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City of Tamarac Resolution R-2001-329
Temp Reso. # 9555 -- October 1, 2001 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2001-329 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC AND INOBBAR, LLC dba NOVUSOLUTIONS FOR WEB SITE DEVELOPMENT AT A TOTAL COST OF $37,400; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City would like to redesign and redevelop the City's website to include additional functionality, navigation and ease of maintenance; and WHEREAS, the City solicited proposals and twenty-five (25) vendors requested bid packages attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and four (4) proposals were received; and -_ WHEREAS, the proposal from Inobbar, LLC dba Novusolutions attached hereto as Exhibit "B"offers several advantages not found in the other proposals such as being a local company, developing local web sites for Broward Sheriff's Office and the City of Plantation and including a product that allows non IT City staff to maintain and enhance their web site through a built-in approval process; and WHEREAS, the funding for web site development is available in the FY02 IT budget; and WHEREAS, the Director of Information Technology recommends that Inobbar, LLC dba Novusolutions be selected as the City's web site development vendor; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to execute the web site development agreement and all of its attachments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: Section 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution. Section 2: The appropriate City Officials ARE HEREBY AUTHORIZED to execute a web site development agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "C" with Inobbar, LLC dba Novusolutions for a total cost of $37,400. Section 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are Temp Reso. # 9555 — October 1, 2001 Page 2 hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions or applications of this Resolution. Section 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this 14th day of November, 2001. r JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR ATTEST: RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MARION -SVVENSON, CMC CITY CLERK MAYOR SCHREIBER A el DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER A el DIST 2: COMM. MISHKIN Aye, I HEREBY CERTIFY that I ST 3: V/M SULTANOF A el have a roved this DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS A el RES T N as to form. I HELL S. KVAfT CITY ATTORIAVY 1 City of Tamarac Finance Department, Purchasing Division 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 Telephone: (954) 724-2450 Facsimile (954) 724-2408 Website: www.tamarac.org July 18, 2001 ADDENDUM #1 RFQ NO. 01-16R CITY INTRA/INTERNET SITE RENOVATION lent ti_%6i_t uA01 -r'rz qs;55 This addendum and the following information addresses and clarifies the information presented at the Mandatory Pre -Proposal Meeting on Monday, July 91h and any additional questions concerning RFQ NO, 01-16R. The following is the requested addition to the RFQ package. 1.) Due Date —The due date for submission of RFQ NO. 01-16R has been extended to 4:00 PM on Thursday, August 16, 2001. 2.) Outline of Method ology---•Contract Resource to provide an outline detailing the essential components included in the Proposal: Components of the Proposal: Component 1.) Web site / Internet Site Renovation Component 2.) Intranet Site Development Component 3.) Agenda Review Process For each component, provide the following: A detailed outline of the work to be performed. Timeframe for completion. Transfer of skills to staff (training). Total Cost for the component. 3.) Evaluation Criteria -- The quotation proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria: Experience, Timeframe, Cost and Process It is the intent of the City to award this quotation to the lowest responsible and responsive Proposer. The City reserves the right to award the quotation on a split order basis, lump sum or individual item basis unless otherwise stated. Equal Opportunity Employer Addendum #1 Page 2 4.) Insurance Requirements — The Insurance Requirements concerning the Automobile Liability minimum of $1,000,000 has been waived. Please note all other Insurance Requirements remain unchanged. All other requirements shall remain as specified in the original Request for Quotation. If you have any questions, please call the Purchasing Office at (954) 724-2450. &4U " D/ Anne M. Lodato, CPPB Senior Buyer Please sign and include this page as part of your RFQ submittal. Authorized Signature Company Name .Ors-TAti,���\ U y.V�-,.rir^f4 ( i .IC OR1Y ¢I City of Tamarac Finance Department, Purchasing Division 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 Telephone: (954) 724-2450 Facsimile (954) 724-2408 Website: www.tamarac.org June 26, 2001 The City of Tamarac, Florida, is seeking to enter into an agreement with a contract resource who will be responsible for the modification and maintenance of the existing City of Tamarac website. The modification and maintenance of the existing City of Tamarac website will include, but are not limited to the City's internal Intranet and public Internet site locations in accordance with the attached requirements and procedures. A Mandatory Pre -Proposal Conference, including a site tour will be held on Monday, July 9th at 10:00 a.m., at the City of Tamarac, City Hall, Information Technology Department, Room 106, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. At this conference, all proposers in attendance are encouraged to ask any questions concerning the contract. Please submit your proposal including the name of the company, contact person, address, telephone and fax numbers and the proposed fee to City of Tamarac, Purchasing Division, attn. Purchasing and Contracts Manager at 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401, telephone (954) 724-2450. In addition, the enclosed forms shall be submitted with the proposal. Responses must be received no later than 4:00 PM on Thursday, July 26, 2001. Sincerely, 6 • - M. ALodato, C": Senior Buyer cc: Levent Sucuoglu, Director of Information Technology Attachments Equal Opportunity Employer T2_ a5s9 The City of Tamarac RFQ 01-16R Date 8/16/2001 Prepared by NovuSolutions Nic vuso3lutiv�` Ii;S► 1876 N. University Drive Suite 1888A Plantation, FL 33322 866-224-1761 (e-mail) b�gill n(cDNovuSolutions.com (Main Contact) Byron Gillin, NovuSolutions Manager www.NovuSolutions.com City of Tamarac Florida Table of Content ExecutiveSummary ........................................................................................................ 3 NovusCMS — A solution you can manage.................................................................... 6 NovusCMS Sample Flowchart.....................................................................................7 NovusCMS database Overview...................................................................................8 Feature Details for NovusCMS........................................................................................9 1.1.0 Overview for Department Functions.................................................................... 9 1.1.2 Terms...............................................................................................................10 1.1.3 Users................................................................................................................11 1.1.4 Functions..........................................................................................................11 Details.......................................................................................................................11 1.2.1 Open an existing page and edit it......................................................................11 1.2.2 Create site navigation.......................................................................................11 1.2.4 Upload images to a private library .....................................................................13 Access Images from a Shared or Public Library ............................................13 1.2.5 Add/edit text.....................................................................................................13 1.2.6 Add Hyperlinks and define where those links go...............................................13 1.2.7 Chose body content layout from a menu...........................................................14 1.2.8 Optional, Create a page using pure HTML from an outside source...................14 1.2.9 Lookup Department/Services page...................................................................14 1.3.0 Administration for Module One.........................................................................15 1.3.1 Terms...............................................................................................................16 1.3.2 Details..............................................................................................................16 1.4.0 Layouts.............................................................................................................16 Module 2.0.0 NovusCMS Administrative.......................................................................17 2.1.0 Overview for CMS Administrative Functions.....................................................17 2.1.2 Terms...............................................................................................................17 2.1.3 Users................................................................................................................19 2.1.4 Functions..........................................................................................................19 2.2.0 Details..............................................................................................................20 2.2.1 Create other Admins......................................................................................... 20 2.2.2 Create, edit and delete Users........................................................................... 20 2.2.4 Create Sitelits................................................................................................... 20 2.2.5 Allow Users to publish without approval............................................................20 2.2.6 View, edit, publish, reject and unpublish content ............................................... 20 2.2.7 Create site navigation....................................................................................... 20 2.2.9 Add hyperlinks to pages................................................................................... 21 Choose body content layouts.........................................................................21 2.3.0 Change Header and Navigation bars................................................................21 JobsOnline...................................................................................................................22 Development Process................................................................................................... 33 Qualifications and References......................................................................................40 Timelines...................................................................................................................... 53 Training......................................................................................................................... 53 StandardNovusCMS Training................................................................................... 54 Optional NovusCMS Training.................................................................................... 55 Pricing........................................................................................................................... 57 Letterof Transmittal...................................................................................................... 58 Attachments.................................................................................................................. 59 Web Site Design 2 NpVUSQI S City of Tamarac Florida Executive Summary The City of Tamarac Florida seeks a development partner to help design and build a new web presence. There are a number of primary issues that the City hope to address on this project. Below we will discuss each of these issues and then provide detailed background information regarding our processes and solutions. The current site is very hard to keep up to date -- Maintaining web site content is a huge challenge and not done properly can lead to high costs or ineffective out of date content. NovuSolutions builds all web sites on a foundation of code that allows for non technical people to create edit and publish web site content on their own. This code is referred to as NovusCMS. NovuSolutions' NovusCMS, or Content Management Solution, is an easy -to -use content management application for the Web. NovusCMS allows non -technical personnel to create and update documents on a Web site without programming knowledge. NovusCMS has a built in workflow that allows many users to create content and systematically submit that content for review and approval to higher authorities. The entire process from creation of content to publication of content can be managed without the support of technical personnel. Using NovusCMS the City can delegate the day to day management of content to the various departments. This will result in a lower workload at the centralized IT level and improved control over content at the department level. The current site does not emphasize each department — NovuSolutions will construct a solution that allows each department to have a subsite off the main City site. Not only will departments be able to mange content on the web pages but they will also be able to manage the subsite navigation for their department. NovusCMS allows certain authorized users to create subsite navigation. Using this solution, Department heads will have complete control over their web site structure. In addition to the main site navigation NovuSolutions will add a select your department button to all pages. This selection tool can be a drop down box that list departments or City functions. Users can click on this link and immediately navigate directly to the information they need. This type of navigation structure allows the City to build a web site that is rich with content but still easy to navigate. Using the Select your Department button, users can get to any page of specific information in three clicks or less. This navigation standard is a critical usability issue that must be maintained. The look and feel of the City site is critical -It is also critical to maintain a consistent look and feel throughout the entire site. NovusCMS enables a central authority to control the look and feel of all subsites. By doing using this feature the City can maintain a consistent look and feel while empowering department level staff to create actual site content. Optional Flash Introduction - The City has mentioned that they may like to add a Flash introduction to their new site. NovuSolutions has experience with this type of development and can include it in this project if desired. This would be a virtual tour that Web Site Design 3 Nwun'tions City of Tamarac Florida would allow visitors to get a feel for the culture of Tamarac in a concise but attractive flash movie. For the purposes of clear understanding this feature has be priced separately. Please see www.plantation.org and click on "Virtual Tour" for an example of a flash solution similar to the one we have priced here. The City wishes to manage both an Intranet and Internet presence — NovusCMS can publish to multiple web sites. Users can update a page on the Internet and select an option to update the same page on the Intranet site. This reduces duplicate work and helps insure common information matches on both sites. Using NovusCMS to manage both sites will reduce work loads and provide ease of site management through a central web site management portal. If the City chooses to have the Intranet site carry unique information compared to the Internet site that can be accommodated as well. NovusCMS will allow for multiple site management as one option or the maintenance of exact duplicate sites as another option. Either option is available within the pricing guidelines quoted. The same look and feel should be used for both sites to help reinforce the image of the City both Internally and externally. NovusCMS is an open source code solution. This means there are no license fees associated with the solution. Deploying a version to run the Internet and Intranet does not increase costs. One fee covers both deployments. In addition there