 4 hc Depar1111crat resejwc•y Pile right to prohibit the sale, of ally and
ado,litional products it' the Departnlcrlt dc,tcl-11lilies, ill its Sole cllscr'etion. that ,i (. onlrac:tor
�rl)usiJILI the cll)[iotl 10 cir-Cutllvctlt C,c)tltnId pricirl" m Pal offer products it 15 nor authorir.cd lc,
)Ifcl I.rl arly "br.irltlled deal," ('tastomers arc c�ncourri cd to review pricirlr, cal-ef1.111y. to purchase
t,44-- ,,;,. ixi ,,,\/t],)11,1:I f'(£nt/til conIracts/2S()000()"31 ' I"cclinr1'a1'I /R2l)Spee1I'R atIoI,s,11t111
of 7
l'eCllrliC;li S{�cC;iiicati(111s
1)rcxla.Icts that nlCet tiled liccds ttt the j(a\,csl nCt (jelivacd costs, and Jo report ally problems, to the
` olliract St)cc li llist.
lllc I)CI?artllac;dat rescrves ttlC 1i}tlt to increase or (icc,re.ase the lla.lnlber clt'authol ed llardw;lrc.
c;ia1Cj,-(arlCS 1111C1 tiUbeatt '()1'il a,, mal'kcts c:halllw and "c"N' ICc:111lologics c;inct-ge.
2.02 Eli(.Yi_bie Brands: 011ly the iollo%vilIg brands shall be (11t iblc dell- l)id witllln each catcl,ory
,Irld subclltcs (ary, unle::ss ;1 bidder sGatlstics the Critetia oLIt)II1Cd bc;Iow under paragraph 70",
,%)d iitic nal eli:tilllc braluis." 1'alticltl;ar }ar(xjuc.Rs within each I)rmld a1C idolltilled cell the I d
fables ilu lnda cl itl sCC;ti(>r1 of these scalicitat"oll docurrlellts: bld(ICls 1n<ay (11=1Ci t}lase pr(uI1ICts
Most closcly c:associ<at.ed dviill the identilied pa'ciclllcts as (lfibc citotc t)icls arc clalC,
l'ci-soutal computers
Desktop P(..'s: /deer, Col"111aC.i, DC11, Fujitsu/Sicnlells, Ciatcway llewlett-
I'ac:kard. IBM, Micron" and NEC
port:al►lc p('s: Compaq. Dell, t C1jit.su/Slcmcns, (l atewa.v, 1lewlett-
Pack,srd, IBM, N IC- and l'oshiha
woa-kst:ations: C.`c)nll)acl, Dell, Flljitsal/Slcmens. I lcwlett-Packard, 113M, ancj
vc Servers: C-car imcl. Hell, Fujitsu/SIClllclls, Gll(i w:Iy, ilewictt-i-'Kackard.
113M, and
'k'hin clients: Acer, C:'edar Systems, 0)1llilaC.l, II-3M-
NeC�wtlrc., NCtler lined Nclwork ('clnll)Llting Deviccs
,, Sea-vel•s
Enterprise. Server's: (..'r>lnpag, i a1111saa%Sicnlclls. lic:wlett-Packard, iBM, NCR,
``+1_III, 'I11d � iIli`,.,'ys
® liialran0c. Ser•ver-s: 1.31-111, C'calllpacl, l�ujcnlCns, Ilcwicn-Packard, IBM,
duel SCtn.
+ ;l ntrv-l.,cvc1 Server's: Bull, C'c>1tl}ru1, i ujitsu/SicnlClls I lewlclt Packard,
1%3M, al'ld 41111
0 sciwei- Appliance for' Internet Applications.- Compaq, Dell,
Hewlett-Packard, IBM, NF" nlacililies, NdwOl-k Appliancc arlcl Sulu
Collnect ivitv...Devices
Netwvoll-k RoUter`s: .Wom, Alcatcl, CISCO, Enwrasys Juniper,
I .accent, NclgcC lr, and Nortcl
Network Swwitchcs: >C om, Alcatcl, Av;aya, Cisco, D link, t:;rltcl'asys_
lork.ia,col 11%st c(lnt.r actti%' O(?O(1(l:; li d'cC laical°4,?.OSilc:c:iticalicllls.11llla
� ec:}111tC',1I Spc:ctftcatla)Irti
P,:tge I of-"7
1:xtrcme Nctworks, Foundry Networks, f lewlctt-Packard, Marconi, Nctgctiar,
Nortcl, and SMC 0
Uninter-r'uptible PgNNer... Supplies ..and Sm-ge. Suppressors: /1nicrican Powcr
Co11VGrSi0rl, Best Power, Fxidc Electronics Group, h1tciliIIOAVcr-. arld'Irippl.,itc
® d)is(c irra�': C'alrrap,ac.I, I.NC:', } r.riitsca%'Sicrnawtls, Ilevvit,tt--Packard. Ifitaclri..
113M, I_,SI, Storage f echnolo<>;y, and Sure
optical: f ilciN'I_:�f", I-Icwlctl-Packard. Pl tsmon I,,MS and M. xolitic
Tape Products: ADIC, Benchtmat-k, Compaq. Dell, I;crix, F:xabyte, I icwlett.-
Pnc:kard, 113M, Overland Data_ QLJarlturn ATI_ Scagalc, Sotly, Storage
Technology. Sun, and Tandberg
d'rodriction Printers: (.'<notl dleicdeibt.arb, IBM.00:'E?, Xcikon,,_and Xerox
® Workgroup Printers: Canon, lfc�xletl-Packard. MM. Lcxmark_. Minolta-
OMS, C)C'f', Oki Data. Ricoh, Sharp, and Nerox
Vicdeoconlerencin;; Systems_._and Video._Bricd„�ing F;c.;uipn.tent: N —.C, PictrarcT�
Polyconr. Sony, Tandberg, WON and V-f.I,I,
Fir•evv_alls: Atipa, Axent Fcchnologics., E3orderwmv Technolo<-Ic.s. C'v-bel-Guar-d,
I;cftaant frtti'+.ration Serviccs, eSolt, C-ccrnoni Avenuc Solt -ware, iBM, Inf6l.:xivcss,
Internet AI)phance. f,ivCrnlore Software Laboratories, Netscrcen Technc+lo,,I CS.
NetWolvcs, PGTP SccuritV, Solscrl't, Sonic all, Symantcc, Filly Sollwarc,
WatcllGLIill- i 'I edlllologics, 7one. Labs and 7yu1 Cc.)Irar7 unicatiora`i.
2.03 Additional Eligible Brands: III aIdditiolr to the I-wegoill" hrtnds, the I)c:laartment will
Corrtiidcr other rraanufactalrcrs' brands; f o hC C4,]WC IOr coil sidcration, a bidder must
conClcrsively cdemorlstr-<atc. by documentation mbmit.tcd with its bid in the manner ,and lime
describes{ in tilt., Instructions to Bidders, tidier (I) 10r all catc> crr'ies execlr( Vicleo
"l cicconfercncin,,,- that thu brand offers products colujint-ahic to thcr.sc: identified and th".1t it
satisfies the criteria 161- "ether" brands specified oil flit hid table i6r that particular cats;<glory (fiar
cxat111..)Ic, s1 minimum inst,rlled base, (-)Tcatcr t7ercetlit+l c arl' rllarket siltare, etc.), or (:T) for Video
l..clecilnferenclra > Systcnas ,.anti Video 13ridginl� 1-.Clurl)rllcrrt. tlrat the brand ccarx1171ic:s with flit
tirllowitlP specification (section 2.04).
2.04 N'icleo 'l...clecotrferc:rrcirtg Sr- steers and Vklco Bridging E(plipment Specification
Suindarcf I'rolocols
International Telccommlintcati(an t nion cic o>nnrttnicati an Standardization cctc,r (tTl1.-'I }�
I I.?? 1 1 ra1.11C stRICItn-c liar a 64 to I ` 110 kbit!s channel ill audiovisu,rl tcic.SCmces
1011);Xvwv invtlorlda.com/st contracts/25000003li"lccfanicai`%,2(1Specilicaticnls.htrrl
10/41 700?
Page 4 of 7
i 1 - .1
;1 rc d time control protocol Ior simplex al.)l: heations using; the; l L221
i.,SD/i iSL MIJ,
I -range -synchronous control and indication signais tc)r andioQu al sys►erns
I L2 31
\Ultilx)int c()ntrol Units I& audiovislaal systems usilW, digital channels up
to 1920 kbit/s
I L242
SyMem for estabbshrng communication bet.mmmi vludiovisual ten-ninals
Using' di:!,ital ChannCIS
UP to 7 Mbit/s
PI.0CCdUl-eti for estabhtihing oirn lunication between three or more
audrr)\'lsnal tCrnl
MIS a 1111. dij,'ital channels up to N20 kblt/s
1 1.2(71
Video ('( i1- EC tor- audiovisual services at p x 64 kbit/s
H 2O3
`+'idew coding IN hnv bit rate con-inmicati(Irr
A far end carries control protocol twl Vidcoconlcrcnecs using, 11
H. 32t1
Narrow -band visual teleplu)ne systems and terminal cquilmlcrlt.
I L32 3
P ackesbascol alillitln"ledia C()1i11Y unicatiotis, s,vstc:ins,
(1,711 1
IhAse code nu)ciul<.ltic)tl (N V) of voice: ti-egtierlcies
7 ki Ir <audic)--cwdin�s, within 04 l:f)it/s
c R.728
Olohng oFsymc.h at 16 WIN "sing low dclav code r.xciled litledl-
pi c(liction
Data protocols for nluitinlc(lia conf •rcl)cing
Copies nmy be obtained Firm
International I clecort1111urlication t_.irlion
l .ist of' 1T1.!-T Rcconlrllcrldrltions
ill systcnls vdwrc cqu+l)nlcnt of di He -east rrlanutia01-11 rs is l)roposcci, the Contl,Jor is reslx)nsil)Ic
l.i)r irls01-111i� tilc ewnll)atihihty ()I the c(Il.lipnlcrlt to be purchased, including, any re({uired tests or
dcrrawilstrat iolls.
I'hc teleconferencing cquiprrlcnt c()vcred by this specilic:,atiwt) shall he sul)pliecl with all
nccessa Y software :arid AC Dower cord. The ( Ontracfor shall provide the ('llstorilcr with a11ti'
assistance lecllairt'd ill selecting dic necessary ccluil)nlc;nt, options, and accessories needed to
Collliy. llr(, ►cicc011icl,cncc• systems rnectnl�, user needs.
C:'C)l3p ,
Di.agnowicsi AH C tl)FUs shall include: diagmatics (i)r Iocal (INC. Spccitic: diahnostics must, )c
listed that :Ire rav:ailablc c;ithc:r remotely or li)c.ally.
Software, Updates: As a pram of die warranty in the first. year and under any maintenance
agreement thcic.aitcr, w0ware updates f()r CODEC's purchased under this Specification shall 11c
updated, at no cost t() the C USIOnler-, in a timely manner to adhere to new standards when alley arc
incorporated by the Contractor.
Auto -Answer: The CC)DE:C shall be capable of cell~aging in ra videocollfer-encc r.WtOnlatIC<Illy
when Cdlcd Or conne(;tC(I.
I iansil.lission Data hates/Standards: 'the C'( U C shall be capable; of sup1101611�,' ITt_ -T
standards 1131) or IL323 or both (i.e- dual compliant:). An 11.320 cmniTliarlt. ('(>1 IK shall be
capable of fl.rll duplex, color video and integi ited audio for transmission ;across industry_ standard
telephone 1ac,ihnes ('1-I and ISDiW) with transmission rates of at Icast. 112 Kbps. An IL323
Ill tl)_iiw�c�v.niytl()ridrr.c(:)m/st collttoWN250MMM31iTcchrlieril",i,20Specificati()ns.11tnl 10/4/2002
l icl�nic�rl �pcciticai.ioaas
Page 5 of 7
c()mpliant C.UDEC:` shall be capable Of frill duplex, color viler) aa)d integrated audio trartsill isszota
across L_AN/WANN Cacilit.ies at trartsnaissiort rates crt"at least 1 :>`( 1tilalas.
w`icdco: I'he ('C>i)l;(:' shall have pi(:ttarc; resolution of no less tlian 352 x 288 pixels at hall
(:.'IL (17(I'1J.;), :and shall stapport picture -in -picture; or windowing. 'file OD (' shall be capable; of
being coraracctcd to a vicko br-iclge Q multi -room conferences.
C`ODE(-' .Audio: The C ODEC audio systern shall:
he full duplex, have ,active echo cancellation, and he sitaaple to tune for a particular
be c()raap<atil)1c with other video conferencing systerns:
allow nc)zmal conversation between rooms as if'tlre uscl-s were ill the same location_
I sallow users to talk from both ends at the saute time, wit.lt hitcrrt.tptRms to c hhcr IM-
without clipping,, distortion, or has ofcontcnts:
have privacy or mute function capability from the system c()n►:roi unit:
` support the rcgtnrcrnc rtt ()f a In ()r virtual bridgc for multi -room conli:;rctacira ;:
provide ti)r "i Jp Sync- between the video and audio and. Ballow volt.ttnc �.tdjustraacnts
Croat the (.'(. DI,(' control unit, ara(f
cont<ai' the audio amplifiers, ccla() (;�anc: ilci. ,.tne1 c.ornbincr either internal to the
C., )f"C (w by the use oi, (;xicrnttl eguipluent, as well is the control switching.
functions fi.)r both audio and video.
