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City of Tamarac Resolution R-2001-103
Temp. Reso. #9255 Page 1 of 3 April 9, 2001 Rev. #1; May 4, 2001 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2001-103 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE AWARD OF BID NO. 01-05B TO SUN RECYCLING LLC FOR DEBRIS DISPOSAL SERVICES; AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH SUN RECYCLING LLC; AUTHORIZING A COMBINED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $40,000 IN THE STORMWATER AND UTILITIES FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac publicly advertised Bid No. 01-05B for debris disposal; and WHEREAS, on January 11, 2001, four (4) bids were opened and reviewed in order to determine cost and responsiveness to the City's technical specifications; and and WHEREAS, Sun Recycling LLC was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder; WHEREAS, funding is available in the Utilities and Stormwater Management Funds for said purpose; and WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works, the Director of Utilities and the Purchasing/Contracts Manager recommend that the City award Bid #01-05B to Sun Recycling LLC for debris disposal services; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac that debris disposal services be provided contractually by Sun Recycling LLC. C 1 1 Temp. Reso. #9255 Page 2 of 3 April 9, 2001 Rev. #1; May 4, 2001 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are HEREBY ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon adoption hereof. SECTION 2: The award of Bid #01-05B to Sun Recycling LLC is HEREBY authorized, a copy of said Bid being hereto attached as Exhibit 1. SECTION 3: The appropriate City Officials are HEREBY authorized to execute an agreement with Sun Recycling LLC, a copy of said Agreement being hereto attached as Exhibit 2. SECTION 4: A combined annual total expenditure in an amount not to exceed $40,000 is HEREBY authorized in the Utilities and Stormwater Management Funds. SECTION 5: All Resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. 1 E- 1 Temp. Reso. #9255 Page 3 of 3 April 9, 2001 Rev. #1; May 4, 2001 SECTION 6: If any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this Resolution that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are declared to be severable. SECTION 7: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 91h day of May 2001. ATTEST: MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to fore . ITCHELL S. CRAFT CITY ATTORNEY JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER DIST 2: COMM. MISHKIN_ DIST 3: V/M SULTANOF_ DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS U:\adm correspond ence\agenda\9255RES-Debris Disposal Bid Award.doc E • �' Exhibit 1 TEMP. RESO.: \ V."°r"' REQUEST FOR BID �• " TAFlmlzkleirfsrl j� , I N 7 n BID # 01-05B DEBRIS DISPOSAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT PURCHASING DIVISION CITY OF TAMARAC 7525 NW 88TH AVENUE TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321-2401 City of Tamarac Finance Department, Purchasing Division 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 Telephone: (954) 724-2450 Facsimile (954) 724-2408 Website: www.tomarac.org CITY OF TAMARAC INVITATION TO BID BID NO. 01-05B Sealed bids, addressed to the Purchasing and Contracts Manager of the City of Tamarac, Broward County, Florida, will be received in the Purchasing Office, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 until Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 2:00 p.m., at which time bids will be publicly opened and announced for: DEBRIS DISPOSAL All bids received after the date and time stated above will be returned unopened to the Bidder. All Bidders are invited to attend the opening. The City of Tamarac is hereby requesting Bids, from qualified vendors, to properly dispose of debris that City employees will deliver by dump truck, as per the conditions and specifications contained in this document. One original and two copies (2) of the bid shall be submitted on an official bid form furnished with the bid package and those submitted otherwise will not be considered responsive. The submittal shall be plainly marked Bid No. 01-05B, DEBRIS DISPOSAL opening on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. on the outside of the envelope. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, or any part of any bid, to waive any informalities, and to award in the best interest of the City of Tamarac. Bid documents will be available for review and may be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. For non -technical inquiries, contact the Purchasing Office at (954) 724- 2450; and for technical issues, contact Jean Dupuis at (954) 724-1357. / wze/ Anne M. Lodato, CPPB Senior Buyer Publish Sun Sentinel Sunday, 12/17/00 Sunday, 12/24/00 1 Equal Opportunity Employer CITY OF TAMARAC INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ,BID NO. 01-05B It is the intent of the City to award this bid to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informality concerning the bids when such rejection or waiver is deemed to be in the best interest of The City of Tamarac. The City reserves the right to award the bid on a split order basis, lump sum or individual item basis unless otherwise stated. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS These general terms and conditions apply to all offers made to the City of Tamarac by all prospective Bidders including but not limited to Request for Quotes, Request for Bids and Request for Proposals. As such the words "bid" and "proposal" are used interchangeably in reference to all offers submitted by prospective bidders. 1. SUBMISSION OF THE BID: The Bidder is directed to deliver sealed bids to the City's Purchasing Office, City of Tamarac, 7525 N. W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321, ON: Wednesday, January 10, 2001, no later than 2:00 PM. At this time the bids will be opened, the names of all Bidders will be announced and all bids shall be a matter of public record. All Bidders and their representatives are invited to attend. The Bidder must show the bid number, bid name, time and date of the bid opening on the outside of the sealed bid package. Delivery of the sealed bids to the City Purchasing Office on or before the above date is solely and strictly the responsibility of the Bidder. Late bids will be returned unopened to the Bidder. It is the Bidder's responsibility to read and understand the requirements of this bid. Unless otherwise specified the Bidder must use the bid form furnished in the bid packet. Bidders are required to state exactly what they intend to furnish to the City via this Solicitation and must indicate any variances to the terms, conditions and specifications of this bid, no matter how slight. If variations are not stated in the bid, it shall be construed that the Bidder's bid fully complies with all conditions identified in this bid. The Bidder shall submit one (1) ORIGINAL and TWO (2) copies (blue forms only) of the bid. The ORIGINAL bid must be manually and duly signed in ink by a Corporate Officer, Principal, or Partner with the authority to bind the bidding company orfirm by his/her signature. All quotations must be typewritten orfilled in with pen and ink. Bids having erasures or corrections must be initialed in ink by the Bidder. All prices, terms and conditions quoted in the submitted bid will be firm for acceptance for sixty days from the date of the bid opening unless otherwise stated by the City. 2. BONDING: Not applicable for this bid. I. 61 3. WITHDRAWAL OF BID: Any Bidder may withdraw its bid prior to the indicated opening time. The request for withdrawal must be submitted in writing to the City Purchasing Office. 4. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT: A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 5. NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT: Each Contractor shall complete the Non -Collusive Form and shall submit the form with the Proposal. CITY considers the failure of the Contractor to submit this document to be a major irregularity and may be cause for rejection of the Proposal. 