are no client license fees for users to update content. NovusCMS is a web -based solution. The only client side software required is a current browser. The City wants to have Job openings online — NovuSolutions has an existing code base designed to support online job postings. Each department can be empowered to post a job. Optional Workflow can be added to insure HR or other central authorities, approve job postings prior to publication. Once jobs are posted visitors can view jobs by type or category. In addition, Users can upload their resume to this site. The solution tracks resumes and allows City Staff the option to search for candidates by skill set. Finally the public can sign up to be notified of job openings that meet their criteria. Once a job is posted an a mail is sent to notify the public user that a job matching their needs is now posted. City Staff can use the same option to watch for resumes with certain criteria. The City would like a workflow solution to manage Agendas/Resolutions — City Agendas are an accumulation of various documents and they become quite large in size. A solution is already in place that allows the City to convert documents into images. It is our understanding that the City is looking to move these images through an approval process in a systematic manner. NovuSolutions has expertise in the area of workflow management and document tracking which is the foundation of our NovusCMS solution. Our plan would be to construct a solution that tracked this information and allowed it to be viewed via browser. Users could upload documents through a browser interface and like NovusCMS all actions will be tracked by user. Each document can maintain a full history of which users viewed it, when they did and if it was approved or rejected. If Users upload documents to add to the Agenda that information would be tracked as well. Users could route work to other departments and a mail notification can be used to keep users informed when Web Site Design 4 Novu ol� utions City of Tamarac Florida there is work to do. The a mail notification will keep the work moving through the system and avoid delays. This solution will be a custom built database with a web based interface for users to complete all tasks without client side software, other than a current browser. The City is interested in expanding and adding features in later phases — All code developed by NovuSolutions will use standard coding practices and be open source in nature. Our primary coding foundation focuses on Microsoft SQL 2000, Microsoft ASP and runs well on Microsoft Windows 2000 or NT. Because we use all open source code, including the code for NovusCMS, the City can add features and function easily at a later date. Another important feature is that the City will not be dependant upon NovuSolutions for new features. While it would be our goal to become a preferred partner for the City we realize the importance of independence to an organization like the City of Tamarac. Web Site Design 5 Novu1olns City of Tamarac Florida NovusCMS — A solution you can manage NovuSolutions' NovusCMS, or Content Management System, is an easy -to -use content management application for the Web. NovusCMS allows non -technical personnel to create and update documents on a Web site without programming knowledge. NovusCMS has a built in workflow that allows many users to create content and systematically submit that content for review and approval to higher authorities. The ,entire process from creation of content to publication of content can be managed without the support of technical personnel. The following chart illustrates a sample of how NovuSolutions' NovusCMS solution will manage the workflow for content creation, editing and publication. This is just an example of a simplified workflow chart. The actual workflow will be customized to meet the organization's needs in the Statement of Work in the first phase. Technical Staff can manage changes in workflow on an ongoing basis with or without support from NovuSolutions. Clients define the roles and responsibilities of IS and responsibilities will be defined and deployed by NovuSolutions during the customization process of NovusCMS. All users of the NovusCMS solution will require only a web browser, IE 5.0 for example, on the client to access the NovusCMS solution. As documented on the Flowchart following, the "Content Publisher" has the ability to publish content to the site. This function allows NovusCMS to become the centralized management tool for all Web Based solutions. This process is completely scalable. NovuSolutions can implement the NovusCMS solution for one department and scale up the deployment as needed. Scaling the project up will require minimal modification to foundational programming provided by the initial NovusCMS solution. In other words, the cost of scaling this solution from a few too many thousands is minimal and is not affected by client or server license fees. There are no client or server license fees in the NovusCMS solution model. Web Site Design 6 Novuf,%U s City of Tamarac Florida NovusCMS Sample Flowchart Process initiated to create business information and content Individual enters business information and or content Individual enters Information is Information into submitted to NovusCMS form Content Editor No Live Web Site No Fir all Editing Editor makes eauired? Yes required changes Information is forwarded to Content Approver Content Publisher reviews PI Sheet Approved? in internet browser format Business Information or content is Yes automtically created and published to database and/or web server Staging Web - Server M No Web Site Design 7 .i Novusolutlons City of Tamarac Florida NovusCMS database Overview The basic NovusCMSTm database architecture consists of a Content Approval database and a Content database. Content authors create content for the Web in a built-in word processing environment in the Content Approval database. Once a document has been approved for the Web, it is pushed to the Content database. Documents in the Content database are available to the World Wide Web. The approval process allows you to assign a Publisher to manage the actual publication process. Several employees can be assigned to this role as needed. Multiple content authors can generate content, and submit it for publication approval. When a Publisher approves the content, the document is automatically published to the Web with the click of a button. Document categories control navigation. Preloaded, professionally designed navigation wrap around documents so that content authors never have to worry about design considerations, or any of the things that go with it, like HTML, graphics, Javascript, etc. Content authors choose a category for a document such as "Services", and the "Services" navigation will automatically wrap around the document on the Web. Web Site Design 8 NavusaMutions City of Tamarac Florida Design elements While NovusCMS provides an easy to use interface for non -technical content creators, flexibility is also available to technical personnel who wish to modify the design of the site. Web designers can use NovusCMS to control the design of the site by creating or editing the html design elements that wrap around the Web content created by non -technical personnel. The following example illustrates the design change process: Marketing manager requests a change to the left navigator for a marketing site category Web designer opens design element where HTML code is stored for the navigator Designer edits design element document per marketing manager's request. Feature Details for NovusCMS Site publisher approves new design and publishes the design element document. Designer saves changes, sends document for approval. Below is a brief covering the functional details of NovusCMS. These details are the standard features of NovusCMS. NovusCMS is standard open source code that can be easily customized to meet unique client needs. If there are features the City desires not covered here it is very likely that those features can be added without extensive development. In the interest of space we have not included a list of templates. We currently have over 25 page layout templates in stock and more can be created for the City if required as part of this project. 1.1.0 Overview for Department Functions This code is browser independent and client side OS independent. This is a stand alone module that allows users to create edit and in some cases publish web site content. By stand alone we are referring to a solution that has an administrative interface to create users and view and approve their work, plus the ability for users to perform the functions listed below. The idea here is that this module can be deployed to a company that has an existing web site and simply wants to create a link to a "select your Department " Web Site Design 9 Now olutions City of Tamarac Florida page. From the select your Department page browsers would view content created from this module. This solution could also be used as a stand alone option for online proposals. This module does not need to have the ability for a webmaster to manage a company web site. That module can be added. Users will log into the system to create, edit and in some cases publish pages to their web site. The log in will be derived from a table within CMS that holds users and their characteristics or it will be derived from a defined LDAP table assigned by the system administrator. User functions: • Open an existing page and edit it • Create site navigation • Assign navigation points to pages on their site • Upload images to a private library. Access images from a public library. • Add/edit text • Add Hyperlinks and define where those links go • Chose body content layout from a menu • Optional, Create a page using pure HTML from an outside source (on the create a user interface an option appears to "Allow HTML creation". When this is selected that user will have an additional button on their CMS interface that allows for the uploading of HTML created in another source or written in the CMS interface for HTML. Navigation will be controlled by a header, left navigation bar, optional footer and optional right navigation bar. The header, optional footer and optional right navigation bar can only be edited using HTML skills. The left navigation can be edited using CMS described below. 1.1.2 Terms Term Definition User A user who manages their web site Navigation Site navigation on the left navigation bar that can be edited and modified by a user. Image A file that will reside in a private or public library for a user. Files types will be defined by Administrators Hyperlink A text or graphic link that links to a URL defined by the user Body Content Web page content inside the body area of the page. This is not Headers, Footers or navi ation bars. Web Site Design 10 Novus�l� uut ns City of Tamarac Florida 1.1.3 Users User Rights Enter rise wide users Full access to their site and -library only 1.1.4 Functions Function Description Open an existing page and edit it Edit the body content only including ima es on the page. Create site navigation Create site navigation is one interface that populate the navigation area of every page. Assign navigation points to pages on their When creating navigation assign the link to site page in the web site. This navigation o ulates the left navigation bar. Upload images to a private library Easy upload of any allowed image. Administrators allow image types and sizes Access images from a public library Admins can upload images to a public or shared libra . Add/edit text Ability to add or edit text on any page Add Hyperlinks and define where those Name a hyperlink and enter the URL to links go which that link points. Hyperlink sections should be in the layout options. Some la outs will have hyperlinks some will not. Chose body content layout from a menu Layout options will define the body content layout. Optional, Create a page using pure HTML For advanced users, allow them to paste in from an outside source HTML and publish the page. This will overwrite the layouts and style sheets. This option would be given to specific users by the Admin. O tional Publish a page Details 1.2.1 Open an existing page and edit it Users can open an existing page and make edits to it. They can save their work as a draft or send it on for approval or publish with the correct authority. They can also change templates. 1.2.2 Create site navigation Each user will customize site navigation on the left navigation bar. The system Admin will define a fixed number of pages to be created automatically when a Department is Web Site Design 11 Novusolutions City of Tamarac Florida created. From there users will be able to build their own navigation through a special interface. The navigation links will be defined for the web site in a navigation interface. The interface for this process should be easy to follow. Step one - Name the first page for your site. This is often called "your name Home Page" Step two — Name the second page for your site Step three — Name the third page of your site. These name blocks have a predefined character limit of 20 characters. When a User exceeds 20 characters a warning pops up asking them to keep their page names limited to 20 characters. This limit will allow population of the left navigation bar with these names. The names selected by the user will become the navigation points that show up on their web site. The navigation points will populate a standard Left navigation bar with Text links that link to the pages they are tied to. The one interface will create the navigation bar for the entire Department web site. Users will create links once and then simply populate content for each page on their site. An example of how this works is diagramed below: Web Site Design 12 Novusol s City of Tamarac Florida 1.2.4 Upload images to a private library The user can populate a library of images. Admin will control the type and size limits on images. From any page that has pictures in the layout the user will be able to open a photo library and either select one of the existing images or upload a new one. Users will access their own private library or a public shared library from the photo page. Public 4ibraries can only be populated by Admins. Access Images from a Shared or Public Library The admin will be able to upload images to a public or shared library. The shared library is available via a link that is on the Private library page. Users will click on a picture box in a template. This will open access to their Private library. The Private library page will give them a link to the shared or public library. This solution is coded to allow easy customization of the name for this link. 1.2.5 Add/edit text Users can add text in Text boxes. Text boxes are defined in the layout. When the editor is open a preview button it is available so they can view their work without closing one window and clicking on another button. When the preview window is open a close preview button is displayed. 1.2.6 Add Hyperlinks and define where those links go Many layouts will include hyperlinks. These pages will allow users to type in a URL in one box and then type in a brief description of that URL in an adjacent text box. The text boxes on these templates should be limited in characters so proper spacing is maintained. An example of this concept is below: Web Site Design 13 Navus�olutions City of Tamarac Florida Enter the URL here Enter the URL here Enter the URL here Enter the URL here Enter the URL here F.,.rbrief description here. Lime Is 100.haracers F,-,rbrief description here. Lime Is 100 Characters Enter a brief description here, lime is 100 Charactors ^v I Enter a brief description here. Limit is 100 Charactors Ender A brief description here. Limit Is 100 Characters 1.2.7 Chose body content layout from a menu A menu of layouts will pop up in a separate window when the user selects the button titled Page Layout. This group of templates will include templates described below. Layouts for pages are displayed in a large area of the screen with a lot of detail on what the layouts represent. Some layouts may have titles on them like "Home Page" "More pictures", "Calendar Page" etc. These titles are easy to customize for any deployment. 1.2.8 Optional, Create a page using pure HTML from an outside source In the user creation interface available to the Admin there will be a two check boxes. One box will allow users to publish directly without approval and the other will enable a HTML button on their menu bar that allows them to paste in HTML code for body content. 