Videc)-.Bri(.-�!,ing_E cIuiI) acnt
overc(f by this sa(cilication shall be supplied with all —
C�cnetcal� The va(k;o b)rc{�.nt , c,gurprrrcnt c. - l
I cc:cssary hztr'clwure, soll�vart ,nand cable~ nee( , i in connect to the nct:work and AC' power. The
Odco bridge shall be Colitigured accor(ling; to the C`tastonacr's rc(lt.tirements at the time of 0rdcr-
Mi)ain)uiia. Rc(Iutt_CrneattS
Video SmapTe,sion Algorithms: Video bridges shall be capable of integrating, signals frow ITU-
"l II. N and/or H.32 compliant CC)DEC's and support. ITtJ-'1' 11.231 (Multipoint control Units
for audiovisual systems Ong digital channels up to 1920 kbitis): and he able to link at least three
(1) 11.320 and/or 11123 (`1)1)1.�.('s- Video hridgcs shall also be compatil)de with ITI.A I l 2i 3
(1'rc)ccdures 1'or cstablishing cr)rrurturticatior) between t.iaree or''role atachovisu.al lcrnzznza[s usrrati
digital chat-inels up to 1920 kbit/s) for control pnwedtu-cs 1-)etwCea7 11-131 video:) bridges and
11.320/11.323 C ODEC's.
C awa(1.i.12;;: A11 ITt) T 11320 video bridges shall accept a mirau»urn ol'three simple video m-idge
Switcltzz.).L : Ail vzcleo b6dgv shall st.tpport I` U-T 11 4,1 (Procedt.tres 16r establishing;
corratrtunical.iota hctwwen Ace or store audiovisual lurinin ais t.zsing digital channels up to 1920
d.hii s) voice activated switchin4g, (sites are viewed as participants speak), and shall have. (.hair
person controlled video switching (facilitators at sites select site to Jew).
rZesery atiort and I_ . aArr)<)titae _; 'I'he video bridge shall provide conference reservation features,
either by bt.rilt-in sohwwv or by communication with an outside reservation system. 111c
rLscrvatiun feature shall provide advanced scheduling capabilities with automatic dial up an(I%or
t,t,e, AVariv hn,(l;-a.cc)nt!st contracts/25000003Irrechnical`,/i)20Spccificzatit)ns.htill
technical Spccl halt IoIts
fate 0 (W7
manual dial -in ()i c()niclence sites, and ad hoc cc)nl ;rcnc tm<, contI uraliorl ldciitionaflv_,
Opel-111 ()naI c()ntr()l all(i 1)1()rrtt(lrlilly 01'111tlltipoint c()Illcrc.mc,(:ti shall I)C incltldccl and shall provide
cmllpivtc ;lmalysis ,and cc)ntrol of ;rll cc)nfcremces.
'Al,ldio (;ompresswil ;.11pwithmis: video) bridges rmust support Nt least the fi)llowing 1TU-'I' aucli()
c.o( ins.ry sclrcrlles: G.71 1, t-;.722 'ind (11 %'?. .
2.0h Standard S►rl)wort..t,evcls: C`orltlactots shall provide the following levels of support Under -
the Contract:
lnsicie delivt;lv, tivii.11 hue'cr set-up and installation
tGllld.11'cl 1ll<lmuIact urcr's warranty
nlomcy back ! uarantce_ return Ic) C'orttraetor. Nvitil I,(-) shipping charges ()1-
resl()ckrmf', tec: or C:olllparabic chargcs
optional Support that. may be offered on particular- purchases:
Contractor set-up and installation
Wcrlrarlty a.rl) r;.tde 4.i() S-ycrlr Shim 1um1)- Warranty upgrade may tic purchased at
ltilll, Of., s) ytclll 1)lrr c,ll i:rsl'. ()) dIII III ? the warri.tllty period
warrallty scr"\'Ic;c IC"j)()r)wc Upgrade c,y.; 11laximluin 4--hour res'poilse atld/or 8-11our
t"L'ti 1)t) i 1 tie
OpOwlal sttpp()rt lever; Icstlltin�; in increased (--()St to ('ustomlers shall lie clearly and separately
KIC11titiecl (111 the ('()ntl;.lctc,r's auth(WIZed 1)1-0duct <lrlcl pl-1cc list. Integrated components shall
c<tr-ry the same supjxwt icvcl anci w;lrnlnty provisions as the system (hv Nvay of norl-exclusive.
ex, m(miit()rs, keyboards, tllutrsi; amd trackball, expansion boards, mctw(wk interface cards.
internal Ilu)dellls. and IIIultinledia). CustonlcrS sll;:tii rx)t be required to purchase lrlaintenarlcc
TMill ( )IIII-lctm- arld Illay Clete►' 111(() separate a0 reenlents 1()1" tll<lirilemiln(C; alld sLrpport with
pers()rls other than C omtl ac.t()r .
?.(ib A�i�lilionlll `�lrr.rpotrt.-Video.-Telec.onfercncin�, .►nd 4'ideo lit . l ;in Equipment
III additi()II to the) St<1Ildl lyd `support. Levels relcl-clicc(I the fi)llowing lrlirliraltulr Cu"k)'Mel-
training is Icc.i(rircci. 'f he cost (& this trailing shall tic incltldc(f ire the purchase price ()t the
"(%idec) I'cicconlercnclnl j Equipment I
Where requested by the ( "ist()1llel III('('()Iltractol shall provide ()"-site trainill9 ire tllc
Use ()t tllc new ccluipmlerlt :1t Cade of the Customer's vidcocoilic"c"ce roollls.
lrrlirlirl shall include all ztspccts ()t c)cI(ripmlent operatioll. includim, basic problem)
i(Icmti l'icati()rl, and shall include opetatI imst, uct:i()ms arlcl system doculllentatiom.
l r<linil). scssioms shall be at least one ll(.)ur in lem� tll, a11(1 rllav lie Coll solidatc(i with
the C'ustolllcr-'s approval I'Or Illultiple systerlls clelivcred t() tile same location. c.tt,., a.
buildirlO or carllpus- 'i ralimi ), dates allci tinges shall lie ccx)1-dinated with the
C. `usmnlc.r.
�`'' Video ttridg'ln 1:clnrl)mla:rlt.:
,,,,, ,.,,:(1,,,;,t,, ,•(,1))/'t contr,lc,tsl)�0000031, ficatiOnti.11trll lO/4/?OOy
l�Cllilli'�ll �+ile(;liit'atr(?a'a
P aqc 7 of
When requested hy the (''unto ler, and for each vidco hridging equiprYrcnt p acka)
ptlrchasecl. the Contractor ,hall provide on -site technical and operational trairrrnt' ti)
at KM one system administrator. 'I hu training session shall be at least four hours' in
Icngd . '1'raining shall inulr,Ae all rcxlt.aired instructimi manuals. technical documents.
and software, and shall cover all aspects of the IaroTramining and operation ol' the.
equipment. "f his training may also he st.rpp4mcmed by user- tr".1ining at the
( `ontractor°s facilities. 'l'r.aining dates and tirries shall he coordinated evith tlae.
2M7 Ref ii%hed and.. _Remanubehirec; ,f roduon TIC State encourages recycling nild
consc;r-vation of r-c•soarru(:s. Toward this end, a Contractor may offer refurbi diud and
rcraaanufactrrred product and product lvit.h refurbished and rcnaarrul'dctured corrapon(:nIS-
"IZefurhishcd- means the prtuiuct (w ctmuponenthas been cleaned, resurfaced, re -engineered. and
returned to its o6girml ImS of opcm6ow-Ronanuf rettared" mcans the product or component
has been repaired or uppaded by incorporating; used equipment, parts, or systerals horal
UNDER T11E (.'()N'l-'RA(""I.- Any Such product shall be completely tested by the (AidracIor-
and ready fctr installation, and .shall he covered by the standard support levels specified in
sections i'-()5 and ?.!K Customers shotild contiidcr that lowest price does not :always equate with
hest vtalt.rc. (KA(tnac;r;s should consider the technical merits (-rl' use(f vs. new pf-Oduct, and `,hot,ald.
NA!cigh the rnctats against floe capital and operational costs fe,r tllc pr-odUCCS eacpected life c:yclu.
Unless a purchase order- expressly specifies rcfurhislled or rerraanuthmi-ed proclr,act of,
eonap()ncniti, the Contractor- shall furnish new product. only. 0
IT Hardware Home
Irtin- ;�x'xuax/ mvflort(l;i t'.oila%'tit contras/25tltM003I/Technr.ea1(e6. 0SneciIic.aifoiIs.Irlala
f 0/14!:�0021
lcllcr�d Conch t I WIS
Pa,uc I ol,20
General Conditions
C o 11 Uc 11 ts
3,01 1,
I I .
, , � � � �;,,
3.10 A
3. 1
3.22 4
3.23 Sof'
3.2 6
3.33 -v 'I
3.34 cd
,cs for 3.3Dda", 7 orc.c So
3.41 c r,
lilt co w ract s/!':, 000003 1 /G ell cl-,' 1 (Y',1,2 (A 'of Id' (Ms-l'tM
( ac1")":rail ( "m,Iaim Is
3A6 VQwvOw t mwaonr SiMus of { too 'd :k
3.49 v) a c
3_50 <rtta a
: 51
._9_l i, a 9,p.%"a e 4 ,,„;% Ulwv P aid`" sae
334 , ..
3.60 Fit"
3.01 Definitions:
l_Iie term "hid", means the (+tier extended to the Departnictat in response to this sohositatu)n. Ific
lotin.s w ,iccompany the bid arc; imimled in section 40 of these solicitation (Iomni)crits.
" (.. ontratct" means be k1ally cnfi)r viable agmement, if any, that results From this solicitation.
The parties to the Contract will be the Department a:Eini (mtratctc)r:s. The C ontraut shall he
reduced to writirtt.!, 'iubstantially ill the fOrraa inclaaded ill scctior) 4.(} of these sobcitation
"Contract SpeCiaalisl" incaris the State Purchasing etnployec who is pritliarily responsible for
administration of, the Contract. Ilie Contract Speciahsl is identihed in the Instructions to
Riddcrs. mid tiie Deparuncrit shall conspicuously }cost Contact. inlnrtiaat:ion oil its Intcnict web
ha,p assnciate.c with the C`ontrad. 'I he l upartntcni may appoint a diflerent Contract "'peci,alrA,
xvfaiCh ','hall 1101 Constitute all a nicodrnctit to thc; C:'ontract.. by Llf)datin>r, the I)Oste(I contact
inlormation ain(] sending nc,tice to Contractor. nnv :c nlrilunication to tilt., Department by
C'c)ntraomn by `etak:; (Aworner a.natract managers or contract arcitiairiistraatc)rs. or by other
('tastOI1ICr- purchasint,, olficiaals, shall be atddresscd to the CAmtract Qwwahw
..(.onlraetot.., InCaras a suCcessfa.tl bidder, which, aloti;� with tie DCpar-tnaerat, will enter into the
C:'ontraet. The DCpartment anticipates ralaakirrt,, a multiple award, but for sake ofconvenience the
s()li( itattic)ri cf(+cntnents r,tsc; tlic singular tcirria of' this tern)). it' at t 'c)ntra)et(ir is i nianulitc.turcr., its
certified deaicrs and rescilers may also furnish products wider the (.:"oratraM in Choosing to (l() s(),
the, dealers and r-csell(,t's agree to lwnN- the <'c,) itrad anti the tertia " C:oratractor' shall be deemed
to rct,er t(,) the ll-1. t...inlcss awarded the Contract as as dire;et bidder-, however, defilers a mi rescuers
are not patties to thu ('contract, and the Untractor that certifies there shall be responsible liir thcii.
actions and ota fissions-
"C`ustnmer" raacans tlac• State a)enCies and other cliaible users Mot will order l�rociucts dirccfly
from the• ((miractor under the Contract. By orde.) inr products under tile, C ovilr-act. the (_ usta))iict�
to its terms. C"testonac�ts arc lot, howcvc parties to tite Contract.
"DCpartraietit" snacaits tlac Florida Department of Smagonmit Services, 'I hc. Dcliaritr)cnl will I'w
httn:-'www.ntvticiri(ia.ana)�'st cantra(:Cs/���OOOOO; i /(;ertcr�ai".i�:ZO( ,cinclition.hlzii
I 0/4/2()() ,
(icracral Conditions
Pape :3 of 1)
a )arty to the Contract, "State, 1'nrc h )sin! , as division within the Depar-traaent's Srappc,rt
1'rograna.. is responsible for administration ofdris solicitation and will be responsible° for day -to
daw aclraainistratic>n of the Contract, State 1'aarrh acing may be reached at 4().5() Esplanade Waay.
Suite 60. I'ailaahassee, I'l., 3,199-()90, (850) 487-4634, or via links posted al
The l)cpartment reserves the riz�ht to
coratrac't wvith a lllirdl part, service provider to assun►c res'ponsihility for administration elf the
"Product" means any deliverable under tile, Contract, which may include commodities. .,c viccs,
technology or software.
"Purchase order" raae;ans llac: torrta (rl' I, —Mat a. C.'utitonaer uses to make a purchase under tlic�
Contract (e.t.a., a lcrr'iaaal writicr) purchase order, electronic purchase order, procui-c:trlcnt Card. OF
other authorized means).
"Slate rereads the `3tatc of, i' orrda and its aperacrcs.