6. QUANTITIES: Quantities shown are estimates only. No guarantee or warranty is given or implied by the City as to the total amount that may or may not be purchased from any resulting contract. The City reserves the right to decrease or increase quantities or add or delete any item from the contract if it is determined that it best serves the interests of the City. 7. PRICES, PAYMENTS AND DISCOUNTS: Bid prices shall be fixed and firm to the extent required under Special Conditions. Payment will be made only after receipt and acceptance of materials/services. Cash discounts may be offered for prompt payment; however, such discounts shall not be considered in determining the lowest net cost for bid evaluation. Bidders are encouraged to provide prompt payment terms in the space provided on the Bid Form. If no payment discount is offered, the Bidder shall enter zero (0) for the percentage discount to indicate net 30 days. If the Bidder does not enter a percentage discount, it is understood and agreed that the payment terms shall be 2% 10 days, net 30 days effective on the date that the City receives an accurate invoice or accepts the product, whichever is the later date. Payment is deemed to be made on the date of the mailing of the check. 8. DELIVERY: All items shall be delivered F.O.B. destination to a specific City address. All delivery costs and charges must be included in the bid price. All exceptions shall be noted. Failure to do so may be cause for rejection of the bid. The City reserves the right to cancel orders or any part thereof, without obligation if delivery is not made at the time specified in the bid. 9. BRAND NAMES: Manufacturers' name, brand name, model number or make is used in these specifications for the sole purpose of establishing minimum requirements of quality, performance and design. 3 10. SAMPLES AND DEMONSTRATIONS: When requested, samples are to be furnished free of charge to the City. If a sample is requested it must be delivered within seven days of the request unless otherwise stated in the bid. Each sample must be marked with the bidder's name and manufacture's brand name. The City will not be responsible for returning samples. The City may request a full demonstration of any product or service before the award of a contract. All demonstrations will be done at the expense of the Bidder. 11. CONDITIONS OF MATERIALS: All materials and products supplied by the Bidder in conjunction with this bid shall be new, warranted for their merchantability, fit for a particular purpose, free from defects and consistent with industry standards. The products shall be delivered to the City in excellent condition. In the event that any of the products supplied to the City are found to be defective or do not conform to the specifications, the City reserves the right to return the product to the Bidder at no cost to the City. 12. COPYRIGHTS OR PATENT RIGHTS: The Bidder warrants that there has been no violation of copyrights or patent rights in manufacturing, producing or selling the goods shipped or ordered as a result of this bid. The seller agrees to hold the City harmless from all liability, loss or expense occasioned by any such violation. 13. SAFETY STANDARDS: The Bidder warrants that the product(s) supplied to the City conforms with all respects to the standards set forth in the Occupational Safety and Health Act and its amendments. to any industry standards if applicable. 14. PERFORMANCE: Failure on the part of the Bidder to comply with the conditions, terms, specifications and requirement of the bid shall be just cause for the cancellation of the bid award. The City may, by written notice to the Bidder, terminate the contract for failure to perform. The date of termination shall be stated in the notice. The City shall be the sole judge of nonperformance. 15. DEFAULT: In the event that the Bidder defaults on the contract or the contract is terminated for cause due to performance, the City reserves the right to obtain the materials or services from the next lowest Bidder or other source during the remaining term of the contract. Under this arrangement the City will charge the Bidder any excess cost occasioned or incurred thereby and shall apply to any bid bond required. 16. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF CITY: Upon seven (7) calendar days written notice delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Bidder, the CITY may without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy, terminate the agreement for the CITY's convenience whenever the CITY determines that such termination is in the best interest of the CITY. Where the agreement is terminated for the convenience of the CITY the notice of termination to the Bidder must state that the contract is being terminated for the convenience of the CITY under the termination clause and the extent of termination. Upon receipt of the notice of termination for convenience, the Bidder shall promptly discontinue all CI work at the time and to the extent indicated on the notice of termination, terminate all outstanding sub -contractors and purchase orders to the extent that they relate to the terminated portion of the Contract and refrain from placing further orders and sub -contracts except as they may be necessary, and complete any continued portions of the work. 17. ASSIGNMENT: The Bidder shall not transfer or assign the performance required by this bid without the prior written consent of the City. Any award issued pursuant to this bid and monies that may become due hereunder are not assignable except with prior written approval of the City. 18. EMPLOYEES: Employees of the Bidder shall at all times be under its sole direction and not an employee or agent of the City. The Bidder shall supply competent and physically capable employees. The City may require the Bidder to remove an employee it deems careless, incompetent, insubordinate or otherwise objectionable. Bidder shall be responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of all employees working under its directions. 19. TAXES: The City of Tamarac is exempt from all Federal, State, and Local taxes. An exemption certificate will be provided where applicable upon request. 20. BID PREPARATION EXPENSE: The Bidder preparing a bid in response to this bid shall bear all expenses associated with its preparation. The Bidder shall prepare a bid with the understanding that no claim for reimbursement shall be submitted to the City for the expense of bid preparation and/or presentation. 21. OMISSION OF DETAILS: Omission of any essential details from these specifications will not relieve the Bidder of supplying such product(s) as specified. 22. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Bidder agrees to, in the performance of work and services under this Agreement, comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations now in effect, or hereinafter enacted during the term of this agreement that are applicable to Contractor, its employees, agents, or subcontractors, if any, with respect to the work and services described herein. Bidder shall obtain at Bidder's expense all necessary insurance in such form and amount as required by the City's Risk Manager before beginning work under this Agreement. Bidder shall maintain such insurance in full force and effect during the life of this Agreement. Bidder shall provide to the City's Risk Manager certificates of all insurance required under this section prior to beginning any work under this Agreement. Bidder shall indemnify and save the City harmless from any damage resulting to it for failure of either Bidder or any subcontractor to obtain or maintain such insurance, 61 The following are required types and minimum limits of insurance coverage which the Bidder agrees to maintain during the term of this contract: Limits Line of Business/ Coverage Occurrence Commercial General Liability $1,000,000 Including: Premises/Operations Contractual Liability Personal Injury Explosion, Collapse, Underground Hazard Products/Completed Operations Broad Form Property Damage Cross Liability and Severability of Interest Clause Automobile Liability $1,000,000 Workers' Compensation & Employer's Statutory Liability Aggregate $1,000,000 $1,000,000 The City reserves the right to require higher limits depending upon the scope of work under this Agreement. Neither Bidder nor any subcontractor shall commence work under this contract until they have obtained all insurance required under this section and have supplied the City with evidence of such coverage in the form of an insurance certificate and endorsement. The Bidder will ensure that all subcontractors will comply with the above guidelines and will maintain the necessary coverages throughout the term of this Agreement. All insurance carriers shall be rated at least A-VII per Best's Key Rating Guide and be licensed to do business in Florida. Policies shall be "Occurrence" form. Each carrier will give the City sixty (60) days notice prior to cancellation. The Bidder's liability insurance policies shall be endorsed to add the City of Tamarac as an "additional insured". The Bidder's Worker's Compensation carrier will provide a Waiver of Subrogation to the City. The Bidder shall be responsible for the payment of all deductibles and self -insured retentions. f r The City may require that the Bidder purchase a bond to cover the full amount of the deductible or self -insured retention. If the Bidder is to provide professional services under this Agreement, the Bidder must provide the City with evidence of Professional Liability insurance with, at a minimum, a limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. "Claims -Made" forms are acceptable for Professional Liability insurance. 