1.2.9 Lookup Department/Services page This module will have a web page that uses a drop down menu to allow users to select a Department from the list. A Department is a Sitelit that is a group pf pages sharing a common left navigation bar. This menu will populate from Departments that have Web Site Design 14 NOVU olutions City of Tamarac Florida published home pages. If a Department does not have a published home page they will not be on the list. This page will be contained in this module and will have code within it that allows for list population. We will customize this page with a look and feel that compliments the existing Company site we are linked to. In addition, an interface will be sued for the City to create drop down lists of services. NovuSolutions has experience building web site for Cities and we have learned that Citizens do not always associate a service with the correct department. In the City of Manchester NH for example, information regarding Automobile registration can be obtained from the Tax Collector office. The drop of list of Service for this City has Automobile registration listed as a City service and that link goes to the Tax Collector page covering that topic. Using these drop down list make navigation of the site easy for the public. In addition, detailed information is never more than three clicks away. The three click standard is critical to keep top of mind during site navigation design. 1.3.0 Administration for Module One This module will be a self-contained module so an admin piece exists to allow certain functions. The admin interface will be deployed with one user, created by NovuSolutions and a password for that user. That user can then create other Admins and new users: Specific functions are: • Create other Admins • Create new users • Create new Sitelits • Set the number of pages for the sitelit (the first sitelit may have 5 pages, the second sitelit may have 9 pages and the admin can enter a number when creating a sitelit. The word sitelit will usually be customized to something like "Create a new Department web site" • Password protect a sitelit to limit the public from viewing the sitelet contents. • Using a CSS editor, modify the text and caption and other characteristics of the Sitelits. • Allow users to publish without approval • Allow users to input HTML • View all content • Publish content + Unpublish content • Reject content that has been submitted • Assign page level access to users. Page four of Sitelit three is accessed by Jim Peters. Sue Jones can access all pages in the Sitelit. Page level authority for each Sitelit will help Admins manage and restrict access to the areas they want users to focus on. This allows Department heads to assign specific pages to a user to update. Web Site Design 15 Novueolutiona City of Tamarac Florida 1.3.1 Terms Term Definition User A user who manages their web site or a a e within a Sitelit. Admin Can perform the functions listed under 1.3.0 CSS editor An interface that allows an Admin to modify the style of all web pages globally. 1.3.2 Details Admins will log in and perform the functions listed above. 1.4.0 Layouts Specific page layouts have been omitted in the interest of space. NovuSolutions is happy to provide details on existing page layouts upon request and can develop new page layouts easily as part of a standard deployment. Web Site Design 16 Navur, s City of Tamarac Florida Module 2.0.0 NovusCMS Administrative 2.1.0 Overview for CMS Administrative Functions This code is browser independent and client side OS independent. This will be a module that is added on to Module One for Users. This module would be deployed to a City web site that desires to control a City site and the ability to create sitelits. This module will support all the functions listed in Module One for Departments plus the ability to manage a City Main site using the same functions the Departments have. In addition this module will include the ability to password protect a Sitelit when it is created. The ability to password protect Sitelits upon creation will be used when the City creates Sitelits requiring controlled access. Password protection will enable them to control access to proposal information. Admins will log into the system to create, edit and in some cases publish pages to their web site. In addition they can do all functions for Admins listed in Module One. The log in will be derived from a table within CMS that holds users and their characteristics or it will be derived from a defined LDAP table assigned by the system administrator. Admin functions for their web site: • Create other Admins • Create new users • Create new Sitelits • Set the number of pages for the Sitelit (the first Sitelit may have 5 pages, the second Sitelit may have 9 pages and the admin can enter a number when creating a Sitelit. The word Sitelit will usually be customized to something like "Create a new Department web site" • Password protect a Sitelit to limit the public from viewing the Sitelet contents. • Using a CSS editor, modify the text and caption and other characteristics of the Sitelits. • Allow users to publish without approval • Allow users to input HTML • View all content • Publish content • Unpublish content • Reject content that has been submitted • Create site navigation • Assign navigation points to pages on their site • Upload images to a private or public library • Add Hyperlinks and define where those links go • Chose body content layout from a menu • Change the Header and navigation bars for their site and the Sitelits created by Local Users. 2.1.2 Terms Web Site Design 17 Novur u_ti1ions City of Tamarac Florida Term Definition Admin A user who manages their web site and can perform admin functions listed in module one. Navigation Site navigation that can be edited and modified b a User. Image A file that will reside in a private and or public library for a user. Files types will be defined by Administrators Hyperlink A text or graphic link that links to a URL defined by the Teacher Body Content Web page content inside the body area of the page. This is not Headers, Footers or navigation bars. Sitelit A department level site that is created and named by the admin. Sitelits will be created for company departments or sub operations of some sort. Sitelits will also be created for use as web based proposals to clients. These Sitelits will have the option of being password protected to the public. Web Site Design 18 City of Tamarac Florida 2.1.3 Users User Rights Company Admins Full access to their site and library, plus all content 2.1.4 Functions Function Description Create other Admins Admins can pass their authority to peers if they choose. Create, edit and delete users Admins can set up Departments with users that can build their own web sites. Create Sitelits Admins can create a Sitelit. When they do they can assign users to that Sitelit from the existing user base. They can define the number of pages that Sitelit will have and they can assign individual users access to specific pages within the Sitelit. Password protect a Sitelit Password protection controls who can view the information within this Sitelit. Allow Users to publish without approval Some users will desire to publish content without approval from the Admin. This authority can be granted and removed on a user by user basis. Users can also be granted the right to use HTML code to build a paqe. View, edit, publish, reject and unpublish all Admins have full control over all site and content. Sitelit content. Assign page level access to users In some cases Admins may want to restrict certain users to only one page on a site or Sitelit. The UI for users will allow this function. Create site navigation Create site navigation in one interface that populates the left navigation area of every page. Assign navigation points to pages on their When creating navigation assign the link to site page in the web site. Upload images to a private or public library Easy upload of any allowed image. Administrators allow image types and sizes Add Hyperlinks and define where those Name a hyperlink and enter the URL to links go which that link points. Hyperlink sections should be in the layout options. Some layouts will have hyperlinks some will not. Chose body content layout from a menu Layout options will define the body content layout. Change the header, footer and navigation Look and feel changes. These changes I bars for their site and the Sitelits created must be able to be applied without usin Web site Design 19 i Novusol� u ons City of Tamarac Florida by local Users. HTML skills. Building headers, footers and right navigation bars is a developer level task. Applying them to the site is not. 2.2.0 Details 2.2.1 Create other Admins Admins can Share their authority with other Admins. 2.2.2 Create, edit and delete Users Admins have full control over users and the access each user has. The UI for Users will allow the Admin to assign access to task outlined in Module One to Users. 2.2.4 Create Sitelits Admins can create Sitelits. Creating a Sitelit will involve naming the Sitelit. The naming will become part of the URL. The UI will demonstrate how the URL will look for each Sitelit. In addition, Admins can assign the number of pages that Sitelit will have. Admins can assign users access to that Sitelit. Do they have full access or limited access. Limited access restricts their access to specific pages only. Admins can set a Sitelit to be password protected so the public must use a password to access the data on the Sitelit. This will be useful for online proposals. When a Sitelit is created the Admin will select a header and navigation bar for the Sitelit. The selection of a left navigation bar will be for look and feel only. The sitelit owner (Department user or equal) will determine the navigation names/links for each navigation bar. Headers are not edited without HTML skills. 2.2.5 Allow Users to publish without approval Some Users will need the ability to publish pages in their area of control without approval from the Admin. Admins can set this authority on the User level. 2.2.6 View, edit, publish, reject and unpublish content Admins have full control over all content. Even if content is published by an empowered User, Admins will be able to effect the content at will. 2.2.7 Create site navigation Each Admin will customize site navigation within the categories on the main site. The system Admin will have a defined number of categories when the site is delivered. Each category will have a defined number of pages on delivery. Each category will not exceed 9 pages. Admins will be able to build their own left navigation for each category through Web Site Design 20 Novusollu! ns City of Tamarac Florida a special interface. The navigation links will be defined for the web site in a navigation interface. The interface for this process should be easy to follow. The site will have a home page that can be edited by the Admin. The home page will have a header, optional right navigation bar and optional footer that has fixed navigation and a left navigation bar that has flexible navigation. These navigation points will go to category home pages that can be edited using templates. Each category will have 9 additional pages. Admins can create the left navigation for each category using the game navigation creation tool used by Departments. Step one - Name the first page for your category. Step two — Name the second page for your category Step three — Name the third page of your category. These name blocks will have a predefined character limit of 20 characters. When a Admin exceeds 20 characters a warning pops up asking them to keep their page names limited to 20 characters. This limit will allow population of the left navigation bar with these names. The names selected by the Admin will become the navigation points that show up on their web site. The navigation points should populate a standard Main Left navigation bar with Text links that link to the pages they are tied to. This will allow the admin to have a unique left navigation for each category. The one interface will create the navigation bar for the entire Category. Admins will create links once and then simply populate content for each page on in their category. 2.2.8 Upload Images to a private/public library The Admins will be able to populate a library of images. Admin will control the type and size limits on images. From any page that has pictures in the layout the Admin will be able to open a photo library and either select one of the existing images or upload a new one. Admins will upload images to two locations. One will be a library of images available for the site they manage. The other will be a public or shared library that the department users have access to. 2.2.9 Add hyperlinks to pages Several Layout templates in all deployments use hyperlinks on the page. These pages will allow Admins to type in a URL in one box and then type in a brief description of that URL in an adjacent text box. The text box on these templates should be limited in characters so proper spacing is maintained. Choose body content layouts See Module One for a description of this function. 2.3.0 Change Header and Navigation bars Web Site Design 21 Novusoluutinns City of Tamarac Florida Admins will be able to swap one header, footer, optional right navigation bar or left navigation bar for another to quickly apply a new look and feel to their site. This can be done on the main site or on any Sitelit. Jobs Online The current templates for a Jobs database offered by NovuSolutions offer base line functionality that can be modified and customized to meet the needs of Tamarac. Our cost proposal includes a reasonable level of customization and the details are discussed in the cost proposal. The scope of this needs to be defined within the costs quoted. The following samples outline the basic functions available in the job template. Not all functions are displayed here and there is obviously no look and feel applied to some screen shots. The presentation of this information is intended to demonstrate expertise in the area of interest expressed by the City; not finished code. All forms and the presentation of data would be customized to meet City needs. In addition to resume posting an electronic version of the standard employment application can be added to this solution. Users could go in and post their resume in addition to filling out an application or they could simply fill out the application. NovuSolutions took the following screen shots from a Jobs Online program built for the Broward County Sheriff. These are samples of the type of solution that can be developed for the City. Web Site Design 22 Novusol s City of Tamarac Florida Back end reporting menu t ylew Feyp'k�f Tads Hod � http:116sat••rR�.ca�M�o�rb.mp My YNfptf! `,+":;"9ti'Yilwd,.;�sl II Hello:. Rasa Welcome to the applications Intake and processing database for the Broward &herifPs office. You will find all the necessary tools you need to manage users, search applications, view applications, manage intake ® routing, manage, department routing, export to trac, and run reports. Please click the links to the left to start using the database, I. I� tiintacts?Mt,W I U93M Trtae"i&;a,(: Momol:,:m- MITT••. i _ j Web Site Design 23 -J - Novuf1%Ut ns City of Tamarac Florida Sample report covering all applications taken in over a period of time. The data is not real to protect privacy. E ; dS ................ . i' .. FaYOrit" Tads ••��Y�gwti'J; ��^' '":' rC�f�:. � .. Favor¢es h:xary � � � � „ 3Y!'': � �`:ie'::::? . w�.w..«««,,...n«..«.,...... «:::......... I - k. TM4MShS�YaArl�ld�OrRh2�tiYxl1.Madh1—predefYwdbAMlpE�ta.LrMltbr!'hiF01'/r2F2IX1S4dt0{daRe.li2i31S62FZOtll �� .`';� Adha55 ktkxrs.cam�appRcaM �3 ks YMntl *Yell i Sl1' ,IkWa > 5ssch •Bvokmer ;CY her><:e:!'a=� � .��:,• '� QJ srnp�hq Applicant Intake Report „ Ell �l�i� ii ]ntamet JCP-P1;1kK-rrhr.,,i Raw, A pwc+. t-. ritr� �+�P .:4gz 3n.:roarclw,{ds:a Web Site Design 24 Navur, s City of Tamarac Florida Beginning screen for the online application process. . . . .. . ....... . ............ . ... .... .......... ........... ... ...... . ................... ................ . .......... . .... .................... T, ................. .... . ............... �7j . . . . . . . . . ... . ............. ............ ........ .. . ......................... .. . . . .. So , � 0 ..r.h MO M-56*k Wy~, - 1;O-Y6hW W4"*I* �4YshW.MM . ... ... ......... . .. ........................... ............. 11 .............. 13roward SherifFs Office initial Application for Employment .M. Offk- p .,.Pvoft.ky #ftV'4J'V #0 4— Step I , Please enter your personal Information p) hd.,*- Rq4' Contact us — ------- - Job La - I Alon Applyin ,fqri�- Gveal Job L"tm*� at' S Please SolectADepartment Vftin A DMson *1 D�! Social Security F— h. . ... ...... . . ........ . ..... IMPMPI -OX re 7 �M- [610 9!05 PM The next several pages show another solution built by NovuSolutions that demonstrates the search functions and forms for the jobs database. Web Site Design 25 Navu olutions City of Tamarac Florida Sample Log in from another project Username: Password: Submit Forgot Mgwyrc 7 Login Ok-- Job Seeker Login Ck-- Company Login Failed Form used by Companies to enter the system Jobs Add New I Edit Existing I Remove C Click Y r Com an 'S Prnf' 7 Browse Resumes By... Experience Level Category Internship Entry Level Mid -Level Senior Level Jgb Seeker's Location Preference Web Site Design 26 Novusol u s City of Tamarac Florida Form used by Employees to view system Resumes Add New I Edit Existing I Remove Browse Jobs By... U.5._ 5tates Com an Name Experience Level Job Category Internship Entry Level Mid -Level Senior Level Web Site Design 27 City of Tamarac Florida Job Seeker Input form �w Build/Edit Resume Bolded items are required. First Name: F- Last Name: Email: Address: mom Country: I Select a Country Area Code & Phone Number: URL: Can you legally r: work in the U.S.? Yes No What type of position Full Time are you seeking? Experience Level: I Internship .-] Job Type Preference: Accounting What is your most B.A. advanced degree attained or currently pursued? Major: Date of Graduation: YYYY Current/Most Recent Employer: Job Title: Web Site Design 28 Novusollut s City of Tamarac Florida Minimum Annual Salary Unspecified Requirement: Resume: Use HTML or Plain Text OM Choose the Newsletter you wish to receive: SUbmit . Web Site Design 29 Novusollut ns City of Tamarac Florida Form used by Employers to post a job Post a Job Bolded items are required. Job Locations: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas " California Colorado Hold the Ctrl key and select all industries that apply Job Categories: Accounting Administrative / Support Services Advertising / Ntarketing / PR Agriculture / Food Science Architecture Biotechnology / Pharmaceutical Hold the Ctrl key and select all industries that apply Job Status: Full Time T ExperienceEntry Level Level: Speck Years �� Required, Complete Listing: Web Site Design 30 NOVUS011ut s City of Tamarac Florida Job Requirements: Application Information: Ffieview� `' Form used by Departments to create their profile Top of Form Post Department Profile Bolded items are required. Primary Accounting Industries: Administrative / Support Services Advertising / Marketing / PR Agriculture / Food Science Architecture Biotechnology / Pharmaceutical Hold the Ctrl key and select all industries that apply Number of Employees: Stock Symbol: r Types of Full Time Positions: Contract Part Time Temp Internship Hold the Ctrl key and select all industries that apply Web Site Design 31 NOVUS011uti ns City of Tamarac Florida Hiring Alabama Locations: Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Hold the Ctrl key and select all industries that apply Website: http:// ........ Company Profile: Carreer Opportunities: Contact Information: .�ulxmti'�. Web Site Design 32 Novuf 1%, w, 11oS City of Tamarac Florida Development Process Part One- Strategy Part 1 requires the development of a web site strategy. Key features that must be considered in this strategy are, Web site Content Management, Site growth, and the addition of new technology in later phases. NovuSolutions will assess the information distribution needs and carefully analyze the priorities. The key thought here is to maximize the return on investment. A long term plan may have many functions going web based but short term only those that offer the "Biggest Bang for the Buck" should be deployed. NovuSolutions' business is founded on the principle that web technology purchases must be considered like any other purchase. Does the value outweigh the cost? Is the ROI in line with expectations? Developing web solutions for the sake of having web solutions is no longer an acceptable practice and NovuSolutions has never practiced any theory other than a focus on ROL Our approach will be to develop a plan that explains the short term and long term goals. In addition, the technology used in the short term must be able to expand to meet long- term needs without having to revisit areas already developed. NovuSolutions will use non-proprietary technology with all open source code that will allow the flexibility to move forward short term without sacrificing the long-term needs. Sample factors to consider are: • The primary theme or message the site must communicate. While this may change over time it is important that the theme be consistent throughout the site. The ability to alter this theme as time passes will be enabled with the Content Management Solution presented by NovuSolutions called NovusCMS. • Key Data design factors must be considered. How is data stored and retrieved. What database structure makes the most sense? What Database should be used? NovuSolutions will review current database software and use what is already in place to minimize costs associated with the acquisition of new software. • Key usability standards must be defined. Who is the audience for this site and what special needs must be considered in the site design. Professional people often approach a web site with different expectations that those who surf the web from home. These may the same people but their behavior and expectations can change depending on the environment they are in at the time. These issues must be defined upfront to insure a successful site. • Hosting options both short and long term. What is the best hosting strategy to use for the web site? This will involve an analysis of current IT infrastructure and Web Site Design 33 Novusolutions City of Tamarac Florida how well it can support internal hosting verses the cost of outsourced hosting. How critical is up time? What are the backup and restoration needs for the site? The best value will be presented in this section. Part 2 Development and Results Design and usability standards must be set up in Park 2 prior to development. Below is a discussion of the details that will be presented in Part 2 relative to the site design standards and layout. NovuSolutions has extensive experience in web site design. When creating the interface for a web presence, NovuSolutions will emphasize the user centered design standards needed for a successful site. This will ensure a user centric site that will be easy to use. The following thought process is utilized when consulting with any client: Conceptualize interface design and architecture of web site based on usability principles and cognitive analysis of user experience throughout the site, with the strategic direction and vision. Develop and execute user interface of the entire web site working closely together with the NovuSolutions' web interface developer, Business Strategist Team, and Project Manager. Lead and develop use ability test for beta version of site with a representative cross- section of potential users as participants. Design and develop a registered logo, based on its user -centered strategy and main target markets. Apply "Warning" page while viewer is exiting Your site, based on usability principles. Following this Design Methodology, NovuSolutions will ensure the highest level of professionalism, credibility, and universal applicability to all targeted audiences. NovuSolutions design approach also will ensure warm and friendly, fun, and fast -loading aspects of a successful site design. Universal Features & Applications NovuSolutions' Website Design Methodology The front-end interface is one of the most important aspects of any successful user driven web site. Below is the process NovuSolutions engages in during development. Create categorized structure of Website content. Based on this categorization, design web site information architecture. This determines roughly the amount of content per page and the total of pages in the site, and will be the basis for the site map. Web Site Design w 34 Navusolut ons City of Tamarac Florida Design and develop user navigation throughout site, based on the information architecture. Design original navigational and functional assistants such graphics, icons, and buttons that will convey the identity of the web site product. Design and develop upon approval of client, basic page layout and content location for each page type. Design and implement, upon approval of client, a browser -safe color scheme for entire Website, based on the product identity, to clearly convey consistency throughout the site. An example of an economic web page layout skin that NovuSolutions has created for a City is listed below: Tba Gry PIr4"W hG 11y M M<wPtqe. W W-Aiy a d1y-Wd-e Mn k&rvkp—a pen k sawna -aMhu-dnn DIMew -.Nc OMwroral q--ky elil- wre*-njy-dey an—WWs. The ay hayw`an YHunnb In 9k R nm "M d b uMdnmgbd paned dqr J.. M dy%-Waeemh M In M3. 4L�4 rY1M, tMtl ajy h lord n Ny -n,Mw- syp the nn- ..lu-.epandap Ne kPW aegnP-q. y1-wv -N ahe" arra tWW .Me tlty k rppi'd dhW -A a ®��®�J�i=>��) � 7r�R.,{� P ,.� N1�f... I�strp., �Mpm.. '� �• mkb Six � �,��,�� 4J,� isE�9f5f`i4M" NovuSolutions believes it is the choice of the client or organization to choose the desired technology that will meet their needs. NovuSolutions will make recommendations if Web Site Design --.. -- 35 -- Nwusol� ut ns City of Tamarac Florida appropriate and outline in the Statement of Work the Standards for which the project will be developed. Below are charts showing examples of how this may look: E ' pl' UsabilityDeiiph"'St andard qVuSb lUtions `4 9114N The site will be optimized for 800 X 600 pixel resolution. This will allow users with both an 800 X 600 screen resolution to optimally view the site as well as maximize website usability___ Graphics will be in a compressed format, to maximize upload for any line speed connection. Navigation points will change appearance when they have been activated The content of each page will dynamically resize to different window sizes on the users screen. This feature will insure users do not have to scroll horizontally to view text. All forms will allow movement through the form using the tab key or a mouse click in the form area. All data fields used in forms will use server side form validation. This will insure users fill out forms properly. All design elements can be coded into the ASP script including page background color. Site will be designed for optimal viewing in IE and Netscape versions 4.X and later. Sample Database a' gn Standards of,NovuSolU1,10r, " M The database used for this project will be Microsoft SQL 7.0 No SQL 7.0 service packs have been installed Database code will be written in the form of stored procedures Database will use the MS SQL 7.0 default character set and sort order All SQL code will follow the ANSI-92 standards Sample Op6r4t , in4�',`$?Stehi Standards of NovuSp tions Windows 2000 Server No Windows 2000 packs have been installed Internet Information Server v5.0 Web Applications will utilize port 80 i"of No�uSolutidno,�, 'i Sample lo ent 1SW"d aipi rd'� J, A,;�4,11 41 NovuSolutions will install necessary code at the client's site NovuSolutions will provide technical documentation for installation and maintenance Web Site Design 36 Navusolutions City of Tamarac Florida NovuSolutions believes that documentation is essential when developing or redesigning a successful site. To ensure easy and cost effective additions to the foundation of the site, specific home page and sub -page design standards need to be documented so any web designer can develop additional pages and functionality easily and efficiently while maintaining the consistency of the site. NovuSolutions proprietary blue print approach is outlined below. The following examples start with a Functional Site Map to ensure the site follows the usability principals that were originally used in the blueprint document and statement of work that meets the needs of the client. Next the Navigational Site Map will outline the navigation of each section to ensure the cognitive usability methodology will always apply when adding new categories. The next document phase is the Page Types and Labels. This will be color -coded and list each of the functions and content applied to each category of the site. Following will be a Layout Grid color coded to match the Page Types and Labels. This will ensure all details of the layout of every category of the site is blueprinted and easily duplicated when adding functionality or pages. Economic Development Webaite Functional Site Map Web Site Design 37 Norusolutions City of Tamarac Florida City of Plantation Economic Development Website Navigational Site Map 0 City of Planta Ifn Home Page Splay Page Economic Deve ent Home Pago S�erth _..........._ .Lap In -- Reglater - - Reolster Llting Lag in ._ •-Add Cendrm „�,. li Properths ..... Prom. aw. oMl m a rbv.c New L Pwero Connrm PraflM Chrpe P-n!w rd � C Estate I I Economic tlw. Incentives Such top In R�pltr � J MQ Seled �P - — using - Incentivee Log In of Y IntenllVa Rplonel PndMe I Ma.a w,v�I Now Pword Web Site Design 38 Novusolutions Tow City of Tamarac Florida Economic Development Website Page `types and Labels Now 1. Hoc" Page Y. Meta OW404600 PW" About the Cdy Mayor's Message News aid Everts ResourCea H* 3. ""M Pages Business Rat Edd EGalomic Develoq 1rvert kacertivee Tap 10 Eynplom ay Map SUB MEHU 4. Suh Merwr Paget» Seied Type of Mee (CYy Maps Pepe) 5eted Region (Emxwoc Deyelopmert hcertives) SEARCH S. searehPages Search for Business Search for Real Exile Broker toj: ji`,€,,,o- 6. CaMerw Pagse Bueirose Lixfkag new Estate Wating Ct" Top Tan Eapmyes Econor* Dev, kcer&es per region udirg of as Em"k Dev. Incentives Map (graphiF cordrxt) =Local 11 Wkrp (graphtC txrderd) State wade Map (graphic corxerd) New Eargsheaa Reglelydiaa form tiaw drake registration form Ba on... Prolate (View and edd) Bmokar Profile (view aft edit) Add New Propefte Add More Properties 6. Hew Password Now password for Business Ptofft New password for Broker Profile nn�� A', 3, . ,1j,:...,�1...f :, i ' 9. Confkm Pages Confirm New Bustness Prolate Cehfirm 8usinexx Rome changes Cm*m eusness Prolate Password change Confirm Now Brdrer Rose Conikm arow Rothe congas Confirm Broker Profile Password change Confirm Properties Added Web Site Design 39 NOVUCI s City of Tamarac Florida Sample Page Layout Grid Below is an example of a page layout grid. Each unique page type of the web site will have this detail of Mockup detailed in Part 1. Different page types may be "Search pages" Database Query Results pages" or Menu Pages for example. City of Plantation Economic Development Website Layout Grids - HOME Page Grid HOME Link to C.OP. Home 1 Menu Title Highlighted IN Link to Fiash Tour— 0 (links to pop-up vAndoW) Meta CategoryH:htad� Link to Econono mic c De Daveolpment Home coy of morn dafl R Load '''''"L ` Economic Development Home Page dont face-Arial, elvetica color - 0000001 size = 4 (14pt)- us MENU GRAPHIC MENU GRAPHIC auelneee Cemmerclel Reel Estate Link to Menu Page Link to Menu Pape MENU TITLE MENU GRAPHIC y, City M-p ' Link to Menu Page Y e� �YhVelep[M ,v°'1, MENU GRAPHIC ECemnlc MENU GRAPHIC , •,t" Development I.—W-e la Menu Page Tep to EmPleYan Link to Menu Pape Link I, r ° , goner 33 {rzele Qualifications and References TechTrainUSA Web site URL: httD://www,techtrainuss.com and www.techtrain.com Client: TechTrainUSA Reference contact: "Our experience with NovuSolutions was superb! Excellent work ethic, strong communication and quick on -time turnaround. Thank you!" — Paul Piccochi, CEO, TechTrainUSA, (720) 988-4520 Project Description: TechTrainUSA's initial web site (www.TechTrainUSA.com) was developed using Microsoft's Front Page software and rapidly outgrew the functionality and capabilities of this web -authoring tool. As a result, in February of 1999 TechTrainUSA tasked NovuSolutions with redesigning the site utilizing a state of the art content management solution. The other resources utilized were web site strategic planning, information architecture and design, designing navigation for current content and online marketing. Technology used is HTML, dynamic HTML, and JavaScript. Web Site Design 40 Novu�olt a I City of Tamarac Florida TechTrainUSA screenshot: wiliq! ...... . File tdg 14", FW<,��g H" , �w ....... . ........ ..... ....................... ............ .................. 04ek Addrm #J ft:1/w".tedAtAn.coek ANEW WORLD. ANEW STANDARD IN... TRAINING Tuc"TR'AIN NOME I kMNING SOLUTIONS FOR ';RMNR,16, CORPORATIONS INDIVIDUALS I eon TOO rat VA VW Te hfmo t$ opvvv new, prerrde? Totet">0100 Gortitiakion ty0grurn, trOft lwcQlea h OWdo, RAk-kffi wnich hdwkm -Arklilfit'4 lrahrD, aria 5Wh FkAja oy,r Ine neri eL&wnN &-A we for kip to 6 y6e, 'se"r(MX*ft ,eTzr-mTRAIN' ...... .......... .......... ............... ............... . . ................ ........... ........... .......... . ............. ... . ..... ...... Web Site Design 41 Novusalutions City of Tamarac Florida City of Plantation: Economic Development Page URL: Current site is www.plantation.org. The NovuSolutions Developed Economic Development Page will be released by the end of November 2000. Client: The City of Plantation Reference contact: Elizabeth Hendrickson, Director of Information Svcs, City of Plantation 954-797-2216 Project Description: The City of Plantation chooses NovuSolutions to create an Economic Development web page. The current web site has limited applications and real-time interaction (www. plantation.orp). As requested in the RFP, NovuSolutions used our extensive knowledge of all web technologies including HTML, JAVA Script, ASP, Flash 4.0 and Adobe products. When creating The City of Plantation's Economic Development site, NovuSolutions emphasized the cognitive and usability principles needed for a successful site. This ensured a city centric site that will be easy to use. This ensured the goal of creating an Economic Development site that stands out among other municipalities Original NovuSolutions Skin: C VWM FAVOW a TO& Flab Hamack)n CK :: . CQMM od Real Eata(a lop 10 Empaym C ky Map ra n. 014.IWmra kcwrwh In are p—A0¢nWrya all,wW..eaweMa dwwkW~tplm 1e saauea c.wJ ai..4"sewrnnti. *W1V and au.ay e11k w.. -* aged by 1p e0.ida�W. The pey ha. Mm Imq.t Ni WXhM""odm ui ..gftd p..dM prowN.I.e. ltN My/*�k W8 . ,M41 tlrC tl*1 r hart/..p_pawn . as mueMWn.m kq d."I'maeat aGY�Kma . .Xnatva. uA h a MN. am...rt W lard. M dly i• •w dwq b Id m . r. J 'SI AM Web Site Design 42 Navusol s City of Tamarac Florida Plantation striving to make it easier to connect City, revamps Web site to make it more user-frienclly By JENNIFER BERGHOM FORUM STAFF WRITER Plantation residents and busi- ness owners now have the op- portunity to learn more about their city and. what it has to offer them. The city has revamped its Web site to better serve residents and local businesses. The new and improved site caters to economic development and customer Ser- vice, according to Mayor Rae Carole Armstrong. "[The site] provides solid in- UP AND RUNNING: Plantation has revamped its Web site In hopes of better serving the needs or local residents and businesses. formation on what is offered in the city and provides interest for people to decide to move here," Armstrong said. The mayor said the site allows The city's information ser- vices department, along with the administration and planning, zoning and economic develop- ment departments developed the Website, he said. The city contracted Planta- tion -based business NovuSolu- tions Inc. to help with the pro- ject. The company provided HTML editing software for the site, Hanson said. The site includes information on the city council and depart- ments of the city and provides graphics and text -only versions of the site to accommodate visi- tors, Hanson said. The site also has a virtual tour with pictures of the city on.its home nave. with the software the com BI WEB SIZE continues on 12 the city to communicate with residents and businesses in ways it could not before and allows residents to get more involved in the community. "It's a lot easier to navigate than the old one and has a lot more information;" said Burgess Hanson, who handles public re- iatidns for the city. ■ WEB SITE city's newsletter, "The. Gate," down- available for people to CoNrINUEP FROM PAGE t load. The. page will also provide updates on projects and a map pany provided, staff members of the city.. can update Web pages them- The police department devei- selves. oped its own Web site with the Kristin Mory, the city's eco- city's help. Although the police nomic development coordinator, department's site has the same said the department's pages design, its content has been offer a business directory and adapted to the department's commercial real estate listing to needs, city staff said. attract businesses to the city. Elizabeth Hendrickson, direc- Viisitors can lookup commer. for of the city's information ser- cial space available on the site's vices department, said future database, which has 38 Gate- plans for the Web site include garies, providing the ability for resi- Local businesses can list their dents to pay their utility bills on - business on the site for $25. line and creating Web pages for Businesses must be located in the city's building department Plantation. with permit applications and op-. The site also includes plan- tions to schedule or reschedule ning resources, demographics inspection appointments. for businesses, economic strate- Armstrong said the city has gies on how to improve the been advertising its updated neighborhood and tourism-relat- Web site on its mailings, ed state links. newsletter and stationary to get �e ,department is working on the word out to the public. wheing an economic profile of To go to the city's Web site, tcity to the Web site. visit www.plantation.org, In the site's community rede- To go to the police depart- velopment page, Mory said the ment's web site, log on to department plans to make the wwwpsd.plantation.org. Web Site Design 43 Novusol� uuti ns City of Tamarac Florida I Plantation Web_ site hooks up businesses Page now lists vacancies, lucks to Realtors by SUN CAVANAGH STAFF WHITEN PLANTATION — The joke around City Hall is that a few years ago, high-tech communica- tion meant passing messages with tin cups. No more. Ayear-ands-half af- ter creating an Internet site for the city of Plantation, officials are malting changes to make it easier for residents — and especially businesses —to get more infor- mation. upgrades to the site, www,plantation.org, will allow a quick search for vacant business properties. It is the latest push for a city that for two years has aggressive- ly pursued new businesses by of- fering economic incentives for the first time and launching mar- ketingcampuigns to visitors. The focuawe have chosen is economic development," Mayor Rae Carole Armstrong said of the Web site, which she and other Plantation officials explained at a meeting this week. "it's an oppor- tunity to communicate with our residents and others outside the The site already housed infor- mation about Plantation city de- partments, minutes from recent city council meetings, and when available, agendas for future ones. It also contained informa- tion on bids and requests for pro- posalsfar companies seeking to submit bids for with the city. But the new site, created by Web development company No- vu5olutions, allows real estate agents who have vacant or com- mercial office space to list it in nine,separate categories on the site. After going to the city's home site, viewers would click on the economic development category and look under real estate list- ings: if there are properties under the category, the site will list the address, square footage, a brief description and a phone contact. Agents can list property by clicking on the category telling them to register their brokerage firms at the bottom of the page. Technical help is avadahlebycall- fng 954-585-2332, or webmaster- @plantatlon.org "Consumers are so much more educated now," said Barry Leth- bridge, a Realtor with Caldwell Banker in Plantation, who has worked with city officials on the site. "They do so much more re- search beforebuying." City officials did not have an exact cost for creating the site. But set-up was handled by seven employees within Plantation's in- formation services division —a program Armstrongbas steadily expanded. It has a budget of $879,000thisyear. Plantation officials also want to allow developers working in the city to track the status of their building permits online. The Police Department has jumped online as well. Informa- tion about the agency is on the site now, but police hope to even- tually allow residents to e-mail di- rectly the commander in charge of the district that oversees their neighborhood, said Steve Tesch, director of public safety systems for Plantation. Sean Cavanagh can be reached at 959-572-2009, or seavanagh@sun-sentinel.com. Web Site Design 44 Novusol s City of Tamarac Florida Shula's Steakhouse Public Website URL:.http://www.donshula.com/ Client: Shula's Steakhouse, LP Reference contact: Paul Aviles, Director of Technology, (305) 817-4170 Project Description: NovuSolutions implemented Shula's Steakhouse public website into a full content management solution. This allows Shula's Steakhouse to update the content of the website without the need to involve a technical person in the process. NovuSolutions also assisted with the Flash introduction to the website. The keys to this site are its focus to engaging a certain demographic user! Web Site Design 45 Novusollut ns City of Tamarac Florida Broward County Sheriff's Office Intranet Application: Usability Testing, Designing and Navigating, Information Architecture and Design URL: http://www.bso.novusolutions.com/ Client: Broward County Sheriff's Office Reference contact: Mark Rosario, Director of Application Development, 954-321-4564 Project Description: NovuSolutions is involved in numerous projects with BSO. We are currently under an annual contract as their primary web development partner. Below is one of many applications we have built for BSO. The Broward County Sheriff's Office (BSO) wishes to use NovuSolutions for a quick turnaround time in the creation of a web -enabled interface to query their existing data. The primary objective of this project is the delivery of a web interface that can display the crimes across the county within a timeframe specified by the user that can also be compared at the same time against statistics for another timeframe specified by the user. The users will also have the capability of viewing the crime data for a specified time period without comparing it against a second timeframe. The web interface will allow the user audience to "drill down" in the data from a countywide view of data to a view of data for a selected district, and from a district view of the data to a view of data for a selected zone. The target audience for this web interface is various BSO personnel, ranging from sergeants to the Sheriff. All of the users will be accessing the application through BSO's internal WAN using a browser. The application will be completely web browser base to avoid the need of client side software. This is the first of multiple projects engaging NovuSolutions on a 2001 Budget Retainer. �,,i..,, . . Sol ol t,�y�:.iE3N33:, 507 I l;4 ^� AumrhYil 33ih 1 ,i 3�3 N� 3 1 , '�33 '3 yy33 3�; Web Site Design �.._...._....,_.._.._._.__...,__.,_.,...,_,.�._,_._ 46 Novusollui ns City of Tamarac Florida Client: Broward County Sheriff's Office Contact: Stephen P. Fazekas 954-321-4754 The purpose of this project was to provide to Broward County Sheriff's (BSO) office a web based on-line application management and tracking system to ptreamline internal communications and efforts by the Human Resources department at BSO. The goal of this solution is to streamline the process of reviewing the 20,000 applications a year that come through the Human Resources department at BSO as the first step of the interview process. Departments will be able to easily gather accurate information, and prioritize the resumes that are submitted via the web, Fk Edt VO. Fr", .��._.,,......._........._.......�.�...�........ C� Back - W Edd"ess '�] Mtp;l�hsdr.rwwx nYas FH�Carr r.>.. ." Yr napiPasRbn-rrwat+.7ahe�.tobcnde-1z9&poptcadar 1 f�':Mw..,��..............................:.::::.................. ...�.�......................... ..:. " Y&I%W Md . 42 Nmws . 0 ShDM tEy ,. .:, a Broward Sheritra Office Initial Application for Employment rn• e,eward snurd'r oHx. it .n .au.l uppe,n,nky •,�rleru and de•r .wt dlran+ie•e• en tA. !•s/r m! n@•, crenurA�p, i.e..ad�a@ exr«arke rgtur, Gwrr., dr•l:lity, M eftl solar, WA-4 mvm, ran, r." M $00a prl.p w-, Step 1 :. please enter your personal Information 11E hd.*- R,.rAr d Contact ur :. .....------ ._..__...-._......._.— --- __._._.. pitultioit 40Y.li g' i r z. Gr.—Mob Referred 9y pndudr,qw�npl..q,ipo Please SelectA Deparhnant W thin A DMson :t' 3,`.� t{IiiMitnrr'A MrtrlW�lt•»:'�ti1��i�'����i3E,,E�::�;a,y �pw a ��.+.ii•� :'�'� �,�® 'r�� ��illFddAcaltlwed ...l E ,� �#; ct5»;.,I >o,:r�r�r.e�,..l �lprupt,drrC• u�1aru:plien'Mi4�Swl�2i-�}pp;�`,,:: p �Phon.:5(96+1y aal-B@49',`. Mural, ;!lYxgrrr4.i'Bura�y zGvd, �,�raJ,end'pciigc�rnRo Fart L.�lell.,exld+. tip12 -J AppBcatlon - Ul.. Web Site Design 47 Novulolutions City of Tamarac Florida Proposed Staffing and Project Organization The purpose of the chart below is to serve as a guideline for pricing on all NovuSolutions engagements. Each project will be unique and require a separate Statement of Work. Each Statement of Work will refer to the chart above with estimate of hours for each required resource to create an overall project cost. For full description of the duties of each resource above, please reference the chart below. On;Sta "°Resaurcp Description : . Business Strategist High-level business analysis of objectives and goals as it relates to the project. Technical Site Architect High-level technical recommendations and architecture of each project Senior Developer High-level coding and unique technologies. Project Manager Daily project management tasks and resources. Database Administration Database support for any technology. Developer Regular development of code in basic technologies Quality Assurance Standard practice for assuring quality on every project Copywriter Content writer (specializing in the web Graphic Designer Creation of web design and ra hics All resources will be dedicated and allocated to this project and available during all regular business hours or otherwise scheduled. NovuSolutions believes in fix bid projects to leave us responsible for a timely and cost effective delivery. Business Strateciist Mr. John Kercher is currently working as the Senior Business Strategist for NovuSolutions. NovuSolutions is an Internet Consulting company focused on delivering cost effective Internet business solutions for their clients. Prior to this position Mr. Kercher was the General Manager for Productivity Point International. Productivity Point is one of the nation's leaders in technology learning solutions for cities clients. Over the last 20 years Mr. Kercher has held a number of senior management positions with organizations in a variety of industries. This broad experience, at senior levels, is leveraged in his current consulting role. Professional Presenter in areas such as the following: "Today's successful strategies for the Internet" How to use the Internet to enhance your selling efforts. How to use the Internet to communicate with clients. How can the Internet reduce your operating expenses? Web Site Design 48 Novusolutions City of Tamarac Florida This 15 to 20 minute presentation is sure to have a positive impact of your organization by bringing clarity often confusing Internet technology. A more detailed resume is available upon request. Database Administrator Chris Herring is currently working as the overall Technical Site Architect for NovuSolutions. Chris' experience includes running his own development company for 5 years as well as an acclaimed trainer for most major training organizations as well as Microsoft. Chris is an MCSD, MCSE, and MCDBA and has developed for over 10 years in multiple technologies. His extraordinary expertise and business skill help coordinate technical projects and draw the blue print for most major projects. A more detailed resume is available upon request. Senior Web Developer Jason Bowers is working as an overall Technical Site Architect for NovuSolutions Jason is a Microsoft Certified Professional who has skill set includes a fundamental working knowledge of all Microsoft technologies. His background includes E-Commerce Programmer Analyst at Levenger http://www.levenger.com/ where he helped build their e-commerce storefront on the web. Prior to Levenger Jason was the Senior technical architect for EverPoint Inc. www.ever oint.com where he lead a team of developers who built the world's first integrated suite of ERP, CRM, PRM, and e-commerce applications. His consulting experience includes the following samples. http: /Iwww. asystech.comL http:/Zwww.summerbayresort.com/"` www.HomeDepot,com www.GreaterHomes.com www,AllenAndAssociates. com www.integratedCare.com www._plantation._orq Web Site Design q 49 Nav1�s�lutions City of Tamarac Florida Graphic Design Chris Anders PROFESSIONAL Over 4 years experience in the Internet development industry. I possess a wide range of skills in designing, developing, marketing, and maintaining websites. Extremely proficient in HTML, DHTML and Web Design, having 4 years experience and possess entry-level skills in ASP, and Java -Script. I have the ability to adapt easily to work