HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution (335)hemp. Reso. # 9978 rage 1 November 4, 2002 November 19, 2002 - revision 1 November 20, 2002 — revision 2 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2002. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. R-2002- 218; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH BROWARD COUNTY ASSIGNING MAINTENANCE OF ELEVEN (11) STREET LIGHTS ALONG PINE ISLAND ROAD TO THE CITY OF TAMARAC; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE A REVISED AGREEMENT BETWEEN BROWARD COUNTY AND CITY OF TAMARAC FOR TRAFFICWAY ILLUMINATION FOR PINE ISLAND ROAD FROM COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD TO APPROXIMATELY 1600 FEET NORTH; AUTHORIZING THE REMOVAL OF SIX (6) EXISTING STREET LIGHTS WITHIN THE PROJECT BOUNDARY; AUTHORIZING THE INSTALLATION OF ELEVEN (11) STREET LIGHTS IN THE SAME LOCATION BY BROWARD COUNTY; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABiLITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac authorized the execution of an "Agreement Between Broward County and City of Tamarac for Trafficway Illumination for Pine Island Road From Commercial Boulevard to Approximately 1600 Feet North" through Resolution R-2002-218 on August 28, 2002, hereto attached as Exhibit "I"; and WHEREAS, it was determined that the aforesaid agreement provided by Broward County contained an error which prohibited execution by the same; and WHEREAS, Broward County requested that we execute a revised agreement to correct this error through correspondence hereto attached as Exhibit "2"; and WHEREAS, the execution of a revised agreement requires the rescinding of Resolution R-2002-218; and WHEREAS, Resolution R-2002-218 also authorized the removal of six (6) existing street lights and the installation of eleven (11) new street lights within the project boundary which remains approved; and Temp. Reso. # 9978 Page 2 November 4, 2002 November 19, 2002 — revision 1 November 20, 2002 — revision 2 WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works recommends that Resolution No. R-2002-218 be rescinded, that the City execute the revised "Agreement Between Broward County and City of Tamarac for Trafficway Illumination for Pine Island Road From Commercial Boulevard to Approximately 1600 Feet North ° hereto attached as Exhibit "3", and that the removal of six (6) existing street lights and the installation of eleven (11) new street lights within the project boundary be authorized; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to authorize the rescinding of Resolution R-2002-218, the execution of the revised "Agreement Between Broward County and City of Tamarac for Trafficway Illumination for Pine Island Road From Commercial Boulevard to Approximately 1600 Feet North", and the removal of six (6) existing street lights followed by the installation of eleven (11) new street lights within the project boundary.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption hereof. SECTION 2: Resolution No. R2002-218, hereto attached as Exhibit 1", authorizing the appropriate City Officials to enter into an agreement for the maintenance of eleven (11) streetlights along Pine Island Road from Commercial Boulevard north approximately sixteen hundred (1600) feet is HEREBY rescinded. SECTION 3: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute a revised "Agreement Between Broward County and City of Tamarac for Trafficway Illumination for Pine Island Road From Commercial Boulevard to Approximately 1600 Feet North", attached hereto as Exhibit "3" L.� 1 Temp. Reso. # 9978 Page 3 November 4, 2002 November 19, 2002 — revision 1 November 20, 2002 — revision 2 SECTION 4: The removal by Florida Power and Light of six (6) existing street lights along Pine Island Road from Commercial Boulevard north approximately one thousand six hundred (1,600) feet is hereby approved. SECTION 5: The installation of eleven (11) street lights in the same location by Broward County is hereby approved. SECTION 6: All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 7: If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. SECTION 8: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 27r'` day of November, 2002. ATTEST: ARION S ENSON, CMG CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. ITCHELL S. KRA CITY ATTORNE1 ,y..<r..'..�' JOE SCHREIBER ,.MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: V/M. PORTNER DIST 2: COMM. MISHKIN DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOF 77T— DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS . ' N� :: EXHIBIT 1 RESOt_ernp Neso. It �)('I:3C? August 7, 7002 p agc 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FI._(.)RIDA RESOLUTION NO. fR-2002. 21 ft A 1','ES OLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE. CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING I'HE REMOVAI., OF SIX (6) I XISTIN(. `. I'REE i" LIGHT'S At. -ONCE PINES I,,;[ AND ROAD FROM COMMFPCIAt_ ROUt._EVARU NORTH APPROXIMATELY ONI.: THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED (1,600) FEE-1- AUTHORIZING TI{lw, INSTAI I /\ 1 1ON 0I- ELEVEN (11) STREE-T- I IGHTS IN 'THE SAME E_OCAI-ION BY BROWAIRD COUNTY- AUTHORIZING .i.HE= Al.- PROPRIA117 CIl Y 01, FICIALS TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMEN I WI-T I I BROWARD COUNTY ASSIGNING MAIN I_FNANCE::: (:)F SAID STRFE~T LIC31-H-S TO '1 E-E1 CITY OF TAMARAC-, PROVIDING FOR CONE I ICTS; PROVIDING 1-=0EZ SEVF:RABILITY; AND PROVII.ANG FO AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WI iL"P A S, the ,: f='uhlic Works; Departrnctit currently m,:airatains approximately one hundred and thirty (1:30) str(`rJ lights, within the City of Tamarac; �anrf WHEREAS, Brow<ard Comity has I)rralaosed the up(_{r�ic:te of'troc;t light, Ic7c::atet1 on i'im:! island i�();;acf from Commercial f3milevard nc;artfr approximately one f mus and s;ix hundred (1 ,(3()01 feat <:ar_; part of their Pine Isi;-arid Improvemorai Project ;-.it no expe"',,;a to ffae City; ;arid WHIT. ESE=:AS, Broward (:county proposed that the City of Tam<areac; assume m ainten<anc; re;r'ponsibilitie:.; of tlic <a(carc race ntioracac.i .treet light : and `vVI iEIRE.A S, the City of Tamarac hasrc,acrtesic:iy Qarr,.e:i>tr ri m ainteminc e of street lights m c:oryinc tion with 13rnward Cor_anty or Florida E)c::,I.aartnac:mt of Trarl's urtation improverrae:r�t proiect;'> m1hin the, City limits; and WI il-RI-AS, the City of T r nVir;ac: currently rn<airrt;:ainS six (6) street lfght.y in this s,arne location and the acceptance of this; ;agreement would csllow tear the repl;_acernent of the S(,1 c xi:Jinci street li hat_; ;asp well as thc� nddition of five: (5) mcarc for <a tonal of eleven (11)-, and I (>mp Reno. # 9830 August (, 2002 Page 2 WHEREAS, energy required to c)f?C.r :.ite these c.devera (11) skeet fights w47r. d result it-) pan ;acldition;:al antis al expense in the amount of approxirn;-ately $200; and Wf-tIAREAS, arama<al funding in the amount of $200 exvAs m the general fund account entitl NJ "i=:lc.7c,tricity-Strec;tV for said purpose; aml WHEREA.:'>, funds exist in the:, Puhlie: Works lmdget fcar the maintenance of these street Ights which will ka(:; perlormed can an as needed bast; and WHEREN-,�, i hrc-, Director of 1 tiblic Works recononends executing the agreement. with Broward Ccaiinly to maintain the proposed c;lc_,ven (1 1) :-stie et lights; and WHFREAS, the, (...ity Commission of the City of -1 am amc:, l=lorida deers:; it to be in the best interE"_;t of the CKizens and rc.midents of the) (34y of Tc:3m aia(; to have the aforemcmilioned sheet In fo s transferred from Broward County t() t to City of Tarnar;.w NC)W I.I..IEREFORi 131:; i-I.. RESOLVED BY THE CITY CC..)MMIt>::>l()N OF OF TAMARAC. FLC) RIDA THAT: The fear(-,goma j "WHEREAS- c;lrauses are hereby ratified ;and confirrrac:d as being true Q,-md correct and are hereby made a speciN pail of this Re.sofcation. S C.; MN 2.. The rE,>rauw al by -Florida Pnvv ;r and i ight of six (6) exi:;fing skeet lights along Pine Island I'Ar d from Curnmerd al Boulevarci nnrth ;.ipproxirrititely on(.,' thousand six hundred (1,600) fc. et is HEREBY approved. SFC.;T ON 3_ The N st;all;ation of c:le)vvi (11) : f-e t lights in the, raraac, location by Browcard C (.mraty is HEREBY approved. i S C,TION 4: The, City officials rare HEREBY MtavSA to execute the cjreement hcfwc,en 6roward Clcaunty and City Of I KI[Tl 3rnc:. for I rrafficwav Illumination for We Wand Road frorn Commercial Boulc,vard to Appinmiinately 1600 livot North" with Br(:aw<ard County, h(.m.,to attached ;;a :; Exhibit "1" I orrtp Resu 1t 0830 At.sctusi 7, 2002 Page 3 SECT ION `.-: All Resolutionf,,; or p irt�; of resolutions in wriflict herewith are hE )y rr pc_arrl :ct to the extent of such c:c�nflirt. SEC; 6 ION C It any prc:.,vi siot_i of this I:.e�>c�lrrtion or tlrc; application thoreof to any parson or circ:t,grTrs tatice is held invalid, such invalidity not effect rather provisions or' zlaplir_.� tion, and to this c_>rrd tfic: provisions of tht s resolution are (4-�(J. red to be Severable. SEC;3 iC:)N I: This Resc�6c�fic�n yi�r�I{ bet:or,�e effective imniedis:fledy upon its passage ami <rc1c. ption. PA:>::',I_D, ADOPTE-.D AND APPROVED I HIS 28t" day of AucgUst, 2002- A FTEST: t MARION SVVEN`;0N, CCMC CITY CLLRIC i HEREBY CF7RTIFY that I have appi ovc,(:t this Ri-_SOLUTION as to form 17CHE-I I.'), KR CITY AT (...WN1 JC:3`i:PH SCHREIBI I MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER AYE DIST'1, VIM PORTNER_ _ AYE DIST 2 COMM_ MISHKIN AYE DIST 3: COMM. SUL.TANOF AYE DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS __ABSENT AGRE-l-.MF.INT F3c�tween RF0WAkD COUNTY and CI I Y (-)I- TAMARAC fc�r TRAFFICWAY ILI,UMINAi-ION FOR PINl_ ISLAND ROAD FROM COMMERCIAL BOUT-EVARD TO APPROXIMA I I i Y 1600 FEET I_ NOI"Ti l i Project No. 5121 AGREF:_Mi=N i etwecrt BRCWVARD f CO JN_1 Y arld LIMY C)I 1 AMARAC for i wv FICVVAY It I IJMINAFION FOR FIINE !.:>I__AND ROAD FROM (,(')MMF_RCIAL BOUI I,:.VARD "TO APPROXIMA-1-FLY 1600 1=1=_1: 1 NORTH 1'rc:.Jjc:ct No, 5121 Tlrir; is zan AcJrc omen# mtaric? anti c riterc d irrtc> E:�y <:ar�cJ tac�twF�er� E3RUVtirAM) C OUNIY, a politic.-ai :>aakxiivlslon of the r;t.jte of IW lorida, its °. rlc;cessors and assigns, hereinaftc:�r referrc�ci to .aY" s "(C()L.JN_ ," thr()rrcJli its Board of Coalrrty Corrarraissican0rs, AW CI I Y OF-LAMARAC, ,� munic:ip}11 corpcarr3tlon Io(:: atc ci in Browarci CCounty, Flc)rsc a, and organ/(.,d s nd existing under the laws of the state of I=lorida, its sa,ac;cessors sand assigns, lit rr:in altt:;r referred tc) as "Ml_.JNICIPALI 1-Y " WITNL (3SI_-111: WM ff-REAS, I'Ira I, P<:aracf 1Zoad from Commercial Boulevard north, approximately I E ()() 4E c.t, is a public, tr< fficwc y (h�erPinafte r rc ic:rred to as the, "Trafficw<:ay') looted within the rr Unicipal boundaric c.>f MUNICIPAI I 1 Y card classified al.; a c:Uuraty road; and t/1H _REAS. It i:; of mutual benefit to tlac� residents of C()t 1N lY and MUNICIPALITY to try-3ff1c;w�y by installation and rr7aintenanc;e of lighting systems; and WHEREAS, MUNICIPAL ITYhas exprt=`;see it-, dr-.sire to as idort ake the mainten;,mce of the illurnination of ttac: Trafficway, .:and HDI F�AS, (Vii._JNI( IPAI..ITY, l:ay 6c; ;oiration of its governing body adopted on the . 'Jay of ' , ZO (� ' , h,-.i,, <,ipproved this IIlmuln,ation of tlac trsaffi(May .1 with ( )UNTY pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and has rat.ithorized the <:apptoprf ate offic:er�, of MIJNIC;IF'Al_I lY to execarte this Agreement-, ;and WI 1I:: A Ata, COUN f Y, by -ac:tion of its Board Of COLInty (.;commissioners on the �.. day of _ t- 4: _ _ 29j2c2. ,leas likewise approved the this liltarn)nation of the traff)c.wray th MUNK,II'AL I'T.Y and has authorized the appropr late COUN'l Y officers to execute this Agreement- NOW, THERE.F--ORF.