23. INDEMNIFICATION: The Bidder shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Tamarac, its elected and appointed officials and employees from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, liability, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) in connection with loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage, including loss of use thereof, directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, arising out of or occurring in connection with the operations of the Bidder or his Subcontractors, agents, officers, employees or independent contractors, excepting only such loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City of Tamarac or its elected or appointed officials and employees. 24. CLARIFICATION TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Where there appears to be variances or conflicts between the General Terms and Conditions and the Special Conditions and/or Detailed Specifications outlined in this bid, the Special Conditions and/or the Detailed Specifications shall prevail. The Bidder shall examine all bid documents and shall judge all matters relating to the adequacy and accuracy of such documents. Any inquires, suggestions, request concerning clarification or solicitation for additional information shall be submitted in writing to the City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contract Manager. The City shall not be responsible for oral interpretations given by any City employee or its representative. 25. BID TABULATION: Bidders who wish to receive a copy of the bid tabulation should request it by enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope with their bid, or by requesting a tabulation be sent to their fax machine. Bid results will not be given out by telephone. The City does not notify unsuccessful bidders of contract awards. Pursuant to Florida Statute Chapter 119, Section 7(m) Sealed bids or proposals received by an agency pursuant to invitations to bid or requests for proposals are exempt from the provisions of subsection (1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution until such time as the agency provides notice of a decision or intended decision pursuant to s. 120.57(3)(a) or within 10 days after bid or proposal opening, whichever is earlier. Ire 26. RECORDS/AUDITS; The Contractor shall maintain during the term of the contract all books, reports and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and standards for records directly related to this contract. The form of all records and reports shall be subject to the approval of the City's Auditor. The Contractor agrees to make available to the City's Auditor, during normal business hours and in Broward, Dade or Palm Beach Counties, all books of account, reports and records relating to this contract for the duration of the contract and retain them for a minimum period of one (1) year beyond the last day or the contract term. .1. �:3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS BID 01-05B DEBRIS DISPOSAL 1. PURPOSE OF BID The City of Tamarac is hereby requesting Bids, from qualified vendors, to properly dispose of debris City employees will deliver by dump truck, as per the conditions and specifications contained in this document. The contract shall be for an initial period of one (1) year. Operations are to begin on approximately January 24, 2001 or as close to that date as possible pending award of the bid by City Commission, The City reserves the right to extend the contract for four (4) additional one (1) year periods providing all parties agree to the extension, and all of the terms, conditions, and specifications remain the same. All quantities given are estimates of annual needs and may be increased or decreased to meet the requirements of the City. No warranty is given or implied as to the exact quantities that will be used during the term of this contract. It is the intent of the City to award this bid to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. The City reserves the right to award the bid on a split order basis, lump sum or individual item basis unless otherwise stated. 2. CONSIDERATION FOR AWARD The City reserves the right to consider a Bidders history of citations and/or violations of environmental regulations in determining a Bidder's responsibility, and further reserves the right to declare a bidder not responsible if the history of violations warrant such determination. Bidder shall submit with bid, a complete history of all citations and/or violations, notices and dispositions thereof. The non -submission of any such documentation shall be deemed an affirmation by the Bidder that there are no citations or violations. Bidder shall notify the City immediately of notice of any citation or violation which Bidder may receive after the Bid opening date and during the time of performance of any contract awarded to Bidder. 3. PRICING Prices quoted shall be per cubic yard or ton of sorted and also unsorted debris. No price increase will be accepted during the initial contract period. Renewal terms allow for a request for an increase at the time of renewal based on disposal cost increases not to exceed 5%. A request for increase cannot be profit oriented, but must be based on a disposal cost increase. A written request must be submitted to Purchasing for approval of any increase prior to renewal but no later than Vendor's concurrence to renew; accompanied by Vendor's documentation to substantiate need for price increase. 9 4. INVOICING Invoice shall indicate Purchase Order number, Unit price, extension, total billed and any allowable cash discounts. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BID NUMBER 01-05B • The facility shall meet all State Guidelines as approved by the DPEP (Department of Planning and Environmental Protection) for debris disposal. • The facility shall be available for inspection by City representatives in order to verify that debris disposal is being handled properly. The Public Works Department Streets Division and Stormwater Division, as well as the Utilities Department all accumulate debris during their day to day operations and/ or special projects. • The debris consists of bricks, stones, rocks, pavement, dirt, grass, concrete, road rock, wood and other items usually found on the road or buried in the ground. Most of the time the debris will not be sorted or segregated in any way. • City staff will bring the debris to you in a dump truck approximately once every month, deliveries are usually made on Saturdays. • In the past year we disposed of over 4,500 cubic yards worth of debris. Disposal volume can be greater or lower dependent upon the amount of construction projects conducted by City employees within the City of Tamarac. • Bidder shall submit with bid, a complete history of all citations and/or violations, notices and dispositions thereof. The non -submission of any such documentation shall be deemed an affirmation by the Bidder that there are no citations or violations. 