environments and learn quickly. I can work well individually or as part of a team. LANGUAGES HTML, DHTML, CSS, CGI, Java Script, Perl, Flash, GUI, vb-script, • fiv-1": 0 Photoshop, Illustrator, Quark, Flash, Fireworks, Freehand, Beyond Press, Pagemaker, Dream weaver, Front Page, Bbedit, MS Office, Page Mill, Acrobat, Claris Works, Studio 32, Fusion OPERATING SYSTEMS Windows 98,2000, NT, Macintosh platform, SQL, UNIX PRIOR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Internet Marketing Analyst • Optimized Web Sites for company clients. • Managed all Internet Marketing Projects, consultant to clients. • Suggested new innovative marketing ideas for Web sites on the Internet. • Provided on-line marketing for client's websites to keep them listed at the top of the search engines. This included adding meta tags and meta descriptions to their source code, revising the titles and listing the sites with search engines. Clients included: Wachovia Bank: www.wachovia.com Proxymed: www,proxymed.com Wild Dunes Resort: www.wilddunes.com Sharp Tools USA.com: www,sharptoolsusa.com Frederick for Congress: www.frederickforcongless.com Metasolv Software: www.metasolv.com Software / Hardware: Adobe Photoshop, Dream weaver, Fireworks, Front Page, Web Position Gold, HTML, Java Script, ASP, VPN, Windows 2000, SQL Web Master, Graphic Design Supervisor Web Site Design 50 Navufiutlans City of Tamarac Florida • Developed the website: www,carolinacustoms.com ; www.thedeinesho .cnm • Responsible for updating and developing the Carolina Customs website. • Edited, created, designed and developed entire website and led all responsibilities. • Supervised Graphic Designers to develop and implement quality designs. • Managed computer and design operations. Client designs include: Producing licensed products for Disney, Bob Marley, The Rolling Stones, National Universities and others. Software / Hardware / Languages: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dream Weaver, Flash, Fireworks, Front Page, Java Script, CGI, HTML, DHTML, UNIX, CSS, Visual Studio, Quark Express, Freehand CONSULTING Web Master — Developer, Designer Web Master • Designed and developed the website: www.boboco.com also listed at www.gardenfuture.com • Responsible for daily upkeep of website. • Performed competitive analysis on Web Sales and developed Web models to evaluate throughput. • Edited, created, designed, and developed entire website and led all responsibilities. Software / Hardware / Languages: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dream Weaver, Flash, Fireworks, Front Page, Java Script, CGI, HTML, DHTML, UNIX, CSS, Visual Studio, Quark Express, Freehand • Developed the website: www.caroiinapageants.com • Responsible for daily upkeep of website. • Performed competitive analysis on Web Sales and developed Web models to evaluate throughput. • Edited, created, designed, and developed entire website and led all responsibilities. Software / Hardware / Languages: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dream Weaver, Flash, Fireworks, Front Page, Java Script, CGI, HTML, DHTML, UNIX, CSS, Visual Studio, Quark Express, Freehand Web Site Design 51 Now f utlons City of Tamarac Florida 14ym 7 J, Fmr-M • Re -Designed website for: www.proedworkforce.com and www.teacherresumes.com • Responsible for daily upkeep of website. • Performed competitive analysis on Web Site Design and developed Web models to evaluate throughput. • Edited, created, designed, and developed new Website. Web Designer • Designed and Developed website: www.martinerdesi nc�.com • Responsible for Design and Development of website. EDUCATION University of South Carolina B.A. Graphic Design with strong emphasis in Computer Science and Media Arts. Winthrop University A.A. Graphic Design *" Honored on the National Dean's List of Universities, and the Dean's List of the University of South Carolina Protect Manager Jay Vickers has been involved in all levels of technical and service companies throughout the past ten years. During this period Jay has managed both large projects and large departments, always insuring that everything is on time and on budget. With this long and varied experience, Jay is uniquely qualified to develop workflow -based solutions and manage the process as to guarantee success. PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) with a strong technical background in both development and network administration. Strong leadership, management, and motivational skills. Dynamic problem solving through empowered thinking. Complete understanding of the relationship between financial models and business processes. Outstanding results through efficient and focused efforts. PROSFESSIONAL HIGHLIGHTS Web Site Design 52 Navusolutions City of Tamarac Florida Lead the implementation of a national business management system for a $250mm technical training company. Developed a time and materials tracking system to increase efficiency for a mid size technical development firm, Developed an empowerment compensation model that rewarded results while Encouraging creativity for numerous professional services firms. Designed complex financial models to isolate problem areas within a business process and then develop results orientated solutions. Timelines Project timelines can vary based upon specific project needs uncovered during engagement. Below is a guideline for a typical timeline for this type of project. Item Completion after Purchase Order Project Plan and documentation. Includes site mockups that define the look and feel. 40 Days Web Site build and integration to NovusCMS 20 Days Job Posting Solution 45 Days Custom Flash 20 Days Training NovuSolutions provides training for Administrator NovusCMS functions, HTML Designers and "Train the Trainer" for user training. NovuSolutions can provide additional user training for an additional fee if required. NovusCMS training is conducted at your organization's site using NovuSolutions' training materials. There are two types of training courses, standard and optional. Standard training courses are included with a base deployment of NovusCMS. Optional training is available for an additional fee either at the time of deployment or at a future date. Web Site Design 53 Novusol s City of Tamarac Florida Standard NovusCMS Training A standard deployment of NovusCMS includes: • One Administration course Two End User course delivered in one calendar day One Design Element course Additional training events can be scheduled for an additional fee. NovusCMS Administration Train the Trainer Course Objectives —this course is designed to teach advanced NovusCMS administration. At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to: • Create new websites • Manage Design elements • Create/manage users • Manage user rights Student Profile —the NovusCMS Administration course is designed for users with light technical background. Users must have familiarity with intermediate level word processing and office productivity tools. Some HTML programming experience is helpful. Learning Time —this course is approximately 4 hours in length. Maximum Students - 10 NovusCMS End User Vain the Trainer Course Objectives --this course is designed to teach NovusCMS administrators how to train end users of NovusCMS. Students attending this course must be a NovusCMS administrator. At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to teach basic NovusCMS use. Student Profile —the NovusCMS Train the Trainer course is designed for users with light technical background, some HTML experience, and teaching/training experience. Learning Time —this course is approximately 3 hours in length. Maximum Students - 15 NovusCMS Design Element Creation Course Objectives —to provide documentation that guides experienced HTML developers through the process of creating design elements for use in NovusCMS. Web Site Design 54 Novusol s City of Tamarac Florida Student Profile —the NovusCMS Design Element documentation is designed for users with a strong technical background in HTML programming. JavaScript experience is helpful. Learning Time —this course is a self study review of documentation provide by NovuSolutions. Maximum Students -- none. 1� Optional NovusCMS Training NovusCMS Template Creation Course Objectives —this course is designed to teach NovusCMS Administrators how to create custom NovusCMS design templates. At the completion of this course, students will be able to: • Modify existing templates • Create new templates using ASP and XML • Integrate the templates into NovusCMS • Troubleshoot design templates Student Profile —the NovusCMS Template Creation course is design for users with a strong technical background in ASP and XML programming. HTML and JavaScript experience are helpful. Learning Time —this course is approximately 1 day in length Maximum Students - 10 NovusCMS Advanced Source Code Course Objectives —this course is deigned to educate NovusCMS Administrators on the source code of NovusCMS. At the completion of this course, students will be able to: Change default NovusCMS functions • Extend NovusCMS functionality • Integrate NovusCMS with other applications • Debug and troubleshoot NovusCMS code Student Profile —the NovusCMS Advanced Source Code course is designed for expert programmers in ASP, XML, Microsoft SQL Server, HTML, and JavaScript. Learning Time —this course is approximately 2 days in length. Maximum Students - 10 Web Site Design 55 Novusolut s City of Tamarac Florida Materials All NovusCMS courses include both printed and on-line courseware for initial attendees. A limited courseware license is included for the printing of additional materials. On-line help is built into NovusCMS as a reference for end users. Additional Training NovuSolutions will provide on -going training for an additional charge. Web Site Design 56 NovusoluMYoes City of Tamarac Florida Pricing Web Site Design 57 Novusolu ons City of Tamarac Florida Letter of Transmittal Offeror: Inobbar LLC DBA NovuSolutions Subcontractors: NovuSolutions will not use subcontractors on this project Contact Information: John Kercher Managing Partner NovuSolutions 1876 N. University Drive Suite 1888A Plantation, FL 33322 866-224-1761 (Toll free) ikercherp_novusolutions.com shall rpaain-in effect for 90 days from the due date of August 16, 2001. John Kercher Managing Partner NovuSolutions Date: 8/16/2001 Web Site Design 58 Novusot s CITY OF TAMARAC 01-16Q CITY INTRA/INTERNET SITE RENOVATION Scope The City of Tamarac, Florida, is seeking to enter into an agreement with a contract resource who will be responsible for the modification and maintenance of the existing City of Tamarac website. The modification and maintenance of the existing City of Tamarac website will include, but are not limited to the City's internal Intranet and public Internet site locations. in accordance with the attached requirements and procedures. The initial expectation of the contract resource (CR) will be to ensure an improved visual appearance and enhance the flow design of the site(s), which will generate better user acceptance and create a more intuitive online environment. As a secondary duty, the CR will handle production and maintenance updates, as well as, alter online application functionality under direction of management staff. CR should be well versed with Microsoft Internet application development software, which will include, but not be limited to, MS Visual FoxPro 6.0, MS Visual Basic 6.0, ASP, VB Script, Javascript, HTML, MS SQL/Server, SQL, and Windows NT. Time of Performance By virtue of the submission of its proposal, Proposer agrees and fully understands that the completion of work of the contract is an essential and material condition of the contract and that time is of the essence. The successful Proposer agrees that all work shall be prosecuted regularly, diligently, and uninterrupted at a rate of progress as will ensure full completion thereof, within time specified. Failure to complete the work within the time period specified shall be considered a default. We propose to furnish the following in conformity with the specifications and at the below prices. The prices quoted have been checked and certified to be correct. Said prices are fixed and firm and shall be paid to Proposer for the successful completion of its obligation as specified in the contract documents. . Total Proposal Cost $ Company Na e Addres —ffity, state, ZIP timated Time for Completion �o 1,, Typed/Printed Name' KLI. -3 Telephohe 9 Fax Number K NON -COLLUSIVE AFFIDAVIT State of 06k County of %/y.—e deposes and says that: )ss. being first duly sworn, 1. He/she is the AzfA.'/Vt/J 4elf-, (Owner, Partner, Officer Representative or Agent) of : b F f- ' the Offeror that has submitted the attached Proposal; 2. He/she is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached Proposal and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such Proposal; 3. Such Proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham Proposal; 4. Neither the said Offeror nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, have in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any other Offeror, firm, or person to submit a collusive or sham Proposal in connection with the Work for which the attached Proposal has been submitted; or to refrain from bidding in connection with such Work; or have in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion, or communication, or conference with any Offeror, firm, or person to fix the price or prices in the attached Proposal or of any other Offeror, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost elements of the Proposal price or the Proposal price of any other Offeror, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement any advantage against (Recipient), or any person interested in the proposed Work; 5. The price or prices quoted in the attached Proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance, or unlawful agreement on the part of the Offeror or any other of its agents, representatives, owners, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Witness By Witness L/Li1� , ' Page 1 of 2 State of Florida County of w Iti� On this the -�-_ day of , 2001, before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, pers nally appeared (Name(s) of ind ual(s) who appeared before notary) and wl iose name(s) is/are Subscribed to within the instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: •�,``YP'%, Summer Lynn Hackley Commission* DD 006287 a i, y Expires April 16, 2005 Bonded Thru Atlantic Bonding Co., Inc. NOT PUBLIC, iST; TE O FLO A �',m 1 (Name of Notary Public: Pri t, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) 1� Personally known to me, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath Page 2 of 2 OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION WHEN OFFEROR IS A CORPORATION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Pfferor hereto has executed this Proposal Form this day of a;- �, 2001. !A14-)A&1- C P inted Name of Corporation (CORPORATE SEAL) ATTEST: By Secretary -32 of Incorporation �fgnature of President or Authorized Officer ,)f�L K'eAckn Printed Name of President or Authorized Officer . - a I 4 Wv Corp a ion Address City/State/Zip �� lS C1dq Business Phone Number State of Floriclp County of �5(4uv(k tL On this the 11) day of , 2001, before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, the foreg ing instrument was acknowledged by JO J and [Name of torpor t� officer(s) and his/her/their corporate title(s)] of =1AX W+:t,' C on behalf of the corporation. [Name of corporation and state of place of incorporation] WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: ' .ol A6;j,Summer Lynn HacWey COMMiWOn # DD OM87 fFo EaP B% 16, 2005 Atlantic Zhru B M, Inc. NOTAP,,Y PUBLIC, STATE CXF FLO (Name of Notary Public:'Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) [Personally known to me, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath Page 4 of 4 OFFEROR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT The undersigned certifies under oath the truth and correctness of all statements and of all answers to questions made hereinafter: SUBMITTED TO: ADDRESS: Submitted By: Name: Address: Principal Office: Telephone No. Fax No. City of Tamarac Purchasing and Contracts Manager 7525 NW 881h Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321 vvw�,o 1 ud_b�A_6 jJch& fZC O Check One corporation ❑ Partnership ❑ Individual ❑ Other 1. State the true, exact, correct and complete name of the partnership, corporation, trade or fictitious name under which you do business and the address of the place of business. The correct name of the Offeror is: The address of the principal place of busi ) '2�3%, XJ. 1%/I']/AnC is: Pe- 3 " z Z_ 2. If Offeror is a corporation, answer the following: a) Date of Incorporation: 2 - 12e,V b) State of Incorporation: b c) President's name: .M d) Vice President's name: -ell e) Secretary's name: J(&j Vt -e tzS f) Treasurer's name: (_ i]h-) ,fG� g) Name and address of Resident Agent: 3. If Offeror is an individual or a partnership, answer the following: a) Date of organization: Page 1 of 6 b) Name, address and ownership units of all partners: c) State whether general or limited partnership: Z 4. If Offeror is other than an individual, corporation or partnership, describe the organization and give the name and address of principals: 5. If Offeror is operating under a fictitious name, submit evidence of compliance with the Florida Fictitious Name Statute. 