3.02 Fli# iblc Customers: Section 297.(.)56 of the ljc.>ricla `titatutcs governs agOWIes' use 01Ale.
(brionct. ()tiros may seek Department approval under scoion 287A4j2Xa) as an eligible user
cif the (:.'ontrac,t. Customers participating in the ( *ontracl do.) tics according to the following.; terms:
( I ) non -State Customers assume and bear wrlipletc responsibility with regard to per-tirrmaneG (?t
ally contractual ohligation or tet-raa; (2) breach of <a C'ortiract terra) by any pa.r-tacular- C listollicl
shall not he deemed a breach of the Cmilrac;t as a) whole, which shall remain in full 9orce, and
effect. and shall not aftect the validity of the C"rrnlract not, the (' mhuctor's obhgatiom to non-
brcachillp, Custcnalcrs or the Department: (3) Hie State shall not be lidde for any breach by a non -
State (:Aistwiler: (4) each non. -State C'ustomcr a-arld the C'onlradw, ,uarantee to save. the State and
its officers, agents, and employces harmless, from liability that rruay be cn' is imposed by their
failurC to perfirrrn in ):accordance wvith (bcir obligations under the Contract-
3_03 Requests for Quotes: Unlikc most products, technology products historically clect'eaase rra
Brice river tune. Thc,rcfi,rc, it is ill the C:'c.rstom :r's best interest not to set lllc price for alai;
palrriCulaar tccllr)oio�t,v proclrrcl mild the elate the; product is purchased. For all purchases' ()('`�?,5()(1
INITIATING: A REQUEST FOR QUCYI FS ("RFO"), which is all orLd or written request fi r
I,vriltct) }?riciri<f or scrvic,c° ifil'ormatic,ra from al C onlractor for }rrodcacts available) trruder the
Contract froill that Contractor- (A.asWillurs shall create and maintain written records cif and and
rittc n reclues(s, as well as recc,rcls cif quotes received. (.quotes shall be:, in 'v TAing hart crllwndse
inionnal, and raeecl la()( lac: received or posted publicly or at a parlicular tinlc or }dace. A
Customer shall Whinte a sufficiertl number- of rcgaacsts to obtain 0 rnirlinumi of We quotes,
should look for as Contractor willing to beat its own (w, as competitor's) currently authorii,cd
C milract pried- and shall placc its purchase: order with the Contractor quoting, tllc lowest price.
aanPcss the ('arstonac"a ed(re_uaric;ritti in \vrit.in).r, that the lowest. Brice quote would not result ill best
value•. (fell emaniplu, lowest price: is Or refurbished or remanufactured product).
3_04 potil.ipg, anc! Rcyisinu cif Authorized ProtitLrrct _shell Price List. Every Contractor shall
nuainlaairi on t}ic• Internet a list of file prmilacts it is authorized to sell tinder the Contract, 'I'll(- list
shall cic<'a.rly indica,ric the: ceiling: price, for each prodrlct, e:xpressed either as a single price or as a
percentage savinus (Of the -benchmark- Brice. ( hi We ( hAerin,>. Instructions fi7rm submitted with
the bid, i'aidders ,hall note the lm liosed Universal Rcso>n-cc Locator (( tltl..) for this list. Postitr"."
of the list ill a 1,61-111 caasily accessible to the. Department and Customers shall be a condition
httr): ,www-rnvIlorida -corm st cr,ritr'<lCts'?5l)OO0031 C eracraal"4,?O('crnc{it:ions.htiaa 10'4✓2(H)2
wimul CAMuptions
We 1 OFT)
precccicilt to) C ontractor"s light 1c, g1a,\aaicnt tttldc;r tlae ('ontract ,I Ile I)c•parinlcrat. ill its sofa.'
cliticictic,it, ;naafi rtlaintairl C.'c,nttaclr>r' aulh,,tii,ccE list (it,pauvicic clectit,ilic links to it
lZc;�aanciless cif Ilac tltxralher (,f ling.s to 1 dw list. ( tintraactor tilaail ensure that ClIslomeas are able AVOW
access one. and oni, c,rac. c.tsac?ia ol'the authorized list. 'file aanthorir.cd list shall include. culler
d1re;c•11" c,i %iai c1cc:tt-unic link, thcr followinti,: C'onliaac.;t ntlinher: contact person: pallc,a product
rlutalhc.vs and dcscriplions: orderint?, ill formal ion: and pricing, ird'onnalic,ta.
Cotil.ractor- s initial atuthorir.cd list 0,31 be substantially identical to the "benchmark" list
suhnaitted with the bid and used in making the aawaM, or that glortion of it bid by Contractor.C:'clrltractcar shall not make the list ,_,crncraally available accept .illy' c,rders ci#t of Contractor.it until tha
Department aapprcavcs t11c lisd.. (:`clntractc>r may t.hereatter a111jend ill,:iist. to reflect product line:
and pride changes, st.abicct to the fo llowin� restrictic+rls.
w FOV 11-Oduct. title claanr�ti, as d,'c,rltraacl(rr ilallaut1ltcri ccicitl,t�tlt'`11Ec;tEtailr c~`<trttaa�al�t^c11' a
w'ithira tho"'C still calc<,c1t tc;s it is currcnfly I at
Uontraclor curretally is authorized to sell server-,, but not pci-sotaaal ccnrlPill crs, the
C ontractclr shall ]lot aaci(l personal ec,naput(rs to is at.ti.hori .cd IN of products. During
the term c)f the C'eanlract, howevo4 as Ointractor- Ina,' seek to nRivaasc the luunbc;r (1f
praaduct categories it is authorized to c,11'ca' by being) added anti 111 aaUdlOri/Cd (: "clntracic,i.
k.w other caatcgcaties., aati Outlined ill para !rapll AA 2 of thcsc (.icneral Colldiliotas. L 11lr,ra
wrilten rc•c:lu(:s1 of as ('ustorncr. tl1c; L)cpatinicnt may yr naive this prt,laibiticltl liar a
particular iranlsaac.tfoil atnd allow at Contractor to) I:nlndic: and sell prc,duc.ts that it is not
currcilliv aanthorircd to sell along ,vith Inuciucts than is atithaMAW hi sell, it die
Custom) concgrasively dellionstrates, to the I)c°}iairfrncnt" tiaa.tisfaac-tioll, that the
"paack...ttt,c• dcaal'" would provide the beet Value to the State. 0�'ithin its current
aatzthilrire(I pl ,ducl catcl,()rics, a Cnwractor Inav i.mlc•zad its list to) reflect
developlilents. ;any added product shall he Offered at Ill(' tlrcn-ctatrcnt atuflaalri/ed
percentage discount- Which shall .alwaays be at. Ecast as (,meat ati the discorint c,flcrcd
I Foy price c;hailf.w as l clnariic; or shall old), dccreasc, and shall never inerc'aase. the
prices cailAY initially (staatcd cliffercntly. as Contractor may incl-casc, but ucvca'
ciccrc lase;. its perc:enla. c discount). Posted price rcdrtcliortti shall talc; vHc0
ir:ntrlcdiaatc;ly and Ile aapplicd to unshipped and suhscclueiat carders_ ('ONTRAC 6ORS
1;,oR THE PR01)UaC'T cA,ri( .)RN ()FFF,R I3E"1"TER 1:)1SC:'OiJNITS
At lcaast iWO Rosiness (taays bcli:,rc making any chanties to the. posted authorised list
v11ct11cr tc) g1r(,ducts. to prices, or r,therwitic a ('ontra:tctor shall ticltily theC`ontraac;t.
Spccialis! lav c-mad of its intent tc, make a claangc and describe; the Evtlpose(i c,h ttagu
The. I)egr,aitia'ivid nuna ia1 its We Kc°ret.aon. prohibitally' rc:cluctited ChMlk?e, Or direct. a
Contractor to [Inds, any chanz..,e alrcadv juatdc. In aaciclitic,n., dic ()epartinctit. inlay (lnwl
rescitisicln <?f aarly' ptuchasc° order entered into on the basis Of.aail unaauthoIlzed prociuc't
aaalcl 17rice list.
to dIC '.IU1h0rizcd list or to zclatcd intiarr�iaticli (tisr cxanlple„ oa(iert
itllonnation) shall not he deenlc(i Cc,ntratct arllcn<h1�cr11s.
..... .....,r,..... I., I Mencrall , A)('onditic,ns.Eatin
HA i?iAK,
4 icrac:ral C" mdihnns
Parrs 7 of 1)
t_)rl ai cluaat-tcr-lm basis, or anure lreclueritly if directed in writing by tllc� C'orliract
Specialist, t'ontractoa shall subrllit written ccrlificatiorl of chaan«c:s arladc la, its
autivarrr,cd itst. Fhc ccrlrtication shall be substantially ill fit(' li,rnl irlclucicd ill `tiectiorl
4 of (Lae solicitation dc,c:a,arllents, "Certification of Changes to Author-it,cd Product and
We 1,i T 1•arlure to sul: nit the liana in as tirncly manner shall cotlstitute grounds
t<+r tuilmimting the Contract. 1-aaltiificatiorl of any information c,rt the 661'111 shall
s1.1bicct. Colitraclor Io civil liability and criminal prosccuti()n.
Thc. Ucnartnlcral icscl-Ves the right to revise these restrictions ill conjunction with
inrpicnacntaalion oI all on-line procurement. system,
3.05 Proclucl Version' Purchase orders shall be deemed to reference a aaaanrrtacturcr"s Most
reccdiv released rltocicl or vc m"n c,f the. product at the time of the order_ earlless the; ('tastorr10r
Specifically requests ill writing all earlier rraodcl or version and the Contractor is willing to
provide ticsc;h modcl i,r version,
3AM Quanthy Diymrrnts: C:;ontrac.tors are. rr Imal to oller° additional cliscourtts for ®nc ti.Me
delivery' ol� large single orders of any atssor(nlcrat cal itcrit,s. C.'rtstortlers should seek. to negotiate
a;d litiontal price conce nvorts on quantity purchases of airy pmducts offered udder We i"ontract.
State Customers shall docanalcnt their files accordingly,
3_()7 Best Pricing; ()ffvr: I ) my, the C"ontmet terra, ifthe Contractor sells sr.rbsttantiaally tile same
or ;a smaller cpuaarltity Of as lNT,c. Act oulsidc file C'ontr,act, hLit upotl the same or similar terms, oi'dic:
Contract, at: a lower- price, then at the discretion of lift Department tilt price under the (Vi-itrae:t.
shall he iinmediately reduced to the lower price:.
3MH Salt:~ Prom Ahms: In addition to dccrcasing prices for the balance oFthe Ccmtraact legal d u c
to a.t chaulgc it, market conditions, a Contractor allay Conduct sales promotions iravolvig!, price
rccluctions, tor as specified lesser period or fc,a- a,a specific: ('ustomo group (e.g., K-12, Hiudicr
1':ducatiorl, State Customers_ etc.). A C"ontrac:tor shall srabrnit to the Contract Specialist
docurnentati oil identifying the proposed (I) st,artinL;, and erulita)7" elates of tlae promotion. or (2)
specific. C'clsloil let's to which the promotion is addressed and (3) products involved mid (4)
promotional priccs coraapared to then -authorized prices. 11min0ional prices shallbe availahle to
all C'uslc�nacrs. 1. Jpcarl approval_ the.: Contractor shall corrspICUO asly post notice of tile prornotiorl
With its a rc.,t.11c>rar.ccl pr'odract list.
3.09 Trade-in: C."trslc,ntcrs may trade --in c(Imprltcrlt \vherr tarakialk purchases fi-orn the C.'ontracl.
i trade shall be ttcs�c,tiate I,el�vi;'It flat° ('ustonaer and the Contractor. C'ustotnci's are
oblirratccl to ;actively seek current t<air market value whoi. trading equipment. anti to keep
;acctrratc records of the process. 1=or- State; aggencics, it rllay be necessary to provide
docurllcntation to the Office o@alit State ('c,ntpirc,llcr and to tile:: agency property custodian.
3.10 Arraericanss %ViHi Dixahilities Act: <. ontraci no should identity any products that rnaa.y be,
ul,'Cd ear ailaptccl fiat use, by visually. hearing, or c,ther physically impaired irliliviiluals.
I f Energy Star Cunj1i ant: The Rdcral Avirorlrncniaal I'rolcction •t cnc;y encourages tile
manid'actur-c ofctici- y efficient conll�uter hardware, and the State supports this initiative. The
D,limnent prelcrs thrat all Imulucts OWN under the Contract be Energy Star comphartt 'nil
be a lift; Pmcruy Slar Logo, Custontcr:s diould seek to reduce the total cost of cdurpmenl
c,N,Vncrship and operation, and they should c-cansidcr the l,urchaasc of L. ncr-gy Star cornplunil
equipment it it rncels their" perforrllaalice needs,
I,a}„ N,`.\vwn,vllorlda.cortl!st c(.)nDacts/250IAH)31%Ciencraal°o,_'.(K'canclil.inns-htrn IOi4/2W2
4. ie moral C'onclitinris
112 Authorized Pi-whict C ategyr•ies: Upon Contractor's written mquest. the Department nli
;:uth()rize the C_'ontraclor to iiirnish product kindci other cZIIC' c)rics or suhc;:lteporics identilicd i
the solicitation docnnacnis. Ill considcriil- Contractor's request,. the I)CIM111aaC;taf. shall apply
sL1hS't lrltiallV ills sarrle terms and Conditions governing the initial solicitation, The Del..)artaticnt's
decision oil the request shall be final and not sUh_JCCt to ;ippcal of"any kind.