10 COMPANY NAME: (Please Print):_ su/t/ RCC I/L' LI'A/9 1• l.0 Phone: Ste,/ 94e S0F/ Fax: �6P BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR BID, MAKE SURE YOU... 1. Carefully read the GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS, SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS and then properly fill out the BID FORM (Attachment "A"). 2. Fill out and sign the NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT (Attachment "B" and have it properly notarized). 3. Sign the CERTIFICATION PAGE (Attachment "C"). Failure to do so will result in your Bid being deemed non -responsive. 4. Fill out BIDDERS QUALIFICATION STATEMENT (Attachment "D") k""5. Fill out the REFERENCES PAGE (Attachment "E"). 6. Sign the VENDOR DRUG FREE WORKPLACE FORM (Attachment "F") 7. Include Proof of Insurance. 8. Carefully read the AGREEMENT documents attached. 9. Submit ONE ORIGINAL (COLORED) AND TWO (2) PHOTOCOPIES of your bid. N/A 10. Include a BID BOND, if applicable. Failure to provide a bond will result in automatic rejection of your bid. 11. Make sure your BID is submitted prior to the deadline. Late Bids will not be accepted. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE REQUESTED ATTACHMENTS MAY RESULT IN YOUR BID BEING DEEMED NON -RESPONSIVE. THIS PAGE AND THE FOLLOWING COLORED PAGES ARE TO BE RETURNED WITH YOUR BID. f THIS SHOULD BE THE FIRST PAGE OF YOUR BID. 11 ATTACHMENT "A" BID FORM DEBRIS DISPOSAL BID NO. 01-05B Submitted by: T///f/ (Bidder) THIS BID SUBMITTED TO: CITY OF TAMARAC Attention: Purchasing and Contracts Manager 7525 Northwest 88" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321 o f- o p-o (Date) The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this bid is accepted, to enter into an agreement with the City to perform and furnish all Work as specified herein for the Contract Price and within the Contract Period indicated in this bid. 2. This bid will remain subject to acceptance for sixty (60) days after the day of bid opening. Bidder will sign ;and submit an agreement with the necessary documents required by the City within fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the City's Award. a) Bidder has familiarized itself with the nature and extent of the contract documents, locality, and all local conditions and laws and regulations that in any manner may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. b) Bidder has given the City written notice of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies that it has discovered in the contract documents and the written resolution thereof by the City is acceptable to Bidder. c) This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation; Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid; Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over the City. 3. Bidder will complete the Work for the prices shown in the " Bid Form". 4. Bidder agrees that the Work will be substantially performed and complete in ..accordance with the schedules established herein. I&. 12 ATTACHMENT "A" BID FORM DEBRIS DISPOSAL BID NO.01-OSB We propose to furnish the following in conformity with the specifications and at the below bid prices. The bid prices quoted have been checked and certified to be correct. Said prices are fixed and firm and shall be paid to Bidder for the successful completion of its obligation as specified in the contract documents DESCRIPTION $ PER CUBIC YARD $ PER TON Unsorted Debris %.7- N ,9 Sorted Debris • Bricks 00 A • Concrete q. 0o N • Dirt q00 11 Pavement 5.00 Road Rock y. OD ,- Rocks and Stones d 4.00 Wood 3.00 List Days and Hours of Operation MGM - r=2 How do you intend to dispose of the bris? - Landfill , Recycle The City reserves the right to reject any bid, if it deems that a vendor has deliberately provided erroneous information. The undersigned declare to have specific and legal authorization to obligate their firm to the terms of this bid, and further, that they have examined the Invitation to Bid, the instructions to Bidders, the Specifications, and other documents included in this bid request, and hereby promises and agrees that, if this bid is accepted, they will faithfully fulfill the terms of this bid together with all guarantees and warranties thereto. The undersigned bidding firm further certifies the product and/or equipment meets or exceeds the specification as stated in the bid package; and also agrees that products and/or equipment to be delivered which fail to meet bid specifications will be rejected by the City within thirty (30) days of delivery. Return of rejection will be at the expense of the b' der. s Utv &c UC g L. Z. C' Company Name` Authorized Signature r", YI �)-U, /( " S, CA^- ems - Address Typed/Printed Name 20",PPW C ILL -,it t, I rc . 33�� City, State, ZIP r Contractor's Lipense Number 13 9sy 9�- S- id�-i - 9sy 96, F- i9SV Telephone & Fax Number Federal Tax ID# ATTACHMENT "A" continued Bidders Name: SU/J- NOTE: Bid submittals without the manual signature of an authorized agent of the Bidder shall be deemed non -responsive and ineligible for award. TERMS: % DAYS: Delivery/comp etion: calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order NOTE: To be considered eligible for award, one (1) ORIGINAL AND TWO (2) COPIES OF THIS BID FORM must be submitted with the Bid. IF "NO BID" IS OFFERED, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Please indicate reason(s) why a Bid Proposal is not being submitted at this time. Return the Bid Form to avoid removal of Bidder from the City of Tamarac's vendor listing. 14 ATTACHMENT "A" continued Bidder's Name: S&/A1/ /�0eve4/c/9 ZC Variations: The Bidder shall identify all variations and exceptions taken to the Instructions to Bidders, the Special Conditions and any Technical Specifications in the space provided below; provided, however, that such variations are not expressly prohibited in the bid documents. For each variation listed, reference the applicable section of the bid document. If no variations are listed here, it is understood that the Bidder's Proposal fully complies with all terms and conditions. It is further understood that such variations may be cause for determining that the Bid Proposal is non -responsive and ineligible for award: Section /J/ /, Variance A/m Sectio Sectio Sectio Variance Variance Variance Attach additional sheets if necessary. 11 15 ATTACHMENT "B" NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT State of �012 ) ss. County of 92D4/1+2 t) ) Nltv L - sM H f�,j v being first duly sworn, deposes and says that: (1) He/she is the (Owner, Partner, Officer, Representative or Agent) of the Bidder that has submitted the attached Bid; (2) He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Bid and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such Bid: (3) Such Bid is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Bid; (4) Neither the said Bidder nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, have in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Bidder, firm, or person to submit a collusive or sham Bid in connection with the Work for which the attached Bid has been submitted; or to refrain from bidding in connection with such work; or have in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by person to fix the price or prices in the attached Bid or of any other Bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost elements of the Bid price or the Bid price of any other Bidder, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement any advantage against (Recipient), or any person interested in the proposed work; (5) The price or prices quoted in the attached Bid are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement on the part of the Bidder or any other of its agents, representatives, owners, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant. Signed, sealed and delivered By• C4YA'zLP-z' CAS",moo (Printed Name) i,a PS 1 3;1ry 1 (Title) 16 ATTACHMENT "B" continued NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Fl 02' A)A ) ) ss. County of 3OMAR-,) ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared (-1 r) rz t- r^ 5 _ rC) s_�\'•.c ►Ft a to me well known and known'by me to be the person described herein and who executed the foregoing Affidavit and acknowledged to and before me that e r P ` L_ r,- <-, Cc ZSdu Ay\-)y executed said Affidavit for the purpose therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal this �T day of J Pmj J A-P 1 , 2061 