-E, IN CONCIDLRATION of the mutual terms, conditions, promises, covenants, and r.myment hereinafter set forth, COUNTY and MUNICIPALI-iY agree as follows: AF Tlc:;t-[ 1 - DEF=INITION,S AND IDENTItFICA i IONS 1.1 Agreement' "Agrc,(_ rnc,rat" shall mean thi > cioc;tM'aent, Articles 1 through 9, inclt.tsW(.; Other term,_; and conditiows are included in thk.' cxhibit 7 and dOCUrrients that are expressly incc f porrat(,ci by reference, 1.2 board: "R o,trd" shall mean the Brovd.ard County Board of County Cc)l�trarir;>ione rs. 1.3 (.'ontrract Adminr.;trrator: "Contract A(Iministrator" shall nu an the Browrar(_i G ounty Administrator, tho Director of Public Works, or the: designee of such County Administrator or Director 'the primary responsibilities of the Contract Administrator are to coordiriate� 'Md c nrnrnunictiate( with MUNICIPALITY and to manage and supervise exert_rtion k:arad compl( tjon of the `7cop(, caf :7( rvic:os and the tc,tnar> and conditions of this Agreement,'is, sc:t torth herein. In thc� ndrninistration of thi,; Agreement, as contrasted with matters of policy, :.tll parties may rely on the instructions or determinations made by the Contract. Administrator; provided, however, that such instructions and determinations do not chtallge the ti';cope of Serv)Cc' 1 4 !;C)i.,iNTY: "COUNTY" shall mean Broward C;ot.rnty, throt)gh the:: Board, a political strlodivision of thc: -d ate of Florida. 1-5 (;omity Attorney: "County Attorney„ shall rneran liar: chief legal c:ourlsc�l for COUNTY who clirec;t:, and supervises the Office of tkac� C:;ot.rnty Attorney i:ot)r:,,trrant to Section 4.03 of I: ttte::, luward County Charter. 1.0 Mt.JNICIPAt 1-6 Y: "MUNICIPAI..I"1Y" shall mein the City of iAMARAC. AR T ICt__f= 2 . SCOPE OF SERVIGES 2.1 COUNTY >frral! pic.pare, or caur;c' tro he prepared, sodium vapor design plat -is and specifications for the illumination of the I r�:afficway. Such plans and specifications sFa�all lae reviewed and <ipprc,oved by the C,ontr,ac;t Administrator and a representative of I MUNIGIF'/AI, I tY and shraII substantially confarrra to the Stand and 5peciiIcatio[Is for Highway I_ic;kiting est al.ali yhc_.d by the Florida t)(,partr)�ent of I r<ansportation. 2.2 In accorci,ar�c;e with the, `approved de.:sic;n plants and specifications, (,0UNTY shall install, or c:rm se to be installed, ra lighting sy-stf,nn alone the -I rafficway. hollowing wt;allation, COUNTY ,.0) all provide to MUNICiPALITY the do:: ign plans, spncif c ations and warranties, it An 2.:3 MUNICIPAL. l I Y shall immediately take all necessary steps to properly establish an clectdcal energy account with thc. MUNICIPALITY's crlootrical energy supplier for the lighting system and shall agree: to pay all electrical energy c;h,arges prior to and after the initial enerc;i/ing of the lighting system. 2A MUNKAPPUJFY shall nlaintah the lightiryl system along the Trr:afficway in accordance with t.11(' jpproved desln p Fans and `;pecificiatlons and in substantial conformance with the Strandard Specifications tear Highway Lightint) adopted by the Florida 10partraaentof Transp(gl;ation. As part of such maintenance responsibility, MUNICIPALITY ,shall keep in good leprak, and replace. detective or worn neat lighting system parts and cc;riipment wh0hl system parts and equipment shall include, but not be limited to, Doles, I>rgmina6es, acid c,irc:raitry. MUNICIPALI I Y'S respow-ohility to keep the systc!na, in good repair shall incla.d(,- call necessmy maintenance, rcp air and replacement of any type or nature, including, h'It riot limded to, maintenance, rc p° .air and replacement dries to normal wear and tear, ads of CAW, vandalism and accidents. b t;()UN 1-Y and NAUNKIPALITY agi(n.:: and understand that th-ro lighting systc:7m, so irtsk aRle shall rerri,-i ra she property of COUNTY rafter installation ,arid shall not he moved or relocated with)out the. express written consent ofthe Writrrad AdmHlist rator, aria that this Agreement 6211 not affect COON I Y':s responsibility for in,:;trallation and mointenance of traffic control signals and devices along the i r,atticcway. 2,6 Thcrea currently exists lightinc; along a portion of the Trafficway. MUNiCIPALITY shall be responsibko for gaining the approval of Florida Power and Light for the removal of dais hghdgj, There atten', COUNTY will coordinate the rorm,wal of that lighting system with I=lorida Flowor and i._iufit. ARTIC;L.F 3 COSTS ;; I (;(DUSITY stall be respow;ible for all co:;I;; ;a!: >ocitated with Sf:'ctions 2.1 _rand 2.2, during the teal, ()I this Agrc5enicnt except as otherwise :s{?c,cificaily set tc.arth herein. 2 MUNICIPA[_11-Y shall be responsrhi, for rail costs with Section 1.3 and :14, dcanng the terra of this Agreement. I AR KLE 4 F RM ANt)--I-rRMiNATION 1 The tc�rrn of this shall begin on the date it IS fully exec;tited by both parties and shall terminate as provided for tay Sections A°t.2 tk�rot_tgh 4.6 herein below. 4,2 This Agic ement may b(,, terminated for cause by (:.:C)tJNTY, through Faction of the Board. car t)y MUNICIPAI ITY, upon a thirty (:30) day written notice givc,n by the terminating I Y MUN1CIPAI..IiY, car COUNTY, corrects thetbrelatc�h within lthty`(3 0') days rafter wrrittc n nlotice of same, to thc: satisfaction of the termini atinq party, the Attre,ement shall remrain in full force and effect. if -stac h breach is riot, corrected and irraf>roved within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice of breach, the terminating party may ternairac:ate the Agreement. Specifically in the ease of MUNICIPAL-1-1 Y'�; requireraraent. between Northwc,�st 20`r' Street and Oakland Park Boulevard to maintain the illuminated rrafficway sand/or to maintain the, beautified Tr<tfficway COUNTY, gat the option of the, Contract Administrator, may cause, such broach to he corrected Barad imprioved and bill MUNICIPAi I fY for the costs of such correction and improvemc-ant or terminate this Agret,nac,rat if COUNTY opts to correct and improve the breach and bill MUNICIPALITY for same, MUNICIPALITY a;hall then remit to C,(A)NTY the: aricurtt so billed within thirty (:30) days of MUNICIPALFY'!:, receipt thereof. 4 :3 -i c,rminratiorr of this Agreement for cair_ase shall inclrjdo% but not be lirnitc d to, failure. 1 su ably perform the sc roico^:a requiredttiy fthti: terms �� min, sand frailure of thc: of thc. , antics to t" I,<arlic.,i, o c.ontinuousl aerform the suy rvices require y ci c,oraditions of this; Agreement in ca rnl-innei calculated to rraeet car accomplish the objective: °sc t forth herein, Yf notwithstanding whether any such tarn-,,occh was previor.t:>ly waived or cured. 4A This Agreement may be ierminated for convc,nience Iay eithc?r party tipon a thirty (30) day written notic(.� given by the terrninrating party to the other party. This Agreement may aiso be tr,rrnira.ated by COUN tY's Contract Administrator upon suc;lr notice as Contraact Adn'ainistr<atc?r deems appropriratc in the event that the Contract Administrator detorrnines that tcrrriination is ne:ce:ssrary to protect thc, public: heaitl-t, safety, c--ar welfare. 4.5 In the event this Aclrc;c merit is tc_.rminoh'd for convenience, capon being notifled of election to ter-rilinrate, the parties shall refrain frc>raa {;E:?rforrlainct furihc;r sr,rlricca ; or irac',urrinct additional expenses under the terms of this Agreenict-It. MUN1 IFIAI ITYacknowledges, and that Ten Dollars ($10.00), the ;idequacy of which is hereby acknowledged try MUNICiPAL1�l Y, is given a s specific ,onsideration to MUNiC:IPALIIY for C.�C�UN T Y's right to terminate tlai Agreement for convenience,. 4.0 Notice, of terrnin<ation be provided in accordance,--,, 4^ditty Article 6, herein except that notico of termination i)y Contract Adratinistf ator which Coratrracet Administrator deems rac_:c f.� ssr:ary to protect the public health, °:;safety, or welfare, may be ✓F�rlaral ncstice which ;:;4a,:i11 k7eT Promptly c;caratirraac c, in writinct ira �acc;c�rclranc;e with Article t:>, 4 "NO-1 herein, ARTICI. F- 5 CI IANGES IN SCOPE OF SI-RVICES Any e;hange, to the ScopO c)f :;f3rv1ces, must be accomplished by a written amendrYacrit, 4.xc..crrted by the parties-, in accordance with Section 9-11 below - ARTICLE 6 - NO fl(;1 Wtaenever either party desires to give notice to the other, such notice- must be in writing, sent by certified United States Mail, postage prepaid, return receipt rtagiwr ;ted, or by hand delivery with a request for a written receipt of acknowledgment of delivery, addressed to the party tor whom it is intended at they place last specified. The place for giving notice shall remain the, same as set forth herein until changed In writing in the rla ;a(arrr.'.r pIovide d in this section. I- or they present, the parties desig ite the followir7� i--(:)R F3ROWARD C OUN�Y: C:?Irertor E-rigineering I_)ivisi(Xa One University 1)rivc! Plantation, f-lorrdd 33317 i=C)R MUNICIPALITY: (.city of Tarn'arac: 601 1 Noh I {ill Road i arral-aroc. Horida 33321 ARTICi:E 7 - INDEMNII-IC;ATIC)N MIJNIC',IPAt i-1Y is a :slate agency or politic�ai >ulaclivision as defined in C h aptcr- 768.28, A atutes' and agrees to be frilly re.:taorasible for acts and cart-ai s:�ivns of its Taqu'fat�, car to the extent pe.rrnitted by I,:aw. Nothing he win is intended to scrvc c:.acs ra mover. of sovereign it arrar.rrrity by any party to wlaic:,ta sc�vc rr;.iclra immunity may be a l:�Islic:calalty. Nothing herein shall be construed as consent tsy o !:t,ate agency or political tl.:,(fivi,sicarl c�i tlaE t tc� of F lorid<:a to be;srrf.:;c:i l-ay third parties in any im)tk: r rail sing out of this AclreMcme nt ()I i:aray otlw: contract. ARTICLE 6 - IN;;>t.JkANGE ThF? p<artie,s hereto acknowledge that MUNKCIPALITY is a self- insure.dc: overnmentaI entity subject to the limitations uf' S(—,.ction 768.28, Florida The MUNICIPAI..I-IY I shell ira°stitu e and maintain a fiscally smind and prudent risk inanagement prograrra with tr:cfr:rrd to its oblyations under this Agreement A accordance witty the provisens of Section '.N8.28, Florida Statute - ARTICLE= 9 MISCELLANEOUS `). i C)WNERSHIP OF C)OC:UMEN f S. Any and all reports, photographs, surveys, and otile�r (iata and documents provided or created in connection with this Agreement G:arc=> and r,h.311 rernain the property of COUNTY. In the event of tE.-rnaination of this Agreement, :any (,,poi ts, photographs, SUfVCyS, and other data and documents prepared by MUNiCIPALITY, whether finished or Unfinishod, shall become the property of C;()LJN-i-Y and shall be delivc,md by MUNICiPAE_I-TY to the C r7ntmot Administrator within sem n (7) days of termination of this Agreement by either party. cU1 NC)Ni )iSCI�IMINATIUN, F OUAE_. I: MPLCYMEN T UPPO RTUNI IY, AND AM[_=I:IC,,AN,-73 WITH D[SABILITIE 1; ACT Ml1NICI PALFI-Y shall not urll<awfully di scrrminate agafmt any IHerson in its operations and ac;tivities or in its uses or exp(:.n(:fiturc: elf funds, in fulfilliflrf its. obligations under this Afire(.: ment. MUNICIPALITY shall affir nl<ativa.-,ly corraply with ;.all ipplic;rable; provisions of the Armarm:.am with Disabilities Act (AIM) in Me course of providing :--my services funded by, i.;OUN 1 Y, a KAuding Wes I and Il of the ADA (reg aiding rinndi,scriramation on the basis of disalmlity). and all applicable 1'egLJ1 aUcarar7, gui(J(dines, and standards. In aete:iition, MUNICIPALITY shall take rawrin;ative steps to ensure nondischmination in employnwc lit agamst disabled pemons.: cac;Ia rac,ticarls -;hail include, but not he limited to, the followiii(y ern ployn"lefit, upgrading, demotion, transfer-, recruitment or recruitment advetsing, layoff, termination, raw s of {..gray, other forms of compensation, terms and conditions of employment, training (induding al: prenticeship), and <accessibility. t}. I MUNICIPALITY', deci ,;Iowa, i(g<aiding the delivery of sf'rvice,,; irra(,ie f this Agreement shall be made without regard to or consideration of race, age, religion, color, gender sexual orientation (Broward County Cod(,!, t hapter �f�'/}, national otic:iin, marital status, physical or meat it disability, politic. of affiliation, or any other factor which cannot be lawfully used as r.i tmsis for service delivery. 