.1:3 Pnrcharse Order's: A Contractor shall not deliver or- furnish products until a (. ustonicr
irarlsniiis ;i purchase order. All purchase orders shall Dear the ('0101-act nuiliher, shall be placed
by the ('ustonicr- directly with (hc Contractor. Lind shall be deemed to incorporate by rcference
tic Contract teens and comblions. Any discrepancy between the Contract t.errns and llic tcrnis
stated oil the Colltrielw-,s order l'ori11 confirmation, or acknowledgenicnt dull be resolved in
t;ivor t)l terms rilosi favorable to die Customer. A purchase oalcr fi)r services within the al-ribit of
se;clion Z.h"l.().5 (. i) of the IIorida Statutes shall I)(! (teemed te) incorporate by refcrerice the
requirements of subparagrallhs (;a) (111-mi'v,h (f) lhcreol. li:vcn where not otherwise; required,
provisions clearly dchnin,�, lane scope 4 the, work, provisions dividing the order into objectively
measured dclivcrabics.. provisions setting forth schedules for completion and (whe►-c appropriate)
ligWdAc:d cfallmgcs for unt.inacly completion, etc.. State C'�ustc)mcrs shall dCsl<�n;alC <1 c.ontr,lc;t
im,mau:ci alid sa contract administrator as rec.Nhvd by m6scchoiis 287.057( 14) and (1 5) of" the
.Florida Statutes. The Deparin)cnt reserves the ri" llt 1c) revise this section in conjunction with
implementation of an on-line procureineilt systcm..
3.14 i'arclta;c erg: Tan,;ible product shall he securely and pnMerly packet{ for shyncral" st1)iaglo
and sucking ial appropriate, clearly labeled shippin,y containers and according to accepted
commercial practice, NA,ilhout cxtra Charge for f?ackin,!, materials. Cases. or other types ol`
containers. All ec,nt-ainers ;.Intl packaging shall bcC0111C and rentaill C'aistomCCS pr0pC11y
3.15 Marruf,rclurer'5... Larne ancl.- Approved- cluryalerrts_ Unlcss otherwise specitied. any
Inattlrt; l;illlt;r`ti names. t1",ade names, brand na11 m irlf urnabon andior eit 11of.", i unibwN listed it ;i
spe;cifiealic)ri aredcsc:riptive_ not restrictive. With the Department's prior approval, 111c
Cmilractor inav ollcr ;111y product that elects or exceeds the applicable specifications. f hC
Contractor shall demonstrate comparability, including s)lmapriritc catalog m itc;rink. literature,
specifications, teas( data, etc. l'hc; Dcparinacilt shall delerr11ir1e in its sc)lc discreii<,n whetlici a
{product is acceptable as an equivalent.
:3 h Inwect_►on at ('ur "mctoCs Sig: The We resc;lvcs 111C ri<;ht to inspect. al any re;.vwflablc
time with prior notict% the e(11.IipralCnt or 1)reidUCt OF plant or other facilities of a Contractor or
pr()spcctive Contractor (bidder) to assess conhaTnity with Contract requirements and to
detcnrline whether- they are adequate and suitahle for propc;r and el'fcetive C'ontrac.t performance.
3.17 Safety Slandards: All ivanufactured i(crns and fabricated asserlal-lies subject to operation
under pressure. operation by connection to an elect.rie source, Or operation involving connection
to a manufactured, natural, OF I I' gas source shall be; constructed ,and ;approved in a m<anncr
acceptable: to Ific al)1)rc)prime wa(c inspector. Acceptability custwiiarily rc;Cltairc;s, al a ntiriimtirii.
icicntilic;llfon marking ot" the appropriate safety standard t)1gwo abon where, such :1 1wovais
WAYS 1MVc 1.1cC11 Cstal?hshcci fiir the type of" device c)flcred and Furnished. for cxanlple: I�
American '-wcicty of, Mechanical f_:ngineers for pressure vessels; the 1-lnderwriters Laboratories -
and/or rational Electrical Mall0kicta.rrers° Association tot- elect tical iv operated assemblies, and
htr�� '%xx�xxnxr rnva-Irv-i�la t'nr�7%cf t'�,titi";i('lti/?�t)t)t)t)t).i 1 �(iCrleralt�u.�t)C�OilClitii)11s.hi11'1
(: icncral Coridiiir,ns
10ge 7 WO
We American (_ias Assc,c,iaticin low �"as-operatccd :assemblies. III addition, all items frirnishcd shall
mccl all applicable rcquiri:rrtents of tlic Occupational ",alcty and I lealth Act and state and ledcral
r-Ccluirclircnts 1-elating to eleant air and water- Ixildutaoii.
3.18 Utera(ure: I Auin request., the (Awitractot shall furnish Customers literature rcasombdv
related tl) the product ollcrccd- l'or example, user manuaads, like schedules, cahilogs, descriptive
linwhr.nm c:tc,.
T 19 1`ransportat on..._and Delivery; Prices shall include Al k1myes for packing, hatndlin4g,
Irci;.jil, distribution. and inside delivery. 'Transportation ot- t ciric:ls shall be Fo l? Dcstilla:at.ion to
any point within thbly (30) days after the customer places in Order. A Contractor, withitl give
(5) days after receiving a pur-cliase order, shall notify the Customer of any potential delivery
delays. Evidence of inability to deliver or illtcrtlicinal delays shrill be cause. for Contract
c.'ancchatiola aiac,l C'i,ntr-aactor- suspensiciil.
3.20 Installation: Where, installation is rCcluircd, Contractor shall be responsihic for placing and
installing tile p1mitr :t in the required locations at nci additional c.li argc, unless otherwise
de.sit:r,rlatced mi the purchase order. C olitractor"s audwri ed l:n-oduct and hike list shall Cie,at (v -loci
separately Identify any adclitimud installaiwn (;barges. All rnatcriads used in the installation shall
be' duality and shall be free of detects that would dinrindsh the appearance of the proclru:t
or reiicicir it structurally or r,pc:rationally urtsoun,d. Installation OWN the turrrishing of any
eclrlipinlCnt, rigging ,:anti rnaalciiarls rCquired to install or replace the product in the prol.xer
location_ Contractor shall prcitect rile site from damage and shall repair damages or irrjrrry caauscd
during; instaldatior, by Contractor cir its employees or agents, it' any alteration, disnlolnlhll,�7.
excavation. c;tc:., is ro.quired to achieve, installation, the Contractor shoill promptly restore the
Structure (ir site to its ciriginal condition. C'oratr-actor shall perform) installation work sci as to
cause, idle [Cast WC(MCKC11CC and ir:it.erferencc with C.'aasl.i+rricrti anti will, proper eonside.n:ition of
others oil Sir(.-.. I Jpcira Completion of the installation, the loea11011 and Surrounding arcaa of work
shah he Ictt clean and in as neat and unobstructed ainclitie,n, with evcr_ylhin�_=, in satisfactory rcliair
and order.
21 Wspec:tian.._aud Acceptance; Inspection and acceptance; shall be at destinaatiort unadcss
otherwise provided. for ('onlractor-installed proclari:ts, the; elate of acceptance is the date tine
( ustonicr accepts 111C product as installed and ill l;ood ,vorkini� circler, as determined by any
apprc_tpriaw acceptance lesting, and tile Cuwl<irnCr shall certify in writing lc_i tilt, Cmilractor when
Ow product is aac;;ccpteel (ifl.r<aining (w other- post-inslAIMion services are included in the pUrChaase
order. ihc acceptance, shall be conditional). l n- t 'uston1Cr-irastallCd l:)roduct.s, the date of
aaccyance shall be the delivery dale. Until oc:c:uptanco risk of loss era- darn age shall remain with
the conlracto r. The ("ci omoor shall he responsible W tiling- processing,, and collecting all
damage claims, To assist the. Contractor will) c.darnagc claims. the (`uytorlicr shall: record arty
cyidetwo; of a isiblc damage on all copes of We delivering. carrier's Bill of Inding: report danw-C
to the carrier and the C'ontrarclor: and pirovide the Contractor with a copy of tile, carrier's Bill of'
l,aclin., and ciannaf e irlspcctiorl report, When a Cusminer rejects a pmduci. (Amtractor shall
remove it f'rclrlt the T1r-cruises within tent days alter notification of rcicctiola. Upton rejection
notification, file risk of kiss of rejected or nora-eonfiirllting product shaall 1-Cnaant with tile
Contractor- Rejected product 110t rcriroved by the Contractor- within tell clays shall he dccnled
abwhhmed by tlic contractor, and the CuMonwr shall have the ri: lit to dispose ()f it as its o",-vil
property. (-contractor shall reimburse the Custorncr tiir costs and expenses incurred in storing or
cffe.ctint, rcltloval or disposition of rc:lcCICd I roduct.
322 Wde to l)cliverw,!Aes: For panposes cif this section. a "product" is aniy dclivcrable I'mnishcd
lltta :"«cvw.ntviloeida.coni st cooltads/230 )10031/GC11cra11,02OConditions.littii I(VI/?N2
(Jcrreral C'ondili(m,"
loge 8 of?)
under the C°(antract, including but not limited a) ( I ) comp(ments of the haarelware crtvirorrrnent. (2)
prin(cd materials, (3) third-pa:rly software, (4) paognnas and prograntrning modification<.
cuslomizations, tools, data, mo dules. and conilroments, and (5) any ta.an,t 10c or intanq?ibl
properties cnahedded therein. A product is "existing" its it is a tatipjblc or intangible licensed
l)roduct Ihat exist~ hckwc Contract work begins (Be (' mnActor shall l.ou the burden 4prM/ing:
dial( it product cxisted before wort: hegan). /1 para,cluct is "ccas(orta" if it is ally product,
preliminary or l1rtal. that is crcatcd under the Contract for the C'ust(anaer by the Contractor -or its
cnrp)loyees, subcontractors, of agents.
For existin,; hardware products, tide to a tare "Yrc loot uct Shall pass to Custuuier upon
written acccptanee. For existing soltware products, that are normally corrarnc,rciarlly distributed
on it liccnsc basis by the C'ont.ractor or Awr independent software proprietary owner WS'PO),
wholrcr or not elnhcddcd in, delivered, or operating in c(myunction with hardware tw as cust(rrat
product, t.it.le shall rernaain with (lie Cmitractor- or ISN Y 11100ve ula(m acceptance. such product
shall be licensed to the Customer in accordance with (lie Contractor a>a- ISPO's standard licensed
aagmumcnt, provided, however.. that the license agr(uncart shaall, aat a rnininiurn. (1) pant the
C'ustouacr a non-exclusive license to use, execute, reproduce, display, p>ertirrrrr, adapt (uniess tie
Contractor dcan(aaastrates to the Customer hctiare e,xecutinrt 01- it purchase order that adaptation
will vkdwc existing agwoo tents or law) nand distribute tlae pr()da.rct to autltirri/cal rascrs ul7 to tlae
license capacity identihud in the purchase order with call license rights accessary to effect the;
C'ustomcrr.'s staled purpose, and (2) rcc(.)grti7e tile, State IS tlae licensee, rvlaere the C`rasl(laner is
pant of 1,he Statc. Where these rights are not otherwise covered by the ISPO's standard license
aagreerracnt, tic Contractor shall obtain these ri1'.Itts at its sole expense. The Customer shall
reproduce all copyright notices and a.ny other Icgencl of ownership on arty eop>ies aaut.ltor-i7ed
tinder this paaragraaph. 0
I or- c'ustoaal products, eflectivc raprorr creation the Contractor ierehy, conveys to the
Customer tic stale and exclusive rights, title and interest in the pr()duct, iaacludin, all trademark
and er,pvriaaltts, and lilt. Contractor- slain take all necessar-y nand apltropra'iaatc steps tea ensure that
the; products are p nAcctcd against aarraudiorired copying,,, reproduction, ()r nrarkciing) throug'lt tlae
C mItraactor or its crraployces, subcontractors. or ag,cnks; provided, that tlae Contractor allay
oilrcrwise use aaaav a-clated or underlying general knowledge, skills, ideas, concepts, techniques
and c;xpericncc developed under the ("(,ntract. In tfae 'dicrrr:ative to taking exclusive ownership
and title to such products, the ('ustorner may elect, by providing written notice to the (%t:rador,
to take a raora-exclusive iiceuse to use, execute, ruprr,rlucc. display, pci-Form. and distribute tyre
product as described in tine preceding paragraph.
3.23 Software 1 it "se Grans: Where product is acquired on it licensed Basis. the Billowing
terms shall constitute. the license grant.
scopc: Licetasecr is <..,r.aanted a lion exc:lusivc license to usc, execute, reproduce_ display,
i1cr'torn7, err- merge the product within its business entert &C in tyre t.lrritcd `Mates rrp 1() thc
rnaxintum licensed capacity identified on the purchase order. The parodr.ret pray be accessed,.
used, executed_ repr(,duccd, displayed, or per.lormed up to tlae capacity measured by the
apprlicabic licensing unit idcoti6col on the purchase oRicr Me.. payroll sire, number oi'
c.rraployces. ('1111. MIPS, MSU' concurrent riser, w(>rkstataoaa, etc..). 1,iccnscc shall have the right
to use anti distribUte nao(li(ications and custoartiNations of the product to and for use by ,any
C:'ustomers otherwise licensed to use (he p)rucla.rct. provided that any modifications, howcv
extensive' shall no( diminish liecrtsor's proprietary tille. or iwcrt.st, This paragraph ,rr<artts r�
license, right, or interest in ;:any trademark, trade name, or service mark.
iattn:,rrww.mvtlor'ief<a.cost/st contracts'?5000003I/(iencraal°r,20(.'onditions.patill
1 O/4/ 2OO?
General ( (mdih ?rlti
i,cran: 'i he hccrisc term shall begin the (late the: product is accepted. Where at license;
irlvol.vcs licensee's nght 1(r ccrpyr a previously 11CCIIsed Mid accepted master copy. the, ter111 shall
begin the elate (lie purchase order is executed.
curnenta;ation: t- pon reque°sl. the Contractor shall deliver to the licellsc,c, al tile
C',mhacloCs expense ( I ) one master electronic copy and erne hard copy of product
doctimcniatiOrl m (:?) (tale master electronic, copy ami har(I cop7ies of tile product documcaltatioal
by lypc, of- licc;alse ill the I )]lowing arilourils, unless ()thcrwisc agreed: for lndividtaal/darned taticr.