PAt4LA J MARRERO 2 \ r NotvY State of Florid* ~` rueMs My Cmmm. bo:0&~1, NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida at Large Comm#: CC82S oa I n (Signature of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) ( ) Personally known to me or ( ) Produced identification Type of I.D. Produced ( ) DID take an oath, or (") DID NOT take an oath. 17 ATTACHMENT "C" CERTIFICATION THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID We(I), the undersigned, hereby agree to furnish the items)/service(s) described in the Invitation to Bid. We(I) certify that we(I) have read the entire document, including the Specifications, Additional Requirements, Supplemental Attachments, Instructions to Bidders, Terms and Conditions, and any addenda issued. We agree to comply with all of the requirements of the entire Invitation To Bid. Indicate which type of organization below: INDIVIDUAL ❑ PARTNERSHIP ❑ CORPORATION ❑ OTHER 2 IF OTHER, EXPLAIN:. /- - /- - C AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (PRINTED OR TYPED) TITLE FEDERAL EMPLOYER I.D. OR SOCIAL SECURITY NO COMPANY NAME: S('t'-v klc-cl &LC ADDRESS:_ �;22 F iU - (J. 1(o. �7 CITY: AmPAAJ 0 STATE: FL ZIP: `r TELEPHONE NO.:-9-5.4� �D &z I FAX NO.: CONTACT PERSON: � I d Q II t3,17cNN,-�-,l e ATTACHMENT "D" BIDDERS QUALIFICATION STATEMENT The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and all answers to questions made hereinafter: Name of Company: S4141 pec_vo_61LI' 440. Address: .2.2 S / N- W / 6 '2' s; • . Jn r.P,4 u o FL '?-AnAq Street Telephone No. 96-W &a - OF / City State Zip Fax No. (9sll) How many years has your organization been in business under its present name? --L— years If Bidder is operating under Fictitious Name, submit evidence of compliance with Florida Fictitious Name Statute: Under what former names has your business operated? 4. i At what address was that business located?i4_ Are you Certified? Yes C o ❑ If Yes, ATTACH A COPY OF CERTIFICATION Are you Licensed? ,Yes l�No ❑ If Yes, ATTACH A COPY OF LICENSE Has your comp or you personally ever declared bankruptcy? Yes ❑ No If Yes, explain: Are you a sales representative ❑ distributor ❑ broker ❑ or manufacturer ❑ of the commodities/services bid upon? Have you ever received a contract or a purchase order from the City of Tamarac or other governmental entity? Yes ❑ No If yes, explain (date, service/project, bid title, etc) Have you ever receiv;�`Ifyes, omplaint on a contract or bid awarded to you by any governmental entity? Yes ❑ No explain: Have you ever b n debarred or suspended from doing business with any governmental entity? Yes ❑ No KK If yes,,explain: 1W ATTACHMENT "E" REFERENCES Please list name of government agency or private firm(s) with whom you have done business within the past five years: Agency/Firm Nam 61 Address) City/State/Zip 310 Phone: 42sY NSF 32a t Fax: Contact He_e a� r Agency/Firm Name: Address !:. 04--uVl;- f 94 &vy City/State/Zip Phone:A2i 10 o u Fax: Contact Agency/Firm Name: l Address City/State/Zip Phone: Fax: Contact Agency/Firm Name: Address City/State/Zip Phone: Fax: Agency/Firm Name: d / - Of Address: o v. ,q re_4W T • c 13Z41>. c��Vi{moo /jCh City/State/Zip Phone% 716vG3y'Fax: Contact: Agency/Firm Name: 0 i r� 0 G L.A-u D,,e 14 ,, Address: 41 . N G/ / Ark-• � f/.�/ City/State/Zip Phone: -) 3 g o r o Fax: Contact: Agency/Firm Name: Address: City/State/Zip Phone: Fax: Contact: Agency/Firm Name: Address: City/State/Zip Phone: Contact I Conta Fax: YOUR COMPANY NAME UN k1cc ye L/ ' 4' L • 4 . C ADDRESS 16 L" Si - PHONE: Fc . 3:3ob PHONE: s14 G.F ?or-r FAX: Si/ G % �'/ . r ATTACHMENT "F" VENDOR DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE Preference may be given to vendors submitting a certification with their bid/proposal certifying they have a drug -free workplace in accordance with Section 287.087, Florida Statutes. This requirement effects all public entities of the State and becomes effective January 1, 1991. The special condition is as follows: IDENTICAL TIE BIDS - Preference may be given to businesses with drug -free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the State or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug -free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if non of the tied vendors have a drug -free workplace program. In order to have a drug -free workplace program, a business shall: Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later that five (5) days after each conviction. 5. Impose a section on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this form complies fully with the above requirements. y Authorized Signature IL. Company N me 21 01/09/2001 17:42 9549681984 SOUTHERNWASTESYSTEMS PAGE 01, Jgmm�k DOPartment of Planning on, Environtnental Protection Pollution Pre ention and Remedlatlon Division B RD COUNTY 218 S.W. I st Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 4) 519-1260 - FAX (954) 7,65-4804 WIF: 3WE Z' 1' SITE ID' 5834920 ... . .. .... APPLICAN T- '- L Mr. Charlie Germano Sun Recycling, LLC 2241 NW 15 Court SOLID WASTE - MANAGEMENT LICENSE 'ZY.CWt un66i"Aa pr dti,'Ahi aboii Rai;'.' i fac;l D 4 24 comply with conditions or req&annents as set forth may r64 may subject the Licensee to enforcement -action in accordari the CcydL-,--- tv Xrry A ill fAW W 0 B" n A-4.1 .0 ",J9 hereby i . kuthqdzed' to after WIM-Lioar { planl "doin ibed a owiAoAhis V. 8. nwobj d1 arcepki !91 a And' .�d attached-i are on Iderad )mply with'Al the e conditions. Ariy-;]laftm 10, U avocation or at ;pansion'of this an d- Article 1Divisib, " ..,the provisio s of , I ri:4f o LICENSE MODIFICATION STATEMENT: This"iac lffid'.ad"contp� tOng comfifions; supersedes DPEP Limse Number RR97-061 00, J4 D5i33-1-SC,-SC� is�ed: on 08/24/98, and the accompanying conditions NATUM OF BUSINESS' Materials Recovwk 0 DESCRUMON: A 600 very, Teocipt and procesWg�pf— on *nd-,iA.-*' tivAc "J, `i� rp��i4abl&_con§fitu dpOns. The md*ik&,a$t "ed -7 7 TX�iiisfei,-Ivy Date of Issue: Expiration Date: 08124/2003 Renewal App. Due: 06/25/2003 PreWed By: Glenn Malmstrow Pane I of 5 DeMr&m it of planning end Environmental Proteotton T)li *)cumarit Is ptinted on recycled paper. 0 200 SH 6 LICENSE MODIFICATION STATEMENT: This"iac lffid'.ad"contp� tOng comfifions; supersedes DPEP Limse Number RR97-061 00, J4 D5i33-1-SC,-SC� is�ed: on 08/24/98, and the accompanying conditions NATUM OF BUSINESS' Materials Recovwk 0 DESCRUMON: A 600 very, Teocipt and procesWg�pf— on *nd-,iA.-*' tivAc "J, `i� rp��i4abl&_con§fitu dpOns. The md*ik&,a$t "ed -7 7 TX�iiisfei,-Ivy Date of Issue: Expiration Date: 08124/2003 Renewal App. Due: 06/25/2003 PreWed By: Glenn Malmstrow Pane I of 5 DeMr&m it of planning end Environmental Proteotton T)li *)cumarit Is ptinted on recycled paper. 0 200 SH 6 01/09/2001 17:49 9549681984 SOUTHERNWASTESYSTEMS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT LICE NSE PAGE 01/01 GENERAL CONDITiONS 1. The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations and restrictions set forth hE ein are accepted and must be com- pleted by the Licensee and enforceable by the Department of Planning , id Environmental Protection (DPEP) pursuant to the Code. DPEP will review this license periodically and may revo a or suspend the license, and initiate administrative and/or judicial action for any violation of the conditions by ie Licensee, its agents, employees, servants or representatives. 2. This license is valid only for the specific uses set forth in the license applicatio and any deviation from the approved uses may constitute grounds for revocation, suspension and/or enforcement a lion by DPEP. S. In the event the Licensee is temporarily unable to comply with any of the con itions of the license or with the Code, the Licensee shall notify DPEP within eight (8) hours or as stated in the specii ; section of the Code. Within three (3) working days of the event, the Licensee shall submit a written report to DPEF that describes the incident, its cause, the measures being taken to correct the problem and prevent its reoccurren< j, the owner's intention toward repair, replacement and reconstruction of destroyed facilities and a schedule of eves :s leading toward operation within the license condition. 4. The issuance of this license does not convey any vested rights or exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to public or private property or any invasion of personal rights, or any vi latlon of federal, state or local laws or regulations. 