9,2.2 MUNI(.;Ii'ALI 1-Y shall not engage in or con -unit any dr::acrlrllinatory practice in viol,-.ition of the; Broward County Human Right;; Act (Broward C:ouraty Code- Chapter 1611) in performing c:my �::,c,,rvices IaurSuant to this Agreement. f:3_;� I I IIRC..) PAF TY t t NI:;E=1C;IAIZiL:: Neither MUNICIPA1,J l Y nor COUNI Y intends to directly car substand ally be:nc ht a third tarty by this Agrcclilent. parties agfec that there are no third party he eficianes to this Agreem(.., at and thr_at no third party shall be entitled to assort a dam against either of them hat;;>ed crl.aon thin, Aare G;mt K TThc: parties exl: to ssly acknowledge that it is not tfadi irate rat to crenate any rights or obligations in any Had p arson or entity under this Actrc:c rlier;nt. 6 9.4 ASbiC-;NMF NT AND PERF=C)IWANCE. Neither this Agreement nor r-any interest hi,win shall be a: �;J(ifwd, transferred, or encurnbered by either party. in addition, unless [wrrraitted herein, MUNICIPALITY shall not subcontract any portion of tlac work required by ttai.; Agreement. MUNICIPALITY represent, that all persons; c:ielivering the rf rvir;c;s required by this Agreement have the knowledcte! and skills, either ray training, experience,education, or -_a c;carrabiraation thereof, to adequatc�iy and competently perform the duties, obligations, and r_;r.Irvices set forth in the Scope of S(.nvicc> and to providE:� rind perform ,:;uch servic.(.->s to C OUNTY'S satisfaction. MUNICIPALITY shall perforn'a it,, duties, oblio: ations, and ,e;rvic:e. s under this Agreement in a skillful mid I (,, :Stable manner. -1-he curs.,lity of Mi1NICIFW l"t Y'�; performance and all interim and final product(s) provid('A to or on k.)ehalf of COUNTY :sla all he, comparable:; to the best local and r7--3tlonal standards. 9,5 MATE--.RIALITY AND WAIVER UI BRL,=A 'H COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY actret� ih,,il e rch re.quirernent, duty, and obligation set forth laer'ein is subS;tanti�- l and imporfrant to the formation of thi. Agre: o ment and, therefore, V; r:a MatCrial leirn hc;reof. COUW Y'::� f�ailrrre to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be cic enied a waiver of 'Srirh provision or modific:;rrtrc�rl of tkals Ac_treemorrt. A waiver of any brc iidi of a provision of this Agrec�mont Shall not be dc:rc rrreci a waiver of .any subsequent bw ach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement. 9. (3 COMPLIANCE WI-1 H I.AW 7. MUNICif'AH I shall comply with all federal, state, and lw- al haws, code.;, ordinances, rules, ;anci regulations in performing its duties, responsibilities, and oblict,at:ic:ar)s purst.rant to this Agreement. 9.7 SEVE RANCE_ In the e verrt ra l)orfion of this; Agre.e;rnerrt is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remairairact provisions sh"rll continue to be effective rrnlc�ss (:J.)UNTY or MUNICIPALITY elects to t(..,i mate this Agrc,em(-:nt. An election to terrnin�ato this Agrc:c�rnent based upon this provision shall be rn idce within seven (7) days after the finding by thc:� court becornes final. 3.8 ,JOINT PREPARATION. 1-he partiesacknowledge that they have sought and received advice and counsel ;.as was neces,,,wy for them to form a full and conropkle rr oefstanding of tall nrflrt ; and obligations herein and that the preparation of this Ac we nie_�rri ha'; been tltc it Joint effort. The lanctuage: agreed to f:xFarr :,:�e;'s their J mutual intent and the resulting document sl-r<.ail not, c;oleifly as r.a matter ()f judicial construction, too construr,d more Severely <agairast one of the faoines than the rattier. 9,9 PRIORITY (A PW-)VI IONS, if t1jete is a conflict or inconsistency between any term, stater-nent, rc quire merit, or provl:;lean of any exhibit attac::hod hereto, any document o" events referred to herein, or any document incorporated irita this Agreement by refere:rac;e and a tarsi) ,;t,atc naent, require-ment, car provision of Hwi Agreement, the term, statenio,,,W, or provision contrained in Articles 1 through 9 of this Agree meat shall prevail and k,c; c3iven effect. 7 9.10 APPI-ICABI [.-I. AWAND VENUE. Any controversies or legal probierrrs <_arising out. of thi; transaction Land this I.oase and any action involving the entorcement of interpretation of ,:uiy rights hereunder shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the State courts of the `i-wwc nteent.h .kidicial Circuit of 11roward County, Florida, the venr.le sitUs, and shall be governed by the laws of the State cif Florida_ g.11 AMENDMENTS. No modification, amendment, or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written doct.trTac nt. prepared with the same or similar formality as this Agreement and exe (,uted by tlac� Board and MUNICIPALITY. 9.12 PRIOR AGREE .MENTS. This document incorporates and includes all prior negoti;3tioris,correspor,dence, conversations, agie,(c-,,nwnts, and understandingsapplicabie to the ni atters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements or understandings concerning the subject matter caf this Agreerrient that are riot contained in this, document. Accordingly, the, parties agree th;.it no deviation from the tc:;raar,:> hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreen'ients, whether oral or written it is further �.igieled that no rricodification, r.unendment or :alteration in the' lernis or conditions contained herein shall bc? effective unless set forth in writing in ;ircordance with Section 9.11 above. 9.13 iNCORI-101E ATION BY FZE--E="E-RENCE. i ho truth and rac;cr.aracy of each "Whereas" cl<:atjY;e set forth above is acknowledged by the parties. Any attached c.,xii1bits are incorporated into and made �=a part of this Agreement. 9.14 Mo~ L I IPI.E ORICyiNAi. S. This Agree:,rrront may be fully executed in fcour (4) copier by ail parties, ca<ach of which, beating original ...>ignatures, shall have the fcarcE. ;and effect of an original document. TI-IIS SPACE.: IN T ENTIONAI_I...Y i..0 i=T BLANK 8 IN WI I-NLSS WNERE01 , the parties he feto have mrade and executed this Agreement on the respective dues Under each signature, RROWARD COUNTY through its BOARL) of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Chair or Vice a e by Board action can tine ­ day of Chair, ��cathorirc�c� to executeseam .............. .. 20_._�_... and CITY OF TAMARAC, signing by and through its duly authorized to execute sranae. ATTEST: 13ROWARD COUNTY, through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County Adrninistr<ator and Ex-Officio Clerk of the, Hoard of County BY Commis5iorxtrs of Broward County, choir Florid�:a d:ay of m, 20 Approved as to forma by office of County Attorney Broward County, f= lorida EDWAPI.) A. DION, County Attorney Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderd ak-�, Florida 33301 Telephone: (1954) :313'7 600 "t elecopier: (9 4) 35 -6968 By_—- f=><arfl(da M. Kane A,;,,->ist:ant County Attorney I AGREEIVIL.N] BE-rWEEN BROWARD COUNTY AND CITY Of,, TAMARAC ["'OR TRAFFICVVAY ILI.UMINATION FOR PINT. ISLAND ROAD I -ROM COMML.RCIAL BOULEVARD NORTH 1600 FEET VVIT"NIFSSES'. ATTEST City Clcik (CORPORA I F F)F_AL) 1-1 M K ,.July 29, 2002 wPd CITY Of-, 1AMARAC B, 4 Mayor-Commissfolic"r dJL� Y of / I t, Y , 2 0(..;, ri l�,Ity Manager '4L (Jay of A"v-4-ST AF'�R_DVJID AS T, R, City, racy ot �If �_. m F R 9978 i X iIBIT 2 s c•�r � •r w o Octobei '.`.. 2002 Mai Amber D'Amato City r.>l 'imam(; 752 i N.W 88th Avenue Tam;irr.fc: 11I 33321 `subject: Project. 5121 ImprovE.me"It'-, to Pine Island Fko;:rd, front Oakland Park Boulev;frd to Commercial B(MI( v;frd. Agreement fol. Maintc:nanc;e of Illuminati()n t e;:ar M:,; D'Arnato. Engineering Division I f\lr>rtl_I Jr)ive,rsity 1)fiv(1. tlitr' 300B E'lantcatior�, I l ;i;3;'+74 .}03c', 4555 • FAX (954' `)//-> 338 P,s ac�l((ci I ;zrrt :;enciir7ca yo!.� .I clean cony c f the propo f:.( tc�urth page of the agr( emutlt. r _ e of refei(imc,(I r,, .fl:,c) ,;ondmg a copy of the <�rtrc e:rn G: nt as It w'ar; ;ipproved by the Tamarac. (: ity c.:ommission. k:a Ine know if you neer j ;inythmicl elseIapc!nctr r.: for tlu > Inconvemenc(-: It you have any cicll:: ,tlon:;, i>tt ;( do not hF s.11;311 tr, (,,:,!I me at 954.`.,>/ / 45Yl "mcerErly, Wilfrid P.S. Strict(,, P i Proiect M;:fr'I;:Iloer cc, Henry P (;()ol 11 r , Director clt r< (, f of twE -( P `::.., Assistant I )I' c cd(:)r BROWARD Cc7lfN1Y BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSicmi-p'i An Equal Opporfumly Fmployer and Provider of S(,mVl c .i t i, r r r �r rr t „� r n Visit us on fhr:, Inte,rrtet: www.btC?w(3rk1 ocy AFC I K_J_E 4 - TERM AND I F-RMINATION 4.1 The fermi of this Agreement shall begin on the date it is fully executed by both parties rand shall terminate as provided for by Sections 4.2 through 4.6 herein below. 4.2 I his Agreement may be terminated for causc> by COUNTY, ItrrQUgh action of the Board, or by MUNICIPAE_I-FY upon a thirty (30) day written notice given by the terminating pnrly to the other party setting forth the breads. It MUNICIPALITY, or COUNTY, corrects the breach within thirty (30) days after written notice of same, to the satisfaction of the terminating party, the Agreement shall remain in full forcc a -end effect. If such breach is not corrected and improved within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice of breach, the terminating party may terminate the Agreement. Specifically in the case of MUNICIPALi I Y's requirement between Northwest 26`r' Street and Oakland Park Bot_alevard to maintain the illuminated i"rafficway and/or to maintain the beautified Trafficway COUN T Y at the option of the Contract Administrator, rrray caause such breach to he corrected and improved and bill MUNICIPALITY for the costs of such correction and improverYic-.,nt or terminate this Agreen-rc:.nt. It COUNTY opts to correct and improve the breach and bill MUNICIPALITY for sarnc:, MUNICIPAL-ITY shall then remit to COUN iY the amount so billed within thirty (30) days of MUNICIPALITY's receipt thereof, 4.3 i ermination of this Agreement for cause. shall include, but riot be IirYaited to, failure of the parties to suitably perform the services required by Article 2 herein, and failure of the parties to continuously perform the services required by the terms and conditions of this Agreement in a manner calcr.rlated to meet or accomplish the objective-, set forth herein, notwithstanding whether any such breach was previously waived or cirrc c1. 4.4 1-His Agreement may be terminated for convenience by either [.),arty upon a thirty (30) dray written notice given by the terminating party to the other party This Agreement may also be terminated by COUNTY's Contract Administrator upon such notice as Contract Administrator deems appropriate in the event that the Contract Administrator deterinines that termination is necessary to protect the public: health, safety, or welfare. 4.5 In they event this Agreement is terminated for convenience, upon being notified of election to terminate, the r)artle s shall refrain fronts pee forming farther services or incurring additional expenses under the terms of this A(reement. MUNICiFIAI__I_TY acknowledges and agrees that Ten Dollars ($10.00), the adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged by MUNICIPALITY, is given as specific consideration to MUNICIPALITY for COUN-FY's right to terrinate this Agreement for convenience. 4,6) Notice Of termination shall be provided in accordance with Article 6, "NOTICES," herein except that notice of termination by Contract Adn,iinistrator which Contract Administrator deems necessary to protect the publics health, safety, or welfare may be verk;aa_al notice which shi-.all he promptly confirmed in writing in accordance with Article 6, 4 A(.: RL LMENT Re'tween BROWAIZD COUNTY and (:I I Y OF TAMARAC, for TRAFFICVVAY ILLUMINA I ION FOR PINE AND ROAD FROM COMMI-RCIAL BOULEVAR[) TO A['PROXIMA I-ELY 1600 FEL: I NOR H i Project Na 5121 AGRFF'MEN..I.' Between BROWARD COUN I Y And CITY OF TAMARAC for TRAI E= IC",WAY ILLUMINATION FOR PINES 1:")L-AND ROAD FROM COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD TO APPROXIMA I"FI..Y 1600 FEET NORTH F-Iml act. No 5121 This is an A(jW(' rrl(.;n9 made and entercd irflo I:)y <:and between BROVvAkD C OUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, its successors and a.ssigns, hc_,rr-inafter referred to as "COON 1Y," through its Board of County Commissioners, A N E"") CI I Of .lAMARAC, a rlau111CW::al (;orpotation located it 1" row�ard County, Florida, and organIZO'd And existing under the I aw , of the state of Florida, its successor's and assigns, flert irl,aftc:r referred to as "MUNICIPAL.I 1-Y " WITNFSSF (Ii: WHEREAS, Pine Island Road from Cor>' mcrrci<al Boulevard north approximately 1600 feet, is a public, trafficway (hereinafter referrcd to a5 the "Trafficway") loc<_ate�d with Wl the municipal buundl-, eq of MUNICIPALi f Y and c;l(3 sific,d as a county road, and WHERE-WS, it is of rnutuai benefit to the re: ,id(. nts ()f C`,OUNTY and MUNICIPAL IJY to illuminate the:,, tr�afficway by installation �.wd mraintcnance of lightirul systems: (:and VVh iERFA.S, MUNICIPA[ ..I I Yhas expressed its desire, to undertake the: rTiaintenance responsibilities of thac: [lit mii irition of the Trafficway, and VVHF. R -.At> MUNICIPALITY, key resolution of its governing body radopted on the day c:af 1() 11<.ar <a p roved this Illumination of the tr(afficway - _- - -- - with COUNTY pursuant to the towns of this Agi(.cef ient rand has authorized the -1ppropriate officers of MUNICIPALITY to execute this Agrc-cement; and WHEREAS, COUN i Y, by action of its Board of County Commissioners on the , "� day of 20t), Iikf;wisFa approved the this illrarrainr_tion of the: traffic 'y with MI.JNICIPALITY and has authorized the appropriate COUNTY officers to execute this Agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual terms, conditions, promises, covenants, and p<aymerit hereinafter set for-th, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY agree as follows: ARTIGLt= 1 - DEFINITIONS AND IDENTIFICATIONS 1.1 Agreement: "Agreerraent" shall mean this dOcunac nt, Articles 1 through 9, inclusive. Other tc nwi and conditions are included in the exhibits and documents that are expressly incorporated by rc. fc renc:e. 1.2 Board"Bor:ard" shall mean the Bro ward County Board of County Commissioners. 