6. How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? I a) Under what other former names has your organization operated? Ak 7. Indicate registration, license numbers or certificate numbers for the businesses or professions, which are the subject of this Bid. Please attach certificate of competency and/or state registration. �'Jfw' 8. Hav,p you personally inspected the site of the proposed work? [ES ❑ NO 9. Do you have a complete set of documents, including drawings and addenda? g;?'ES ❑ NO 1 0. Did you attend the Pre -Proposal Conference if any such conference was held? U2,)(E S ❑ NO 11. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, state when, where and why? Al"O Page 2 of 6 12. State the names, telephone numbers and last known addresses of three (3) owners, individuals or representatives of owners with the most knowledge of work which you have performed and to which you refer (government owners are preferred as references). Name Address Telephone 13. List the pertinent experience of the key individuals of your organization (continue on insert sheet, if necessary). 14. State the name of the individual who will have personal supervision of the work: W, 15. State the name and address of attorney, if any, for the business of the Offeror: 15 15tate the names and addresses of all businesses and/or individuals who own an interest of more than five percent (5%) of the Offeror's business and indicate the percentage owned of each such business and/or individual: (2�mo k r j a 17. State the names, addresses and the type of business of all firms that are partially or wholly owned by Offeror: /JON C- Page 3 of 6 18. State the name of Surety Company which will be providing the bond, and name and address of agent: 19. Bank References: Bank Address Telephone 20. Attach a financial statement including Proposer's latest balance sheet and income statement showing the following items: a) Current Assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials, real estate, stocks and bonds, equipment, furniture and fixtures, inventory and prepaid expenses): b) Net Fixed Assets c) Other Assets d) Current Liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries, real estate encumbrances and accrued payroll taxes). e) Other Liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus, and retained earnings): 21. State the name of the firm preparing the financial statement and date thereof: 22. Is this financial statement for the identical organization named on page one? ❑ YES ❑ NO 23. If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.a.. parent-subsidiarv). Page 4 of 6 THE OFFEROR ACKNOWLEDGES AND UNDERSTANDS THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN RESPONSE TO THIS QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT SHALL BE RELIED UPON BY OWNER IN AWARDING THE CONTRACT AND SUCH INFORMATION IS WARRANTED BY OFFEROR TO BE TRUE. THE DISCOVERY OF ANY OMISSION OR MISSTATEMENT THAT MATERIALLY AFFECTS THE OFFEROR'S QUALIFICATIONS TO PERFORM UNQER THE CONTRACT SHALL CAUSE THE OWNER TO REJECT THE PROPOSAL, AND IF AFTER THE AWARD TO CANCEL AND TERMINATE THE AWARD AND70R CONTRACT. (Signet Page 5 of 6 State of Florida County of On this the AL day of , 2001, of the State of Florida, perso Ily appeared before me, the undersigned Notary Public U ^j 4L (Name(s) of in ividual(s) who appeared before notary) and whose name(s) is/are Subscribed to within the instrument, and he/she/they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: �r, pYp& ,i,*. Summer Lynn Hackley mmission # DD 006287 o Expires April 16.2005 ••'� a�� �` Atlantic BondtagC ., Tnc. N RY PUBL C, 8 TAT F FL IDA lmq\-�r (Name of Notary Public: P int, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned) Personally known to me, or ❑ Produced identification: (Type of Identification Produced) ❑ DID take an oath, or ❑ DID NOT take an oath Page 6 of 6 CERTIFIED RESOLUTION lbt L e%LC•�, (Name), the duly elected Secretary of G� (Corporate Title), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Op i - A _, do hereby certify that the following Resolution was unanimously adopted and passed by a quorum of the Board of Directors of the said corporation at a meeting held in accordance with law and the by-laws of the said corporation. "IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT /_/[1 iv -exc ' (Name)", thie duly el cted c (Title of Officer) of D bo t rLC J ACorporate Title) be and is hereby authorized to execute and submit a Bid and/or Bid Bond, if such bond is required, to the City of Tamarac and such other instruments in writing as may be necessary on behalf of the said corporation; and that the Bid, Bid Bond, and other such instruments signed by him/her shall be binding upon the said corporation as its own acts and deeds. The secretary shall certify the names and signatures of those authorized to act by the foregoing resolution. The City of Tamarac shall be fully protected in relying upon such certification of the secretary and shall be indemnified and saved harmless from any and all claims, demands, expenses, loss or damage resulting from or growing out of honoring, the signature of any person so certified or for refusing to honor any signature not so certified. I further certify that the above resolution is in force and effect and has not been revised, revoked or rescinded. I further certify that the following are the name, titles and official signatures of those persons authorized to act by the foregoing resolution. NAME rJ n/ TITLE Given under my hand and the Seal of the said corporation this 20 (SEAL) LI-2 RE day of NOTE: / )Corporate Title The above is a suggested form of the type of Corporate Resolution desired. Such form need not be followed explicitly, but the Certified Resolution submitted must clearly show to the satisfaction of the City of Tamarac that the person signing the Bid and Bid Bond for the corporation has been properly empowered by the corporation to do so in its behalf. Page 1 of 1 Received: 25.Jan.01 10:43 AM From: UnknownSender To: 4259447972 Get faxes by email. Free. 6%Fax.com Page: 2 of 2 FROM FAX NO. Jan. 25 2001 12:43PM P2 11r All IM I �� CSU6 DA M/1 ..,... r... rr..+. ,.n cgnuE•r PRODUCER 1 Al2ANS1"C1RU 1N5URANCF ASSOC 'S.I . IF,.iC..:,A,.T> E I.S•: ::I.:5.°S,.•[,.I'E.. LI' ,A<;S• T'EIZ p,F IN)F'C)IZNgIA,TIUN ONLY AND THIS CERTIk'ICATF 5035 E BUSCH TJLVD - STE 8 Uc AMEND. ExTFNI} OR ALTER T'HE COVERAGE AF FORbRI) RY TITE I�oI.ICIw�s sEI.Uw. F O BOX 16724 TAMPA FL 33687-6724 CO WANIES AFFORDING COYERAOF NY........,...�.... .......................... ............. R A Terra Nova Ins. Co, Ltd. :...COMPANY ........... ............... ,,...................... ,........................ .......... fi'SURRn.......................................................................................... LETTER F Lloyds of London Companies Y INOBBAI2 /.... ,.,..,............................................................................................................... TTCR ZCDlt11 v 1,LC. LETTER 1 Insurance Company 5100 W Kennedy Blvd. #180 -,0-0 ..P... Y.p... Tampa, FL LITTER ...........................................,,................. ................ ................ ............. ..................................................... 33609 COMPANY E. LETTER ,�'��''y 'd�iia.§�A•:�:�:�'r;.gip:.;%;.;M%;»nv-�•.;.�......._ • .=a:a.w",. %..�!.;q..:.;p,,:q%;nrr ..�:..ww a....;.«k•.,..n� i p�7y::::.e:a.:k::M�`+:: � % :.w;';IN K� �: �...:k;a»wq' r..::k:' �: .. e'n:�ft�inRVN :v w:a:.lrora kn>{Y•>. .� %.'. J:i!'yx. .........-......"..%�:�•: Mi:e:a:AiFH�k%Fv:. ,Y.... n•�;x.;r>^i� %%. G •wtllw •aww%nHN`%. 4 .. :.bA• rii.A%% >:a �tliF: Ipaaffiar`.x�... ,.d •a.bkt. ..K:.. [;i ..........a... .. 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T"YPR OF INSuRANcr Poucy NUMBER POLTCV EFFECTtVXs POLICY EXPIRATION 1,Tk - DATE (MW DD/YY) ; DATE (MMJDD/YY) I.IM]ITS CRNKRAL LLABILrrY GENERAL A(iGRtOAT6 ' :.................s ,000 XCOMMERCIALC..........•. TNALLABrLJTY PaoDu[ rt CtYMP r nccR. ; s LicIuded .....-.,:; ..................... ...................................... ....� .... ...................................... .X OCCUR, PERSONAL&ADV. ]N1URYCLAIMSMADP A:TBD 01/22/02 .S.��000 pWNPRSCON1RA47UR'5 PRUT. EACII OCCURRENCE $ .iD00000 ............................ .„S$500.Ded. �nFIRE DAMAGE(A y eefiro) . ...... ... ...............50,000. 1.11 & .PD C:laurLc : Mr-D. EXPENSE (Any vm Pawn) : $ 5'(w AI%rOMO011XILIABILITY ? COMBINFDSJNGI,E ANY AUTO ; UNIT S 1,000,000 .. .., ALLOWN20A(rrOS r �' .. .......................... BODILY INJURY $gHF.DIIIAT)AtrrOS :(Perpersan) . A;.........ItIREDAuzos �.-•TBD 01/22/01 01/22/02 ......................................................... ��.. i BODILY INJURY . s )(; NUN-UWNhDAUrUS (PeraeelRrnq UARAGB LIA151LITY - PROPERTY DAMAGE ' S $XCES.S LiABnXrY EACH OCCURLNCE s ........................... i UMRRELLA FORM AGGREGATE -- s tY]'pYtR THAN [1MERRLLA PORM .. ;.:� ..A•.'`: i'.;n�xr;";;'..�aa?s'>;�i"i':: M�:::i>:1i:+3::�g�: RiS::'�'`a'�%au3�i l•:�� X ATIIfORYL1MITs �..................................�yrX.:a:tf!!?!isE!::.':':.:'si ' VvOIkY.'RYe'ACOb(YmN:gATIpN ; :;--------:... P-ICK ACCIDENT 5..............500,.000 C AND '. 65138 01/08/01 01/08/02 - i DLSF..ASP POLICY LIMIT EMPLOYERS' 11ARTLITV r5 .S0U,000 .. DISLASE.EACNSMLOYbE ; s 500.000 (YrUER B *Errors & TB1) 01/22/01 01/22/02 Liab Limit 1,000,000 Omissions Cay. Deductible 5,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIOMS/vMUCLESWECIAL rrEws *Errors & Omissions Professional Liability policy: $1.000.000 any one clau'n & in all Including Costs .& Expenses. **30 Days applies to Workers' Compensation. Loc #1 5100 W. YCLunedy Blvd., Ste #150. Tampa, FL 33609 Loc #2 600 N. Pine Island Load, Ste #450, Plantation, FL 33324 .. .... K: w ..:. % eE. r :n.. :.:... ;w; ,�5.... . wT:.......M.%.i..L.r..�.,<R:fii.ti«, .f.... .i i �i %•%�.r. tl fi<...6:Fn.:k•a dni }�p�1 y l�:i• € :*: `n��:nr ...,t.. .i �; .t: , ,,,� q:R![:K•R'�'Y�"a^i'...�'.�'.�`f.�71....::;`.:io uy�aw,rtex...x.>......w....w.�:q�:' T:.h�l ...f. ,. .�., •.¢�'.::i:e.x�%•ao-,:a wa.a.xwrsw,..........•.......,.,w.,..,..,.,...-.,......,...,.......:rY;.. �.. . w ......... ., 'r R-b.M;!:.........'A��':C:C^!:�R��..�:.,...5.,�¢;5..,...,.....,.........., Additional Insured: SIIOIJLi) ANY OF Tlir: ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCfi.I.1110 nt;T-ORE TUE SQL EXPIRATION VA713THEREOF, THE 15SUING COMPANY WILL ENDFAYOR TO Eli MAIL (Q -- DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CGRTIFIC.ATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE The i3rpward Sheriff's pt LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE. SI'IALI, IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR Office & the Sheriff i4 LIABILITY OF ANY KIND IIPON TIIE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. 2601 W. Ilrpward Blvd- AUTRORlxEn IratcTu AGENT Ft. Laud(:rilale. l?I._ 333 ,::J .>.......:....:.�,;...:vrwt":::.r :ari-'r 6 :: .,E- %«.Nx-%p, :v ta5?tk:{a'�i:�araiiBa:/iii "v :i:::ixi i:F. .y..;;.nh,.,. swru�'."rA,"i•'a" • """ ew%we:wi�:i:+�'+n�ii9�r "r,'+a;W,�apo-; ; »,..,.,;.......n ,.nr.+`•'.`�r-,y;,.�y . ra�:y...�.,.,,.�...t.. t�;x; - Haatla�eaiki a'� rarira a�t(i7•NVUr.. *x«e.u.;a�:Ft•xa:d:r&Lh.: !x'� 'isaitl !iiliRk:i!i:.a:ta*e�a: vkx:es:unEa.e-a ,e ka:a:K:a FROvi FAX NO. FDr; n=Ai+Sr-DRD !t-IsURPoice Assoc. , Ii.0 fact a i Oct. 24 2001 10:22API P2 3l� �ti5 5�s1 Ocr. 16 z0al 03;OaPrI PI creugr„ -4F-A.4NSFORD INSMANCE, ASSOC 5033 ? BUSCH BLVD - 5'1•-,c, 8 P 0 BOX ; 6724 TA MPA FL 33687{724 IhOBBA,R, LLC. 5100 W Kar'I Blvd- ip1a0 Taniva. FL 336C9 14 �•,5�.:=l 's:n«:Y 7": . fSiYyD.!TF,��v:;�(i�t tea- s_...w.! •r."`firr'3?.'17;I:1 THIS 7'tPiGtTt+ tS Ltir[3rD .1s s Mwr.�t OF L`li'ORtita7L]Y 7 Y 4WD COY E1Z9 NO AIGiTPS T T'ON T7 �' g jG4-TE DOLpBY. TMS CY7tT1}TCA'rC WFB ti0t A.MLNt7, I=XND Ott AL.= THH COVE3tAGE AFFORDED 8Y TagPOLICIES hm.Av.. CONIPANMS AFFORD,NG COs,'IR.iCE f$rr.,a A Tina Nova Ins. Co. Led. ....... .. ... . LEY't1C� B LlDyds of London Compsoin .4.1 COK u»lxW C _.. - 2c-ia Lsaeaeot Company :_ ............ .................... ...... UTTER D............................... GVWANY __......... _.....A..... ............... .,. 7H.L5 S TO C :rtrLrY 7Y�T 7HE N'Of1C!!;S 4)P rySVRwt ;,p-1'g.^J IS14.OR" Ti.IYS =. _.•......•..• -:..w.rr•,L:s;;.U vW Re,-N ISSUED TO THE TNSL= .% A%jW ABI tVR T1i8 ba rrrR�Qu2m6ws,N'I. TRIN OR CON I)rmN p� �'<Y COrfTR aCT Oa OTTiER DOC:JMENT w[TtiREST'ECr �r"Zl;tck S UAY dE MIL"ED OA .IAY TT.'UN, TKE TNSVKALWGE AFFOMItS 8`I 71F POUaU. DaSCR1BED hE1tS �S svBtEC r TO ALL tNi F?CC1.L'SIQN. A."1D cc�nm0+4S OF 51%Gii �OJCt> c• 1. VII SWOW74 MAY MA S WEN MUC.ED BY PAID CLATUS. co......... _.._ ..................._................. ....... ......... .......... ...... ............. .... Lit lYrsaeQ4miurcY DOLfI-r-W& Sa ° PoLTLTIRYZCrr1IPOLICY WWRAMO.Y DAS4PtalrDDtYYI tL'UOMlDD�rt) : LnaTs : CE�a .LL tr�sal7y = i _ GT3>.-RIAL ACC11�iArE S : .........__........ x CA41ME[C1AL. GENERAL LburlrrY ......•. ••. a99q,m y• .... ; i i`aODIfL 1CDhdiCOw( ! Llr YA :CLAWS CDM�YA'RpweG:XCA'IS rlto's. R : Dl/.«JZ •.: .S ........ ... 1.000�G00011=01 •u - ; T:i.CR OCCJRRENl __. _...............". SI A i....__.......__ .'" .�eiirei'.. IIRB 1> AAA - : s .. PD Claims .1ar67rss cAes ae)';• s q 0pj } •••••, AvYALTD Ejpar frSLO i 1,000,OOO • Alt[ v4WAL7W -......................_.............. ._............... ... ................ oA ' i S � A....... x 4Ri ZAL7i7! AISAWIV1318 01/22J01 011221,02 � -....._................--- •....:••- ..............• , ..•.. •.. •. XWONNED AUTOS ; (Aa=•II Y S _.. ? GAIAdY LIAiITUTT ........................... ........ .... ...................._ .... . xxCTta:7Aa `Y CrVC"`ioCCVRk7rCE S ..... : L'►filaU,wYp]W ACCRE"TG • S • OCiiln4A_� L'f amLA 10RM t' 4 `, '•'x;4itb„rs,, � ,� , y.:' -':f�> 4FOeeR✓`'tiS C0.+[?lSSSASICRt ? STAMt'X[YU14'rS •l1:.4 ....................... _ .,...........w r ''C': C AM (f513H Olr'08 0I 0]N6i02 FnO[AC 16Y7 ' i �~ mtDl OXitT T.LA3RiYv Disruas_� ,n La rtr .. s o00 000 ,.... : DLS75A'E•SAOi Flri1 OrER S 5001000 : OiEfi t B' Ewan do FO1t390g 000 D1/22101 012?J0Z Liab unfit 1,000,000 dnksiom Cev. ! 1?ei+acti6ls 5,000 *ETTSTs a Omissions Prokssieaal Liability policy: SI.000,000 any one claim do in all ineWing Costs & Exp=sm- 01130 Days imlies Te Workers, Coagvasatiom .toe ii listed above/I.oe 4: - 600 N Pine Ixland Ad, 0450, Plantar FL 333'.A CERMCATR HOLDER IS tiAAdED AS ADDr.^I[l ti.4L INSL7I�D As 1tE5PEGTS GENERAL L1a13ILIT Y City of Tata&m Arm- p,urkxains'DerL 7523 N.W. 8ft A%wm T•m.r c, n M21 SXOU'C 0 AA'Y OF rAZ .COVE DGSCRI'SM PCUCMS lE CANCELLED Mr.PORE THE AXP1AAT!Ot• DATE 71 EREOF, THE 155LV4a COMIPADtY WILL &4benv101'ro X"1L __ DAYS W4r'TZ% NOI TO IH.E C3RI iKd. EX VANED TO TIM LEFT, SLIT P..r l'RE TO M^n- SvCx XOTICE SHP1L LVPOdE \O 09TrcAT;ON OR LLAW-171 DA Amy S: M t•" IHECOWAIT'. TT$ AGL-tnS OR RIMULIFTATIV S, #afviaif�3 yCa A.M. Best's Rating for Terra Nova (Bermuda) Insurance Co Ltd 86337 - Terra Nova (Bermuda) Insurance Co Ltd Page 1 of 1 Best's Rating B+ U (Very Good)' Financial Size Category IX ($250 million to $500 million) Ratings as of 1012412001 11:10:11 AM E.S.T. or purchase the complete Best'$ Compmy Repod for in-depth analysis. Rating Category (Very Good): Assigned to companies which have, on balance, very good financial strength, operating performance and market profile when compared to the standards established by the A.M. Best Company. These companies, in our opinion, have a good ability to meet their ongoing obligations to policyholders. Best's Ratings reflect our opinion based on a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a company's financial strength, operating performance and market profile. These ratings are not a warranty of an insurer's current or future ability to meet its contractual obligations. (Best's Ratings are proprietary and may riot be reproduced without permission from A.M. Best.) The rating symbols "A++", "A+", 'A", "A-" "B++" and "B+" are registered certification marks of the A.M. Best Company, Inc. Best's Security Icons are awarded to Secure rated (A++, A+, A, A-, B++, B+) companies. This special emblem displays their rating and category (Superior, Excellent, or Very Good), helping you discern industry leaders' at a glance. Insurance Companies interested in placing a Best's Security Icon on their web site are required to register online. Copyright © 2001 by A.M. Best Company, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVE© No part of this report may be distributed in any electronic form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the A.M. Best Company. Refer to our tarms of use for additional details. http://www3.ambest.com/ratinorslrating.asp?ANMNum=86337&Refnum=86337&Site=ratin€... 