011o.: copy per lie:cllscc: till' concurrent users, tell colmes per site; for processinpr capacity. tell
c;opics pact site, The master electronic eopy shall lie in either CD-ROM or diskette I'ornla.at mid
usable. XV1111010 c'(rnvc;rsi(,aa Oor example, if a unit has ()ally a 3,�- disk drive, sottitare shall bc
provide(.] on _r diskc0(;s)- l he Contractor hereby grants the (:'ustorncr a purpettaal license. right
to nwkq rcpr(r(lucc (inclndin.>, downloading electronic c;c,pics), can(:] dititriblalc. either
electronically or otherwise. copies ,,f pr AMA documerltaticrn as necessary to enjoy furl! Use of the
plroduct in accordance %Will the terms of the Sonse,
l cchnjcll Support and rvl,aintenancc:;. Licensec may elect the technical support and
maintenance; (-maintcnaiace") set forth in the Contract by giving written notice to the Contractor
-ing tllc (..'ontr'ac.t Ic;rin- I /lainterlanee- shall include. at a minimum, ( I ) providing Cr'i-or
ally ttT11C dtJr
corrections. patc°.hcs, updalcs. revisions. nixes, upgrades, and ncNv releases to licensee.. and (2)
Help Desk assist<'lncc accessible via toll -tree or local teleplhcrrlc call or on-line. The Contractor
shall maintain flee products so as to provide. licensee with the ability to use the products in
t ccordance with the prmluct documentation, without significant functic)nall downtime to oligoing
operations during the ralairtt(naancc terns. 'file Customer shall not he required t.() purchase
nlainterlancc for use of file pro(luct, aa,,d tile C-'ustotner"s heense shall nett be invalidated Ar
refusal to purchase ninmicnlncc. The maintenance tern(s) and any renewal~ arc independent of
ihc. Contract tcrrl]- l"hc: Customer- may discontinue maintcilarlcc at tile end of any currcnl.
rllairllcnancc tcrrat 111)( l notice to the C:'ontract.or, provided, tile tcr'Ill shall not autotrlatically
remm If the, ( `aistctnlci titles Ilot initially acquire. or discontinues, maintenance, the C'ustorl'lcr.
many at anv late] timc reinstate nlaaintenaricc Without ally pcnarltics m cr111er charges. by paying the
( 0,111-aclor the alliount, il' arnv. that would have been due midcr tic Contract. Ior the period that
m aintenancc had laplscd, or ioi twelve months, whichever is less.
1 r ansfgrs: l,iccrlsee's operations may he aahcrcd, c;xpanded. or diminished. I icenscs may
be transferred or corbined tier tlse at an allcrnativc or consdidated site. not (rT!< inaally specified
in the license:, including Ir,anslcrs between agencies. Contractor approvall is n(tt reyctir-Cd ton- such.
transt ors, but licensee shall ,give prior written notice t.o the Contractor. ']'here shall be Jlo
additional license tar crtlac;a trans'Jcr- tees dui;, provided that (I) the rnaxinlunl c:apaacity of the
consolidated machine is equal to the ccrnlhineel individual license capacity ofall licenses running
at the consohdme.d or tramlerred site (og , n trued users, seats, or MiPS) or (2) if the maxirlluall
capacity 41t, Tile consolidated machine is (-,reater thaaa the individual license capacity being
transferred. a logical or physical partition err caller rrleans of restricting access will be Maintained
Within file C0nlpulc'! system Ic, restriCt utie and access to the prodncl to that unlit Of IieC:TlSed
eapacity solely dcdicalcd to Itc,rtclicial use for licensm if the maxinunn capacity of the
cottsoliclated m achinc is grea:atcr than the combined individual hcellsc capacity Of all licenses
runrlirl Nl the conlsopidaated or Ira m"Acrred site, and a logical or physical partition or (.rifler means
of resta'icdirltq use is not as mi5ble., the fees due the C.'ontracloi shall not exceed the fees e)t1C "isc
paryabic; pier a singic. license- lily- the upgrade capacity,
Restricle(1 I use by ISM Parties: Outsourcers. facihtics illanaf erllcnl, service hureaus, of
Other services retaamud by licenme shall have the right to a.isc tilt p1r(rduct Io maintain licensee's
lltln:i;'wrvrv.rlt� Ilurida.c;uiltis4 <:ontraaclsr'?5O11000 l iC;encraal' 4,20('oruliticrrls,pttatt 1(li'vl'ZUO:
(lenc:ral C-'onditionw
Paw 10 of 20
operatlons. including data piocessirl . provided that 0 ) licensee dives notice to tile: C..'atttl-actor ot,
such third party, site oF Adcluled uwc of the product. and rucans of acres-., (2) the third party has
executed, or a!orceti to e,xccute, the product Mantthactt►rcr'S standard iaonclisclosure or rcs1►lctce.
use at>,rcen►c•nt. w hicla agreement shall hc; accepted by the C`o►►trac;tor, and (3) the third party shall
maintain a Qric;aal or physical partition within its conil-utcr system to restl'ict access 10 tile
lirci tr,►n► to 111.E portion solely dwh anted to beneficial use 161 licensee. Licensee Shall riot be
liable fill any third party's co►l►plia ncc or noncompliance with the• terms of the nondisclosure
agivemcnl, nor sha:tll the iutndisclosurc agreement create or hriposc any liabilities on tic• We or
the licensee. Any third party with whom a licensee haS a relationship Jor a `?talc function of-
ItuSntesS activity shall B1ave the temporary right to utie product ,lava applets), provided that
such use shall be hi-Oted hi the period during which the third party is using the product 161 the
f incticirl or activity,
Archiva;ll Backup: [,icenne( ►naav use nand copy the product ;tnd related doe:unlelltaltiettl in
umilic:ction with reproducing as reas()nable numhcr of copic,s for archival bacl:tal) and disastci,
rcx:OvCry proe.cclur'cS.
Sourcc: C°odc.. E 5crc w: It either the product or the C'ontraacim-
011ers Source code or source, code escrow to anv ;Miler ccumnercial Gusto ncr, or if either- entity
scd,s bankruptcy protection, then file Contractor shall either (1 ) provide licensee with source..
c.ocle Or file pmduu, (2) place the source cede in a third-par-ty escrow tart<an�Ycment with a
designated escrow ant ci11, which 'Shall be identitic,d h) the Dcpartment, and which shall be
WON to release the deposited source code in acowdaancc with a stand<aI'd escrow aagreentent
a c,ccptable to the Department, or (3) certify to dic, Department that the product.
nlant►I<a.cturcriclevcloper lias named the Mat, actnlr by .and through the Department, and 1h�
Iicance, as named henchcrarscs ()Fail established escrow a1r►ailg,erncrlt dvith its designated c,scrocv
agent, which shall be icic: h5cd to the Department and lic;ensce, and which shall be directed to
release the deposited wource coc.le in accordance with the terms of cscrow, Source code, as well
as ;lily corrections or cnhancc:rrwrits.. shall be updated hw each new release of the product in the
Warne manner as provided abc.lvc and such updated shall be certified ill writmi-, to thc.
Dupartntcttt. The C.'ontracto r shall identify [lie escrow agent upon cotnnlencelticlat of the
Contract terns and shall certify annually that the; escrow remains in Mot in compliance mAT the
terms 1rt-this paragraph. 1c Sleatc may release the source code to licetlsees corder 1.11e: Contract
which have liccnscd product or olttaincd scrviccs, and Which lnay use the copy of tile Source
code to maintain the product.
('o hkntiality: 10c; l'trocluct is as trade Secret, copyl'ighted arul ingwie'ty product.
Lic,cltu,e; atrui its cnaployccs shall not disclose; or otherwise distribute or reproduce ;;lily product to
anyone other than as WSW under the C:`orttract, licensee shall not remove of- destroy any of'
the C_ oniractor's proprietary markings.
Restricted i isc: l.,xcept is expressly authorized ity the: terms of, license. licensee: shall not:
copy the product; cause or permit reverse (:Ompilaho n or rcvcrsc assembly of the product or arty
portion; or export the product ill vicllatiort Of any UI.S. Department: of C olninercc: cxpwl
administration re}',Lilaitio ns.
Proof' of t rc-crisc: The (Avitractor shall provide to each licensee that plaices a purchase
order either (I ) the product developer's certified license coobviation certificates in. the name o ,
the licensee or (?) as written confirmation from the proprietary owner <acccpting the. ltroeluc
invoice arw a proof of license. The Contractor shall Submit ar sample certificate, or altern..1tive
Confirmation which shall he ill ;a forrtt acccptabie to the licensee,
latttt %'w�,v�,v.lrtyflorida.cclm/sl contracts/250000031 /(Icneralo L20(Ponditionn.htrn
i W412l)O2
(;cncral C'onditiartis
Page I 1 of_ 20
Audit of l .ic:c;rased t!sage: TV ('onwac:tor may p;OidiCally iuciit. r)0 t))ctrc thull annually
and at its cxpensc, use of licci)scd prodtact at any site where. a Copy resides provide(I that ( I ) the
Conlractor givcs IicenscC A least thirty (hays written advam, n(�iiec (2) the acrtlit is Con(lueted
durill,4 tits licensee's riminal business hour~. (3) t}te audit is conducted by a State Ins'licclor
(:general's rrttice or, for non -State licensees., by an independent aauditOr chosen by tnutt.ta:al
agreement ol-tltc% licensee and Contractor- as follows: the Contractor ~hall rcconirnend a minimuni
of three au(litiri /akc(>untiai�; firanas. (fotia which the licensee shall scicct one, ill rio case shall the;
Business Sotl��arc ,NIliance, S(rftw,rr(.: 1'ut)]ishcis Association, ()r Fcticration A.,gainst Software.
I Kett be recomillended by the Contractor or used. directly or indirectly, to conduct aatidits, (4) the
Contractor and licensee shall designate a rep jcscnt'ative who shall be entitled to participate, who
Shull rnutually af_'rCC (rra audit 1<)raza,at. mid who shall be crrtitle(l to copies of all reports, data, or
inlior-maation obtained from tlae audit.. ,and (`?) it' tl)e audit shows' that the lic.entiec was not in
Compliance, the licensee shall purchase additional licenses of Capacities necessary t(a bring it into
Cotnplh mcc and shall pay lot' the ua)IiCCIISCd capacity at the Contract price tile" in clICCI oa', if'
none, theca at the (.'rontr;actor's U.S. Connr)nercia.al list, price. ( )HCC, such additional licenses and
c;al)acilics arc purchasc;d. licensee shall be deemed to have hecn in comphanec retr(ractivehy, and
licensee Shaul have no ltn-thcr liability ol'anv kind Ior the unatathorii.ed use of the 17t'oilttc;1-
liarnkrtrptey: The C'arntrad is subject to the terms of section 65(n) of the UnHed States
l3ankrttptcy C'o(1C: (" (:)de") if the licensor- tiles as bankruptcy petition. Licensors failure to
PC0,61-111 its. Continuing, obligations shall Constitute a.a material I)rcacla of the. Contract excusing
pcdbnnwwc by the hcowun Royalty payments Or use of iratcllectual property shall he separate
from and imiepcmic:tat Of payments IOV perti)rmance of all other obligations under the C'ot)tract
(ag , continwny development oblip0bons, mainter)anc:c inc.l support obligations, obligations to
provide updates, irac}ernriity obligations. ctc.). Upon rC(:luest, t}te licensor shall furnish licensee
aarry intellectual piopcoy, as defined in tile: C`o(lc, and ;ally c;rnbodimerit of that intellectual
property held by the licensor. 11' licensee must hire third -parties to pCrtirrrra support..
maintenarncc. or devc1oprncrat tusks previously perfi)rmed by lic;enow. the lWoucc; may MovidC
itatellec:tuai property to such Ihird-part.ics without vialutirair, nora-disCiosaarC or exClr.asivity
3,24 Invoicing and.. Pt?Ynleiat: Invoices shall contain tlae Contract nnniber, purchase order
nttniher. and the Cont SPURS vendor nunal)er, 'I-lic State may require an_y other
iniornnution tr'on) tlae ('ontract(or- i:hat the State deems necessary to verify any purchnsc; order
1}laac;(;d mider li)C ('ontrad, At tyre Department's Option.. C:;ontract(rrs rn ay be required to invoice
CICCtronicrrily I)t,tr'su<tr)t t(r Department I,ui(ICltrres. I'at_ytiaCnt shall be made in accordance with
sections, : 15Awt and 2871585 of the l,lorida Statutes, dvlaiel) govern finis; limits ti)r- pa_yai)cnt of
invoices, lime limits do Trot heal" t.6nlil the (AHAmoor submits a properly Completed invoice.