1.3 Contrac`.t. Adniirri.>trr;ato"Contract Adnairaistr�:ator" shall mean the Broward County Administrator, the Director of Public Works, or the designee of st.acla (.;c}t.inty Adrr7iraistrator or Director. The primary rcstac.ansibilities of the Contract Administrator are to coordinate and corrlmUnicate with MUNICIPALITY and to im.:magc ;:and (',upervise execution and completion of the Scope of Serviccc<, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement ns set forth herein. In the adrninistration of this Actreement, as contr.astc:d with matters of policy, ali parties rraay rely on the instrt.rctions or d terniM atlons, made by the C.;c:antract Adr-ninistrator; provided, however, that such instrt.ac:;tions and determinations do [lot change the Scope of S(-_ rvir-c 1.4 COUNTY: "(;0UN-1 Y" shall mean Browrard C;catanty, through the Ror-ard, ra political subdivision of the state of I_ioridii. 1.5 County Attorney. "County Attorney" shall mean the chief legal counsel for COUN­fY who directs and supervises the Office of the Cotarrty Attorney pursuant tca :->ection 4.03 of the Browarcl County Charter. arter. 1.6 MUNIC IPAI. I C'Y "MUNICIPAL-I-i Y" shall mean the City of "tAMARAC. ARTIGI L"11 2 - SCOPE OF f E—RVICE S 1.1 COUNTY shalt prepare, or c<atase to be prepared, sodiurn vapor design plans and �t�c cific atiora.; for the illumination of the 1 rafficway. Such plain; rand specifications shall be revic we,,d and approved by the Contract Administrator ;,Md a representative=, of 0 MUNICIPALITY C-and shall subst anti ally conform to th e ")'tandard Specifications for I iighway i_..ightrng establishc,cd by the Florida Department of I r(ansportation. 2.2 !n _accordance with the approved de-.sigra plans and spc c::ifacations, COON 1 Y shall install, or manse to be installed, a lighting system <alorag the i rafficway. Fallowing installation, COUNTY shall provide to MUNICIPALITY the desictn plans, specifications and warranties, if any. 2.3 MUNICIPALI 3Y shall immediately take i=all necessary >tcps to properly E ;-;tablish an electrical energy account with the MUNICIPALITY's electrical energy supplier for the lighting system and shall rrctree to pay all electrical energy charges prior to and after the initial energizing of the lighting system. 2.4 MUNICIPALITY shall maintain the lighting system along the Trafficway in accord<:arice with the a'ipproved design plans and specific<:ations and in substantival conformance with the Standard Spc�cific,r.itions for Highway L.ightiracf adopted by thcr Florida Depa�utrnentofTranspot t,:ation. As part ofsa.achmaintenanceresponsibility, MUNI(::if-'AI.ITY shall keelo in good repair, and replace, defective car worn out Iigh7tirac.t systen'a parts :and equipment which ;ystem parts and equipment shall include;, bUt not be lir7aitc:d to, poles, luminaries, rand circtaitry MUNICIPALITY'S responsibility to keep the >ystern, in good repair _;Iar:all include all nc-�cf�ssary maintenrance, repair and replacement of any type or n turE? including, but not limited to, maintenance, repair and rc: lalrwement clue to normal wedi, and tear, acts of God. vandalism and accidents. 2.5 C.OUNTY and MUNICIPALITY agree and understand that the lighting system, so installed, shall remain the property of COUNTY after installation and shall not be moved or relocated without the exprr,!.,s written consent of the. Contract Adnaini.:�trrator , and that this Agreement shall not affect GOUNTY's responsibility for installation sand r-naintenance of traffic control signals and devices along The Trafficway. 26 h here currently exists lighting along ra portion of the l F afficway. MUNICIPALI t Y shall be responsible for gaining the approval of Horida Power and Light for the removal of this lighting. Thereafter, COUNTY will coordinate the renown of that lighting system with Florida Power and Light. ARTICI---E:: 3 - C O.) 3 I S ,, 1 COUNTY shall Irae responsible for all costs associated with Sections 2.1. and 2.2, during the term of this Agreerrient, e xcc::pt as otherwise: spec.j ically set fordo herein- 3.2 MUNICIPALITY shall h-)e rc>spcfnsible for all costs ass ocfated with Section 2 '3 and 2,4, clUting the term of this Agreement. I ARJ'ICI.._E=: 4 -- i I W AND TERMINATION 4.1 I.-ie tern, of this Agreement shall lx:;c,irt can tttc; date it is fully executed by both parties and shall .as provided for by Sections 4.2 through 4.6 herein bclow. 4.2 This Agreement may be terniinrrted for cause by COUNTY, through action of the, Roc ard, of by MUNiCIPALITY, upon a thirty (30) clay writtert notice (.liven by the terminating party to the othc;r 1.7c'arly scatting forth the breach. If MUNICII-'Al-I-tY, or COUNTY, corrects the breach within thirty (30) days after written notice of same, to the satisfaction of the terminating party, the Agreement shrill rernt ,vn in full force and effect. If' such breach is not corrected and improved within thirty (30) clays of receipt of notice of breach, the terminating p,'Wy rrtr:ty le rminate the= Agreement. Specifically in the case of MUNICIPAt...ITY's rec;crirc n'ient between Northwest 26t" Street and Oakland PHrk 1,io..rlevard to maintain the illt,rrnrra�;atc,ci I raffacway randlor to maintain the beautified ' rafficway COUN f Y, at the option of the Contract Ac; ministr<ator, rnray cause, such breach to be corrected ':arid improved and hill MUNICIPAL--i-1 Y f(,:)r the costs of s.;rtch correction and irnprovernent or tt!rrrainate this Agreen-tent. If COUNTY opts to correct and irnprove the breach and bill MUNiC;IPAi_ITY for same, MUNICIPAL.i-t.Y shall then refult to COUNTY the ar-nount so bided within thirty (30) days, of MUNICIPAI I i Y'r-.; receipt thereof. Zf 3 i r rrttination of tktis Agreement for cause shall irac;ludc,, k>rrI root he liratitcd to, failure eft the' to SL.aitrat)Iy perform the services requlrc>d by Article- 2 herein, and failure of the L�r;ariic :r to c:ontim..rot-vdy pFarfornt the services required by the' terns taracl conditions of this A(,rc c rrtc,rlt Irr r_a ITIFartrtc'r c r-alculrated to meet or accomplish the,, oble(,lrve se_,,t forth herein, rtotwitlist(:andinq whother any such breach was previously waived or cured. 4.4 l his:; Agrec?rnent May be terminated for convenic�nc,e by either p<arly upon a thirty (30) day written notice given by the tc,:fminatiny party to the other party. This Agreement may also be terminated by COUNTY'!, Contract Administrator upon such notic;e as, Contract Administrator deems appropriate in the event that the Contract Administrator determines that termination is necessary to protc;:ct the public health, safety, or welfare, /I In the (,vent th-s Agreement is terminated fear c:;caravc nienc.c? Upon being notified of election to terminate:, the parties sftrtil refrain frorn perforr-ning further services or incurring additional (-:xpcnFes undc_•r the tc>rms of this; Agreement. MUNICIPAt...ITY acknowledges sand agrees that -I crt Doll ars ($10.00), the r:idequacy of which is hereby a-ckraowic(iged by MUNICIPAL c_; MUNICIPALITY, is givre as specific consideration to MUNICIPALI l Y for C OUNi Y's right to tE�I-Mir'IAtP this Acjreemcent for c:onvcnicrrtcc.. 4.5 Notice of termination shall be provided in :ac:corcf ancc with Article 6, "NOTICES," herein except that notice of termination by Contract Adinimsh aior which Contract Ac ministrator deents, necessary to protect 0-le public hesalth, safe ty, or welfare may be verbal notice which shall be promptly confirmed in writing in rac;c.ord<:anc e with Article (3, 4 "NOTICES," herein. ARTICLE 5 Cl 1ANGFS IN SCOI'L_- OI :,I..RVICES Any ccharage to the Scope of Services must be accomplished by ;a writterl amendment, executed by the parties in -accordance with Section 9.11 below. ARTICLE 6 - NOTICES Whenever eithef party desires to dive notice to the othe r, such notice must be in writin�:1, sent k;ay certitied United State=y M�ii1, 1)o.�tagE prepaid, rc f.tarr4 receipt recft.rested, or by h araci-delivery with a request for a written rccceipt of acknowledgment of delivery, �acidressed to the Marty for whom it is intended at the place last. specified. The place for giving notice shall remain the same as set forth herein until changed in writing in the manner provided in this sE cation. f or ttao_ prc_;sc rat the p artl(,s; d signate the following: FOR BROWARD COUN i Y: C)irector. Engineering Division One University Drive Plantation, Florida 33317 I=OIL MUNICIPAI VT Y City of Tamarac 6011 Nob I Ill[ Road Tamarac. Florida 33321 ARTICLE 7 - INDEMNIFICATION W.1NICIF'ALITY is a state -agency or political subdivision as defined in Chapter 768 28, Florida Statutes, and agrees to be fully responsible for acts and omissions of its �loerats or can-rployE�c-?s to the extent pert-nitted by 1<aw. Nothing herein is irate lldud to sc?rv(? as n waiver of sovereign irramuriity by any party to whicta sovereign irnnac.rnity may he -applicable., Nothing herein shall be construed as consent k)y a state agency or political subdivision of the state of Florida to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of this Agreement or any other contract. AR-i ICI_F= & - INSURANCE URANCE I hc, p artic s i-lereto r::ac;knowI(,,?dctc, that MUNICCIPAI.ITY i<-, a: c Ii in>circ dc�ovc.rnraaental entity subject to the limitations of Section 768-28, Florida ;statutes. I rie MUNIC.;IPALI_I.Y I shall Institute and r7l<"airTt ;ilrl 0 fiscally s() Hhj and prl.d(,nt risk manag(_nle'nt program with regard to it.; :,obligations undw this Agme;rnent in accordans: with the provisions of Section 768-28, f lorid a Statutes- ARTICI_l- 9 .. MISCE-1-1 ANILOUS 13.1 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Any and all reports, phMographs, surveys, and other data and documents provided or crcate:d in connection with this Agreement are and Mail rc fnaHi the property of COUNTY. in tho event of termination of this Agreement, any reports, photographs, surveys, and oVer data aw.1 documents prepared by MUNICIPAL I fY, whether finished or unfinished, shall becon-ie the property of COUNTY and shall be de:liv(,,ried by MUNICIPALITY to the Contract Adrrlinistrator within seven (7) days of terns n awon of this Agreement by either party. c:).2 N0NI:)1CI�IMINA.TION, 1EQUAL I:MPL.0YME141 OPPORTUNITY, ANED AME F� i(,ANC=> WI I-H DISAI31L.1.1 IF,,S ACI'. Ml-1NiCAPALl i Y :_silr-ill riot unlawfully ciiscrirrtinate agrairw! any Pusan in its c_>I.HN atfons and G.ictivities or in is use c.y expendita e (A funds in f, Agreement. MUNiCIF� Iiti I Y shaiADAff rm the ly comply fulfilling ri.� obligations e,.lncfc:r tfif.:> y with all apl.�hs:inle� Provisions of the Americans with nr. a ( ) of 1- ioviding any s(;rvu c .