HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution (325)Temporary Resolution #9965 November 13, 2002 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2002- 3 �),.,5_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO SEEK UP TO $1,000,000 IN GRANT FUNDING FROM THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FOR REPLACEMENT OF THREE STORMWATER PUMPS PROVIDING FOR A $3,511,000 MATCH FROM THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection provides funding appropriated by the Florida Legislature to local governments for water projects which protect public health and the environment; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of Tamarac desires to replace three stormwater pump stations to provide flood control, protect the public health and safety, and protect the environment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida desires to apply for grant funding up to $1,000,000 with a City match of $3,511,000 from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection to replace three stormwater pump stations;; and WHEREAS, the City Commission is willing to match the grant request of $1,000,000 with City funds in the amount $3,511,000 for a total project cost of $4,511,000; and and Temporary Resolution #9965 November 13, 2002 Page 2 WHEREAS, the City Manager and Director of Public Works recommend approval; WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to submit the application (hereto attached as Exhibit A) seeking funding from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection for up to $1,000,000 providing for a City match of $3,511,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. SECTION 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to submit the application (hereto attached as Exhibit A) seeking funding from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection of up to $1,000,000 providing for a City match of $3,511,000. SECTION 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 4: If any clause, section, other part or, application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. Temporary Resolution #9965 November 13, 2002 Page 3 SECTION 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED thisl3th ay of November, 2002. ATTEST: Marion Swensbn, CMC City Clerk I HEREBY CERTIFY that I hav aoro4 this E LUTI to i !q MIT LL S. KRA T City Attorney C JOE SCHREIBER Mayor RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER: DIST 1: V/M. PORTNER: 4 DIST 2: COMM. MISHKIN- DIST 3. COMM. SULTANOF:f DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS., ID# (to be assigned by DEP) Application for Water Project Funding under House Bill 851 The following information is required for all water projects (wastewater, stormwater, surface water restoration, and other water management projects), You must complete all fields or your application will be deemed incomplete. 1, Applicant (entity) name: City of Tamarac Name of local official authorizing application: Jeffrey L. Miller, City Manager Street: 7525 NW 88"' Avenue City: Tamarac Zip Code: 33321 County: Broward 2. Project Title: Stormwater Pump Station Replacements 3. Contact Person Name: Diane Phillips or Kimberly Perron Phone Number: 9547241230 E-mail: DianeP@tamarac.org or KImP@tamarac.org 4. Applicant type (select one): • County ❑ • Municipality (city, town, village) • Water management districts ❑ • Special district that has legal responsibilities for water quality improvement, water management, storm water management, sewer system operations, and lake and river restoration projects 4a if applicant is a county, is it designated as a Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern under, s. 288.0656, Florida Statutes'? Yes ❑ No ❑ 5. Project Type: Wastewater ❑ Stormwater ❑ Surface Water Restoration ❑ Flood Control Other ❑ 5a. Project Description (identify location and specific facilities to be provided): * The City will replace three 30-year old stormwater pump stations that transfer water, from the City's closed canal system to the SFWMD"s C-14 Canal. These pumps provide flood control to 35,000 residents and thousands of businesses located in the 7 square mile basin area, as well as several neighboring communities and University Drive (State Road 817), which is a major North -South thoroughfare in western Broward County. The basin is bounded on the west by the Everglades Conservation Area 2a. The C-14 Canal discharges into the Atlantic Ocean during normal operations, but can backflow into the Everglades Conservation Area during drought periods such as those experienced in the last two years. The basin is in a 100-year flood plain, AH zone, per the Federal Emergency Management Agency's most recent .surveys', The existing pumps are performing well below capacity, are obsolete, and fail trequent.ly The degraded pump capacity has resulted in minor to severe roadway flooding and has threatened private residences and businesses throughout the basin. The flooding causes pollutants and solids to wash into the canal system and also increases the possibility of exfiltration and infiltration in the wastewater systern. The replacement pump stations will incorporate new design features to alleviate flooding and he!p prevent pollutants trom entering the C-14 canal. This project is part of an ongoing City plan to alleviate flooding and address environmental issues associated with stormwater, In 1998 the City commenced a road reconstruction project throughout the City to improve SV:)a rn drainage and add swale areas along roadways. "The swales provide a retention area to allow pollutants and solids to settle out instead of flowing directly into the City"s canals. The road reconstruction projects will be complete by the end of 2003. Along with the stormwater pump station replacements, the City also has $6,410,000 in canal dredging, bridge improvements, and other drainage improvements planned over the next five years. These projects will provide further enhancement to the public health and environmental benefits that are desribed in more detail in 16a and 16d. 'Form field will expand. 6 Applicant population, if Municipality (city, town, village) or County (must be from Census 2000)*: Population = 55,588 *Census 2000 population data for Florida cities and counties may be obtained at http://censtats.census.gov/pub/Profiles.shtmI. Select Florida from the drop -down box and enter the specific location in which you are interested. 7. Applicant per capita income, if Municipality (city, town, village) or County (must be from Census 2000)*: Per capita income = $22,243 *Census 2000 per capita income data for Florida cities and counties may be obtained at http://censtats.census,gov/pub/Profiles.shtm1. Select Florida from the drop -down box and enter the specific location in which you are interested. 8. Total estimated cost of project (round to nearest $1,000): $4,511,000 9. Amount requested in this application (round to nearest $1,000): $1,000,000 10. Is this request being made to fund (check applicable): Operations? ❑ Construction? 11. What type of match exists for this request (check applicable)? Loral ❑ Private ❑ Federal ❑ None ❑ 11 a. Enter amounts that apply: Total cash amount: $3,511,000 Total in -kind amount: $ 12.. Was this project previously funded by the state? 