Invoices that must be rclumc:d tar a ("oratract.or d"c to preparation errors will result in a delay in
payment. C',oill rarct.ors nraar, call (850) 41.-TW) Monday throngIli Fritlay to inyuirC about the
stains of paymei)ts by Mute aagciicies. The ('ustvrnacn` is responsrb}e for all payments wider the'
Contract. A C'usiomcr's Iaill.11C to pay, or delay in paaymCM, shall not Constitute: as breach Of tlaC
Contract and shall not relieve: the C'oritractor of its obhgaatums to the Department or to other
2425 Taxes: I hC innu: does not pay Federal excise or sales taxes on direct purchases of tangible
personal property, i he '-,iaatc will riot pay for a:nay personal property taxes levied on the
. Contractor err` jot aatae, taxes levied on Cmployccs' wakes. 1'urchaases I lion -State C.'ustoilIcrs May
he stab_IW h( laNCs, �,i'hicli shall bc computed based on tine purChase price and added to the,
inv(rice submitted to such entity for paaynacnt.
htlt?: itiv(���.anyflorida.Coii)/st coaihacisi;?5000OU31/Cierae:raal an_7t1C OtlCltlrl)nti.Ilti-ri I0/40HP
Gcncrarl Conditions
Page 12 of 0
316 Cu,tc►a tcr's Default : A C'ustornea's hrcaC.h of the terms of <a pariicr.rl:ar caadcr shall not l>c*
deemed a hreac.lr of the C'nntract. If a (ustorllcr fails to raraal<c as payrrlenl to file C:ontraacaot lirr
prc.rducts cicliverCd or provided, accepted, and properly invoic;cd, within sixty days 'after approval
1,61- paynlerrt, lhe,ra tide C01111-aclOr ma.ay, upon tell days advance whItc;ri notice to hoth tire;
Department and C'ustomer•'s pa.rt-chasing ()ffll:lL suspend additional shipments 01' proeiuct or
provision of services to thaal specific. C'ustorney until such time as reasonable arran,Yemcnts have
hum nmde and aassrrr:ances given by the ('ustomer for current and future: Contract payments.
Notwithstarrdin!'. tyre Itn•egoing. the; C'onlraactor shall, in writing and at icaast tell days bclirrc
doodar-ing a C`ustcarucr in Ireach of the terms cif a particular alder notify 1 odi flit Department and
Customer's purchasing official Of the specific facts, circumsta:rraccs and r rounc.is upon Which the.
Contractor inMids to declare as breach. If the. Contractor's basis for declaring a breach is
cicterrninccl, then or laatcr, to he insufficient, then We (` mNactor's declaration of breach and
failure to service; the C'usmnrer shall constitute as breach of die Contract by the Contractor and be
Department or Customer may thereafter seek any remedy available at lmv or equity.
3.27 ,annual ApproprjWions: The We's lre:rlurma nce and oblii,Yation to pay under the Contract
are contingent upon an annual appropriation by the. l..,cgislature-
12H Surcl>mye Fee and Suni►ax_aC ctf Total Sales; Pursuant to .se•ction 2811345 of Hie Florida).
Statutes, as surcharge We of one percent (1 .0",tu) is imposed on (:. ont.ractor's sales under file
Contract- The fee shall 1rc paid by the Contractor and must be irr Awled in prices bid and umnol.
be added as a sepaandc; itern. Mer receipt of payment f-orn fire: C'ontrac:t purchases. all
C'ontraacierr surcharge fees shall be payable tea the IKpartrnerrt no lamer- than. 15 clays <raft.m the end
Of each quarter. The I, bmuaactor- shall time -surcharge ice" and tlrc contract. number- on a c'hcc:ko
and remit. it to: 7� m
1, odda %par tincrit of Maanagerncnt Services
P.C). Box 5=13
i arllahaassec, i [..: .;;:'_ 3 14-5438
At be end of each c_aalemiaar quMcr. IN Contractor shall compiete and submit to Slaatc Purchasini-,
the Vendor tiscr I- e Report form (PUR 7073C) ineltaciccl in section 4.0 of'thusc solicitation
documents- By submission of.. these reports and convslwiding Contractor surcharge deposits.
C'ontiaclor is cer1ifyint.7 tflcir correctness. All such reports and I'm deposits shall be subject to
audit by be `Matte. Contractors shall lie responsible k:w reporting sales a11d paying user fees
resultin,r, from wales made by Worded resellers. 11c %paartment reserves the; ri .rht to revise
collection and reporting, rc,:quirenlents in Conjunction with irnpiCinerltation of all on-line
procurement system.
i:<rilurC to c:ornply With these rccluircnrerlts shall ccrnst.itilte ,grounds for declaring tyre Contractor
in default and rccoverirlL-1 rCpl-0Cearcnrcrlt costs I'ronl the Contractor in addition to all outstandinzt
3.29 Governmental Restrictions. II- the (-'ontractor !relieves that :.arty governmental restrictions
have been imposed that require alteration of the matmial, duality, workmanship or perlurm ancc
01 the prodrac:ts offered Under flit C'onfracl the Contractor shall immediately notify lh*
Department in writin�Y, indicating thc� specific restriction. I he DC11".artrnent reser"es the right aand
file complete discretion to accept any such altemAmi or to cancel the Contract at no further
expense to the Department.
.,+ ,,,,+,••.,r,",)C 1(WINV; 1%(;N,��r�af?;,`)(li...`rinrirfirinc tltm
(Jcneral C::'onditions
14gc 13 of 20
3.30 Compl►rnce with J, p«_; !'he C ontmetor shall c olnOy with all laws, rules, curies.
ordinances, and licensing aecluircinents that are applicahic: to the conduct of' its Ilusiness,
irrc.•luclir-ag lhosc of thdoaraai, Sole, and local agerac;ies having Iurisdiction and ailtflorily. BY way of'
non -exhaustive exaarnplc, ( `hapwr 287 of the Florida Stattatcs and Chapter OOA-I of the l:lori&I
Adrninistrativc (`ode ;.,ovcral the Contract. lay way of further rlon-uxhaustive exarlllale, the
(:.`caranulor shall cornply with section 247A(c) of the Immigration and Nationali/.ation Act. the
,American,, with Disahilities Act, and ail( prohibitions against (hscrimination on the basis of race,
religion, sex, creed, national origin, handicap, marital slat.us, or veteran's status. Violation of
such laws shall be grounds lilr Contract termination.
331 Lobbyinn mud h►tewil: Pursuant tc> section 211347 of the Florida `statutes, the
Contractor llaaiy not c Xpcild any State ttmds for the purpose of lobbvirlg, the Legislature. the
judicial branch, (ai. a Matte agency. in arciclitiorl, Ilse (brltractor shall not, in cmniection with this or -
any other alseemcnt NOW the State, direully or inducedy ( l ) offcr, corder, clr agree to confer anv
pecuniary_ hcnclit on inyone as consideration) for any State officer or crilplcayee's decision-
ill)irliorl.. recorrarnctldation, vole, otfaer exercise of discretion, or violratiorl of as known legal duty,
OF (2) offer, givo or agwc to gt.ive to anyone any gnOnity liar the: henefit of, or at the direction or-
reclucst cal, any State offices- or employee. For purposes of chiuse (2), "gratuity" raleaans ally
p,avincnl of illore than nonlinal Monetary value In the Corm ofcash, travel, entertainrllc:111, gilts.
meals, lodging. loads, subscriptions, advances, deposits of nlonc;y. set -vices. ernployrrlent, or'
contracts of ,,my WE I parr request of die T)cpa mclit's lnspcctor Gerleraal, or oilier authot'ired
Statc official, the Cmltrawtor shall prox ide any lype of inforination the Inspector General deerns
rc;lcvant to the Contractor's integrity of- responsibility. Such inf'ornlaation may include, but shall
not. bc" limited to, the (,ontrtactor's btasinuss or financial records. docuralc•rlts, or tiles of any Iypc
or loran that refer to of rclaltc to the Contract. Thc Cbntractor shall retain such records f lr the
longer of (I) three ;wars rifler the expiration) of the ( Yntract or (2) the period I•ccltaia-ed by the
General Records Schedules maintained by the Florida D partnlent. of State (avatilaabic at:
cContractor agrees to I-e:ililbua•se
the State for the rcasotlaihle costs of investigration incurred 1:1 tyre Inywetcar (. racial or other
arutlaoriA'c Stale 01liui al fiat illvcstigaticans d the ('c tltr-actor's compliance with the terms of this
c,r any other agaeemerlt between the Contractor and the State which 1-estlltti in the suslicrlsion or
dcharnicill of the Contractor. Such cast" shall include. but shall not be limited to: salaries' of
iravcastigakw, irli ludin,; overtime; traavcl and k dgging expenses: and expert witness and
docullicntary fcc s'. I hc Coiatractor shall nol he resImnsible Or any costs of investigations that do
not restill in the Coulrac-tor's suspension or debarincill.
3.32 Ndenu►ifip tic►►►: I'he (.'carltrador shall [we fjtly liable fo►- the actions, of its agcilts,
employees. partners, or subcontracicars and shall fully indemnify, dclincl, and hold harmless dic.
We and C'uslonwrs, alrlci their olklicers, agents, arld crllpl(yYe s, from suits, actions, danlaages, and
costs of c.vcrY nrlrrlc and description, including allornc;ys' fees, arising front or relating to
personal injury and da.,_,. riliato real or personal lang ihlc° property alleged to be causes in whole or
ill Bart by Contractor. its agents, cnipkiyees, pa.rtncrs, or suluan traactors; provided, however, thaal.
the Contractor shall not indemnify for that portion of any loss or daivapes proximately causal by
the ric'digerat acl Or orrlission of, lllc Sl'atc or a ('ustomen Furtller, the (,Amtractor sirT f•ially
indenli,lit)/, dclend and Old harmless the State aarul Customers iforn any suits, .actions, damages,
sane) costs of every name and descriphon, indimling, attorneys' fees, arising, front or I'elalin' to
violation or irltting;crilcnt cal` a tratdcriiark, copyright, patent, trade secret or intellectual Ilrorwrl:Y
I iglu. provided Ilraal the `Mate or Customer shall give the Contractor (1) written notice of any
action car dlrcalcnal action, () We opport. n4y hi We t ver and We or defend any such action
at Contractor's sole expense. and (_)) assistance ill defendin,; thc, ,action at Contractor's sole
llttn- �tvcvw.nlvtlorida.a.coni/st ccantractQ25t1(f(HAU I OcrlcralTOOK ondidotls.htin 10AU2002
(:icrtc;ral Conditions
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c,xperase. Me ('or motor shall not be; liable fits' any cost, cxp)Cnse, or eoraapr-ornisc incurred err
made by the Stale; or C't.Istctnwr in an inifing(micnt action without the Contractor's prior writtenle
consent•, which shall not be unr'easonaltly withheld. if an, Iar(xluct is the WWI of ail
inkingernent Suit, or ni the C`ontratctor's opinion is likely to bee:oltte the subject of such a suit, the
Contractor naaay at if,, stile expense; procure for the Customer the right to continue; using the
produc-'t or to rrtodifv it to I,ecotnc non-infr-iraMin<^. Its the Contractor is not reasonabiv able to
modify or ollac:rwke NCOWc the C'tastolrtcr the ri;_dit to continue usin`.,, the product, the (.lonlract.or
shall remove; the product and refund the: Customer- the anaclums, paid in excess of' a reasonable
rental f+)r lard use. "Ile C.;ustonwr MuM not be liable Air any royahics. Rceltt as slwciHcd in thc
fore.!orn!.!, portiorts of this section, for all other claims ai.,airtsl the Contractor nradcr ,.any indivrduaal
l.aulchatic ORICT, and regaardless of the Was on "Meta the claim is made, the (:'ontr-ac: oCs liability
under a purchase Dreier for dkecd d artaages shall be rite greater- of ` 100,000, tlae dollar ataaount O
the purchase sides, Or t%vo tunes the (,hargcs renderCd by' the ('ontraactor- under the, Iturclaase
order- l roles", otherwise specifically enumerated in the C0111ract or in the l)t-Irclaaisc order. rae,
party shall be: liable to another f'or special_ indirect, or consequential damages. including lost data
Or records (Unless' the latarchasc order re(luires the Contractor to (tack -up data or records), even i!
the party has peen a(lviU that such dwna ges are possihle. No party shall be liable 66r least
profits, lost revenue, Or lost institutional operatirr� savin}�s. I hc; State and Customer mayin
aad1tion to etcher retnec:lies available; to them at Iady or ecfuity and upon notice to the Contractor.
retain such rrtc'trties from amounts clue ( WhActor as ntay` be ttcccssaary to saatis(y 'any c:laairrt lctr
damages. penalties, cuts and the Ile asscrled by or against therm. The titate naay set OFF army
harhilily Or other- obligation cal' the C`ont.ractor or its aft hics to the `i+taatc aatt:ainsl allay payments
clue the Contractor under any Contract with tlae `i;talc.
3.33 19irforw anc•e Bond: C ustollIel's may require the (Ontractor to fr-trnish without acfd1601101
cost a pci-lorm ance bond or lie' ofia blc irrevocable lettc;t of credit or other 16rm ofsecurit.y for the
fiaithFul perfoI-naalice of' vve)a-k Linder the Contract:. %:h rctluirement shall be tic,( Birth in the
purchase ureter.
3.34 Suspension ul..=rk: The Department may in, its sole discretion suspend any Or all
arctivities under the Contract, at any t.rmc, when in file best interests OF the State to do so. The
Department Wall provide the Contractor written notice outlinin� tilt }a;rTtic.e.rlarrs 0C suspertsiott.
ar Exmples of the ro nson 161- suspension inciru:Ie, but are not linailecf to, budgetary constraints,
dedamhon of erixigc;ney. or miter such circumstances. After rcccivin,a as suspension notice, fhc
Contractor shall comply with the nolicc; and shall not accupt ally purchase orders. Within ninety
days, or arav Iolii�ctr period agn-ced lc+ by the C.'oniractor, the Deltaal-tratent shall either (I) ismw as
notice aluthori .inn restim Ilion of work, aa( which limn activity shall rescunc. or (-�) lcrnlinate the
C ontrac;t. Suspension of'Nvork .shall not entitle tlae Contraacdoi to ally additional c(nalpcnsalion.