-, funded by COUNTY, inc huffing "t itles I and II of the ADA (regarding nondiscriminahnn on the basis of di ;<:af. dAy). and all applicable regul�-atIOIIS, guidelines, rand standards. Irl addition, MUNiC;IPALITY shall take affirmative; steps to (-nsure rlondi scrirriirlali(.ari irl er7)pioyrnerit ,igainst disabtd F.ac rsons. Such actions shall nu Its(: e, but not he lirllited to, the follc:7winct (>rrlpioyme'nt, upgrading dc_irnntian, transfer, r( c;ruitment or i(:cruitinent adverhsmg. l ayoU, termination, rates of pray, cattier forms of c;ompe.nsation, tc Hn s and conditions of employment, trakiing Onclr_rdkjj apprenticeship), and accessibility. 9,I. i MUNICIPALITYs decisbns regarding the delivery of services under this Actreornent shall be made without regard to or consrcieration of race, acre, religion; colcar, gender, sexual uric>nWhon (Broward County Gode, Chapter 16'/1), national origin, marital status, physical or ruental disability. IwAticral affiliation, or any other factor which cannot I)e lawfully us(_�d as a basis for s(:arvice delivery. 9.2.2 MUNIC CI PAL V Y" shall r'i(.-)t engage in or c onmoR any discrinlin<atory practice n1 violation of the Broward County I-tumsri Rights Act (Brow<ard County Code, Chapter 161) in performing any services pursMarlt to this AgrE;enT( nt. 9— 1 1-ilia:? PARTY BI NF-f IUARiE;;, Nc Ether Ml.1NIC;IF�AL.9 iY norC: OI.1N 6Y intends to rifrc?(-;Hy or substantially bunc ht. <-a third party by this Agreement, I he:refoav the park-,, agrc:i(i flint Were are no third party benef d arie_s to this Agrcem(int and that no third pasty shall he c>rltitled to assert a c hirn against elier of them based upon this Agreement TO partiE�s expfessly acknowledge that it is not their intent to cre;ite any rights or obligation'5 "i any third person car (entity under Uds Agreerrumt. 0 9 /3 ASSIGNIVIFN i AND PERFORMANCE Neither this Agreement ncx any interest hu,iein shall Ix: ,:assigned, transferred, or encumbered by either party, In addition, unless permitted herein, MUNICIPALITY shall ncat sa.abc;ontract any portion ofthe work iequired by this Acimc—'�mient. MUNICIPALITY represents that all persons delivering the services required by this Agf(-;ernent have the: knowledge and skills, either by tmininq, experience, education, or a combination thereof, to adequately ,and competently perform thc, duties, obligations, -.and sE>rvices set forth in the Scope of Services and to provide and perform such services to COUNTY's satisfaction. MUNICIPALITY shall perform its duties, obligations, and service's under this Agreement in a skillful and respectable manner. The r1(r._ality of MUNICIPAI. iTY's performance and all interirri and final prodrrr t(s) provided to ar on behalf of COON I Y shall be comparable to the best local and national Standards. 9 `) MATE RIAL-I I Y AND WAIVE"R OF BREACI I. COUNTY and MUNICiPALITY '-agree that each requitement, duty, and obligation set forth herein is substantial and important to the formation of t1wil Agreement and, therefore, is a mote cal terns hereof. COUN fY's f�allure to enforc:E: zany provision of this Agreement shrill riot be deenied -I waiver of seacha provision or modification of this Agreement. A waiver of any breach of r_a provision of this AgreerYient shall not h(-; do orned a waiver of any subsequent breach and ,,har;al{ not be construed to be a of the terrnr; of this Agre::ernent. 9.6 C_:(")MPLIANCI_. WI-1-1 f LAWS. MUNIC:If'ALiTY shall comply with ail federal, state, and locr'al I<aw s, codes, ordinances; rules, rand regulations Hi performing its cftrties, reasponsibilities, rand obligatI011S I)rarsuant to this Agreement. 9. T S17VERANCC. In th(-,,, event a portion of this Agreement i:;; fOUnd by a court of cornr)c:�tentjurisdiction to invalid, the renaalnrng provisions shall continue to be c..ffective unless COUNTY or MUNICIPALITY elects to terminate this Agreement. An election to ternainatE: this Agree ii it based upon this provision shall be made within seven (I) days after thea finding by the coarrt hecomes final. 9,8 JOIN i PREPARA_1 i0N. The parties acknowledge that they have sought Tand received wh;,atevor competent �advicer and counsel as was necessary for them to forn-a a full and completc:> widerstandincl of gall rights and oblicaatic' ns herein <and tha<at the preparation of this Agrc_e�rrac:nt has beery their joint effort. Tlic language agreed to Expresses their mutual intent and the rF:suiting docurn(arat shall riot, solely r,a s <a matte" of ja.acfrr:ir:ai construction, be constrrrc�d more severely racararnst one c:af the prartims. than the other. 9.9 PRIC)F�TY 01 11MVISiONS. It there Ir, a conflict or, inconsistency between Cany term, t:atc r:cent, rectraircariac>nt, or pr0viS;0r) of zany exha bit att.ac h(e d hereto, any dc)crrnaent or evc-'ants referred to herein, or any document inc;orporatc.>d into this Agreement by Ic:ference and ra tc::rrra, statement, rc?ciuirement, or ptuvisio ra of this Agreen-iont, ihe, terra, statement, requirement, or provision contained in Articles 1 through 9 of this Agreemc:!r1t. sfa,all prevail and be:.a clivear, affect. 7 9."I0 APPLICABLE C...AW AND VENUE.. Any controversies or legal problems arising out of this tr'-3nis<ac:tion drid this Lease and any action involving the enforcement or interpretation of any rights hereunder _ Iaall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Sttate COUrts of the Seventeenth Judicial Circt.rit of Broward County, Florida, the venue situs, and shall be, governed by they laws of the State of Florida. 9.11 AM[ NC)MEN i S. No modification, amendment, or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document prepared with the same or similar formality as this Agreement and executed by the Board and MUNICIF'At, iTY. 9.12 PRIOR AGREEMENTS. This; document incorporates and includes all prior ne:.)Otiations,corresporadence, conversations, agreerricrats,,arid rrnderstandingsapplicabie to the matters contained herein and the; parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not ("orat,airled In this docurne:nt. Accordingly, the parties agrees thr;:rt no do viatron from the terms, hc;rcot shall be predicated upon any prior, repress--�ntations or ragre.enaents, whether oral or written. It is lurther agreed that no modification, �:smendn'ac_>nt or raltc-�ration in the terms or conditions contained here; in s.hall be effective unless set forth in writing in accordance. with Section 9.11 above: 9.13 INCORPORATION BY RE:FF="RENCI'F-=. The: troth and accuracy of each "Where>�as" clause set fm1h above is =ac knowi(dged by the parties. Any attached cxhihits ,are mc,c)[por<ated intca eanc.i iairadc' ra t:a<:art of this Agreement. _). 1�1 MUl_i IPi. I C)( IC:;lNAI S. This Agreement May be. fully executed in four (4) copies by all pealtiF e_rC_acla of whir;h, tacarirac original sianatures, shall hravc, the,, force and effect of .an original doct.arrent. I I HS SI"ACE IN i L'_N f IONALLY LEFT BLANK. II IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties i etuto have made and executed this Agreement ran the fospec.tive dates under each signature' BROWARF) COUNTY through its BOARD 01= COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by maid through its Chair or Vine Chair, authorized to execute sarne by Board action art the day of 20 , and CITY 01- TAMARAC, signing by and through it:, duly authc:arized to execut(a same. County Administratur and t:x-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County,. Horidrl 9 BROWARD COUNTY, through its BOARI)OF COUNTY By Chair (-ay t......__.._._. , 20 Approver; as to form by Office of County Attorney Broward County, Florida FPVVARD A DION, County Attorney Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue I ort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone: (954) 357-7600 -T elecopier: (954) 357-6963 1' By -_ Pamela M. Kane Assistant C Crony Attorney AGRLEWN-1 Ifl-ITWELN BROVVARI_ COLJN1Y ANL) CITY 01 _IAMARAc FOR TRAFFI(-'V'V,I\Y ILJ UMINAHON FOR PINE 1,SIAND ROAD FROM COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD NOR'l H 1600 FFFT VVITNFSSLS. Ur 117 . . .... . .... .... ATTEST, City Clerk ((.',(.)RP0RATE -,L_AL) PM K July 29, 2002 11 \[)/\ 1 A\D1V2\PMK1PN1K,02Vig \1;vneif r (,, c, -iclli.aOl vv[)(i CITY OR TAMARAC ByR. MayOr-COMMISSIOrIff day of 20 City Manage( day of 2(� APPROVED'AS TO FORM. 13Y City �tforney 10 ,ro-Ap Rr T 3 EXI HRI I WA, tso. AGREEML..NT Between BROWARD (-.'(.)t.JNTY and CITY Of" TAMARAC for OR PINE ISLAND ROAD I RAFFIGVVAY II.A.-UMINATION F' FROM COMM ERC'IAL, BOULEVARD -V0 APPROXIMATL-1.Y 1600 FEET NORTH Project No. 5-121 AGREEMENT Between BROWARD COUNTY and CITY OF TAMARAC for TRAFI=ICWAY ILLUMINATION FOR PINE ISLAND ROAD FROM COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD TO APPROXIMATELY 1600 FEET NORTH Project No. 5121 AGREEMENT Between BROWARD COUNTY and CITY OF TAMARAC for TRAFFICWAY ILLUMINATION FOR PINE ISLAND ROAD FROM COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD TO APPROXIMATELY 1600 FEET NORTH Project No. 5121 This is an Agreement made and entered into by and between BROWARD COUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," through its Board of County Commissioners, on CITY OF TAMARAC, a municipal corporation located in Broward County, Florida, and organized and existing under the laws of the state of Florida, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Pine Island Road from Commercial Boulevard north approximately 1600 feet, is a public trafficway (hereinafter referred to as the "Trafficway") located within the municipal boundaries of MUNICIPALITY and classified as a county road; and WHEREAS, it is of mutual benefit to the residents of COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY to illuminate the trafficway by installation and maintenance of lighting systems; and WHEREAS, MUNICIPALITYhas expressed its desire to undertake the maintenance responsibilities of the illumination of the Trafficway; and WHEREAS, MUNIC PALITY, by resolution of its governing body adopted on the day of b ►f - , 20 0d , has approved this illumination of the trafficway 1 with COUNTY pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and has authorized the appropriate officers of MUNICIPALITY to execute this Agreement; and WHEREAS, COUNTY. by action of its Board of County Commissioners on the day of , 20 _ , has likewise approved the this illumination of the traffi&aywith MUNICIPALITY and has authorized the appropriate COUNTY officers to execute this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual terms, conditions, promises, covenants, and payment hereinafter set forth, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS AND IDENTIFICATIONS 1.1 Agreement: "Agreement" shall mean this document, Articles 1 through 9, inclusive. Other terms and conditions are included in the exhibits and documents that are expressly incorporated by reference. 1.2 Board: "Board" shall mean the Broward County Board of County Commissioners. 1.3 Contract Administrator: "Contract Administrator" shall mean the Broward County Administrator, the Director of Public Works, or the designee of such County Administrator or Director. The primary responsibilities of the Contract Administrator are to coordinate and communicate with MUNICIPALITY and to manage and supervise execution and completion of the Scope of Services and the terms and conditions of this Agreement as set forth herein. In the administration of this Agreement, as contrasted with matters of policy, all parties may rely on the instructions or determinations made by the Contract Administrator; provided, however, that such instructions and determinations do not change the Scope of Services. 1.4 COUNTY: "COUNTY" shall mean Broward County, through the Board, a political subdivision of the state of Florida. 1.5 County Attorney: "County Attorney" shall mean the chief legal counsel for COUNTY who directs and supervises the Office of the County Attorney pursuant to Section 4.03 of the Broward County Charter. 1.6 MUNICIPALITY: "MUNICIPALITY" shall mean the City of TAMARAC. ARTICLE 2 - SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.1 COUNTY shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, sodium vapor design plans and specifications for the illumination of the Trafficway. Such plans and specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Contract Administrator and a representative of Pa MUNICIPALITY and shall substantially conform to the Standard Specifications for Highway Lighting established by the Florida Department of Transportation. 