10/24/01 A.M. Best's Rating for Lloyd's of London Page 1 of 1 A.M. Best #: 85202 View a list of group members Best's-Rating m B A- U (Excellent)* q< , Financial Size Category W XV ($2 billion or more) *Ratings as of 1012412001 11:10:11 AM E.S.T. or purchase the complete Best's_Compony Report for in=depth analysis. Rating Category (Excellent): Assigned to companies which have, on balance, excellent financial strength, operating performance and market profile when compared to the standards established by the A.M. Best Company. These companies, in our opinion, have a strong ability to meet their ongoing obligations to policyholders. Best's Ratings reflect our opinion based on a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a company's financial strength, operating performance and market profile. These ratings are not a warranty of an insurer's current or future ability to meet its contractual obligations. (Best's Ratings are proprietary and may not be reproduced without permission from A.M. Best.) The rating symbols "A++" "A+" "A" "A-", "S++", and "B+" are registered certification marks of the A.M. Best Company, Inc, Best's Security Icons are awarded to Secure rated (A++, A+, A, A-, B++, B+) companies. This special emblem displays their rating and category (Superior, Excellent, or Very Good), helping you discern industry leaders at a glance. Insurance Companies interested in placing a Best's Security Icon on their web site are required to register online. Copyright © 2001 by A.M. Best Company. Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this report may be distributed In any electronic form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the A.M. Best Company. Refer to our terms of use for additional details. http://www3,ambest.comlratings/rating.asp?AMBNum=85202&Refnum=85202&Site=rating... 10/24/01 , A.M. Best's Rating for Zenith Insurance Company Page 1 of 1 00984 - Zenith Insurance Company Jump to this company's web site. Member of Zenith National Insurance Group A.M. Best #: 00964 NAIC #: 13269 View a list of group members or the group's rating file ana r:fr .. Best's Rating A A- (Excellent)* nn Financial Size Category ExtlleA'" IX ($250 million to $500 million) 'Ratings as o/ 1012412001 11:10:11 AM E.S.T. or read the complete Best's Company R_eaQ_d for in-depth analysis. * Compliments of Zenith Insurance Company Rating Category (Excellent): Assigned to companies which have, on balance, excellent financial strength, operating performance and market profile when compared to the standards established by the A.M. Best Company. These companies, in our opinion, have a strong ability to meet their ongoing obligations to policyholders. Best's Ratings reflect our opinion based on a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a company's financial strength, operating performance and market profile. These ratings are not a warranty of an insurer's current or future ability to meet its contractual obligations. (Best's Ratings are proprietary and may not be reproduced without permission from A.M. Best.) The rating symbols "A++" "A+" 'A" "A-", "B++', and "B+' are registered certification marks of the A.M. Best Company, Inc. Best's Security Icons are awarded to Secure rated (A++, A+, A, A-, B++, B+) companies. This special emblem displays their rating and category (Superior, Excellent, or Very Good), helping you discern industry leaders at a glance. Insurance Companies interested in placing a Best's Security Icon on their web site are required to register online. Copyright © 2001 by A.M. Best Company, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this report may be distributed in any electronic form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the A.M. Best Company. Refer to our terms of use for additional details. http://www3. ambest.comlratings/rating.asp?AMBNum=00984&Refnum=00984&Site=rating... 10/24/01 wnrr►�� ( C AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC I_1►1 a] INOBBAR, LLC DBA NOVUSOLUTIONS 0� THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this � day of mve et4 20k( by and between the City of Tamarac, a municipal corporation with principal offices located at 7525 N.W. 88th Ave., Tamarac, FL 33321 (the "City") and Inobbar, LLC dba Novusolutions, a Florida corporation with principal offices located at 1876 N. University Drive, Suite 1888, Plantation, FL 33322 (the "Contractor') to provide for Internet/intranet Development Services. Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the City and Contractor agree as follows: 1) The Contract Documents The contract documents consist of this Agreement, conditions of the contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), specifications (RFO), all addenda issued prior to, and all modifications issued after execution of this Agreement. These contract documents form the Agreement, and all are as fully a part of the Agreement if attached to this Agreement or repeated therein. 2) The Work The Contractor shall perform all work for the City required by the contract documents as set forth below: a) Contractor shall furnish all labor and materials necessary to develop an Internet and Intranet site for the City as outlined in attachment "A". b) Contractor shall supervise the work force to ensure that all workers conduct themselves and perform their work in a safe and professional manner. Contractor shall comply with all OSHA safety rules and regulations in the operation of equipment and in the performance of the work. Contractor shall at all times have a competent field supervisor on the job site to enforce these policies and procedures at the Contractor's expense. c) Contractor shall provide the City with seventy-two (72) hours written notice prior to the beginning of work under this Agreement and prior to any schedule change with Page 1 of 8 the exception of changes caused by inclement weather. d) Contractor shall comply with any and all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations now in effect, or hereinafter enacted during the term of this Agreement, which are applicable to the Contractor, its employees, agents or subContractors, if any, with respect to the work and services described herein. 3) Insurance Contractor shall obtain at Contractor's expense all necessary insurance in such form and amount as required by the City's Risk Manager before beginning work under this Agreement including, but not limited to, Workers' Compensation, Commercial General Liability, and all other insurance as required by the City, including Professional Liability when appropriate. Contractor shall maintain such insurance in full force and effect during the life of this Agreement. Contractor shall provide to the City's Risk Manager certificates of all insurances required under this section prior to beginning any work under this Agreement. The Contractor will ensure that all subcontractors comply with the above guidelines and will retain all necessary insurance in force throughout the term of this agreement. Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless for any damages resulting from failure of the Contractor to take out and maintain such insurance. Contractor's Liability Insurance policies shall be endorsed to add the City as an additional insured. Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all deductibles and self-insurance retentions on Contractor's Liability Insurance policies. 4) Time of Commencement and Substantial Completion The work to be performed under this Agreement shall be commenced after execution of the Agreement and not later than ten (10) days after the date that Contractor receives Purchase Order. 5) Contract Sum The Contract Sum for the above work is Thirty -Seven Thousand Four Hundred Dollars and no cents ($37,400). Page 2 of 8 6) Payments The City shall pay the Contract Sum of $37,400 for work performed subject to the specifications of the job and subject to any additions and deductions by subsequent change order provided in the contract documents as outlined in the payment schedule attached hereto as Attachment "B". 7) Waiver of Liens Prior to payment of the Contract Sum, a final waiver of lien shall be submitted by all suppliers, subContractors, and/or Contractors who worked on the project that is the subject of this Agreement. 8) Warranty Contractor warrants the new internet/intranet site against defect for a period of one year from the date of completion of work. 9) Indemnification The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, liability, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) in connection with loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage, including loss of use thereof, directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from, arising out of or occurring in connection with the operations of the Contractor or its officers, employees, agents, subContractors, or independent Contractors, excepting only such loss of life, bodily or personal injury, or property damage solely attributable to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the City or its elected or appointed officials and employees. The above provisions shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall pertain to any occurrence during the term of this Agreement, even though the claim may be made after the termination hereof. Nothing contained herein is intended nor shall be construed to waive City's rights and immunities under the common law or Florida Statutes 768.28, as amended from time to time. Page 3 of 8 10) Non -Discrimination The Contractor agrees that it shall not discriminate against any of its employees or applicants for employment because of their age, handicap, race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and to abide by all federal and State laws regarding non-discrimination. The Contractor further agrees to insert the foregoing provisions in all subcontracts hereunder except subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. Any violation of such provisions shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement. 11) Independent Contractor Contractor is an independent Contractor under this Agreement. Personal services provided by the Contractor shall be by employees of the Contractor and subject to supervision by the Contractor, and not as officers, employees, or agents of the City. Personnel policies, tax responsibilities, social security and health insurance, employee benefits, purchasing policies and other similar administrative procedures applicable to services rendered under this Agreement shall be those of the Contractor. 12) Assignment and Subcontracting Contractor shall not transfer or assign the performance required by this Agreement without the prior consent of the City. This Agreement, or any portion thereof, shall not be subcontracted without the prior written consent of the City. 13) Notice Whenever either party desires or is required under this Agreement to give notice to any other party, it must be given by written notice, sent by registered United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the following addresses. Page 4 of 8 CITY City Manager City of Tamarac 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 With a copy to City Attorney at the same address. CONTRACTOR John Kercher, Managing Partner Inobbar, LLC dba Novusolutions 1876 N. University Drive, Suite 1888A Plantation, Florida 33322 14) Termination This Agreement may be terminated by City or Contractor for cause or by the City for convenience, upon thirty (30) days of written notice by the terminating party to the other party for such termination in which event the Contractor shall be paid its compensation for services performed to termination date, including services reasonably related to termination. In the event that the Contractor abandons this Agreement or causes it to be terminated, Contractor shall indemnify the City against loss pertaining to this termination. Default by Contractor: In addition to all other remedies available to the City, this Agreement shall be subject to cancellation by the City should the Contractor neglect or fail to perform or observe any of the terms, provisions, conditions, or requirements herein contained, if such neglect or failure shall continue for a period of thirty (30) days after receipt by Contractor of written notice of such neglect or failure. 15) Agreement Subject to Funding This agreement shall remain in full force and effect only as long as the expenditures provided for in the Agreement have been appropriated by the City Commission of the City of Tamarac in the annual budget for each fiscal year of this Agreement, and is subject to termination based on lack of funding. Page 5 of 8 16) Venue This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida as now and hereafter in force. The venue for actions arising out of this agreement is fixed in Broward County, Florida. 17) Signatory Authority The Contractor shall provide the City with copies of requisite documentation evidencing that the signatory for Contractor has the authority to enter into this Agreement. 18) Severability; Waiver of Provisions Any provision in this Agreement that is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provisions in any other jurisdiction. The nonenforcement of any provision by either party shall not constitute a waiver of that provision nor shall it affect the enforceability of that provision or of the remainder of this Agreement. 19) Merger; Amendment This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the Contractor and the City, and negotiations and oral understandings between the parties are merged herein. This Agreement can be supplemented and/or amended only by a written document executed by both the Contractor and the City. Page 6 of 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature. City of Tamarac, through its Mayor and Inobbar, LLC dba Novusolutions, signing by and through its Managing Partner duly authorized to execute same. ATTEST: Marion Swenson, CIVIC City Clerk Date: 11 ado ATTEST: Type/Print Name of Corporate Secy (CORPORATE SEAL) CITY OF MARAC Jo Schreiber, Mayor Date: Cl Jeffrey Miler, City Manager JTIONS (Name of Managing Partner) Type/Print Name of Managing Partner Date: I Page 7 of 8 CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF / r cb COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of i' r-bU 20 61 by — r-& G /U _ _—...— (name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent) ofd��� /�ltiia�*eme of corporation acknowledging), a �--Iolz iLIL (state or place of incorporation) corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He is personally known to me L' �A 11 _ &&ACpt�� (type of identification) as identification and did (did not) take an oath. i Sighature of Notary Public — Mate of Florida Aq r\ a n cA42r Print, Type or Stamp me of Notary Public Page 8 of 8 +�•• prp'%.,, Ann Bellinger CnmmissIon # M 05a c ExPIM .1062005 Thm I antic Cal Im AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC AND NOVUSOLUTIONS ATTACHMENT A Scope of Services As defined in RFQ 01-16R dated August 16, 2001, Addendum # 1 dated July 18, 2001, and the contractor's proposal dated August 16, 2001 for requested services, the contractor will be responsible for design and development of a new website for the City to include the Intranet/Internet Sites. The new web presence will have the following key features: • Flash based introduction to the City's web site • Online Employment/Recruitment section • Departmental websites • City-wide calendar publishing and management • A portal look and feel to attract citizens and developers • Development of an Intranet site • Workflow management for City Commission Agenda process AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TAMARAC AND NOVUSOLUTIONS ATTACHMENT B Payment Schedule Process Completion days after receipt of Purchase Order Payments required to NovuSolutions Review site mapping 15 Telephone interviews complete with ke De artment Heads 20 Mock up finalized 30 1/3 Site maps finalized 40 Site documentation created 40 Final Design document for base one delivered to the City 55 1/3 Deploy hase one site 75 QA phase one site with the City 78 Code review and revision 85 Final QA with the City 88 Delivery phase one site and documentation 90 Final acceptance by the City 100 1/3