3.35 Termination 1' r C o nverftience: 'The Department, by written notice; to the Contractor, Irtay
terrnrna:dc the Contract in whole or in part. when the Department deter-niines in its sole discretion
thal. it is in the Staatc's interest to do so- The (Ana acior shall not furnish any t,,earns or perfin-m
arty services aallcn- it receives the Wee (W termination, except as necessary to complete tilt:
Continued portion OF the C-'ontrac.t, it' any. The Contractor shaall not he entitled to recover anycancellation ch,"yes or lost profits. -
3.36 T('1n i"alil►il Ar Cause: The Dcpaar`tinent i7tay terminate the Contract it the Contractor
tails to ( I ) deliver the supplies or perUmn the sow0es within the; time specified in the Contrac:t9
or arty extension, (:)) maintanra adequate laror.ress, thus, ctadangerinLw perf6rtttancc of the Contract.
(3) honor array tcrna of the Contract_ or (4) aalwic by any statutory. rc;_;ulattory, or licensing
rcquirenlent. twit 60A- I.006(3 ), I'lorida Administrative Code a. oycrlas file procedur'c and
httn:-i�a-vvw-mv1lor ida.cx:>rrtist c;orttr wts'ZS0000O, 1 /Crcneral",o?(K'oiul tions.hllxa
I 04 2 ()( 2
Gcllcral Conditions
I'aue 15 of 2()
COIISeelucraCes of dct< uh. I he (Amnactor shall continarc work on any work not terminated.
I�ACeplt lor dctataltS (11 suhConlraClors at anv tier. the (:.'ontractor shall not he liable (r,r ally Cxc.c:ss
Costs, II'tile failure: to pe:rlorrrl (Irc Contract arises froill events completely beyond the control, ,:anti
Mthoui the fault or llc,M.ligcncc. of the Contractor. If the tenure to perfor-raa is caused by the
default of a suhCr,ntralckw at ;:any tier. and if We cmisC of tlae cicfaaalt is Completely beyond I
comrol OF hoth the (Amn-actor and the subcontractor, and without Ilac fault or rleg~ligencC of
Cithcr, tilt: ('ontractor shall not hC liable li)r .anti' CXCCSS Costs lilt- failrtre, to p)erti)rm. unless the
scabcontractcd sCrviCcs or Supplies Wert: obtainable from other- sources ill sultiCiCnt tirrac for the
Contractor to nrcct, dK: reclrrRY delivery schedule. If:. alter termination. it is determined that Ilia
Contractor \ as not in (1c:laauil, or that the deiault was c.xcusahle, the rights and obligations of tic
parties shall he the same as it- the termination had been Wsucd Or the convenience of the
Department. IN rights and rernalics of the ( upaartnacnt in this clause are in atldhion to aarry
other- r-is MS :anti rCancdies provided by law or under tiac• C'oratract.
3.37 Fovee Maj um, NUt.ee of May, .and .No D tNn.a;;cw...lgr Delay: 'file Contractor shall not
be responsihlc, fin- delay remelting himn its fiailure to perfotnl it' neither the l ault arcs thc:
negligence of the (.bratr;ac;tr,r or its employces or agents, contributed to the delay and the; dcl;av is
(file directly to acts of (iod, wars, acts ofpubhc enemies, strikes, fires, floods, or other strut&
Car.ase wholly beyond the ('onlrachn"s control, or for any of the toreg;oing; that of cct
subcontrtactors or sup:)p)licrs if no nho-naate source ol'supply is avadahle to the (`ontractor. In casC.
of aanv ddnv the t"t,nuc;tor believes is exeusahic. the, Contractor Shall notify the. Customer ill
writ.ins: of the delay or potential delay and dcWhe the cause of the delay either ( i ) within tell
(10) days after tfae Cause that creates or will create; the delay first arose, if the Contractor could
rcasonaably Imcscc: that a delay could t)Ccua- as a result, or (2) if delay is not reasonably
lc)resccabic, within five (5) days after the date: the (oratr<actor first had reawon to belkwe that a
delay couki result. I IIE% 14)REGOiN(; SE M.A, ( ()NS"I'E'I,t.ITE 'Flit? CONTRA(:;'I'()R'S
SOIT RI+:ME1Dl' OR EXCUSE WITH RE` PEa;("F TO DET,,,kY. Providing notice in strict
accor(kmcc with dais paragraph is a condition precedent id, such remedy. No chiina tor- damages.
olhcr than liar an extensit)aa of tune, shall he asserted against the Customer or the Dep;:artanerrt.
File Contractor shall not he entitled te) ;an increase in the Contract price or payment of any kind
troral the. Customer or Dcpiartrrrcrll liar' direct, indirect, Consequential. iraapact or Other costs,
expenses or damages, including but not innilc:d to costs of acccleratit)ra or inefficiency. arising,
because of delay, disruption, intCricrerrCC, or hindrance, from Garry Caatse whatsoever. 11
performance is yr..aspendcd or clelaycd, in whole or ill part, (tile to any ()1 tyre Causes described in
this paragraph, aaRcr the causes have ceased to exist the. Contractor shall perforrat at no increased
Cost, unless the Depaarttaaent determines, in its sole discretion. that the dclaay will significantly
impair the value of m(, Contract to the `hair,' or to Customers, in which case the Department. may
( I ) accept allocated performance or deliveries from the ominnoor, provided that the C'ontraCtm.
gran(s prc:Ic mitiaal treatment to C'ustorners with ruspcet to productS sub,lectecl to alloCaation,
nand/or (2) purchase from other source; (wrtluma recourse to and by the Contractor for tire. related
C,)s(s and expenses) to replace all or part of the 1)rruluc:Is that are tide st,rhiect of the delay, which
ptarclaascs maav bU (ICductcd from the Conkad cluanfit.y, or (1) terminate the C' bract in "hide m
in paart-
3.38 Ectuitabic Adit0i'leut_ flat 0cpaartrnent rraay, ill its sole discretion, make an equitable
adjuStnaerlt in the: ('a,niract terms and/ow pridng if pricings a+r avadahilit_y of supply is aftcctcd by
extreme and unforesccn volatility in tine taaarketplace. that iti. by circumstances that S'atisty all the
ltallowira,_) critcrr a ( I ) the Matility is duc tt) causes «-holly hcyo.)rrd tine Contracow's control, (2)
the volatility afiects l.hc marketplace m, Industry- not just the particular Contract source 01
saapply. (3) We t f fM on pricing t)r a:avilahilly of sulldy is srahstantial, and (4) the vofatility so
aileds !Ile: Contractor fiaat e.ontirlucd performance ()I'the contract would result in a substantial
Il1tr7 %!r w�-v.rlavfloriciat.ca)nr st cc,ntraCtti'25f)OUOOiI!(icner<al"i,?C)C_'s�rtditiurr .htm IW412M2
C �c:neral C.'otaditions
We leiof20
3.3c)Scope Changes: The 17cp,artrtacrat may ttnil:tterally require, 1>y written order, cla<artw,es
alttrin<ry, addirt,'_', to. or deducting, hvm We (.:orttract specdAcat.ions, I,rovided that such changes are
wilhin tie.grind scope; of the ('orttract. The Department may snake an equitable adjustment ill
the Contract price, or delivery (late if the change affects the cost or time of per-forrnance. Such
equitable iiilptzstnzcnls require the wriltcn consent (if the {'contractor. witch .shall rant: be.
Lill re,.)sonahly withiaeld. It' a.nausua) quantity requirements arise- sloe Department m av sohmt
sc;p<t -atc. 1,icis to saatisfv them,
3.41) lie,*):1ewal: Subjcct to Chapter �87 of the Florida Statutes, afid "Pon mutual agreement. tit(,.
Department and the Contractor may r-crtew the Contract, in whole Of, in part. Any, renewal sla,all
he ill writing and signed by both partics.
3.41 Advertising: Vic (otttractor shall not publicly disseminate any inf'ormati(tn concerning the
Contract without i)rinr written approval front the Dcpartment, inCludirts , brat not limited tea
mentionin}t tile. C.'ontract in at press release of- other- promotional material. identifying, the
Department or the State as a rethrence, or odwrwasc linking the (Amtrractor's name and either a
description OF the Gontr.acl or the naraoc of the Stine, the Department. of- anv Customer in any
rn<aterial published, cithcr in print or electronically, to any entity that is not .a party to Untract.
Cxc(;pt potential or actual nulhoriied distributors. dealers, resc}lers. or service represent alive.
3.42 Assignment: The Contractor shall not sell. assi n or transt-er ally OF its r}I ht.s, duties or
obligations under the Contract, Or under- .any p')urchuse order issued I)ursuant to the C:'ontra:act,
Without the prior written consent ()i tlae I )epart.ritcrtt:. provided. tite Cont assigns to the State
any ,and all chims it itas wvith respect to tic ('outr-act under the antitrust I aws c)t tln' I lnitcd Mates
artd the. State. 'File I)cpartrrtent may ".assign lhc. Contract wilh prior written notice. to Contractor of
As intent to do so.
3.43 Dispute Reti Action: Arty dispute Concerning, pCrlirrrainfi ;c ofthe Contract Shall lie decided
l,v the (Vntract Spcc:tAN. who shall reduce the do 6sion to wvriting and serve as copy ors the
ontractor and, il` appropriate, the Customer. 'Ile decision of (._'onlract. Specialist shall he Cirtal
and conclusive unless Within ten (10) days fr un the (forte of receipt., the Contractor tiles with the
Department as petition li)r 'idministral,ive hcaaring. The t)Cpartra,crat's decision oil tile: ietition
shall he final, subjcCt tc) the Contractor's right to review pursuant to Chapter 120 ofthe I'loricla
Stalaates. Wiihonl, lintitiriy; the l'oreplinn the exclusive venue of any legal or equitable action
that arises ()ut ()f or relates to the Contract shall lie the a:a.pprophate stone court its I.son ("ocratty.
Florida, in any such ac;t.ion. Florida lawn shall apply, the Contractor waaives arty right to Jury Irild
that it ataaty have, aart(.t the prcvAling party shall he awvarded reasonable costs incurred, inc}uchrtr,
aattorraevti' i ;c:s and costs can appeal
3.44 Em.plpyee5, )I�cc►nfr:ac:tors, .t_tld Agents: All Contractor- employees, suI)contractors, or
.agents per Wiling 'IXOH: under- tine Contract shall be properly trained technicians who meet of,
C CC(ld ,any specified traiu}ns. quah%flions. Qon reclawo, Contractor shall furnish a copy of
technical certification of- Other pi-oof of qualitieaalion. All cmployccs, subcontractors, of, agents
Im—forniing work uruW the Contract must comply xw ith nil security and administrative
requirements of tltc Customer. The Stale nwy Conduct. and the Contractor shall cooperate in a
sccnrily background check or olliclwisc assess any employee.. subcontractor, or ar:enl Iurnishc(�
A the Uontraacton the SUN nmy refuse access to, or require rep},acentcaat ol', any personnel li)r
c;artse. irtclading, but not limited lo, technical or tratinira,, clualitiCations, quality of work., change
ill security state:;, OF nun -compliance with a C'ustorncr's tiecur-ity ()r' other requirerncrtts. Such.
latrr,:'iwwwww.rtavtlori(ia.cont%st contraety�tit1U(111031%(ic:neral"�,20('cartditiota5.hl.rt7
( iencral Conditions
Pawe 17 of 0
;.rpprov:ai shall not relieve tile. Contractor ()f ils obligation to perfor-in. all work in cornplumc;c with
thc:• ('onto rct. 'file State may reject and bar- fiom ally facility for causc t.nly of lire Contractor's
c.allploycc s, , nuhc ntractors, or agents.
3.45 Security and---C onMeMalrty: The Contractor shall comply hilly with ,all secr.arity
procedures, of the Statc and (Xistot)aer in pertiarmance of the Contract. The (.'c)ntractor shill not
divt,rl�,,c to third l)ar(ic;s lily confidential infornumon obttrined by the Contractor or ils tagcnts_.
distributoas. reseller-s, subcontractors, officers or errrployccs in the course ofper- orn)ing Contract
work, incltldln�_), but not. limited to, sccrrrity prc:)c cdures, business operations inforrraation, or
cOrrurrc.rciai proprietary information ill the posscssiorl of the State or CLlStonler. The ('Ontr,lctor
sh;.111 slot he required ((.) keel) confidential inlorrnati()n or material that is publicly avmhibic
through no hu,all of lhc; ('oratiact(>r, material that (he. Contractor dcvelopc(i independently Without
relying or) the State's or C`ustorrrcr's confidential ir)fc)rniatiorl, or an;alcrial that is otherwise
Obtainahlc under State: lao-v as a public rccord, TO insure confidentiality, late Colllrrctor shall take
tal)l)ropriatc steps as to its personnel, ,agcnts„ and stabs-orltractors. The warranties Of lllis
paragraph Shall Survive the C ontracl.
3.4b Indepeatcfe:.nt Collitracto r Status o Ct Oractor: Thc; Contract(r, lot clhcr with its agents.
distributors, rescllcrs, st,rbco ninictors, officers and cnrployecs, ~hall halve and always retain under
the. (_'ontraci tile• Icpd st.atras of :an independent conbacko and in no manner shall they be deemed
crnployces of tiro., Rate or ( 'order or deemed to be entitled to arly hcticfils associated with such
erTlployrnent. DUrin` the t.cr-nl of tlic (._onlr�lc,t, Contractor shall maintain al its sole c;xperrse thosc
I)erlefits to which its employees worald othcrvise he entitled to by law. including hcalth benefits,
and ,ill necessary insurance for its c;rllployces, ialcludin,r workers' corrapcnsation. disability, all(.]
r.ancmployment insurance. and provide; (...'ustomcrs Witt] certiticali(:arl Of such ins(uarrc:c a.rpon
rccluest. The Conlractor remains responsible for all applicable federal, statc, mid local taxes, and
all FICA contrihrrlions.