2.2 In accordance with the approved design plans and specifications, COUNTY shall install, or cause to be installed, a lighting system along the Trafficway. Following installation, COUNTY shall provide to MUNICIPALITY the design plans, specifications and warranties, if any. 2.3 MUNICIPALITY shall immediately take all necessary steps to properly establish an electrical energy account with the MUNICIPALITY's electrical energy supplier for the lighting system and shall agree to pay all electrical energy charges prior to and after the initial energizing of the lighting system. 2A MUNICIPALITY shall maintain the lighting system along the Trafficway in accordance with the approved design plans and specifications and in substantial conformance with the Standard Specifications for Highway Lighting adopted by the Florida Departmentof Transportation. As part of such maintenance responsibility, MUNICIPALITY shall keep in good repair, and replace, defective or worn out lighting system parts and equipment which system parts and equipment shall include, but not be limited to, poles, luminaries, and circuitry. MUNICIPALITY'S responsibility to keep the system, in good repair shall include all necessary maintenance, repair and replacement of any type or nature, including, but not limited to, maintenance, repair and replacement due to normal wear and tear, acts of God, vandalism and accidents. 2.5 COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY agree and understand that the lighting system, so installed, shall remain the property of COUNTY after installation and shall not be moved or relocated without the express written consent of the Contract Administrator, and thatthis Agreement shall not affect COUNTY's responsibility for installation and maintenance of traffic control signals and devices along the Trafficway. 2.6 There currently exists lighting along a portion of the Trafficway. MUNICIPALITY shall be responsible for gaining the approval of Florida Power and Light for the removal of this lighting. Thereafter, COUNTY will coordinate the removal of that lighting system with Florida Power and Light_ ARTICLE 3 - COSTS 3.1 COUNTY shall be responsible for all costs associated with Sections 2.1. and 2.2, during the term of this Agreement, except as otherwise specifically set forth herein. 3.2 MUNICIPALITY shall be responsible for all costs associated with Section 2.3 and 2A during the term of this Agreement. 3 ARTICLE 4 - TERM AND TERMINATION 4A The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date it is fully executed by both parties and shall terminate as provided for by Sections 4.2 through 4.6 herein below. 4.2 This Agreement may be terminated for cause by COUNTY, through action of the Board, or by MUNICIPALITY, upon a thirty (30) day written notice given by the terminating party to the other party setting forth the breach. If MUNICIPALITY, or COUNTY, corrects the breach within thirty (30) days after written notice of same, to the satisfaction of the terminating party, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. If such breach is not corrected and improved within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice of breach, the terminating party may terminate the Agreement. COUNTY, at the option of the Contract Administrator, may cause such breach to be corrected and improved and bill MUNICIPALITY for the costs of such correction and improvement or terminate this Agreement. If COUNTY opts to correct and improve the breach and bill MUNICIPALITY for same, MUNICIPALITY shall then remit to COUNTY the amount so billed within thirty (30) days of MUNICIPALITY's receipt thereof. 4.3 Termination of this Agreement for cause shall include, but not be limited to, failure of the parties to suitably perform the services required by Article 2 herein, and failure of the _parties to continuously perform the services required by the terms and conditions of this Agreement in a manner calculated to meet or accomplish the objectives set forth herein, notwithstanding whether any such breach was previously waived or cured. 4.4 This Agreement may be terminated for convenience by either party upon a thirty (30) day written notice given by the terminating party to the other party. This Agreement may also be terminated by COUNTY's Contract Administrator upon such notice as Contract Administrator deems appropriate in the event that the Contract Administrator determines that termination is necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare. 4.5 In the event this Agreement is terminated for convenience, upon being notified of election to terminate, the parties shall refrain from performing further services or incurring additional expenses under the terms of this Agreement. MUNICIPALITY acknowledges and agrees that Ten Dollars ($10.00), the adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged by MUNICIPALITY, is given as specific consideration to MUNICIPALITY for COUNTY's right to terminate this Agreement for convenience. 4.6 Notice of termination shall be provided in accordance with Article 6, "NOTICES," herein except that notice of termination by Contract Administrator which Contract Administrator deems necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare may be verbal notice which shall be promptly confirmed in writing in accordance with Article 6, 51 "NOTICES," herein. ARTICLE 5 - CHANGES IN SCOPE OF SERVICES Any change to the Scope of Services must be accomplished by a written amendment, executed by the parties in accordance with Section 9.11 below. ARTICLE 6 - NOTICES Whenever either party desires to give notice to the other, such notice must be in writing, sent by certified United States Mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or by hand -delivery with a request for a written receipt of acknowledgment of delivery, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified. The place for giving notice shall remain the same as set forth herein until changed in writing in the manner provided in this section. For the present, the parties designate the following: FOR BROWARD COUNTY: Director Engineering Division One University Drive Plantation, Florida 33317 FOR MUNICIPALITY: City of Tamarac 6011 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, Florida 33321 ARTICLE 7 - INDEMNIFICATION MUNICIPALITY is a state agency or political subdivision as defined in Chapter 768.28, Florida Statutes, and agrees to be fully responsible for acts and omissions of its agents or employees to the extent permitted by law. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any party to which sovereign immunity may be applicable_ Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by a state agency or political subdivision of the state of Florida to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of this Agreement or any other contract. ARTICLE 8 - INSURANCE The parties hereto acknowledge that MUNICIPALITY is a self -insured governmental entity subject to the limitations of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. The MUNICIPALITY X shall institute and maintain a fiscally sound and prudent risk management program with regard to its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, ARTICLE 9 - MISCELLANEOUS 9.1 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Any and all reports, photographs, surveys, and other data and documents provided or created in connection with this Agreement are and shall remain the property of COUNTY. In the event of termination of this Agreement, any reports, photographs, surveys, and other data and documents prepared by MUNICIPALITY, whether finished or unfinished, shall become the property of COUNTY and shall be delivered by MUNICIPALITY to the Contract Administrator within seven (7) days of termination of this Agreement by either party. 9.2 NONDISCRIMINATION, EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY, AND AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. MUNICIPALITY shall not unlawfully discriminate against any person in its operations and activities or in its use or expenditure of funds in fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement. MUNICIPALITY shall affirmatively comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the course of providing any services funded by COUNTY, including Titles I and II of the ADA (regarding nondiscrimination on the basis of disability), and all applicable regulations, guidelines, and standards. In addition, MUNICIPALITY shall take affirmative steps to ensure nondiscrimination in employment against disabled persons. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff, termination, rates of pay, other forms of compensation, terms and conditions of employment, training (including apprenticeship), and accessibility. 9.2.1 MUNICIPALITY's decisions regarding the delivery of services under this Agreement shall be made without regard to or consideration of race, age, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation (Broward County Code, Chapter 161/2), national origin, marital status, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, or any other factor which cannot be lawfully used as a basis for service delivery. 9.2.2 MUNICIPALITY shall not engage in or commit any discriminatory practice in violation of the Broward County Human Rights Act (Broward County Code, Chapter 16'/2) in performing any services pursuant to this Agreement. 9.3 THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. Neither MUNICIPALITY nor COUNTY intends to directly or substantially benefit a third party by this Agreement. Therefore, the parties agree that there are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement and that no third party shall be entitled to assert a claim against either of them based upon this Agreement. The parties expressly acknowledge that it is not their intent to create any rights or obligations in any third person or entity under this Agreement. 6 9.4 ASSIGNMENT AND PERFORMANCE_ Neither this Agreement nor any interest herein shall be assigned, transferred, or encumbered by either party. In addition, unless permitted herein, MUNICIPALITY shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement. MUNICIPALITY represents that all persons delivering the services required by this Agreement have the knowledge and skills, either by training, experience, education, or a combination thereof, to adequately and competently perform the duties, obligations, and services set forth in the Scope of Services and to provide and perform such services to COUNTY's satisfaction. MUNICIPALITY shall perform its duties, obligations, and services under this Agreement in a skillful and respectable manner. The quality of MUNICIPALITY's performance and all interim and final product(s) provided to or on behalf of COUNTY shall be comparable to the best local and national standards. 9.5 MATERIALITY AND WAIVER OF BREACH. COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY agree that each requirement, duty, and obligation set forth herein is substantial and important to the formation of this Agreement and, therefore, is a material term hereof. COUNTY's failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision or modification of this Agreement. A waiver of any breach of a provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement. 9.6 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. MUNICIPALITY shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations in performing its duties, responsibilities, and obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 9.7 SEVERANCE. In the event a portion of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue to be effective unless COUNTY or MUNICIPALITY elects to terminate this Agreement. An election to terminate this Agreement based upon this provision shall be made within seven (7) days after the finding by the court becomes final. 9.8 JOINT PREPARATION. The parties acknowledge that they have sought and received whatever competent advice and counsel as was necessary for them to form a full and complete understanding of all rights and obligations herein and that the preparation of this Agreement has been their joint effort. The language agreed to expresses their mutual intent and the resulting document shall not, solely as a matter of judicial construction, be construed more severely against one of the parties than the other. 