12a. If yes, most recent Fiscal Year: Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown Amount (round to nearest $1,000): $ 12b. Has the project been funded —or is it on a list for funding consideration —by any Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Community Affairs, or federal funding program (State Revolving Fund, Small Community Wastewater Grant, Florida Forever, Community Development Block Grant, Rural Development Corporation, Economic Development Administration, etc.)? Yes ❑ No ® Unknown ❑ '12c if yes, provide: Name of the funding program. Type, of funding (ioan, grant, combination„ etc.). $tatKas or likelihood of funding (awarded, pending, under consideration, etc): Amount awarded, pending, or under consideration: $ 13, Is future funding likely to be requested? Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown 2 13a. If yes, how much: $ 13b. Purpose for future year funding: Recurring operations ❑ Non -recurring operations Other 1-1 14. Will this be an annual request? Yes ❑i No ❑ Unknown ❑ 15. Is the project included in a (check applicable): • Surface Water Improvement and Management Plan under chapter 373, part IV? ❑ • Other water restoration plan required by law? ❑ • Watershed restoration management plan prepared pursuant to s. 403.067, F.S.? ❑ • Wastewater Facility Plan? • Locally adopted wastewater, stormwater, or other water quality improvement or restoration plan? M • Other 15a. Provide the name and date of the plan, the date of its adoption or approval, and cite the page(s) where the project is identified and described. *The City of Tamarac Comprehensive Plan drafted in 1997, adopted in 1998 and updated annually since that time, pages 50-52, 62-65, and 73, submitted to DEP 12/28/99. The City of Tamarac Stormwater Master Plan, drafted in June 1999, Map and Project Reference 7, submitted to DEP 12/28199. The City of Tamarac 2003 Budget and Five Year Capital Improvement Program, drafted in June 2002 and adopted in September 2002, page 14-10, to be submitted with this application. The City of Tamarac 2003 Strategic Plan, drafted in May 2002, and adopted in September 2002, page 20, to be submitted with this application. The Broward County Local Mitigation Strategy, adopted by the City of Tamarac in September 2000, Chapter 5, 3rd page, paragraph entitled "Flood Mitigation Initiatives° as well as inclusion of the project in the County's prioritized list of Proposed Mitigation Projects. 'Form field will expand. If this plan has not previously been submitted to DEP, you must submit it (or a copy of the cover page, dated page, and the pages where your project is identified) to the following address: Florida Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Resource Management 2600 Blair Stone Road, Mail Station 3500 Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 ATTN: WATER PROJECT APPLICATIONS 16. Will this project protect the environment? Yes MI No F, 16a.Describe, specifically, how it will protect the environment: *During even moderate rainstorms, many areas of the City have 12" to 18" of standing water in the roadways. As cars and trucks pass through the flooded areas, heavy metals, petroleum products, and other pollutants are washed from the automobile's undercarriage. These pollutants end up in the closed canal system, are pumped into the C-14 Canal, and eventually find their way to the Atlantic Ocean or, during drought events, back to the Everglades. The large amount of standing water also significantly increases the likelihood of exfiltration and infiltration into the sewer system. The sewage contaminated water would also enter the canal drainage system and could impact the neighboring ecosystems. `Form field will expand 16b. Will this project reduce pollutant loadings to a surface water body? Yes ® No El 16c. If yes, name the water body: C-14 Canal, Intercoastal Waterway, Atlantic Ocean, the Everglades 160, if yes; describe, specifically„ how it will reduce loadings, identify anticipated load reductions for total suspended solids, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and other contaminants, and specify the practices that will be used to reduce loadings: *The new pumps will be equipped with automated and remote response to allow City staff to start pumping prior to a forecasted storm in order to create reserve capacity within the City's canal system. For most storms of average magnitude, this advance preparation will allow a temporary pump shutdown 4 during the "first flush" of stormwater that contains most of the pollutants entering the system. Pumping would resume once the pollutants in the "first flush" have settled to the bottom. Also, the new pump station design includes reshaping of canal sections and optimized pipe sizes. The larger pipes will decrease the velocity of the water flowing through the City's canal system by 20%, thereby allowing more time for pollutants and particles to settle to the bottom instead of being pumped into the C-14 canal. This will reduce the environmental threat to the Atlantic Ocean and the Everglades caused by the pollutants in the stormwater. ,although current data on specific pollutants has not been collected, combining the first flush settling techniques with the reduced flow velocity is expected to decrease multiple pollutants including petroleum products and heavy metals trom automobile undercarriages, nitrogen and phosphorus containing fertilizers from lawns and gardens adjacent to the canals, and silt and other sediments from the canal embankments. `Farm field will expand. 16e. Will this project reduce pollutant loadings to ground water? Yes U No 16f. If yes, describe, specifically, how it will reduce loadings, identify anticipated load reductions for total suspended solids, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and other contaminants, and specify the practices that will be used to reduce loadings: 'Form field will expand. 17. Will this project protect public health? Yes ® No [1 17a. If yes, describe, specifically, how it will protect public health: [Field needs to hold 500 words) *Because of the inadequate capacity and unreliable operation of the stormwater pumps, large amounts of standing water are created throughout the basin. This standing water significantly increases the likelihood of infiltration and exfiltration into the sewer system. These conditions would cause the wastewater system to backup and mingle with storm waters creating a biohazard during and after the event. The contaminated water would also enter the canal drainage system and could impact the neighboring ecosystems as described previously. 'Form field will expand 18. Was this project request heard before a publicly -noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)' Yes N No ❑ Unknown ❑ 18b. Meeting date: 5/21/2002 City Commission Strategic Planning Meeting, May 21, 2002 City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting, July 10, 2002 City Commission Workshop Meeting, August 26, 2002 City Commission Workshop Meeting, September 9, 2002 City Commission Meeting, November 13, 2002