3.47 Insmance Requirements During the ('orrtract lone, Me. Contractor at its sole expense:
sh'.all provide conrrrlcrcml ialsu"Dwe of such a type and with much (orris in(.] Itnuts as may he
rcasonably associated will) the (..'ontract, which. as a nlinirraa_arll, shall k)c: cV(,rkcr-s' compensation
;.and employer`s liability insurance 1 er F106da statutory limits (currenlly S100,000 pear accident.
$ 1()C1,000 per per son, and SMON) policy aggregate) covering all carlployccs cng agcd in any
Contract work-, comnlcrciral gencr(al liability c(-)vemg,e on an occur-r-calce basis in the aaainin-turn
arn()(rra( ()f �500,000 (defense cost sllall he in excess of the I n)it of lia)ility), nulling the State "s
an .rdditiontd arasulvd, and ;:rr.rtornohile h tbilfly ia)suraracc Covering, all vel)icics, owned or
otlaer�viSC: used in the Contract work. with nlininwin c;ornbined hnlits of S5()0,( 00, inclradin�,
hired and n(?rr-owned liahility, arld S5JHN) inudical paytalent. Providing and lucrintaining
tacicquate insurtarlce coverage is a material oblrl>,�ltiorr Of the Contractor and is of the essence of
the C'oniract. Upon rccluest, the (. ontractor- shall provide cerlificate of insurance. The Contract
shall not hmit the lypcs of insurtarrcc ('ontractor- rncry desire t() ohlairo or be required to obtain by
law. I he lirraits (d covera).,�c under each policy Irlt.aintaincd by rite Contractor shall not he
interprctcd as hraaiting tine ('(.)rrtractor-'s liability ;Md obhg,tatic,ns under the Contract. All.
inS(ar'araee policies Shull be through insurers authorif,cd to write policies in Florida.
3A8 Serv,ice : I r it C'rastomer is unahle to Obtain ,c l_vicciwarrnnty within the tithe specified, or if'
dithcuhic s ,rrc cncotanlcrcd in oblairling, service From the (..,ontr:acto)r's designated scrvic e
location, the C usloincr shall notil'v lire individual designated on the Cortr.actor's orderint
instruction sheet. who shall then arrange and coordinate; ticrvice by all ,.alternate service dealer a.t
no additional cost to the Customer.
iota):'iwww.rllvfloricfa,c()rraist con(rafts'_ SOU W0 1 _ kne;ral"s,)ta("orrc Rkns.htna 1CO!-'N2
(icncral (°onditdOns
3.41) 1Narrant.yt Coll1ractor waarraarals that. all product fill-nished under tl,c C c)r)trac.t. shall l)c free;
()I,do:.fceti%C material and workmanship, and shall otherwise perform in accordance, with rucluirc�
per iol-11aaance criteria, for a period ot'nol less than one. ( I ) year from elate ol'ac:ccptancc,.
Wan'anty repaars Adl boy c;Oraaplutcd wilhin the; tine specified in aarav level regttircr))enls.
ff it. is likely that the tern: for repairs will exceed the sI)ccdOl time. the Contractor shall pro%icde.
equivalent loaner cquiprraent t)poa) re(lt.aest by the C.'t.Lstorr)er. 1,oarrc.r ega.aipralenl si)all bc• provided
, n() Cost, iLu dtudin;. slripnacnt to the C'usi.orncifs Moon and return of loaner equymuent to the
'3.50 wa_r_.ranty of Ant[a_ority: l .aacla person wigi)ing the Contracl warrants diall. he or she is dudv
at.Lthorized to do s() and to hind the respective party to tlae Cortlr;wl.
3.51 ) ar, ranla of Ability.to Perform: 'I-1Lc (_'ontracio)r shall provide the Dcpartnaer)l, no later
than the time 1hc; ("Oralmelor returns a signed copy of the. ('orrlracL with hrool ofa C'crtilicarlc• O
Status trom thc Scc - auy of `-;talc. Division of Col-poratiOns, dcrr)(nrstrating that the Contractor i�,
in good stamen(! and Icgally authori/,ccd to transact ba.asins in I loridaa. Failtrr'c; to suhtaait. this
documentation sharll be sr.rfficicnl ljounls tear withholding payment under the Contract and cause
for lermirratir)r)_ 'I he ('olitractor warrants that., ifs the• hest of its knowled�c, there is no p:)en(1rrr,,
()r ihL-catcraccd aacti(:)n, procceding, or inreslipat OIL or any other legal or financial condilron. that.
r.VOuld ill arav way prohibit, restrain, w— diminish the C'ontractor's ability to satisfy its (:'ontraact
ohligatioaas. The. Cbratracow w•aanants t:haat neither it nor any affiliate is c:urrerLtly on file cowoctcd
vendor At maintained purswarat to section 287-L'33 of the Florida Stat:utc:.y, or on ally sin)ilaar lisl.
maintakw d by any other state or the federal goverrrnacral. The Contractor Shall iraamc(lialcly
rrotaly oche• I)epartrn(�nt in writm,) id- its ability to I?crlc)rrr) ds c<)napr<)ta�itie(.1 irx any ttI'll r d it I
t.dac terra( of tlae (mitrarct.
_152 War 510 C. onrtplr_tance N!I-jrranty: All pro)cducts Ittra)ished under the Contract shall he
Year 2000 compliant. that is_ able 10 arc,(:uratc)dy process date data tforn.. into, and betwccn the
tw-enticth. and twenty first ccnl:ur'im incdulnt leap year caletalations. IZcsellers naaav provide as
"pass throta<�h waarrarnly"" from lire naant.aCauturer'sottware developer, 'v hich meets aril the waaLranty
rc(ltriremems specified by the Slate, ar)d which "'hall inch.acde all other warranties provicic(d by Ihc.
raaantatiactur-cr or software developer. 11weller shall he respoa)sible FOr \,varrartty assurance.
assista:al)c'e% c:nforc.cmcni and anv other actions or rcillc(liaation. rc:cludred to sa)lisfy warranty
333 Wan anily of TO l-iat.-cistoll/1'assive .License "�lo1iit:nrin 4: t !nicss rr ("ustoa))e.r ss
Spo-cilic-arlly and conpict)ously advised to the contrary it) writing at. the tirnc of order and bel'ore
prodtact acccptaalice, tl)e Contractor hereby wart arts and repr'cscrtts tdaat the pro dt.act and ttpgra-adcs
do not and will not contain ally comptLlcr' cool(:: thaat would (disable tl)e pro(inc::t or upgrades or
impair in ;:Loy way operation hatted or) the elapsing of lime, cxce"hi-i t a r) authorized naumber of
Copies., ,ldvaliccnlcnt to a particttlar date or' other IIUMCral- Or (Mlle- sdra)dlar sclf-cdestrt ct
nlecharlistras (snincliu)cs called "Mlle bonlbs_", "time locks. or. "cdrul, plead" devices) or thaal.
would pcnim the Cm -actor to access lho; produce to caarsc such disablcn)crrt Or iraapairtracrrl
(Sometimcs called as "trap do,()," devicey 11c (immactor agrees that upon an alleged breach of
this provision, the (:'tasl:orncL shall not leave <an al(:lcquatC remedy at Iaw, including Monetary
da)a)aaa Vs, a.tncd that the Ct.astomer shall be cntillcd 10 seek a Ic,nLpOI-i 'y' r'cstrainir)t order,
injtanchorr- Or other lorTrra (if equitable rehel'agahat the cOnknuan'c of such bread, Ill ad(ditior�
anv other reu)u(iics to which the (.'ustotr)cr shall be entildcd.
3.54 Notice_: All notices regr.rirccd antler the, ('(,L)h act shall he, delivered by c•ewhcd snail, rc:ttrr11
1,Il-, ,r„X1'Ill 1'11%7+llll-11i.'1 r•iIm,tir!'r1I111'NCIs%7ti000l)t)Jl�iit:raeL-<d.°�>�O(�(DnCllt[Otls,htall
(.aetleral Condtiww�
Page IQ of 20
receipt rcciaacsted, by reputable ,tir- courier service, on by personaaI delivcrv. Notices to the
Depatrtment shall he delivered to the Contract �Ipccialisl identified in the instructions to Bidders.
Notices to the C'ontraactc.rr shall he delivered to the person who signs the (_'ontract. L-'ither
cicsi.Tnrrtcd recipient: may nolily the ottrcr, in WHO if someone else is (Ic.signated to reecive
3.55 Leases arm Installnrcnf _I'urctraso le We Ural trc::riler's prior appr()val is re(Iuia-cd ft�r-
t ate a+a eatcies to erat(r into or l() extend any lease or inswlhilcrlt-purChAsc aprC:C;rrat:nt it) cxCess Of
the C'atcgory FWO <anaount Cstabiished by scCtiorl 287.()17 ofthc° I'lorida Statutes.
306 11-imm Rehabifl Hive industries and .Diver-sitied..... N,n_terprises, Inc, (PRIDE.): To tile:
extent that as product is certifle(I by or is avadabic from PRIDE. and has bccn approved in
aaccor(Iam:c with sc(;tion ()415I S(2) of the Florida Ptatutes, it is expressly understood anti agrewl
that. arty articles wvhicia are the stabject of, or required to carry out, the Contract shall be purchascd
Worn tile cm'p(�rarticna identified under- (Vapor 946 of the [Mori Staatutes (PRII)F,) in the sarraae
m,uancr and under the same; proc;edtar-cs set forth in scc,tion 9-10.51 5(2) and (4) of. the Flori(Ia
Stratutes; mid ior Imposes of the Contract the perscrta, firma, ctr other- business cntit.v carrying (nil.
Ow provisions ()f the C"ontract shall he deemed to be substituted fire the aagcllcy insol;.ar as
dcaahrrg'.s With such Corporation are concerned. This provision is required by section 940.5150)
of the I lorida 50,21aates; additional int6vinalion Soul PRIDE aml the products it offers is
a.availahle at
3.57 of Termn "Ile ( 1moucl contains all the terms and cmiditaons agreed upon
hw, the p arlics, which lcr7aas and ccrrrclohms shall gorerra all transactions by Customer Under the
Contract. The C'onlrml may only ire nuAtied or anncnded upon mutual written agreement of the
DC11,11-trnerrt and the Contractor. No oral agreements car rcprescntaaticrns shall he valid or hinding
upora the Department, a C.`ustor-ner', ()r tine ( (nilr:actor. I"or individual purchaser orders, however.
the (AmIractor may c>nbr the Customer nuwc advant,440 rus pricing Payment, or other terns and
conditions than thcase set torth &the Contracl. In such event. upora reCluest tlae ('(antr(rctor shall
liar-nish to the I)Cpar-ttnent a ccapy of the better offer. I he Department shall detetnainc- in its sole
discretion. "vhethcr the of-fer, on the whole, is in Iiact. rrrorc advantageous. :any offer that is not
More a(lvanta,wcocrs. cvcn it this dclermination is not made until slier acceptance. shall be
voidable bat the; ('ctsfonaer''s caption, in which case, tlae C'onlract leans and conditions shall goverra.
Otherr than) wvherc tc,;rrras are more advantageous for the ( `ustolner than those set forth in the
( Wwact. no alteration or modification of the (. ` mOvi t terms, includin,' suhstituticrrr (11' product,
shall he vaHd or bindho; a gahN the ( `uslonicr unless aulorizcd by the Depwilnolt cal specified
ill the notice of'award. The C.'oratrac:tor may not unilaleraally modify tiae leans ()f file Umitract by
,:af't`ixirrg additional terms to product upon delivery (e.g, attaaciment. or inclusion of standard
preprint.cd forms, product litera:tlau'c, "shrink Wrap— terrors accompanying o- affixed to a produCt.
\vhcthcr written or electronic) or by inpwpyinilog such terrain (:)nto tare (..'ontracto is order or -
fiscal. (orals or either documents Iorwarded by the (..'ontractor for payment_ A C'ustomer's
aCCeptaarcc: ot. prOduCt or processing.; of documentation on i arms furnishcd by tyre Contractor fist
al�prnvai or lvyratcrat shall rrc,f e;onstita.tt(: a:ac:ecptance of the propowd modification to terms and
3.58 NN.aiver-: 'Ile delay or failure by the De:parrtrncnt to exercise, or eulorcc any of its rights
under this Contract Shaul not constit.utc or be (icemcd as waiver- of, tlae Dc.partrraerat's right
tlaercarlie:t to er7firrcc those rights, notshaall bray siaa:,lc; (n partial exercise of ally snub right.
prcc;ludc, arati, c,Iher or further exercise thcrcofor the exercise ofany other right..
3.59 I;oeculi�,►�r in (mur t"Vaom The Contract my he exmited ill counterparts. each (d' Which
I1111) nrvllrn irla.('c,rari"st. Ccrratracts/>50(1OC)O� I/C_fcneral°'u?OC."rrnditi(.nas.kttrrt f t1 =1i200 2
(icticl-i:al Condit MIS
NP,c 20 ot'20
shall 17c ;ili ;and <111 of which sh 111 ccinstiltiw but one and the same: ilist rtriilcttt.
3.60 Severab lity: It' .1 ('01,111, (kerns any Provision of the Coratr;lc;t void or unenicil-cc;.ahlc;, that
plovl, iWll shl 111 he c'rl{i 1-ced only to the c.Xtctat th,lt it is not in violation til' law i1i is not ot.her"lisc
tlla(:,I11,0rcc: 11)1c_ alld all culler I nr isicins simII rciilain in fuII korcc arid cI I(.Ct.
tT Hardware Home
11111-; ,, r.vtiv nivll�irrll;i.ccini!"st. contracla,:?7(?(IOl1!);1%(�encr;al"4,?!1('ciiiciiticins.11tili
10 li2f)02.