5. This license must be available for inspection on the Licensee's premises durin. the entire life of the license. 6. By accepting -this license, the Licensee understands and agrees that all rect da, notes, monitoring data and other information relating to the construction or operation of this licensed facility ar activity, that are submitted to the County, may be used by the County as, evidence in any enforcement proct iding arising under the Code, except where such use is prohibited by Section '403.111, Florida Statutes. 7. The Licensee agrees to comply and shall comply with all provisions of th , most current version of the Code, 8. Any new owner or operator of a licensed facility shall apply by letter for a trc isfer of license within thirty (30) days after sale or legal transfer. The Transferor shall remain liable for performance i accordance with the license until the Transferee applies for and is granted a transfer of license. The Transferee hall be liable for any violation of the Code that results from the Transferee's activities. The Transferee shall comp - with the Transferor's original license conditions when the Transferee has failed to obtain its own license. 9. The Licensee, by acceptance of this license, specifically agrees to and shall allow DPEP personnel access to the licensed source, activity or facility for the purposes of inspection and testi g to determine compliance with this license and the Code. 10. This license does not constitute a waiver or approval of any other license, app )val, or regulatory requirement by this or any other govemmental agency that may be required. 11. „ If the Licensee wishes L renew t ._(�gpse or extend its. term, the._Licensee_s ould nMke pplicatian sixty (60) days prior to Its expiration, including payment of all appropriate fees. Expired license a are not renewable. Pagc 2 of 5 01/09/2001 17:42 9549681984 SOUTHERNWASTESYSTEMS PAGE 02 APPLICANT: ....... _ .. _ ,:,1. , .. Charlie Cusmano DP1 P License qutnber: RRO-16900 Sun Recycling 'DEP`.p®rIfthN Tuber: :0053331=003-5C BYZMC CONDITIONS: 1. t?iz1 ttotnictaan and demolition debris {C & p), yard to a and clean det is as deiitseEl ;ia-1 Secibn 6�70 i :.- iici.0 .,,_oftbe Fl.on6 A&itlisftdve Code (F.,�4 C,-j ahaptorV-214 offlio Bxt vard;C o ia;&lia�l be . received at this site. C & D is processed irntu th6,follov*4 recyclable mam' s: paper, aluminum, glass, ferrous and non-ferrous et la.,plastic, wood, and;iiulich. 2. 'i'bis iFaacility:shaU nvt aaiept cn process auy,putzes ible wastes or mMrial;: igpeot i ofiae ig;a haz4rdmu or biomedical wastes. Shdijld any esbestos, hazardous and/or bii medital.vvatiteibe ivietlad 4 ,-the licensee shall irnou diately notify the 'DOEP, and sh'�ll'i�irraxll : for the wastes to be retumdd , r'a or or disposed of.ixi,a.{xianaier atiprovod by;the DPEP; sirtt all_per�senne#.: »site;areproperlytrainedtoopen vtha,facility *'A* -,emphasis on .. .,;cpss_ #.�iE :an. rra�er zt�in4prntmt of prohibited material salty he�tfi envi7rowtutal codtrols, ,yyradsp ...'F.f.�!{[1t1,e` :cy p�s.. The Licsee shall mairxtaai an attendant 0ii duty wlienevor the icility is 0; irate 5. 'Each incoming load shall be, i LVected before berg allOOM to be deposited t the site. Any c.4st*igg material other than C & D, yard trash, and clean d®btis' #hall be rejected. 1 �: • P iib�ted material which inadvertently eaters the £acilitysliall be separated loin the incoming �stie . stiaarzr withita 48 hours from receipt coa site and "I, be,storid in containers ind disposed of at;a lidei .disposal facility pursuant to Section 62-701, F.A.C. nis iirateatial shall beet revved from the sae Wild, properly disposed within 48 hours ftzn receipt of _ 7. All processing of incoming C & D i M,recyclable moiniais shall be -sample )d within. severi,(7) wbr days of receipt on site, except for yard trash and clean u4tzea wood: T#4 rig and processing-.shatl, dmly -= :.be conducted on the cgncrete �d as provided ion tip lice* apl3licafiaa: 8, No storage of uRseparated inconiirt C & D is4llow0J,ofiaide-6fthe c on4e r, ad, iexcept fo�'' o�rari y storage of waste in cemainers for not more than 6eive'(12� h(i is �+mt r� 0£�{1�1 •waste �acilit�; 9. All recyclable :materials, ex d tra � clew debts, yap sll,.a>�d ia�eci�and r ; ' ' i�si:tteci;a►ok iialllie�sit3re�„' under cover, or kept in storage caritaiiite>ra;"or last on the coaptete:slab. Thet ::ma ar-iaas sbiali`be ti v d i0azn the site when a container load is generated. In no case -shall these mite; 2a M'.5 ttl lohmr,tii1W. thirty (30)•calendar days from receipt an site_ 10, Non -recyclable solid waste separated froze the incoming-C &`D waste strew 'skial be stCifs+cl:iti:co itiers and disposed of at a licensed disposal rfaciliitypitrrsiiantto Section .62 701; E C. 71iis teal shall be. , = removed from the site within seven (7) working days from. receipt inn ante.:..: . r._::^>,.••;r�;r;i F:'' tt _,' 'iiS:,:.+.:= 11, WAhm 90 calendar days of receipt, all yaz'a'trash and untreated aAd:66041 i% o�lai' i' i}I;F?; .:�,�l <. 5 1 votiEid l.b�.proc c% ed -1 removed from the site. = Page 3 of 5 01/0,9/2001 17:42 95496el9e4 SDUTHERNWASTESYSTEMS PAGE 03 APPLICANT: ; Charlie GusTanta ]�lP`k�ieenme' ?umber.- 11$00 Sun Retcyoliun$ DEEP` P itNi hbei , • 005333.1-003-SO . 12, C & A, yard trash, wood, or mulch 464, Vyov+d ,chip piles shall mot ekceed`.th ; fbllowirtg dittteas ? s Width. £uft . (50) feet, area -10, 000 square' f ;height » twenty. (20) feet. 13.-A.spase sk zl be provided between all �iles-ta. al ►-iak s to vewel s,''iu a ftfiibe g tg aC tir t►teitlt< 14. At no time shall the total accumulatiotz,O.sdlid waste on site,�cceed-180Q i� ii; yar,Qs the'gpp rdved_ VdluMi c' detailed in the license Vplicatioti.and a�ipreved closure eol� estimate: 15. Ocloxs;;ttust, vectors, and noise shah 14e'strictLycantrnllerd gt all time: a ofthe .abave ace';deCettxuaac0d:w ¢d .. rj�111, the lirxnsee shall pro y take and add all reasonable a�etipn, neCeesarry to,.O-OnecG the, . : 'hv.UPBRn_oise regiilOonts,in Article V11 of the Cade shall be co aplied with at idil es.' " Deal',whea not. ded. Additionai 1W Rg,ind security iii inures shall .'rtsnsaiyw.ecuireesise'aitdpirevent;unauthoni.zaci�iix 3'"Ae A&I shall pert inertly maintain si i(s)10 tr 6wispicuous l VP!6M' ' public indicating ttito wme of the aperataing ai Wity, ccgntact pasty and xet a MW a ber t ; "Wo.. ; . , , emergency, hours of operation, and list of prof uibited zz iials. 18. The Licensee shall maintain compliance with the finaz iftal;nssuzance require tents of F-A.C-, by submitting all required updated supporting domir ietntation in acc rdance with Rule-.62-70i';�3t -° •—F:A:C mid 40 CFR Part 264, Subpart H, as adapted by re,�ren.ce in Rule t 1-701.630, F.A,c.-Ah. y :.submittals in response to this specific condition shall.be s6t to:. ; Florida Department of Environmentallsioteciibtt Financial Coordiatator - Solid'Wast6 Sec on - Twin Towers Q. Buxldina 2600 Blair Stone Road MS 4565 Tallahassee:Florida 323,99-2400 19. TIte Licensee shall.annlAally provide to the DTjrtmeiidt of latimiri$;and Etiiv tnruit atal PrdeCti tli for. approval an updated closure cost estimate, iwactorda nee with tfe-reguirane is oMule 62-701`.6�0,. FFA,_C:; The closure cost estimates skull be calculat6d m' accord=;; wiih Rule 15i- LOGO and 46 CFk , Part 264, Subpart .F as adapted',by refer4Ince.i6 ;Ride 62-701,, 630;, F,A'C. A rsu oik0i%#'1 v 9# fd,tlii�9 < specific condition shall be sent to: Broward County Departments f Plaiiding and Favironmd ital of ►btz .:__.> .••,.. Pollution Preve�itiolantl;RidiyiilYJtj ` .. `t*. TOIL. ,esa i'i •'••1f, iil ` af5..• - F i3i-3:, if.=+'• y l..'•; !ai�fi iSt±'�. Cf �f:ii:'.ti:eEi i� At:1�. ATTN. Solid Waste Section ;;:- 218 S.W. 1st Avenue `. Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33301 ., Page 4 of 5 01/09/2001 17:42 9549681984 SDUTHERNWASTESYSTEMS PAGE 04, APPLICANT: - Charlie Gustnano • DP$P LiciEadse 4utnnWr: R 74660+0 Sim Rocycling DEI? Pthij* N, raber: 0053331--0boisc .'. 20. The Lioonsee shall implement and maintain a 8?numd water rt miEari ig plan mhich iridets th'a:&ii ms, Earth 'in Rule 62-7Q l .510 and Cha�tex ;62 522,',F:A:C. 