9.9 PRIORITY OF PROVISIONS. If there is a conflict or inconsistency between any term, statement, requirement, or provision of any exhibit attached hereto, any document or events referred to herein, or any document incorporated into this Agreement by reference and a term, statement, requirement, or provision of this Agreement, the term, statement, requirement, or provision contained in Articles 1 through 9 of this Agreement shall prevail and be given effect. 7 9.10 APPLICABLE LAW AND VENUE. Any controversies or legal problems arising out of this transaction and this Lease and any action involving the enforcement or interpretation of any rights hereunder shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the State courts of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Broward County, Florida, the venue situs, and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. 9.11 AMENDMENTS. No modification, amendment, or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document prepared with the same or similar formality as this Agreement and executed by the Board and MUNICIPALITY. 9.12 PRIOR AGREEMENTS. This document incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, and understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in this document. Accordingly, the parties agree that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. It is further agreed that no modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless set forth in writing in accordance with Section 9.11 above. 9.13 INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE. The truth and accuracy of each "Whereas" clause set forth above is acknowledged by the parties. Any attached exhibits are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. 9.14 MULTIPLE ORIGINALS. This Agreement may be fully executed in four (4) copies by all parties, each of which, bearing original signatures, shall have the force and effect of an original document. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature: BROWARD COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Chair or Vice Chair, authorized to execute same by Board action on the day of 20 , and CITY OF TAMARAC, signing by and through its duly authorized to execute same. ATTEST: BROWARD COUNTY, through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County Administrator and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County By Commissioners of Broward County, Florida Chair day of .20 Approved as to form by Office of County Attorney Broward County, Florida EDWARD A. DION, County Attorney Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Telephone: (954) 357-7600 Telecopier: (954) 357-6968 '. A 9 Pamela M. Kane Assistant County Attorney -AGREEMENT BETWEEN BROWARD COUNTY AND CITY OF TAMARAC FOR TRAFFICWAY ILLUMINATION FOR PINE ISLAND ROAD FROM COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD NORTH 1600 FEET WITNESSES: ATTEST: City Clerk (CORPORATE SEAL) PMK July 29, 2002 H,\DATA\DIV2\PMK\PMK02\Agree\Tamaraclil.a01.wpd CITY OF TAMAR.1 C Y Mayor -Commissioner /BY iK day of 0 0Z.jy . '.-., 20 ity Manager day of %a&=C , 20Q� B"RD NTY 2003 FEB - 3 PM 2= 21 Public Works Department ENGINEERING DIVISION F CITY s� LAMA �� 1 N. University Drive, Suite 300B • Plantation, Florida 33324-2038 • 954-577-4555 • FAX 954-577-2338 CITY �� �� January 28, 2003 Ms. Amber D'Amato City of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue Tamarac FL 33321 Subject: Project 5121. Improvements to Pine Island Road, from South of Oakland Park Boulevard to North of Commercial Boulevard. Agreement for Maintenance of Illumination (for Portion in Tamarac). Dear Ms. D'Amato: Attached please find your original copy of the fully executed Agreement, covering the Maintenance of the Illumination of the portion of Pine Island Road within the municipal limits of the City of Tamarac. Other copies of the agreement are distributed herewith as noted below, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 954.577.4559. Sincerely, Wilfrid P.S. Stride, P.E. Project Manager cc: Henry P. Cook, P.E., Director Richard C. Tornese P.E., Assistant Director Pamela M. Kane, Assistant County Attorney, w/original Jihad El Eid, P.E., Director, Traffic Engineering Division, w/copy Norman Gero, Landscape Architect, w/copy Luce Augustin, w/original Joseph Martin, P.E., Craven, Thompson & Associates file: \5121agmt.wpd Bro> Ward 0 dt 8d pp f'l rSr1�tllIssioners Josephus Eggelletion, Jr. Ben Craber •Sue Gunzburger • Knstl 34"6dbs • Ilene 1.1L�60man » 0, Noma I�atrlsh John E. Rodstrom, Jr. • James A. Scott • Diana Wasserman -Rubin W Ww.brgward':org AGREEMENT Between BROWARD COUNTY and CITY OF TAMARAC for TRAFFICWAY ILLUMINATION FOR PINE ISLAND ROAD FROM COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD TO APPROXIMATELY 1600 FEET NORTH Project No. 5121 2M? DEC -9 Pf4 O RECEIVED ENGINEERING 21I2 DEC 31 AM 10- 4 2 RECEIVED ENIGINEERING 203 JAN 23 AM 10.. 08 RECEIVED ENGINEERING AGREEMENT Between BROWARD COUNTY and CITY OF TAMARAC for TRAFFICWAY ILLUMINATION FOR PINE ISLAND ROAD FROM COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD TO APPROXIMATELY 1600 FEET NORTH Project No. 5121 This is an Agreement made and entered into by and between BROWARD COUNTY, a political subdivision of the state of Florida, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY," through its Board of County Commissioners, . K CITY OF TAMARAC, a municipal corporation located in Broward County, Florida, and organized and existing under the laws of the state of Florida, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as "MUNICIPALITY." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Pine Island Road from Commercial Boulevard north approximately 1600 feet, is a public trafficway (hereinafter referred to as the "Trafficway") located within the municipal boundaries of MUNICIPALITY and classified as a county road; and WHEREAS, it is of mutual benefit to the residents of COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY to illuminate the trafficway by installation and maintenance of lighting systems; and WHEREAS, MUNICIPALITYhas expressed its desire to undertake the maintenance responsibilities of the illumination of the Trafficway; and WHEREAS, MUNICIPALITY, by resolution of its governing body adopted on the day of 0'/&-1b-e-K , 20 Off, has approved this illumination of the trafficway 1 with COUNTY pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and has authorized the appropriate officers of MUNICIPALITY to execute this Agreement; and WHEREAS, COUNTY, by action of its Board of County Commissioners on the day of , 20 , has likewise approved the this illumination of the trafficway with MUNICIPALITY and has authorized the appropriate COUNTY officers to execute this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual terms, conditions, promises, covenants, and payment hereinafter set forth, COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS AND IDENTIFICATIONS 1.1 Agreement: "Agreement" shall mean this document, Articles 1 through 9, inclusive. Other terms and conditions are included in the exhibits and documents that are expressly incorporated by reference. 1.2 Board: "Board" shall mean the Broward County Board of County Commissioners. 1.3 Contract Administrator: "Contract Administrator" shall mean the Broward County Administrator, the Director of Public Works, or the designee of such County Administrator or Director. The primary responsibilities of the Contract Administrator are to coordinate _and communicate with MUNICIPALITY and to manage and supervise execution and completion of the Scope of Services and the terms and conditions of this Agreement as set forth herein. In the administration of this Agreement, as contrasted with matters of policy, all parties may rely on the instructions or determinations made by the Contract Administrator; provided, however, that such instructions and determinations do not change the Scope of Services. 1.4 COUNTY: "COUNTY" shall mean Broward County, through the Board, a political subdivision of the state of Florida. 1.5 County Attorney: "County Attorney" shall mean the chief legal counsel for COUNTY who directs and supervises the Office of the County Attorney pursuant to Section 4.03 of the Broward County Charter. 1.6 MUNICIPALITY: "MUNICIPALITY" shall mean the City of TAMARAC. ARTICLE 2 - SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.1 COUNTY shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, sodium vapor design plans and specifications for the illumination of the Trafficway. Such plans and specifications shall be reviewed and approved by the Contract Administrator and a representative of K MUNICIPALITY and shall substantially conform to the Standard Specifications for Highway Lighting established by the Florida Department of Transportation. 2.2 In accordance with the approved design plans and specifications, COUNTY shall install, or cause to be installed, a lighting system along the Trafficway. Following installation, COUNTY shall provide to MUNICIPALITY the design plans, specifications and warranties, if any. 2.3 MUNICIPALITY shall immediately take all necessary steps to properly establish an electrical energy account with the MUNICIPALITY's electrical energy supplier for the lighting system and shall agree to pay all electrical energy charges prior to and after the initial energizing of the lighting system. 2.4 MUNICIPALITY shall maintain the lighting system along the Trafficway in accordance with the approved design plans and specifications and in substantial conformance with the Standard Specifications for Highway Lighting adopted by the Florida Department of Transportation. As part of such maintenance responsibility, MUNICIPALITY shall keep in good repair, and replace, defective or worn out lighting system parts and equipment which system parts and equipment shall include, but not be limited to, poles, luminaries, and circuitry. MUNICIPALITY'S responsibility to keep the system, in good repair shall include all necessary maintenance, repair and replacement of any type or nature, including, but not limited to, maintenance, repair and replacement due to normal wear and tear, acts of God, vandalism and accidents. 2.5 COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY agree and understand that the lighting system, so installed, shall remain the property of COUNTY after installation and shall not be moved or relocated without the express written consent of the Contract Administrator, and that this Agreement shall not affect COUNTY's responsibility for installation and maintenance of traffic control signals and devices along the Trafficway. 2.6 There currently exists lighting along a portion of the Trafficway. MUNICIPALITY shall be responsible for gaining the approval of Florida Power and Light for the removal of this lighting. Thereafter, COUNTY will coordinate the removal of that lighting system with Florida Power and Light. ARTICLE 3 - COSTS 3.1 COUNTY shall be responsible for all costs associated with Sections 2.1. and 2.2, during the term of this Agreement, except as otherwise specifically set forth herein. 3.2 MUNICIPALITY shall be responsible for all costs associated with Section 2.3 and 2.4, during the term of this Agreement. 3 ARTICLE 4 - TERM AND TERMINATION 4.1 The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date it is fully executed by both parties and shall terminate as provided for by Sections 4.2 through 4.6 herein below. 4.2 This Agreement may be terminated for cause by COUNTY, through action of the Board, or by MUNICIPALITY, upon a thirty (30) day written notice given by the terminating party to the other party setting forth the breach. If MUNICIPALITY, or COUNTY, corrects the breach within thirty (30) days after written notice of same, to the satisfaction of the terminating party, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. If such breach is not corrected and improved within thirty (30) days of receipt of notice of breach, the terminating party may terminate the Agreement. COUNTY, at the option of the Contract Administrator, may cause such breach to be corrected and improved and bill MUNICIPALITY for the costs of such correction and improvement or terminate this Agreement. If COUNTY opts to correct and improve the breach and bill MUNICIPALITY for same, MUNICIPALITY shall then remit to COUNTY the amount so billed within thirty (30) days of MUNICIPALITY's receipt thereof. 