'DiyCecxion wells;shall �e, s ' ed and ti#yt ed gt least'ktni-a'nually for the following pac ers: Field PARM@tierg . : borato . $ ......... ' PH Alumin�sr rC dmi rn Turbidity Clilaxides Clirmtf Te nVerature SpecifF64. E d�tctivity. . '., Sum' etea TOjssolvedOxygen ToiatDissolved, Solids ..Annmo is ' 11r:'elevatians Txean.'lyeaoX C;clidi�'mod sheens Sodittum '[base ammeters listR+d tt� EPA 1� thods 6Q1:aad 602: gtlldlitlyshaU be s=VIe.d and analyzed in accorwit] the�prbvi�ians of?We Z-�: , . 5,::• hi addition, all backgrnur d:Omd detection wells shall, a samplt land lyi?adgt .,11, croft nor to Alit renewal for those arenabo tSted in Tftiie z� 6; 5'1 1. The Licensee shall submit grotmdwater analytical results th DPEP at.the ad ress specified oea,semi- annual basis by June 30 and, December 30 of each yeaY., The grotmdymter a mlytical results_sli' 3uld b� summarized in letter form and the laboratory reports khd Clain of Custody )rms should be:ini ludea hi. y; attachments. 22- krecord book shall be kept an site with the followip1g• on entered o a daily basis: a. Quantity of solid waste received and processed ft ty�a), (ih, cubic ya ls); and b. Quantity of recyclable material recovered (by type) in cubic,yards); :�•.- nti c. Quantity of recyclable material,mrkaed'.(by V0e) (jp cubic yards) d. sty of solid waste disposed of (by type)(ift cubic, yarrds on idea iiy the disposal Ws information shall be summarized each rbor tr aial a ti to the IM by tbh eel (1 Stec) ' day of each succeeding n mffi at the addrei ,9' listsil abcive ' • ei .. .iil*•, A #-.' ... '.. e ' i) „ itr,••,:.c,._=:. •! :.. •ti.i a :at:, !! "iai: f�iS�l::: �:StSlli;!un 'i i- .: racy .V ..: �,1,;... .iii' ''S+`'.�:•62['iii�':d. Page 5 of 5 01d09J2001 17:42 9549681984 SDUTHERNWASTESYSTEMS PAGE 05 a.tv «i rnnn Mj: ay 1 DPEP PPRD PAGE 81 !■�AI1iti of Phouving po&ftn prove Mn and 218SA I it Avenue Fort Lovderdc f , FL 33301 (9& 619-1260 a fqLx 765-4804 Novembw 13, 2000 I& Charlie CAN=% President Sun R,cal►ams 22 I NW 15 Corot pomp Bear31, FL 33069 l�.re: xictnuse mop Sun Recycling 2241 NW 0 Court pompaw Beams FL 33069 Broward County pt n�r►g ad�rironmmW Proteadon Florida Depu protwtion (FDEP) Petma No. Dear IW OUS111Sn4: Hp) License No. RR97-16NO )053331-003-SC The PoMoan pre^yat1on ffnd Remediadon Division xeceaved notiOcRdcn c u NOvcwber 1, of Wado Corporataon of FMCWe, Tnc.,s Notice of VoluWary DismiaW of its Path an For Formal ,p dmWsu dve PMMKIinp and the State ofFl AU Division of AdminWr4tht 110ariAgs' C -der Closing Fie, Cw Na. OC - 2306. The above retbret> d license, igmW on Au" '7, 2000 has bow mo $ed as f011aws: Dp gC)[ MON: A 600 cubic yards per day materiel recovery utiliziing e l jbr the receipt and processing of construction and demoUtion debris, 3 rd Uunh. and clean debris. The ma1tanals are 50OW into recyd&Ne wnsdwew& The j cyolable matw'Ws w! be pa}1er, mod, Aumium, *Traus =4 WO -ferrous: petals, plash, wood, and mulch- M. Wa letter must be at� to the misting above rchraged license emd bet rmes part of the limtae. All otba hcenw terms and cyan tiom remain m full force and a ct. p xmm cowv ooAm aP coMv cdM6N6s10MW6 - An " err *w Prowls.. w SwAm Norman rr Owl: sad" L cmmn- asaxm N mw n!!k+ b. J =N= bre U*wmm Nance Part6h Jahn E. i�bdd►om, Vw Um ah the bianuk www&IO NI Md.aq/eftwo JAN-10-2001 09:46 FROM: TA,.4n sn• TO:9549GG1984 P.001 AQM: �.. MAIM�A�r��'u L1�ABILITY IN�LTRAN C=1 P. 1Ry,,,,,pp,YY) 01 10/01 P4°D Gramwich Risk Hanage"ot 1490 N. Palmettoaton Park *A 030e Soda Raton FL 23486 Phone1561-392-9022 rax:581-368-3322 T= A I8 I99M A MAr= FM noN ONLY AND CONMW NO iOGHTS t"m THE CER FICA78 A,LTU THE COVUA,G,E Al"ORDRA By TIORC BELOW, W'=WAMRDINGC0v&VAG9 Pmpano Hen hPLc33 69 rnvv�Anr�n IWUIFl.A: United waatigap Co D'ZURN At A (erred Insurance Co "UMM D. INAUAQR rk. TM POUCIN OF MURANCA LI✓riAD BMDW HAYA AAAN MURD TO T'Mq UGURV MAMAO Awn X* TH6 ROUCY PRRIOD 19DICAM, Nan MUTANOM ANY ARQUTAANSMT. TOX OR COND= N OP ANY MMACT 01 OTHER OOCUNMXT WnV `KWWrTQ WHICh THM CORTOCATR MAY AA ISSUED QA MAY vRRTAIN.TNA INAURAMM APPORliPiD RYTHRPOUCIRA DEKS MOD KPAM 4 SUN>r:QT TO ALLTHE T8RW, BXCL BIGM AND 0OND(T1QK OF SUCH POLICIES. AGOaMA71 LINTS SHOWN MAY HAVE SUN RMUCW BY rAID CWmx. Ewa LTZ TYPE OV v4wAkANICR FQ JCY NUNIM L LadraA C2143R"guu.r1Y EACHOCCURAHNCR S 1000000 A X COMMARCIALUBMIALLIAAILTTY CAM MADE [K 0=11 L7146542 94/23/00 04/23/0% PIAADAwmwv 7warim s 50000 WAD UP = paw) S 50 00 PSWNAL r Aov vuuRY $ 1000000 GE A1.A00AAQATTc s 2000000 CAW. AdCJ<P.GATR WIT T AP AMS PHL PRODUCT= - CDMP,br Am $ l O 0000 0 R muc7 7 Ts = AcImmmia L1Am rm ANY AUTO _ (Fs AIMOLE Lim S ALL UWNSD AU T0I ACHADYLRD AUT= QQOd (Plf `N1YMM S MIAN AVTOS NON.OMMEo AUTOS RODII,Y IPYUAY (� —4m0 A iWP0 TYY "A &A06 S RARAOA UAR UM AUTO ONLY - AA ACCIDEN r A ANY AUTO OTMd17HAN EA ACC AUTO ONLY: AOG A s XACAAA L ABUATY WCUR CLAIMR MADE VAN OCCURAANCR S AOOItaGATA S S R RETENTION S 8 WORMER ocRrMIATSON AND gh°�''D1 ' r MCV7013732 10/01/00 10/01/01 � e.L.EACNACCIDANT S 500D00 A.L_ ORIRAR5. QA EMP R 500000 ' R•L. DI6AASE- POLICY WXrr1 A 500000 on= Scheduled Autos , WARwr=w OF 0NMATIQNAfU3CKAON *WA x7 Al "AY AT ORNMUM fPAMW, CRRTIPICAYR HOLDI R ii I ,MODr1`[wAL Dw an, Awim LerIGEM: CANCELLATION TAA1I#RAG JUDUD ANY Or TO AWn DOC&= MCM RE CANCRL"M WORK To R�YPASA DATA; Tuaw, Tn I mr, vwmm wv.& v4R To MAm 30 nAYR wAmv' City Of Ta=axac AttA : P1.nance Dept / Purchase inq 7525 NK 80 Ave NOT1 ?0 "M CRRTEWATS RONWR NAMED Tip TAe WT. RVr M{w�u -M w RD bliAL. TsaasA NO ORI�eATIDN aR Lumurr (yF ANY To AaAaITs oa Ta)aasec TL 33321-2401 RAtREICNTAavRs C 4 ~kk RE w v'•^.- �' , �` r � � AVUAM zF-3 (7rsn) `, 9 ACORD CORPORATION Iyu AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC AND SUN RECYCLING L.L.0 THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this qgh day of , 2001 by and between the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation with principal ofFic s located at 7525 N.W. 88th Ave., Tamarac, FL 33321 (the "CITY") and Sun Recycling L.L.C., a Florida corporation with principal offices located at 2281 N.W. 16" Street, Pompano Beach, FL, 33069 (the "CONTRACTOR") to provide for Debris Disposal at their location. Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the CITY and CONTRACTOR agree as follows: 1) The Contract Documents The contract documents consist of this Agreement, conditions of the contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), drawings, specifications, all addenda issued prior to, and all modifications issued after execution of this Agreement. These contract documents form the Agreement, and all are as fully a part of the Agreement if attached to this Agreement or repeated therein. 2) The Work The CONTRACTOR shall perform all work for the City required by the contract documents as set forth below: a) CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to dispose of the debris that the City of Tamarac employees will deliver by dump truck. b) CONTRACTOR shall dispose of said debris according to the terms, conditions and specifications listed in Bid 01-05B Debris Disposal. c) CONTRACTOR shall meet all State Guidelines as approved by the DPEP (Department of Planning and Environmental Protection) for debris disposal. it d) CONTRACTOR shall comply with any and all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations now in effect, or hereinafter enacted during the term of this Agreement, which are applicable to the CONTRACTOR, its employees, agents or subcontractors, if any, with respect to the work and services described herein. 3) Insurance CONTRACTOR shall obtain at Contractor's expense all necessary insurance in such form and amount as required by the City's Risk Manager before beginning work under this Agreement including, but not limited to, Workers' Compensation, Commercial General Liability, and all other insurance as required by the City, including Professional Liability when appropriate. CONTRACTOR shall maintain such insurance in full force and effect during the life of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall provide to the City's Risk Manager certificates of all insurances required under this section prior to beginning any work under this Agreement. The CONTRACTOR will ensure that all subcontractors comply with the above guidelines and will retain all necessary insurance in force throughout the term of this agreement. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold the City harmless for any damages resulting from failure of the CONTRACTOR to take out and maintain such insurance. Contractor's Liability Insurance policies shall be endorsed to add the City as an additional insured. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for payment of all deductibles and self- insurance retentions on Contractor's Liability Insurance policies. 4) Time of Commencement and Substantial Completion The term of this Agreement is for a period of one (1) year, beginning the first day following execution by the City and ending on approximately February 13, 2002. Upon expiration of the one (1) year term, the parties may choose to terminate this Agreement, or renew the Agreement by written agreement signed by the parties hereto for four (4) additional one (1) year periods providing all parties agree to the extension, and all of the terms, conditions, and specifications remain the same. 5) Contract Sum The Contract Sum for the above work will not exceed a total price of $ Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) annually at a price of $6.75 / Cubic Yard. The Contract sum is determined by the cost of labor and materials for the job as delineated in Bid 01- 05E Debris Disposal. 2 6) Payments The CITY shall pay Contractor's itemized invoice on a monthly basis for work completed. The City shall pay the CONTRACTOR for work performed subject to the specifications of the job and subject to any additions and deductions by subsequent change order provided in the contract documents. 7) Warranty CONTRACTOR warrants the disposal of debris shall meet all State Guidelines as approved by the DPEP (Department of Planning and Environmental Protection) for debris disposal and shall notify the City immediately of notice of any citation or violation which CONTRACTOR may receive after the following execution of the Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any damages caused by defect to affected area or to interior structure. 8) Indemnification The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless the CITY, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, liability, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) in connection with loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage, including loss of use thereof, directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, arising out of or occurring in connection with the operations of the CONTRACTOR or its officers, employees, agents, subcontractors, or independent contractors, excepting only such loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the CITY or its elected or appointed officials and employees. The above provisions shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall pertain to any occurrence during the term of this Agreement, even though the claim may be made after the termination hereof. Nothing contained herein is intended nor shall be construed to waive CITY's rights and immunities under the common law or Florida Statutes 768.28, as amended from time to time. 9) Non -Discrimination The CONTRACTOR agrees that it shall not discriminate against any of its employees or applicants for employment because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and to abide by all federal and State laws regarding non-discrimination. The CONTRACTOR further agrees to insert the foregoing provisions in all subcontracts hereunder except subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. Any violation of such provisions shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. 3 10) Independent Contractor CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor under this Agreement. Personal services provided by the CONTRACTOR shall be by employees of the CONTRACTOR and subject to supervision by the CONTRACTOR, and not as officers, employees, or agents of the CITY. Personnel policies, tax responsibilities, social security and health insurance, employee benefits, purchasing policies and other similar administrative procedures applicable to services rendered under this Agreement shall be those of the CONTRACTOR. 11) Assignment and Subcontracting CONTRACTOR shall not transfer or assign the performance required by this Agreement without the prior consent of the City. This Agreement, or any portion thereof, shall not be subcontracted without the prior written consent of the city. 12) Notice Whenever either party desires or is required under this Agreement to give notice to any other party, it must be given by written notice, sent by registered United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the following addresses. CITY City Manager City of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 With a copy to City Attorney at the same address. CONTRACTOR Charles Gusmano President Sun Recycling L.L.C. 2281 N.W. 16th Street Pompano Beach, FL 33069 4 13) Termination This Agreement may be terminated by City or CONTRACTOR for cause or by the City for convenience, upon seven (7) days of written notice by the terminating party to the other party for such termination in which event the CONTRACTOR shall be paid its compensation for services performed to termination date, including services reasonably related to termination. In the event that the CONTRACTOR abandons this Agreement or causes it to be terminated, CONTRACTOR shall indemnify the city against loss pertaining to this termination. Default by CONTRACTOR: In addition to all other remedies available to the CITY, this Agreement shall be subject to cancellation by the CITY should the CONTRACTOR neglect or fail to perform or observe any of the terms, provisions, conditions, or requirements herein contained, if such neglect or failure shall continue for a period of seven (7) days after receipt by CONTRACTOR of written notice of such neglect or failure. 14) Agreement Subject to Funding This agreement shall remain in full force and effect only as long as the expenditures provided for in the Agreement have been appropriated by the City Commission of the City of Tamarac in the annual budget for each fiscal year of this Agreement, and is subject to termination based on lack of funding. 16) Venue This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida as now and hereafter in force. The venue for actions arising out of this agreement is fixed in Broward County, Florida. 16) Signatory Authority The CONTRACTOR shall provide the CITY with copies of requisite documentation evidencing that the signatory for CONTRACTOR has the authority to enter into this Agreement. 17) Severability; Waiver of Provisions Any provision in this Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provisions in any other jurisdiction. The nonenforcement of any provision by either party shall not constitute a waiver of that provision nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement. 5 18) Merger; Amendment This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the CONTRACTOR and the CITY, and negotiations and oral understandings between the parties are merged herein. This Agreement can be supplemented and/or amended only by a written document executed by both the CONTRACTOR and the CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature. CITY OF TAMARAC , through its Mayor and Sun Recycling L.L.C. (Name of party with whom Agreement is made), signing by and through its President, (President, Owner, C.E.O.,etc.) duly authorized to execute same. ATTEST: _ Marion Swenson, CIVIC City Clerk Date: ATTEST: (Corporate Secretary Type/Print Name of Corporate Secy (CORPORATE SEAL) CITY OF TAMARAC Jg'e Schreiber, Mayor at Jeffrey L ille , City Manager Date: S) 5 © / 1 as o form an Cy: I /) i A (NAME OF COMPANY) Soo cy�/:.ra L• G•C• �Klarne of President) 'Lyl 1 5 Losm 4.NGG Type/Print Name of President Date: //.I 6 CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF �C_&12I Z2`9 COUNTY OF e4 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this �� day of 2001 by C'AW1Z"F5 (5-9U5141AJ�`/W (name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent) of, (' /f/ G.L . C - (name of corporation acknowledging), a (state or place of incorporation) corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He is personally known to me _PL 9 7- } 5 /� �r-„4 7- 16?" ® (type of identification) as identification and M (did not) take an oath. 7 L] MY COMMISSION # cC 918541 EXPIRES: March 14, 2004 Bonded ThN P10M1d NN M=APM of Print, Type or Stamp Name of Notary Public