4.3 Termination of this Agreement for cause shall include, but not be limited to, failure of the parties to suitably perform the services required by Article 2 herein, and failure of the _parties to continuously perform the services required by the terms and conditions of this Agreement in a manner calculated to meet or accomplish the objectives set forth herein, notwithstanding whether any such breach was previously waived or cured. 4.4 This Agreement may be terminated for convenience by either party upon a thirty (30) day written notice given by the terminating party to the other party. This Agreement may also be terminated by COUNTY's Contract Administrator upon such notice as Contract Administrator deems appropriate in the event that the Contract Administrator determines that termination is necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare. 4.5 In the event this Agreement is terminated for convenience, upon being notified of election to terminate, the parties shall refrain from performing further services or incurring additional expenses under the terms of this Agreement. MUNICIPALITY acknowledges and agrees that Ten Dollars ($10.00), the adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged by MUNICIPALITY, is given as specific consideration to MUNICIPALITY for COUNTY's right to terminate this Agreement for convenience. 4.6 Notice of termination shall be provided in accordance with Article 6, "NOTICES," herein except that notice of termination by Contract Administrator which Contract Administrator deems necessary to protect the public health, safety, or welfare may be verbal notice which shall be promptly confirmed in writing in accordance with Article 6, GI "NOTICES," herein. ARTICLE 5 - CHANGES IN SCOPE OF SERVICES Any change to the Scope of Services must be accomplished by a written amendment, executed by the parties in accordance with Section 9.11 below. ARTICLE 6 - NOTICES Whenever either party desires to give notice to the other, such notice must be in writing, sent by certified United States Mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or by hand -delivery with a request for a written receipt of acknowledgment of delivery, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified. The place for giving notice shall remain the same as set forth herein until changed in writing in the manner provided in this section. For the present, the parties designate the following: FOR BROWARD COUNTY: Director Engineering Division One University Drive Plantation, Florida 33317 FOR MUNICIPALITY: City of Tamarac 6011 Nob Hill Road Tamarac, Florida 33321 ARTICLE 7 - INDEMNIFICATION MUNICIPALITY is a state agency or political subdivision as defined in Chapter 768.28, Florida Statutes, and agrees to be fully responsible for acts and omissions of its agents or employees to the extent permitted by law. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any party to which sovereign immunity may be applicable. Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by a state agency or political subdivision of the state of Florida to be sued by third parties in any matter arising out of this Agreement or any other contract. ARTICLE 8 - INSURANCE The parties hereto acknowledge that MUNICIPALITY is a self-insuredgovernmental entity subject to the limitations of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. The MUNICIPALITY shall institute and maintain a fiscally sound and prudent risk management program with regard to its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Section 768,28, Florida Statutes. ARTICLE 9 - MISCELLANEOUS 9.1 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. Any and all reports, photographs, surveys, and other data and documents provided or created in connection with this Agreement are and shall remain the property of COUNTY. In the event of termination of this Agreement, any reports, photographs, surveys, and other data and documents prepared by MUNICIPALITY, whether finished or unfinished, shall become the property of COUNTY and shall be delivered by MUNICIPALITY to the Contract Administrator within seven (7) days of termination of this Agreement by either party. 9.2 NONDISCRIMINATION, EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY, AND AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. MUNICIPALITY shall not unlawfully discriminate against any person in its operations and activities or in its use or expenditure of funds in fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement. MUNICIPALITY shall affirmatively comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the course of providing any services funded by COUNTY, including Titles I and II of the ADA (regarding nondiscrimination on the basis of disability), and all applicable regulations, guidelines, and standards. In addition, MUNICIPALITY shall take affirmative steps to ensure nondiscrimination in employment against disabled persons. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff, termination, rates of pay, other forms of compensation, terms and conditions of employment, training (including apprenticeship), and accessibility. 9.2.1 MUNICIPALITY's decisions regarding the delivery of services under this Agreement shall be made without regard to or consideration of race, age, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation (Broward County Code, Chapter 16Y2), national origin, marital status, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, or any other factor which cannot be lawfully used as a basis for service delivery. 9.2.2 MUNICIPALITY shall not engage in or commit any discriminatory practice in violation of the Broward County Human Rights Act (Broward County Code, Chapter 16Y2) in performing any services pursuant to this Agreement. 9.3 THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. Neither MUNICIPALITY nor COUNTY intends to directly or substantially benefit a third party by this Agreement. Therefore, the parties agree that there are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement and that no third party shall be entitled to assert a claim against either of them based upon this Agreement. The parties expressly acknowledge that it is not their intent to create any rights or obligations in any third person or entity under this Agreement. 101 9.4 ASSIGNMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Neither this Agreement nor any interest herein shall be assigned, transferred, or encumbered by either party. In addition, unless permitted herein, MUNICIPALITY shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement. MUNICIPALITY represents that all persons delivering the services required by this Agreement have the knowledge and skills, either by training, experience, education, or a combination thereof, to adequately and competently perform the duties, obligations, and services set forth in the Scope of Services and to provide and perform such services to COUNTY's satisfaction. MUNICIPALITY shall perform its duties, obligations, and services under this Agreement in a skillful and respectable manner. The quality of MUNICIPALITY's performance and all interim and final product(s) provided to or on behalf of COUNTY shall be comparable to the best local and national standards. 9.5 MATERIALITY AND WAIVER OF BREACH. COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY agree that each requirement, duty, and obligation set forth herein is substantial and important to the formation of this Agreement and, therefore, is a material term hereof. COUNTY's failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision or modification of this Agreement. A waiver of any breach of a provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement. 9.6 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. MUNICIPALITY shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws, codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations in performing its duties, responsibilities, and obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 9.7 SEVERANCE. In the event a portion of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue to be effective unless COUNTY or MUNICIPALITY elects to terminate this Agreement. An election to terminate this Agreement based upon this provision shall be made within seven (7) days after the finding by the court becomes final. 9.8 JOINT PREPARATION. The parties acknowledge that they have sought and received whatever competent advice and counsel as was necessary for them to form a full and complete understanding of all rights and obligations herein and that the preparation of this Agreement has been their joint effort. The language agreed to expresses their mutual intent and the resulting document shall not, solely as a matter of judicial construction, be construed more severely against one of the parties than the other. 9.9 PRIORITY OF PROVISIONS. If there is a conflict or inconsistency between any term, statement, requirement, or provision of any exhibit attached hereto, any document or events referred to herein, or any document incorporated into this Agreement by reference and a term, statement, requirement, or provision of this Agreement, the term, statement, requirement, or provision contained in Articles 1 through 9 of this Agreement shall prevail and be given effect. 7 9.10 APPLICABLE LAW AND VENUE. Any controversies or legal problems arising out of this transaction and this Lease and any action involving the enforcement or interpretation of any rights hereunder shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the State courts of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Broward County, Florida, the venue situs, and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. 9.11 AMENDMENTS. No modification, amendment, or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document prepared with the same or similar formality as this Agreement and executed by the Board and MUNICIPALITY. 9.12 PRIOR AGREEMENTS. This document incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, and understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in this document. Accordingly, the parties agree that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. It is further agreed that no modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless set forth in writing in accordance with Section 9.11 above. 9.13 INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE. The truth and accuracy of each "Whereas" "clause set forth above is acknowledged by the parties. Any attached exhibits are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. 9.14 MULTIPLE ORIGINALS. This Agreement may be fully executed in four (4) copies by all parties, each of which, bearing original signatures, shall have the force and effect of an original document. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature: BROWARD COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Chair or Vice Chair, authorized to execute same by Board action on the d la day of 20 OS , and CITY OF TAMARAC, signing by and through its cA,. 6& , duly authorized to execute same. ATTEST: County Administrator and Ex-Officia Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida .00 A CD '-"33 0" 5C;LtAl�D 7. �'1 BROWARD COUNTY, through its BOARD OF COUNTY.GOMMISSION ERS Mayor /d ay of —JQ.1yW , 20 63 . Approved as to form by Office of County Attorney Broward County, Florida EDWARD A. DION, County Attorney Governmental Center, Suite 423 115 South Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Teleph e: 954) 357-7600 Telec er 954) 357-6968 By Pamela M. Kane Assistant County Attorney AGREEMENT BETWEEN BROWARD COUNTY AND CITY OF TAMARAC FOR TRAFFICWAY ILLUMINATION FOR PINE ISLAND ROAD FROM COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD NORTH 1600 FEET WITNESSES: Z)� sl�t— "if -� . i ATTEST: City Clerk (CORPORATE SEAL) PMK July 29, 2002 H:\DATA\D I V2\PMK\PM K02\Ag ree\Tamarac) ll.a0l .wpd I��'L�T By J= Z&sn&A/ Mayor -Commissioner c,l % day of IVo ✓eL Pn h-e- , 20 oa-- Cy Manager dam( of / 1. WAR . 1 -,1 • . /i� 10 r[ /27IC2-